Category Archives: Dorothy and her friends

Stories inspired by or written for Riwa’s UK friends.

Hook 13 2.2 (9)

He comes to her during a break in her work schedule at the slaughterhouse. But after they have sex, he does something totally unexpected that is both arousing and horrifying! Continue reading

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Ducking Dottie 3.2 (22)

I tie Dottie to a ducking stool and then give her a good ducking. Continue reading

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Drowning in rainwater 3.9 (21)

Dorothy is taken for a ride by her brother-in-law to an abandoned farmhouse. There she is stripped naked, bound, and then dumped into a tank of rainwater so that he can get off watching her drown. Continue reading

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Iron Maidens 3.6 (19)

Zilpha and her half-sister Dorothy are ravaged by their brother-in-law. Then he has each one placed inside an Iron Maiden to torture and kill them so that he can dispose of the evidence of his adultery with them. Continue reading

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Bonus story: The bogs of Dartmoor 3.8 (13)

Brian and Dorothy are somehow lured to the bogs of Dartmoor where they end up getting trapped in a bog and drowned in the presence of a couple of ghosts. Continue reading

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Slaughter in accordance with the law 3.7 (23)

Dorothy and Aneeqa get pulled over for speeding and driving under the influence, a capital offense in the county they find themselves in. But attempting to bribe the officers compounds the trouble they are already in. Continue reading

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Iron Maiden on New Year’s Eve 4.5 (35)

I show Zilpha an iron maiden on New Year’s Eve and invite her to try it out. Continue reading

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A short interrogation 2.8 (24)

What happens when Dorothy and her brothel girls are interrogated by the Gestapo during WW II and choose not to give satisfactory answers? Continue reading

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Last thoughts (Judicial hanging) 2.9 (34)

The last thoughts of Dorothy and Zilpha as they are arrested in a foreign country for immoral behavior, given a sham trial, raped by prison guards, locked into the stocks out in the courtyard and whipped… and then marched through town to the gallows where they are hanged for their crimes. Continue reading

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Sandy’s Surprise 3.7 (54)

Sandy surprises him with a firing squad execution of sweet Priscilla. But Sandy gets a surprise of her own when Dorothy shows up. Continue reading

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