DLW and daughter at the Snuff Club


I’m one of those, what you would call, a DLW. You might think that means I’m a dirty little whore. That’s not the case, although that may not be that far off. I see myself more as a double-life woman.

My husband is a good provider. But something has been missing from our sex life for quite a while. It’s still good, but it’s not quite enough for me.

Originally, I worked at a casino before I met Bob. I met the occasional customer who got me wet enough for us to go somewhere private and get it on. I didn’t do it very often. But every once in a while I needed something more than just vanilla sex.

Bob let me continue working there after we were married. I thought he would be enough for me, and for a while I was happy. But eventually, I just had to scratch that itch.

When we had my daughter Darla, he wanted me to stay home and be a mother to her. I reluctantly agreed. Besides, I was determined to settle down and be a good wife and mother.

Thing is, Darla’s not my husband’s daughter. I had a slip-up at the casino, and I allowed a guy to fuck me raw. Concerned I could get pregnant, I went home and ravaged my husband.

When she was born, I could tell she wasn’t Bob’s. There were subtle differences in her features. But we raised her as though she was. That’s one of many little secrets I’ve tried to keep all these years.

When Darla was seventeen, I got restless again. With Bob’s permission, I went back to work. Only this time, the job I got was at the Snuff Club.

I work there as an attendant. As far as Bob knows, I’m a card dealer, and sometimes I serve as a cocktail waitress. But you know how the Club is. Occasionally I get called upon to “service” a client, if you know what I mean.

You might think there’s some danger in that, considering where I work. Normally, you’d be right. It’s true there are inherent risks.

However, my looks have faded a little. And I’ve passed 40, meaning I’m not nearly as fertile as I used to be. Besides, the Club has told me on several occasions how much they like me and are trying to look out for me.

The younger attendants usually get way more attention than I draw. I can sometimes go a whole night without getting a single compliment, although I do receive “thank yous” for the drinks I serve. But I happily do my job, especially with the perks involved.

Anyway, my daughter is attending college now. She even has a boyfriend. He’s a nice guy named Ned, and he loves her dearly.

A while ago, Darla confessed to me that she was cheating on him. She told me their sex was just a little too vanilla for her tastes. She liked the way he provided for her. But there were too many times when he just didn’t make her all that wet down below.

What could I say? She knew I worked at the Snuff Club, and that I was occasionally doing the exact same thing to Bob. But she kept my secret, so I kept hers. Like mother, like daughter I suppose.

On this night, I was working my usual shift at the Club. I’m not always unfaithful to Bob on the nights I’m there. But sometimes I get called upon to, well… you know. My position means I have to respond to any request that’s made of me, even if there might be some risks involved.

I was summoned to take a tray of drinks to a snuff sex room. To be honest, I enjoy taking drinks to those rooms. After all, you never know what you’re going to see in one. The eye candy can be rather erotic at times.

I’ve certainly witnessed my share of executions. I like to call them snuffs, especially since the girls’ lives are so cruelly snuffed out. Most of the time, they’re executed without any clothes on. I must confess to becoming shamefully turned on whenever I get to watch one die up on stage or in one of those private snuff rooms.

On nights with executions, I usually find myself becoming extremely aroused… especially when I fantasize it could be me up there. Sometimes it gets so bad that I can hardly stand it. I usually have to get laid as soon as possible, either right there with a customer in a sex room, or back home with Bob.

Anyway, I took a tray of drinks and opened the door to this snuff sex room, only to find a trio of handsomely dressed men sitting around. There was nobody else inside. In fact, it looked as though it hadn’t even been used yet.

I made sure each client received a drink. I thought one guy looked vaguely familiar. I was trying to remember whether or not he had been involved with a snuff recently. But I couldn’t quite place him.

After I served them, they all remarked how fuckable I looked. I told them I was flattered, and I thanked them all for the praise they’d sent my way. When you’re past 40 and your looks are starting to fade, you take any compliments you can get.

Anyway, that familiar-looking guy turned on the video monitor. I guess he wanted to see if anything exciting was going on, either out onstage or in any of the other sex rooms. I didn’t think there was any at the time, but I didn’t say anything.

A room suddenly came into view. I saw three young men and one young woman. For the moment, all of them were still dressed. Right away, I noticed they were all inside another snuff sex room.

They looked to be of college age, although the guys could have been a few years older. It looked as though they were just about to start something. It made me wet just to think that an attractive young woman like her was about to find herself in the middle of a hot and sexy gangbang, one with inherent risks inside that particular room.

I didn’t think it was my place to stay and watch. Besides, I knew I could find another monitor out on the main floor if I wasn’t busy. That way, I could check in throughout the night if I wanted to, just to see how things were progressing in there.

The thought they might snuff her before the night was over gave me a bit of a thrill. The Club hadn’t had any executions during the past few nights. It was certainly the type of activity that always gave the Snuff Club a big PR boost whenever a women died on the premises.

The girl acted like she was really eager to be used by all three of them. I found myself becoming more than a little aroused at her situation. But by then, it was time for me to leave and get back to work.

She suddenly turned around, giving me a good look at her face. That’s when I stared in complete and utter shock. You could have knocked me over with a feather, especially considering the girl they had with them just happened to be my daughter…

“Darla?” I gasped in astonishment as my hand came up to my mouth in surprise.

The vaguely familiar-looking guy (who’d told me his name was Chuck, which still didn’t help in placing him) looked at me in confusion. He pointed at the screen before asking, “Do you know that girl? Does she work here too? She’s not wearing an attendant’s uniform.”

I probably shouldn’t have said anything. But I was so flabbergasted that I couldn’t help stammering, “That’s… that’s my daughter!”

“You don’t say!” That piece of information seemed to greatly amuse Chuck and the others.

I was stunned. Darla hadn’t told me she’d been coming to the Club lately. After all, I’d never seen her in the building. Maybe this was her first time. Or maybe she’d been coming during my days off.

We could actually hear them talking to each other on the monitor in that other room. A tall, athletic guy with lots of confidence asked her, “Where would you rather be right now? Naked in bed with your boyfriend? Or right here with us, about to get the fucking of your life?”

I saw Darla wrap her arms around his neck as she replied, “You know I want to be right here with you, Chad!” And with that she dropped to her knees, unzipped his fly and pulled out his erection.

It looked quite impressive as it started to harden. I was shocked as hell. I was also shamefully aroused.

The guys in my room all thought that was hot as hell. One of them murmured, “Like mother; like daughter, eh?” My face went crimson as my arousal factor ratcheted up another notch.

At that moment, I wasn’t sure I wanted to be in the same room with a trio of horny gentlemen long enough to watch my daughter getting gangbanged. A part of me felt sorry for her boyfriend Ned. But another part didn’t. After all, I knew exactly how she felt, as I’d cheated on Bob many times before while using that very same excuse: having such a boring sex life at home.

“That’s a good idea!” Chuck announced as he came over and stood in front of me.

“What’s a good idea?” I replied in confusion.

He motioned at the screen. Then he pointed at the floor. “Why don’t you get on your knees and get to it, honey?”

“Wh-what? Get to what?” Then it dawned on me. That’s when I gasped, “Who; me??”

“C’mon, baby. Get on your knees like a good whore. Like mother, like daughter; remember?”

I looked in alarm at the other two guys. They both had lustful looks in their eyes. I suddenly got the shivers something fierce.

What else could I do? He’d made a reasonable Club request. I had no choice but to honor it or risk getting fired. It didn’t matter one iota if my daughter was having sex in another room, even if I could see everything that was going on in there!

I knelt and opened his fly before taking out his dick. Then I dutifully started sucking his cock. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my daughter devouring Chad’s man-meat.

I found myself becoming more aroused by the minute. This was crazy! Surely her video was going out to the entire Club. Hell, I suspected mine was too!

What if my husband was watching a live feed? What if Ned was watching his girlfriend on the website’s webcam? My only consolation was the fact it was highly unlikely, being as hot those two didn’t seem the least bit interested in anything going on at the Snuff Club.

On the screen, the other two guys pulled down their pants as they stood on either side of Darla. My daughter quickly grabbed their dicks and started stroking them. Chad stood between them, his cock filling her mouth.

The guys in my room got the bright idea to mimic everything going on in my daughter’s room. They pulled down their pants and stepped right up to me while flanking Chuck. What else could I do? I couldn’t very well say no; could I??

I watched the monitor as Darla hungrily sucked one cock while stroking two more. Then she began alternating between cocks. It was shamefully arousing.

I was “forced” to suck everybody. It was humiliating as hell sucking all three cocks while watching my daughter do the very same thing. But it was also unbelievably arousing.

The guys in my room made sure I ended up with a decent view of what was going on in that other room up on the monitor. I guess they loved the idea of me watching my daughter while I was receiving the exact same treatment she was getting. Whenever she shifted to another cock, the guys in my room made me work on another dick as well.

The guys in Darla’s room eventually stripped her naked. The men in mine did the same to me. It wasn’t long before everyone was totally nude in both rooms.

Those guys took turns deep-throating my baby girl. The smallest cock looked to be about 7 inches or so. The guys in my room all had cocks that were similar in size.

Chad brutally skull-fucked my only daughter. I could hear her grunts and moans coming from the monitor. Clearly, she was enjoying herself.

Chuck gave me a similar face-fucking. I grunted and groaned as well. Besides, I was much too horny to be able to keep myself quiet.

Darla got a brutal face-fucking from each one. I was treated the exact same way. It was as though they were determined to make sure I received the very same treatment they saw my daughter receiving.

At that moment, I experienced a perverse kinship with my cheating little girl. We were both getting exactly what we wanted and deserved. Like mother; like daughter: sluts to the core.

At one point, I thought about her boyfriend. Then I thought about my loyal husband. That’s when I felt a brief twinge of regret.

A part of me wished I wouldn’t have opened my mouth and blurted out that we were related. They might have left me alone, only to summon a more attractive attendant to take my place. I might have felt a twinge of jealousy, but I probably would not have minded, all things considered.

On the other hand, I was being allowed to watch my daughter take part in what I suspected was going to be a glorious gangbang. And I was pretty sure I was about to get the very same treatment. My arousal levels were clear off the charts.

They finally put Darla on her hands and knees. She sucked cock while Chad brutally fucked her cunt from behind. She screamed out for him to fuck her hard as she sucked on the two cocks in front of her, both of them pushing together into her mouth and stretching her lips apart.

The guys in my room did the same damn thing to me. Chuck fucked me from behind as I slobbered on the other two cocks right in front of me. I felt ashamed and humiliated, watching my daughter on her knees while I was in the very same position. Gawd; it was glorious!

Darla really got it good. Chad hammered her cunt as he asked her who was better at fucking her: him or her boyfriend. “You are, baby!” she cried out lustfully. “Fuck my filthy cunt!”

“Just like your mother,” he laughed as he rammed his cock home. “You know she works here, don’t you? I’ve seen her here a time or two.”

“I know,” Darla panted, struggling to talk as she was getting plowed from behind. “She tells me she loves dad. But she says he can’t always satisfy her sexually, not during those special moments when she really wants it rough.”

The guys in my room laughed at the revelation. I blushed at her having revealed such an intimate detail of my love-life. That was a special secret that should have been kept private between mother and daughter.

Chuck told me they were going to make sure I didn’t think of my husband even once throughout the night. He told me to watch my daughter get the fucking of her life. Then he warned me I was going to receive the very same treatment.

Darla had a cock in her hand, one in her mouth, and one in her cunt when she screamed her first orgasm. I was being fucked in the exact same way. When she climaxed, Chuck fucked a massive orgasm right out of me at about the same time. I shamefully let out a muffled cry over how good it felt.

One of the other guys stepped behind my daughter, taking Chad’s place. Then he started fucking her hard. Darla cried out, “My ass – my ass; ohmygawd; I’m gonna cum again!”

I got my ass fucked too. I slobbered on the two dicks in front of me the way Darla was doing in her room. When she screamed again in orgasm, I could not hold back, crying out my own release as well.

It suddenly dawned on me they were not using condoms in Darla’s room. They certainly weren’t using them in my room either. I felt like I was a little more protected, considering how old I was. But still…

What if both our sensors popped? What if they had to hang us side by side? The thought was so damned arousing that I orgasmed all over again.

One guy ended up sitting on the end of the bed. Darla sat in his lap with her back to him, riding the cock up her ass as she jerked the other dicks on either side of her with her hands. I got a shamefully revealing view of that cock penetrating my daughter’s butt.

The guys in my room decided to make me do the exact same thing. I sat on the edge of the bed with my ass impaled, dicks in my hands as I watched my daughter. It was shamefully erotic.

The guy underneath her stretched out backward onto the bed. She turned around and rode him cowgirl, his cock now in her pussy. Chad pushed his cock up her ass, the two of them double-teaming her.

She screamed, “Fuck me – fuck me – FUCK ME!” as she went crazy. That third cock moved to the front of the bed. It filled her mouth, preventing her from saying much more as all three holes were filled at the same time.

I was fucked the exact same way, only my clients made sure I had a good view of the monitor. Chuck made me beg the guys to fuck me in that very same level of excitement as my daughter was verbalizing. I had just begged for it when he rammed his dick down my throat.

I had a shamefully erotic view of my daughter getting triple-teamed. I was getting it the very same way. It was so surreal, mother and daughter getting brutally pounded in the Snuff Club like a couple of horny sluts.

That thought suddenly sobered me back up real quick. Once again, I realized there were still no condoms in use. What if our sensors popped? What if we were never to leave the club alive?

I always knew that was a distinct possibility anytime I was in the building working my shift. Was that why I enjoyed working here so much? Did I have a secret death wish? Did I feel like I deserved to be snuffed for cheating on my husband so many times?

Most of the time, I’m able to avoid situations that might get me into trouble. And yet there I was, being fucked by a trio without any condoms at all. What’s more, my daughter was in the very same situation!

Darla screamed into the cock in her mouth, the result of experiencing yet another orgasm. It was so damned arousing that I came right along with her. It was so shamefully exciting that I didn’t even consider how morally wrong it was to be all caught up in the pleasures we were currently experiencing with men we were not even remotely attached to.

Chad left Darla and retrieved her nylons. Then he wrapped them around her throat. He told her, “Now I’m gonna snuff you like the deserving bitch you are!”

I felt an erotic jolt of alarm as I thought, “Gawd, no; not my daughter??” But I was quickly overcome by a perverse thrill. Were they really going to snuff Darla?

I found myself overflowing with shame and excitement. Was it possible I could climax watching them snuff my very own daughter? What the hell was wrong with me??

Chuck pulled out of my mouth and retrieved my nylons. He brought them over and wrapped them around my neck as the other two kept hammering my cunt and ass. Then he declared, “Like mother; like daughter, eh? I think maybe I’m going to snuff you too, bitch.”

I cried out, “Gawd; no!” Then he pulled hard. My face went red as he strangled me.

On the monitor, I saw Darla’s face turn red as well. Her body began to convulse as Chad brutally strangled her. I heard him call out, “Should I snuff her, guys?” and the two replied, “Hell, yeah; snuff the cunt!”

My daughter went wild once she could no longer get any air down her throat. Chuck breathed into my ear, “You want to watch her snuff it? Watch them snuff your daughter, bitch!”

I tried to shake my head. Tears filled my eyes as he pulled harder on the nylons around my throat. But my tears weren’t for the fact I was about to lose my only daughter. Deep down, I was inwardly urging them to snuff my little girl… and I was so ashamed.

My mind was a blur; I couldn’t think clearly. And when I could formulate any decent thought at all, it was only to mentally urge them to kill my daughter right before my very eyes… ‘Oh, honey! Snuff it for your horny mother! I’m going to cum so fucking hard as I watch you die! Die for your slut mother, honey!’

I didn’t think about Ned or Bob, or even my job at the Club. I could only think of them strangling my daughter to death with cocks up her cunt and ass. I was just as strangled, but I was hardly aware of it.

Darla shuddered before she suddenly went limp. My mind cried out, “He snuffed her! He actually snuffed my baby girl! That was so fucking hot!!” Then I came like never before.

I soon reached the point where I couldn’t breathe anymore. My eyeballs felt like they were going to burst out of their sockets. Then I started to cum again.

Chuck’s voice whispered sinisterly into my ear, “Now you’re going to be snuffed, right along with your dead daughter. Enjoy the ride, bitch!”

Call it justice or call it karma. Call it whatever the hell you want. I just knew we both deserved it. Hell, I almost think I welcomed it!

There was no thought as to who would tell her boyfriend or my husband. There was only breathless agony as I paid the ultimate price for my sins. Then I was shuddering and convulsing, cumming and cumming until the orgasm I was experiencing battered me into merciful oblivion.

2022 (written for bedeyes Jun 19 ’22 by riwa)

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