Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.1 (7)

Coming February rewards

The US-UK drowning tournament winner.
A 6th chapter to The Seductress.
The 4th chapter to Chloe.
The 4th chapter to Aravanna.
The 4th chapter to Katia.
A 2nd chapter to The Waterfall.
A Kat on a horse.
A short honeymoon.
Confessions of a Club male attendant.
Tourists and the gallows.
Jaimie goes to Chad’s Chop shop.
The newbie on drowning day.
And a couple of bonus stories I’m considering.

December stories/rewards will fall off at the end of January to make room for February rewards.

Mom’s birthday was in January. I’m incredibly blessed to still have her around. She turned 80, which gives you an idea just how old I am. I still do most of the driving, and I fetch her mail. I also fill little bottles of water for her. And we still enjoy going into town every now and then to share a meal or to help her pick up a few groceries.

I’m applying myself toward working on more stories each month. In college, I used to put off writing term papers until the very last minute. But if I have extra stories already written and in the queue, I can pick and choose which ones you might be interested in on any given month. That way, I can post something you might enjoy reading right away, while shelving other stories for a later date. It also helps me be better prepared in case life throws me a curve ball and I can’t write for a few days.

I’m kind of light this month on news to share. Then again, February is kind of light in the number of days it allows us to enjoy. So I guess it all evens out. Take care, have a safe February… and thanks again for being my patrons.

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The punishment room 4.4 (95)

I don’t know how Roseline found out about it. She told us the old administration building had an old punishment room inside. She was sure there was a gallows there.

She and her friend Karina were very curious about it. My buddies and I had a mild interest in the damned thing. But there were other things that impressed us far more than hangings or a gallows. Besides, there were hangings taking place at City U all the time.

Roseline really wanted to go see it. And as Aiden was her boyfriend, anything she wanted was perfectly fine with him. Karina was dating my friend Lucas and easily talked him into it as well.

I was a fifth wheel. But I respected my pals and their dates. So I was willing to go too.

We waited until late Sunday night to head over. Somehow we found a way into the old administration office. Then we carefully looked around until we found the old punishment room.

It was deep inside the building. It was an ominous room with no windows. It turned out Roseline had been right all along.

There was a gallows over in the corner. It had a lever and opened trap, with a circle marked over the spot where the condemned was to stand. We were all surprised to see a noose in place.

Roseline believed it was still being used for private executions. Lucas thought she was nuts. I didn’t know what to think, especially since the gallows looked to be in reasonably good shape.

Roseline set the trap back in place and then tried the lever. The trap folded open with a whapping sound. It startled all of us.

Right away, Karina said she wanted to try it. Lucas thought she was crazy for wanting to hang herself. She gave him a look as though he was a moron before telling him, “I don’t want to hang myself, you idiot! I just want to stand on the trap with the noose around my neck!”

She locked the trap back into position before she climbed on top and grabbed the noose. She pulled it down and looped it around her neck. Then she snugged it up behind her left ear.

“Want me to go pull the lever?” Roseline offered with a giggle.

Karina inhaled sharply. “Don’t you fucking dare! I don’t want to hang. I just… I just want to stand here and… gawd! How many students died in this very spot?” I could tell it was having quite an effect on her.

Lucas told her, “I suppose we could look up that information on a computer once we get back to the dorm.” The others looked at him as though they hadn’t considered that idea before. I thought it was good thinking, and it made me curious to see what we might find out.

“We could always check that desk in the corner,” Aiden suggested.

He went over and pulled it open. “Empty,” he sighed wistfully. “I should have known they wouldn’t leave that kind of paperwork behind.”

“My turn,” Roseline declared, startling us all as Karina removed the noose from around her neck.

We watched as they switched places. Roseline stood upon the trap and stuck her neck in the noose. Right away I could see it was giving her the shivers something fierce.

“Now I’ll hang you,” Karina declared. “You wanted to hang me, remember?”

She started to go for the lever. But she stopped just short of reaching it. Roseline stood there panting before she finally removed the coil from around her neck.

She smiled at all of us. Then she said, “Wouldn’t it be crazy if one of us hanged on this thing for real tonight?”

Karina was aghast. “Roseline, you’re crazy!”

“Yeah, but it really would be something, wouldn’t it?”

I looked at her incredulously as she stepped down off the platform. “Roseline, you’re not really thinking about…?”

“Why not, Carter? It’s not as though there’s anyone here to stop us. No one would ever have to know.”

“Not until one of us didn’t show up to class tomorrow morning,” I responded dryly.

She became indignant. “People don’t show up to class all the time. It seems there’s always an event or execution or something. It’s unusual if the university gets through a weekend without someone dying; am I right?”

“Are you serious?”

“Carter, I’m dead serious!” That made the others look at her funny before laughing half-heartedly at her pun.

“I suppose we could do it,” Karina added thoughtfully. “You got your deck of cards with you; right, Lucas?”

He patted his pocket with a smile. “Always keep ‘em right here, baby.” Then he grinned lewdly as he added, “We could always play strip poker. Loser gets to hang.”

Roseline rolled her eyes. “Oh, you guys would just LOVE that, especially since I’m not very good at poker. Why don’t we just draw for the joker? That would give us all an even chance. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m in.”

Her boyfriend looked at her in surprise. “Are you serious? Would you really hang yourself if you drew the joker, Rosey?”

“Why not? Anybody else with me?”

“I suppose I can’t let you draw for the joker alone,” Karina muttered, sounding uncomfortable about the whole thing. “I guess I’m in too.”

Roseline grinned triumphantly. “Us girls are in. So how about it? Are you guys in too?”

I looked at her and shook my head. “You’d really hang if you lost?”

“Of course I would, Carter! Wouldn’t you?”

“I don’t know…”

Aiden sighed heavily. “I suppose I can’t say no, not if Rosey really wants to play. So I suppose I’m in.” Then he looked questioningly at Lucas before asking, “What about you?”

Lucas looked at Karina who nodded her head at him. Was she eager for him to play? Or was it simply that she didn’t want to be the only one risking her neck between them?

“Damn,” he sighed. “I guess that means I’m in as well.” Then he looked at me before asking, “What about you, Carter?”

I stood there for a long moment. “You know this doesn’t bode well for me, right? You guys are paired up. It’s only natural you’d want me to hang for you all.”

“Would you?” Roseline asked, her eyes dancing with delight.

“Hell no! I can’t help but wonder if one of you draws the joker, you’re going to ask me to hang in your place so you can keep your relationships intact.”

Roseline became indignant. “I would never do that!”

I wasn’t buying her innocent act for a second. “Hell, you’d be the first one to suggest I hang in anyone else’s place.”

“I would not!”

“No we wouldn’t,” Karina added. “We wouldn’t do that to you.”

“You’ve got a one in five chance to draw the card, Carter,” Roseline replied. “That leaves a four in five chance one of us is going to bite the big one tonight.”

“And that’s ok with you?”

“I said ‘I’m in’, didn’t I?” I just rolled my eyes, especially since I didn’t wholly trust her.

“If I d-draw the joker, I’ll hang,” Karina told me. Now she seemed nervous, especially since things were getting serious. Aiden and Lucas both said the same thing, nodding their heads.

I sighed heavily. “I can’t say this is the greatest idea we’ve ever come up with. I certainly hadn’t planned on coming in here and playing Russian roulette with a rope tonight. But if you’re all determined on drawing to see who gets hanged, I don’t see how I can decline, not if everyone else is going to play.”

Roseline beamed with joy as though excited someone was going to swing tonight. “That means we’re all in; agreed?”

Aiden looked her right in the eye. “Carter’s right, Rosey. Suppose you’re the one who draws the joker?”

For a moment she looked at him as though she hadn’t fully thought through the fact her existence could be coming to an end tonight on a draw of the cards. Then she appeared to shake it off. “I’m the one who suggested all this. So I’ll hang if I draw the joker. You guys can go back to the dorm and tell everyone this was the stupidest idea I’ve ever come up with. So let’s get to drawing before I chicken out; ok?”

“A stupid idea in a whole series of stupid ideas.”

“Shut up, Karina.”

Lucas reached in and pulled out his deck of cards. He really shuffled the hell out of them. I was afraid all the colors had been worn off by the time he stopped.

He hefted the shuffled deck up in an outstretched hand. “Ok, who’s first? Draw if you dare.”

“This was Roseline’s idea,” I replied. “I say she should draw. Ladies first, I always say.”

“That’s just when you want one of us to suck your cock!”

“Are you drawing or not?”

She hesitated a moment before reaching out. She tentatively pulled out a card out near the top of the deck. Then she turned it over.

Two of clubs. There was an audible sigh from the group. She smiled, but I could tell she was relieved. I got the distinct impression she and Aiden were going to fuck like rabbits once they returned to the dorm; that is, if they both survived this.

Lucas held out the deck toward Karina. She nervously reached out and picked out a card in the middle of the deck. Then she turned it over.

Nine of diamonds. She breathed a sigh of relief. Then she laughed nervously.

I shook my head as I reached out next. This was not something I was looking forward to. But I decided I would go through with it if I drew the dreaded joker.

“Carter’s drawing after all,” Roseline remarked in surprise.

“He’s our buddy,” Aiden told his girlfriend. “If we’re in, he’s in.”

I pulled out a card and turned it over. My heart skipped a beat. But it was only the ten of hearts.

There was a whoosh of exhaled breaths. Lucas went next. He drew the ace of spades. Another whoosh of relief.

Aiden went last. He picked the six of clubs. We all exhaled after surviving round one.

Lucas turned and held out the deck toward Rosaline. “Are we still playing?”

In response, she reached out, pulled out a card and turned it over. She let out a squawk when it appeared. At first it looked like the joker. Instead, it was the jack of spades.

She laughed nervously. I couldn’t resist.

“Come close that time, did you?” The look she gave me indicated she was either worried or incredibly horny about the fact she might lose her life.

Karina’s hand was shaking as she reached out. She drew a card and turned it over. It was the four of hearts.

Another whoosh of exhaled breaths.

I shook my head as I drew a card while muttering, “This is insane.” Then I turned it over.

Queen of clubs.

Lucas paused a moment before he pulled one out. Then he turned it over. It was the three of clubs.

He hefted the deck in Aiden’s direction. He confidently drew a card and turned it right over. The joker stared up at all of us.

We all gasped in shock. He stared in utter disbelief. Then he looked at his girlfriend.

“Rosey, I… I don’t know if I… don’t you want me to back out?”

Her response surprised him. “But you drew the joker, Aiden! You’ve got to hang! You promised! We all did!”

I was more than a little shocked. What the hell? Did she think that little of him??

He couldn’t believe it either! “Are you serious? I thought you were my girlfriend!”

“I guess not anymore… not after tonight.”

She suddenly had this cruel smirk on her face. Then she turned and looked right at me as a lewd grin crossed her features. “Don’t worry about it,” she told him without even looking at him. “I’ve always kind of fancied Carter here anyway.

She turned back to face her boyfriend. “You’re going to go through with it; right, Aiden? You’re going to hang for us, right? You’re not going to back out, are you?”

“I, uh…” Then he looked at Lucas and I.

We didn’t know how to respond. What do you say to someone you’ve known and treasured as a friend for years, only to have something like this come up?

“He should be naked,” Karina piped up.

“Great idea!” Roseline agreed. Her boyfriend looked at her as though he couldn’t believe it.

He looked at Lucas who just shrugged his shoulders. Then he looked at me. I still didn’t know what to say.

Roseline became impatient. “C’mon, Aiden! You’ve got to! You said you would! Do it for me, ok?”

He looked at her and then over at me. For a moment I thought he was going to ask me to hang in his place. Then I thought he was going to just flat out decline.

We watched as he slowly began taking his clothes off. We could hear him muttering, “I can’t fucking believe this! My own girlfriend wants to see me hang!”

Roseline looked all around at us. “We need some rope to bind his hands behind his back. Karina, help me look around, ok?” The more she talked, the more I questioned her relationship with Aiden in the first place.

The girls looked around until Roseline found a length of rope. She offered it to her girlfriend. Karina shook her head, holding out her hands defensively as she told her, “Hunh – unh. He’s YOUR boyfriend. You ought to be the one to tie him up, noose him up, and then drop him. Isn’t that right, guys?”

She looked at Lucas and I for confirmation. Aiden didn’t say anything as he continued to undress. I said I wasn’t about to hang my friend. Lucas said the same thing.

“Fine,” Roseline replied. “Then I’ll do it. C’mon, baby! Let’s get this show on the road!”

Aidean had a pained look on his face as he finished undressing. His cock was incredibly erect. It must have humiliated him the way we all could see him like that.

Roseline acted more and more like she was really getting into it. She eagerly marched him up onto the platform. Then she made him stand on the trap over the painted circle on the wooden surface.

He was panting heavily as she eagerly tied his wrists behind his back. His cock stiffened even more. His face went beet red with embarrassment as we all stared at him.

I was having a hard time processing what I was witnessing. I could tell Lucas was struggling with it as well. Karina was focused on the stiff appendage protruding out of Aiden’s groin.

“Wow; would you look at that?! He’s getting all horny! Are you getting horny, Aiden?” He just winced as he lowered his head in shame.

“He’s not the only one,” Roseline declared breathlessly, tugging on his wrists to make sure they were tightly secured. “You have no idea how horny I am right now!” She was hanging her boyfriend… and she was all turned on by it??

She made him stand sideways so she could face him as she looped the noose around his neck. Then she tightened it up. “Gawd, Aiden! You have no idea what seeing you all noosed and naked is doing to me!”

He appeared to be trembling as he asked, “You’re not really g-going to hang me, are you, Rosey?”

“Of course I am! You agreed; we all did! Now we’ve got to carry it through!”

“Isn’t this f-far enough?”

At that moment I think Lucas and I would have been willing to call it an evening and let him off the hook. That’s when Roseline reached out and stroked his erection. “Damn; you’re hard! Relax, Aiden. I think you’re going to love it. At least your dick thinks so.” Then she turned and grinned lewdly at us as she added, “Right, guys? Isn’t this exciting?”

Lucas and I didn’t say anything. But my cock was getting shamefully hard in my pants. I thought Lucas was starting to develop a bulge as well, although it looked like he was trying to hide it.

“Oh, c’mon!” she protested. “We all agreed! Now I want to see him hang! Don’t you want to see him hang, Karina?”

She was breathing hard, her eyes wide. I don’t think she knew what she wanted. “You want to see him hang, RIGHT, Karina?”

“R-right, Rosey.” I think she’d felt forced to say that.

Aiden looked at his girlfriend in growing alarm. Clearly he was frightened. His dick hadn’t shrunk in the slightest. If anything, it was rock hard.

“R-Rosey? Are you really going to g-go through with this?”

She grinned as though becoming maniacal. “I sure am, lover. I’ll admit ’m going to miss this” and she tugged on his erection. “But I’m going to love watching you hang even more!”

She turned her back on him and walked over to the lever. I stood there in stunned silence, my breathing heavy and labored. My dick shamefully strained in my pants.

Karina and Lucas both looked breathless. Karina’s nipples were poking through her blouse. I thought I saw her hand move down and rub her boyfriend’s crotch and the erection that was aching to be released.

“You see, Aiden?” Roseline motioned grandly. “They all want to see you hang! I’m so fucking excited right now! I can’t believe I’m going to hang my boyfriend! Any last words before I pull the lever and send you into oblivion?”

Aiden looked like he was on the verge of breaking down. I thought I saw cum start to ooze out of his dick. That’s when he stammered, “R-Rosey?? D-Don’t!”

“Close enough,” she grinned. And with that, she pulled the lever.

The flopping open of the trap made us all jump a little. But Aiden didn’t fall very far. The rope snugged him up tight as he began kicking and pedaling.

His cock suddenly started spurting. It looked like he had an amazing load to discharge. That’s when Roseline went nuts.

“Oh fuck! That is so fucking hot! C’mon, Carter! Fuck me! I’m so fucking horny right now, I could just burst! I’m going to cum anyway!”

She came down off the platform right to me. She frantically unzipped my fly, pulling out my shamefully hard erection. Then she began sucking on me as poor Aiden kicked and swung back and forth.

I heard another fly unzip. Karina was absent-mindedly opening her boyfriend’s fly as well. She grabbed his dick and stroked it as Aiden danced a jig while his erection oozed and bounced like crazy.

Roseline dropped down on all fours and flipped her skirt up while she faced her dying boyfriend. I was not surprised to discover she was wearing no panties. It occurred to me she’d planned on fucking Aiden somewhere in the building before our unfortunate game.

He looked at me in horror as he kicked and suffered while his girlfriend tried to pull me down to her. It was as though I was betraying him while he was dying. But what else could I do? Roseline wanted me… and he was going to be dead anyway.

I dropped to my knees, my erection shamefully exposed. “In the ass,” Roseline gasped. “Don’t put it in my cunt yet. Let’s wait until after he’s dead. Then it will be official. I’ll be free to become your girlfriend!”

I pushed into her ass and was not surprised how easily I went in. Aiden continued to kick and suffer, his erection bouncing like crazy. But I could tell by the look on his face he was horrified I was fucking his girlfriend’s ass.

Karina had finally dropped to her knees. She was sucking her boyfriend’s dick. I thought she was trying to avoid eye contact with Aiden. But she kept glancing at his dangling form as though utterly fascinated… and then shamed to the point of looking away.

Aiden struggled for three… five… seven minutes. His cock suddenly spurted upward as he winced in agony. Roseline cried out in orgasm as she begged me to continue fucking her ass.

I ended up pumping a load deep inside her. Lucas came in Karina’s mouth a few seconds later. It was shamefully erotic.

Aiden kicked for another three or four minutes until he finally settled down. Roseline excitedly got up and rushed to his naked form. That’s when she eagerly sucked his cock.

She got a little cream out of the tip. Then she came back over to me. She had me lie down on my back as she sat on my dick, this time impaling her cunt.

“He’s just about gone! I can’t stand it anymore! Fuck my cunt, Carter!”

She rode me like crazy. All the while she kept gasping, “Fuck – fuck – fuck!” I was more than a little embarrassed the way she and I were so turned on at the hanging of her boyfriend Aiden.

He finally settled down and dangled quietly. His cock eventually softened until his bladder gave way. He pissed himself, splattering the floor below him. Roseline loved it.

I just went with it. She wanted to fuck, and the shame of the experience made me so horny that I needed a release. I noticed Lucas and Karin engaging in the same thing.

The orgy finally settled down after another thirty minutes or so. By then Lucas was quite dead. He dangled quietly, his naked body rotating in place.

Roseline said we all should just leave him there. She said someone would eventually find him. Then she suggested we all get dressed and leave while we still could.

I was still having a hard time processing it all. I think Lucas was as well. We were down one friend, while I had suddenly gained one bat-shit, crazy-assed girlfriend. I couldn’t decide whether that was good news or bad.

2021 (written Jul 9 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by the picture included below.)

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The consequences of snooping 3 4.4 (27)

Part 3

She grunted indignantly as she found herself looking down at the pool floor. Then the wicked Hispanic woman reappeared underneath her, grinning with cruel amusement. This time Salma wrapped her legs around her, grinding against her crotch as though she was riding her upside down.

The woman reached out to grope the bound housekeeper’s breasts again. Emma writhed and moaned, her eyes rolling. Then she felt Salma start to hump against her crotch. Gawd; the bitch was getting off torturing her!

Emma squirmed weakly, her nub getting mashed against that of the wicked hotel guest. It set her to trembling like mad as she moaned and burbled. At the same time, she felt those gentle heaves of warning originate in her stomach, only to move up into her chest.

Indignation quickly melted away as panic settled in. She began to writhe and wriggle, her lungs informing her of her growing need to breathe again. She looked at Salma in alarm, shaking her head to indicate she was running out of breath. But the bitch simply grinned back at her as though this was the best part of the torture.

Emma’s cheeks began to bulge as the woman roughly groped her tits. With wicked cruelty, Salma brought her hands up and “popped” those cheeks with a clap, resulting in a loss of bubbles. Emma’s eyes flew open in horror when the bitch then pushed hard into her stomach, forcing the rest of the air out of her lungs…


It slammed into her with a vengeance, a monster of an orgasm that enveloped her as though encompassing her within a large, warm blanket. Emma’s eyes rolled as she weakly thrashed about. Her hands flexed as her back arched a little.

She moaned weakly, shuddering from the pleasure that enveloped her. But as it faded, it was replaced with an overwhelming urge to inhale.

Emma bubbled weakly, noticing the look of great pleasure in Salma’s features. The bitch had watched her orgasm underwater. Now she was going to watch her drown!

Emma shuddered again, mere seconds from opening her lungs up to the killing pool water. Then she was flipped over onto her back, her lungs sucking down the air her body so desperately needed. Emma coughed and sputtered, moaning weakly as Salma surfaced to look at her. The woman was clearly enjoying herself.

“Why you horny little tart! You can climax anywhere, can’t you… even underwater! That is so fucking hot to watch! Why I nearly had an orgasm myself!”

“Please!” the exhausted little Asian gasped. “No more! Just get me out, ok?”

“Not until I’ve had my fun, you little thief! Just consider this the consequences of snooping through a hotel guest’s possessions, remember?”

With a flip of the body board, Emma was rolled back over again. She let out a cry, her mind screaming, “GAWD, NO! I CAN’T TAKE MUCH MORE OF THIS!” Then Salma was underwater with her.

This time the Hispanic woman floated up underneath her in a 69 position. Emma’s head was locked between the woman’s thighs. Instinctively she began mouthing and licking the bitch’s sexy bikini bottoms, sensing she had very little time. Besides, she was simply too tired to hold her breath for long.

She jerked in alarm when she felt Salma pull the bottom of her suit aside. Then she felt a mouth on her pussy. A couple of fingers thrust their way inside.

Her mind screamed… “GAWD; NO!” Then she was hit by a devastating climax.

Emma bucked and shuddered, her back arching as her feet cocked and curled. The tongue and fingers in her pussy were too much. She writhed about, the orgasm feeling as though it was never going to end.

She thought she heard a bubbly cry as the woman locked her head between her thighs and started humping her face hard. Gawd; the bitch was cumming! Worse, she was going to end up drowning her in the process!

Emma winced as the pleasure washing hotly through her body intensified. She tried to cry out, only to blow bubbles into the crotch of her sadistic torturer. Then she blacked out again…

When consciousness returned, Emma found herself floating at the surface. She was still strapped down to the body board. What’s more, she felt weak all over from breathlessness as well as a sexual numbness.

There was no immediate sign of the hotel guest whose room she’d violated. Emma looked all around with as much movement as the straps allowed. That’s when she caught sight of Salma sitting on the edge of the pool. She had a very satisfied look on her face.

“Well, you little thief. That was quite the performance. You’re quite the slut; did you know that?” Emma panted weakly, too tired to respond.

“I don’t know as I’ve ever enjoyed torturing someone as much as I’ve enjoyed torturing you,” the woman went on. “Watching you bubble and struggle like that? You really got my blood flowing, you sexy little bitch!”

She smiled wickedly at her. Emma felt another erotic jolt of tingles. Then Salma told her, “I’ll be leaving you now. I’ve got to be going first thing in the morning, and I need my sleep.”

Her eyes narrowed coldly at the Asian drifting around all strapped down to the body board. “I wouldn’t go snooping around in any more guest rooms if I were you.” Then she appeared to think it over.

“You know? I really think it doesn’t matter. I think a slut like you simply can’t help herself. You might wait what… a week or two before you go sneaking into your next room to snoop around? I’ll bet I’m right, aren’t I.”

Emma felt another jolt of alarm as Salma got back into the water and swam toward her. Surely this didn’t bode well. She had to do something fast.

“I won’t do it again; I promise. Just get me off this board, ok? I’ll never snoop around in another room again; I promise!”

“I don’t believe you, hun,” Salma said sadly while shaking her head. “I think it’s best if I take care of this right now, don’t you?”

She gripped the side of the body board, her eyes twinkling with murderous intent. “Consider this the ultimate consequences of snooping, you little thief.” Then she flipped the board right over.

Emma let out a cry of horror before she was submerged again. The petite little Asian grunted and burbled.

She looked all around in growing panic as a horrific jolt of erotic tingles hit her hard. There was no sign of the Hispanic woman. Had the bitch flipped her over and left her to drown??

Emma started to wriggle and squirm, struggling against the straps. She tugged and pulled, desperate to free her wrists so she could work her way out from underneath the board. But the straps remained steadfast. She could not wriggle free.

The seconds ticked by until she felt those warning heaves in her stomach. They soon migrated up into her chest, alerting her to her growing need for air. It seemed like she was really going to drown this time!

She caught sight of Salma swimming down along the floor of the pool beneath her. The woman turned on her back and looked up at her with a sadistic smile. Then to Emma’s horror, she reached inside her own bikini bottoms and started fingering herself…

Emma was horrified. Gawd; the bitch was going to make herself cum as she watched her drown!

She simply couldn’t believe it! Had her snooping finally led to her demise? What the hell was she thinking??

Emma received a tremendous dose of erotic tingles at the thought someone was going to get off watching her bubble her last. Her lungs began heaving more insistently. So she began bubbling and shaking her head, her eyes pleading for the woman to help her. In response, Salma fingered herself harder as she reclined on the bottom of the pool floor while looking up at her


It hit her with a fury, a mammoth orgasm of devastating proportions. Emma’s eyes rolled as her body bucked and shuddered within the confines of the straps. Down below her, she thought she saw Salma bubbling from an orgasm of her own, the woman’s body writhing as she fingered herself like crazy…


Emma experienced a very painful convulsion in her chest. Her lungs were on the verge of giving out. She shuddered hard before she passed out again, certain she would never reawaken…

Emma moaned softly as her eyes fluttered open. That’s when she heard a voice from somewhere in the pool room. She was able to turn her head enough to see the Hispanic woman drying herself off with a towel.

“Regain consciousness, did we?” Salma observed with a chuckle. “That last orgasm of yours must have been a monster. I came hard myself, you little slut. It was so very good.”

“Why… why am I still out here on this board?” Emma murmured weakly. “Please! Get me off this thing, ok?”

Salma shook her head. “No can do, you nosey little slut. This is what you get for snooping around in someone else’s room. So I’ve decided to leave you out there for someone else to find.”

Her words triggered yet another erotic jolt. “You CAN’T!” Emma blurted out in horror. “You just can’t LEAVE me like this?!”

“Oh, can’t I?” Salma asked curiously. “Would you rather the two of us go have a visit with your manager?”

Emma blinked in shock. Then she shook her head. Was she really stuck with this one?

What the hell was she thinking: going into the room of some hotel guest? Now she was really fucked!

“I didn’t think so,” Salma said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Besides, I’m sure someone will come down and set you free… the night clerk perhaps?”

Emma’s heart was racing, her body tingling like crazy. “You… you can’t just do this to me! You can’t leave me like this?! What if… what if roll over?! What if I drown?”

“Then lie still and don’t roll over,” Salma replied as though she didn’t care either way. “It’s no longer my concern. You’re the one I caught red-handed snooping around in my room. Get out of it yourself, or wait for someone to come in and release you.”

“You can’t do this to me!”

“You did it to yourself, hun. Now don’t start wriggling around, ok? Otherwise you might end up upside down, bubbling your life away because you flipped yourself over like some stupid slut.”

Salma paused as she considered the possibilities. “Now that’s a rather delicious image, don’t you think? You flipping yourself over and drowning yourself?” She licked her lips, her eyes flashing.

“Get me out of here; please?? I’ll come to your room; I’ll be your slave! I’ll do anything you want! I’ll give you orgasms; you can tie me up… ANYTHING!”

“Oh, I’ve already had my fun,” Salma told her. “Now it’s bedtime for me. Personally, I’d like to stick around and find out what happens to you once the night clerk comes in and finds you in the pool. But I’m afraid I just don’t have the time.”

She waved a hand dismissively as she headed for the door. “See you around, you little hotel snoop… unless you’re stupid enough to drown yourself on that board.”

“NO – WAIT; DON’T GO!” Then she was gone, leaving Emma all alone in the pool, floating on her back strapped down to the body board.

“COME BACK, YOU BITCH! COME BACK! YOU FUCKING BITCH!” But the woman appeared to be out of earshot… either that or she simply didn’t care.

Emma felt another massive jolt of erotic tingles as she began to hyperventilate. Now she was really fucked! If the night clerk came in, who knows what he might do to her!

He might toy with her and then drown her. Or he might simply report her to her manager. She could end up fired… or much, much worse.

Instinctively, Emma started thrashing around against the straps that bound her to the board. She had to work one free. If she got an arm loose, perhaps she might be able to extricate herself. If not, she might find herself floating there all night long… or until someone came in and found her… or worse!

Emma began struggling with the straps, jerking hard with her arms. The body board began rolling from side to side, causing her to gasp in alarm. But she could feel the strap loosening. If only she could… SHIT!

The frightened housekeeper let out a cry as the board suddenly capsized on her, flipping her upside down. A moment later she found herself staring down at the pool floor, grunting and bubbling. Now she was really screwed!

She figured she only had about a minute or two of holding her breath while trying to get loose before her lungs gave out. Emma struggled like made, desperately fighting to pull free of the straps.

When that didn’t work, she tried rocking the body board side to side. But now all of her weight was underneath. It made it that much harder to roll herself back up to the surface. She’d REALLY fucked herself up good this time!

Emma thrashed about like crazy as it swelled inside her. Being in peril was an orgasmic addiction. This was no different. But if she climaxed again, she might be too weak to struggle against the straps, drowning herself for sure!

She anxiously jerked on the straps, grunting and bubbling. Her mind screamed for Salma to come back and free her. That’s when she felt those warning heaves settle in her chest. Time was running out.

She thrashed about, grunting and bubbling like crazy. The convulsions in her chest increased as she fought to wriggle free. This time it looked like she’d really gotten herself into it. That’s when she felt it swell within her…


Emma fought one last time, her body violently wriggling around. Then her lungs convulsed painfully. That’s when it slammed into her like a tsunami.

Emma shuddered hard, her eyes rolling as her hands flexed while her feet cocked and curled. This one went on and on, like wave after wave crashing against the shore. Then her lungs gave out.

She gurgled as she sucked water down her windpipe. Emma’s eyes instantly flew open in horror. That’s when her body began jerking and thrashing about.

Her orgasm intensified as her lungs heaved, pulling mouthful after mouthful of pool water down into her lungs. She jerked and gurgled as bubbles billowed out past her lips. She felt a chaotic mixture of pleasure and pain, as it felt like water was violating every fiber of her being.

She grunted and gurgled as her struggles lessened. She stared down at the pool floor in shock as her body gave up the fight and simply relaxed. Strangely, there was a feeling of indescribable pain mixed with unbelievable pleasure.

She tried to blink; tried to scream. But her muscles refused to function. Then her vision started to fade as her senses began to fail her.

The last thing she thought of was Salma’s remark about the consequences of snooping. If only she hadn’t gotten nosey and had gone into that room to snoop around. Then she faded away, hanging limp and lifeless under the body board, her lifeless eyes staring downward.
She was found a couple hours later by the night clerk as he made his rounds…

2012; 2022 (written May 4 ’12; ed. Jan 8 ‘22 by riwa)

Posted in Emma Stories, Underwater Stories | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Donna’s shore leave 4 4.3 (17)

Donna’s body spasmed weakly, her head giving little twitches and jerks as she fought to regain consciousness. Then her vision began to return in a dizzying rush.

She lifted a hand to her head in an attempt to clear her mind. When she could see again, she discovered she was sitting on the ground, propped up with her back against a tree. A grinning Leiani was squatting in front of her, eyes sparkling mischievously.

“Gawd, baby; that was great fun! When you came, I came right along with you! But now I think it’s your turn to strangle me, ok? You’re the one having all the fun. I want some too!”

Donna was still feeling little orgasmic aftershocks. For a moment she felt an overwhelming urge to give in. It would be wonderful to forget about the Enterprise while spending the rest of her shore leave with her beloved Leiani.

The young woman’s presence on the planet defied all logic. But wouldn’t it be better just to accept it… make the best of a crazy situation? After all, who knew when they might see each other again?

Her worry for her shipmate quickly returned. Donna groggily got to her feet. She soon became determined to find the missing yeoman.

Leiani’s gleeful expression faded as she saw the seriousness return to her former lover’s features. “Awww, c’mon, baby! You’re still not worried about Janice, are you? I’m sure she’s all right!”

The look in Donna’s eyes said it all. No more playtime. Her shoulders sagged unhappily. “Awwww… we could’ve had such great fun, baby! You’re such a spoilsport; you know that?”

“Damnit, Leiani; what’s the MATTER with you? Don’t you understand? Those two creatures are still out there… and Janice is still missing! We’ve got to find her!”

Gawd! Why the hell wasn’t Leiani acting more serious about all this??

“I guess you’re right, baby” the oriental said, bowing her head and appearing properly chastised. Then she got an impish grin she couldn’t prevent from blossoming all over her face.

“Hey, baby; I’ve got a great idea! Once we find Janice, why don’t we hang her ourselves? We don’t need the ‘twins’ to do our dirty work for us! Gawd – wouldn’t that be hot, baby? You can strip her down and I’ll string her up; how about it? You can even lick her sweet pussy just before we push her off into space! Whadaya say?”


Donna was horrified her former friend and lover would even think such a thing! But a moment later she felt a quiver of arousal over the terribly erotic images the young woman was painting with her words. They were images that were once more causing wetness problems down below.

Damn! She needed a change of undergarments more than ever.

“Leiani??” she gasped in horror. “We can’t do that!”

“Awww, c’mon!” the Asian woman whined. “I wanna have some fun!”

“You’re killing me here!” Donna sputtered in frustration. “Look. We’re going to go find Janice. Then we’re going to get the hell out of these woods, ok? That’s all there is to it! And no, we’re not going to hang Janice once we track her down; you got that?? Damnit, baby; this is no time for fun and games!”

Leiani put up a protest. “No time for fun and games?? Isn’t that why you brought me here in the first place?”

“Brought you here?” Donna repeated in confusion. “I didn’t bring you here! Hell I didn’t even know you WERE here! I was just going for a swim when I heard Janice up in that clearing. And speaking of Janice…”

“I know – I know,” Leiani sighed, rolling her eyes in frustration. “You wanna make sure she’s all right. Believe me, baby; she’s fine.”

“How do YOU know?” Donna demanded, hands on her hips as she eyed the young woman suspiciously. Leiani just gave her a grin of amusement.

‘Gawd – she can be so INFURIATING at times!’ the yeoman thought wearily. But then again, her former lover was so damned sexy whenever she was being playful! Gawd; how she missed that… that and all their breath-play games!

“Stick with me this time; ok?” Donna instructed. “We’re gonna find Janice. Then we’re gonna get the hell out of these woods; all right?”

“But where will we play if we can’t hide in the woods?”

“Gawd, baby; you can be so annoying!” Donna gasped in exasperation. “Now let’s go back to that ‘hanging tree’ in that clearing back there. We’ll start our search from there; ok? That’s where you and I saw her last; right? Maybe we can pick up her trail from there.”

“Anything you say, baby,” the Asian sighed with disappointment. “Although I STILL think it would be hot if the two of us found her and hung her ourselves, especially if we hung her naked. Couldn’t you at least give it a little thought, baby? If you don’t wanna hang her, I’ll be more’n happy to do it for you. That way you can watch and enjoy yourself while she dances for you.” The oriental woman giggled as her eyes twinkled mischievously.

“I give up!” Donna gasped in exasperation as she threw up her hands in disgust. “Leiani, you’re HOPELESS!”

Her undergarments were thoroughly soaked from a constant barrage of arousing thoughts and images. Donna was so damned close to taking them off altogether.

She just couldn’t get her former lover to stop talking. It kept putting deliciously evil thoughts in her head. She figured at this rate she was going to continue dripping from a never-ending arousal, one that would shamefully end up slithering sensuous tendrils running unhindered down her legs. Gawd – she was a mess down below!

Donna turned in exasperation before heading down the slope through the trees. She was going back in the general direction of the path she’d been taking earlier. When she glanced back, at least she saw a disappointed Leiani following her.

She carefully picked her way downward through the trees and shrubs. Donna shook her head, muttering to herself. This was a crazy planet she was spending her precious shore leave on, with wood nymphs and hangings and a former lover who didn’t seem to understand the seriousness of the situation they were in.

She was so distracted, so utterly frustrated, that she never even saw it. She heard a loud SNAP. By then it was too late… “AAUUGGHH!”

Donna cried out in surprise as something grabbed her ankle. She was pulled up into the air, her other leg bending at the knee. She flipped over and came to a bouncy halt, hanging upside down as her body swung back and forth like a pendulum.

Her tricorder and communicator tumbled out of their pouches from the belt around her waist. The skirt to her Starfleet issue outfit flopped over her waist, shamelessly exposing her soaked undergarments.

Looking up, she caught sight of the vine that encircled her ankle. It stretched up to the limb of the guilty sapling hanging directly above her.

DAMN! She’d stepped into some stupid snare!

Donna heard giggling. That figured! She now had a good idea who the guilty party was.

“Did YOU do this?” she snapped in exasperation, giving her former friend and lover the evil eye as Leiani walked up to her.

Her eyes flashed angrily as the oriental woman giggled uncontrollably. “Gawd no, baby. But I sure wish I’d have thought of it.”

Her lover lost it, erupting into uproarious laughter. “It’s NOT FUNNY, Leiani!” Donna protested as she glared at her.

The Asian woman doubled over, laughing hysterically… “OH HAWHAWHAWHAW… OH, YES IT IS, BABY! YOU SURE STEPPED IN IT THAT TIME! OH HOHOHOHOHO!”

Donna’s face flushed red with embarrassment. “Very FUNNY, Leiani!” she retorted, her eyes rolling with disgust.

She squirmed around uncomfortably as she twisted and turned while swaying back and forth. She could feel the blood rushing to her head. “You wanna get me down from here?”

Leiani’s laughter died off. She wiped the tears out of her eyes from the pure hilarity of the situation. Then she looked at her former lover as though noticing an opportunity that had just presented itself.

She suddenly licked her lips. Donna saw the woman’s eyes flash menacingly. ‘Oh, gawd; she isn’t thinking about doing that again, is she??’

The yeoman started trembling as she tried to take command of the situation. “Get me DOWN from here!” she ordered. But the look on Leiani’s face told her the young woman wasn’t taking any orders at the moment.

“Leiani? No; you wouldn’t!” But Leiani’s face had taken on a look of wicked glee.

Her former lover approached her, hands automatically coming upward in preparation for their breathless mischief-making as fingers flexed menacingly. Donna inhaled sharply as a jolt of fearful excitement raced through her body. Sexual excitement lodged in that familiar location between her thighs, setting her to trembling like mad again.

“Baby, wait! Please don’t do this! There isn’t time!”

“I can’t help myself, baby,” Leiani replied with a naughty giggle.

“Yes, you can!” Donna cried out desperately. Then she really fought against the snare she dangled from, wriggling and squirming while thinking, ‘Not now… GAWD, not NOW?!’

“But it’s just sticking out there, baby… begging me to squeeze it!”

“Leiani?? Don’t you DARE!”

“I’m sorry, baby, but this is just too good to pass up.”


Leiani eagerly reached out toward her neck again. “Gawd, baby; this is perfect!” she breathed excitedly, her fingers reaching out and tracing paths along Donna’s Venus rings.

The yeoman trembled as her breath caught in her throat. She tried to protest, but the words wouldn’t come.

She attempted to fight off the delicious sensations as Leiani’s fingers seductively traced little paths of fire across her skin. Once more she found herself involuntarily tipping her head back. She could not seem to resist exposing her neck to her lover’s touch.

Her mind screamed at her, telling her not to give in to the erotic feelings that were being generated. They just didn’t have the TIME for this! But her body betrayed her yet again.

A moan slipped out past her lips as her lover gently caressed her quivering throat. Leiani giggled as she gently wrapped her fingers around Donna’s slender neck. Then she placed her thumbs in line with where the rings ran parallel around her throat.

“You loved this; don’t you, baby?” she cooed seductively. “I know you do. So just relax and enjoy yourself; ok? We ALWAYS have time for you, my love.”

Donna began to gawk and gurgle. She started squirming with that uncontrollable desire to be left breathless again as flames of desire licked at her crotch. Then she remembered Janice and their need to find her.

She tried her best to fight off her cravings. Her hands instinctively came up to Leiani’s wrists in an attempt to pry them off. She even brought her head up in an attempt to deny easy access to her neck. But her lover wasn’t buying it, not for one second…

“Oh, NO you don’t!” Leiani giggled. “Don’t try to resist me now, baby. I know you want this. You know you want it too.”

Thumbs gently applied even more pressure. Donna rasped, “Stop……. no…… Janice……. GLURK!” But Leiani’s talented hands, especially those devilish thumbs of hers, were once more sending jolts of electrified pleasure from her neck to her pussy.

Donna squirmed in one last half-hearted attempt to struggle free. But it was useless, and she knew it.

A moment later she gave up in resignation. Her hands fell away as her worries over poor Janice were squeezed out of her by that delicious pressure around her throat. She just couldn’t stop herself from tipping her head back once more, exposing her neck as an offering to her lover.

Her thoughts were swirling, thoughts she could not control… thoughts that came as a result of many previous breath-play sessions in the past… “Go ahead, baby… you know I can’t resist you… throttle the life out of me, baby… leave me breathless…”

Leiani just giggled at her, knowing her all too well. She squeezed a little harder.

…and then Donna saw them coming toward them, stealthily approaching her sadistic lover from behind…

Leiani was oblivious to everything around her save her beautiful lover and the neck she was enjoying squeezing so very much. “Here it comes, baby!” she whispered with sadistic glee. A moment later she pressed her thumbs in firmly.

Donna’s mouth flew open as her eyes opened wide in alarm. She tried to warn her lover. But nothing came out of her mouth other than a raspy gurgle.

Her hands flew up again, grabbing onto Leiani’s wrists once more. She began squirming like mad in a frantic effort to pull them away so she could get her breath back and warn her. NOOOO! BABY, LOOK OUT……. BEHIND YOU……….

“You gonna fight me on this one?” Leiani gasped with delight. “Ooooh, yeah! Gawd, baby; I love it when you struggle! Fight me, baby!”

Donna could not get the words in her head to spill out past her lips… STOP IT, DAMN YOU! LOOK OUT; THEY’RE RIGHT BEHIND YOU! I’M NOT FIGHTING – I’M TRYING TO WARN…


Donna bucked and struggled, her body jerking around in the snare that clung to her ankle. Her eyes felt like they were starting to bug out from their sockets. Her tongue slowly wormed its way out past her parted lips as flashing red lights appeared in her field of vision.

Her chest heaved as her lungs screamed for another breath. Leiani just giggled at her with a “Yeah, baby; give it up for me!” She remained totally oblivious to the danger behind her.

“Cum for me, baby!” the oriental woman demanded. “Gimme one more, baby. Then maybe we’ll go after Janice – AWK!”

Donna shuddered hard from another devastating orgasm. Her vision dimmed as her body spasmed in the snare. A moment later she swung freely, her neck no longer in the grasp of her beloved Leiani.

She gasped madly for breath as her vision struggled to return. That’s when she caught sight of Leiani being dragged backward by one of the “twins” as the oriental woman had once referred to them by.

She saw her being pulled backward by an arm around her neck, an arm that was choking her. The young woman’s eyes were open wide in astonishment. Her hands reached out toward her in a “Help me, Donna – something’s got me!” gesture as she gasped and gurgled for breath.


Donna coughed and gurgled as her airway opened back up, her body still tingling from those damned aftershocks. She gasped as she instinctively reached out for her Leiani who was now much too far away. But as the one wood nymph dragged off her former friend and lover, the other one looked at her and started approaching her curiously.

Oh gawd…

2008; 2021 (written for Donna May 9 ’08; ed. Nov 2 ’21 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Tagged | Leave a comment

Shelly in Cancun 4 3.5 (26)

Andria’s laughter rings in my ears. I can feel the anger rise within me. “DAMN YOU, ANDRIA – YOU NEARLY SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!”

“No, I just ATE the shit out of you, ‘Shel’! Feel better now, babe? You feeling not so horny now?”

“No. Now I feel like dispensing some revenge!”

“Oh, SHIT!” she gasps. A moment later she inhales sharply. Then she jack-knifes back down, her ass briefly caressing the surface of the water.

I inhale deeply as I go after her. She heads downward toward the reef. This time she’s not going to be able to hide from me like last time. Besides, the bubbles marking her trail as she descends make it easy to follow her down.

Chapter 4 – The Wreck

She turns and sees me hot on her tail. It sets her to finning even harder, suspecting I’m going to be none too gentle when I catch up to her. It’s amazing how fast she moves underwater with those dive fins on her feet.

She leads me on a merry chase along the side of the reef. Formations stick out in an attempt to snag us as we fin by, the structures towering off to our right. But we swerve away and then back toward them, careful not to get to close and cut ourselves.

I suspect she’s looking for another place to hide. But this time I’m not losing sight of her.

I see a burst of air in front of me. Andria abruptly shoots up to the surface, obviously in need of another breath of air. I inwardly curse my inability to catch up to her in time to intercept her.

I shoot up after her, desperately trying to close the distance. I’m still a bit weak from my orgasm. I pop up a few feet away from her, gasping for breath as I tread water.

I menacingly gasp, “You can run… but you can’t hide.”

“OHMYGAWD, ‘SHEL’!” she blurts out, pointing behind me. “LOOK HOW FAR AWAY WE ARE FROM THE BOAT!”

I turn to look, noticing we’ve put some distance between us and Jake. Then I hear her inhale behind me. There’s a splash, and I turn just in time to see those damn fins of her disappear under the surface.

Shit! The bitch distracted me. Now she’s REALLY gonna get it!

I inhale sharply and dive right after her. To my dismay she heads further away from the boat. Andria angles down toward the sandy bottom near the edge of the reef.

Maybe she’s afraid I’ll cut her off before she can circle back. Obviously she doesn’t want me to catch her. I find myself hoping we won’t be too tired to keep ourselves afloat after exerting all this energy.

I fin down after her, keeping a close eye on her so she can’t dart into some crevasse in the reef. I don’t want her hiding in there. Otherwise she might try to pounce on me as I fin by while looking for her.

She’s close to the bottom near the reef when she suddenly stops and turns toward me. Her arms are outstretched as though trying to push me away. Her head shakes back and forth.

I grin as I zero in on her, finning even harder to catch her. That’s when she realizes her mistake. Surrendering will not stop me from inflicting my own brand of punishment.

Gurgling in alarm, she turns to flee. But I’m moving much too fast. She doesn’t get more than a few yards before I snag her fin and pull her toward me.

Andria burbles in alarm as I reel her in. I roll her over and force her legs apart so I can move in between them. She shakes her head “NOOO!”, but she’s not struggling enough to stop me. I suspect she wants it more than she wants to let on.

I move in, pulling her thong aside and burying my face in her snatch. Her hands try to push my head away. I simply reach around her thighs, grab her wrists and pull them down to her sides out of the way, effectively immobilizing her and leaving her helpless.

I can hold onto something or someone when I’ve a mind to. Andria should know that. She burbles and squirms in my grasp, but it’s much too late.

I bury my tongue in her wet pussy. She gurgles and moans, weakly trying to wriggle out of my grasp. I hear her grunt, causing my eyes to roam up her body enough to see her chest start to spasm.

It fuels my cruelty as I tongue her pussy even harder. I lick her for all I’m worth, hungrily sucking her juices into my mouth. Who cares if her lungs are on fire! She’s got this coming.

Andria shakes her head, squirming and wriggling in an effort to get free. I can tell she wants to surface. It makes me purse my lips together and blow bubbles into her pussy.

She shudders with a bubbly cry as I plunge my tongue back into her hole. A moment later she can’t hold it back. Her thighs instinctively tighten around me, locking my head in place.

Her back arches as she screams her air away. I cruelly tongue her for all I’m worth. Her body bucks and squirms in an effort to be released.

My own pussy’s wet from what I’m doing to her. But I know she doesn’t have enough air within her to stay down long enough to make me cum. She barely has enough left within her as it is!

Andria suddenly goes limp. Instead of letting her go, I hang on and keep tonguing her. She grunts as she weakly squirms, shaking her head as her eyes plead with me to let her go.

I look at her through my dive mask, my eyes twinkling evilly. I shake my head “NO”, my hands grasped firmly onto her wrists. She frantically squirms and wriggles.

I begin to slowly fin us upward, using her as a rudder. If I’m going to push her to the brink, I’d better have the two of us close to the surface when she goes off. A moment later I bury my tongue in her hole again, using it to fuck her for all I’m worth.

Andria hitches, arching her back as her body violently shudders. A small flurry of bubbles spew out of her mouth. That tells me she has virtually no air left inside her.

I continue to tongue her as I fin us upward with greater urgency. Air fizzes out through my dive mask. Then I release her as I shove her upward.

Her body instinctively fins her the remaining few feet. Her head bursts up out of the water. I hear a loud gasp for breath as I right surface next to her.

I inhale deeply, not realizing until that very moment how out of breath I was. I move next to her and help support her. She coughs and sputters, struggling to get her breath back until she can tread water on her own.

“Damn you, ‘Shel’! You nearly….. DROWNED my ass down there! I thought we were… supposed to drown… YOUR ass!”

She pauses for a moment. Then she shamefully lowers her head as she confesses, “Felt damn good though.”

“That’ll teach you for scaring the shit out of me. You deserved everything you got.”

I notice something on the bottom of the ocean that gets my attention. Andria doesn’t see it as she vows revenge. “I’m gonna GET you for that, ‘Shel’ – Hey; Jake’s coming.”

She points over my shoulder. I hear the sound of the motor behind me. But my eyes are riveted on something large lying on the seabed.

I grab her shoulder as I point down. “Hey, Andria? What’s that?”

“What’s what?”

She turns to look as I point downward. It looks like the wreckage of some sort of boat, just beyond the reef we were playing around. It wasn’t visible until we swam to where we’re now treading water.

It’s much too big to be a pleasure craft. But it’s too small to be one of those large freighters. That’s when I hear the motor cut out from the boat that’s coming up on us…


I turn to see the sailboat’s not much more than a few yards away as it slowly drifts on by. Jake must’ve pulled up anchor and motored toward us when he saw us out this far. It embarrasses me we got so far away from him. At least he was paying attention.

“She CHASED me, honey!” I hear Andria’s half-hearted protest from somewhere behind me. So I turn to look at her.

I can tell she’s not angry. Instead there’s a gleam of excitement in her eyes. Her energy is starting to return from the discovery we’ve just made.

“Guess what, Jake? We just found a shipwreck! It’s right down there!”

Andria points down into the water. Jake smiles back at her. “That’s great, babe!” he calls back, standing on the bow as he leans over the rail. “I can see it from here! Want me to drop anchor so you two can go exploring?”

“That’d be great!”

Andria turns toward me, treading water much more confidently now. “Let’s go aboard for a couple of minutes; ok, ‘Shel’? I could use a little snack and something to drink. I’m almost out of energy. And besides,” she says, grinning at me, “You kinda took it out of me. Don’t you think I need to get my ‘fluids’ back?”

I smile back at her, nodding approvingly. I’m just as excited over our find. Her eyes twinkle mischievously. Then she hollers back at Jake, telling him we’re coming aboard for a few minutes.
It doesn’t take long until we’re back in the water after a lite meal, finning downward toward the wreck. Somehow we must have missed it when we first pulled up to the reef. It was only when I chased Andria over here that we rounded a section of the coral enough to have it come into view.

I’m not sure if the captain was trying to beach it on top of the reef in the hopes of keeping it afloat or what. But apparently they didn’t make it. It lies a couple hundred yards away from the many colorful coral formations.

We fin our way down and make a pass over the top of it. It’s about 50 or 60 feet long, with what looks like a pilot house near the bow. There’s a flat section in the middle that makes me wonder if there are a couple of cargo holds below us waiting to be explored.

Near the stern is another small structure. I can only wonder if it houses the engine room. The wreck lies in the sand at an angle to port, the bow pointing toward the reef as though it was desperate to ground itself upon it.

We both fin ourselves back up to refill our lungs, gasping quietly. There’s a certain reverence to the vessel down below that makes talking feel, well… disrespectful somehow. Neither one of us knows if anyone sank with it and died. Nor are we eager to find any skeletons lying around.

It looks like it’s been here for a while, several months at least. I’m hopeful we won’t come across anything disturbing. We quietly discuss the idea of swimming all the way around it, wondering if we can make it on one breath.

Deciding to take a stab at it, we fill our lungs and head down. Andria and I are eager to take a look at it from the sea floor. We arrive at the bow and slowly fin our way along the starboard side.

It’s not nearly as large as I first thought, maybe a couple of stories high at the most. But it’s still a wreck underwater, still something worth exploring. There are a couple of portholes higher up that appear to indicate the presence of a couple of cargo holds.

Peering in doesn’t reveal too much. So we swim on toward the stern. The props are imbedded in the sand; there’s not much to see there either.

We cross over and head back along the port side. That’s where we see two large cracks in the side. They zigzag toward the bottom and disappear into the silt, telling us why the ship probably went down.

We find a few more portholes, as though there might be cabins or a passageway running along this side of the vessel. Both of us swim on without peering inside. We’re starting to run low on air.

We fin toward the bow on the port side. My lungs tell me it’ll be time to head back up soon. I find myself wondering if there might be a couple of flashlights on board the sailboat for us to use.

Jake didn’t produce any before we stepped off into the water. It makes me wonder if he forgot to look. Maybe there aren’t any on board.

I’m beginning to suspect there are no lights to use stored away on the sailboat. So we’re going to have to be careful if we do a little exploring. I figure we’ll just use the sunlight streaming down into the water.

We reach the bow and begin our ascent. Both of us are proud we made it all the way around on one breath. Then Andria pauses to point off toward the general direction of where we were before we came over to the wreck.

I look up toward the surface in the direction she’s pointing. That’s when I see it, barely peeking out around the edge of the reef. It’s a small cabin cruiser.

It looks like some sort of pleasure craft resting up at the surface. We’re probably going to have company for a while. That means we won’t have the reef all to ourselves anymore. Perhaps they’ll come over to dive the wreck we found.

I nod at her in acknowledgement as I point at it… “Yes, I see it too.” It must have arrived a few minutes ago. Maybe it got here while we were heading down for our first dive on the wreck.

Andria shakes her head as bubbles fizz out of her dive mask. She takes my arm and points it underwater as if to say, “No; look over there!” I see a couple of objects coming toward us, shafts of bubbles drifting up from what looks like scuba gear.

I was right. They see our wreck. Maybe they already knew it was here.

I nod at Andria, acknowledging that I see them. Empty lungs send us upward. We fin up to the surface and come up for air a short distance from the sailboat.

We gasp for breath as we tread water. “Damn!” Andria says, the disappointment obvious in her features. Her shoulders are slumped in defeat, her enthusiasm gone as she wines, “Looks like we’ve got company.”

I look down into the water at the wreck. Who are our new guests? I hesitantly ask, “I don’t suppose we could, uh… share, could we?”

Maybe it won’t be so bad. The sunken vessel looks big enough. I suppose the four of us can dive the wreck without getting in each other’s way.

I look over at the new craft. It’s barely visible from around the edge of the reef. It looks like it might be close to that buoy we were anchored near earlier, a nice looking cabin cruiser.

I can see the dive flag up on the stern of the craft. Two divers are headed our way. Is anyone else on board?

“Hey!” Andria offers cheerfully. “If those are guys down there, maybe we can, uh…” She trails off when she sees my stern look, my head shaking “No.”

“You’re probably right,” she says quietly. “I shouldn’t do that to Jake. But you’re certainly free to go down and take a crack at it, ‘Shel’! You could go down and get to know…”

“I’m not going down without you! We came together and I’d like us to stay together. Maybe we should wait until they leave.”

“What if they don’t leave right away?” Andria asks, disappointment in her voice. “What if they hang around all day?”

“Then we’ll just go back over to the reef. We can always do something else, right? The reef is still pretty amazing to look at, even from over here. I’m really enjoying being out here, Andria. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised if more people come to this particular spot and want to dive the…”

“Shelly; look.” Then she points down into the water. “They’re right over the bow.”

“I know; I see ’em.”

I sigh, glancing down and spotting them hovering just above the bow of the sunken vessel. A solitary exploration of the wreck was probably too much to hope for. Then I glance over at our boat.

“There probably aren’t any flashlights on board anyway. I doubt we could have gone too deep inside without it being pitch-”

Andria cries out as she grabs my arm. “Shelly; look! I think they’re chicks!”

There’s excitement in her voice again. It’s an excitement that wasn’t there a moment ago. She was probably feeling like I was, that our exploration of the wreck would have to wait.

“Look, ‘Shel’; are they waving at us?? Do you think they want us to come back down??”

“Do they?”

I stick my face into the water and look down. The two of them look to be wearing bikinis. And they certainly look like they’re waving at us. Are they motioning for us to come down and join them??

“Who are they?” I wonder aloud after lifting my head back up.

Andria’s expression is hopeful. “What does it matter, ‘Shel’? They’ve got air! Let’s go down and have a look, ok? What’s the worst that could happen?”

Her excitement has returned. It’s getting the best of her like it always does. She’s so optimistic.

I peer down at them again. They seem harmless enough. And they do seem to be waving us down. Still…

Andria quickly becomes impatient as she waves at me. “You coming, ‘Shel’? C’mon, girlfriend; let’s go get acquainted!”

“Ok – ok, I’m coming!”

I fill my lungs, figuring why the hell not? It might be fun after all. Besides, you never know until you try.

Together the two of us jack-knife downward. We fin our way toward the two female scuba divers. They hover just above the bow of the wreck as though waiting for us.

2007; 2020 (written Jul 7 ’07; ed. Aug 4 ’20 by riwa)

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The processing plant on New Year’s Eve 4.4 (34)

It was late on New Year’s Eve. Aneeqa had brought me in after work and was showing me all around the slaughterhouse. She was quite proud of the place.

There was a certain excitement in the way she described things to me. She was particularly excited about the mincer. It seemed to give her shivers as she explained how it worked and what it did to an animal carcass.

She described their method of halal slaughter. They slit the throats of certain animals in a special way. It helped them bleed out faster before removing the head.

She led me into the slaughtering room where she told me all about what went on in there. I got the impression she was a little turned on by the place. In fact, I got the distinct impression she wanted to fuck me right there from all the excitement of showing me everything about her place of employment.

The slaughter room intrigued me most of all. She spent some time describing how the animals jerked around while hanging from the hooks after their throats were slit. Strangely, I got this mental image of her naked body jerking around after having her own throat slit.

“Anything else you want to see?” she asked suggestively.

“You like this room, don’t you.”

“Oh yes!” she gasped. “It’s kind of sexy the way the animals jerk around after their throats are slit. In fact I have this fantasy of…”

She paused breathlessly. I could tell she was getting all worked up. “What?” I asked curiously.

She pointed at a hook hanging from the ceiling, bearing the number 12. “That one,” she breathed rapturously. “Sometimes I dream I’m hanging from that one.”

“Really? That’s something I’d like to see!”

She gave me this look as though I’d come up with a fabulous idea. Without a word, she started to strip. In less than two minutes I was treated to an incredible view of her sexy, naked body.

Her full breasts sagged a little, her nipples quite erect. She must have been incredibly turned on. Her modestly hairy pussy was glistening as though she was wet through, all turned on about something. Maybe it was the idea of the two of us fucking in here.

“Here,” she said as she went over to a cupboard.

She got some rope and a zip-tie before handing them to me. “You can tie me up and slaughter me right here!”

I figured she was kidding me about the slaughtering part. I assumed she only wanted to experience what it felt like to be trussed up like one of her animals. Was this the first chance she’d ever gotten at living out her fantasy?

I dutifully secured her wrists behind her back with the zip-tie. Then I tied one end of the rope to her ankles while securing the other to hook #12. When I was done, I simply pulled her up until she was hanging upside down at about eye level with my crotch.

Gawd; what a view! Her breasts hung down as she panted heavily, her nipples incredibly hard. Her pussy was really glistening, indicating she was wet as hell.

She looked sexy hanging upside down like that. I chuckled as I gave her body a push. I smiled as I told her, “Now you’re ready for slaughter.”

She gently swung back and forth, twisting in place. She gasped excitedly as though she was having trouble catching her breath. “First time hanging from the hook?” I asked with a sly grin.

She was panting as she told me, “I never had the chance before. You’re the first guy I’ve brought in here who was even remotely interested in hanging me upside down like this.”

I was incredulous. “You mean nobody else was willing to hang you naked?”

She shook her head, her curled brunette strands hanging down. “None of the guys liked being in here. You’re the first one who’s ever shown this much interest.”

I couldn’t keep from developing an erection in my pants upon seeing her like that. “I could slaughter you right here and now; am I right? There wouldn’t be a damned thing you could do to stop me, would there.”

She gasped and trembled. I heard her moan softly as though she was turned on beyond belief. “Nothing I could do to stop you, lover,” she murmured in a quivering tone.

I reached out and gently fondled her tits. She moaned and whimpered, gasping as though she was really out of breath. Then I slid my hand up to finger her pussy.

She was wet as hell. Then she moaned again. Gawd; I was so hard!

I unzipped my fly and pulled out my stiffening cock. Then I stepped right up to her, my dick right in her face. Without a word she opened her mouth and dutifully took me in between her lips.

Gawd; what a blowjob! It was incredibly hot. I even grabbed her head and fucked her face as I molested her sexy body with my free hand.

I couldn’t hold back my release. In that situation I don’t think any man could have held back.

It only took a couple of minutes before I was spurting into her mouth. Then my cock slipped out past her lips. I spurted a little on her face. It was sexy as hell!

I remembered the location she’d told me where she stored the official dagger used for the killings. It was in a special drawer. So I went to go fetch it.

I returned and showed it to her. That’s when she got this wild look in her eyes. Almost immediately she started breathing hard as my cum trickled off her lips and down her cheek from where I’d splattered her.

“You know what we could do? We could play a little something called ‘Slaughtering in the New Year’. Afterwards, I could get rid of your body by dropping you into the mincer. No one would ever find know. Your flesh and bones would end up as canned dog food. Am I right?”

Her eyes got big as saucers. Then she started panting like crazy. “Gawd; you wouldn’t, would you?”

There was this crazy look in her eyes. For a moment, I really thought she wanted me to.

I brought the dagger closer to her neck. That’s when she winced before crying out in orgasm. Her body wriggled like crazy as she struggled to catch her breath.

“You said this was a fantasy of yours, right?” She just wriggled and squirmed like crazy. I could smell the aroma of her arousal. Her pussy was wet as hell.

I grabbed a handful of hair. Then I roughly jerked her head back, exposing her neck to the blade. She gasped and whimpered, panting like crazy.

“I think deep down you want me to. Maybe I should.”

“Oh gawd!” she murmured, her body trembling like crazy.

She looked at me and nodded. Was she nodding it was her fantasy? Or was she nodding for me to do it, resigning herself to her erotic fate.

“’Slaughtering in the New Year’… now that’s a new one on me,” I murmured, shaking my head.

I suddenly heard the chiming of some church bell from far away. I listened for a moment, deep in thought. Then I smiled at her.

“Happy New Year, darling. I guess this means you’re the first slaughter of the New Year.” Then I brought the blade swiftly across her neck.

I didn’t think much about it. I just made the slash. Maybe I was just trying to play-act for her.

Her eyes flew open as an abundance of blood poured out of the wound. I’d cut a little too deep. To this day, I still don’t know whether it was accidental or on purpose.

Instantly her naked body started wriggling and gyrating in her death throes. She gawked and gurgled, trying to speak. But she was unable to make any kind of coherent sound.

I stared at her as though I couldn’t believe it. I hadn’t planned on doing that, had I? Gawd; I’d really done it now!

I was hard and throbbing, my cock stiff at such a perversely erotic sight. She jerked and wriggled for about 10 or 12 seconds. Then I heard a gurgly sigh come out of her severed windpipe.

Her body jerked a few more times. Then she was gone. Her eyes glazed over as she hung lifeless, blood still coming out of the wound in her neck – naked and sexy as hell!

I realized I could not undo what I’d just done. There was only one thing left to do. I had to finish the job.

I severed her head, removing it completely before placing it on the nearby table. I stood and admired it for a few moments. Besides, she told me they eventually cut the heads off anyway. Then I took her naked body down.

I had to dispose of her. So I threw her over my shoulders. Then I hauled her over to the mincer.

I turned the machine on and then threw her body inside. It wasted no time chewing through flesh and bone until there was nothing left.

I left the machine on as I went back over and retrieved her head. Her vacant eyes conveyed a dreamy, lifeless look. It was as though she’d gone out with a bang.

I gently kissed her parted lips. Then I told her, “I’d like to keep your head, darling. But I don’t think that would be a good idea. Here’s to a sexy New Year.”

I carried her head over and then tossed it into the mincer. There was a loud crack as it crunched through her skull, grinding her up into dog food. Then it, too, was gone.

There was nothing left of Aneeqa but her clothes. I quietly gathered them up before shutting off all the lights. Then I made my way home, wondering if it had all been a dream.

Gawd; I needed a stiff drink…

2012; 2021 (written for “Aneeqa” Dec 27 ’12; ed. Apr 25 ’21 by riwa)

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Snuff Teri 5.0 (Ch 4 Guillotine Teris) 4.4 (25)

We took a few more steps before another display suddenly materialized. In it two naked Teris were locked into matching wooden guillotines. They were facing each other with about 4-5 feet of space between them.

Both were kneeling with their hands tied behind their backs. Their chests rested on short, red-cushioned stools. Their asses stuck up into the air invitingly.

“Hi girls,” ‘Microkini Teri’ said with a warm, cheerful smile. “I see you both are all tucked in and ready to go.”

“Get me out of here, ok?” the one on the right gasped fearfully. “I don’t WANT to lose my head! Please?”

“She’s been like that all morning, Mistress,” the one on the left said in frustration. “I’d love someone to shut her up once and for all.”

She smiled wickedly at her counterpart in the other machine. Her meaning seemed quite clear. “You stay out of this!” the other one gasped.

The one on the left zeroed in on my hardening cock. “Is THIS the one you were telling me about?” she purred seductively at me while directing her comments at my escort. “Damn! I’d love to feel that fuck-stick in my ass the moment I’m being sent into the next life!”

“Speak for yourself!” the one on the right cried out. Then she started begging, “Please don’t kill me! I don’t want to lose my head! That would be HORRIBLE!”

“We’re stripper’s, you stupid bitch!” the one on the left told her imperiled companion with disdain. “We’re SLUTS… WHORES! We’re only getting what we fucking deserve!”

She looked at my cock hungrily. Then she said, “If I’m going out, I want to go out with a bang!”

“Just don’t take ME with you; ok?” the one on the right blurted out anxiously.

The frightened Teri turned toward us. She motioned with her head at her companion in the other guillotine. “Cut HER head off, ok? She wants it; she’s crazy! Just let me go; ok?”

My escort turned toward me. “Which one do you want, Master?” she asked with a mischievous grin. “You can have either one. Personally, I’d like to take the frightened one. I’d love to give her a good, hard fucking before her head rolls.”

“No!” the one on the right gasped in horror. “Please… let me go, ok? I’ll do anything you want!”

Her companion in the other machine grinned wickedly at her. “Don’t you understand, honey? Are you still clueless?? We’re both going to get fucked. Then we’re both going to lose our heads. I’m so excited right now that I’m positively dripping.”

She turned to me and motioned with her head. “Go ahead, Master… see for yourself if you like. I sure as hell can’t stop you!”

My cock was hard as I walked behind her. Then I lovingly rubbed her ass. She moaned softly.

She wriggled her butt as I fingered her pussy. She was incredibly wet. A puddle was already starting to form between her knees right where her dripping arousal was splattering onto the floor.

‘Microkini Teri’ was positively giddy. She gleefully stepped toward the Teri on the right. “That means I get you, sweetie!” she gushed excitedly.

“YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!” was the frightened reply.

I rubbed the eager one’s bare ass. She let out a lustful moan before begging, “Let me taste your cock, Master. Put it in my mouth before you fuck me with it. Let me suck it and get it all wet for you.”

I moved around in front of her, right between them. The other one was not as accommodating. In fact, she was begging my escort, “Please don’t hurt me! I’ll do anything you want! Just don’t cut my head off!”

“She’s right about that,” the one I was fixing to fuck agreed. “She’ll do anything. And she’ll do anyone! She’s a whore through and through. So I think you ought to fuck her good and hard before you cut her head off!”

“YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!” her terrified twin yelled in horror.

“Would you PLEASE shut her up?” the one on the left asked in exasperation, her eyes rolling.

“Computer: strap-on!” ‘Microkini Teri’ demanded.

A moment later one materialized in front of her crotch. I noticed it had somehow been strapped around her waist. It was larger than my cock – 10 inches long and fully 2 and a half inches around. I got the impression it was designed to inflict pain.

“Yeah… give it to her!” the one on the left gasped eagerly. Her eyes lit up at what was about to be inflicted on her complaining companion.

My escort moved in front of the frightened slut’s head. The poor thing immediately started to beg and plead for mercy. I could see her staring in horror at the phallus headed her way.

‘Microkini Teri’ gleefully waved it in front of her face. “SWALLOW IT, BITCH!” Then she rammed it home. Pitiful cries were reduced to muffled grunts the instant that mouth was plugged.

“Yeah… fuck that face!” the other one gasped enthusiastically.

I stepped in front of her, my hard cock standing at attention. “Your turn,” I told her.

Her eyes flashed excitedly. “HOT DAMN! FUCK THIS SLUT’S FACE!”

She opened her mouth wide like a baby bird expecting a treat from its mother. I slammed my hard cock home between her luscious lips. Her eyes rolled, and she grunted as though she’d just entered cock heaven.

For the next several minutes there was only the sound of slurping and grunting. Occasionally there was a gasp for breath. But that only happened whenever we pulled out as we face-fucked the two Teri’s.

My eager slut kept drooling all over my cock. She made it a sticky mess as she gulped it down. Perhaps she thought it was her last meal. She was certainly making the most of it.

The whore my escort was face-fucking with her strap-on sang a different tune. She kept begging for mercy during occasional gulps of air. But she didn’t get many breaths, as her mouth was kept occupied.

‘Microkini Teri’ thrust like a woman possessed. She fully enjoyed tormenting her horrified twin locked down in the guillotine. She rammed that toy so deep I thought her Teri was going to asphyxiate on it!

I finally pulled out of my Teri’s mouth. She groaned and whimpered like a bitch in heat, her ass writhing like crazy. “Fuck me now, Master! Fuck this worthless whore! Fuck me and then behead me for your pleasure! Fuck my cunt and then snuff my sweet ass!”

I certainly couldn’t resist a request like that. So I walked around behind her. Then I gave her sexy ass a swat.

She yelped and whimpered, so I smacked her again. Then I found her dripping pussy. I centered my cock against it and then ramming it home.

She let out a wild cry. Then she started thrusting back. She kept yelling for me to give her the fucking of her life.

‘Microkini Teri’ pulled out of the mouth of her doppelganger. Then she grabbed her by the chin. “Now I’m gonna give it to you good, honey,” she purred, her voice filled with menace. “Get ready for the fucking of your life!”

“CUT HER FUCKING HEAD OFF!” my slut gasped excitedly. “SHE FUCKING DESERVES IT!” I think she wanted to see her twin lose her head before she lost her own.

“NOOOO!” the terrified Teri yelled. “PLEASE… DON’T… I’LL DO ANYTHING – AAUUGGHH!”

She let out a cry of horror as my escort thrust hard into her cunt. It was quite the turn-on for me. So I redoubled my efforts by enthusiastically fucking my own bitch.

My escort’s Teri finally started moaning and whimpering. I think her body was betraying her. “That’s more like it,” ‘Microkini Teri’ gasped. “Damn; she’s getting it good! Just look at her face. She fucking LOVES it!”

The two of us pounded our bitches hard. Their combined grunts and whimpers seemed to echo throughout the holodeck. I caught a glance of ‘stripper Teri’ watching us. Her eyes were open wide in horror, perhaps at the thought two more of her identical twins were about to be cruelly snuffed.

My fuck-bitch saw what was happening to her companion in the other guillotine. I think she became overly excited because she started gasping, “FUCK HER HARD! YOU’RE GONNA MAKE HER CUM! OH FUCK; I’M GONNA CUM RIGHT ALONG WITH HER! FUCK ME HARD, MASTER!”

The one my escort was fucking suddenly stiffened. Then she let out a howl from a mixture of pleasure and pain as her eyes rolled. “FUCK; THAT’S HOT!” mine cried out. Then she went off as well, stiffening and then shuddering as her own orgasm seemed to hit her hard.

When she came down from her climax, she looked across at her moaning, panting companion in the other guillotine facing her. “Now fuck her ass, Mistress!” she suggested evilly. “I wanna hear her screams! The bitch fucking deserves it! I want to watch you rape that ass before you take my head!”

“With pleasure,” ‘Microkini Teri’ grinned, her lustful enthusiasm obvious in her features.

Her groaning Teri immediately started shaking her head. I heard her beg again, not that it did her any good. “NO… NO… NOT MY ASS – NOT MY ASS… AAAUUUGGGHHH!”

She let out a painful scream. I properly concluded my tour guide had brutally thrust hard into her anus. “FUCK!” my Teri cried out. “That is so fucking hot!” Then she made a request.

“Mistress, if it pleases you I want you to take her head first. I want to suck on her dead tongue and kiss her dead lips. Please, Mistress? I’m so fucking excited that I’m going to cum again!”

Her kinky desires turned me on. So I really started thrusting hard into her hot cunt. She let out another cry, orgasming hard as the twin facing her screamed from a brutal violation.


It was ‘Microkini Teri’ who had spoken. As if on cue, one instantly materialized near the middle of both guillotines. I was not surprised to notice this was yet another Teri.

This one was in black boots up past her knees. She wore black, thigh-high stockings. A black garter snapped onto her stockings.

Her shaved pussy was totally exposed and dripping. She wore a tight, black corset that stopped short of her large breasts, letting them freely hang. On her head was an ominous black hood with two eye holes.

“This one,” ‘Microkini Teri’ motioned, pointing at the lever to the machine of the girl she was brutally fucking. “I’m going to make her cum first. Wait for my signal.”

“NOO!” the frightened Teri screamed in terror. Once more she begged us not to cut off her head.

“MAKE HER CUM!” my Teri cried out. I think she was delirious. “MAKE HER CUM, THEN CUT HER FUCKING HEAD OFF!”

The whole thing was surreal, a bit strange to process. She really wanted to see her twin beheaded. Or perhaps she just wanted that mouth silenced once and for all.

The moment was drawing near. I became even more excited. So I pulled out of Teri’s pussy.

I found a different hole, pressing against her anus. But I paused as though waiting for the right moment. Almost immediately she started moaning, trying to push back as though desperately wanting me to impale her ass.

The Teri my escort was fucking suddenly stiffened. Then she started shuddering as she let out an orgasmic cry. With a nod from ‘Microkini Teri’, the Executioner reached over and grabbed the lever.

I took that moment to thrust hard into my Teri’s ass as the lever was pulled. She let out a painful cry, her body stiffening from its brutal violation. Then the blade whooshed down.

It bottomed out with a thunk, cleanly severing the other Teri’s head from her neck. The skull with the silky red hair dropped onto the floor. It bounced as blood spurted out of the severed, major artery.

I watched as my escort eagerly fucked a jerking, spasming corpse. She gasped with pleasure. I got the impression she was cumming hard.

My Teri let out an “Oh, FUCK!” Then she came violently with a scream. That’s when I really started pounding her ass with my cock.

“Make her kiss her face!” ‘Microkini Teri’ gasped excitedly. The executioner stepped forward and bent down. Then he picked up the severed head by a handful of red hair.

I saw a look of horrified surprise in a set of eyes that still seemed to be registering life. Then the executioner pushed it in front of the head of the Teri I was fucking. She gasped and grunted under my assault. But she managed to kiss the severed head of her twin.

She moaned excitedly the entire time. I think she gave it lots of tongue. No doubt she tasted blood.

Her moans and cries increased with intensity as I fucked her harder. The head of her dead sister was pulled away. I saw a thread of spittle between both faces.

There was no life in the eyes of the dead Teri. The expression in her face had sagged tiredly.

The one I was fucking began grunting like crazy. I think she was on the verge of popping off big time. “I’M GONNA CUM – I’M GONNA CUM!” she cried out, all caught up in the moment “DO IT NOW – DO IT NOW!” Then she went off like a rocket.

She let out a scream as her ass clenched hard around my thrusting cock. I could tell she was shuddering hard. It was time.

With a nod from me, the executioner reached up and pulled the lever to my machine. She was still holding onto the other head with her other hand. Teri’s orgasmic scream was abruptly silenced forever by a whoosh of the blade bottoming out with a loud thunk.

Her head dropped onto the floor as her body exploded, bucking and spasming in my grasp. Blood spurted out of her neck stump. It wasn’t long until I was emptying myself with a roar inside her tight ass.

‘Executioner Teri’ calmly reached down. She picked up the other severed head with her other hand. Then she quietly showed them both to me.

My Teri’s face contained a look of orgasmic bliss. It was as though somehow she was still experiencing it.

Life flickered in her eyes. Her expression was incredible. It was as though she was trying to indicate it had been the best moment of her life.

“Make them kiss again!” I demanded. The executioner mashed both faces together. When she showed them both to me again, the life had faded out of my Teri’s eyes.

Her expression had sagged tiredly, just like her twin’s had done. The last thing she’d seen was the face of her dead twin as their lips had been mashed together. Had she been able to taste those lips? I would never know.

“Computer?” It was ‘Microkini Teri’s’ voice.

She pulled her strap-on out of the corpse she was fucking. Then she calmly said, “Behead the executioner!”

The hooded woman turned to look at her in shock. I heard a “Hunh???” as a look of utter astonishment filled those big brown eyes. She still held both severed heads in her hands by the hair.

I heard a brief hum. There was a pencil-thin flash of energy. It sliced right through the neck of a startled ‘Executioner Teri’.

Both heads were abruptly released from her hands at the same time. Both skulls thumped noisily onto the floor.

For a long moment the young woman just stood there as if frozen in place. Then her sexy body crumpled underneath her. Her head tipped forward and fell off her shoulders.

She went over backward as her head bounced once off the floor. Then it came to rest near the other two heads. She blinked as she looked up, complete surprise in her eyes.

My escort quickly walked around to the bloody mess. She picked up the head of the recently beheaded Teri and removed her hood. Teri’s face was a shocked expression of “How COULD you; I OBEYED your commands!”

I pulled out of the ass of my dead Teri. ‘Microkini Teri’ came over and handed me the head. “A present for you, Master,” she purred seductively. “You may fuck that face if you so desire.”

There was still life in ‘Executioner Teri’s’ eyes. I took her head and gently thrust my cock into her gaping mouth. Whether she could taste her twin’s ass on my cock or not I did not know. Her final moments must have been humiliating as I thrust my dick in and out through her parted lips.

I finally pulled out of her mouth. There was nothing left but an expression of tired shock frozen forever on her face.

My escort took the head from me. ‘Microkini Teri’ kissed those dead lips. Then she casually dropped the severed head onto the floor as though she no longer cared about it anymore.

It bounced before rolling up against one of its sister’s skulls. My escort didn’t give it a seconds thought. She simply turned toward me and smiled.

“Did you enjoy yourself, Master?” ‘Microkini Teri’ purred seductively as she snuggled up to me. She touched my semi-erect cock as she added, “It was incredibly erotic watching you fuck her head like that.”

“Very nice,” I breathed into her mouth.

The two of us kissed passionately. When we pulled apart, she took the time to arrange the three heads onto their bloody stumps. She left them in a neat row on the floor of the holodeck between the two guillotines.

She also posed headless ‘Executioner Teri’s’ body. She set it upright on crossed legs. It looked as though it was overseeing the three heads that had been placed right in front of it.

She giggled at what she’d done before slipping her arm through mine. “Onward and upward,” she said with a smile. Her eyes twinkled mischievously, and off we went…

2010; 2020 (written May 23 ’10; ed. Oct 24 ‘20 by riwa)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.3 (6)

Coming January rewards

A Karen receives an unusual gift at an office party.
The US-UK drowning tournament voting finals.
The 3rd chapter to Chloe.
The 3rd chapter to Aravanna.
The 3rd chapter to Katia.
An aquaphile confesses her enthusiasms.
Urania does a special photo shoot.
A woman sits in a chair and gets an erotic pain in the neck.
A mother and daughter fight over the same man.
Miss Woodcock has a gallows built and gets a volunteer to try it out.
A woman swims with a young stud at a resort.
Dorothy and Zilpha find themselves in a flooding dungeon.

November stories/rewards will fall off at the end of December to make room for January rewards.

We had a week of temperatures below 0. Some nights bottomed out at -25. It was the storm that made much of the US shiver. The temps warmed up enough yesterday to where mom and I could drive into town for our Christmas dinner together. Today I went over and visited with her for a couple of hours. We had a nice chat while the ball game was on TV in the background. I even managed to get in a walk around town.

And thus, we come to the end of another year. My goal is to track down any unfinished stories I have in my files and try to complete them. I think that’s the way of it with many artists. We have projects we start, but the muse abandons us before we can get the project finished. I’m not sure where mine went. I’ll either have to track her down, or hope another takes her place.

What will happen in 2023? I hope my health holds out. I’m working on prevention and maintenance, although I need to improve in a couple of areas. Two pulled toenails is not bad for the year, considering all the other body parts I have to keep track of.

Mom still has the shakes in her hands. It was a challenge for her to eat during our meal yesterday. But she really enjoyed the food, and we had a very pleasant visit yesterday and today. So it’s ok with me if we both maintain, so long as there are no significant declines. But what do you expect when you are older than anything you own? I think I have a radio and a couple books that come somewhat close.

I hope all of you have/had a nice Christmas, and that you got through the weather ok. Take care and party safe. I look forward to seeing all of you in the New Year. Thank you for being my patrons.


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Santa visits the asphyxia sisters 4.5 (63)


Saint Nick checked his schedule. He was due for a stop at a home owned by a couple of sisters. They had received the property from an inheritance after their parents had been killed in a plane crash.

He pulled up the file on Helena and Uliana. It reminded him the H was silent for Helena’s name. She’d been pretty good all year.

On the other hand, Uliana had been rather naughty. She’d actually fucked one of her sister’s boyfriends. She had also talked Helena into buying her out of a jam she’d gotten herself into.

The sleigh and reindeer landed up on the roof. Everything shrank in size to accommodate their weight and presence without alerting any of the neighbors. Then he climbed out.

He reassured a couple of antsy reindeer. A treat for Dasher and Comet settled them right down. Then he made his way to the pipe that served as a chimney.

With a nod of his head, he disappeared. A moment later he reappeared inside the house in front of the makeshift fireplace. A tree was lit in the corner.

What he didn’t expect was to see Helena sitting naked in a chair facing the fireplace. Her arms and legs were tied to the arms and legs of the furniture she was secured to. A red ball-gag filled her mouth as a big, red ribbon crisscrossed her chest.

She grunted in alarm, her eyes flying open at his sudden appearance. Her sister was sitting in a comfortable chair right next to her. Uliana was also naked.

Her eyes also opened at the sight of the jolly old elf. “Santa!” she gasped with delight as she rose up. “So good to see you! I hope you brought me something good.”

He reached into his sack. Then he pulled out a lump of coal. “I believe this is for you,” he said as he handed it over to her. “And what, may I ask, are you doing to your sister on Christmas Eve?”

“I’ll admit I’ve not been all that nice this year, Santa. I just wanted to make it up to you somehow.”

“By securing your sister naked to a chair?”

“Of course! Merry Christmas, Santa!”

Uliana quickly worked Santa’s trousers down his legs before he could respond. She promptly dropped to her knees and grasped onto his meaty pole that now stood erect. Clearly her ploy had worked to get him aroused.

She quickly began sucking him down her gullet. Uliana threw herself into it. Surely this would earn her a better present from his sack.

She’d been much naughtier this year than she cared to admit. But she simply rationalized away every bad thing she’d done. Now she was looking to undo all the carnage she’d left in her wake.

Santa looked at the embarrassed sister grunting and struggling in the chair as Uliana sucked him. He was ashamed to realize he’d developed quite the erection. It was rather unseemly, especially this time of night on Christmas Eve.

Part of it was due to the nudity on display. The aggressiveness of the naughty sister was not helping matters any. Nor was seeing the innocent sibling helplessly tied up.

Uliana worked his meaty pole like a professional. He was a busy man this night. She had no time to dawdle.

She had him cumming in her mouth in less than two minutes. She grinned inwardly, figuring he needed a break. The jolly old elf deserved a bit of pleasure during the long night ahead

“You see, Santa?” she said when she finished, showing him a mouthful of goo. “I can be nice. Are you sure you can’t replace this for me?”

She hefted the lump of coal in her hand before giving it back to him. Then he looked with concern at the sister still secured to the chair. “Oh, don’t mind her,” Uliana waved dismissively with a grin. “Deep down, she really likes it. Look; I’ll even show you!”

Uliana rose up and went over to the chair. She quickly loosened part of the ribbon. Then she went behind the chair, wrapped the ribbon around her sister’s neck and started to pull tight.

Helena began to rasp for breath. She struggled in the chair as her face turned red. “Merry Christmas, Santa!” Uliana declared. “I’ll bet you love strangling the pretty elves back at the North Pole after a long night flying all over the world. Am I right?”

Helena shuddered until a spray of fluid emanated from her winking slit. Then she went limp in the chair. Uliana let go of the ribbon and laughed as her sister sat slumped, her chest barely rising and falling.

“So how about it, Santa? Don’t I deserve a little something for giving you such a nice present on Christmas Eve?”

He frowned for a moment. He was embarrassed his pants were still down, exposing a growing erection from the recent strangling of the innocent sister. He quickly pulled them back up. Then he waved at the tree.

A couple of presents appeared, along with an envelope. Uliana went over and took a look. She frowned when she saw the presents were not for her. Then she opened up the envelope.

“A month of free spa treatments? And a credit line at the jewelry store? Santa you’re the best!”

Uliana rushed up and hugged him. Saint Nick blushed over the warm, naked female flesh pressed up against him. Then he laid a finger aside of his nose.

Uliana found herself hugging empty air…

She turned to see her sister groaning as she came around. She grinned as she waved the contents of the envelope at her. “You see? Santa loves me after all! You should see what he brought me!”



Santa checked his itinerary as Rudolph led the way with his glowing nose. He was about to come upon that house with those two sisters Helena and Uliana. Memories of his visit to them from last year came flooding back to mind.

He settled the shrunken sleigh atop their roof. Then he checked another list. Once again, it seemed Uliana had not been very nice.

He gathered up the presents for his current location. Then he walked up to the pipe serving as the chimney. There was a flash of light before he disappeared. The reindeer shuffled around upon the roof, patiently awaiting his return.

Once more, he materialized in front of the makeshift fireplace. He was facing into the room when he assumed full size. What he saw made him do a double-take.

There was a different chair in the room from last year. This one was not quite as comfortable as the last one. And the occupant was not the same.

Uliana in her short, dark brown hair grunted into a ball-gag in her mouth. Her legs were secured to the front chair legs. Her arms were tightly fastened to the arms of the chair. A rope went around her neck to an upright post behind her.

The structure looked wooden, and none too comfortable. Santa had a good view of her crotch from her spread legs. It looked like something metal went up inside her womanhood.

Uliana began grunting as she rocked in the chair. It was obvious she wanted him to set her free. He just smiled with amusement.

“Being naughty again, are we? Sister putting you in your place this year? Well, don’t worry. I brought another lump of coal for you. I hope you can make diamonds out of it, because that’s all you’re getting this year.”

“Santa?” The voice had come from the doorway. It was Helena, wearing a sheer nighty.

“I see your sister’s been up to no good again. How did you manage to get her into this contraption?”

“It wasn’t easy, Santa. My boyfriend Mike had to help me wrestle her into it. He’s in the bedroom right now. I think I exhausted him.”

She walked up to her sister and pattered her on the shoulder. “Someone here to see you, sis.” Then she went behind the chair.

Santa’s eyes opened wide at the appearance of some sort of rod that was twisted into view. It had sat flush against the post and had not been visible until it was turned. “Say ah,” Helena chuckled as she turned it.

The rope tightened around Uliana’s throat. She began to struggle as her face turned red. “Quit’cher bitchin’,” the sister remarked. “You know how many times you had me in this last year? I’ll bet Santa knows.”

“As a matter of fact I do,” he observed as his dick began to harden in his trousers.

Helena smiled as she eased the tension on the rod behind her sister. Slack appeared in the coil around her neck. Uliana panted for breath as she let out muffled grunts, pleading with Santa to be set free.

“There’s a special feature to this chair, Santa. What to know what it is?”

“I’d love to see it, honey.”


Helena began to tighten the rod behind her sister. The rope contracted around her neck again. Then she stiffened and cried out into the ball-gag in her mouth as she began to wriggle and squirm.

“Electrified dildos up her cunt and ass, Santa. She’s been a pain in my ass all year. So tonight I’m being a pain in hers.”

The jolly old elf gave her a knowing smile. “A fitting end to the year, if I do say so myself.”

Uliana struggled in the chair as though she had ants crawling up her butt. Then she closed her eyes and screamed into the gag in her mouth. “She cums just as hard as I do when I’m in this chair, Santa. I’m so glad Mike helped me put her into it for your visit. Got a minute or two?”

“Anything for you, honey.”

Helena motioned at the more comfortable chair over by the makeshift fireplace. “You can slip out of those things for a minute of they’re making you uncomfortable, Santa.” Helena grinned as she motioned at his trousers.

He slipped them down, exposing an erection. Helena eased the rope from around her sister’s neck. Then she produced a clear, plastic bag.

She pulled it down around her sister’s head. She looped the rope around the bottom, sealing the plastic. Then she snugged the coil by tightening the rope just enough.

The bag began to puff and deflate. Helena grinned as she went over to Santa and sprawled out onto the floor. She raised her bare feet up and promptly began giving the jolly old elf a footjob.

Uliana writhed and groaned in the chair. The bag inflated and deflated a little faster. Her sister turned toward her and gave her a wicked smile.

“I’ll see if I can get him off before you pass out, sis. I don’t know if I can though. I want him to really enjoy himself.”

She used her feet to lovingly caress Santa’s erection. Uliana writhed as the posts shocked her. She cried out as the bag inflated and deflated even faster.

“I plan on having her sit there all night long, Santa. In the morning Mike and I will strangle the ever-lovin’ shit out of her before we let her go. At least she’ll have a lot of orgasms before we set her free.”

“Beats getting this for Christmas,” he observed with an appreciative smile as he tossed a lump of coal toward the chair. It rolled to a stop right in front of the suffering sister.

Helena timed it perfectly. The plastic was tight against Uliana’s face, her naked body shuddering. She passed out at the same time Saint Nick spurted all over Helena’s bare feet.

“Merry Christmas, Santa.” she told him as she wiped it off her foot with a finger. “I’ll get her out of that plastic after you leave.” Then she stuck it into her mouth, savoring the flavor.

“Merry Christmas, honey,” he replied.

He stood up and pulled his trousers back up. A couple of presents appeared under the tree for Helena. Then he turned toward her unconscious sister and shook his head. He didn’t have the heart to tell Helena her wicked sister had fucked her boyfriend Mike behind her back a mere two days ago.



Santa guided his sleigh toward a familiar location. To be honest, they were all familiar. But this one bore a special interest.

Once more, Uliana had been very naughty. Last year Helena had made her suffer on Christmas Eve. What would the situation look like when he arrived this year?

The jolly old elf had a feeling he was in for a surprise. He stood upon the roof and laid a finger aside his nose. A moment later he vanished from sight.

He appeared once more in front of the makeshift fireplace. If he expected to find something crazy this year, he was not disappointed. Two years in a row had provided him with an interesting source of amusement. This year was to be no different.

Helena was lying naked on the floor. She had been trussed up like the proverbial Christmas turkey. But there was an added dimension to her dilemma.

The red ball-gag was no longer in place. But Helena wasn’t able to speak very clearly. A rope went from her ankles to her neck, wrapping around her throat in the form of a noose.

She rasped as she tried to beg him to set her free. It looked like she was strangling herself. Santa felt his member begin to stiffen in his trousers.

Uliana suddenly appeared. She was wearing nothing but a smile. “So good to see you this year, Santa! Do you like the present I gave you?”

She motioned at her bound sister with a flourish. He tried to scowl at her. But his growing erection was beginning to bulge in his red trousers.

“I see you’ve been naughty again this year.” Then he tossed a lump of coal in her direction. It landed upon the floor at her feet.

“You don’t understand, Santa. She LOVES strangling for you! Last year was a mistake.”

“Oh really?”

Uliana came forward and purred at him. “No gift for me, Santa? I’ve certainly got something special for you.”

She pushed him backward into the cushioned chair that sat near the makeshift fireplace. Uliana pulled his trousers down, exposing his rigid member. “Just as I suspected,” she chuckled.

She turned toward her sister who was rasping and struggling. “See what you’re doing to Santa, sis? You should be proud!”

Uliana knelt and wrapped her lips around the jolly old elf’s stiffened appendage. Then she began worshipping it with her mouth and tongue. Helena could only watch in absolute horror as the rope tightened around her throat.

Uliana took her sweet time sucking Santa off. It didn’t bother her in the slightest how quickly he might need to travel to his next home. She was determined to earn herself a better present.

Her sister rasped for breath, strangling with agonizing slowness as she sucked him deeper. Santa was embarrassed the way he was so turned on. He couldn’t help wondering if one day these two were going to take things way too far.

Uliana stopped halfway through the present she was delivering to Santa. She went to a corner of the room and retrieved a plastic toy. It looked remarkably like a long, thick dildo.

“I’m not without my mercies, Santa.” Then she went up to her sister. She bent down and worked it into Helena’s wet pussy.

She pushed it all the way in. Then she turned it on. Helena instantly began to rasp and gurgle as she writhed and grunted on the floor.

Uliana went back and knelt before Santa. His cock had not softened in the slightest. She just smiled at him before going back to work on it.

He was a little embarrassed over what these two were doing to him while trussing each other up every year. Yet he spoke not a word. The night had been especially hectic this year, and he needed the distraction.

Helena was on the verge of passing out when she began to climax. It resulted in the rope tightening around her throat as her feet tried to stretch out. Uliana simply giggled with a mouthful of juicy dick until the jolly old elf emptied himself down her throat.

She came off and smiled at him with a mouthful of cum. She showed it to him before swallowing it all. She even wiped up a few drops from off her lips and the side of her chin.

She waved at Helena who had almost passed out. “Thanks, Santa. Helena thanks you as well. Got anything else for us?”

He waved a hand over at the tree in the corner. A handful of presents appeared. Then he put a finger aside of his nose and was gone.

Uliana patted her sister on her bare ass. “Enjoy yourself for another minute or two, sis. Let me go check on the presents.”

She opened her lone envelope. It was a gift certificate to a cheap restaurant. She shook her head before reaching for one of her sister’s presents.

“Santa made a mistake. This one’s for me. The one I opened is for you.” Then she laughed as Helena finally passed out, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.



It was that time of night. Santa angled his sleigh toward the home of the asphyxia sisters. This time he wondered what kind of tricks the two women were going to expose him to.

Uliana was the worst of the two. She was always hooking up with her sister Helena’s boyfriends. She also had enjoyed asphyxiating her sibling a lot during the year. Santa had all this information in his files.

The sleigh came down on top of the roof and appropriately reduced in size. He reached into his sack and produced a rather nice present for Helena. Her sister was getting something much smaller, having narrowly avoided earning herself another piece of coal.

Once more he materialized in front of the makeshift fireplace. The tree was in the corner of the room where the girls usually put it up. But he was astonished at the sight that greeted him, almost causing him to yelp in surprise.

Uliana was hanging upside down, her head barely a foot off the floor. She was buck naked, other than a red ribbon around her body. Her arms were crisscrossed and tightly secured behind her back.

She hung from her bare ankles. A rope threaded up through an eyebolt in the ceiling. The free end had been tied off.

A red ball-gag filled her mouth. Her eyes opened wide at the appearance of the jolly old elf. Then she turned to grunt in the direction of the corner.

Santa looked to see Helena sitting in the big, cushioned chair. She was in a sheer, white nightie. “Merry Christmas, Santa,” she said with a smile.

She waved at her naked, grunting sister before standing up and telling him, “Like your present this year?”

He looked at the dangling, grunting sister before choosing to examine her more thoroughly. He walked all around her, caressing parts of her naked flesh. When he was done, he turned and smiled at Helena.

“Very nice, my dear. But what am I supposed to do with this?”

“Just sit in my chair over here in the corner, Santa. Take a load off for a few moments while we entertain you.”

He went over and sat down. Helena went and retrieved a large rod in the shape and color of a candy cane. Then she walked over to her sister and grinned at her.

“Make sure you entertain Santa for us, ok?” she explained, ominously hefting the striped cane. “Besides, this is for all the boyfriends you stole from me this year.”

She ran the cane over her trembling sister’s tits. Then she stepped behind her and gave her a whack on her ass. Uliana jerked and grunted in pain and fury.

“Oh, you like that, do you? You treated me far worse this year. Hell, there were a few times I wasn’t even sure I would survive!” Then she whacked her again.

Uliana cried out as Helena gave it to her good. The helpless sister jerked and grunted each time the cane was applied to her ass. Then Helena motioned for Santa to step forward and give her some assistance.

“What do you want me to do?” he asked curiously.

She removed her sister’s ball-gag. Uliana started to curse her. Helena just shook a finger at her.

“Ah – ah – aahhhhh. Not on Christmas Eve, sis. And not in front of Santa, or you won’t get anything good. Isn’t that right, Santa?”

She went over to the end of the rope. Then she leaned into it. Uliana was pulled upward until her head was just about eye-level with the crotch of the jolly old elf.

“Pull your pants down and enjoy yourself, Santa! Maybe sis can earn herself a better present before you go.”

Uliana was outraged. “Helena, you bitch! Next year, you’re really going to get it good!”

“What; no present for Santa?”

Uliana looked at the crotch in front of her. Then she winced in defeat before nodding.

Santa pealed his pants down, exposing the erection that had developed from viewing the nude, dangling sister. He pushed it between her lips, slowly thrusting as Helena tied off the rope in the new position. Then she came over with the cane.

She smiled at Santa from behind her sister. Then she swatted Uliana’s ass. Her sister grunted in pain as she tried to keep the cock between her lips.

For the next several minutes Helena punished her sister with the cane every few seconds. Santa’s cock twitched in the young woman’s mouth as Uliana grunted in pain. He certainly had to admire Helena for being so creative.

“Fuck her face hard, Santa! She fucking deserves it, if you’ll pardon my language. Merry Christmas, Santa!”

“HO – HO – HO!” he replied. Then he fully gave himself to Uliana’s torment, making use of the warm mouth while enjoying watching the pain being inflicted with the cane.

He enjoyed himself longer than he probably should have. But Uliana was a talented cocksucker. Besides, he felt she kind of deserved this.

He thrust harder as Helena spread the blows along Uliana’s body. Red welts appeared on her ass, her lower back and upper legs. She kept screaming in agony into the cock in her mouth. But her pride motivated her to give the jolly old elf the best blowjob of his life, especially on this night.

Santa finally roared his release. Uliana did her best to swallow it all. But some leaked out and dribbled down into her eyes and hair.

Helena gave her a few last swats on the ass. Then Santa zipped up. He thanked the sisters for a pleasurable break in his schedule. Then he waved over in the direction of the tree.

The present for Helena appeared as he had planned. But a second present materialized, one just a little more valuable than the one he had originally intended to give Uliana. Then he put his finger aside of his nose. A moment later he vanished from view.

“He’s gone,” Uliana panted tiredly. “Now get me down from here, you bitch!”

“Not until I’ve finished your punishment, you bitch! You fucking deserve this!” Then she came around and caned her sister’s tits until Uliana begged, screamed, cried out and then rained down every curse she could think of.

Inwardly she vowed that next Christmas would be her ultimate revenge, something she figured Santa would be sure to enjoy…



The sleigh came down upon a familiar roof before reducing in size. Santa got out and checked the reindeer. They seemed fine.

It was time to pay another visit to the asphyxia sisters. But this time he had no presents in mind. For some reason he was unsure just what he was going to give them.

He’d considered the matter before leaving the North Pole. But he simply could not settle on any specific gift for either sister. Something was making him wait until he saw them in person.

He prepared to enter the residence. This time he truly had no idea what to expect. His gut was telling him this visit was going to be rather extraordinary.

He materialized directly in front of the makeshift fireplace. Then he blinked in surprised. That’s when he wondered if his descent into the building had caused him some disorientation.

The tree was in its usual spot in the corner. And the sisters were once again naked. But what he had not counted on was seeing the strange wooden contraption against the nearby wall, a contraption Helena appeared to be attached to.

She let out a cry for help upon seeing the jolly old elf. Her sister stood naked right next to her. Uliana smiled as she motioned at her naked sister who was wearing a noose around her neck while her arms were secured behind her back.

“Merry Christmas, Santa!” Then Uliana hit the little green button on a control box on the wall next to the strange wooden contraption.

Helena gawked as she was abruptly hoisted up into the air. Her feet were a good eighteen inches off a raised section of wooden floor. A drain was cut directly in the middle.

Almost immediately she began rasping and struggling. Her nipples protruded as her hairy pussy dripped and glistened with moisture. She was strangling in the rope, her naked body bumping against the wooden contraption directly behind her.

For a moment Santa was too stunned to react. Uliana took advantage of the moment to push him backwards until he fell into a familiar cushioned chair he’d been in during previous visits. Then she quickly peeled down his pants before going to work on his shamefully stiffening member.

He looked at a dangling Helena who appeared to be in agony. She also looked as though she was pleading with her eyes for him to get her down. The sight of her strangling in the noose made him perversely hard. Worse, Uliana’s exquisite mouth was keeping him from softening.

“Your sister…” he stammered in disbelief.

“…wants it this way, Santa,” Uliana finished with a sly grin. “She told me it was the best present a girl could ever give a guy.” Then she went back to work sucking on his dick.

The jolly old elf wasn’t sure he believed it. Yes, he was aware of their asphyxia games during the year. But he wasn’t so certain of Uliana’s words on the current situation.

Helena suffered immensely in the noose as she humped with her torso. Fluid spurted out of her crotch, some of it dribbling down her legs. Her knees came up as she humped until she finally dangled quietly.

“It’s all for you, Santa,” Uliana murmured, her eyes twinkling. “It’s all for you.” Then she went back to sucking.

Instinctively he put his hand on the back of her head, guiding her to find the sweet spot. His cock twitched in her mouth as Helena went into little spasms in the noose. Her bladder finally gave way, causing a different color of fluid to trickle down her legs, only to be caught by the drain below.

Santa’s seed filled Uliana’s mouth as Helena quietly expired. The sisters had taken their asphyxia sessions a little too far. Now one of them was gone… and on Christmas Eve, no less!

Was it an accident? Santa didn’t think so. In fact, he suspected it might be revenge based on what had happened during his visit last year.

Uliana swallowed every drop, licking her lips before she looked up and smiled. “And now for your present, Santa,” she said with a naughty grin.

She got up and went over to her dangling sister. The red button was pushed until Helena’s naked body came down and lay crumpled upon the floor. Uliana removed the noose before moving her deceased sibling in front of the tree, her ass propped up onto her knees.

“All yours, Santa,” she motioned with a cheery wave. “Merry Christmas. Helena wants you to enjoy yourself.”

He stood up and walked over to look at the inviting ass all propped up. He could feel his cock stirring. Then he gave Uliana a knowing smile.

“I do believe you’re correct,” he told her. “Helena would want me to enjoy myself.” And with that he corralled the noose before quickly looping it around Uliana’s neck.

Her eyes flew open in surprise. “Santa, what are you doing?”

“Thanking you for the Christmas present, my dear.” Then he pushed the green button.

Uliana was hauled up into the air, kicking and bouncing off the wooden structure behind her. Her hands frantically clawed at the noose around her neck. That’s when Santa went over and entered Helena’s raised crotch with his growing erection, thrusting into her wet pussy.

Uliana let out garbled cries as she fought the noose her sister had just ridden. Santa smiled, enjoying the show as he thrust into the dead sister’s snatch. He was amazed how nice and tight it felt. All he could do was hope it was indeed Helena’s final desire to be used by him like this in the event of treachery on the part of her sister.

Uliana’s knees came up as she climaxed in the noose. Santa was fully aware how much both sisters orgasmed when under the spell of asphyxia. This time their orgasms would be their last.

Santa pumped a load into Helena as Uliana began to settle down. She hung quietly as liquid splattered off her toes into the drain below. Her arms hung limp at her sides as her tongue protruded.

Santa sighed as he pulled his pants back on. Then he went over and caressed Uliana’s warm flesh. “I appreciate the gift, ladies. I guess this explains why I couldn’t settle on any kind of present for either one of you. I am going to miss my future visits to this house. But I guess this is a fitting end for you both.” And with that he shimmered out of existence in front of the fake fireplace.

2021 (written Sep 29, ‘21 by riwa. All five chapters are/were inspired by the Susan Coquin render I included below.)

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Breath-holding in the pool with Alex (m/m) 4.1 (20)

Part 4

I didn’t see Alex for the rest of the week. I didn’t know what to expect when I prepared to go to work at the pool Monday morning. I hadn’t heard from him, so I assumed he would not be showing up.

I arrived Monday morning at my shift bright and early anyway. After all, I still had to vacuum the pool floor. I went inside and got it done with plenty of time to spare before the pool was set to open to the public.

Since I still had time, I decided to go for a swim. I stripped down to a pair of black speedos I’d worn underneath my street clothes. Then I retrieved a set of goggles.

I got into the water and did some swimming back and forth across the length of the pool. Then I proceeded to try a few breath-holds in the deep end. I submerged and went down to the bottom of the ladder where I clung to the last rung face down so as not to get water up my nose.

I developed a system where I increased my time underwater each time I went down. It was followed by some time at the surface to catch my breath. I worked myself up to a good two minutes with minimal effort. So I decided to try a few breath-holds lying face up.

The first couple of times down caused my sinuses to sting a little. But I soon got used to it. I even managed a couple of minutes looking up at the surface while holding onto the bottom of the pool ladder before ending my swim.

There was still no sign of Alex when a few elderly individuals started showing up after 9 am. I was a little disappointed. But I figured something must have come up.

I worked on Monday, and again on Wednesday. Still, there was no word. It wasn’t until Friday when he made an appearance.

He stopped by during the middle of my shift. He said he didn’t have time to swim. But he wanted to know if I was vacuuming the pool the following Monday and if I needed any help.

I told him the pool would probably need a good cleaning. He asked if it would be a problem if he showed up early to give me a hand. I said he was more than welcome. He smiled and thanked me, telling me he’d be here. Then he left.

I thought about him throughout the rest of the weekend. I couldn’t help wondering what we might do in the water together. I even found myself becoming a little aroused just thinking about it.

I got to the pool bright and early Monday morning. I stripped down to my red speedos and broke out the pool vac. Alex showed up a couple minutes later.

He changed into a pair of white speedos and helped me with the pool vacuum. I thought it was ironic, seeing him in his suit. Last time we’d been in the water, he’d worn red and I’d worn white.

After I finished running the vacuum over the bottom of the pool, he helped me put it away. I retrieved the goggles I’d used the week before. I also retrieved that brick I had stashed away, just in case we needed it to help stay down on the bottom.

Alex retrieved a pair of goggles out of his bag before joining me in the water. I had brought along my own waterproof watch, suspecting I might want to keep track of our times. He had his as well, so now we both could time ourselves.

We submerged and went straight down to the pool floor until we ended up on our knees. We held onto the bottom of the pool ladder to help ourselves stay down. But after the release of a few bubbles, neither of us really needed to hold onto the pool ladder any longer.

We both managed two minutes easily enough. When we surfaced, I told him I’d practiced the week before. He was glad to hear I’d enjoyed a little swim before my shift that day.

He smiled as he told me how much he missed breath-holding with me. He said he’d gotten busy and had been unable to get away. He was glad to be able to come back and enjoy a swim with me while setting aside the cares of the world for a while.

I wanted to show him I could hold my breath while lying face up. So I went down to the pool floor with the brick. But I got water up my nose and had to surface.

The next time down was much better. I stretched out on the bottom with the brick on my chest. Alex smiled as he swam from one side of the deep end to the other, swimming back and forth over the top of me. I even released bubbles up at him whenever he swam over the top of me.

After I had to surface for a breath, we changed positions. Alex stretched out on his back on the pool floor, the brick on his chest while he was holding his breath. This time it was my turn to swim back and forth over the top of him.

We finally surfaced together to catch our breath. A quick glance at the time indicated we only had about a half hour left to play with. Whatever we wanted to try would have to be accomplished within the next thirty minutes.

We went back down for another breath-hold. This time we held onto the same rung of the pool ladder, stretching out together side by side while we both faced downward. We soon became competitive, trying to see who could outlast the other.

We managed a 2:30 breath-hold together before I had to go up first. He came up a couple seconds later. While we were catching our breath, he smiled as he told me, “That was really hot, Dean.”

For some reason, he suddenly became a little shy. He hesitantly told me, “Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this, Dean. But you really turn me on. I hope that doesn’t offend you.”

“Not at all,” I replied with a smile. “Why should it offend me? Actually, I’m flattered.”

Up until that moment, I had not been all that aroused during our time in the water. There had been the occasional stirring. And I’d noticed he was not sporting much of a bulge up to that point.

Things changed the minute he told me that. My cock suddenly stirred in my speedos. Now I was the one feeling a little bit shy.

He smiled as he asked, “Would you mind going back down and holding your breath for me while facing upward? That is, if you don’t mind getting water up your nose again.”

My cock stirred a little more as I replied, “Not at all, Alex. Be glad to.” I don’t know why I was starting to become aroused all of the sudden.

I filled my lungs and submerged. I carefully work my way down to the bottom rung of the pool ladder. Then I turned myself over until I was facing upward.

Alex came down to join me. At first, he grabbed the next rung above mine and held onto it. We both held our breath together, him looking down at me as I released a few sporadic bubbles up into his face.

We stayed down together until our lungs began to strain. I could see him fighting it. At the same time, my chest was hitching in breathless agony. Then we both headed upward, managing a time around the 2:20 mark.

We surfaced and gasped for about thirty seconds. I self-consciously asked, “You want me to do it again?”

“Only if you want to, Dean.”

I smiled as we both filled our lungs. Then we went back down. I grabbed the bottom rung of the ladder and faced upward.

He didn’t grab onto the ladder and stretch out above me like I expected him to. Instead, he clung to the ladder with his left hand, which helped him remain down on the pool floor on his knees.

Alex settled right next to me, holding onto the ladder so he wouldn’t drift upward. His eyes were on me the entire time. I became so self-conscious that I felt my dick harden in my speedos.

He looked me up and down as though admiring me. Then he reached out with his right hand and caressed my chest. His touch felt electric.

I released a few more bubbles out of my mouth until I began to lose my buoyancy. I let go of the ladder and drifted downward until I was lying flat on my back on the pool floor. Alex drifted down with me until he was kneeling right next to me.

He slowly ran a hand over my chest again. I don’t know why, but it really made my dick stiffen. He smiled at me as he released a few more bubbles out of his nose.

I released a little more air to ease the strain in my lungs. My sinuses were flooded, but it didn’t bother me all that much. Perhaps I had finally gotten used to it. Or perhaps it was because Alex kept caressing my chest.

I felt the strain start in my stomach. It worked itself up into my lungs until I was struggling not to exhale. He caressed me even more as my lungs heaved in my chest.

My dick was rock-hard and throbbing, making a noticeable bulge in my speedos. He didn’t act as though he’d noticed. Instead, he just kept caressing my chest as I struggled to hold my breath.

I lost most of my air in a mighty whoosh. Then I shot up to the surface. Alex followed me up until the two of us were at the surface panting like crazy.

He checked his watch and smiled. “That was almost three minutes, Dean. That was really hot!”

“I guess I stayed down for a long time!” I panted, amazed at my time.

I gave him a long, curious look. He appeared to go all shy on me again. “You didn’t mind my touching you; did you, Dean? It’s just that I couldn’t help myself. And watching you struggle to hold it was really hot.”

I quickly told him I didn’t mind. Besides, I’d found it incredibly erotic being touched like that. Then I asked if he wanted a turn.

He went all shy on me again. Then he carefully answered, “I can if you want me to, Dean. But to be honest, I enjoy watching you hold your breath down there.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Ok; I suppose I can do it again. Maybe this time I can break three minutes on my back.”

“That would be great, Dean!”

We filled our lungs and submerged. I went straight down, grabbed onto the bottom rung of the ladder, and then rolled over onto my back. Alex came right down with me.

Once more he went to his knees while holding onto the ladder. Almost immediately he began caressing me again. My cock had softened once we’d returned to the surface. But it soon hardened right back up.

This time he caressed his way further down until his hand brushed over my bulge. My dick stiffened at his touch. He released a couple of bubbles out of his nose as he caressed me again.

He looked at me questioningly, as though trying to decide if I was ok with what he was doing to me. I gave him a smile of reassurance. Then I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on holding my breath.

He caressed me even more. The way he touched me helped distract me from focusing so hard on holding my breath. I lost a few more bubbles until I lost buoyancy and my body started to drift downward.

I let go of the ladder, ending up flat on my back on the pool floor again. I opened my eyes and looked at Alex. He smiled as he groped my bulge, releasing a few bubbles out of his nose until he didn’t have to hold onto the pool ladder anymore.

He slid his hand up my chest, touching and caressing me. I focused on the sensations and not so much on holding my breath. Then he smiled as he slid his hand back down.

Once more he caressed my bulge. He gave me a couple of squeezes until I really stiffened in his grasp. Then he began caressing my chest with the hand he’d used to hold onto the pool ladder.

I bubbled as he caressed my chest while rubbing my bulge. He reached down and cupped my balls through my speedos. I was so horny I could hardly stand it.

I didn’t bother keeping track of the time. Neither did Alex. He was too busy smiling and caressing me.

The strain in my lungs began to manifest in my chest. I could see he was straining a little as well. He just smiled as he caressed my heaving chest while working my bulge with his other hand. It was incredibly erotic.

I fought like hell to stay down for as long as I could. I guess I didn’t want him to stop touching me. Then I lost a huge burst of air.

I shot up like a rocket, bursting up and gasping loudly for breath. Alex came up a couple seconds later. He smiled at me as he panted, “It was so hot… watching you struggle… to hold your breath, Dean.”

“What you’re doing is…” I paused, unsure how to phrase it.

He looked alarmed as he asked, “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Not at all,” I replied reassuringly. “I think it’s… helping to distract me… helping me stay down longer.”

“Then you don’t mind doing another one for me, Dean?”

I checked my watch. We were still good on time. I shook my head and told him I didn’t mind.

We filled our lungs and went back down. Once more I grabbed onto the bottom rung of the pool ladder. Alex went right to work caressing my chest and bulge.

My cock was stiff as a board. It was becoming quite uncomfortable in its confinement. I couldn’t help wondering if Alex had any plans along those lines.

As if reading my mind, he slowly pealed back the edge of my speedos. The tip of my cock emerged. He caressed it with his fingers, releasing bubbles out of his mouth.

I could no longer keep from moaning my arousal as I lost a couple bubbles out of my nose. Alex caressed me until he pulled more of my suit down. My dick became even more exposed.

I glanced over to see how he was doing. His dick was making a noticeable bulge in his trunks. Apparently, he was greatly turned on by what he was doing to me.

I lost enough air to begin my descent to the bottom again. Alex lost enough of his breath to drift down with me. He caressed my chest with one hand while grabbing my exposed erection with the other.

I could not help moaning up a couple more bubbles. It was incredibly erotic. He just smiled at me as he enjoyed molesting me right there on the pool floor.

He was very gentle; he did not jerk me. He pulled my suit further down until he could cup my balls in his hand. My dick twitched as he smiled and bubbled at me.

I didn’t know what to do. A part of me wanted to cum. Was that what he was shooting for? Or was he just enjoying our time together?

He took his time caressing my chest with one hand and stroking my dick with the other. I stiffened in his grasp every time he squeezed. I think it helped me concentrate on holding my breath by wanting to stay down and allow him to touch me all over.

Once more, my lungs began to hurt from lack of air. My chest heaved in breathless agony. He seemed to like that a lot. He certainly smiled and rubbed my chest as he stroked my dick.

I lost spurts of my breath. Then there was a big whoosh of air. He gripped my dick a couple extra seconds as though forgetting to let go. Then I shot up to the surface.

I burst up, gasping like crazy. Alex came up a couple seconds later. “It’s so hot… watching your chest heave… as your dick twitches, Dean. I hope you don’t… mind my… being so, uh… so personal.”

I told him I didn’t mind. Then I glanced at the time. The way things were going, I figured we would be wise if we didn’t stay in the pool much longer.

He saw me check on the time. “Is everything all right, Dean?”

“I think we can do one more,” I replied. Besides, I was hoping to have a release at the bottom of the pool.

I guess he wanted to make sure things were all right with me. “Do you like what I’m doing to you, Dean?”

“I certainly have no complaints,” I said with a smile. “You’re uh… you’re sure making me feel good.”

“Would you mind if I made you cum? I mean, as my way of thanking you for swimming and breath-holding with me?” He grasped onto my exposed cock and tugged it for emphasis.

“Not at all, Alex,” I told him with a smile. “Only if you want to.”

He smiled and nodded. We both began taking deep breaths as I became more and more excited. Then we submerged together.

I reached the bottom rung of the ladder and grabbed on. Alex grabbed the pool ladder to steady himself. Then he began caressing me again.

His hand slid down until he reached my exposed dick. Once more, he began gently tugging on me. A few bubbles trickled out of his nose.

I released a few bubbles as well. He stroked me a little harder. Then he let go of the ladder.

He grabbed onto me to keep from drifting upward. He slowly stroked me as his head moved closer to my crotch. He looked at me and smiled before giving the tip of my dick a little bubbly kiss.

I twitched in his grasp. He kissed the tip again. Then he slowly took it into his mouth.

For a moment, I didn’t know what to do. I moaned up a few bubbles, causing me to lose what little buoyancy I had left. That’s when I drifted toward the bottom of the pool.

Alex stayed with me as he slowly took me all the way into his mouth. A couple bubbles dribbled out of his nose. He was very slow and careful.

He kept his eyes on me the entire time. I think he was looking for any reaction on my part that would indicate a need for him to stop. I wasn’t sure I wanted a male sucking my dick. But I sure as hell didn’t want him to stop.

He slowly came off my cock. Then he took me deeper. I felt him suction me, causing my dick to twitch in his mouth.

He reached up and slowly pulled my goggles up off my face. I blinked as I lost a few bubbles. My dick twitched again between his lips.

Alex was no longer buoyant. I watched as he slowly began to shift his position. Soon he was lying between my spread legs, my dick still lodged in his mouth.

He was very slow and methodical. He would almost gulp me down before backing off and going slow again. It felt incredible.

I couldn’t believe a guy was blowing me! But it felt so good that I still didn’t want him to stop. Watching a grown man suck my dick underwater, the occasional bubble coming out of his nose and mouth, was strangely arousing.

I tried not to think about holding my breath. Instead, I concentrated on how wonderful it felt. His eyes remained focused on me the entire time.

We were into our second minute underwater when he began to increase his activity. He took me deep, slowly sucked until his mouth came off, and then took me deep again. My cock twitched and throbbed, desperate for a release.

He began to bob up and down, more bubbles escaping his nose. A few came out through the seal his lips made around my dick. That’s when I began to feel it in my lungs.

I grunted and moaned as I instinctively thrust up into his mouth. He began bobbing up and down on my shaft, losing more bubbles. I felt the agony in my lungs, causing my chest to heave.

He worked my cock harder, losing more bubbles. I grunted as I struggled not to inhale. I wanted to cum, but I was all out of breath!

I lost a burst of bubbles. Alex took me deep. I lost another burst, only to feel him cup my balls as he suctioned hard while bobbing up and down on my shaft.

I felt it start to rise up within me. So I tried to warn him off. He just sucked good and hard until my dick exploded in his mouth.

There was so much that a little cream slipped out past the seal his clenched lips made. I kept thrusting as he tried to drain me. Then my lungs heaved painfully.

I lost a huge burst of air as I pulled out of his mouth and shot up to the surface. Alex was right behind me. We popped up together gasping loudly for breath.

He panted, “That was… incredibly hot, Dean! I hope you… didn’t mind. I just couldn’t… help myself!”

I blushed as I checked the time. Then I reached down and pulled my speedos back on. He saw my expression and nodded, “Yeah, I suppose it’s time to get out of here before your customers show up.”

We climbed out and dried ourselves off. He went into the locker room to change as I got back into my street clothes. It was still just the two of us in the building when he came out of the locker room fully dressed.

“I had a great time, Dean,” he told me with a huge grin. “You’re getting really good at holding your breath.”

I smiled bashfully. “Well, I had a little help.” He just laughed.

“Thanks for letting me in early to help you clean the pool, Dean. And thanks for, uh… well, thanks for humoring me.”

I smiled as I told him, “You’re welcome, Alex.”

He paused for a moment. Then he told me, “I said it before. But I’m going to say it again. You turn me on, Dean. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, Alex. I don’t mind.”

He just smiled and nodded. Then he was gone.

For a moment I stood there staring at the door he’d just walked through. Had I really allowed a guy to suck my dick underwater? It had certainly felt enjoyable. It made me wonder what else we might do together if and when he returned for another swim.

2022 (written Jan 29 ’22 by riwa)

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