You’re next


Dawn calmly made her way down the corridor. She tried to put on an air of indifference. But deep down, she was extremely nervous.

For all intents and purposes, this was going a little too far. All she wanted to do was achieve an orgasm. She’d been promised she would experience one here. But there was a pretty steep price to pay.

Light shown through an open doorway. She heard a cheerful female voice call out, “Are you ready in there?” There was no response.

“Ok; here goes!” Then she thought she heard the sound of jetting water.

Dawn reached the door and stepped inside. She’d been told what to expect. But what she saw still made her gasp.

A naked woman was strapped to a chair inside a glass tank that was now filling with water. Her legs were obscenely spread. Dawn saw something pink going in and out of her crotch.

Water rapidly rose up inside the tank. “Deep breath now!” the cheery, naked blonde at the control valve declared.

The woman in the tank appeared to inhale deeply. A moment later, the water flowed up over the top of her head. It kept rising as bubbles came up through the jetting water from the two pipes inside with her.

Dawn watched as the water filled the tank before the sound of piped water diminished. “Now hold your breath and enjoy the ride! This is just to get you used to holding your breath while being fully submerged! I’ll drown you on the next one!”

The female in the tank looked past the woman at the controls. The blonde turned to see what she was looking at. That’s when she spied the redhead in the doorway.

“Are you Dawn?” The newcomer nodded her head as she stared in awe at the woman in the tank.

“It’s ok; you can come in and watch if you want.” Then she was cheerily waved to come closer.

Dawn slowly approached the glass tank. The woman inside smiled at her. Then she appeared to stiffen and shudder as though she was cumming. Her nipples were extremely pointed.

“That’s Hope Marie,” the blonde explained. “We got her on loan from Aquafantasies. She’s done a lot of underwater work. When she heard Dr. Crocker was conducting drowning experiments with our oxygenated water, she wanted to try it for herself.”

Hope Marie’s chest began to hitch as her stomach rippled. “Just a few seconds more!” the blonde called out to her. Hope winced and nodded.

She began to writhe against the pink object thrusting in and out. She shuddered again, losing a lot of air as she writhed in the chair. “Hold on!” the blonde told her. “I’m draining it now!”

She twisted the valve. The water level dropped rapidly. Hope lost another huge burst of bubbles before the water dropped below her mouth.

“Fuck!” came an entombed gasp from inside the glass tank. “That was intense!”

“You think that was intense! Just wait until I drown you!” The blonde giggled as Hope Marie panted heavily for breath.

Dawn walked up to the glass and peered into the tank. Hope kept panting, although she gave the redhead a weak smile. “Did you just cum?” Dawn asked quietly.

“What did you say?”

Dawn spoke louder. “I said, ‘Did you just cum’!”

Hope Marie smiled before replying, “Yeah… twice.”

“You came twice??”

“Holding my breath often does that to me. This toy up my pussy doesn’t hurt either.”

“You ready in there, Hope? I’m gonna drown you now!”

The women in the tank smiled at the blonde as she replied, “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Ok; here goes!”

She spun the wheel. Water came rushing back into the tank. Hope Marie began inhaling deeply.

Dawn slowly walked around to the other side of the woman at the controls. The blonde looked at her and apologized. “I’m sorry. I didn’t introduce myself. My name’s Marilyn.”

The redhead incredulously looked her up and down. “You’re the… you’re the assistant??”

“Dr. Crocker lets me help out around here. Besides, it really turns me on when I get to watch him drown the subjects.”

“And you’re going to drown her now?”

“That’s right,” the woman replied with an eager smile. Then Marilyn turned to the girl in the tank and called out, “Deep breath, and then hold it until you can’t hold it anymore!”

Hope Marie took a big breath as the water rose up her neck. It quickly swirled up past her face and kept going. Air trickled out of her nose as bubbles streamed out through both pipes pumping water into the tank.

“She’s gonna love this,” Marilyn explained to Dawn as she pushed a button. The pink object immediately began thrusting in and out of Hope Marie, causing the submerged woman to wince as she stiffened.

“I love watching ‘em cum as they drown,” she explained to Dawn. “It really turns me on.” Then she called out to the woman in the tank, “Hold your breath for as long as you can!”

Hope nodded as she winced again. She lost a few bubbles out of her mouth. Then her crotch appeared to stiffen and shudder as though she was fucking the object inside her.

“Gawd; that’s hot!” Marilyn breathed as she looked at the subject in the tank. “She’s a cum-bunny when she’s underwater. This is her third experiment for Dr. Crocker.

“Her third??”

Dawn was shocked. But she was also having a hard time looking away. She was aroused by what she was witnessing. But for her, arousal was not the same as experiencing the big “O”.

“I read your profile,” Marilyn told a startled Dawn. “I can’t wait to make you cum as I drown you.”

“I can’t cum,” Dawn replied matter-of-factly. “That’s why I came here.”

Marilyn was skeptical. “Oh really? Well, we’ll just see about that.”

At that moment, Hope Marie lost a huge burst of bubbles as she writhed against the object in her pussy. She gurgled away more of her breath as her chest heaved. Then she started gulping water.

“Gawd; there she goes!” Marilyn breathed softly. “Just look at her go. My gawd; that’s hot!” Then she turned toward Dawn as she grinned, “You’re next, you know.”

Dawn looked at Marilyn in shock. Then she looked into the tank. Hope Marie was instinctively fighting against her bindings as she kept gulping water.

“Look at her cum as she drowns,” Marilyn breathed. “Gawd; I love this job!”

A few stray bubbles came out of Hope’s gaping mouth. She looked like she was still gyrating against the object thrusting inside her. Marilyn murmured, “She can’t stop cumming. I think that’s why she loves it so much.”

Dawn looked at the woman who was no longer struggling. Was her chest swelling a little?? It looked like she was breathing. But how was that possible?

Marilyn turned the valve. The water quickly drained away. Then she pushed another button.

The door behind Hope opened as two orderlies in lab coats rushed in. They freed her from the chair with surprising speed. Then they strapped her down to a gurney Dawn could just barely make out beyond the door.

Marilyn motioned. “Around that corner. There’ll be a couple of orderlies waiting to assist you.”

“Aren’t you going to ask me if I’m going to change my mind?”

Marilyn smiled knowingly. “I really don’t think I need to do that; do I?”

Dawn sighed as she shook her head. “No, I suppose not.”

She went around the chamber to another door. She went through, only to find a couple of different orderlies waiting for her. She didn’t say anything; what would be the point?

They barely acknowledged her nudity as they escorted her right through the bulkhead door into the tank. Then they assisted her in impaling herself upon the pink object. Afterwards, they strapped her down in the chair to the point where she could hardly move.

Marilyn smiled at her from the other side of the glass. The two orderlies finished securing her before they left. A moment later, she heard the door seal shut behind her.

“All comfy?” Marilyn loudly called out to her. Dawn just nodded. Would it do any good if she said otherwise?

The blonde wasted no time turning the water on. It rushed into the tank all around her feet. It was cool, but Dawn decided it wasn’t all that cold.

Dawn suddenly felt a buzzing inside her as the object began to thrust in and out. She had to admit it felt good. But she’d had objects inside her before, often with minimal results.

“Feel good?” Marilyn called out to her.

“It’s ok!” Dawn loudly called back in an effort to be heard.

“Just ok?”

Dawn tried to shrug her shoulders. But that was difficult, being as how she was tightly secured to the chair in the tank.

The blonde smiled wickedly at her. “So you’re going to be a challenge, eh? Fair enough!”

The water quickly rose up to her neck. Dawn panted heavily for breath, inhaling deeply as she expected it to keep right on going. But to her surprise, Marilyn turned the wheel, stopping the flow.

“Do you feel like you’re ready to cum now?”

Dawn called back, “Not yet!”

“Then hold your breath for as long as you can!”

Marilyn twisted the valve. Dawn took a deep breath. A moment later, water rose up her face and over her head.

She worked to keep the water out of her nose. The sound of pumping water finally stopped. Dawn held her breath while looking out at the eager assistant.

Marilyn grinned as she looked in on her. “Try this!” Then the object in her pussy really began buzzing and thrusting.

Dawn lost a couple bubbles as she adjusted to the object pumping into her. She had to admit that it felt pleasurable. But it didn’t feel like she was going to cum just yet. Was this all going to prove to be just another disappointment?

Marilyn grinned in at her. “How’s it feel now?” Dawn nodded her head that it felt enjoyable.

“Feel like you’re going to cum yet?” Dawn appeared to think it over before shaking her head.

Marilyn smiled knowingly at her. “Let’s see if you change your tune once your lungs start aching.”

The strain in her chest became telling. It was getting harder to hold her breath. And a part of her certainly felt like she wanted to cum.

She tried to urge things along. But she couldn’t seem to coax her body into allowing an orgasm to overtake her. It felt good, all right. But it just wasn’t happening.

She began losing bursts of bubbles as she struggled to hold her breath. A moment later, she heard the sound of water draining. She strained with all her might until the water dropped past her face, allowing her to inhale deeply to catch her breath.

She panted heavily as the water drained away. Marilyn smiled as she called out, “Feel good in there?”

“Feels nice!” Dawn called back.


“Nothing yet!”

Marilyn’s face fell. “Ok. Let’s drown you and see what happens then.”

Dawn’s eyes opened wide in alarm. The blonde looked at her with amusement. “What’s wrong? You did volunteer for Dr. Crocker’s experiment, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, but I… I guess I was…”

“Was what?” Marilyn wanted to know. Then she spun the valve.

Water began flowing into the chamber. That’s when Dawn began hyperventilating like crazy. Maybe the assistant would only make her hold her breath longer before letting her breathe again.

“Big breath!” the naked blonde warned. “Hold it until you can’t hold it any longer!”

“Ok, I’ll try!”

The water quickly rose up to her neck. The assistant made a show of taking a big breath. Dawn matched her just in time. A moment later, the water quickly rose up her face and then past her forehead.

She heard water pumping until the sound stopped. Then the object inside her started thrusting again. Dawn liked it… even appreciated it. But it was not doing that much for her, at least not at the moment.

She looked out at the blonde. Wait; what was she doing? Was she masturbating?? It sure looked like Marilyn was touching herself all over.

“I hope you don’t mind! You’re the last one of the day! I’ve been putting this off, and now I wanna cum too!”

Dawn didn’t know how to react. It was a bit of a shock. But it was kind of erotic having some woman get herself off while watching her.

She felt the strain return to her lungs. But she resolved to hold her breath for as long as she could. Strangely, a part of her was half-expecting Marilyn to drain the water before anything bad happened to her.

The object thrust in and out of her as though determined to force an orgasm out of her. But her body seemed to fight against it despite wanting the sexual release. Was she fighting it on purpose?

She looked at Marilyn in growing alarm. Was the blonde really going to drown her?? Maybe she didn’t want to risk that after all. If she could find some way of climaxing, maybe the water would be drained before she started to drown.

Her lungs ached as her stomach rippled. She was running out of breath. Now she really wanted the assistant to drain the tank!

Could she fake an orgasm? Maybe she could fake it. Then maybe the blonde would drain the tank for her.

She tried to wriggle and writhe around. Marilyn groped and fondled herself as she grinned in at her. “Don’t worry, Dawn! I’m gonna make sure you drown in there! I don’t know about you! But I’m gonna cum so hard watching your lungs flood!”

Dawn felt a surge of terror ripple through her. She frantically shook her head as more bubbles trickled out of her nose, other bubbles spurting through her clenched lips. Marilyn just grinned at her as she panted heavily before loudly gasping, “Here it comes, Dawn; whether you like it or not! Enjoy the ride, orgasm or not!”

Dawn cried out in panic as she lost the last of her breath. It swelled within her until it felt like it was about to overwhelm her. But she was too frightened of drowning to want to continue the experiment.

She kept shaking her head as though begging the assistant to drain the tank. Then she gulped a huge mouthful of water. Her next gulp pulled water down her windpipe.

Dawn coughed painfully, only for her body to suck down more water into her lungs. Then she began hitching and spasming. My gawd; the bitch was actually drowning her!

It went off like a volcano having been blocked all those years. Dawn felt it erupt inside her, washing warmly throughout her entire body. With each gulp of water, it felt like she was being sexually violated.

Outside the tank, Marilyn let out an orgasmic cry as she watched her. Her fingers were buried up her slit as she winced, writhed and humped. Then she began gasping, “Yes-yes-yes-drown-drown-drown-yes-yes-ohgawd, yes!”

Each gulp of water seemed to trigger another flush of warmth through her body. Dawn hitched and gurgled as her mind screamed. The object felt like it was raping her!

Marilyn was ecstatic. She had never seen somebody drown like this before. It was so incredibly erotic that she just kept cumming and cumming.

Dawn was gulping water less and less. But with each gulp, she seemed to hitch and hump anew. Another gulp, and she was cumming all over again.

Marilyn waited until Dawn made one last distinct gulping movement, triggering yet another erotic shudder that ran through her. The blonde let out a weak cry as she grabbed onto the valve to steady herself. This one had been the best one ever!

Dawn’s mouth gaped open in shock. A few stray bubbles slipped out past her parted lips. The object thrusting into her forced one last, minor orgasm out of her quivering, naked body. Then she lost all consciousness.

Dawn awakened in a bed in what looked like some sort of sickbay or medical room. She felt tired all over. But she was amazed how well she was breathing normally.

She thought about it for a long moment. That’s when her brain told her she had most definitely cum. And she had cum more than once.

The door opened and Marilyn came in. She was in some sort of white, medical smock. She smiled as she asked, “How are you feeling?”

“I don’t know,” Dawn admitted. “That was so scary. And yet… I think I… I think I came several times.”

Marilyn chuckled. “It sure looked like you did, at least to me. Any pain or discomfort?”

Dawn thought it over for a moment. “No. I just feel tired… and kind of… sexually exhausted, I guess.”

“Sounds normal,” the blonde replied with a knowing smile. “Your test results look good so far. You’ll probably be kept here for a couple days for observation. Then we’ll arrange for your return home.”

“My return home?”

“Of course. Thank you for participating in Dr. Crocker’s drowning experiment with his special water.”

“Wait a minute. You mean… you’re sending me home?”

“Of course. Why?”

Dawn hesitated before replying, “Well, I… I was kind of thinking about, uh… about…”

“…volunteering again? I’ll let Dr. Crocker know you’re interested.” Then Marilyn turned and left, chuckling quietly to herself.

2024 (written Mar 16 ’24 by riwa. Inspired by Oldojmo’s render.)

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