A bad day for two boys (m/m) 4.1 (35)

A story from a guest author I found in my archives. I just touched up the grammar and sentence structure a bit to help it flow better.

It was a sunny afternoon when I met Gerry. There were no cars in the parking spaces, only 2 mopeds, which I must confess is unusual. But hey, life is unusual. This was the countryside, and also woods, which were often extremely quiet. Just the place to play fantasy games in particular, considering I enjoy them.

The normal game involved being stripped naked, restrained and punished. So very quickly after I greeted him, Gerry, feeling excited with anticipation, told me to put my hands behind my back. There upon, he handcuffed me and told me to walk in front of him. The playtime had commenced.

We walked like that for a while until he told me to stop. Without much warning, he took hold of my shorts and ripped them up the side seams to the waistband. Then he continued to rip the material round the front and back until all that was left was the waistband itself, where upon he threw the material into the vegetation growing at the side of the path.

Whilst this turned me on so much, it was unusual because Gerry knew that I didn’t have spare clothes with me. ‘Oh well.’ I thought, excited to the core of my body.

So now, in my vest and boxer-briefs, Gerry told me to start walking again.

A little further along the path, we confronted two young boys, maybe late teens with crash helmets. So we had discovered who owned the mopeds. Clearly they had been up to no good.

Seeing me dressed like that, they asked Gerry what was going on, to which Gerry answered their question with a description of what he was planning in terms of sexual playtime by exploring his fantasies. So they asked if they could watch. Gerry agreed, so now there were four of us.

We turned off the path into the thick woods where no one would venture. After a short time, Gerry stopped me and told one of the boys to fix shackles around my ankles, which this boy agreed to do without hesitation. Gerry also told them to gag me so I could not speak. By now I was starting to wonder what he had in mind.

Further into the woods we went. But after a time, he told me to stop, at which point he produced from his backpack a gun and pointed it at both the boys. He told them to take their shorts off and put the handcuffs and shackles on their legs.

Gerry then gagged them one at a time, ignoring their protests and frightened looks until they, too, couldn’t talk and could not run either. This made three of us all the same: restrained, gagged and partially dressed.

I was wearing my normal Jockey Y-fronts. Both boys were wearing boxer-briefs. This now appeared to be out of script to the normal play time. But I and the boys couldn’t do anything about it.

“Walk on” said Gerry.

After a short period of time, we came into a clearing with a tree in the centre. It was quiet, apart from the sound of birds singing and normal forest sounds. But hanging from the tree was a hangman’s rope with a wooden box underneath about three tall, which Gerry had already prepared.

I became really scared. So did the boys. But Gerry made quite sure we couldn’t run and couldn’t talk or protest.

“Right then. Steve and you boys? After careful consideration, I have decided to execute you all. It’s a real shame, boys, that you bumped into us. Because once you had, and news got out that a body had been found hanged, you would have put two and two together and would have become witnesses. And I can’t have that. Sorry.”

“As for you Steve, I have always had a fantasy about hanging someone. And I sort of figured you wouldn’t mind, since you like to play games.”

“So, here’s what is going to happen. I am going to strip you, and then shave your entire body one at a time until you look like the day you were born. Then I plan to suck you off as much as you can cum and then finish the job”. Two of you will have the privilege of watching and enjoy the view until it becomes your time”.

Gerry was a big man, and a powerful man. He grabbed the first boy and pulled him over to the rope. All the time, the boy struggled, but in vain. Very shortly, Gerry had placed the rope around his neck and had hoisted him against his will onto the wooden box.

There upon, he ripped his t-shirt off his body. Then he took hold of his boxer-briefs and pulled at the material until it gave way, allowing the continuation of removing his underwear.

Now naked, Gerry produced a shave and commenced with his hair on his head, slowly working his way down to his waist. He then started at the ankles and shaved up his legs to his groin. Head, chest, back and behind his legs were all smooth.

Then he started to shave his bottom. Once finished, he moved round to the front and started to shave all his pubic hair.

After a couple of minutes, the boy was hairless. But he was also aroused and had developed a firm erection. Gerry took in his mouth and sucked him until he was dry.

“Don’t worry, boy,” said Gerry. “You will have another erection as you swing. And I will be able to suck you off one last time.

At that point, Gerry kicked the box away. The boy fell, but the rope held. Thrashing his legs and the rope biting into his neck, you could see the desperate attempt to breath. His face was getting more and more red.

Then, as Gerry had said, the boy in his death throws developed an erection. But this time, you could see it was thicker and firmer than before. And as before, Gerry took his cock in his mouth and sucked him off, taking his last juices of life in the most powerful orgasm this boy had ever had. His cum spurted and spurted – you could tell. Gerry just took it all.

In the meantime, the other boy, seeing his friend dying, tried to run. But he tripped and fell over because he couldn’t run.

It took two or three minutes for the boy to stop moving. Even I could tell with my limited medical knowledge that he had died. At that point, Gerry released him from the rope and threw him to one side.

Now it was the turn of the second boy. And as before, Gerry grabbed and dragged him over to the rope. All the time, the boy struggled, but in vain. Very shortly, Gerry had placed the rope around his neck and had hoisted him against his will onto the wooden box.

Again, Gerry ripped his t-shirt off his body. Then he took hold of his boxer-briefs and pulled at the material until it gave way, allowing the continuation of removing his underwear.

Now naked, Gerry produced a shave and commenced with his hair on his head, slowly working his way down to his waist. He then started at the ankles and shaved up his legs to his groin. Head, chest, back and behind his legs were all smooth.

Then he started to shave his bottom. Once finished, he moved round to the front and started to shave all his pubic hair. After a couple of minutes, the boy was hairless, but also aroused. He had developed a firm erection which Gerry took in his mouth and sucked him until he was dry.

As before, Gerry kicked the box away. The boy fell, but the rope held. Thrashing his legs and the rope biting into his neck, you could see the desperate attempt to breath, his face getting more and more red.

And then, as Gerry had said, the boy in his death throws developed an erection. But this time, you could see it was thicker and firmer than before. And as before, Gerry took his cock in his mouth and sucked him off, taking his last juices of life in the most powerful orgasm this boy had ever had. His cum spurted and spurted – you could tell. Gerry just took it all.

All I could do was witness the death of two boys, with the second in his last few minutes of life. Slowly but surely, his body became still.

Once Gerry was content that life had been extinguished, he released him from the rope and threw him down to lie next to his friend.

Now came my turn. I was resigned to my fate. But all the same, I attempted to resist him. But as before, he dragged me to the rope, placed it around my neck and hoisted me up onto the wooden box.

As before, he tore off my vest and then ripped all the Jockey Y-Fronts from my body. Once naked, he commenced with shaving off every hair on my body.

So, very shortly, I was naked and hairless, and awaiting execution. But I was also aroused. And like before, Gerry took my cock in his mouth.

I could not prevent my ejaculation. I felt it spurt until it actually gushed into his mouth for the last time.

But this time was different from the boys. They had come to the woods for sex. I had come to play sexual fantasy games, and as such, I still aroused. My erection refused to go.

Gerry could see this, and he took me again in his mouth. But because I had cum not long ago, he had to suck and suck and suck until I thrust my juices into his throat with what was the most sensational orgasm I had ever had.

“Well that was fun,” said Gerry. Then he released my neck from the rope, and undid the gag. “How was that for you? I enjoyed the whole thing so much. It made quite a change from the normal playtime; didn’t it?”

“But Gerry, you murdered those boys!”

“Yep; that’s right. And I enjoyed the whole sensation. I’m sure you enjoyed watching as well, while wondering if I was going to hang you too. Come on, it must have given you the sexual fantasy of your life; didn’t it?”

I could not argue otherwise. The whole episode had been one long sexual encounter. It was a reality/fantasy that we could not have imagined.

“Gerry, yep, I agree. But I have a few requests on the way back to the car. One, I wish to remain handcuffed and shackled. Two, I want you to gag me again, tie me up and use the rope to whip me until I bleed and beg you to stop. Then I want for you to have me up the arse for however many times you want and finally be forced to march back to the car like this.”

“OK Steve, I agree. But let’s bury these boys first.”

So, Gerry buried them under a lovely tree, knowing full well that they would never be discovered, whilst I watched. Then Gerry turned to me, took off his clothes and took me from behind. Then he continued to do all that I had asked.

What a day to remember.

Written By Gerry Robins

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The consequences of snooping 2 4.4 (19)

Part 2

She was suddenly pulled up to the surface, gasping and coughing violently. Salma swam her into shallow water, the petite little Asian limp as a rag doll in her grasp. The cruel Hispanic didn’t fail to notice the dazed look in the eyes of her victim.

“Well – well!” the middle-aged woman observed with great interest. “What the hell happened to you?? You didn’t actually have an orgasm down there, did you? Why, you little slut!” All Emma could do was pant quietly, too exhausted to give her any more lip.

“I should have known,” Salma noted with a sadistic gleam in her eyes. “It’s always the little ones… trying to be thieves when they’re nothing but sluts. Down you go, slut!”

Emma cried out in alarm, bubbling weakly as she was shoved back down below the surface. She hadn’t gotten her breath back and she was severely winded. Then she heard the bitch cackling at her from the surface…

“You like it down there, you little slut? Does drowning turn you on? Then let’s see how turned on you can REALLY get!”

Emma’s eyes flew open in horror as she started thrashing about. She tried to wriggle and squirm. But she simply didn’t have the strength to put up a good fight.

She heard the bitch laugh at her as she was pulled back up to the surface. “I think we’re going to have some fun, you and I. I just LOVE teaching little bitches a lesson, especially defiant sluts like you. Now it’s MY turn, slut!”

Emma had just enough time to pull in a ragged breath before she was shoved back down. This time her face was mashed into the crotch of her adversary. Her lips instantly tasted the flavor of Salma’s sticky arousal in the fabric of her bottoms. The fact that the sexy bitch was turned on only increased the tingles she was feeling surging hotly through her body.

“I’m next, you little slut,” she heard the woman call down at her with sadistic glee. “I know you can hear me down there, you little slut. And I’m sure you know what to do. So you’d better get to it before I lose my patience and drown your sorry ass!”

Emma resisted instinctively, unable to help herself as she defiantly shook her head. Then she was jerked back up to the surface, coughing and sputtering. Somehow she found the strength to cry out, “YOU BITCH! YOU CAN’T TREAT ME LIKE THIS!”

“Have it your way,” Salma responded in annoyance, actually sounding happy the little maid was being so defiant. “I just love punishing sluts like you. Either it’s pleasure for me or it’s drowning for you. So drowning it is.”

Emma let out a cry as she was brutally shoved back down into the water. She wriggled and squirmed, but was in no position to break free. She’d opened her stupid mouth, and now she was going to pay for it!


The floor was right there beneath her. She fought to get her feet underneath her. But Salma kept her off-balance, refusing to allow her to get back to the surface.

Her lungs began to scream at her in protest. Her mind yelled at her, “YOU MORON! NEXT TIME, DO WHATEVER THE HELL SHE WANTS!”

Her lungs were on fire, the air bursting out of her mouth, when she was mercifully pulled back up. She coughed and sputtered, desperately trying to get her breath back. “That wouldn’t happen to be an apology, would it?” the Hispanic woman asked, glaring ominously at her.

“All right – all right,” Emma panted weakly, grateful for the reprieve. “You win – you win. I’ll do anything you want.” Her body was tingling like crazy again, her pussy screaming at her for another orgasmic release.

“It’s nice to know a little slut like you can learn her place,” Salma responded with mocking sweetness. “Now let’s see what you can do while holding your breath.

Emma was granted just enough time to fill her lungs before she was shoved back down below the surface. Once again her face was mashed up against the Hispanic woman’s crotch. Emma obediently began mouthing Salma’s bikini bottoms.

She used her lips and tongue to find the right area. This time it tasted like the cruel bitch was even more aroused. It set the bubbling little Asian to trembling like mad, knowing the middle-aged woman was so turned on at her suffering.

She dutifully mouthed and licked, doing her best to get her blackmailer off. It occurred to her the bitch might tell her manager about the incident in the motel room just for spite. She decided it was a chance she simply could not take. Perhaps making her cum a time or two might soften her attitude.

She felt those warning heaves in her stomach, and she went to licking and mouthing more aggressively. The spasms reached her lungs until she grunted as she redoubled her efforts. She needed up, but the bitch wasn’t letting her go!

“LET ME UP!” her mind screamed. “GAWD; DON’T LET ME DROWN DOWN HERE!”

She lost a big burst of bubbles before she was hauled up, gasping like crazy. A few seconds more and she might have swallowed water. “You don’t have to keep me down so long!” she panted heavily.

Salma laughed in her face. Then she was pushed right back down. Once more she was crammed into the woman’s crotch.

Emma writhed and bubbled, furiously working her lips and tongue. A disturbing thought in the back of her mind suggested the bitch might just leave her at the bottom of the pool if her efforts weren’t successful. It sent another fearful jolt of wildly erotic tingles coursing through her body.

Emma grunted and moaned as the attractive Hispanic woman began humping her face. Perhaps there was hope after all, especially since the idea of getting off her attacker was wildly arousing.

The warning heaves of breathlessness returned to her stomach, quickly transferring up into her chest as her lungs began to strain. It was taking too long. She was running out of air!


Her lungs were on fire. Emma bubbled as she struggled to get the woman off. Her tongue lashed out as she frantically mouthed the bitch’s private parts. But it didn’t seem to be enough.

Panic set in, causing her to thrash about between her adversary’s legs. Emma screamed away a froth of bubbles. Then she was pulled back up, gasping and sputtering like crazy.

“Not enough,” Salma told her coldly, her eyes narrowing. “I guess it’s time for you to face the consequences of snooping. Besides, I think I’m going to get off watching you drown for me.”

The petite little Asian was shoved back down into the water. Emma knew she was in trouble the moment the woman forced her between her legs. Then she was wedged in place between powerful thighs.

Salma maintained a good grip on her wrists, preventing her from getting any kind of leverage at all. Then to Emma’s horror, the woman started humping her wriggling body as she held her down. That’s when a horrifying thought suddenly leaped to mind… OH MY GAWD; SHE’S GOING TO GET OFF DROWNING ME!

Almost immediately Emma started thrashing about, desperate to free herself from between those legs of iron entrapping her. She struggled to break free. But Salma clung grimly to her wrists with hands of steel.

Her lungs started to heave as her cheeks began to bulge. Emma struggled desperately to hold her breath. She could see the Hispanic woman grinning down at her with sadistic pleasure as she furiously humped her. It was just as terrifying as it was arousing.

Emma cried out a flurry of bubbles. She was aware of a mammoth climax rushing toward her. This time she was afraid it was going to hit at the same time she started to drown.

Panic-fueled adrenaline caused her to violently twist and wriggle. But she couldn’t get free. GAWD, NOOOO…

It slammed into her like a large wave crashing up against the rocks where they kicked up a violent spray. Emma was aware of a white hot pleasure surging through her from head to toe. She could also feel Salma violently humping her body… could hear the bitch’s orgasmic cry. Then her nervous system shorted out as she blacked out…

When Emma regained consciousness, she was back at the surface, propped up against the side of the pool on extremely wobbly legs. “You still with me?” Salma asked her, the Hispanic woman helping hold her up. Emma nodded weakly, her body singing with delicious aftershocks.

“You should hire yourself out as the hotel pool slut,” Salma said with a chuckle. “You’re much better at it. And I think you’d be less likely to get into trouble snooping around in the guest rooms.”

Emma moaned softly as her strength returned. “Can you mange?” the Hispanic woman asked, concern in her voice. “Can you stand on your own?” Strange how she had suddenly become much nicer.

“Yes, ma’am,” Emma panted, too exhausted to push any more buttons. What she needed now was to go home and sleep off the delicious orgasms she’d just endured.

Salma slowly waded to the shallow end where she climbed out of the pool. Then she walked over and retrieved the lifeguard body board that hung from the wall. “Just one more thing and then we’ll be done,” she said as though talking to herself, loud enough for the tired Asian to hear.

“What?” Emma blurted out in alarm as the woman waded back toward her. “But I… I thought we were done!”

“Hardly,” the middle-aged woman said coldly, that ominous tone returning to her voice. “You should know by now that the consequences of snooping can be quite steep. Now get your little Asian ass over here. It’s time for us to have some more fun while you practice your breath-holding skills.”

Emma felt an erotic jolt hit her hard. That’s when she started trembling all over again. “You’re CRAZY!” she blurted out. “We’re EVEN, ok? I’ve done my part! You nearly DROWNED me, you Spanish pervert!”

“SLUT!” Salma roared, rising up and charging toward the foolish housekeeper.

Emma let out a cry as she tried to run in the opposite direction. But her energy reserves had been severely depleted.

She was tackled to the ground, the two of them spilling onto the floor of the pool. “GET OFF ME, YOU BITCH!” Emma cried out. The Hispanic woman just laughed cruelly at her.

She kicked and thrashed about as she was dragged over to the body board lying next to the deep end. “Time for your next lesson, you little thief!” the woman cackled with wicked glee.

Emma felt a jolt of alarm as she was forced upon the body board. “YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!” she yelled, wildly erotic tingles surging through her quivering body again as Salma worked the straps. “YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS; YOU’LL SEE!”

Her adversary chuckled at her. As far as she was concerned? The little slut could bluster all she wanted. She was STILL going for a ride on the board.

Emma continued to put up a protest… “No… NOOO!”

“Shut up, slut!”


“The hell I won’t!”


“Shut your mouth!”



Emma struggled, but it did her no good. Salma soon had her securely strapped down to the body board. The little Asian started panting like crazy, her nipples hard underneath her Speedos as her pussy screamed at her again.


“Still being mouthy?” the Hispanic woman responded with a snort, shaking her head in amazement over the little Asian’s brazen attitude despite being clearly overmatched. “I’d say it’s time to drown that defiance right out of your sorry ass, wouldn’t you?” Then she grabbed the side of the body board and started to flip the foolish little housekeeper over toward the water.

Emma gasped in horror. Instantly she started to backpedal, trying to save the situation. “No, WAIT! I’ll be good – I’ll be…”

The rest of her protests were swallowed up as she splashed upside down into the pool, the body board keeping her right at the surface.

Emma squirmed like crazy, desperately trying to free herself. But the woman had strapped her down too tight. Besides, she’d also made sure her wrists had been secured with an extra loop. The Asian was completely helpless… and totally dependent upon the woman to flip her back over.

She stopped her struggles, concentrating on holding her breath. Then she heard a splash. Salma was now in the water with her and had actually moved underneath her.

Emma glared defiantly at her. She indignantly shook her head, her mind crying out, GET ME OUT OF THIS, YOU BITCH! That’s when Salma drifted upward toward her.

Emma felt an erotic jolt as the bitch stretched out underneath her. Then the two women were pressed up against each other, body to body and chest to chest.

Emma winced and bubbled as the wicked woman grabbed her head in her hands. Then she deliberately blew bubbles up into her face, smiling with great amusement. The struggling Asian housekeeper grunted in alarm as her cheeks began to bulge, indicating she was running out of air.

Her defiance melted away as her lungs started to heave. She grunted urgently, her cheeks puffing out even more as she struggled to hold her breath. That’s when the wicked Hispanic groped her tits through her suit, squeezing with sadistic glee.

Emma grunted again, anxiously shaking her head while moaning weakly. She was almost out of breath, her eyes getting bigger in growing desperation. Then Salma changed her position underneath her so she could push up hard on one edge.

The petite little Asian flipped right over with a bubbly cry. She ended up settling upright at the surface. That’s where she gasped madly for breath.

Salma rose up out of the water with an amused chuckle. She clung to the edge of the body board while using it as a floatation device. Emma cried out, gasping and sputtering, “All right – all right; you win! Just let me go, ok?”

“Oh, honey,” the woman said with a lustful smile and a shake of her head. “Do you know how exciting it is watching you all tied up like this? Do you have any idea how horny it makes me, watching you squirm and bubble? I love the look of panic in your expression as your body starts to react from lack of air.”


The Hispanic woman sadly shook her head in response. “I see your defiance has returned. That is most unfortunate.” Then she grinned with wicked amusement.

“On the other hand, one should look at these things on the positive side. At least I get to flip you back over and watch you as I try drowning that defiance right out of you. I think I’m really going to enjoy this.”

Emma gasped in horror, realizing she’d done it again. “NO – WAIT! I DIDN’T MEAN – !”

“Let’s see how long you can hold your breath THIS time,” Salma gasped excitedly as she flipped the petite little Asian back over. Emma let out a cry that was swallowed up in a flurry of bubbles.

2012; 2022 (written May 4 ’12; ed. Jan 1 ‘22 by riwa)

Posted in Emma Stories, Underwater Stories | Leave a comment

My Needs (3-4) 4.4 (54)

Chapter 3 – A PAIN SLUT

“Whip them!?”

“Yes, darling, whip them. Really hurt them and leave them with whip marks so you can show them off.”

“Show them off to who?”

She smiled at me, if you can call the pain wracked grimace she managed a smile. “I was going to a party,
and now you can come too. You’ll love it, it’ll be full of people like us. They need what we need and the
fact that we’re mother and daughter will make us very popular. Oh, God, darling, my tits really hurt!

I thought about that. I’d be on display, my marks and perversions openly visible.

“Yes, please, Mommy, and can you mark me up first so they can see what a pain slut I am?”

“Of course, dear. And you can do the same for me! Oh, this is going to be so good! But first, I have to
whip those nice big tits of yours so stick them out so I can really hurt them.”

She fetched a short whip from its clips on the wall and showed it to me.

“It’s short and it’s flexible, it’ll wrap right around those nice big swollen tits of yours.”

I was actually panting, filled with longing, fear and incredible arousal. I knew I would cum hard again if
my tits were really hurt and eagerly lifted them and thrust them out for their pain.

“Hurt them, Mommy, really hurt them. Oh, please hurt them! I’m a real pain slut, aren’t I!”

“Darling, you’re the best natural pain slut I’ve ever met and I’ve met a few.”

And she bought the whip down on my out-thrust tits, hard and straight across their tops. I screamed, the
pain was intense but I needed more, I could feel my cunt’s wetness and its pre-cum clenching. I lifted
them again, holding them out for the whip.

“More, Mommy, oh, please, more, more!”

Again the whip lashed down on my proffered flesh, and I threw my head back and screamed. “Again! Oh,
please again! Harder! Harder!” and I really needed more – a lot more.

Because after just two lashes I was swimming in a sea of pain and arousal, holding my own flesh out for
the lash and on the edge of an enormous cum. Somehow I managed to restrain myself while mom
whipped my willing tits. I sank to my knees, unable to keep standing but still lifted my pain wracked and
constricted globes out to their agony.

Occasionally, I would collapse forward, nursing my tits, but always straightened up again, holding them
out to their torture. I could see the marks accumulating on my upper tits and loved seeing them. A party
and I had only just learned my real nature, a party where I could be myself and learn so much more about
myself and those like me, and they would see my tits and know that I was a true pain slut.

I was on the verge of cumming.

Mom shifted her grip and bought the lash across both my nipples. I howled and cummed, sank into a
world of pain and incredible pleasure, my empty cunt spasming and clenching on its emptiness as I fell
forward, squeezing my swollen and marked tits and completely helpless in my orgasmic excess.

I really don’t know how long that cum lasted, but I was pretty well exhausted when it was over. I looked
up at my mother, standing there, still with the whip in her hand.

“Oh, mum, that was wonderful. I need that all the time.”

“Well, not cumming all the time dear, but I can keep you worked up all the time. There are plenty of ways
to do that. To start with I’ve got nice little alligator clips for your clit and nips.”

“Oh, yes! Oh, Mom, my tits really hurt and I still want more! I never knew I was like this! I never knew
you were like this!”

“I want more all the time, darling but I’ve learned to control it. But one of these days I’ll just let it go and
let them do whatever they want to me for as long as they want. Torture me to the end. But not before I
know you’ve got it under control as well.”

“You mean the people who’ll be at the party? Let them torture you to death? Snuff you?”

Mummy licked her lips and squeezed down hard on her aching tits.

“Ooooh, that really hurts! Yes, I love always having it as a possibility, even the thought turns me on. I
think Daphne, one of our older members, has demanded to be allowed to go all the way at the next party
so that’ll let you understand why we always have that possibility.”

“I’ll be there when she’s snuffed? I can join in!”

“Snuffing her, of course you can. Join in with her when she’s snuffed? No. You need to experience so
much more first, even if you do agree to it. Anyway, in the meantime you’ll love every moment of it, just
like I do.”

I was so aroused by the thought of snuffing another woman, especially if she wanted it. It had to be the
ultimate form of masochism and, since I had accepted my own innate and extreme masochism and
incestuous lesbianism I was eager to see another woman indulge her own extreme masochism to the
ultimate limit.

“What could I do?”

Mommy squeezed her tits again and her hips started to jerk. “You like hurting tits, yours and mine, so
maybe you could work on hers. Binding them, inflating them, Branding them, injecting acid or holding
fire to them. Things that really hurt.”

“And she wants this?”

“Don’t you? I know I do.”

I thought about that. It was true that I got huge pleasure from having my erogenous areas hurt and
tortured and if it was part of being snuffed I wouldn’t have to worry about recovery or social interactions
afterward. But to give up on life and all it had to offer? Not yet, I decided. Perhaps some time, but not

“Alright, if she wants it and her tits are available, I’ll really hurt them.” I licked my lips, “Really hurt them.”


So now Mommy and I are going to the snuff party. A party for people like us and only us.

Mommy has told me what will happen at the party.

Daphne will be tortured until she dies under the torture. She wants it, needs it, craves it. She’ll be the
center of attention just as she likes and she’ll be able to be tortured as severely as she always wants but
as they haven’t been able to do for her up to now.

Even so, Mommy says she’s permanently scarred, has huge, augmented tits, wears a tormentingly tight
corset at all possible times and has her underwear lined with sharp pins. For her, sitting is a penance. A
penance she needs and loves. One of us but who, after many years of eager suffering, has been allowed
to have herself tortured to death. To be snuffed in front of all of us.

Mommy says she’ll beg for it as long as she’s capable.

We know that we too will be used and hurt and abused by everyone at that party and we’re desperately
looking forward to it. We’ll be able to use and abuse others at the party as well, but for us, well, we are
so eager to be the objects that everyone uses for their pleasure that we’re already wet and trembling
with lust and desire just from thinking about it. We keep embracing, rubbing our bruised and marked
bodies against each other, describing to each other how we will be treated, revelling in the predictions.

But now, we have to prepare. We know each other well and know that for a party like this we will need
to be dressed in painfully constrictive clothing; clothing that starts to cause our sexual excitement to
become ever more obvious, clothing that will make us objects of lust, desire and derision. Clothing that
will make the party guests want to torture and torment and fuck us as we moan and weep from the pain
and frustration that we will so eagerly experience.

We wear identical skin-tight leather suits, tightened onto our willing bodies until we both have difficulty
breathing, just the way we really crave it. The suit is dampened so that, as the leather dries, it will
shrink and grip even harder on us, increasing the tightness that constricts our bodies even further until
we will both be struggling to breathe. I’ve tried it just to find out what it feels like and the crushing
constriction, the difficulty breathing, the pain of constriction all get me so hot that it’s wonderful
torment. Trying to imagine how it will feel with the other torments that will be imposed on my body
makes me ready to cum.

Out tits, of course, are bare, further constricted about their bases so that they swell and stand out from
our leather encased bodies like two soccer balls, swollen and firm to the touch. Neither Mommy nor I
can resist this treatment and even want to go further and so have injected a salt solution into each
other’s tits: the needle penetrating our nipples and into the center of each tit, the saline from the
needle swelling our pain wracked globes until they reach ludicrous dimensions.

Of course this increases the weight of our tits until they hang off our chests like two water filled sacks,
unbalancing us and making us have to carry them in our cupped hands. They need support and that
support is provided by a half bra each, a bra that leaves most of our tits bare and a bra that is lined with
tacks, a further continuous source of stimulating agony.

Our nipples have not been spared and on each is an office paper clamp which crushes them agonizingly
and makes us even more aroused. Heavy weights hang from these clamps, swaying and further
agonizing our nipples as they move.

We stand there, fondling each other’s swollen tits, flicking at our nipples, pulling and dropping the
weights until we can stand no more and collapse, sobbing and moaning, onto each other’s shoulders,
our tears wetting each other’s hair.

Oh! How so much pain and degradation turn us on and we need, we crave, the derision and agony that
await us at the hands of the party guests. We are both trembling with a mixture of dread and desperate

Of course, our cunts have not been left out of our preparations for the torments to come. At this point
we have whipped each other’s cunts with a leather belt until they are swollen and bruised, their lips,
inner and outer, swollen and protruding, ready for further torture. Our clits have swollen as well and we
occasionally touch or pinch our and each other’s clits, a wonderful source of intense pain and arousal.

We both love this and, when we were using the belt on each other, eagerly presented our cunts, our
legs widely spread, as in turn we lashed the leather belt down on each other’s proffered flesh. Even
though our cunt lips are bruised and swollen we offered ourselves eagerly to the lash of the belt,
thrusting our suffering cunts up to meet it.

We know that our mutual punishment is merely the precursor to the real cunt torture that we will be
inflicted on us during the party.

My frequently expressed desire to become a mouth and asshole only whore, denying me the pleasure of
cunt sex, is about to become reality. I’ve conceived this when Mommy denied me any orgasms and
clipped my inner cunt lips together so nothing can penetrate me and if I want anything in me it’ll have to
be in my mouth or arsehole. I know that during the party I’ll have my labia minora clamped together
using big, very tight, office paper clamps, preventing me from being fucked in my cunt and providing me
with delicious frustration, especially since my clit will protrude from my cruelly clamped cunt, a clit that
will be used to arouse me to the point of orgasm and then left alone while I beg and cry for relief. The
clamping will, of course, be deliciously painful and arousing, pervert pain slut that I love to be.

Our cunts are fully exposed, completely bare, all hair removed from our bodies by laser treatment,
leaving both of us with a smooth and exposed skin, ready for unprotected punishment. We know our
naked cunts will be thoroughly whipped and abused prior to being clamped tight shut.

Also prior to our clampinng we will have forced toilet brushes into our cunts, torturing ourselves in
public so the guests can see just what a completely perverted pair of sluts we are. Just thinking about
pushing the bristly head into our cunts, scratching and prickling as we force it deeper, watching each
other’s self-imposed agony until the brushes are firmly embedded in our suffering cunts, leaving the
handle obscenely protruding, excites both of us.

Mom is the first to voice the thought that is most on our minds: “Let’s practice with the toilet brushes.”

“Oh, yes Mom, shall we do ourselves or each other?”

Mom licked her lips and fingered her clit. “Let’s …. Let’s do ourselves first and then fuck each other with
them! It’ll hurt so wonderfully!”

Toilet brushes, along with various whips, clamps, constraints, arse plugs and dildoes are part of our
readily available equipment. We never know when we will need to torture ourselves or each other.
I fetched two brushes from where they hung on the wall and handed one to my Mommy.

“How far do you think you can get it in, Mom?”

“All the way in, darling, all the way in and then you have to fuck me really hard with it.”

I groaned aloud in anticipation. “Oh, yes mom! I’ll push mine all the way in and then you have to make
it really hurt for me. Shall we fuck each other in turn or together?”

“Together, and let’s put on some really nasty nipple clamps first.”

“Yes, yes! I’ll put yours on and you can do mine.”

I grabbed two pairs of clamps from the table. The ones I secretly dreaded; tight, so tight and with
serrated edges. They’re almost too much for me so I used them constantly. My nipples are always,
always sore so just playing with them always arouses me. Needless to say, I’m always playing with my

Mom pushed her tits up and out toward me. I took a clamp, opened it and allowed it to close on
Mommy’s offered left nipple. She actually threw back her head and screamed but still kept her tit and
nipple presented. Overcome with a desire to hurt her even more I squeezed down on the clamp,
bringing a further scream from her.

“Oh, darling, darling, it hurts! It hurts! Do the other one!”

I needed those clamps desperately myself so I said, “Mine first, Mom, do mine first!”

She lifted her tit, staring at her tortured nipple then looked at me and my tits. “Yes, Darling, oh yes.
Hold out your left tit.”

I held out my tit and watched, panting with anticipation and barely disguised fear as she let the clamp
snap together with my already sore and aching nipple between the serrated edges.

I know I screamed. I screamed again as I was overwhelmed by the agony in my poor suffering nipple.
“Aaaargh! You didn’t tell me you were going to let it snap down on my nip!”

“It’s good though, isn’t it darling?”

“Yes, oh yes, but it’s almost too much for me.” I groaned and nursed my tit, feeling the pain suffusing all
of it as I continued to whimper, tears running down my face.

“Too much for you! You know this is nowhere near what you really need so don’t tell me it’s too much
for you. Now do my other one.”

“Yes Mommy, yes!”

She held out her other tit in trembling hands. Cruelly I held the open clamp around her proffered nipple
but didn’t let it snap to immediately.

“Beg for it, mom, beg for it.”

“Yes, yes! Hurt my nipple darling, please hurt my nipple!”

I shook my head.

“Darling, darling, hurt your Mommy, hurt your Mommy, oh, please hurt your Mommy!”

I let the clamp snap shut on her nipple and watched as her eyes rolled back and she sank to her knees,
unable to even scream as her nipple pain overwhelmed her. Eventually she recovered enough to get,
with difficulty, back to her feet.

“Oh, you little bitch! Give me your other nipple.”

Filled equally with erotic arousal and dread, I held out my tit and watched as mom snapped the last
clamp down on it. The pain was nearly overwhelming and I felt myself sink into an intense cum where
pain and wonderful pleasure combined to take me somewhere else, somewhere of total, twisted
rapture, the place I always sought but so seldom found. I know I writhed on the floor and, so Mommy
tells me, pinching down on the clamps and screaming every time I did so.

Eventually, through her own pain and arousal, she started to worry that I might never stop.

When I finally recovered enough to think coherently again I looked up at her kneeling before me and
saw that she was holding two toilet brushes.

“Time for your cunt pain, darling. Push it all the way into your cunt.”

I was almost unable to get to my knees before holding out my hand for a brush. Spreading my knees I
pushed the bristles against my cunt, forcing it in against the natural resistance of my engorged cunt lips.
Grasping the handle in both hands I pulled the brush head into myself, feeling the bristles scrape on my
lips and the inside of my cunt and bring me, once again, close to an overwhelming cum.

I pushed it into myself as far as I could force it. It felt like a thousand needles were piercing me inside. I
was groaning and crying as I tormented myself but wanting even more.

“Fuck me with it, Mommy, fuck your little girl with it!”

“Let me do mine first, little girl. I need it as much as you do!”

She grasped her brush by the handle and pushed it against her swollen and bruised cunt until it gave
way and the brush slowly disappeared into that, oh so willing, flesh.

I grasped my own toilet brush handle and pushed my cunt out toward my mother.

“Fuck me with it, Mommy, fuck your little girl with it.”

Still trembling and crying from her own cunt pain, she grasped the handle of the brush lodged so
painfully in my own cunt and started to push and pull on it, fucking my suffering flesh with the stiff,
sharp intruding bristles. I felt it as though a thousand needles were being forced, time after time, into
my pain wracked interior.

I came, and then I came again, thrusting myself out against the intruder, loving the pain and the
distorted pleasure that suffused my spasming body. Eventually Mommy stopped torturing me, although
I wanted her to continue. I slowly returned to whatever counts as normal for us and looked at my

“My turn! Fuck me with it now!” she demanded.

So I fucked her and she spasmed as I had done.

“More, darling, more! Fuck your Mommy, hurt your Mommy!”

Eventually I stopped fucking her and she, like me, slowly recovered from her experience.

“We’ll have that done to us at the party. Now we’ve fucked ourselves with the brushes the inside of our
cunts will be really sore and ready for being hurt by their brushes. Now, I’ll pull yours out and you can
pull mine. I’ll go first.”

It prickled and pulled on my cunt’s walls, hurting almost as it had when it had fucked me. Eventually it
was completely withdrawn and I knelt there recovering for a few minutes. But Mommy’s brush still
needed pulling out and I grasped the handle and slowly pulled the bristles from her tormented cunt.

Eventually, it pulled free and she collapsed over her own pain.

I loved her then, loved her as my partner in perverted pleasure and pain, loved her as the mother who
had taught me so much about myself and loved her as my lover, the lover from whom I could hide
nothing, that I wanted to know everything about myself and my twisted needs. “Now our nipples, mom,
– or, or should we wear our clamps to the party, just to show what real pain sluts we are?”

“Uh, no, darling, just think how much it will hurt putting them back on at the party. Lets take them off

“OK. But the same way we did it last time. Count of three!”

“Right! Count of three: one, two, three – – Ahhhhrrrgh!!”

Because, on three we both released the clamps and pulled them from each other’s nipples, leaving us
once again nursing our tits and nipples as the pain of returning blood flow suffused our tits, bringing
tears to our eyes and moans from our lips as we fell forward into each other’s arms.

“Oh! Mommy, it all hurts so much and it’s all so wonderful! I just don’t want it to stop!”

“We’ll get to the party and then you’ll get all the pain you want.”

So, we went to the party. Each wearing a black, pin lined, leather bra and tight, tight, crotchless leather
pants, pants so tight that they made even walking difficult and black leather ballet boots to restrict our
mobility even further.

We were more than ready for more.

Of course our torturing bras hurt us with every movement so we were constantly aroused and already
longing to cum.

Walking was an effort, we were forced to take little tottering steps in our ballet boots and had difficulty
even getting to the front door where our transport was waiting.

At this point I should introduce our driver.

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Donna’s shore leave 3 4.4 (16)

Part 3

Donna moaned softly as a wave of dizziness swept over her. A moment later she heard a familiar voice… “You just gonna lay there and sleep the afternoon away? Or are you gonna wake up and play?”

Donna’s eyes fluttered open, only to see the soft Asian features of a smiling Leiani bending over her. “Rise and shine!” the young woman with the shoulder length black hair chuckled at her. “We ain’t got all day.”


Donna gasped in astonishment as her former lover helped her sit up. Tears welled up in her eyes as she grabbed her by the shoulders. Then she looked again at the seemingly impossible.

“Leiani? Ohmygawd; is it really you??”

All of her resentments and bitterness over Leiani’s abrupt transfer so many months ago vanished in the light breeze that wafted through the trees. A moment later the tears spilled out of her eyes. She fiercely hugged her former friend and lover, clinging to her as though she was never going to let go.

She suddenly pulled away, holding the Asian at arm’s length. She couldn’t stop staring in shock and disbelief. “I missed you too” was Leiani’s sympathetic response. Then the young woman grinned playfully at her.

Donna just couldn’t get over it! Here she was, her former lover and asphyxia companion, kneeling before her in her familiar science blues just like the ones she was wearing!

Where the hell had she come from?? A moment later her emotions overcame her again. It didn’t matter anymore, and once more she pulled the young woman to her, practically hugged the stuffing out of her.

“Hey, baby; take it easy, ok?” Leiani said with a giggle. “If you wanna squeeze something, I can think of something a whole lot better for you to put your hands on.”

The Asian grinned at her as she mischievously offered her neck to her by tipping her head back. Donna just pushed her back at arm’s length. She could only stare in total disbelief.

“I just can’t BELIEVE it! What… what the hell are you DOING here??”

“Saving your ass apparently,” the young woman said with a sly grin. “Damn, baby! That was hot watching you swing like that. But I missed the beginning. Next time you decide to get yourself hung, you wanna clue me in? I wanna be there for the whole thing!”

A moment later it all came back to her in a flash: the swim… the cry of alarm from the clearing up the hill… seeing Janice in her red outfit in that noose… being caught and dragged over to the coil dangling from the other branch. She thought she remembered being hanged right along with her. Gawd; had it really happened?

Donna suddenly noticed the hanging tree standing directly behind a crouching Leiani. But now there was no sign or evidence that anything had happened on it. The nooses were gone. And there was no sign of…

Donna gasped as she began frantically looking all around. “Leiani? Where’s Janice?”

“I don’t know,” her lover replied, shrugging her shoulders. “Anyway, let’s not talk about her right now; ok?”

“Leiani? What happened to her?? She was hanging right next to me!”

“I got you both down,” the Asian replied with a casual shrug. Then a naughty smile bloomed playfully across her face. “So are you ready to play or what?”

“Got us down?? Is she alive or what? Gawd, baby; what happened to her?” Donna anxiously shook the woman’s shoulders, alarmed her lover did not seem the least bit concerned for the yeoman.

“How should I know?! Maybe the ‘twins’ got her.”

“The ‘twins’? What ‘twins’?”

The Asian reached out and began softly caressing Donna’s slender throat. She cooed, “Do you know how much I love your neck, baby?”

Donna trembled at the touch of her former lover. But she managed to forcefully brush the hand aside. For the moment she was too worried about Janice. “Baby, WHAT ‘twins’??”

“Oh, you know,” Leiani said matter-of-factly, staring at her while hungrily licking her lips. “…those two, uh…” and she waved a hand dismissively “…those two nymphs or elves or whatever you wanna call ’em. Maybe they got her. How the hell should I know?”

Donna was horrified. “But… but… but they might HANG her again! Ohmygawd, baby; we gotta find her before they hurt her or something!”

“Mmmmm,” the Asian purred. “Now that would be a delicious sight; don’t you think? I’ll bet you’ve wanted to see her hang for months; am I right? I’ll bet seeing her in that noose aroused the hell out of you! I can just picture it… seeing her on the ship every day… working right next to her. I’ll bet you LOVED seeing her in that noose before you got put into the one right next to her. Isn’t that right?”


Donna gasped in horror as her face flushed red. She was momentarily ashamed of herself at the truth of her former lover’s words. It had definitely been erotic seeing poor Janice swing from that noose.

“Now don’t you worry your pretty little head about it,” Leiani said cheerfully with a wave. “She’s probably around here somewhere. I’m sure we’ll catch up with her soon enough. Now c’mon, baby; let’s play!”

She reached out for Donna’s neck once more, running a finger across the yeoman’s throat. “Have I ever told you how much I love your Venus rings?”

The yeoman shivered once more at her touch. Donna’s neck was adorned with two parallel lines that circled her neck. They were lines her former lover had absolutely fallen in love with.

In the past Leiani had enjoyed wrapping her hands around her throat. She’d always made sure her thumbs fell into place between those two lines so she could deliciously strangle her. But this wasn’t the time or place for that.

Donna was horrified Leiani seemed so uncaring for her shipmate. She inhaled sharply, trying to fight against the flame of arousal her former lover had ignited down below with her tender caresses. “Leiani? STOP IT! Gawd, baby; we gotta find her!”

Donna emphatically brushed the hand away from her neck again. “What if they string her up again?”

“Then I’ll make sure we have front-row seats, baby!” Leiani said with a wicked grin.

Once more her hands returned to Donna’s throat. This time she gently placed her thumbs between the yeoman’s Venus rings. “As I recall, baby, you love it when I do this.” That’s when she began to squeeze ever so gently.

Donna’s eyes flew open wide. She instinctively reached up and grabbed the young woman’s wrists in an effort to resist her. But the flickering embers between her legs threatened to develop into an erotic blaze. Gawd… what was WRONG with her??

“Leiani, we don’t have TIME for this! We gotta find Janice!”

“She’ll keep,” Leiani answered casually, a devilish smile flickering across her face. “Right now we’ve got more important things to do!”

She squeezed a little harder. Then she seductively breathed, “You LIKE that; don’t you, baby?”


Donna gasped and gurgled, her airway rapidly becoming restricted. Her pussy had become ablaze with an unquenchable fire. It was something that usually could only be put out once she lost her ability to breathe.

“Gawd, baby! What are…. you DOING??”

“I’m being what you want me to be, baby!”

Leiani whispered into her ear with a giggle. Then she squeezed even harder. “Gawd, I’ll bet that rope fit perfectly between those rings of yours. You don’t know how hot it was for me to watch you swing. Seeing Janice dangling on that other limb was an added bonus. Now give it up for me, baby!” she hissed fiercely. “I KNOW you want to!”

Her body was awash with an incredible fire. Donna’s hands instinctively became limp, dropping away from her former lover’s wrists. She tilted her head back without thinking, exposing more of her quivering throat for the Asian to have access to, just as she’d done so many times before.

It was an instinctive gesture, one that had pretty much become habit whenever Leiani got the urge to throttle her. At this point she just couldn’t help herself. Donna let out a gurgle as her body started to squirm and spasm.

Once more the damned woman had exposed her weakness. Donna found herself unable to fight back. All of her concerns for Yeoman Rand were momentarily blotted out of her mind.

All she wanted was the delicious feeling of her breath being denied her. She tried to resist. But she was unable to make herself move as her lover squeezed her airway shut. And with it came the inevitable buildup that always resulted in a glorious eruption of pleasure down below.

“That’s it, baby; give in to it!” her siren of a lover giggled into her ear. “Gawd, I’m gonna cum with you too, baby! So just let go.”

Leiani expertly squeezed with just the right amount of force, closing off her airway without crushing her windpipe. Donna’s eyes opened wide as her tongue slithered out past her lips in an attempt to taste the sweetness of the air outside her mouth that was being denied her.

Her body responded by spasming and convulsing as her lungs fought to pull another breath into her body. Leiani had to hold on in order to maintain her grip without becoming dislodged by her struggles. Then the Asian giggled as she lovingly sucked on the exposed tongue.

It exploded inside her with the violent eruption of a detonating photon torpedo. Donna shuddered hard as pleasure washed hotly through her body. She bucked and convulsed as her vision dimmed.

For a moment she saw stars. Somewhere she thought she heard the roaring of a nearby waterfall. Hadn’t she gone for a swim just a short time ago??

The next thing she knew Donna was gasping like mad. Her body had been propped up against a nearby boulder. As her vision cleared she saw Leiani bending over her, the Asian grinning wickedly at her.

“Gawd; that was a GOOD one! I came hard too!” Then she paused for a moment, deep in thought.

“I know what we should do! Let’s go play ‘Hide and Seek’ like we did on Altair 7; ok? You got 15 minutes to track me down. If you find me in time, you get to strangle me. If not, I get to strangle you. How does that sound?”

“Janice,” Donna gurgled, remembering her crewmate as she rubbed her throat. “We gotta find… Janice first”

What the hell was Leiani thinking?? Didn’t she understand they needed to find yeoman Rand before those two… those two THINGS got to her?? They didn’t DARE split up now, not without risking being captured by them! But the Asian had stood up and was already starting to head off.

“Wait!” Donna gasped as she tried to rise, only to collapse back against the boulder as a wave of dizziness swept through her. “Wait! We gotta find Janice first!”

“She’ll keep!” she heard Leiani call out over her shoulder. “Right now we’re gonna have some fun! You got 15 minutes, baby!”


“Then you’d better come and find me before they do, baby!” Then she heard laughter.

Damn her!

Donna weakly got to her feet before calling out to the foolish Asian. But this time there was no reply. Damn!

Donna was still tingling from being throttled by her former lover. The thought of playing gasping games with her was tempting as hell. For a moment she found herself quivering with arousal.

They’d played ‘Hide and Seek’ before. But certainly not under these circumstances… not with real danger lurking nearby. Janice was out there somewhere… and they needed to find her!

She’d become excited at encountering Leiani right here on this planet. But none of it made any sense! How the hell had she gotten here??

Now Donna found herself becoming frustrated with her former lover. For some insane reason Leiani failed to understand the gravity of the situation they were in.

Janice was missing, damnit! What’s more, there were two woodland creatures out there who seemed to take great delight in hanging pretty young females such as themselves. If they weren’t careful, they could all end up dangling from the end of a noose!

Gawd – what a horribly erotic thought!

Donna shook her head in amazement at how her shore leave was turning out. All she wanted was a nice little swim… or at least that’s what she THOUGHT she wanted. But now she found herself in the middle of a situation that was almost impossible to comprehend.

Her former lover was hiding out there somewhere just waiting for the opportunity to strangle her again, a thought which gave her erotic tingles. There were two woodland creatures out there with murderous intentions in mind, something that both horrified her and aroused her. And then there was her missing crewmember.

What if those two nymphs found Janice and strung her up again? That thought made her anxious for her friend’s safety. And yet she found it disturbingly erotic as well.

What the hell kind of planet had she disembarked upon anyway??

No matter. First, she had to corral her former lover before the two of them went and tracked Janice down. Then she had to get the three of them the hell out of these woods before something terrible happened to them all. She was afraid it could develop into something so disturbingly erotic that she might find herself too weakened with arousal to be able to successfully defend against it.

Donna took a couple of deep breaths to steady her nerves and to clear away the remaining cobwebs from her brief bout of asphyxia with her sadistic lover. Then she grimly set off in the direction Leiani had taken…

The 15 minutes Leiani had proclaimed were just about up. There was still no sign of her. Donna was starting to become anxious, her thoughts threatening to run away with her…

What if those two nymphs had captured her? What if they’d stripped her down and had strung her up somewhere? What if she was already hanging from some tree somewhere at a height where she couldn’t even get her down??

Donna Dangling felt an erotic tingle flutter through her as she mentally pictured all those deliciously wicked images. Then she shook her head, trying to snap herself out of it. ‘STOP IT!’ she scolded herself. ‘You’re only getting yourself all worked up. This isn’t helping matters any!’

The yeoman paused and looked all around, wondering whether or not she should risk calling out for Leiani. But there was a danger the ‘twins’ might hear. At least that was the term her former asphyxia playmate had so casually referred to them by.

They could pop up at any moment and whisk her off to another date with the noose. It was a thought that didn’t help to diminish her arousal factor much. There was also the possibility Leiani might zero in on her location and throttle the hell out of her. Damnit – they didn’t have TIME for all this, not if they were going to locate Janice!

Poor Janice… gawd! What if they’d already found her again? What if they’d stripped her naked and were getting ready to string her up underneath some tree…?

‘STOP IT!’ she told herself. ‘You moron; you’re gonna soak your damn undergarments!’

They were already wet. And she was having enough problems with Leiani. She didn’t need the distraction of imagining what poor, sweet Janice might look like standing naked somewhere with a noose around her neck, the poor thing whimpering as those two nymphs ran their hands up and down her trembling body…

Gawd – what the hell was she thinking?? She needed to find Leiani, track down Janice, and then get the three of them the hell out of these woods! She also needed to find another source of water so she could rinse out her soaked undergarments and dry them off somewhere.

Gawd, she was getting all sticky as hell! That’s when she decided to try calling out quietly to her former friend and lover just to speed up the process.

“Leiani?” she whispered cautiously, looking all around. “Baby, you out there? C’mon, honey; we gotta stick together now, ok? This is just plain dangerous! We gotta find Janice and get out of here before those nymphs catch up to her, ok?”

“Time’s up!” she heard a voice cry out triumphantly from somewhere behind her. It startled the hell out of her, and she cried out in alarm.

Before she could turn around and face her former lover to scold her, she felt a length of vine come down over her head. “Gotcha, baby!” Leiani gasped deliciously from behind her. Donna’s hands flew up to her throat as the vine tightened around it.

“Stop it… gotta find… Janice…” But Leiani just giggled playfully.

The unfortunate yeoman was pulled backward until she was backed up against the warm body of her former lover and asphyxia companion. A moment later the smoldering embers down between her thighs flowered into a roaring blaze. Donna trembled as her breath rasped in her throat.

“You shouldn’t call out like that,” Leiani giggled into her ear. “You always make it so easy for me. If I want you to strangle me, I guess I’m gonna have to let you win every now and then, eh?”

“Stop!” Donna rasped, her hands clawing at the vine around her throat. But her resistance was already starting to crumble. “Must…… find………. Janice……”

Gawd, she was getting all wet again. Her undergarments were going to be soaked! This simply had to STOP!!

The Asian purred as she slowly increased the tension on both ends of the vine she was pulling on. “Baby, I just love your neck… especially when I’m strangling it, depriving you of the very air you breathe.”

Donna shuddered as she felt wet kisses being planted all along the side of her neck. They were wet, gentle kisses that came around front and lightly touched upon her rings of Venus through the tightening vine. The soft touch of those lips sent jolts of fire shooting through her, racing down her body to settle into the inferno that was raging between her thighs.

She tried to fight it one last time. Donna tried to plead with her former lover that they just didn’t have the time for this. But her resistance was fading rapidly.

…and then it was gone altogether, leaving the poor yeoman helpless once more to her breathless passions.

She didn’t think of Janice or wood nymphs or danger. All she was aware of was the vine that was deliciously cutting off her air as though taking her very soul.

She was dimly aware of the warm body of her beloved she was leaning back against who was giggling evilly behind her… “Give it up to me, baby. Surrender yourself to me.”

It was the devil whispering in her ear. Worse, she couldn’t stop herself from obeying… couldn’t stop herself from tipping her head back… couldn’t stop herself from exposing her neck.

Her hands fell weakly to her sides as if to say, “Yes; take it from me, damn you! Deprive me of the very air I need to breathe. Take me – I’m yours.”

The vine pulled tighter until she started to squirm. It tightened further still until her breath was cut off. Her lungs heaved in her chest as her mouth opened and closed.

Her tongue slowly squirmed its way forward until it slipped past her teeth and peeked out. Her vision became all blurry as she started to struggle. Her body convulsed from lack of oxygen.

“There it is, baby!” she heard a voice giggle from somewhere nearby. “When I see that cute little tip emerge I know the end is near. Now give it all up to me, baby!”

There was a sudden jerk on the vine around her neck. Donna let out a guttural cry. Then it exploded inside her like the fireworks in the night sky they still used back on Earth for the fourth of July.

Donna lost her ability to keep her feet underneath her. Her body shuddered like mad as her orgasm slammed into her. She kicked and struggled, trying one last time to breathe. But nothing came in or went out.

She was dimly aware of the ecstatic cry of someone behind her. But all she was aware of was the fact it was someone she knew and thought she trusted. Then her muscles failed her entirely.

Yeoman Donna Dangling went limp as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her vision spiraling into darkness…

2008; 2021 (written for Donna May 9 ’08; ed. Nov 2 ’21 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Tagged | Leave a comment

Shelly in Cancun 3 4.3 (19)

Chapter 3 – Snorkeling the Reef

Needless to say I’m not frog-marched out to the harbor where a boat Jake has acquired awaits us. I’m also not in that white bikini I brought with me from my recent purchases back home. Instead, I’ve deliberately chosen a nice silvery number that covers some of my boobs. The thong down below just barely covers what it’s supposed to.

Strangely enough, Andria is wearing that skimpy black bikini I remember her wearing in my dream. Her thong does not cover up much more than mine does. It’s a bit disquieting.

At least she’s not wearing those damned boots I dreamed about. Thankfully Jake’s not wearing that captain’s outfit either. His green shorts and light green t-shirt with a pocket on the left side couldn’t be more casual.

Instead of walking, we end up taking a taxi to the harbor. A very nice looking sailboat awaits us. I find that a bit too coincidental to the dream I had.

Andria and I joke around with Jake as we walk down the dock and step aboard. Soon I’m able to brush the uneasiness aside. He tells us he got our boat as a special bonus from the company he works for and that we are in for a great day.

Neither Andria nor I know where we’re going. When she asks he just puts a finger to his lips and tells us it’s a secret. Deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth, we climb aboard and help him pull the lines in from the dock before shoving off.

Jake must have gotten a crash course somewhere on how to operate a sailboat. He quickly has us helping get the sails up. It isn’t long before we’re riding the light breeze out to sea.

Jake mans the rudder while Andria and I slather ourselves with oil. Then we stretch out on the deck of the bow in front of Jake’s lustful gaze. The ocean is relatively calm, which means we don’t bounce up and down on the waves too much.

Andria looks back at her boyfriend a couple of times, catching his eyes upon us. She grins as she turns toward me. She casually suggests we might help Jake out later by giving him a threesome.

She explains how he’s had his eye on me for quite a while. He’d love to give me a good run for my money. I respond by telling her I’m open to it but that I want to be careful.

I tell her how I want to make sure it’s really ok with the both of them first. I know how things like that can often come back to damage a relationship. Andria replies by waving my concerns aside.

She tells me how thoughtful I am. But I needn’t worry. The two of them have already talked about it and are both fine with it.

I lie back on the deck and sigh pleasantly. I gaze up at the sails and a clear sky above me. A threesome sounds promising; I could use a good fuck.

I’ve always had fun with Andria… and with Stephanie for that matter. I’ve heard great things about Jake’s sexual proclivities. A threesome could be quite entertaining.

I find myself looking forward to it. But I hope neither one of them is the jealous type. I’d hate to end up being tied to an anchor and tossed overboard before the day is over.

That thought instantly arouses me. I find myself becoming horny at the idea one of them might feed me to the fishes. I have to scramble to come up with something a little less exciting to think about.

It’s about mid-morning, the sun already blazing down upon us. Jake suddenly declares we’ve arrived at our destination. He needs our help taking down the sails.

Andria and I are a little slow at responding. Apparently we both fell asleep. It takes a few moments for us to wake up and get our sea legs underneath us.

I look around to see where we are. There’s nothing in sight other than what appears to be some sort of coral formation. It’s not too far off, a portion of which barely sticks up out of the water.

We’re anchored near a large orange buoy. I guess it marks the location. No doubt it’s for the purpose of keeping us from getting too close and damaging either the reef or our boat.

The idea of exploring a reef helps fully awaken me from my grogginess. I can tell it’s excited Andria as well. We’re both eager to help get the sails down.

I can’t help glancing over in the direction of the coral. It doesn’t take too long to secure everything. That’s good because the thought of swimming around a reef has me growing more hyper by the minute.

We’ve just barely finished getting everything tied off when Jake hooks a ladder over the side of the boat. He must have already dropped the anchor because we’re not moving. We’re a safe distance from the coral, but not far enough where we can’t swim over and check it out.

Andria and I are pretty good swimmers. We stare hungrily at the reef. Jake yells at us to come back to the stern of the craft for a second.

We hurry back, wondering what’s he’s got for us. Jake opens a nearby chest. Then he produces a couple sets of snorkel gear, complete with fins and weight belts.

He tells us the equipment came with the boat. We’ve been encouraged to use it all day long if we wish. We squeal like little girls before Andria gives him a big, sloppy kiss while I hug the stuffing out of him.

Hot damn! Snorkeling gear! Fins and everything!

As we strap on our gear Jake tells us the owners of the sailboat told him about this particular location. I guess they suggested his two lady-friends might enjoy doing some snorkeling. The owners also told him they were sorry they couldn’t equip us with scuba gear for the day.

I guess they hoped we would still have a good time snorkeling around the reef. Apparently there were safety and certificate issues that couldn’t be resolved. Besides, Jake tells us there’s been a run on diving gear rentals over the last few days.

Andria and I have both been certified. But that was years ago. Unfortunately we haven’t kept up. We could have used a recertification class.

For the moment neither one of us really cares. We’re both too excited at the thought of being able to go snorkeling around a reef. Going down and holding our breath is going to be so much fun.

Scuba gear certainly would’ve been nice. I would have enjoyed having a constant supply of air. But there’s something exhilarating about finning underwater and holding your breath without any cumbersome dive gear to be responsible for that gives me a real thrill.

I find myself looking forward to some long, underwater swims where I’ll be forced to hold my breath. From the looks of things Andria seems to be acting the same way. I suspect it’s going to be a terribly erotic affair for the both of us.

We quickly gear up in our masks and fins, ignoring the weights for now. Then we step off the side into the clear water. It’s bracingly refreshing, causing my nipples to harden in an instant.

We both surface long enough to clear our snorkels. Then we both take deep breaths and jack-knife downward. It’s mostly to let poor Jake see our asses as we head down.

We fin underwater toward the reef instead of snorkeling along the surface. Both of us are eager to spend some time underwater. It’s not far, less than a couple hundred feet off the starboard side of the sailboat.

My body quickly adjusts to the temperature of the seawater. It’s almost perfect. I’m giddy as a schoolgirl, which is why I suppose my pink, oval dive mask and pink fins seem to fit my mood and enthusiasm.

Andria’s color is a bright yellow, contrasting nicely with her skimpy black bikini and light tan. My tan is even lighter, having spent way too much time focusing on other things to take good care of it while I’ve been in California. By the end of our trip to Cancun I figure I’ll look darker than she will, being as how I tan faster. I’m looking forward to showing Steph how much sun I got when we get back.

We’re almost to the reef when I see Andria head up for the surface. I’m getting close to needing air myself. So I follow her up, deciding it’s wiser to stay together.

We pop up and clear our snorkels. Then we spend a little time floating along face down, finning slowly as we look at the reef below. We’re careful not to drift to close to the sharp edges near the surface as we breathe through our snorkels.

I suddenly get the urge to swim all the way to the bottom of the reef. I take a deep breath and submerge, finning gracefully downward. It’s got to be a good 30 to 40 feet down.

I pinch my nose to equalize the pressure. I’m impressed with how easily I make it down. Then I pause, looking back to note Andria’s progress.

She’s not much more than a few yards behind me. But she quickly catches up. Then we slowly fin our way along the edge of the reef together near the sandy seabed.

Its beauty is incredible. I can’t believe a coral reef abruptly sticks up out of the sand, much like a rock formation pops up out of the desert as if from out of nowhere. There’s a dazzling display of colorful fish darting in and out of the many cracks and crevasses.

The sea life is not as multitudinous as other locations. But it’s more than enough for the two of us to get our fill of “oohs” and “aahs”. I’m so glad I decided to accept their invitation or I would have missed out on all this.

We’re down for feels like a minute before Andria points upward. She can’t hold her breath as long as I can unless she’s had a lot of recent practice. By the end of the day she’ll be staying down as long as I can.

Together we fin for the surface. We’re not too far from the boat. We both gasp when our heads clear the water.

Andria removes her mask and snorkel. Then she gushes over how beautiful it is. She says the water feels just right.

I remove my mask and snorkel. Then I tell her I fully agree. We both tread water, slowly finning to stay at the surface.

Andria turns to me and smiles. “Jake deserves a special present for bringing us out here. Don’t you think so, ‘Shel’?”

“Oh, I agree!” I reply enthusiastically.

“Let’s fuck the shit out of him later. Whadaya say?”

“I say let’s get back down below before I wake up and find out this is all just a dream!” She laughs and nods.

My “temperature” is already starting to rise. I can feel myself becoming aroused. I’m certain the two of us will think of something to do to relieve the excitement before too much longer.

We eagerly strap our masks back on. We shove our snorkels back into our mouths. Then we take a long, deep breath before jack-knifing downward.

Once more the beauty of the reef comes into full view. We gracefully fin ourselves above a part of it, careful to avoid the jutting coral. I have to swallow the butterflies in my throat over the unbelievable view.

We fin ourselves back to the edge of the reef. Then we work our way downward again. We’re hand in hand as we head toward the sandy bottom. I love the pressure of being in deep water.

We fin slowly on our way down so we can look more closely at some of the intricate formations along the wall of the living structure. The colors are so vivid. I love seeing the variety of fish that dart in and out.

The view is so spectacular that I barely notice the fact I have to hold my breath throughout the entire dive. Breath-holding has become a lot easier, our time underwater stretching longer and longer. I’m tingly all over from the beauty of the undersea landscape as well as the depths we’re snorkeling.

Andria motions that she needs to go up for another breath. That’s when I become aware of the pressure in my own lungs; I need air too.

We calmly fin upward as though we’re not in a hurry to refill our lungs, although I can feel mine starting to protest. We slowly chase after the air we release. We finally surface, panting excitedly as we tread water.

Andria gasps incredulously. “Damn, ‘Shel’! I get so caught up down there that I forget how much I need air until my lungs are burning!”

I’m just as exuberant. “I feel the same way too, babe! I could be down there all day!”

Andria looks at me and gets this mischievous grin on her face. “Are you as horny as I am, ‘Shel’?”

“More,” I pant with a grin of my own.

“I doubt it! Race you down!”

She quickly inhales before sharply jack-knifing downward, catching me totally off-guard. She’s gone before I can holler, “HEY! NO FAIR – YOU GOT A HEADSTART!”

I shake my head in disgust, muttering that I shouldn’t be talking to myself. I inhale sharply. Then I dive after her.

She’s got a good head start. Those legs of hers smoothly propel her downward until she disappears around a corner. A trail of bubbles out of her snorkel are left in her wake.

I slow up and take my time, finning myself more evenly so as not to burn up the air in my lungs. I figure I’ll catch up to her sooner or later. Besides, there aren’t many places to hide in the midst of all this sharp coral.

A wicked thought occurs to me. She’s probably burn up a lot of her oxygen racing down ahead of me. She’ll need to surface soon.

When she does, I’ll just intercept her. Then I’ll torture those poor lungs of hers before I let her go. An evil smile crosses my face as my eyes twinkle.

I round the edge of the reef that sticks out. But there’s no sign of Andria. Where did she go?

I look all around while scanning the reef. There’s no sign of her anywhere. She couldn’t have disappeared that fast! What if something got her??

I look up toward the surface. But I don’t see her finning upward toward the boa. All I see is the anchor line, the line to the buoy marker and the hull.

She’s got to be down here somewhere. Maybe she’s holding her breath while waiting in ambush. My senses quickly go on high alert.

I start finning myself forward, checking the reef while growing more anxious. There are little alcoves and indentations along the shelf. Maybe she found a crevasse big enough to hide in.

I swim just above the sandy bottom, stifling the urge to call out her name. I get an alarming mental image of her body writhing in the mouth of some shark. But so far we haven’t seen anything nearly that large.

The mental image is quickly replaced by one of her lying in the reef somewhere. I can picture her cut and bleeding from getting too close to the coral. What if she’s drowning, her poor body spasming as she pulls water into her –


She suddenly appears from somewhere above me. She wraps me up in her arms, sending us both into a spin. There’s a flurry of arms, legs and fins before she suddenly grabs my ass.

She works my body around until she can lock my head between her legs. Somehow the dive mask and snorkel remain in place. A moment later I feel her all but rip my thong aside before burying her tongue in my dripping snatch.


My body stiffens in response to that incredible tongue of hers probing my pussy. Her lips mouth my labia. She comes out long enough to suck my throbbing clit into her mouth for a few moments before plunging her tongue back into my quivering snatch.

My body writhes in ecstasy as she humps my head. I can feel her fuck the snorkel in my mouth with her thong-covered pussy. Her attack is quick, unexpected and immensely effective.

It abruptly hits me with an “UUUNNNGGGHHH!” I start humping her head just as hard as I can. My body shudders like mad here at the bottom of the sea.

Apparently the buildup of sexual tension was just too much. Air billows out of my snorkel as my back arches. But the bitch just keeps licking and sucking up my cum.

We spin in place just a few feet off the sandy bottom. She eats me as though she hasn’t had a good meal in weeks. Then I go limp as my orgasm passes, my chest heaving from lack of oxygen.

Andria abruptly pulls away and makes a dash for the surface before I can grab her and retaliate. That’s when a spasm hits me hard. Revenge will have to wait as I need to get my ass up there fast and refill my aching lungs.

I start finning myself up to the surface, my body weakened and my chest heaving. For a brief moment I wonder if I might not make it. Then my head pops above the waterline until I’m at the surface gasping madly for breath.

Andria’s laughter rings in my ears. I can feel the anger rise within me. “DAMN YOU, ANDRIA – YOU NEARLY SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!”

“No, I just ATE the shit out of you, ‘Shel’! Feel better now, babe? You feeling not so horny now?”

“No. Now I feel like dispensing some revenge!”

“Oh, SHIT!” she gasps. A moment later she inhales sharply. Then she jack-knifes back down, her ass briefly caressing the surface of the water.

I inhale deeply as I go after her. She heads downward toward the reef. This time she’s not going to be able to hide from me like last time. Besides, the bubbles marking her trail as she descends make it easy to follow her down.

2007; 2020 (written Jul 7 ’07; ed. Jun 28 ‘20 by riwa)

Posted in Underwater Stories | Tagged | Leave a comment

Snuff Teri 5.0 (Ch 3 Upside-down Teri) 4.4 (18)

As we moved along the wall, the next display came into view as though we’d passed through an invisible curtain. This time a naked Teri hung upside down from her ankles. They were shackled in chains dangling from the ceiling.

Her arms were tied behind her back at her wrists. Her red hair hung down from her head in shimmering strands. Her head was just about even with my crotch.

As soon as she saw us approach, she began to beg us to release her. “Now why would we want to do that?” my Teri asked her, giggling as she gave her a gentle push.

‘Upside down Teri’ swayed back and forth. She wriggled helplessly in an attempt to free herself. That’s when she defiantly cried out in alarm, “YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME! YOU LET ME DOWN RIGHT THIS INSTANT!”

“What are you gonna do about it, slut?” ‘Microkini Teri’ asked with amusement. “You’re really in no position to demand anything; am I right?”


“Why not?” my escort asked, anger in her tone. “After all, your namesake is dancing up a storm on the stripper pole over there. You’re a slut just like she is.”

She motioned over in that direction. ‘Stripper Teri’ continued to dance. But she looked away so as not to make eye contact. I think she wanted no part of whatever was going to happen to her doppelganger.

“YOU LET ME DOWN!” the one hanging upside down cried out defiantly. As though that would make us do her bidding.

“Maybe you should rethink that,” ‘Microkini Teri warned ominously.

The tip of a metal pole emerged from the floor as if from out of nowhere. It rose up toward the dangling woman. Teri’s eyes went wide when she saw it rising up toward her.

“Open wide and say ‘Ahh!’” my Teri chuckled. “Let’s see if you can deep-throat that baby.”

The young woman cried out in fear as she began wriggling again. “NOOO! You CAN’T! It’s INHUMAN!”

“Well, technically you’re not real either,” my escort chuckled at her. “You’re just a creation, honey… a snuff bitch for us to have fun with. So I think we’re ok here.”


“Stop!” ‘Microkini Teri’ commanded.

I thought she was telling the dangling girl to shut up. Instead, the rising silver pole obediently stopped less than a foot from its clearly terrified victim-to-be.

She knelt down and grabbed the trembling woman by a handful of hair. “You have a choice,” she smiled sweetly. “You can either suck THAT…” and she motioned at the ominous looking pole. “…or you can suck this.”

She grabbed my hard cock and gave it a couple of seductive strokes. For ‘upside down Teri’ it was no choice at all. “COCK!” she gasped fearfully. “I’LL SUCK COCK!”

“You made the right decision,” my Teri said with a sisterly pat on the woman’s body. Then she motioned for me to step forward. “Come on over, Master. Come on over and fuck this slut’s face!”

My cock was hard with anticipation as I stepped forward. ‘Microkini Teri’ pushed her namesake’s body toward me. I was rewarded with the feeling of a warm mouth engulfing my cock.

“That’s a good slut,” my escort cooed at her twin. “Suck it like you mean it.”

‘Upside down Teri’ grunted as she sucked on my cock. Her sadistic twin molested her, caressing her tits while sliding hands up and down over her quivering flesh.

My Teri reached a hand up to the girl’s wet crotch and rubbed. There was a muffled groan, muffled because of a mouth full of cock. I was quite aroused at the whole thing.

“Such a sexy bitch,” my escort purred at her dangling twin as she lovingly caressed her all over. “Such a slut, too. She’s all wet. See how she loves it, Master? Such a naughty girl.”

‘Microkini Teri’ began swatting her namesake’s crotch. She made the poor thing grunt and jerk with each smack of her cunt. She even called her names as she swatted her… “Slut…” …smack… “…whore…” …smack… “…cock-sucking tart…” …smack-smack… “…suck that cock…”

It motivated the poor thing to gobble my cock more aggressively. She jerked and flinched with every swat. It made her whimper as she trembled like mad.

“I’m so hot watching you fuck her face,” my escort purred. “Fuck her face, Master; fuck her face hard. I’m so wet watching her suck your wonderful rape-tool.”

I grabbed ‘upside down Teri’s’ head to steady her. Then I began to thrust hard into her mouth. I drove my cock deep, burying it until her slutty red lips pressed up against my balls.

She choked and gagged on it. But I figured it was much better than her gagging on cold, hard metal. ‘Microkini Teri’ watched excitedly before rubbing her victim’s pussy again.

She fingered the young woman’s clit. Then she stuck a couple of fingers inside her dripping snatch. The dangling cock-sucker grunted in alarm.

The poor thing moaned as my escort giggled. “You fuck that end and I’ll fuck this end; ok, Master?” I smiled at her in reply as I fucked the dangling face harder. My escort viciously finger-fucked the poor slut’s wet pussy.

‘Upside down Teri’s’ groans increased with intensity as the two of us thrust into her holes. My Teri cruelly told her to “Cum for us, you filthy whore! Cum for us like the pole-dancing slut you are!” That’s when I buried my cock deep down her throat and held it there.

Her eyes got big as she grunted and gurgled. She struggled to get air up her windpipe. A moment later her climax exploded inside her as her whole body stiffened.

“Her cunt’s really clamping hard around my fingers!” my Teri gasped excitedly. “That’s right, slut; cum for us! That’s just the way we like it!”

The poor thing shuddered hard. Her eyes rolled as her chest heaved from lack of air. A moment later I let out a cry of release, which got ‘Microkini Teri’s’ attention.

“He’s cumming bitch, so you’d better swallow it all like a good whore. Swallow it all, honey, or I’ll make sure you never breathe again.”

I continued thrusting into her mouth, not even bothering to pull out. She coughed as she got spurts of air into her lungs. I felt her neck muscles swallowing my seed, and it felt wonderful.

I fucked her mouth slowly, savoring her warmth and her tongue. “Better clean him up good, slut,” my escort warned. “If you don’t, you’re gonna be so fucking sorry.”

‘Upside down Teri’ lovingly sucked on my member inside her oral cavity. She moaned softly while wrapping her tongue all around it. I finally pulled out of her mouth, satisfied from such an erotic release.

“There now,” ‘Microkini Teri’ giggled happily. “That wasn’t so hard, was it? That’s a good slut. You even got a nice little orgasm out of it; didn’t you?”

She knelt down and grabbed her head by a handful of hair. She tipped it back a bit. Then she told the computer, “Up… slowly.”

“NOOO!” her twin cried out in horror. “You PROMISED!”

“I never promised anything, honey,” my escort cooed soothingly at her, holding her head firmly. “I gave you a choice which one to suck first. I didn’t say choosing cock would mean you would escape the pole.”


‘Upside down Teri’ squirmed in horror. Her eyes opened wide as the rounded end of the metal pole drew nearer to her face. “Now open wide and say ‘Ahhh’,” my Teri giggled at her. She was clearly all turned on by the whole thing.


“Open wide now…”


“Open up, sweetie. You’re going to deep-throat this one all the way through.”

‘Microkini Teri’ pried her twin’s mouth open as the pole slowly rose up. “NOOO… YOU CAARROORWOORRWW…”

“That’s a good girl,” my escort purred as the rising pole filled ‘upside down Teri’s’ mouth. It was pretty massive for her, nearly 2 ½ inches in diameter. A moment later she began grunting and choking as her muscles instinctively tried to swallow the massive thing.

“Don’t you think it’s more fun this way?” my Teri purred at her struggling twin, caressing her face while running a hand over her tits. “Besides, you look so fucking sexy hanging upside down.”


“Just keep swallowing, baby. Don’t you worry now. I’ll make sure it goes all the way through.”


“No honey, you’re not going to get off that lucky. I arranged the program to keep your lungs working, even with the pole in your throat. But you’re still going to feel like you’re choking on it, as though you’re asphyxiating to death. Now won’t that be fun?”

‘Microkini Teri’ giggled sadistically as she continued to stroke her victim’s quivering breasts. I couldn’t believe how cruel she could be to someone who looked exactly like her. It was incredibly erotic to watch.

“So sexy… such a deserving slut to snuff… you’re making me and Master very happy, you sexy whore.”

‘Upside down Teri’ grunted and gurgled. Her body writhed as her arms struggled uselessly behind her back. Her legs tried to kick as the chains held firm to her ankles.

I could see the pole filling her neck, continuing to rise upward as it made its way toward her stomach. ‘Microkini Teri’ kept a good grip on her. At some point the pole was going to encounter some resistance, and her services might be needed to hold the bitch in place.

Sure enough, I think the pole encountered the stomach lining. My escort had to hold on extra tight. Her twin choked and grunted in pain.

She was really suffering as she struggled mightily. I wondered how much longer until blood started leaking out, staining the silver metal that protruded out of her mouth.

“Here, honey; let me help you,” my Teri finally decided.

She wrapped her arms and legs around her terrified replica as though holding on for dear life. Then she started humping her twin’s chest. ‘Microkini Teri’ ground her wet pussy into one of the young woman’s tits, gasping excitedly as she eagerly rode the poor thing.

“Fuck; I’m gonna cum!” she blurted out, humping harder as she fucked a breast with her dripping twat. “Fuck – fuck – fuck! When the pole comes out of your ass I SWEAR I’m gonna cum!”

The dangling woman grunted in pain as she writhed and struggled in agony. It only seemed to make her sadistic “sister” ride her with even more enthusiasm. It was perverse, and yet it was arousing as hell as I was starting to get hard again.

A moment later the poor thing shuddered hard. The bloody end of the metal pole finally emerged out of her ass. “FUCK – I THINK SHE’S COMING!” ‘Microkini Teri’ shouted.

She tipped her head back and shrieked in orgasmic release. The two bodies writhed together; one grunting in pain as the other gasped in pleasure. Then my highly excited escort climbed off her twin sister.

“Computer!” she gasped. “Dagger and dildo if you please!”

She held out her hands, palms up. A wicked looking dagger appeared in the left as a nasty looking 10 inch long, 3 inch wide metallic dildo appeared in the right. Then she handed me the dagger.

“That’s for the bitch’s tummy, Master,” she told me. “Once I jam this dildo in her cunt and fuck her hard, you can administer the coup de grâce. Any time you’re ready.”

She reached down and roughed up the grunting, gurgling slut’s tits. “Ready honey? ‘Cause here it comes!” Then she jammed the dildo hard into the poor girl’s wet cunt.

‘Upside down Teri’ jerked in response, grunting in agony. That’s when my escort nodded at me. So I took the dagger and plunged it into Teri’s lower belly.

She jerked again with a grunt. Her sadistic sister started fucking her cunt with the dildo. So I slowly pulled the blade down toward her breastbone, cutting her open.

There was another muffled grunt as her whole body seemed to stiffen. I thought I heard a crackling sound of electricity from somewhere inside her. “Oh did I forget to mention the dildo and dagger make a nice little electrical connection?” my Teri giggled. “Just a little something extra I thought of to make this more enjoyable.”

‘Upside down Teri’ writhed and squirmed on the pole as though in great pain. “Damn; she’s cumming hard!” ‘Microkini Teri’ breathed rapturously. I noticed her hand furiously rubbing her own crotch as though eager to get herself off.

The young woman suddenly appeared to spasm in her legs, her belly, her chest and her arms – everywhere! A sudden spurt of cum sprayed upward out of her cunt. It rained down on the two of us like an unexpected shower.

She gurgled and sighed. Then she seemed to collapse onto the pole impaling her. I heard something rattle in her chest until there was no further movement except for occasional muscle twitches.

My escort gasped and shuddered like crazy as though she’d been hit with a massive jolt of electricity. Her eyes rolled as she all but jammed her whole hand up into her sopping, wet cunt. Then she sighed, staggering a little as she struggled to regain her composure.

“Damn; that was good,” she breathed incredulously.

She suddenly realized we were both wet from ‘upside down Teri’s’ spray. It must have amused her because she couldn’t help giggling.

“Computer: towels!” A couple materialized in her hands.

“Sorry about that, Master,” she chuckled, appearing somewhat embarrassed. “I had no idea that last orgasm of hers would be such a gusher as she expired. Here; allow me to clean you up.”

She helped wipe me down. With another command, the towels dematerialized. My cock finally softened a little.

I had to admit I had enjoyed Teri’s reverse impalement. ‘Microkini Teri’ was proving to be quite the creative, sadistic whore. She truly loved her work as much, if not more so, than I was enjoying it.

She gave me a long, lingering kiss. After our lips parted she breathlessly asked, “Well, Master? What do you think so far?”

“I think you’re quite the wicked, little vixen,” I murmured as I kissed her lips again. “I never knew you had it in you.”

“You’ll find I’m full of surprises,” she said with a naughty grin. “So what are you in the mood for next? Feel like doing a little fucking?”

“I think I could go for that.”

“I have just the thing, Master.”

She took my hand and led me forward, leaving her deceased twin hanging upside down. The silver, metal pole protruded up through her mouth and out her ass. The dildo was still in her cunt. I left the dagger sticking out of her ruptured belly.

I glanced over and noticed that ‘stripper Teri’ still continued to dance up a storm. But there was fear in her eyes. I think she’d begun to suspect by now that this wasn’t going to end well for her…

2010; 2020 (written May 22 ’10; ed. Oct 5 ‘20 by riwa)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.1 (9)

Coming December rewards

Katia 2
Af’s Hose monster
Will she do it?
Eagerly bound and drowned
My queen, my noose
The seductress 5
The US-UK drowning tournament voting semifinals.
Guillotine lesson
Miss Woodcock and Teresia
Aravanna 2
Chloe 2
A domineering aunt
How many times will he drown me?

October stories/rewards will fall off at the end of November to make room for December rewards.

I got to spend a few hours with mom for Thanksgiving. We ate together and watched TV. I also helped her with a couple of small tasks. I’m grateful I still have her around.

We got a foot of snow the 7th and 8th of November. The streets are clear, but there is still snow in the yards and in piles. I’ve been careful during my walks, as mom doesn’t need me falling and cracking my skull open. I’d hate for her to discover there might not be much inside.

I have a lot of other things to be thankful for. I’m reminded how cold it was in my apartment in Idaho. It was not sealed very well, and I often slept in my clothes in the winter. But my basement here is nice and warm, well-sealed and insulated.

I have food, a vehicle, a place to stay, and enough finances to pay for it all. And my mom lives within 3-4 miles, so I can get there quickly if she needs assistance. I have all I need here, and I can’t ask for anything more. I feel blessed.

I also have a purpose. I write and edit stories for you. This helps take my mind off the things going on in this world. I hope my stories are entertaining enough to help take your mind off things as well, at least for a little while. So I want to thank you for being my patrons. I hope your Thanksgiving was enjoyable.

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AF’s Jodi’s last swim 4.3 (21)

Did she really think I wouldn’t find out? Was she that stupid? Or did she figure I wouldn’t do anything about it? If that was the case then she didn’t know me very well.

She was out in the pool again like she often was… holding her breath as she swam along the bottom. I couldn’t help wondering what she was thinking down there. Did she think she was pulling a fast one on me? Was she laughing inwardly because she thought I was clueless?

I couldn’t even begin to imagine what was on her mind as she swam back and forth. But I knew what I was thinking. I was furious! How the hell she could cheat on me so heartlessly??

As she swam back into the shallow end I decided that I’d had enough. This time I was going to end her cheating ways once and for all. And with the dive mask and weight belt I had with me I figured she wasn’t going to stand a chance.

I watched her as she headed back into the deep end. Then I quietly got into the shallow end. I was determined this was going to be Jodi’s last swim.

She reached the far end and clung to the edge of the pool, totally unaware I was swimming underwater coming to get her and send her to hell. The stupid bitch wasn’t even looking in my direction. She had no way of knowing today was going to be the last time she enjoyed using the pool.

When I got there the crazy bitch wasn’t suspecting a thing. I just grabbed her and pulled her under. I caught her totally by surprise.

I pulled her down with me as the belt took us down. She didn’t struggle in my grasp very much once she saw it was me. Maybe the stupid bitch thought I was just playing around.

She wriggled and squirmed in my grasp. But it wasn’t like she was panicked or anything. I’m sure she thought it was just a game. She was about to find out differently.

Her tits bounced nicely as I held onto her. She grunted and bubbled a little, flailing with her arms. But she was still not trying to escape my grasp. I’m sure she thought I had no clue about her extracurricular activities.

She kicked and wriggled as I kept her in the deep end. I didn’t want us in shallow water where she might be able to stick her head up and catch a quick breath. This wasn’t some game I was playing. I wanted to drown the cheating bitch!

She began to put up more of a struggle as I kept us both submerged. I heard “UMM’s” and grunts as she lost little bursts of air. She was finally starting to run out of breath.

Once I turned her over she started struggling against me. She pushed up against me, grunting and bubbling in growing alarm. I heard something bubbly come out of her mouth, something like “QUIT IT; LET ME GO!”

She really began to panic when I climbed on top of her! I heard her bubble, “LET ME UP; I CAN’T BREATHE!” I saw her lose another burst of air. But I was getting all turned on holding her down. My cock was hard; I was enjoying myself too much to stop.

She fought me as I tried to pin her up against the wall of the pool. I think she was finally starting to get the idea. But the harder she fought, the more turned on I became.

I rode her as she struggled between my legs… and fuck, what a ride! She kept twisting and turning as her boobs bounced and wobbled. It didn’t do my stiffy any good as it stayed nice and hard the entire time.

I lost the bitch from between my legs. I must have gotten careless because she broke away. She swam straight for the side of the pool, grunting and losing air.

I thought I’d lost her for good when she got to the side of the pool. She managed to reach the surface and gasp for breath. Then she started climbing out.

I grabbed her by her knees and pulled her back in with me. Then I pulled her down to the bottom, hanging onto her knees so she couldn’t kick herself away from me. She clawed for the surface like crazy. But for the moment I had her good and tight.

I watched as she flailed for the surface in growing panic. I had a good grasp on her legs and she was losing air fast. I figured I could outlast her if I held my breath longer than she could, especially in her panicked state.

It must have dawned on her she had to loosen my grip if she was going to get to the surface. She struggled with me, pushing against me and trying to break free. We twisted around down there on the bottom of the pool for a bit. But she couldn’t break out of my grasp.

I twisted her around and got her from behind, wrapping an arm around her neck and waist. That’s when she really struggled against me. She kicked like a hellcat, grunting and “UMMMing” while bubbling “LET ME GO; LET ME GO!!”

She started losing air pretty good at that point. Bubbles came out of her mouth until she looked like she was getting a little disoriented… like she was running out of breath or something. It was only a matter of time before her lungs gave out and she finally inhaled.

For a moment there she wasn’t fighting me very much. I think she was trying to conserve what little air she had left in her lungs. I was certain she wasn’t going to be able to hold her breath much longer.

She managed to slide out of my grasp. But I grabbed her ankles, preventing her from reaching the surface. I was determined this bitch was going to suck water and drown.

I made sure the surface was just out of reach for her. She strained and bubbled as she tried to reach it. But she couldn’t get there for that breath she so desperately needed.

She started coughing up bubbles as she flailed weakly. She no longer had the strength to fight me anymore. I was pretty sure her lungs were starting to flood.

I maintained a good grip on her ankles the whole time. She might have been drowning. But I wasn’t going to risk her getting away from me and reaching the surface where she might get a breath and regain some energy.

Seeing those drowning bubbles really kept my cock hard. The way she went into seizures was absolutely incredible. It was amazing how aroused I was watching her drown in my grasp.

Watching her breath billow away was very satisfying. Seeing those painful spasms as her mouth opened and closed was a real turn-on. The cheating bitch was finally getting her just desserts.

I pulled her between my legs and held her in place as I watched her face. I enjoyed watching her cough and convulse. I certainly enjoyed the agony in her features. My cock was hard like you wouldn’t believe.

Watching her cough out the last of her air was a real turn-on. I couldn’t help wondering if she was thinking about those other cocks she’d sucked and fucked A hell of a lot of good they were doing her now, that’s for damned sure!

‘You want air, bitch??’ I thought as I held her close to the surface. ‘It’s right there, babe; just help yourself. What; you don’t want any?” She convulsed as I held her a few inches away.

‘No? Don’t want any? Fine; you can hang out with me down here.’ Then I pulled her into my lap, wrapping my arms around her from behind. I even pumped her stomach a couple of times, forcing the last of her air out of her lungs.

‘Bitch!’ I thought angrily. ‘You don’t deserve any fucking air!’ Then I pumped her stomach one last time. There was a satisfying grunt followed by one last explosion of bubbles from her flooded lungs.

Fuck; that did it! I creamed myself as I held her in my arms. She didn’t cough or move or struggle or anything. The bitch had finally gotten what she fucking deserved!

The only thing left to do was to make it look like an accident. I wasn’t sure where I wanted to leave her. For the time being I simply carried her to the shallow end of the pool.

I put the dive mask on her face and the belt around her waist. Then I rushed into the house like a panicked boyfriend. That’s when I called the paramedics.

I told them my girlfriend must have gone for a swim and drowned herself. I found her on the bottom of the pool in a dive mask and weight belt. I explained how I tried, but I couldn’t get her breathing again.

Eventually they came to the house. They verified my story of course.

…and that was the end of that cheating bitch Jodi…

2014; 2020 (written Aug 19 ’14; ed. Mar 26 ‘20 by riwa)

(Screenshots are from Aqua Fantasies Mermaids in Peril Vol. 6 and are used for illustration purposes.)

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Irina’s favorite drowning scenes 3.9 (17)

My name is Irina. I love being underwater. But there’s something about me I find hard to share with others.

You see I have this drowning fetish. I like scenes of woman in drowning peril. It really turns me on, but I’m not sure why.

I’ve always liked the water. I’m a decent swimmer and I can hold my breath. There’s just something about drowning that has this effect on me.

I can’t really tell you the first drowning scene I watched that had such an effect on me. I think it was some zombie that rose up out of the water and pulled this woman in a canoe into the lake. I just remember thinking she was going to drown and how it really gave me the tingles.

Since that day I’ve seen many movies and snippets of videos. I even like to watch the occasional drowning put out by these smaller underwater companies. These days there is a lot of content out there for the drowning enthusiast.

I was thinking about it the other day. There are four scenes from movies that really make me hot. If I replay them over and over I get so turned on that I have to make myself cum. So let me share them with you in no particular order.

The first one is a drowning in the bathtub. I believe it’s called “White of the eye” or something like that. I’ve never watched the entire movie. But I’ve replayed that bathroom scene over and over again.

This woman is in front of a mirror trying to fix her contact lens. This guy comes in and grabs her. He flips her upside down, bonks her head on the ground and knocks her out. It’s a little unrealistic to me how he gets her unconscious like that. But that’s ok because it leads to something really erotic.

He lays out some towels on the floor. Then he rolls her up in them. That’s when he ties her up with twine or wire so tight she can hardly move.

From there he carries her into the bathroom to a tub that has already been filled with water. She’s still unconscious, and she’s wrapped up like a mummy so she can’t do a damned thing. Maybe that’s part of what makes the scene so hot for me.

He slowly lowers her unto the bathtub until she’s completely submerged. There’s a moment or two where she’s just lying there unconscious. In those last few blissful seconds she’s totally unaware of her situation…

She’s about to wake up to the horror she’s now about to face…

Her eyes suddenly open and she realizes she’s lying in the bottom of the tub. She bubbles in horror as she discovers she’s wrapped up tight and can’t lift her head out of the water. At this point she’s truly doomed. It’s where my juices really start flowing.

The bad guy cruelly lifts her head up out of the water. She looks up at him and gasps in terror. She’s too shocked to scream or cry out. It must be the horror of being so helpless lying in the tub all wrapped up like that.

You know how in some of these bathtub scenes the woman goes under and then comes back up? In this scene the killer pushes her back down to the bottom of the tub. Then he sort of “puts his foot down” you might say by putting his foot in her chest.

All she can do is bubble in horror. That’s when my excitement nearly goes off the charts. He’s going to drown her; she knows it; there’s nothing she can do about it.

To me, this next part is the best part. He holds a mirror down so she can look at herself. All she can see is the face of a submerged woman who’s about to drown… and the woman is her!

The bubbles start coming up as he slowly moves the mirror back and forth across her vision. She watches herself until she runs out of air. The moment she finishes drowning is the moment she no longer looks at her own reflection.

All she can do is stare upward with lifeless eyes as a few stray bubbles dribble out of her mouth. By this time I’m so incredibly horny that I’m either touching myself or rushing in to draw myself a bath. The sheer helplessness of being drowned like that is such an incredible turn-on.

That one was in a bathtub. The next one I want to describe for you takes place in a lake at night. It’s a scene from the movie Cabin by the Lake.

Now I love the drowning of Kimberly in the blue dress. It’s just a shame she had some sort of infection and couldn’t film her scenes underwater with he was tending his “garden”. Seeing her as a dummy down there sort of spoiled the moment for me.

Anyway I loved the way he pushed her into the lake before reaching down, grabbing a handful of hair and pulling her back up. She was terrified out of her mind. Then he cruelly let go of her, allowing her cement block to take her all the way to the bottom of the lake to drown.

The scene I really loved though was the next girl. Her name was Mallory. Supposedly she was afraid of the water.

He took her out onto the lake with the promise he would let her go. Instead he wanted to take her to the very spot of his underwater garden so she could see it because “she was special”. The way he calmly kissed her forehead before pushing her in makes me dream of some boyfriend doing that to me before pushing me overboard.

Anyway, he pushed her backward into the water. She let out a scream, her worst fears about to come true. She’s afraid of the water, and now he’s going to drown her.

This scene is very similar to the drowning of Kimberly. There is one major difference though. In Kimberly’s scene he pushed the cement block in first. Then he pushed her in afterwards.

Now she should have sank like a stone before he could grab her hair. But I still enjoy the scene. I love the way he pulls her up, looks at her clinically, and then lets her go to drown on her way to the bottom of the lake.

In Mallory’s scene he pushes her in first. Then he drops to the deck of his boat. He slowly pushes the cement block right to the edge as he gives her a knowing look.

The look on her face is priceless. She now knows why he brought her out here, and she knows he’s going to kill her. What’s more, he’s going to kill her using the very thing she’s so frightened of. I love imagining I’m in Mallory’s situation, knowing I’m going to drown.

He pushes the block in with a splash. At the very last second she gives him a look of defiance. Then she’s pulled right under.

I love the sound they make when the cinder block takes them down. There’s a gasp and a cry followed by a gurgle as their head submerges. I’m not sure if I like Kimberly’s gasp better or Mallory’s.

Anyway, it’s the worst trip of Mallory’s life. Down she goes, struggling and bubbling the entire time. It’s too bad the sheriff and his friends are there to save her.

When she reaches the bottom she is formally introduced to “The Garden”. All these drowned bitches are tethered to cement blocks. All but Kimberly are portrayed by real bodies. By this time I’m usually so horny I can hardly think straight.

Later in the movie Mallory makes a second descent along with the guy’s publisher. Once more they’re tied to a cement block. I love the scene of the two of them being pulled down together to the bottom of the lake.

I like to imagine a different ending. I picture the sheriff getting there too late. Mallory and the book publisher drown together, their bodies bumping against each other. Sometimes it’s all I can do not to reach down and touch myself.

There’s another scene that really gets to me. I believe it was from a short TV series. I think people are killed in every episode.

In this one episode this woman has a gun in her hand and is out in a forest. I don’t know if she’s the hunter or the hunted as I never watched the series. But I’ve replayed this scene countless times.

She gets knocked out (of course she does). When she awakens she’s chained to a cinder block inside a boat dock. She can’t get the chain off from around her ankle.

The bad guy comes in and she starts trying to talk her way out of her situation. But it does her no good. Eventually he picks up the cinder block to throw into the water.

The block hits the water and sinks right away. It pulls the lady off her feet. The chain drags her to the edge of the boat dock while she cries out the entire time.

For a moment she clings to the dock. It’s at this moment she knows for sure she’s going to drown. Her terror must simply be off the charts.

She loses her grip and is pulled off the dock into the water. Right away she discovers the peril she’s in. The chain has been set to a particularly cruel length.

She’s not totally submerged as she probably expected herself to be. Instead a part of her head is above water. She cannot lift her mouth and nose high enough to breathe. But she can still see her killer standing there observing her.

It’s at this part of the scene where I really go nuts. Her arms are free and she flails at the surface in a desperate bid to pull her head up high enough to get a breath. But she just can’t do it.

We see her perspective of the killer as the water laps at eye level. Then we’re shown her struggling in the water. The surface starts to settle down as she drowns right there with part of her head sticking up.

I can only imagine the terror she must have felt. Being tethered like that with part of your head sticking up must have been horrifying. It gets me every time.

A short time later we’re shown her head sticking up. The water is quiet; she drowned several minutes ago. By this time if I haven’t cum yet, I’m usually so damned close.

All three of these scenes make me wet myself whenever I’m watching them. But it’s this fourth scene that really gets to me. And it takes us back to the bathtub.

This time it’s Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeifer in “What Lies Beneath”. He’s drugged her so she cannot move her muscles. Then he puts her in a tub and turns on the faucet.

He’s so clinical the way he describes what’s going to happen to her. He even calls someone and asks them to come check on her. By then she will have drowned in the tub.

I like this scene because of the peril of rising water. She has time to watch what’s going to happen to her. She has time to think about the fact she’s going to drown. That “mind rape” really gets to me.

There’s other stuff that happens, but that’s not what’s important. The important thing is she’s left alone to deal with a filling tub. The water just keeps rising and rising.

She has to find a way to shut off the water. If that doesn’t work, she has to find a way to drain the tub. But in her condition it’s terribly difficult, being as how her muscles are slow to respond.

I like to imagine myself in this situation. Only I like to pretend my muscle function is not returning in time. All I can do is watch in horror as the tub slowly fills.

It takes minutes before it finally reaches my chin. By now I’m in a panic. But I’m also so damned aroused I can hardly stand it.

The water continues to rise and I can’t move a muscle. It slowly rises until it covers my mouth. I struggle to keep my nose up, but the water just keeps rising and rising.

By this point I can’t breathe. The water has risen past my nose. It keeps filling the tub and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

It reaches my eyes and I start blinking as the panic increases. My heart hammers in my chest. My pussy throbs from a terrible ache of horrific anticipation.

How much longer can I hold my breath? How long until my lungs give out? Is anybody going to reach me in time? Oh gawd; if only my muscle function would return!

I soon feel my stomach start to contract. It sends mini-convulsions to my chest. My lungs burn as they ache to be refilled with fresh air.

The water continues to rise as the strain in my chest intensifies. I can’t hold my breath much longer. By now the water has nearly reached the top of the bathtub. I’m completely submerged.

I struggle to hold my breath as my lungs heave in agony. I can only see underwater. I can see water still coming out of the faucet into the tub, a faucet I cannot shut off. Then I find myself cumming and drowning.

So there you have it: the four TV and movie scenes that really get my motor running. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go take a bath. I need to hold my breath and imagine myself drowning as I get off at the bottom of the tub.

2020 (written Jun 9 ’20 by riwa)

(vidcaps taken from the aforementioned shows and used for illustration purposes.)

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My needs 4.4 (63)

Chapter 1 – DISCOVERY

First, dear readers, let me introduce myself: my name is Joanne and I am currently twenty years old.
Without false modesty, I can state that I am extremely beautiful – An elfin face, blue eyes and jet black
hair. My body is an object of desire to all men and many women who see it. Muscular, big tits, narrow
waist, curving hips, round buttocks and long, slim muscular, legs. A body to arouse jealously in almost
all women who see it and lust in almost all men.

I live with my mother, a more mature woman of forty two years, equally beautiful as me in every way.

We live in a very isolated and quite luxurious house, reached by a long and winding gated driveway. It is
completely soundproofed.

I have been home schooled by my mother, a polymath, whose teachings left me capable of passing any
exam the state educational system might want me to undertake. I am currently working on my master’s
degree in electrical engineering.

I am a consummate masochist.

* * * * * * * *

Strangely enough, it was not until I was nineteen years old that I became aware of my perverted sexuality.
Puberty had hit me like a train. Almost overnight I went from being a gangly teenager to being a desirable
woman. A woman with growing breasts and all the other attributes of her sexual awakening. My clitoris
had become amazingly sensitive and I found it hard to keep my fingers off it but obeying some strange
moral imperative, I refused to surrender to my cravings.

Then, when I was twenty, I could not resist my intense urges any longer and I surrendered to my desires.
I could not believe that I had let my so called conscience to deny me such pleasure. My orgasms were
intense and long lasting. If I had been able, I would have spent my entire life in orgasm. I found that my
need for orgasm overwhelmed all other considerations and my college work suffered accordingly. I know
now that my mother was completely aware of what was happening to me and what I was doing. She
waited until the right time to make me aware of that.

One day, when I was on the edge of cumming, I pinched my clit, hard. The pain spread through my
spasming cunt and I moaned from the intensity of it. But something kept me going and I kept pinching
harder and harder. Tears were running down my face until I suddenly flipped over the edge into the most
intense orgasm I had ever experienced. I was overwhelmed by orgasmic pleasure, writhing and spasming
on my bed until the sensations finally diminished and I collapsed, panting and moaning.

I wanted more and, as I recovered from the intensity of that amazing cum, I started to rub and pinch my
clit again. I rubbed hard and pinched as hard as I could. The sensations were amazingly intense and, once
again that intense pleasure as I came violently overwhelmed the pain.

As I recovered again, I realized that my pleasure had been multiplied by the pain I had imposed on myself.
It was a revelation. I needed pain, intense pain, to achieve all my pleasure.

Let me explain, it hurt a lot. Enough to make me cry but the overwhelming pleasure I knew would be the
result of my self-torment made my suffering worthwhile. Also, I took pleasure from the pain as I became
more and more aroused, not nearly as much as the pleasure from orgasm but more than worthwhile and
these days it has actually become intense pleasure in itself. I have learned to equate pain in my erogenous
zones as pleasure, making my experiences as a masochist intense from start to finish. I’ll tell you about
those experiences later.

With the realization that I needed pain to get the best pleasure, I started experimenting with ways to hurt
myself, especially in my erogenous areas. I found that squeezing my nipples, hard, with one hand while
the other pinched and twisted my clit would make me descend into a place where pain and pleasure
mixed. A harsh place, a place where my spasming body demanded ever more pain to fuel the flames of
my lust.

It was frustrating that I could only squeeze and twist one nipple at a time. I began looking for something
that could really hurt both of my nipples at once. It wasn’t until I used an office paper clamp to hold some
schoolwork together that I realised that such clamps could provide me the kind of mixed pain and
erogenous pleasure that I so deeply craved. The clamps were strong and were made of metal. They would
squeeze my nipples hard and painfully, giving me the sensations I needed so badly.

The first time I used the clamps on myself I was initially filled with a mixture of lust and fear. I craved and
at the same time feared the pain I was about to inflict on myself, but I knew that I would have to use the
clamps on myself and delay would not make the craving for the pain go away.

I sat on my bed and pinched my nipples, leaving my cunt alone for now, pinched them hard enough that
they began to really hurt and I started to moan and become aroused. I dug my nails into them and heard
myself moan further as my self-inflicted pain increased. I felt myself getting wet and tried to hurt my
nipples even more. It was no use; I was hurting myself as much as I could. It was time for the clamps.

I took my fingers from my nipples and picked up one of the clamps. It looked frightening and cruel and I
almost stopped at that point but, taking a deep breath, I let it close on my right nipple.

Pain like I had never known before immediately filled my entire boob and I had difficulty suppressing a
scream. My nipple was filled with agony but, almost immediately, I felt my arousal increase tenfold. I
came. Came from just the pain and knowing just how much pain was to come. It wouldn’t stop and I
came time after time, moaning aloud and feeling my cunt spasm with each new cum.

My right tit was stilled filled with wonderful pain and I knew that it was time to torture my left nipple.
Again I let a clamp close on myself and once again came almost immediately as my left breast was filled
with agony. I couldn’t stop cumming and, dimly, through my mix of wonderful pain and intense orgasms,
knew that I could increase my sensations even more.

I pulled on the clamps. I pulled on them, stretching my nipples and increasing my pain even more. I
actually screamed out loud and, not knowing how to stop, twisted the clamps.

I came so hard that I fainted.

When I came to, my nipples and breasts still filled with agony, I knew that I must stop so I squeezed the
clamp on my right nipple open and pulled it away. It hurt as much as it had when I had first clamped it. I
collapsed forward and nursed my poor abused breast, holding it in my hands and moaning once more
from my self-inflicted pain.

Straightening up I removed clamp from my left nipple and once more felt my breast filled with more
intense agony.

I came again, again and again. It was wonderful, my orgasms even more intense than the pain in my poor
abused nipples. I wanted more.

Chapter 2

I wanted more but knew that I would have to wait. My nipples were bruised and swollen so that even
putting on my bra was an exercise in self-restraint. I couldn’t damage them any more without them
showing through my clothes. You may notice that I was more concerned about my appearance than I
was about hurting myself any more.

I was turned on and pushing my bruised and swollen nipples into my bra hurt wonderfully. I was wet and
knew that it would only take a little more stimulation for me to cum again. I had to wipe my cunt with a
towel before I could get my panties on without making a wet patch on them and my jeans and even that
almost made me cum.

I was an orgasmic mess.

And then the door opened and my mother stood there. My mother stood there, wearing nothing but an
amazingly tightly laced corset, her breasts on full display and her smooth shaven pussy equally revealed.
Even more amazing was the way that her breasts had been treated, bound tightly at their bases so they
had swollen and stood out from her chest like two cantaloupes. Equally amazing were the marks on those
breasts, bruised and abraded stripes decorating them all over. Her pussy was equally marked and the lash
marks decorated her hips and, as far as I could tell, continued to her arse.

“M – Mom?”

“Yes dear, It’s me, I’m just like you, a painslut and, like you, I can’t get enough. I’m so glad that you’re just
like me. Now we can play together.”

“But Mom, how did you know about me?”

“I’ve heard everything you’ve done to yourself. There are hidden microphones in here and I enjoyed
hearing you hurting yourself. It really turned me on.”

“But – but – why? I thought you didn’t know!”

“I’ve always known, dear. Ever since you started to hurt yourself.”

There, in front of me, she stroked her breasts and pinched her nipples, took a deep breath, a breath that
made her breasts jut out even more, and pinched harder. “Mmmmm – would you like to do this to me,
dear? Would you like to hurt me?”

Almost mesmerized I approached her, raised my hands, pinched her nipples and squeezed them as hard
as I could. She moaned but thrust her breasts out toward me. “Harder, oh please, harder!”

I couldn’t stop squeezing them. The feel of them between my fingers, the way Mom reacted and the way
I became wet from the experience, they all increased my own arousal. I dug my fingernails into those
compliant nipples and was rewarded by a deep, intense moan from mom, “Oh, god yes, darling, hurt
them! Hurt them!”

She threw back her head and thrust her tits out toward her pain.

“You – you too, darling!” she moaned, and with that she reached up and dug her own finger nails into my
already abused nipples.

The pain shot through them again and, hardly knowing what I was saying, I managed to gasp out, “I know
how to make it better, Mom; much better. Let go of my nipples and I’ll show you.”

She released my nipples and I let go of hers and we gasped together as the circulation returned to them.
I opened my bedside cabinet and pulled out four office clamps. Turning back, I took hold of her right
breast, loving the firm, swollen feel of it.

I clamped her nipple.

She stared at me and moaned again. “Aaaagh! Do the other one, do the other one!” She thrust her left
breast forward, obviously craving the pain. I clamped her left nipple and was rewarded by a choked off
scream. “Oh god, darling, that hurts so good, it hurts so much!”

Watching her I was filled with an intense desire to share her pain. “Mine too, Mom! Mine too!” I handed
her the remaining clamps and she opened them one at a time and let them close on my poor abused
nipples. I know I shrieked as, once again, the almost overwhelming agony turned my nipples into nubbins
of fire and the intense pain filled my breasts.

We both nursed our pain wracked tits, moaning aloud and both approaching orgasm. I wanted to drive
her over the edge so I reached forward, grasped her clamps, and squeezed. She screamed out loud and
fell to her knees, pulling my hands with her. I squeezed again and she screamed again and fell into an
obviously intense orgasm, falling all the way to the floor, jerking and writhing as her sensations
overwhelmed her.

I was very close to cumming myself but I decided to wait for Mom to recover and then she could hurt me
enough to put me too over the edge. In the meantime I kept my self on the verge of orgasm by twisting
and squeezing my clamps just enough to keep me on that edge. It hurt, oh, it hurt, but I had begun to
need the pain almost as much as I did the overwhelming orgasms that the pain could give me and there
was further masochistic pleasure to be found in preventing myself from climaxing.

Eventually, my mother recovered enough to open her eyes. She stared at me, her mouth opening and
closing as she tried to form words. Finally, as her tremors diminished enough for her to gasp out “Leave
them on, darling, please leave them on!”

“Oh, mommy, do mine too! Hurt my tits some more!”

She struggled to her feet, wincing and moaning as her huge breasts swayed with her motions, her crushed
nipples filling them with even more agony. Lurching forward she reached for my nipples and the clamps
that tortured them. She grasped them.

I felt the pain in my nipples explode. My entire tits were filled with delicious agony.

I came.

I came as I had never cum before. I felt my pussy gush with fluid and glorious pleasure radiated from it
to fill my entire body. Like my mother before me, I fell to the floor, moaning and writhing as I became
overwhelmed with that pain induced cum. I lost contact with the world and existed in a universe of pure
pain and overwhelming pleasure. How long it really lasted I don’t know, but it seemed to last almost

I think I returned to my original, still painful real existence and lay there on the floor, moaning from the
continuing pain in my poor abused nipples.

“Get up, darling. Get up so I can bind those nice big tits of yours, just like mine are. Now, do you want
me to take the clamps off your nipples or would you rather keep them on? I’m keeping mine on so they’ll
keep me like this, just about cumming.”

I ran my fingers over the torturing clamps, sending a surge of pain from nipple to tit and straight to my

(Mommy told me later that since I was a complete slut I didn’t have the right to call my breasts ‘breasts’
any more but always must call them ‘tits’ as someone like me deserved. In the same way, I have a cunt
and I don’t orgasm, I cum.)

“Nnnnn! I’ll keep them on, please mommy. Ohh, they hurt. They hurt so well.” Again I rubbed my fingers
over the clamps and almost screamed at the wonderful pain and simultaneous arousal.

Mommy actually pulled on hers and tears ran from her eyes. “Oh, God, yes! Mine really hurt too! Ooh,
thank you for this, darling, thank you for these clamps and thank you for all this pain! It’s wonderful, just

I was still trembling from my overwhelming cum “I’ve got some more clamps. Maybe we could hurt our

“On our lips, crushing our lips?” She actually licked her lips at the thought. Mommy is so wonderfully

“I wonder if we could do it on our clits. We could do it to ourselves while we watched each other.”

“Oh, god yes! I love hurting myself and with you here it’ll be so much better.” She leaned forward and
kissed me. Pushed her mouth against mine and thrust her tongue into my mouth. I kissed her back,
twining my tongue around hers and nibbling on her lower lip.

I was French kissing my own mother. Was I shocked? No! I loved it, loved the forbidden nature of the
act and loved her, not as my mother alone but as my partner in pain and overwhelming pleasure. I was
in lesbian love with her, with my own mother.

She broke the kiss. “I want to,” she gasped. “Oh, I really want to! Together, and then we can torture
each other. Now, help mommy hurt herself and I’ll help you.

I crawled to my bedside chest and bought out about a dozen more clamps.

She looked at them and licked her swollen lips. “So many, darling?”

“Inner lips, outer lips and clit.”

“I’ve never done that to myself before. But we have to get those nice big tits of yours bound. Oh, and we
need weights for our nipple clamps.”

She surprised me than and still surprises me once in a while. We are equally and wonderfully perverted
but occasionally she still surprises me.


“Yes, darling. Every time we move they’ll swing backward and forward and hurt our tits some more.
Oh, darling, with you here I just can’t get enough!”

“I can’t either, mom. I didn’t realize just how much I needed this. I want it to go on forever. My tits
really hurt and I want more! Oh, god, mom – I’m so kinky and twisted!”

She kissed med again and we rubbed our pain wracked tits against each other’s, the clamps getting
entangled and further pulling on our nipples. We were moaning and whimpering into each other’s
mouths, but rubbed harder, trying to increase our pain and arousal. “I have to bind your tits.” She
murmured to me. “You’ll love it.”

I broke away from her, stepped back and lifted my already swollen and agonized tits toward her.
“Yes, mom! Please, mom! Make them like yours, all swollen and round! Tell, uh, tell me; does it hurt?”
“Yes it does, dear, especially around the base where I’ll tie you tightest. But your tit itself gets all
swollen and tender and aches really hard. It’s a good time to whip them.”

I was wondering if I could take any more pain, but my arousal from the pain was reaching incredible

I was a cum waiting to happen.

But mum had one spoiler in mind. “We’re going to have to take the clamps off our nipples – that is if
you want to keep them! You take mine off and I’ll take yours off.”

“It’s really, really going to hurt isn’t it mom?”

“Oh, yes! It’ll make you really, really scream.”

I was filled with a mixture of dread and of fervid longing for the torture to come. I faced my mother and
reached out to her nipple clamps, one in each hand. She did the same to me and we stood there staring
at each other waiting for the first one to make a move.

Mom cleared her throat. “On three, both together on three.”

I nodded my head in agreement.

“one – two – three! And on three she pushed on the handles of the clamp. Before the pain could really
build in my nipples I compressed her clamp handles and pulled them toward me.

The extra pain was nearly overwhelming. Both of us sank to our knees, moaning and weeping, nursing
our poor agonized nipples and tits until the pain started to diminish.

And I came. Came again, writhing on the floor and unable to control the jerking and spasming of my
cunt, the jerking of my hips and body as the orgasm took control of all of me. It seemed to take an
endless time, time while pleasure and pain controlled every part of me but eventually I slowly recovered
until I was just lying there, breathing deeply and sobbing quietly to myself.

Mum rolled over to me and kissed me deeply. “We still have to bind your tits, darling. I think you’ll love

Something had been bothering me. “Mom, isn’t this incest?”

“Well, it would be if we were going to have a baby, but that’s not very likely, is it? Incest laws are to stop
inbreeding, not what we’re going to be doing to each other.” She smiled: “You’re going to get a lot in your
cunt, sweetheart, but not a real live unprotected dick, OK? Now, do you want those tits bound or not?”

I realized that I did want my tits bound, and the more I thought about it, the more and tighter I wanted
them bound. I lifted them toward my mother; “Oh, yes, mom! Tightly so they hurt!” I realized something
that I had really always known. “Oh god mom, I want them to be hurt, really hurt! Yes, oh yes, hurt them
for me!”

I returned her kiss, hard, driving my tongue between her lips and wrapping it around hers as I mashed our
lips together. “All of me, mom, hurt all of me!”

“Come into my room then, darling. I’ve got all sorts of nice things there.”

“You’ll bind my tits?”

“Binding will be just the beginning, darling, just the beginning. And, yes, they’ll really hurt.”

She smiled at me and kissed me again.

We climbed to our feet and she led me by the hand down the corridor and into her room. It was decorated
by pictures of women in torture and agony. She saw me looking around at them; “Mostly friends and
acquaintances of mine. They all need pain as much as we do and we meet quite frequently to torture and
be tortured. You’ll be able to join in now.”

“Now then, dear, it’s time to bind your tits. Most dominants use rope or cord. Not very wise because it
can take quite a while to get off in an emergency. I use releasable tie wraps, the long white kind with the
release tab on the connector. Faster, tighter, more pain and safer. Now, hold your right tit and pull it

“I did as she said, grabbing my right nipple and pulling my right tit away from my body, deliberately
stretching it until it hurt. “Like that, mom, right out like that?”

“Perfect, dear. Now, are you really ready for this?”

“Yes, mom, yes! Do it, make my tit hurt!”

She passed the tie-wrap around my stretched tit, holding it against my rib cage where it met my tit meat
and pulled it as tight as she could. It hurt just as much as I had been dreading and hoping for. It hurt
where the tie-wrap bit into the base of my tit which hurt wonderfully and my tit itself was filled with a
growing and all pervading ache, a fierce ache that made my whimper. I reached up to try to comfort my
tit but mum slapped my hands away.

“Leave it alone! I still have to do the other one. Now pull your left tit out, like the other one so I can get
this wrap tightly around the base.”

I grasped my left nipple, still hurting from the clamp it had been tormented with earlier, and used it to
pull my tit away from my body. She quickly passed the tie-wrap around the base of my left tit and pulled
it just as tight as my right tit’s binding. Like the other tit it hurt as the tie wrap tightened around it and I
loved it. Looking down I could see both my tits swelling and standing out from my chest like two swollen
cantaloupes. The ache increased with each minute and soon I was sobbing and nursing both tits.

“Oh, it hurts, mommy. It hurts so good, it’s turning me right on!”

“Would you like me to whip them?”

by Guest Author Captain von Folter

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