Hook 13


The goat’s body shakes as it bleeds out from the slash across its throat. Hung upside down from its ankles and dangling from a hook in the ceiling, the blood flows freely out of the wound in its neck. Another few seconds and its life will have ended. The only thing left for it now is to serve its purpose as meat upon someone’s table.

Aneeqa wipes her hands and sets the knife down upon the table, quite pleased with herself. Another animal has been efficiently halaled, slaughtered in such a way that it will bleed out quickly. A moment later she activates the remote.

The goat jerks forward from the conveyor of hooks in the ceiling. It passes through the plastic leaves covering the door into the next section of the slaughterhouse. There she knows skilled hands will go to work skinning and butchering it.

Hands come up behind her and grab her without warning. She starts to cry out but a hand covers her mouth. Then she turns to see Richard standing there. She smiles as he embraces her, and she melts in his arms.

They have a few minutes before the next goat comes in. So she kisses him deeply. It isn’t long until he is roughly working her out of her bloody apron and then totally out of her work clothes. Her pussy moistens in anticipation of how wonderful it will be to have his cock penetrating her.

He bends her over the table and wastes no time. He is already hard, knowing he is about to have her. He is not surprised to discover how wet she is, how lubricated she has quickly become knowing he is about to take her.

He slides right in from behind. She immediately begins to grunt and moan. It is a hard fuck, a glorious shag; one she desperately needs. She feels how full he fills her pussy, and she senses he needs it just as much as she does.

It is not long before the urgent need swells within her. She starts to cry out in ecstasy. But he covers her mouth.

Inwardly she thanks him for that. She does not want the butchers beyond the plastic leaves to hear them. Then she screams into his hand as her orgasm claims her. A shudder ripples throughout her body, giving her intense pleasure.

He pounds her again and again; he has not cum yet. She loves how much he hungers for her. Aneeqa feels another orgasm fast approaching.

Hearing his feverish grunts as he thrusts in good and hard fills her with an incredible arousal. With one hard thrust she feels his cock empty itself inside her. She swoons as she cums again.

Her body shudders with pleasure as though it will explode into a million pieces. She is weak as a kitten. But she’s happy as a child at Christmas seeing all those presents under the tree. It was a hot shag; in her mind one of the best ever.

Obediently she goes to her knees and takes him into her mouth, lovingly cleaning him off. Then she rises to her feet. Aneeqa gives her lover a deep, soulful kiss.

She is taken aback when he suddenly turns her around. That’s when he starts to tie her wrists behind her back with a length of rope. He produces it from seemingly out of nowhere.

There’s no more time for bondage games,” she whispers. “I must get back to the slaughter. They will be expecting another goat within the next five minutes.”

He says nothing as he continues tying her wrists together. “Lover?” she murmurs in confusion. That’s when he lifts her up, stretching her out nude upon the table upon her back.

What are you doing?!” she gasps. He does not speak. He simply ties her ankles together.

She looks at him in utter confusion. What the bloody hell is he doing? Doesn’t he understand her schedule??

She must get dressed and get back to work! They’ll be expecting another slaughtered goat within the next few minutes. Otherwise they may come through the plastic leaves seeking an answer for the delay.

He looks down at her with a sad little smile. Then he reaches for the remote to the meat hooks. With a flick of his thumb, hook 13 is quietly lowered.

Richard?” Aneeqa gasps in alarm. “Bloody hell, love! What are you doing? Don’t send me into the slaughterhouse all naked like this! Those blokes in there will never let me live it down! Besides, it will shame my father!”

He hooks the rope to her ankles. Then he activates the remote. It dutifully starts pulling her up off the table.

Aneeqa finds herself hanging upside down, gently twisting and swaying well off the floor. She is more than a little frightened now. She also cannot help feeling terribly aroused at her vulnerable condition. Erect nipples and a dripping pussy betray a perverse excitement

Richard?” Aneeqa gasps quietly as she starts to hyperventilate. “Bloody hell, love; what are you doing?? Don’t leave me dangling like this! I’ll be the laughingstock of the entire slaughterhouse! What if they come in here and find me like this? Who knows what those guys will do to me while I’m upside down?”

It occurs to her how the butchers might make her suck their cocks. Right now she’s dangling with her mouth at a rather convenient height. Just what is her lover doing to her??

Richard smiles at her once more. He still has not spoken a single word the entire time. Then he picks up the knife she has been using for slaughtering goats.

He hefts it in his hand as though studying it clinically. Aneeqa inhales sharply. Her body jolts from a terrible arousal.

Oh bloody hell, love! Don’t joke about a thing like that; ok? You know what it does to me… the fantasies I sometimes think about while I’m in here!”

He eyes the knife carefully. Then he looks right into her eyes. Aneeqa shudders at what she sees in his expression.

It scares the hell out of her. At the same time she feels an incredible surge of wildly erotic tingles. She gasps for breath while thinking, ‘He wouldn’t, would he??’

Richard steps right up to her. He takes the tip of the knife and carefully runs it back and forth across the skin of her neck. It leaves the faintest trail of goat blood across her throat.

Aneeqa shivers and moans, utterly frozen with terror. She cannot fathom him using it on her; she just can’t! But that look in his eyes tells her he is seriously thinking about slaughtering her right here and now as she hangs from hook 13.

Richard?” she stammers breathlessly. “Lover?? You WOULDN’T!!”

He suddenly grabs a handful of hair. Richard roughly pulls her head back, exposing her slender column to the blade. Time stands still for Aneeqa as she yelps, whimpers and gasps for breath.

She tries to cry out for the men beyond, knowing they should be right on the other side of the plastic leaves as they work their assigned tasks in the slaughterhouse. But no words will come. Her throat has gone dry.

Richard brings the blade to her neck. Aneeqa stiffens, her mind screaming, “THIS JUST CAN’T BE HAPPENING!” Then with one quick move he slashes.

The cut is straight and true. There’s a sharp pain in her neck as she hitches and jerks in response. A moment later her body instinctively starts to orgasm so very, very hard.

Aneeqa’s eyes flash in complete and utter surprise. She feels her warm, life’s blood flowing out of the wound in her neck and down her face. Her heart pounds in her chest, furiously pumping the blood out of her body.

Instinctively she starts to gyrate around in her death throes. She knows from experience it will only take a few more seconds before she is gone. Richard calmly steps back to quietly observe.

A part of her wonders with amazement. Did she teach him that well? How did he make the cut so precise as to make her blood pump out without accidentally severing her spinal column?

Instinctively she tries to scream. Her lips open and close. There is no sound save for the gurgling of her life bleeding out of her throat.

She knows she cannot cry out now. It is too late. She will never cry out again. After all, she has seen this in each and every animal whose throat she has cut in this very same manner.

Her body jerks and gyrates as she stares at Richard in shock. Hers is an expression of WHY. He just looks at her dispassionately.

A smile flickers at the corners of his mouth. Then her vision fades. She cannot see him anymore.

Now there is only the grunts and gurgles of her dying, gyrating body. Soon even those are silenced. Consciousness slowly fades away with the flow of her life’s blood.

Richard tenderly kisses her bloodied lips. Her body hangs limp, save for a few sporadic muscle twitches. Then he activates the remote.

Hook 13 jerks its cargo forward through the plastic leaves into the slaughterhouse. It will give the butchers beyond a unique carcass to cut up. Inside there are cries of shock and surprise as he gathers his belongings and quickly departs.

2014; 2020 (written for a friend Feb 10 ’14; ed. Oct 21 ‘20 by riwa)

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