Drowning in rainwater


I love your story, which is just about word for word as I see it in my fantasy. It is a fantastic turn on for me. I have another one too, fantasizing that my brother-in-law takes me for a ride in his car. We come across a disused, deep water tank full of clear rain water. He looks at the tank, then longingly at me. I say, “Would you like to put me in there?” and in a whisper he says, “yes, Dorothy.” So he helps me undress, then ties my ankles just above my knees, and then ties my arms behind my back. I can see how aroused he is as he picks me up, gives me a gentle kiss, and drops me in. Two endings: first he just watches me kick and struggle. Then he pulls me out. Or, he watches me drown. It all depends on my mood which one I use. ~ Dorothy
My brother-in-law picks me up and takes me out to lunch to pump me for information on what to get my sister for her upcoming birthday. He’s a very nice chap, and we share a good meal together. As far as I’m concerned, she married a good man.

After lunch, he asks me if I want to go for a ride with him out to the country. He tells me I can give him any more tips I may have on how to please my sister. I tell him it sounds like fun, and we head out of the city.

He’s a rather handsome fellow, and I feel a certain stirring down below. But I would never do anything to hurt or betray my sister. Still, I find myself wondering what I would do if he ever asked me to do something… unusual. I have no idea such an opportunity is about to present itself.

I feel a shiver of unease when we pull off the highway. We head down a dirt road toward what looks like an abandoned farmhouse. “Where are we going?” I ask with a nervous laugh. “You’re not going to take me somewhere and drown me, are you?” It’s been a running joke between us ever since I let it slip that I enjoy drowning stories.

He looks at me, but says nothing. However I see this look in his eyes. That’s when I feel another shiver of unease. Where the bloody hell could he possibly be taking me?

We pull into the yard and stop over by the barn. Then he shuts off the engine. “I’ve got something to show you, Dorothy,” he tells me quietly. For some reason it sends another shiver rippling through me.

We get out of the car. He leads me over to this old barn. The ground slopes up a couple of feet to a large, circular metal container with a cover on top of it.

I’m shocked when he lifts the cover off and shows me the interior. It’s a partially buried water tank, one that is designed to catch rainwater. The water looks crystal clear.

I can see all the way to the bottom. It looks about eight feet deep and around six feet in diameter. I gasp in alarm as my heart leaps into my throat.

I turn to look at my brother-in-law in shock. There’s a strange look on his face. It sets me to trembling like mad.

“You want to put me in there, don’t you!” I gasp in astonishment.

“If you please, Dorothy,” he says, his words barely above a whisper.

Glancing down, I detect a very noticeable bulge in his trousers. Then he steps out of sight around the corner of the barn. When he returns, he has several coils of rope in his hands.

Suddenly I can’t move. My feet remain rooted in place. My breath catches in my throat.

I’m astonished to find myself so very, very wet. Bloody hell; this is insane!

My brother-in-law looks at me expectantly. Is he waiting for permission to truss me up? I can’t move, can’t think… can’t even speak. All I can think about is being dropped into that bloody tank!

He comes forward and begins to disrobe me, moving slowly and deliberately. “I want to see you naked, Dorothy,” he murmurs, a tone of excitement in his voice.

I can’t stop him. I can’t even move a bloody muscle!

I’m embarrassed as hell when he strips me naked. My nipples are hard as pebbles. I find myself dripping from a terrible arousal.

He doesn’t even touch me. He just stands there for a moment admiring my naked body. If anything, that bulge of his looks even bigger.

“You’re really turned on by all this; aren’t you, hun!” he observes as he turns me around. Then he ties my arms behind my back. I can’t help myself as I moan softly.

I have rubbery legs. I’m trembling so bad that it takes everything I have just to stand upright. Is this really happening??

“Can I tell you something?” he says as he bends down and ties my knees together. “I’ve got this image in my mind of you bubbling underwater, Dorothy. And it really turns me on. I hope you don’t mind my saying so.”

His words send a jolt of arousal running through me. I find myself trembling like a leaf.

I’m unable to utter a word as he moves further down and ties my ankles together. “I can tell how aroused you are, hun,” he murmurs softly. “Your nips are really hard, and your pussy is glistening. This must be making you wet. I didn’t fully understand until now. But I guess you really do have a drowning fetish, don’t you.”

He chuckles with amusement. I try to swallow the lump in my throat. Then he finishes with my feet.

He reaches out to steady me. I’m so unnerved – so terribly aroused – that I can hardly think straight. Then he steps around the corner of the barn one last time.

He returns almost immediately with a small block of cement in his hands. “Bloody hell!” I breathe, unable to stop trembling. He just smiles knowingly at me.

He leans down and ties the damned thing to my ankles. Then he rises to give me one last look. “You look sexy as hell. I really want to thank you for doing this.”

I swallow hard. My eyes are open in wide-eyed horror. I can’t believe how fearfully aroused I’ve become.

He gives me a peck on the forehead before looking deep into my eyes. “I hope you enjoy this as much as I’m going to, hun.” Then he picks me up and carries me over to the edge.

I try to find my voice to tell him to stop. But the words simply won’t come. Is this really going to happen?

He lets me go, and I fall backward, hitting the water with a splash. The next thing I know I’m cumming like gangbusters. My breath blows out of my body in massive bursts as I sink to the bottom, wildly thrashing and jerking about the entire time.

The cement block is not that heavy. But it’s certainly enough to take me straight to the bottom. I’m chilled by the cold water, and it almost steals my breath away.

When I look up, I see him standing there with his cock in his hand. He’s furiously stroking as he looks down at my predicament. In an instant I know I’m so fucking screwed.

I dolphin kick like mad for the surface, desperate to refill my aching lungs. Amazingly, I just barely make it. But I only have time to gasp quickly for breath before the block pulls me right back down. I wonder if it’s the only breath I’m ever going to get.

I sink to the bottom where I immediately start thrashing about, desperate to free myself. I kick hard, jerking against the cement block with my ankles. But this time I don’t have enough strength.

I used my one and only frantic burst of adrenaline to reach the surface. I’m too tired for another try. If he doesn’t reach down to pull me back up, I’m going to drown down here.

I look up at him in horror, watching him stroke himself as my lungs start to heave. The bloody bastard is so turned on watching me squirm and bubble down here. It’s a side of him I’ve never seen before.

I can feel another orgasm welling up inside me. It’s one I know will steal my breath away. This one will claim my life if he doesn’t intervene.

I look up at him, anxiously waiting for him to reach down and grab for me. But he just keeps standing there, looking down at me while eagerly stroking his cock. Why isn’t he reaching down to help me??

What if he’s going to put the lid back on top of me and leave me here? It might be weeks or months before someone stumbles upon my body. Bloody hell, it might be even longer!

Instinctively I thrash about, certain I’m going to drown. That’s when it goes off inside me with a massive eruption. Air bursts out of my mouth as my back arches.

A hot wave of pleasure surges through my body. Then my lungs give out. I gurgle as I get my first lungful of killing rainwater.

Instantly I’m sent me into painful spasms. My body convulses as I cough air out of my lungs, my breasts bouncing wildly. That’s when I see his cock go off. His seed arcs through the air to splatter into the water above me.

I cough and convulse painfully, more water rushing down my throat. Oddly, I can feel it invading my pussy and my arse as though brutally raping every one of my holes. That sets off another devastating climax, an orgasm that nearly obliterates my senses.

With one last cough my body goes limp until I gently sway back and forth. Stray bubbles slip out past my parted lips. My brother-in-law looks down on me with this smile of sexual satisfaction.

He zips back up. I do not hear him murmur, “Thanks, love. That was incredible! Watching you drown was bloody fantastic!”

If only I could still see. Then I would realize my worst fears are being confirmed. He takes the lid and solemnly covers me with it, leaving me entombed within the large tank of rainwater.

2011; 2021 (written for and inspired by Dorothy Dec 29 ’11; ed. Jan 27 ‘21 by riwa)

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