It’s always the same story 4.2 (24)

Ann got the text message from Robert. Helen had gone shopping for the afternoon. That meant he had some free time. Did she want to come over for a quick fuck? Ann was more than agreeable.

Robert’s car was in the driveway when she pulled up alongside it. She got out and went to the front door. When there was no answer she tried it. It was unlocked.

She went inside to find he had lit some candles for her. How romantic. It was amazing the way he chose not to treat his wife as well as he treated her. Perhaps that’s what made it all the more thrilling by fucking him behind Helen’s back.

She was headed for the bedroom when she heard the shower. Ann smiled inwardly. A good grope in the shower while they were getting all warmed up for a romp in bed sounded great.

She headed down the hall and opened the bathroom door. The shower curtain was closed. She could not see who was behind it. A moment later she felt a blow to the back of her head, knocking her unconscious.

When she awakened, Ann found herself in the master bedroom lying face down on the bed. A familiar redhead was kneeling on top of her, preventing her from getting back up. Her arms were pinned at her sides by the knees of her assailant, leaving her totally helpless.

“Nice of you to respond so quickly to my text. I’m glad you could come over on such short notice. Now that I have you alone, I think we should have a little discussion about my husband Robert.”

The voice sounded strangely calm. Ann was starting to get a bad feeling about all this. But she decided she might as well put up a protest.

“Get off me, Helen. If you want to talk, then we’ll talk. This part just isn’t funny.”

“It isn’t meant to be funny. Do you hear me laughing? It’s certainly not funny to me, hun. Adulterous bitches like you are never funny.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, bitch. It insults my intelligence. I know you’re blonde, but you’re not that fucking clueless.”

“You’d better get off me before Robert comes home.”

“So he’ll do what? …try to convince me you two haven’t been having an affair for months? I found the text messages on his phone. Did you think I wouldn’t find out?”

“Just get off me, ok? You need to talk this over with him; not me. I’m not a part of your bad marriage.”

“Oh but you are, Ann. You’re a very big part of it now.” That’s when she began inspecting something in her hands.

Ann craned her neck around to have a look. “Hey, that’s my scarf! What are you doing with it?”

Helen was disturbingly calm. “That’s funny. He gave me this very same scarf on our anniversary last year. Strange how it just sort of disappeared. I looked all over for it the other day, but I never did find it. At least now I know where it went.”

“You can have your damn scarf back if you want it; ok? Just get off me!”

“I would take it back, hun. But he seems to want you to have it. So I think you should keep it.”

Ann gasped in alarm as the scarf Helen’s husband had given her was wrapped around her neck. Then she felt it start to tighten. She gasped as she felt it start to cut off her circulation.

“You’re right, hun,” Helen observed, her voice betraying the strain of her pulling on both ends. “I think it looks good on you.”

“No…wait *awk* you can’t… *urk* please…”

“Yes; it definitely looks much better on you. You should keep it, ok? What do you say to that?”

Ann could barely get any words out of her mouth… “You can’t *gasp* do this *awwwk* to me.”

“It’s always the same story, isn’t it? ‘Girl starts affair with husband – girl is strangled to death by husband when wife finds out’. By the time he gets home, he’ll find you dead right here on the master bed. Maybe he got tired of you. Or maybe he was afraid you’d spill the beans to his wife.”

“NO *AWK* pleessssse…” Then Ann’s throat closed off. She couldn’t even force a whisper of air past her parted lips.

“I have no idea how many other husbands you’ve fucked in the past. Frankly, I don’t give a shit. However I DO suspect I’ll be doing all wives a favor by taking you out of circulation. I like the irony of that: using my scarf he gave you to stop you from fucking all the husbands around town.”

Ann began to thrash around on the bed as her breath was cut off. Her tongue slithered out in surrender, her head feeling as though it was about to explode. Her face flushed red as her eyes went all bloodshot.

There was an exceedingly hard tug on both ends of the scarf. Ann shuddered hard as a death rattle emanated from somewhere deep down her throat. Then she went completely limp on the bed.

Helen kept talking to her as though she was still alive… “It really was a nice scarf he gave you. I liked wearing it for a while, but I thought I’d misplaced it. I missed it for a while there, but I thought I’d lost it or left it somewhere. But like I say… you can have it now. You earned it… so you keep it.”

Helen let go of both ends of the scarf. Ann did not respond. Then Helen calmly walked out of the bedroom and left the house.

She got into her husband’s car and drove off. According to her calculations he would be returning a few minutes later with her car. That’s when he would discover his mistress dead in the master bedroom. She idly wondered how he would handle the situation.

2020 (written Oct 14 ’20 by riwa. Inspired by the included picture.)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Curse 3.1 (20)

Note: an older, re-edited story.

Doreen left her towel on a patio chair. She placed her sunglasses and cell phone on the adjacent patio table. Then she set up a video camera on a tripod.

She pointed it at the water in the deep end of the pool before turning it on. When she was done, she brushed her hands back and forth. Everything was all set; she was at the ready.

She looked at the house as though half expecting someone to come out and confront her. She stood there in grim determination with hands on hips. But the woman inside was old, frail and hard of hearing. She was not a threat.

Doreen saw no one in the window. She heard nothing that might indicate someone was coming to the back door. “I’m not afraid,” she murmured, more to convince herself than anything else. “I don’t believe in any curse.”

She looked down into the water, hesitating for a moment. Then she looked over at the house again. A quiver of uncertainty rippled through her, but she shook it off.

Once more she told herself she was not afraid. The video camera would dutifully record her actively completing the dare. That’s when she decided it was time.

Gathering her courage, she inhaled sharply before diving into the water with a splash. She angled downward, swimming the entire length underwater on one breath. She swam back and popped up as though revealing herself to the video camera.

She smiled and motioned grandly. “See? I’m in the pool. Nothing’s going to happen to me.”

She submerged before kicking off the wall toward the other end. She swam back and forth on one breath three times. The pool wasn’t very big, allowing her to make the swim easily.

She made several laps like that without incident. Each time she came up for a breath she would glance over at the back door. But she was left alone in the pool.

No one showed up to kick her out. No one harangued her over her unauthorized access. And most importantly, there was no eerie sound or supernatural occurrence to interfere with her swim.

She swam another couple of laps underwater, growing more confident by the minute. Then her cell phone rang, interrupting her swim. It caught her by surprise, startling her.

Despite her bravado she quickly got out of the water and answered it. She did not want to tempt fate by allowing it to ring too long. Doreen did not want to attract any undue attention…

“Hello? …yeah, I’m here! I told you I’d do it, didn’t I? You just interrupted my swim. …what do you mean, ‘you don’t believe me’? I’ll show you! I’ve got a video camera running right now! I’m burning up the batteries standing here talking to you! …no, I’m not afraid of the bitch! And I don’t believe in any curse either! …you want me to WHAT? …get naked in her pool??!! What the hell is that supposed to prove?? …all right – all right; I’ll do it! I’m hanging up now! I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to… no, I’m not afraid! I just don’t want to tempt fate! Now goodbye!”

“Bitch doesn’t believe me!” she muttered angrily as she hung up. “I’ll show her!”

She went to the deep end and adjusted the video camera. She made sure it was pointed down toward the bottom. When she was finished adjusting it she sighed with disgust.

Doreen took another deep breath. Then she stepped off into the water with a splash. Since she was already here, she was more than willing to do what was necessary to satisfy that bitch!

She skulled to the bottom and sat on her ass. She reached behind her back and unhooked her bikini top. She made a show of waving it at the camera before tossing it aside.

She rose up to the surface, air bubbling out of her nose. “Happy now?” she told the camera, rolling her eyes in disgust.

She grabbed her breasts and groping them a little. Then she took a deep breath before slipping back under to finish the job. The sooner she got finished and got out of here, the better.

Once more she skulled to the bottom of the pool. This time she proceeded to remove her bottoms. She was wearing a string bikini, so it was easy to pull on the loose ends and pop it free.

She made another show of waving it upward at the camera. Then she tossed it away in the direction of her discarded top. Now she was naked in the pool.

She shot up to the surface again, air streaming out of her nose until she burst up. Then she flipped the camera the bird. “Satisfied?” she told it in disgust. “Or do you want more?”

Shaking her head, she headed back down. Now she was going to stay on the bottom and hold her breath. She was going to do it long enough to prove to her friends she wasn’t afraid of any old woman, much less any so-called “curse”.

She reached the bottom of the pool, making sure to keep her focus on the video camera. She posed several times, spreading her legs to show her goodies. Then she grabbed her tits.

She stared up at the camera, sticking her tongue out and blowing bubbles. She was obsessed with proving herself to those who’d made the dare. Thus, she was oblivious to the green garden hose near the shallow end next to the house as it started to uncoil.

The end of the hose slipped into the shallow end of the pool like a snake in search of its prey. It slowly uncoiled from its location by the house. Somehow it seemed to zero in on the naked woman in the deep end.

It drew ever closer to the unsuspecting young woman. Doreen had her back to the shallow end as she made faces up at the camera on the tripod. She never once looked behind her.

Her lungs were straining when she surfaced in a flurry of bubbles. She panted for breath as she sneered at the camera, “Is that what you assholes wanted to see?”

She suddenly became aware of something brushing her left foot. Instinctively she looked downward. What the hell had gotten into the pool with her??

She was utterly shocked at the sight of the end of the garden hose wrapping itself around her ankle. There was no time to cry out. A moment later she was jerked underwater with a burble.

She looked down in alarm, wondering how the hell she’d missed seeing the hose lying in the water. What really startled her was the way it had snagged her ankle and pulled her under. She bubbled anxiously before shooting up to the surface.

Doreen was shocked as the hose abruptly pulled her right back under. Astonishment quickly gave way to fear as she struggled against the hose attached to her ankle. She cried out a burst of bubbles, shaking her head as fear gripped her heart.

She pulled hard with her arms, kicking herself back to the surface. She barely managed a loud gasp for breath before she was abruptly jerked back down. This was insane!

The idea of there being any kind of curse leapt to the forefront of her thoughts. She thought about the old lady who supposedly lived inside. Where the hell was she when she needed her most??

Incredibly, the hose was acting as though it was alive. And it was scaring the shit out of her! Now Doreen wanted out of the water in the worst way.

She shot up to the surface for another breath, only to be jerked right back under. Doreen began waving frantically with her arms. Bubbles poured out of her mouth as she waved for the camera… as though whoever was watching might stop what they were doing and come to her rescue. Sadly, it was not a live feed.

She tried to kick herself back to the surface. But the hose jerked her up short. No matter how hard she tried, it seemed the hose was not going to allow her back up.

Doreen couldn’t explain it. But she thought she heard a voice in her head. It was an ominous voice, telling her she’d already gotten the very last breath she would ever receive.

At that moment she was suddenly hit with a jolt of extreme panic. She looked down at her ankle in terror, frantically shaking her head. Her mind screamed, “NO! LET ME GO! I WON’T EVER COME BACK; I PROMISE!”

There was no response. If anything, the hose clung even more stubbornly to her ankle. It was as though it simply refused to release her.

Doreen’s chest heaved insistently. Her breasts bounced and wobbled from convulsions ignited by the raging inferno in her lungs. Then she lost a big burst of air.

Instinctively she covered her mouth with one hand to keep from losing the last of her breath. She used the other to wave frantically at the surface above her, a panicked expression picked up by her camera. Her eyes were wide in terror as spasms and convulsions painfully wracked her body.

She desperately need for another breath. She was growing tired of struggling. Another convulsion threatened to empty her lungs.

Doreen covered her mouth with both hands. She looked all around, her eyes wide with terror. Then she coughed into her hands as her lungs heaved in her chest, setting her breasts to bouncing and wobbling.

She coughed again, the agony almost doubling her over. A moment later her lungs opened up. She just couldn’t hold her breath anymore.

Her eyes flew open in horror as she started coughing and convulsing. Her lungs heaved again, causing her to suck great gulps of water down her windpipe. She grunted and gurgled, her nipples becoming painfully erect from the eroticism of her terror.

She waved up at the surface as though signaling for assistance. Her movements became disorganized as her brain sent mixed messages to her nerve endings. Her body almost doubled over with each cough as she spasmed painfully.

There was a sudden release of small bubbles as her lungs were flooded. Doreen shuddered weakly before becoming exhausted. She no longer had the strength to put up a fight for survival.

Arms and legs twitched sporadically as her body continued to hitch in little spasms. Smaller bubbles slipped out past her parted lips. Then she went completely limp.

For a moment Doreen hung tethered between the air above and the bottom of the pool. She swayed softly, her arms outstretched by her sides as the hose kept her secured to the pool floor. Her long, blonde hair gently swirled around her head, settling all around her and partly obscuring her face.

She looked up at the surface as if in a daze. Her eyes glazed over as the life winked out of them. Her last thought was the horrible realization that the curse was indeed real. It was knowledge that came much too late to save her.

She gently hitched a couple of times. Then consciousness drifted away into oblivion. Her body swayed softly, still tethered to the bottom of the pool.

The hose slowly disentangled itself from around her ankle as though the task had been completed. That’s when it began to retract. It was as though an invisible person was slowly pulling it out of the pool, coiling it back into its place.

Her naked body drifted upward until she floated face down. Arms and legs hung down as her vacant eyes stared at the bottom of the pool. A few stray bubbles slipped out past her parted lips.

The surface of the pool eventually grew still. Doreen dutifully floated in place. Her video camera faithfully recording it all.

The back door to the house suddenly swung open. But no one appeared in the doorway. For a long moment there was an eerie silence.

There was a sudden flash of light that appeared from out of nowhere. A moment later the body in the pool was gone. It was as though it had never been there to begin with.

The surface looked smooth and undisturbed. There was no evidence of a swimmer. No articles of swimwear lay on the pool floor.

A moment later the video camera also winked out of existence. It was followed by the cell phone, sunglasses and towel. That’s when door to the house closed just as silently as it had opened…

2011; 2020 (written May 2 ’11; ed. Jul 19 ‘20 by riwa)

Posted in Drowning Stories | Tagged | Leave a comment

Boyfriend next door 5 4.1 (29)

Dad was out of town for mom’s birthday. So Kristin’s parents invited us over for a swim now that the pool was open. Mom readily agreed, saying she was looking forward to it.

I knew mom went over for a swim every now and then when I wasn’t around. Recently, Kristin told me about what happened in the pool between her mother and mine. I heard stories about them kissing each other and doing oral underwater together.

So when mom asked if I was getting into my suit, I found myself becoming hesitant about the whole thing. Besides, I could still remember what had happened in the hot tub the day I’d cleaned and painted their shed. And the way their family had been with me in the hot tub? I had no idea what might happen if mom and Kristin’s parents became uninhibited in their backyard pool.

I told mom I was thinking about staying home. She immediately expressed her disappointment with me. She said she was looking forward to swimming with me on her birthday.

I told her I wasn’t sure. She just said, “Please, honey? I think it would be nice if we both went over.”

“I don’t know, mom. I guess I’m just not sure.”

“Not sure? About what?”

What could I tell her? I was already imagining her kissing Kristin’s mom underwater while I was right there watching and getting a hard-on.

I was also concerned about Kristin being playfully sexual with me in the pool while mom looked on. And I was also thinking about how hot Kristin’s mother would look, either with or without a bathing suit. What if I ended up being hard all night long? Worse, what if things got out of hand?

Mom frowned at me. “Is something wrong, honey?”

“Uh, no mom.”

“Well, I was kind of hoping you’d wear your red speedos for me. I like you in those. Besides, I was going to wear my skimpiest red bikini. You like me in that, don’t you, honey?”

I most certainly did. But it usually caused issues involving me developing a noticeable bulge. I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of Kristin and her parents, not that they would mind. But I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of my mother.

“Uh, mom? Maybe I should tell you something. Sometimes the water makes me a little, uh… well, I mean I can get a little, uh… I mean, I don’t want to, uh…”

“Oh, honey; don’t worry about that,” she said with a laugh and a dismissive wave. “It’s a pool party. Sometimes the water does things to people. Hell, sometimes I get to enjoying myself a little too much underwater. You won’t hold that against me, will you?”

“Uh, no mom; of course not.”

“Then please go change into your red speedos, ok? Do it for me on my birthday?”

“Ok, mom.”

I reluctantly went to my room and changed. When I came out of my bedroom, mom was already in her skimpy red bikini. It showed a whole lot of cleavage.

And that thong she was wearing? It didn’t cover nearly as much as I was hoping it would. It was as though she had deliberately dressed just to make me hard, not to mention the effect it might have on Mr. and Mrs. K.

She had a couple of large towels in her hands. Then she walked us out the door. We headed right over, using the gate to their back yard.

The sun was going down, creating shadows all around their backyard. Kristin was already in the pool in a hot pink bikini. Her mother was stretched out on a lounger in a sexy black number that left little to the imagination.

“Where’s your husband?” mom asked as she stretched out in a lounger next to Mrs. K.

“Mark’s inside. He’ll be out in a bit.”

“Are you enjoying Jason’s work on the shed?”

“Your son did a wonderful job on it, Natalie. We’re very happy with the results.”


I paused a minute to look at both mom and Mrs. K. I immediately wished I hadn’t. So I decided the pool was the safest place to be.

Kristin popped up from the deep end. She caught sight of me and grinned. Then she invited me into the water by challenging me to a breath-hold contest.

I jumped into the deep end with her, grateful it was her suit and body turning me on instead of looking at our mothers. We went right over to the ladder over in the corner. Then we both inhaled before we submerged.

We went all the way to the bottom where we grabbed onto the bottom rung. We held on as we held our breath. Kristin had been practicing before I got there. So she was already much better at holding her breath than I was. I had to surface barely a half-minute in.

She came up with me and laughed before playfully splashing me. It looked like mom and Mrs. K were deep in conversation, although they were watching us the entire time. So we went back down for another try.

I got better and better as I competed with Kristin. By our fourth breath-hold, I was staying under just as long as she was. On the next one, we were down over two minutes before she had to go up first. According to my watch I beat her with a time of 2:24.

When we surfaced, I saw Mr. K had come out of the house. He was in a pair of light green speedos while chatting to mom and Mrs. K. It looked as though he was explaining something.

I heard mom say, “Really? Would you mind if Jason and I took part?”

“Not at all,” he said with a smile. Mrs. K seemed to be grinning enthusiastically about something.

“What’s all that about?” I nervously asked Kristin.

“Not sure,” she replied. “But if I know daddy, it’s going to be a lot of fun… and incredibly hot!”

Oh, boy! That was all I needed!

Mr. K called us over. We swam over to the shallow end and climbed out up the steps. When we walked over, I could see two sets of handcuffs lying on a table next to Mrs. K’s lounger.

“Bondage night?” Kristin asked her parents with growing excitement in her voice.

“Uh-hunh,” Mrs. K nodded as she stood up.

She took a set of cuffs as Kristin dutifully turned around. She even brought her arms up behind her back for her mother. Mrs. K promptly cuffed her wrists behind her back.

“Bondage night?” I nervously repeated to Mr. K. “What’s ‘bondage night’?”

“Sounds like fun, honey,” mom told me with a smile as she watched him cuff my wrists behind my back.

Mr. and Mrs. K walked Kristin and I over to the deep end. Then we were both pushed in. We hit the water with a splash, submerging in a flurry of bubbles before kicking our way back to the surface.

They promptly jumped in with us. Mrs. K swam over to me as Mr. K swam over to his daughter. Then they dunked us.

We both went down in another flurry of bubbles. Meanwhile, I thought I heard Mrs. K up at the surface call out, “Come and join us, Natalie!”

We were down a good ten seconds before we were allowed back up. Then we were dunked again. I barely got a decent-enough breath.

We were dunked several times before they swapped places. This time it was Mr. K who held onto me as Kristin’s mother held onto her. Then we were rapidly dunked again.

The repeated dunkings made my cock stiffen in my speedos. I figured it was visible to everyone in the pool. But I noticed Mr. K also had a noticeable bulge in his suit.

The next thing I knew, we were being swapped again. This time mom was in the water dunking Kristin, while Mrs. K was back to dunking me. I couldn’t help noticing how erect her nipples had become through the fabric of her skimpy black bikini top.

Every time I saw Kristin, I noticed her nipples were really hard as they poked out into the fabric of her top. I could tell she was becoming rather breathless and aroused. But frankly, so was I.

Another dunking swap took place. This time it was Mr. K who ended up dunking his daughter. But it was my mother who dunked me. And boy, did she really seem to enjoy herself!

After several more dunks, we were finally let back up to catch our breath. Mrs. K kissed Kristin on the lips. So mom followed her lead by kissing me on mine. It was a quick kiss, but it was still a bit of a shock.

Mrs. K saw mom kiss me and said that was a great idea. She suggested a breath-hold kissing contest. So the adults swam us over to the ladder in the deep end. Besides, with our wrists cuffed behind our backs, there wasn’t much we could do to resist them.

Kristin was all excited. But I was a little bit concerned. How was mother going to react to all this kissing? Or would it be ok with her, being as how Kristin said my mom kissed her mother underwater all the time.

Mrs. K took me down one side of the ladder as Mr. K took Kristin down along the other side. They wrapped their legs around us as they held onto the pool ladder. Then Mrs. K pulled my head to her with her free hand and kissed me hard as Mr. K kissed his daughter.

I really got a lot of tongue during our kiss. There wasn’t much I could do besides kiss her back. It was incredibly erotic.

I saw Kristin really getting kissed by her father. They both seemed to be enjoying themselves. And my mother? She was underwater holding her breath while watching us the entire time.

Mr. and Mrs. K kept us down for quite a while. My cock stiffened considerably in my speedos. I’m sure Mrs. K could feel how hard I’d become all pressed up against her body. I just hoped mom couldn’t see it.

Kristin and I were both running out of breath when we were taken up. Her and her father beat me and her mom by a few seconds. We all ended up at the surface gasping like crazy.

“Wow, daddy!” Kristin blurted out. “That was a long one!”

“And now we switch,” Mrs. K declared with a grin.

She turned toward my mother long enough to ask, “You ok so far, Natalie?”

“Doing just fine, Steph,” mom replied with a smile.

Mr. K grabbed me and smiled. “Let’s see if we can outlast them, eh, Jason?”

“Hunh – unh!” Kristin replied with a shake of her head. “Mom and I are going to win!”

We all filled our lungs and submerged. We bottomed out before Mr. K grabbed the bottom rung. Then he wrapped his legs around me, pulled my head to his face, and gave me a deep, soulful kiss.

There wasn’t much I could do but return it. I could feel his bulge up against me. But I figured he could feel mine against him, so we were even. He even humped me a little.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Kristin and her mother kissing all hot and heavy. They were really going at it. It was shamefully arousing to observe.

Amazingly, my mom was down there holding her breath right along with us. I blushed when she saw me kissing Mr. K so passionately. She bubbled as she appeared to caress her breasts while rubbing her crotch.

I couldn’t believe it! Was mom getting off watching me kiss Kristin’s father? Or was she just turned on by the eroticism of it all?

Kristin and her mother finally surfaced. We stayed down a few seconds longer until my lungs were heaving. He gave me a quick tongue-fuck before we headed up.

We all ended up at the surface gasping loudly for breath. That’s when Mrs. K smiled at my mother. “Can’t leave out the birthday girl, can we? Ok, Natalie. Which one do you want? I’ll take the other.”

“I’ll kiss Kristin,” she replied with a smile as she lustfully eyed my girlfriend.

“Then I guess I get to kiss your son.”

Mrs. K looked at me and grinned. “Ready to go back down, Jason? I think we can beat ‘em; don’t you?”

“Hunh – unh! This time Natalie and I are gonna win!”

“That’s right, honey,” my mom replied encouragingly to Kristin. “We certainly are.”

We all filled our lungs before submerging. Mrs. K took me right down to the bottom rung of the ladder. Then she wrapped her legs around me to hold onto me, grasping the ladder with one hand while kissing me deeply.

It was shamefully erotic, especially seeing mom kissing Kristin right next to us. She looked like she was really enjoying herself. Both of them were wriggling and humping each other.

Mrs. K humped my bulge as she kissed me deeply. Her tongue kept probing my oral cavity. I was glad mom couldn’t tell how aroused I’d become, although I wondered if she might have already suspected I was getting horny.

We were down getting kissed for an incredibly long time. I thought Mrs. K was trying to suck the air out of my chest. When my lungs started heaving, she hauled me back up until we were both gasping like crazy.

Mom and Kristin came up a few seconds later. “We won!” my girlfriend proclaimed. Then she turned toward my mother and gasped, “That sure was hot, Natalie!”

“And now we swap partners,” Mrs. K declared.

Mom looked at me and smiled. “Works for me.”

I blushed. Was mom really going to kiss me underwater?

We were counted down before Kristin and I were dragged under. Mom pulled me all the way down to the bottom rung. Then she wrapped her legs around me, pulled me to her, and began kissing me passionately.

Mom really threw herself into kissing me. Her mouth opened, and her tongue began exploring. It was so erotic that I couldn’t keep my cock from stiffening in my suit.

I thought for sure she would notice and react by making us surface. Instead, she kissed me even harder. And it felt as though she was humping against my bulge.

I heard bubbly groans as Kristin kissed her mother. But my mother was also groaning as she kissed me hard. When I stuck my tongue into her mouth and really kissed her back, she groaned up bubbles.

My cock was hard and uncomfortable in my speedos. I humped against mom without even thinking. Her response was to hump me back as she groaned even more.

There were a lot of grunts and bubbles. It looked like Kristin and her mom were really trying to outlast us. I could tell Kristin was struggling to hold her breath.

My chest was heaving, but mom refused to let go. Was she going to drown me? Were our mothers going to drown the both of us while pretending we were having a breath-hold contest??

Kristin and her mom finally went up. Mom and I headed up a couple seconds later. We all gasped like crazy at the surface.

“Quite a contest,” Mr. K observed with a smile. “I enjoyed staying down and watching you.”

Kristin panted, “Now, it’s your turn with daddy, Natalie!” But I still had my concerns. What if they were going to drown us?

Mom moved over to Kristin. “Ready to go again with me, honey?”

“I’m ready, Natalie! This is going to be so hot!”

Kristin’s father asked, “Ready to beat ‘em, Jason?”

“We’ll, uh… we’ll do our best, Mr. K.”

“That’s the spirit.”

We all inhaled before submerging. We reached the bottom where Mr. K wrapped his legs around my waist. Then he pulled me to his face and kissed me hard as he humped me.

Mom got busy kissing Kristin. I could tell they were both enjoying themselves. Mrs. K was underwater holding her breath while watching us. It looked like she was touching herself.

It felt like Mr. K was tongue-fucking me. He really seemed to be into it. There wasn’t much I could do but kiss him back.

I don’t know how long we were down before my lungs started hurting. A quick glance over at Kristin indicated she was about out of breath too. Once again, I felt that fear they were going to drown the both of us.

We ended up surfacing at about the same time after a really long breath-hold. We all panted like crazy. At least they hadn’t tried drowning us.

I tried to get my cock to soften so my mother wouldn’t notice. But she came right over to me when she and Mr. K switched partners. “Ready to go down with me again, honey?”

“Yeah, mom; I guess so.”

Kristin was excited. “We’re gonna beat ‘em; right, daddy?”

“Of course we are, honey.”

I had almost gotten my breath back when I felt mom’s hand on my bulge. I quivered at her touch as I looked at her in surprise. She just told me to get a good breath.

We all inhaled before submerging. Mom took me right down. She couldn’t wait to wrap her legs around me and start kissing me again.

She wrapped her legs around me, pulled my head close, and gave me a lot of tongue as she humped me. My cock was hard as a rock. I did my best to kiss her back so as not to disappoint her. It was shamefully erotic.

At some point, Mrs. K came over and started caressing my body. She even pressed up against me from behind. I was caught up in an embarrassing underwater MILF sandwich.

I felt lips on my neck and ear as mom kept kissing me. My cock was really hard in my suit. I think mom noticed because she kept humping me.

I got to the point where I started running out of breath. But mom would not let me surface. She and Mrs. K kept me in that sandwich until my lungs were really burning.

A quick glance revealed that Mr. K and Kristin had surfaced. But I was still being held at the bottom of the pool. I felt a sudden surge of fear they were going to allow me to swallow water.

I felt Mrs. K slip a hand between mom and I. She grabbed my cock through my suit and stroked me. Then it felt as though mom was suddenly trying to suck the air out of my lungs through our kiss.

I panicked as I thrashed about. My cock went off as Mrs. K groped and pulled on it through my suit. Mom humped me as I grunted and bubbled like crazy.

I was breathless and dizzy, on the verge of inhaling, when they hauled me up to the surface. I came up gasping and coughing like crazy. Kristin just grinned at us as she gasped, “Wow! That was really hot!

2023 (written Oct 24 ’23 by riwa)

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This is where I hang, isn’t it? 4.4 (72)

Mike heard the vehicle pull up outside in the driveway. He got up from the kitchen table to take a look. What he saw surprised him.

Some woman in a short, light brown dress was paying the driver of a taxi. He made a loop in the circular drive. Then he headed back to the main road.

Mike watched as the woman headed right for his shop. He frowned as he headed for the door. Who the hell had paid a cab to drop her off at his residence out in the country? And why was she headed for his shop?

He opened the door and looked outside. There was no sign of his female visitor. Had he imagined it all?

He looked at the shop. It would not be a very good idea if she discovered the contents. She would probably whip out her iPhone and call the police once she discovered his gallows.

Mike rushed outside. He had to stop this crazy bitch. Had she headed right for his shop? What if it was already too late?

There was no sign of her as he rushed toward the shop door. Mike strongly suspected she was already inside. Any moment now he expected his guest to come running out the door, screaming in horror over discovering his deep, dark secret.

He reached the door, only to hesitate. He listened for any sound indicating she was freaking out inside. But he heard nothing.

Had she even gone inside? What if she’d walked around the exterior of the grounds? What if she had gone hiking off into the woods?

Mike opened the door to his shop. Then he stepped inside. That’s when he immediately received the answers to most of his questions.

She was inside, all right. The dress was more golden than brown. It clung tightly to her body, hugging her curves in all the right places while showing a delicious amount of cleavage.

She had found his gallows, all right. But he was shocked over the way she had “found it”. To be more precise, she was standing upon it with her back to him, slowly bringing the coil down over her head.


She turned and smiled at him. She looked oddly familiar. “Are you Mike?”

He frowned as he looked at her more closely. She looked quite familiar. In fact she looked like…

“You are Mike, aren’t you?”

“Yes I am. What are you doing in my shop?”

“This is where I hang, isn’t it?”

“I, uh…” That’s when he felt a bulge develop within his trousers.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear you look like…”

“Tawnee Stone? In the flesh. How do I look?”

Mike couldn’t believe it. “You’re not really Tawnee Stone, are you?”

She laughed with amusement. “I would certainly hope I know my own name.”

“I saw you get out of the taxi before it drove away. So why are you here?”

“This is where I hang, isn’t it?”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“Do I look like I’m kidding?”

She smiled at him as she posed on the trap. The noose was around her throat, partially hung up by her hair. If she wasn’t careful, the trap might drop and she’d get to experience it for real.

“Tawnee Stone in my shop on my own gallows. I don’t believe it.” All Mike could do was shake his head.

She adjusted her pose on the trap. His eyes started at her tall, black heels. Then his vision climbed up her slender legs, admiring how tight her dress was.

She grinned as she turned to give him a view of every angle. Mike got quite an eyeful. His cock refused to soften.

“Which do you like better?” she asked with a playful giggle. “Do you like me fighting to pry the noose off from around my throat?”

She made a show of fighting against it as she made rasping noises. “Or do you like me with my arms tied behind my back?” Then she turned her back to him, holding her wrists together.

Mike scratched his head in disbelief. What the hell was Tawnee Stone, his favorite porn actress, doing in his shed? Why the hell was she standing on his gallows in his shop out in the country?

“What do you think? Would you like to watch me hang in my dress or would you like me to take it off?”

“I… I, uh…”

“You’re a ‘more skin’ kind of guy, am I right? I kind of figured as much.”

Without being asked, she worked herself out of her dress. She wriggled it down her body, revealing a bra and panties. Then she kicked it out of the way onto the floor, quietly muttering, “It doesn’t matter if it gets dirty. I won’t be needing it anymore.”

Mike’s hands were trembling as he stepped closer. She smiled invitingly at him. “Sure; you can touch me. Go ahead, I don’t bite. I might swing soon, but I sure as hell won’t bite.”

Mike reached out and touched her ass. She certainly felt real enough. She giggled again with amusement.

Her underwear seemed to glisten as he touched her all over. “Well? How about it? Are you going to hang me or not?”

“I still can’t believe you’re real.”

“Oh, I’m real, all right. Go right ahead and find out for yourself. Just let me adjust this noose around my neck is all. Might as well get my hair out of the way, right?”

She adjusted the noose around her throat, making sure to clear her hair away. Mike touched and caressed her, wanting to make sure she really was alive and in his shop on his gallows. He still couldn’t quite believe it.

He stuck his tongue out and licked her. She trembled as she gasped for breath. “Gawd, you’re making me hot. I really want to swing for you. Got anything for my wrists behind my back? I think you want me to hang this way; am I right?”

“I’ve got some shackles. I’ll go fetch them.”

Mike eagerly rushed over to his work bench and retrieved a set. He was incredibly aroused. If this was a dream, he sure as hell didn’t want to wake up from it!

When he returned he discovered she’d removed her bra. It had been tossed over in the direction of her dress. “I pick you for a man-who-likes-bouncing-boobs. Am I right?” Mike nodded numbly.

He cuffed her wrists being her back. Then he reached out to her as he prepared to send her into eternity. His cock strained uncomfortably in his trousers.

“Wait!” she blurted out. Mike instantly hesitated. Damn; she was going to back out!

“I need to see how excited you are. I want to see you naked. So take it off for me, ok? Grant me this one last request.”

Mike only hesitated a moment before undressing. But he left his socks on. Besides, the floor was a little on the cool side.

“Now we’re ready!” she told him with a huge grin. “I think it’s time for me to dance. What do you think?”

Mike thought about it for a long moment. If he waited too long, she might change her mind. Besides, if she was this willing, who was he to deprive her of her right to swing for him?

Mike stepped upon the lever attached to his gallows. The trap instantly folded down underneath Tawnee. Perfect legs he had admired so many times during his porn searches instantly began kicking it up.

She rasped for breath as her mouth opened in a painful grimace. Mike inwardly cheered. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever imagine he would find himself snuffing such a perfect angel.

Her dance was divine, the perfect ‘Texas two-step’. Mike’s cock was rock hard at the image of her fighting the noose. There was no backing out now. He was fully committed to snuffing such a lovely creature.

She kicked and danced, throwing her chest out. Mike could tell her panties were getting damp. Was she enjoying her last performance? He certainly was!

She wriggled in the noose as though determined to fully embrace the experience. She even humped the air in his direction. It was as though she was air-fucking him. Mike’s cock was hard as a rock.

Her struggles began to lessen. Her dance became less animated. No sound escaped the constriction of the noose around her throat.

“Damn, Tawnee! You have no idea what this is doing to me!” Then he reached forward.

Mike rubbed her crotch. Her panties were definitely soaked. There was the faintest twitching of flesh as he groped her.

“Damn, baby! That was one hell of a show!” Mike could only stand there in awe.

Tawnee gently swung back and forth. The rope creaked from her full weight. There were hardly any muscle twitches at this point.

Mike stared at the face of an angel. Her expression was one of sheer bliss. Had she really enjoyed hanging to death for him?

Mike stepped away to get a full look at her. Tawnee gently swung back and forth. She twisted a little as she dangled from the noose.

Her legs also swung a little. Sometimes they crossed from the movement of her body gently swinging to and fro. It was absolutely incredible.

Mike walked all the way around, looking her over inch by inch. She dangled quietly from his gallows. Tawnee Stone was clearly dead.

Mike looked at the heels on her feet. They seemed fitting. It was only proper she’d gone into eternity adorned with a special kind of footwear.

She looked absolutely incredible! Her nipples protruded out of her breasts. On some level she must have experienced a certain sense of arousal during her erotic dance.

Mike still wasn’t sure he believed his eyes. He walked all around his shop. But when he returned to the gallows, his favorite porn angel still dangled quietly.

She looked strangely peaceful, as though she had no problem whatsoever with the decision she had made. Mike was certainly happy with it. Hemp around the throat did that to a woman, bringing her to the ultimate sense of serenity.

Mike looked all around at his shop. That’s when he cursed himself. Here he had all the equipment to record her dance for him. But in the heat of the moment, he had been so overcome with her decision that he’d totally forgotten about setting anything up.

She hadn’t even suggested it to him. She’d simply entered his shop as though wanting to get on with it. She’d been eager to dance, so he’d made certain to fulfill her desires… as well as those of his own.

Mike suddenly blinked his eyes. He had fallen asleep in his comfortable recliner. His cock was still hard from the incredible dream he’d just experienced.

He heard a car door slam from somewhere outside. Curious, Mike got up to go check. That’s when he heard the sound of a vehicle driving away.

By the time he reached the door and looked outside, it was gone. Then he looked over at his shop. The door was wide open.

Now that was odd. He was sure he’d closed it earlier. Or had he?

Mike frowned as he headed out to his shop. He reached the door and was about to close it. Then he looked inside.

Mike jerked with a start. Some female in a golden dress was standing on his gallows. She was adjusting a noose around her throat.

Mike rushed forward. “Hey; what do you think you’re doing?” Then she turned to look him right in the eye.

She was quite familiar. He’d seen many of her porn videos. She just smiled at him as she asked, “This is where I hang, isn’t it?”

2020 (written for Mike Hunt Dec 8 ’20 by riwa. Story idea and renders by Mike Hunt.)

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Scarf work 4.3 (16)

Ella Birgeaux was the most antagonistic model I had ever assisted. Nothing pleased her. She thought she was better than all the other models. It showed in the way she treated them.

She always wore that damnable scarf around her neck. It was cold, unattractive and black… black as her soul. No matter what anyone told her, she refused to take it off unless it was absolutely necessary.

I was responsible for running errands for the models, making sure their needs were met. And Ella was the worst. Nothing I did was good enough.

The other models noticed her treatment of me. As a result, I think many of them went out of their way to be nice to me. They often showed appreciation in the efforts I put in to seeing to their comfort.

I bore Ella like a trooper as I kept going back to her dressing room to cater to her needs. She wanted a private room, and somehow she got one. It stuck in the craw of the other models. But that stuck up bitch always seemed to get what she wanted.

For me, it always went back to that scarf. It was a hideous scarf. It was as though the damnable thing was the reason for her ugly temperament.

You have no idea how many times I fantasied about grabbing both ends and pulling. She would sit at her cosmetics table and look into the mirror at my reflection whenever she talked to me. Then she would go into great lengths to explain my latest failure at tending to her wishes.

Her words often fell on deaf ears. Usually all I could see was that ugly scarf around her neck. And I would find myself imagining just how wonderful it would be to pull on both ends until she couldn’t berate me anymore.

Perhaps I should have seen it coming. If she would have been more of an observant bitch, she might have wised up and curbed her tongue. But she just didn’t give a damn about anyone but herself.

One day I was summoned Ella’s dressing room between fashion appearances on the runway. Once more she lit into my efforts. She was exceedingly unhappy with me.

The room was too cold, the fruit basket too stale, and the flowers were wilting. The fabric was all wrinkled, the candles were wrong, and the perfume she demanded was the incorrect brand. All I saw was that ugly scarf around her neck as she went on – blah, blah, blah.

Without thinking, I lashed out and grabbed on to both ends of that damnable scarf. Then I pulled hard. Her eyes flew open in astonishment.

An act of violence against her was utterly unthinkable! I could see it in her eyes. How DARE I!

Her hands came up to claw at the scarf. Now she wanted it off?? Figures…

I could not seem to stop myself. I saw her reflection in the mirror and the damnable scarf that seemed to be mocking me. Instinctively, I pulled harder.

I watched her reflection in the mirror go from shock to surprise to horror… and then to desperation. Her face turned red as her long, red-painted fingernails clawed at the scarf around her throat. But it kept mocking me, and I refused to let go.

I watched her reflection in the mirror as her eyes bugged out. Her tongue started to protrude as her gasps and gurgles were cut off. I kept expecting her to continue demeaning me, but her voice had been cut off.

I did not let go of the ends to her scarf. Nor did I want to. I simply wasn’t capable of stopping myself.

Her mouth gaped open as though trying one last time to breathe. She shuddered as she went limp in my grasp. The way she sagged caused me to let go of both ends of her scarf.

She fell forward onto the cosmetics table as though taking a nap. Her mouth had finally been silenced. Her scarf no longer mocked me.

At that moment, I realized what I had done. I slipped out of her dressing room in panic, my heart pounding in my chest. I rushed off to deal with the other models, certain my deed would soon be discovered.

Ella never made her curtain call for her runway display. I heard someone went to check on her. They thought she was napping and apparently left her alone. She was not missed.

It wasn’t until long after the show when the night janitor opened the door and found her that anyone even knew she’d been strangled to death. The cops tried to investigate. But the models were unhelpful as no one knew anything. If they suspected I was involved, they never said a word.

It’s amazing how much nicer life became after that stuck-up diva was gone…


I thought I had it under control. But I was wrong. Maybe there was no point trying to reign it in. Maybe it’s just who I am.

I saw her one night in a tavern having drinks with her friends. I could not stop staring at her red scarf. She had it tied in such a way as to invite strangulation.

I could not stop staring at her. She caught me looking and smiled at me. I smiled weakly before making a hasty departure.

The next night I was drawn back to that same bar. Again she was there, along with that same red scarf. She looked at me again. Was she being drawn to me the way I was being drawn to her and the wrap around her throat?

I could not stop staring at the scarf she wore. She smiled as she raised her glass in a toast to me. I raised mine back to her and smiled.

My heart beat fast. She had no idea how hard I was trying to fight it. I finished my drink and then hastily left to avoid making contact.

I should not have gone back that third night. But I could not stop myself. Would she show up three nights in a row?

I was staring at the door when she walked in. My breath caught in my throat. Again she was wearing that same red scarf.

This time she came right up to my table. “Buy me a drink?” she purred as she sat down. I nodded numbly as I summoned the bartender over.

She told me she noticed I had been staring at her every night of the week. I apologized as I tried to explain how I simply could not help myself. Then she asked why I had run away the last two nights.

I told her I was afraid I would not be able to control my lusts. She thought that was charming. She obviously believed I was talking about her body. But I was talking about something else.

She asked if I wanted to go someplace more intimate. I nodded numbly as I paid for our drinks. She slipped her arm through mine as it grew stronger within me. The beast was demanding to be unleashed.

I took her to a nice motel and paid cash while making her wait out in my vehicle. Then I took her in through a back door. She breathlessly fell into my arms, totally unaware of the danger she was in.

My lips were all over her mouth as I tried to blot it out of my mind. But I could hear it in the back of my head. Her red scarf was calling to me.

It seemed as though she finally made the connection when she asked, “Do you like my scarf?” I nodded breathlessly. She smiled coyly as she sat in one of the nice cushioned chairs and seductively began to undress.

Her breasts were gorgeous. Her pussy was cleanly shaved, dripping and inviting. But I only had eyes for her scarf.

She modestly covered her breasts before shyly asking, “Do you like?”

“Very much,” I breathed, my heart hammering in my throat.

I slowly removed my shirt and pants. She saw the bulge in my briefs and licked her lips. She watched with great interest as I slowly pulled them down, revealed my erection.

I was not aroused over her body. It was all due to that damned scarf. I found myself trembling as I struggled to regain control.

She gave me a seductive look as I slowly approached. I knelt to be able to thrust into her wetness as she sat there. But I only had eyes for her scarf.

Her breathing was heavy and labored. She must have assumed I was passionately overcome with her beauty. It must have made her feel quite desirable. Indeed, her scarf was making her so lethally attractive to me.

She gasped as I slowly entered her. We developed a rhythm as I continued to stare at her scarf. Inside the voice was telling me it was necessary if I was to be fulfilled. I’m ashamed to admit I was too weak to resist.

We were right in the middle of a sensuous fuck when I reached out for both ends to her scarf. Then I began to pull. She let out a gasp and a sigh as though enjoying what I was doing to her.

I pulled harder. To my surprise, she acted as though she loved it. And at that moment desire finally conquered reason.

I pulled harder as I thrust into her more aggressively. Her expression changed from rapture to alarm. The fear in her eyes only fueled my evil lusts.

Her hands came up to stop me. But I pulled harder on her scarf as I began to fuck her hard. My voracious appetite had been unleashed.

The more she struggled, the more the beast wanted to come out. I was unable to explain to her how her reactions were making things worse. Nor did I want to.

At the height of her fear and breathlessness, I pulled with all my might. I succeeded in cutting off all sound emanating from her throat. That moment is still vivid in my memory.

She shuddered hard as her pussy hungrily clenched around my thrusting cock. Then she seemed to relax as though giving herself to me. That’s when my cock exploded inside her, a mighty eruption of cum that seemed never-ending.

When I pulled out of her, she stared at me with a frozen look of horror. Her face was red, her scarf cutting noticeably into her neck. She would never seduce another man ever again.

Once more I had given in to my urges. The release had felt wonderful. Perhaps I was denying myself and that I ultimately needed to let go and simply become the person I was truly destined to be.

So I did not feel any remorse. Instead, I thanked her for her incredible gift. And I thanked her for setting me free. Then I got dressed and left.

Next time I would not be so hesitant. I would seize the opportunity. And thus, I began my hunt to find wearer after wearer of scarves of all kinds…

2016 (written for Denny Oct 12 ’16 by riwa. Inspired by the Internet photos I found.)

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Dear Riwa 3.2 (19)

Dear Riwa, I know my ex Tommy has talked to you about me. So maybe you can help. I think he’s obsessed about something.

I’ve caught him watching me when I wash my hair in the bathtub. I take a bath and shampoo my hair. Then I bend over backwards, submerge my head and rinse my hair.

When I submerge, I blow plumes of bubbles out of my nose. I do this to keep the water out of my sinuses. However I’ve noticed this has quite an impact on him.

When I surface I’ve glanced over and caught him staring at me. I’ve also noticed he has quite a bulge. It’s as though he’s aroused over something. Any ideas?

Bubbling in the bathtub

  Dear Bubbling, When Tommy sees you blowing plumes of bubbles he’s imagining you drowning at the bottom of your bathtub. It’s as simple as that. He has what is known as “a drowning fetish”, a condition familiar among people who like seeing women (and sometimes men) underwater.

   If you want to see him develop an erection, blow as many bubbles out of your nose as you can. If you want to see a look of arousal in his eyes, just submerge your head underwater. You don’t even have to be shampooing your hair. Just blow bubbles out of your nose and watch your ex-boyfriend go nuts.

Dear Riwa, I made sure my ex-boyfriend was over at my house when I washed my hair again. I dunked my head under and blew bubbles out of my nose as I got my hair wet. Then I sat up. Right away I noticed Tommy was all wide-eyed, and he had another erection.

I asked him to hand me the shampoo. I told him he could stay and watch as I would only be a few minutes. I shampooed my hair really good. Then I took a deep breath and submerged. I held my breath while I scrubbed and rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. The entire time I blew lots of bubbles out of my nose. When I came up I saw him standing there with his eyes wide and this huge bulge. What do you think I should do?

Bubbling in the bathtub

  Dear Bubbling, Every time you submerge and blow bubbles in front of your ex-boyfriend, he is entertaining wicked thoughts. He may wish to push you down for as long as you can hold your breath. He may even want to push you down far longer than that.

   He is aroused at seeing all those bubbles come up. He may be having carnal thoughts of a lethal nature. If you are not careful, he may wish to hold your head under until the bubbles stop. This fantasy is becoming an obsession with him.

   I would advise you to proceed with caution. Do not wash your hair with him in the bathroom. And certainly, do not blow plumes of nose bubbles while he is standing there. You are only fueling his desires to see you drown.

Dear Riwa, I can’t stop thinking about my ex-boyfriend drowning me. You said he is entertaining wicked thoughts whenever he watches me go under. Now it’s all I can think about.

What is it like to drown? How does it feel? I know Tommy gets an erection every time he sees me underwater blowing bubbles. It turns me on to know I have such an effect on him.

Does he really want to drown me? Does he really want to watch me suffer while holding my breath underwater? I need answers as I’m really starting to think about letting him drown me for real.

Bubbling in the bathtub

  Dear Bubbling, I have never drowned. So I don’t know what it feels like, although I’ve come close a couple of times. You feel out of breath, and there is a lot of panic. You’re afraid you won’t get your next breath. Sometimes you’re so scared that you become aroused. That is probably a biological response to an intensely dangerous event or situation

   There certainly is a sexual element to it. People buy drowning videos to watch a girl pretend to drown. It can elicit quite a response in the male organ. Many have been known to climax watching their favorite drowning scene. Tommy has probably watched several drownings and has masturbated to them.

   I’ve seen clips of girls drowning with a cock in their mouth or in their vagina. I believe there is a clenching reflex that occurs. If a dick is inside you at the point of drowning, you might very well milk a release out of it. All the more reason to be careful around your ex-boyfriend, especially if he is considering drowning you.

Dear Riwa, I’m so excited I could just burst. I invited my ex-boyfriend to come over later. I’m going to wash my hair right in front of him. Then I’m going to blow huge plumes of bubbles while my head is underwater.

What do you think he will do? Do you think he will just stand there and get hard? Or do you think he’ll do something about it? I guess what I’m asking is this: Do you think he’ll drown me?

I can’t stop thinking about it. In my dreams I am taking a bath when Tommy pushes down on my shoulders. He keeps me under until my chest is heaving and I’m really panicked. Then I wake up the moment I start gulping water. Do you think I’m taking a big risk?

Bubbling in the bathtub

  Dear Bubbling, If you keep washing your hair in front of your ex-boyfriend, you may be asking for trouble. I do not know what he will do. But the way you describe him, he might be extremely tempted to push down on your shoulders, keep you under and drown you until the bubbles stop coming up.

   It sounds like Tommy indeed has a drowning fetish. But now it sounds like you are developing a fetish as well. Some women enjoy being underwater just to turn on a husband or boyfriend. Other females enjoy being underwater for their own sake. And yes, some of them imagine drowning while being watched by someone who wants to watch them bubble their last.

   I’ve learned it is best to avoid temptation whenever possible. Otherwise, you might give in. And if you place temptation in front of another, there is no telling what may happen.

Dear Riwa, Well, you were right. I put temptation right in front of my ex-boyfriend. And he took the bait. I was washing my hair, and I went under to rinse it while releasing a plume of nose bubbles. Tommy rushed over and pushed down on my shoulders. It caught me totally by surprise.

I panicked, and I started kicking and thrashing about. I even swallowed a little water. Then he let me go, and I came up sputtering. He kept saying he was sorry and that he didn’t know what came over him. But after talking to you, I know full well what happened.

You were right. I felt sexually aroused when he pushed down on my shoulders. And I nearly experienced an orgasm. It was scary, yet it was incredibly thrilling.

Riwa, I want him to drown me again. I can’t explain what’s come over me. Maybe it’s the fear, or maybe it’s the thrill and the sexual excitement. I’ve never felt this way before. I know there’s a danger. And yet I can’t stop thinking about it. What do I do?

Bubbling in the bathtub

  Dear Bubbling, You were lucky he didn’t push you down long enough to drown you for real. He could have left you on the bottom of your bathtub. You might have been found staring up at the ceiling with a vacant expression in your eyes.

   You may have opened Pandora’s box. He has pushed down on your shoulders as though he was trying to drown you. He may have meant it, or he may have lost control. Be careful, or next time you might not be so lucky.

Dear Riwa, I did it again. I invited him over to watch me wash my hair. Maybe I shouldn’t have, but I just couldn’t help myself. The moment I went under to rinse my hair, he was on top of me, pushing down on my shoulders. I blew a plume of nose bubbles as I thrashed about. The fear and panic were present. But so was this incredible rush of sexual excitement.

He let me back up and apologized again. He said he couldn’t help himself. Riwa, you should have seen his bulge. I think he creamed his pants, because I saw a stain appear.

We haven’t had sex in years. But now I’m thinking about letting him fuck me in my bathtub. I want him to push my head under as he gives it to me good. What do you think? Do you think this is a good idea? I already know the answer you’re going to give me. But lately I just can’t help myself when it comes to thinking about drowning for my ex-boyfriend.

Drowning in the bathtub

  Dear Drowning, Yes, you are really asking for it. If you have sex with him in your bathtub, there is no telling whether or not he’ll be able to control himself. He might want to drown you while his dick is deep inside you.

   Think very carefully before you decide upon a course of action. Drowning can be very exciting. But you certainly don’t want to risk flooded lungs.

Dear Riwa, my name is Tommy. I’m the ex-boyfriend of Bubbling in the Bathtub. She’s my ex-girlfriend Jenni. I found her letters to you as well as your replies back to her. I think she wanted me to find them. Then she went to take a bath and wash her hair.

I went in and watched as she went under to rinse her hair. Huge plumes of bubbles came out of her nose. No, I could not resist. And just like she told you, I sure didn’t resist the last couple of times either.   I held her down until the bubbles almost stopped. Then I let her back up. That’s when she quietly asked me to join her in the bathtub.

After reading her letters to you, I knew exactly what she wanted. So I put my cock inside her before pushing down on her shoulders. Then I waited. Plumes of bubbles started coming up. She really clenched around my cock inside her. It was incredibly erotic.

I think my ex-girlfriend got it out of her system. I want to thank you so much. I don’t think you’ll have to worry about hearing from her again. I included a picture I maniped of her submerged in water so you’ll know what happened to her… I mean, what we did together the other day.

Happy Drowning Enthusiast


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Aquarium 4.4 (39)

Ruby was escorted into the room by a man in a black suit. Right away she noticed large, leather chairs facing a curtained wall. She stiffened as she tried to steel herself for what she knew was coming.

Jack and Vanessa stood near the curtain as though awaiting her arrival. There were drinks in their hands, and bottles on the end tables between the chairs. Obviously this was, indeed, a special night.

“So you’re the one Carleton wants to introduce to us, eh?” Vanessa sounded cold… formal.

Ruby nodded without smiling. She felt alone and vulnerable, perhaps because she was naked under the short robe she wore. Of course, that was the whole idea.

“Carleton says you’re here to audition to be our new executive secretary. Is that correct?”

“It is,” she replied evenly.

Ruby tried not to feel intimidated by the woman in the tight fitting leather dress that only came partway down to her knees. It was obvious the bitch held some high position in the firm she was trying to become an integral part of after tonight.

“You know what’s expected of you?” This was from Jack, a man she’d met with Carl back in the states.

“I do.”

Vanessa chuckled. “We’ll be the judge of that. I have my doubts. Time to show her the aquarium, Don.”

Don was the one in the dark suit and white shirt who’d escorted her in. He went to a corner of the room and pulled on a cord. The green curtains parted to the left and right.

The lights in the room dimmed in response. Spotlights came on right in front of the glass. Ruby tried not to react despite a sudden surge of apprehension.

An aquarium stood before her, walled in by glass on three sides. A bulkhead door stood along the back wall. A set of ankle shackles lay in the middle of the floor.

Vanessa smiled as she waited for a reaction. But Ruby had been well coached by Carl. She stepped forward and examined it thoroughly before turning to calmly face her examiners.

The gentlemen appeared to be impressed. If anything, Vanessa was disappointed. No doubt she was hoping to have witnessed a lot more fear out of this one.

Ruby faced them with an expression as though she was bored. Carl had warned her ahead of time. He’d even given her a heads up over the way Vanessa like to spring things on the girls he’d previously brought in.

The questions started coming thick and fast from Vanessa after that…

“Are you prepared to get wet?”

“I am.”

“How long can you hold your breath?”

“Three minutes.” That was because Carl had warned her this would be the minimum requirement Vanessa expected from her.

“Are you prepared to swallow a little water?”

“If it comes to that.”

“Will you be appropriately dressed for us?”

“You’ll find out once I’m inside the aquarium.”

Ruby was tempted to open her robe right then and there. But Carl had advised against showing off the merchandise too soon. So she kept it on.

“Are you aware of my tastes?” the bitch asked, continuing with her questions.

“I’m fully prepared to do whatever it takes to become your executive secretary.” In this case, that meant putting on a little show for them.

“You have no qualms about what is expected of you?”

“I’m here of my own free will. I volunteered under no hint or threat of duress. I know what’s expected of me.”

Carl had filled her in on most of the details along the way. What she was aiming for was a valuable position in their corporation. But in this strange company, that meant submitting in rather unique ways.

Ruby had no illusions what those “ways” might entail. Woman had offered their bodies for thousands of years just to get what they wanted. She was no different, and in this case she was prepared to do whatever it took.

Ruby felt like a mouse in the possession of a hungry cat. Vanessa took a sip from her goblet. Then she smiled knowingly as she asked, “Are you prepared to drown?”

Carl had warned her of the way Vanessa liked to frighten the new ones. She’d tried to steel herself for the verbal onslaught. Still, this was a question that chilled her to the bone.

She trembled as she composed herself. Then she replied, “If it comes to that.”

“You’re not afraid?” Vanessa sounded disappointed.

“Carl told me what to expect. He warned me the water level might not drop fast enough and that I might swallow some water. He explained I might have to be revived.”

Vanessa turned and saw the referenced man now standing off to one side by the glass. Then she faced Ruby, giving her a cold look. “It seems Carleton has told you a great many things. No matter. All I can say is this: you’d better not disappoint.”

Ruby thought about telling her off, about revealing how Carl had given her advanced notice and how she’d practiced in her bathtub for this very moment. It was more than a little unnerving now that she stood here prepared to go through with it. So she simply smiled as she nodded in reply.

“I’m satisfied. Get her into the aquarium, Carleton.”

“Yes, Vanessa.”

Ruby turned at the sound of the man standing nearby, the man she’d given her heart to. This offer had come from him several months ago upon meeting her at her previous office job. She felt reassured by his presence.

He led her out until they were well out of earshot. “You handled yourself well,” he chuckled. “I think you even ruffled her feathers.”

“You were good to warn me about her.”

“She’s a bitch.”

Ruby didn’t reply. It was not wise to speak unseemly of a future employer, no matter what her feelings might be. She just wanted to do a good job. Perhaps she might even end up replacing Vanessa someday.

They came to a bulkhead door. Carl paused before looking at her. “Are you sure you want to go through with this?”

“I’m not afraid. I can do this. I know I can put on a good performance for her… and for you.” She wanted to kiss him, but was afraid there might be hidden cameras watching.

He opened the door and took her inside. The lights had been dimmed considerably. Vanessa had already taken up the center chair to observe her performance, the two males having seated themselves in the other chairs.

Ruby paused as she looked down at the floor. The shackles were open. The chain was looped through an eyebolt. She would be tethered to the floor once the aquarium filled with water.

Now that she was inside, Ruby began to have misgivings. Carl had cautioned her several times about all this. But his description of what awaited her had not adequately prepared her for this moment.

The aquarium would be filled with water. He’d warned her as much. The purpose of the event was for her to hold her breath and put on a little show for Vanessa before the chamber was drained.

The shackles meant she would be tethered to the floor. The water would rise clear above her head. She would have three minutes to convince Vanessa how badly she wanted the position of executive secretary, despite indications from Carl it was already a done deal. This was just a last formality, and a curious one at that.

Carl had warned her that drowning inside the aquarium was a very real possibility. One of the girls previously put through this initiation had swallowed a lot of water. He’d explained how they’d been forced to work extra hard just to revive her.

He sensed her hesitation. Then he quietly asked, “Do you want to back out now?”

Ruby stared down at the chain and shackles. She shivered at the possibility she might very well drown in here. Was she that desperate for a new job with much greater pay, allowing her to live a higher quality of life? So many debts would be wiped away if she got this position.

She took a deep breath to compose herself. “No, darling,” she told him quietly. “I’m fully prepared to go through with this.”

“Good girl. Let’s get you shackled; shall we?”

Ruby stood with her feet on either side of the eyebolt with the chain running through it. She faced the glass wall as Carl reached down. Then he began attaching the shackles.

She shivered again as he attached them to her ankles. Now she could feel it, a growing sense of fear and trepidation. Could she really go through with this??

She half expected Carl to ask once more if she wanted to back out. He’d been doing it ever since she’d first heard about what was expected of her. But this time she did not hear those words come out of his mouth.

He rose up and stood next to her. “I might as well take your glasses, Ruby. You won’t need them in here, not for what you’re going to be doing. Isn’t that right?”

He stuck a hand out to accept them from her. She stared out through the glass wall at Vanessa looking back at her. Then she lifted her arms up to remove her glasses from her head.

She slowly took them off before handing them over. Carl took them and nodded. “And now for the robe. It’s time to show Vanessa what she wants to see.”

Ruby took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She loosened the tie holding the robe to her body. Then she slowly opened it up.

She looked right at Vanessa as she exposed herself. She could see her own reflection in the glass wall of the aquarium, could see her nudity on display. Was this what that bitch out there was so eager to cast her eyes upon?

She caught movement in the direction of the chair on the left. She turned to discover Jack leaning forward. Apparently he liked what he saw.

She resisted the urge to smile back at him as she started to remove her robe. Ruby wore nothing underneath, having changed in a private room upon arrival. Carl had advised as much in the off chance Vanessa might want to inspect the merchandise before sending her into the aquarium.

She paused for a long moment, her robe parted. She held her pose for the bitch on the other side of the glass. Did this appeal to the woman’s kinky tastes? She certainly hoped it would assist in furthering her career.

She was a little surprised the bitch had not chosen to have her strip nude during her cross-examination. Maybe Vanessa was trying to hold back? Maybe it just didn’t matter.

Ruby was under no illusions at this point. She suspected she would be giving the bitch many personal visits during her tenure here. She did not know how long this might continue. She just hoped she would eventually gain enough status within the organization so as not to be viewed as “company property” anymore.

She totally removed her robe. Carl was standing right there, waiting patiently. He extended an arm out to take it from her.

She draped it over his offered limb, affectionately touching him as she looked at him. His expression reassured her. She was sure he would let nothing happen to her that could not immediately be remedied… like drowning, for instance?



“Will I… will I be all right?”

“Yes you will, Ruby.”

“Will I… will I drown in here?”

“It’s possible. It’s happened before. We drain the tank as quickly as possible to get back inside, just in case.”

“I… I love you, Carl.”

“I love you too, Ruby.”

“Thank you. This is such an incredible offer. It’s really going to change my life.”

“I’m sure it will. I’m glad to have played a small part in that.”

Carl took the robe and walked to the bulkhead door. Then he stepped outside. Ruby heard a faint hiss as it sealed her in.

She looked through the glass at Vanessa sitting there. The woman wore an expression of sadistic cruelty. It gave her the shivers, once more causing her to second-guess herself.

Instinctively Ruby turned to look back. But Carl had already gone. There would be no more attempts to back out of the deal. She was now all alone inside the aquarium.

She turned back to face the glass, to squarely face Vanessa on the other side. The moment was at hand. This was really going to happen.

Ruby fully understood her situation. For the moment she was here as nothing more than a piece of meat for the bitch. She considered it a rather strange initiation in order to join the company.

Her new job was about to give her a whole new lifestyle. Ruby firmly believed in her abilities. Thus, she would do all that was necessary in order to get her position in the company. Perhaps she could even work to unseat the bitch in the future.

Instinctively she started to pose, giving the woman on the other side of the glass a good look at her. It felt like the only light turned on was the one now shining down on her from inside the aquarium. Her imminent performance – and possible drowning, she reminded herself – was to be the highlight of the evening.

She loved Carl with all her heart. There had even been talk of a future together. He was so caring, warning her so many times while asking if she truly wanted to go through with all this.

Now here she was. There would be no more chances for her to back out. This was the moment of truth.

Ruby began touching herself all over. A moment later she heard the sound of water flowing through pipes. There was a faint shudder in the floor before water began to bubble upward from the drain in front of her.

She’d identified three different holes in the floor. That meant the aquarium should fill relatively quickly. It also meant it should drain just as fast.

Ruby was understandably nervous about the possibility of drowning in here. Carl had warned her it was a distinct possibility. He’d told her not to even consider this unless she was prepared to take that risk.

Now here she was. And she was certainly willing to take that risk. Or so she thought.

She began groping and fondling herself, remembering what Carl had told her Vanessa would be looking for. She stared in the direction of the bitch the entire time. One day she hoped she would be sitting in that very chair, perhaps watching Vanessa put on a drowning performance in this very same tank.

Ruby crouched as she touched herself. She wanted to let Vanessa know she was not the least bit frightened despite her nervousness. She would throw everything she had into putting on an erotic show for the bitch.

It wasn’t just the water coming up from the hole in the floor that was making her wet. Ruby felt a distinct dampness in her private parts. She fingered herself for Vanessa’s benefit, letting her know she was going to use this time to get herself off here inside the aquarium, just as Carl had suggested.

There was a change of sound inside the aquarium. More water began pumping up from the floor. Ruby was tempted to look at the other drains. Instead, she focused all her attention on Vanessa on the other side of the glass.

She deliberately groped and fondled herself. Her mind told her there was a good chance she was going to drown. She had every reason to believe that’s what Vanessa truly wanted out of her presence here in the aquarium.

Well, fuck that bitch! She was going to show her she wasn’t the least bit afraid. She was determined to thoroughly enjoy herself in here!

The water level rose at a good pace. Ruby felt somewhat relieved. If it rapidly filled the aquarium, it would drain just as quickly; right?

She wriggled and danced as the water level rose higher. It climbed her legs until it rose above her knees. That’s when she felt a sudden surge of anxiety in her throat which she tried to swallow back down.

There was a look of sadism in Vanessa’s expression. The bitch was clearly looking forward to watching her drown. Ruby was determined not to show any fear. Eventually she wanted to put that woman in her place one day once the opportunity presented itself.

Water reached her crotch. She gasped despite her attempts to control her emotions. It was becoming harder to keep the fear at bay.

She threw herself into masturbating for the bitch on the other side of the glass. She pinched her nipple as she rubbed and fingered herself. It felt good, and she gasped for breath as her body tingled with pleasure.

The water continued to rise. Ruby took a really deep breath. Then she crouched, deliberately submerging herself.

Vanessa appeared to be surprised at this action. Ruby smiled inwardly as she groped and fondled herself. ‘You see? I’m not afraid of drowning, you bitch!’ Then she rose up for a breath.

Ruby told herself to work her body toward an orgasm. She figured Vanessa would get off watching her cum, either above or below the surface. Why not enjoy a little pleasure while she was in here?

She submerged again before starting to finger herself. She writhed and wriggled as she thrust two digits in and out of her well-lubricated slit. Yes, she was definitely feeling it now.

She was aware how fast the aquarium was filling. She didn’t want to push things prematurely. So she stood back up and gasped for breath.

It was good she’d come up for air. The water had now reached her breasts. It wouldn’t be much longer.

Ruby gave Vanessa a lustful gaze as though she was enjoying herself. Then she filled her lungs before submerging again, working herself into a crouch. She furiously fingered herself while aggressively groping her breasts.

The water continued to rise. She could see it climb the glass right in front of her. Soon she would not be able to get any more breaths. That’s when she would truly have to prove her ability to reach the breath-hold time she’d given to that bitch.

Ruby was close to cumming when she decided to stop and get another breath. She shot upward, only to realize she was standing in water up to her neck. She could feel her feet about to leave the floor of the aquarium.

One more practice session? Then she would have to get her very last breath. Ruby swallowed down her growing anxiety as she filled her lungs before submerging yet again.

She held her breath as she furiously masturbated. She wanted to cum right now. She had no idea whether or not she’d be able to work another one out of her body once she was submerged for the duration.

She bubbled as the panic began to well up inside her. In her mind she heard Vanessa’s words again… “Are you prepared to drown?” It filled her with a growing panic that threatened to overwhelm her.

Ruby anxiously shot up to the surface without cumming. Her head burst up out of the water. She was jerked up short against her shackles. Vanessa smiled sadistically.

This was it. Last breath! The water would be too high if she tried to come back up again.

Ruby swallowed down the fear that wanted to consume her. She gasped anxiously, her nipples hard as her body tingled with fear and arousal. This would be her last breath until they drained the aquarium.

Ruby was looking right at Vanessa when she filled her lungs. She forced herself to remain calm despite the fear surging through her. She fully believed Vanessa wanted to see terror in her expression.

She deliberately submerged before the water level could rise above her head. It was her way of proving to the bitch she was not afraid. She just hoped her performance would be satisfactory. She never wanted to find herself back in here again.

She bent her legs and crouched as she furiously worked her slit. Ruby eagerly fingered her swollen nub. Now she wanted to go for that orgasm before she drowned.

At this point she didn’t even consider trying to reach the surface. She was sure the water level had already risen well above her. She tried not to panic at the thought she was now forced to hold her breath for as long as she could.

This was it: the moment of truth. She could feel her heart thumping loudly in her chest. Could she hold her breath long enough to please that bitch on the other side of the glass?

Ruby saw Vanessa eagerly looking in on her, along with the others. The bitch looked like she was touching herself. Was she actually going to get off watching her drown?

There was no sign of Carl anywhere. Was he standing in the shadows in there with the others? Was he staying out of sight, content to allow Vanessa to enjoy her sadistic moment watching their new executive secretary suffer and drown?

Ruby became aware of the growing strain in her chest. It felt like it was too soon. She tried to focus on her orgasm, attempting to extend her time underwater while holding her breath.

She did not even try looking upward to see how full the tank had become. That would only cause her to panic. The only thing she needed to focus on now was her pleasure while holding her breath for as long as she could.

Her lungs began to ache. Ruby rubbed herself more aggressively. She could feel the fear and panic start to rise up within her. She could also feel a distinct surge of tingles, indicating her orgasm was not far off.

She grunted as she brought her thighs together. Bubbles trickled out of her mouth and nose. Ruby bent forward as she continued to finger herself.

Yes, she could feel it drawing closer. She couldn’t worry about the tank starting to drain. She had to concentrate on her pleasure while holding her breath for as long as possible…

“Are you prepared to drown… are you prepared to drown… are you prepared to drown?” Vanessa’s words echoed in her mind. They were scaring her now, causing her to redouble her efforts.

Her lungs ached as her chest heaved. She could feel it in her stomach. Gawd; she needed another breath!

A surge of panic threatened to overwhelm her. Ruby concentrated on triggering her orgasm. She had to get herself off at least once to satisfy that bitch on the other side of the glass…

She was going to drown… she was going to drown… gawd; SHE WAS GOING TO DROWN! The thought terrified her. That’s when it surged within her until it crested.

Ruby stiffened as she stretched upward. The chain halted her ascent, well short of the water level above her. Then she shuddered in orgasm, humping the water with her fists clenched as bubbles spewed out of her mouth.

Ruby looked upward, only to discover the water level still appeared to be rising. Had she already been under for three minutes?? That meant it would take at least another three before it came back down!

She felt a surge of panic flush through her. There was no way she could hold her breath that long. That’s when Ruby realized she was going to drown. It had been Vanessa’s plan all along.

It terrified her as she humped the water in front of her, her lungs screaming at her. For a moment her senses dimmed as a second orgasm overwhelmed her. It was far more intense – and much more frightening – than she could have possibly anticipated.

Ruby felt something wrap around her chest as though a large hand had grasped onto her and was squeezing tightly. She began hitching as she struggled to hold her breath a few seconds longer. When were they going to drain the tank??

Her chest heaved ominously, her breasts shaking. Her stomach rippled as she tried to swallow down the air in her mouth. She gulped as she tried to swallow it down again. But it wasn’t nearly enough. Her lungs were on fire.

Where the hell was Carl? Was Vanessa really going to let her drown? Were they all going to watch her drown??

No – no – no – no –NO! Instinctively Ruby shot upward, desperately trying to reach the surface far above. The chain pulled her up short, her shackles hungrily clinging to her ankles.

She lost a huge mouthful of air. Then her lungs gave out. Ruby sucked down a massive mouthful of water.

She reacted instantly as her body stiffened. She coughed before trying to breathe again. Her head tipped back, her eyes staring upward in horror as she sucked down another lungful of water.

Ruby went into painful seizures as she began hitching and spasming. She coughed up bubbles as she kept gulping water down her throat. Her mind screamed for Carl to save her as her lungs heaved over and over again.

She looked through the glass and could see how excited Vanessa had become. Her mind screamed for the bitch to get her out of here. She tried to reach outward toward her in desperation. But her arms no longer responded coherently to her commands.

Ruby kept gulping and gulping until she slowly started to descend. Her windpipe had opened up; her lungs were flooding. She was no longer buoyant.

She looked up at the surface as she began to settle toward the floor of the aquarium. The water level did not seem to be coming back down. She tried to blink in surprise, but her eyelids would not function.

The spasms were less frequent as she continued to settle. She could not believe how much it hurt. She tried to inhale, but her lungs wouldn’t even do that anymore.

Ruby felt like she was spiraling away into darkness. The light shining down on her was growing dim. Where was Vanessa? Where the hell was her beloved Carl??

Ruby settled upon her back on the floor of the aquarium. She looked upward with what little vision remained. The water level was not coming down.

Where was Carl? Was he going to revive her? Ruby was terrified as her vision spiraled away into a tight pinprick. Then she was aware of nothing at all.

It was a full ten minutes before the water began to drain out of the aquarium. Vanessa took a long drink out of her goblet. “Damn; she was good!” she murmured to no one in particular.

Silence filled the observation room. It took several minutes before the tank drained completely. Little puddles of water cling to sections of the floor.

The bulkhead door hissed open. Carl stepped inside. He paused to look down at Ruby. She lay there unmoving, her lips parted and her eyes unseeing.

He calmly stepped forward and bent down. He freed Ruby from her shackles. Then he just stood there admiring her naked form.

“You did well, darling,” he murmured with a smile. I believe Vanessa was quite taken with your performance. You should be proud.”

The gurney was wheeled down the hall to the bulkhead door. Jack went inside and helped Carl gather Ruby up. Then they carried her out of the aquarium.

They laid her out onto a blue sheet. The bulkhead door was closed until such time as another girl could be found. Then Ruby was wheeled back to the observation room.

They stopped her right in front of the aquarium. Everyone gathered around to have a look. If Ruby would have been alive, she would have blushed at such scrutiny.

Vanessa bent over her head, examining the facial features. “I’ve got to admire your choice of women, Carleton. This one exceeded my expectations.”

She certainly put on one hell of a drowning performance,” Jack agreed.

Carl looked at him and replied, “I always pick the best, don’t I?”

“How the hell did you get her to agree to fly here and participate in our little scheme?”

“Oh, the usual, Jack” Carl replied. “It was a combination of love and money. I kept asking if she was sure about all this, if she really wanted to participate. I gave her every chance to back out. But the more I tried to warn her, the more determined she became.”

Vanessa looked at him and smiled. “Of the three woman you’ve chosen thus far, I’d say this one was the best.”

“You really think so?” Compliments from Vanessa were rare indeed.

She went over and wrapped her arms around his neck. Then she kissed him passionately.

When they came up for air she took his arm. “Come along, Carleton. Allow me to fully express my appreciation.”

Carl and Vanessa left together, intent on finding more intimate ways of relieving themselves from the incredible performance they’d just witnessed. Jack and Don took one last look at the girl on the gurney. Then they departed as well.

Ruby was left alone under the spotlight. She had served her purpose well.

2021 (written for Arch Stanton and inspired by his story idea and renders Jan 8 ’21 by riwa)

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Iron Maidens 3.6 (19)

Note: a bonus older story re-edited.

There was no greater shame than to be ravaged by one’s own brother-in-law. Zilpha was humiliated by the experience, having derived disgraceful pleasure from his thrusts. Now she was being led away by two of the king’s men to someplace she knew not where.

Her fears increased as she was taken ever downward. Only the flickering of torches along the wall granted enough illumination to see where she was being led. She suspected she was being taken to the dungeon, and it terrified her.

When she rounded the corner she gasped in alarm. There stood her half-sister Dorothy in her plain peasant’s garment, a look of great fear upon her face. Two more of the king’s men stood on either side of her. Off to one side their brother-in-law stood in his formal robes.

“Why are we here, my Lord?” she asked, her fear increasing. When he motioned with his eyes she turned to look behind her.

There along the back wall stood two ominous looking upright metal sarcophagi. “You both are accused of adultery,” her brother-in-law intoned solemnly. “It is the judgment of the council that you both should face death.”

“There was no council!” her sister Dorothy spat at him. “You took me and ravaged me!” That’s when Zilpha knew why they were both there. Her brother-in-law had penetrated both of them and was now getting rid of the evidence.

“You will pay for this in the next life,” Zilpha told him quietly.

“Perhaps,” he replied, sounding totally unconvinced. “But you wenches will pay for it now.”

He motioned toward the two upright sarcophagi. Then he instructed the king’s men, “Place each one in a separate Iron Maiden.”

Zilpha felt a horrific shudder of arousal surge through her, even as her half-sister let out a cry of despair. The men instantly pulled them both back toward the upright sarcophagi. “Strip them first!” the brother-in-law demanded. “The wenches will die as they have lived!”

“No, my Lord!” Zilpha gasped in horror. “Leave us with our dignity intact!” But it was not to be.

Their garments were ripped off their bodies. Both were left naked and trembling. Zilpha was shamed over the way her fear had caused her nipples to harden with arousal at her impending demise.

Both doors were opened. Light from the torches revealed the contents. Both chambers were empty save for the many sharp metal spikes embedded around the interior of the frames.

Dorothy let out a howl of terror as Zilpha gasped in horror. “Don’t do this, my Lord!” she tried one last time. “Our sister will find out what you have done to us!”

“She will never know,” he said with an evil smirk. “This way I will enjoy your screams.” Then he looked lustfully upon their glistening, naked bodies. “Now your harlot breasts will be punctured for your sins.”

“They are YOUR sins, my Lord!” Zilpha responded. Then she was roughly taken to the opening and pushed inside.

“Close them in!” she heard him order.

She felt the sharp spikes into her back, causing her to attempt to resist being pushed all the way in. The king’s men dutifully started to close her up inside. Next to her she could hear the anguished cries of her half-sister as they imprisoned her as well.

Her heart leaped into her chest with fright, even as her womanhood moistened shamefully. She had determined she would not beg for her life. But that all changed the moment she felt the door closing.

Zilpha felt the many spikes start to push against her quivering, naked flesh. She opened her mouth and began to scream and beg. The muffled cries of her sister added to her own.

The king’s men put their weight against the door, working to seal her inside. She felt the spikes penetrate her in several places: her legs, torso and chest. Even her breasts were punctured.

She let out another scream of agony as it went pitch black all around her. Another spike penetrated her just above her womanhood. Zilpha let out a cry, even as her body shuddered from an unexpected sexual release.

Finally she felt spikes press into her eyes. Another one thrust between her lips. Her screams as well as the screams of her half-sister were all but silenced.

There was a sound of her door being sealed by some sort of metal latch. She grunted and groaned as she tried to remain absolutely still, hoping to ease the pain of her many fleshly punctures. But her agony only made her squirm even more, embedding the many spikes firmer and deeper into her flesh.

The only sounds were the horrific echoes of her own agony. She could no longer hear the suffering of her half-sister. For that she was eternally grateful. But her mind still ran away with her as she imagined the agony her poor sister Dorothy was also experiencing.

She writhed and whimpered, begging for death. But it would not come, at least not right away. She felt herself bleeding from several wounds as her life’s blood pooled around her bare feet on the floor of her upright metal sarcophagus.

She would suffer many long hours, mentally begging for death. Each breath was a torturous struggle as the spikes pressed against her, yet somehow spared her lungs. Her vital organs remained unimpaired, allowing her to hear her own heart beating fast.

She suffered through another shameful sexual release… and then another. Eventually she became too weak to moan and too weak to struggle. She finally gave in to the inevitable, allowing the spikes to do their cruel work unhindered. Her last thought was of her half-sister, knowing she would soon see her in the afterlife as she finally succumbed to the inevitability of her cruel death.

The brother-in-law returned 24 hours later. He had the Iron Maidens opened so he could enjoy the results of their brutal work. He enjoyed the view of his pierced, naked sisters-in-law. Then he had both bodies taken away for burial in a pauper’s grave, to be left unmarked and thus unremembered.

2012; 2021 (written for Dorothy and Zilpha Jan 25 ’12; ed. Nov 11 ‘21 by riwa)

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Joia 12-13 3.5 (14)


There was palpable tension in the compound for the rest of that day. Their matrons seemed uncomfortable even being around any of them. It did nothing to alleviate their growing fears.

Even the guards the girls casually encountered seemed unusually quiet. Something was afoot. They all sensed it.

Mistress made an appearance shortly before the evening meal. Joia immediately sensed an undertone of menace to her demeanor. She was not the only one.

Every girl in the room felt jittery at her presence. For some reason Clemencia seemed even more dangerous than ever.

Joia wondered if this might be the calm before the storm. Despite her anxiety, she forced herself to step forward in a conscious act of intervention. She had a terrible feeling it would do no good. But if all else failed, she was determined to sacrifice herself in an effort to spare the rest.

“Mistress, has Master returned?” Joia acted fully submissive while trying to calm the wild beating of her heart.

“It would do you no good in any event if he had,” Clemencia scowled. “I believe there is treachery in this room.”

Joia instantly knew Mistress had brought nothing but accusation with her. She heard the girls behind her gasp in alarm. “Of what do you speak?” Joia asked innocently.

This time she allowed a hint of challenge in her tone despite the panic that wanted to totally envelop her. “There is no treachery here, Mistress. There is only a room full of humble servants wishing to please Master upon his return.”

“Oh there is treachery all right. It is good my spies are everywhere. The plot will be uncovered by morning. Then the guilty will be swiftly punished.”

“I know of no plot,” Joia replied calmly, feeling her breath catch in her throat as her fear intensified. “I am willing to speak to Master when he returns in order to clear up any misunderstanding.”

“LIES!” Mistress bellowed. “There is no misunderstanding. I will see to it the originator of this plot loses her head.”

She glared coldly at Joia, her expression indicating who the guilty culprit was. Then she scanned the rest of the frightened faces. “Any who wish to live would do well to turn the guilty one over to me by morning. If not, you will all suffer the same fate I have planned for her.”

Joia swallowed hard, her heart racing. She knew in an instant the words were meant for her. It was obvious Clemencia considered her to be the guilty one.

She felt the eyes of her companions upon her backside. Joia fidgeted nervously despite her attempt at portraying calmness.

She could feel the stirrings within her once more. It was difficult to halt their advance. She now suspected she would soon find herself lying flat on her back looking up at the blade.

The thought terrified her. It also filled her with a disturbing excitement she still could not fathom. Why did the image of the blade affect her thus?

At that moment she could only think about being strong for her companions. She was not about to risk any of the others. Mistress had obviously concocted this fabricated plot in the hopes of disposing her, one whom Master favored.

There was no other choice. She was about to step forward and confess to the falsehood. That’s when Marsona suddenly appeared next to her.

She grabbed her arm, restraining her as though she sensed her friend’s impending action. Then she looked Clemencia right in the eye. “You are misinformed, Mistress. There is no plot. I’m sure I would have heard of it if there was.”

Clemencia glowered at her as Joia looked at her friend with dismay. It filled her heart with gladness to see Marsona trying to intercede on her behalf. But she was not about to risk losing her.

Joia tried to pull away from her. She was willing to accept responsibility – and thus Mistress’ wrath – squarely upon her own shoulders. But Marsona held on fast and would not let go.

“Joia and I will look into this, Mistress,” she continued calmly. “We see all and know all. I can assure you there is no plot. But should we discover one, we will most definitely present the conspirator to Master.”

Clemencia became angry. “You should not have interfered, Marsona. Since Master is not here, it is MY duty to punish the guilty one! Perhaps a night with no meal and an empty belly will change your attitude by morning.”

She glared at them all. “No one will eat tonight!” Then she angrily stormed out of the room.

After her departure, the girls immediately began chittering fearfully. Their voices merged as they voiced a common fear… “What shall we do?” “What if she intends to make us all face the blade?” “How can we appease her?”

Joia raised a hand, trying to show a calm exterior as her insides churned with worry. “Silence.” The voices were stilled as everyone awaited her words.

Joia bowed her head low as she fought against the tears that wanted to flow. “It is I she is angry with. I will admit to the deed. I must. This way it will not fall upon any of you.”

Marsona quickly spoke out against this. “Joia, you will do no such thing! Confessing to a fabricated plot will not save any of us. Did you not see it in her eyes? She intends to slaughter us all!”

“Are you sure?” voiced a worried girl. “Can’t some of us be spared?”

Marsona was adamant. “Don’t you understand? She cannot allow any of us to live lest her part in this fabrication get back to Master. She has already decided in her heart. There is nothing left but to maintain our honor before Master.”

One of them cried out, “What good is honor if we are dead?” There were a few murmurs of agreement as some heads nodded.

“Please!” Joia begged, her eyes filling with tears. “I witnessed Ysabella’s death today… and it was horrible!”

The voices died down. They all looked at Joia in shock and disbelief. Was this true??

She struggled to keep from sobbing. “I cannot bear any more. I cannot bear to watch any of you die. Before her head was taken, I promised Ysabella I would be strong for you all, and I shall. Allow me to carry this responsibility upon my shoulders alone. For your sakes!”

“Did you not HEAR?” Marsona protested vigorously. “Joia, the truck is gone! They have gone to fetch more of us! She intends to kill us all!”

“Are you sure?” one of them called out, the faint flicker of desperate hope in her voice.

“I know,” Joia said quietly, her head bowed as her eyes filled with tears.

All eyes were instantly upon her. “How do you know, Joia?” Marsona asked quietly, already suspecting the worst.

“When we were first brought to the compound I saw another truck. And I saw a woman lose her head.”

There were gasps followed by a heavy silence. Several of the girls held hands over their mouths in horror.

“I cannot get that image out of my mind,” Joia said quietly. “I fear the back of the truck I saw was filled with… more bodies. I fear…”

For a moment she did not want to utter the words. She lowered her head as tears threatened to spill over. Then she told them, “I fear Clemencia cannot allow any of us to live.”

There was a long silence. A voice asked in growing fear, “Then what shall we do? Should we leave the compound and flee into the night?”

“Mistress would be thrilled,” Joia responded sadly. “It would be the same as admitting our guilt.”

She looked up to face them all. “Let this fall upon my shoulders alone. I cannot bear the thought of losing any of you. I will sacrifice myself for you all.”

Marsona walked up to her and gently touched her shoulders. “I fear we are already condemned,” she said softly. “I do not wish to watch you die either.”

She turned to face the others. Then she earnestly told them, “If we speak anything, it must be before Master. Otherwise, Clemencia will twist our words and attempt to divide us. I believe she has already decided to take our heads.”

She took Joia’s hand in a show of solidarity. “As for me, I will wait and speak to Master. If that is denied me, I am ready to stand beside my dear sisters.”

Several had tears in their eyes. Joia felt a sob well up in her throat. She was unwilling to watch Marsona face the blade. But she knew she had spoken truth. What else could they do but hope for Master’s return, a hope that now seemed unlikely?

Marsona told her, “You have found favor with Master, Joia. Do not shame him by confessing to this falsehood. We all should allow it to remain nothing more than Clemencia’s lie.” Then she proudly held herself upright as she proclaimed, “I will not betray you.”

“I must think about this,” Joia said uncertainly. “I will go to my room.”

“Get some rest, my dear Joia,” Marsona told her tenderly. “Please… do not surrender to Clemencia. As for me, I will wait to speak until Master is before me.”

Joia nodded and then quietly left the room. But her emotions were in turmoil as to what she should do next.

Her stirrings had strengthened exponentially. It was as though she could already feel the blade hovering above her head. She shivered as she made her way to her room.

As she reclined upon her bedding, she gently touched herself as she panted heavily. It made her feel better. Besides, this might be the very last chance she would have to pleasure herself.

She allowed the perverse anticipation of lying in wait for the blade to overcome her. It finally went off inside her. The flush of warmth and pleasure gave her some solace.

As she laid there panting from the warm feelings, she considered what she would do if Clemencia did indeed choose to accuse her. Was there any hope for any of her sisters? Surely she had to grasp for it, did she not? Even if one of them were spared, it would be worth it, would it not? How could Mistress be so cruel and heartless as to do this to them all?

Joia considered the possibility Mistress might very well sentence the others to face the blade anyway, including her dear friend Marsona. Tears welled up in her eyes until she shook with quiet sobs.

She was still heartbroken over the loss of her beloved Ysabella. Now she feared for the impending deaths of her companions in the compound. The young woman fervently hoped for Master’s return by morning.

Eventually she cried herself to sleep…

2010; 2021 (written for Aravanna and Hitomi Mar 14 ’10; ed. May 9 ‘21 by riwa)


Joia was awakened in the early morning hours when she was roughly dragged to her feet by a couple of guards. All of the girls slept uncovered. Thus, it was embarrassing to be stood up between them in her nakedness.

In the light of the doorway she saw Clemencia looking grimly at her. “Bring her!” Mistress ordered them. “We have found the originator of the plot against Master. This one will be punished before she loses her head.”

Joia gasped in alarm. Almost immediately she felt those familiar stirrings down below. She did not want her feelings to show, but already her nipples were starting to harden.

She felt a wetness developing down below, adding to her humiliation. Still, she tried to put up a protest. “I am innocent!” she cried out as she was roughly escorted through several unfamiliar passageways.

Clemencia was not impressed. “They always protest their innocence.”

“Then allow me to speak with Master!”

“Master has not returned,” Mistress snorted. “I will take care of this treachery myself.”

“But I am INNOCENT!” Joia gasped, her heart thumping loudly in her chest.

“SILENCE, you wretched girl! Your sisters have already betrayed you!”

It was a cruel blow. Joia slumped in defeat as tears came to her eyes. At least now she would bear the dishonor alone. She fervently hoped this meant the others would not be harmed.

She ended up in a cold room with a dirt floor and wooden rafters. Attached to one of the beams was a metal pulley. A length of rope hung down from it.

Her wrists were secured to the rope. Then it was pulled up through the pulley until she was stretched upward, dangling just off the floor. Her naked body gently swayed back and forth as her feet fluttered for solid footing.

She recognized the executioner in his familiar black hood. He carried a whip in his hands. “Punish the wretch!” Clemencia ordered.

He hesitated only a moment before he obeyed. Then the lash sung out. Joia felt its application upon her exposed backside.

The pain was intense. She gritted her teeth, trying to bare it well. As far as she was concerned, this was her penance for the way her body responded so disgracefully at witnessing the girls losing their heads.

“This is for betraying Master!” Clemencia told her with a cruel smile. Then she addressed the executioner… “I want to hear screams.”

The whip sang out again and again, raining down harder blows upon her body. It was only when they began coming down upon her chest, leaving wicked red welts, that she finally opened her mouth and cried out in pain. Only now did she truly understand the agony Alviva must have suffered before she had been executed in front of them all.

“Enough,” Mistress finally declared. The blows mercifully stopped. Joia whimpered as her body swung back and forth.

Her arms remained stretched upward to the pulley above her by the coils of rope around her wrists. Several red welts upon her chest and backside alluded to the punishment she had just received. “Leave us,” Clemencia told the executioner. “Go and make preparations.” He left the room with a nod, leaving the two women alone.

Mistress walked up to Joia and grabbed her by her chin. “What say you now, little one?”

“I will… confess to… Master,” Joia panted, her eyes wet with tears.

She was still worried Clemencia might scoop up more of the girls in this falsehood. It would break her heart to be shamed in front of him. But she was willing to tell Master it was her and her alone if only he would spare the others.

“You are betrayed by your sisters, yet you will not confess?”

“Who was it that betrayed me?” Joia wasn’t sure why she asked. It seemed pointless, yet she desired to know who had pointed the accusing finger at her.

There was a curious hesitation before Clemencia responded. “What does it matter? You have been found guilty of treachery. You are about to lose your head, little one. So you may as well confess.”

“I will speak… to Master,” Joia repeated as she gasped for breath.


“I will speak to Master.”

“You are a stubborn one,” Mistress scowled. “Perhaps I should use another form of persuasion.”

Clemencia looked at her carefully as though trying to determine a weakness. Joia trembled anxiously, her body throbbing with pain as she hung in place. What would be done to her next before she faced the blade?

Mistress smiled cruelly. “I believe there are more conspirators,” she said thoughtfully. “If you are involved, surely Marsona is involved as well. More than one head will roll this day, I can assure you.”

Joia looked at her in horror as her heart hammered in her chest. This was the moment of truth. Marsona might hate her for this. But in the end she simply could not bear the thought she might be responsible for her friend’s execution.

“It is I,” she said quietly, her head sagging in defeat. “There are no others.”

“It is just as I suspected,” Clemencia remarked with a smile of triumph. Then she grabbed her by the chin again.

“I shall take great pleasure in watching your head roll, little one.”

She grabbed the rope to the pulley. Then she lowered Joia back down. The poor thing felt tears in her eyes as her head hung in despair.

She hoped her friend Marsona would understand. There had simply been no other option left to her. She would rather die alone than allow any of her precious sisters to suffer a similar penalty.

Unlike Alviva who was escorted to her death as a free woman, her arms were bound behind her back in disgrace like that of a common criminal. Then Clemencia took her out of the room to the waiting guards. She was escorted shamefully throughout the compound toward her fate.

During her walk, Joia was forced to accept yet one more humiliation. As she was taken through the passageways, her thoughts turned to the blade that awaited her. She could not stop the strong stirrings of excitement and fear that began to envelop her.

She shivered uncomfortably as she imagined herself lying on the wooden slab. She could picture the sharpened blade hovering above her to sever her neck cleanly. The perverse thoughts made her nipples become quite hard.

To her great dismay she could feel herself starting to drip down below. This would be the greatest disgrace of all – to be seen in a state of excitement. There was nothing she could do but bear her shame, knowing she would soon be at rest as she slept the eternal sleep of the dead.

2010; 2021 (written for Aravanna and Hitomi Mar 14 ’10; ed. Jun 8 ‘21 by riwa)

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Water Babies Part VI and VII 2.8 (10)

Note: My humble apologies. This was finished a while ago, and I should have gotten it to you sooner. I guess I forgot it was still in my archives. So I’m including the last two chapters.

His voice trails off just as his wife makes the connection. “Damn, James! That’s Nora in there!”

“Are you sure?” I stare incredulously. I can’t believe it!

They pull her head up and she gasps for breath. I hear Wilma tell her, “How about it, slut? You want more cock?”

I hear the word “Yes” before the woman gasps for breath and is pushed back under. Bubbles come up as it looks like she goes right back to sucking cock underwater.

What the hell?

“Gawd!” Sandra gasps breathlessly. “That’s Nora, honey; I’m sure of it! Think we can go inside and watch?”

“I don’t see why not,” Melvin replies enthusiastically

I’m so stunned I don’t know what to say. They quietly open the door and the three of us slip inside. Wilma sees me in an instant.

Immediately she brings a finger to her lips as though indicating we should all be quiet. I smile as I nod obediently. I want to stay out of the way of whatever is going on in here, especially when I see Donna grin at me as she hefts a toy in her hand.

Part VI

I feel the cock in my pussy begin to spurt. The idea I’ve caused someone to come inside me because of my helpless situation fills me with incredible arousal. Then the other dick goes off between my lips.

My lungs heave as bubbles come out of my mouth. Then I’m lifted to the surface where I gasp for breath. That’s when I hear Wilma tell me, “Show us what’s in your mouth, Nora.”

I obediently open my mouth to show the recent discharge. Then I swallow it down. I hear enthusiasm all around me. If only the damned hood wasn’t covering my eyes.

“That was so hot!” Sandra declares. “If it wasn’t getting so late, I’d have a turn for myself.” There is good-natured laughter.

“Not bad for giving up control,” Wilma admits. “Ford, let’s see what she’s won.”

The hood is slowly pulled up off my head. To my shock I look up to see James standing naked in the water directly in front of me. His cock has softened a little.

How long has he been in here watching me? How long has he been participating and I didn’t know it? I wonder if he fucked me before moving around in front of me.

He’s the one who’s been fucking my face for the last few minutes? I suppose I should know his dick when I feel it. But it’s hard to tell which cock belongs to who as I’m taking it into my mouth while holding my breath underwater.

There’s a look of pleasure in James’ expression. I can tell he liked fucking my face. But he was a little aggressive with me.

I give him a bit of an angry look as I tell him, “You didn’t have to be so rough, did you? Why do you always have to spoil everything? And it was going so well!”

The expression in his face sags. I can tell I’ve hurt him deeply. I feel a perverse sense of pride and control over damaging him so easily.

After all, it was his fault, right? He was rough on me! I think he enjoyed it just a little too much.

For a moment no one says a word. The room goes deadly silent. Wilma looks incredulous.

A part of me feels just a little bit guilty for having said what I said. But I was justified; right? Besides, he grabbed the back of my head and really fucked my face hard!

James turns and silently climbs out of the water. He grabs a towel and his swim trunks. Then he quietly motions for Ford to follow him out the door.

I look around to see looks of shock and dismay all around me. Now I’m starting to regret my words. But it’s too late to take them back. I can only try to justify them by blurting out, “He was a little rough on me! You all saw it; right? You must have!”

The awkwardness in the pool room is palpable. Couples start muttering about the time and how late it is. Nobody comments on how erotic it was anymore. It’s like a cloudburst showing up and suddenly drenching an outdoor picnic, driving everybody to their vehicles.

Sandra clearly fakes a yawn, saying it’s getting late. Everyone quietly gathers up their suits and towels and head out. There are comments about the lateness of the hour and how tired some of them are.

In less than a minute I’m left alone with Wilma in the water. She works at getting the cuffs off my wrists. The ones on my ankles are long gone, allowing me all that fucking from behind I recently received.

I think James was one of those who entered me while I was submerged before coming around in front of me. But for some reason I don’t feel happy about it.

Wilma shakes her head. Then she sighs, “You sure know how to empty a room.”

“But he was rough on me!”

“I saw you getting it a lot rougher. Actually, I thought James was kind of pulling his punches.”

I pause to think about it for a moment. I can recall a couple of cocks being more aggressive, with one or two not so much. Did one of the lesser ones belong to James?

I desperately try another tactic. “Wilma, it was a joke!”

“It sure was. I can tell you had James in stitches. We all had a really good belly laugh over it.”

“But I didn’t mean it!” But I know that’s a lie the moment it leaves my lips.

“Oh, didn’t you?” Wilma doesn’t buy it for a second.

I feel panic start to well up within me. I also feel those familiar stirrings of justification. James was a little rough on me. But I think she’s right. I don’t think he was nearly as aggressive as a couple of the others.

In hindsight, I think he was actually trying to enjoy himself while holding back a little. But I just can’t admit that. For some reason I simply refuse to admit I’m wrong.

Ford returns with a towel wrapped around his waist. He motions Wilma over and says something into her ear. She looks at him for a long moment. Then she nods with understanding as Ford heads back out the door.

I nosily ask, “What was that all about?”

Wilma ignores my question by offering one of her own. “You mind telling me what your little comment to James was all about?”

“I didn’t mean anything by it! I was just trying to be funny! He was a little rough on me, remember?”

“So you didn’t want him to be rough on you?”

“No… I mean yes! I mean… he didn’t have to be so rough!”

“I thought you were in here practicing giving up control… and giving it up for him, no less! I thought you were in here for the orgasms and for learning how to suck cock underwater.”

“But I was!”

“Is this still about that fight you two had several months ago?”

“I don’t even remember what we were fighting about!”

“Then it must not be all that important, other than making sure you remain in the right and in full control.”

“Wilma, it’s not like that at all!”

“What is it then? You don’t like sucking your husband’s dick; is that it?”

“Yes… I mean no… I mean… I don’t know!”

“You sucked everyone else, Nora. Why not James?”

“I… it’s not like that at all!”

“Then what were you thinking when you learned it was his cock you were sucking? What was it that caused you to lash out at him like that?” I can tell she’s struggling not to be angry with me.

“Wilma, I honestly don’t know! When I first saw him I was kind of glad to see it was him! Then it just sort of bubbled to the surface!”

“So you couldn’t help yourself; is that it?”

“It’s not like that at all!” Then I realize maybe it’s exactly like that! I feel tears well up in my eyes as I remember the hurt look on James’ face.

“What’s the matter, Nora? Don’t you love him anymore? Has getting all this other cock diminished your appreciation of your husband?”

I can’t keep from sniffling. “No. It’s just… I don’t know why I said it. It just sort of blurted out.”

“Like a lot of other things you’ve blurted out over these last few months?”

“Maybe I’d better go find James and talk to him.”

Wilma puts a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. “Not so fast.”

“Why not?”

“You want to know why Ford came back and whispered into my ear?”

“Yeah; what was that all about?”

“He told me he’s taking James home tonight. He’s driving him back this very minute. James asked him to.”


I stand there stunned as a sick feeling settles in the pit of my gut. There’s a part of me that tries to rationalize this as being all James fault. But deep down I know that’s not true.

“Wilma, I’ve got to go talk to James!” Then I start to climb out of the water.

“He’s already gone back to your room to get dressed. Ford told me he wants to leave right away. Nora, you really did it this time. I guess you were right all along. Only this time I think you’re going to discover that living alone while being right all the time isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

I stare at her in shock. Then indignation rises up inside me. “Wilma, I didn’t mean it; you know that! It was supposed to be funny or something!”

She doesn’t say a word. She just shakes her head.

Realization fully sets in. James really wants to go home without me. That’s when the tears start to flow. Wilma sighs as she pulls me close and cradles me in her arms.

I get back to the room and change in record time. I want to get out of here just as fast as I can. I don’t want to see Nora again, and I certainly don’t want to talk to her.

I make sure to avoid any hallway that might make me cross her path. Eventually I end up out in the parking lot. Ford shows up a couple minutes later, having quickly dressed into his street clothes.

I head over to his vehicle as he pulls out his keys. “I really appreciate this, Ford. I… I just don’t want to be here one minute longer.”

“Are you sure you’re not taking this just a little too personally?”

“How would you take it?”

“I saw how much it hurt you, James. I don’t know how I would have responded. I probably would have been just as hurt. But are you sure this is the right response?”

“No, it’s probably not. It’s childish and selfish. But I’m a wounded animal, Ford. I’m trying to take myself out of the line of fire before anything else comes my way.”

“Fair enough.”

He unlocks their car and slips into the driver’s seat. I walk around to the passenger side door and open it up. Then I crawl inside.

He starts the motor as I ask, “How did Wilma take it?”

“She understands. I don’t think she wants me to go. But she understands. You know we both care about you and Nora.”

He throws the car into reverse. That’s when I put my hand on his shoulder before he can start backing up. “Shut it off, Ford.”

He looks at me for a long moment. Then he throws it back into park and turns the key. The engine dies as he asks, “Something wrong, James?”

“This isn’t right, Ford. You’re tired and it’s late. It’s not fair of me to make you drive me all the way home and then come right back.”

“Glad to do it, James.”

“I know you are. But I can’t let you, now that I think about it. This is my problem, not yours. I’d hate myself if something happened to you on the road on the way back. I don’t want an animal darting out onto the road or you falling asleep at the wheel.”

I open the passenger side door and climb out. Ford climbs out with me. “Are you sure, James?”

“I’ve got my own set of keys. I’ll just drive myself home. Would you and Wilma be so kind as to drive Nora home for me after breakfast?”

“Be glad to, James.”

“Thanks, Ford.”

I reach into my pants and pull out the keys as I walk over to our vehicle. I really don’t want to see or hear Nora anymore tonight. Going home with my tail tucked between my legs is certainly not very manly. But I can’t stand the humiliation. And I can’t stand the thought of having to look everyone in the eye tomorrow morning.

I open the driver’s side door. Ford comes over as I climb inside. “James, are you all right?”

“Not really. But things will work out eventually.”

“Do you want to talk?”

“You need to go back inside to be with your wife. I need to get away from mine.” Then I close the door.

I roll down the window after I put the key in the ignition. “Tell everyone I had a great time. Please express my apologies. This wasn’t what I wanted at all. I didn’t intend to spoil everyone’s evening. Maybe I should have anticipated something like this from the very beginning. Next time I’ll know better.”

“You didn’t spoil anything, James. I don’t think Nora really meant what she said; do you?”

“You heard the words come out of her mouth. What would you have thought if they would have been directed at you after all the stuff that happened in there? What would you think if you’d taken part and enjoyed watching your wife in the water being used and abused, cumming and bubbling, only for her to single you out like that in the end?”

He paused, giving it some thought. “You’re right. I probably would not have liked that in the slightest.”

“I enjoyed most of the evening. Tell ‘em that. Then bring Nora home after you’ve enjoyed a nice breakfast and said your goodbyes.”

“Somehow I don’t think Nora’s going to be in a very pleasant mood come morning, James.”

“I reckon you’re right, Ford.” Then I throw the car into reverse. I back out of the parking lot before driving off toward the highway, doing my best not to spin the tires.

Wilma comes back with me to our room. But I’m too late. James is long gone. It looks like he took his stuff with him.

I turn and start to sob into Wilma’s shoulder again. I can’t believe what I’ve done. What the hell was I thinking??

It was a stupid thing to say. James wasn’t that rough on me. I actually enjoyed it a little! So why the hell did I treat him that way?

Wilma helps me over until we’re both sitting on the bed together. I sniffle as I tell her, “I really messed things up this time; didn’t I.”

“It certainly looks that way.”

“Why did I tell him that?”

“I’ve been wondering that myself, Nora. Maybe you two just aren’t healthy for each other anymore. The words seem to flow out of you like a poisoned fountain.”

“But I didn’t mean it!”

“Then why did you say it?”

“I don’t know!”

“Yes, you do. You meant it or you wouldn’t have said it. You didn’t express any enthusiasm in learning it was your husband who’d enjoyed your oral skills. You only found something to complain about. To be honest, I don’t think he was nearly as rough on you as the others.”

“I know he wasn’t. Why did I say that??”

“Maybe it’s become second nature by now. Maybe you’ve settled into it like wrapping yourself up in a ratty, old blanket. It’s a terrible blanket, but you’ve clung to it for so long that you just don’t want to give it up.”

I look at her with tears in my eyes. Is she right? Am I really being that spiteful? I went into that pool room with the idea of improving my sex life with James. And it was working too… that is, until I foolishly drove him away.

I sniffle as I ask, “What do I do now, Wilma?”

“I’m not a therapist, Nora. All I know is that it seems as though you want to hang onto this offense with James and remind him of it every chance you get. I don’t think he’s going to take it much longer.”

I look up at her in alarm as her words hit home. “Do you think James would consider leaving me?”

“What reasons have you given him for staying?”

The tears start to well up in my eyes again. Then we hear a gentle knock on the door. Wilma looks at it in surprise as she says, “Come in; it’s open.”

The door swings open and Ford walks in. We’re shocked as I eagerly rise up to meet James, wanting to give him a big hug. “You didn’t leave after all! James; I’m sorry! I love you and…” But he’s not out in the hallway.

Ford lowers his head as he quietly replies, “James didn’t want me to make the long drive back in the dark. He left on his own. We’ll be taking Nora back in the morning after breakfast.”

Wilma nods her understanding. More tears well up in my eyes. James has deliberately left me behind.

The implications of that action couldn’t be more clear…

2021 (written Nov 8 ’21 by riwa)

Part VII

I don’t get much more than ten miles or so down the road before I pull over. I curse inwardly. Then I turn around and head back.

It’s not fair to dump my problem onto Ford and Wilma. I’m sure the others will be uncomfortable in the morning if they realize I’ve gone home and left Nora behind. That just doesn’t feel right to me.

I drive back, telling myself it’s probably for the best. It’s late in the evening, and I’m not in the best of moods. Maybe I shouldn’t be on the road. Besides, the bambi’s might be out and about. I don’t need to have an unfortunate deer end up sticking out of my grill in the middle of the night.

For a moment, I question what I’m doing. I really don’t want to go back and face anyone. And I certainly don’t want to face Nora.

I’m just tired of the whole thing. But it’s not right to dump my problems into the laps of others, especially since they’ve been so nice to me. The least I can do is take Nora home myself. Maybe we can skip breakfast and say our quick goodbyes.

I pull into the drive and find the same spot I’d parked in earlier. I sigh as I shut off the engine. Then I sit there for the longest time.

A heavy sadness settles over me. This isn’t good for either of us. Maybe I’ve been putting off what I should have done long ago.

Maybe it’s time we finally separated…

Ford is tired and wants to go to bed. Wilma looks at me and then at him. She sighs as she tells him, “Honey? If it’s ok with you, I think I’d better spend some time with Nora until she’s feeling better.”

Ford looks at me for a moment before nodding at his wife. His expression is one of kindness and sympathy. But there’s also a faint flicker of something else in his eyes.

“Take all the time you need, honey.” Then he looks at me again. His goodnight to me is polite. But I can hear the disappointment in his tone. Then he’s gone.

I feel guilty and ashamed. But I just can’t handle it. So I lash out again as I declare, “Wilma, he was rough on me in the pool! You all saw it!”

“I thought you said he wasn’t rough on you.”

“He was! You saw it!”

She sighs heavily. “Whatever you say, Nora.”

I look at her and see the same look in her eyes. She’s just as disappointed with me as Ford was. I don’t think she can help herself.

I lower my head, my emotions in turmoil. “You’re right – you’re right. He wasn’t that hard on me. Wilma, I don’t know what to do!”

“Ford and I will take you home in the morning. You and James can figure it out then.”

“But what if he doesn’t want to figure it out. What if… what if he wants to leave me?”

“Is that what you want?”


“Then why did you bark at him like that?”

“I don’t know – I don’t know!” The tears fill my eyes again.

“Why don’t I tuck you into bed?”

“I can’t sleep; I’m too upset. Maybe I’ll go for a swim. Hell, maybe I’ll just go out and drown myself. I suppose that would solve everything, wouldn’t it?”

“You don’t want to do that, do you? Imagine how upset everyone would be. Imagine how upset James would be.”

“Wilma, he wouldn’t care!”

“He wouldn’t? Why do you think he came with you today? Why do you think he took part? Yet, you deliberately avoided him all night long! How do you think that makes him feel?”

My world feels like it’s crashing down all around me. And it’s all my fault. If only I hadn’t uttered those miserable words to him. How stupid was that?

Suddenly I don’t want to be in the room. It reminds me of the one who’s missing.

I stand up and look at Wilma. “I think I’m going to go outside for a while. Maybe I’ll get back in the pool.”

She eyes me warily. “You’re not going to do anything foolish, are you?” I don’t give her an answer.

I like the way she’s worried about me. But I know that’s selfish. Right now it’s all about me. I like the attention, even though it’s not entirely positive.

I head out of our room, the towel still wrapped around me. Wilma follows, also wearing her towel. She follows me as I find the stairwell and head up.

We get outside where I notice we’re having a warm evening. But I don’t really care. That’s when I drop my towel, walk to the deep end and step off the edge of the pool.

I hit the water with a splash, allowing myself to sink toward the bottom. The observation window is right there in plain sight. A part of me wishes James was standing there looking in on me. But another part is angry he abandoned me. My emotions are all churned up.

There’s another splash. I see Wilma has joined me. I suspect she wants to keep track of me so I don’t do anything stupid.

I finally climb out of the car. I’m tempted to stay inside and sleep it off ‘til morning. But that would force the others to deal with Nora until I made an appearance.

I don’t head to the room right away. Instead, I wander around outside. Then I make my way toward that pool where I played with those wives earlier.

I find myself thinking about the women I was sexual with. Sandra was a lot of fun. And Laura sure threw herself into pleasing me. Making them cum underwater was a hell of a lot of fun.

My cock stirs as I remember the activity that took place earlier. I look all around, but no one is in sight. Maybe they won’t mind if I take a late-night dip on my own.

I shed my clothes and drop them in a pile. Then I quietly wade down into the pool. I swim across the surface, enjoying how the water caresses me.

I fill my lungs and go under, pulling with my arms. I think about all the fun I had with the ladies out here. My cock stiffens as I release bubbles.

My mind drifts back to Nora. It instantly causes my cock to soften. Maybe it’s best not to think about her right now.

I pull hard with my arms, releasing bubbles out of my nose. It feels good to be in the water. I’m aroused, and it would certainly be nice to have a playmate. But all the wives are probably in bed with their husbands. It’s selfish wanting one of them out here with me for some company.

I swim back and forth along the bottom of the pool. Occasionally I allow a hand to caress my growing erection. The memories return of the fun I had with Sandra and Laura.

I surface for a breath. Then I submerge again. I swim to the bottom where I roll over onto my back.

My sinuses burn, but only for a short time. I start stroking myself as I recall the erotic memories of the last few hours. Naturally, there’s one memory I’m trying hard not to dwell on.

I’m not much of a swimmer. I just drift there until I pull myself back up. Wilma swims around me, releasing a couple bubbles out of her nose before she surfaces.

I find myself thinking about James again. I work myself over to the ladder. Then I take a deep breath before submerging.

I pull myself all the way down hand over hand. I stay near the bottom, holding my breath. There’s just enough light to see all around me. And there’s enough illumination to look inside at an empty observation room.

Wilma comes down to join me. But I don’t know what to do. She’s certainly attractive without any clothes on. But my mind is still on the disaster that took place a short time ago.

She sees my expression and reaches out to me as she holds onto the ladder with her right hand. She squeezes my shoulder as though indicating it’s going to be all right. I bubble as I look at her.

A part of me wonders what it would be like to open my lungs and inhale. But I really don’t want to do that. I’m just feeling sorry for myself.

I pull myself up to the surface where I gasp for breath. Wilma surfaces beside me. She looks like she wants to speak, but I can tell she doesn’t know what to say.

I fill my lungs and submerge again. I go all the way down to the bottom of the ladder, clinging to it with my left hand. Maybe I just want to torture myself.

Wilma comes down to join me. I don’t turn her away. I just close my eyes as I hold my breath while trying to blot everything out.

She reaches out and touches my breasts. I feel an erotic shiver ripple through me. I don’t feel like I deserve her caresses, although I allow her to keep right on touching me.

I stay down for as long as I can. It’s almost as though I want to torture my lungs. Then I open my eyes to see Wilma looking at me as she lovingly caresses me.

My chest heaves as I deliberately push myself. Maybe I can make my lungs explode in my chest. I hitch until I lose a burst of air before I shoot up for the surface.

Wilma follows me up until we’re both gasping at the surface. She gives me a curious look. I tell her, “Maybe I just want to torture myself for a while.” Then I fill my lungs and head back down.

She comes down with me until the two of us are holding our breath at the bottom of the ladder in the deep end. A glance into the observation room reveals it’s still empty. What do I expect?! James is long gone by now.

Once again, I think about opening up my lungs. But I just can’t make myself do it. What I can do is stay down until my body hurts.

It isn’t long before my chest starts to heave. Normally I’d shoot right up before it got this bad. Instead, I deliberately push myself, my body shaking from the agony of breathlessness.

I lose a massive burst of air. Then I shoot back up to the surface. Wilma follows me up until we’re both gasping out loud.

She smiles kindly. “Trying to tire yourself out, Nora? Or are you trying to stay down until you can make yourself inhale?”

“Just torturing myself, both literally and figuratively.”

“I think I can help with that.”

She gives me a sadistic look, one which gives me an erotic shiver. I’m not sure I’m going to like what she has to offer. But maybe I deserve it.

I fill my lungs and descend to the bottom of the ladder. Wilma follows me down. This time she grabs my head and mashes my face into her crotch, locking my head in place with her thighs.

I bubble in surprise before my tongue dutifully lashes out. It’s too bad, really. If only I could treat James just as good, if not better, than I treat my best friend…

The swim does me good. I even jerk a cum out of my dick. The release helps tire me out.

I surface and swim to the shallow end. I climb the steps and track down a towel to dry myself off. Then I slip back into my clothes.

I keep putting it off. But I can’t avoid it forever. I have to go back to our room now. At least Ford and Wilma won’t have to drive Nora home in the morning.

I quietly enter the building before heading downstairs toward our room. I pass through the observation room. Something makes me look through the glass into the water.

Two naked women are in the pool at the bottom of the ladder. One is making the other eat her out. Bubbles come out of her crotch.

I look closely and realize Wilma’s the one being licked out. Is she in there with Nora? It sure looks like her!

I stand there for a moment, observing the action taking place in the pool. Wilma suddenly looks at me as though realizing there’s someone in the observation room. The shock of seeing me standing in here is clearly evident in her features.

I smile tiredly as I give her a wave. She smiles back. Then she humps Nora’s face even harder, forcing up more bubbles out of my struggling wife.

She gestures for me to come join them. I wave her off as I fake a yawn. I don’t mind leaving them to it. Surprisingly, I’m really not that interested.

She gestures a little more forcefully. I pause indecisively. Then I motion… “Ok, I’ll be right up.” She responds by humping Nora’s face even harder.

Wilma really takes it out on me. She forces me to stay down for the longest time. I do my best to lick her out, only to have her hump my face hard.

I lose a big burst of bubbles. Maybe she’s going to drown me. A part of me thinks that might not be such a bad idea. Then my body responds, and I start to panic.

She hauls me to the surface where the two of us gasp for breath. “Had enough, Nora? Want to go to bed now? Are you getting tired yet?”

I think about our room and the fact James won’t be in there waiting for me. I don’t want to go back just yet. So I shake my head.

“Suit yourself. Fill your lungs, bitch!”

I’m a little taken aback at her tone. But I dutifully inhale. A moment later she forces me underwater.

We go right back down to the bottom of the ladder. Then she mashes my face into her crotch. This is my punishment for driving James away. I think she’s a little angry with me. I probably deserve it.

She grinds her crotch against my face. I taste her flowing juices. She seems turned on, even at this late hour.

Well, I am keeping her up late. She’d probably like to join her husband in bed.

A surge of selfishness flows through me. I lick her harder, trying to please her. At least she hasn’t left me like James did.

She keeps me down for the longest time, brutally humping my face while making me hold my breath. My lungs really hurt this time! I cry out a flush of bubbles, causing her to haul my ass back to the surface.

We pop up gasping for breath. I’m stunned to discover we’re not alone. James is standing nearby, curiously looking down on us.

“You came back!” I gasp with delirious happiness.

“You wanted to see me?”

“I’m happy to see you, James!” But his question was addressed to Wilma.

“I was sort of thinking you might join us in the pool, James.”

He smiles kindly as he tells her, “Thanks, but no thanks, Wilma. I think I’m going to go down and find a spot to crash. Maybe I’ll go to our room… or maybe I’ll just find a recliner somewhere.”

“James, you’re not going to stay?? Honey, why don’t you get in the water and join us!”

He waves dismissively at me. “You two are doing just fine without my help.”

Just like that, I’m crushed. I’m also desperate. “James, you can fuck Wilma underwater if you want!” Hell, I didn’t even ask her permission for that!

“No thanks, ladies; I’m good. I think I’ll be going downstairs now.”

I’m about to leave when Wilma calls out, “Just a minute, James. Could I ask a small favor?”

I smile at Wilma. “It depends.”

“You’re not interested in getting wet with us?”

“Not really.”

I don’t think she was expecting that for an answer. But Wilma is a pretty sharp cookie. I think she understands.

“Then can I ask you for a ‘dry’ favor?”

“A ‘dry’ favor? What’s that?”

“Could you stick around a few minutes, just to spot for us? It’s getting late, but we’re almost done. I think we’ll be ok, but you never know. Could you at least keep an eye on us until we’re done in here… for safety’s sake?”

It’s a polite request. I think I understand her ulterior motive. She probably wants to see if I’ll become turned on enough to join them.

I want to tell her that’s not going to happen. Seeing Nora in the water has killed any enthusiasm I might have had. However, I see no harm in sticking around a few minutes longer… for “safety’s sake” as she put it.

In response, I walk over and take up a seat in a patio lounger. Nora looks disappointed I’m not joining them in the water. Wilma nods appreciatively of my decision to stick around, at least for the time being.

She turns to my wife and says, “What was that you were saying to me about torture?” Then she pushes her under in a flurry of bubbles.

They drop partway down the ladder, allowing me to keep them in view. Wilma forces Nora’s head back into her crotch. She’s surprisingly rough on her.

Bubbles come up as I watch them. But I’m not the least bit interested in the eroticism of it all. Strangely, it does nothing for me. Even seeing her best friend making her lick her out underwater with all those bubbles coming up has no effect on me.

I watch to make sure no one inhales or gets into trouble. But I feel a sad tiredness begin to envelop me. I lean back in the lounger and rest, trying to keep watch as my eyelids start to get heavy.

Wilma makes me eat her out until my lungs feel like they’re going to burst. The next time we surface, she tells me to go back down and hold my breath while she climbs out. When she returns, she has a dildo strapped to her waist.

She gets back into the water with me. I look over at James. He looks bored. Are his eyes even open?

Wilma forces me under and fucks me several times until it feels like she’s trying to fuck the air out of my lungs. At one point, we surface to look over at James. His eyes are definitely closed. It looks like he’s taking a nap.

Wilma realizes he’s asleep in the patio lounger. So she tells me, “One last time; ok?”

“But he’s not watching anymore!”

“Maybe so. But you deserve a good, hard fucking, Nora!” Then down I go.

She submerges and really gives it to me good. A part of me wishes it was James fucking me instead. But there’s also a part of me that’s strangely glad it’s not James. My emotions are so jumbled up.

I’m exhausted when we finally climb out of the water. I look over to check on James. He’s fast asleep in the lounger.

I start to call out to him. Wilma stops me by telling me, “Let him sleep, Nora.”

“But Wilma, I want him to come down to the room!”

“Leave him be, Nora. Don’t force it.”

We quietly dry ourselves off. Then we start to head back down to our room. I panic the moment I realize we’re leaving James behind.

I try to stop her as I tell her, “Wilma, I need to go talk to James!”

“Let him sleep, Nora. He’ll come down in his own good time. Be careful you don’t make things worse than they already are.”

“How can they get any worse??”

She shakes her head. “I don’t even want to think about it.”

She gets me to the room and helps me into bed. I suddenly realize how tired I truly am. But I still want James to come down to the room.

“Get some rest, Nora.”

“But I want…”

“Not right now,” she says as she shakes her head.

I nod without saying a word. She goes to turn off the light. “Night, Nora.” Then she’s gone.

I tell myself I’ll rest a couple minutes. Then I’ll get back up and go find James. But that plan falls flat on its face the moment I drift off to sleep.

I awaken with the rising sun and a bit of a chill in the air. Nora and Wilma are long gone. The pool is quiet.

I rise up and check my watch. It’s a little after seven. With any luck, I can retrieve Nora and we can make our exit without too much fuss or fanfare.

I head down to our room and find her sleeping away. I gently shake her awake. “Nora? It’s time to go.”

Her eyes open as she sees me there. “James?”

“Time to get up and get dressed. We’re leaving.”

She blinks. “Honey, can’t we talk for a few minutes?”

“No time. I want to be on the road in a few minutes.”

“What about breakfast?”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Honey, about last night…”

“Are you getting dressed? Or am I leaving without you?”

She gulps as she sees how serious I am. She climbs out of bed and gets some clothes on. She fully understands I’ll leave her if she tries to put this off too long.

I take her bag for her. Then we head out. We find the stairwell and head up to the main floor.

I notice activity in the kitchen. I can smell bacon, eggs and coffee. It smells good, but I don’t wish to stay a second longer than is absolutely necessary.

Gene and Donna Riley are working to get breakfast ready for everyone when they see us. They notice Nora’s bag in my hands. I see a flash of sadness in their eyes before they force smiles upon their faces.

“Morning, guys. Not sticking around for breakfast?”

“We’ve got to be going,” I tell them with a sad smile.

“Well, we sure enjoyed our time together with you both. I hope you enjoyed it as well.”

“The hospitality was exceptional.”

“Yes, we really enjoyed it,” Nora adds.

“Thank you very much for your generosity. Give our best to the others. Tell everyone how much we enjoyed ourselves.” It’s not the entire truth, but none of us really wants to touch on what happened late last night.

“You folks take care,” Gene tells us. His words are full of unspoken wishes. I nod before taking Nora’s hand and guiding her toward the door.

James guides us to the car. I don’t know whether to be frightened or relieved he came back for me. He opens the passenger side door for me before he climbs in behind the wheel. In less than a minute we’re on the road heading home.

“James, about last night…”

He puts up a hand to stop me. “Nora, don’t. It’s all right. I understand now.”

“Understand what?”

“Let’s not talk until we get home; ok?”

Now I’m frightened as a dull ache settles in the pit of my gut. “James, what’s going to happen when we get home?”

“We’ll make arrangements; ok? You don’t really want another argument in the car, do you? We’ve had so many.”

“James, I…” Then I gulp as I go quiet.

He doesn’t have to tell me anymore. Deep down, I know what’s coming.

This is going to be our last car ride together.

Whose fault is it? Whose fault was it?

Does it really matter?

With tears in my eyes, I quietly tell him, “James? I’m… I’m sorry I spoiled last night. I’m glad you came back.”

He doesn’t say anything. But I can tell by the way his shoulders are sagged that he just wants it to be over.

I guess I want it to be over as well. But it’s not going to end the way I thought it would.

Hell, I’m not even sure anymore how I really wanted it to end. Maybe this is for the best?

2022 (written Jan 9 ’22 by riwa)

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