The Hanging of Cassie Barclay – Part III (guest author) 4.3 (54)

By guest author Rick Jones

The Hanging of Cassie Barclay – Part III

I did see Cassie again though. Four weeks to the very day I watched her step off the bus with a rucksack strapped to her back. I was excited and yet very sad. It was a waste of a beautiful life.

Over those few weeks our emails had been very sparse at my request, and they also contained very little information about our plans. I wanted her to be sure of what she was doing. After two weeks she emailed me to say that she had given in her notice to her boss and landlord and was taking a back packing holiday. Then the day before her journey she phoned me just to give me her expected time of arrival.

As I waited there for her in my van part of me was hoping that she would change her mind. When the bus did not turn up on time I did think that maybe she had. Other people were waiting as well, and I overheard someone say that there had been an accident and that road was blocked. The bus would be late.

It was late; two hours late to be precise. I climbed out of my van and stood there watching her make her way across to me. I wanted to make her get back on the bus but as she reached me the bus drove slowly past us. This was it.

She kissed me and then I took her to the back of the van and opened it for her and helped her in. Closing the door behind us I told her that I would have to search her again. She handed me her cell phone and I disconnected the battery as before, but I put it in my pocket this time. She tipped her bag on the floor for me, and I rummaged through the contents as before. Then she emptied out her rucksack. An MP3 player was followed by a pair of jeans, two tops and a small jacket and a few pairs of panties and two bras. Her worldly possessions were strewn on my van floor.

All except the clothes she was wearing, of course, which garment by garment was being removed for me. As she knelt on the floor in front of me completely naked I picked up her pink cotton panties. They were warm and very damp. I told her to get dressed and I gathered up all her belongings and put them in her rucksack. As soon as she had finished I told her to turn around. Taking one wrist and then the other I fastened a pair of handcuffs to them. “Cassie Barclay you have been sentenced to death and I am now taking you to a place of lawful execution where you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead. Do you understand?” I said sternly.

Her whole body trembled. “Yes Sir.”

The journey back to my small holding was about an hour. Cassie sat in the back silently throughout the whole journey. I had no idea what was going through her mind, but I could imagine that her panties would be getting wetter and wetter. My cock was hard throughout the journey just contemplating what I had planned for her.

Once we arrived I helped her out of the van and led her to the house. She turned and looked at one of the barns. It was almost by instinct that she knew that in there was the gallows that I would hang her upon. “When will my execution be?” She asked me with a tremble in her voice.

“You will be given one hour’s notice when it is time.” I told her. “But today is Tuesday. You won’t see be seeing another one.” I added.

Cassie legs almost gave way.

I already had a day in mind. It had long been planned in my mind. I had even bought the clothes that I wanted her to wear for the occasion. Meantime, there would be other processes to go through for her and the first was to get her settled into the room I had prepared for her. It would be more appealing than a prison cell but all the same it would have a lock and key.

She seemed surprised when I took her into her room. On the bed were a couple of yellow t-shirts, both of which I had judged would just about cover her bottom. There was also a pack of seven pairs of yellow panties, a pair of flip flops and finally a large white towel, a bar of soap, a sponge, a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste.

I looked at her face as she surveyed each item. I knew that her fate was starting to sink in.

On a small chair in the corner was a black refuge sack. I picked it up and tossed it onto the bed. “I want you to strip naked, Barclay.” I told her. “All your possessions including jewelry will be put in the bag for immediate incineration.” I added before removing her hand cuffs.

I stood and watched her strip. Her hands were trembling as she undressed. I watched her put all the clothes she was wearing into the bag along with the watch and a dress ring she was wearing. She then took her rucksack and handbag and placed those inside as well. With trembling hands, she tied up the sack and handed it to me.

“Pick up your towel and things and follow me to the shower room.” I told her.

I led her to a small bathroom and showed her inside. “You can take a shower while I dispose of this.” I told her holding up the bag.

I took the bag down to the incinerator with the intention of destroying it along with her body. Somewhere deep down inside though, I wondered if she would call a halt to things. And I also wondered how I would react to that. For the moment she seemed resolute even though I was making things seem as final as possible for her.

She had finished showering by the time I got back. I watched her toweling herself down. She was very beautiful, and I wanted to fuck her but I held back. When she had finished I took her back to the room and told her to put on a t-shirt and a pair of panties. Again, I watched her as she dressed, and found it hard to hold back my sexual desires.

As it was early evening, and I was feeling hungry I then took her down to the kitchen and together we made a chili and sat down to eat. Up until then I had kept everything formal between us, just like a warder and prisoner relationship. But it was getting extremely difficult to keep it up especially seeing her dressed in that t-shirt and panties.

As we finished our meal in silence she reached across with her hand and touched mine. “Look I know that we have to keep things formal, but you can fuck me if you want.” She said quietly. “I think we both need some release, don’t we!”

I took her to my bedroom, and we fucked almost non-stop for a couple of hours. Cassie was rampant; I had never known a girl so wet and never known one to orgasm so many times. Afterwards I took her to the bathroom and then to her bedroom and locked her in.

I awoke her the next morning, calling her by her surname. I told her to shower and dress. When she had finished I cooked us both breakfast and then I took her to the barn. She must have thought that it was time for her execution because she asked if it was now. But I reminded her about what I had said the day before. What I had in mind was getting her to assist me with the execution preparations.

On the barn floor in front of the scaffold were three coils of one inch Manila hemp rope. “Select a coil and bring it with you.” I told her.

She never asked any question as she picked up the middle coil. It was heavy and she did struggle as I led her to a large stove in the next barn. On it lay a pot of water already heating up. I took it from her and placed it inside. There was an inquisitive look on her face, so I told her that I was preparing her execution rope. “I will boil it for a few hours and then leave it to cool.” I explained. “It then needs to dry out overnight and then it needs to be stretched overnight.”

“So, I have at least two more nights then?”

“At least two more nights.” I told her.

Over the next two days I made her help me with further rope preparations. We hung it over the gallows the first night to dry. Then on the second night I tied one end onto the beam and the other end to a sack of weights before opening the trap door of the gallows. Cassie shook with the sound the doors made. “You will hear that sound only once more.” I told her.

She was rampant in bed that night. I had exhausted myself with fucking her, but she wanted more .She lay on her back and masturbated herself. I had never seen a woman masturbate before, but I doubted if many would have been as intense as hers.

On the Friday morning we loosed the rope from the weights and then I made a noose at one end of it. Cassie sat and watched intently as I made each coil, thirteen in all. When I finished I then took her back to the house and made her step on the bathroom scales. She weighed just eight stone and two pounds. As she stood against the wall I took a tape measure and measured her. She was around five feet five inches.

Cassie followed me back to the barn and watched intently as I fixed one end of the rope to the gallows beam and measured off the drop. She stood on the gallows for a few moments; feet over the trap door and the noose almost touching her face. There was a faraway look in her eyes. “Everything is ready for me then?” She said to me softly.

“Yes.” I told her.

“I don’t want to be blindfolded.” She told me.

“I wasn’t going to anyway.” I replied.

I could see she was lost in thought.

“Will it be morning, afternoon or evening?” She asked.

I took her arm and led her away from the scaffold. “I have already told you.” I said. “You get one hour’s notice.”

The next couple of days were tense and taut. Every time she saw me every time I went to her room she would tense up. I knew that she was expecting me to tell her that it was time. Each time I could also sense a relief when nothing had been said.

I had already decided that it would be Sunday when I would hang her; Sunday morning at eleven o’clock to be precise. On Saturday evening I made us both a nice meal and we had a glass of wine with the meal. Afterwards we went to my bedroom and made love for a couple of hours and then at midnight I took her back to her room.

I awoke early that morning. I was nervous. I had never been nervous for a hanging before; well, apart from my very first. I went to the barn and checked over everything. Then I went to my wardrobe and took out a bag with the clothes I had brought for her to wear for the occasion before I went to her bedroom. My hand trembled as I put the key in the lock.

Cassie on the other hand showed no sign of nerves as I first stepped into the room. She smiled and stretched her hands into the air and yawned. She then saw the look on my face and the bundle of clothes in my hand. She knew that it was time. The smile vanished from her face. “It….it……it’s now then, is it?”

I said nothing as I placed the clothes on the bed. “If you will bathe and dress in these clothes Barclay please. Your execution will be at eleven o’clock.”

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. I left her for a few minutes and heard her go to the bathroom. When she came from the shower I went to her room and handed over her makeup bag. “You can put some on if you wish.”

“Thank you.” She said softly.

“Would you like anything to drink?” I asked her.

“Can I have some water?” She asked.

I went and fetched her a glass of cold water and took it to her. “I will be back at ten fifty-five.” I told her.

Our eyes met for a few moments before I left the room. I tried to detect some kind of pleading. I wanted her say that she wanted to stop. But she said nothing. “Thank you for the clothes.” She said as she turned away. “They look very nice.”

She would look nice in them, very nice and sexy too. A simple short but flared black dress, black bra and panties, and a black suspender belt with black stockings. There was also a pair of black stiletto shoes. I had also bought myself something for the occasion as well, a black cotton cassock and a black cape.

As I dressed I wondered what was going through her mind. I was both sexually excited and sad. I was about to take an innocent life. I wondered if she felt the same; I wondered if she was regretting things now; I wondered if she wanted to reconsider.

At exactly ten fifty-five I pushed the key into the lock of her door. She was sitting at the dressing table, and she jumped to her feet startled as I stepped inside. I knew that seeing me dressed as I was had frightened her. But she managed to compose herself.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

She stood in front of me with her arms at her side. “Yes Sir.” She replied, glancing down at the black restraining belt in my hand.

She said nothing as I stepped forward and stood behind her to fasten the belt around her waist. She offered no resistance as I placed each wrist into the restraints. But I could feel her trembling.

“Cassie Barclay it is time for your lawful execution. Do you wish to say anything before I take you to the gallows and hang you by the neck until you are dead?”

I felt her beginning to go faint, and I held her by the waist for a few moments. “Can I have a sip of water please?” She asked.

I reached for the glass and held it to her lips. She gulped the remainder of the water. “Would you like some more?” I asked her.

“No Sir.” She replied looking into my eyes.

Even through the mask I could fully feel her penetrating look. “Thank you Sir for your kindnesses.” She said. “I am sure that you will carry out your duties with the utmost efficiency.” She added.

I took her by the arm and began to lead her out of the room. “Can I ask how you will dispose of me afterwards?” She asked.

“I will take your body down from the gallows at midday and I will incinerate it.” I told her.

“Thank you Sir.” She replied.

The rest of the walk to the barn was slow and in silence. The only sounds were those of her heels on the gravel. Once inside I felt her wobble as she looked up from the bottom of the stairs and saw the noose.

I steadied her for a moment before walking her up the steps. Those few seconds seemed like an eternity. It was almost as if the whole world stood still.

There were no words as I led her to the trap door, just the sound of her heels and our heavy breathing. I took a small leather strap from my pocket and bent down and tied her feet together at the ankles. Then I stood up and took hold of the noose.

Cassie bent her head forward, and I placed it around her neck. As I tightened the noose around her neck and moved it so the knot rested on her left shoulder I felt her breathing get heavier. She glanced at me and caught my gaze for a final time, pursing her lips together before looking right ahead. Cassie was ready to be hanged.

I moved past her to the leaver and removed the pin. As I held onto the lever I looked at her face once more. There was no movement, just a stare into the space ahead of her.

I pulled the lever back and the door opened. Everything happened so fast. There was a loud clang, her body fell, and her dress rose up to her waist.

She gave a yell and a there was a simultaneous sound of a crack and the twang of the rope. For a moment I just stood there unable to move. Cassie was gone and all that remained was the rope slowly swinging from side to side.

I sat down on the floor for what seemed like ages still clinging onto the lever. The rope had stopped its movements now, but I still stared at it. When I finally gathered up the strength to stand up I walked over to the trap door and looked down. She was there at the end of the rope her head resting on her shoulder. It was clear her neck had snapped.

I went back to the house and had a large whiskey before I looked up at the clock. It was midday. As I had promised her I went back to her body to take it down.

There was a pool of water on the floor under her feet. I ignored it as I lifted her lifeless body and undid the noose. Ten minutes later her body and all that remained of her was in the incinerator including the rope I had used, as well as my cape and cassock.

I stood staring at the flames for a few moments deep in thought. I wondered what it had been like for her. Did she experience the ‘ultimate rush’ she craved? I would never know, but I knew that I was going to miss her.

The sound of my telephone ringing broke my thoughts. I rushed back into the house. It was the Malaysian Penal Authorities. I had to smile, as they had an execution they wanted me to conduct. But there would be none that would ever compare to the hanging of Cassie Barclay.

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Shelly in Cancun 12 4.4 (35)

It’s a prank; right? It’s got to be a prank! But there’s nothing in Andria’s expression to give the game away.

What if I’ve misjudged her? What if she really is a drug-dealer?

“She’s ready, babe,” Jake says solemnly as he rises up. He stands and grabs onto me as Andria puts on a dive mask. Adding a weight belt to her waist, she proceeds to fit a dive fin onto each foot.

“What’s all that for?” I gasp. A part of me hopes this is nothing more than some horribly sick, yet terribly erotic, joke.

Andria soberly tells me, “I have to make sure you’ve drowned before I come back up, ‘Shel’.” Then she turns to her boyfriend and says, “All right, Jake. Let’s do this.”


Shelly in Cancun 12 – Tossed overboard

As Jake picks me up, I start struggling like mad. But my arms and ankles are bound. All I can do is squirm around like a damn fish on a line.

Andria reaches down and picks up the block. She hefts it in her hands before eyeing the water on the other side of the rail. I’ve got about four or five feet of rope tethering me to the damn block.

I realize I’m not going to be at the surface longer than a second or two once I get thrown overboard. I cry out, “ALMONTE; HELP ME!”

“Sorry, miss,” he calls back, eyeing me sorrowfully.


They walk to the edge of the sailboat, carrying me and the cement block. I stop struggling, afraid Jake will lose his grip and drop me into the water. I hyperventilate like crazy, my heart hammering in my chest as my pussy tingles and throbs.

“Sorry, ‘Shel’”, Andria says in a very sorrowful. She sounds so damned believable.

I gasp as I ask her, “What are you gonna tell ‘Steph’?” I’m still hoping this is nothing more than a prank. I can’t help wondering what our other roommate will think if I don’t come back with Andria.

“I’ll tell her there was this tragic accident,” Andria replies. “Now don’t try to hold your breath, ‘Shel’. It’s only going to prolong your agony.”

My pussy throbs and tingles with a terrible fire. I’m going to climax the moment I hit the water. I scream out, “YOU’LL NEVER GET AWAY WITH THIS!”

Andria and Jake count down from three. They ignore my cries as they hold both me and the cement block out over the edge of the boat past the railing. Now I can’t stop struggling, even though I know if he loses his grip and drops me, I’m going to sink like a stone.

At “ONE” I inhale sharply, my mind screaming this can’t be happening. Then they let go. That’s the moment I realize this is all too real.

I fall over the side, a cry of terror ripped out of my throat. It’s only a split second before the weight of the block jerks against the rope that tethers me. I’m abruptly jerked downward, losing a burst of bubbles I can’t afford to give up.

I wriggle and squirm all the way down, trying to fight off the violent urge to climax. If I cum now, there’ll be no way in hell I’ll be able to hold my breath. I whimper and grunt as air leaks out of my nose.

The water is refreshingly cool in contrast to the heat of my fear and arousal. Everything’s all too painfully real. This time I’m certain I’m not dreaming.

My descent feels like forever before I finally jerk to a halt. The block impacts the bottom, kicking up some soil. For a moment there’s slack in the rope.

My body tries to drift back up, and I jerk to a halt. I’m not going anywhere. It’s only a matter of time until my lungs give out…

GAWD! I’m going to cum any second now!

Looking up, I see Andria hit the water with a splash. I see her do a flip and then fin herself downward toward me. If she’s fast enough to get her ass down here in time, she’ll get to watch me cum and drown.

Looking upward, I suddenly see two other figures diving down toward me. They must have been hidden in the shadows of the boats because I didn’t see them until now. As they draw nearer, I recognize them in an instant…

OHMYGAWD – IT’S SHIORI AND EMIKO! They’re in those same bikinis they wore before our lunch together.

My lungs are on fire, my pussy screaming at me as I watch them approach. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out. I also don’t know whose side they’re on.

I give them a pleading look. Come get me, or at least give me a hit off a regulator. I figure I can hold my breath a few seconds longer.

Andria sees me looking in their direction. She turns and sees their approach. That’s when I figure I’m screwed either way.

Either they’ve been ordered to watch me drown, or they’ll try and help me. But I know Andria. She’s strong enough to slow them both down long enough for me to suck water. I don’t stand a chance either way.

My lungs heave in my chest. My breasts bob up and down from my convulsions. I can’t hold it much longer. My pussy throbs so mightily that I’m afraid it’s going to have a meltdown.

Andria reaches me and smiles. Shiori and Emiko fin downward and settle in on either side of me. Neither one of them appear inclined to give me any air.

My bitch of a roommate grins lasciviously at me as she reaches for my bald quim. At the same time, the two Japanese bitches reach out and touch my breasts. The sadist bitches are going to pleasure me as I drown!

…and that does it…

As the three of them touch me, it explodes inside me with a violent eruption. I cannot help screaming my breath away. My body bucks and jerks like I’ve been plugged into 50,000 volts of electrical current.

I thrash about on the rope tethering me to the block. Their hands are all over my naked flesh. My eyes roll as my secured hands flex helplessly behind my back, my feet cocking and curling against the rope tethering me to the cement.

It’s devastatingly monstrous, but it finally passes. When it does, I feel like I’m in a drunken stupor. My eyesight is dim and hazy.

I’m still holding my breath. But my lungs heave insistently. There’s simply no way in hell I can go any longer.

A regulator suddenly appears from out of nowhere. It’s crammed between my lips. I hungrily suck air down into my starving lungs.

My sinuses burn a little. But my former scuba training instinctively kicks in. I don’t have a dive mask, but somehow I manage not to snort water down my windpipe.

My vision clears. I see it’s Shiori who’s holding onto the reg. It’s her secondary hose, her octopus.

I look at her with grateful eyes. My lungs start to calm down as they’re refilled. My senses are coming back online.

The three of them continue groping me. I moan weakly into the regulator. Shiori and Emiko rub my tits as my sadistic roommate fingers my pussy.

I hear bubbly giggles as my body wriggles and squirms. My arousal refuses to diminish. I can feel another climax approaching. It feels like the three of them are determined to rub and grope another orgasm right out of my trembling body.

Andria brutally pulls the regulator out of my mouth. She shakes her head as if to say “That’s enough air for you, bitch!”

As if it’s some agreed-upon signal, the three of them really cut loose on me. They grope and fondle me like mad. It makes me squirm and whimper.

I’m forced to hold my breath for what seems like ages. Will I get the regulator again? Or will they let me drown this time?

Andria takes a deep breath before removing her reg. Then she moves in close. I feel her tongue try to reach my crotch.

She manages to reach my clit. I jerk and whimper, bubbles spewing out of my mouth. I wriggle and squirm in breathless, agonizing pleasure as my lungs start to burn once more.

The two bitches on either side of me pick up on what Andria is doing to me. They remove their regs as well. A moment later I have a tongue licking each painfully hard nipple, gently sucking on my quivering tits.

It’s almost enough to send me into orbit. I moan and bubble, begging them to stop. My chest starts to heave; I can’t hold my breath much longer.

I shake my head, air slipping out past my parted lips. My body is exquisitely tortured by these three sadistic sirens. I figure Andria has planned this all along.

Heaven only knows when she decided to set it in motion. It was probably when she and Emiko were alone together. I silently vow to plot my revenge… that is, if she doesn’t drown me first.

Andria starts blowing bubbles down below against my clit. I cry out, squirming like mad. Shiori and Emiko also start blowing bubbles that bounce off my nipples.

I wince as I feel another orgasm bearing down on me. I try to hold it back. But it’s like trying to stop a moving freight train.

They all go back to licking and sucking. That’s when it goes off inside me with a mighty roar. It actually feels more painful than the last one.

My body jerks and bucks as my climax ravages me. I cry out a froth of bubbles, my hands flexing helplessly behind my back again as my feet wriggle. I bubble and squirm, almost in tears when it finally passes.

I sag weakly, overcome by a wave of erotic euphoria. I’m in a haze again as a regulator is shoved back into my mouth. Somehow I manage to breathe weakly.

Aftershocks ricochet inside me like pinballs in a machine. I spasm and shudder as I try to pull air into my lungs. How much longer is this going to continue?

Andria grins before motioning for Emiko. She points at the wreck. Emiko nods, and together the two of them swim away.

Thankfully Shiori stays with me. “PLEASE!” I moan into the reg. “ENOUGH ALREADY!”

If she understands me, she does not acknowledge it. Her hands caress up and down my naked, shivering body. It’s as though she knows she now has me all to herself.

I moan into the reg as I tremble again. Andria and Emiko are gone for several minutes. But I get no reprieve from Shiori.

Her caresses are pure torture. I feel like I’m in agony. To make matters worse, she even removes my reg again.

I’m forced to hold my breath once more. Her fingers wriggle between my clenched thighs. I feel them probing my pussy.

I squirm and moan as she thrusts her fingers inside me. My nerve endings are all jangling at me. I can’t stop thrusting against her fingers as my moans intensify.

There’s full-blown lust in her eyes. She’s enjoying every second of the erotic hell she’s putting me through. The pleasure is incredible, the ache in my chest adding fuel to my fire.

Once more my lungs start to heave. The more I grunt, the more the bitch thrusts. In moments I’m humping against her assault on my pussy, bubbling and moaning as it builds inside me.

I’m forced to hold my breath as it grows and grows. It feels like a fucking monster about to swallow me whole. I wince as I fight like hell to hold it back.

Shiori stops fingering me. Instead, she softly caresses my breasts. It sends fiery tingles radiating outward in every direction.

She slides her hands down until her fingers find my clit. I moan and bubble as my lungs scream at me. With a wicked grin, she slips her fingers inside and thrusts hard.


This one goes off like an atom bomb. It nearly sends me into oblivion. I spasm painfully against my tether.

My body is brutally assaulted by a massive climax of unbelievable proportions. Then I gurgle, swallowing a mouthful of water. A massive wave of pleasure washes warmly through my body.

Shiori’s eyes fly open in surprise. But she’s on it in a matter of seconds. She frantically crams the reg back into my mouth.

I inhale weakly, coughing a little as my eyes flutter. I feel dazed and drugged. It’s all I can do to make myself suck on the regulator.

I feel a little better as I take another pull on the reg. My lungs are filled with compressed air. My senses are slow to return.

Andria and Emiko come back a half minute later. They’ve got both empty scuba tanks with them. Shiori points at me, draws her hand across her throat and shakes her head as though telling them, “I don’t think she can take anymore.”

Andria looks me over with a sadistic little smile. She enjoys my drunken expression as she caresses my naked body. All I can do is moan as I shiver and tremble.

Shiori makes a show of checking an invisible watch on her wrist. She points upward as though indicating they’ve run out of time. Emiko nods and moves behind me.

I’m relieved to feel her start to work on the ropes to my wrists. Andria gives me a regretful look. I think she wanted to play with me some more.

She goes down and dutifully works on my ankles. It isn’t long until I’m finally set free. But I’m shattered, too worn out to do much of anything.

Shiori is forced to help swim me back to the surface. She wraps an arm around me to carry me upward. She makes sure I’ve still got the reg in my mouth.

It’s a good thing too. If it would have fallen out, I would have been too exhausted to hold my breath. I would have surely drowned right there in her arms.

Andria helps Emiko with the two empty tanks as the four of us head up. We finally reach the surface. There are ladders hanging down from both boats.

Almonte takes the two tanks from Andria and Emiko. Then the two girls hug each other one last time. “Gawd; that was hot!” Andria tells her. “I’m so glad you could stick around long enough to help me drown poor ‘Shel’ over there!”

“I think we exhausted her!” Shiori calls out with glee as she and Jake help me navigate the ladder to our boat. Jake virtually pulls me up singlehandedly. Then Shiori makes her way back over to her boat.

She pauses long enough to give Andria a farewell hug in the water. Then my roommate swims over. She finally climbs the ladder until she’s back onboard.

I pant heavily, watching our friends remove their scuba gear on their boat as Almonte heads for the controls. “Thanks again, guys!” Andria waves cheerfully. “We really exhausted the bitch this time! I’m so glad we got this last chance to go down together. Have a safe trip back!”

“It was an incredible idea!” Emiko hollers back as the sexy little Japanese girl slips out of her scuba gear. “You were right, Andria… she really DOES cum hard underwater when she has to hold her breath! It was incredible to watch! Perhaps she really DOES have something like a drowning fetish!”

“Thank you!” Shiori waves at us one last time. “It was incredible to watch! I will remember this day for many years to come! I will miss you, Shelly! May we all meet again someday!”

I’m too wrung out to do anything other than wave back at them. Andria giggles as she’s forced to hold me up. Then I hear Almonte call out to me as he stands near the controls.

“My utmost apologies, Miss Shelly! But your friend talked me into it! I do hope you will forgive me for my little part in your play!”

Andria laughs as I wave at him. I mutter “Bitch!” under my breath. Then he throttles their boat. They pull away, the girls waving at us one last time.

I’m so unsteady on my feet that Andria has to help me down the steps into the interior. “Gawd, ‘Shel’; you’re really wiped out! You should see the look on your face!”

“Bitch!” I mutter weakly.

I’m too overcome with pleasurable tingles to be mad at her. She giggles at me, telling me that NOW she thinks it’s time for that catnap. After helping me dry off, she tucks my naked body into bed.

In less than two minutes I’m dead to the world…

2009; 2021 (written Apr 29 ’09; ed. Mar 24 ‘21 by riwa)

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When the world went crazy 4.4 (36)

Bonnie and I did everything together. We frequently got ourselves into trouble. But drugs, booze and stealing will do that to you.

We had plans on how we were going to end it all. But after a few weeks, we kind of forgot about it. Besides, we were having way too much fun.

It all came crashing down on a Tuesday morning. We were out on the road when it happened. Millions of people just up and disappeared with no explanation. Most of the roads were immediately made impassable because of crashed vehicles with no drivers in them.

Bonnie immediately got scared, especially when people started taking shots at each other. She said it was judgement coming down on us all. Somehow we found a route out of the city.

The country roads were a little better. But we came upon one fiery accident that blocked the road. Some guy with a revolver waved for us to stop.

Bonnie screamed as I drove off into the nearby field. We heard shots, and I think my car took a couple bullets. But we got the hell out of there.

Bonnie was panting heavily when I finally pulled over. I was mad he’d shot my vehicle. But I was also just as frightened as she was.

I was shaking so bad. But someone had to safely drive the car. Bonnie probably would have wrecked us in her panic.

“Where to?” I finally asked.

She looked at me with wild, frightened eyes. I’ve never seen her so scared in all my life. It unnerved me.

We’d done a lot of crazy things before, things I thought should have frightened her. She just laughed them off. But now she was genuinely terrified.

“Wanna go back?” I finally suggested.

She anxiously shook her head. Then she pointed forward on the road I’d used to pull off… “That way.”

“I don’t think it leads anywhere…”

“Just go, Bo; ok?”

I spun the tires as I headed down the road. Pavement soon turned into gravel. After a few more miles, gravel became a dirt path.

We were headed into a forest. I suspected we were going to run out of road soon. At least Bonnie was starting to calm down a little.

I put on a happy face as I chuckled, “Far enough out of town, Bonnie?”

She gulped as she looked all around. Then she pointed… “Over there.”

“Your wish is my command.”

I drove off the path in the direction she’d pointed. For now, I’d decided to allow her to navigate. I didn’t really care where we were going, so long as it made her feel better.

“There!” she pointed. “Those two trees.”

“Bonnie, trees are everywhere.”

“Over there, damnit!”

I saw where she was pointing and drove over. “Slow down!” she panted as we got closer. Then she finally blurted out, “Stop – stop!”

I hit the brakes, causing us both to lurch forward. “Right here,” she panted. “Shut off the engine.”

I did as she requested. Then I looked all around. It was just the two of us in my car.

“Here,” she said, and she was panting again. “Right here. See those branches up there.”

I looked upward. A couple of small trees had branches that crossed toward each other. I smiled as I told her, “They love each other, Bonnie… just like I love you.”

She got out of the car. Then she walked behind my vehicle. What the hell was she doing?


“Pop the trunk, Bo.”

“What do we need from the trunk, Bonnie?”

“Just pop it before it’s too late; ok?”

I hit the switch. The trunk made a releasing sound as the lid rose. Bonnie reached inside.

“Bonnie, what are you…?” Then I saw them. There were two nooses in her hands.

I immediately climbed out of the car and shut the door behind me. “Bonnie, are you serious?”

“Don’t you feel it? Can’t you feel it? Something has changed.”

“What’s changed, Bonnie?”

“It’s… I don’t know. It’s… evil or something.”

“I don’t feel a thing, Bonnie… at least not out here in the woods. We’re miles away from civilization.”

“I tell you, I can feel it, Bo! Don’t you feel it too?”

“Well, these woods are a little creepy, now that you ask me.”

“It’s not the woods. It’s been this way ever since…”

“Ever since when, Bonnie?”

“Ever since all those disappearances. Can’t you feel it?”

“Bonnie, I…”

“Ssshhh! For once in your life, would you just shut up and be quiet and listen!”

I started to say something, but I held my piece. Then I tried to get in touch with my feelings. At least that’s what she likes to call it.

At first, I thought it was the woods. Then I thought back. I remembered being all freaked out the moment all those people vanished and the roads clogged.

That feeling hadn’t really changed all that much. Something was definitely off. I just hadn’t really paid any attention to it until now, mostly because I was focused on my driving while trying to calm Bonnie down.

I frowned before looking at her. “So what do you think?” That’s when she hefted the ropes.

“It’s judgement, Bo. What if there are more disappearances. What if it… I mean they… what if they come after us next?”

I looked all around. “They who, Bonnie?” Damn. Now she was spooking me.

She hefted the ropes in her hands. Then she looked up at the branches above us. “Are you going to help me or not?”

“Bonnie, are you out of your mind?”

“Do you want to go back and face… face THAT?”

“Face what?”

“A world gone crazy! People shooting each other! Dead people everywhere! Missing people!”

“Bonnie, I don’t think…” But then I stopped to consider it.

Did I really want to stop her so we could go back? Did I really want to go back? What if Bonnie hanged herself and I chose to live? Did I really want to face a world like that without her? Maybe I didn’t want to go back after all.

I took one of the ropes from her hand. We’d already tied them both into nooses long ago. I just never thought we’d ever use them.

I shimmied up one of the trees. Then I started to secure the free end with the noose hanging down. That’s when I paused.

“Why did you stop, Bo?”

“What are we going to stand on, Bonnie?”

She looked around before smiling as she patted the hood. “How about your car?”

“Damn you, Bonnie! I’m not going to put a dent in my hood.”

“That guy back there put two holes in it, Bo! What’s a couple more dents gonna do? Does this mean you’re not gonna hang with me?”

“I… I didn’t say that.”

“Then why should you care?”

I thought it over. She was right. If we were going to hang together, why should I care if we dented the hood of my cherished car? That guy back there had already tried to kill it by shooting it.

I tied off one rope, making sure it could be reached by standing on the hood of my car. Then Bonnie tossed the other one up at me. I grabbed it and secured it to the branch coming from the other tree.

Bonnie started panting heavily. “I… I never thought… I never thought we’d actually use them, Bo.”

“Neither did I. Better test ‘em first. Don’t want the branches to break.”

I grabbed one and put my entire weight on it. If it would hold me, it would easily hold Bonnie. The branch bent a little, but it didn’t break.

I tried the other one. Same thing. It gave a little from my weight, but it held.

I used the rope to swing over to the hood of my car. It gave once it took my full weight. But as soon as I leapt off, it returned to its former shape. Whew!

I looked curiously at Bonnie. “Now what? Will we need to tie our wrists or something?”

“Cuffs are in the trunk. I’ll go get ‘em.”

She went back and retrieved them. Then she returned. She looked at me, and I looked at her.

“Now what?” I asked.

“Naked?” It was more of a question than a suggestion.

I liked her body. So I figured seeing her naked would calm me a little more. “Sure, honey; why not?”

We both got out of our clothes. Bonnie took them and carried them to the trunk of the car. She tossed them inside before slamming the trunk shut. I just laughed.

What? Was she afraid someone would come by and steal them if they were left lying around? Was she afraid an animal might make off with them? We certainly weren’t going to need them anymore.

“You’ll do this with me, Bo?” She seemed concerned I might back out on her.

“Sure I will, Bonnie.” If she was gone, what did I have to go back to? Certainly, not that mess that was waiting for us. The world had gone crazy.

We both climbed up onto the hood of my car. I winced as it gave again. Damn. I was going to miss that car!

Bonnie hesitated as she stared at the coil in her hand. So I took my noose and looped it around my throat first. I wanted to be an encouragement to her.

She smiled as she looped hers around her throat. Then she gave me a set of cuffs. I hesitated as I accepted them.

We could still back out at this point. But once we were cuffed, it would be nearly impossible to undo everything. Was she really sure about all this?

“Changing your mind, Bo?”

In response, I clatched a cuff to my wrist behind my back. I put my other arm behind me. One more clatch, and it was official. I was not getting free unless she helped me.

She smiled nervously as she panted for breath. My cock was starting to harden. Was I becoming aroused by her nudity? Was it the noose? Or was it from our impending deaths?

She saw how hard I was getting and smiled. “You too, Bo? I… I’m wet.”

Now that I was bound, it was as though I wanted to get on with it. Waiting was torture. So I nodded at what was in her hand… “The cuffs?”

She hesitantly touched herself. Seeing her do that aroused me even more. “Bonnie? What are you…?

“I… I may never… “

“Never what, Bonnie?”

She looked at my growing erection. Then she really touched herself. Now it looked as though her slit was dripping. It made my cock stiffen even more.

“I was thinking… Bo, can we… can we get… closer?”

We shifted upon my hood until she grabbed my erection. She tried to work it inside her. It would have been amusing if our situation wasn’t so critical.

“Bonnie?” I didn’t know whether to be frightened or amused.

“I don’t know. This is crazy, but… I’ll… I’ll never get to cum again.”

“Help get me down, and we can do it proper.”

Bonnie suddenly jerked as she looked all around. I also looked around. I thought I’d heard it too.

“They’re coming for us, Bo. I’m scared! We… we have to do it now!”

I didn’t see anyone. But I was becoming more frightened by the minute. Perhaps she was right after all.

She shifted her position on the hood. I was just about inside her when we both slipped. That’s when we swung away from my car, our nooses holding us in mid-air as we swung back and forth.

It hurt like hell. But my cock really stiffened and bounced. It actually felt as though I might have one last release while I was hanging.

Bonnie reached up for the noose with one hand. Had she changed her mind? I couldn’t be sure, because she soon began to touch herself with the other.

We kicked as we swung back and forth. For a brief moment, our legs intertwined. Then we lost each other.

We swung back and forth as Bonnie tried to loosen her rope. At the same time, she kept touching her crotch. I saw more fluid come out of her slit.

She suddenly went stiff as she started to hump the air. Her arms hung stiff at her sides. Instinctively, I thrust in her direction.

A sudden gush of fluid came out of her pussy. It was as though she’d just experienced one of our more erotic moments from the past. That time, she’d cum really hard, soaking the bed.

To my surprise, I began spurting. It arced toward Bonnie, some of it splattering onto her legs. She just rasped and humped the air in my direction.

At that moment, that uncomfortable feeling intensified. Was it because of evil in the world? Or was it because we were taking the easy way out?

Bonnie went into seizures as she wriggled and shimmied in her noose. My cock stayed hard as I finally settled down. The last I saw of Bonnie was her dripping slit and erect nipples before my vision failed me.

Our trees gently creaked from the weight of two individuals, anxious to escape what had become a crazy place to live. But I had judged correctly. The branches did not give way.

It would be a couple of years before anybody found what was left of us…

2022 (written Aug 31, ‘22 by riwa. Inspired by the render.)

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Snuff Teri 5.0 (Ch 12 The last Teri) 4.5 (28)

“Arch!” I called out when I didn’t see the exit materialize.

“Program is still running. Do you wish to end program?”

“Still running?” I murmured in surprise. Then I remembered that ‘Microkini Teri’ had told me there would be twelve.

I mentally ran through all the Teri scenarios in my mind. But I could only come up with eleven. If she was correct, that meant one was missing.

I instinctively turned to look questioningly at her. But she still hung grotesquely from the lamppost. She wouldn’t be telling me anything.

Her guts hung out of the gaping wound in her abdomen. Her tits and labia were adorned with my cruelty. Her mouth, cunt and ass displayed the objects I’d shoved inside each orifice.

I surveyed the rest of the carnage she and I had wrought together throughout the holodeck. I counted eleven bodies. So who was supposed to be the twelfth?

An ornate, golden base suddenly materialized right next to me, almost startling me. There was a hole in the middle of it for some sort of pole or standard to be put into. That’s when one more Teri materialized from out of nowhere.

She was wearing a long, white gown that stopped shy of hitting the floor. It was an outfit that reminded me of a wedding dress. Her breasts were heavily accented as the top of her gown revealed an excessive amount of cleavage. She looked virginal as she avoided my gaze.

What totally contrasted with her outfit and appearance was the fact she was carrying a ceremonial, double-bladed axe in her hands. One blade was heavily stained with blood. The other was relatively clean.

I stood there dumbfounded as she brought it over. I watched as she inserted the pole end into the base next to me until it stood upright. That was interesting.

She never said a word. She just turned around and formally walked back in the direction she came. A moment later she completely disappeared into thin air.

I stood there stunned. What was this about? If she was to be the next snuff, where the hell had she gone off to??

She returned less than a minute later. This time she was carrying what looked like a heavy block of wood. It was held together by a tied-off length of rope running around it. It looked as though it was about to split right in the middle.

It looked rough, as though it had been used a lot for chopping. Teri stood it up on its end near the axe. Then she turned and walked away again, once more avoiding my gaze while not saying a word to me.

She disappeared into nothingness. I stared at the block and axe. That’s when I began to comprehend what was about to happen next.

Teri returned a few seconds later. This time she had a length of rope in her hand. She handed it over to me without a word.

I looked at her with a questioning look. She looked right into my eyes. Then she said to me in a quivering voice, “I’m ready, my husband.”

“Husband?” I asked in confusion. She did not answer. Instead, she turned around and submissively brought her hands up behind her back.

I was stunned. I was also hard again. So I gently tied her wrists together.

When I was done, I turned her around and fully embraced her. Then I tenderly kissed her. She moaned softly into my mouth as she seemed to melt in my arms.

When our lips parted, I saw she had tears in her eyes. She was trembling as she stepped over to the block where she stood facing it. In a soft voice I heard her say, “Help me kneel, my husband.”

I gently lowered her to her knees. She knelt on her dress. She acted as though it did not matter what might happen to her garment.

I stood beside her next to the block. She leaned over and began kissing my growing erection. She kissed and licked it all over, moaning softly before she finally took me into her mouth.

She groaned as she lovingly sucked on my throbbing manhood, taking me deeper and deeper. It was obvious she was experienced. But these weren’t the movements of a slut or a whore. Instead, they felt like the ministrations of a cock-worshiping wife.

After several minutes of exquisite cock-sucking, she finally pulled away. Teri looked up at me demurely. “Take me,” she said softly as though begging me. “Make me a woman before you cut off my head.”

She leaned backward until she was lying on her back on her bound wrists. Then she looked up at me with a hopeful gaze. I’m sure she must have been quite uncomfortable lying like that.

I pealed her dress up over her hips, discovering she wore no panties. Her pussy was cleanly shaved and dripping. I heard her whimper with anticipation.

I dropped to my knees. I grabbed her ass and lifted her. Then I carefully entered her.

I encountered a little resistance, so I pushed harder. I saw her wince as though it hurt. Then it felt as though something gave way inside her.

“OW!” she yelped in pain. Then her expression softened as I heard… “Oooohhh!”

I began thrusting into her. She began to moan appreciatively. I pulled the top of her dress down, exposing her bare breasts.

I groped and fondled them. She moaned louder. That’s when I felt her wrap her legs up around my waist as though wanting me to penetrate her to the fullest.

I thrust harder as I knelt over her. I kissed her fiercely as though forcefully taking what she had to offer me. Our tongues intertwined as we both moaned heavily into each other’s mouths.

She began to writhe and squirm. Soon she was crying into my mouth, “Uh – hunh… uh – hunh… UH – HUNH… UH – HUNH!”

Our lips sealed as she suddenly screamed down my throat. Her body bucked and thrashing about underneath me. I felt a wetness in my crotch. It was her discharge from our unbridled passions as she shuddered hard in orgasm.

I pulled away and rose up. That’s when I noticed a stain of blood on her dress near where I’d penetrated her. She panted heavily for breath, a dazed look in her eyes as her chest rose and fell.

“That was wonderful,” she panted breathlessly. “Thank you so much, my husband.”

A moment later it was as though she had thought of something sad that was about to happen to her. Her expression changed into one of sorrow and resignation. “I’m weakened, my husband. Kindly help me kneel over the block?”

I helped her up onto her knees in front of it. She submissively stretched her neck across it, laying her head down sideways. She was trembling when she spoke again.

“Once more?” she asked submissively. “Now that I’m a woman I want you to take me as an executioner takes the condemned. Let me experience the humiliation and shame that is due a woman about to be beheaded.”

Her breasts hung exposed as I’d not put the top of her dress back in place. They swayed enticingly as she panted heavily. I sensed a mixture of fear as well as a certain excitement.

I moved behind her and flipped her dress up over her butt, exposing her nakedness. She whimpered as I pushed my hard cock against her ass. Amazingly I hadn’t cum yet. But I knew this time I was going to and that she would soon feel my seed in her rectum before the blade fell.

I slowly pushed into her anus. She let out a sharp cry of pain, embarrassment and shame. This time I was brutal.

I grabbed her head by a handful of those red strands. Then I jerked it back as I savagely fucked her ass. Her tightness felt incredible on my thrusting cock. I knew it would not take long.

She suddenly let out an orgasmic cry, shuddering hard. It triggered my own climax. I pumped my seed deep up her rectum with a roar.

I stayed inside for as long as I could. Then I pulled out with a wet plop, my cum leaking out of her violated anus. She whimpered until I thought I heard a faint sob.

I rose up without another word. I cruelly forced her head down upon the block. Then I brushed her red hair out of the way.

She moved her head sideways again so that she was facing me. I could see through the tears in her eyes the shame and embarrassment of my taking her ass. But I also thought I saw a flicker of something else… love perhaps?

As I paused and looked at her, it made me wonder if some part of ‘Microkini Teri’ was deep inside this one. Perhaps she wanted to give herself to me as a final act of love. Maybe she believed it could never really happen in the character of the sadistic woman she’d portrayed who had willingly snuffed all those duplicates. Perhaps this was her last gift to me, having one of her twins give herself totally to me in love and sacrifice.

I pulled the axe out of its base and hefted it upward. I weighed it in my hands, measuring how I would swing it. Her eyes opened wider.

I thought she might change her mind and close them at the last moment. But she did not. It was as though she wanted me to see she was accepting her fate and that she would participate with her big brown eyes wide open.

Teri panted heavily, her exposed breasts still dangling freely. I chose to leave them exposed. In a few more seconds it wouldn’t matter either way.

I gripped the handle about three quarters of the way down, making sure I had it firmly in my grasp. I raised it up, pausing once more to look down at Teri. Her eyes were open wide.

She was panting like mad. I heard her whimper as I measured my swing. Then she inhaled sharply as I took careful aim and swung.

There was enough neck to aim for so that my swing did not have to be precise. Still, I was proud of the blow that fell. The blade landed with a satisfying THOCK – the sound of metal against wood.

Teri’s eyes seemed to widen as though she’d felt the blade sever her neck. The force of the axe hitting the block caused her head to bounce up. Then it fell onto the floor of the holodeck.

Separated from its command center, her body rolled over onto its side. It was as though she was collapsing tiredly. A moment later it went into spasms.

Blood spurted from her neck stump. It stained the top of her white dress. The whole thing almost felt reverent in a strange sort of way.

I carefully placed the axe back in its stand. Then I reached down and picked up her severed head. The wide-eyed expression was one of shock. But I still thought I saw a flicker of love in those big brown eyes.

Her body still flopped around. But it wasn’t much longer before it lay still. I turned her head long enough for her to see it.

As a last act of affection, I lifted her head up. Then I tenderly kissed her painted red lips. I moaned softly, sticking my tongue into her mouth and tasting blood.

When I pulled away, her expression seemed to display less shock and more adoration. It was as though she was trying to convey her love to me. Then the life faded from her eyes as her expression sagged tiredly.

I gently impaled her head upon the sharp point sticking out of the head of the axe. I made sure she was facing what I deemed would be the general vicinity of the exit. Then I walked over and gathered up my clothes.

I got dressed before walking back over to look at her severed head one last time. I took one last long look around the entire room before sighing.

“Computer: end program and save all data points.”

Everything disappeared. I was left in a large, black empty cubicle with crisscrossing yellow lines.

The arch appeared, signaling the exit. I turned and quietly left the holodeck. But I couldn’t help wondering when I might come back and enjoy running the program Snuff Teri 5.0 again.

2010; 2021 (written May 30 ’10; ed. Jun 2 ‘21 by riwa)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (4)

Coming September rewards

The 11th chapter to Chloe
The 11th chapter to Aravanna
The 11th chapter to Katia
Hanging poker shorts
Dylann gives a report
AF’s Wet Leather
Willing and unwilling
A game in the woods
The City U garrotings
Drowning shorts 3 to special manips
And a couple others I’m thinking about

July stories/rewards will fall off at the end of August to make room for September rewards.

For exercise, I walk around town twice a day. Wednesday morning, I got up early and headed out, hoping to avoid the kids returning to school. I was not early enough. There were cars everywhere, and I did my best to stay out of everybody’s way as they turned into parking lots. So when I took my Thursday morning walk, I waited until everyone was in school and traffic had died down. But it seems odd to me even writing that. Just yesterday, I thought school was letting out for the summer. Now school is back in session. And athletic events are already scheduled for this coming weekend.

Does it feel like the days are flying by? Or do I have a different perspective now that I’m on the other side of 60? I suppose it is the latter, as I seem to look at things a lot differently than I used to. In fact, I still have a hard time calling them “kids”, being as how I used to be one so many decades ago. Besides, there are so many things I’m seeing going on in the world today that it feels like “abnormality” is going to be considered the new normal for quite a while. What is September going to bring? Don’t know. But based on the craziness of the world around us, I suspect it’s going to be quite… educational.

Maybe I’ll stick to writing a little while longer. That way I won’t have to try to process what’s going on in this crazy world. It’s much less complicated when I’m working on spelling, punctuation, and finding the right word that works best to convey what I’m trying to say.

I hope you enjoyed your summer. I pray you and your families are doing well. Thank you so much for being my patrons.

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The Seductress 6 4.4 (42)

“That was gawd-damn incredible!” she panted. “My gawd; that was good!”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Walker. I didn’t mean to…”

“Oh, don’t apologize, Robert. That was entirely my fault. I must have slipped or something. You did the only thing a young man is supposed to do in a situation like that. I certainly won’t hold it against you.”

She panted heavily as she struggled to get her breath back. “My gawd, Robert! Is that what it feels like to cum at the bottom of the lake? I was all out of breath… and for a minute, I thought I was going to drown. But I didn’t want to stop. Forgive me, Robert; but I didn’t want to stop!”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Walker. It was all my—”

She cut me off as she asked, “Do you forgive me, Robert?”

“Of course I do.”

She grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. “Gawd damn; that was good! Fuck!”

I don’t know why I winced at her language. What we’d done at the bottom of the lake was far worse than her obscenities. Then I heard a familiar female voice call out from shore, “Mom, aren’t you supposed to be at a meeting with Van Ostrum?”

We both turned to look toward the shore. Carly was standing there with her hands on her hips. My face instantly went several shades of red…


“Shit! I forgot about my meeting with him! Robert, I’ve got to go!”

She grabbed her bikini pieces and swam to shore. Instinctively, I grabbed my speedos. Then I frantically worked to pull them back on.

I watched as Mrs. Walker waded to shore, totally naked. She got out of the water and stood in front of her daughter. Then she got back into her bikini.

They spoke to each other. But I couldn’t make out what was said. Then she rushed up the bank to her vehicle.

I frowned as she started it up and turned it around. Then I swam to shore. Mrs. Walker drove off, leaving me alone on the shore with her daughter.

I was headed for my clothes when Carly put a hand on my shoulder and stopped me. There was a knowing smile on her face as she asked, “How was your swim with mom?”

“Uh… it was fine; just fine.”

“I’ll bet it was.” She sounded amused.

I picked up my towel and started to dry myself off. But Carly reached out and took it away from me as she asked, “What are you doing?”

“Getting dressed and going home.”

“You’re not going to leave me here, are you?”

I looked all around in confusion. “Don’t you have a ride back?”

“Brian dropped me off.”

“Dropped you off? Didn’t he stay to take you back?”

“I told him not to wait up. I thought mom was going to take me back. But she told me she had to go see Van Ostrum. So I figured you’d take me back.”

“Then let’s go.”

“Not so fast.” Then she proceeded to pull her shirt up over her head.

“You wore that around Brian?” I asked as I caught myself staring at her exposed mounds. She was not wearing a bra.

“Oh, he’s used to it,” she chuckled with amusement. I was not the least bit surprised by that confession.

What did surprise me was when she took off her shoes and socks. Then those shorts came down. Her panties came down with them, leaving her buck-naked on the shore.

“What are you doing?” It was a dumb thing to ask. What she was doing was obvious.

“Going for a swim, silly.” Then she waded into the water and headed for the raft.

I don’t know what I was thinking when I called out, “Uh, Carly? I only brought one towel with me.”

“I’ll dry off in your vehicle on the way back. So are you coming, Robert? Or am I going for a swim all by myself?”

“You expect me to take you back?”

“You plan on leaving me stranded?”

“Well… no.”

“Then yeah; I expect you to take me back. So are you swimming with me or aren’t you?” That’s when she reached the raft and clung to the edge.

I looked at her dubiously. “I’m not sure I should.”

“Oh c’mon, Robert! Please?”

“Are you sure? Remember what happened the last time we swam together? Maybe I’d better keep my distance.”

“I take it you’re not coming out here to join me until I apologize?”

“Carly, I…”

“All right; I apologize!”

“I’m still not sure I should swim with you.”

She appeared to think it over. Then she lowered her head. “Robert, I’m really sorry; ok? It was a shitty thing for me to do to you.”

“And the youth group?”

“I said I’m sorry, Robert! What more do you want?”

“I don’t want to get in trouble again, Carly.”

“Can I let you in on a little secret?”

“What’s that?”

She waved me out to her as she said, “Swim on out here and I’ll tell you. C’mon, Robert! Get your ass out here before the sun goes down!”

Was it a good idea or not? I wasn’t sure, especially since I’d been stung pretty badly the last time. But she was naked, and she seemed so eager. So I let my cock do my thinking for me.

I sighed as I dropped my towel before wading out into deeper water. Then I swam out to the raft. Seeing those exposed breasts sure wasn’t helping matters any.

I reached the raft and tried not to stare. “So what’s your secret, Carly?”

“I keep thinking about the last time we swam together.”

“I told you I was sorry.”

“No, Robert; it’s not what you think. You were fine. You didn’t try to drown me or anything.”

“Then why did you say…?”

“I don’t know why I say some of the things I say. It was wrong, ok? But I’ve been thinking about our last time in the water together. So when I came out and got dropped off… and then I saw you naked in the water with mom…”

She paused and I blushed. “Robert, do I have to make it any more plain to you? I’m horny; ok? I want you to take me to the bottom and fuck me!”

I was stunned. “You what?”

“You heard me! Fucking like we did the other day at the bottom of the lake in all those positions? I’ve never… well… let’s just say you’re the only one who’s ever done that with me. And I want to do it all over again.”

“Now I know you’re crazy.”

“C’mon, Robert! Help me push this raft a little farther out; ok? Let’s go before the sun goes down. You want to get me home before dark; right?”

She started kicking the raft out into deeper water. Instinctively, I kicked with her, still not sure whether or not I was being set up. Did she have the guys hiding around the bend somewhere so they could pop out and catch us in the act?

We got the raft out until she panted, “This is far enough.” Then her hand reached down and rubbed my bulge. “Gawd, Robert; you’re already hard.”

“Carly, I’m not sure…”

“Robert, I’m horny; ok? And I’m breathless right now just picturing you taking me to the bottom of the lake and fucking my brains out. Besides, I think you deserve this, especially after what I put you through. I’m really sorry; ok?”

I was still suspicious. “The guys aren’t hiding somewhere to pop out and catch us in the act; are they?”

“I told you; Brian dropped me off. I told him to go home because I was going to get a ride with mom. But she’s off to see Van Ostrum. That leaves you. I really want to do this, Robert!”

“Carly, I don’t know if I should.”

“I really need to work on my breath-holding right now. You’ll help me; won’t you?” And with that, she filled her lungs and submerged.

She didn’t go down very far. She rubbed and mouthed my bulge as bubbles trickled out of her nose. Then she began eagerly working my speedos down my legs, exposing my erection.

She quickly pulled my speedos all the way off. One hand tossed them up onto the raft. The other grabbed my dick and started stroking.

I was going to stop her. But that’s when she swallowed me whole, releasing more bubbles out of her mouth and nose. She was unbelievably eager.

She gagged up a few bubbles which, I must admit, was a real turn-on. I don’t know if it was accidental or deliberate. Then she moaned and grunted before she came up panting for breath.

I still wasn’t sure about everything. “Carly, I just want to be careful…”

“Then carefully fuck my mouth, Robert; ok?” And with that, she filled her lungs and submerged again.

She really worked my cock over good, licking and mouthing my shaft. She even licked and mouthed my balls. Then she took my cock so deep that her lips brushed my nuts.

It felt incredible. But it was a little hard for me to process what was happening. Just a short time ago, I was having sex with her mother. Now she wanted a piece of me as well. It felt kind of weird, fucking Mrs. Walker in the lake, and then having her daughter come out and want to fuck me.

She came up panting for breath and smiling. “So how am I doing, Robert?”

“If I were to be honest with you, I guess I’d have to say that I like it.”

“You’re supposed to like it, silly. But now I’m curious. Am I as good as mom was?”

“No comment.”

She laughed. Then she slyly told me, “I think you should pay me back for being so shitty to you.”

“Pay you back? How?”

“By grabbing my head and fucking my face, Robert. Make me think you might drown me. I deserve it. Besides, it’s kind of a turn-on thinking about you getting rough with me and then threatening to drown me.”

“You’re not going to change your mind on me again; are you?”

“Robert; I said I was sorry! I’m also horny as hell! And I deserve this; ok? This is your big chance.”

She filled her lungs with air before she submerged. Carly immediately wrapped her lips around my shaft. Then she bobbed up and down on my cock, releasing the occasional sexy bubble.

I reluctantly grabbed both sides of her head. Then I thrust between her lips. She grunted and gurgled, seemingly enjoying what I was doing to her as she released more bubbles.

I pulled her head up until she was gasping for breath. “Gawd-damn, Robert! Just like that! Fuck; I’m so damned horny right now!”

I took note of her language… like mother, like daughter I suppose. So I forced her head back down. Then I fucked her face as I allowed myself to slip below the surface to get a better view of her nudity and her performance. Sexy bubbles came out of her nose as she gobbled me down.

She grunted and bubbled with each thrust I made into her mouth. Soon, I was all caught up in the moment. Whenever I would thrust hard, she would grunt up sexy bubbles.

I ended up really enjoying myself. Being rough on her was kind of erotic. Besides, hadn’t she said she deserved it?

She gagged up more bubbles each time I thrust deep into her mouth. Then I saw her reach down and rub her crotch. She groaned as I thrust harder, and she rubbed herself more enthusiastically.

I pulled her up and she gasped for breath. “Fuck yeah, Robert!” Then she paused for a moment before carefully adding, “I don’t… I don’t suppose you’d… you’d want to lick me, would you? I probably don’t deserve that, not after the way I treated you; right?”

I started to push down on her head. She took a deep breath before she went under and took my cock down her throat. Then I submerged and rotated her in place until I was horizontally stretched out on top of her while facing her feet.

I parted her legs and began using my tongue. She moaned as she grunted up more bubbles. But I stayed with it, pushing her limits as I gave her a really good tongue-licking. If she was going to spread rumors about me back at church, I figured some of them might as well turn out to be true.

She cried out bubbles with my cock between her lips. She stiffened and then shuddered. She went limp long enough for me to help her back to the surface.

She panted as she clung weakly to the raft. “Gawd-damn, Robert! Where did you learn to lick pussy like that? Did mom teach you?”

I blushed before asking, “Why? Do you like it?”

“Like it?? It makes me wanna swallow your gawd-damn load! Let’s go back down!”

We submerged and went back at it, drifting in a 69 just below the surface. I gave her quite a licking as she gobbled my erection. She hungrily devoured it until I felt it start to swell.

I tongued her for all I was worth. She cried out again with a mouthful of cock. It was so arousing that I ended up going off between her lips.

I gave her such a load that some of it leaked out of her mouth. She even shuddered again. But she appeared to swallow most of it.

I had to help her back to the surface. We clung to the raft, panting like crazy. Then she gasped, “Now I… want to go to… the bottom, Robert! Can we… do that before we leave?”

I told her I thought we had time. But I was feeling a little of that “post-nut clarity” after having just cum in her mouth. It made me wonder if we should stop what we were doing. Unfortunately, she seemed to want more. And it was hard for me to say no.

We filled our lungs and swam downward. We were pretty close to the bottom when she climbed into my lap, impaling herself on my erection. I stretched out on my back, ignoring the sting in my sinuses because of how good my cock felt inside her.

I reached up and groped her mounds. She tried to bounce up and down as she rode me. It felt wonderful.

When I felt the strain in my lungs, I began to work us upward. She helped me a little until it got lighter all around us. She eagerly rode me just below the surface before our heads popped up.

We panted heavily for breath, trying to compose ourselves. She panted, “I had no idea how much I missed this until now, Robert. Maybe it’s because we’re actually fucking at the bottom of the lake. Or maybe it’s the thrill I might drown while I’m cumming.”

“I’ll try to make sure that doesn’t happen again, Carly.”

“Oh don’t worry, Robert. I think that’s what made me cum so hard last time. Besides, I get the impression you like the idea of nearly drowning me. Am I wrong? Especially after how badly I treated you?”

I shamefully replied, “Maybe you’re not too far wrong, Carly. Maybe a little.”

She grinned at me. “I thought so. Now take me down and push my limits. I want to cum at the bottom of the lake.”

I pulled out of her, and we jackknifed downward. We swam all the way down until we touched bottom. Carly climbed into my lap again, and we went back at it.

It was nice and cool, dark and murky near the bottom. It was also incredibly erotic. I had no idea Carly had enjoyed our previous swim so much. My only hope was that she wasn’t setting me up again for something wicked.

She really rode me as I groped her breasts. And she moaned and bubbled like crazy. She kept bounding up and down on my erection until I was nice and stiff.

It was a real turn-on watching her boobs bounce as she went up and down. I could just make out how hard her nipples had become. She really seemed to enjoy riding me. I know I certainly enjoyed how tightly she clenched around my throbbing dick.

We really pushed ourselves before we separated. Then we shot back up toward the surface. We burst up at the raft and clung on, panting loudly for breath.

“That’s a long way down!” she finally gasped. “But it sure is worth it. I never figured I’d enjoy fucking at the bottom of the lake like that.”

She glanced down at my erection before adding, “Looks like you enjoy it too.” I didn’t respond, as I was too busy panting to get my breath back.

She gave me a knowing look. Then she asked, “How did you fuck mom at the bottom of the lake? What positions did you use?”

“I, uh…”

“Don’t feel as though you have to lie to me, Robert. I know all about you and mom. Of course, it’s none of my business. I’m just curious is all.”

I had a sneaking suspicion she knew a lot more than I wanted her to know. I’m not even sure why I told her, “Well, she was in my lap on the bottom, kinda like you just were.”

“Did you fuck her doggie-style? Like fucking a bitch in heat?”

“No, we never tried that.”

“Good. That means I’m one-up on mom. So let’s go down and do that right now!”

I faintly heard that warning voice in the back of my head. But it was already too late. Besides, I’m ashamed to admit I really wanted to go down and fuck her on the bottom of the lake.

We filled our lungs and headed down. Amazingly, we were able to reach the muddy soil again. That’s when she awkwardly got onto her hands and knees.

I got behind her and slid right in. She grunted and bubbled, and I released air through my nose. Together, we released just enough breath between us so as not to drift upward.

I started thrusting until I thought I heard a bubbly “FUCK ME!” I thrust harder as she pushed back against me. Carly really grunted up bubbles.

We tried to stay down for as long as possible. I heard a bubbly “FUCK… CUMMING!” Then she really clenched around my dick inside her.

I felt my lungs heave in warning. Carly was limp and slow to respond. So I helped swim her up to the surface.

We popped up gasping loudly for breath before grabbing on and clinging to the raft. It took her a few moments to get her breath back. She finally panted, “Fuck; that was intense!”

I felt guilty, and a little self-conscious. “Ready to go home now?”

She looked at me and frowned. “Why? Did you just cum too?”

“Not yet.”

“You close?”

“Getting there.”

She gave me a seductive smile as she told me, “Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to fuck me while I’m on my back on the bottom of the lake. Don’t stop until you cum. Gawd, that’s going to feel so fucking awesome!”

“What if it takes me too long?”

“Then I guess I’ll have to drown for you,” she chuckled with amusement.

She saw the concern in my face and smiled. “It’s ok, Robert. I know you, so I know I’m not going to drown. But I want to make you cum down there. You deserve it. Besides, I want to cum again at the bottom of the lake.”

“Are you sure?”

She looked all around. “Sun’s going down, Robert. We’d better get down there fast and finish this. Now let’s go!”

We took three long, deep breaths. Then we headed down. We pulled hard with our arms, losing air out of our noses while determined to find the bottom on our last swim down.

We reached the muddy soil, only for Carly to turn over onto her back. I slid into her pussy, and she ran her legs up either side of my chest. Then I started thrusting like crazy.

She grunted a bubbly “FUCK – FUCK – FUCK” each time I thrust into her. The water was cool, but her pussy was warm and wet. She clenched like crazy, groaning and bubbling.

I thrust harder and faster. She kept crying out, “FUCK – FUCK – FUCK!” I thought for sure she was going to run out of breath.

I felt myself swell inside her. I started pumping hard into her while shooting my load deep inside her. Carly let out a bubbly cry as her pussy clenched tightly around my shaft.

She milked me dry before she seemed to relax and go limp again. I did my best to scoop her up and haul her toward the surface. It felt like dead weight in my arms.

For a moment, I thought I had done it again. It would prove disastrous if we both drowned. I kicked hard, determined to reach the surface with Carly in tow.

I burst up, gasping loudly for breath. For a moment, Carly had a glazed look in her eyes. Then she inhaled deeply and started panting quietly for breath.

“Did you…?” she started to ask. I nodded shamefully. She smiled as she replied, “I thought so. I did too… again!”

Carly suddenly winced and stiffened before relaxing again. I looked at her curiously. She panted, “Aftershock. Damn! I really love those too.”

Together we kicked the raft back toward shore. Then we waded out of the water, me with my speedos in hand. I gallantly gave her my towel to use.

She still seemed out of breath as I was taking her home. I had used what was left of the towel, but my clothes were pretty damp. “Gawd; that was good!” she finally panted. “Do you remember whether or not mom came that hard? Because I’m pretty sure I topped her.” I decided maybe it was better not to admit to anything.

I pulled up to her house. The car wasn’t there, so I assumed her mom hadn’t returned. Carly just wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me hard.

“Thanks again, Robert. I’m really sorry about all the trouble I caused you. I, uh… I promise I won’t tell anyone what we did out at the lake this time.” Then she got out of the car and went inside.

I felt that “post-nut clarity” again as I drove home. I’d had sex with both mother and daughter in the same location… and on the same day! What a sinner I was turning out to be!

A part of me thought I should get out while I still could. Maybe I could somehow minimize the damage. But I had to admit how much I’d enjoyed myself, even though I knew it wasn’t right. So I drove home, wondering if there was some way I could repent and start anew.

There was just one hitch though. What if Carly or her mother wanted to go out swimming with me again? Had I already reached the point where I might be too weak to say no?

2023 (written Jan 18 ’23 by riwa. My thanks to JustPaul for the renders he created for this story.)

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Girl’s night out 6 4.4 (65)

The brunette positions Sandy in front of her noose. Amber positions me in front of mine. Sandy looks over and notices my hesitation.

“You don’t mind, do you?”

“I, uh…” Then I see a look of disappointment cross her features. Now I feel like I’d be letting her down if I refuse.

“This will be her first time too,” Amber explains, also noting my hesitancy.

“Uh, yes… my first.”

Sandy smiles nervously. “Then it’ll be the first time for both of us. That makes me glad you’re willing to hang with me in here.”

I can tell she’s a bit reluctant. It’s obvious she’s not fully on board, although she’s trying to be willing. I want to reassure her, but hanging with her was the last thing on my mind when I first entered this room.

I can’t seem to make myself give a yay or nay. I think her mother sees it in my features. She smiles as she tells me, “I really appreciate this. Sandy does too; right, honey?”

“Oh yes, mom! Naturally I’m a little nervous. But I don’t feel quite so bad, not with Amanda hanging right beside me for the very first time.”

Madelyn gives me a cryptic smile. “Around here we always like to do a little something special for the newbies.”

“Like wh-what?” I stammer nervously.

In response she steps right up to me. A moment later she starts caressing my naked body, giving me the shivers something fierce. She kisses me deeply at the same time I see the brunette step up and start to molest her daughter Sandy…

Part 6

I feel a hand in my crotch as fingers explore my slit. I’m nervous as hell. Why couldn’t they have tried this without the cuffs? I feel helpless and vulnerable.

All of the sudden I feel tension on the rope around my neck. A moment later I’m pulled up into the air. It catches me totally by surprise.

I begin to kick like crazy as I react to the pain of the noose constricting around my neck. I’m barely away of Sandy up in the air beside me. All I want is for this to end.

Somehow I manage to rasp, “Down!” A few moments later my feet find the floor. I wobble uncertainly, my heart pounding in my chest as I struggle to catch my breath.

“You see, honey,” Madelyn tells her daughter as she loosens my noose a little so I can breathe. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” I want to tell her to speak for herself.

Sandy coughs a little as the brunette loosens her noose as well. “I… I guess it w-wasn’t so bad after all, mom.”

I stammer, “I’m not so sure…”

“Hot!” is all my purple-haired friend says as she looks at us.

Madelyn caresses me all over as though trying to calm me down. She kisses me, fingers my slit and sucks on an erect nipple. “You ok, honey? You seem a bit rattled after your experience. But it sure looked sexy as hell.”

“Sexy as hell,” Amber agrees. The brunette smiles and nods as well.

I’m embarrassed the way Madelyn and the others were so turned on by my suffering. I notice the brunette is away from the wheel while kissing Sandy all over again. Strangely, my fear has eased somewhat. Looking back on things, maybe it wasn’t so bad after all?

I hear Amber’s voice chuckle from her position at my wheel… “Again?” She does not even wait for an answer from the brunette. A moment later the rope pulls on my neck, lifting me back up out of Madelyn’s grasp.

I rasp at the pain around my throat while glancing over to see the brunette has quickly lifted Sandy back up as well. The pain is just as significant the second time around. Why, oh why, did I allow my sister to talk me into coming here??

I glance over at Sandy. This time, she’s not kicking as much as I am. It’s almost as though she’s trying to control herself.

It feels like we’re in midair a little longer before we’re lowered back down. I pant like crazy as the mother loosens my noose. So why is my pussy tingling like crazy? Is it the fear? Or is it the asphyxiation?

“Not bad, honey,” Madelyn tells her daughter as she paws me. “You were able to overcome it for a moment there. You see how you can keep yourself in control, if only for a short period of time?”

Sandy nods. I even see a faint smile on her lips. “I was… I was able not to kick as much, mom! I was able to control it!”

“You see?” Madelyn actually seems proud of her daughter.

I look over at Sandy in astonishment. She looks like she’s recovering much more quickly after her second hanging. I’m still frightened out of my wits… although my fear is dying back down.

“Well done, honey… although I think Amanda here needs a bit more encouragement.” Then Madelyn steps up to me and starts kissing me again.

My emotions are all roiled up. Worse, I’m embarrassed over how aroused I’ve become. I chalk it up to the fear of the moment as well as the struggle to breathe. If only Madelyn would stop it.

“That’s so fucking hot!” Amber says jealously as she watches us from her place by the wheel.

“The hanging, or all that sexy attention afterwards?” the brunette laughs as she lovingly caresses Sandy. I’m amazed Madelyn doesn’t mind a stranger molesting her daughter.

“Very sexy,” the brunette purrs at Sandy. “You catch on fast.”

“You think so?” Sandy excitedly pants when their lips part.

“Oh, absolutely.”

“You think we could… we could go again?”

“Only if you want to, honey.”

I hear Sandy’s words, and I start to panic. I really don’t want to be lifted up into the air again. I’m horrified to see the brunette step over to the wheel and grab on.

Madelyn has me in a deep, soulful kiss that I cannot break out of to cry out. A moment later I’m pulled up into the air away from her lips. Once more panic sets in.

I glance over to see Sandy hardly kicking at all. She almost hangs quietly, gently swaying back and forth a little. “That’s the way!” the brunette says approvingly from her position at the young woman’s wheel. “Now you’ve got it!”

I rasp as I start to kick again. Madelyn steps up and starts sucking on one of my erect nipples. At the same time, she fingers my cunt.

Instinctively, I wrap my legs around her as a blaze of incredible arousal courses through me. I’m still frightened, and it’s hard to breathe. But the forced pleasure blunts some of the impact of what I’m experiencing.

I don’t kick nearly as much, not with my legs around the mother. I have enough limited movement to glance over at Amber. She’s enraptured at the sight of me all noosed up, and her fingers are in her pussy. Gawd; that can’t be good!

They bring us down again. I’m not sure how long that one was. But it certainly felt longer than the last one… which was even longer than the first one.

Sandy and I pant for breath as our nooses are loosened again. “You’re doing well, honey,” Madelyn tells her daughter. “A little more and you’ll be able to do a nice, little dance if you wish.”

“You really think so, mom?”

“Of course. You just have to learn to control it for as long as you can before the rope takes over.”

I stammer, “It sure feels like the rope wants to take over every time I’m up in the air.” Everyone laughs. Then Madelyn moves in and kisses me deeply as she starts caressing me all over again.

“What’s she doing to her?” Sandy asks jealously as she looks over at her mother.

Amber sighs as she tells her, “Probably getting her ready to cum in the noose. I just LOVE cumming in the noose!”

“Really? Do you suppose I could cum in the noose?” Sandy sounds curious.

“It’s easy!” my eager, purple-haired companion replies.

As if in response, Madelyn ups her game with me. She’s all over me; kissing, caressing and fingering me. The sexual assault blunts my fear while at the same time making me all the more anxious.

Next to me, Sandy writhes and moans as my brunette escort really gives it to her. The whole room seems to reverberate from the sound of women getting it on. I’m embarrassed, nervous, anxious… and unbelievably turned on.

“Can we hang ‘em now?” Amber asks enthusiastically. My mind cries out, “Gawd; no!!” Then I hear my wheel as the rope tightens.

We’re both taken up into the air. Sandy hangs alone. But now she’s humping the air a little.

I try not to move, but I cannot help myself. I hear Madelyn calmly explain I need a little extra help. Then she steps forward as she purrs, “Here, kitty – kitty.”

Fingers thrust up into my crotch. I would prefer to be let down. But I don’t have any choice in the matter.

Sandy humps a little more. Her eyes widen as though she can actually feel it. Then her back arches.

She shudders as she tried to hold that position for a moment with her hips, occasionally hitching forward. Fluid leaks out between her legs.

Madelyn fingers me until I can’t hold back. I find myself squeezing as I cum all over her hand. It’s shameful as hell, but at least the pleasure helps to soften the pain.

The mother steps away until Sandy and I jerk and dangle together before we’re lowered to the floor. The brunette quickly steps around the wheel and loosens the daughter’s noose. Madelyn comes up and loosens mine.

“Well?” the brunette asks Sandy. “What do you think?”

“It hurt,” the daughter admits. “But… when I saw what mom was doing to Amanda? I just… it just came over me!”

“And what about you?” Madelyn asks me.

I blush as I pant for breath. “I don’t… I don’t know. It was… you certainly succeeded in making me cum.”

“It wasn’t just me,” the mother replies with a knowing smile. “Part of it was the rope here; I’m sure of it.”

“You mean I can cum like that out in the main room, mom?” Sandy’s not changing her mind about the possibility of hanging out there, is she?

“Absolutely, honey. Being prepared in here definitely helps with the experience out there. Of course, you don’t have to take part if you don’t want to.”

“I don’t know, mom. It felt… it really felt…”

“What do you think about it?” Madelyn asks me. “You were frightened when we first strung you up.”

“I’m still a little frightened,” I reply.

“But I think she’s starting to like it,” our purple-haired friend says enthusiastically.

I glare at her as I tell her, “I am NOT hanging out there, and that’s final!” She just laughs.

“So what do you think, honey?”

“Mom… would it be all right… I mean… would you… do to me… what you did to Amanda?” Sandy is clearly embarrassed.

“I’d be glad to,” she says with a smile as she steps in front of her daughter. “I just didn’t want to embarrass you is all. Would you like to go again?”

“I… I think… yes… one more.” Then she turns to me and adds, “If it’s ok with you?”

What can I tell her? It’s not like I died or anything the last time I was in the air. I don’t like the fear or the strain on my neck. But it certainly hasn’t hurt me… well, not physically anyway. My nerves and emotions are a different matter entirely.

“Oh, she’ll hang with you again,” Amber tells her as she steps around her wheel and comes closer. “She’s very thoughtful and considerate that way; aren’t you, Amanda? Besides, you want to dance for me again, don’t you?”

I gulp as she starts molesting me all over. It sets fiery tingles of sexual excitement racing through me. It also gives me an erotic jolt of alarm and fear.

“A little longer?” Sandy asks hesitantly. “I want… I want to see… how long I can stand it.”

I want to shake my head and tell her no. “Oh, she’ll do it,” Amber tells her as she purrs at me. I glance over at the brunette manning Sandy’s wheel. But she’s enthusiastic as hell… no help at all.

I hear Sandy moan as her mother kisses and molests her. I can tell she really loves it. Maybe it’s the taboo nature of it all.

Amber is all over me, kissing and fondling me. She gasps as she tells the brunette, “Let’s hang ‘em like they will out in the main room; ok?” I want to tell her no, but I’m in no position to argue.

Purple-hair slowly pulls away, a string of drool between our lips that finally severs. She walks over to my wheel and grabs hold. Then she looks over at the brunette and nods.

I want to cry out. But my breath is choked off once we’re taken up into the air. This time we’re hefted even higher.

The fear returns in a rush. This time I try not to kick so much. Kicking only seems to help tighten the noose around my neck.

I watch as Sandy tries to hold still. We both hang limp. My toes flutter for a floor that isn’t there. But somehow I swallow down the panic as I keep my legs still.

Suddenly, there’s the sound of loud music coming from somewhere outside the room. There is a strong beat to it. It electrifies the inhabitants of the room… well, everyone except me.

Sandy starts to move her legs. Is she moving them in time to the beat? It sure looks as though she’s trying to dance.

I certainly don’t want to dance. I’m simply trying to hold my breath for as long as possible. But there’s a growing inferno in my lungs.

Amber has stepped away from my wheel. She looks up at me as she touches herself all over. A hand is down in her crotch as she furiously rubs herself.

Next to her, Madelyn is clearly enjoying seeing her naked daughter in midair. It’s astonishing beyond belief, a parent getting off on the hanging of her own child. It would seem even more surreal were it not for the fact I’m up in the air with a noose around my neck.

I start to kick a little, unable to help myself. Sandy has really become animated. She throws her chest out, arching her back before humping the air.

I’m amazed as she appears to cum again. I’m too busy fighting my noose to do anything like that. Then the brunette looks at purple-hair and declares, “That’s enough.”

Amber disappointedly moves over to my wheel. Sandy and I are lowered until our feet reach the ground. Amber comes back to loosen my noose, kissing me deeply while telling me how hot my dance was… if you could even call it a dance.

As she loosens her noose, Madelyn tells her daughter how erotic it was and how proud she is. She kisses and caresses Sandy until the daughter blushes. “Mom, can we go out and watch the hangings now? I don’t want to miss anything.”


Madelyn works on her daughter until the noose is removed and her arms are freed from the cuffs. They thank us for a wonderful time. They tell us to watch for them out in the main room in case one or the other might choose to hang. Then they’re gone.

“What about me?” I ask nervously as I pull on my cuffed wrists.

“You didn’t cum that time,” Amber replies all matter-of-factly. “I think you deserve one more orgasm in here before we head out.”

“Th-that’s ok. I th-think I’m ready to go.”

“Not so fast.”

She motions for the brunette to come over and man my wheel. I stammer, “Th-that’s not necessary.”

“Oh, but it is,” purple-hair declares ominously.

I shake my head as I gasp, “But… but what about the hangings?”

“Oh, we won’t miss much. It usually takes a few minutes before the hangings get going. That will give us all the time we need to watch you swing in here, being as how I’m pretty sure you’re not going to dance for me out in the main room.”

I anxiously turn toward the brunette. She just smiles as she mans my wheel. They’re not going to hang me for real in here, are they??

“Relax,” she assures me with a lustful smile. “You’re among friends here. I promise we won’t hurt you… much.” She chuckles at that.

“No… wait… I’m not sure… I think I’m done – AWK!”

The brunette cranks the wheel and my feet leave the floor. Instinct wants me to kick like crazy. It takes everything I have not to start scissoring and struggling.

This time I’m lifted higher into the air. Amber immediately fingers herself as she watches me. The brunette steps over and joins her until they start talking to each other as they watch me suffer…

“She looks good; doesn’t she?”

“Sexy as hell!” purple-hair pants as she fingers herself harder. “You sure we can’t make her hang out in the main room?”

“Now let’s be nice. She’s a first-time visitor; remember? We just want her to have a good experience. And speaking of making her cum…”

“I’ve got this,” Amber declares.

She steps forward and parts my legs. Her mouth finds my crotch, and she starts to lick. Somehow I manage to lift my legs enough to rest them on her shoulders, giving me a faint reprieve.

Her tongue is incredible. I can’t keep from humping her mouth as I struggle to breathe. It hurts like hell, yet I can feel myself on the verge of an orgasm… one I desperately want if it means it’ll soften the pain.

She suddenly backs away until I lose her shoulders. I start to pedal as I hump the air. My cunt desperately wants that tongue back.

“Your turn,” Amber pants excitedly to the brunette.

She smiles as she steps forward and buries her face in my crotch. Again, I manage to get my legs up onto her shoulders. It’s not enough to take away the results of the noose trying to squeeze my throat shut. But it does lessen the agony a little.

The brunette squeezes my ass as she gives me a good tonguing. My back arches as I gurgle my breath away. Then I start to hump her face.

She tongue-fucks my cunt. Then she cruelly steps away. I end up humping the air as I start to swing back and forth.

I immediately start to panic: where’s her tongue; where are her shoulders?? I hump the air even harder. Then it explodes outwardly, a fiery warmth that momentarily blots out the agony of the coil around my neck.

“There she goes!” purple-hair declares as she furiously fingers herself.

“So hot!” my brunette escort breathes. Their orgasms are mere seconds behind mine.

The pleasure wrings itself right out of me until I can’t fight it anymore. I hang limp, trying to catch my breath. But there is no breath to catch.

For a long moment, I think this is it. Then the brunette moves to the wheel and twists it rapidly. Amber steps forward and catches me in her arms, quickly loosening my noose.

I’m dizzy as hell, and I cough to regain my composure. That’s when I become aware of them removing my noose and freeing me from the cuffs. It seems they’re not going to kill me in here after all.

They both kiss me all over until I feel surprisingly wonderful orgasmic aftershocks. Amber steps back and asks if I’m doing ok. The brunette smiles and waves her off… “Go. I know you don’t want to miss a single hanging.” And with that our purple-haired companion is gone.

“You ok?” my escort asks. I cough and nod.

“You did very well. I think you were born for the noose.”

“I don’t think so,” I reply with a shake of my head.

“Don’t worry. I promise; I won’t hang you out in the main room.”

I look deep into her eyes. I think she’s serious.

She sees my look and reassures me. “Oh, I might want to. But a promise is a promise. I would never make someone do anything they didn’t want to do.”

I thank her for that. I cough a couple more times. Then we hear a loud cheer.

“That means we have a winner,” she tells me with a sly grin. “The first one is in the air. Want to go out and see why everybody showed up tonight?”

A part of me is nervous. I don’t want to end up in the noose again. But she assures me she will not try to hang me in any way, shape or form.

Another part of me is curious. Maybe I shouldn’t be. But this is something I’m ashamed to admit I really want to see.

She sees it in my eyes. She doesn’t say a word. She just nods with a knowing smile as the two of us head out the door. Then my brunette escort leads us toward the loud music and cheering females.

2022 (Written Jan 19 ’22 by riwa)

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An aquaphile’s confession 4.2 (248)

I love the water; pure and simple. When I was a kid and my parents bought me a wading pool, they could never get me out of it. When I got older, I graduated to an above-ground pool, where things only got worse.

I had my first orgasm underwater when I was fifteen. I was holding my breath, and I started getting dizzy. It felt so good that I started touching myself. That’s when I came… and I came so hard that I barely got my head above water in time; it felt so good. From then on, I was hooked.

I pestered mom and dad until they bought me an in-ground pool with a depth of eight feet. During the summer months, you could always find me in the deep end with a weight belt around my waist, one I’d bought from a sporting goods store. It actually got to where I could not get off at all unless I was underwater.

The years went by, and I eventually got me a good job, one that took me back and forth from Denver to San Francisco. I waited until I was out of the house to get me a set of nipple rings. But as it turned out, I didn’t have a pool at home. So I always make it a point to stay at places with a hotel pool I could use after hours. After midnight, you can always find me in the deep end getting myself off.

Oh, I don’t always get off by myself. I prefer a nice, juicy cock to suck on whenever I get the chance. Although to be perfectly candid, I will play with a female underwater from time to time, especially if the opportunity presents itself.

In the end, I’d rather have cock than pussy. Once it’s nice and hard, I want it deep inside me… but only if I’m underwater. And the guy has to be a decent breath-holder, or I’m not the least bit interested.

When I travel during business, I always find myself hoping I’ll run into someone like myself… some guy who loves to hold his breath and who likes sex underwater. There aren’t very many out there, let me tell you… at least very few I’ve come across in my travels. And the braggarts I do come across? They can’t hold their breath worth shit!

I only fuck in the water; I don’t fuck ‘em in their hotel room. And if they can’t stay with me at the bottom of the pool? I just kick ‘em to the curb. It’s the rare gem I look for who will give me the underwater pleasures I desire.

I’d gone without a good cum underwater for weeks, and I was horny as hell. It was starting to affect my work. So I decided a trip to my favorite motel in San Francisco was in order.

I hoped I might run into an agreeable cock when I got there. If not, I figured I would have to settle for my trusty rabbit. He has no problem holding his breath underwater whatsoever.

I got in around 7 pm, and I took a taxi to my hotel. I checked in, and then went straight down to the pool to make my presence known. But there was no one but mothers and their children in the water.

I looked all around. But there was not a promising cock in sight. Sadly, I figured Bugs was going to get quite the workout during my stay.

I ate in the lounge by myself, although it was not without a couple of attempts by two gentlemen to get me into their motel rooms. But I wasn’t interested in a bed. Nor was I interested in their feeble attempts to seduce me. I saw right through ‘em, and I gave ‘em both a polite brush-off. After all, I had something else in mind.

That first night, I went down to the pool after midnight, with Bugs in my swim bag. I had the place all to myself, so I used both the pool and Jacuzzi. It wasn’t long until Bugs was tripping my trigger in the deep end. I ended up experiencing a much-needed orgasm of gloriously bubbly proportions.

The next day, I checked in with a couple of clients, just to be able to pad my expense account. From there, my afternoon was free. Then it was back into the pool for another bubbly orgasm. Luckily, no one was around.

At midnight I went back down with Bugs, hoping I might not need him. But once again, I found myself all alone. So I stripped out of my suit and brought myself to orgasm underwater.

I was enjoying myself and the city so much that I decided to spend one more day in San Francisco. I did some sightseeing before I made it back to the pool that afternoon. But once again, there was no one but kids and mothers in the pool. So I behaved myself, although there were a couple of MILFs who looked rather promising.

After supper, I went to a show by myself. Then it was back to the hotel for one last pool orgasm. I waited until after midnight for the families to clear out before I headed on down.

For some reason, I went and left Bugs behind. By the time I remembered him, I thought, ‘The hell with it!’ I decided I would probably be just fine without him.

I stepped out of my suit and immediately headed for the deep end, where I proceeded to hold my breath while pleasuring myself. This time, I stayed on the bottom for as long as I possibly could. You see, the longer I hold my breath, the better the orgasms.

I was down a healthy two minutes or so, feeling it swell within me. I was starting to get dizzy – my lungs were on fire, you know? That’s when it hit. I came so hard, I could barely think straight, and I moaned as my body shuddered from a wonderful orgasm.

When I came up, I saw him sitting in the Jacuzzi. His eyes were big as saucers as he looked at me. I don’t think he knew I was naked in the deep end until that very moment.

He quickly looked away. The shy ones are almost always good for a little fun. I think many of them are repressed or something.

Anyway, he kept glancing in my direction whenever I was underwater. It was as though he was trying not to be obvious about it. It really gave me a tingle at all the delicious possibilities.

I knew I had him interested. But I was afraid I might lose him if I didn’t act right away. So I surfaced and got his attention by calling out, “Hey there!”

He called back, “Hello. Sorry for staring.”

I smiled as I told him, “Oh, it’s all right; I don’t mind. I kind of love the attention.” …which was true, as I’m a bit of an exhibitionist.

I gave him my most charming smile as I asked, “So tell me. How long can you hold your breath?”

He shyly smiled back at me. “I’m a bit out of practice. But I can usually get up to forty seconds easily enough. With a little bit of practice, I can probably reach a minute twenty.”

At that moment, I knew I had a live one on the line. My breath caught in my throat. So I swam closer before telling him, “That’ll do for starters. Care to join me? You can watch if you like. I don’t mind.”

I figured the first thing to do was to get him into the water. I had to get him to be as comfortable with me as possible. But for a minute there, I wasn’t sure it was going to work out.

“Umm…” he stammered hesitantly. I saw his face turn red with embarrassment. But my loins were getting hot. I didn’t want this one to get away!

“Come and join me!” I urged, reaching out toward him. “I see you have a watch on your wrist. You can help time me holding my breath while I’m getting myself off.”

He smiled timidly. For a moment, I was afraid he was going to say no. “Ok,” he nodded as he hesitantly climbed over the side of the Jacuzzi into the pool.

“Oh come on; I won’t bite!” I urged him. Then I took a deep breath and submerged.

After I’d slipped under, I saw him come under to watch me. He held his arm with the wristwatch up to his face so he could time me. So I stayed down for as long as I could while I touched myself all over.

I kept smiling seductively at him. My efforts were rewarded with a nice bulge in his trunks. It looked like a standard cock; nothing impressive, but certainly adequate enough for my purposes.

He actually stayed down with me for about a minute before he had to surface. But he went up, and then came right back down. The more effort he gave, the more impressed I became. I figured this one was liable to be a keeper, and I wanted him to see me orgasm.

I really pushed myself, fingering myself hard as I rubbed my tits. He really seemed to appreciate my efforts. If anything, his cock got even bigger in his trunks. It was a hell of a turn-on, and I finally bubbled a wonderful orgasm.

When I surfaced, he came right up with me, a big smile on his face. “Can you really hold your breath?” I challenged, not wanting to be disappointed. “I don’t want anyone who can’t hold his breath worth a damn!”

“Oh yes, ma’am,” he told me.

“Then prove it!” I demanded.

I submerged with a burble. He came right down with me. It gave me an erotic jolt, anticipating what we were going to do to each other next.

“These have got to come off,” I told him in a bubbly voice as I yanked down his trunks. His beautiful cock sprang free. I just about orgasmed right then and there.

He shocked me by moving right in, spreading my legs and tonguing my nub. It damn near sent me into orbit! I couldn’t help groping myself.

I could tell he knew exactly what he was doing. He actually shoved a finger into my slit as he licked me. I winced and shuddered; gawd, it felt good!!

He stayed down just as long as I did. My lungs began to burn, but he just kept licking and fingering me. I thought I was going to explode!

We both surfaced, panting heavily for breath. I gave him a smile, and he grinned back at me. “No one’s coming,” I gasped at him as I checked the doors. “Do me again. Just make sure you stay underwater.”

I took a deep breath before floating face down. He held me in place as he went back to work with that wonderful tongue of his. I simply had to caress my boobs with my hands. His bubbles tickled my nub, and it felt incredible! I was certain I’d hit the jackpot!

He grasped my thigh, cupping my tit as he licked me out. It felt so damn good, especially since I was holding my breath. That tongue of his nearly set me off, and I struggled to keep my orgasm at bay just a few seconds longer.

I couldn’t hold it back forever though, and I sure didn’t want to. It finally flushed hotly through my body. I winced and moaned as I shuddered in climax. He’d actually given me a really juicy orgasm… and I hadn’t even gotten to enjoy his cock yet! But that was about to change.

“Watch the door,” I told him with growing excitement. Then I took a really deep breath before submerging.

I took the head of his cock in past my lips and savored the flavor. I loved the way it twitched in my mouth. It had been far too long.

I licked the tip of his shaft as I grabbed his meaty pole. I enjoyed the way it twitched and jumped at the touch of my tongue. I played with it with my teeth, feeling it jerk and stiffen. Gawd; I love cock!

I must have frustrated him by not taking him all the way down my throat right away. I wanted to take my time enjoying it. To me, it was like savoring a fine wine.

I was so hot that I squeezed my boobs as I lapped at the tip. I kept trying to snatch a brief taste of any pre-cum I might entice to come out and say hello. I was finally getting to enjoy some cock underwater.

I was so hot that I took him back into my mouth, sucking on the tip as I worked him deeper. My lungs started burning again. But I didn’t care.

I finally had an underwater cock in my mouth. And I wanted the feeling to last for as long as possible. But my breathlessness got the better of me, and I was forced to surface until I popped up gasping for breath.

I like my conquests to occur underwater, preferably at the bottom of the pool. So I looked him right in the eye as I got my breath back. “This time you’re going all the way to the bottom!” I warned him in challenge. “You ready for it?”

He replied, “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Good!” I gasped excitedly. “Now down you go!”

I gave him a couple of seconds before pushing him under. Then I inhaled sharply before shoving him all the way to the pool floor. I crawled between his legs as he waved upward with his hands to keep himself down.

I saw him wince a little. No doubt, he was getting water up his sinuses. But I didn’t care. I wanted him to feel my mouth on his cock as he held his fuckin’ breath!

My hair drifted upward as I licked up the shaft of his quivering rod. He twitched in my hand, a sure sign I was giving him pleasure. His eyes were on me the whole time. It was such an incredible turn-on having him down there holding his breath with me as I licked pleasure into his trembling dick!

It was so heavenly, I just could not get enough. I even wanted him to cum in my mouth. But I wanted to make the experience last for as long as possible.

Amazingly, he stayed down with me the whole time. I mouthed his shaft once more. But aching lungs ended up sending us both back to the surface.

We both popped up gasping for breath. He smiled at me, but I just gave him this hungering look. Then I pushed him back down to the pool floor.

I gave him the most wonderful of titty-fucks. It felt absolutely incredible with his cock between my sensitive boobs. We stayed on the bottom until aching lungs forced us back up again.

I was beyond horny; I needed it now. But I wasn’t the aggressor anymore. I just wanted him to take what he wanted from me.

“Fuck me!!” I begged, embarrassed at the pleading in my voice. “I don’t care how you do it, so long as we’re both underwater. I just want you to take me down and fuck the shit out of me!”

This time, it was my turn to be pushed down to the bottom. That wonderful bastard spread my legs. Then he entered me at an angle, holding onto me so he wouldn’t lose me.

A moment later, he started pounding me relentlessly. I moaned and bubbled my pleasure. I even winced as my hair fanned out all around my head.

Gawd; he gave it to me good! He even held my left leg up in his armpit. It had been so long since I’d felt a real cock inside me. I thought I was going to explode, especially the way my lungs started burning in my chest.

I have no idea how he was able to stay down with me for so long. All I know is that the orgasm that swelled inside me was impossible to hold back. He had a good grip on my knee and ass, hammering me good and hard.

A moment later I was screaming, “Fuck me – fuck me – FUCK ME!” Then it slammed into me. I winced as I shuddered from one hell of an ‘O’!

It passed within moments, and I got this dazed, drugged look. He just kept fucking me as though this was sex at its finest… fucking underwater! Then my lungs really heaved.

For a moment, I didn’t think he was going to let me back up. But his lungs must have been on fire as well. He let me go, and we both shot up for a much-needed breath.

“Fuck; that was good!” I gasped, panting madly for breath. My heart was hammering in my chest. I really needed to compose myself.

But I wasn’t done with him, not in the slightest. Thankfully his cock was still hard and ready for more. “Again!” I blurted out like a bitch in heat. “More; I want more! Take me under and fuck me again! Make me hold my breath!”

He took a deep breath and then spun me around as we submerged. He pulled me down onto his dick, impaling my aching cunt with his wonderful man-meat. Then he started fucking me from behind. I couldn’t help riding him, moaning and bubbling as he took what he wanted from me… took what I was all too willing to give him.

He rammed me again and again, holding onto me as he thrust his hot, fuck-tool deep inside me. I wrapped my legs around him to make sure he didn’t slip out of me. I couldn’t help myself.

I wanted him to nail me again and again. Gawd; I was such a slut! It had been far too long, and I was glad I didn’t need my trusty rabbit.

My hair fanned out at the surface as I moaned and whimpered. I just kept begging him with bubbly breath to give it to me good. And that’s exactly what he did. If he’d been shy and reserved earlier, he certainly wasn’t showing any signs of it now.

I reached down to rub myself as I continued to brace my legs against his. It felt so damned good; I just couldn’t believe it! “FUCK ME!” I bubbled.

I winced as it started to swell within me once again. Gawd; this one felt like it was going to be enormous! I told myself I was staying down long enough to experience it, even if he drowned me in the process!

I’m multi-orgasmic underwater. But I seldom have the right partner to make it work; not unless I’m using Bugs, that is. But this bastard was hammering me as though he hadn’t had sex in ages.

My lungs were on fire. But I was going to have another one any second now. It was simply a matter of cumming before my lungs gave out.

I bubbled, “Fuck – fuck – FUCK!!” Then it slammed into me with an intensity I hadn’t anticipated. I grabbed my tits and rode the wave as he grasped me by my hips and jack-hammered me.

I grabbed my head and moaned. It just felt too damned good! It was absolutely incredible!

I was on the verge of drowning. But he still had a tight grip on me as his cock pounded my aching fuck-hole. Then he must have sensed my impending drowning or something, because he abruptly let go of his grasp on me.

We both popped up gasping madly for breath. I was in a daze, feeling weak and wonderful. But amazingly, his cock was still hard. And slut that I am, I wanted even more.

I blurted out, “POOL FLOOR; COWGIRL POSITION!” He certainly seemed agreeable enough. Then he took a deep breath, and down he went.

It suddenly dawned on me that I really needed more time to catch my breath. But the next thing I felt was an iron grip on my ankle, jerking me down. He pulled me right down, impaling me reverse-cowgirl onto his glorious cock. Fuck; what a rush!

I rode him like a woman possessed, unsure how much stamina he had left. If he was about to run dry, I was determined to milk him for all he was worth. I grabbed for my sensitive tits as he held onto my waist and fucked me hard, right there on the pool floor.

I never would have thought it possible. But I think I was out of breath, because my lungs started hurting almost immediately. That must have been why I could feel another orgasm coming on strong.

There was no way in hell I was going to be able to stay down on the pool floor for any length of time. But the way he was fucking me made me think he was either going to cum in my aching cunt, or drown me in the attempt. And the way I was feeling? I wasn’t sure I was going to care either way!

It swelled within me until it suddenly hit… and hit hard. I winced with pleasure, my hand in my hair as a warm wave coursed through my highly charged body. It was the best orgasm of the bunch… and it utterly devastated me.

Somehow, we made it back to the surface. I was left feeling weak and wonderful. It was the type of orgasm I experienced every once in a blue moon.

He’d been absolutely incredible. I wanted him to experience even a fraction of the pleasure he’d given me. So I took a deep breath and went back under as he stood with his head at the surface.

I gobbled his cock like a wanton whore. I literally swallowed it down like I hadn’t eaten cock in years. Then I pulled him out of my mouth and frantically jerked him.

My lungs were on fire; I was clearly out of breath. But this time it was his turn. I decided I wasn’t coming back up until I’d given him the release he’d earned.

When he took it out of my hand and started jerking on it, I knew his moment had come. But I wasn’t about to give him the honor. I wanted to be the one responsible for his cum-shot.

I jerked and squeezed, frantic to see that first discharge. My lungs were on fire, but I had committed myself. I wanted to see it… and glory be; there it was!

He’d barely gotten out that first puff of cream when I swallowed him down, wanting the rest of it for myself. I took him deep, my throat muscles hungrily milking every last drop out of his juicy cock. Only then did I allow myself to head back up for the air I needed.

I burst up gasping like crazy, feeling a little dizzy from lack of oxygen to the brain. “Thanks, baby; I needed that!” I gasped. Then I wrapped my arms around him.

I kissed him hard and deep before climbing out of the pool. I toweled myself off, fighting off a wave of sheer exhaustion. Then I headed back to my room, feeling well and truly fucked… and extremely satisfied!

2013; 2022 (written Jun 15 ’13; ed. Jun 2 ‘22 by riwa)

(Pictures are from and are used for illustration purposes.)

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The Hanging of Cassie Barclay – Part II (guest author) 4.5 (37)

Bonus story by guest author Rick Jones

Part II

“Have you ever hanged a woman outside of a legal execution?” she asked quietly.

“Why do you ask that?” I asked her.

“One of your stories seemed very real to me; the two girls that were hanged by the short drop method: that seemed so real.”

I smiled. “You think so?”

“I have gone part the way there with that,” she told me. “I know how it feels and I know how it looks. I know the intensity of the orgasm as well. Was that how it was for them?” she asked.

I said nothing.

“A boyfriend did it to me once,” she told me. “We fixed a noose to a beam with a drop of just one foot. I climbed on to a stool and he put the noose around my neck and the kicked the stool away. I was wearing just a pair of cotton panties and he stroked me as I hung there. They were soaking wet by the time he took me down.”

“It is very dangerous to play those games.” I told her.

“Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always dreamed of being hanged.” Cassie told me. “I’ve been hanged by lovers before, but they always let me back down. Once I was dropped about eight inches, and the feeling of falling was such a rush. I then dropped about a foot, then a foot and a half. Each time, the rush was greater. Strangely, even when the hangman’s knot slapped the side of my head, it was good. Each time I dropped more, I orgasmed more intensely. I begged for a two-foot drop, but my lover refused. He left me soon afterward, saying that he didn’t want to be the one to tell my friends and family how I died.”

“Very wise.” I told her.

“You could do it for me though,” she told me. “Long drop method. Treat me like a condemned girl and execute me.”

“Yes, and I would get life in prison for it too.” I replied.

“No one would know. I have no family to speak of. No boyfriends or even girlfriends,” she continued. “Hardly anyone would miss me.”

“You work.” I told her.

She smiled. “Yes, my boss would miss his blow jobs, but I would leave beforehand, telling him that I was going on a back packing holiday.”

I smiled. “You give him blow jobs?”

She nodded. “His wife hates doing it and I can’t stand her. He’s a good boss anyway so there is no harm in going down on my knees every now and again and giving him a good blow job.”

The restaurant was starting to fill now, and conversation was getting difficult. “Shall we go to one of our cars and talk there?” She asked.

I was all in favour, but I had an erection and I had to wait a few moments. “We’ll go to mine.” I told her.

As we sat inside Cassie asked me again if I would hang her. I told her that she was a beautiful girl and had a lot going for her so why did she want this. All she could say was “I want that ultimate rush.”

I told her that it would kill her, and she said she knew that “I still want it.” She added.

Cassie reached across with her hand and touched my groin. “You could do it.” She said as she squeezed me. “Execute me. Treat me as a condemned prisoner. Take me and hang me” She added.

I could do, I knew that. I had enjoyed hanging the two girls. They wanted it; they had begged me to do it in much the same way. The two nineteen-year-old lovers had a similar fixation. They came to visit me just like Cassie had. I told them to go away, and I would think about it; after three weeks I told them I would do it.

None of them had close family, lived in a one bedroomed apartment, and were only working a couple of part time jobs between them. It wasn’t much of a life anyway. They came over and stayed with me and actually helped me with the gallows. I had built a short gallows for them. The platform was about three feet above the floor. The trap was a simple, single leaf design that ran the length of the front of the gallows. The trap also had a pair of steps at the front, so that the girls stood some 16 inches above the platform. This allowed me to set the noose so that there would be just a 12-inch drop, which would only tighten the noose around their necks.

We did a dry run the day after I had finished it. I hanged them individually leaving them hanging to the point that their feet just began to thrash about for support. Both girls admitted that the experience of feeling helpless had took them to verge of an intense orgasm that they had never experienced before. I fucked them both right afterwards and I can attest to their wet state.

I didn’t give them a specific date or time for the actual execution. I was fucking them both regularly throughout their stay and was enjoying it; I also had to wait for the delivery of an incinerator I had purchased. They knew on the day that it was delivered their time was very short. Two days before I had decided to hang them I prepared the ropes and then on the eve of their execution I made the final preparations on the gallows.

I left them to sleep together without me that night and then first thing next morning I woke them. I made each girl in turn stand naked while I fastened an execution belt around their waists and secured their wrists to it. They stood there silently watching each other getting prepared. “Okay girls this is it.” I told them.

They looked at each other with sadness in their eyes. One of them asked if they could have one more day together but I said no. There was no struggle as I led them by the arm out of the house to the gallows shed. They both stood there at the foot of the gallows for a few minutes staring up at the two nooses four feet apart while I switched on all the lighting. I helped each one in turn to climb the few steps to the platform and then put the noose around their neck, the knot at the back of the head so as not to snap the neck. Both girls watched as I went over to the lever. They were silent but there was a resignation in their eyes. They knew that this was it.

They knew what was coming next as I pushed the lever but even so there was a look of surprise on their faces and a yell as they fell. It was only a few inches, but it was enough to tighten the rope around their necks and so begin the process of their strangulation. I watched them slowly struggle and then begin their frantic kicking. I walked over to them and reached up and touched their sex. They were both very wet; very aroused but I helped them through their final orgasm.

They tried to scream through their orgasms but all that came out were the rasping sounds of their gasps for air. Slowly their struggles subsided, and I pulled away. Pulling up a chair, I sat in front of them and masturbated. Afterwards I went and prepared the incinerator and then I cut the bodies down and put them inside it along with their clothes, belongings and even the sheets from the bed they slept in.

Yes I could do it for Cassie just as I did it for those girls.

I looked at her as she still held my bulge. “Four weeks’ time.” I told her. “Be back here in four weeks’ time. No car, travel by bus. I will pick you up at the same time then.”

Her face lit up.

“One thing though.” I told her. “There will be no going back if you turn up. I will do it.”

She smiled.

“Now give me what your boss gets.” I told her.

Cassie obliged me slowly milking my shaft while she licked and sucked my cock. She seemed to know instinctively when I was ready to cum even before I started to groan; her mouth engulfed almost the whole of my cock and drained every drop of semen from me. If I had never seen her again that blow job would have been well worth everything.

Written by Rick Jones

Posted in Asphyxia Stories, Guest author | Leave a comment

The noose ride (male and female victims) 4.5 (57)

Spooky and I walked up to it, stopping to examine the contraption. I was a little surprised it actually had riders on it.

The male attendant smiled at our approach. He looked to be in his early twenties. I wondered if the carnival was paying him minimum wage for operating such a crazy ride.

I motioned at all the dangling bodies before asking him, “What do you do here? What’s your job in all this?”

“I’m responsible for cuffing their hands behind their back and then noosing them up. Then I go to the main panel and activate their rope. Each noose is set to go off on a random timer.”

I was incredulous as I looked at the bodies on display. “You mean to tell me that people actually want to hang on this thing?”

He gave me a shrug. “I don’t ask questions. I suppose some do it for the thrill. Others must have some sort of death wish. At least, that’s what I think.”

Spooky turned to me and asked, “So what do you think?”

“I’m not sure,” I told him. “What do you think?”

“It looks kind of exciting.”

“Do you really think so?” I was surprised. Was he actually considering getting a noose for himself?

He lapsed into silence as he looked at the bodies on display. I think the crazy bastard was actually excited by the whole damned thing!

There were several empty nooses remaining. I saw seven that were occupied. I counted two males and five females.

“They hang naked?” I said to the ride attendant after noticing none of them wore a stitch of clothing.

“Of course,” he replied. “It’s for show, for the riders as well as for those who come around to have a look. It’s not just for the paying customers, you know. It’s also for all the pervs who like seeing somebody hanging naked in midair, especially if they end up hanging to death.”

I turned and noticed Spooky studying the two males. Both appeared to be deceased. One had his hands cuffed in front. His cock looked as though it was oozing a little spunk.

“His hands are cuffed in front?” I asked the ride operator as I pointed out the closer male corpse.

“He wanted to jerk off while he was hanging.”

“Oh, really?”

I glanced over at Spooky. His heavy breathing had become noticeable. Was he really that affected by all this?

“How long?” I asked the attendant as I motioned at the riders in their nooses.

“It’s random,” he replied. “If the ride releases you, there’s a bell that rings loudly, followed by the noose coming down. That’s when I come over and remove the handcuffs and noose, setting you free.”

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. That’s when I noticed one female with orange hair standing on her toes. She was still alive!

Was she waiting to be hanged again? What the hell was the delay?? Her nipples were quite hard, so she was clearly aroused about something.

I noticed a second female, a brunette, who was also alive. She was standing flat-footed. But that didn’t last long, as she was suddenly hauled up into the air.

Almost immediately, she began kicking. She was quite animated as she danced and strangled. Would she stay up in the air? Or would the ride let her back down?

I tried to get a good look at her face. Was she scared or excited? It was hard to tell, although I thought I saw a certain element of enthusiasm in her performance.

I noticed Spooky watching her kick and twist. He certainly seemed fascinated by her dance. I must admit, it was pretty damned erotic.

What was he thinking? Did he really want to try it out? The ride – and that particular female air-dancer – certainly had his undivided attention.

There was just one hitch. We usually went on these rides together. What would I do if he asked me to ride it with him?

I turned back to the ride operator, as I had more questions for him. I wanted to know what I might be getting myself into if my companion decided he wanted to take it for a spin. “So tell me: how does it work?”

“The nooses randomly take you up and down. Sometimes you end up flat-footed for a while. Sometimes you’re up in the air for a minute or two.”

“A minute or two? Wouldn’t that kill you?”

“The ropes are kind of thick. I guess they don’t want the guests dying right away.”

“Any… accidents?”

He just looked at me in amazement. “You’re kidding; right? This is a hanging ride. It’s virtually nothing BUT accidents! You pay your fee and you take your chances, same as everyone else. I can’t guarantee what kind of random program the ride will give you. All I know is I can’t release you unless the ride dings at me.”

“Dings at you?”

“That bell I told you about.”

“Oh yeah… right.”

At that moment, the dancing woman came back down onto the wooden floor of the ride. She wobbled unsteadily upon her legs. I tried to determine if she wanted off. But according to the attendant, she would not be released until there was a loud ding from some bell.

Carnival music started to blare from a loudspeaker. The woman who’d just been lowered was lifted back up into the air. The woman on her toes was also pulled up.

The ride started to rotate slowly, setting every naked body in motion. The two women rasped for breath as they fought their nooses. The other bodies swung without any indication they were still alive.

The ride went on like that for about a minute until it stopped. Then the two women were lowered to the floor. They struggled to get their breath back as they tried to compose themselves.

I asked the attendant, “I take it that’s random too?”

“You got it.”

Spooky looked at the woman with orange hair as I watched the brunette. She saw me looking at her and blushed at my attention. Then she turned toward the attendant before asking, “I guess my ride’s not over yet?” He just smiled and shook his head.

I couldn’t resist as I called out, “Why? Do you want off?”

She breathlessly replied, “It doesn’t really matter what I want. I have to wait until it releases me.”

“Do you want to be released?”

She didn’t hesitate as she replied, “It doesn’t matter what I want. I’m committed now. So I have to stay here until the ride releases me.”

I turned to the attendant and asked, “Isn’t there some sort of manual override on her noose?”

He shook his head. “You heard the lady. She committed herself.”

“Yeah, but what if she hangs to death?”

“That’s the chance you take. Everyone who rides it signs a waiver.”

The woman with orange hair was suddenly pulled into the air. Spooky watched her as she promptly danced up a storm. The brunette watched her and inhaled sharply.

I watched for a few moments before calling out to the brunette, “Why are you riding that thing? Do you want to die?”

She blinked in confusion. “No. I mean yes. I mean no. I just wanted to…”

Her noose abruptly pulled her right back up before she could finish. At the same time, the other lady was lowered until she was flat on her feet. A lot of slack appeared in her rope, right before we heard a distinct bell.

The attendant immediately climbed onto the wooden platform and went over to her with a set of keys. Meanwhile, the brunette kicked and gyrated in her noose. Everyone else was in midair and appeared to be dead… unless they were quietly dying, too far gone to be saved.

The attendant removed the noose from the woman with orange hair before releasing her from the cuffs. She was none too steady, wobbling on her feet as she made her way down off the ride. “I thought I was a goner during that last spin,” she said to no one in particular, although by now I’d noticed there were several bystanders watching the show.

She slowly made her way over toward a row of wooden dressers. She pulled open a drawer and pulled out what I assumed were her clothes. Then she began dressing. I thought about asking her a question, but she seemed distracted.

The brunette was suddenly lowered. She rasped for breath as she ended up flat-footed. She was barely half a minute on her feet before the rope hauled her right back up into the air.

She let out a ragged gasp for breath. A moment later we heard a metallic sound, followed by some sort of buzzer. A red light flashed directly down upon her.

The attendant smiled as he called out to her, “Looks like your ride’s going to take you all the way to eternity, lady.” Then the music came back on. The ride began to swing her ‘round and ‘round, along with the other naked bodies.

She kicked and twisted as the ride kept swinging her by the place where Spooky and I were standing. Then it slowed and came to a stop. She kicked animatedly, her reddening face taking on a grimace of agony. Spooky’s eyes never left her as she danced her way toward her death.

She fought the noose for three or four minutes before she slowed down. Her struggles lessened quite a bit as the noose constricted around her throat. Then her bladder released.

The attendant noticed it right away. “Damn. I knew that was going to happen!” Then he climbed up onto the wooden floor and walked to the center of the ride.

He opened up a panel and pulled out what looked like some sort of floor squeegee. Then he pushed it back and forth underneath the woman. Most of her urine was pushed off the platform.

He quickly put the squeegee back where he’d retrieved it. Then he came back down and took up his position. When he caught us looking at him, he explained, “It helps to keep the floor as clean as possible to avoid slipping and breaking a bone.”

I pointed at the bodies and asked, “There are only two guys up there?”

“More females ride it than males. I don’t mind though. The ladies can be a little hesitant. But if a guy wants to do it, he just up and does it.”

“What happens when all the nooses are full?”

“I get to take a break. They leave the bodies up for an hour to make sure everyone is dead. Then a crew comes and takes them down, and the whole thing starts all over again.”

“How long does it take to fill the ride?”

The female voice asking the question caused me to turn with a start. I saw a blonde and a woman with jet black hair standing close by. I wasn’t sure, but I thought it was the blonde who’d spoken.

By now, the ride had certainly attracted a fair share of onlookers. But only the four of us – the two ladies along with Spooky and I – were this close. The others seemed to want to keep a safe distance back.

“It depends,” the attendant said to the blonde. “Sometimes it fills right up. Other times can take as much as an hour. It depends on how many people want to risk it.”

“Where do I sign?”

I frowned at my friend before shaking my head. I should have known. Then he looked at me before asking, “You’re riding it with me; right?”

I sarcastically retorted, “I hadn’t planned on committing suicide today, if that’s what you’re asking.”

He shrugged his shoulders as he went over to sign the paperwork the attendant was getting ready for him. The blonde immediately piped up, “I want to sign too!”

Her black-haired friend muttered, “Not a good idea, Trixie.”

“C’mon, Faye! It’ll be fun!” Then she walked over and signed as well.

I watched as her and Spooky undressed. They put their clothes in separate drawers. Then Spooky waved at me to come join him.

“This is not a good idea,” I muttered to myself as I went over to sign. Spooky just gave me a huge grin.

I had just finished with my signature when Trixie’s friend Faye came over. “Guess I’ll sign it too,” she muttered.

“Atta girl!” her blonde friend gushed excitedly. “Life is a risk! I want to live a little!”

“Don’t you mean ‘die a little’?” Faye muttered unhappily.

The attendant waited until we were all naked. Faye had a nice set of C’s on her chest, while her friend’s tits were a little larger. Trixie was clean-shaven, while Faye sported a trimmed landing strip.

Spooky’s dick was already saluting, indicating his arousal. Mine was just starting to stir. I couldn’t believe I was doing this with him!

My friend’s hands were cuffed behind his back before he was noosed between two dead women. Trixie was placed a short distance away, giving her a clear view of him. Faye and I got adjacent nooses.

I panted for breath as my dick stiffened even more. I looked at Faye who was definitely looking as anxious as I felt. Maybe we both should have just bowed out and let our friends play on this suicidal thrill-ride.

The attendant finished with us. Then he went over to his board. I think that’s when he activated our nooses.

I gasped as I was pulled up onto my toes. A moment later, Spooky and Faye were hauled right up into the air. They started kicking as Trixie gasped, “Fuck; that’s hot! Wow; his dick’s really hard now!”

The carnival music came back on. I nearly panicked as my feet left the floor of the ride. Trixie was lifted up until the four of us were airborne.

The ride slowly began to rotate. I tried not to kick too much. I was afraid I might lethally tighten the rope around my throat.

Spooky was already humping the air. Trixie rasped as she watched him in wide-eyed wonder. Then she appeared to hump the air as well.

Fay and I tried our best to ride the damned thing without making things worse for ourselves. But it was difficult not to fight my noose. Instinct made me want to kick like crazy.

It felt like an incredibly long minute or so before the ride came to a stop. We were all lowered until we were flat-footed. Then Trixie and I were taken back up into the air.

I tried to resist, but it was nearly impossible. My cock had stiffened up of its own accord. There was nothing I could do to make it soften.

I saw Faye looking right at me. Then she let out a gawk as she was lifted back up into the air. She could not remain still, and she kicked quite a bit.

Spooky was taken up into the air as I was let down. Trixie came down and then went back up. Faye really struggled before she was lowered to the floor of the ride.

How long was this going to go on? What if the damned ride wanted to claim me? Why the hell had I agreed to this?

The carnival music came back on as Faye and I were hauled back up. Then the ride began to rotate again. My cock was really stiff from my strangulation.

We were about half a minute into our circular motion when I heard the buzzer. A red light flashed down upon poor Faye. Her expression turned into one of alarm. Then she began to wriggle as the ride slowed down and came to a stop.

She was left dangling in the air, kicking more and more. Then Trixie was lowered. Her bell went off as she got a ton of slack in her rope.

I was lowered as the attendant went and released Trixie. Spooky was lowered, only to be pulled right back up into the air. Then I heard the buzzer again before a red light flashed down upon him as well.

Faye’s death dance really became animated. Trixie watched her in awe. Then Spooky’s cock went off as he really fought his noose.

I was mentally begging the machine to set me free. Then I was hauled into the air again. I panicked as I really started kicking.

It felt like ten or fifteen seconds before I was lowered back down. I heard the bell, followed by my rope getting a lot of slack. To my relief, the attendant came over and set me free.

About that time, Faye’s bladder gave way as she shuddered in her noose. The attendant went to get his squeegee to clean it up. He was just finishing up when Spooky’s cock began to dribble urine as well.

I went over to retrieve my clothes. Trixie was right there getting hers as well. She gasped, “Hell of a ride, wasn’t it?” I just nodded my head, afraid any word I might say would earn me another ride.

We got dressed and went to join the other onlookers. Spooky and Faye were dangling quietly. It didn’t seem right Faye had been the one to hang when it was her friend Trixie who’d wanted to ride the damned thing.

Trixie came over to me and grabbed my arm. “Looks like our friends get to stay with the ride. So I guess we’re alone now. Wanna go hang out for a while?”

I looked over at Spooky who was dangling quietly. I wasn’t sure hanging around with Trixie would be a wise idea. But I decided… why not?

I took one last look at her friend Faye. Trixie saw me looking at her and remarked, “She looks hot hanging there; doesn’t she?” I wanted to tell her it should have been her hanging there, but I didn’t.

“C’mon,” she gasped excitedly as she pulled my arm. “Let’s go see what other kind of trouble we can get ourselves into.” Then she led me away from the noose ride and our two dangling, deceased friends.

2023 (written for Spooky Mar 1 ’23 by riwa. Inspired by the manip he did off an original artwork by noosegirl.)

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