Pool visit 1-2


Part 1

I needed some time away. So I packed up my swim gear and took off.

I drove an hour and a half to my favorite swimming hole. It was an indoor swimming pool fed by a hot springs. The water was crystal clear. Thankfully, there weren’t many kids about to make me feel self-conscious.

The area around the large floating log was empty. It meant I would be left all alone to swim underwater and work on my breath-holding.

It had been months since I’d been in a pool. I suspected I’d gotten rather poor at holding my breath. I was looking forward to getting in and messing around while swimming and bubbling.

I changed in the locker room. I made sure to take along my face mask out of my bag of goodies. I was willing to risk getting water up my nose to make it more of a challenge, rather than using a full dive mask. At least my eyes would remain clear.

I walked along the side of the pool past the diving boards. Once I reached the far end, I waded down the concrete steps into lukewarm water. It felt perfect for bubbling and breath-holding.

I started by trying to swim from one side of the pool to the other, doing it all underwater on one breath. But I quickly discovered how long it had been since my last swim. I was out of practice, and it showed.

I tried a couple more laps underwater. Then I decided I wasn’t that anxious to be in the water just for the exercise. I wanted to enjoy myself.

I swam into the deep end where I tried a few dives downward, swimming head first. The first thing I noticed was the abrupt sting of my sinuses, followed by an uncomfortable pressure in my head. So I changed tactics.

I sculled myself down feet first, trying to reach the narrow slit that was cut into the bulging pipe below. The suction was enough to hold my feet in place once I made contact. Then I tried to stand still and hold my breath.

Right away I noticed I still wasn’t very good at it. I soon felt that need in my lungs again. So I surfaced and headed back over to the log.

I swam over and then took a deep breath before pushing myself underneath. I pressed up against the underside with my hands while remaining vertical, my butt dragging along the bottom. Then I slowly worked myself along from one end of the trunk to the other.

When I felt it start to burn in my chest, I hurried myself along. I pushed my way faster along the underside of the log. I finally reached the end, where I burst up gasping for breath.

After a couple of trips back and forth, I decided to start keeping track of my times. I was thankful I’d bought a water resistant watch a few days ago. At least I’d remembered to bring it with me. Now I would be able to tell if I was making any real progress.

I started to relax as I moved underneath the log. I deliberately took my time working my way from one end to the other. My butt brushed up against the bottom of the pool as I moved myself back and forth with my hands.

I released a few bubbles here and there, just to hear the sound of them leaving my mouth. Besides, I liked to watch them bubble up against the smooth underside of the floating trunk above me.

Country music was playing out over the loudspeakers. But I didn’t mind. Besides, once I got underneath that large tree trunk, I generally couldn’t hear anything other than my bubbles and the hum of the pumps.

It all soon came back to me. It wasn’t long until I was easily staying underwater for almost a minute at a time.

Every time I surfaced, I glanced around to see if I had any company. But the mothers with their young children were staying well over on the opposite side of the deep end of the large pool.

There were no singles anywhere in the water, at least not from what I could see. It looked as though I would be on my own for the duration of my time in the water. At least I wouldn’t be a bother to anyone.

I set my watch, took a deep breath, and then went back under the log again. I was determined to break 1:00, and to go even longer. So I slowly inched myself along underneath the log, my ass dragging along the bottom of the pool as I tried to stretch my time underwater.

To distract myself, I studied the underside of the smooth surface of the tree trunk as I moved myself along. I focused on the many notches and indentations where little bubbles of air could collect. I think it helped because I began stretching my times well past a minute.

I decided I wanted to go even longer. So I took a deep breath and went back down. I moved slowly underneath the log, increasing my time until I could feel the strain in my chest again.

I glanced at my watch and saw the time. I decided I could reach a longer time if I just pushed myself a little harder. So I released a few more bubbles until I reached 1:20.

I burst up panting heavily for breath, quite pleased with myself. That’s when I saw her. She was standing there in a black one-piece swimsuit, looking quizzically at me as the faintest hint of a smile flickered at the corners of her mouth.

My face instantly flushed beet red with embarrassment. I was so focused on beating my time that I’d been caught totally by surprise; I hadn’t seen her coming at all.

Without even thinking I blurted out the very first thing that came to mind… “When did YOU get here??”

“I was swimming over in the deep end when I saw you under the log. I got curious to see what you were doing, so I came right over. I hope you don’t mind.” Her smile helped put me a little more at ease.

“Oh, I don’t mind,” I replied a little anxiously. “You just caught me off-guard is all. I didn’t see you come over, and you startled me.”

Her face clouded as though she’d done something wrong. I didn’t want to put her off. So I quickly added, “But it’s ok. I just didn’t know I had an audience. You can stay and watch if you want.”

“What were you doing under there?” she wanted to know. The smile was back on her face, helping put me even more at ease.

“I was just doing a little breath-holding while working my way under the log. I hope I didn’t embarrass myself or anything.” I winced inwardly, hoping I didn’t sound like a nerd or anything.

“Oh, not at all,” she reassured me. “So how did you do?”

“That last one I clocked at 1:22.” Then I proudly showed her the watch on my wrist.

“That’s awesome!” she admitted with a grin. “So your watch is waterproof?”

“Yes it is. Sometimes I like to time myself underwater, just for fun.”

“I’d never thought of that,” she responded thoughtfully. “…I mean, wearing a watch that’s waterproof and all. I’ve been swimming here once before. But it never occurred to me to actually try pushing myself down under this log. As you can see…” and she motioned at her body. “It’s not very easy for me to stay underwater. I usually just swim around.”

She looked to be in her late 20’s, or maybe her early 30’s. She wasn’t fat, at least not in my estimation. She was a little thicker, and I could see how she would probably be more buoyant in the water. But I had to keep from looking too long at her chest, especially at her cleavage and the way her large breasts accented her swimsuit.

“That’s a good idea,” she went on with that contagious smile. “…pushing yourself down with your hands like that. I’ll have to try that sometime.”

She paused as though she’d interrupted me long enough. “I suppose I should go and let you get back to it. After all, I can try using the log after you’re done with it.”

I liked talking to her. I didn’t want her to think she had to go just to wait for me to finish. Besides, the thought of getting to watch her underwater was rather exciting.

“You don’t have to go on my account,” I told her, chivalrously deciding to give up the log for the time being. “You can try it right now if you want. I don’t have to hog the log the whole time.”

“Oh, that’s ok,” she said with a dismissive wave. “Besides, I don’t have a watch to time myself while holding my breath.”

“You do now,” I offered, reaching to remove it from my wrist. “You can use mine… unless you’d like me to time you.”

“Oh, I don’t mean to impose.”

“You’re not imposing. I like being able to help someone out, you know… by helping out another breath-holder.”

“Awesome!” she said with that infectious smile of hers. “Maybe I’ll try going underneath the log like you did.”

“Would you like my face mask?” I offered, trying to be chivalrous again.

For a second I thought she was going to take me up on it. “Oh, that’s ok,” she told me pleasantly with a dismissive wave. “I’m going to try this without one. Besides, I kinda like going underwater without a dive mask. It feels better not having anything on my face, you know.”

She paused for a moment. Then she gave me that smile again. “If it doesn’t work out and your offer still holds, then I might try it later. How’s that sound?”

“Works for me,” I told her, smiling back at her. Then I held up my wrist. “Want my watch?”

“It might be better if you time me yourself,” she said carefully. “That way I can concentrate on holding my breath.”

She sounded hesitant, as though she wasn’t sure I would be willing to do that for her. I quickly tried to put her at ease. “Be happy to!” I said with a smile as I set the timer. “Anytime you’re ready… take all the time you need.”

She grinned at me as she moved into position. Then she took a couple of deep breaths before she submerged. I quickly activated the timer.

She went under and grabbed the log. But she ended up clinging to it, her arms and legs wrapped around it from underneath. It was fun to watch, but she rushed along and was out the other side of the floating trunk in no time at all.

“I think I kinda scurried under the log that time,” she confessed when she came up panting for breath. “And I think I got it all wrong.”

“That was 20 seconds,” I told her. “Not bad at all for a first time.”

“It was a little tricky being down there,” she admitted. “My body wants to float up, as you can see. So I just sort of crawled along the log. I hope that was all right.”

“You did fine,” I replied warmly. “It’s a challenge sometimes just trying to stay down, much less follow along underneath that silly log.”

“Now why don’t you take a turn?” she suggested. “Show me how to do it right; ok?”

“Want to time me?” I asked. “It’s easy!”

She said that might be fun. So I handed her the watch. I showed her the start/stop button. Then I took a deep breath and submerged.

Having her standing there watching me made my heart beat faster. So I had to calm down and focus on slowly working my way along the underside of the log. I tried to take my time, but I think I went a little fast in my excitement.

“45 seconds,” she told me when I came up panting. I liked the way her eyes were twinkling.

She kind of challenged me somewhat playfully. “That wasn’t no minute twenty though. But I saw how you pushed up with your hands to brace yourself underneath. I wonder if I can do that. Should I give it another try?”

“Of course!” I told her enthusiastically.

“Time me again?” and she handed my watch back to me.


I set the timer as she took a couple of deep breaths. Then she went under. This time, she pushed herself down underneath the log.

She was able to force herself down into a kneeling position. Then she pushed up against the bottom of the log. She managed, although I could tell she had to work at it.

She tried carefully moving herself underneath the tree trunk with her hands. But I could see it was something of a challenge for her. She lasted longer than her last time before she came up panting after moving along about two thirds of the way.

“38 seconds,” I told her. “You were under longer. But you didn’t quite make it all the way across.”

“Now you do it,” she instructed, reaching for my watch. “I want to watch how you do it.”

I smiled and then handed her the watch. Deep down, I began to wonder when it was all going to come to an end. But I quickly pushed that thought out of my mind.

I told myself there was no need to wonder when she might leave. I was enjoying her presence. It was better just to appreciate the moment while it lasted.

I took a breath and went under. But this time, I slowly pushed myself backward underneath the log. I guess I was showing off a little.

I saw her underwater holding her breath. She was watching me as I pushed up against the log with my hands while moving along slowly, backing up under the log while dragging my feet along the pool floor. I released a few bubbles while making a point of studying certain sections of the underside of the log.

After a while, I felt it in my lungs again. But I deliberately pushed myself until my chest was heaving. I finally climbed out from underneath after having reached the end of the log.

“1:25!” she announced with admiration. “That was awesome!”

“Well you can do it too,” I told her encouragingly. “I can tell you look comfortable underwater.”

“I’ve always liked the water,” she told me. “I just can’t get down very easy. I’m naturally buoyant.”

“Maybe you’re a little buoyant,” I admitted carefully. “But I don’t think you’re THAT buoyant.”

She smiled at my attempt at a compliment. “Aww; you’re sweet!” Then she handed me the watch.

“Now it’s my turn again. I think I can hold my breath a long time if I can just get the hang of it.”

She took a deep breath. Then she pushed herself under the front of the log in a flurry of bubbles, virtually sitting on her ass.

She began working herself backwards, hand over hand just as I had done. She was able to control her body much better. I could see the determination in her features.

At one point, she actually slowed down as though she thought she was going too fast. When she reached the end of the log, she floated up to the surface in a flurry of bubbles. “I could have gone longer,” she muttered in disappointment after she’d come up and was panting quietly. “I reached the end of the log and I guess I sorta lost my grip.”

“Well, you still managed a good 47 seconds,” I told her. “You’re getting better.”

“It must be moving along the log that’s throwing me off,” she said thoughtfully.

“Then why bother moving at all?” I suggested. “Why not go underwater, brace yourself under the log and just hold your breath? In fact, I’ll go under with you and time us if you want. That way you won’t have to worry about trying to move anywhere.”

“That’s an awesome idea!” she responded with that big, contagious smile of hers. “Let’s do it!”

“Shall we go under on opposite ends of the log?” I suggested.

“Works for me,” she replied.

2012; 2022 (written for jqpublic Aug 6 ’12; ed. Oct 23 ‘22 by riwa)

Part 2

I reset the timer and then counted us down… “Three… two… one!” When we both inhaled, I activated the watch as we submerged.

I situated myself under my end of the log. Then I watched her get into position. She seemed to be more comfortable bracing up against the log without moving anywhere.

We were both pretty much in a sitting position. I smiled at her and nodded, releasing a couple of bubbles. She nodded and bubbled as well.

I sat there watching her as she sat there watching me. I smiled at her and then deliberately lowered my head as though concentrating. When I snuck a quick look at her, I noticed she had her head down as though she was focusing on the task at hand. So I took that opportunity to look her over real good.

It was a modest swimsuit. But I liked it, especially the way it accented her tan skin. The neck of her suit came down enough to grant me the view of a nice bit of cleavage. I thought I could actually detect her nipples protruding a little.

She had nice curves, and was rather attractive for her size. Her weight seemed to be distributed proportionally, and she had a kind, Hispanic-looking face. I felt lucky she was breath-holding with me.

As I checked the watch, she opened her eyes and looked curiously at me. I tried to motion at her… “Keep going – keep going; we’re almost there!” As she nodded her head, I thought I could see her chest heave a little.

I released a few bubbles as we passed the 1:00 mark. She did the same. But I could tell she was starting to push it.

I released a couple more bubbles. Then I motioned at her… “Keep going; you’re doing great!”

I saw the strain in her expression before she finally released an explosion of bubbles. Then she climbed up around her end of the log. I chivalrously followed her up.

“That was great!” I gushed proudly. “I wanted you to keep going the first time because you were almost at a minute!”

“I didn’t make a minute?” she asked, the disappointment evident in her voice.

“Actually, you almost reached 1:10,” I told her with pride. “You made a minute easy!” That’s when her eyes lit up.

“1:10?? Awesome!”

She suddenly looked at me as though she might be intruding on my time or something. “I’m not keeping you from anything, am I?”

“Not at all,” I told her enthusiastically. “I’m really enjoying this.”

Then it was my turn to wonder. Was she asking because she needed to go? Was she only being polite?

“If you have to be somewhere, then don’t let me keep you. Sometimes when I’m having fun like this, I lose all track of time.” I tried not to sound disappointed that she might have to go.

“You’re having fun with me?” she asked, almost sounding incredulous. “Awesome! No, I don’t have to go just yet. Besides, the kids are with my mom. They’ll be fine.”

As soon as she mentioned she had kids, I sagged like a balloon deflating. If she was married or had a boyfriend, I certainly didn’t want to interfere or act too aggressive or anything. But I was a little curious why she’d come alone.

“You didn’t bring them along with you?” I queried, trying to make it sound like nothing more than a casual question.

“Oh, they don’t like the water all that much,” she told me, sounding a little disappointed in them. “Oh, they’re great kids and all. They just don’t like the pool as much as I do. So I leave them with mom. She has this big swing set, with a nice sandbox out in her back yard. They’d play out there all day long if I let them.”

“Well, at least you’re having a good time in the pool,” I said with a smile.

I didn’t push it anymore. I was determined to make the best of it and just enjoy the moment. Besides, breath-holding with a married woman or a woman with kids was still much better than breath-holding alone.

“Want to go again?” I asked carefully.

“Damn right, I do!” she told me, that infectious smile returning. “If you’ve got the time and you’re having fun, then I’m game if you are. Most guys come in here just to swim laps. You’re different.”

“I guess I’m not much of a ‘lap-guy’,” I said with a chuckle as I reset my watch.

I counted us down. We both took a deep breath and then slipped under the surface. That’s when we pushed ourselves under the log, getting into our positions.

I noticed she wasn’t situated at the very end of the log like last time. But truthfully, neither was I. That meant we were a little closer to each other. So I decided to enjoy myself, figuring this would probably be a one-shot swim with a very nice female.

We both settled in for a long one. I could tell right away she’d gotten really serious about it. I gave her a small smile, but she returned it with a look of determination in her eyes. I decided I’d better get down to business or she might actually beat me.

She got more comfortable under the log, pushing up against it while almost sitting on her ass. I couldn’t help staring at her cleavage, admiring her chest. Then I felt my cock start to stir a little. So I figured I’d better close my eyes before I embarrassed myself.

The seconds went by as I concentrated on holding my breath. When I opened my eyes I saw her looking at me. She made a motion at her wrist… “What’s our time?”

I checked the watch, and then signaled back to her… “45 seconds.” She smiled with a nod. Then she closed her eyes again.

We both shot right on by a minute like it wasn’t even there. Then she opened her eyes and looked at me questioningly. I lifted fingers to indicate “1:10”. She smiled and nodded.

Her chest soon began heaving, almost as much as mine was. I could see the strain in her face. That’s when I indicated “1:20” with my fingers.

She nodded, losing a few bubbles. She was really pushing it. I knew I had my work cut out for me.

As we approached 1:30, I felt my lungs heave in my chest. I heard her grunt as her chest heaved as well. Little bursts of air spewed out of her pursed lips.

It occurred to me the chivalrous thing to do would be to go up first. So I focused on my watch and picked my moment. At 1:30 I shot upward, bursting up and gasping loudly for breath.

She was a split-second behind me. “I BEAT you!” she gasped triumphantly. “What was our time?”

“I went up at 1:30,” I told her with a smile, gracefully accepting that she’d won.

“1:30?? AWESOME!” She beamed from ear to ear, and it gave me a good feeling seeing her so happy.

We swam over to the edge of the pool to catch our breath, taking a break from breath-holding. “That was so AWESOME!” she kept repeating. “My lungs were on fire and I was really getting dizzy.”

“Me too,” I admitted.

“You like breath-holding?” she asked with a smile

“Especially when there’s someone I’m doing it with,” I told her, trying not to sound like a love-struck puppy. She just smiled back at me.

I don’t know what made me think of it. But I suddenly thought about that pipe down in the deep end of the pool.

“You ever been to the bottom down there?” I asked, pointing downward. That’s when I got this mental image of her standing down there holding her breath with the suction holding her feet to the pipe.

“No,” she admitted, sadly shaking her head. “I’m too buoyant. I can’t get down there.”

“Well, it’s really cool,” I told her. “There’s a pipe with a slit down there that helps circulate the water. When you stand on it with your feet, the suction holds you right down. You can stand down there and look all around and hold your breath and blow bubbles and everything.”

“Sounds awesome,” she responded, her eyes lighting up. “I’d love to give it a try. I hope I’m not too buoyant though.”

“Only one way to find out,” I told her with a smile.

We both followed the edge of the pool until we were right above the slit in the pipe 12 feet below us. I took a deep breath and then dove downward first. Almost immediately I was reminded of the pressure in my head, especially the sting of my sinuses.

I turned right around and came right back up. “What’s the matter?” she asked curiously. “You can’t get down there either?”

“The pressure hurts my head, and my sinuses sting,” I replied. “Let me try something different.”

I took another deep breath. Then I submerged again. This time I went down feet first as bubbles trickled out of my nose.

I skulled myself downward, releasing a little more air to help me get down. Then I felt the suction from the pipe against the soles of my feet. That’s when I settled down onto it.

I stood flat-footed, the pressure not too bad in my head. Then it eased even more. I smiled as I waved up at her… “See? I made it! You can stand just like this.”

I kicked off for the surface, spewing bubbles along the way. But as I headed up, I saw her suddenly jackknife downward. She pulled hard with her arms, furiously kicking with her legs.

Buoyancy soon caught up to her. Her descent stalled out about halfway down. It forced her to turn around and come back up.

“See?” she told me with a wry smile, panting disappointedly. “I’m too buoyant.”

“At least you’ll never have to worry about drowning,” I told her with a grin.

Her eyes flashed with sudden inspiration. “I’ve got an idea,” she told me, sounding excited. Then she swam over to the ladder.

I watched her climb out. She walked over to the lower diving board. Then she confidently walked all the way out to the very end.

She jumped up into the air, bouncing once as the board rattled. I wanted to see her hit the water. So I took a deep breath and then quickly submerged.

She hit the water with a splash, her arms outstretched above her head. I skulled myself downward and watched her progress. She pulled hard with her arms, kicking furiously with her legs.

This time, she went much deeper. I could tell how determined she was to make it. In fact, she was almost there.

As she got closer, she reached out with her hand to grab on so that her buoyancy wouldn’t kick in and haul her back up. I felt an uneasy jolt of alarm when I saw her fingers slide right into the slit. I know I certainly wouldn’t have grabbed it like that. But she grabbed on with such determination that I could tell she wasn’t about to let go.

She gave me a triumphant wave as her hand slid along the slit. Then her expression changed in an instant. I saw her look down at her hand as she gave it a good hard yank.

A moment later she was grunting and bubbling. I watched as she anxiously pulled hard with her arm. Had she gotten her fingers stuck in that slit cut into the pipe?

My eyes flew open in horror as I frantically tried to skull myself deeper. I became anxious, trying to get to her quick in order to assist her. She was jerking against her arm as though her fingers were really stuck.

I honestly didn’t think the slit was that narrow. But I had never been brave enough to shove my fingers in like that to find out. She must have rammed them in to grab onto something before her buoyancy kicked in.

Her legs were almost straight up as though she was doing a handstand. Her buoyancy was trying to pull her body upward. But I think that made things that much worse.

She tried and tried. But apparently, she couldn’t get any leverage of any kind to pull her fingers out. Then she looked at me, terror-stricken.

She began frantically waving at me with her free hand to come and help her. She wanted me to do something to work her loose… anything! But that’s when I suddenly became aware of how out of breath I was.

She grunted and waved at me… “HELP ME; I’M STUCK!!” But I could really feel it in my lungs. I was almost out of breath.

I wanted to stay and help her. But I was suddenly afraid I might drown if I didn’t go get another breath. I was momentarily paralyzed with indecision.

She waved wildly at me, her body appearing tethered by her stuck fingers. That’s when I made my decision. I felt sick to my stomach as I turned and shot upward until I burst up gasping.

I inhaled once. Then I took a really big second breath. When I was ready, I quickly jackknifed downward.

I kicked furiously while pulling hard with my arms. I felt sick inside for having left her. But this time I was determined not to go back up again until she was free and coming up with me.

I saw it in her eyes as I came back down… “GAWD; YOU LEFT ME!!” Then the pressure hit my head as water went up my nose. It stung my sinuses something fierce. I just ignored it as I swam down to her, my heart hammering a mile a minute as panic swelled within me.

I got down with her and looked at her hand. I saw in an instant where her fingers had gotten wedged. They were stuck in a narrow section of the open slit.

I could feel the suction pulling for me as I grabbed onto her arm. Her anxious grunts scared the crap out of me. I thought for sure she was going to drown.

I don’t know what made me do it. But for some reason, I tried to slide her hand sideways. I guess I was thinking there was a bigger opening farther along the slit, if only I could slide her hand sideways along the opening.

She grunted, instinctively fighting against me. But I got her hand to slide along. Then it suddenly popped free.

She turned and shot upward like a rocket in a flurry of bubbles. I shot up after her, my chest heaving like gangbusters. By then, the pressure in my head was not as intense, although my sinuses still burned like crazy.

We both popped up gasping madly for breath. Then we swam over and grabbed onto the edge of the pool to compose ourselves.

For a moment there, I thought she was going to cry. So I quickly took responsibility. I told her it was all my fault for suggesting swimming down there in the first place.

She looked at me for a long moment. But I saw no accusatory look in her eyes. Instead, there was this expression of gratitude.

She came over to me. Then she wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tight. We both accidentally slipped under the surface a little. But she was buoyant enough that we didn’t go too deep before she let me back up.

I came up coughing and sputtering. She panted, “Oh, thankyou – thankyou – thankyou! For a minute there I thought you were going to leave me to drown! Then I saw you’d gotten a breath and then came back down to save me!! Oh thankyou – thankyou – thankyou!”

“I’m sorry I left you,” I replied, feeling guilty as hell for having gone up for air. “It was all my fault; really! I was out of breath, and I had to go back up. I’m so, so sorry for leaving you for a moment; I really am.”

“It’s all right; you came back for me,” she gasped thankfully. Then she wrapped me up in a big bear hug again. This time we both kicked our legs and kept our heads above the surface as she showed her appreciation.

“I suppose I should be going now,” she said, suddenly appearing strangely uncomfortable.

I followed her as we swam over to the ladder. “I need to go get lunch,” she said by way of explanation. “Then I need to go pick up my kids.”

She paused for a moment, giving me a long look as though trying to read me or something. Then she carefully asked, “You’re not mad at me, are you?”

“Why should I be mad at you?” I replied incredulously. “It was my idea going down there.”

“Because I stuck my stupid fingers inside that damned pipe; that’s why!”

“Well, I’m not mad about anything, especially that,” I told her. “I thought you might be mad at me for suggesting we go check out the pipe in the first place.”

“It’s not your fault I wanted to go down and check it out,” she replied. It sounded as though she was reprimanding me for assuming guilt that was not mine.

“You came down and saved me from my stupidity. I’ll never forget that. Thank you!!” Then she wrapped me up in her arms again.

This time she kissed my lips hard. I didn’t resist. I kissed her back until we ended up kissing rather passionately. But I did feel a little guilty when our lips finally parted. I figured there had to be another guy somewhere in her life.

She smiled gratefully. Then she climbed the ladder out of the pool. She walked over and gathered up her towel, wrapping it around her before heading for the women’s locker room.

I climbed out and started to dry myself off. That’s when it hit me how close we’d both come to drowning. I suddenly got the shakes something fierce. So I decided I’d better sit down and stick around awhile until I calmed down enough to drive home safely.

I was sitting in a lounge chair when she returned several minutes later, fully dressed. Her wet swimsuit was draped over a damp towel. And her smile was back.

“My name’s Roberta. I owe you one. So how can I make it up to you?”

I gave her my name before telling her she didn’t owe me a thing. I explained that I still felt a little guilty for suggesting going down there in the first place.

“Nonsense! I’m the one who stuck her damn fingers where they didn’t belong! It’s not your fault!” That made me feel better, and I thanked her.

She looked at me carefully as though sizing me up. Then she said, “I hope my stupidity didn’t spoil things.” I told her that it hadn’t.

“Do you usually come here on Wednesdays?”

My heart skipped a beat. Was she actually asking if I wanted to swim with her again?

I told her Wednesday would be a good day to come enjoy the pool. I said I would love swimming and breath-holding with her again if we saw each other. But I said I wouldn’t mind if we skipped the drowning part. She just laughed.

“Awesome!” she said with that contagious smile. “I’ll drop the kids off at mom’s again. Maybe I’ll see you next Wednesday?” Her eyes twinkled as she grinned at me.

“I hope I see you then,” I answered with a smile. “This was fun… well, except for that last part down in the deep end.”

“I don’t know,” she said thoughtfully. “I still kinda feel like I owe you or something for saving me from my stupidity. I probably need to be punished for being such a ditz. Maybe I should let you dunk me or something, just to teach me a lesson. How does that sound?”

I couldn’t believe it! It sounded like she really wanted to come back and see me in the pool again. It also sounded as though she was more than willing to do more than just a little simple breath-holding.

I smiled as I told her, “If you think you need a little dunking, then I guess I’m your man.” That made her smile even more.

“See you next week then!” she said, beaming from ear to ear. Then she turned and strode purposefully toward the exit.

I watched her go and then sighed heavily. A part of me wasn’t sure how serious she was about coming back for a swim with me. But I decided it would be a lot of fun to find out, just to come and see if she showed up.

Was she serious with all that about allowing me to dunk her? It had certainly gotten my cock to stirring a little.

By then I wasn’t shaking nearly so bad. So I decided it was time to go change into my street clothes and then head for home.

2012; 2022 (written for jqpublic Aug 6 ’12; ed. Oct 29 ‘22 by riwa)

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