Taylor’s followers


I don’t know what made her do it. Hell, I wasn’t even sure it was real! All I know is that one day my daughter Carrie showed me the Instagram photo of Taylor’s head.

She’d been beheaded, her skull held up by a handful of hair. Her hair looked good except for a few speckles of blood. Her eyes were closed. I don’t know if she died that way or if her killer/executioner had closed them out of respect.

What really got me were the number of likes at the bottom of the photo. They were in the millions. I don’t know whether or not they were followers or had just spotted the photo on Instagram and left a “like”.

I’ll admit to being aroused upon seeing the picture. But my daughter went nuts about it. She thought it was sexy as hell.

She told me she wanted to see that many likes on a photo of her death. I laughed as I told her she would be dead and thus would never get to see them. She figured she would be more popular with a photo like that than she’d ever be in real life. Besides, there were reports some of Taylor’s followers were going out arranging to be beheaded just for the popularity of the situation.

Now Carrie and I like to play kinky games now and then despite us being mother and daughter. But I never expected such enthusiasm out of her. She really wanted to be beheaded and to have her picture posted to Instagram.

I told her no, thinking this would only be a passing fad. But there were even more reports of young women being beheaded. Apparently Taylor had started quite the craze.

One day Carrie told me she’d found a guy in town with a guillotine. She, her friend Debra, her lesbian lover Hilary and some other girl were all going to see him. She told me she just wanted to say goodbye and to tell me how much she loved me.

I tried to talk her out of it. But she was adamant. Besides, Hilary wanted to be beheaded, and Debra was enthusiastic as hell. Their fourth, a shy girl named Naomi, had asked to tag along as she really missed Taylor and wanted to go out like her.

I told her nothing doing. She said I couldn’t stop her. They were all 19 and committed to being beheaded so they could have their pictures posted like so many of Taylor’s followers were doing.

I wasn’t going to be able to change her mind so easily. So I tried a different tact. I told her I would allow it so long as I was able to be there in person as a chaperone.

I thought that might embarrass her. Instead she told me how exciting it would be if I watched all four of them get beheaded and then make sure to post their pictures to Instagram. She said the girls would love to have me there and would probably find it hot to have me watch each one die while taking pictures.

Can you believe it? My daughter up and called my bluff! Hell, she was thrilled I was going to tag along to watch each individual beheading!

What else could I do? I couldn’t very well say no, could I? To be honest, I couldn’t help becoming aroused just thinking about someone beheading my very own daughter in a guillotine.

I finally told her I would go along, take pictures and make sure they were all posted. She squealed with glee as she kissed me passionately. I think deep down she’d been hoping all along I would come along just to witness the great event.

I drove her around to pick up the others. I expected some sort of resistance from each one. To my surprise they were all excited to know I was going to stay and watch. Maybe it was because Carrie had told them how turned on she knew I’d be while witnessing each one being beheaded.

Hilary was thrilled I was tagging along. She told me Carrie had talked to her previously about our kinky games. When Carrie told her I might cum while watching the blade take her head, Hilary swooned with excitement.

Debra was no better. Her mom had put her foot down, so she’d come up with an excuse and snuck away. She told me my being there watching her die would be as though I was standing in for her mother. She said it was an incredible turn-on knowing I’d be there to watch the blade take her head.

At first Naomi didn’t know what to say. Carrie had her sit up front with me. Then my kinky daughter told her I was probably going to get off watching her beheading as well.

“Will you really?” Naomi asked me nervously with a shy smile.

“Yes, honey; I probably will,” I admitted. “Your soft, dark hair, those sexy oriental features, and that nice body you have with those lovely breasts? Imagining the blade coming down on that neck of yours? Oh my.” I had to wave a hand across my face just to catch my breath.

“You see?” Carrie crowed from the backseat with Hilary draped all over her. “What did I tell you? I told you mom would enjoy watching our beheadings if I could talk her into it! She’s going to go nuts watching our heads roll today!”

I looked at her in the rear view mirror as she grinned back at me. I thought I was the one who’d pushed for tagging along as a chaperone. Had she been trying to manipulate me this entire time? Did it really matter?

We got to the studio where an attractive brunette in a secretarial outfit showing ample cleavage sat behind a desk. She stood up and smiled at us the moment we walked in.

“My name is Jeanette. You must be the Walker party? Chad is in the other room getting things all set up.”

I reached out and shook her hand. “My name is Cassandra. This is my daughter Carrie, her friends Hilary and Debra, and our special guest Naomi. I certainly didn’t expect a place like this.”

Jeanette smiled. “We’ve actually had half a dozen ladies schedule appointments over the last couple of weeks. I had no idea so many people liked Taylor. It’s amazing how many wish to follow in their idol’s footsteps.”

“Is she really…?” I started to ask.

“No one’s seen or heard from her since that Instagram photo. Either she was serious as hell, or…”

“Or what?” I asked curiously, wondering if there was still some way of talking the girls out of it. The brunette just shrugged her shoulders.

I looked at Carrie and her friends and asked, “Are you sure you girls want to go through with this?”

“Taylor’s dead, mom!” Carrie stated. “So we’re all dead too! Right, girls?” They all nodded affirmatively.

Apparently Carrie spoke for them all. “Mom, we’re doing it for Taylor and for all the likes we’re going to get. Don’t worry about what happens to our bodies afterwards. They’re going to make sure we make it to Dolcett meats; right, Jeanette? Somebody out there probably wants to have a taste of some exotic girl meat; am I right, girls?”

They all nodded again. I looked curiously at Jeanette. “Is that right?”

“Yes it is, Mrs. Walker. I hope that doesn’t upset or offend you.”

“No, I guess something has to be done with their bodies after they’re beheaded.”

I looked at them all in disbelief, shaking my head with an amused smile. Lambs to the slaughter. So why the hell was I so damned aroused?

“We’re going to taste great, mom! And we’re going to get a ton of likes on Instagram. We’ve got a bet going as to who gets more.”

“Yeah, but none of you girls will be alive to find out who gets the most likes.” They just smiled as though they didn’t really care either way.

Chad came out and looked at our party. He was ruggedly handsome. I think that made it easier for the girls he met to willingly allow him to remove their heads.

He smiled as he told Jeanette, “I really hit the jackpot with this group! They’re hot as hell!” I thought I saw both Hilary and Naomi blush.

“Right this way, ladies,” he motioned grandly.

He led us down a hall and into a room. Cameras wired on tripods were set up from three different angles. The only thing that differentiated it from a normal studio was the metal framed guillotine standing in the center of the room.

It had a small, red-cushioned bench. A wicker basket with a lot of straw in the bottom was set to catch each head. There was a drain in the tiled floor close to the front of the guillotine. A hose hung attached to a wall.

Chad motioned all around him. “It’s going to get messy in here, ladies. You can wear your clothes if you wish. But if you want to donate them I’d suggest you remove them before they get all bloody. Besides, everyone I’ve beheaded thus far has chosen to ride the guillotine naked.”

My daughter was more than enthusiastic. “Yeah; let’s ride it naked! Someone else can wear my clothes. Maybe they’ll get excited knowing this was the last thing I wore before I was beheaded!” And with that she excitedly started to strip. Hilary quickly followed suit.

When Debra began to take off her clothes I saw Naomi hesitantly go about removing her garments as well. “What about you, mom?” Carrie asked the moment she was buck naked.

Hilary was in agreement. “Yeah, Mrs. Walker! You’ve got to strip too!”

I looked at Debra and Naomi. Debra nodded eagerly. Naomi shyly nodded as well.

I looked questioningly at Chad. He said it was ok with him. So I removed my clothes along with everyone else.

The girls paused to gaze at my nudity. Chad acted like he approved of what he saw. My daughter gasped, “You’re still hot, mom!” I could not help blushing a little at her remark.

Carrie looked at our photographer and smiled. “What about you? Shouldn’t you undress as well? You said there was going to be a lot of blood.”

“I don’t want to offend any of you ladies. But to tell you the truth, it would probably be better if I stripped too. I did mention all that blood we’re going to see.”

“Then you should get naked too!” Carrie replied enthusiastically. I think she just wanted to see his cock in the hopes she might get some sort of sexual reaction out of him.

None of the girls seemed to mind. I smiled as I told him it was all right with me. So he removed his clothes and set them off in a corner. I almost drooled at the semi-erect cock that sprang free.

I asked if I could take pictures. He said his cameras were all set up and programmed to snap photos automatically. I could use any of the shots they captured. I figured his equipment would create much better images than my iPhone. So I left it with my clothes.

He smiled as we all stared at his dangling package as it started to harden. It made me tingle with longing. It also made me wonder if I might be able to have some fun with him before his next scheduled beheading showed up.

He looked at all of us before solemnly asking, “All right; who’s first?”

For a moment the girls all looked at each other. Were they having second thoughts? It made me wonder who was going to back out at the last minute. After all, a beheading was rather final. It couldn’t be taken back once the blade had fallen.

“I’ll go first,” Hilary said as she tried to catch her breath.

“I knew it!” Carrie laughed. “She wants her picture to be the first one posted to Instagram.”

“Aww, I should have thought of that!”

“You can go next,” Carrie told Debra with a grin.

Chad retrieved a set of handcuffs. “I’ll put ‘em on!” Carrie declared as she took them from him. “Then I’m gonna eat her out before the blade comes down on her sexy neck!”

He told her, “Better wait until she’s on the bench before we cuff her wrists behind her back.”

“Oh yeah… right. Good idea.”

She and Chad helped Hilary lie flat on her back on the cushioned bench. There was only enough support for her back. Her legs hung spread off the end, leaving her cleanly shaved crotch fully exposed and moistened. Her brown, shoulder-length hair hung down toward the wicker basket below that was destined to catch her pretty head.

Chad and Carrie helped ease her into position. Carrie reached under and cuffed her wrists underneath the bench. Then Chad brought down the metallic lunette, latching it in place around her neck as she panted for breath.

I stepped over to a spot out of the way of the picture-taking. The other girls followed me. I couldn’t believe this was really going to happen and that Carrie’s lover was about to lose her lovely head.

Carrie immediately knelt between her legs and went to work. Hilary nervously looked up at the blade above her before panting, “Gawd, this is really going to happen, isn’t it?” Then she whimpered at the tongue action my daughter was giving her.

I smiled as I told her, “It certainly looks that way. Are you sure you don’t want to change your mind?”

“Oh no, Mrs. Walker. I… want a… I want a picture of my… of my head to be posted… to be posted to Instagram… to support Taylor and… ohgawd… to support Taylor and her… ohgawd, Carrie… her erotic choice to go out in style… oohhhhh!”

She writhed and moaned as my daughter worked her slit with her tongue while reaching out and groping her tits. Hilary looked up at the dangling blade and blurted out, “Gawd; what was I thinking?” She was really panting for breath.

Carrie seriously feasted on her crotch while rubbing and squeezing her heaving mounds. Hilary gasped and whimpered as she started to squirm. She began panting and moaning, indicating how talented my daughter was at muff-diving. I was already quite familiar with her oral skills.

I got so excited that I couldn’t help touching myself. Naomi panted as she watched in wide-eyed wonder. Debra gasped, “Oh fuck!” as she fingered herself.

Chad got out of the way and triggered the cameras. They began alternately snapping photos. “Drop the blade the moment she cums!” my daughter gasped enthusiastically. Then she really began eating her out.

Chad moved out of the way and over to what I assumed was the controls to the blade. Carrie and Hilary were the only ones left inside the trio of cameras snapping photos. My daughter feasted as though she was starving while Hilary writhed and moaned as she gasped for breath.

I couldn’t tell whether my daughter’s lover was frightened or excited. Her eyes were big and wide as she looked up at the blade hanging above her. Her chest rose and fell with each breath she tried to catch.

Carrie mashed her face into that crotch and then really started slurping. Hilary began shaking her head. That’s when I think she finally grasped the enormity of her situation. Once Carrie made her cum, the blade was going to fall.

I could not resist doing a little masturbating. Naomi just kept panting as she watched in wide-eyed fascination. Debra worked her dripping slit with her fingers as she panted, “Fuck, yeah! Do it; drop the blade! Behead her now! Damn, that’s hot!”

Hilary really began shaking her head. “Wait; I’m not so sure…” Then her back arched. That’s when she started to cry out in orgasm.

The blade suddenly dropped. Hilary started to let out a cry. Then her head promptly disappeared into the basket. One moment it was there; the next it had simply vanished, dropping out of sight into the wicker to be replaced with jetting spurts of crimson.

I jumped with a start the moment the blade bottomed out with a loud thunk. I think we all did. Then I gasped as I climaxed right then and there at the sight of blood spurting.

“Fuck!” Debra yelped as she panted like crazy. Naomi just stared, panting and trembling. I think she had climaxed as well.

Hilary’s body tried to rise up as blood spurted out of her neck stump. But her cuffed wrists underneath the bench kept her down. She bucked and shuddered from erotic spasms galore as Carrie continued feasting and groping.

Chad stepped forward into the scene, his cock hard and dripping. He pulled the head up out of the basket and grasped onto a handful of hair. Then he showed it to the cameras, pausing until he heard each one snap off a photo or two.

He showed it to us standing there watching. Hilary had this incredible look of shock and surprise in her face. There was the faintest hint of orgasmic rapture reflected in her features. The blood in her hair and on her cheeks made it all too unbelievably real.

He finally showed the head to my daughter. Carrie came up out of Hilary’s crotch, her face covered with fluids. “Oh FUCK!” she gasped before rolling around on the floor in orgasm.

The cameras kept snapping pictures. Chad finally asked, “Any suggestions as to what I should do with this now?” Judging by her expression it looked like Hilary was barely conscious.

“Make her eat her cunt with it!” It was out of my mouth before I could consider how inappropriate the suggestion was.

My daughter gasped, “Fuck yeah!” So Chad brought the head around. He put it in Hilary’s soaked crotch so she could taste herself. By now there was all sorts of fluid back there, some of it smelling of urine.

After a few seconds Carrie stood up and took the head from Chad. She passionately kissed the lips. Then she held the bloody skull between her legs, deliberately humping Hilary’s face with her wet crotch.

It was highly inappropriate. But my daughter was never one to think clearly in the middle of something so incredibly kinky.

Carrie finally gave the head back to Chad. He took a rag and wiped it off. Then he allowed the cameras to take a few more pictures.

Carrie took it from him and kissed those dead lips one last time. The cameras just kept snapping photos. Then Chad took it over and put it on a shelf for display. The neck was still dripping a little blood, the facial features having sagged to indicate there were no further signs of life.

My daughter affectionately touched Hilary’s naked body all over. She finally looked at Chad and said, “I’ll post a couple pictures now if that’s all right with you.” He just smiled and nodded.

She retrieved her iPhone. The other two girls went over to help her pick something out. They looked over several pictures Chad showed from his cameras.

They finally settled on a couple they really liked. Even I went over to take a look. Carrie wanted me to see what they’d chosen.

There was one of Chad holding Hilary’s head up by a handful of that brown hair. It was a natural selection. But the girls had also selected one of Carrie kissing her dead lips. They all figured that one would get a ton of likes.

After posting the pictures to Instagram, my daughter helped Chad remove Hilary’s headless corpse from the bench after unlatching the cuffs from her wrists. They carried her body over where they laid it out along one wall feet first. The neck stump was pointed down toward the drain where the body could be allowed to finish bleeding out. Crimson rivulets headed for the drain.

Carrie finally looked at the other two girls before asking, “So who’s next? Who wants to go after Hilary? Whose picture are we posting to Instagram next?”

“I’ll go next,” Debra said quietly.

I looked at her and smiled. “Are you sure, honey?”

“Not really,” she confessed with some trepidation. “Mom’s not going to like this. But I’m going to do it anyway.”

“Atta girl!” Carrie blurted out enthusiastically.

Chad brought the handcuffs over. Debra looked at me and smiled, panting quietly as though she was trying to catch her breath. “Thanks for coming with us, Mrs. Walker. I’m glad you’re hear. Mom would never have agreed to this. At least now she won’t have to pay for my college education.”

She stood there as Chad cuffed her wrists behind her back. Then he led her over to the cushioned bench. A little bit of blood stained the front, causing her to stiffen and gasp in alarm.

Chad smiled as he asked, “Would you like to help me, Mrs. Walker?” It was a request that caught me by surprise.

I looked at him and then at Debra. She nodded as she breathed, “I’d like that.”

“Face up or face down?” Chad asked. “I forgot to ask before attaching the cuffs.”

“Face down, please. I don’t want to see that damned blade above me. I think that might really freak me out. I don’t know how Hilary managed it. Besides…” and she looked up to see it was back in position. “Her blood is dripping down off it.”

“That’ll make it even hotter!” Carrie gasped enthusiastically. A quick glance at Naomi made me wonder how she was doing, staring so wide-eyed like that.

I helped with Debra until she was flat on her stomach on the red bench. Chad and I slid her forward until her head was past the rail. Then he brought the lunette down upon her neck.

Her legs hung off the end, spread on either side of the bench. Her anal opening looked all puckered. Her pussy was wet and dripping.

A drop of blood fell, hitting the back of her neck. She looked down into the wicker and saw all those blood stains. Then she winced as she gasped, “Gawd, maybe you’d better do me right now!”

“Any last words?” Carrie asked with a laugh. She was all turned on, her nipples protruding out of her large breasts as she grinned lewdly.

Debra looked at Chad and his dangling cock as he stood right in front of her. She suddenly licked her lips as her panic subsided a little. “Could I, uh… at least have some dick before I lose my head?”

“I should have known!” Carrie retorted. “Mouth or cunt, cunt?”

“Both… if I can.”

“You’re such a slut!”

“So are you, Carrie. At least I’ll get some cock one last time before I go.” My daughter just laughed.

Chad had no problem with her request. It made me wonder if he’d serviced any of his other customers with his dick before their beheading.

He smiled as he stepped right up, straddling the bloody wicker basket. He helped get his cock into Debra’s mouth. She started sucking on it, acting as though she was enjoying it. I think it helped calm her down some from her impending beheading.

Carrie cruelly called out, “Hey, Debra! How’s the wicker basket look? Nice and bloody for your head to fall in there?” Debra just grunted with a mouthful of cock as her eyes flashed in alarm.

My daughter turned to me and grinned. “Happy to be here, mom?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, honey.”

“Looking forward to watching me lose my head?”

“Of course I am.” She just looked at me with lust in her eyes as she rubbed herself.

“What about you, Naomi?”

“Gawd, I… I don’t know. I…” She was trembling in wide-eyed fascination… or was it horror?

I was horny as hell watching Chad thrust into Debra’s mouth. She grunted and moaned as her cuffed wrists jerked around behind her back. It was incredible to watch.

He finally pulled out and moved behind her. He called out, “Mrs. Walker, if you’ll move next to that button over there you can trigger the blade whenever she’s ready. I’ve already got the cameras rolling.”

Carrie blurted out, “Drop it when she cums, mom!” My crazy daughter was already writhing while fingering herself.

Debra looked at me in shock. Carrie just laughed. “Just like Hilary, cunt! You’re going to cum so fucking hard!”

Debra seemed breathless, aroused and worried. I moved over to his panel, my pussy tingling like crazy. Then I found where the guillotine button seemed to be. This was going to be a first for me, beheading one of Carrie’s friends.

Debra looked over in my direction. She calmed herself down long enough to smile weakly at me as she panted, “I’m glad it’s you doing it, Mrs. Walker… oh gawd, his cock is really filling me!”

She began to writhe and groan as Chad thrust into her from behind. It made me squirm as though I could feel him inside me as well. I could only imagine the fear and arousal coursing through her body at that very moment.

She panted for breath as she writhed and winced. Carrie and Naomi had their eyes on her the entire time. Both appeared to be touching themselves. Naomi still didn’t know whether to be turned on or scared out of her wits.

My hand hovered above the button. Could I or couldn’t I? I wasn’t sure I had it in me… although maybe I did.

Naomi finally panted, “Gawd, I think she’s going to cum! This is… this is crazy!”

Carrie blurted out, “Do it, mom! Behead the slut!”

I looked at Debra and saw her panting for breath as she whimpered like crazy. Chad thrust harder in and out of her. He looked like he was really enjoying himself. It made me wonder how many other girls he’d fucked right before beheading them.

“She’s going to cum; she’s going to cum! Do it, mom; do it now!”

Chad thrust good and hard into Debra as she gasped for breath. The guillotine rocked a little. Then Debra looked right at me.

Was that fear or excitement in her features? I didn’t ask, so I’ll never know.

Her eyes rolled as she appeared to stiffen. That’s when I hit the button. One moment her head was there. The next it was gone as jets of crimson shot out from her severed neck. We all jumped again when the blade bottomed out.

Chad roared his release as Debra’s naked body bucked and shuddered on the bench. Then he motioned me forward… “If you don’t mind.”

I stepped out from my position and walked over to the wicker basket. I reached in and pulled out Debra’s severed head by her short brunette strands. Blood matted the left side of her face.

I pulled her out and tenderly kissed her lips. I felt them quiver as though she still had a little life left in them. I was trembling so bad from a perverse arousal that it’s a miracle I didn’t drop her skull. My daughter didn’t help matters any when she gasped, “That is so fucking hot the way you kissed her, mom! Do it again!”

I kissed her once more as cameras went off all around me. I tried to remember to hold her head up for one camera and then the other. Chad just kept thrusting in and out of her dying cunt as though allowing her spasming body to finish milking him dry.

“That is so hot!” Carrie panted.

Naomi breathlessly added, “Gawd; your mom really did it!”

I took Debra’s head back to Chad where I held it up in front of him. He pulled out of her pussy and took her head from me, holding it in his hands. Then he thrust his dick between her parted lips.

Her eyes appeared to flicker the moment he fucked her mouth. Then he pulled out and turned her head toward one of the cameras. Blood dripped off her severed neck as her eyes glazed over until her expression sagged tiredly.

My daughter popped off again. Naomi gasped and whimpered as she grabbed her crotch. I winced as a pleasant flush of warmth went right through me.

Carrie got her iPhone again so she could upload pictures to Instagram. Chad cleaned up Debra’s head as much as he could. He displayed it again for the cameras before placing it on the display next to Hilary’s. Then he and Carrie went through some of the pictures his cameras had taken.

Naomi went over to help out. They looked through several pictures as Chad asked me to help with Debra’s body. So I assisted him in taking off the cuffs, removing the corpse from the bench, and taking it over to lay out right next to Hilary.

I stood there for a long moment, staring at both headless corpses with their tits up. Blood still trickled out of both severed necks. Their pussies were wet from a combination of cum and urine.

I went back over to see what pictures my daughter and Naomi had chosen. Apparently they’d picked out one of me kissing Debra’s lips with blood on her face. That one was rather embarrassing to say the least.

I submitted my objections. But they were adamant, saying it was the best of the bunch. I had no doubt Debra’s mother was not going to be happy if she ever saw the picture of me kissing her daughter’s skull like that.

Carrie uploaded the photo to Debra’s Instagram page. Then she checked the action from her post of Hilary’s head. In just a few minutes time the likes were already well into the thousands. Apparently the girls were going to get their wish by having many followers and visitors view their severed skulls after their beheadings.

2020 (fictionally written for Carrie Sep 10 ’20 by riwa)

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