Joia 15-16



“No!” Joia gasped. “Mistress, I beg of you! Marsona is innocent of any wrongdoing!”

“I do not heed the word of one who conspires against Master!” she spat back at her. A moment later the door opened and Marsona came out flanked by the guards.

The first thing Marsona saw was the back of the truck in her direct line of vision. The naked bodies of Avelina and Osanna were sprawled carelessly, their severed heads strewn about haphazardly. As tears filled her eyes, she spotted her beloved friend and ran to her, breaking away from her escorts. They did not go after her.

Marsona hugged Joia as the two shed tears for each other. “Enough!” Mistress told them callously.

She tried to pry them apart, causing the two guards to come over and pull Marsona away. Clemencia angrily addressed Joia’s dear friend. “Perhaps you would care to enlighten me why the lips of your sisters remain silent.”

“Because Joia is innocent,” Marsona said bravely, trying to stand proud. “We will speak to Master.”

“You will confess to her guilt or you will die with her!”

Joia looked at her friend with pleading eyes to save herself. But Marsona remained resolute. “If I confess to anything, it will only be to Master. I know of your plan to destroy us all. You will live to regret this day.”

“STRAP HER DOWN!” Clemencia bellowed in a rage.

Joia shook her head, crying “No… no…” Her friend was strapped down onto the wooden slab. Parts of it were now stained with the blood of her slain sisters.

Marsona tried to catch her breath. It was obvious to Joia her friend was all too aware of her impending death. The young woman’s naked chest rose and fell.

Joia was surprised to notice how erect the poor girl’s nipples had become. It sent chills of dreadful excitement racing through her. It shamed her for experiencing such feelings, especially at the impending death of her dear Marsona.

“I think I shall enjoy this one,” Mistress observed with a lecherous sneer. Joia cried out in shock, her eyes wide as she shook her head in denial.

She heard Marsona’s last words…”I love you, Joia!” followed by Clemencia’s… “Slay the wretch!” The executioners hand went up for the rope. Then the blade fell.

There was a solid thunk. Marsona’s head lazily tumbled backward. Where her head bounced, little clumps of reddened earth stuck to her hair and cheek.

Joia cried out as it shuddered warmly through her body, a shameful response to the loss of her friend. Then she wept bitterly as though her heart had been rent in two.

She sobbed as the executioner lifted up Marsona’s head. There was a look of surprise on the young woman’s face. For a few seconds Joia was certain her friend could still see and hear all. Then the expression sagged tiredly, setting Joia to wailing anew.

“Weep not for her, you wretched girl,” Clemencia told her. “You will see her again quite soon, I can assure you.” Then she paused, looking at her with cruel amusement.

“I tire of this game. Besides, the new girls will be here soon.” Then she snapped her fingers.

Marsona’s naked, headless torso was unstrapped. Then it was casually tossed into the back of the truck. The blade was dutifully prepared as yet another of her sisters was brought out.

Pavia wasn’t even questioned. When Mistress pointed, the guards set about to strapping her down right away.

Pavia saw the contents of the back of the truck. She saw Joia and her tear-stained cheeks. Then she was upon her back almost immediately, whimpering with fright as her chest heaved.

There was no time permitted for her to speak, no time for her to even question why she was being killed. All she got out of her mouth was a questioning “Mistress???” before the blade fell.

Joia winced and shuddered from a mixture of excitement and revulsion. The young woman’s body was unstrapped. Then it was tossed unceremoniously into the back of the truck along with the others.

The executioner paused long enough to pick up her head. He showed it to Clemencia who acknowledged it with a nod. Then he tossed it into the truck as well before turning to prepare his machine for the next one.

It was the same with Susanna, Lora and Olive. Each one was brought out, strapped down and summarily beheaded. Not a single question was asked of them.

Joia became numb with grief. She no longer tried to hold back the disgusting sensations that kept coursing through her body. She knew now that part of her horrific punishment would be to watch all of her sisters die before her. It was almost more than she could bear.

Poor Mirabel was absolutely terrified when she was brought out. She stiffened upon viewing the growing pile of headless bodies in the truck. Then she offered to speak.

This one was willing to testify to anything that would spare her life. Joia bore her no ill will. But it did not matter.

Clemencia ignored her cries. A motion with her head at the executioner had the young woman slain immediately. Mirabel’s scream of terror was cut off as the blade swooped down with a loud thump.

Poor Sabelina suffered the least. She observed the naked, headless bodies of her sisters piled haphazardly in the back of the truck. Heads were scattered every which way. It was too much, and she simply fainted where she stood.

She was limp and unmoving when she was strapped down. She appeared to suffer the loss of her head unaware until the fatal moment. Joia was thankful for the one small mercy fate had decided to give to the poor girl.

Ediva was brought out last. She was similar in age and build as Joia. She immediately observed the pile of bodies in the truck.

She caught sight of Joia and the devastated look in the young woman’s haunted eyes. Then she was taken to the wooden slab and strapped down. Strangely, she did not speak, perhaps out of shock or because she simply knew it would serve no purpose.

Clemencia cruelly brought her bound captive over to her last living sister. “Do you have anything you wish to say to your fellow conspirator before I claim her head?”

Joia noticed how hard the poor girl’s nipples had become. Despite her sorrow, she was again filled with a sense of shameful excitement. “I will see you soon, Ediva,” she responded sadly. “I am so sorry. I love you all. Say hello to Ysabella for me.”

“We will all be waiting for you, Joia,” Ediva sniffled as tears welled up in her eyes.

Up close Joia could see how frightened the poor girl was. She quickly took in how the young body was trembling in the straps. She felt it swell disgracefully within her, the prelude to yet another internal eruption of warm pleasure as more tears streamed down her cheeks.

Clemencia allowed no more speech. With a nod of her head at the executioner, the blade fell abruptly. Joia winced and then shuddered as the head of her last sister tumbled onto the bloody ground. Ediva’s body bucked twice and then twitched within the straps.

“Let her see her face!” Mistress ordered.

The executioner bent down and lifted up the severed head by the hair. Tears filled Joia’s eyes as she looked into the wide-eyed expression of her slain sister.

She could see the trickle of blood out of the open mouth. She observed the faint twitching of the eyes and lips. Poor Ediva’s soul had not yet departed.

The expression sagged tiredly. Then the life left her eyes. Joia began to wail anew over the loss of her companions.

Clemencia pulled her away to allow the guards to remove the naked body. Despite the many waves of disgraceful pleasures she had felt, Joia’s body was wracked with sobs at the knowledge the last of her sisters had been executed. Her fears and Marsona’s observations had proven correct. Mistress had indeed wanted them all dead.

At that moment there was a rumble in the compound. Joia and Mistress both turned to look as a convoy of vehicles pulled in. For a moment she felt a faint hope that Master had returned and that perhaps she might get to gaze upon his face once more before she joined her sisters in eternal rest. But it was not Master’s convoy.

“What exceptional timing this is!” Mistress remarked as she saw the truckload of females start to back up. She beamed with pleasure. “Out with the old; in with the new!”

Joia saw the new girls were looking back at her. She locked eyes with one of them. The poor thing appeared to be shocked, no doubt wondering what Joia might have done to be displayed so shamefully.

It reminded the young woman of a day that now seemed so long ago when she and her captive sisters had entered the compound. On that day she herself had witnessed a young woman lose her head. Those girls were in for quite a shock. Joia felt bad for them.

“As you can see,” Clemencia told her with cruel amusement. “You are going to be replaced. Master will not miss you any more than he misses any of the previous girls he has taken pleasure from. And surely he will miss none of those girls over there when the next truck arrives one day to replace them.” Then with a smile of triumph, she turned her over to the two guards, telling them to free her arms and then strap her down.

2010; 2021 (written for Aravanna and Hitomi Mar 15 ’10; ed. Jun 21 ‘21 by riwa)


Much of the wooden slab was slickened with the blood of her companions. Joia gasped as she was placed upon it, sliding a little in the sticky substance. Then her head was pushed through the opening.

The top section of the lunette was brought down with a clack, locking her neck into place. Her arms were pinned to her sides. Leather straps cinched tightly across her quivering flesh.

She could not help staring upward at the blade above her. It was stained and dripping with the life blood of her slaughtered sisters. A couple of droplets splattered onto her neck, causing her to inhale sharply with dread.

Joia’s vision was quite limited. She could not see past her neck to the rest of her body. It made her feel extremely vulnerable.

She panted heavily as though unable to catch her breath. Her chest heaved as she tried in vain to calm herself. She was now fully enveloped by the terror – and perverse excitement – of her situation.

Instinctively she squirmed anxiously as though testing the straps that held her in place. “A rather interesting sensation, is it not?” she heard Clemencia tell her. Then she saw the leer in the sadistic woman’s face as Mistress bent over her.

“The anticipation… that feeling of terrified helplessness. Do you suppose your sisters felt the same way once they found themselves in this situation? Are you feeling it now? Tell me: do you feel the responsibility that now rests upon you, the judgment that will soon sever your head from your body?”

Joia did not respond. A part of her just wanted to get it over with. But she couldn’t help whimpering.

She felt a terrible excitement, unlike anything she’d ever felt before. She was afraid, yet incredibly aroused. Her little nipples felt as though they might actually pop off.

“What is this?” she heard Mistress observe. A moment later she felt a hand caress her swollen mounds before fingers explored her swollen nipples.

Joia’s face went crimson. She was embarrassed upon realizing her disgracefully excited state had been discovered. She whimpered pitifully, wishing the blade would just fall and end her great shame.

“And this?” Mistress continued.

Joia felt a hand touch her crotch. It poked, prodded and explored. Her arousal had been fully discovered, further amplifying her humiliation.

“Do you find your situation exciting, little one? It’s a shame Master is not here to share this moment with you. However…”

Clemencia paused as though considering a further course of action. Joia trembled with fear and a perverse thrill. She was afraid she might erupt with internal pleasure at any moment from the shameful feelings she was experiencing. It would be the final humiliation, one Clemencia was sure to observe.

“It is my understanding she has found favor with Master,” she heard Mistress tell someone. “You may find that out for yourselves, if you so desire. In fact, I fully authorize it.”

Joia was alarmed. What did that mean? What more did Clemencia have in store for her? Wasn’t losing her head enough??

She heard a disturbing rustling sound. Joia panted heavily as she stiffened with alarm. She was even more afraid now, afraid of what else they might do to her before the final moment.

Her fear and excitement intensified, the shame increasing as she awaited her fate. Then she yelped as hands spread her legs wide. A moment later she felt a violation.

It was a penetration similar to what she experienced whenever Master was using her…

Joia gasped in horror as she understood what was being done to her. She cried out in revulsion as she was filled by a male penis. Then it swelled within her.

Despite her best efforts, she could hold it back no longer. Memories of Master’s tenderness and the pleasures they shared fully enveloped her. She shuddered shamefully, embarrassed at the pleasure she experienced.

The executioner’s penis suddenly appeared above her, causing her to let out a cry. She felt him grab a handful of hair by the back of her head. Then her head was tipped back as he thrust into her mouth.

Joia felt her body start to rock back and forth as the guard between her legs thrust in and out of her. She gurgled with her mouth full. A wave of self-loathing swept through her.

Even though she was powerless to stop it, she felt that the violation had soiled her. They had desecrated her body in such a way that she was no longer worthy to serve for Master’s pleasure now. What’s more she could feel her body begin to respond.

Her eyes started to fill with tears of sorrow and humiliation. Then her mind reprocessed the event. It was no longer the executioners… it was Master. This she could rationalize, and her body responded even more.

She heard a grunt of satisfaction. Joia recognized the sensation of a man depositing his seed inside her. It was just as Master had done many times before.

It was too much for her. Joia was overcome by a warm wave of intense pleasure. The blade… the humiliation… Clemencia standing nearby to observe… she gave herself over to it all. After all; life had become short. What did it matter now?

The executioner began to fill her mouth with his seed. She choked and gurgled as it spilled out around the corners of her mouth. Still, she lowered her defenses and gave in to the inevitable as her body responded in kind.

Tears filled her eyes she felt herself being violated once again, tears of pleasure and humiliation. Then Clemencia came into her field of vision. “Is this why Master likes you so much?” she asked with a chuckle.

Joia got out a sob before the executioner stepped back. Another penis appeared and was thrust into her mouth. It was a degradation of the worst sort – being violated before she was to be executed, just like what had been done to poor Gemina.

Joia gave in to the pleasurable sensations as though she was with Master in his private chamber. She even felt a violation of her rectum. Yet she still responded the way she had when Master had penetrated her thus, experiencing warm waves of pleasure amidst the pain of the violation.

When it was finally over, Joia panted weakly as tears streaked down her cheeks. Then Mistress stepped forward into her line of sight. “It gives me great pleasure to do this myself,” Clemencia told her with a cruel smile.

She took up the rope as though eager to do the deed herself. Joia felt a sudden surge of terror mixed with incredible excitement. Her eyes widened as she trembled against the straps that held her in place.

“Just one duty left to perform before I go help the new girls settle in,” Mistress told her with a leer. “Perhaps now you have learned, little one. No one will ever take my place here in the compound.”

Joia gasped in horror, steeling herself as her chest rose and fell dramatically. She felt something massive begin to swell within her. But she made no effort to stop it as she tried to catch her breath. Besides, what would it matter now? She was about to lose her head.

“Make sure she is left next to Ysabella,” Mistress told the guards as she looked down at the trembling young woman. “That will be a fitting end for a common criminal. Together their bodies will nourish the wild animals.”

Mistress paused dramatically. Joia could not take her eyes off the blade. At that moment her senses felt sharper than at any other time in her life.

She tasted the remnants of the multiple discharges in her mouth. It reminded her one last time of Master. Oh, how she was going to miss him.

Her nipples were so hard they hurt. She was shamefully aware of the cream leaking out of her holes. She felt like she was teetering on the precipice, caught between great pleasure and unbridled terror.

The morning sky never seemed so blue, nor the air so clear. She thought she could hear the faint cries of alarm from the truckload of girls that surely must be watching in horror. Then she saw Mistress release the rope.

As the blade came down, Joia felt an incredible eruption of intense warmth inside her. It was stronger than any other similar sensation she had ever felt before. For a moment she thought she would be battered into oblivion before the blade even reached her.

There was a sharp pain in her neck moments before her world tumbled dizzily. She felt blood and earth upon her face. Then she tasted blood and ejaculate in her mouth.

For a moment she was suddenly looking up at the sky. Then she was lifted up into the air so that she could see the faces of the new girls in the truck watching her. Amazingly she could hear their screams of horror.

She was turned yet again until she saw her naked body, bucking instinctively against the straps. Her legs were spread disgracefully. A part of her understood, yet she still thought it odd she could not feel any part of her body below her neck.

She saw the guards looking at her. Then she was swung around until she found herself facing Clemencia’s grinning visage. “Say hello to your sisters for me, little one.”

The voice was cruel and compassionless. But it seemed to have come from far away. Then her vision failed her.

For a moment there was a grey darkness. Then it lifted like a fog. Joia was surprised to see her sisters coming toward her in flowing gowns.

They were smiling warmly at her as Marsona lead them. But as they approached, they parted to reveal Ysabella who came right up to her. Tears of joy filled her eyes as she and her matron hugged warmly…

…and then her vision failed her for the final time…


If Clemencia believed Master would simply move on from Joia, she was mistaken. It seems she had severely miscalculated just how much the young woman had stolen his heart. He was instantly suspicious of the plot Mistress laid out before him once he returned from his travels.

He immediately questioned the executioner, several of the guards and a couple of the matrons. The truth was fully exposed within a very short time. If there ever was a plot, it apparently had manifested only within the dark recesses of Clemencia’s jealous mind.

It was revealed to Master how cruelly Ysabella and Joia had been treated. It was also revealed how their bodies had been disposed of out in the deep woods. Master was infuriated.

Clemencia was taken down to the lower room where she was severely flogged. Afterwards, she was taken out where she was strapped down under the blade. All of the guards were allowed to have their way with her. Ironically she was forced to experience the very same indignities she had subjected Joia to.

As a final punishment, her holes were burned just as she had done to poor Alviva. Her agonized screams were silenced only by the falling blade. When her head was finally lifted up, she was allowed to gaze upon Master’s angry countenance. He had come out specifically to watch the loss of her head.

She was conscious long enough to hear him order her remains to be taken out to the deep woods and left for the wild animals. The scream of horror she heard was only in her mind. Then her consciousness faded away.

Master sent guards out to retrieve the remains of Joia and her matron, what little they could recover. They were tenderly buried side by side in a special place outside the compound.

He visited the grave often. It was a long time before his grief was exhausted. As a result, the truck was sent out less often.

There were fewer executions. His heart had been softened. But no matter how long he searched or who was brought in to his private chamber, no one could fill his heart like Joia had done.

2010; 2021 (written for Aravanna and Hitomi Mar 15 ’10; ed. Jul 31 ‘21 by riwa)

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