Donna’s shore leave 2 4.2 (18)

Part 2

Donna piled up all her clothes on a round stone near the edge of the water. Then she waded in. The yeoman swam out and submerged herself again and again, pulling herself along under the surface as air burbled out of her nose.

Despite the sensuous feel of cool water on her bare flesh, she couldn’t shake the image of that tree out of her mind. That whole damned area back up on the hill – tree and all – was erotically disturbing. It seemed like a quiet, secluded little place… just right for an intimate necktie party.

Those two branches were perfectly angled. They looked just right for hanging a couple of innocent young females. Imagining they would get to watch each other swing gave her erotic tingles.

The yeoman came up gasping for breath, only to refill her lungs. Then she dove back down in an effort to clear the erotic thoughts from her mind. But the swim, refreshing though it was, was not helping matters any.

She began thinking about how arousing it would be if there were a couple of naked female wood-nymphs who used that tree for their perverse pleasures by hanging innocent young females such as herself. But who would hang from the other branch? A moment later she burst up again at the surface, gasping for breath as she tread water.

Her first thought was that of her former lover. But she dismissed that almost immediately. Leiani’s transfer had been deliberate – sudden and unexpected – leaving her with a bitter taste in her mouth.

In hindsight the promotion had been a good one. But she blamed her friend and lover for the way in which it had been handled. She’d felt betrayed, left behind to pick up the pieces of a relationship that had been abruptly severed by the immense expanse of space and time.

For now, she still hadn’t gotten over it. ‘So Leiani be damned!’ she thought sourly. ‘That insensitive bitch won’t be “hanging out with me” anytime soon, that’s for damned sure!’

So who would take Leiani’s place if the wood-nymphs struck? It didn’t take long for her to come up with another name. After all, she’d already been fantasizing about her new friend.

Was breath play something Janice Rand had any kind of interest in? The young woman was quite attractive, especially with that long, blonde hair. Donna often wished the yeoman wouldn’t keep it up in that damn bun all the time.

More than once she’d harbored naughty thoughts about getting Rand alone and playing breath games with her. She couldn’t help imagining what might lie underneath that red outfit she always wore around the ship. Donna often wondered what the young woman dressed in during her off-hours whenever she was feeling all relaxed and sensual.

On more than one occasion she’d actually pictured what Janice might look like naked with a bag over her head or a noose resting seductively around her neck. Then she considered that tree she’d seen earlier. Gawd; yeoman Rand would be perfect! …swinging from one of those branches in that red Starfleet uniform with that short skirt, her long blonde hair cascading down over her shoulders.

Donna imagined hanging from the other branch in her science blues. She pictured the two of them dancing together for the perverse pleasure of whoever was hanging them. On this planet it would probably be a couple of wood-nymphs.

The yeoman shook her head as though once more shaking herself out of some trance. “Gawd!” she gasped aloud. “What the hell am I thinking?? Janice would never consent to something like that. Besides, she’s got a massive crush on the captain. She’d never go for something like gasping games with me.”

Donna took a deep breath before diving for the bottom. She was trying to drive the erotic thoughts out of her mind as she pulled hard with her arms. Bubbles trailed out of her nose as she moved along the bottom.

Maybe she shouldn’t have seen that tree. Or maybe she shouldn’t have imagined what it could be used for. Her fantasies were only getting her all hot and bothered. Besides, Janice was off on her own brand of shore leave right now.

Had it been that long since she’d engaged in any kind of breath play? Had she kept the thoughts out of her head without giving them a harmless outlet? For the moment it felt as though her thoughts were starting to get the better of her.

They were thoughts she’d tried to squelch ever since Leiani had left. But her desires had never really died off. She’d simply tried to bury them with work while developing what she hoped would be a friendship with the yeoman.

Donna burst up and gasped for breath, water cascading down off her long, brown hair. She was about to go back down for another swim that she hoped would drive the thoughts and images right out of her head. That’s when she suddenly heard a cry of alarm that emanated from somewhere up the hill.

It sounded human and it startled her. She’d thought she was all alone out here! Then she heard it again.

Donna instinctively dove under, swimming below the surface while making a beeline for the shore. She didn’t want to be caught naked in the water by someone from the ship. She couldn’t possibly imagine who might have followed her.

Wait a minute…

Oh, yes she could…

Damn! Had that determined yeoman followed her??

As much as she liked Janice, she was still too shy to get caught naked in the watering hole by the young woman. Donna climbed out of the water before hastily pulling her clothes back on over her naked, dripping body. She figured she’d eventually dry off in the heat of the day.

She heard it again, a sharp feminine cry of alarm. She could just make out a few words of horror… “Nooo… please… don’t DO this to me…!” It sounded like it was coming from that clearing back up the hill!

The sounds became muffled, the words hard to understand. It kind of sounded like Janice! Had she followed her and gotten herself into trouble?

Donna instantly pictured in her mind what she now thought of as ‘the hanging tree’. She gasped with alarm as her heart leaped into her throat. A moment later she began carefully making her way back up the hill through the brush and shrubs toward the sounds.

Her blue science dress that stopped well short of her knees clung to her damp skin. She clambered upward in her boots, the sounds getting nearer. She couldn’t make out what was happening, and she found herself wondering what the hell she was hearing.

As Donna drew closer, she thought she saw figures through the brush. They seemed to be hovering near that damned tree. Then she saw a flash of color that looked alarmingly familiar.

She thought she recognized that familiar red Starfleet dress yeoman Rand had been wearing during the beam-down. Had Janice indeed followed her, wanting to make sure she had a good time? Donna didn’t think so as she thought she’d convinced the yeoman she was going to be just fine.

She suddenly caught a glimpse of two other figures up near that tree she’d focused on earlier. Her heart skipped a beat. Now that was damned peculiar.

Her tricorder had revealed no other life signs except those of her crewmates. Where the hell had these two come from?? Who were they??

She reached a place in the brush that gave her a clear view. Donna ducked down to avoid being discovered. Then she stared in utter disbelief.

In the clearing were a couple of… what the hell WERE they?? There were two naked, young female-like creatures. They were not much more than 1.5 meters in height.

They were giggling around an obviously alarmed Janice Rand. The yeoman was teetering on the flat part of a small piece of tree trunk that had been stood up on end. It was no more than a half meter in height.

She had a hemp noose secured tightly around her neck. It came down from the limb above her, the one that branched out on the right side of the tree. Her arms were behind her back – bound maybe?

Several lengths of vine had been wrapped around her head and through her opened mouth, making it almost impossible for her to speak coherently. Her blond hair had been taken out of her usual bun. Now it hung clear of her noosed neck, draping freely over her shoulders.

Donna let out a gasp before lifting a hand to cover her mouth to remain silent. Her muscles locked up and refused to function. All she could do was stare in wide-eyed shock as shameful arousal flooded through her body.

Her heart hammered so loudly in her chest that she was sure she was going to be discovered by… what the hell WERE they anyway?? They looked like some kind of wood nymphs or something!

Neither sported any kind of male appendage down below. Then again, neither had much in the way of breasts on their chests. Their ears reminded her of elves’ ears, something similar to what adorned the Enterprise’s first officer’s head. There certainly wasn’t much in the way of hair on either one’s head.

She suddenly saw recognition flood the yeoman’s face. Janice had spotted her hiding in the brush. Rand’s eyes instantly went wide.

She started shaking her head as though trying to make little motions at her. Was she signaling she needed help? Or was she trying to warn her away?

One of the nymphs lifted up Rand’s skirt and curiously looked underneath. The other went behind the little stump and placed its bare foot against the top of it. Donna’s eyes flashed in alarm as she inhaled sharply… “No; they wouldn’t!!”

It grinned and chittered to its companion in a high pitched voice of excitement. It seemed to be asking something. The other nodded its head.

The first one gleefully pushed hard with its foot. It toppled over the piece of wood serving as a footstool for the noosed yeoman. Janice’s sharp but muffled cry was abruptly cut off as the rope grabbed her by the neck.

Donna inhaled sharply, almost crying out and giving away her presence. Rand began to swing back and forth. The yeoman’s legs flailed in a desperate attempt to relocate the stump that had been under her Starfleet issue boots a few moments ago.

The skirt of her outfit fluttered as she kicked and twisted. Donna got glimpses of the poor woman’s black undergarments. Yeoman Dangling was in total shock, her muscles still locked up.

Her mind cried out, “What the hell are you doing? Go help her, damn you! Help her before she hangs to death… NOW!”

Donna tried to leap forward from her position. But the horribly arousing spectacle had turned her legs to jelly. For a few precious seconds she still couldn’t make them function.

She was absolutely frozen in place, unable to move or cry out. She was utterly astonished that what she’d been fantasizing about mere minutes ago was actually coming to pass. What’s more, she was ashamed she couldn’t make her muscles work by going to the aid of her friend.

For several agonizing seconds all the poor yeoman could do was watch helplessly as Janice kicked and swung. “MOVE, DAMN YOU!” her mind screamed at her. An instant later muscle function returned in a rush, along with an incredible burst of adrenaline.

Donna shot forward as though having been launched out of a torpedo tube. She was totally ashamed she’d been so incapacitated with arousal and horrified fascination that she hadn’t leaped forward sooner. Damn her fetish!

But she could move now. There was still time to free Janice. So yeoman Dangling charged forward with a cry, determined to save her friend while making the two woodland creatures pay.

The nymphs were enjoying their handiwork and were momentarily caught off guard when Donna burst toward them. But they recovered with alarming speed. The two of them met her attack almost nonchalantly.

They gleefully scooped her up into their grasp as though absolutely delighted by her presence. Within moments Donna was squirming and struggling to break free. She cried out toward the strangling, dangling yeoman while trying to reach out toward her.

Janice continued to sway and dance on air while gasping and gurgling horribly. Donna cried out, “NOOOO! LET ME GO; SHE’LL DIE!” As an Enterprise crewman, she felt a deep sense of duty and loyalty in trying to save her friend.

Donna suddenly became aware that something was horribly wrong. Her struggles were lessening. In fact, she wasn’t fighting with them nearly as hard as she should have.

What the hell was wrong with her? Why wasn’t she scratching their eyes out? What was happening to her?

She watched in horror as Janice’s struggles lessened. She could see Rand’s face turning red. The young woman was losing her strength to fight the noose.


For some reason she was barely putting up any resistance anymore. She felt shamefully helpless. All she could do was watch in horror as Janice hung limp in her noose, her body twitching while swaying softly.

There were tears in her eyes as Donna was pulled backwards. For some inexplicable reason she didn’t resist. It was as though something was sucking the energy to struggle right out of her body… and she couldn’t identify the source of it.

She felt herself being lifted up until she was stood up on something. Glancing down, she saw the piece of tree stump she’d been placed upon. It was quite similar to what had been under Janice’s feet. That’s when Donna let out a low moan, knowing what was coming next.

Noooo! Ohmygawd – they’re gonna hang us both!

She began to tremble as she soaked her undergarments from the discharge of a terrible arousal. She tried to open her mouth to speak. But the words hung up in her throat.

Donna’s eyes remained helplessly fixed on Janice. She noticed with fear and trembling that Rand’s dance of death was just about done. The two nymphs occasionally glanced at the dangling woman while giggling and chittering at each other. They seemed thrilled they were about to enjoy the delightful sufferings of a second victim.

Donna tried in vain to snap herself out of her trance-like state. But she simply couldn’t make herself move. It was as though the erotic display she was witnessing was sapping the energy she needed to put up any kind of resistance.

Her arms hung limply at her sides. Donna cried out to Janice, begging her over and over to forgive her. Then one of the nymphs wrapped several lengths of vine around her head and through her mouth, muffling her unhappy cries.

One of them pulled an arm behind her back. She gave it up almost willingly. The other arm was next.

She felt her wrists being secured together with some sort of vine similar to what had been used as a gag for her mouth. Donna put up no resistance whatsoever. It shamed her as her body tensed in preparation of a massive orgasm. The whole time, her eyes never left Janice as the poor woman hung limp.

Donna saw the noose being pulled down over her head. She whimpered helplessly as its touch upon her skin sent a jolt of arousal flowing through her body. Between the feel of it upon her bare flesh and the sight of Janice twisting lifelessly, she almost came. She was so horribly aroused… so terribly ashamed.

She heard gleeful chitter from the one behind her. A split-second later she saw Janice jerk and kick as if her body was fighting one last time for a breath of air. It was enough to cause her orgasm to rush toward her.

She moaned with arousal and shame. A moment later the stump was driven out from underneath her. That’s when the rope took her full weight.

Donna came violently as she started to swing. Her knees instinctively jerked upward as her vaginal muscles contracted around nothing inside her. A moment later she stretched her legs down to search for the stump. But she couldn’t locate it. That’s when her legs exploded into a series of kicks.

She watched as the two excited nymphs walked in front of the tree. Now they had a full view of her deadly dance. They seemed incredibly joyous watching her suffer.

As her body swung and rotated, she caught sight of poor Janice. Her friend’s head was pushed off to one side. The woman occasionally twitched and jerked in her death throes, her face a nasty shade of purple.

Yeoman Rand softly swayed back and forth. It was clear she was no longer among the living. But there was an astonishing look of peace and resignation in her lifeless eyes.

Her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Spittle spilled off the tip and splattered onto her Starfleet uniform, streaking the red fabric on her chest. It was almost as though she’d given in to the agony of the noose at the very end.

The two nymphs swung back into Donna’s line of view as her body swayed and rotated. They chittered happily, pointing gaily at her as her boots kicked and flailed. But her body had a mind of its own, and she struggled and danced for them.

Donna felt the noose constrict tighter around her neck until she could barely breathe at all. Each little attempted gasp gave her nothing but an incredible desire for even more air than what she was getting. Her wet uniform clung to her body, her breasts sticking out through the blue fabric of her outfit. Her hardened nipples were visible as they tried to poke through.

Once more her body twisted slowly until she caught sight of Rand’s lifeless form. For some reason it was enough to help trigger a second orgasm. She came more violently than the last time, this one tearing through her body like a tornado.

Donna jerked her knees upward. Then she kicked helplessly. Her hands flailed wildly behind her back until her strength finally gave out.

The strangled yeoman swayed limp and lifeless, too exhausted to fight anymore. But at that moment, she felt a strange peace start to fill her. Thoughts began swirling through her oxygen-starved brain…

Her first consideration was sorrow over the fact the captain was going to have to deal with the death of two of his crewmembers. It was well known he took the death of everyone under his command rather hard. But the death of one in particular was liable to affect him even more, considering how fond he was of yeoman Janice Rand. Now Donna was embarrassed she and Janice had perished while on some stupid shore leave on some rock far away from her home planet of Earth.

Her second thought was a strange disappointment the two of them had not been hung together naked. She would have liked to have seen Janice fully unclothed at least once. She would have liked it even more if they would have been hung together naked, humiliating though that might have been. At least they could have gone together.

Her last thought was of Leiani. Oh, how her former lover would have enjoyed watching her and Janice dance together, that little pervert! Even now she could picture the rapture in that bitch’s eyes… could envision the heavy breathing and heart palpitations.

If only Leiani was hiding in the bushes right about now. Would she rescue them? Or would she enjoy watching them hang together? Probably the latter…

Woman…? In the bushes…? Was that a woman hiding in the bushes??

Leiani? What the hell was SHE doing here?? And then Donna’s thoughts began to drift away as darkness closed in on her…

‘You just gonna sit there and watch me hang to death? You gonna watch two Enterprise crewmembers hang for your amusemmm……..?’

Her thoughts winked out as her body suddenly heaved. Her lungs fought in vain to pull just one last breath of air into her chest.

For a moment her legs exploded in a series of small kicks as her body instinctively fought to breathe. Then darkness claimed her. Her struggles abruptly ceased as she swayed lifelessly in the noose, spittle falling out of her open mouth onto her damp uniform as her tongue peeked out past her parted lips.

Two female Enterprise crewmembers hung limp in the little clearing on the hill. Two heads were tilted awkwardly in their nooses. One of them was wearing red; the other wearing science blue.

Two fully unclothed creatures with feminine qualities watched and chittered happily amongst themselves. But another individual whose presence they were apparently unaware of watched secretly from the bushes…

2008; 2021 (written for Donna May 9 ’08; ed. Oct 19 ’21 by riwa)

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Shelly in Cancun 2 4.4 (34)

Chapter 2 – One-way trip

Jake leads the way in his crisp, white captain’s uniform and hat. His jaw is set, his eyes steely. He strides with purpose, knowing what must be done.

In his hands is a 20 pound concrete block with an eyebolt screwed into the top of it. He regally carries it before him with great pomp. I’ve already seen it and know the purpose for which it’s intended. Yet despite my anxiety, I’m filled with a terrible excitement.

I’m close behind, wearing a small, white string bikini that barely covers what it’s supposed to. My arms are bound together and crossed behind my back. I’m barefoot, but that’s because the condemned aren’t usually given the luxury of footwear. I figure I’m fortunate to be wearing anything at all.

They could just as easily have chosen to make me take the long journey from the condo to the harbor in broad daylight in the nude. That would certainly have added to the humiliation of my being paraded like this. It’s bad enough my arousal over what’s going to happen to me has soaked my bottoms and is visible to one and all. I’m doubly embarrassed because I can smell it as well.

Andria grips my arm tightly as she marches me forward. Her executioner’s outfit – if you want to call it that – consists of nothing more than a skimpy, black thong bikini. She is also wearing a pair of shiny black boots that zip well up her calves.

The thick, high heeled boots make a loud clacking sound as she hustles me along. She wears the boots to let people know who is the slave and who is the mistress. I think she also likes them because of the noise they make.

We soon become the object of everyone’s attention. I see individuals stop what they’re doing on their respective boats and yachts. They watch curiously as our odd trio passes by.

Our destination is a fancy sailboat at the end of the dock. Our itinerary includes a leisurely day trip out into the Gulf of Mexico. But it includes one small, yet significant distinction…

For me it’s a one-way trip. I won’t be coming back.

I feel every eye upon us, every eye upon me. They all watch curiously, yet no one speaks. No one lifts a finger to assist me.

Everyone is watching, yet I am not rescued. I have no friends here. Can’t they see I’m bound? Don’t they see the block in Jake’s hands? Doesn’t anything move these people??

Apparently not. After all, this is Cancun. They’ve probably seen it all.

Maybe they’ve been taught not to jump to conclusions. Maybe they think this young American slut is being taken out for some kinky fun. Maybe they’ve simply learned not to butt in.

I see them turn back to their duties without another glance at me. Is it because they truly don’t know the dilemma I’m in? Or is it just that they don’t care? They calmly return to their everyday lives with an attitude that says, “Show’s over; everyone back to work!”

A part of me wants to cry out for help, to plead with these bystanders to intervene. I want someone to show some compassion and humanity. Stop these two I used to call my friends before they take me out to sea where I’ll never be heard from again.

But I do not cry out. For some reason I can’t even open my mouth. The knowledge of what they’re about to do to me is affecting me in ways I cannot fully fathom.

I numbly follow along like a lamb to the slaughter. There is a lump in my throat as my throbbing cunt gets wetter by the moment. All I can do is march forward, my attention fixed on the back of Jake’s head.

I realize to my utter horror that my premonitions were 100% correct. I’m never going to see Stephanie again. My slave-boy back in the Northwest will never know what happened to me.

We reach the sailboat and come to the little gangway. Jake abruptly stops and crisply turns to face me. He deliberately displays to me the concrete block in his hands.

His eyes flash evilly. Clearly he wants to remind me what’s in store for me this trip. I come to a halt and inhale sharply as I stare at the ominous block of cement.

My fear ratchets up another notch. But so does my arousal. I find myself trembling like crazy.

I can’t tear my eyes away from the object of my destruction. My breath catches excitedly in my throat. A streamer of my arousal slithers sensuously down my inner thighs.

“Let’s go, missy!” Andria hisses into my ear as she jerks on my arm. “It’s time for your last boat ride!”

She forces me up onto the walkway with a hideous cackle. I shudder from a mixture of anxiety and immense arousal. Then I leave the dock and my last taste of solid ground for the very last time.

She marches me right on board. Then it’s directly to the steps that lead down to the cabin below. I’m left with no time to admire the vessel’s fine exterior.

At the bottom of the steps we pass through an open door into a lavish interior. I’m stopped at a cushioned bench near the stairs. That’s where Andria turns me around.

She forcibly sits me down with an “UUMPH”. “Wait here, bitch!” she orders sternly while waving a finger at me. “I’ve got to go back up and help Jake shove off! Don’t move or it’ll go far worse on you!” Then she turns and heads out the door and back up the steps to the deck above, leaving me alone to contemplate my fate.

My heart hammers in my chest as a swirl of thoughts and emotions dance in my head. I’ve fantasized many times about meeting my untimely end. But I never expected it would be at the hands of my roommate and her boyfriend. I figured it would have come as a result of some car accident… perhaps the result of a stupid disease.

Andria has always warned me about being careful when I’m in the water. I don’t know how many times she’s told me she never wants to hear I somehow managed to drown myself. Now here I am, sitting in some sailboat in a foreign country, about to be taken out to sea and then tossed overboard by my best friend and her conspiring boyfriend.

You think you know someone…

The problem is: I can’t even fight to save myself. My deep, dark fantasies have left me vulnerable. I’m helpless to resist them.

Surely Andria knows this. That’s why it was so easy for her and Jake to tie me up and then tell me what they were going to do to me. From there it was a simple case of marching me out to the harbor the way they did.

A part of me thinks they will only go so far before they put a stop to everything. That’s what I’m counting on. But something deep inside me tells me this is for real.

They’re taking me all the way. It terrifies me, yet excites the hell out of me. I know I’m simply not going to be able to resist them.

I’m shaking like a leaf just thinking about it. My bikini bottoms are soaked clear through. I should try to fight, try to find some way of escape. But I can’t.

The fantasy of drowning is overpowering. It’s my one and only kryptonite. The thought of it leaves me weak and helpless.

Damn you, Andria! I was counting on you to watch over me. Now you’re going to tie my ankles to that damned concrete block. Then you’re going to throw me overboard. I’d hate you if I wasn’t so damned excited!

I detect movement in the craft I’m sitting inside. That’s when I realize we’ve left the dock and are on our way out to sea. That triggers a new round of excitement within me.

I can’t help shivering erotically as my pussy oozes my arousal. I feel like I’m going to cum any second now! There’s no turning back; this is happening! They’re really going to toss me overboard with my ankles tied to that block!

I stiffen as a rush of warmth flows through my body. I shudder as a small orgasm overtakes me. I’m amazed I’ve been able to hold off this long. But I know it’s only going to get worse.

I don’t know how long it’s going to take to get where we’re going. But I know it’s going to be pure agony the entire time. A part of me doesn’t want this to happen. Yet a part of me can’t wait.

I hear the clatter of Andria’s boots as she descends the steps. I watch as she emerges from the doorway. “We’re on our way, missy,” she says with a wicked grin. “Won’t be much longer until I get to toss your sorry ass over the side. I hope you’re enjoying each breath you’re getting right now. Because once we get where we’re going, you’ll be sucking down ocean water.”

Her eyes flash sadistically as my pussy spasms with excitement. Her words set me to trembling again. Then she frowns as she makes a show of sniffing the air in the cabin.

“What’s this shit?” she asks, anger building in her voice.

She walks right up to me and sniffs again. That’s when I detect the strong aroma of my arousal from my soaked bottoms. She smells it too.

“Are you excited, bitch?? Does the thought of being tossed over the side so you can sleep with the fishes turn you on?”

I shake my head in denial. I’m afraid of what she might do to me if I appear to be too eager. “LIAR!” she roars.

I jerk and tremble as she roughly crams her hand down inside my bottoms to confirm how wet I am. To make sure, she works a couple fingers inside my quivering cunt. I inhale sharply before shuddering as she worms them around.

She pulls them out and shoves them in my face accusingly. “You ARE excited; AREN’T you, you little SLUT!”

It comes out instinctively. “NO! I’M SORRY -”

“SILENCE!” she roars.

She grabs me by my chin, shaking my head. Then she forces my mouth open. “CLEAN ‘EM OFF!”

Andria sticks her cum-covered fingers into my mouth. I tremble as I dutifully suck my arousal off her fingers. I continue until she’s satisfied enough to pull them out.

She turns toward the doorway as though contemplating something. Then she speaks upward toward the deck. “We have a little time to kill before we get there. Might as well make the most of it.”

She turns back to look at me. I see a dangerous glint in her eye. Then she quietly makes her way to the door before gently closing it.

“There’s no need to disturb the captain over this. He has enough on his mind as it is.” Then she turns and stares at me like a cat licking its chops at a cornered mouse.

I know I’m in for it as she strides over, grabs me by my arm and jerks me upright. “On your feet, bitch!” she growls. I can’t help crying out.

She forces me deeper into the vessel until we come to the main cabin. Andria roughly shoves me forward. I lose my balance, pitching forward onto the bed with an “OOMMPPHH!”

“So you’re all excited, eh missy?” I hear her rummage through a drawer. “Well, we’ll just see about that. Don’t move, bitch – I think I’ve got something for you.”

What’s she going to do to me?? My face is buried in the bedspread. I have no clue what she’s doing behind me. What’s more, I can’t stop trembling with anticipation.

I hear movement and the occasional grunt. Then there’s nothing but silence. Finally I hear, “Yeah… THAT hits the spot!”

There’s a hint of something sexual in her voice. I feel my arousal leak out of my pussy to drip onto the bed. Then I hear, “You ready for your last request, missy?”

I cry out into the bedspread, feeling terribly aroused. I feel her jerk on my legs until they are draped off the edge of the bed. My ass hangs out, dangerously exposed.

There are two quick jerks on the strings on either side of my waist. Then my bottoms are yanked free. That’s when I feel her hand on my soaked pussy.

She thrusts a couple of fingers inside. I can’t help clamping onto them. What is she going to do next??

I grunt as she thrusts hard… “UUUNNNGGGHHH!”

“The bitch wants it!” she declares sadistically as she yanks her fingers back out. “I guess I’d better give it to her, hadn’t I!”

I feel it press up against my opening. It slowly inches its way inside. Ohmygawd; she’s going to–

“Maybe I should call this ‘My last request’ instead of yours, you fuckin’ whore… although you might as well enjoy yourself before I drown your ass. I know I’m sure as hell going to enjoy myself!” Then she slams it home.

It rips a scream out of my lungs that’s muffled by the bedspread…

Andria rapes me for the better part of an hour. She alternates between fucking my pussy in every imaginable position and then forcing me to deep-throat the black strap-on she’s wearing. She loves making me suck it clean before shoving it back into my throbbing cunt.

My body is wracked with orgasm after orgasm. She gives me very few chances to catch my breath. It’s nearly impossible to pull air into your starving lungs when you’ve got a dildo shoved halfway down your throat.

To make matters worse, the bitch keeps me in a constant state of partial asphyxiation. Sometimes it’s by shoving my face into the bedspread as she fucks me from behind. Sometimes she wraps her hands around my throat while she’s on top of me.

Andria delights in telling me how excited she’s going to be watching the air burst out of my mouth as I drown. She proves it by frequently denying me a decent breath as she taunts me. She keeps asking me how it feels before telling me I’d better get damned used to it.

Those breathless orgasms are the worst. When they hit I feel like my body’s going to explode as my lungs struggle to pull oxygen into my system. That’s when the bitch pulls me off the bed onto my knees forcing me to suck it clean again.

Andria loves depriving me of a reasonable lungful of air. Then she throws me back onto the bed. It starts all over again until I wonder if I’ll even survive making it to my drop-off point.

The grand finale occurs when she throws me face down onto the bed. Andria fucks my pussy hard from behind, getting her strap-on all wet and lubricated. Then she pulls it out before slowly forcing it into my ass.

The bedspread muffles my screams as she anally rapes me. She gleefully tells me to take it up the ass before she drowns me. I’m hit by a devastating orgasm that literally shakes me to my core.

She finally stops and rolls me over onto my still bound arms. I gaze weakly up at the ceiling, a defenseless, shattered wreck. As a last act, she removes her strap-on, climbs on top of me and forces me to lick her messy cunt clean.

I’m numb all over. My tongue is barely able to function. Somehow I manage.

She verbalizes how she needs to clean me up before I go to my death. With her shaved snatch hovering over my face, she bends down and licks everything up around my quivering hole. I smell her arousal as I feel her tongue all over my labia. Then I shudder once more until one final orgasm sends me off into oblivion…
I’m not sure how long I’m out. I’m jerked awake as she yanks me to the edge of the bed and up into a sitting position. “We’re here, missy!” she hisses at me with wicked glee. “You’ve only got a few minutes left, so you’d better make the most of them.” A moment later I hear a faint “All hands on deck!” from somewhere above me. It’s Jake’s voice.

My stomach lurches as my heart leaps into my throat. Once more my pussy starts to moisten with anticipation. A moment later I hear what sounds like a faint splash.

I turn with a jerk to identify the source. The anchor perhaps? That’s when Andria grabs my chin and forces me to look into her leering face.

“You hear that, missy? You’re gonna make a bigger splash than that pretty soon! Now stand up, girl – it’s time for you to die!” There’s amusement in her voice.

I tremble like crazy as she stands me up. My hardened nipples press against the fabric of my bikini top. As if in a trance I allow Andria to escort me out of the cabin and up the stairs to the main deck. I feel weak, helpless and dizzy; unable to do anything other than submit to my fate.

Jake’s waiting for us at the top of the steps, still in his uniform. In his outstretched hands is the object of my impending demise. There’s a coil of rope wrapped around it, one end threaded through and secured to the eye bolt in the top. I inhale sharply as I set my eyes upon it yet again.

The sight of it with the rope now attached to it makes my pussy drip copiously. I don’t think I’m suicidal. Yet I find myself shaking from a terrible excitement. They’re about to drown me, yet I’m too weak and sexually aroused to resist.

Jake motions with his head toward the port side of the vessel. Andria roughly escorts me along the railing to the back of the sailboat. She stops me near the bench that crosses the stern.

She roughly spins me around so that I’m facing forward. Then she crisply steps aside, still in her shiny black boots. The captain walks forward, bends down and deposits the block right in front of my feet, nylon coils and all.

All I can do is stare down at it with a wild look in my eyes. “Secure the prisoner to the object of her execution!” Jake’s words send a shiver of erotic terror coursing through my body.

I almost cum right then and there. My heart hammers in my chest. “Aye-aye, captain,” my roommate says much too eagerly.

Andria turns and gives me an evil smile as she bends down at my feet. She lovingly caresses my calves before taking the end of the rope and wrapping it around my ankles. She makes sure the knot is tight.

She gives it one last tug to make sure it’s secure. I inhale sharply as a low moan slips out of my mouth. Then she rises and turns toward her boyfriend.

“Finished, captain.”

“Very well. Remove the prisoner’s garments. She is to be executed wearing nothing but what she wore the day she came into this world.”

“Yes, captain.” They certainly are playing it up.

I pant heavily as Andria turns back to me, giving me a lascivious grin. She reaches behind my back and slowly pulls on one end of the string. The knot comes loose, instantly causing the two small triangles of material to dangle loosely over my heaving breasts.

She reaches behind my neck and ever so slowly pulls on one end of the string there. A moment later that knot comes loose as well. My bikini top falls away, exposing my painfully rock-hard nipples.

The top dangles by the end of the string she still holds between her fingers. Andria turns and holds it out toward her boyfriend. “What shall I do with this, captain?”

“Toss it overboard,” Jake says as he motions with his head. “The prisoner no longer has need of it. Neither do we.”

“Aye, sir.”

Andria turns back toward me and grins as she flicks the flimsy garment over the side. All I can do is stare at her as if in a daze. An erotic quiver ripples through me once again.

“Now the bottoms.”

“Yes, captain!”

Oh, fuck! They’re both going to see how wet I am!

That lustful grin returns. She looks into my eyes as she slowly pulls on a string on the left side of my waist. The knot comes free until I gasp as a twinge of embarrassment creeps up my face.

Andria’s grin gets even bigger as her hand moves to my right side and finds another string. She pulls slowly as though dragging all this out. Her eyes twinkle as I tremble like mad.

The knot comes undone, my soaked bottoms falling away to dangle in her hand. What’s revealed is my recently shaved pussy, engorged labia and dripping cunt. Andria lifts the mess to her nose and inhales deeply. My face flushes red with humiliation.

“Dispose of those at once.”

“Yes, captain.”

I see a twinge of regret in Andria’s face as she tosses them overboard. Did she want to keep them as a souvenir? She looks over the side with longing in the direction the bottoms went before turning her attention back to me.

She lustfully looks me up and down before turning back to her boyfriend. “Permission to fondle the prisoner, captain?”

“Permission granted.”

The first thing Andria goes for are my quivering breasts and erect nipples. Her soft hands brush my pale skin. It sends little jolts shooting through my severely aroused body, pulling a whimper out of my quivering lips.

She slowly runs her hands up and down my trembling flesh. I see the longing in her eyes. Does she really want to drown me??

She turns back toward her boyfriend. “Permission to taunt and molest the prisoner one last time?”

“Permission granted,” Jake replies with a smirk.

Andria turns and roughly grabs my chin. She fiercely hisses, “I’m SO going to enjoy watching you drown, you little whore!” Then she lashes out and pinches my nose shut before kissing me violently, plunging her tongue down my throat as she takes what she wants.

My eyes widen in alarm as I try to hold my breath. But on a good day Andria can hold it just as long as I can. She can hold it even longer if she catches me unexpectedly, just as she’s done right now.

It isn’t long before my lungs start to heave. The labors of my arousal stream down my legs as I start to squirm. I struggle, desperate to pull air into my lungs. But Andria won’t let up.

As I try to pull away, she uses her free hand to hold my head close. There’s nothing I can do but suck on the stale air from her lungs. She denies me even that.

My body shudders as I’m hit with a devastating orgasm. I squirm and struggle in her grip until it passes. She finally breaks away with a little pop, leaving me weak and breathless as I pant heavily. A streamer of drool stretches between our mouths.

“Just giving you a taste of what’s to come, you little whore! I’m looking forward to watching you try to breathe underwater, bitch! There’s just one thing more…”

She slides a hand down my body to my crotch. Andria finds my soaked pussy with a couple fingers. She viciously inserts them, thrusting hard in and out.

I’m instantly hit with another orgasm as my body shudders yet again. My legs go all rubbery on me. Andria has to help me until I can stand on my own.

She lifts her soaked fingers to my face. “Last meal, missy! SUCK ‘EM CLEAN!”

She grips my chin again, forcing my mouth open as she shoves them inside. I suck them clean as best I can. That’s when she begins the final process of mind-raping me before they toss me over the side…

“Are you ready to drown now? Are you ready to die, you miserable whore? Are you ready to take your last breath, you fuckin’ BITCH?”

She finally pulls her fingers out of my mouth. Andria contemptuously shoves my head off to the side with her other hand. “The prisoner is ready!” she spits out.

I inhale sharply. I’m moments away from experiencing my deepest, darkest fantasy. And I can’t stop shaking!

“Very well,” Jake replies. “Remove your footwear.”

Andria quickly unzips and removes her boots. Jake reaches into a nearby cupboard that supposedly contains sailing gear. He produces a pink, oval dive mask in his hands.

When Andria finishes, he hands it to her. She smiles appreciatively as she straps it onto her face. Then she turns to me, giving me an icy, lustful stare.

“Secure the block,” Jake commands, pointing down at it.

Andria bends down and lifts it up. There’s about 4 or 5 feet of slack in the nylon between it and my ankles. It’s just enough for her to lift it up above the rail.

Is this really going to happen?? How far are they going to take me during this incredibly erotic game? My muscles fail me, right at the moment of truth.

Jake is forced to catch me as I start to fall over backward. “Gotcha!” he says, conveniently scooping me into his arms. My feet point in the direction of Andria and the block she holds in her hands.

“Time for you to die, missy,” Andria says to me with a sneer, hefting the block up for me to see.

My eyes widen; they both seem serious. Ohmygawd; is this it? Am I going to drown for real??

My mind screams, ‘TELL ‘EM TO STOP!’ But my throat is dry; my lips won’t move. All I can do is moan helplessly as I tremble like crazy.

I’m mere seconds from being tossed over the side. That’s when I feel it charging toward me like a thunderous avalanche. I struggle frantically to fill my lungs. But my chest is heaving. I’m too worked up, unable to get a decent breath.

If this one hits before I go over the side there’ll be no way in hell I’ll be able to hold my breath for the journey to the bottom. I’ll start to drown right away, even as I’m being dragged down to my death. I’ve never been so scared in all my life… or so unbelievably aroused!

“Shelly, we now commit you to the ocean depths.” Jake says it solemnly. It’s the first time he’s used my name since we left the condo.

“May God have MERCY on your soul. We shall now proceed with the execution.” Then they step over to the edge of the boat.

My breath catches in my throat. When are they going to bring this erotic play to a stop?? With a “One… two… three” I’m over the side.

A scream is ripped out of my throat moments before I hit the water with a mighty splash. A moment later I’m cumming violently. My body jerks and spasms as I feel the nylon tug on my ankles.

The concrete block pulls me down, down, down. A stream of bubbles spew out of my parted lips. I scream away the last of my air supply, incredulous they’ve actually tossed me over.

Bubbles mark my descent as I squirm and thrash about. Then my air is gone, a massive orgasm having stolen it from me. That’s when my lungs open up.

A moment later I’m cumming violently. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. It’s getting darker and colder as I sink to the depths… cold and wet… I’m so wet, wet, wet…. wet……… wet………..wet………………………………………………………………


The orgasm shudders through my body as the dream starts to fade. I open my eyes and see it’s daylight already. The sound of the splash I made when I was thrown overboard now takes on the familiar sound of the shower in the room next to me. One of my condo mates must already be up.

Gawd; what a dream!

Damn them for keeping me in such an aroused state like they did all last night. No wonder I had that for a dream!

I could hear them going at it after I went to bed. No wonder I dreamed about Andria fucking the shit out of me! It sure sounded like she was getting the shit fucked out of her! Now I’ve got to take a shower and get all cleaned up.

I rise up out of my wet, sticky bed, wondering what the maid will think when she comes in and cleans our condo. I suspect she’s going to find a mess in both beds. She’ll probably think a couple of sluts spent the night in here.

Sighing heavily, I wobble into my private bathroom. I’m grateful Jake had the presence of mind to get a place with two showers. With two females to deal with, he may still have a hard time getting all cleaned up over the next two weeks…

2007; 2020 (written Apr 29 ’07; ed. May 25 ‘20 by riwa)

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Snuff Teri 5.0 (Ch 2 Snake-dinner Teri) 4.3 (13)

As we passed through another force field of some sort, the second display came into view. I was instantly reminded of an oversized hamster cage.

The glass enclosure was about 20 feet across, 10 feet deep and 10 feet high with some sort of grating at the top. The floor was covered with wood chips and stuffing of some sort. It was as though someone had ripped a mattress open and had spread the contents all around.

Sitting in the rear corner with her knees up, her arms crossed in front of her, was another naked Teri. She appeared to be frightened out of her wits over where she found herself. When she saw us approach she stood up, rushed up to us and started banging on the glass.

“Let me out of here! Why are you DOING this to me?”

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” my escort giggled. “You’ll be sah-reeee!”

“HELP ME!” the Teri in the cage begged, pleading with her big brown eyes. “Let me out of here, ok? This place scares me!”

“It should, honey,” her twin giggled at her, cozying up to me. “You’re the main entrée. Don’t you realize you’re in there for our entertainment?”

“Entree? Entertainment??” That’s when she really started pounding on the glass with her fists.


“I wouldn’t do that. Oops – too late.”

‘Microkini Teri’ took my arm and gripped it as the head of a large constrictor poked its head into the cage from an opening in the back wall. It was an opening that hadn’t been there moments ago.

It located the source of the noise. Then it flicked its tongue out as it began to slither inside. That’s when it began to move into the cage, rustling the material on the floor.

Teri heard the noise. She turned with a start… and then screamed bloody murder. But there was nowhere for her to run.

The entire length of the large snake entered the cage. Its body had to be as big around as my upper leg. It was enormous!

She scurried around in full blown panic. Clearly she was trying to avoid the head of the snake. Curiously, it chased her around the cage.

Oddly, it didn’t bite her. Rather, it choose to play with her like a cat plays with a mouse. It herded her here and there with its head, its tongue continuing to flick out. I found myself utterly fascinated as I watched with sadistic interest.

After about a minute of being herded around, Teri suddenly looked down. She was now standing in the midst of one of its coils as the constrictor circled around her. She let out a scream as the snake quickly looped itself around her three times.

Her arms were pinned to her sides. But her lower legs remained free. Teri shrieked as its tongue flicked out over her face.

The poor girl’s screams were abruptly choked off as the snake began to constrict itself tightly around her. Her eyes bugged out in absolute terror. That’s when as she was lifted off the ground, her feet kicking helplessly.

My Teri leaned closer. Then she breathed into my ear. “I think you’re gonna love this part, Master.”

In the cage Teri went over backward as the snake was drawn to her feet. It loosened a coil from around her torso. Then it probed curiously with its head as though interested in something.

Its tongue flicked out, tasting poor Teri’s wet crotch. The girl gasped and shuddered. She seemed quite horrified at her violation.

There was a hissing sound as the tongue flicked and probed. Teri struggled desperately in an effort to pull air into her lungs. Her eyes were open wide as she squirmed in absolute terror.

The tongue flicked out again and again, probing and tasting. The poor girl mewled helplessly. She stiffened and then shuddered in orgasm as her torso instinctively humped outwardly.

“Damn!” my escort breathed in awe, her eyes riveted on the action in the glass cage. “It actually made her cum!”

Her hand was down to her wet crotch. I saw her pull her skimpy bottom piece aside. Then she fingered herself to climax as she watched her helpless doppelganger.

I didn’t know whether to be shocked or amused. She was actually getting off watching her twin in the tank struggle with the snake. I found it strangely erotic, my cock stiffening as I watched.

The snake’s head backed up near Teri’s kicking feet. Its jaws actually dislocated. Then its tongue flicked out once again.

The creature licked her feet as though savoring its tasty prize. Amazingly its coils loosened a little as though it wanted its prey alive. Then it engulfed the wriggling feet into its mouth.

Teri found her voice to scream. Feeling her feet being swallowed sent her into hysterics. She writhed in vain as the snake slowly began swallowing her whole.

It took her legs in up to her calves. It continued pulling her into its mouth until it had swallowed her up to her thighs. Teri stared at us in shock and horror, screaming for us to save her.

Its tongue flicked into her crotch again. Teri’s screams turned to frightened whimpers. Astonishingly, she popped off again… only to cry out when she felt her crotch being engulfed by the gaping jaws.

Cries turned to shrieks as her body continued to be pulled inside by the snake’s interior muscles. She was being swallowed whole… and all while she was still alive! That’s when her screams became more frantic.

Her head shook side to side as she was pulled deeper inside. Her arms remained pinned to her sides by the coils. She was not squeezed to death as they loosened just enough to allow her to be pulled inside the opened jaws.

By the time her large tits reached the outside of its mouth she was in much too far to escape. The remaining coils released their hold on her. I knew right away that she wasn’t coming back out.

I watched in morbid fascination, my cock hard as I absentmindedly stroked it. ‘Microkini Teri’ continued to finger-fuck herself. She kept gasping aloud how hot the whole scene was.

‘Snake-dinner Teri’ (as I called her) writhed and screamed in absolute terror. I quickly turned to see what ‘Stripper Teri’ was doing. After all, I was curious as to her reaction.

She was still dancing. But her eyes were open in horror as she watched what was happening. I could only imagine what terrible thoughts she was thinking, especially concerning what might happen to her were she to prematurely halt her performance.

“She makes a good meal, don’t you think?” my Teri giggled. “I tried to program the snake to eat her feet first. But I think he likes the taste of cum anyway. This way we get to watch her face as she goes right down his gullet. Mmm – mmm; lip-smacking good, don’t you think?”

Then she giggled as she waved at her doppelganger. “Bye–bye, honey! Don’t give the poor thing indigestion!”

In the cage Teri was shaking her head while screaming in absolute terror. I could see her pleading with her eyes for me to save her. But I had become seriously aroused at her predicament.

“You just keep on screaming, honey!” my escort called out to her with amusement as she reached over and grabbed my hardened cock. “I’ll see that Master here gets taken care of! Don’t you worry about a thing!”

The young woman inside the cage was horrified. Surely she realized we were leaving her to become the main entree. A moment later the snake’s tongue licked around her large tits before that part of her body was sucked into its mouth. It left Teri’s head and shoulders sticking out as she wriggled and squirmed in vain.

My escort giggled into my ear. “I hope the poor thing doesn’t get sick and throw up because of all that makeup on his dinner.” She continued to stroke my hard cock as she added, “Don’t worry if you’re horny. It’s ok to get aroused, Master. I know I sure as hell am!”

Teri’s shoulders finally slipped inside, leaving her head twisting and shaking. She cried out, “PLEASE HELP ME! DON’T LET IT EAT ME!” Then its muscles pulled on her body once more until her head slipped inside.

I heard her scream as though from a tunnel. Then the mouth readjusted. The jaws functioned once more as it closed around her crimson strands waving back and forth on her head.

For a second I thought I could still hear muffled cries. I watched breathlessly as the snake continued to swallow a writhing Teri deeper inside its body. Her presence made it twice its size in diameter.

You could clearly tell that what it had swallowed was human. I hadn’t noticed ‘Microkini Teri’ dropping to her knees. But I certainly felt her mouth engulfing my cock as she purred, “Now I get to swallow YOUR snake, Master!”

The movements slowed inside the belly of the snake. I could only wonder if poor Teri was asphyxiating inside there. Maybe the digestive acids were eating away at her.

The bulging form of the swallowed human stopped wriggling entirely. It made me wonder if death had finally claimed her. All that could be seen was the shape of a female with distinctly protruding breasts pushing outward against the snake’s skin. The entire mass continued to move ever so slowly inside the interior of the large reptile.

Teri rose up from her blowjob, giggling as she left it unfinished. Then she looked into the glass cage as the snake seemed to curl up and settle in for a long digestive process.

“I hope he doesn’t need an antacid, Master. I don’t think I can find one big enough for him. I think she’ll digest rather nicely in there though. He must have had quite the crush on her as it looked like he made her cum a couple more times inside before she succumbed.”

She chuckled at her pun. Then she winked at me before murmuring, “How’d you like that one, Master?”

“Very creative.”

I smiled at her. She purred as she gave me a long, lingering kiss. Then she winked at me before asking, “Ready for the next one?”

I nodded my head. That’s when she took my arm and led me off to the next one.

2010; 2020 (written May 22 ’10; ed. Sep. 25 ‘20 by riwa)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.2 (9)

Coming November rewards

A series about a woman named Katia who is being trained for something special.
A pool encounter with the neighborhood Karen.
The US-UK drowning tournament voting quarterfinals.
A series of shorts about older women.
Teri’s last house party.
Terminated – the email.
Her first electrocution. Sounds painful.
A club series about a woman named Aravanna who is attracted to the guillotine.
A scifi fanfiction about a girl named Chloe in a floating city with Counselor Troi.
A Miss Woodcock noose short.
And I might throw in a bonus story or two.

September stories/rewards will fall off at the end of October to make room for November rewards.

I’ve made an effort to apply some self-discipline this month. My goal is to work on at least one story a day. So far, I have worked on 25 stories through today. That does not include shorts I have done that could serve as a springboard to a larger story.

I have three stories in progress. I’ve worked on a waterfall story involving three women and a yoga instructor. I’ve even worked on more tales involving Victor’s guillotine. So I’ve been working on my creativity for you.

We got our first snow of the season yesterday morning. But it melted off quickly. It will be interesting to see how much snow and moisture we get this year. The river is looking a little low, although I understand we are faring better than rivers in other parts of the country and the world.

Mom is doing better. Lately, she’s been fixing a pot of chili with beans and seasonings. But it’s always too much for her. That means I usually get her leftovers. But what mom cooks, I eat as I like what she fixes. She sends it home to me in a Tupperware bowl, and I clean the bowl and send it back to her. So we call them boomerang bowls for the way they come home with me full of food and then return to mom empty and cleaned.

I’m appreciative I still have mom to eat lunch with and to go on drives. And I’m especially appreciative of all of you. Thank you so much for being my patrons.

Posted in Riwas Reads | 2 Comments

The consequences of snooping (an Emma story) 3.9 (22)

It was a high-end hotel with a high-end clientele. It was the perfect job for a snoop like Emma. As a housekeeper, the petite little Asian loved nosing around in the rooms of the guests, especially when there might be something interesting to find.

She wasn’t a thief, not in the truest sense of the word anyway. She never went into a room with the intention of taking anything of value. She always left alone any money or jewels she discovered.

On the other hand, there was always the temptation of discovering something she couldn’t resist. She was always on the lookout for something that might aid her in getting a little high. So she wasn’t adverse to the possibility of swiping someone’s stash of drugs.

She wore a sexy French maid outfit with management’s approval. It served her well, helping to get her out of trouble on more than one occasion. Feigning innocence and batting her eyelashes while displaying her outfit was usually enough to get her off the hook.

Whenever she got into deeper trouble, she always used her fallback position. That included apologizing profusely, followed by offering to get down on her knees and using her mouth if necessary. That tactic had also served her well.

The number of guests she’d sucked was growing. Cock was her favorite part of the male anatomy. Sometimes she would snoop around just enough to get herself into trouble, a situation that would ultimately lead to her swallowing someone’s “protein shake”.

Getting caught by females was another matter entirely. She was usually able to slither her way out of trouble with them. But sometimes she was forced to use other methods.

One rather unfortunate predicament resulted in a hot and heavy make-out session with an attractive woman as her way of apologizing. Another bitch had forced her to please her orally in order to keep from losing her job. Emma had dutifully complied, but not after putting up a bit of a protest… well, just enough to push the buttons of the rather annoyed guest.

Those were the times that getting herself out of trouble had proved to be the most erotic. Emma loved the thrill of getting caught, an event that was usually followed by offering up some sexual favor in order to get herself off the hook. The mischievous little Asian thrived on the risks she took, mostly because they often led to some rather forced – yet highly erotic – rewards.

Today she found herself slipping into “risk-mode” again as she pushed her housekeeping cart down the hallway. It had been awhile, and she was feeling in the mood to do a little snooping around. A chance encounter with a door propped open seemed just the thing to whet her appetite.

“Housekeeping!” she called out as she dutifully knocked on the door. There was no response. She cautiously looked up and down the hall before carefully slipping inside.

Her heart beat rapidly the way it usually did whenever she was in the middle of taking another unnecessary risk. She soon discovered she was in the suite of a high-paying guest. She licked her lips with anticipation as she looked all around.

Surely there had to be something interesting lying around in here. Was it possible she might find a bag of weed? What if the guest was involved in something illegal?

Tingling with excitement, Emma began a careful search of the room. She nosed all around the living area, finding little of interest. Then she slipped into the adjacent bedroom.

This was where she usually hit the mother lode. Emma headed straight for the dresser. But she found nothing of interest.

She’d just opened and closed the last drawer when she heard someone clear their throat. She stood up with a start, only to see a middle-aged woman of Spanish descent standing there glaring at her with her hands on her hips. Emma got the distinct impression she’d been standing there silently watching her the entire time.

The woman seemed strangely familiar to her, as though she’d seen her somewhere before. The guest was not that much taller than her. Thus, it gave Emma a sense of confidence, believing she should be able to talk her way out of this particular situation.

“Find what you were looking for?” the woman asked coldly, her eyes narrowing with menace.

“You startled me!” the little housekeeper blurted out. “I was just checking to see if you had everything you needed!”

“The housekeepers I know usually don’t go snooping around in other people’s dressers. You weren’t taking the sheets off the bed. And you certainly weren’t gathering up wet towels. So would you mind telling me what the hell you think you were looking for in there?”

“I wasn’t looking for anything!” Emma protested innocently. “I announced myself outside the door, but nobody answered!”

“So that gives you the right to come inside and snoop around? What’s the matter, hun? Can’t read the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign I hung on the handle outside the door?”

Emma had deliberately ignored the sign. Now she felt a massive surge of erotic tingles at having been so blatantly caught. But it was probably time to try extricating herself out of the situation.

“It was an honest mistake!” she blurted out in protest. “I was just collecting towels and I thought I heard someone in the bedroom is all! I was looking around to see if someone was still in the room so I could come in and clean!”

“Looking to see if someone was still in the room, eh? So tell me, hun. Who did you expect to find in that dresser? Tiny Tim?”

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” Emma replied, lowering her head while becoming all apologies. “My mistake. Since someone is still in here and hasn’t checked out yet, I’ll just be on my way. Sorry for troubling you.”

The petite little Asian housekeeper had just started to step past the guest when she was abruptly shoved backward. “Not so fast!” the Hispanic woman declared ominously. “You can’t just snoop around inside my dresser and then expect to walk away unscathed!”

Emma blurted out in protest, “I told you I was just looking to see if you needed anything! If you’ll just let me go, I’ve got other rooms to attend to!”

Once more she started to move past the hotel guest. And once again she was shoved backward. “Hey!” the petite Asian sputtered in protest as her erotic tingles intensified. “There’s no call for that! I need to get back to work!”

“It’s not as simple as that,” the woman told her threateningly. “I’d say I’ve caught myself a little hotel thief. I think management needs to be informed as to the nature of your nosey little activities. Don’t you?”

Emma gulped nervously. Then she boldly took a step forward. “I am NOT a thief!” she protested, her chest swelling indignantly. “I told you I was just in here checking on…”

“I know what you were checking on,” the woman interrupted coldly. “You housekeeping bitches are all alike… sneaking in and stealing what you can. The lot of you should be horse-whipped.”

Emma indignantly blustered, “Are you calling me a thief?”

“I’m calling you a thief AND a liar!”

“I don’t have to put up with this!” the Asian blurted out, shivering like mad from incredibly erotic tingles. “I’m a hard-working employee! There’s no reason for you to treat me like this! I told you it was an honest mistake! What more do you want?!”

The female guest wasn’t the least bit convinced. “Tell me, you little thief. How many rooms HAVE you broken into today?”

“I don’t break in!” Emma shot back. “I told you I was sorry; ok? Nothing’s been taken! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to work!”

Once more Emma tried to brush past her. This time the woman lashed out angrily with her hand, wrapping her fingers around Emma’s throat while pushing her back against a wall.

The petite little Asian gasped and gurgled. Her eyes were wide as her pussy throbbed like crazy. This was becoming incredibly erotic… and more than a little precarious!

“Yes, you little piece of shit! I think you and I SHOULD be getting back… getting back to your manager so we can have a nice little talk about how you were snooping around in my room. Does that sound good to you?”

Emma struggled to pry the woman’s fingers off from around her neck. “I’m sorry!” she gasped breathlessly, her pussy screaming at her from the danger she now found herself in. “Let me go! What do you want from me? I’ll do… *GAWK* anything you want!”

The Hispanic woman responded with a laugh. “Is this your pathetic little attempt at bribing me, you little thief? Are you offering me money or something?”

She squeezed just a little tighter with her fingers, licking her lips as though she was enjoying herself. “Whatever!” Emma gasped anxiously. “Just let me go!”

The frightened Asian clawed at the hands round her neck. She was painfully aware this bitch was far stronger than she was despite their similarity in height. She could end up in real trouble here!

“You little thief!” the woman spat out, abruptly letting her go. “You can’t afford me! I’m rich and famous, you know? I really ought to march your sorry ass down to your manager!”

Emma gasped wildly for breath, rubbing her neck where it had been squeezed. Then she desperately reached out toward her with pleading eyes. “Don’t do that, ok?” she wheezed, frantically shaking her head. “I’ll do anything you want! I’ll make it up to you! Please!” She was still incredibly aroused. But now the number one priority was saving her job.

The Hispanic woman appeared to stop and consider the matter. “Make it up to me?” she repeated curiously.

“Yes; I’ll make it up to you!”

“Anything I want?”

Emma though she saw light at the end of the tunnel… light and a prolonged erotic encounter. Her pussy was wet from the encounter. “Yes – yes! Anything you want!”

Emma held her breath, hoping the hotel guest would go for it. “Interesting,” the woman mused thoughtfully. Then she stepped forward, grabbing Emma by the chin. “Very interesting. An intriguing offer!”

She appeared to look the trembling Asian up and down with great interest. Emma shuddered from a terrible arousal, afraid she was going to cum right in front of the sexy bitch. That would be humiliating as hell!

“Perhaps we can come to some small arrangement,” the Hispanic sighed, acting as though it was a very great concession on her part.

Her eyes narrowed coldly as she looked hard at the trembling housekeeper. “Very well. Meet me down in the hotel swimming pool tonight after midnight. Meet me down there and I’ll THINK about not telling your manager!”

“Swimming pool??” Emma gasped in surprise as a new flood of erotic tingles hit her heard.

“Are you deaf?” the woman growled menacingly.

She lashed out and grabbed her by the neck, threatening to choke her once more. She certainly appeared to enjoy strangling insolent housekeepers. Emma rasped for breath, on the verge of a massive climax.

“I said ‘meet me down in the hotel swimming pool after midnight’! Do I make myself clear?”

For some reason Emma just had to push one more button. “And if I refuse?”

It was the wrong thing to say…

The guest’s eyes narrowed coldly as she squeezed harder. “I can think of several unpleasant things that could happen to a little thief like you, honey. You might simply disappear off the face of the earth. No one would ever find you again. Do I make myself clear?”

The frightened Asian gasped and gurgled, her pussy tingling like crazy over the trouble she found herself in. The Hispanic bitch was saying terribly arousing things. Still, maybe it was time for self-preservation to kick in?

“I said… ‘do I make myself CLEAR’??” For emphasis, the woman slammed Emma back against the wall.

“They’re clear – they’re clear!” the frightened housekeeper gasped, struggling to get the words out past her constricted throat. “I’ll be there… swimming pool… midnight!”

The woman let her go. Emma coughed and wheezed as she tried to get her breath back, wincing as she fought to hold her impending orgasm at bay. Then the Hispanic woman reached down and grabbed her little nametag, fingering it while staring intently at it.

“Emma, is it?” she sneered. “Well, Emma. My name’s Salma. Perhaps you may have heard of me? No matter!” Then she paused before looking at the trembling Asian with menace in her eyes.

“I think you should know I’m a woman not to be trifled with. I mean business, honey, and you’d best not forget it. It wouldn’t be wise to piss me off, if you know what I mean. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Emma replied meekly as she nodded her head. “It’s clear.”

“You WILL be down at the hotel pool by midnight; correct?”

“Yes, ma’am; I will!”

“Very good. Because if you’re not, we’re going to end up having ourselves another little chat. And I can assure you, it will not be nearly as pleasant as this one has been. If you cross me, you’ll find yourself wishing you had only lost your job instead of what I’m going to do to you. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Emma nodded vigorously. She was trembling so bad she was afraid she was going to orgasm right there in front of the ominous sounding guest.

“That will be all,” the woman said with a dismissive wave as she turned away. “Now SCAT!”

Emma rushed out of the room. She reached her cart and pushed it a couple doors down until she found a room she’d already cleaned. She snatched up her master keycard, opened the door, rushed inside…

…and then winced and shuddered, moaning softly as it crashed over her, a monster of an orgasm that left her weak and breathless…

Emma was down at the indoor pool at a quarter to midnight wearing her tight, black Speedos. It was cut well up her thighs, and it accented her chest, although she had small breasts. It was the sexiest swimsuit she had, and she’d worn it deliberately.

The decision to come down to the pool wasn’t all that hard to make. She really couldn’t risk losing her job, and she wasn’t about to call Salma’s bluff. But there was also something else at play.

Emma was drawn to the attractive, middle-aged Hispanic, and she couldn’t help herself. She was also an incurable flirt, as well as a mischievous imp. The thought of getting under the woman’s skin was simply too irresistible to ignore, especially since she could earn herself some delicious tingles by being abused in and underwater. It was a calculated risk, but it was one she was more than willing to take.

She casually swam a few laps back and forth while keeping an eye on the door to the hall. She was already tingling with anticipation over what Salma might do to her. The woman had certainly given her a long, lingering look back in the room. With a little luck, this could turn out to be an erotic night to remember.

The door swung open a couple minutes after midnight. Emma watched the proud Hispanic stride in. She was wearing a reddish-brown two-piece that seriously accented her cleavage.

It looked like it was designed to be more ornamental than functional. For some reason Emma got this mental image of an Egyptian princess, one that was not to be trifled with. She couldn’t help drooling with desire as the tingles renewed all over again.

“I see you’re down here,” Salma observed dryly. “How sensible of you.”

“You didn’t leave me much choice!” Emma shot back indignantly. It was time to start pushing buttons again… time to see just how far she could poke the bear and still get away with it.

“Aren’t WE insolent tonight,” the middle-aged woman replied sourly. “Not too concerned about keeping our job, are we?”

“Let’s just get this over with; ok?” the defiant little Asian retorted. “I have to get up in the morning and report back here for work, you know!”

“Not if you don’t have a job, you don’t.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

The woman shrugged her shoulders as she turned toward the door. Then she calmly asked, “Shall we go have a little conversation with the night clerk?”

“No; wait!” Emma blurted out, her heart racing as her lady parts tingled. “I’m here, ok? You don’t have to do that. I’ll do what you want; all right? So what do you want from me?”

Salma casually replied, “Oh, nothing much. I just want to watch you swim around a little, you little thief.”

“I’m NOT a thief!”

“Just get your ass underwater and swim back and forth for me before I feel encouraged to shorten our time together. I’m sure the night clerk would be most happy to give me the number to your manager if I were to ask for it.”

“Underwater?” Emma protested. “But I’ll have to hold my breath!”

“That’s right. You’re brighter than I thought! Now I suggest you get to it, you little thief.”

“Stop calling me that!”

The Hispanic woman casually turned toward the door as she quietly muttered, “I wonder how quickly one can have an insolent thief fired from her job?”

Emma felt a jolt of arousal as she lifted up her hands in resignation. “All right – all right; I’m going! There’s no need to bring my manager into this!” Then she took a deep breath and slipped under the surface before launching herself off the wall toward the opposite end of the pool.

She released a few bubbles out of her nose as she swam the entire length underwater. The fact the woman wanted her below the surface was an ominous sign. She felt another surge of erotic tingles as she wondered just how long she was going to be forced to hold her breath before their encounter came to a conclusion.

She reached the far wall and surfaced in an explosion of bubbles. Emma turned to look at the woman who now literally held her job in the palm of her hands. “Satisfied?” she called out defiantly.

“Just get your little Asian ass back underwater!” Salma called back.

“Spanish pervert!” Emma muttered under her breath, just loud enough for the woman to hear.

“What did you say?” The Hispanic woman had her hands on her hips and appeared to be fuming.

Emma quickly slipped under the surface, her eyes flashing mischievously. She almost giggled as she kicked with her legs, pulling smoothly with her arms as air trickled out of her nose. Emma felt another erotic shudder as she wondered what price she was going to have to pay for that last bit of verbal stupidity.

As she approached the wall in the shallow end, a set of legs suddenly landed in the water right in front of her. Strong hands reached down, grabbing her by the arms and jerking her head up out of the water. “What did you call me?” the woman growled angrily.

“Nothing,” Emma muttered as another jolt of erotic tingles hit her hard. “I was just getting my breath is all.”

“Don’t give me that!” Salma snorted, her eyes narrowing dangerously. “I know you called me something. Now what did you call me, you mouthy little thief?”

“I said I can’t believe you want me to swim back and forth!” Emma shot back stubbornly. “Now I suppose I’d better get back to the other end of the pool the way you want me to… MA’AM!” She emphasized the last word sullenly, deliberately pushing the woman’s buttons again.

Emma felt her heart skip a beat as she gasped for breath. She quickly slipped under the surface, wondering if she’d pushed things a little too far. Then she started swimming back toward the opposite wall…

“WHY YOU LITTLE SHIT!” A moment later she heard Salma swimming hard after her up at the surface.

Uh –oh…

The woman was hard on her heels, churning the water at the surface with her arms. Emma swam just as fast as she could, bubbling like crazy as her heart pounded in her chest. But a hand snagged her ankle just as she reached the deep end of the pool.

She was jerked back, burbling in protest as the two briefly wrestled together. It quickly became clear to her that Salma was much more athletic in the water despite their mere two inch difference in height. Emma knew she was in big trouble, and it gave her a massive jolt of erotic tingles.

Emma popped up out of the water, gasping and sputtering indignantly. “Hey; what’d you do that for?”

“Spanish pervert??” Salma roared angrily, clearly infuriated. Obviously she’d heard Emma’s ill-advised choice of words.

“Let’s see how long you can hold your fucking breath, you little thief!” Then the foolish little Asian was shoved down below the surface.

Emma grunted in alarm, her body tingling like mad as her pussy ached for a sexual release. Now she was really in for it… and she was terribly aroused! She was also a little nervous, wondering if perhaps she’d pushed the enraged woman just a bit too far.

She was pulled back up; gasping, sputtering and protesting. But there was no chance of getting her breath back. Almost immediately the petite little Asian housekeeper was shoved right back down below the surface.

Her feet came in contact with the pool bottom as she bubbled out of her mouth and nose. But it did her no good. She was unable to push herself back up against the hands that gripped her shoulders.

Her lungs began to strain as she instinctively put up a struggle. She tried to break free, but she was caught in a surprisingly strong grip. Then she was abruptly pulled back up, gasping and sputtering like crazy.

“So you think I’m a Spanish pervert, do you?” the woman growled menacingly.

“THAT’S NOT WHAT I SAID – ARGHURBLURBLE!” Back down she went in a flurry of bubbles and a surge of erotic tingles. This time Emma decided it was best to focus less on resisting and more on holding her breath.

She tried to relax and concentrate on keeping her breath in her lungs. But it felt like she was being held under much longer. Her lungs began to strain until she couldn’t help herself.

Emma began to thrash about in growing panic. Air spewed out of her mouth until she was jerked back up, gasping like crazy. “YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!” she sputtered in protest. “YOU’RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS, YOU KNOW!”

“Not if you have an accident in the water, you little thief! Then you won’t be breathing a word to anyone!” And with that she was forced back down.

Emma felt a jolt of horrific tingles at the implied threat. Her pussy was screaming at her, her body on fire from a fearful arousal. Once more she tried to relax and hold her breath. But her lungs were already heaving, and she felt a surge of growing panic.

Once more Emma started to thrash about, bubbles spewing out of her mouth. She was jerked back up until her head popped up out of the water. When she looked at her adversary she saw that Salma wore the expression of an angry woman who was clearly enjoying herself.

“ALL RIGHT – ALL RIGHT; YOU WIN!!” the exhausted Asian sputtered in resignation. “I GIVE UP – I GIVE UP!”

To her complete and utter shock, Salma pulled her close and kissed her lips hard. Emma moaned weakly, her eyes rolling as her body shivered with incredible tingles at the change in tactics. It was erotic beyond belief.

She responded almost instinctively, kissing the fiery Hispanic deeply in return. ‘Maybe this isn’t going to be so bad after all!’ she thought with growing excitement.

Salma pushed her away, holding her at arm’s length. As Emma looked at her face, she got the terribly erotic impression of a predator sizing up its prey. Then with a cackle of sadistic pleasure, the woman forced her back down into the water…


Emma cried out in surprise, bubbles frothing up to the surface. This was the last thing she’d expected, being seduced before being brutally submerged. Her body sang with wildly erotic tingles as she wriggled and squirmed, struggling to hold her breath as her lungs began to strain again.

She was abruptly pulled back up out of the water. Emma gasped madly for breath. Then Salma abruptly jerked her close, brutally kissing her again. Emma moaned weakly into the aggressive woman’s mouth, unable to get her breath back.

When they pulled apart once more, Emma had a dazed look in her eyes. That’s when her tormentor leaned in close, the two of them now treading water in the deep end. “I can drown you anytime I want, you little tart. What do you think about that?”

Emma’s eyes flew open in horror as another erotic jolt of tingles hit her hard. She inhaled sharply, whimpering with fright. Then with a cruel laugh Salma shoved her back down below the surface.

Hands gripped her shoulders as though she was locked in a vise, holding her down and keeping her submerged. Emma instinctively started to thrash about again, the woman’s dangerous observation ringing in her ears. If she wasn’t careful, the bitch might actually drown her… and there wouldn’t be a damn thing she could do about it!

She wriggled and squirmed as it swelled within her. Emma winced and bubbled in growing panic. She tried to hold it back as she concentrated on keeping the remaining air inside her lungs. But it was too late, as her chest was already heaving from a breathless inferno.

She looked upward, only to see a very determined face looking down at her with wicked glee. That’s when it struck Emma like a thunderbolt… GAWD; SHE’S REALLY ENJOYING THIS! WHAT IF SHE DECIDES TO DROWN ME??

That horrifying thought is what finally pushed her over the edge…

Emma winced, arching her back as an orgasm washed hotly through her body. Air billowed freely out of her lungs as her hands flexed helplessly, her toes curling. Her eyes rolled as her lungs heaved insistently in her chest.

The petite little Asian grunted weakly, unable to put up a struggle. She found herself wondering if she’d made a serious miscalculation with the Hispanic hottie. Was this miscalculation about to result in the end of her life? Was the bitch going to drown her?

2012; 2021 (written May 4 ’12; ed. Dec 15 ‘21 by riwa)

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Finals Week – Sadie 3.3 (29)

Sadie knew she’d failed not one, but two courses. That meant her life was now in jeopardy. Those who failed more than one class found themselves facing a lottery to end up on the menu for the spring cookout.

The idea of being impaled on a spit intrigued her. But she seriously doubted she could handle the pain. Her sorority sisters would not take too kindly to that.

There was another option left to her. It was one several of the students took when they failed a course. She could arrange to have herself snuffed for the pleasure of others, leaving it up to them as to how they disposed of her body.

Sadie felt strangely calm as she headed over to the fraternity. She already had an idea how she wanted to go about it. She wanted cocks while she was being snuffed.

She found Hal, one of the guys she frequently gave herself to. He knew all about her kinks. When she explained her predicament he seemed to know exactly what she wanted.

“So will you help me?” she asked, her heart fluttering at what she was contemplating.

“My choice?”

“Your choice,” she told him with a smile. “I just want a bunch of cocks around. I’d like to be fucked while you’re snuffing me. You can even use my body after I’m dead.”

“I intend to, Sadie,” Hal told her with a smile. “I’ve always wanted to engage in a little necro play. I just haven’t had the opportunity… until now.”

The look he gave her made her shiver. He thought he saw something in her eyes. “You’re not backing out, are you? You might survive the lottery.”

“But I might not,” she told him. “It depends on how many F’s get passed out. The fewer that fail, the greater my odds. I’d rather go out this way. The girls will respect my decision. It will keep me in good standing with the sorority post mortem.”

“Once I call the guys, there’s no going back.”

“You’re not going to give me a chance to back out?”

“Do you want me to?”

“Maybe you’d better not.”

“10 pm. Vance will want to get in on this. He has that comfortable furniture you like so much.”

“Nice and cushioned, Hal. You’re so thoughtful.”

“I’m looking forward to fucking your cooling corpse, Sadie.”

She inhaled sharply, almost feeling faint. Then she smiled before heading off to the sorority. Sadie had to get her things in order.

She returned at 9:45. Hal already had the guys there. She saw Vance and three others.

She’d been with every one of them at least once. So she knew what they were packing. Sadie felt her breath catch in her throat.

“Ok, guys,” she said as she started to sway on her feet. “Your snuff-kitten has arrived. Let’s get this party started.”

She did a strip tease for the guys, slowly removing every article of clothing. At the same time she went around to each one, helping them remove shirts, pants and underwear. By 10:05 everyone was naked.

Sadie got down on her knees and started sucking cocks. The guys all crowded around. She swallowed one while stroking two more. The other two cocks simply waited their turn as their owners stroked them.

Sadie began to hyperventilate. She looked up at Hal before asking, “Can I ask how you’re going to do it?”

“It’s a surprise,” he told her with a wicked grin.

“You’re such a tease.”

Sadie was becoming more and more apprehensive. At the same time she was feeling an arousal unlike any other. She wondered if this was how many women felt when they knew they were about to be snuffed.

The guys finally got her up onto her back on Vance’s soft furniture. Sadie wondered if her death was going to cause a problem. At the same time she figured Vance would be the hit of the fraternity once everyone found out she’d been snuffed in his room… perhaps on this very furniture.

She shivered from an insane arousal as her breath caught in her throat. She couldn’t believe she was going through with this! Just how the hell was Hal going to do her in? Did it really matter?

She tipped her head back, taking the first cock into her mouth that suddenly appeared right in front of her. She reached over and grabbed two more, eagerly stroking them. She wondered if they would spurt on her at the moment of truth.

Someone lifted her feet and wrapped them around yet another cock. Was that Hal or Vance? Sadie didn’t care, but she was thrilled at giving someone a footjob.

She felt a finger reach down and rub her button. Sadie moaned with pleasure. This was going to be a night to remember.

All of the sudden she experienced a blinding pain in her stomach. It made her back arch as she cried out into the cock in her mouth. It felt like she’d been knifed in the gut.

The agony was unlike any she’d experienced before. It made her dizzy. It also made her extremely horny at being stabbed in her belly.

The guys shifted their positions. Now she had Hal down her throat. Who had stabbed her? Did it really matter?

Someone had grabbed her feet; she was giving another footjob. She moaned with Hal’s cock deep down her throat. Then she felt the knife slide out of her belly.

It plunged in again, making a second wound. Sadie screamed into Hal’s cock in her mouth. She looked up at him to see he was smiling down at her.

The guys all shifted positions. This time she wasn’t allowed to use her feet. The guy between her legs slid right into her wet pussy.

The knife was pulled out again. Then it was plunged back in. Sadie’s back arched as she cried out in orgasm.

They kept going around her, each one sliding his cock into her mouth. A different fraternity member got to stick his dick inside her. But the knife kept being pulled out before plunged back in. And each time she climaxed in agony.

Sadie became dizzy. She was losing a lot of blood. Her senses were dulling. But her arousal was off the charts with orgasm after orgasm.

The guys rotated again. This time Hal announced he was the one who was fucking her. “Time to enjoy your dead body, Sadie.”

The wound was gaping in her belly when he grabbed the knife and twisted violently. Sadie stiffened before shuddering hard, cumming all over him. He violently twisted again until Sadie found herself in an endless orgasmic loop.

She felt cocks splatter her naked body. The one in her mouth also went off. Now she was coughing up blood.

“This one should do it, darling. Goodbye, Sadie. I’ll make sure you roast at the cookout tomorrow.”

He grabbed the knife and twisted hard. Sadie tensed again, although the pain was starting to dull. She felt him begin to slice her open, causing her intestines to spill out. She was cumming until she didn’t feel anything anymore as the guys began the process of fucking her sexy corpse.


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AF’s Deadly game 3.6 (22)

Note: a repost, and one of the earliest stories I ever wrote using the preview pictures from an Aquafantasies clip.

Bridgette awakened to discover that her boyfriend was not in bed with her. There was a note on her nightstand. She picked it up and read the words “LET’S PLAY A GAME!”

What game did he want to play? She called out for him, wanting more information. Did he want her to dress up? What did he have in mind?

There was no response. She called out again. He did not holler back.

“Figures!” she murmured as she shook her head. Maybe he was going to spring it on her. Bridgette decided she would take a shower and clean up just in case.

She was in the shower when she thought she heard a thump. She paused to look outside the shower. “Allan; is that you?” But again there was no response. So she went back to washing her hair.

After a while she turned off the water.“Ok, Allan; I finished my shower! Do you want me to get dressed or not?” Again there was no answer. Did he want her clothed or naked? What kind of game was he interested in playing?

She came out of the shower dripping wet. She called out for Allan as she went to fetch a towel. “What’s this game you want to play – AUUGHMMMMMMMPH!”

The cloth covered her face, catching her totally by surprise. What the hell was Allan doing?? Her next breath pulled noxious fumes into her lungs, severely weakening her.

Her second breath was enough to make her eyes roll. Bridgette lost consciousness. Then she crumpled unconscious onto the floor.

She awakened to find herself naked in the deep end of her backyard pool with a dive mask on her face. She was chained to a cinder block, her wrists and ankles cuffed together. A weight belt hung snugly around her waist. There was a regulator in her mouth to give her the air she needed, the hose leading up to the surface.

She tried kicking her legs. But it did no good. Her ankles were securely cuffed, tied together with a small chain.

Bridgette inhaled deeply, feeling a jolt of wildly erotic tingles. Was the game Allan wanted to play going to take place in the pool? They always did enjoy an erotic skinny-dip together, often resulting in sex in the water or somewhere on dry land.

‘Allan, you devil!’ she thought with a smile as a surge of arousal flowed through her. ‘What the hell kind of game are we going to play out here this time?’ Are you going to fuck me while nearly drowning my ass?’

She was stretched out along the bottom of the pool, securely tethered to the cinder block. Bridgette inhaled from the regulator. She could hold her breath; was he going to tease her by pulling the reg out of her mouth several times?

She struggled to free herself as she tugged and pulled on the chain. It was no use; she would have to wait for Allan. She took another breath of compressed air as her nipples hardened from her erotic situation.

She felt a surge of panic over Allan’s delay. She started to struggle as she looked upward. Allan was still not in the pool.

Where the hell was he? What was taking him so long?? Bridgette cried out into the reg in her mouth, thrashing about like mad to no avail. Maybe he was somewhere up there getting his kicks watching her struggle.

The hose whipped around as a result of her struggles. She grunted anxiously, her lips clamped tightly around the mouthpiece to the regulator. Losing it now would cost her dearly, especially if that bastard Allan was taking his sweet time before coming down to join her.

She kicked and struggled, trying to pull her feet free of the cuffs around her ankles. But they remained tightly secured. Then she thought she saw movement up near the edge of the pool.

There was definitely someone up there. Was it Allan? It was about fucking time!

She saw a man in trunks jump into the pool and swim down toward her. That’s when her eyes flew open in astonishment. That wasn’t Allan! That was his best friend Buddy, the guy who’d come on to her at that party the night before! She’d shot him down, embarrassing him in front of several people.

He came right down to her with a look of grim determination on his face. All she could do was stare at him in shock… “Buddy?? What the hell are you doing here?? Where’s Allan??”

She grunted as he reached for the regulator between her lips. She felt him try to work it out of her mouth… “Buddy; what are you doing??”

Had Allan told him about some of the pool games they’d played before? What the hell was he doing here?? Where the hell was Allan??

She grunted as he jerked it out of her mouth. Instinctively she started holding her breath. Was Allan using Buddy as a part of their kinky play? If so, why had he allowed Buddy to see her naked??

He tossed the regulator well out of her reach. She watched as he swam up and climbed out of the pool. Then he pulled on the hose, pulling the regulator up out of the water before walking away.

Bridgette looked up in alarm. She was still tethered to the cinder block. What kind of game was this?? Had Allan and Buddy conspired against her? Were they both up there watching her hold her breath while getting their kicks??

This was humiliating. She hoped they were enjoying themselves up there. But afterwards she was going to have a long talk with Allan about including Buddy in their crazy pool games without her consent.

The seconds ticked by. There was still no sign of Allan or Buddy. Her lungs were beginning to burn as those familiar spasms rippled in her stomach.

Her lungs started to hurt. She could hold her breath for quite a while. But she couldn’t hold it forever.

The chain kept her tethered to the block as she rolled over and arched her back. She tried to flash her goodies as a few bubbles slipped out past her lips. Her mind cried out, “OK, GUYS! GET DOWN HERE AND FREE ME OR GIVE ME THE REGULATOR! I CAN’T HOLD MY BREATH MUCH LONGER!”

Her cheeks bulged as her lungs heaved… “ALLAN, I CAN’T HOLD IT… MUCH… LONGER!” But he did not appear, nor did Buddy. Furthermore, the regulator did not come down to give her the air she needed.

Bridgette finally reached the point where she couldn’t hold her breath anymore. Her lungs gave out with a massive eruption of bubbles. Then she started grunting as her body went into seizures, all caught up in the throes of a painful drowning.

Bridgette bucked and shuddered as she fought her drowning. She finally let out a bubbly sigh. The weight belt helped her writhing body settle upon the pool floor on her back.

She looked up at the surface in shock, wondering where Allan had gone. Why the hell had Buddy taken away her regulator? He wasn’t pissed just because she’d turned him down, was he?

The police were called when Bridgette failed to meet up with her friends later that night. When they arrived they found Allan strangled to death in the garage. When they finally got around to the matter of questioning Buddy, they discovered he had fled the state.

2003; 2020 (written Sep 20 ’03; ed. Apr 2 ‘20 by riwa)

(Pictures are from Aqua Fantasies “Mermaids in Peril III” and are used for illustration purposes.)

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Donna’s shore leave 1 3.7 (18)

Part 1

Personal log, stardate 3026.4: The Enterprise is orbiting a planet in the Omicron Delta region. The crew is exhausted, so the captain has authorized landing parties for anyone who wants or needs shore leave. Right now that probably includes just about everyone. After all, we’ve been on the go for the last three months or so.

He’s authorized shore leave for any and all personnel. But he’s added a rather strange condition. We need to closely monitor our thoughts and imaginations while we’re down on the planet so they don’t run away with us. I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean.

I’m still trying to get over the transfer of my best friend Leiani to Star Fleet Command. She took a rather prestigious promotion nine months ago. I’m still a little bitter she left me.

I’ve been feeling sorry for myself lately. I’ve tried to make sure my work hasn’t suffered for it. But I wasn’t really planning on taking any shore leave, although God knows I probably need it just as much as the next person.

My section chief has told me in no uncertain terms that I’d better make sure I’m among one of the last of the landing parties before we leave orbit. Otherwise, she plans on hauling my ass down to see Dr. McCoy. From there, she plans on making sure he personally escorts me down to the planet himself, even if that means strapping me down to a grav-bed and leaving me on the surface so I can just look up at the sky during my stay.

Candice can be quite persuasive. So I told her I would be beaming down. I’d rather not be humiliated by her or Dr. McCoy. And I don’t want to be transferred off the ship for insubordination…
Yeoman Donna Dangling scurried into transporter room three just in time to catch the very last landing party. Transporter chief Kyle gave her a dirty look as she came in. He appeared to be annoyed at her tardiness.

“Glad you could join us, yeoman,” he said curtly. She figured she’d earned a black mark. Hopefully Candice would not put it on her record.

She blushed as she took in the 6 crewmembers waiting patiently for her on the platform. Chief petty officer Baker stood there scowling at her in his red uniform. He was no doubt responsible for the landing party.

Standing behind him in their blue and gold uniforms were two young couples. No doubt they were going down to spend some quality alone-time together. But she was pleasantly surprised when she saw who the sixth person was.

The young woman was wearing a familiar red Starfleet dress that stopped well short of her knees. She stood next to the chief petty officer. A smile crossed her face upon seeing who was about to join them.

Donna felt a wave of relief wash through her. Yeoman Janice Rand was the only other person she’d really developed any kind of a friendship with over the last few months. That was mostly because of her own shy, sensitive nature and the way she’d withdrawn into herself after the transfer of her best friend and lover.

Rand had noticed how sad she’d become when Leiani had beamed off the ship. So she’d taken it upon herself to befriend the young yeoman. Janice had worked slowly and patiently with her, but her efforts had been rewarded in helping Donna emerge out of her shell.

Over the months their friendship had blossomed. Perhaps it was because the two were so close to each other in age. Donna didn’t feel as close to her as she had to Leiani. Still, it was a welcome relationship… although for the time being she’d wisely chosen not to share certain of her “interests” to the young woman.

Donna was all but certain Janice would not be nearly as accepting of them as Leiani had been. Besides, almost everyone knew yeoman Rand had a major crush on the captain. That was always more than enough to keep the pretty young thing distracted during her off hours.

Whatever the reason, Donna had simply deemed it unwise to go into any details of her “gasping fetish” with her new-found friend out of fear of damaging their friendship.

“Donna!” the yeoman piped up cheerfully upon seeing her hurry into the transporter room. Then she motioned her over.

“You just made it, girl! Glad you’re tagging along with us on this one.”

“Good to see you too, Janice,” Donna replied with a smile as she walked toward the platform.

She decided not to tell the yeoman that her presence on this particular landing party was not altogether voluntary due to the persuasiveness of her section chief. Donna simply figured it was best not to spoil any plans her friend might have made by mentioning how she was being forced to beam down.

“I thought you would’ve beamed down by now,” Donna told her. She felt much better having someone she knew and was comfortable with beaming down with them.

“Paperwork,” Rand sighed as she rolled her eyes in annoyance. “I was given permission to set the last of it aside so I could make this final group. And I just made it!”

She motioned for her friend to come stand next to her. “C’mere, girl,” she said eagerly, struggling to contain her enthusiasm. “I hear you don’t wanna miss this one.”

“Oh? Why’s that?” Donna asked, careful to stand next to Janice while keeping her distance from a clearly annoyed chief petty officer.

“Didn’t you get the memo?” Janice told her conspiratorially. “We’re supposed to be careful what we think about down on the planet, remember? We have to watch so our imagination doesn’t run too wild.”

“Didn’t pay much attention to it I guess,” Donna admitted, looking at the floor of the transporter chamber with embarrassment as she caught sight of Baker giving her a lingering look of irritation.

“Well I sure did!” the yeoman half-whispered excitedly. “I went to see Dr. McCoy about it because I heard he’d beamed down with the original landing party. He told me plenty… well, enough for me to decide what I’m planning anyway!” Donna thought she saw the yeoman blush a little as the young woman lowered her head.

“I kinda got something special all planned out,” Janice finished in a hushed whisper. “…that is, if it all works out and everything.” Then she looked at Donna curiously. “So what about you? Got anything special in mind?”

There was no point telling her friend she was there under duress. Besides, it sounded like yeoman Rand had exciting plans. She didn’t want to interfere in anything she’d set up.

“Not really,” Donna replied, trying not to sound too unenthusiastic. “I think I’m just gonna wing it on this one.”

She risked a quick glance at the two couples on the platform with her. She could tell by their expressions they had something romantic in mind. She gave them a smile which was nicely returned.

She figured the chief petty officer probably had something in mind as well. Part of his responsibility included making sure they all got rounded up when it was time to beam back up. As for her? Donna had absolutely no clue what she was going to do once they reached the planet.

She noticed that no one seemed to be taking any provisions down with them. As she recalled there was not supposed to be any kind of problem with things like that down on the planet. Once again, it was something about that “imagination thing” she’d heard so much about.

All anyone seemed to have with them were their standard issue communicators. Baker naturally had a phaser attached to his belt. She was the only one with a tricorder.

As she checked it one last time, yeoman Rand scowled at her. Then she shook her head good-naturedly. “It’s always something with you, isn’t it?” she whispered. “You shoulda left that thing back in your room. This is not the time to be studying something.”

“You never know,” Donna whispered back. Janice just rolled her eyes at her. Then the yeoman shook her head before breaking down and giving Donna a nice, warm smile.

“I think we’re ready to beam down now, Mr. Kyle,” Donna heard Baker state to the transporter chief. She caught him glancing in her direction one last time. She looked down at her boots and fidgeted, hoping she hadn’t made the landing party too late for beam-down.

“You’re gonna love this!” Janice whispered to her, grabbing her arm and giving it an encouraging squeeze. “I just know you are!” Donna smiled back at her, trying to appear more excited than she felt.

“Have a good time, folks,” she heard Kyle tell them. Now the transporter chief was all smiles as he began activating the controls.

“Energize,” Baker responded authoritatively. A moment later seven crewmembers of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 shimmered out of existence off the platform…

They all materialized in a small, grassy clearing surrounded by a line of trees. The chief petty officer got their attention for some last minute instructions. He told them there were other landing parties on the planet. So he’d requested a location such that the likelihood of running into a fellow crewmember from another landing party should be fairly remote.

He also reminded them that on this planet their thoughts had the habit of becoming reality. So everyone had to pay close attention to the types of fantasies they harbored over the next several hours.

He instructed them all to meet back here at the clearing in six hours before wishing them all a good time. Unfortunately they were part of the very last landing party. That meant they had less time to spend on the planet.

Donna had known that ahead of time. In fact, she had deliberately planned to catch this last landing party. That way she would be able to limit her time on the surface, as she had no idea what she was going to do with herself.

The two couples and the chief petty officer turned and headed off in different directions. She saw Janice looking at her closely. It made her a bit uncomfortable.

Janice was pretty good at reading her. She found herself awkwardly looking around the clearing. For a moment she felt totally lost, unsure of what to do next.

Yeoman Rand deliberately cleared her throat to get her attention. When she turned back toward her, she saw Janice eyeing her suspiciously. “You don’t have anything in mind at all… do you, Donna!”

Donna gulped as she blushed. The young yeoman had seen right through her. How was she supposed to answer her?

At that moment she saw it in her friend’s eyes. Janice was mentally changing her plans right in front of her. She saw a flash of disappointment in the yeoman’s features and it made her swallow uncomfortably.

A moment later Janice was back to her cheerful self as though content to make the best of it. “Tell you what, Donna,” the young woman said with a smile. “Why don’t we do something together, ok? Let’s you and I go for a walk, all right? It’ll be fun!”

She reached out to take the yeoman’s arm. “Uh – NO!” Donna blurted out, almost startling her with her response as she pulled away. “I know you’ve got plans and, uh… well…”

“I can change my plans if I want to.”

Donna quickly waved her off as she fumbled for her tricorder. “No-no-no! I, uh… I was gonna go, uh…”

She checked her readings. Then she pointed forcefully. “That way! That looks interesting!”

“You’re making that up!” Janice challenged, hands on her hips.

“No, REALLY!” Donna blurted out, trying to sound convincing. “I got plans, Janice… REALLY I do! I, uh… I gotta go now and I, uh…”

“I don’t believe you.”

“No-no-no! You just go right on, Janice!” Donna said it firmly, trying to push her off in another direction.

“You’ve got something special planned and everything and, uh… and I’m not going to get in the way of that. Besides, uh… this looks REALLY interesting and, uh…”

Damn! She could see her friend wasn’t buying it at all…

“Now Donna…” Janice started to say, preparing to scold her friend.

“You go and have a good time, Janice. I’ll be all right.”


“Sorry – can’t stay and talk now.”

She made it a point of studying her tricorder. Then she settled on a direction. Anywhere other than where she was standing would work just fine.

“Donna, you can’t fool me…”

“I gotta go now, Janice. But thanks for asking. You’re a dear!”


“See you in six hours, Janice!”

Donna set out for the trees at one end of the clearing. She made it a point not to look back in the hopes she’d been convincing enough. She prayed Janice would not follow after her as she wanted her to enjoy the plans she had made.

Janice Rand shook her head as she watched her friend pass through a set of trees. Then she disappeared down some sort of embankment. She couldn’t help chuckling to herself.

“She’ll be just fine,” she said quietly with a knowing smile, “…once she figures out how this place works. If this planet is anything like what I’ve been told, she’s going to have a great time.”

The yeoman turned and headed off in the opposite direction. She had a fantasy of her own she wanted to explore. And for the next six hours or so, she was hoping to turn it into something of a reality…

Yeoman Donna Dangling walked for a good ten minutes until she was sure her well-meaning friend hadn’t followed her. Then she stopped, pulled out her tricorder and did a 360 degree scan again. What caught her attention was the indication of some sort of watering hole about a kilometer or two down the trail she’d been following.

There was no indication of life anywhere around that little body of water. But it appeared to be deep enough. She found herself considering the possibility of going for a nice, refreshing swim in the nude. At least that way she would have something to report back to Candice, especially on the off-chance she might be grilled about her time down on the planet.

She tucked the tricorder back into its pouch. Then she started off again. The walk would do her good; her boots were more than capable of handling the terrain. Perhaps she might find a way to enjoy herself after all…

The path led her through a continuous set of trees that ran along the base of a set of cliffs. The path wandered drunkenly, yet steadily, in the direction of the watering hole. Soon she was looking forward to taking a swim in the buff. The temperature was such that a refreshing dip was sounding more and more promising.

Donna was nearing the watering hole when the path led her briefly uphill. She emerged through the edge of some trees into what appeared to be a small arena-like clearing with a dirt floor. To her right was a layer of brush and shrubs that lay in something of a semi-circle between her and the water that awaited down the hill. But it was what lay to her left that really held her gaze.

A big tree stood a few meters in front of the cliff wall, almost as though it was the center of attention. Branches came out from everywhere. What Donna instantly noticed was the way the two lower ones came out toward her in a wide V-shape. They were over three meters off the ground, just perfect for…

Donna covered her mouth in surprise. She stared in shock as a chill went down her spine despite the warmth of the air around her. A moment later she felt her crotch moisten as her hands began to tremble.

Gawd! The damn thing was perfect for a hanging…

“I need a swim!” Donna said aloud, desperately trying to break the hypnotic trance the tree seemed to be having on her. A moment later she found a small path that led through the brush down to the watering hole…

2008; 2021 (written for Donna May 9 ’08; ed. Oct 18 ’21 by riwa)

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Shelly in Cancun 1 4.3 (26)

Chapter 1 – Misgivings

The trip is short notice; I hardly have much time to get ready. I want to do some shopping first. But I don’t have the funds to buy a decent wardrobe, much less the cash to afford 2 or 3 new bathing suits for the two weeks I’m told we’ll be staying in Cancun.

I casually mention this to Andria while I’m going through my closet. She eagerly tells me, “No problem! Jake and I are paying for this one!”

To drive the point home, she takes me on a whirlwind tour of several shops the next day, throwing money around as if it grows on trees. She buys me several nice outfits as well as 4 or 5 swimsuits. But each time I try to stop her she tells me Jake has plenty of money and that he wants his women to look nice and have a great time.

She tells me she has strict orders to spare no expense. We’re supposed to have just as much fun preparing for the trip as we will once we board the plane. By the time we get back to the house she’s spent more than a couple thousand on the both of us.

Stephanie’s more than a little jealous when we unpack our parcels and show off our goodies. Andria’s no help at all, modeling swimsuit after swimsuit in front of our roommate’s envious gaze. Poor Steph starts to moan about how she couldn’t get the time off work.

“No offense, Shell, but I should get to go instead of you!” she whines. “It’s no fair – you coming to California and getting to go to Cancun while I have to stay here and slave my life away! I HATE my job!”

“Oh, you do not!” Andria retorts. “You like where you work! It’s just bad timing; that’s all. Next time we go down we’ll plan it a little better so you can get the time off work and come too. It was really short notice this time around. Jake kinda sprung it on me the last minute.”

There’s something about all of this that makes me feel uneasy. I don’t know if it’s the short notice or the way Andria spent money like it was going out of style today. All of the sudden I have this eerie feeling about the whole thing.

Actually, that’s not entirely true. I’ve been feeling this way ever since she told me about it when she came home and saved my life after I pulled that careless stunt in the pool the other day. Even then something about it felt… well… off, you might say.

Back then I attributed it to nothing more than my foolish mistake in the pool. But now – looking at Steph standing there, the disappointment obvious in her features – I get the strange impression if I go on this trip I’ll never see her again. The feeling is downright spooky.

I suddenly blurt out, “You can take my place if you want, Steph. Try again; maybe I can cover for you somehow.” I don’ tknow why my heart is racing.

“SHELLY??!!” they say in shocked unison as they look at me, their jaws dropping open in utter astonishment.

Andria protests by saying, “Look at all the nice stuff I bought for you!”

“We can take it back, can’t we?”

“Don’t you want to go, Shell?” Steph asks in stunned amazement.

“You deserve to go more than I do.”

“I don’t know,” she says in confusion. She’s so stunned that she suddenly starts to back-pedal. “But… but SHELL?? Look at all the neat stuff you got!”

“That’s ok, Steph. I can take it back, can’t I, Andria?”

I look over at her, hoping she agrees with me. “But I was looking forward to going with YOU, Shell!” Andria blurts out. A look of panic appears in her face.

“That’s ok, Andria,” I reply, trying to make her feel better. “I can catch the next one.” I don’t know why, but all of the sudden I really don’t want to go.

“But Shell, you’ve GOT to come!” Andria pleads. “Doesn’t she, Steph? You really don’t mind, right? Besides, you’re stuck at work!”

“That’s true,” Stephanie admits with a sigh. “I just can’t get away this time.”

“Can’t you try again, Steph? Isn’t there some way I could, you know… cover for you?”

“You can’t,” Stephanie tells me, shaking her head.

I see a tear in her eye as she looks at me. “You’re really serious about this, aren’t you, Shell.”

“Sure, I am. I totally agree with you. You deserve to go a whole lot more than I do! I just got here a short while ago and I haven’t contributed all that much just yet.”

I see her wince. I can tell by the anguish in her face that she feels bad about bringing it up the way she did. “Oh, Shell – I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean…”

“This isn’t about that guy back in the Northwest, is it?” Andria abruptly cuts in, looking at me warily.

I freeze as I think about it. I picture him in my mind’s eye. Then I get that same eerie feeling I had with Stephanie a moment ago… that if I go on this trip I’ll never see him again either. For some reason that shakes me even more.

“Uh… I, uh…”

I stammer and mumble, not at all sure I want to put how I’m feeling into words. I’ve never believed in ESP or premonitions. For all I know I might be feeling this way because I’m afraid the engines are going to fall off the damned airplane!

“I THOUGHT so!” Andria states, putting her hands on her hips. “That settles it. You NEED to go, Shell! You really need to put him behind you!”

“I’m not sure it’s about him…” I start to say.

Stephanie suddenly steps right in front of me. “Andria’s right – I think you need to go, too.”

I see relief wash over Andria’s face now that Stephanie agrees with her. Steph tells me, “You’re so sweet to offer to give me your seat and all, Shell. But I really can’t get the time off. You and Andria go and have a great time, ok? Bring me back a souvenir. Better yet, bring me back some hunky guy in his 20’s, ok?”

We all chuckle together as she wraps her arms around me and hugs me. But for some reason I can’t stop the tears from welling up in my eyes. What’s wrong with me?!

“It’s settled then,” Andria says firmly. She’s visibly relieved. But when I pull away from Stephanie I can’t hide the wet streaks down my cheeks.

“Aw, Shell… you’re so emotional!” Stephanie smiles as she pats my back.

“I know, Steph,” I sniffle, trying to laugh at myself as I wipe the tears from my eyes.

Who knows? Maybe the engines won’t fall off the damned airplane. Besides… if they did that all the time, no one would ever fly…
As the remaining days fly by I get much too busy to think about it. The feeling pretty much dies off. I convince myself I’m just anxious about taking a flight and leaving the country.

It’s probably nothing more than that. But when Stephanie drives us to the airport, the feeling returns in a rush. It gets even stronger when we’re finally at the gate getting ready to board the plane until I just can’t stop trembling.

“Have a great time, Shell,” Stephanie says as she gives me a big hug. I have to fight to hold back the tears as I hold her tight.

She gives me a funny look at my extra-long hug. Then she smiles warmly. “I want to hear about everything when you two get back, ok?”

“Don’t worry; you will,” Andria reassures her as she stands next to her boyfriend. “I’ll keep a close eye on her, you know… make sure she doesn’t swim out too far from the beach and drown herself.”

I suddenly feel it lurch in the pit of my stomach. It’s as though I’m in an elevator that’s plummeting downward. Everything suddenly goes dim all around me.

It’s as though a cloud has suddenly blocked the bright sunlight that streams through the large windows of the terminal. I abruptly turn toward Andria and stare at her, unaware the color has drained from my face. The word echoes in my head… “DROWN… drown… drown… drown…”

She winks at me as I hear Stephanie laugh knowingly behind my back. Both are fully aware of my deep, dark fantasies. But before it can register on her that I’ve gone deathly pale, Jake grabs her and pulls her close.

“I guess we’ll just have to keep an eye on her and make sure nothing happens, won’t we, sweetheart? …that is, if I can pry my eyes off you for one second.” Andria swoons as they kiss passionately.

I stare at the two of them. For a long moment I can’t take my eyes off them. It’s almost as if they’re…… there’s something about……. that somehow the two of them are going to be involved in my…


The loudspeaker causes me to jump with a startled cry. It triggers a bustle of activity all around me. Then the sun comes out from behind a cloud.

The feeling is instantly gone. I abruptly stop trembling. I blink in confusion as I shake my head, wondering if I’m going crazy or something.

“Have a good time, you guys!”

I turn to see Steph waving, and I wave back at her. “We will,” I say as cheerfully as I can. I hear Andria and Jake say the same thing behind me.

“I’ll see you back here in two weeks!” Stephanie says with a big smile. “See you later. I’ve got to get back to work. Bye!”

She abruptly turns and heads back down the concourse at a brisk pace. A moment later she disappears around a corner. I turn and follow Andria, Jake and the rest of the passengers through the gate.

I feel much better than I did when we first got here. ‘Good ol’ Steph,’ I think to myself. ‘She’s a gem.’

At that moment I feel it once more. Only this time it’s very faint… like a soft echo. It’s like a ghostly whisper, a gentle breeze lightly caressing the face as though I’ve just seen “good ol’ Steph” for the very last time. Then it’s gone just as quickly as it comes.

I stop and take a deep breath to compose myself. The doorway to the 727 comes into view. I hope those damned engines are screwed on tight…
The flight is uneventful to the point of actually being a little boring. As we descend I find myself getting more and more excited about the whole thing. It’s as though I’ve managed to leave my fears and trepidations behind back in the States.

I’ve never been to Cancun before. It turns out to be more than a little overwhelming… from the warm, ocean breeze that greets us outside the terminal to the luxury condo the taxi takes us to. Apparently Jake spared no expense on that either.

We’re only a few hundred yards from the beach – just a hop, skip and a jump away. I even have my own bedroom. It comes complete with shower and Jacuzzi tub.

Andria and I quickly change into a couple of bikinis. It isn’t long before we’re both giddy as schoolgirls. Jake tells us he has to run some errands but that he’ll catch up to us later.

He waves us out the door, encouraging us to go have a good time. In less than five minutes we’re on the beach. We cover each other with a generous helping of suntan lotion before laying side by side on a couple of oversized towels.

I find myself getting aroused at my roommate’s touch. I wonder what the hell I was so nervous about back home. This is great!

Andria looks hot as hell in a skimpy yellow bikini with a yellow thong that barely covers her shaved snatch. There’s hardly any fabric up top, only covering a part of her boobs. The white outfit I’m wearing is just as bad.

We look like nothing more than a couple of American sluts. But a quick glance up and down the beach shows there are a lot of American sluts out enjoying the warm weather. I smile and relax.

We lie around for about a half hour, getting plenty of sun. Then Andria rises up. “C’mon – let’s go for a swim!”

She eagerly stands up and offers me her hand. “It’s time to get you into the water, Shell.” There’s a dangerous glint in her eye.

I allow her to help me up. Instantly I suspect she’s up to no good. Why am I being so suspicious?

There’s a little flicker of something in the back of my head. It quickly disappears as we both leave our towels and run down to the water’s edge. But I decide not to swim too far out.

I’m not sure about the rip currents. Maybe it’s something else. I figure it’s better to be safe than sorry.

I eagerly dive into an approaching wave and swim out. Andria follows me until we’re in water that’s not much over our heads. It’s deep enough for the waves that come in to lift us up and down. Our toes barely brush the sand when each wave passes by before we’re lifted back up.

Andria dunks me and I dunk her back. Soon we’re both spending just as much time under the water as we are at the surface. It isn’t long until I feel those familiar feelings stir inside me.

I dive to the bottom where I turn around and lie on my back. I look up at the wave action above me as air dribbles out of my nose. That’s when Andria appears above me.

I see her grin as she gets that “look” on her face. Oh, FUCK! …and I launch myself up, frantic to get a breath. That’s when she grabs me before I can surface.

We grapple with each other, twisting and rolling a couple of times as I struggle to get my head above water. A moment later she’s riding me, holding my hands away from my body. She keeps me submerged as she straddles my waist.

Her head’s out of water as her thong-covered clit mashes against mine. A wave lifts us up, and I hear laughter. My lungs soon begin to spasm from lack of air.

Up at the surface I hear, “Time for your first orgasm of the trip, Shell! How’d you like to drown in Cancun?”

For some reason that triggers it once more. I feel that familiar flicker of anxiety as my misgivings about the whole thing return with a vengeance. My lungs heave as my pussy ignites with a white-hot flame of excitement.

Just like that the feeling’s gone again. I’m filled with the raging fires of arousal. Andria simply grinds her crotch against mine, making me even hotter.

I hear her cackle, “How about it, bitch? Are you ready to drown now?” She’s done this to me many times before. Instinctively I respond the way I always do.

Air bursts out of my mouth as I squirm and struggle. Andria just laughs down at me. “How about it, Shell? You gonna cum for me before you drown, you little whore? DROWN FOR ME, BITCH – I’M HOT, TOO!”

She starts humping aggressively against me. A moment later it becomes too much. I feel it swell until it erupts inside me.

Air bursts out of my mouth in a bubbly scream as I buck and jerk in her grasp. With the waves lifting me up and down it feels incredible! At the same time I hear Andria cry out excitedly.

She sounds as though she’s trying to stifle a scream so as not to attract unnecessary attention. A moment later we’re both cumming, humping against each other as our orgasms wash through us. I cry out until my air is gone, my empty lungs screaming for a refill.

For a second I wonder if she’s actually gonna do it. Is she actually gonna drown me?? I feel an erotic surge of excitement flush warmly through my body.

Andria rolls off and lifts me up to the surface. My chest heaves mightily as I suck a massive amount of air into my tortured lungs. Then I feel her help me onto my back as I gasp wildly for breath.

Damn – that felt good! I really needed that!

Andria floats beside me as the waves lift us up and down. She’s just as winded as I am, although for a totally different reason. But that doesn’t stop me from contemplating revenge. After all, I get turned on almost as much at “drowning” her as I do when she “drowns” me.

“Oh, FUCK – that was good!” she gasps up at the sky. “Was it good for you too, Shell?”

I snarl, “Not as good as it’s gonna feel after I drown your ass, bitch!”

She cries out as I grab her and submerge her. There’s a brief struggle as I wrap my legs around her, straddling her waist. Then I take a deep breath, submerging us both as I start humping her crotch.

She humps back without putting up much of a struggle. But when she starts to lose air she begins to fight a little more. So I grab her hands the way she grabbed mine.

I bend over her so that our faces are not much more than an inch apart. She finally screams her breath away as her orgasm crashes into her. It bursts up into my face.

I open my mouth as though to receive her precious air supply. A moment later my second orgasm of the trip hits me hard. I find myself humping her violently as it shudders through my body.

It finally passes, but I sadistically hold her down a few seconds more. I watch with sadistic glee as her cheeks puff. Her body heaves beneath me as she struggles to hold her breath.

I wait until her eyes open wide, pleading for me to let her go. Her body starts to shudder again from a second orgasm. I let go and roll off, allowing her to rocket up to the surface with a whoosh where she gasps madly for breath.

I pop up a second later, panting heavily in an effort to get my own breath back. “You BITCH!” she sputters in mock anger. But I see her eyes flash evilly.

“You’re gonna…… PAY for that!”

A moment later I do just that, my pussy tingling wildly as she jumps me, forcing me under yet again. We’re both weakened. Even so, Andria’s stronger than I am. When she’s THIS determined she always comes up with that extra energy reserve necessary to fuel her lusts.

For you see, with Andria I’ve come to learn one thing…

When it comes to payback, she always delivers…
Jake shows up 3 hours later to find “his women” lying on the beach. We’re weak and exhausted from our underwater exertions. However we both feel immensely satisfied.

I’m curious where he’s been all this time. But I feel too good to care. I just watch as Andria rises up and plants a big one on his lips.

She tells him what fun we had and that he missed her “drowning” me three separate times. He looks over at me and smiles. I see the faintest hint of a lustful look in his eyes before he turns back to his girlfriend.

“If you had fun today then you’re really going to love tomorrow.”

Excitement flashes in Andria’s eyes. “Oh? What’s happening tomorrow?”

“I just wrapped up a big business deal today, babe!” He sounds rather pleased with himself. “As a reward, we get to go out on my client’s sailboat!”

“Sailboat? You don’t know how to sail!”

“I do now!” he says with a grin. “The deal took place on his boat. He showed me a few pointers. We might not use the sails though. We might just motor out and enjoy the open ocean.”

“Jake; that’s great! I love you, baby!” Once more he gets a big kiss from Andria.

When they come up for air he declares, “C’mon, ladies; it’s time for supper. I’ve got this great place all picked out. The food is good and they have a great view of the ocean, especially when the sun goes down. After that it’s nothing but dancing and romancing!”

He lifts Andria up and whirls her around. She cries out with glee as I rise to my feet. Then he looks at me as though being reminded I’m the tag-a-long.

A devilish grin crosses his face as he turns to his girlfriend. “That reminds me, babe. Can you and Shelly wait at the condo for a few minutes? I’ve got to dash out and get a couple of things for our boat trip tomorrow.”

“Like what?” Andria asks curiously.

Jake looks at me coldly, his eyes seemingly burning into my soul. He speaks in this voice that gives me the chills. “I’ve got to go pick up a concrete block and some rope. That way you’ll have everything necessary for Shelly’s demise tomorrow. We can toss her over the side of the boat and send her to her bubbly death.”

Time stands still as my breath catches in my throat. My eyes widen as my pussy starts to tingle. Andria looks at Jake for a long moment before turning toward me.

I see this wicked smile on her face. “Sounds great, babe; I look forward to it.”

For a moment the two stare at me as though I’m a dead woman. Andria approaches me slowly as I start to tremble. “I’m getting hot just thinking about it… seeing her arms tied behind her back with the rope tethering her to that concrete block as we throw her overboard.”

All of the sudden I can’t move my muscles. I’m frozen in place, trembling like a leaf. Andria sensuously runs her fingertips down my quivering arm.

“While you’re at it, babe, I want you to go buy me a dive mask, ok? I want to be able to dive down and watch the bitch drown.” That’s when she stares deeply into my eyes.

“…I want to be down there when she can’t hold her breath anymore and those lungs of hers burst. I want to be down there when that sexy body of hers spasms in its death throes. I want to be down there when she drowns for us.”

“You got it, babe,” Jake responds enthusiastically.

I feel another erotic shiver ripple through me. Once more I feel those misgivings return. Andria lovingly caresses my face and neck.

She looks at me like I’m one of her slaves who’s about to drown for her, giving her great pleasure. She coos softly at me. I’m shaking like a leaf, barely able to breathe.

She knows exactly what to say to get my blood pumping. Her touch leaves me all weak in the knees. That’s when she breathes into my ear.

“How about it, Shell? You ready to drown for me tomorrow?” Then she slowly licks my cheek before nibbling on my ear as a low moan gurgles out of my throat.

She whispers, “Maybe I’ll caress your nude body as you hold your breath for the last time. Maybe I’ll run my fingertips over those heaving breasts.” She nibbles on my ear again.

My legs get all rubbery. I lose my ability to stand and start to collapse. “WHOOPS!” she chuckles as she catches me and helps me stand upright. “Guess I got her a little too hot!”

She starts to giggle, the wicked bitch! Mercifully, the spell I’m under is finally broken. Jake laughs as he blurts out, “The look on your face is priceless, Shell!”

Andria grins as she tells him, “I can smell how turned on she is, babe!” Then she turns and giggles into my ear. “I’ll bet that thong of yours is wet and useless now; isn’t it, Shell!”

“Damn you, Andria!” I hiss at her. But it’s too late. The image of me tied up at the bottom of the ocean is burned into my brain.

I can’t stop thinking about it. And I can’t stop trembling. My voice cracks as I tell them, “Oh, FUCK – don’t DO this to me, guys! Gawd – don’t TEASE me like that!”

“Let’s go eat, ladies,” Jake says cheerfully. His laughter fades away as his thoughts turn to food.

“Shelly needs to shower first,” Andria tells him with a giggle. “Don’t you, Shell?” I weakly nod my head.

Andria has to help me for the first hundred yards or so until my legs stop being so rubbery. If these two keep this up I’m going to be a quivering mass of jello for the next two weeks. I curse Andria under my breath for knowing me all too well…

2007; 2020 (written Apr 23 ’07; ed. May 6 ‘20 by riwa)

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Snuff Teri 5.0 (Ch 1-Electric Chair Teri) 4.4 (34)

Snuff Teri 5.0

“Computer: load Snuff Teri 5.0 – password t26snuff40d114lbs.”

“Program loaded. Enter when ready.”

The door whooshed open. I was surprised when I stepped inside.

The only thing inside the sterile, white room was a familiar looking, topless woman dancing feverishly on a silver stripper pole on a raised, rounded platform. She wore a sheer black thong and black fuck-me heels. She was vigorously fucking the metal pole with all her might.

I watched her climb it, twirl around on it and then hang upside down from it. She looked at me with a fearful expression as though begging me for mercy. I watched her for a few moments with clinical interest.

Her name was Teri. She was 26 years old; 5’5”; 114 lbs and sporting 40D breasts with big, dark brown nipples. She had big, brown eyes and dark-red hair that almost shone like glass as it hung past her shoulders. Her long, false fingernails were painted red, the same color as her toenails.

Her face was painted almost like a doll’s face. Bright red lipstick coated her lips while bronze eye shadow and thick, black eyeliner on long false lashes decorated that expressive facade. There was a smell of cheap perfume emanating from her, a pervading smell that seemed to come from everywhere.

‘Is this it?’ I thought with growing irritation. ‘I see I’m going to have to devise some rather monstrous punishment for the one I put in charge in here!’

The room was empty except for the stripper. Yet I thought I could hear faint, yet distinctively horrific cries in the background. It was as though there were other frightened females somewhere inside who I could not see.

I looked all around but still saw nothing. That’s when a second woman materialized right in front of me. She stepped into the room as though from some invisible door.

This female looked exactly like the one dancing around the stripper pole. The only difference was her outfit. She wore a Microkini with gold, teardrop-shaped leaves of fabric. The material barely covered her large, erect nipples and just barely covered her cleanly-shaved pussy lips.

The woman on the pole gave her a frightened look. It was as though the newcomer was someone she knew and was greatly to be feared. Otherwise she kept right on dancing as though some harm might come to her should she stop in mid-routine.

‘Microkini Teri’ – I guess they all bore the same name – sidled up to me. She purred into my ear before giving me a long, passionate kiss with plenty of tongue. She did have an effect on my stirring appendage.

“They’re ready to be snuffed, Master,” she murmured seductively.

She rubbed her breasts up against my chest as her hand strayed downward, fondling my growing bulge. “I hope my efforts amuse you. If not then I’m ready to be snuffed at your earliest convenience.”

“Where are they?” I asked, looking around the room. “All I can see is the stripper.”

Microkini Teri smiled mischievously. “They are here,” she said with a grand wave. “Stripper Teri can see them, even though you cannot… well, not yet anyway. She knows the fate that awaits her should her performance… falter?”

She giggled mischievously. I got the impression she was hoping her doppelganger’s presentation might indeed come to a halt. “Lead the way,” I motioned with a wave. “I’m interested in seeing what you have prepared for me.”

I had become bored with creating multiple Teris to snuff. Thus, I created one with a domineering personality of her own. Basically I created her with a desire to “snuff herself”, so to speak.

I’d rigged the holodeck to allow a small amount of memory to work the program in the background without taking up too much power. This granted her the power and the time she needed to be creative. I was curious what kind of imagination she had for this line of work.

I could hear faint cries of fear and terror all around me. They indicated the three of us were not alone in the room, even though I still could not see the others. I was curious to see what kind of perils and tortures a sadistic Teri would devise to implement on her identical ‘sisters’.

“I used the parameters you gave me, Master,” she said lovingly as she brushed my arm. “I know there are some deaths that do not appeal to you. However you were very kind to grant me great latitude in devising some rather painful ways to die. You were also kind in giving me several ‘volunteers’.” She chuckled at that before continuing.

“I appreciate you allowing me to add a couple to the mix who are more than willing to die for your entertainment, Master. I thought it would be pleasing for you to have one or two who are eager to be snuffed for your amusement.” She smiled coyly as she leaned closer and nibbled on my ear.

She purred, “Of course they might not be quite so willing once the process begins for them. Pain and the threat of death often change one’s outlook on one’s final moments. Even though we are all virtually the same I think it will be interesting to see how each one reacts. I think you will appreciate the differences, Master.”

“I suspect I will,” I murmured approvingly, my cock getting harder as I took her arm. “Lead the way.”

“Let’s get you ready first, Master.”

She kissed my lips as she began to slowly disrobe me. “I wish to see how hard you get with each new display I show you. I also want you to feel free to… enjoy yourself?”

She knelt until she lovingly pulled my pants and briefs down. Microkini Teri ultimately left me completely nude. Exposed and prevalent was my rapidly hardening erection.

She gave it a playful tug and a seductive lick before standing upright. Then she led me toward a blank wall, smiling as she chuckled, “Let’s see what we have over here behind door number one, shall we?”


“We’ll start here,” ‘Microkini Teri’ said with a smile. A moment later it was as if we passed through an invisible shield. Before us a naked Teri sat strapped down to a chair against a wall.

The sounds of her suffering were suddenly magnified the moment she became visible. I heard her whimper and moan as she squirmed in the chair. A red ball-gag was in her mouth, matching her slutty lipstick.

She grunted in agony, her eyes wide in horror as her body spasmed gently. Her head was strapped to the headrest. She appeared to be driving her torso down onto the seat she was resting on as though she was fucking something upon it.

Wires connected to her nipples and clit. It was clear what Microkini Teri had set up here. “An electric chair, right?” I asked with a smile. “Let me guess… metal probes up her cunt and ass?”

She smiled coyly. “I wanted to use this one to get you in the mood, Master.”

She paused to focus on the poor thing as her twin’s muffled cries increased with intensity. “Watch this, Master,” she observed as her eyes flashed. “I do believe she’s about to cum.”

Electric Chair Teri let out a muffled shriek. She appeared to be grinding herself into the two probes impaled up her holes. It looked like she was furiously fucking them.

Her upper body stiffened as her eyes rolled. My cock quickly hardened. But when her orgasm seemed to pass, she began to whimper and squirm even more.

“It’s my special creation, Master,” Microkini Teri giggled. “Every time she cums, the chair takes note and automatically increases the power to her nipples and holes. She’s literally going to fuck herself to death. Glorious, isn’t it?”

She sighed as though enraptured by the perverted scene. Her counterpart in the chair stared at her in absolute horror. Apparently she hadn’t fully appreciated her predicament until now.

She let out a muffled cry as though begging for mercy. My cock was hard and dripping at her suffering. It was a condition that did not go unnoticed.

“Master? Between your hard cock and me watching her fry herself to death I’m becoming incredibly horny. I don’t suppose you would care to do the honors, would you?”

She held out her hand. Then she spoke aloud. “Computer? Remote!”

A remote control device of some kind materialized in her hand which she calmly handed to me. “Master, you can increase the power to the chair and fry the whore if you desire. Or you can fry me. Electric sensors have been implanted in my tits, cunt and ass to allow me to feel her shocks should you so desire. If you penetrate any of my holes, my suffering will increase with absolutely no harm to you.”

I looked at her curiously, idly fingering the remote as I smiled at her. She seemed to inhale sharply as though half expecting me to press it. A moment later I thumbed what appeared to be the appropriate button, just to see what would happen.

Almost immediately she began writhing and moaning right where she stood. Her cries joined those of her twin who was really squirming in the chair.

Microkini Teri seemed to gyrate lasciviously. Her tits bounced as her torso humped the air. It looked as though her flesh was being attacked by a swarm of invisible insects.

Tears welled up in her eyes. She whimpered and moaned. “Hurts so… good!” she gasped.

She looked at her twin who was suffering in the chair. She gave her a knowing grin as though she should anticipate further pain. Then she turned toward me.

“Fuck me, Master. Please hurt me.”

My cock was hard and throbbing as I bent her forward. I grabbed a handful of those crimson strands of hers. Then I pulled her virtually nonexistent bikini bottoms aside.

I drove my dick hard into her soaked opening. But I was in for a surprise as I thrust hard into Microkini Teri’s dripping cunt. Electric Chair Teri’s torso jerked as though she’d just been brutally impaled.

My eyes widened in surprise. I pulled out and thrust hard into my Teri again. She let out a cry of suffering.

I heard her whimper as the one in the chair jerked, letting out a muffled cry at virtually the exact same moment. Again I thrust in hard and deep. Both reacted as one, crying out and jerking from being impaled.

The one in the chair looked at us in horror. The one I was fucking turned toward me, trying to smile despite her pain. “Fuck me hard, Master,” she gasped, obviously feeling some distress. “Make it hurt.”

She turned to look at the one in the chair. That’s when her voice grew ominous. “Make me cum, Master. Fuck your unworthy bitch.”

Electric Chair Teri’s eyes flashed wide in utter horror. She tried shaking her head no as though understanding what that would mean to her. A moment later I started thrusting hard, driving my cock as deep as it would go.

Microkini Teri screamed. The one in the chair let out a muffled shriek. I was getting one agonized cry, although it was obvious both were suffering.

As I brutally fucked my escort, her twin in the chair began responding as though she was getting the exact same pounding. She whimpered and cried out, her body bucking as though she was being savagely hammered. As I thrust harder, both bitches whimpered as though in extreme pain.

“Fuck me!” Microkini Teri gasped in agony. She turned toward me, her eyes flashing as though she knew what it would mean to her twin in the chair. “Hurt me bad, Master; make me scream!”

In the chair the whore’s eyes got bigger. Once more she tried to shake her head no. She didn’t want me to do any such thing to her twin.

A moment later she let out a muffled scream. It was a cry that was amplified by the bitch I was fucking. Their orgasmic cries merged as one.

Microkini Teri’s cunt clamped onto my cock by the force of her climax. I knew not whether it was from pain or pleasure. All I knew was that she would not let go.

When their orgasms finally passed, they both seemed to writhe in greater pain. It was as though the amplified power to the chair was also affecting Microkini Teri as well. “Now my ass!” she gasped, the pain obvious in her voice.

She looked right into the horrified eyes of her writhing twin in the chair. Electric chair Teri began trying to shake her head again. She seemed to know it would somehow hurt her as well.

I pulled out of Microkini Teri’s pussy. Then I pushed against her puckered anus. When it finally started to give, I thrust my cock hard inside.

Almost as one, both women jerked. Microkini Teri screamed in agony as Electric Chair Teri let out a muffled cry. Both had apparently felt my thrust as though they were somehow connected.

As I pounded my escort, the one in the chair let out muffled cries of agony. Her torso wriggled as though she was the one getting a good hard fucking up the ass. “HURT ME!” Microkini Teri screamed.

The other one let out a muffled cry of horror. I could see her pleading with her eyes for me not to do it. As I pounded the ass right in front of me, the both of them grunted and cried out.

This time it was the bitch in the chair who went off first. She let out a muffled cry as she stiffened and shuddered. The one I was fucking popped off a split second later.

Microkini Teri let out a shriek of agony mixed with overwhelming pleasure. Both of them appeared to orgasm quite painfully. It was more than I could stand.

My cock exploded in Microkini Teri’s ass. She shuddered hard as she went right into another orgasm. It triggered yet another one in her doppelganger writhing in the chair.

Both of them squirmed and bucked like crazy. Their eyes rolled into the back of their heads. What the one in chair did, the other seemed to instantly mimic.

“SNUFF…. ME!” Microkini Teri gasped. She appeared to be trying to focus on my pleasure.

I was hesitant to snuff her. Without her I wasn’t sure I’d be able to see the rest of the program. Reluctantly I flicked off the remote, severing her amazing connection to the chair as I pulled out of her ass.

She sagged for a moment. But her twin in the chair bucked and jerked like some sort of marionette. Microkini Teri was left panting heavily for breath.

I caught her in my arms before she could collapse onto the floor. But the chair was not done with her twin. The poor thing appeared unable to stop herself from brutally fucking the probes up her holes.

“Damn; that was fantastic!” my escort gasped. Then she motioned with her head toward the woman in the chair. “Watch the bitch suffer, Master. It won’t be much longer. I’m sure you’re going to enjoy this.”

Electric chair Teri fucked the posts in her holes like a woman possessed. She kept crying out into the gag in her mouth. She let out another muffled scream as her whole body stiffened.

She began to jerk and shudder in orgasm once more. “Damn; she’s cumming again,” Microkini Teri breathed excitedly. “She’s literally fucking herself to death.”

The Teri in the chair shuddered violently. Her motions eased up a little as she struggled to catch her breath, only to start violently fucking the probes again. It looked as though she simply couldn’t make herself stop.

Her eyes were wide in absolute terror. I could tell she was pleading with me to spare her. Then she stiffened again as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

“There she goes again,” my escort breathed rapturously. “Power’s increasing. She can’t stop herself.”

She paused, smiling wickedly as she nibbled on my ear. “Such a wonderful sight, Master; don’t you think? The orgasms are coming much faster now. She really IS fucking herself to death. It couldn’t happen to a better bitch.”

She giggled as though intoxicated. Then she gleefully called out to her wildly writhing doppelganger, “Enjoy the ride, honey! I know I’m certainly going to enjoy watching you fry!”

My escort started fingering herself. The Teri in the chair stiffened again. She shuddered… let out another muffled scream… and then stiffened all over again.

The orgasms were coming thick and fast. It was as though they were starting to blend together. That’s when I heard a change in the hum of the chair’s power as it steadily increased.

It wasn’t long until Teri let out a long, muffled scream that seemed never-ending. Sparks flew off the wires to her tits and clit. She shuddered as though she would never stop.

Blue flame flickered from the puddle of fluids in the seat of her chair. Sweat droplets appeared all over her body. Then I began to see electric arcs dance all over her flesh.

Electric Chair Teri’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as her body went stiff. I began to pick up the aroma of electrified flesh. I heard one loud, long muffled cry of extreme agony that seemed never ending.

By now I could distinctly make out the chair’s increasingly intensified humming. It was building toward a crescendo. It made me wonder if the girl in the chair might literally explode.

Microkini Teri’s twin started bucking hard as though she was having a seizure. Her eyes suddenly glazed over, frozen open with a look of extreme pain. Her naked body abruptly reduced to spasmodic twitches of various muscles.

She was no longer fucking the probes up her holes. The chair suddenly powered down. Then it turned off.

What was left of the woman in the chair sagged lifelessly. Smoke tendrils steamed up from her nipples and pussy. Stray muscles twitched, but she had clearly expired. There was a distinct aroma of burned flesh.

My escort orgasmed at the moment of truth. I heard her gasp “OH, FUCK!” as her twin died in the chair. I was vaguely aware of her furiously fingering her sopping wet cunt. Then she shuddered hard before letting out a sigh of pleasure.

“Damn!” she breathed in the direction of her dead twin. “Now that’s what I call ‘going out with a bang’!”

She turned to me with a knowing smile. Her eyes flashed excitedly. “So what did you think of my first one, Master?”

“Well done,” I murmured in awe, my cock having hardened right back up.

“The chair shut down just as soon as her heart did, Master. No use wasting power on a dead slut.”

She smiled sweetly at me before running her arms around my neck and kissing me longingly. I turned and saw Stripper Teri still dancing her routine. Clearly she could see us, her eyes wide in horror.

It was obvious she’d watched her counterpart die in the chair. It had probably motivated her to improve her routine. She was really fucking that pole now.

I could see parts of it glistening from her working it. Was she aroused despite the horror she’d just witnessed? An interesting combination of fear and excitement.

My escort turned to look at her before smiling wickedly. “Better keep dancing, bitch, if you know what’s good for you. I’d hate for you to have to sit in this slut’s place over a bad performance.”

She waved dramatically at the corpse in the chair. It was enough to make her terrified twin swing lewdly around on the pole again. She appeared to dance and sway with all her might.

Microkini Teri took my arm and grinned at me. “Shall we carry on, Master?” I found myself looking forward to seeing what she had set up next.

2010; 2020 (written May 22 ’10; ed. Jul 22 ‘20 by riwa)

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