Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 2.2 (13)

Coming October rewards

Emma owed them… so she ends up bound in a closet.
A family goes for a midnight swim in the motel pool after a long trip.
A couple does a drowning for OnlyFans.
Sadie does a special dance in the spotlight… with a noose.
Terrie is on the receiving end of revenge on her birthday.
Wendy has erotic thoughts at the bottom of the pool.
Petra wants to be Famous at the End by using a noose.
Shelly is the star of my poem The Drown before Christmas.
Teri is forced to put on a private stripper show after hours.
A foreign woman is in 3rd class on the Titanic during the sinking.
Dorothy finds out she’s going to be disposed of in a bog.
A roommate gets tired of Asuka and deals with her in a dramatic manner.
Two special uploads for my members at the catch-up level.
And two bonus rewards.

Note: all of these have already been uploaded in advance. Check daily as the posting schedule has been changed.

August stories/rewards will fall off at the end of September to make room for October rewards.

Mom is doing much better. She’s even going into town and checking her own mail now. We recently went into the city and had breakfast together.

My toes are mostly healed from the removal of two toenails. For a while, I was hobbled and didn’t walk much. They would hurt whenever I got a twinge of gout. But I’m taking medication, so the gout never stays long. The toes are fine now.

I’m uploading a file with this post so you can have my views on what I think is going to happen soon. Unless this is the wrong year, millions of people are going to disappear within the next few days. It will be an event long remembered by the whole world, like Pearl Harbor or the events of 9-11.

All the signs are here. There are wars and rumors of wars, and food is becoming expensive. Europe will struggle this winter for food and heating. We may even see people go cold and hungry in North America. I certainly hope I’m wrong.

We will probably see a major war break out. And a weak supply chain and tightened finances might lead to a very lean Thanksgiving and Christmas. In fact, it’s possible the economy will collapse. So I hope you are doing some things to prepare.

I want to take this moment to thank each and every one of you for making it possible for me to be here on Patreon. You have meant a lot to me. So I’ve worked hard to provide you with stories that are well-edited and have very few spelling and grammar errors.

If nothing happens? Then I’m already uploaded for October in advance. Mom says I can lounge around and enjoy my free time. But what it really means is that I’ll need to get started on some new projects for you. But if something dramatic does happen? At least I got to thank you one last time and warn you in advance of what I think is coming. Just know you have meant a great deal to me.

You can withdraw any time before October 1st, and you won’t be charged for October. Or you can stay through next month and read the rewards I’ve already put up, including a couple of special rewards for those at the Catch-up Level. If nothing happens? Then I guess I’ll see you next month. But even if the Rapture of the church does not occur this year, I still believe there will be major food shortages, high food prices, energy and heating shortages along with higher prices… and there will be war.

Thank you. And God bless you all.


What I think will happen…

The bible predicts Jesus will return to take his church (his bride) out of harm’s way. Then God will judge the earth as he deals with his people the Jews. He will spare a remnant, although 2/3rds will die. Most of the inhabitants of the planet will die over the coming years.

Millions of people will disappear. Millions more will emerge out of their graves to be given new bodies. The Bible speaks of this, and the book of Revelation goes into great detail on what will happen to those who are left behind.

There will be a war between Israel and several countries wanting to wipe it off the face of the map. But Israel will be miraculously spared. The death toll will be devastating, and it will take at least 7 months to clean up and bury the dead.

A charismatic man will step onto the world stage to lead the world. He will broker a peace treaty with Israel for 7 years. But he will break it at the midpoint of the 7 years. There will be a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, and animal sacrifices will be renewed. This will no doubt drive PETA out of their ever-lovin’ minds.

There will be two men on the temple mount who will preach. They will also have great power to kill and to cause drought. But at the end of three and a half years they will be murdered, their bodies left out in the streets. People will celebrate, even giving each other gifts as though it is Christmas. But after three days, these two men will be resurrected and will ascend into heaven.

The antichrist will suffer a fatal wound, only to be miraculously healed. He will proclaim himself to be the Messiah and will rule with an iron fist for three and a half years. You will need to have a mark or tattoo on your hand or forehead and swear allegiance to him and worship him in order to be able to buy and sell. This is literally selling your soul to the devil.

Sounds like recent events with the bug and the jab, doesn’t it? Even now, people are being banned from certain locations without evidence of the jab. And I’ve heard some people have been tattooing evidence of the jab on parts of their body. But if you have the Mark, even worse things will happen to you during the last three and a half years. I say all this to warn you.

Millions will reject this man and will ultimately be beheaded as a lesson to the whole world. I think it will top all the beheading stories I’ve ever tried to write. I don’t think I could ever have written something quite like this.

Sounds like quite the creative story, right? It is mentioned in the Bible, especially in the book of Revelation. The events of the rapture are mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18, 1 Corinthians 15:50-53, Luke 17:24-37 (especially verses 34-37). There are many judgements mentioned in Revelation, and millions of people will be die or be killed. So much for over-population, right? There will even be an object from the heavens that hits the earth. Right now, some scientists already claim there is an asteroid coming this way that will hit the earth or come very close in 7-8 years’ time.

I only tell you this because I appreciate all of you, and want to warn you. I want you to know what I think will happen soon. And I want to thank all of you so very much for being my patrons over the years. It has meant a great deal to me. But if millions of people disappear within the next few days, I will be among them and will be unable to upload stories for November and beyond. I just wanted to tell you so you can cancel your pledges after the 28-31st of October.

Jesus is Lord. Accept the gift of His sacrifice for your sins. Repent and ask Him to come into your heart and give you the strength to stand firm, even if it means you will be martyred (maybe even beheaded). And if you think I’m a kook, that is quite all right. I can live with that. Please understand I’m only trying to warn you. I think the bridge is out up ahead. And it would not be right if I didn’t somehow try to warn you in advance.

I’ve included the steps below to get saved and “Rapture Ready”. God bless. And thanks again for being my patrons and for reading my stories.

Acts 4:12 says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

A – Admit

Admit what you have done wrong and ask forgiveness.
Romans 3:23 All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 6:23 The wages of sin is death.
I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

B – Believe

Believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose again as a payment for your sins.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

C – Confess and Choose

Confess and choose to allow God to the be in charge of your life
Matthew 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:13 Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

I just wanted you to know this. It would not be right if I didn’t warn you. So please think about it, but don’t think about it for too long. I am so appreciative having you as my patrons and readers.

Thanks again.

Richard “Riwa” Shepard

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My visit to the British Virgin Isles (1-2) 4.4 (57)


I went to the British Virgin Islands for a little holiday fun and frolic. I’m scuba certified, so I showed my certificate before renting out some gear. Then I located a charter boat captain.

He introduced himself as Mike Hunt. Then he asked me the purpose of my charter. I told him I wanted to do a little scuba diving.

He asked me if I was interested in anything in particular. I told him I was hoping to get in a good fuck before my trip was over. Then he asked if I had any preferences as to where it occurred.

I looked at him in confusion. “Excuse me?”

“Do you like to fuck on dry land? Or would you prefer to fuck underwater?”

I was astonished. “You mean they allow you to do that around here?” He just smiled as he told me he knew of a place I might be interested.

I looked all around before telling him we didn’t have any ladies on board. He said that wouldn’t be a problem.

He motored us out to a location with other boats in the area before dropping anchor. There were a few snorkelers out in the water, many of them female. I noticed most of them were topless.

I motioned as I asked, “What is this place?”

“A popular spot for tourists and divers,” he replied with a smile. “I thought you might like this location. I’ve brought out groups of drunken Americans before who gear up and then go over the side. You’d be surprised what goes on under the surface out here.”

“What would you suggest I do?” I asked curiously.

“If I were you I’d just gear up, go underwater, and see what’s happening down there. That will give you a good idea what we do for fun around here.”

Now he had me curious. So I geared up and got ready. “Enjoy the scenery,” he said with a chuckle as I went backward over the side. I couldn’t help asking myself what the hell he knew that I didn’t.

Once in the water I went down toward the ocean floor. It wasn’t that deep, maybe 30 or 40 feet down. The flora and fauna were impressive.

What really got my attention was the action taking place all around me. Off in the distance I caught two scuba divers in an embrace. As I got closer, I realized they were going at it all hot and heavy.

Damn! They really did like to fuck underwater out here!

My cock got hard in no time at all. But I decided I’d better be moving along. I didn’t want them to get angry at my voyeuristic tendencies.

I headed down to examine the reef more closely. Two more divers came down. They were females, and both of them were naked.

I was pretty close to them when they both looked at me. A moment later I was startled to see them come together in a 69. They removed their regulators from their mouths and really went at it.

Bubbles spewed everywhere. They really feasted on each other before putting their regulators in their mouths to get some air. In no time at all I got hard again.

I figured I’d better be moving along. I didn’t want them to get angry with me for watching their show. So I finned off to go look at something else.

I looked up and saw a few bodies bobbing up and down in the water. I got close enough to observe a mixture of men and women. They were scattered all over, some of them topless, and some of them with nothing on at all.

I saw one male diver come up underneath a topless snorkeler. He pulled her down by the ankle, causing a lot of bubbles to burst up. He immediately moved his suit aside and then hers before he went right at it, fucking her in broad daylight just a few feet below the surface.

I couldn’t tell whether she was into it or if she was trying to push him away. Eventually he pulled out and swam off. She shot back up to the surface to gasp for breath. But she didn’t seem to be in any real distress. And I didn’t hear her scream for help or that she’d been attacked or anything like that.

I followed that diver as he swam up underneath another female. This one was totally naked. He pulled her right under and jabbed his cock inside her, fucking bubbles out of her mouth before she pushed him away. Talk about a hit and run!

I went up at the same time she did. I heard her laugh drunkenly. Then she began to swim around as though looking for her assailant. But he had moved on and appeared to be zeroing in on another one farther away.

I was horny as fuck and needed a release. I thought a distraction along the bottom would settle me down. So I dove back down for the ocean floor.

That didn’t help nearly as much as I thought it would. I saw a different American couple in dive gear really going at it. A swim trunk and bikini pieces swirled nearby as they fucked each other.

Damn! Mike had brought me out to witness an underwater orgy!

I watched the couple for several minutes. They didn’t seem to be upset by my presence. Hell, they hardly acknowledged me.

The woman kept looking in my direction. She finally motioned me over. I pointed at myself… “Who me?” She just waved me closer.

She was in the guy’s lap in an embrace when she came off his cock and turned around. He immediately entered her from behind and went right back at it. Either he was oblivious to my presence or he just didn’t care.

The woman waved me closer with a sense of urgency. She grunted exhalations out of her regulator. Was she in trouble?

I swam closer to see if I needed to render some assistance. She waved me even closer. I was within arm’s reach when she lashed out and grabbed me.

In no time at all she’d pulled my trunks down. Then she spit the reg out of her mouth and swallowed me whole. The guy she was fucking just kept pounding her as though he was trying to drive his cock right through her.

She gulped me down like a woman possessed. She must have sucked me for about a minute or so before corralling her reg and taking a breath. But she only took a few puffs before she went right back at it.

It was so damned erotic that I stood no chance at all. I quickly shot my load into her mouth. I had so much cum that it leaked out through her clenched lips as she tried to swallow it all.

When she’d finished me off, she put her regulator back into her mouth. Then she pulled my trunks back up. She grinned at me before slipping off her man’s cock, turning around and impaling herself upon it back onto his lap in that same embrace as before.

He hardly broke stride, grunting exhalation bubbles. She cried out as she took his cock deep. I just shook my head in amazement before deciding it was time to move on before I got entangled in something crazy.

The place was unbelievable! There were divers and snorkelers all around. But it wasn’t like we were congested or anything. They were spaced out for privacy, yet the water was clear enough that you could often surmise what kind of activities they were engaging in, especially if it was something of a sexual nature.

I moved around until I found that hit-and-run diver. I watched as he pulled another topless American down below the surface. This time he made her suck his cock.

She grunted up bubbles as he jammed it down her throat. At first I thought he was going to drown her. Then she broke away and shot up to the surface, forcing him to go looking for different prey.

I saw her up at the surface. She didn’t act panicked or freaked out or anything like that. Was it that she hadn’t minded the sudden assault? Or was she too drunk to care?

I had some air left in my tank, so I headed back down toward the reef. I needed to get all this sexual excitement out of my mind. My cock had gotten hard again, and I needed to calm myself down so I wouldn’t breathe so heavily.

I rounded the edge of the reef and caught sight of those two hotties again. Had they been in that 69 position the entire time? Or had they paused to take a break? I could only shake my head in wonder.

The blonde on top caught sight of me and waved me over. She put her reg back into her mouth, disengaging from her partner. Then she anxiously waved me closer… “C’mon, get over here!”

I got close enough for her to reach out and pull my trunks down. My cock sprang free and immediately started to harden. She removed her reg and quickly swallowed me whole.

Her friend only paused for a few moments to refill her lungs. Then she removed her reg and went right back to work on her partner’s snatch. My cocksucker moaned up bubbles as she wriggled and squirmed at the assault taking place on her muff.

I was astonished at having been lured in and getting my cock sucked a second time on my first dive of the day. Was this what Mike had hinted about? It had all been so crazy, yet no one was treating any of it as though it was out of the ordinary.

The blonde came off my cock, putting her regulator back between her lips. She turned her back to me, found my erection and then impaled herself on it. Her companion smiled as she offered a muff to munch on while I was using her other end.

What else could I do? I was horny, and a velvety slit had just impaled itself upon my throbbing dick. So I grabbed her hips and gave it to her good.

She grunted and moaned into the muff she was eating. Her partner acted like she was in heaven. Apparently they were not at all averse to enjoying a little cock while feasting on clam.

The brunette broke away and pulled her friend off my dick. She took a few puffs from her regulator before she attacked my cock with her mouth. She was just as hungry for it as her companion.

I groaned into the reg in my mouth as she gobbled me down. Her blonde companion immediately took advantage of the situation by going between her legs and eating her out. More bubbles of pleasure spewed up between the three of us.

After more sucking, the brunette came off, got her regulator and refilled her lungs. She turned around and had me impale her muff with my dick. But her companion went directly underneath her in another 69 to work on her clit.

I thrust good and hard, fully enjoying myself. The blonde pulled my cock out of her friend’s slit and sucked on me for a few moments, glubbing up bubbles. Then she pulled me out of her mouth and pushed me back into her friend’s snatch.

I grabbed the brunette’s hips and thrust good and hard. She really grunted and bubbled. It was so damned arousing that I couldn’t hold back.

I pumped my second load of the dive into the snatch of the brunette. I had just finished when the blonde pulled my cock out, sucked me a few times, and then anxiously tried to slurp my cream out of her friend’s muff.

It was about that moment when my tank went dry. I’d been down so long that I’d become distracted. But I knew better than to panic.

I quickly broke away, indicating I was out of air. I waved goodbye before heading to the surface. I released my regulator from my mouth and then released the last of my breath all the way up until I burst up gasping.

I found Mike’s boat and headed over. He smiled when he saw me. Then he helped me back on board.

“Out of air,” I gasped in explanation.

He smiled. “I thought you were down there for quite a while.”

“You didn’t… warn me there were barracuda in these waters.”

“You do have to be careful out here,” he admitted. “Some of them can get rather horny. I noticed you were occupied a couple times down there.”

I blushed as I looked him in the eye. “Just what did you see down there?”

“I’m just the captain,” he replied with a smile as he went over to the cooler. “I don’t watch and tell. Besides, most of my charters end up drunk anyway. So who knows what really happened down below?” Then he tossed me a bottle, telling me to take a break and have a cold one.

2021 (written Aug 6 ’21 by riwa)


We had a couple of beers as we watched the activity all around us. I wanted to go back down, but I figured it would be better to wait for a while. I don’t like to have a second dive so soon after the first one.

We were out for a couple of hours enjoying the view when I decided I might as well get in one more dive before heading back to the marina. Mike saw me going for a second tank to my scuba gear and smiled. “Going back down after another hottie?”

“Well… I don’t know about that. I just thought I’d go back down for a second dive before calling it a day.

“You going to pull one down to the bottom of the sea and fuck her for me?”

“Pull her all the way down? Isn’t that a little dangerous?”

He shook his head with a smile. “I don’t ask questions. Besides, my passengers are usually too drunk for me to believe anything they might share with me once they’re back on the boat.”

“Does that include me?” I didn’t think I was that drunk. He just laughed.

A thought suddenly occurred to me. “What about drownings?”

He didn’t seem all that concerned. “What about them? Tourists and locals drown out here all the time. Sometimes a body is found. But a lot of times the sharks get a hold of it and haul it out to sea. We’ve certainly had our share of disappearances out here.”

“You said tourists and locals come out here. Don’t the locals warn the tourists?”

“Some do. But many of the tourists have been drinking and don’t care all that much. Some seem to be in it for the anonymous sex and for the thrill of a hot fuck at the bottom of the reef. Maybe they’re in it for the danger. Or maybe they don’t think there is any danger.”

“And the locals?”

“Those who wish to avoid the danger don’t bother coming out here. Those that do? I can only hazard a guess as to why. Maybe they like the thrill. Or maybe they like the sight of all the nude flesh on display.”

“So you mean I could get into the water and…”

“I’m not your chaperone. What you do under the surface is your own damn business, just like the last dive you made earlier.”

“Wouldn’t you be obligated to tell someone if I, uh… I… accidentally drowned someone?”

“You can’t tell me any lies if I don’t ask any questions, right?”

I thought it over for a long moment. Then I started to gear up. My cock was starting to strain in my trunks.

He looked out over the water. I couldn’t help calling out, “See anyone you like?”

“I see a couple I’d love to pull down, fuck, and then… well… you know.”

“You mean you’ve thought about it before?”

“Causing someone to bubble her last while pumping her good and hard? Sure I have! Who hasn’t?”


I was astonished as I finished gearing up. I wasn’t sure whether or not I was going to fuck someone else out here, much less drown them. But the idea sure was making me hard.

I was ready to go over the side when he pointed a woman out to me. “See that one? The blonde with the boobs? She’s been giving us the eye ever since we got here. I’ll bet you a hundred dollars she’s scuba certified and can breathe off a regulator down on the bottom while she’s taking it hard and deep.”

I looked in the direction he was motioning. Sure enough, it looked like there was a blonde out there. I got a glimpse of her tits, which only made my dick stiffen even more.

Mike smiled knowingly at me. “Why don’t you go over and introduce yourself? Pull her under and give her a poke for me.”

“I just might do that,” I replied with a smile.

I put my regulator into my mouth before going backward over the side. Then I headed for the ocean floor. There were bodies in the water, but for the moment there wasn’t anyone in my immediate vicinity.

There was a section near the reef that sloped downward even deeper. So I did a little exploring. Then I looked upward. That big breasted blonde was floating face down, looking down on me while breathing from her snorkel.

I watched as she came down toward me. She was wearing dive fins, making good progress as she kicked herself down. She was beside me in no time at all.

She quickly got right to it, pulling my trunks down and pulling out my erection. Then she blew the snorkel out of her mouth and started sucking on my dick. She was a real pro.

She held her breath for a long time, gobbling my meaty pole before she grabbed the reg in my mouth. She jerked it out and put it between her lips. She took a few puffs before giving it back to me. Then she went right back to work on my schlong.

Gawd; she was good! I couldn’t hold back at all! A moment later I was pumping a load down her throat.

She swallowed it all. Then she smiled before taking the reg from my mouth. I let her use it as we slowly finned our way back to the surface.

We popped up and panted for breath. We both lifted our dive masks up off our faces. Then she smiled as she complimented me on my package.

We briefly made introductions. She said her name was Molly. I told her my name was Ward.

“So tell me, Ward. What brings you out to these waters?” She sounded like she’d been drinking a little.

“Just thinking of doing a little fishing.”

“Is that all? Or were you thinking of doing a little more?”

“What do you mean?”

“I saw the boat you came out on. His name is Mike. We’ve fucked a few times at the brothel in town.”

“Is that so?”

“I know Mike very well. He loves the fuck-drown.”

“He does?” I tried to act shocked.

“Oh, c’mon! I know you two were looking in my direction. And I know you were looking around at some of the other girls out here. Take that one over there, for instance.”

I turned to look. “Which one are you referring to?”

“The one in the very skimpy two-piece. See her over there? Don’t tell me you wouldn’t enjoy fucking her as she drowns; am I right? I know Mike certainly would!”

“What makes you think I would enjoy fucking her as she drowns?” Then I winced as my stiffening cock betrayed my words.

She just laughed. “I know because I’m a good judge of character. Besides, I’ve seen it before. You look the type.”

She moved closer. Then she conspiratorially asked, “Would you like a little help?”

“You’re kidding! You mean you’d actually help me drown her?”

“I’ve seen a couple others drown women out here. They were drunken Americans who mostly got carried away. But maybe they weren’t all that drunk. And maybe it was more deliberate than accidental.”

“And you didn’t do anything to try to stop them or help those poor girls?”

“Why should I? It’s none of my business. Besides, I only assumed they were fucking on the bottom of the reef at first. I was too far away, minding my own business. Then the girls started hitching and convulsing. That’s when I knew they were being drowned. By then it was too late.”

“That sounds horrible.” Then I winced again. My cock was rock hard as I imagined girls being fuck-drowned at the bottom of the ocean.

“Yeah, I can tell you think it’s horrible,” she chuckled, rubbing my bulge as she tread water right there with me. “Would it interest you to know how much it turned me on watching those poor bitches drown? Hell; maybe they deserved it!”

She gave me a deep, soulful kiss. I could taste the alcohol on her breath. Then she reached down again to rub my growing bulge in my trunks.

She conspiratorially moved closer. Then she told me, “I’ll give you a minute to get ready, ok? Don’t worry; I’ll keep an eye on you. I want to watch this one up close.”

She pulled her dive mask down over her face. Then she put her snorkel back between her lips before finning away.

I turned to look over at the woman she’d pointed out. The idea of fucking her as she drowned was making my cock really hard.

I put my regulator back into my mouth. I took a quick glance over at Mike’s boat, wondering if he was watching me. Then I headed back down for the bottom.

From the ocean floor I watched the girl Molly had pointed out. I was turned on at the thought of fucking and drowning her. I also felt the faintest twinge of a guilty conscience about it. But I figured I could always justify it as us going too far, resulting in an unfortunate accident.

I zeroed in on the girl we’d discussed, slowly finning my way upward. She was treading water well above me, not paying any attention to what was coming up underneath her. A moment later I grabbed her ankle and pulled her down.

She immediately began to twist and struggle in my grasp. I pulled her deeper toward the base of the reef. Then I hauled her toward the slope where it went deeper and contained formations in which to hide her body.

She put up quite a struggle as I popped the strings to her bikini. She was still fighting me when Molly suddenly arrived from out of nowhere and grabbed her by her wrists. That gave me the distraction I needed to pull my trunks down and enter her from behind.

My victim was nice and tight. I held onto her hips as I thrust nice and deep. Molly held onto her wrists as I enjoyed a deep, underwater fuck.

Our victim was soon hitching and straining to hold her breath. Molly motioned for the regulator in my mouth. But she did not snatch it away from me like before.

I willingly gave it to her. Molly accepted it, placed it between her lips, and breathed deeply. Then she reached out and groped the breasts of our prey. The young woman was clearly an American.

Molly helped me grab our victim’s wrists to keep her under control. Then I pulled them behind her back as I continued to thrust. I could tell she was close to losing her breath.

I wasn’t sure whether or not the one I was fucking had been drinking. Maybe it didn’t matter. At that point I simply didn’t want to stop. I was shamefully aroused over the crime I was about to commit.

She suddenly glubbed up bubbles. Then she started thrashing about in my grasp, her snatch clenching like crazy. She hitched and gurgled, her pussy milking the cream right out of my dick as Molly continued to molest her.

I motioned for the regulator as our victim’s struggles lessened. Molly handed it back to me. Then she pulled the drowned woman off my cock.

I watched in astonishment as my accomplice began licking and slurping on her still twitching snatch. She appeared to be trying to suck all my cream out of her. It was incredibly erotic.

I popped Molly’s bottoms down and thrust my dick into her from behind. I was still hard, perhaps from witnessing the drowning I’d just taken part in. Molly groaned and trembled as I pounded her from behind while she continued to feast on the drowned woman’s twat.

Molly finally needed the regulator again. She reached back and pulled it out from between my lips. Then she came off my dick.

She swung the drowned woman around in my direction. Then she guided the head to my semi-hard cock. It was the first time I’d ever stuck my dick between the lips of someone who had drowned. It was shamefully arousing.

Molly moaned into the regulator as I fucked the drowned American’s mouth. She caressed the limp, yielding body all over as though incredibly turned on by the event. Then I got the reg back as Molly kissed the drowned woman’s lips.

We spent several minutes playing with our victim’s corpse. I finally pumped another load into Molly from behind as she feasted yet again on the drowned woman’s pussy. Then we pushed the body deeper into the formations before gathering our possessions – meaning our suits – and heading back to the surface.

We came up a few hundred yards from Mike’s boat. She kissed me before bidding me farewell. Molly even thanked me for allowing her to participate.

She told me that had been the very first drowning she’d ever participated in out here in these waters. A part of me wondered if that really was the truth, especially when she said it was the most erotic thing she’d ever done with somebody.

She asked how long I would be staying in the British Virgin Isles. I told her I planned to be around for a few more days. She told me she’d love to meet me out here again if it worked out. Then she headed off in the direction of what I can only assume was the boat she’d come out on.

I swam to Mike’s boat before climbing aboard. “So how was Molly?” he asked with a sly grin as he helped me aboard.

I gave him a dirty look. “You knew all about her all along, didn’t you! And you didn’t even warn me!”

“I didn’t want to spoil the surprise.”

He looked all around the ocean. Then he leaned in close. “Tell me. Did she really help you drown that girl? It certainly looked like it from where I was watching up here.”

“Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies, remember?”

“Oh yeah; I forgot. Still…”

He looked over in the direction of Molly and her boat. Then he shook his head. “I never would have thought her capable of something like that. You just never know about some people.”

He smiled as he went over to a chest. He pulled out another bottle and tossed it to me. I opened it up and took a drink.

“Another American boozing it up on my boat,” he said with a shake of his head. But I did not fail to notice his sly smile.

“Ready to go back to shore, Ward?” I nodded as I told him I was ready. Perhaps it was best not to linger too long near the scene of the crime.

He pulled up anchor before starting the motor. Then we headed back. During the trip back, neither one of us acted as though we knew there was a young woman lying drowned on the bottom of the ocean with some of my cum no doubt still inside her.

9-24-21 (Inspired by a Mike Hunt story suggestion)

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Mother and daughter at the Snuff club 4.5 (58)

Carrie squirmed uncomfortably in the chair she was secured to as the water began to rise all around her. Both of her holes were fully impaled with metal posts. A large audience looked in on her through the glass.

A short distance away, her mother Cassandra hung strapped to the impalement cross. Her arms and legs were spread wide on the large X. The club’s co-owner Mr. Rick was fucking her cunt as an ominous metal pole filled her anus.

Carrie trembled from a perverse arousal as she looked over at her mother. She could tell some of the spectators were more interested in the impalement proceedings than her own impending drowning. But she couldn’t really blame them. Two snuff sluts on the Entertainment stage meant one had a choice over which visual stimuli they wanted to enjoy more.

The ring gag between her lips forced her mouth open. There was no way she was going to be able to keep the water out once it rose high enough. All she could do was grunt and drool as she kept clenching around the metal posts impaled up her ass and cunt.

How long would it take for her to drown? For that matter, how long would it take until her mother was fully impaled? Which one of them would be the first to go?

Carrie experienced a perverse thrill as she looked out at the spectators. Mistress Chastity and Mistress Am sat together on a comfortable sofa. It looked like Am had the remote to her chair.

Was it plugged in? Would it electrify her? Wouldn’t that electrocute her with all the water inside the tank?

Mistress Am’s thumb hovered over a button as she gave Carrie a knowing smile. Then the thumb came down. Carrie cried out as fire filled her holes the very moment the water reached her lap.

Both posts began to pump into her cunt and ass. She could feel them fucking her, thrusting up and down inside her. They were offset, one pumping a little faster than the other. That meant at times they would thrust in unison before the timing would be thrown off and they would alternate pumping into her.

Carrie’s mother suddenly let out a painful cry. Was the steel pole forcing its way through her body now? Carrie could not help wondering what it felt like.

She actually had some idea, being as how she had a post of her own gloriously fucking her rectum. But her mother’s post would not stop with just an anal fuck. It was destined to go all the way through until it protruded out of her mouth.

Carrie let out another cry as the posts shot fire into her holes. Then they started pumping a little faster. The water level was now climbing her bare chest.

Her mother screamed in agony. Had her cervix been ruptured? Was the post now pushing its way into her stomach? Which one of them would succumb first?

Carrie looked out and saw Mistress Am smile at her. It was incredibly erotic the way the woman was toying with snuffing her. A thumb hovered casually over a button. Then Carrie stiffened again as the posts delivered electrical fire into her sensitive holes.

Her large tits bounced as she thrashed about in the chair. Her body reacted instinctively. But she wasn’t the only one in agony. Her mother was also wriggling about as she suffered over on the impalement cross.

Carrie was hot with a perverse arousal. So this was how it was going to end for them, eh? Mother and daughter – snuff sluts alike – about to be slaughtered for the entertainment of everyone present as well as those watching on the Internet. It was beyond thrilling, the shameful excitement threatening to overload her senses.

Cool water reached her tits, causing her nipples to harden even more. She stiffened and grunted as Mistress Am fried her again. That’s when her mother glanced over at her despite her own agony.

There was a brief flicker of something in her eyes. Was that the faintest hint of a smile? Was she enjoying watching her daughter suffer?

Mr. Rick fucked Cassandra harder. She was writhing now as though something alien was growing inside her. It was the metal post rising up out of the floor on its journey through her quivering body toward fully impaling her.

Carrie cried out again as Mistress Am jolted her. By now the water level was approaching her shoulders. She had no idea how many eyes were looking on her. How many cocks were stiff from her agony; how many pussies wet at her suffering? It almost made her cum at the mere thought of it.

Her mom cried out again in agony. That’s when Carrie lost it, imagining that pole impaling her mother from ass to mouth while her cunt was being fucked at the hands of the club co-owner Mr. Rick. Carrie stiffened before shuddering in shameful pleasure at witnessing the intense suffering of her mother.

The water reached her neck. It wouldn’t be much longer before she was totally submerged. That’s when she thought she heard gagging and gurgling from her mother. Was the post up in her throat now?

Carrie knew how this was ultimately going to play out. Mother and daughter would end up dead down in the kitchen. They were destined to ride the rotisserie together as their meat was cooked. The thought made her tremble as a second climax began to swell inside her.

Mistress Am was clearly enjoying her impending drowning. The dominatrix could be seen rubbing her exposed crotch. Mistress Am looked as though she was more than eager to watch Carrie fry and drown fully strapped into the chair in the tank. It didn’t matter that Mistress Chastity had an enthusiastic eye on Carrie’s impaled mother.

Carrie felt it well up inside her until it overwhelmed her yet again. She shuddered hard as she lost her voice to scream. Then the water reached her lips. Carrie was forced to tip her head back.

On the impalement cross her mother was gagging and grunting. She appeared to be shuddering as well; perhaps she was cumming too? Mr. Rick had pulled out of her cunt. Now it appeared as though the metal post running through her body had become electrified.

Carrie tipped her head back further, struggling to retrieve that last big breath she was ever going to acquire. Then she was hit hard again by a devastating orgasm. She cried out as she struggled to catch her breath.

The water was getting high; she really had to stretch upward. The water was… it was almost to… she had to catch one more… one last breath!

Inhaling deeply, she tipped her head forward, looking out of the glass. Bubbles trickled out of her nose and gaping maw. She saw the spectators watching her impending demise with great anticipation… watched the sadistic woman known as Mistress Am appear eager to snuff her sweet ass.

There was no point tipping her head back in trying to obtain another breath. The water had risen well above her head. The tank was filling faster now.

Carrie was jolted again by the posts in her holes, causing her to lose more air out of her nose and mouth. The speed of their thrusting intensified. Carrie knew she would not be able to hold her breath much longer, certainly not like this.

She looked over to see the tip of the metal pole slowly emerge out of her mother’s mouth. Cassandra’s head was tipped back, gleaming metal slickened with bodily fluids protruding out past her lips. She was jerking and shuddering as though she was being fried from the inside out. Carrie’s snuff-slut mother was dying gloriously!

Carrie cried out from an orgasm of her own. She lost her breath in a huge burst of bubbles. Mistress Am appeared to be furiously rubbing her crotch.

Carrie swallowed water, causing her to cough up bubbles as she hitched and gurgled. Then she was cumming and drowning, experiencing a mixture of intense pain and unexpected pleasure. Mother and daughter convulsed together, dying in unison like the snuff-sluts they were………………………………

Carrie’s eyes abruptly flew open. She blinked the tiredness out of her pupils as she tried to lift her head. That’s when it all came rushing back to her.

She was tied spread-eagled to the queen bed in her mother’s bedroom. She could feel the toys vibrating in her cunt and ass. Gawd; she was going to cum again!

Her naked mother calmly walked in and smiled at her. “Did my snuff-slut daughter finally awaken from her little nap? For a minute there I thought I’d done you in. Didn’t I successfully snuff your sweet ass last time? No matter. Ok, honey; let’s try this again.”

Cassandra eagerly climbed onto the bed where she savagely groped her daughter’s large mounds. Then she turned around and straddled Carrie’s head while facing her daughter’s spread-eagled legs. That’s when she slowly mashed her pussy against the young woman’s face.

“Let’s try this again; ok, honey? Eat my cunt as you smother and die for me, you sexy bitch!”

Her mother pressed her crotch down hard on her daughter’s mouth. A moment later Carrie could hardly breathe. But her tongue dutifully snaked out and began to lick. Maybe she could earn a respite if she made her mother cum while the sadistic woman was squatting on her face.

She felt movement down between her legs. Her mom had grabbed both toys again. Carrie heard wicked laughter as her mother began brutally fucking both of her holes with them. It instinctively made her hips rise up as though accepting the cruel, delicious rape.

She couldn’t breathe; gawd, she couldn’t breathe!! It swelled within her yet again. Then Carrie was cumming and cumming and cumming until consciousness spiraled away into oblivion once more…

It was almost noon at the dining room table. Mother and daughter sat eating a very late breakfast. Carrie smiled as she spoke first.

“Mom, last night I dreamed about that Snuff Club again while you were asphyxiating me.”

“Again? Do you have a death wish, darling?”

“Don’t try to deny it, mother. I’ve seen your eyes get all glassy whenever we watch one of those videos. You want to go every bit as much as I do. Hell, you get so turned on that we end up in bed with me being asphyxiated time and time again.”

“Honey, you know how dangerous it would be for the both of us to go, don’t you? We’re both snuff-sluts; you know that. We’d probably get so damned turned on that I doubt we’d survive a night in there.”

“You think we could sneak in for an hour or so? I’d love to see Mistress Am and her Guillotines. The last video showed her pulling both levers at the same time, beheading them together while sending those bitches straight to heaven. You have no idea the mess I made while I was watching that.”

“Honey, don’t tempt me. I might want to make sure you were one of the two bitches up on stage when Mistress Am went up and did her thing.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you, mother.”

“You’re damned right I would! I’m ashamed to admit how much of a turn-on it is thinking about you being snuffed on stage by a sexy bitch like that.”

“You want to try it, mom? You want to see if we can get in?”

“I don’t know. We can always watch it again on the Internet.”

“I know – I know. But seeing one in person? I can’t imagine how hot that would be!”

“So how would we go about getting inside?”

“I don’t know. But I was wondering. Do you suppose Aunt Amanda could get us in somehow? She’s got plenty of money.”

“Dear, you know she’s not into this shit like we are. Oh, she knows about us. And she knows all about that damned snuff club. But every time I mention it to her she just shakes her head and laughs while saying she’s going to outlive us both.”

Carrie tried not to be disappointed. This time the urge was stronger than ever. She wanted to get into the club at least once. She really wanted to see that show on the Entertainment stage starring Mistress Am and her Guillotines.

Her mother looked at her and laughed. “You know we can’t afford to get in there. I know Mistress Am is having another performance soon. I just don’t see how we can swing it, not with our funds being so low right now.”

She paused for a moment. Then she smiled at her daughter. “Give me a minute, honey. I’ll see what I can arrange.”

Cassandra took her iPhone and left the kitchen. She was only gone a few minutes. When she returned she shook her head with a sad little smile.

“Just as I suspected. Amanda turned me down flat. She said she didn’t want to watch us get executed up on stage. I told her we only wanted to get in, look around, enjoy the guillotine show, and then get the hell out of there.”

“Give Aunt Amanda a little more time, mom. You saw how she showed some interest the last time she was here and we talked about it. I think eventually she’ll come around.”

“You might be right, honey. But for now it looks like a no-go.”

Carrie laughed. “We could always try getting in line and seeing if someone would sponsor us.”

“We could, honey. But that might get us killed.”

“You really think so?”

“Girls in line don’t always get the same protections, honey. You know that. Still… do you want to give it a try? Are you eager to find out which one of us might survive a night in the Snuff Club?”

They both chuckled. Then mother and daughter grew quiet and thoughtful.

They took a long look at each other over the kitchen table. Faces were flushed; breaths coming heavily. Both of them had clearly become overly excited at the idea.

Carrie looked at her mother curiously. Then she smiled. “So what do you think, mom? Shall we take our chances out in line?”


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A wife’s fetish 4.4 (99)

I knew my husband was having affair. I suspected it was a woman from work. But I had long since stopped caring what he did on his own time.

As for me, I’d found something new and exciting to occupy my spare time. As a result, I spent a lot of time on the internet. It made it so much easier to engage in my interests whenever he was out of the house.

Sometimes I thought about divorcing him. But I had everything I wanted. All I had to do was fix a few meals, wash some dishes and wash his clothes every now and then. He seemed content with that.

It made no sense to ask for a divorce. Why spoil a good thing? As long as we were both getting what we wanted, what did it matter?

Things came to a rather abrupt end the night he wanted to take me out to meet someone. I didn’t really care about being introduced to anyone he knew. Besides, I was just itching to stay home so I could play with some friends on the computer while he was away.

He drove me over to a house on the other side of town. When he knocked on the door, a woman I recognized as one of his co-workers answered it. “Ellen, this is Linda. Linda, this is my wife Ellen.”

“Won’t you come in?” She was polite, but I could tell right away she didn’t like me.

I glared daggers at my husband. Why the hell had he brought me over to meet his mistress? He tried to give me an innocent look. But I saw right through it.

“We can only stay a minute,” I said haughtily as she let us inside. I had no desire to spend any more time than was absolutely necessary in the presence of this home-wrecker.

She smiled with sickening sweetness. “Oh, you’ll have enough time for what I have to show you. Right this way.”

My husband and I followed her down a set of steps into the basement. I was growing more irritated by the minute. Why the hell had he brought me here??

We rounded a corner and entered a room. It was all but empty. But what I saw inside made my heart skip a beat.

There was a nice chair inside. But that wasn’t what caught my attention. It was the noose dangling from the middle of the ceiling.

Underneath was a three-legged stool. A rope was tied off to one of the legs. The other end of the rope led over to the chair.

“What the hell is this?” I gasped in growing alarm. “Is this your playroom or something?”

Seeing the noose instantly made me wet as hell. Lately my new interests had involved ropes and strangulation. I’d even played with nooses in our den while my husband was away at night, no doubt fucking the woman who now stood before me.

“She guessed it, Bill,” the bitch said to my husband with a knowing smile. “You’re right, Ellen. This is my playroom. Tonight we’re going to let you to try it out.” Then she smiled like a serpent as she nodded at the dangling coil.

“But I don’t want to try it out!”

She laughed. “Who said you had any choice in the matter?” Then she began to forcefully take my clothes off.

I tried to fight her off. But my husband pinned my arms behind my back, allowing her the freedom to deprive me of my attire. I was naked in no time at all.

“C’mon, Ellen,” the bitch urged as she pulled me toward the noose. “We want you to take it for a spin. I know you’re just dying to give it a go.”

“No… stop… WAIT!” But my protests were in vain.

The bitch produced a length of rope she used to tie my arms behind my back. Then they forced me up onto the stool. My breathing was heavy and labored as she looped the noose over my head and cinched it tight.

Linda smiled after noosing me up. “So what do you think, Ellen? Do you like it?”

“Why don’t you ride it,” I stammered, trying to control the wild beating of my heart while attempting to maintain some level of indignation.

“I already have,” the bitch replied. “It was an incredible experience. Afterwards, Bill and I talked the matter over. We decided you’d probably get a kick out of trying it for yourself.”

“Very funny. Now would you get me down from here?”

“Not until we’ve had our fun first,” she replied as she went over and tied off the other end of my noose.

Did she have to secure it so fucking tight?? I was left partially strangled as I stood upon the balls of my feet. This was not good at all.

I watched as they undressed each other. Then Bill began mauling Linda’s tits. I became a little jealous as I remembered how he used to lustfully maul mine some years ago. But that was a different era back then.

Linda pushed Bill into the chair. Then she turned and grinned at me. “I’m going to suck your husband’s cock now, Ellen. You don’t mind waiting right there until we’re finished before we hang you, do you?”

“No; you two lovebirds go right ahead.”

It was a false bravado on my part. I was both frightened and aroused. It was humiliating beyond belief watching another woman pleasure my husband.

She really worked his cock over good. Bill didn’t seem to have any problems becoming aroused with me looking on. Was it because I was noosed and helpless?

She gagged herself on it a couple of times. Then she deep-throated him. I think she wanted to prove she was a better cocksucker than I had ever been.

They kept glancing over in my direction. My nipples stayed hard the entire time. And I couldn’t get my pussy to stop dripping from a shamefully fearful arousal.

I wanted to tell them to let me down so I could leave and they could have each other. But my breath was partially cut off as it kept hanging up in my throat. It never occurred to me when I started toying around with this fetish that I might soon end up facing a hanging for real.

She climbed into his lap, impaling herself on his dick. Then she started riding him. They both did a lot of grunting and moaning like a couple of pigs in heat.

There was nothing I could do but stand there watching from my precarious position. The noose was uncomfortably tight around my throat. And I saw the end of the rope to the stool below me within easy reach of the chair they were sitting in.

Linda let out an orgasmic cry that made me jealous as hell. Bill had once made me orgasm like that. Now our lives had diverged… and it looked like our relationship was going to be permanently severed tonight.

Linda finally reached down and picked up the end of the rope leading to my stool. She was looking right at me as she told Bill, “Your ‘EX’-wife has watched our little show long enough. Let’s give her a chance to put on a show of her own. Now she’s going to dance for us. Ain’t that right, Ellen?”

I inhaled sharply as she started to pull. Instinctively I cried out, “NO; DON’T!”

My bastard of a husband smiled as he told her, “Now this is my idea of a divorce!” Then the stool was pulled out from underneath me.

I hit the end of the rope with a little bounce. It helped tighten the noose around my throat. My feet pedaled for the floor below me. But it was just out of reach.

I twisted in place as I started to kick. My pussy dripped and throbbed. But this was far worse than the times I’d previously experimented with nooses.

My fear increased a hundred-fold. But so did my arousal. I thought the noose might strangle right out of me the very idea of climaxing with a coil around my neck. Instead, I became extremely turned on, the thought of dying on the rope filling me with a terrible excitement.

Bill and Linda rocked in the chair as they fucked each other. But their eyes were on me the entire time. I got the distinct impression they’d planned this out well in advance. Now they were getting rid of the one obstacle remaining to fulfilling their sexual desires uninterrupted.

I’d cum before with a noose around my neck. In fact, it was during a time I’d been sending private messages back and forth to a friend on the internet. It was a special video chat we’d organized.

I’d rigged up a rope with a bucket of water for some added tension. I’d even put a vibrating toy in my cunt. But that was nothing compared to what I was feeling down in Linda’s basement: the entire weight of my body pulling a noose tight around my throat.

I kicked and swung in her damn basement until it exploded inside me. My knees came up as I bunny-hopped in the noose. It was an orgasm unlike anything I’d ever experienced before.

The bitch excitedly pointed at me. “Look at that, Bill! Ellen fucking loves it!” Then Linda cried out as though she was cumming all over again.

I kicked and suffered in agony that was exquisitely merciless. I could not reach the floor, and I couldn’t relieve the strain around my neck. The bastards watched me from the chair as I dripped copious amounts of fluid down my legs while my nipples remained stiff and protruding.

I began to grow all dizzy and light-headed. It felt like my vision was starting to dim around the edges. Then I thought I saw Linda climb out of my husband’s lap.

I suddenly crumpled onto the floor. Hands loosened the noose from around my neck until I could breathe again. My body quivered from an aftershock of pain and pleasure.

“Bill let me down when I first rode it,” the bitch explained after loosening my noose. “It’s only fair to let you down once. Now let’s get you back on your feet for round two.”

She grinned sadistically as she pulled the stool over and set it back into place. I was forced to stand upon it as she pulled on the rope, tightening the noose around my throat. This time she pulled me even higher onto the balls of my feet before tying the damned thing off.

Once more, she went over to the chair where she went back to work on my husband’s cock. It didn’t take much effort to make him stiffen. He was already semi-hard, perhaps from seeing me in such a perilous situation.

She sucked… and then they fucked as I shuffled around on the balls of my feet. The noose was just tight enough to strangle some erotic tingles out of me. I was frightened again, but I was also shamefully aroused.

“What do you think?” the bitch asked my husband. “Should we let her give us one last dance?”

“What do you say, Ellen?” my bastard of a husband asked. “One last performance for old times’ sake?” Then Linda gave him the end of the rope to my stool, telling him, “Hang the bitch anytime you want, lover.”

This time Linda bent over the chair and faced me. My husband knelt and fucked her from behind. He had the rope to my stool in his hand as they watched me, his eyes twinkling with sadistic lust.

I struggled to pull a decent breath down into my lungs. Was this it? Were they going to hang me for real? The idea was terrifying… as well as insanely arousing.

“Gawd; he’s fucking my ass!” Linda panted breathlessly. “At least you won’t be a pain in my ass much longer, Ellen.” Then Bill playfully tugged on the rope to my stool, nearly tipping me off.

He fucked her harder. Then he asked her, “When do you want me to pull it?”

“Hang her when I cum!” Linda panted excitedly. “Gawd; I’m so fucking close!”

I shuffled around on my feet as I tried to clear my throat. I wanted to tell them they could have each other and to just let me go. But I sensed that wasn’t going to happen.

Was all this a result of my exploring this deadly fetish on the Internet? Had it all come down to this as a result of my asphyxia enthusiasms? Did it really matter?

Back home I was already beginning to search for bigger thrills. Was this my ultimate ending? Hell, maybe I was going to accidentally hang myself back in our den. What if they were only hastening a demise that had already been preordained?

I was embarrassed the way they were looking at me. It was clear they wanted to watch me hang to death. It was humiliating as hell, yet a part of it was terribly erotic.

Linda began to cry out, “Fuck… fuck… I’m gonna cum!” Then she appeared to stiffen. That’s when I saw Bill get a good grasp of the rope in his hands.

She screamed “YESSS” as she shuddered in orgasmic bliss. My eyes widened in horror at my husband as I rasped out a “NOOO”. Bill just blurted out, “Dance, bitch!” before pulling hard on the rope.

The stool was yanked out from underneath me… again. I bounced a little on the end of the rope. Even though I’d experienced it once before, I still wasn’t the least bit prepared.

My toes fluttered for solid footing. The floor was no closer than last time. That’s when I began to pedal as my legs kicked.

Bill let out a guttural cry as he rammed the bitch’s ass. She shrieked out she could feel his cum up her butt. That’s when it swelled unexpectedly within me.

My knees jerked upwards as I spurted my orgasm all over the floor. I was totally overwhelmed with an intense feeling of white-hot pleasure. I rubbed my thighs together as I swung back and forth. Then the pleasure faded, only to be replaced with agonizing pain around my throat.

I went crazy, my naked body kicking and twisting. I danced, kicked and pedaled as my feet searched for solid footing. Linda kept crying out how hot it was watching me hang to death.

I thought about the time I’d done that chat with a noose around my neck. The guy on the other end had told me how hot it was watching me touch my boobs with a noose around my neck and a toy up my cunt. He said I looked sexy as hell when I climaxed for him.

Now Linda and Bill were getting off to my death. That’s when I suddenly lost all control. It was as though my body wanted to please them, just like that private chat with that individual.

I kicked; I jerked; I fought like a hellcat. Bill just kept fucking the bitch’s asshole. At least she deserved it.

Linda kept crying out how hot I looked and that I must have been enjoying myself. She started calling me names: snuff-bunny, noose-whore and rope-slut. The names were humiliating, but I could not stop myself from responding in kind, kicking it up even more as I danced and suffered.

A second orgasm was ripped right out of my electrically charged body. My nipples were so painfully hard that they hurt. My cunt spurted as my knees jerked upward, much to Linda’s amusement.

I reached the pinnacle of my dance by humping the air with everything I had. Linda shrieked as she climaxed again. Bill just kept pounding her ass as he gasped, “Hot-damn; I married a fucking noose-slut!”

I finally exhausted myself. The noose was so tight I could barely get more than a sliver of air down my windpipe. My feet cocked and curled as my fingers wriggled in vain behind my back.

Bill and Linda panted for breath. A few moments later I started losing feeling in my legs. Then she got to her feet and walked up to me, still trying to compose herself.

“What about it, noose-slut? Got anything left for us?” Then she cruelly thrust her fingers into my soaked twat.

I squeezed instinctively until I soaked her fingers. “Fuck, the slut just came all over my hand!” I quivered as my tongue protruded out of my mouth, drool spilling onto my heaving tits.

The bitch felt me up all over, enjoying my sweaty, naked body. I stared until I couldn’t see anymore. I could only feel her molesting me.

She twisted my nipples, but I hardly felt it. I think she shoved a hand hard up my cunt. I don’t think I reacted at all.

“Hell of a show, noose-slut!” Then she kissed my nipples before sucking on the tip of my tongue. One last thrust up my cunt proved I was beyond caring.

I had finished with one hell of an O. Now it was all over. My dying hope was that Bill would tire of her and would enjoy hanging her from her own noose until she died just like I had.

2021 (written Oct 20 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by the shooter drawings.)

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Breasts and balloons 4.2 (48)

Note: a repost formerly known as “Tit-tortured and Drowned”

That bitch Elise! It was all her fault!

She broke into Mistress’ bedroom. While she was in there, she stole some jewelry. Then she planted it among my possessions and claimed I stole it.

That witch has always hated me! I’m surprised it took her this long to implicate me in something. She’s certainly not that bright, although she damned well found a way to cook my goose!

Mistress was furious when she discovered the missing gems in my possession. No amount of protestations was going to save me. Out in the hallway I saw Elise peek around the corner and smirk at me.

My punishment was brutal. My tits were roped off close to my chest until they protruded all purple and ugly. Then I was caned good and hard.

To top it off, Mistress used her strap-on. She raped me multiple times, and I screamed and screamed. Every time I had an orgasm, Mistress gleefully shoved another hot needle all the way through one of my swollen mounds.

It was a vicious cycle, especially since my suffering was my own damn fault. You see, I’m a masochist, and Mistress knows it. And my tits are my worst feature.

The more Mistress punishes them, the harder I orgasm. I was doomed from the start. She brutalized me while making me cum over and over again.

When she was done with me, she inserted this horrible pear into my pussy. Then she began expanding it with deliberate cruelty. My poor cunt was stretched all out of shape.

I howled and orgasmed again. That only earned me more hot needles into my tits. It was sweet agony of the worst kind.

The inflatable plug was next. It went deep in my ass. Then she made it swell until I could hardly stand it.

There were more canings. That meant there were more orgasms. And THAT meant there were more needles until my tits looked like nothing more than pin cushions.

I had hoped that the caning and tit-punishment would be enough. I was more than willing to thank her for the multiple orgasms I had endured despite my exquisite agony. But then she had one of the servants tie small cement blocks to my roped tits, about 20 pounds each. I suspected I was really in for it now.

A large mask was fitted over my face with a hose attached so I could breathe. The hose was tied off, running down along my legs and past my feet. I was bound and secured, unable to get away. Hell, I was barely able to wriggle and squirm.

The end of the hose poked out past my bare soles by about a foot or two. That’s when I really began to panic. Mistress can be quite creative with her punishments.

She had a number of large balloons filled with air before they were attached to my feet. Then I was rowed out into the middle of the backyard lake by her servants. Elise was among those who took me out.

“Figured it out yet, you stupid slut?” she smirked. “You’re going into the drink! Those balloons are going to keep your feet at the surface while the weights pull down on those tits of yours! I bet that’s really gonna hurt!”

“You BITCH!!” I gasped in horror. “YOU’RE the one who did this to me! It was YOU who stole those gems!”

Elise cackled with sadistic cruelty. “Mistress thinks it was you. And that’s just the way I want her to think!” Then she cruelly tugged on a couple of the needles that were still inserted, adding new sensations of pain and pleasure to my body.

“You’re going into the drink,” she explained. “Then Mistress is going to engage in a little target practice. She’s going to fire one shot at a time. And those balloons attached to your feet are going to pop. You’ll go lower and lower into the water, the top of your air hose getting closer and closer to the surface as it sticks out above your feet. All it will take will be that one last balloon popping before the weights on your tits overcome the remaining balloons at the surface to take you down to a watery grave.”

I stared at her in shock. I was absolutely horrified at the delicious cruelty of my demise. Then she ordered the other two servants to help me over the side.

“NO; WAIT!” I cried out. But my protests fell on deaf ears.

I screamed as I hit the lake water. It was incredibly cold as I hung upside down. I bobbed directly below the surface. But there was nothing I could do about it.

I gasped instinctively into my face mask, fearful I would start to drown right away. But the balloons kept my feet bobbing up at the surface. Those damned weights pulled on my poor, tortured tits while the hose stuck up past my feet out of the water by a foot or more, enough so I was able to breathe.

I screamed again as they rowed away, leaving me alone and adrift upside down out in the middle of the lake. Then I began to orgasm so very, very hard. They were brutally intense, especially with those weights pulling mercilessly against my swollen, sensitive tits.

My boobs were on fire. My ass and pussy were filled with incredible pain. What’s more, I knew I was going to drown.

I thought I heard a gunshot. Something popped up at the surface. My body jerked as the weights pulled on my tits. It hurt so much I was certain I was going to cum again!

There was another shot. My body bobbed up and down again as another balloon popped. Meanwhile, those damned weights jerked on my swollen, skewered mounds.

I frantically gasped into the facemask attached to my head. I could not help wondering when it would be water I would be breathing next. Then there was another gunshot.

There was another popping of a large balloon up at the surface. My naked body did more bobbing up and down. I began to panic.

All I could hear were my frantic gasps for breath. I began pleading for Mistress to come save me, begging her not to do this to me. But she couldn’t hear me. Nobody could.

It was incredible agony. Which popped balloon would spell my doom? It was excruciating… and terribly erotic.

There was another shot… and another popped balloon. I bobbed up and down again. Those damned weights tugged mercilessly on my tits.

I couldn’t help myself, and I screamed for salvation. There was another shot. Another balloon popped.

The weights jerking on my skewered tits were enough to set me off again. I had another devastating orgasm. It was so intense that it battered me senseless.

Maybe I should have been grateful for my many cums. But I desperately wanted to live. Then I heard another shot followed by the popping of a balloon. That’s when my bare feet slipped below the surface.

I cried out in horror. Yet I was still able to breathe. I began to tremble, knowing one more might just about do it.

I heard the fatal shot, followed by the popping of a balloon. A moment later I found myself descending into the cold blackness of the lake. The weights overcame the buoyancy of the remaining balloons at the surface, pulling me down by my roped, skewered tits.

I started to scream; oh how I screamed! I heard the explosion of my breath out of the end of the hose. Then I inhaled, knowing I would soon be drowning.

There was a muffled burst of one balloon after another. They were exploding under the pressure of the approaching depths. I began plummeting faster and faster.

The lake got colder the deeper I went. It was the coldness of drowning and death. I could not help myself, and I began to hyperventilate.

That’s when I sucked in a lungful of water…

A moment later I began thrashing around in panic. I sucked more and more water down my windpipe. The more I struggled, the more those weights pulled on my tits.

I began bucking and convulsing, my body jerking in agony. My cunt and ass were horribly filled. Then I was hit by a mammoth orgasm of devastating proportions.

It sucked the life and energy right out of me. I finished my descent to the bottom of the lake, grunting and gurgling the entire time. Then the weights finally hit bottom.

There I was, tethered upside down in the cold, murky darkness. My naked body slowly swayed back and forth as my feet stuck upward. I stared with a lifeless, horrified gaze.

Stray bubbles trickled out of the end of the hose. My body twitched and jerked in the throes of death. Consciousness finally faded away into the cold depths of merciful oblivion…

2013; 2021 (written for “Bethany” Oct 18 ’13; ed. May 30 ‘21 by riwa. Inspired by a fantasy she shared with me.)

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Slaughter in accordance with the law 3.9 (28)

Note: an older re-edited story

Aneeqa was giggling as she sat behind the wheel and roared down the highway. Her companion Dorothy was every bit as intoxicated. “You know we probably shouldn’t be out on the road like this, love,” she chuckled.

“I’m fine; I can drive!” Aneeqa told her indignantly. “I’m just getting us home as quick as I can!” Then she started giggling again, causing them both to break out in peals of laughter.

“If you can drive, then where are we?” Dorothy wanted to know, chuckling good-naturedly as she looked out the windows at the darkness all around them. “It’s almost midnight you know!”

“I don’t know, love,” Aneeqa replied with a laugh. “All I know is that we just blew through some small town.”

They heard a siren behind them. A moment later, the interior of their car was illuminated from the glow of approaching, flashing red lights. Dorothy sighed as she shook her head.

“That was bloody good, love… blowing right through a speed trap.”

“I didn’t see any signs telling me I needed to slow down!”

“Better just pull over, love.” Dorothy pointing forward as she added, “There’s a pullout up ahead by that row of trees.”

Aneeqa pulled over. The police car followed them over to the pullout. Now the interior was filled with the bright glow of flashing red lights.

Aneeqa put her hands on the steering wheel and woodenly looked straight ahead. Dorothy sat ramrod straight and looked forward. “Maybe they won’t notice we’ve been drinking,” Aneeqa murmured softly.

“Well for heaven’s sake, don’t breathe into his face!” Dorothy replied. It made both women start to giggle again.

A stern looking man in a patrolman’s uniform came up to the driver’s side window. He tapped it with his flashlight. “Roll down your window, miss,” he told her evenly.

Aneeqa did as she was told. Dorothy saw another patrolman standing right next to her window. It made her try to sit up even straighter.

“License and registration, miss?” Aneeqa reached over to the glove box and pulled out the form. She was thankful it was right where it was supposed to be.

As she retrieved her license from her purse, she saw her companion trying to look straight ahead as though she was a mannequin or something. But Dorothy couldn’t stifle her giggle. It became contagious as Aneeqa started giggling as well.

The patrolman flashed his light into Aneeqa’s eyes. Then he examined the documents that were handed to him. His partner dutifully stayed on the other side of the vehicle.

“Do you know why I pulled you over, miss?”

“Haven’t the foggiest, officer.” Her words only made Dorothy break out into peals of laughter at the word ‘foggiest’. Aneeqa couldn’t help chuckling back at her.

“You were going 20 kilometers over the speed limit when you went through our town back there, miss. We take a pretty dim view around here of motorists speeding through our town.”

Dorothy soberly responded, “Things would be pretty dim all right… especially if it was foggy out.” That cracked up Aneeqa, and they both broke out laughing again.

The officer shined his light into the interior of the vehicle, flashing it into both faces. “Have you ladies been drinking?” he asked quietly.

“Only a little,” Dorothy piped up. The two started giggling again.

“Drinking and driving,” the officer responded coldly. “You realize that’s a serious offence in this county; don’t you, miss?”

“I’m sorry, officer,” Aneeqa replied apologetically. “I sure didn’t mean to offend anyone.” There was a pause before her and Dorothy both broke up into peals of laughter again.

“I’ll have to ask you to step out of the vehicle, miss,” the officer instructed her. “You two, miss,” he told Dorothy, shining his light in her face.

“Bloody hell!” Dorothy protested, lifting her hands up to block the light. “You don’t have to blind me, love!”

Both women struggled with their door latches before climbing out of the car. Aneeqa’s officer smelled her breath as the one near Dorothy took a sniff in her direction. “I smell alcohol here,” he noted.

“Same with this one,” the other responded. “Looks like a capital offense to me.”


“Bloody HELL??” Dorothy blurted out as her officer got a grip on her arm. “What do you mean ‘capital offense’??”

“Speeding through our town is a serious matter,” the officer gripping Aneeqa’s arm responded. “I’m afraid you two have compounded that by getting behind the wheel while being intoxicated.”

“But I wasn’t driving!”

Aneeqa gave her an angry glare. “That’s right lovely of you: leaving me all out in the cold like that, Dottie!”

“What’s that?” Dorothy asked innocently. “I didn’t know you were cold.” That broke Aneeqa up again as the two women burst out laughing.

“Over here, ladies,” the officer holding Dorothy commanded, pulling them toward the trees. “These will work just fine.”

“Just fine for what?” Aneeqa wanted to know.

“Why for hanging you two of course,” her escorting officer told her soberly.

“HANGING US?!” Dorothy blurted out in horror, suddenly sobering right up. “YOU CAN’T HANG US?!”

“I’m afraid in this county we can, miss,” he explained as the two officers marched them over. Then he told his partner, “You want to go fetch the ropes?”

As his partner went back to the squad car, the patrolman spoke to the two suddenly frightened women. “You ladies will need to strip. We hang everyone in these parts naked, you see… especially when they’ve been drinking, driving and speeding.”

“But I wasn’t even behind the wheel!” Dorothy protested. “You can’t hang me?!”

“Public drunkenness is a capital offense in these parts, miss.”

“Bloody hell!”

As the patrolman returned with the ropes, Aneeqa decided to strip. “Isn’t there some way we can talk you out of this?” she asked as she started to undress.

“That’s right!” Dorothy added hopefully. “Can’t we just pay a fine? At least take us to jail or something!”

“There are no jails in this county, miss,” the patrolman watching over Aneeqa explained. “This is how we handle crime in our county.”

“What if we make it worth your while?” Dorothy asked in growing desperation, her heart pounding in her chest. Then she tried to smile seductively. “What if we could… make it up to you somehow?”

“What do you mean?” the officer tending to her asked warily.

“I mean… what if we like… paid you something? Or how about…?” and she looked right at Aneeqa who was smiling knowingly, nodding in agreement. “How about if we give you both like… blowjobs or something?”

“Are you trying to bribe us?” the patrolman overseeing Aneeqa’s disrobing asked ominously. “Miss, that’s even more serious than speeding and driving while intoxicated.”

“But we’ll do anything you want!” she blurted out anxiously.

“Right now we want you both to get out of your bloody clothes.”

“All right – all right!” That’s when Dorothy quickly began to strip as well, not knowing what else to do.

In no time at all both women were standing naked in front of the two officers. The cool night air made their nipples harden as two sets of pussies glistened from the fear and embarrassment of the moment. That’s when the patrolmen took a couple small lengths of rope and tied their arms behind their backs.

“Drinking, driving and speeding combine into a capital offense, ladies,” they were told as the officer monitoring Dorothy began tossing the ropes up over a couple of sturdy branches. “Normally this means death by hanging. But you two have compounded your crimes by attempting to bribe us with money and sexual favors. That means there will be an added punishment.”

“What do you mean by ‘added’?” Aneeqa blurted out in horror. “If you’re going to kill us, what MORE can you do?”

“A simple capital offense results in death by hanging,” the officer explained. “Your relatives are contacted and they’re allowed to retrieve the bodies for burial. By adding bribes to your charges, there will be no burials.”

“What does that mean?” Dorothy asked as a lump developed in her throat.

In response, both patrolmen pushed Dorothy and Aneeqa over onto the ground. The two blurted out in protest, wriggling and squirming underneath the branches containing their ropes. Then the officers took both ropes and wrapped them around each woman’s ankles while they were prone upon the ground.

“You are to be slaughtered,” the patrolmen in charge of Aneeqa explained emotionlessly. “You will be slaughtered and left up here overnight as a warning to other would-be criminals. The next morning a disposal unit will come by and take your bodies down. Then you will be delivered to a nearby processing plant where your bodies will be tossed into the mincer to be fed to the county pigs.”

“Bloody hell!” Dorothy gasped.

“You can’t MEAN that!” Aneeqa blurted out.

In response, the two men emotionlessly pulled on the ropes. Their bodies were lifted up off the ground until they were hanging upside down in midair. Then the ropes were tied off, leaving Dorothy and Aneeqa to softly sway back and forth, their heads about 4 feet up off the ground.

“Any last words, ladies?” the officer in charge of Aneeqa asked as he reached into his uniform and pulled out a wicked looking dagger. His companion did the same, causing Dorothy’s eyes to fly open in pure horror…


“You CAN’T!” Aneeqa begged. “Please don’t do this to us!”

“You’ve been found guilty of drinking and driving, speeding, and attempting to bribe an officer of the law. The punishment is death by slaughter. Afterwards, your bodies are to be ground up and fed to the pigs. Do the condemned have any last words?”

Aneeqa blinked in shock as words failed her. Dorothy began hyperventilating like crazy. The only good thing in all this was her gratitude that she hadn’t invited her sister along for the ride. Otherwise, there might be three to be slaughtered instead of two.

The two officers grabbed each woman by a handful of hair, pulling her head back to expose her neck to their blades. “We now slaughter you both in accordance with our laws,” the two men announced emotionlessly in unison as they brought their daggers up to the throats of the condemned.

“BLOODY HELL!” Aneeqa blurted out, her eyes focusing on her friend.

“Aneeqa… NO!” Dorothy gasped, abruptly wetting herself. Then both daggers slashed through muscle and tissue.

Aneeqa jerked and gurgled, her nude body wriggling like a fish on a line. Her eyes blinked in horror as she tried to take in a breath of air. Blood poured out of the wound in her neck, pumping in spurts as her wildly beating heart helped empty her of the fluid necessary for her survival.

Dorothy gurgled right next to her, her naked body madly jerking around. Blood poured out of her severed neck as she wriggled upside down on the rope attached to her ankles. She had no time to think… not time to even say goodbye to her friend.

Both officers stepped back as the two naked bodies wriggled and twisted. “It won’t be long now, ladies,” one of the officers murmured. “Being slaughtered like this, along with the way your bodies are to be left on display and then disposed of, may be the worst way to go. But at least you’ll die quickly.”

In no time at all Aneeqa’s eyes glazed over. Her struggles lessened until her naked body softly swayed back and forth in the breeze. Her head hung from her severed neck at an obscene angle.

Dorothy faded away at almost the same time. Her body writhed and wriggled a few seconds more before she also hung limp. Her head was askew as she too swayed back and forth in the night air.

The officers stood there for another minute. They waited until the two slaughtered ladies had all but bled out. Then they quietly gathered up the garments and personal possessions of both women.

One of them took possession of the vehicle. Then they drove away together, leaving both naked bodies to hang slaughtered for the remainder of the evening. It was a stark reminder that crime does not pay in that county.

Later that night a report was filed. Next of kin were notified, but only as a courtesy. The next morning a vehicle came by to collect the dangling corpses and haul them to the slaughterhouse where they were ground up and then taken to the county pig farm…

2012; 2021 (written for Aneeqa and Dorothy Dec 4 ’12; ed. Aug 27 ‘21 by riwa)

(Inspired by an idea by diomedes on another forum)

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Beheading emotions 4.4 (77)

She whimpered as she hyperventilated, struggling just to catch her breath. She couldn’t think clearly; everything was a blur. Surely this couldn’t be happening to her!

She was uncomfortable as hell, kneeling with her back arched. Her head was tipped back, exposing her neck. It was propped up as though supported by something, but she couldn’t seem to move it. Maybe it was her hair, as it felt as though it was caught or snagged on something.

Her flimsy wrap was worthless; her breasts shamefully exposed. At least it covered her crotch. That would have been exposed as well were it not for the way her wrap hung down, covering that area.

She was humiliated by her exposure, humiliated the way her breasts stuck out for all to see. Her nipples had hardened shamefully as a result of her exposure.

She heard murmuring, excited voices out there. She was sure she was being watched. But by how many? How many had come to witness her demise?

Instinctively she tried to rise up. But her hair was snagged on something. It kept her from anything other than remaining in her current, shamefully uncomfortable position.

The event was being delayed. But why? Was it to further humiliate her??

She tried to move her arms. But they had been tied behind her back at the wrists. It forced her chest up and outward, throwing her breasts out. It was so humiliating being exposed like that.

There were more voices. Clearly she was being watched. It further shamed her.

Tears filled her eyes. She could not stop them. They were a wasted effort in any event as there were none sympathetic to her plight.

She heard heavy footsteps nearby. She tried to turn her head to see. But she couldn’t move it. Her neck was meant to remain exposed, and she fully understood the reason.

She heard heavy footsteps climb the wooden structure she now knelt upon. They were getting closer. Was it time?

She began to hyperventilate again. She’d known this moment might be coming. Yet she’d foolishly believed in some small hope that this might be stalled or postponed indefinitely. But that had not happened.

She got a glance out of the corner of her eye. That’s when she let out a shriek upon seeing the axe in his hand and the hood over his head. It was an executioner’s hood. He had indeed come for her.

She began to struggle anew as fear gripped her heart, penetrating to her very soul. But she couldn’t move her head. For some reason she was stuck right where she was.

She felt the terror of the moment begin to overwhelm her. At the same time she felt a perverse excitement. If only she could rise up and run away.

As he approached, she noticed him looking impassively at her as though she was nothing more than an assignment. But she saw something flash in his eyes. He was looking at her breasts.

Was he lusting after her? Did he wish he could take her down and claim her for his own? Did he desire to violate her? If only he would take her back to her cell and violate her! Anything but this!

The other voices and murmurings grew louder. They too must have anticipated the moment was at hand. If only she could find some way to turn back time and undo the actions that had brought her to this moment.

She whimpered with fright as more tears spilled out. Surely this couldn’t be happening to her. She did not want to lose her head in this manner. Someone please say this wasn’t happening to her!

The executioner approached and hovered above her, the wicked looking implement of her demise in his hand. He looked down with soulless eyes at her trembling form. For some reason it terrified her.

She lost her breath again as she struggled to get out little gasps. Her body was trembling violently now. She could not stop shaking.

What if he swung the axe… and it missed? What would she do then? How badly would it hurt??

She let out a terrified squawk as the voices grew louder. She could make them out now. They were calling for blood… her blood.

She tried shaking her head. But her damn hair was hung up against something. She could barely move.

Everything inside her screamed for her to rise up and “RUN”. But she just couldn’t move. She was helpless, left this way on purpose to further her terror and humiliation.

Her nipples were painfully hard. Shamefully, she was dripping copiously between her legs. She kept losing her breath and then trying to recapture it, her chest heaving as she let out little squeaks and whimpers.

She watched him look down upon her, watched as he adjusted his grip on the axe. The voices blended into a unified cry of bloodlust. Then he began to heft the implement of her demise.

She tried shaking her head while stammering, “No… no… no!” Her muscles screamed “FLIGHT”. But still, she couldn’t move.

She trembled violently. Now she experienced painful cramps in her legs. It was getting worse; it was all becoming so much worse.

Every time she tried to jerk her head upward, it went nowhere. More tears streamed down her cheeks. She could not seem to catch her breath.

He finally raised the axe as though sizing up the blow. She stiffened while attempting to stifle a scream. She was sure the crowd wanted to hear her scream.

He lifted the axe higher. The crowd began to roar. Her body screamed “RUN”.

She tried jerking her head up again. But her hair was definitely hooked or attached to something. Gawd; what if he missed??

It took everything she had to stretch her head back, trying to fully expose her neck. Despite her thoughts running away with her, there was one that leapt to the front of her mind…

‘Make sure it only takes one blow…’

She saw the axe swing down. Her eyes widened. She could not help herself; she was going to scre-


For a split-second she was aware of a blinding orgasm. Then she was aware of a sharp pain in her neck. The pain was followed by an immediate sensation of nothing but weightlessness.

She could not feel her arms anymore. She could not feel how hard her nipples had become. She couldn’t even feel the orgasm that had started to crest.

Strangely, she couldn’t see anything. Her head had flipped over. She was now facing something that totally blocked her vision.

She was dimly aware of a roar… a multitude of voices… a blood-thirsty roar from somewhere far away. Then she felt her head being lifted, her hair temporarily pulling against her scalp. Her vision cleared; she could see again.

The first thing she saw was her body lying on its side, jerking violently. Blood flowed out of her neck in spurts, pumped out by her dying heart She saw how shamefully hard her nipples were. What’s more, there was a distinct wet spot down in her crotch.

Strange how she could see her body thus…

The weightless feeling returned as she found herself turning. Then she saw them all, applauding and cheering and roaring their approval. Filled with bloodlust, they cried out their enthusiasm over her beheading.

She suddenly experienced the sensation of flying. She was heading outward in the direction of the cheering throng. Hands reached out toward her as though wanting to embrace her.

God; please make it stop!

And He mercifully did…

She did not remain conscious long enough to observe the lucky chap who caught her severed head…

8-9-21 (Inspired by the drawing I found on the Internet)

Posted in Beheading Stories | Tagged | 1 Comment

Fetish swim 4.4 (27)

Lindsay was out lounging by the pool when Martin walked up to her. She looked up expectantly. That’s when he told her, “He wants you to run it again.”

“Oh does he now?”

“Yes, he does. He says there’ll be an extra payout for you at the end.”

“About time,” she muttered as she stood up. Lindsay thought she deserved to get paid a little more for each swim, considering all the underwater tasks she had to perform.

“Do I get a dive mask this time?”

“I’m afraid not. He says you can manage without one.”


She was heading for the pool when he called out, “Miss? You do realize he wants you to swim naked, don’t you?”

She froze, trying to decide whether or not to put up a protest. But she realized the guy was doing this to help pay off her debts. She still owed an incredible amount in taxes. The sooner she complied with each of his kinky requests, the sooner she’d be rid of him.

She shed her suit right there on the steps to the pool. It was already pretty revealing the way it showed off her cleavage. So what if the bastard wanted to see her nude. A lot of men had already seen all the goodies.

Lindsay waded into the water. Then she swam naked along the surface of the pool. She didn’t bother submerging as she was going to need to do a lot of breath-holding before this one was over.

When she reached the deep end she filled her lungs. Then she jackknifed downward. Lindsay swam to the bottom, a full 12 feet from the surface.

The door to the waterproof panel had opened up in anticipation of her arrival. Lindsay punched in the four digit code. An adjacent panel immediately slid open, allowing a few stray bubbles to flush up to the surface.

Exposed beyond the second panel was a small wheel. Lindsay began turning it counterclockwise. There was another hiss of sliding doors coming open, allowing more bubbles to flush to the surface.

Lindsay twisted the wheel until the doors were all the way open, revealing a small tunnel. Then she bubbled her way inside. It was narrow enough for her to pull herself forward using her hands to brace against the walls on either side of the narrow passage.

Embedded lights in the tunnel ceiling illuminated the way. The tunnel stretched forward a good forty feet. This always tested her limits a little, being as how she’d already had to hold her breath long enough to get this far. But she’d made this swim many times before.

By now she’d learned how to hold her breath long enough to open the damned tunnel and then swim all the way through. The first few times she’d tried it had left her with aching lungs. Now she was almost used to it.

At the end of the tunnel was a dangling regulator. Beyond lay another wheel she had to turn. Lindsay shook her head at all the things she had to do underwater to satisfy this bastard’s “enthusiasms”.

She grabbed the dangling regulator and cleared it before taking a breath, having learned how to breathe from it without a dive mask on her face. She was more winded than she thought she would be. She would have to be more careful and pace herself.

She breathed from the regulator while she worked at turning the wheel in front of her. For some damned reason it seemed harder this time. Had the bastard deliberately tightened it, making it more of a challenge?

The air hose suddenly went dead. Had her time run out already? Lindsay spit the reg out of her mouth before applying herself to the valve in front of her.

She grunted as she turned the wheel. She hoped the underwater cameras were picking up all the best parts of her nude, fetish swim. She thought about flipping him the bird. But she decided she needed the bread more than she needed to satisfy her desire to make an ill-advised gesture.

A panel slid open directly above her head. Lindsay quickly swam up into it. With any luck it would be a straight shot up to the – damn!

She could see the grate well above her, blocking her exit. A narrow opening appeared in the tunnel wall. Lindsay winced in disgust. Another long swim.

The opening was little more than the width of her body from her back to her chest, making it somewhat claustrophobic. The ceiling of the tunnel was made of Plexiglas. At least there were little indentations for her to pull herself along.

She knew what the bastard wanted here. So Lindsay rolled over onto her back. Then she grabbed a couple of handholds as she pulled herself into the tunnel.

She released bubbles out of her nose as she pulled herself through hand over hand. Sometimes her breasts pressed up against the top of the passage. Kinky bastard!

In the beginning she’d tried going through face down. But there were no handholds along the bottom of the tunnel, and the handholds above sometimes rubbed uncomfortably into her back. It was simply easier to go through lying flat on her back while pulling herself along. She hoped he was enjoying her nudity.

She emerged through the tunnel into a rectangular five foot by five foot space. The grate was in place well above her. At least it looked like there was an air pocket up there for her.

Lindsay shot up, emerged in the air pocket, and gasped loudly for breath. She had about a foot of space in which to catch her breath. At least she could take a couple minutes to compose herself.

She panted heavily, mentally calculating what lay ahead. That’s when she looked up and discovered the grate coming down onto her head. Apparently he wasn’t going to allow her to stay here long.

She angrily muttered, “All right – all right; I’m going!” Lindsay quickly filled her lungs. Then she turned and swam downward before the lowering grate could finish forcing her out of the air pocket.

She swam down past the opening to the narrow tunnel she’d just come through. There was another one farther below. It opened up about 15 feet down.

Lindsay reached the tunnel entrance. Then she angled her way inside, this time swimming with her back to the ceiling of the tunnel. She looked ahead, hoping against hope it wasn’t there…


The tunnel dead-ended. But there was a phallus sticking out of the wall. Lindsay immediately swam up to it and wrapped her lips around it.

She started sucking and deep-throating, hoping the damned sensor was picking everything up. How long would she have to suck this time? How long had that bastard set the timer before she could get out?

There was no thought about retracing her steps. The air pocket was surely gone by now. She would have to make it all the way back to the very beginning. And that was much too far on a single breath.

Lindsay sucked and swallowed for all she was worth. How long before this damn thing activated? This bastard and his crazy underwater fetishes!

She could feel it in her lungs. Lindsay was being forced to push herself again. What if she drowned in here? There was always that worry in the back of her mind.

Lindsay tried not to think about the alternative. Besides, the guy couldn’t run her through his kinky fetish maze again if she drowned; right? But what if he was grooming another girl to replace her? What if today was that day?

She redoubled her efforts, sucking and gobbling. The panel next to the phallus abruptly slid open, releasing a few bubbles. Lindsay anxiously swam through the opening before the damn thing could close back up and trap her inside.

There was a chamber with a glass tank above her. There was also another tunnel leading off to the right. Lindsay headed upward, deciding she needed another breath.

She emerged inside the glass tank, swimming to the top to gasp for breath. It was in the shape of a Houdini tank. It was narrow and confining, but at least there was an air pocket.

Lindsay was under no illusions. The bastard clearly wanted to view her naked body in here while she was catching her breath. But she focused on breathing deeply rather than deliberately trying to show off her goodies to the cameras recording it all.

She heard a hum moments before she looked upward. The grate in the ceiling of the glass tank was coming down. Her air pocket was being eliminated again.

She angrily cried out, “Can’t you give me one lousy minute to catch my breath?” But the grate kept inching downward. She didn’t have much time.

Lindsay inhaled just as much air into her lungs as she could. Then she submerged before the grate could push down on her head. She exited the bottom of the Houdini tank and swam down for the next tunnel.

She grabbed the lip and pulled herself inside. It was very nearly pitch black. She only went fifteen feet before it angled to the left, darkening the interior even more.

Lindsay pulled herself forward, her breasts swaying underneath her. She had a forty foot swim to make before the tunnel angled again. Another fifteen feet beyond and there would be another regulator waiting.

She moved herself along by reaching out against the sides of the tunnel, trying to get her eyes to adjust to the near darkness. Then it began to get lighter. She reached the corner and made the turn, the tunnel becoming more illuminated.

The regulator was right there, dangling for her to use. She swam to the end of the tunnel. Then she wrapped her lips around it before clearing it.


What the hell??

There was a glass panel right there in the wall behind the dangling reg. A wipeboard filled the glass panel. On it were the words, THIS IS YOUR PUNISHMENT FOR BEING RUDE TO MY GUEST. YOU’LL HAVE TO MAKE THE SWIM TO THE NEXT ONE.

Lindsay bubbled… SHIT! Then she began pulling hard across the chamber. That bastard!

There were two tunnels on the opposite side. The opening to the lower one had been illuminated. That was the one she was supposed to take… and she knew what that meant. Damn!

Lindsay angled for it. Then she pulled herself into the tunnel. She had another forty feet to swim. But it was what lay beyond that made her unhappy.

She pulled as hard as she could. This time she could really feel it in her lungs. Damn her for that bitchy attitude she’d displayed to his guest.

He’d deserved it, of course. At least she thought he did. She should have known there might be consequences if she mistreated his guests in any way.

Her lungs were burning when she emerged from the tunnel. The regulator was there. But so was the phallus embedded in the wall.

Lindsay swam for the regulator just as hard as she could. She grabbed it and frantically wrapped her lips around it. She cleared it before trying to take a deep breath…



Lindsay winced as she tried to back herself up against the phallus sticking out of the wall. She managed to impale herself on it. Then she pushed hard against it.

It was long and thick; it really filled her. The more she impaled herself, the more she could feel air starting to hiss through the reg in her mouth. It was crazy being forced to fuck for her next breath like this!

She took the phallus just as deep as it would go. The reg opened up even more, allowing badly needed compressed air to hiss through. Lindsay began sucking on the regulator like crazy as she fucked the phallus against the wall behind her.

That bastard! He loved watching her fuck his toys underwater! At least it was easier to fuck a dildo than it was to fuck any of his friends, especially that bastard who’d been here last week.

She grunted as she took deep breaths while inhaling as much air as she could receive. It was humiliating as hell. But she was more than willing, so long as it allowed the regulator to keep providing the air she needed.

She felt the pressure drop ominously. Time to get moving again. Lindsay filled her lungs before the reg totally shut down.

She pulled herself off the phallus and headed toward the last tunnel. Then she would be into a smaller pool. She might have a little bit more of a swim to make. But at least it would finally conclude what she had begun to call her fetish swims.

She headed for the last tunnel. It was just wide enough to where she couldn’t brace herself against the walls on either side. She would have to kick and pull herself all the way through.

It was a long swim this time. It was sixty feet, all on her own power with no leverage to help move her along. Lindsay powered through, hoping this fetish swim was just about over.

She saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Lindsay pushed herself harder. Bubbles trickled out of her mouth; she was running out of breath again.

She emerged from the tunnel, only to stop short in alarm. That bastard she’d been rude to was drifting right there in scuba gear at her level. He was totally naked, sporting a long, thick erection…

Oh, HELL no!

Lindsay shook her head as she headed for the surface. It was about ten feet up. But when she looked upward she saw something reflecting back at her.

She almost slammed into it full on. She hit it with her hands outstretched. A Plexiglas barrier prevented her from surfacing, much less getting the air she needed.

She beat on it as she bubbled anxiously. Then she looked downward. The bastard she’d been rude to was right there waiting for her near the bottom of the pool. At least he had an air supply.

She swam down toward him, cursing inwardly. She submissively motioned she was out of air as she approached. No point in being rude to him now, not when he had the power of life and death on his back with the regulator between his lips.

He smiled as he pointed at his erection. Lindsay made a slashing motion across her throat… “I need air now!” He just motioned at his dick in reply.

Oh, FUCK no! But what else could she do? The surface had been cut off by that Plexiglas barrier.

She looked up, confirming it was still in place. Her lungs heaved in her chest. Would he let her drown if she didn’t suck? Did she dare take the chance?

Reluctantly she grabbed his erection, pulling herself to it. Then she gulped it down. She did her best to suck on it, her hungering lungs heaving from lack of air.

She grunted as she kept losing her breath through her nose. She made the slashing motion across her throat again. The regulator finally appeared in his hand right in front of her.

Lindsay hastily snatched it away before cramming it between her lips. She hungrily gulped down huge breaths of air, trying to satisfy her starving lungs. At least her breathlessness was subsiding.

She didn’t have it long before he reached down and yanked it out of her mouth, causing bubbles to spew out past her lips. Then he pointed at his dick. Lindsay obediently went back to work, throwing herself into her underwater blowjob as best she could.

She still didn’t like the guy. But he had the air supply she needed. Occasionally she glanced up at the surface. But it looked like the barrier was still in place.

She sucked and gulped, doing her best to get him off. Would she be rewarded if he came in her mouth? Maybe if she swallowed his load she would be allowed to reach the surface.

She was grunting up bubbles as she made another slashing motion across her throat. The reg dutifully appeared in front of her face. She frantically snatched it up, anxiously cramming it between her lips.

Lindsay took deep, satisfying breaths. That felt better. It was amazing how good compressed air tasted when there was no other air to be had.

He suddenly flipped her around. Then he pushed his dick into her from behind. A moment later he yanked the reg out of her mouth, causing her to spew up bubbles.

Lindsay couldn’t believe how much his dick filled her. He thrust so deep that it almost hurt. But she figured it was better to get him off in order to be allowed to escape the pool with her pride only slightly dented.

He really pounded her hard. Lindsay couldn’t believe it! He rammed her as though she was nothing but an underwater fuck-toy!

She could feel it in her lungs again. She needed another breath. She made a slashing motion across her throat. This time the reg did not appear in front of her. Did that mean she had to get him off before she got a refill?

She did her best to fuck him back, anxious to make him cum. Lindsay’s lungs were straining. She really needed another hit off that regulator!

She lost more bubbles as he pounded her hard, almost as though he was trying to fuck the breath out of her body. Then she felt him swell inside her. A moment later his hot seed filled her love tunnel.

Lindsay cried out despite herself. A warmth of pleasure flushed through her. Being used like that had been humiliating as hell. At least it had been somewhat enjoyable in that she’d gotten an orgasm out of the deal.

He finally pulled out of her. Lindsay turned toward him, reaching out for the regulator. He just shook his head and backed away before pointing up at the surface.

What? He wasn’t going to give her any air?? Did that mean the surface was going to open up?

Lindsay shot upward, her lungs on fire. She needed another breath and she needed it now. But as she approached she could see the barrier was still in place.

She reached the Plexiglas and anxiously pushed up against it. But it would not give. She tried to swim to the edge of the pool, looking for an opening. But the barrier covered the entire surface of the small pool.

She looked up to see her benefactor standing there along the edge of the water. His hands were on his hips and he was shaking his head. Gawd; what did that mean??

She cried out as she lost another burst of bubbles. Lindsay pounded against the Plexiglas as her lungs heaved insistently. Then she reflexively gulped a mouthful of water.

She instinctively tried to cough it out. That resulted in her inhaling another mouthful. Lindsay immediately went into a series of seizures, screaming her breath away as she tried to beat on the immovable Plexiglas.

Her struggles lessened as she began convulsing, bending over at the waist each time she swallowed another mouthful of water. She hitched and gurgled as stray bubbles leaked out past her parted lips. She stared upward in horror as her negatively buoyant body began to descend to the depths.

She drifted downward until she reached the guy who’d just finished fucking her. She was conscious enough to feel him push his dick between her lips. Gawd; there wasn’t time for this!

She barely gagged up a bubble or two as she felt internal organs shutting down. Lindsay finally went limp. Now there were hardly any muscle twitches.

The scuba diver continued fucking her mouth for a couple more minutes. Then he turned her around face down and penetrated her ass. Lindsay’s drowned, naked body jerked with each thrust, her breasts wobbling underneath her as he pounded her good and hard.

He fucked her for several more minutes until he left a second deposit deep inside her. This time it was left in her ass, a cream stream matching the one coming out of her slit. Lindsay did not react in the slightest.

He turned her over and caressed her, groping her boobs while making her auburn tresses swirl. She stared upward with unseeing eyes. Then he let her go. Lindsay slowly drifted to the bottom of the pool, landing upon her back as a couple stray bubbles escaped past her parted lips.

He slowly finned his way upward, exhaust bubbling to the surface. This time the cover was gone. He made his way to the shallow end where he slowly emerged out of the water by climbing the steps.

His host was right there to greet him with a smile. “I hope this makes up for her rudeness during your last visit, my friend.”

“It more than makes up for it. But what are you going to do for another fetish swimmer?”

“I hear Selena is having trouble with the IRS. I just might give her a call.”

“Contact me if you do. I’d like to be in the pool waiting for her as she finishes her swim.”

2021 (Written for jqpublic Nov 29 ’21 by riwa. Based on an idea of his from many years ago.)

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Hanging the brothers (Male themes) 4.3 (38)

The next hanging I was involved in proved to be quite the experience…

I was given a plane ticket to a Southern city. When I arrived, a rental car had already been purchased in my name. In the glove box was a map.

I drove to the specified location. It was at the end of a dirt road that looked seldom used. I saw two attached walls of what was left of an old building. Sitting in front of one wall were three young men who appeared to be waiting for me.

They all got up when I parked and got out. I was wearing a dark jacket, hood and gloves. I don’t know whether they were concerned or relieved to see me.

They walked up to me and shook my hand. They introduced themselves as the Dalson brothers; Biff, Ben and Bill. Biff had three small coils of rope in his hand.

“You know why you’re hear?” Ben asked. I nodded.

“Are you willing to go through with it?” Bill added. He looked to be the youngest. I told them they’d paid a great deal of money to my account, and that it wouldn’t be right if I backed out on them now.

“You sure you won’t back out?” the oldest wanted to know. I told Biff I was certainly willing to hang them if that’s what they wanted.

Frankly, I was more concerned about them backing out. What if they changed their minds? What if they wanted their money back?

They must have seen my concerns etched in my features. They looked at each other for a long moment. Then they faced me as one.

The oldest declared, “We’re not backing out; right, guys?” His brothers shook their heads, indicating they were all in agreement. It seemed they were committed.

Biff handed me the coils of rope. “To secure our hands behind our backs,” he explained. Then they started taking their clothes off.

I asked if this was also required of me. Biff shook his head. Frankly, I was more than a little relieved. This whole damn thing was kind of crazy!

Their cocks became semi-hard once they were naked. I started with the youngest first. Bill did not resist me in the slightest as I secured his hands behind his back.

Next, I tied Ben’s wrists together. He bowed his head, blushing a little as I secured him. He acted as though he was guilty of something.

Last was Biff. I made sure his wrists were tied nice and tight behind his back. He bowed his head as well. But he was also breathing kind of heavily. They all were.

“Ok,” I announced when I was done. “Where is this going to happen? Am I going to hang you one at a time?”

“Around the corner,” Bill said in a trembling voice.

He led his brothers single file around the edge of the wall. Then he stopped. That’s when I gasped as I took it all in.

There were three tall, 4×4 posts, in the shape of upside down “L’s”. Three loose nooses dangled from the foremost point of each protrusion. I noticed there were places on each upright section of post to secure the rope in order to keep the condemned in midair.

The whole setup seemed kind of loosey-goosey to me. I looked at the three dangling coils and then looked at the brothers. I was more than a little astonished how they’d set this all up.

“We found it,” Ben explained when he saw my expression. “We didn’t have time to set it up properly. But we think the ropes won’t slip too much and should hold us in place ok. Besides, we all agreed we deserved to hang out here.”

“I see,” I replied, still amazed how they’d set things up. “So when do you want me to hang you all?”

There was a pregnant pause. Then the youngest stepped forward without prodding. He moved right to the middle noose where he knelt in a submissive posture.

I looked questioningly at his other brothers. “He’s the youngest and he’s ready,” Ben told me.

“He’s committed,” Biff added. “We all are.” I just nodded in understanding, even though I didn’t understand a damn thing.

I felt my cock stir shamefully in my trousers as I went over to the middle noose. I figured there was no point in delaying the inevitable. The longer I hesitated, the less likely I might be inclined to finish the job.

I looped the thick coil behind Bill’s left ear. He gasped quietly once it touched his flesh. I thought I saw his stiffening cock jump a little. But he didn’t say a word.

I carefully pulled on the rope until I slowly pulled him to his feet. I looked over at his brothers again for confirmation. They both nodded for me to carry on.

I pulled Bill up until he was balancing on his toes and rasping for breath. I thought I should say something judicial. So I simply told him, “You have been condemned to hang. May God have mercy on your soul.”

I slowly pulled until I hefted him up into the air. He let out a garbled cry as I hauled him well up off the ground. I kept the rope taut, trying to support his weight against the rope.

His cock stiffened as his legs pedaled. I was distracted for a second as I watched him. Then I remembered I had to tie him off.

I tied the free end of his rope to the cleat attached to his post. When it was secured, I paused to look up at him for a moment. He swung back and forth, his erection bouncing and dripping.

I went over to his brothers, wondering what the hell I was doing. For a moment, they watched their younger brother suffer. Then the oldest cleared his throat as though urging his brother to get going.

Ben moved over to the closest noose. He promptly knelt in a submissive posture. Then I looked at Biff.

He nodded as though I should go right ahead and get on with it. So I grabbed Ben’s noose as I put my hand on his back. I noticed him staring at the bulge that had developed in my trousers.

He licked his lips. Then he said in a trembling voice, “Please, sir. May I please suck your cock before I hang?” He wasn’t even looking up at my face. He just kept staring at my crotch.

I gave Biff a questioning look. He nodded as he quietly told me, “Its ok, sir. He deserves it. You have no idea how many times he made his younger brother suck his dick and swallow.”

“It’s true, sir,” Ben confessed.

He looked past me at his dangling brother. I heard him inhale sharply. Then he bowed his head even lower before quietly repeating, “May I please suck your cock, sir?”
I heard Bill let out a painful rasp for breath as he fought his hanging in the noose behind me. “Please, sir!” Ben pleaded. “It’s my punishment. May I please suck your cock before I hang?”

What else could I do? They’d paid me an awful lot of money. I felt like I owed it to them to accept any last minute requests they might have of me.

I unzipped my fly and pulled out my erection. It had stiffened to the point of becoming damned uncomfortable in my pants. I looped the noose around Ben’s head, making sure it was good and tight. Then I grabbed the back of his head and fucked his face.

He grunted and gurgled as his own dick hardened considerably. I noticed Biff’s was already nice and stiff. I had my back to their brother, so I had no idea how Bill was doing.

Ben was quite talented. I suspected he’d sucked many dicks before. In no time at all I was giving him a nice load, some of which splattered onto his face.

I was embarrassed over coming in another guy’s mouth. Best to just get on with it. So I pulled on the rope, hauling him up onto his feet before he had enough time to swallow.

“You have been condemned to hang. May God have mercy on your soul.” Then I hefted him up into the air before tying the rope off, my exposed cock still mostly hard.

He began to pedal as he swung back and forth. Next to him, Bill was shooting a huge load of cum into the air and arcing onto the ground. Amazingly, he still had quite a bit of fight left in him.

I went over and grabbed Biff by the arm. He quietly told me, “In front of my brothers for a second, if you don’t mind.”

I grabbed his arm and marched him over to the wall where he had a good view of Bill and Ben kicking and swinging. He watched them for a few moments before lowering his head. His dick was incredibly hard. Shamefully, mine hadn’t softened all that much.

“Ok; I’m ready.” Then he submissively lowered his head.

I marched him over to his noose. He dutifully knelt for me. But he didn’t offer to suck me, even though my appendage was “hanging out” for him to observe.

I looped the noose around him and made it tight before pulling him up onto his feet. “Wait!” he panted before I could go any further. “I have a last request.”

“Name it.”

Maybe I should have checked with him first. I certainly had no idea what he wanted from me. I sure wasn’t expecting what he said next…

“Fuck my ass.”

I was taken aback. “I beg your pardon?”

“Fuck my ass.”

I was stunned. “And why is that?”

“I made both my brothers suck my cock. Then I fucked them both in the ass. I deserve to be humiliated like that before I hang.”

I thought about it for a long moment. I’d never fucked a guy in the ass before. But my damned cock was already stiffening with anticipation.

“Please, sir. Fuck my ass. Then you must hang me. I deserve it.”

I figured, what the hell? So I bent him over at the waist. Then I pushed my stiffening dick against his puckered anus.

I slowly forced it inside. He let out a cry as I went all the way in. Then I started fucking him.

His eyes were on his suffering, dangling brothers the entire time. Their dicks were stiff, bouncing and dripping. His was just as hard.

It took a couple of minutes. I had no idea what I was expecting. I guess it felt better than I thought it would.

In no time at all I managed to leave a small deposit up his ass before pulling out. From that moment on, I wasted no more time. I was determined to get the whole thing over with.

“You have been condemned to hang. May God have mercy on your soul.” Then I pulled him up into the air until he was at a height similar to his dangling brothers.

I tied off his rope and watched him kick and pedal. At the other end, Ben began spurting his load. Bill finally appeared to be slowing down.

I watched as they pedaled while swinging back and forth. But something seemed off. When I looked closer at the nooses, I noticed they were pretty thick and were not fully tightening. I guess I hadn’t noticed before. No wonder Bill was taking so long to die.

The youngest finally settled down. He began to piss himself as Ben got his second wind. I could still see some of my cream on his face as he winced and suffered.

Meanwhile, Biff was shooting quite a load. He was also dripping spunk out of his ass. Some of it slithered down his inner thigh.

I watched them all, my dick remaining somewhat hard. I soon found myself stroking myself without even thinking. I was going to stop, but I figured they weren’t going to tell anyone I had gotten aroused watching them all hang to death.

Ben finally began to wind down, but not after furiously humping the air in front of him. Bill was mostly still save for a few muscle twitches. Biff kept fighting as though he deserved a long, lengthy hanging.

Bill quietly swayed back and forth as Ben pissed himself. Then he, too, slowed down. It wasn’t long until I saw those familiar muscle twitches in his arms and legs.

Biff fought the hardest. He shot another load as he furiously humped the air. But he must have exhausted himself because he settled right down, gently humping and wriggling his toes.

I walked up to Ben and masturbated by using his bare feet against my twitching dick. After all, I’d left him at that height. Why not enjoy the moment? Besides, he couldn’t very well say no; could he?

Next, I moved over to Bill. His face was dark; he looked like he might have expired. I used his feet as well.

There was a little bit of fight left in Biff when I used his feet. Just for fun, I pulled on his legs, hastening his departure. His chest hitched as he tried to dolphin-kick.

I jumped back just in time for his cock to piss. When he was done, I stepped forward again. Once more, I used his feet until I left a small amount of cream on his toes. Then I zipped up.

I looked at all three brothers who by now were dangling quietly. I gave each one a final push. They swung back and forth, their ropes creaking.

I watched them swing as I asked myself why they’d chosen to have me hang them. Was it a dark fantasy? Or did they think they deserved it? I suspected it might have been a little bit of both.

I made my way back to the rental car and started it up. I saw their stuff lying on the other side of the wall. How had they gotten here? How long until they were discovered? So many questions, and so few answers. And with that, I threw the vehicle into reverse, turned around, and headed back to the airport.


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3 in the pool (Parts 7-9) 4.4 (20)

Part 7 – Forced Orgasms

(A flashback to before the investigation)

Melissa gasped sharply before she hit the water face first with a splash. She could not help wondering how much longer this was going to go on. Was the bitch gonna torture her without letting her cum, only to drown her ass anyway??

She saw the crotch slide down in front of her as Tammi’s legs spread wide on either side of her. The pussy was mashed into her face. For a foolish moment she considered biting down and taking a chunk of flesh. But that simple act would probably get her killed.

Melissa’s tongue lashed out. She started by working on the woman’s clit. She had to buy herself some time…

Tammi felt a shiver run through her as she gasped excitedly. Her head stuck up out of the water, allowing her to breathe easily. Sadistically, her captive was forced to hold hers as she was still angry with her.

Damn! The woman was good at licking pussy. Her resolve continued to falter. Besides, did she really want to take her life?

Melissa worked slow and deliberate, methodically sucking on the woman’s clit before probing the wet slit with her tongue. If she could catch the bitch when she least expected it, maybe she wouldn’t keep pulling away. She moved her tongue thoughtfully and deliberately, trying to use the best method she could think of to win her over…

Tammi moaned softly as her pussy was set ablaze. She squirmed delightedly at the pleasure she was experiencing. Then she began fondling her breasts while tweaking her nipples. Maybe it was possible they COULD become lovers just to get back at her husband…

Melissa slowly increased her actions. She took the woman’s clit between her lips, rolling it back and forth. Then she carefully probed beyond the woman’s pussy lips with her tongue making her captor squirm.

She felt a familiar warning spasm. Her lungs gently heaved. She was going to need air soon.

She burbled against the woman’s crotch, noticing how the body squirmed against her mouth. But another warning spasm rippled through her. Melissa anxiously began to pick up the pace, afraid she might end up drowning accidentally OR deliberately…

Tammi moaned again as she was tongued down below. She gasped and squirmed, wondering if the woman attached to the mattress was working slower and more deliberate. She didn’t want to pull away like before. Now she wanted to cum…

Melissa’s chest heaved as she lost another burst of air. She became more frantic as she redoubled her efforts. She needed to hurry by picking up the pace, causing her to lash out with her tongue in a frenzy…

Tammi was melting from the pleasure she was receiving. She moaned as she humped against the face underwater. She found herself thrusting against the tongue as though it were a small dildo.

She gasped, her eyes widening in amazement as the orgasm rushed toward her. She was probably going to scream from this. What if the neighbors heard and came over to check?

She gasped as she started to shudder. Tammi did the only thing she could think of. She went backward into the water, submerging herself. At the same time she kept Melissa’s head firmly wedged between her thighs.

A moment later the orgasm slammed into her. It caused her to scream out a froth of bubbles. Her back arched involuntarily as she began humping against the poor woman’s face…

Melissa burbled wildly. Somehow she managed to continue fucking the woman’s pussy with her tongue. She felt another convulsion shake her as her face was mashed up against the woman’s crotch.

What if Tammi got too caught up in her orgasm? What if she forgot about her captive and allowed her to drown? Melissa’s lungs were on fire.

She wouldn’t be able to hold her breath much longer. What if the bitch wasn’t going to let her live after all? What if Tammi was going to cum while letting her drown??

Tammi jerked wildly from the intensity of her climax. She bucked herself off from around Melissa’s head. She had to flail to get her feet underneath her.

She finally stood up, her chest heaving. Her pussy was tingling like mad. Then she saw a burst of bubbles well up around the mattress.

For the briefest of moments she thought about letting her drown. But she couldn’t do it. Tammi waded over and flipped it over…

‘THIS IS IT!’ Melissa’s mind screamed. She was going to pay the ultimate price for fucking Tammi’s husband in her backyard pool. Then she was flipped back over where she inhaled huge gulps of blessed air at the surface.

She coughed and sputtered for a moment or two. Then she gasped for breath as Tammi came into view. Her captor was also gasping, her chest heaving noticeably.

The two women looked at each other for a long moment. Neither said a word as they both struggled to compose themselves. That’s when Melissa caught the wild look in Tammi’s eye… “Oh; SHIT!”

“AGAIN!” Tammi demanded sharply, flipping Melissa back over. The bound woman gasped weakly before splashing face down into the water. She wondered how much strength she had left.

The pussy was pressed back up against her face. She plunged her tongue as far into the woman’s cunt as it would go. Melissa bubbled wildly as she licked like crazy…

Tammi gasped, her eyes widening. She let out a surprised cry that was suddenly cut off when she ran out of breath. Every muscle abruptly tensed up.

She began to shudder violently. She started bucking against the woman’s face until she lost her hold on Melissa’s head. Tammi pulled away, only to slip under the surface with a muffled gurgle.

She got her feet back underneath her. Then she managed to stand up. She coughed as she paused once more to catch her breath.

She saw the overturned mattress, knowing full well who was secured to it upside down. Tammi took two long, deep breaths. Then she submerged as her heart pounded in her chest.

She deliberately rolled over onto her back. Then she worked her way up close to the bound woman’s crotch. That’s when Tammi started blowing bubbles up against the woman’s clit and pussy…

Melissa’s eyes widened in surprise. She bubbled, wiggled and twisted, trying desperately to bring her thighs together. Bubbles dribbled unhindered against her clit, inflaming her desires.

She felt a warning spasm in her lungs. Once more, she knew she couldn’t hold her breath for very long. ‘DAMN THIS WOMAN!’ her mind screamed. ‘THIS BITCH IS DRIVING ME INSANE!’

Tammi looked up and saw the woman squirm. She looked into Melissa’s face, only to see eyes pleading with her. Did the bitch want air? Or did she want to be sexually stimulated?

She grinned at her as she shook her head. Tammi went back to blowing small, teasing bubbles. There was more than one way to teach someone a lesson…

Melissa squirmed in frustration, her heart pounding in her chest. Her pussy tingled like crazy. Her body was trembling as though she was plugged into an electrical current.

She felt a warning spasm ripple through her chest. She felt another one, causing her to fight to hold her breath. More bubbles tickled her slit… ‘DAMN YOU, BITCH!’

She lost a burst of air. Another one spewed out past her lips as her lungs began to cry out. She shook her head in frustration, needing air yet wanting to cum. Then a sharp convulsion forced most of her remaining breath out through her nostrils…

Tammi looked up just in time to see the burst of air. Needing a fresh breath herself, she abruptly rose up. This time she didn’t hesitate in flipping the mattress back over.

Her captive gasped for breath. Melissa shivered as her cunt tingled in frustration. This was worse than what Travis did to her in the water!

“Fuck me!” she gasped. “Please, girl! Find something and fuck the shit out of me – OW!”

Tammi cruelly pinched the woman’s nipples hard. Then she twisted them. “You’re not in any position to tell ME what to do, you fuckin’ whore!”

She allowed herself some anger as she sadistically pinched again and again. Melissa jerked as she cried out, “OW… OOHH… OUCH!” She groaned and whimpered from the assault, her body feeling as though it was on fire.

Tammi glared at her captive. “Maybe I should just drown your ass, you slut!” Then she pushed up on the mattress.

Tammi flipped it back over. This time she gave the bound woman virtually no chance to get a decent breath. Melissa quivered excitedly, her body tingling all over.

Was this it? Was the bitch going to fuck her? Or was she going to drown her now??

She nearly sucked in a lungful of water when she suddenly felt a tongue lash out and flick against her clit. She felt lips against her pussy as a tongue probed the opening to her snatch. Then she began to shudder as the orgasm rushed toward her…

Ohgawd-ohgawd-ohgawd-ohgawd-ooooohhhhhh… ooooooohhhh… OOOOOOHHHH…

Melissa stiffened and then screamed a bubbly froth of air. She climaxed intensely as her overly aroused body responded to the tongue action against her clit and pussy. She bucked and jerked wildly, her back arching.

Her head twisted from side to side as she grimaced in pleasure. Air poured out of her mouth as the orgasm washed over her. Every muscle tensed as she helplessly blew away the last of her breath.

She was mere moments from sucking pool water. Then the mattress was flipped over until she was at the surface on her back again. Melissa gasped wildly for breath, her chest heaving as tingles radiated outward from her cunt in every direction.

Tammi leaned over her and snarled, “Was THAT what you wanted, slut?”

Melissa nodded weakly, nearly crying with relief. Her body trembled from pleasurable tingles ricocheting around inside her. A moment later she let out a cry as Tammi hoisted the mattress up once more, flipping her over without any advance warning.

Melissa’s eyes went wide as she struggled to hold what little breath she’d obtained. She wondered if this was it. Was she about to drown, now that she’d been granted her orgasm?

She felt a mouth against her crotch. A tongue poked and probed into her opening as she was forced to hold her breath. Gawd; not again??

Ooohh… ooooohhh… ohgawd – ohgawd – OOOOOOOHHHHHH…

She burbled excitedly as her pussy roared to life. Her body was more than willing to undergo a second orgasm. She fought to prolong it, struggling to put it off for as long as she could. She’d never be able to hold her breath if she came again.

The tongue worked its magic on her clit. Then it slowly forced its way into her pussy opening. She started to shudder as her muscles stiffened again.

The orgasm exploded inside her, causing her body to buck and jerk wildly. Her back arched downward. Melissa screamed a froth of bubbles, unable to hold her breath as air bubbled freely out of her mouth.

She gurgled, pulling water down her windpipe. Then she was flipped over onto her back again. Melissa coughed and sputtered, spitting up water as her body shivered from pleasurable tingles bouncing around inside her.

A moment later Tammi’s lips met with hers in a passionate kiss. Hands freely roamed her breasts, gently caressing her nipples. “You liked that; didn’t you, slut!” Tammi told her when they came up for air.

“Yes,” came a submissive whimper. And then… “OW! OW…OUCH…OHH!” There was more nipple pinching.

“Now that you’ve cum, maybe I should drown your sorry ass. What do you think about that?” Tammi sadistically pinched the woman’s nipples hard just for spite.

Melissa yelped in pain. She moaned softly as her breath caught in her throat. Her damned pussy was throbbing again.

“What do you say, bitch? Think I should drown your ass for fucking my husband?” Tammi began rocking the side of the mattress, pushing down on it and making it bob up and down in the water. “Should I drown your ass, you fucking whore? I think I should!”

Melissa gasped, her heart thumping wildly in her chest. A part of her almost wanted to drown for this sexy woman. But something inside her told her there was a good possibility she might not be revived if Tammi sent her to the bottom of the pool.

She wanted to say yes. Yet she had every reason to suspect the woman wanted her dead. She trembled with anticipation, every nerve ending on fire.

“Time to die, you fucking slut!” And with that, Tammi lifted the mattress up and flipped it over.

Melissa cried out, getting a partial breath before splashing face down in the pool. Her heart hammered in her chest as her pussy tingled excitedly… ‘THIS IS IT! THE BITCH IS REALLY GONNA DROWN ME NOW!’

Fearful excitement welled up within her. Then she felt a warm body press up against her. A familiar crotch mashed itself into her face.

Her tongue instinctively lashed out, hoping she might earn for herself any possibility of mercy. That’s when she felt Tammi’s lips on her clit. A moment later she felt the woman’s tongue force its way into her cunt again.

They were in the classic 69 position. Maybe there was hope after all! That’s when Melissa started to shudder as pleasurable sensations rippled outward, threatening to overwhelm her.


In desperation she tongue-fucked Tammi’s pussy. Air bubbled out of her mouth against the woman’s clit. The sensations between her legs threatened to overwhelm her.

She’d become terribly aroused at the threat of being drowned. Tammi’s tongue hit in all the right places. It was all just too much.

The orgasm exploded inside her, causing Melissa’s body to thrash about. She screamed a froth of bubbles into Tammi’s pussy as she bucked wildly. If she drowned now, at least she was awash in a sea of pleasure…

Tammi cried out in a bubbly froth of air. She started to thrash about as an orgasm of her own slammed into her. Together, the two women writhed and bubbled against each other under the mattress.

Tammi wriggled free and got her feet underneath her. She rose up and gasped mightily for breath. Melissa was still upside down, bubbling frantically as she remained secured to the air mattress.

Her lungs screamed in her chest as her body tingled like crazy. She spasmed and shuddered, too numb with pleasure. She almost didn’t care whether or not she was about to drown.

She suddenly found herself rolled over once more. Up at the surface Melissa sucked in huge lungfuls of air she was certain she would be denied… maybe should have been denied. She gasped as her body trembled like crazy.

“NO MORE!” she panted. “Please… no more! I’ve got… to catch… my breath!”

Tammi grinned sadistically. She was truly enjoying the torment she was putting the woman through. Drowning the bitch didn’t seem like such a good idea any more.

“What?” she gasped out over her shoulder as she staggered to the shallow end. Tammi climbed the steps out of the pool. Then she hollered back, “I thought you WANTED to be fucked!”

Melissa craned her neck to see where the woman was going and what she was up to. Her eyes went wide when she saw her bend over and pick up a rubber dildo. It was one that had been tossed aside near a lounge chair. It was a large one, with a foot-long wooden handle on the end of it.

“Oh… FUCK!” she gasped breathlessly. Wildly erotic tingles began ricocheting throughout her body. It looked like she was really in for it now!

Tammi heard the comment, causing her to turn and looked at her captive. She waved the dildo around in the air like a sword. Then she grinned sinisterly at the helpless woman.

“Exactly,” she panted, having finally regained her breath. “You said you want to be fucked. Isn’t that right?”

She closely examined the rubber cock in her possession as though noticing it for the first time. “Damn, woman! This thing is huge! You must like ‘em this big. Travis is nowhere NEAR this size!”

She headed back to the steps leading into the pool. Tammi managed to descend into the water without losing her footing. Her legs were finally stabilizing from being somewhat rubbery, her tingles beginning to ease.

‘Oh, SHIT!’ Melissa thought. ‘Why did she have to pick THAT one?’

Melissa started to quiver as her breath caught in her throat. Travis had bought that for her several weeks ago. He used it on her whenever she got into such a state that he couldn’t quite satisfy her.

It always filled her completely. Melissa usually experienced unbelievable orgasms with it. She suddenly found herself shivering from a mixture of excitement and dread.

Tammi saw her captive start to squirm on the mattress as she approached. “You want this inside you; don’t you, bitch?” Then she demonstrably waved it all around in the air.

Melissa couldn’t speak. Her mouth was dry, her voice suddenly gone. Imagining that thing inside her was making her horny as hell.

She nodded weakly, unable to stop trembling. “Maybe I’ll fuck you and then drown your sorry ass!” That’s when Tammi pushed up on the mattress, flipping it back over.

The bound woman barely had time for a quick breath before she was submerged once again. Melissa’s heart pounded in her chest. She knew she was going to have a hard time holding her breath on this one.

To make matters worse, her captor slipped under the surface and started smacking her breasts with the dildo. It caused her to flinch and burble little bursts of air out of her nostrils. Would she be able to hold her breath long enough?

Tammi alternated between breasts for a few moments. Occasionally she gave the poor woman a good SMACK with the dildo, figuring the bitch had it coming. After a few more seconds, she got another idea… ‘Let’s see how well you suck cock, you fucking whore!’

She forced the rubber dildo up against the woman’s lips. Melissa’s mouth reluctantly opened up. Tammi began sliding it in and out past the woman’s teeth.

She drifted up until she allowed her knees to straddle the bound woman’s waist. Then she began fucking her mouth with the dildo… ‘SUCK IT, BITCH… SUCK IT!’

Melissa hung underneath the mattress, cuffed and helpless. All she could do was suck. And suck she did, grunting and gurgling as the rubber cock slid in and out of her mouth.

Air dribbled out of her nose as she tried to concentrate on holding her breath. She felt water trickle down her throat. She struggled not to gag until she lost a big burst of air…

Tammi saw the burst of bubbles. She stood upright and flipped the mattress back over. Melissa came up coughing and sputtering as she tried to gasp for breath.


Tammi flipped her back over. Then she swam underneath and resumed her position up against the mattress. She straddled the woman’s body as she roughly shoved the dildo back into Melissa’s mouth, the two of them face to face yet again.

The helpless woman sucked on it, gurgling and grunting until she started to gag. That was Tammi’s cue to get out from underneath her. Then she flipped her back over where Melissa coughed and sputtered until she managed to clear her throat.

“Can’t handle it in the mouth, eh? Fine with me! I guess you’d better take a deep breath, whore! Let’s see how well your CUNT takes it!”

Tammie pushed up on the mattress. Melissa gasped deeply for breath. Then she was flipped back over until she was floating face down in the pool, still attached to the air mattress.

She bubbled wildly before closing her eyes. She tried to concentrate on holding her breath despite the pounding of her heart. Melissa knew she couldn’t hold her breath for long, certainly not with THAT monster inside her!

She felt hands graze against her inner thighs. The dildo brushed against her crotch. Melissa stiffened as she braced herself.

The toy was pressed against her pussy opening. Then she felt it slowly force its way inside, inch by tantalizing inch. She started to shiver excitedly as it was pushed well inside her.

Melissa could feel it going deeper, slowly stretching and filling her. She lost a small burst of air. Her chest gently spasmed as she lost another burst until she really began to tremble from a perverse excitement.

She felt the rubber cock start to move inside her. Tammi was thrusting in and out. Melissa could feel it rubbing against the walls of her cunt, driving her wild.

The trembling became a shudder… then a violent shaking. She fought vainly to hold her orgasm back. But it was like trying to stop a runaway train by putting a bicycle in its path.

She suddenly stiffened. Then her pussy exploded as the orgasm came crashing down on her. It ripped a bubbly scream out of her lungs.

Melissa began to thrash about, her chest heaving from lack of air. Her back arched as wave after wave of intense pleasure washed through her. Air spewed out past her lips until there was nothing left to blow away…

Tammi pushed away when Melissa started to thrash about. But she left the toy inside for good measure. She watched with sadistic glee as the woman’s tortured body bucked and jerked wildly.

When she saw there was no more air bubbling out of her captive’s mouth, she got her feet underneath her. Tammi pushed up against the mattress, flipping it back over. Then she rose to the surface…

Melissa came back up, coughing and sputtering as she gasped for breath. She was wild-eyed, her entire body trembling like crazy. Her head shook from side to side.

She was simply unable to take anymore. “TAKE IT OUT – TAKE IT OUT!” She was sure her heart was going to explode.

Tammi looked at her with a cruel smile of amusement. “I like it,” she stated. “I call it… ‘Bitch on a stick’!”


“Hunh – unh, bitch! You WANTED to be fucked. Now you’re GOING to be fucked!”

Once more Tammi flipped the mattress back over. Melissa’s mind was screaming, ‘Ohgawd-ohgawd-ohgawd-ohgawd!’ She bubbled wildly, her heart hammering like crazy.

She felt the dildo start to thrust in and out again. It thrust harder and faster, fucking her aggressively. She tried to look back at what Tammi was doing to her, frantically shaking her head as her body started to shudder again… ‘PLEASE… NO MORE…’

A bubbly scream was ripped out of her lungs as another orgasm slammed into her. She bucked and jerked, causing the air mattress to splash up and down in the pool. Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head as she began shaking uncontrollably.

…and then she was up at the surface again, flat on her back on the mattress. Melissa gasped wildly for breath. Her body wiggled and squirmed as though it had a mind of its own… “OH GAWD… MAKE IT STOP!”

Her pleas fell on deaf ears. A moment later she was sadistically flipped back over. She weakly gasped for breath right before she was submerged.

Her lungs were on fire. It felt like her heart was about to explode. Her body refused to stop trembling.

It was all she could do to keep from sucking pool water into her lungs. She was sure she was going to drown! Then the dildo mercilessly started thrusting inside her again.

This time something was added. She felt lips on her clit, felt a tongue flick against her pleasure button. Then her clit was sucked into a warm mouth.

She looked back and saw Tammi’s head buried between her legs… ‘NO……… OHGAWD……… TOO…….. MUCH……… ‘

It seemed impossible she could experience anything more devastating than what her body had already been subjected to. The orgasm slammed into her with such force that it took her breath away. Her body began jerking violently as though it had been plugged into a high voltage current.

Melissa felt like she was on fire. Every nerve ending was screaming at her. The last thing she remembered was an intense heaviness in her chest as every muscle seemed to short out. Then everything went black…

2005; 2020 (written for Melissa Aug 19 ’05; ed. Oct 24 ‘20 by riwa)

Part 8 – Tammi drowns Melissa

(A flashback to before the investigation)

In seconds, Tammi had the mattress flipped back over. Her heart thumped in her chest when she saw Melissa staring up at the sky. Her eyes were glazed over, her lips parted.

Panicked, Tammi grabbed the handle to the dildo. She yanked it out of the woman’s lifeless body. Then she moved toward her captive’s head to frantically blow air back into her lungs.

She didn’t get the chance. Melissa shuddered as the rubber cock was pulled out of her. She suddenly blinked… spasmed… gasped. A moment later she started breathing on her own.

Tears of relief trickled down Tammi’s face. She found herself more than a little surprised how grateful she was this woman was still alive. For the moment she’d forgotten all about what the bitch had done with her husband.
Travis pulled into the garage. Right away he noticed his wife’s car was gone. That was odd.

He didn’t think she would have gone to the banquet without him. But he supposed it was possible. From what he knew of his wife, it seemed highly unlikely.

He got out of his vehicle and entered the house. She was not there, confirming she had left with her car. That’s when an uneasy feeling began to settle in the pit of his stomach.
“I thought I’d LOST you,” Tammi gasped, trying hard not to cry. She bent over and kissed the woman on the mattress. It was a kiss Melissa passionately returned.

“I’m… all right,” the bound woman gasped when their lips parted. “That was… UNBELIEVABLE! I’ve never cum so hard! You were… FANTASTIC!”

“I’d better get the keys and get you off the mattress.”

Tammi blushed as she turned and started wading toward the steps in the shallow end. Was it possible the two of them were about to become lovers? Maybe Melissa might ask her to move in with her. Would that piss Travis off?

Travis. Tammi hesitated as she frowned. It was all starting to come back to her.

“You were INCREDIBLE!” Melissa called after her as her breath returned. “I’m THROUGH with your husband! You’re a MUCH better lover than he ever could have THOUGHT of being!”

It was that comment that made Tammi freeze in her tracks…
Travis felt a growing concern when he entered the master bedroom and looked around. Everything was in its place. The room did not look at all like a female had recently been preparing to go out for the evening.

He entered the master bathroom. But that room was tidy as well. The towels hanging on the rack were dry.

If Tammi had taken a shower and washed her hair, the signs should have been all over. There would be damp towels, an open cosmetics case… droplets of water around the sink. Either she’d suddenly changed her habits and had thoroughly cleaned up after herself – which was highly unlikely – or she’d gone somewhere else without bothering to get all dressed up.

But where had she gone? And why was he feeling so damned uncomfortable over her absence?

It occurred to him she might have left a message on the answering machine. So Travis headed toward the phone in the kitchen. But that uneasy feeling continued to get stronger inside him…
It all came flooding back to her… the two lovebirds in the pool… her husband’s comment about how Melissa was a better lover than she was…


What about this bound-up slut she’d been having fun with? Melissa had been a much-too-eager participant in the whole damned thing. It made Tammi extremely suspicious. Was the bitch all that willing to change allegiances at the drop of a hat, simply over an orgasm while being forced to hold her fucking breath??

The burning anger she’d felt while watching them fuck each other in the pool returned. Tammi turned around and looked at a naked Melissa cuffed to the air mattress. She felt her rage return in a rush.

What was it the two lovebirds had said to each other? Her brow furrowed thoughtfully as she tried to remember. That’s when it all came flooding back to her…
“SHIT! I’m 45 minutes late! I should’ve been home by now! Tammi’s gonna KILL me!”

“She might if she finds out about us,” Melissa grinned wickedly, her arms around his neck. “Maybe she’ll kill me too… drown us both! I’d LOVE to drown with your cock inside me, lover!” She reached down, grabbed it and started stroking it back to life. “How about it, Travis? Should the two of us drown together…?”
Tammi glared angrily at her. So the bitch wanted to drown with a cock inside her; eh? She was pretty sure she could arrange something like that!

She looked around until she saw a beige weight belt lying under a patio table. She climbed the steps out of the pool before going over and picking it up. She hefted it experimentally before deciding it ought to do the trick.

She walked back to the shallow end and stepped down into the pool. Then she waded over toward the mattress with the belt in her hands. A look of menace filled her features…
“One… message… message… one… Saturday… four-oh-two pm… ”

“You’re supposed to BE here right now, asshole… so let me guess! You’re over at HER house again, AREN’T you, you sonuvabitch! I KNOW who she is and where she lives! Maybe I’ll just come over there right now and BURN your ass, you fuckin’ BASTARD! Maybe I’ll burn the BOTH of you…!”

“End of… message…”

“Oh… SHIT!”

Travis felt a lump in his throat as he stared at the answering machine in shock. That’s when a horrible image sprang to mind.

He gasped in alarm as he rushed back to the master bedroom. Travis fell to his knees and yanked open the bottom drawer to the nightstand on his side of the bed. He anxiously fumbled through its contents, confirming his worst fears.

It wasn’t there…

The blood drained from his face…

Oh shit! She’s not going to shoot Melissa, is she??!!
Melissa was exhausted. She felt weak all over as her body tingled with sexual satisfaction. Tammi had worn her out. She was probably going to go inside and sleep for a week when this was over.

She was definitely through with Travis… well, at least she thought she was. He was pretty good when it came to fucking in the pool. She’d have to see how long this thing with Tammi might last.

If she got tired of the woman and wanted Travis back, she’d have to see if she could arrange for some unfortunate “accident”. She could tell the police she’d come home and found Tammi floating face down in her pool. Hell, she was probably better off getting rid of her right now once she got free of the mattress.

Tammi returned to her side. Instead of setting her free, she worked the weight belt around her waist. Melissa could tell the bitch was struggling to slip it between her back and the mattress she was lying upon.

Alarm bells went off inside her. Melissa gasped as she tried to hide a surge of fear. “What’s this all about?”

“There’s one last thing we haven’t tried yet,” Tammi told her, an ominous tone to her voice. “There’s just one more thing I need to do to you.”

She finished attaching the weight belt. Then she picked up the dildo and inspected it. “I think I need to put this back inside you.”

Melissa gasped as her eyes went wide in alarm. “What for?” she sputtered as her heart skipped a beat.

A moment later she felt it press against her pussy opening. Then it was slowly pushed into her. She gasped again as it totally filled her. That’s when Tammi told her, “You’re gonna love this; TRUST me!”

Melissa looked up into the woman’s face. She saw something there that caused a shiver of fear to ripple through her. “What are you gonna do?!” she panted as her pussy flamed to life.

Tammi grabbed the handle and thrust the dildo in and out. She wanted to make sure it was nice and deep. Melissa whimpered as erotic sensations tingled throughout her body.

Tammi made sure it was in far enough. Then she moved to the head of the mattress. That’s when she bent down and whispered into the frightened woman’s ear, “I’m gonna give you what you’ve always wanted… bitch!”

“What I’ve always wanted?” Melissa gasped fearfully. “What’s THAT??”

“I’m gonna drown your ass just the way you told my husband you want to drown… with a ‘cock’ inside you!”
Travis barely waited for the garage door to fully open before slamming the car into reverse. He backed out into the street, nearly hitting a passing car as it swerved to avoid him.

“Don’t do it, Tammi!” he breathed fearfully as he slammed his foot down on the accelerator. “Please, don’t shoot her!”
Melissa’s heart was in her throat. She suddenly heard a quiet “pop”. A moment later she heard air hissing out of the mattress.

It was only a matter of seconds before she felt it begin to deflate. Her eyes were wide as she gasped, “Tammi??”

“What’s the matter, bitch? I’m simply gonna let you drown with a ‘cock’ inside your cunt. It’ll be just like you’ve always wanted.”

“WHAT?? You… you CAN’T!!”

“Why not?!” Tammi shot back, her anger bleeding through. “Travis won’t do it. So I WILL!”

She shoved the deflating mattress toward the deep end of the pool. Melissa gasped as water rose and began to lap around her head and chest. This was something she’d always hoped Travis would do to her someday. But not his wife??!!

She squirmed in desperation as the panic swelled within her. It did her no good. The mattress simply deflated a little faster…
Shit! How long would it take him to drive clear across the greater Las Vegas area back to Melissa’s house? How long had it taken for him to drive home from there? Twenty-five minutes? Thirty??

His mistress lived clear over on the other side of town on the outskirts of the city. If Tammi left the house shortly after leaving the message on the answering machine, she might have driven by and seen his car parked in Melissa’s driveway. She might be there right now! Hell, she might have been there for thirty or forty minutes already!

‘Don’t do anything rash, Tammi!’ he thought anxiously. Then Travis began to mentally calculate the fastest route to take to get across town while dealing with late afternoon traffic…
Melissa felt herself slip on the mattress. She cried out in alarm before she slipped again. “TAMMI… PLEASE… DON’T DO THIS…!”

Water lapped up around her head. She gasped as she tried to keep her face above the surface.

“Why not?” The scorned woman shot back. “It’s what you’ve always wanted; isn’t it, bitch? You want to drown, don’t you? I’m simply going to help make it happen!”


Melissa’s head slipped under, causing her to spew bubbles. She frantically lifted it back up out of the water, trying to bend herself at the waist. She sputtered as she slipped further along the mattress, wincing as she felt something cut into her arms and thighs.

She felt it again as the mattress sagged underneath her. She clawed at the deflating material with her cuffed hands, desperately trying to find some way to hold on and stay at the surface. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest, even as her stupid pussy throbbed excitedly at her predicament.

Tammi was no help. She was smirking as she declared, “Better take a deep breath, slut! You’re about to go under!”


Melissa pulled her head up again as her abdominal muscles began to burn. She slid along the mattress as it deflated rapidly. Little nicks of pain in her arms was overridden by the fear and excitement of a fantasy she no longer wished to experience.

“Bye-bye, slut!” Tammi waved at her, an angry grin on her face. “I hope you enjoy yourself. This is what you’ve always wanted; right?” She was actually becoming excited watching the woman squirm in panic.


Melissa abruptly slid off the end of the mattress. She sank below the surface as the weight belt took her down. Her legs finally came together in blessed relief from being in that stretched-open position for so long.

When they did, her thighs came together. It caused her to clamp onto the dildo in her pussy. Instinctively her muscles tensed up around it as her mind screamed, “OHMYGAWD!!”

Sensations radiated outward from between her legs. It was incredible! She almost orgasmed right then and there.

She felt a wave of fearful excitement flow through her. Then Melissa came to rest on her back at the bottom of her pool. That’s when she tried to bend forward, desperate to get to her knees.

She couldn’t do it. She was too weak and exhausted. All it did was help fuel the raging fire between her legs.

She squirmed to get free of the cuffs on her wrists as she struggled to hold her breath. But it was no use. If she hadn’t gotten out of them until now, she certainly wasn’t getting out of them at this stage of the game!

She burbled fearfully as her heart hammered in her chest. She tried thrashing about by kicking her cuffed ankles. That only intensified the feelings in her pussy as the toy cock filled her.

She burbled as a spasm shook her. Melissa lost another burst of bubbles. Then she frantically clamped her lips shut.

Her cheeks bulged as she anxiously held her breath for as long as she could. Air snorted out of her nostrils as she thrashed about in panic. Where the hell was Travis?? Where the hell was Tammi??

She looked up and saw her captor in the water above her. The naked woman was floating at the surface. She seemed to be holding her breath while looking down on the spectacle below.

Melissa felt a surge of hope. Maybe the bitch was going to bring her up at the last second. It was the only option she had left, an option totally dependent on the mercies of a woman she’d wronged.

She felt a massive spasm shake her, causing her to blow out another burst of air. Melissa panicked as she thrashed about. It made her muscles contract around the dildo inside her, causing her to involuntarily hump against it.

She grimaced as her chest spasmed again. Her breasts shook as her pussy throbbed. Her thighs squeezed together as she felt an orgasm swell within her.


It was that terrifying, yet perversely thrilling thought that triggered her orgasm. She screamed away what air she had left. Her naked body began bucking wildly, trying desperately to fuck the large dildo inside her.

A moment later her lungs gave out. She opened her mouth and sucked in a huge lungful of pool water. Instantly Melissa began to thrash about as her body fought to repel the liquid invasion.

She coughed and spasmed, sucking more water into her lungs. She strained to reach the surface. But she was bound and helpless, too weak to make what would only have been a futile gesture.

Her wrists remained cuffed together. So were her ankles, effectively immobilizing her. It was impossible for her to make it anywhere even close to the surface.

She convulsed painfully until she came to rest on her back, her arms behind her and her legs cuffed at the ankles. She spasmed again as she looked up at Tammi who appeared to be watching intently. A few stray bubbles made their way out of her mouth, swirling up to the surface.

The last thought that entered her mind was the shocked realization Tammi wasn’t coming down to get her. What’s more, Travis was nowhere in sight. Then the world around her collapsed into blackness as her body relaxed with a sigh.

A brief burst of air burbled out of her mouth. A few stray bubbles lagged behind, slowly making their way to the surface. Her eyes glazed over as she looked upwards in astonishment, her mouth frozen open…

Tammi lifted her head up for a breath of air, gasping with immense satisfaction. Then she stuck her face back down into the water. There was no movement from the body below.

An occasional bubble spiraled up to the surface. But that was it. Melissa’s vacant eyes looked up at her in shock, her mouth gaping open.

Tammi noticed the woman’s erect nipples. She wondered if the bitch had indeed enjoyed one last orgasm. Did it really matter? Did she even care?

For a moment, she felt a brief pang of regret, especially upon remembering their sexual activity of the past several minutes. Then her feelings of anger and betrayal returned. At least the bitch was not going to fuck her husband anymore.

She stared down at the sight below her, holding her breath as she floated at the surface. She saw the cuffed ankles before thinking about the additional cuffs on the drowned woman’s wrists. Should she leave them in place? If she did, it might not look like an accidental drowning.

She was considering going down to remove them when a thought struck her. What if Travis came back over to check up on his precious mistress?

Her first thought was wanting to see the shocked look on his face. Then she pictured him lying at the bottom of the pool with a matching set of handcuffs on his wrists. Tammi smiled at the mental image of her husband struggling underwater with his arms cuffed behind his back and a belt wrapped around his waist.

She lifted her head up out of the water and gasped for breath. Then she swam over to the side of the pool where she’d left the keys. She grabbed them, turned around and dove down toward Melissa’s body.

If she was going to give Travis the full treatment, she’d need the cuffs. At least she’d seen an extra weight belt lying nearby. That way the bitch could go right ahead and keep the one she was wearing.

Tammi pictured Travis lying next to his drowned slut and smiled inwardly. The more she thought about it, the more the idea appealed to her…

2005; 2020 (written for Melissa Aug 21 ’05; ed. Nov 17 ‘20 by riwa)

Part 9 – Tammi drowns Travis

(A flashback to before the investigation)

Travis pulled up in front of the garage and breathed a sigh of relief. His wife’s car was not parked anywhere nearby.

‘Maybe she’s not here,’ he thought hopefully. ‘Maybe she never came over in the first place.’

Then again, maybe she’d already come and gone…

Travis pictured his beloved mistress lying dead on the floor, a bullet hole in her head. He gasped with fright as he leaped out of his car. Then he hustled to the front door.

Finding it unlocked, he threw it open and ran inside. “Melissa?! MELISSA! WHERE ARE YOU?!” But there was no response.

He quickly searched the house. She wasn’t inside. Was she out in the back yard?

He hurried to the patio door and threw it open. He entered the backyard and looked around. “Melissa? You out here?”

Travis saw a pile of clothes on a lawn chair. He strode over to them and picked them up. A moment later he felt a stab of fear the moment he recognized them.

They belonged to his wife…

He looked around and spotted one of the weight belts, along with the two sets of handcuffs he and Melissa frequently used. They were lying together near the deep end. It was almost as though they were calling attention to themselves.

He walked over to them. Then he happened to glance down into the water. Travis gasped at the sight of a naked woman lying on the bottom of the pool.

The other weight belt was wrapped around her waist. Her eyes were wide in shock, her mouth gaping open. He recognized her immediately.

It was not his wife…


“That’s right, you bastard! It’s that whore you’ve been seeing behind my back!”

The voice behind him was female. Travis instantly recognized who it belonged to. That’s when he spun around to locate the woman who’d spoken.

Tammi stepped out from her hiding spot in the shadows near the house. She was completely nude. Travis might have been a little aroused at the sight were it not for the fact the revolver in her hand was pointed squarely at his chest.

He stared at his wife in horror. Then he looked down into the pool again. “Tammi, what the hell have you DONE?!”

He gasped as he pointed down into the water while choking back a sob. Tammi merely smirked at him. Then she acted shocked, as though she’d just been accused of something.

“Who, me?? I didn’t do a damned thing! Your little drown-whore has merely been down there playing with herself. She’s been at it for about…”

She paused as she glanced at her watch to confirm the time. Then she smiled sinisterly at him. “She’s been at it for a good twenty minutes. She’s pretty good at holding her breath; wouldn’t you agree?”

Tears welled up in his eyes. “No!” he gasped in horror. “Why? You didn’t have to KILL her!”

“You love her, don’t you!” Tammi’s eyes narrowed coldly. The weapon in her hand never wavered. Travis wisely swallowed his answer.

“You want to join her? You love her that much? That’s fine with me, you sonuvabitch! Get out of those fuckin’ clothes!”

Travis went deathly pale. “Wait a minute, honey!” he pleaded as his hands came up defensively. “Let’s talk this over!”

Tammi used both hands to steady the gun. “You’d better start stripping out of those clothes fast, lover! Otherwise, the first shot will be headed right for those precious family jewels of yours!” That’s when she menacingly lowered the gun, aiming it right between his legs.

Travis instinctively lowered his hands and covered his crotch. “All right – all right!”

He hastily stripped out of his clothes, dropping them in a pile. Then he pulled his underwear down. He was embarrassed at the way his cock seemed to be stirring.

“You find all this exciting?” she asked with a wicked gleam in her eye. “I should have figured as much. Or maybe it’s the sight of your drowned lover lying at the bottom of her pool.”

She motioned toward the weight belt with her gun. “Pick it up, asshole. Put it around your waist!”

“But Tammi…”

“DO IT!”

He jumped before reaching down for it. He quickly wrapped the belt around his waist. He paused only a moment before attaching it, especially when he saw her stiffen as she steadied her aim.

“Now the cuffs, you bastard! Cuff your wrists behind your back!”

Travis looked at her in shock as he hesitated. “DO IT!” she barked angrily. “What… you think I won’t shoot your sorry ass? Turn around and put them on so I can watch you do it, asshole!”

Travis briefly thought it over. Then he decided he couldn’t risk it as he reached down for the handcuffs. His wife was much too angry. For now, he had to try to talk her down.

He fumbled with the cuffs, trying to delay attaching them to his wrists. “Tammi, she didn’t mean ANYTHING to me… I SWEAR IT!”

“Shut up and put ’em on, you bastard! I don’t want to hear it! I saw you two together in the pool this afternoon. I also saw how you looked down at her when you rushed into the backyard. ‘Didn’t mean anything to me’, my ass!”

Tammi slowly stepped toward him. The gun was steady in her hand. “Now hurry up with those damn cuffs! I haven’t got all day!”

Travis winced the moment he realized Tammi had been over here earlier in the day. She must have been watching while he and Melissa were in the pool. Something told him this might not turn out all that well.

He snapped the cuffs into place. Then he shook his wrists at her from behind his back. “See? They’re on; ok? Tammi; don’t shoot me!”

“Oh, I’m not gonna shoot you, you sonuvabitch! I’m simply gonna drown your ass, just like I drowned that little slut of yours!”

Travis gasped as his eyes flew open wide. “Tammi; NO!”

“Go join your drown-whore, you bastard!” Then she angrily shoved him into the deep end.

Travis cried out as he tumbled into the pool with a splash. Right away he kicked himself back up to the surface. He came up spitting and sputtering.

“NO, TAMMI!” he gasped. Then he slipped under the surface as he struggled to keep his head above water.

He kicked himself back up. “TAMMI, DON’T DO THIS!” Then he slipped under again.

Travis kicked himself back up. To his shock, Tammi calmly set the gun down on a lawn chair. She just watched his efforts with no emotion whatsoever as he struggled to stay at the surface.

She noticed his hard cock. For a lingering moment she imagined what it would feel like inside her. She wondered what it would be like to fuck him while he was drowning.

Her eyes suddenly lit up at the thought. Damn! What an idea!

She kind of liked the thought of her pussy being the last thing his cock would be inside as he drowned. She certainly preferred it over the cunt of that damned slut who was now lying at the bottom of the pool. She stepped toward the edge as she gave it some serious consideration.

Travis saw her approach. Hope swelled inside him. He was tiring rapidly, on the verge of panic. “TAMMI… PLEASE… HELP ME…”

She suddenly jumped into the pool feet first. Tammi bubbled back up to the surface. Then she swam over to her husband.

Travis felt a rush of relief. But she needed to hurry. He was tiring rapidly…

“Please… ” cough, gasp… “help me…” burbrublr… “I can’t stay up much longer!”

She climbed into his lap, grabbed his erection and centered it against the opening to her pussy. Then she slowly forced it inside her. His eyes went wide in horror.

Travis could not stay at the surface from the added weight. He slipped under as she wrapped her legs around him. Then she helped pull them both back up to the surface one last time.

He gasped as he sputtered, “What are you doing?? Tammi, get me out of here!”

“Your whore drowned with a dildo in her twat. The least I can do is drown you with your cock inside me. Better take a deep breath, asshole, because it’s going to be your last, you… fuckin’… BASTARD!”

Tammi filled her lungs. Then she drove herself downward. She made sure to impale his shaft deep inside her while forcing him toward the bottom of the pool.

Travis tried to put up a struggle. But it was no use. She wrapped her legs tightly around him, preventing him from successfully kicking them both back up.

Tammi started fucking him hard, bouncing up and down on his shaft. Travis burbled frantically, all thoughts on survival. He twisted and squirmed as he tried to kick his way back to the surface.

Tammi felt a perverse excitement begin to swell within her. She could feel her husband’s cock pulse and throb inside her. She maintained her hold on him with sadistic glee, refusing to allow him to work them both back to the surface.

She saw terror displayed in his eyes. It made her grin inwardly. ‘Time for you to die, you S.O.B.! I hope you enjoy the trip while it lasts!’

She fucked him hard as she eagerly rode him. Travis burbled before briefly getting caught up in the pleasure of the moment. His heart hammered in his chest.

His cheeks bulged as air dribbled out of his nose. He kicked feebly before giving in to the swelling in his throbbing shaft. A moment later he exploded inside his wife’s pussy.

Tammi felt her husband’s cock spasm inside her. It drove her crazy with desire. She felt cum spew inside her, causing her to burble pleasurably as an orgasm washed over her.

A moment later she heard a gurgle. Then Travis started thrashing about. Now he was all caught up in the throes of drowning.

It was like riding a bucking bronco. She held on firmly as he twisted, jerked and spasmed. Air billowed out of his mouth.

She felt his cock twitch inside her. She squirmed with excitement, holding her breath as another orgasm rushed toward her. This was more exciting than she could have possibly imagined.

Tammi fucked her husband hard as she stared into his terrified face. She felt him convulse painfully. Then he seemed to relax as his eyes glazed over.

A bubbly “aahhh” slipped out of his partly opened mouth. A few solitary blips of air scurried to the surface. Then they finished their descent to the floor of the pool without interruption.

Another orgasm all but overwhelmed her. Tammi cried out in a bubbly froth as her muscles contracted around the cock inside her. Then she noticed the pain in her chest.

A spasm rippled through her as her lungs heaved. She disengaged from her husband’s twitching cock, her pussy clenching with disappointment. Then she swam for the surface.

Tammi burst up into fresh air and gasped for breath. She half swam, half crawled toward the edge of the pool. Then she grabbed onto the side and held on for dear life as the feelings inside her gradually subsided.

She looked down and saw Travis come to rest on his back. He was lying right next to the body of his mistress. His eyes were wide in shock, his mouth open from his last attempt to breathe.

“Now you two bastards… can be together forever!” she gasped as she struggled to catch her breath.

She looked down on them until her anger bled away. A moment later she was filled with a terrible sadness. She made her way to the shallow end of the pool. That’s when Tammi climbed out, collapsed into a nearby lawn chair, put her head in her hands and started to cry…
After a while Tammi sighed as she got to her feet. Then she rubbed the tears out of her eyes. For the moment she was unsure what she should do next.

She walked over and looked down at the bodies in the pool. “Better go down and get the cuffs off him,” she muttered, her anger having bled away. “I wonder if I should remove his weight belt as well.”

She picked up the keys and took a deep breath. Then she jumped into the water feet first. Tammi swam down toward the bodies, pulling herself along with her arms as air trickled out of her nose.

She grabbed his body and rolled it over onto his stomach. His cuffed wrists came into view. It took a few moments, but she managed to get the handcuffs off.

She bubbled as she hesitated. She finally rolled the body back over. Then Tammi pulled on the release to the weight belt.

She felt a warning spasm in her chest. She finished pulling the belt off from around his waist. Then she made a dash for the surface, blowing air out of her mouth.

She burst up and gasped for breath. Then she swam over to the edge. Tammi tossed the belt, keys and cuffs onto the concrete patio.

As she clung to the side of the pool, she looked down at the bodies below. “I should lay that bastard on top of his fuckin’ whore!” she muttered as her anger briefly flared.

She took a deep breath before swimming back down. Tammi grabbed a wayward arm, struggling to move Travis onto Melissa’s body. She managed to work him face down on top of the drowned woman.

She released bubbles out of her nose as she felt her lungs begin to burn. Tammi swam back to the surface. Then she burst up, gasping for breath once more.

“That ought to do it,” she muttered in disgust. “Those two lovebirds can just stay down there and enjoy themselves.”

She swam to the shallow end of the pool and climbed out. Tammi found a nearby towel and started to dry herself off. As she did, she found herself wandering over toward the deep end of the pool.

She looked down upon the carnage she had caused. She paused, suddenly deep in thought. Then she took a deep breath before talking out loud, rehearsing what she would say…

“They were having an affair and must have drowned themselves, officer.”

She winced and shook her head. “You’re a lousy liar,” she told herself. “They’re never going to believe you. You’ve just drowned two people. Now you’re going to prison for murder.”

She sighed as tears welled up in her eyes again. She looked down into the water at her handiwork. Now she felt regret over drowning Melissa.

She hated admitting to herself how she’d actually enjoyed their time together. The two of them should have gotten together and drowned Travis instead. Now it was too late.

She’d lashed out in anger and had drowned the slut. It was something she could not undo. There was no way she could retract that action.

What was she going to do now? Go home and wait for the police to come knocking on her door? Her life was virtually over at this point.

She sighed again as a tear trickled down her cheek. She looked down into the water, wishing she hadn’t reacted the way she did. Then she blinked, staring down into the water in disbelief.

For a moment she thought she’d seen Melissa wave at her to come on down and join her. But that was impossible! The woman was DEAD!

She stared intently. Melissa’s arms lay motionless at her sides. Her eyes stared upward, her mouth frozen open. The dead woman couldn’t POSSIBLY have moved!

“Come join me, Tammi…”

Her eyes went wide in astonishment. Then she closed them tight as she shook her head. It wasn’t possible.

“You’re hearing things.” She said it aloud, just to hear her own voice. “You’re hearing things. It’s time to go home. Let the cops settle this. Maybe they’ll suspect a lover’s quarrel gone wrong.”

She didn’t believe that for a minute. Go home? Go home to what?

‘You might as well go down and join them.’ Then she blinked at the thought. “What the hell are you thinking??” she murmured to herself.

She looked down into the water. Tammi suddenly found herself contemplating the idea. After all, she had nothing to look forward to except a long prison sentence.

She looked closer. For a moment she thought she saw Melissa’s arm beckon to her again. Then she heard the woman’s words… like an echo upon the breeze…

“Come join me, Tammi…”

She blinked as she shook her head. She didn’t know if she’d heard it in the air or in her mind. But the more she thought about it, the more the idea was beginning to take hold.

Tammi found herself considering the matter. How would she go about it? How would she drown herself?

She would need the weight belt; she was too buoyant. But what if she went down and chickened out at the last second? Would she pop the weight belt off and swim back up?

There was always the handcuffs. She could cuff her arms behind her back, just like she’d done with her husband. That would work.

A fearful shiver rippled through her. She remembered how Travis and Melissa had drowned. Now she imagined herself painfully thrashing about underwater, her arms cuffed behind her back.

The thought unnerved her. She didn’t think she could go out that way, not after seeing the terror on her husband’s face as he drowned.

For some unexplained reason, she wanted her body to end up as close to Melissa as possible. But she couldn’t guarantee where she would come to rest. It was too bad her husband had come between them, and that she’d drowned Melissa in a fit of anger.

…had come between them…

An idea suddenly sprang to mind. As she thought about it, she felt butterflies well up in her stomach. That’s when Tammi experienced a strange surge of arousal.

Could she do it? Would she have the nerve to go through with it?

She looked down into the water, staring intently at Melissa’s body. She was sure the dead woman was calling to her. Somehow she was beckoning to her… waving her to come down.

But that wasn’t possible! Even now, she couldn’t detect any movement down below.

Was it her conscience, the fact she’d just drowned two people? She thought back to their sexual encounter together. Tammi actually wished Melissa was still alive to lick her pussy. Now that was a crazy thought!

She remembered how the woman had drowned with a dildo inside her. Tammi was sure she’d seen another one lying around somewhere. She could locate it and use it on herself when she went down…

What? Didn’t she mean IF she went down? Was she really this serious? Did she even have the guts to go through with it??

Tammi searched until she located two sets of handcuffs. Her heart thumped excitedly in her chest. Then she went over and stopped at the edge of the pool.

She looked down as she gasped aloud. It was suddenly hard to catch her breath. Did she really want to…?

Tammi abruptly jumped into the water with a splash. She forced herself to swim down to the bodies below. A set of handcuffs dangled from each hand.

When she got there, she reached out, snagged Melissa’s wrist and snapped a cuff onto it. Then she moved over the top of Travis to the woman’s other arm.

She grabbed it and attached the other set of cuffs to it. Then realization set in as to what she was contemplating. It caused her to panic.

Tammi pulled away and swam up to the surface. She burst up, gasping wildly for breath. Then she swam to the edge of the pool and pulled herself out, huffing and puffing.

What the hell was she thinking? Was she insane?? Water dripped off her glistening form, nipples hardening from a perverse excitement.

She looked down into the pool, her heart racing. She thought about going back down, cuffing Travis to Melissa, and then beating a hasty retreat. The cops might buy it if they concluded the two lovebirds had engaged in a suicide pact, either that or a sexual game gone awry.

She shook her head as tears welled up in her eyes. They were going to catch her, and she damn well knew it. Her conscience was not going to let her get away with it.

She caught her breath as she looked down into the water. Once more, she contemplated the cuffs on Melissa’s wrists. Each one seemed to beckon to her, calling for her to come down and lock each of her wrists to them.

She heard that voice in her mind again… “Come to me, Tammi… come be with me…’ It soothed her, calming her jangled nerves. She thought she felt her resolve coming back.

She looked around until she spotted a vibrator lying under a lawn chair. She walked over and picked it up. Tammi studied it intently, a mixture of fear and arousal flowing through her.

She slowly walked back to the edge of the pool. Then she looked down, her heart hammering in her chest…

“Come join me… let’s be together…”

The voice was seductive as it beckoned to her. She sighed and trembled as she set the vibrator down. Then she sat down on the edge of the pool, her legs dangling in the water.

She paused for a long moment. Then Tammi slipped into the water. She picked the vibrator up off the side of the pool and turned it on.

She absentmindedly rubbed it back and forth over her nipples. Then she stopped as she thought about what she was considering. Was she sure she really wanted to do this??

“Come down to me, Tammi… it will be ok…”

Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. She was dimly aware how wet her pussy had become. There was a strange excitement over what she was considering.

If she did this, there would be no turning back. She would be committed. She would be resolving herself to the same painful experience she had forced upon her husband and his lover.

Did she deserve a lesser fate than what they’d suffered through?

She tried to take long deep breaths to steady her nerves. Then she heard that voice again. “…I’m waiting for you, Tammi… come to me…”

She looked down into the water, certain the dead woman was somehow enticing her to come down. The empty cuff on each wrist waited for her arrival. It was as though they, too, were calling to her.

Should she change her mind? Maybe she should go down and remove the cuffs. Instead, she absentmindedly moved the vibrator down and rubbed her clit with it.

Tammi moaned softly. She found the opening to her pussy and slowly pushed it inside. The vibrations buzzed against the walls of her womanhood, setting her on fire.

She gasped for breath. She moaned again. Then she remembered how Melissa’s tongue felt on her twat.

“…come BE with me, Tammi…”

She looked down, panting heavily for breath. She was momentarily frozen with indecision. Tammi stared at the bodies below for what seemed like an eternity.

She suddenly filled her lungs before submerging. Tammi swam down, trembling with fearful anticipation. Air dribbled out of her nostrils as she reached the bodies on the bottom of the pool.

She hesitated again. This was the moment of truth. She looked into Melissa’s lifeless eyes as the vibrator buzzed inside her.

“DO IT… join yourself to me!”

Trembling from a perverse excitement, Tammi picked up the empty cuff on Melissa’s right wrist. Then she snapped it onto her left one in one fluid motion. It caused her heart rate to spike dramatically.

There; it was done. There was no turning back now. It would be all but impossible trying to free herself now, much less struggling to drag the body with her back to the surface.

“…hurry! Do the other one quickly! There’s so little time!’

As if in response, Tammi felt a warning spasm in her chest. Her lungs wanted air. Her time was indeed short.

She stretched herself over the body of her husband. Then she reached for the other cuff as her heart pounded inside her. She fumbled with the cuff, working it onto her wrist.

She shook it while pressing it down against Melissa’s wrist. She deserved this. In her mind, Travis had come between them, not the other way around. Now he was between them again and…


Tammi jerked her arm in horror. Her mind screamed, “What have you DONE?! You STUPID BITCH! You’ve just DROWNED yourself!”

Her eyes went wide as her chest spasmed again. She burbled in panic as she began to struggle. Meanwhile, she became dimly aware of the fire in her loins.

She started squirming wildly as air burbled out past her lips. She wanted to breathe; she needed to return to the surface!


“You’ve JOINED with me! Now we’ll be together forever!”

The voice calmed her, even as her chest spasmed once more. The fire in her pussy became a raging inferno. Instinctively she began to hump against the vibrator buzzing inside her.

Air bubbled out of her mouth as she started to struggle. Panic welled back up inside her. Then she heard that voice in her head…

“Give in to it… Let it take you…”

She tried to ignore the burn in her lungs. Instead, she tried to focus on the fire between her legs. Tammi began fucking the dildo, humping harder and faster as air spewed and spurted out of her mouth.

She clamped her lips together, wondering how much longer she could hold her breath. Her body convulsed sharply. She lost another burst of air as she felt an orgasm draw closer.

She became aware of her husband’s bare ass against her. Blindly Tammi pressed up against it, trying to mash her clit into it. She wanted to cum before it was too late.

She experienced a sharp, painful spasm while losing a massive burst of air. She was almost out of breath. Tammi humped her husband’s ass for all she was worth as her muscles contracted around the buzzing vibrator deep inside her.

She grimaced in pain as her cheeks bulged. She was rapidly approaching the limits of her endurance. Then most of her remaining air burst out of her mouth.

She inhaled sharply, just as the orgasm slammed into her. Tammi’s eyes flew open in shock. Then she tried to scream as she started thrashing about.

She wildly humped and jerked as she tried to free herself. All she could manage was a muffled gurgle. She bucked wildly, the orgasm almost overwhelming her as her lungs kept pulling water into her system.

She desperately tried to jerk away from the cuffs that held her to Melissa’s arms, bouncing off the body of her naked husband in the process. She shuddered hard as she convulsed painfully. Then she abruptly went limp as every muscle shut down.

The pain in her chest eased. She gazed down and was able to look into the eyes of her husband’s mistress. Once more she heard the voice in her head… “Now we’ll be together forever…”

Her mouth opened in an attempt to respond. But she couldn’t get any words out. Her eyes slowly glazed over as a bubbly sigh eased out of her gently constricting throat.

The bodies at the bottom of the pool grew still. The water became calm as silence filled the air. It would be another hour before a startled voice filled the backyard…

“HOLY SHIT! Wouldya take a look at THAT!!”

2005; 2020 (written for Melissa Aug 21 ’05; ed. Dec 30 ‘20 by riwa)

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