Snuff Teri 5.0 (Ch 6 Garrote Teri) 4.3 (19)

We walked a few steps over until the next display suddenly materialized right in front of us. This one was rather simple in design.

A frightened, naked Teri sat on a small, rounded piece of dark oak just big enough for her ass to sit on. It extended outward from near the bottom of a rounded wooden post eight inches in diameter. The post was of the same color and material as what she sat on.

Her knees were on the ground, barely helping to prop her up. It left her in something of a kneeling position. Her back was up against the post, her wrists tied together behind it.

What really caught my eye was the thick coil of rope wrapped around her neck. It looped back around, threading into a square wooden block and coiling around a mechanism. Attached to the mechanism, sticking out of the block behind the post, was a six-spoke metal wheel.

It quickly became obvious what I was looking at. Turning the wheel meant tightening the rope around Teri’s neck. My cock instantly started to stir with anticipation.

“What do you think, Master?” ‘Microkini Teri’ waved grandly with a menacing smile. “Simple, yet effective, don’t you think?”

The Teri in the garrote didn’t appreciate her situation in the slightest. She was on the verge of tears as she begged, “Why are you doing this to me?? What am I DOING here??”

“Oh that’s an easy one, honey,” my escort purred as she walked over and knelt down next to her. “You simply had the misfortune of crossing my path when I needed a slut for the garrote.”

She lovingly started pawing the poor thing like a beloved pet. ‘Garrote Teri’ begged me with her eyes, pleading for my intervention. “Please! I didn’t do anything WRONG! You’ve got to BELIEVE ME!”

“Nothing wrong??” ‘Microkini Teri’ sneered at her. “You dance around a stripper pole, making you nothing more than a cock-tease. That’s as good a reason as any to snuff your worthless ass… not that I really NEED a reason. I’m actually beginning to enjoy snuffing you bitches.”

“Snuff me??” she gasped in alarm. “You… you CAN’T!”

“Who’s going to stop me, honey?” my escort purred at her as she reached for the wheel. “You’re certainly in no position to do anything about it.”

I heard the wheel turn with a creak as ‘Microkini Teri’ pulled on it. Almost immediately I saw the rope tighten. ‘Garrote Teri’ gasped and squawked as the coil snugged up tight against her throat.

She looked at me with desperate, pleading eyes as my escort fondled her breasts with one hand. She cruelly purred sweet nothings at her as she held the wheel steady with the other. ‘Garrote Teri’ moaned and whimpered as my cock hardened considerably.

“Time for your first lesson, honey,” my escort cooed at the poor thing who was now starting to squirm a little. “It’s time to find out if being breathless makes you wet.”

She bent down and slid her hand down until she found the woman’s sticky slit. ‘Microkini Teri’ started fingering her. The choking, writhing stripper rasped and gurgled, her eyes getting bigger.

My escort gently wriggled a couple of fingers into her opening. The strangled woman struggled harder as the wheel squeaked with movement. I could see the rope tighten even more around her throat.

‘Garrote Teri’ began thrusting with her hips. She was involuntarily humping against the molesting digits. “Just look at that, Master,” my escort breathed excitedly. “She’s really fucking my fingers! Her cunt’s twitching like a tornado. I think she’s getting off on it. That is so fucking HOT!”

All of the sudden ‘Garrote Teri’ started bucking and shuddering, her eyes rolling. “Fuck; she’s CUMMING!” ‘Microkini Teri’ gasped joyously. “That is so fucking EROTIC!”

The garrote wheel squeaked. I saw the rope loosen around the gasping girl’s neck. She panted like crazy, her body breaking out into a cold sweat.

“You came all over my fingers!” my Teri accused her terrified doppelganger. “Lick ‘em clean, you bitch!”

“I WON’T!” ‘Garrote Teri’ gasped petulantly.

“Then you’ll fucking DIE, bitch!”

The wheel squeaked as the rope tightened again. The captive stripper gasped and gurgled. I could hear her trying to cough out the words “All right – all right!”

The wheel squeaked once more as the coil loosened. ‘Microkini Teri’ brought her wet fingers up to her twin’s mouth. “Open wide, bitch!” she demanded.

The frightened woman obeyed. My Teri moaned as her fingers were sucked clean. ‘Garrote Teri’ appeared embarrassed at being forced to taste her own pussy.

“What… you don’t like that?” my Teri observed with interest. “Well too fucking BAD!”

She cruelly thrust three fingers into the girl’s wet slit. I heard the wheel creak as the coil tightened around her twin sister’s neck again. “Let’s try it now, bitch,” my escort giggled sadistically.

Teri bucked against the post, trying to rise up onto her knees as she struggled to free her arms. Her eyes started to bug out again.

Her tongue began to squirm out of her mouth. “Well, look at what just popped out!” ‘Microkini Teri’ gasped excitedly. Then she leaned closer and kissed her writhing twin, sucking on the protruding tongue.

I heard a grunt as the poor bitch started to buck and shudder once more. “Fuck; she’s cumming again!” my Teri gasped.

A moment later I saw they were clearly orgasming together. My escort held her there a moment before turning the wheel. It loosened the rope around her captive’s neck.

She panted heavily as her strangled twin gasped and whimpered. “Damn; that was fantastic!” my sadistic tour guide gasped.

She pulled her soaked fingers out. Then she offered them to her whimpering twin. “Better lick ‘em clean again if you know what’s good for you!”

The other one obediently parted her lips. She must have decided it would be wiser not to be defiant. Unfortunately, she found herself gagging on three deeply inserted fingers before they were pulled back out of her mouth.

My escort turned toward me. She suddenly noticed how hard I’d become. “I’m SO sorry, Master,” she said apologetically. “Where ARE my manners?”

She turned toward her moaning captive. “You WILL be a good girl and suck his cock, won’t you?”

“Suck his COCK??” her strangled twin gasped in horror.

In response I heard the wheel tighten again. The poor girl began to gasp and gurgle once more. But I heard her manage to rasp out, “OK… OK… I’LL… SUCK HIS COCK!”

“You see, Master?” my Teri giggled as she turned the wheel back, loosening the rope around her frightened twin’s neck. “She can be taught. All she needs is a little motivation to help her make the right choice. Now why don’t you bring that over here and enjoy yourself.”

She smiled as she motioned at my hard, quivering dick. I needed no further urging. Besides, I was terribly aroused seeing ‘Garrote Teri’ choking each time the rope tightened.

I was able to straddle her. She was at the right height as I moved my cock all around her face, taunting her with it. ‘Garrote Teri’ kept her lips and eyes closed… that is, until the wheel creaked again, causing her eyes to fly open in pain.

“Now open your fucking mouth!” ‘Microkini Teri ordered. Her hand remained firm on the wheel. I had no doubt she would eagerly strangle the poor thing over the least little provocation.

The half-choked woman did as she was told. I slid my cock into a nice warm mouth. “Suck him, bitch!” my Teri demanded, savagely groping the young woman’s tits. “Get him off like the good slut I know you are!”

Her twin whimpered as I thrust in and out of her mouth. Her sucking was not all that impressive. Perhaps she just wasn’t into it at the moment.

“That’s not very enthusiastic,” my escort observed in disgust. Then I heard the wheel creak.

Her doppelganger began to grunt and gurgle as she struggled helplessly against the post. The rope tightened ominously around her throat. ‘Garrote Teri’ started to choke in earnest.

“Suck him, BITCH!” ‘Microkini Teri’ ordered. Then she reached down. This time she slid four fingers into the slut’s dripping slit.

The captive twin grunted and whimpered. Her gasps and gurgles were quite delicious. My cock quivered pleasurably in her mouth.

I was close to cumming. I think my escort knew it. So I started to thrust harder.

“Master?” ‘Microkini Teri’ asked with a sly wink. “May I …just for you?”

Her eyes flashed lustfully. I could tell she really wanted to. So I gave her my permission with a nod.

I heard the wheel creak once more. That’s when ‘Garrote Teri’ really started writhing around. She grunted painfully as she humped against the fingers fucking her cunt.

I brutally fucked her reddening face. Her body acted like it wanted to explode. Then my escort knelt closer.

She loudly breathed into her ear, “This is what you get for crossing my path, bitch. I’m really going to enjoy snuffing you.” Then the wheel creaked again.

‘Microkini Teri’ thrust her fingers good and hard into her poor twin’s soaked pussy. ‘Garrote Teri’ started bucking hard. She thrust with her hips as she struggled like crazy.

I felt her tongue slither out underneath my thrusting cock. She gasped and gurgled, her face reddening. I could not resist brutally fucking her skull.

Her eyes bugged out and started to roll. Her face turned a nasty color. “Give it to her, Master!” my Teri gasped excitedly. “Oh, FUCK; I’m gonna cum!”

She let out an excited gasp as she gripped the wheel. Then she slowly turned it. ‘Garrote Teri’ seemed to explode.

Her body writhed and bucked as she thrust her torso outward. It was as though she could not resist humping against those thrusting fingers.

I exploded in her mouth a few seconds later. I was simply unable to hold back as her suffering reached its zenith. Then I heard the wheel squeak.

There was a distinct CRINCH. The shuddering replica abruptly stiffened. I heard a “GUUNNHH” that was abruptly cut off as her eyes flew open.

She suddenly collapsed until she went limp against the post. ‘Garrote Teri’ no longer fought or put up a struggle. She even stopped sucking my cock.

I pulled my dick out. Cum mixed with drool trickled out of her mouth down her cheek.

Her big brown eyes stared at me in horror. They flickered briefly as though she was trying to communicate with me. Her lips twitched as stray muscles spasmed all over her body. Then I saw the life fade from her eyes, leaving them a dull grey.

‘Microkini Teri’ let out a gasp of pleasure. She shuddered as she moaned softly. Eventually she came down from the plateau of her orgasm.

She knelt there panting heavily for breath. She pulled her soaked fingers out of her dead twin’s cunt. Then she inserted them into her own mouth.

She sucked longingly, closing her eyes as though savoring the flavor. Then she pulled her fingers out. I heard her sigh as a noticeable tremor ran through her.

“Delicious!” she gasped. “Death cum should be the liquid of choice around here. Damn; that was great, Master. Just give me a couple of minutes to collect myself. Then we’ll be ready to move on. This one got me all worked up. Now I’m really looking forward to the next one.”

I don’t know what made us both turn as one. But we both looked toward the Teri dancing around the stripper pole. Maybe we were thinking the same thing: wondering what she was thinking.

Her eyes were wide in absolute horror. But she continued to dance around the metal pole. I could tell by her movements that exhaustion was starting to set in.

“It won’t be much longer, honey!” my Teri called out to her. “Then we’ll be dealing with you!”

She let out a frightened whimper. But she did find a renewed burst of energy as she went back to dancing on the pole. ‘Microkini Teri’ stood up, took my arm and led me off to the next one…

2010; 2020 (written May 25 ’10; ed. Dec 10 ‘20 by riwa)

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Premonitions 3.4 (18)

When Mari didn’t surface, I tried pulling on the rope to her bucket. But it would not give way. It must have been caught on something down below.

With concern in my heart for another of my Ama sisters, I filled my lungs. Then I dove downward with concern, fearing the worst. It would not be the first time something bad had happened to one of us.

She was true to her name: “the obstinate one”. I told her diving to 40 meters to find pearls was a great risk. She just scoffed at me.

She told me I lacked ambition. She said I did not have the will to go where the oysters would be plentiful. What good was a bed of plentiful oysters, I’d replied, if one cannot get them back to the surface without perishing?

I followed the rope down from her bucket, making sure not to lose it in the growing darkness. It remained tight, refusing to give. And still, there was no Mari.

She may have been stubborn and rebellious. But none of us wanted anything bad to happen to her. After all, we are all sisters of the sea, diving for pearls to provide a life for ourselves and for our families.

I felt the pressure and chill of depth as I went ever deeper. I descended to 20 meters, and then 25. Surely she had not been foolish enough to go deeper, had she? But her rope disappeared below me. I feared of what I would discover.

It got darker until my eyes had to adjust to limited illumination through my oval dive mask. But I finally encountered her body at right around 35 meters. There were three impressive oyster shells in her net bag. But she would never live to see the contents sold to bring food to her aging grandmother.

Her foot was wedged in a crevice between some coral. She had gotten stuck. Now her lifeless body appeared to be swaying ever so softly.

Her nipples were hard on her bare chest. It was residual evidence of that final excitement of peril. I know of the excitement one gets when you are not sure you will be able to reach the surface in time.

There was just enough illumination for me to see a horrible expression of shock in her eyes through her dive mask. Her mouth gaped open from her failed attempts at breath. Then I caught sight of a couple of bubbles slipping past her lips to scurry to the surface.

I was too late. She must have drowned only a short time ago.

I paused for a long moment to look into her eyes, to look at that expression in her face that had now softened in death. Surely, she must have known in those last, breathless moments that she was stuck and was about to drown. I could not help shuddering at the thought.

How horrible it must have been. What did it feel like during those last agonizing moments when she knew her breath was about to go? What thoughts did she have, knowing she was on the verge of drowning?

Did she think of her grandmother? Did she wonder how the rest of us would feel at her loss? Did she plead with the gods of the sea to free her ankle and allow her to live? And most of all: did she happen to see the ghost of one of our own who had gone before her?

These are questions that come to mind whenever I find myself in a tenuous situation. I suspect my sisters have also had similar thoughts. But we never share them aloud with each other.

That would be considered bad form, a bad omen. Many see it as a premonition of things to come. We never discuss death amongst ourselves, not when we work so close to it each and every day.

I suddenly felt it in my lungs, a reminder of how deep I was and how I could not tarry long. While I was here, I needed to work quickly in order to free Mari from the coral and get her to the surface before my own breath gave out. I would want her to do the same for me if our roles were reversed.

The rope from her bucket was still attached to her body. That was good. I tried to pull her free, but she was wedged in tightly. The reef did not wish to relinquish its prize.

I grabbed her leg and pulled hard, knowing I would want someone to pull my body up if I had drowned. I would want my family to have something to bury, at least giving them a sense of closure. But I could feel the strain building in my lungs. This was proving difficult, and I was much deeper than I normally would have been.

I struggled to work her foot loose from the coral, not wanting her body to serve as food for the creatures of the deep. But the strain was growing in my chest. If I didn’t free her soon, I would have to abandon her and return to the surface.

I braced my feet and pulled hard against the coral, grunting and bubbling. It shifted a little until her body floated free. But I knew in a heartbeat I could never make it back to the surface with her in tow.

Realizing I was nearly out of breath, I reluctantly left her behind. I started pulling on her rope hand over hand, anxious to reach the surface and the air I so desperately needed. Then I released the rope altogether as I started kicking hard for the surface.

Panic started to well up within me as I raced my expelled breath. Mari’s drowned image was on my mind the entire time. It was disturbing having found her like that. But I knew my fate would be the same if I did not reach the surface in time.

I released the last of my air during my frantic ascent, pondering her sad fate the entire journey upwards. It was the fate of a careless Ama, a fate that could very easily prove to be mine as well. But the water was getting lighter, the surface drawing nearer. If only I could reach it in time!

My chest really began to heave; I had been down at great depth. My lungs were empty, and I felt heavy. It was as though the sea wanted to claim me as well.

Maybe it was Mari’s spirit not wanting to pass into the afterlife alone. Maybe she wanted to take me with her!

For a heart-stopping moment, I didn’t think I was going to make it. Then I burst up out of the water, gasping loudly for breath. I desperately clung to Mari’s bucket, panting heavily.

I hoped in those moments I would not suddenly pass out and slip back under the surface as Keiko had done two weeks ago. She was lucky another Ama had been nearby to see her and quickly bring her back up. The risk of passing out at the surface is just as great as drowning at the bottom of the sea.

My breath finally returned as the sadness of what lay below me set in. I began calling out to the nearby divers… “MARI HAS DROWNED! MARI HAS DROWNED! COME HELP ME!”

In no time at all, Chika and Haruki swam over to me. “What has happened?” they clamored anxiously.

With tears in my eyes, I told them my tale: I had gone down and found Mari on the bottom and that she had gotten her foot wedged and had drowned. “Help me bring her body up for her grandmother,” I said to them amidst my sobs of grief.

Together, they started pulling on her rope until they were able to pull her up. I told them that since I had found her, I would be the one to go down and make sure her body remained tethered to it and was indeed coming up. Then I took a deep breath and slipped back under the surface.

I could see the rope coming up as I swam back down. I detected many knots where it had been severed and retied. As long as her body remained attached to it, she would be returned to the surface world. Besides, I was hoping there would be no need for me to go all the way down for a second time.

Within moments, I saw her being pulled up from the depths. Her body jerked upward with each tug of the rope still attached to her waist. Little bubbles slipped out of her parted lips as though the remaining air in her lungs was being forcibly expelled with each jerk of the rope. Her eyes still had that horrible look of shock; her nipples still erect.

Thankfully, her net bag clung to her waist, the oysters still inside. I vowed I would make sure those oysters made it to her grandmother. After all, it was the least I could do.

When her body went jerking past me, I followed it back up with great sadness. Together, the three of us got her to the surface. Then we worked her and her bucket back to shore.

There were two more Amas waiting there, Tamiko and Hitomi. They had yet to get out and begin their work. They joined us in our grief as we mourned the loss of one of our own.

Chika respectfully removed Mari’s dive mask from her face. Then she used her fingers to tenderly close the eyes of our departed sister. Together, the five of us solemnly carried Mari’s body, her bucket and her collected shells off to her grandmother.

The poor woman was grief stricken when we arrived. Our hearts broke for her loss. We stayed with her for an hour to mourn with her as Chika went to town to fetch the embalmer. Then I presented her the three oysters Mari had found and put in her net bag.

“These are yours,” I told her solemnly. She nodded and then went to the kitchen to retrieve the proper knife for opening them.

We stood quietly and respectfully, watching her cut the shells open. Then we gasped in astonishment. Amazingly, each one had a pearl of great value.

Thankfully, Mari’s grandmother was comforted at the sight, bringing tears to her eyes as well as our own…

Chika returned with the embalmer. Then my Ama sisters and I headed back to shore. There was still daylight, still time to go diving.

Mari’s drowning was heavy on our hearts. But our minds were on the oysters with the pearls that had come up with her body. We all wanted to find a similar treasure.

“Where did you find her?” Haruki wanted to know. “How deep was it?” I told her it must have been close to 35 meters.

“Dangerous,” Chika observed, solemnly shaking her head. “She should not have dived so deep.”

“Mari was always obstinate and foolish,” Hitomi spoke up. “She would have gone down anyway. None of us could have stopped her.”

“She would have been fine if she had not gotten her foot caught,” I spoke up. “Slow and steady, and she would have made it.”

“The philosophy of the tortoise,” Tamiko laughed. “You are indeed well named, Kameyo.”

“Well, she would have,” I replied indignantly. My head was swimming with visions of those three great pearls.

“Don’t you believe in premonitions?” Chika told me with dismay. “She went too deep!”

“She was careless!” I countered. “She got her foot stuck, and that was it!”

“Surely you’re not thinking of going down that deep!” Hitomi said with concern in her voice.

“I have already been down there once before,” I proudly told them all. “In fact, I was the one who stayed down long enough to free her from the coral or she would still be down there. Besides, I would not have to be down long… just long enough to retrieve a few oysters for me and my family.”

Chika was not so convinced. “There is no guarantee more oysters from that depth will yield such prizes as what we saw at Mari’s grandmother’s house.”

“And there is no guarantee they won’t!” I shot back. Then I looked at their anxious faces.

“You are concerned about my safety. I am honored. Rest assured; I will be careful down there… that is, if I even decide to go down that deep.” They looked at me with relief, as though my hesitation meant wisdom would trump risk.

We reached the shore, gathered up our buckets and then swam out to sea in different directions. I went back to my traditional spot and dove downward. I was determined to put the morning’s events out of my head. But at 15 meters down, I had the same luck as before.

I surfaced, and then moved my bucket a little farther out. Then I dove down, where I began my search anew. This time, I was able to track down two oysters of modest appearance.

I surfaced and deposited them into my bucket. Then I looked out in the direction Mari had been diving. She had met with great success.

It was too bad she had been so careless. The site of those pearls on the kitchen table of Mari’s grandmother spurred me to move a little farther out.

When I looked down, I concluded I would be at a depth of around 25 meters. That depth was easy enough for me on one breath. I would be able to go down and remain on the bottom long enough to look around. Perhaps Mari’s death would prove to be fortuitous for me and my family. It would be good if she had not died in vain.

I was about to go down when a large shadow crossed over me. I looked up to see a small cloud passing across the face of the sun. If I would have been superstitious, I might have seen it as a premonition, occurring quite soon after discovering Mari’s drowned body. But I do not believe in premonitions.

I took a deep breath and then submerged, kicking smoothly with my legs as I pulled with my arms. I felt a burst of exhilaration as I went down. I was excited at the belief that a new location would mean greater success.

I made my way down, feeling the cold of the depths all around me. This was deeper than I usually dived – deeper and colder. But the hope of a good catch brushed the worries out of my head.

I reached the bottom and felt my way around, peering at the shadows. With less sun penetrating to the bottom, it meant I had to search a little harder until my eyes adjusted. Thus, I stayed down longer than I normally would have.

I finally found a single oyster shell. I pulled my knife and worked it loose, aware of the growing need in my chest. Then I tucked the shell into my net bag before making my ascent. I had been under a good two minutes, and I could feel my chest protesting.

I pulled on the rope to my bucket, chasing the bubbles I had released until I burst up panting heavily. I clung to my bucket, trying to avoid the danger of passing out and slipping back under the surface. Then I pulled out my shell and tossed it into the bucket.

I became impatient to the point where I took my knife and opened it up right then and there. My heart sank when I found no pearl. The meat would serve us well, but otherwise there was nothing more.

I thought of Mari and her three shells producing those great pearls. I looked in the direction she had been diving. Clearly, I was drifting a little farther away from my Ama sisters.

I almost paused. But I went farther out. Perhaps it was my greed.

Or was it something more…

I always did enjoy diving: the thrill of the deep, the silence at depth and the strain in my lungs. I never really paid it much attention until recently. But there was something else about being down at 35 meters trying to pull Mari free that I’d found to be exhilarating. It was almost as though I was being drawn back to her location.

I reached what I thought was close to her spot. Then I prepared for my descent. I was strangely excited, consciously aware of how hard my nipples had become. It had to be a good omen; surely this would be a good dive location!

I took a deep breath and then started down, trailing the rope to my bucket behind me. I felt confident, full of myself and my abilities. Then I jerked to a halt at only 6 meters as I saw a shark pass another two meters below me.

I carefully swam back up so as not to draw attention to myself. Perhaps a more superstitious person such as Chika would have decided she was pushing her luck and would have moved closer to shore. But sharks pass through these waters all the time. I saw it as nothing more than a chance encounter, and not some omen or premonition to cause me to consider aborting my dive.

I waited patiently, peering down into the water every few seconds. But the shark did not reappear. So I filled my lungs and then started my journey downward once again.

I released a small trickle of bubbles to ease the pressure in my head as I descended. As the water got colder, my nipples grew harder. I wondered if perhaps Mari had been lured here as well, seduced by the excitement of depth and the chance at a great find.

It got colder and darker as I went down, although my eyes slowly adjusted. There was a certain nervousness I felt as I went deeper. For a moment I wondered if Chika had been right.

I angrily brushed the thought aside. She was not nearly as adventurous as Mari had been, or as I was now being.

I finally reached bottom; it had not taken that long. I felt excitement and exhilaration. Confident in my abilities, I began feeling my way along the bottom, searching for those elusive oysters.

Almost immediately, I found a large one. My excitement increased a hundred-fold. Mari had been wise to search this part of the sea!

I retrieved the knife from the calf of my leg and cut the shell free. Then I deposited it into my net bag. Already, my adventure was paying off.

I was exuberant as I felt around for more, my eyes slowly adapting to my surroundings. My lungs felt no strain whatsoever. The feeling was incredible… and strangely seductive.

I quickly found a second one, working it loose with my dive knife. It soon joined the one in my net bag. Already, I had found two… and I had still plenty of air left!

The coral was sharp, with many cracks and crevices. I had to be careful. But it was rich with oysters.

Mari had indeed found treasure! I told myself to be sure and say a special prayer of thanks for her when I returned. I would even make a brief pilgrimage to the holy shrine outside the village in appreciation of my fruitful quest.

I could feel it starting in my lungs when I found a third shell. I eagerly sawed it free from its growth to the coral. Then I went to put it in my…

No! It was gone! My net bag was gone!

I bubbled as I anxiously fumbled around for it. Where had it gone?? It was right here with me! Then I felt the frayed edge of the rope that should have been holding it to my waist.

Had I brushed up against a section of coral and sawed it off? Had it come loose and fallen away? It was a bad sign, what Chika would have called another omen or premonition. But I refused to believe in such things.

I felt those familiar stirring in my lungs, telling me I should return to the surface. But I could not leave without my net bag. What it contained might reveal pearls of great value.

If I left now, I could lost track of this location. I might never succeed in returning to this exact spot to conduct a search. My net bag and its contents might be lost forever.

I could feel it in my lungs as I anxiously looked all around. My breath was giving out; I needed to return to the surface soon. This was not good… not good at all.

A portion of the ocean suddenly seemed to become illuminated before me. It was as though a shaft of sunlight had somehow penetrated to the depths. I could actually see someone down here with me. But who could it be? Who would be diving this deep near my location?

For a moment, I thought it was one of my Ama sisters, intent on searching the very area I was now diving. Then the image came into focus. I bubbled in shock.

It was Mari! How had she gotten clear back here?? I thought her body was in the care of the embalmer! Surely I was seeing things!

They say the most ominous premonition of all is when you see another dead Ama diver, especially when you are on the bottom of the sea. It is supposed to indicate death is coming for you. It gave me a terrible jolt, and I stared in utter disbelief.

My lungs were burning. But I was distracted by the vision before me and did not immediately set out for the surface. Besides, she seemed hung up in the coral in the exact manner I had first found her.

Her eyes were wide in that shocked expression of horror. Bubbles trickled out past her parted lips. I could see her nipples were hard and pointed, the same condition my nipples had become.

Was this a premonition of my impending death? But I did not believe in premonitions! Then I thought I saw…

Wait; was she waving at me? Did she need my assistance? Or was she waving for me to come join her?

I became aware of my lungs heaving in my chest. I had been down too long. My mind told me to forget the bag and head for the surface immediately.

I grabbed for my rope to the bucket, only to feel a sharp pain in my ankle. I looked down in horror. Somehow, the coral had grabbed me!

I was incredulous! The coral had actually grabbed me, just as it had grabbed Mari! Gods; no!

I frantically jerked on the rope as I fought to pull my foot clear. It did not matter if I injured myself or made myself bleed. My lungs were burning. I had to get clear and reach the surface. Otherwise, I would drown!

Horrors! This was becoming a situation just like poor Mari! Had she also seen something before her death, just as I had seen her? Was I also doomed to drown??

I looked up and saw movement above me… a shadow of some sort. Then I felt a jerk on the line. Was someone coming down to rescue me?

At first, I felt relief despite the fire in my lungs. All I would have to do now is just hold my breath a little longer, and then I would be saved. Then I felt another jerk on the line before the tension unexpectedly gave way…

What?? Oh, NO!

I frantically pulled hand over hand as the rope came rushing down. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. This was not good; not good at all!

…and then the end of the rope was in my hand, the knot severed by something sharp…

A set of teeth perhaps? Had that shark returned and been attracted to the jerking knot in my line? Had it bitten clean through my lifeline?

An explanation no longer mattered. The rope was useless now. I was almost out of breath.

I pulled anxiously against my ankle, the coral cutting into my flesh. I had no idea how I’d stepped into such a crevice. But now my carelessness would prove to be my undoing.

I started thrashing about, my lungs on fire. Even if I were to be miraculously released at this very moment, I did not have the necessary breath. I would not make it back to the surface in time before I drowned. 35 meters was too far down in my breathless condition.

I thrashed and bubbled as panic set in. A terrible excitement filled me to overflowing. I twisted and bubbled, my precious air billowing away until very little remained in my lungs.

I so wanted to inhale. My body desperately needed to be refilled. I knew I did not dare, but the urge was overwhelming.

My eyes were open wide, my cheeks bulging as I fought to keep what little air I had left inside me. If I could just hang on a few precious seconds longer. Surely someone would come down here and locate me.

But I already knew it was a hopeless fantasy. The rope had been severed. Surely, my bucket was drifting away from my position. They would never be able to locate me down here at depth in the near darkness.

It was that terrible thought of never being discovered that made me scream in horror. Now my family would have no body to bury, unlike Mari’s grandmother.

It was often like that with the Ama. I had vowed it would never happen to me. Now I was about to break that vow.

My chest heaved in agony, my body thrumming like a plucked string. Any moment now, my lungs would give out. I clamped my lips shut in a futile gesture as my cheeks bulged prominently. Then my last breath exploded out of my body.

The desire to inhale was so strong that I nearly doubled over. Then I felt water go down my throat. Immediately I began to cough and convulse.

My body jerked and shuddered. I nearly bent over at the waist each time a powerful spasm shook me. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water, trying to pull a life-sustaining breath inside me. But there was nothing all around me to inhale except the sea. It was a violent, savage attack by the depths against my mortal body.

I had not responded accordingly to the premonitions I had experienced and dismissed. Now I was to pay the ultimate price. I bucked and shuddered until I lost the strength to fight.

A sudden burst of air escaped my lungs. Scattered bubbles slipped out past my parted lips to scurry to the surface. I was all alone, drowning in the near darkness with no one to witness my fate.

For a moment I felt better, and I had a brief clarity of thought. Strangely, it felt like I could actually breathe somehow, although I knew I could not. Then I felt a terrible agony inside my body, as though I could actually feel organs starting to shut down one by one. It was horrible!

I tried to scream. But nothing would come out of my mouth other than a couple of stray bubbles.

I thought of Chika and how right she had been. I had been so foolish. And now here I was, tethered to the bottom of the sea where no one would ever find me.

My last, agonizing thought was how much my family would miss me. Then I faded away into oblivion. My body softly swayed back and forth unmolested… at least until the creatures of the deep discovered that a special feast had been delivered to them by the gods… prepared for them by the actions of a rather foolish mortal.

My Ama companions found my drifting bucket a couple hours later. Naturally, they began a frantic search for me. Then they found the rope had been severed.

At that point, they gave up the hunt for my body. There was no way of knowing where I had gone down. They understandably surmised that a shark had probably gotten me.

Unlike Mari’s grandmother, my family would be forced to put up a sad memorial. My body would never be found. And it was all because of a few timely premonitions I had chosen to ignore…

2012; 2022 (written for thefoe Sep 28 ’12; ed. Mar 19 ‘22 by riwa)

(Picture found on the Internet and provided for illustration purposes.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (5)

Coming March rewards

The 5th chapter to Chloe.
The 5th chapter to Aravanna.
The 5th chapter to Katia.
Her last swimming lesson occurs in a bathtub.
A train fantasy.
A grandmother’s fetish.
Jodi has a swimming lesson of her own.
She rode Victor’s guillotine.
Making a mermaid.
Terrie and the nurse.
Joanne tries the corporate spy scenario.
And anything else I might come up with.

January stories/rewards will fall off at the end of February to make room for March rewards.

I was just wondering what news I could share with you. Then lo and behold, we get 10-12 inches of the white stuff. What’s more, we get a nice stiff wind to blow it around and make a few snow drifts.

Temperatures are not much better. As of this moment, it is -11. It is supposed to warm up to about 15 today before temps return to February averages. I believe someone once said that our state is bi-polar, what with the way it changes weather and temperatures so quickly. Then again, it seems our entire planet is going through interesting weather changes. So maybe my state is not all that unique.

Mom is gaining weight. She expressed concern about it, but I expressed relief. Her weight was so low at one point that I was starting to panic. She is looking a lot less like skin and bones lately. I thank God for allowing me to have her around for each new day.

And speaking of being appreciative, I want to thank you all once again for being my patrons. It makes me strive to edit my stories in such a way that there are no spelling or grammar errors, so you get a nice, flowing narrative to enjoy. So thanks again. I hope you all have a good March.

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A scene from Zerrin’s last night 3.5 (21)

Note: an edited repost from long ago.

ZERRIN: You pull me to your chest. I melt in your arms and go limp at the spine. I close my eyes, throw my head back like a tango dip, and proudly expose my neck to you. You caress my clavicles and neck.

You pull out your dagger and cut the straps of my dress. I shudder with excitement. My dress falls to the floor.

You cut my panties and they fall away. I’m now naked in your hands. You run the knife up and down my body. You kiss my throat, and I’m already in ecstasy.

There is a crackling fire in the hearth. My body is glistening with a thin layer of sweat. I lift my left knee and wrap my leg around your thigh. I push my hips against your leg and gently rub my crotch against the rough texture of your denim trousers. My clit is swollen like a pea, my pussy oozing cum.

The gyration of my hips against your legs parts my pussy lips. They make a moist, sticky noise. You support my waist, my back limp as my upper body and head dangle in your arms.

You lean over and kiss my chest. You kiss me between my breasts. You kiss my breastbone where my heart is. My nipples are hard.

Your rough, day-old stubble grazes my nipples until I cry out in pain. You gently suck on them to relieve the sting. You pick me up in your large hands and fling my petite body onto the bed.

You take your clothes off, standing there with knife in hand. You wait for the longest of moments. I want your hands upon me again, but you make me wait.

I writhe and squirm with desire under your intense gaze. I’m desperate for your hands around my waist and neck. You still just stand there and look at me.

I run my hands up and down my body. I rub my stomach, breasts, arms, shoulders and neck. It’s as though I’m pretending these are your hands.

You slowly approach. I almost explode with the anticipation of your touch. All you do is grab my wrists before cuffing them to the corners of the bed.

You do the same with my ankles. My glistening body is now splayed upon the bed. My arms are spread above my head. My legs are parted; you can see my pussy.

You step back again and make me wait. I can’t take it anymore. I lift my pelvis as though offering you my pussy.

I feel ashamed I have to resort to this kind of display to arouse you. “Where’s your self-respect, girl?” I ask myself. Yet I love the power you have over me.

I feel vulnerable, spread out like this. Yet your strength makes me feel safe. Still, I’m conflicted and confused.

I’m ashamed, yet completely aroused. I try to hold back, yet I’m dying to let go. What a roller coaster; what a man!

I want to scream, “Come fuck me, lover!” But I choke on my words. “You’re never this slutty,” I say to myself.

You spare me this humiliation as you take a step toward me. Your lips, hands and thighs touch me at the same time. I nearly die.

I feel your beautiful penis between my legs. You reach down and open me up with your fingers. Then you impale me with it.

ME: It’s a sharp thrust. You gasp, biting your lip to stop the scream that wants to tear itself from your lungs. I withdraw until I’m almost out.

You fight to keep from whimpering; you want me inside so badly. You lift your pelvis up again as though begging me.

You’re desperate to feel me completely inside you. You want me to take you… to fill you with my hot seed. Then you notice the knife in my hand.

Your brow knits in confusion. Your clothes are all off now. Surely I don’t need it any longer. Yet it’s still in my hand.

I thrust my manhood hard inside you. You inhale sharply, the sensations momentarily obliterating your view of the knife. Then I withdraw again.

You whimper in agony, on the verge of begging me not to torture you thus. Your body aches for me to finish what we’ve started. But the knife is still there.

You feel a pang of unease in the pit of your gut. Something is wrong. Tendrils of fear began to weave their way through your nervous system.

I start thrusting harder into you. But as I do you see the knife loom large in your field of vision. Your breath catches in your throat.

This game is new, filled with excitement and danger. Then the knife lunges toward your throat. The blade is ready to slice across your flesh.

Your eyes go wide with uncertainty. In my face you detect an expression indicating this is not a game. You inhale sharply.

You cannot believe it! Is your very life required of you this night?

For a moment you are numb with shock despite our love-making. Your mind searches frantically for the reason. You can only conclude it may have something to do with the Organization of which I am a part.

You look into my face. My expression has grown cold. You shiver with growing fear.

Have I been given some insane order that means your demise? You inhale sharply, your body trembling from a combination of fear and arousal. I continue to thrust terrible pleasure deep inside you.

You come to a decision. You close your eyes and tip your head back. Then you bare your neck to me. If it must be done, you are now willing to accept it by my own hand despite your growing anxiety.

You tense up, praying I might delay until you have experienced pleasure one last time. You desire to feel one last orgasm at my hands. But the moment drags on a bit too long.

You open your eyes to view my face. Time seems to come to a complete standstill as you look into my eyes. You can tell an order must have been given. But there is hesitation… reluctance… unwillingness.

I slowly withdraw the knife from your throat. You feel an incredible surge of relief that only further accentuates your arousal. But now you feel me start to soften inside you.

You look deep into my eyes. Real fear suddenly grips your heart. What if my life becomes forfeit if I fail my assigned task?

Your love for me is overwhelming. You cannot risk my sacrifice, no matter the cost. You swallow hard as you make a momentous decision.

No words are spoken as our eyes meet. As true lovers we are capable of great conversations with only a glance. In a moment I see it in your face… your incredible love and submissive spirit.

A trembling sigh slips past your lips. A moment later you deliberately tip your head back again. Once more you bare your vulnerable neck to me. Your meaning could not be more clear…

“Do what you must do, my love. I give my life to you.”

I tremble as my member suddenly hardens inside you at the realization of what you are offering me. Understanding is communicated back and forth between us without a single word. Then I feel your pelvis thrust upwards…

“Please! Take me before you do what you must!”

My resolve strengthens. With it grows my intense desire for you. Once more I begin to thrust into you, this time with greater urgency.

“Harder!” your eyes communicate to me. That’s when I feel it grow within my heart. It’s something that’s always been there, monstrous and evil. Until now it has never been directed at you.

You see it in my eyes. You acknowledge it with a nod… “Yes, my darling. You must harden yourself. You must show no mercy; not now and not ever. It will only prolong your life.”

I thrust harder. As I do, you sense the moment is almost at hand. There is so much you want to say to me now. But the act of speech feels as though it would violate such intimacy.

You force yourself to remain silent. Yet you give me a look that says all…

“I’m almost there, my love. It’s time.”

Reading your expression perfectly, I bring the knife toward you. You tremble as you slowly tip your head back. This time you find yourself giving me one last gift… that of your slender neck.

Your body tenses, a delirious combination of arousal mixed with fear and dreadful anticipation. You feel the knife at your throat. You also feel one last orgasm rush toward you.

“Do it,” your eyes tell me resolutely. “Do it now.”

You see my face as my hand pulls the knife across your flesh. Reflected in my eyes is the disturbing image of a cold-hearted murderer. At least my position will be safe within the Organization.

You allow yourself an inward smile of relief and satisfaction. In my eyes resides the faintest flicker of my love for you. Then it is gone, instantly replaced by searing pain in your neck.

Pain/pleasure blossoms in your loins with a fiery eruption. Your body spasms as it tries to throw me off. Your pussy convulses as it tries to squeeze the very essence out of my throbbing manhood.

You feel a warmth on your neck. Immediately you realize you’re bleeding to death. Instinctively you try to scream from the pain/pleasure. But all that emerges from your trembling lips is a wet gurgling noise.

Blood bubbles forth out of your mouth. You feel your lungs fill with the red liquid being furiously pumped out by your wildly beating heart. All of this is in the foreground of an orgasm so deeply profound – so terribly violent – that it almost hurts.

You drink it all down, your last gift from me. As you do, you feel my manhood erupt inside you. It pushes you onward into a second orgasm.

Your body shudders as your life’s blood flows out. Your mouth opens and closes as you try to speak. Then you feel the onset of a terrible, debilitating weakness.

You feel your life ebbing out of your body from the wound in your neck. I bend over you, coming closer. Then you feel my lips come in contact with yours.

I get blood in my mouth as I kiss you. You try to return the kiss. But your motor functions are shutting down.

There is an awful gurgling coming out of your ruptured windpipe. It’s compounded by the terrible feeling of liquid in your lungs. You’re drowning in your own blood.

Your vision starts to fade. The last thing you consider is your intense gratitude that we had this last moment together. You’re grateful it was I and not someone else from the Organization.

There are wild tingles flowing through your body, sensations that are now fading. You stare up at my face as I hover above you. The life fades from your eyes…

…and then you are gone…

I save the bloody knife. My orders are to place it in a Ziploc bag. Then it must go into a large manila envelope along with confirming photos of the kill.

I slide my dick out of your warm corpse. Then I retrieve the Polaroid to take pictures of the event. I feel numb all over, numb and emotionless.

It feels like a violation photographing you nude and spread-eagled upon the bed. Your pussy leaks my cream as your body gently quivers in death. But my orders are very strict.

I am very through as I complete my task. Eventually the pictures and the knife end up in the manila envelope. It is ready for delivery to the appropriate parties.

My heart hardens as I look at you lying there on the bed one last time. My love for my fellow man dies with you. If this is what the Organization requires of me, then I will give it.

There will be more murders by my hand. The Organization will no doubt demand it. I will show no mercy.

Three more women will eventually fall by the blade hefted in my murderous hands. But your judgement is proved to be accurate. You are right in no longer fearing for my safety within the Organization. However my life will ultimately be ended by a bullet in my temple from a member of a rival faction…

2008; 2020 (written for Zerrin Sep 3 ’08; ed. Jul 17 ‘20 by riwa)

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AF’s The Bet 4 (26)

Nikki and Bridget sat at a picnic table in Nikki’s back yard. A large umbrella gave them shade from the hot sun. The surface of the backyard pool rippled from the presence of a man in scuba gear.

“Who’s the dude in the pool, Nikki?”

“Some guy I hired to clean my pool.”

Bridget looked over in his direction. “He’s kinda cute.”

“They’re always cute to you, aren’t they?”

“I can’t help it. I guess I’m oversexed.”

“How was that guy you went out with last night?”

She stiffened, but tried not to let it show. “Oh, he was all right.”

“Just ‘all right’?”

“I’ve had better.”

“Ever done it in the pool?”

“I’ve sucked a guy’s cock underwater. We fucked, but we were both in shallow water.”

“What about using scuba gear? You told me you got certified last year before you went to the Bahamas.”

“There was one diver I hooked up with. We had some fun. We just never did it in the water.”

“Bridget, I’m surprised at you!” Bridget just laughed.

They lapsed into silence. Bridget looked at the water again. The pool guy was still in there.

“How long has he been at it, Nikki?”

“I don’t know. Half hour maybe.”

“How long is it going to take?”

“You thinking about going for a swim?”

“I was considering it.”

“That’s interesting.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Wanna have some fun?”

“What’ve you got in mind?”

“I was just thinking about you being oversexed.”


“Bet you $100 you can’t get the pool man to fuck you underwater.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“I don’t think you can do it. I’ve seen him in there for half an hour. He hasn’t shown any interest in me.”

“So you think he won’t show any interest in me?”

“$100 says you can’t.”

“Easy bet!” Bridget replied excitedly. “It’s a hot day. And I’ve got an itch that needs scratching. You don’t mind if I do it right in front of you, do you?”

“Hell no. $100 says you can’t.”

Bridget started to take her shirt off. Nikki shook her head. “Hunh-unh. You can’t use your natural assets. You’ve got to go in just like that.”

“Fine. I’ll do it fully clothed.”

Bridget waded down the steps into the shallow end of Nikki’s pool. He was on the bottom in the deep end. This was probably going to require some breath-holding. But she was sure she could get him to share the regulator with her once they started fucking.

She swam down to him in the deep end. She gave him her most sultry smile. It usually worked on all the guys she nabbed at the club.

He looked at her in surprise, apparently not expecting company in the pool. Then he went right back to work. Bridget pouted as she surfaced.

“What’s the matter?” Nikki called over to her from her spot at the table. “Losing your touch?”

“Don’t worry about me! I’ll get him!”

She filled her lungs and went back down. This time she parked right in front of him. He gave her another look before going back to his work.

She surfaced again. “That was quick,” Nikki observed with a laugh. You didn’t even get his trunks off! How was it?”

“I’m not through yet!” Then Bridget submerged in a huff.

Once more she went down, ending up right in front of him. She had to skull to keep herself down because of her buoyancy. This time she stayed down longer, trying to prove to him she had some good breath-holding skills.

He didn’t respond, and Bridget needed some air. So she swam back up to the surface. He watched her swim away, shook his head and then went back to his cleaning.

Up at the surface Nikki laughed at her. “Easiest $100 I’m going to make today. Want to pay me now and take your humiliation?”

“I’m just getting started.”

“Yeah, I’ll bet you are.”

Bridget filled her lungs and headed back down. She was going to have to try something more obvious. Maybe the guy was gay and Nikki had failed to reveal that part to her.

She stretched herself out on the bottom in front of him in a sexy pose. He stopped to look at her. She got on her knees and smiled.

Infuriatingly, he didn’t make a move. Bridget swam back to the surface. She was going to have to be a lot more obvious.

“I’ll take it in twenties,” Nikki laughed at her.

“I’m not done yet!” Then Bridget filled her lungs and submerged again.

She was through messing around. It was time to bring out the heavy artillery. She submerged, gave him a ‘come hither’ look and then flashed her chest at him.

She caressed herself, rubbing her hands over her breasts. ‘This oughta get a response,’ she thought. ‘I’ll bet he’s a ‘boob’ man.’

He looked at her in amusement. But he didn’t reach out for a touch. It annoyed the hell out of her.

Her lungs were empty again. Damn! She had to go get another breath.

Bridget surfaced in frustration. She saw Nikki smiling at her. “Not a word, bitch!” she called over to her in frustration. “I haven’t given up just yet!”

She swam back down in front of him and waved her arms around. ‘C’mon, fella. There’s a dress at the mall with my name on it! I want that $100!’

Once again he ignored her. After a minute or so Bridget was forced to swim up back up. This was getting frustrating as hell!

Nikki laughed. “Why don’t you just pay up-“

“Shut the fuck up! I’ve got him, ok?” Then she submerged, determined to try a more forceful approach.

She swam right down to him. Bridget removed the regulator from his mouth. Then she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately. She knew she had won when he returned the kiss while wrapping his arms around her.

She needed air again. This time she took his regulator. She wanted to show him she had some scuba skills.

She put it into her mouth and took a breath. He bent down and kissed her exposed breast. She was sure she had him. She just wanted to give him a little added incentive.

He took the regulator from her mouth and put it into his. That’s when she reached down and loosened his trunks. When his hardening cock sprang free she crammed it into her mouth and started sucking.

He tilted his head back and moaned. Now Bridget was sure she had him. She was going to show Nikki she could fuck him underwater while he was wearing scuba gear.

She made a show of holding her breath a really long time. When she felt the growing discomfort in her lungs she took the regulator out of his mouth. He willingly released it, allowing her to place it between her lips.

She took a huge hit of compressed air. Now she was really horny. This was going to be so fucking good! She was really going to teach that Nikki a lesson while taking her money!

When she’d gotten a good breath, she removed the regulator. She seductively put it back into his mouth. Then she went back to work on his cock.

He tipped his head back and bubbled with pleasure. She prided herself on her blowjobs. Sucking cock underwater was a thrill, although she had to make sure she didn’t drown herself.

His cock was hard, she was sure he was ready. All she had to do now was go up and tell Nikki to make sure she got an eyeful. Then she would go right back down to commence the festivities.

She had just started for the surface when he grabbed her from behind. He was ready to get started right now?? She decided that was ok, although he seemed to be holding on rather tightly.

She turned to get the regulator from him. He refused to let her have it while maintaining his grasp on her. What the hell??

He was becoming too amorous. So why wasn’t he letting her get a hit off his scuba tank? Ok, so she would go to the surface and then return.

She tried to leave but he wrapped an arm around her waist. She tried to kick out of his grasp. But he refused to let her go. And he still wasn’t offering her his regulator!

This wasn’t going the way she’d planned. He wasn’t even trying to fuck her! So why wasn’t he letting her return to the surface??

‘What the hell are you doing, asshole? Let me go!’ She struggled to break free, but he held onto her arms and wouldn’t let her go.

She kicked and twisted around him as her lungs began to burn. He just forced her back down to the pool floor. But strangely he didn’t seem interested in fucking her.

Bridget kicked and struggled. She broke free and managed to reach the surface. But it was only long enough to grab a quick breath before he grabbed an ankle and pulled her back down.

He wrapped an arm around her, trying to hold onto her. She twisted and squirmed, fighting like a banshee. What the hell was wrong with him?? And where the hell was Nikki??

He grabbed her and forced her to the pool floor. He actually tried to hold her there! Bridget was shocked… ‘FUCK! He’s trying to DROWN me!’

She kicked hard, struggling to get free. She finally burst out of his grasp. That’s when she made a beeline for the side of the pool.

She reached it and started to climb out. Her friend was watching with a curious expression on her face. “Nikki; HELP! He’s trying to DROWN me!”

“Are you giving up on the bet?”

“Hell, yeah; just get me out of here!”

She grabbed for the ledge and tried to pull herself out. That’s when she felt him grab onto her foot. “NIKKI; HE’S GOT MEEEEE!”

Fear gripped her heart as he pulled her back down. He grabbed onto her legs, trying to keep her submerged. She fought to push him away, wondering what the hell was wrong with him.

She was losing air fast, her heart pounding in her chest in terror. She couldn’t hold her breath, not during a struggle like this! What the hell was wrong with Nikki? Why wasn’t she helping her??

They struggled against each other at the bottom of the pool. He kept taking breaths off the regulator. But she was not getting any air at all… and her lungs were screaming at her.

He pulled her down and held her near the bottom. In desperation she lashed out, snatching the regulator out of his mouth. She creamed it between her lips and sucked down huge lungfuls of much-needed air.

He reached out for his regulator. She twisted and turned, desperately trying to keep it between her lips. This bastard really wanted to drown her!!

They struggled against each other until he grabbed the reg and yanked it away from her. He stuck it back into his mouth with grim determination. Then he fought to hold on tight to her body.

Bridget was horrified. It was impossible to hold her breath during such a life and death struggle. Her mind screamed as she lost a huge burst of air.

He finally managed to wrap her up in a big bear hug. She was too tired to break out of his grasp. All she could do was helplessly flail about, her lungs demanding to be refilled.

She looked upward, wondering what the hell Nikki was doing up there. Couldn’t the bitch see the kind of trouble she was in?? What the hell was going on up there??

He held her in his arms as air burst out past her lips. She struggled to cover her mouth, desperate to contain what little air she had left. He simply pulled her arms away while holding on tight.

The pain in her chest increased. Panic and desperation washed over her face. Her lungs were on fire, her stomach hitching ominously. A few seconds more and Nikki wasn’t going to get her money.

She anxiously shook her head. A burst of air exploded out of her mouth. Bridget swallowed water, causing her to reflexively inhale.

Instantly she went into seizures as her body hitched and gurgled. She stared in surprise as she started to drown. This wasn’t how the bet was supposed to end! Where the hell was Nikki??

Her agony eased as he maintained his grasp. She no longer put up a struggle. Holding onto her became much easier.

He let go of her just to see if there was any life remaining. Bridget slowly floated upward, her lungs having not completely flooded just yet. She floated face down, looking at the bottom of the pool with a shocked, vacant expression.

He watched her for the longest time. Then he went up and retrieved her body. He pulled her back down to the bottom of the pool where he strapped a weight belt around her waist.

A few bubbles came out past her parted lips. Her lungs were flooding now. Soon she would be beyond the point of resuscitation.

He pushed hard into her stomach. She hitched a little as a couple more bubbles were forced out of her mouth. She stared with lifeless eyes that seemed to be accusing him of something horrendous.

He swam to the shallow end and stood up where he removed his scuba gear. Nikki slowly got up from the table where she’d been watching impassively. She came right over to where he was sitting on the steps to the shallow end.

Her arm stretched out toward him. In her hand was a wad of bills. “Here’s the money I owe you,”

He accepted what she offered him. Then she looked at him curiously. “What was it like to drown her? She sure put up a fight.”

“Hell of a fighter,” he agreed. “She really put up a struggle. I got a great blowjob out of her though before I drowned her. Why did you want me to do this again?”

“I’m a woman. Do I really need a reason?”

He thought about it as he looked at her. “No, I guess not.” But there was something in her eyes. That’s when he made a decision.

He grabbed an arm and pulled her into the pool with him. He forced her to the bottom onto her back. She was already losing air out of her mouth and nose.

She tried to struggle as he straddled her while grabbing onto her wrists. She hadn’t expected him to drown her too. But he couldn’t take the chance she wouldn’t change her mind and turn him in later.

It didn’t take long before Nikki started losing air. She hitched and gurgled as she swallowed water. He hung on tightly to her wrists as she spasmed and convulsed.

She stared up in shock, astonished he’d turned on her so abruptly. Her hitches lessened until she stared upward with lifeless eyes. He had access to one more weight belt. But he decided she’d definitely earned it.

He attached the belt around her waist, making sure she was lying at the bottom of the pool next to the other girl. Then he packed up his things and left.

Women: you didn’t dare trust one on the off-chance she might turn on you.

2005; 2020 (written Apr 2 ’05; ed. Apr 3 ‘20 by riwa)

(Pictures are from Aqua fantasies Mermaids in Peril Vol 5. and are for illustration purposes.)

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Donna’s shore leave 5 4.3 (24)

Donna found herself trembling like mad as it drew near to her. Instinctively she went limp. In her helpless condition all she could do was quietly moan at it, hoping it would just turn around and go away.

It stood right in front of her, its hot breath on her face. She gently swung back and forth in the snare, wondering what was going to happen next. That’s when the woodland creature grabbed her by her head and held her in position, studying her intently.

Donna found herself momentarily paralyzed. Whether it was from fear, eroticism or both she wasn’t entirely certain. All she could do was hang there lifelessly as it looked her up and down.

Donna quaked in the snare, her breath catching in her throat. She took the time she was being given to take a closer look at the creature examining her. She noticed the hairless slit down between its legs, the rest of its body just as smooth and lacking any hair.

There was the faintest hint of a belly button in its stomach. It had rather small breasts, with sharp little protrusions for nipples. Its face was smooth and plain, with a small mouth, short peaked nose and round, coal-black eyes that studied her coldly.

Its ears reminded her of those of the Enterprise’s first officer. It fit perfectly with her mental image of what a wood nymph might look like. She had no idea there were creatures like this inhabiting this planet as no one had ever told her, much less warned her about them.

It ran its small hand curiously over her chest, causing her nipples to swell even more than they already had. Then it caressed her face, chittering at her. Finally it ran its long fingers over her throat as though noticing her Venus rings.

Donna moaned weakly with a sigh as her body trembled like mad. Then it smiled impishly as it chittered at her, almost as if it was saying, “My, aren’t YOU a lovely one! You’d look GREAT swinging underneath a tree!”

Donna moaned again, her exposed undergarments thoroughly soaked. That’s when she saw it look down at the ground. It had become distracted by her…


To her utter horror it picked them both up and stared at them, curiously rolling them over and over in each hand. Donna was alarmed. If she lost her ability to make contact with the ship…

It suddenly turned its head in the direction its companion had gone. Then it turned back to her and chittered at her, almost as if to say “Now don’t you go anywhere! We’ll be back for you shortly!” Then it smiled at her with thinly veiled malevolence before turning and bounding off in the direction its companion had taken Leiani, holding out its newly acquired prizes in each hand as if to say “Look at what I found!”

In a few moments it was out of sight. Donna watched it disappear, astonished at its agility. Then she felt a sick feeling in the pit of her gut.

Her only way of communicating with the ship was gone. She was now on her own. If Leiani was going to be rescued, she would have to tend to it herself. And she still had to track down Janice.

Yeoman Dangling felt her strength return to her. With a burst of adrenaline she swung herself upward. Her abs burned like mad, but she managed to reach up and snag her ensnared ankle.

Donna thanked herself for those many sessions in the ship’s gym. She began working feverishly on the snare around her ankle. It was a challenge, being as how her body swayed back and forth.

She knew she had to free herself before her muscles gave out. She also had to get free before those damned things came back for her. Otherwise she was liable to end up sharing the same fate they intended for Leiani.

Her eyes opened wider in alarm as she contemplated the unthinkable while tugging on the stubborn vine around her ankle. She was afraid those damned creatures were going to hang her Leiani. She had to hurry and get down from there so she could track them down before they – WHOOPS!

The knot she was working on suddenly gave way. The yeoman fell to the ground with an “OOMPH!” It momentarily knocked the wind out of her.

She lay there gasping for breath until her energy returned. Then she rose to her feet, shaking off her recent experience. A moment later Donna grimly set off in the direction she’d seen them take her beloved Leiani…

Yeoman Dangling’s first instinct was to work her way back to the tree where they’d hung her and Janice earlier. She wondered if perhaps the two nymphs might take Leiani back to the scene of the crime. But when she arrived and cautiously peered around some shrubs, she found nothing. There was nothing there but that damned tree.

As Donna stared at it, she found herself trembling with arousal as the memories came flooding back to her mind: how she and Janice had been hung there earlier. Had it really happened?

She remembered how the rope had felt around her neck. She remembered how painful it had been to feel the noose taking up her full weight as she kicked and struggled. She could not help wondering what poor Janice must have experienced.

She sighed as the erotic images flashed through her mind. Donna found herself quivering again. An idle thought flickered through her mind.

If the damned things were going to hang them together anyway, the least they could’ve done was to strip them both naked so she could’ve gotten a look at Rand’s nude body. That would’ve been so hot, the two of them swinging together naked in front of a couple of sadistic wood nymphs!

Donna’s face flushed crimson with embarrassment over what she was thinking about. She took a long, deep breath, fighting like hell to drive the erotic thoughts and images out of her mind.

What the hell was she thinking?? She didn’t have time for daydreaming! She needed to find Leiani! Then she had to track down Janice!

Who KNEW what those two beings were doing to them right now. For all she knew, they both could be hanging from a limb somewhere. She had to find them… and fast!

She looked all around. If they weren’t there, surely they had to have gone somewhere else to carry out their nefarious plans. It made her wonder if they picked different spots… maybe used different trees?

Gawd! What if Leiani was already dangling from a limb somewhere??

An image of poor Leiani hanging naked from a branch quickly sprang to mind. Donna shivered as she turned and retraced her steps, hurrying herself along. Gawd – she had to stop thinking about things like that!

For some reason she couldn’t seem to help herself, not on this crazy planet. Despite her anxiety over her two missing friends, she found herself constantly having to fight off one arousing thought after another.

Donna carefully picked her way through the trees and shrubs. As she did, she began wondering about the need for some sort of weapon she could use to defend herself. Maybe she could pick out a branch or something.

She suddenly noticed a slender section of tree limb lying on the ground off to her right. It was about a meter in length. Amazingly, it looked just right.

Donna approached carefully while watching her every step. She didn’t want to place her foot into another snare. But she reached it without incident.

She picked it up and hefted it in her hands. It felt sturdy in her grasp, something she could use to take a swing at them if necessary. So she carried it with her in her right hand as she continued along.

Donna thought about calling out for her friend. It might alert them to her presence. But it might also let her lover know she was searching for her.



Her breath caught in her throat. Was that Leiani? Gawd – she sounded close!

“Leiani?” she called out anxiously, holding her branch at the ready in both hands. Damn! If she was this close, that meant those two creatures were probably lurking somewhere nearby.

“Leiani; is that you? Keep talking, baby. Keep talking and I’ll find you.”

“I’m over here, babe! Uh, Donna? I think you’d better hurry!”

Uh – oh. That didn’t sound good at all!

Donna felt her heart leap into her throat. Instinctively she hefted the limb up into a defensive posture as she quickened her pace. “Keep talking, baby; I’m coming!”

Yeoman Dangling suddenly stopped in her tracks. “Leiani? Are they there? Are they with you?”

“I don’t see em, Donna! They might be somewhere nearby though. So you’d better be careful.”

Donna heard what sounded like a voice rasping. Then she heard, “Uh… babe? I think you’d REALLY better hurry!”

Gawd – she sounded serious! What if she was already in trouble or something?? What if she was…?


Donna scampered through the trees even faster, calling out for Leiani to keep talking so she could zero in on her position. She was certain the young woman was close by. A moment later she burst through the underbrush.

The yeoman came upon the trunk of a very large tree in a very small open area. A frantic glance around revealed no ropes visible. Thank gawd her Asian lover was not dangling from anything!


“Up here, baby.”

The voice came from directly above her. Donna instinctively looked up. A moment later she gasped in horror at the sight that awaited her…

Leiani was completely naked. She was precariously balanced on a small limb about 4 meters up. There was a noose around her neck that looked dangerously snug, coming down from a length of rope that stretched up to an even higher limb.

The young woman appeared to have her arms bound behind her back with the same type of vine Donna’s ankle had been ensnared by earlier. It looked like she was doing her best to remain upright. She kept wavering forward and backward, causing the noose to strain at her neck each time she went a little too far in either direction.

Donna was horrified. At the same time, she was disturbingly aroused. “OHMYGAWD! LEIANI, HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET UP THERE??”

“How the hell do you think – GAWK!”

The oriental woman gurgled as she leaned forward, the noose holding her in place as it gripped her throat. Leiani appeared to be struggling to use her stomach muscles to lean back. She gasped as she struggled to carefully become upright again.

Donna suddenly heard that familiar giggling from somewhere behind her. She spun around in a defensive posture, the branch raised upward in her hands. But she didn’t see them anywhere.

She turned back and looked up at her beloved Leiani in alarm. “Gawd, baby!” she gasped anxiously. “How the hell am I supposed to get you DOWN from there??”

“I guess you aren’t,” Leiani replied with a nervous laugh.

Her eyes were wide as she wiggled and squirmed in an attempt to keep herself upright. She gawked whenever she leaned a little too far forward or backward. Then noose remained tight around her throat. It was obvious what would happen once the branch beneath her feet gave way or she lost her balance.

Donna wailed, “How the hell did they get you up there in the first place??”

Her heart was in her throat as her body quivered from a perverse eroticism. This was bad! How the hell was she supposed to get Leiani DOWN from there??

“Does it matter? – URK!”

Leiani went backward a little. The noose caught her yet again as Donna let out a cry of alarm. Then Leiani smiled weakly.

“I, uh… I guess we’re not going to GET…!” She almost went forward again as Donna cried out once more.

“…get to play HIDE….uh, ‘Hide and Seek’, baby!” Leiani chuckled weakly. But Donna could easily detect the growing fear in her former lover’s voice.

“Sorry I can’t come down and p-play,” the young woman gasped, her playfulness long gone.

“No!” Donna whispered, shaking her head in disbelief as her breath caught in her throat.

She heard giggling again. The anxious yeoman spun around, her limb in her hands at the ready. But she still couldn’t see them.

She turned back and looked up at her friend in horror. Gawd – this couldn’t be happening! It was the very thing she’d been afraid of.

This was the thing she’d thought about earlier, a thought which had given her a delightful little sexual tingle. She had actually imagined poor Leiani being hung from a spot she could never reach. And now here she was!

Gawd! Why the hell was it so arousing to SEE her this way??

Donna’s eyes opened wide with sudden insight. Was THIS what they had meant by instructing crewmembers on shore leave to watch their thoughts? Was this somehow all HER fault??

“Guess you’ll have to h-hunt for Janice alone, b-baby,” Leiani called down to her, trying to smile as her voice quivered. “I don’t th-think I’m g-gonna last much l-longer.”


Donna frantically looked all around. But she saw nothing that might prove helpful. The tree was too big, the limbs well out of reach for any kind of climbing.

She knew in her heart there was nothing she could do. Tears welled up in her eyes. At the same time, her body trembled like crazy from a horrific arousal she wished to gawd she could find some way of shutting down.

“Look on the bright side!” Leiani gasped, her body gyrating wildly as she tried to maintain her balance. Then she gave her former lover something of a brave, mischievous grin. “At least you’ll get to watch my last dance, baby! I’ll put on a good show for you, Donna-honey; honest I will! I promise!”

“NOOO! I DON’T CARE ABOUT THAT! JUST STAND PERFECTLY STILL, OK! I’LL FIND A WAY!” She felt so helpless, standing there waiting for her beloved Leiani to fall.

The anxious yeoman heard the sound of a tree limb starting to crack. Donna cried out in alarm. The sound abruptly stopped.

Leiani looked down at her with a weak smile. “G-gawd, baby!” she said with a nervous chuckle. “For a minute there I th-thought I was a goner!”

There was a sharp series of cracks and snaps. Then the limb gave out under her feet, snapping near the trunk of the tree and falling to the ground with a crunch.

Leiani hardly fell at all. The noose instantly took her weight. She let out a grunt as her feet started fluttering for the branch that was no longer underneath her.

Donna let out a cry of despair as her lover’s naked body gently swung back and forth. Leiani’s knees jerked upward a little. Fluid streamed out from between her legs and arced toward the ground.

The horrified yeoman instantly detected the heady aroma of her lover’s arousal from the odor of the liquid. A moment later she just couldn’t hold hers back anymore. Yeoman Donna Dangling came hard, her body shuddering like mad at the horribly erotic sight that swung above her.

She was absolutely humiliated, totally ashamed of herself for orgasming while Leiani swung from the noose. Tears began streaming down her cheeks. Donna let out an anguished cry as she watched.

Shamefully, she could not look away. The image had been indelibly burned into her brain. It was all there: swollen nipples on heaving breasts; glistening moistness from engorged labia; gasps and gurgles as the slender oriental woman fought for another breath.

Her nude body swung back and forth as her feet wiggled more and more. Her legs finally exploded into a series of kicks, desperately searching for something solid to stand upon. Her arms jerked behind her back, her hands flexing helplessly.

Donna became paralyzed from a horrifically erotic fascination at her lover’s suffering. She was unable to move or speak. She couldn’t do anything other than watch the spectacle unfolding above her.

Once more she heard giggles from somewhere behind her. This time the yeoman paid them no mind. Her soul was in torment, partly because her beloved Leiani was hanging to death… and partly because her stupid body was reacting to it in such a perversely erotic manner.

Tears poured down the yeoman’s cheeks as Leiani swung wildly in the noose. The oriental woman’s naked body danced lewdly, almost as though it was a personal show just for her. The young woman’s hips thrust forward as legs kicked every which way.

It reminded Donna of days gone by. There had been times her lover had gotten into her oral ministrations so much that she had thrust her crotch violently into her face.

Leiani was putting on an incredibly arousing show. It was almost as though she was making love to her former lover for the very last time by the jerks and contortions of her wildly gyrating body. Donna was terribly ashamed the way her body was so damned aroused by it all!

Leiani’s dance went on for 3… 4… 5 agonizing minutes. But exhaustion finally set in. Her kicks and gyrations became less dramatic and more infrequent until she stopped and abruptly hung limp.

Her naked body swayed softly from the tree. She swung like that for another 30 seconds or so. Then her body seemed to come alive with a series of frantic kicks as though trying one last time to find a way to open her airway and get a decent breath of air into her lungs.

A moment later her legs came together again. Once more she pulled her knees upward in a series of little jerks. And once more there was that stream of fluid that arced to the ground.

Donna knew in an instant Leiani was cumming again, even as the poor thing was slipping away. Despite her best efforts, she climaxed right along with her. The despairing yeoman wailed with shame as her body shuddered hard in orgasm.

Her vision blurred as pleasure washed through her. When it returned, all she saw was Leiani swaying softly, her naked body quivering from an occasional muscle twitch.

There was an expression of peaceful rapture in the Asian’s face. Drool trickled out of her opened mouth and splattered onto her breasts. A small trickle of yellow fluid slithered down her leg, ultimately dripping steadily off her foot onto the ground below.

Donna stared in utter disbelief. My gawd – this can’t be happening! THIS CAN’T BE REAL!

The distraught yeoman’s muscles abruptly gave out on her. She collapsed onto the ground into a sitting position. Tears poured unashamedly down her cheeks.

She was dimly aware of the potential danger from the two beings who had to be somewhere in the immediate vicinity. But she no longer cared. Her beloved Leiani was gone.

Something in the back of her mind told her this was all her fault. Somehow her thoughts and fantasies had led to the death of her former friend and lover. What’s more, she felt great shame at the pleasure her body had derived from watching the young woman strangle to death in the noose.

Donna was riddled with sorrow and guilt as she looked upward. She watched in utter disbelief as Leiani’s body slowly swayed to a stop. Finally the young woman simply hung still, naked and silent.

Donna desperately wished Leiani would yell “SURPRISE!” and then jump down to make some stupid remark about wanting to play again and how finding Janice would just have to wait until they’d had their fun. But the oriental woman quietly dangled limp and lifeless. She was never to speak another word to her again… never to lovingly squeeze her neck and leave her breathless.

Overcome with grief, Yeoman Donna Dangling curled up into the fetal position.

Then she began to bawl her eyes out…

2008; 2021 (written for Donna May 9 ’08; ed. Dec 15 ’21 by riwa)

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Shelly in Cancun 5 3.6 (21)

Chapter 5 – The grand tour

We fin ourselves downward toward the two divers. They appear to be waiting patiently for us as they hover over the bow of the wreck. Andria is eager to meet them.

I’m a bit more apprehensive. Maybe it’s all the premonitions and dreams I’ve had. Maybe it’s simply the fact I feel I don’t have nearly as much control over the situation as I would like to have.

As we approach neither diver makes what I would interpret as an aggressive move toward us. I see they each have a spare hose and regulator attached to their scuba tanks. My memory dredges up the name “octopus” from some fleeting images of a scuba class I once took with Andria a few years ago.

To my astonishment the diver closest to me grabs hers and offers it to me. Her companion offer hers to Andria as well. I smile and nod politely as I accept it from her before placing the reg between my lips.

The young woman I accept the octopus from appears to be of Asian descent. She’s Japanese, I would guess. She looks like she might be about my age.

Her breasts are smaller but well-rounded. They are almost showing through that skimpy blue bikini top of hers. It looks to be a “tan-thru” model, and her erect nipples poke through her suit.

I can make out her neatly trimmed bush showing through her thong. I guess she likes to tan everything. Her nearly coal-black hair hangs loosely just beyond her shoulder blades. Her dark, piercing eyes peer at me with what I can only describe as “hunger”.

She takes my hand in hers. That’s when I feel it: a spark, a jolt. A shiver ripples through my body.

I look at her with wide open eyes. It’s as though I can tell she feels it too. Her breath exhales through her regulator.

She looks at my face and then gazes down my body. I can’t help feeling another shiver. It’s as though she’s removing what little I have on with her eyes.

I’ve always had a fondness for Asian women. But for some reason this one seems to be taking my breath away. I’m tingly all over, and I have to remind myself to breathe calmly through the regulator.

I abruptly feel Andria tugging on me to get my attention. She cries out excitedly through her reg while giving me a thumb’s up. She eagerly nods her head up and down.

Her companion is another Asian who I suspect is also of Japanese descent. Looking at her is like taking in an Asian replica of Andria. She’s well endowed, with a similar tan-thru outfit that is a mixture of dark blue swirls. It barely covers her breasts and that pussy of hers.

She has dark brown hair that keeps trying to settle just below the shoulders. There’s an all-too-noticeable playfulness to her demeanor, especially her facial expression. Andria is almost giddy as she looks at me with an excited expression… “Look who we just found!”

It’s been a while, but I haven’t totally forgotten how to do it. In a few moments I’m breathing normally through the reg in my mouth. It’s nice not being forced back to the surface every couple of minutes to breathe.

My companion seems to pick up on the fact I’m at ease with the octopus. She pulls on my arm… “Let’s go”. I sense she’s the leader of the two, but I feel no discomfort by her presence.

Together we start finning hand in hand downward along the port side of the ship, the side facing the reef. A quick glance behind us reveals Andria and her new-found friend are following a short distance away. They look like they’re amused about something.

We slowly fin together along the side of the wreck. I allow my new scuba partner to lead. She slowly works us down to the sandy bottom where I see the hull is embedded in the sea floor.

From there we fin back up to look into the portholes. There’s a corridor of sorts running just inside the hull. She looks at me and smiles as though we’re both thinking the same thing… “We definitely gotta go inside before we leave!”

We slowly make our way to the stern of the wreck. The only sound I hear is that of the bubbles we both exhale. I can faintly detect the bubbles of our two companions lagging behind us.

I can’t believe I’m in the ocean breathing off a scuba tank. It’s amazing how this day is turning out. A part of me hopes like hell I’m not dreaming again because I’m feeling all tingly and excited.

A quick glance back reveals Andria is having a ball. The two of them are motioning and pointing at everything. Their eyes twinkle as they grin through their regulators.

We pause at the rear of the craft, slowly examining the hull. Then we move on to fin along the starboard side. I can’t resist giving my scuba partner an appreciative squeeze of her hand.

She looks at me and squeezes back before focusing on where she’s taking us. But I don’t miss the look in her eye. A quick glance down at her breasts reveal nipples that are swollen and pointed.

Mine are the same: erect and starting to ache a little. I’m aroused at the turn this day has taken. I can’t help wondering if we might get an opportunity later on to, uh… well…

She suddenly fins us upward as we near the bow. I stay right beside her. The next thing I know we’re popping into the shack that houses the pilothouse.

There’s not much that interests me. I see knobs, gauges, levers and a small metal worktable against the wall that looks as though it was used for laying out maps and charts. The windows are broken out.

There’s debris on the floor. I also spy a couple of pipes and some loose pieces of metal. Contents from several open cabinets and drawers are strewn all over, disintegrating from exposure to the ocean.

Nothing looks interesting or salvageable. No doubt it’s been picked clean by those who’ve been here before us. So we head back out.

Andria and her friend remain behind to look around. But they show more enthusiasm than I did. Perhaps that’s because I’m starting to find myself a bit distracted by my new dive buddy.

We come to a stairwell that leads down into murky darkness. My companion starts to fin us downward. I balk, pulling against her hand.

I’m not quite certain I want to go down without any kind of hand-held illumination to light our way. She just smiles through her reg as she tugs on my hand. She nods at me as if to say “C’mon – it’ll be fine.”

For some reason I find myself not wanting to disappoint her. So I nod reluctantly. Together we start down, the octopus keeping me fairly close to her. Fortunately there’s enough room for the two of us to go down side by side.

She leads me down slowly, yet firmly. My comfort with her leadership grows stronger. I feel safe around her to the point where I believe she won’t deliberately get us into any kind of trouble.

We slowly penetrate the interior down into the stairwell. There’s a bit more illumination than I expected. Then we reach the bottom of the stairs where we pause for a moment.

I soon find my eyes adjusting to the dimness all around us. There’s more light down here than I expected. I can actually see the open doorway directly in front of us as we reach the bottom of the stairs. Between the portholes and the stairwell there’s just enough light to allow for some visibility.

My guide motions toward the doorway. I nod agreeably. We slowly move forward to peer inside.

It’s a cabin pressed into the bow of the wreck. It makes me think it belonged to the captain. But from our vantage point there isn’t that much to see.

It’s dim inside. The sea has deteriorated much of the room’s contents. Wooden furniture pieces and fixtures lie in a state of slow disintegration. A thin layer of silt covers much of it. Our curiosity is satisfied.

We turn and follow a very short hall. It makes a 90 degree angle into the long corridor we saw from the outside of the wreck. Light comes in through the portholes near the ceiling. There’s just enough sun to lighten our way, although there are dark shadows everywhere.

I feel a brief flicker of anxiety. I focus once more on where I’m at and who I’m diving with. That feeling of reassurance returns as my senses picking up everything.

I still can’t believe it! I’m diving with a sexy, young woman of Japanese descent while using an octopus attached to her scuba gear. Our exhalations are the only sounds at the bottom of the sea in a dimly lit wreck.

I can’t help getting all tingly and excited again. Once more I squeeze her hand. She grins and squeezes back before turning and leading us onward as a wave of calmness engulfs me.

We come up to a door on the left and slowly push it open. There isn’t much light. But what there is reveals some sort of cargo hold.

Again, there doesn’t seem to be much in here. No doubt it’s been picked clean by those who’ve come before us. My heart sinks, but only a little.

We probably won’t find anything of interest. But it doesn’t seem to matter all that much. Besides, I’m able to console myself with the exhilaration of simply being able to explore this wreck with the safety of scuba gear in the company of a dive partner who’s starting to have a serious effect on me.

We fin ourselves onward until we come upon another door, opening into a second cargo hold. This one is just as dimly lit as the first. It’s also just as empty.

There’s nothing but a few crumpled wooden crates that are coming apart. Obviously they were emptied some time ago. We look at each other and shrug our shoulders.

We move on, finning side by side down the passageway. We both breathe evenly through our regulators. The sound of our exhalations are quite noticeable in the empty corridor.

We reach the end of the passageway and make a turn. We’ve discovered the companionway at the stern along with a handful of doors. We push one open on the corridor side of the stairwell and slip inside.

There’s just enough illumination to see what looks to be the former galley for the crew. There’s no porthole in here. There’s just an opening in the ceiling allowing a small shaft of light to penetrate.

Appliances line one wall. There’s a cook stove and a small dining table. The contents of several drawers have spilled out.

I can make out bits and pieces of what looks like silverware poking up through the layer of mud. But nothing looks of value in here either. So we slip back out the doorway.

We try the door directly opposite the bottom of the stairwell. This one only opens partway. It seems to be jammed against something.

My dive partner manages to get her head in through the crack long enough to take a look. She pulls her head out and beckons for me to have a look-see if I’m interested. I take a quick look, the octopus giving me just enough slack to stick my head around the door.

It’s really dark inside. What I can see tells me it’s probably the engine room. I doubt there’s much in here I really want to see anyway.

I see Andria and her friend arrive. They slip inside the door to the galley. We check the door on the same wall on the other side of the stairwell.

This one has a couple of portholes up near the ceiling. Enough light shines in, revealing the crew’s quarters. There are metal frames for several bunks.

Cabinet doors swing open. But I figure there’s nothing of importance to find in here either. I motion to my friend that I’m ready to leave whenever she is.

She nods, and together we make our way to the stairwell. We fin our way upward, having gone as far as we can go. We’ve pretty much seen everything there is to see below decks.

There’s a structure at the top of the stairwell that sits directly over the room below to the engines. We fin our way inside. There’s plenty of light since all the windows are gone. But there’s nothing much in here either.

It looks like a gathering place for the crew. It also looks as though it was used as a place for storing tools, gear and the other necessities for the two cargo holds.

A few cabinet door hang open. What’s left of a table and a couple of chairs are in a heap in one corner. Once more there appears to be nothing of value.

Looking out the door I can see what appears to be a couple of large hatches to the cargo holds between here and the shack that holds the pilothouse. On either side is a walkway that follows along the ship’s railing up to the bow, disappearing around the pilothouse. It’s nothing more than a small cargo vessel… or at least it was until it met its fate right here, a short distance from the reef it was no doubt trying to beach itself upon.

…and thus ended the grand tour…

I turn to my dive companion and smile. I motion with my arms in an attempt to convey my thanks. I’m appreciative for her allowing me to share her scuba tank while exploring the wreck with her.

We could’ve explored some of those other rooms below a little more. But I honestly don’t think it would’ve born much fruit. I’m satisfied with the results. I just want her to know how grateful I am to be allowed to share her tank with her.

She smiles back at me. I feel those eyes start to bore into me again. A moment later she starts to run her hand up and down my arm.

The next thing I know she’s touching me everywhere with both hands. She caresses me softly as though exploring every inch of my suddenly quivering body. She brushes my face and cheeks, caresses my neck, slides her hands down my arms, and tentatively brushes across my trembling breasts.

My nipples are erect, calling out for attention. I shiver as I moan quietly into my regulator. Gawd; what is she doing to me?!

I inhale deeply. Then I exhale with a quiver as I close my eyes. My body trembles like crazy.

I have no idea who this young woman is. It’s as if she’s playing my body like a Stradivarius. Then I feel her hands on my breasts again, cupping them gently.

She caresses and fondles them, sending electric shocks tumbling down to my pussy region. For a long moment I actually forget to breathe. I’m forced to inhale sharply before exhaling with a quivering sigh.

I suddenly hear a bubbly cry. I open my eyes to see Andria and her scuba partner floating just inside the doorway. She points at me before waving a finger… “Naughty, naughty.”

She does not succeed in hiding her amusement. Her companion doesn’t even bother hiding hers. She simply grins at us like the Cheshire cat.

For a long moment the four of us drift there in place. My dive buddy and I are momentarily frozen at having been caught. Then Andria’s companion turns to her.

She makes a show of deliberately groping her breasts. Then she turns and points at us again. Her reg explodes with an exhalation of bubbles in laughter.

Andria laughs with her as my face goes beet red. My partner just looks exasperated at the two of them. I think she wishes she could’ve had a few more minutes of privacy with me. But the mood is broken.

She lets her hands fall to her sides as I try to compose myself. The four of us look at each other for a few moments. Andria shrugs her shoulders as if to say “Now what do we do?”

My companion points at her own mouthpiece. She makes a show of acting as though she’s going to remove it. Then she points at all of us in turn.

I nod in understanding. Andria nods too. I think we know what she’s planning.

She starts counting down from five with her fingers, folding each one in. She grabs her reg and prepares to remove it. When she reaches one we all take a deep breath before pulling our regs out of our mouths, holding them in our hands.

I no longer hear the sound of four females exhaling from their regulators. My dive buddy smiles, nodding in acknowledgement to her friend. Andria and I exchange glances.

Apparently we’re having some sort of impromptu breath-hold contest. I can see Andria’s competitive nature rise up within her. The expression on her face tells me she wants to beat me.

There’s no real way of timing ourselves because no one is wearing a watch. All we can do is look at each other, trying to gauge who’s about to give up first. But this time that one is easy as I can already see Andria’s chest start to heave.

Her smile fades as she starts to grimace. She looks at each one of us, no doubt hoping someone else will quit first. She finally gives up in exasperation after what I would conclude to be about a minute has gone by.

She stuffs her regulator back into her mouth. Her dive buddy grins and points at her with an “I beat you!” expression. I can’t help grinning at her myself. Andria just scowls at me.

A few moments later I feel my own lungs start to spasm. I look at our two Asian friends, hoping someone else is closer to giving up than I am. They both look at me with confident expressions, neither one appearing ready to give up just yet.

Andria’s dive partner seems to be struggling a little. But I don’t think I can wait that long. Shaking my head in disgust, I put my reg back between my lips before sucking down a breath of compressed air.

Andria’s scuba partner grins and points at the two of us as if to say “Ha – I beat you both!” Mine turns to me and smiles. Our new Asian underwater friends have done better this round.

It isn’t long before Andria’s Asian friend is forced to stuff her regulator back into her mouth. She grimaces and points unhappily at her friend who drifts by my side while still holding her breath. She’s obviously disappointed at who has managed to hold out the longest. That’s when my scuba partner grins and puts her reg back into her mouth, pointing at her own chest and giving herself a thumbs-up.

2007; 2020 (written Jul 27 ’07; ed. Aug 22 ‘20 by riwa)

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Zanda’s important meeting 4.3 (23)

Zanda was told how important the meeting was going to be. A handful of businessmen were in town to discuss plans to make a sizeable donation to City University. Their investment would go a long way toward funding certain classes and studies.

Zanda was a sorority member for Pi Omicron Ro Nu. Thus, she knew exactly what was expected of her. All the stops had to be pulled out for these men or the donation might not come through.

The president of City University was hosting the delegation. That evening Zanda went over to his place of residence to entertain them. She knew what would happen back at the sorority if she failed in her mission.

When she arrived she told the president she was there to encourage the men to make the donation. She wanted to put on a show for them. She asked him to go into the other room where they were relaxing and introduce her.

She heard the president tell them a sorority member of Pi Omicron Ro Nu had come to perform for them. She heard her name being called. Zanda proudly stepped into the room in a skimpy outfit along with her high heeled shoes.

She thanked them all for coming. She told them she understood the importance of their donation. She said she hoped her performance would further encourage them. Then she started to dance.

Zanda gyrated all over the red carpeting as the men watched. She gave them a sultry performance as she began removing articles of clothing. One by one the pieces came off.

One heel went to a distinguished looking gentleman with salt-and-pepper hair. The other went to a younger man who seemed quite taken with her. The bulge she noticed in his trousers indicated she was having the desired effect.

She pulled a small cushioned ottoman out onto the center of the room. She erotically writhed around on it until she was sure she had the eye of every man upon her. She was determined to leave nothing to chance.

Zanda went over to her discarded skirt. She smiled as she pulled out her hidden “surprise.” The men all stared in shock at the knife in her hand.

She gyrated again, running the tip of the blade all over her naked body. She rubbed her swollen clit with it, going back and forth over her dripping cunt and making the blade glisten. The men all leaned forward to watch as though mesmerized.

“I know how important this donation will be to City University,” she told them in a husky voice. “So I want you all to know just how important this is to me. The climax of my performance will not be what I do to myself. Rather it is my desire the climax to my performance will be in how you use my body after the high point of my demonstration. I fervently hope I will have several moments of clarity left to enjoy your lustful attentions.”

Zanda slowly danced her way over to the ottoman. She slowly settled down upon it, the knife still firmly in her grasp. Then she leaned over backward.

She spread her legs invitingly, leaving no doubt as to how she wanted to be used. She ran the tip of the knife over her quivering, dripping slit. Then she dragged the tip from her swollen nub to the upper part of her stomach.

Zanda grabbed the knife handle with both hands. “For your pleasure and mine, gentlemen!” Then she plunged the blade hard into her belly.

A soft cry escaped her lips. Then she leaned over backwards. She allowed her arms to hang over her head in a posture of submission as the knife stuck out of her body.

Blood trickled out of the wound. It dribbled a trail down to her swollen nub. Then it dripped over her winking, spasming cunt.

“Gentlemen… PLEASE!” It was a voice filled with desire and desperation.

Two of the men got up from where they’d been watching spellbound. The man with salt-and-pepper hair pulled down his pants, exposing his cock. He knelt in front of Zanda who thankfully wrapped her lips around it.

She did not see who moved between her legs. She did not see the erection that sprang free once the trousers were pulled down. But she felt it push into her wet, clenching fuck-box.

Her mouth was full; the cock was at the back of her throat. Her cunt was also full. She grunted and moaned, hoping she had achieved her objective.

She did not see the hand reach down to grasp onto the handle to her blade. But she felt it suddenly twist violently inside her. Zanda climaxed with a vengeance, crying out from a mixture of pain and pleasure.

The other two men came over and stood around her. Their trousers had been removed. Their cocks were in their hands.

The knife was grabbed and twisted again. Zanda climaxed violently. Her cunt clenched so hard that it milked a release out of the gentleman fucking her.

That cock pulled out. She felt another one take its place. The man in her mouth also pulled out so another could have a turn.

Zanda was brutally fucked in both ends. Each time the handle to the knife was grasped. Once it was twisted; another time it was pulled toward her pubic bone.

Zanda let out one muffled cry after another as she shuddered in orgasm each time the knife was moved inside her. She was blinded by pain and pleasure. At least they were using her as she had intended.

They spent the next ten minutes fucking her while abusing her with the knife. Zanda climaxed twice more. Then she saw the president of the university stand above her.

He grasped onto the knife and pulled it out. For a moment she was disappointed. He smiled as he told her, “Well done, my child.” Then he plunged it back into her belly.

Zanda screamed as she arched her back. Her cry was muffled by the cock in her mouth. Then she felt it erupt between her lips until she was swallowing and inhaling cum.

Another cock went off in her cunt. Zanda went from one painful climax to the next. Then she saw the president reach down and viciously twist the blade in her belly.

She was battered senseless by yet another blinding orgasm. She could feel herself fading away. All she was aware of was the pain in her belly, the cocks in her holes… and unbelievable pleasure.

One more hard twist by the president sent her spiraling into eternity. But her body kept twitching and jerking. Then the knife was pulled all the way down to her pubic bone.

Her body reacted violently. It was the most powerful orgasm that had ever battered her. But she was long past the point of being able to appreciate it. Had she remained conscious she would have been joyous at the way the president and his guests continued using her corpse for the better part of an hour.

4-8-20 Inspired by the manip found in Sadie’s photo album.

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Snuff Teri 5.0 (Ch 5 Long-drop Teris) 4 (27)

We took a few steps away from the guillotines. Almost immediately, a large wooden gallows appeared before us. A stairway led up to the top on the right side.

On the platform 9 or 10 feet above us were three naked, hooded Teris. They stood stiffly with a noose dangling in front of each face. Occasionally I heard a soft whimper.

A fourth noose dangled on the far right next to the last Teri. But there appeared to be no one for whom it was destined. I wondered if this was a mistake or if another Teri would be produced to hang from it.

There was a fourth Teri up on the platform. But she was dressed differently. She wore high heels and a black fishnet body-stocking. I got the impression she would be the executioner, as she walked back and forth between the condemned as though getting them ready.

The first two Teris had thick, black straps around their ankles and knees, binding their legs together. The third one wore a spreader bar attached to her ankles, spreading her legs obscenely. All three had their arms cuffed behind their backs.

Behind them stood a small wooden table. I couldn’t fathom the purpose of such an object up there with them. Probably that was because the angle was such that I couldn’t see what might have been set upon it.

“Remove the hoods!” my Teri demanded with a wave as she looked up at the executioner. “Let the bitches see their fate!”

In response, the woman went up behind each one, starting with the one on the right. Then she began ripping off each hood. The appearance of a noose dangling in front of them set each one to whimpering with fright.

“You may proceed with the executions,” ‘Microkini Teri’ called up to her. “I will give the order when each one has been readied.”

‘Readied?’ I thought to myself. The executioner just nodded with understanding.

I saw her pick something up from off the table before walking over to the first one. “This first bitch is guilty of being a cock-sucking slut!” the executioner announced loudly.

She looped the noose around her doppelganger’s neck, pulling it snug. The poor thing quivered and moaned. The executioner ran a hand all over the condemned woman’s trembling body.

She seemed to take great delight in groping her replica’s tits as she continued on with the charges…. “There is no cock she won’t suck, be it single, engaged, married, divorced or simply committed to another individual. Therefore I’ve decided she should hang with this in her mouth!”

She produced what I now saw to be a large, rubber dildo. So that was what she’d picked up from the table. Then she proceeded to shove it hard into condemned Teri #1’s mouth.

The poor thing’s eyes bugged out as she tried to gasp for breath. The sex toy must have been shoved halfway down her throat. “You may hang the slut!” my escort commanded.

The executioner calmly stepped to a lever directly behind the terrified woman. I saw her smile as she pulled it with some degree of enthusiasm. There was a loud THUNK as the hinged trap dropped open.

Teri fell with a muffled scream that was cut off the moment she hit the end of the rope. With a loud CRICK, her body bounced a little. Then she began jerking around like a fish at the end of a line, her feet less than a foot off the floor of the holodeck.

Involuntary spasms claimed her for about 30 seconds or so. Then her body settled into a soft, gentle sway from side to side. Her lifeless eyes remained open wide in horror from her sudden plunge through the trap.

The rubber phallus dangled obscenely from her mouth. A trickle of urine ran down one leg. It dribbled off her foot onto the ground below.

With the execution of their identical sister, the two remaining Teris began to whimper even harder. Their eyes were open wide in horror. Clearly they now understood what their fate was to be.

The executioner walked up to the middle Teri where she calmly draped the noose around her neck. She snugged it up tight before enjoying caressing her body as well. Then she announced, “This whore is guilty of fucking anything and everything that moves! Men… women… she doesn’t care which. She’ll fuck a married man, and then the next day while he’s at work she’ll go fuck his sweet, innocent wife.”

The poor thing writhed and whimpered as she pawed and groped her tits. The executioner paused to grin malevolently at the frightened woman. “I have something special for you, whore!”

She walked back over to the table where she picked up a couple of large, black butt-plugs. She brought them back and waved them in front of the terrified creature. “Since you’ll take it up either hole, I think it’s only fitting we plug them both, bitch!”

The condemned Teri let out a frightened whimper. Clearly she was too terrified for words. My escort couldn’t help chiming in as she hollered up at the executioner, “PLUG THE FUCKING WHORE!”

Her eyes flashed sadistically. She was really getting off snuffing all these women who looked exactly like her.

The executioner smiled down at her and then turned toward her charge. The poor girl cried out as her evil doppelganger thrust the first one hard into her front slit. Her cunt appeared to be glistening as I looked up at it. Then the cruel woman brutally forced the other plug up poor Teri’s ass.

Both objects stretched her obscenely. The poor thing jerked and screamed. Her last moments were filled with pain and humiliation.

“Hang the whore!” ‘Microkini Teri’ ordered with wicked glee.

The executioner calmly walked back to the lever behind the condemned. Then she casually pulled it. Teri the whore fell through the trap with a cry of sheer terror.

Her cry was cut off the moment her body bounced at the end of the rope. There was another loud CRICK. Then she jerked around like a fish on the end of a line, just like the one quietly twisting and swaying right next to her.

After another 30 seconds of twitches and spasms, she settled into swaying softly next to the corpse of her identical sister. Her eyes were wide and vacant. Urine streamed down her legs, splattering onto the floor of the holodeck beneath her.

The executioner barely acknowledged the event as she calmly stepped over to the last one. The last condemned Teri was now hyperventilating. I could actually see her chest rising and falling.

“This cunt is the worst of all!” she explained angrily. “This one is a cock-tease. She is guilty of turning men on and then leaving them that way.”

“She leads them on while taking their money, making them think they will get some. Then she cuts them off at the knees. She will often have them thrown out of the club she works for, having committed no greater crime than simply looking at her.”

“This cunt is a man-hater, the worst of the bunch. So I have something extra special planned for her!”

“NO!” the condemned Teri cried out, finally finding her voice. “I CAN EXPLAIN; IT’S NOT MY FAULT! MEN ARE PIGS! PLEASE DON’T HANG ME!”

My escort snorted at her in derision. “Get on with it!” she told the executioner.

Teri walked over to the table. She came back with some sort of wooden rod. On one end was a wicked looking dildo of extraordinary length.

With a cruel smile, she bent down. Then she proceeded to work it up into Teri’s ass. The poor thing shrieked in pain as it was forced in hard and deep.

The other end was fitted to a coupling on the middle of the spreader bar. At last I had an explanation for this one’s situation. The thick wooden rod shoving the dildo up into poor Teri’s ass would be worked in much deeper should she try to kick with the spreader bar attached to her ankles.

I suddenly got the impression this one might not get the merciful long drop. My cock hardened with anticipation.

The Teri on the trap pleaded for her life. ‘Microkini Teri’ looked up with sadistic lust in her eyes. Then she hollered, “HANG THE CUNT!”

The poor thing wailed “NOOO!” as the executioner walked to the appropriate lever. Teri calmly pulled it as she stood behind her identical sister. There was a look of lustful excitement on her face.

The trap dropped open. The condemned fell through. But she came up short as the noose grabbed her neck. She’d only fallen a few inches, just enough to tighten the rope around her neck.

She gasped and gurgled as the rope took her full weight. Her legs started kicking in a frantic attempt to find solid footing that was no longer there. Each jerk of her legs forced the rod coupled to the spreader bar to shove the dildo hard into her anus.

She grunted in pain as she involuntarily fucked her own ass. Out of the corner of my eye I caught ‘Microkini Teri’ masturbating again. I heard her quietly gasp, “That is so fucking hot!”

As the cunt kicked and jerked, the rope automatically lowered her until she was level with her predecessors. It gave her a terrible view of the gently swaying identical sisters she would soon be joining in death. Her body humped and thrashed about as her secured hands jerked around behind her back.

She gurgled as her face turned a nasty shade of red. Her head was forced off to one side. Drool spilled from her tongue onto her tits.

There was more kicking as her legs jerked together. Her body bucked in response as though she was really driving the dildo hard up her ass. Her face began to turn purple as her movements lessened.

Her legs jerked hard one last time. A spray of fluid spewed out onto the floor. Her frantic dancing abruptly diminished.

It appeared to be the longest, most painful 3 minutes of her life. She was finally reduced to bodily twitches and spasms. A stream of piss arced out of her crotch.

I heard the death rattle in her chest. Her body softly swayed back and forth. Occasional her legs twitched a little as though she wasn’t quite finished fucking her own ass.

Her two dead doppelgangers watched their sister die with unseeing eyes. Their bodies hung silent in testament to their executions. I couldn’t believe how aroused I’d become.

I suddenly heard my escort gasp, “Oh, FUCK!” Then she stiffened before starting to shake. She actually orgasmed to the snuffing of the dangling cunt in front of us.

When it passed, it left her breathless. For a second I allowed her to lean against me. She finally regained her strength to where she could stand on her own.

Up on the gallows I watched with interest as the executioner stepped in front of the last noose. She took the coil of rope and carefully looped it around her own neck. Then she situated the knot behind her left ear, giving it a finishing tug.

“This bitch is guilty of abusing the slut, the whore and the cunt before their appointed executions!” she admitted loudly. “I made them eat my pussy. Then I fucked each one with a massive strap-on.”

“I made them lick and fuck each other silly. Then I sodomized them all. All of this occurred outside my job description. Thus, I am guilty of a capital offense.”

She looked down at us. I could tell she was trembling a little. Then she lowered her head as she added, “I came hard several times, Mistress. I thoroughly enjoyed myself as I raped them. I am getting what I deserve.”

There was no sorrow or regret in her voice. She was simply explaining what she had done, admitting to her guilt. Then she announced, “This bitch is ready for punishment.”

She stood up straight. Her arms hung calmly at her sides. Then she waited breathlessly for her sentence to be carried out.

‘Microkini Teri’ smiled up at her. “In a minute or two, bitch,” she said to her. “First I wish to admire your handiwork. In the meantime you can stand there and think about what you’ve done… and what’s going to happen to you.”

“Yes, Mistress,” ‘executioner Teri’ replied, her head bowed low. I could tell she was trembling with anticipation at her impending hanging.

“You’re going to make her wait?” I murmured to my escort.

“It’ll make her squirm,” ‘Microkini Teri’ giggled. “I love making them squirm before we snuff them.”

We walked up to the dead slut with the dildo in her mouth. My escort couldn’t help reaching out and caressing her flesh, lovingly groping her tits. “She looks so fucking sexy hanging like that. Wouldn’t you agree, Master?”

I told her I found it quite arousing. She fondled the dead woman for a few more seconds. Then we moved on to the next one.

“I’ll bet it hurt when she hit the end of the rope with her holes plugged; eh, Master?” Once again her hands were all over the dead whore. She finally gave her a push, setting her to swaying back and forth.

We made our way over to the last one. “I loved this one best of all, Master,” ‘Microkini Teri’ panted excitedly. “I loved how she fucked her own ass as the life was slowly strangled out of her by the nose. Did you see how she squirted at the end?? I’ll bet the fucking cunt felt the big ‘O’ just before she died!”

My escort suddenly got onto her knees. She buried her face in the dead bitch’s cunt. I’m sure I saw the sadistic woman lick out the still dripping twat.

I heard a moan of pleasure. Then ‘Microkini Teri’ pulled away. Her face dripped from her identical sister’s fluids.

“‘Death cum’, Master,” she murmured with ecstasy. “I’ve never tasted anything so heavenly. I can’t wait for the last one to drop.”

We stepped away from underneath the scaffold. Then we both looked up. ‘Executioner Teri’ was fingering herself through the opening in her fishnet body stocking.

She moaned softly as she writhed in ecstatic bliss. “Aha!” my Teri cried out. “Caught you, honey!” Then she looked upward as she hollered, “COMPUTER? HANG THE BITCH!”

The Teri on the trap gasped and stiffened. Her lever was pulled by some unseen hand. A moment later the trap opened up underneath her.

She plunged through with a cry. Then she hit the end of the rope with a loud CRICK. Something sprayed out of her dripping snatch the moment she bounced.

For a few seconds she lifelessly danced like a marionette on a string. Her legs kicked a little as her arms jerked helter-skelter. Then she settled down to quietly swinging around.

Muscles twitched in her arms as they hung at her sides. Her feet shimmied from stray nerve impulses. My escort couldn’t help herself.

She rushed in, collapsing onto her knees. She pulled the woman’s crotch to her face by grabbing her ass. Then she moaned as she lapped hungrily.

A stream of urine trickled off her face. She just giggled as she kept on licking. She finally pulled away and stood up.

“She came so hard when she hit the rope, Master. I couldn’t help myself. I just HAD to taste it!” There was the glisten of fluids on her face.

She called for another towel from the computer. One materialized in her hands. She wiped her face off and then took a deep breath.

“I hope you liked it, Master,” she said with a heavy sigh. “It was absolutely incredible! I never knew death cum could taste so heavenly!”

She looked down at my hard cock. She giggled before taking it in her hand and stroking it a little. “We’ll take care of that for you soon, Master; I promise! Now would you like to see what else I’ve set up for you to enjoy?”

I nodded without a word. We left the four dangling bitches hanging quietly underneath the scaffold.

As we walked away, I glanced over at ‘Stripper Teri’. Her eyes were wide in horror at her four dead, identical sisters. I saw her start to dance wildly on the pole as though praying her erotic gyrations might somehow earn her a reprieve…

2010; 2020 (written May 24 ’10; ed. Nov 16 ‘20 by riwa)

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Fast Lane Lifeguards 4.4 (31)

“C’mon, Brooke.”

“Gawd, Paul; not again??”


“I’ve got to change into my one-piece for my shift!”

“We have time.”

“What if Amy gets here soon?”

“Would you stop delaying already?”

He pulled her to the shallow end of the pool. There was a metal ladder right there. Brooke shook her head.

“Gawd, Paul; not another breath-hold??”

“Another breath-hold, Brooke. This time you’re going to do it upside down.”

“Upside down?? I’ll get water up my nose!”

“That’s the price you pay for being a lifeguard.”

“Can’t I just go put my suit on before Amy gets here?”

“Would you stop dawdling and get into position already?”

“What are you going to do?” Then she noticed his bulge. “Gawd, Paul; not here??”

“Better hurry before Amy shows up, Brooke.”

“What if I say no?”

“You don’t want to say no.”

“Yeah, but what if I do – WAIT; WAIT!”

Paul got her lying on her back in the water. Brooke spread her legs to wedge them in the rails of the ladder at the surface. “Paul, you’re insufferable!”

“I’m also horny. Are you ready? This is going to be a long one.”

“Paul, you wouldn’t!”

“Deep breath, Brooke!”


She inhaled deeply. Then Paul pushed her under. She got water up her nose and tried to ignore it.

He slid his red speedos aside and pulled out his semi-erect cock. For a moment Brooke hesitated. Then she thought better of it. Paul was just wicked enough to keep her here until Amy showed up, which would embarrass the hell out of her.

She took his erection into her mouth. Paul thrust in and out as he braced against the pool ladder. He submerged his face as he looked down on her while gripping onto the ladder.

Brooke held onto his wrists for support. Wildly erotic tingles flooded through her being as she sucked his cock. She could feel him twitch between her lips.

It gave her a sense of power, knowing how well her mouth could affect him. But she was also in a helpless position being upside down. Best to get him off quick.

She took him in and out of her mouth. Brooke focused on keeping all the air in her lungs. Paul was just wicked enough to force her to stay under for an extremely long breath-hold.

He pushed all the way into her mouth. She felt him hit the back of her throat. But she was used to it by now, especially the way he kept making her suck his cock underwater.

The water stung her sinuses a little. But she was already getting used to it. She winced only a moment before working Paul’s cock in and out past her lips.

She felt him grab her left hand. Then he put it into her crotch. She knew what he wanted her to do. Damn him!

She began to rub herself. Now she was becoming lubricated with arousal. This meant they would really have to hurry before Amy showed up. Catching them like this would embarrass the hell out of her!

Paul thought he heard someone at the door. Had Amy arrived already? The thought of them being caught like this only gave him an added thrill. Living in the fast lane had both its risks as well as its rewards. And since Brooke was usually up for just about anything, he usually succeeded in talking her into all sorts of risky endeavors.

Brooke did her best to vacuum Paul’s throbbing meat. He seemed extra horny. But he sure was showing extraordinary ability at holding off his release. Was he trying to get them caught with Amy?

Her chest began to strain. She’d been holding it for a long time. And still he wasn’t cumming in her mouth yet!

Brooke worked her magic on his tasty dick. But somehow he was still holding off. What the hell?? She couldn’t hold her breath forever?!

She suddenly pushed him away. Brooke burst up and panted for breath as she kept her head at the surface. Paul just laughed at her.

“Now you’ve got to pay the penalty.”

“Penalty? What penalty?”

“Be right back.”

She frowned as he swam to the opposite side of the pool. Something was lying on the floor next to the edge. Had he left it there on purpose?

Her eyes widened as he returned and handed it to her. “Oh gawd; what’s this for?”

“You know what to do with it, Brooke. Now back under you go.”

“No; WAIT!” Then she inhaled sharply. A moment later she was pushed upside down underwater again.

The cock went right back into her mouth. Then she felt him push the object in her hand against the material of her suit. A quick pull to one side and the object was right there between her labia.

She figured she’d better use it before he did something worse on her. Brooke groaned and bubbled as she vibrated herself. Damn him! What the hell was he doing to her this time??

Paul thrust harder into her mouth. He seemed to be all turned on at the predicament she was in. Was he planning on cumming before or after she vibrated herself into orgasm??

She grunted as her eyes opened wider. The toy was really buzzing the entrance to her quivering snatch. It was driving her crazy!

Why, Paul? Why do you have to keep doing these things to me? Why do I keep letting you??

He thrust harder into her mouth. She used the toy on herself a little more aggressively. What if Amy showed up? What if she caught them like this?? The thought was both horrifying, yet incredibly thrilling.

Paul eased off. Brooke sucked harder. She had to make him cum pretty soon. But what if she made herself cum first?

To her horror Paul yanked the toy out of her grasp. Then he really fucked her with it. She began grunting up bubbles as her eyes widened in alarm.

No – no – NO! Fuck; I’m out of breath! Paul, don’t do this to me!

He worked the toy deep inside her. Brooke wriggled and squirmed as she lost her breath. Her chest was on fire. Damn him!

She tried to push him out of the way. But his erection was buried deep between her lips. She would have to get him off or she might drown.


She shuddered hard as she lost control. The orgasm swept over her in a mighty wave. A moment later she was swallowing a gallon of cum from Paul’s spurting appendage.

Brooke got dizzy and disoriented. She felt like she was fading fast. Then she fell off the edge of the pool into the water.

She was back to the surface almost immediately. She coughed and sputtered, wincing as she realized the toy was still inside. She grabbed it and yanked it out, gasping and moaning.

Paul gave her a deep, soulful kiss. “Better go change,” he told her. “I think Amy’s in the building.”

“Damn you, Paul!” Then she got out of the water and rushed to the lifeguard changing room.

Why the hell did she love to keep taking risks like that with Paul?

2021 (written Jul 8 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by vidcaps from a JustPaul animation)

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