The Sorority on Santamos Island 4.5 (60)

An impoverished Caribbean island nation nears bankruptcy. In order to raise cash income from “tourists”, the nation’s leaders in desperation pass a law — consensual executions of sane and un-coerced foreigners by other foreigners will be legal in public execution areas on the island. Arachnid’s Santamos Island universe

Our Pi Omicron Rho Nu sorority flew out to Santamos Island for Spring Break. It was just us girls. We wanted to cut back and let off a little steam.

At first, there were no boys around. We finally got to where we didn’t like it so much. We’re all sluts by nature, and we all wanted our fair share of cock to play with.

By the fifth day, some guys from the fraternity showed up. We were all-too-happy to see them. Unfortunately, we outnumbered them two to one.

We passed them around, each taking a turn trying to please them and have fun with them. Then we found out why they’d come out to the island. They all wanted to watch a hanging.

Now many of us had already dabbled in one form of asphyxia or another during our time at City U. So none of us were really against the idea of hanging for them. It’s just that we didn’t know how to choose amongst ourselves.

We finally told the guys we wanted to have a hanging beach party. But there were no gallows out on any beaches. We talked to the hotel concierge and asked if anything could be done. He said he’d look into it.

A few hours later, we were all invited to a barbecue on the south beach. The hotel shuttled us out there. Most of us girls wore our skimpiest bikinis to make sure the guys would stay good and hard for us.

When we arrived, we saw a canvas tent had been erected. Also, there was a makeshift post with a long, wooden arm stretched off the end of it over the sand. Dangling from the end was a hangman’s noose. We all oohed and aahed when we saw it.

There was a sturdy wooden table with all sorts of food on it. Meat was cooking over an open fire pit. It smelled wonderful.

Some of us went swimming, while others checked out the hangman’s noose. That’s when the hotel concierge came over. He said he had the documents with him in case anybody wanted to hang for real.

By now, the others had come in from the water. We were all standing around the dangling coil, wondering what to do next. That’s when one of the guys asked if any of us girls wanted to hang for them.

I could tell by the erections they were sporting in their swimsuits that they were eager to see one of us swing. So we began debating amongst ourselves as to who would be willing to hang. But no one seemed all that eager to volunteer.

Loni finally asked the guys who they’d rather see hang. They all went away and talked it over in a huddle so we couldn’t hear them deciding. Then they came back to us.

“Well?” Loni asked. “Who’s it going to be?”

Mark asked, “Will she really hang for us if we choose someone?” We all looked at each other and nodded our heads, agreeing to go along with whomever they picked.

“Then we choose Kumio,” Mark declared.

We all turned to look at her. She was wearing this skimpy, black string bikini that did not cover her large assets very well. She seemed both frightened and embarrassed.

“Why her?” Loni asked.

“Because we want to see her tits bounce as she swings.” The guys all cheered and nodded at Mark’s reply.

Loni turned to face Kumio. “Well? What do you think?”

I knew Kumio well enough to know she hadn’t experimented with any kind of asphyxia just yet. She was either too afraid, or too embarrassed. She blushed, but she ultimately said she was willing.

All the guys cheered. I even got excited at the prospect of seeing her hang. Then we all escorted her over to the hotel concierge sitting at a small table by the canvas tent.

We told him we had a volunteer for the noose. He asked if she was serious. When she nodded her head, he asked if she was sure. He must have noticed the hesitation in her features.

She nodded again before saying in a quiet voice that she was willing. So he gave her some forms to fill out. The guys let out another cheer once she signed the last of them.

“Now how do we hang her?” Mark asked.

“You guys can pull on the rope,” Loni told them. “That is, unless you don’t want to be responsible for pulling her up into the air yourselves.”

“Any volunteers willing to string her up?” Mark asked. All sorts of hands went up. It seemed there was no scarcity of frat boys willing to partake in her hanging.

The hotel concierge handed Mark a set of handcuffs. He accepted them and smiled as he went over and cuffed Kumio’s arms behind her back. “Ready to hang for us?” he asked politely. She blushed as she timidly nodded.

We all escorted her out to the dangling noose. Mark chose three frat guys to man the rope. Then he looped it around her throat.

He got it nice and snug. Then he asked again if she was ready to hang for us. Kumio blushed as she nodded.

“Maybe you’d better say the words,” he mused thoughtfully.

“What words?” she asked bashfully.

“Oh, I don’t know,” he replied. Then he moved behind her. That’s when he whispered something into her ear.

I thought I saw her reach back and touch his bulge with her hands. She blushed again. “Oh,” she finally said timidly. “Ok. I want you guys to hang me for your pleasure.” That got another cheer from all those horny frat boys, as well as a cheer from most of us girls.

Mark told everyone to step back. Then he called out, “Hang her, boys!” A moment later, they pulled on her rope.

Kumio was lifted up into the air. It looked as though she was blushing once again. Then her mouth formed an “Oh” as she went all cross-eyed.

At that moment, her breasts seemed to swell. I thought I saw her nipples start to protrude. Then she thrust her chest out.

Wait; was she enjoying it?? It sure looked like she was enjoying it!

She began to kick and shimmy. Her breasts bounced upon her chest. Then she thrust her hips out.

We all stood around watching her. Some of us bitches were touching ourselves. And some of the guys had pulled out their cocks and were stroking them.

Kumio focused on a couple of frat boys who’d pulled out their impressive dicks. She humped in their direction as though trying to fuck those exposed erections. The guys all whooped and hollered.

Nate suddenly rushed up to her and popped the strings to her bikini top. It fell away, causing her boobs to bounce freely. Then he popped the strings to her bottoms. They also fell away, exposing her glistening slit.

Nate’s actions seemed to embarrass her a little. Then she thrust her hips out in his direction. That’s when Kumio became animated.

She really kicked and twisted. By now, I was busy rubbing my crotch. That’s when our eyes locked.

Her eyes were still crossed. And her mouth was still open in the form of an “Oh”. But she was looking at me as if to say, “Is this really how it’s supposed to feel? Is it supposed to feel this good??”

I smiled as I nodded at her. That’s when she really thrust her hips out. A moment later, her pussy sprayed from what could only have been an extremely intense climax. It triggered a corresponding climax in several guys, as well as some of us girls.

She finally went limp in the noose as the guys held onto her rope, keeping her up off the sand. She went into agonal spasms and convulsions. Then she dangled lifelessly, her expression indicating how painful it had been… and how much she seemed to have enjoyed it.

The guys all cheered. Loni finally went up and checked for a pulse. When she shook her head, the guys let her down.

The noose and cuffs were removed. Then a couple of guys dragged her over to a separate part of the beach. I knew they were going to use her corpse for their personal enjoyment. But I’m sure Kumio would have liked that very much.

4-14-23 Inspired by the binjbob drawing

Posted in Asphyxia Stories, Santamos Island stories | Tagged | Leave a comment

My mother the breath-holder 4 4.4 (29)


By the time I tracked down the keys and returned, they were both sitting on the edge of the pool. Gloria’s breasts were on full display. But mom acted as though it was no big deal.

They must not have wasted much time. Mom was already wearing the ankle cuffs as I approached, her feet dangling in the water. The rope to the pool floor was still attached to them.

I could tell they’d been talking to each other. They heard me coming and turned toward me. Mom called out, “Georgie, I’m sorry about the other day. Can I make it up to you? Can I do a little breath-holding? Can I earn a little more money? You left me with virtually nothing for the next two weeks.”

Gloria was shocked. “Georgie, is this true?”

I tried to ignore my mother as I went to work releasing my girlfriend from the handcuffs attaching her wrists behind her back. My eyes kept getting drawn to her naked mounds. So I unthinkingly tossed the cuffs into the pool.

I explained to Gloria, “You have no idea how much debt my mother has gotten herself into. If I pay her anything now, she’s liable to run out and gamble it all away until she owes even more.”

Mom tried to put up a protest. “No, I won’t! Georgie, I’m serious! I really appreciate what you did! Let me try to earn a little more, ok? And I promise; I won’t gamble even once while I’m trying to pay him off!”

“Mom, you know I can’t trust you.”

“Georgie; please!”

Gloria looked at me and started to say something. I just put a hand up to silence her. I knew if they both ganged up on me, I was going to lose control of the situation. Besides, there was no guarantee any money I gave mom would ever reach Mr. Vonegram, not unless I put it directly into his hands.

Mom lifted her legs, showing the ankle cuffs and attached rope. “See, Georgie? Gloria says you like seeing her in bondage. Will you pay me a little more tonight with me wearing these ankle cuffs?”

“Mom, I just don’t know if I should, not with Gloria here.”

“Oh, I don’t mind, Georgie,” my girlfriend said with a smile. “Your mother’s fun.”

“Georgie, please! I’m begging you!”

“Mom, if I’m going to pay you anything, then you’re going to have to make it worth my while. That means, you’re going to have to hold your breath longer than four minutes. Besides, tonight I’m paying ‘Gloria’ prices.”

“Georgie?! The other night you paid me $750 for holding my breath for 3:30.”

Gloria looked at me in surprise. I just winced. After all, I didn’t want to have to renegotiate my deal with her.

“Mom, that was before our meeting with Mr. Vonegram and finding out you lied to me. Prices went down because of what I learned from him. Take what you can get… unless, of course, you’d rather watch Gloria hold her breath for me again.”


My girlfriend blurted out, “I’ll help you reach four minutes, Marie. Grab the rope and pull her under, Georgie.”

I frowned at her, as I wanted to stand firm while not sounding angry or alienating her affections. “Gloria, this is really between me and my mother.”

“That’s ok. I don’t mind sharing tonight. C’mon, Marie. Let’s make it worth his while.”

Before I could say another word, they both slid off the edge of the pool into the water. I sighed heavily as I retrieved my dive mask. Apparently, they were going to do this anyway, no matter what I said or did.

They swam out to the middle of the deep end, directly above the kettle ball. I slipped into the water at the ladder and grabbed the end of the rope. That’s when mom called out, “Anytime you’re ready, Georgie! I can do four minutes!” She was certainly enthusiastic about the whole thing.

Gloria didn’t help matters any when she called out, “C’mon, Georgie! Pull your mother down and make her hold her breath!”

For a brief moment, I thought about pulling her down without giving out any warning at all. But I resisted the impulse. Instead, I gave them a countdown from three.

After I called out “one”, I pulled on the rope. I heard them gasp for breath. Mom went right down, with Gloria submerging a moment later.

I checked the time as a few bubbles marked where I’d pulled mom under. Gloria swam down after her. I stuck my head under and watched as I pulled my mother down until her feet touched the handle to the kettle ball.

Mom had no problem staying down, being as how she was now tethered to the bottom. But Gloria was not in a similar situation. She finally grabbed onto my mother’s body just to keep herself from drifting upward.

Mom smiled at her as she hugged her. Then I watched as they kissed each other again. They both really seemed into it, and it did my cock no favors. I was certain it was showing through my white speedos.

They weren’t too active, other than doing a little kissing and touching. Their movements were slow so as not to use up their breath. For a while there, I forgot to pay attention to my watch.

Mom was getting pretty good at holding her breath. When I finally checked the time, she’d already been down for two minutes. And she was making it look easy.

After a while, they shifted until they were side by side, arms around each other. I saw Gloria reach over and run her hand over my mother’s barely covered breasts. Mom responded by reaching over and caressing my girlfriend’s bare boobs.

I saw occasional bubbles come out of Gloria’s mouth and nose. But mom didn’t release nearly as many. I got the impression she was being careful not to lose too much of her breath.

It was obvious she’d been working to build up her times so she could get me to pay her more. She surprised me by reaching three minutes with relative ease. When mom sets her mind on something, very little can stand in her way.

I could tell Gloria was beginning to struggle a little though. So mom pulled her real close. They kissed each other again, almost as though they were long-lost lovers.

I saw bubbles come up from between their lips. My girlfriend was clearly struggling, although she’d certainly passed her three-minute mark. Mom embraced her, and Gloria returned the hug. But her body was starting to heave in breathless agony.

Gloria suddenly let go and shot up to the surface. I came up with her to note the time. My watch said 3:42.

She burst up gasping loudly for breath. That’s when she anxiously called out, “Bring her up, Georgie! Don’t let your mother drown down there!”

I looked down to see how mom was doing. She smiled and waved as she did a little seductive wriggle against her tether. I pulled my head out of the water and called back, “She’s fine, Gloria.”

“She is??”

Gloria looked down in amazement. Then my girlfriend filled her lungs before heading back down.

When she got down there, mom grabbed her and pulled her close. Then they started kissing and making out again. More bubbles came up as they kissed each other deeply.

Mom finally pushed her back and signaled with her thumb that she wanted up. Gloria turned toward me, checking to see if I was watching. By then, I was already allowing slack in mom’s tether.

Mom felt the tension give way in the rope to her feet. She pulled herself upward with her arms as Gloria followed her up. Mom burst up at around 4:27.

They both tread water in the deep end while catching their breath. My girlfriend was impressed as she loudly panted, “Wow, Marie; that was a long one! Even I couldn’t stay down that long!”

“You will with practice,” mom told her encouragingly. Then she called out, “Do I get paid for that one, Georgie?”

“You get paid for going over four, mom. Gloria, you get paid for going over three.”

“That’s great, Georgie! But what do I get if I go over four like your mother?”

“More, of course.”

“And what do I get paid if I go over five, Georgie?”

“I’ll pay you more, mom.”

“How much?”


“I guess we’ll just have to make out for him underwater even more, Marie. Then he’ll have to pay us more!”

Mom grinned as she replied, “Sounds good to me, Gloria.” Then she called out, “Count us down, Georgie!”

I counted them down from three. Then I pulled mom under. Gloria took a deep breath before following her down.

They began making out the moment my mother bottomed out. They certainly got all handsy with each other, touching each other all over. Gloria clung to my mother’s body so as not to drift upward.

They kissed each other deeply again. It surprised me how easily mom made out with her like that. It made me wonder if there was something in her past about other women that she hadn’t revealed to me.

My cock refused to soften as I watched them down at the bottom of the pool. But I didn’t want them to know how turned on I was. After all, this night was supposed to be strictly between Gloria and I. Mom’s intrusion was making things all the more complicated.

I watched as mom kissed and licked Gloria’s exposed nipples. My girlfriend bubbled as though she was really enjoying it.

They both passed two minutes with very little effort. They got all handsy again, touching each other’s chest. Then they pressed their lips together.

I watched as they passed three minutes. Mom acted as though she could go on like that for hours. Gloria seemed to be improving, although it wasn’t long before she started showing signs of straining lungs.

She motioned that she wanted to go up. But it was early for her. Mom shook her head and then motioned… “Watch what I do.”

To my utter shock, mom began caressing her boobs with one hand while rubbing her crotch with the other. Gloria caught on, and she began doing the same thing. They both looked right at me, mom releasing a couple nose bubbles as Gloria spewed bubbles past her lips…

No – no – no – GAWD; NO!

My cock got so hard that it tented in my speedos. Mom kept grinning at me as she rubbed herself. She turned toward my girlfriend, saw she was doing the same thing, and nodded as she bubbled at her.

Gloria’s lungs appeared to heave in her chest. I could see her tummy rippling a little. I checked my watch as she finally shot up for a breath, bursting up a couple seconds beyond the four minute mark.

When I stuck my head up, she cried out, “How’d I do, Georgie?”

“Just over four minutes, Gloria. I guess I’ll have to pay you a little more.”

“Your mom is fun! You’re going to pay her more too; right?”

I looked down to see mom smiling at me while rubbing her crotch. This was really getting out of hand. For a minute there, I thought I was going to cream my speedos.

“She can really hold her breath; eh, Georgie?” Then Gloria went back down. She reached mom, and the two started making out again. At least mom wasn’t rubbing herself anymore.

Mom looked at me and held up all the digits of her hand. Was she asking if it had been five minutes yet? I checked my watch before shaking my head.

She went back to kissing Gloria. This time, mom’s knee went into my girlfriend’s crotch. Gloria seemed to ride it as though she was all turned on.

It was almost too hot to watch. But I had a hard time looking away. I kept forcing myself to glance at my watch to keep track of the time.

I finally held up my hand and spread my fingers… “Five minutes.” Mom nodded and signaled she wanted up. I gave her slack in the rope before pulling my head out of the water, trying to calm the beating of my heart along with the stiffness of my erection.

They both surfaced together, treading water in the deep end. I called out, “That’s enough for one night, mom; don’t you think?” After all, I needed some alone time with Gloria.

“Oh, Georgie!”

“Mom, you’ve already had a couple breath-holds tonight! You should be happy about that.”

“But I want to do more, Georgie! I want to earn more money.”

“I don’t know, mom.” Then I looked at my girlfriend as though imploring her to help me out here before adding, “Gloria and I want to be alone for a bit.”

They started talking to each other so quietly that I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I wondered if my girlfriend was trying to explain to her what I needed. I certainly hoped she wasn’t going into any specifics.

Mom suddenly called out, “What about the cuffs, Georgie? Will you pay me more if we use the handcuffs? Can I use the cuffs before we call it a night?”

“Mom, I don’t know if you should.” Thank gawd I’d tossed them into the pool.

“She’ll be ok, Georgie. She can handle it. If I can do it, she can do it.”

“I don’t know, Gloria…”

They went back to talking quietly. I felt as though they were conspiring against me. My cock was semi-hard, and I found myself imagining all sorts of things I probably should not have been imagining.

Gloria finally left mom treading water all by herself. She swam over in my direction. Then she jackknifed downward.

I watched as she dove for the bottom. She quickly scooped up the discarded handcuffs. Then she angled over in the direction of my mother.

Gawd; that was all I needed: seeing my mother in bondage while holding her breath. Now I was sure I was going to shoot a load into my speedos.

My girlfriend surfaced and swam over to my mother. Then she hefted them up in her hand. “I’ve got the cuffs, Marie.”

I nervously called out, “Gloria, I really don’t think…”

“You like watching your mom hold her breath; right? And you love seeing me in bondage while I’m holding mine. So this should work out great for everybody.”

“Gloria, mom hasn’t even tried the cuffs on her wrists yet. I don’t want…”

“I can do it, Georgie! Put ‘em on me, Gloria.”

“Mom, I don’t think…”

“You’ll pay me more for a five minute bondage/make-out breath-hold; won’t you, Georgie?”

“Mom, I don’t think…”

“You’ll pay her good; won’t you, Georgie?”

“Gloria, I think you should stay out of…”

“Count us down, Georgie.”

“I’m kinda having second thoughts about this, mom.”

“Three… two… one…”

I frowned at my girlfriend for initiating the countdown herself. Then they both inhaled. Instinctively I checked the time before tugging on the rope.

Mom was pulled right down, her wrists secured behind her back. But my girlfriend was still at the surface. She gave me a dangerous grin as she told me, “You’d better pay extra for this.” Then down she went.

Mom bottomed out with her feet touching the handle to the kettle ball. Gloria swam right down to her. I made sure my dive mask was secured to my face so I could stick my head in the water and watch everything that went on. My cock was already hard with anticipation.

Gloria got all handsy again. But this time, mom could not respond. She just had to take whatever my girlfriend did to her.

At the thirty second mark, Gloria slowly popped the strings to mom’s bikini top. It came loose and drifted away. That’s when she began licking and sucking on mom’s nipples.

I couldn’t believe it! But my cock certainly could. It was hard as a rock again, straining in my speedos.

Gloria was all over my mom’s boobs, kissing and sucking and caressing. Then she kissed mom full on the lips. Mom did not resist in the slightest as she kissed her right back.

That was bad enough. But at around the 2:15 mark, Gloria’s hand slid down my mother’s body. A moment later she started rubbing her crotch.

I was shocked beyond belief. This was something I’d never anticipated in my wildest dreams. Sure, mom had rubbed herself for me the other day. But I never expected she would allow my girlfriend to touch her in such an intimate manner.

Mom humped against Gloria’s hand as the time neared three minutes. Then Gloria popped the strings to mom’s skimpy bottoms. They slowly drifted out of the way.

I could have sworn my girlfriend slowly worked her fingers into my mother’s slit. I couldn’t be sure, but at least that’s what it looked like. Then mom writhed and humped as though that’s exactly what was happening.

Gloria turned and grinned at me as bubbles dribbled out past her lips. Then she kissed mom deeply as she fingered her. Mom humped and writhed as she released bubbles out of her nose.

Gloria stopped kissing her long enough to suck on an erect nipple. Then she kissed her again. Her fingers just kept working inside my mother’s womanhood.

Her lungs heaved noticeably, and my girlfriend finally shot upward, leaving mom tethered to the pool floor. I rose up with her, my head emerging at the surface. I noted her time as her head came out of the water.

She gasped aloud before telling me, “Let me know when it’s past five minutes, Georgie. But don’t let your mother up until I give the signal; ok?”

“Gloria, I don’t know…”

“Just do it, Georgie! And make sure you pay her well!” Then she filled her lungs and submerged.

She swam down to mom and groped her boobs. She sucked on a nipple before her hand went down to mom’s crotch again. Once more, she began fingering her as she kissed her deeply.

Mom writhed and wriggled as she lost a few more bubbles. Usually she was pretty good at maintaining her composure. But she didn’t have much choice this time around, not when she was bound by her wrists and ankles while holding her breath.

Gloria began to finger my mother much faster. Their lips parted as my girlfriend looked at me. I checked my watch and saw that mom was almost to five minutes.

I finally held up my hand with all my fingers spread. That’s when Gloria really finger-fucked my mother. I was shocked beyond belief.

Mom started humping Gloria’s hand. I heard a bubbly cry and saw an eruption of bubbles. That’s when my cock went off in my speedos.

Gloria finally motioned upward. But I was too shocked for it to register. She motioned again more forcefully, and I finally came to my senses long enough to give mom some slack.

Gloria helped her to the surface where they both gasped loudly for breath. Mom finally called out, “How’d I do, Georgie?”

I checked the time. “5:23, mom.”

“That was a good one; right? You’ll pay me good for that one; won’t you… especially with everything we did for you down there?”

“I suppose so, mom.”

What else could I do? I’d creamed myself over witnessing such an erotic spectacle. Besides, mom had passed five minutes.

I noticed them talking quietly to each other again. Last time they’d done that, it had resulted in a wild and crazy breath-hold. Even though I’d gotten a shameful release out of it, I wasn’t sure I wanted to take things any further.

At one point, I thought I heard mom say, “You’ll make him take me to six, right?”

“Are you sure, Marie?”

“I want to be paid even more, Gloria. And you think he should like it; right? So let’s do it.”

“Ok, Marie.”

I looked at them in alarm as I wondered… ‘Let’s do it?’ Let’s do what?

I had a bad feeling as I told them, “No thanks, ladies. I think that was our last one…”

“Just one more, Georgie.”

“No, mom. I think that’s enough…”

My girlfriend reassured her by saying, “I’ll take care of it, Marie. Can you stay at the surface on your own for a bit?”

“Piece of cake, honey.”

I called out, “Take care of what, ladies?”

There was no answer as Gloria swam over. She came up to me and took the rope out of my hand. There was a twinkle in her eyes as she told me, “Check the time on your watch and count her down, Georgie.”

“Gloria, I don’t think…”

“This one is mine, Georgie. Marie wants it.”

“But I’m not sure…”

She abruptly turned and called out, “Marie?? Get ready in three… two… one!”

Mom got a really big breath. Them Gloria pulled on the rope. Mom was pulled all the way down to the bottom of the pool.

“Time!” my girlfriend loudly demanded.

I looked at my watch before impatiently replying, “I’ve got it – I’ve got it!”

“Good.” Then she took a deep breath and submerged.

To my complete and utter shock, Gloria pulled my speedos down my legs until my semi-hard cock sprang free. Almost immediately, she began kissing and licking it. She cupped and caressed my balls until she grabbed my leg and tried to pull me under.

I gasped for breath before I was submerged. That’s when Gloria took me into her mouth. But when I looked into the middle of the deep end, I saw mom watching us the entire time, swaying a little as she was helplessly tethered to the kettle ball at the bottom of the pool.

My cock stiffened right up in my girlfriend’s mouth, despite having gone off a couple minutes ago. Seeing mom bound and naked was incredibly erotic. Knowing she could see my girlfriend blowing me underwater was a shock. But it made me so unbelievably hard.

What could I do? Gloria seemed to be in charge of this one. Had she and my mother conspired against me yet again?

My girlfriend took me further into her mouth before slowly letting me almost slip out. A glance at my mother indicated she was still watching us. My face went red, but I couldn’t resist. So I let Gloria keep going.

She gave me the usual, although this time, she was slower and more deliberate. I think she was trying to extend her time underwater. She hadn’t succeeded in blowing me for three minutes on one breath before, and I think that was her goal.

Occasionally I glanced at my watch. I was trying to keep track of the time for both Gloria and my mother. But I was understandably distracted.

Gloria kept right at it, taking me deep until it felt like I reached the back of her throat. She gagged and grunted up bubbles. It was incredibly arousing.

Her stomach began to ripple, and her chest started to heave. I checked my watch and noticed she was approaching three minutes. I grabbed the back of her head and fucked her mouth, urging her on to encourage her.

I finally held up three fingers for her to see. She slowly pulled off my dick before I had a chance to cum in her mouth. Then we both rose to the surface.

We came up and panted loudly for breath before she asked, “So how was that? I finally reached three minutes, didn’t I?”

I smiled as I nodded, “Yeah. But what about mom?”

“I’ll worry about your mother; ok? I’ve got the rope. You just make sure you let me know when it’s been six minutes.”

“But, I…”

“No buts.” Then she took a deep breath and submerged. A moment later she pulled me under with her before she wrapped her lips back around my dick.

I checked my watch before glancing into the deep end again. After four minutes, mom looked as though she was writhing a little. She released a couple bubbles out of her nose. But she looked as though she was doing just fine.

Gloria occasionally glanced over to see what my mother was doing. But most of the time, she concentrated on my dick between her lips. It seemed she was being extra sensuous. But I had no idea how to feel about that, considering my mother was tethered in naked bondage to the bottom of the pool while watching us.

Gloria gulped me down, and I twitched in her mouth. A glance at the time showed mom was passing five minutes. She was doing well so far. But I was concerned about her making it to six, even though I knew how determined she probably was.

Gloria cupped my balls as she worked my shaft. A couple times, the rope slipped in her hands. But she gathered it up and pulled it to make sure mom remained with her feet close to the handle to the kettle ball.

I thought I saw mom start to strain a little at around the 5:25 mark. She writhed a little more against her tether. I saw a few bubbles dribble out of her nose.

Gloria took a quick look. Apparently, she was motivated to suck me a little more aggressively. She started bobbing up and down on my dick, making me really twitch. I figured there was a good chance she was going to make me cum on this breath-hold.

I glanced over at my mother and saw she was fighting it. Her chest heaved as her stomach rippled. My watch indicated she only had 38 more seconds to go. But I figured she was going to make it. Mom was stubborn enough not to want up until after I’d let her know she’d reached six minutes.

Gloria’s mouth, combined with my mother’s struggles, made it a real turn-on. I was all but certain I was going to cum in my girlfriend’s mouth in the next few moments. It was shameful the way I was so turned on, especially by the way mom was fighting to hold her breath.

Gloria looked up at my face as she swallowed me whole. Then she motioned… “Time?” So I let her see my watch. Mom only had another 21 seconds to go.

My girlfriend smiled at me as though she knew something I didn’t. She kept me in her mouth as she glanced over at mom. Then she waved in her direction… “Keep going; you’re almost there.”

Mom appeared to grimace. Her chest really heaved, and she lost a burst of bubbles. Gawd, that was so hot.

Gloria really suctioned while cupping my balls at just the right moment. I was just starting to shoot my load when mom coughed up a bunch of bubbles. That’s when she appeared to go into seizures…

What the hell???

At that moment, I knew she was drowning. But I couldn’t stop my cock from going off in Gloria’s mouth. My girlfriend suctioned me just as hard as she could.

I let out a cry as mom kept spasming and convulsing. Then I went for the rope in Gloria’s hand. But she jerked it out of my reach as she kept my cock in her mouth.

She tried to motion… “What’s the time?”

I glanced at my watch and then stared at my drowning mother. Gloria just kept sucking as mom hitched and spasmed. So I shoved my timepiece into her face. I didn’t say anything, but I sure as hell was thinking it…

There; can you see it now? She’s drowning, but you want to see the time!

…5:58… 5:59… 6:00… 6:01…

She slowly let my cock slide out of her mouth. A little cream came out with it. Then she let go of the rope and swam off in the direction of my mother. Naturally, I swam after her.

Mom was no longer buoyant. She was settling down toward the pool floor when Gloria caught her in her arms. That’s when I helped her haul my mother back to the surface.

We hefted her naked body up onto the side of the pool. The impact must have jarred her, because a little water came out of her mouth. By the time Gloria and I had climbed out of the water, she was already coughing.

We stayed with her until she tried to sit up. My girlfriend held her in her arms as I went and retrieved the keys. “What the hell was that?” I asked when I returned.

“Did I make six?” mom panted anxiously.

Gloria nodded, “Yes, Marie. You made six. I made sure you stayed down until you made six.”

“You did that deliberately??” I was stunned as I unlocked the handcuffs.

“Did I drown?”

“Yes, you did. Gawd, Marie; that was incredible! Your son’s cock was in my mouth, and he just kept shooting and shooting. But don’t worry. You weren’t down very long.”

“Mom, what the hell were you thinking??”

“Do I get paid more for making six and drowning for you, Georgie??”

“What?? Mom, you mean you… you did that for me?”

“How about it, Georgie? Will you pay your mother more? How about paying me extra for helping plan this special breath-hold?”

I looked at my girlfriend in astonishment. “You two did this deliberately??”

“You came in my mouth while I was holding my breath for quite a while, Georgie. That should be worth something.”

I finally threw my hands up in the air in surrender. “Fine – fine; you both get paid.” They both grinned as though they’d won.

About that time I realized nobody was wearing a stitch of anything. So I dove into the pool to retrieve all the garments, just to keep from staring at the nudity of my mother and girlfriend. By the time I got back up, Gloria had mom’s ankle cuffs off.

I climbed out of the water and handed over their garments. They just looked at my nudity and smiled. I muttered something about needing to go to the bathroom before making a hasty retreat.

2022 (written Aug 24 ’22 by riwa)

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Joia 4-6 4.1 (23)


There was nervous conversation between some of the girls over the course of the next couple of hours. They wondered what had happened to Alviva and why she was gone so long.

Joia was talking quietly to one of her female companions about it when Clemencia suddenly stormed in. The woman looked angrier than usual.

You will all come with me at once!” she told them in barely controlled fury. “Not a word is to be spoken!” Her tone of voice was alarming enough that everyone stood up and obediently followed her out without speaking.

They were led through a series of passageways to the other side of the compound. They came to a bare room with a door and two upper windows that allowed in the light of day. “Wait here!” Clemencia ordered them before stepping through the door.

Joia got enough of a glimpse out the door to see that it led outside into the dusk of evening. Once more she got a glimpse of the strange mechanism she’d seen from the back of the truck earlier that day. In an instant the image of that man holding the woman’s severed head up for all to see came unbidden to her mind. She was suddenly filled with a terrible fear.

Marsona, a young woman of 19 years to whom she’d gravitated toward, suddenly came up to her. She could tell the young woman was distressed over something.

“What is it, Joia?” she asked with worry in her voice. Then she gently touched Joia’s shoulder. “What is troubling you?”

Joia could not answer. The image had returned, burned into her mind. She trembled as she found herself unable to find her voice to speak.

Alviva was abruptly escorted into the room, flanked by a couple of guards. She was disturbingly naked. She appeared to have suffered a blow to the face. Long, red welts lay gashed across her chest and backside.

She was led toward the door, her expression resolute and unwavering. She caught sight of the fear in Joia’s eyes. “Fear not for me,” she told the young woman. “Fear only for yourselves. He did not mark me, nor will he ever mark me!”

“Be silent!” one of the guards roared at her. Then she was marched through the same door Clemencia had gone through moments ago.

Seeing Alviva’s condition and hearing her words put great fear in the hearts of Joia’s companions. “What will they do to her?” Marsona asked her anxiously. Indeed, it was the singular question uppermost in the minds of all.

The door opened once more. Clemencia stepped through, glaring at them all. Her presence had the effect of silencing all further speech.

“You will come out and stand in line with me! You will all be silent! You will keep your eyes open and you will witness all! If you fail to obey even in the slightest, you will suffer the same fate as Alviva!”

The girls whimpered in fear as they fluttered behind her like a flock of disturbed quail. They could not help murmuring quietly amongst themselves as they rushed out the door to obey. Their murmurs were quickly replaced with gasps of horror.

Joia nearly fainted at what she saw. The mechanism was indeed there. She could no longer deny its presence, nor what she had truly witnessed back in the truck.

A sharpened, diagonal blade hung at the top of a grooved wooden framework. At the bottom of the blade were two flat pieces of wood set on top of each other. A circle was cut squarely in the midst of them. Instinctively Joia knew Alviva’s strong column supporting her head was destined to be fitted into that circle.

There was a man in military garb and black hood. Apparently his duty was to serve as executioner. He waited near the frame, his appearance filling her with a terrible dread.

A short slab of wood – the bench she had seen before – lay pushed up horizontally against the bottom edge of the frame for the blade. It was not nearly long enough to totally recline upon. Joia remembered the woman she’d last seen upon top of it, her legs spread and upraised.

The sight of it was horrible beyond belief. Joia gasped as though she could not catch her breath. The others around her also seemed to have some sort of trouble breathing.

There was a fire pit nearby. What appeared to be two long branding irons with long, rounded ends were heating in the crackling flames. Several guards stood off to one side as though to observe the proceedings.

Joia and her female companions fidgeted nervously. They whimpered fearfully, uncomfortable at being forced to stand there to witness the upcoming events. Their sheer gowns did not hide them one iota from lustful eyes.

Clemencia walked up to Alviva. Then she savagely grabbed her chin. “I believe you will be marked after all!” she told her with a cruel smile.

Alviva was unyielding. She stood there proudly despite the shame of her nakedness. The marks below her left breast and above her pubic region were clearly visible.

“Strap her down!” Clemencia ordered the two men flanking her. Together they forced her down onto her back.

Her legs bent at the knees as her feet fell flat to the hard earth below. She was slid forward as the executioner lifted the top piece of wood. It allowed her head to pass through the circular hole for her neck.

It was brought down with a disturbing “CLACK”. Joia and her companions jerked with a start. A couple of them had to stifle cries of terror.

Three leather straps were crossed over Alviva’s naked chest and torso, pinning her arms to her sides. The woman’s shame appeared to be compounded by her protruding nipples. But when she turned her head and looked right at Joia, there was nothing but defiance in her fiery eyes.

“Spread her legs and mark her!” Clemencia ordered. “No one will defy Master! If he will not have her, then no man will!”

The waiting guards moved to obey. No doubt they were aware that disobedience to this woman would not spare them her wrath.

Two of them stepped forward. Each one grabbed a leg and pulled it wide as though trying to tear Alviva asunder. She winced in discomfort, but she did not cry out.

Joia watched in utter disbelief as two more picked up the irons from the fire. She saw Alviva tremble and wince. Each man brought his heated object closer to each of her two shamefully exposed holes.

Joia was amazed Alviva set her jaw like flint. The young woman seemingly refused to open her mouth to scream. The poor girl’s lack of response enraged Clemencia.

“Make sure she does not lose her head until she screams from her marks!” The executioner nodded with understanding at Clemencia’s words.

There was the sound of sizzling flesh. Alviva’s body stiffened as her back arched. Amazingly there were no screams.

Joia was horrified. At that moment it felt like her world collapsed all around her. This was unfathomable! Living back home with a set of resentful parents was infinitely more desirous than where she now found herself.

What was shamefully disturbing to her were the feelings she experienced. They were the same feelings she felt in the still of the night when she needed the comfort of self-pleasure. She could not believe how it affected her thus as she was forced to watch Alviva suffer with her head locked in below the dangling blade.

Alviva writhed in agony as the irons did their terrible work. Her holes were turned into charred flesh, no longer capable of giving pleasure to the whims of men as her feminine form had been so designed. And yet she clenched her lips tightly as tears welled up in her closed eyes, stubbornly cutting off the shrieks that wanted freedom from her heaving lungs.

She thrashed about in profuse pain as the guards grimly clung to her legs. Strangely they appeared to be enjoying her torment as the other two continued filling her holes with the flaming hot irons. Her body twisted violently in the leather bindings even more. It was evident she would soon be unable to keep from venting the extreme agony she was suffering.

When she could take no more, she finally opened her mouth. But it was not to beg for mercy. “MY SOUL IS NOT MARKED!” she cried out defiantly to the heavens. “MY SOUL IS NOT MARKED!” Then she emitted an unearthly shriek, unable to hold it back any longer. It sounded as though her very soul was in fiery torment.

Joia could not help noticing Clemencia taking great joy in hearing Alviva’s screams. After several agonizing moments, the Mistress of the compound nodded at the executioner. He promptly released the rope.

The blade fell in its tracks. Alviva’s screams were mercifully stilled. The blade bottomed out with a loud thump, severing her neck. Yet the anguished cries still rang out within the ears of Joia’s terrified companions.

Her head simply dropped lazily toward the ground. The lesson had been instantly driven home. Now they all knew what would happen to each one of them should they fall into Master’s, or Clemencia’s, displeasure.

Alviva’s young body bucked from the shock of the blade severing her spinal column. It still sizzled and jerked as the irons continued to press into her holes. Blood spurted and flowed from the raw, exposed flesh and bone of her severed neck.

Her head bounced once before rolling a short distance. Now it came to rest on its left side. Joia was left with a clear view of Alviva’s facial features.

She saw a look that indicated Alviva had suffered incredible pain. It had clearly been an agony no woman should ever have to endure. Yet Joia saw something else in Alviva’s eyes. It was the faint glimmer of a spirit unbroken despite indescribable anguish.

The executioner stepped over and picked up the severed head by the long, comely black tresses. Lifting it up, he displayed it to Clemencia and the frightened girls standing on either side of her. It was as though he was proving the task had been duly completed.

“Enough!” Clemencia told the men tending to what was left of Alviva. “Get rid of the body of that wretched cur!” She dismissively waved it away with her hand.

A truck was promptly backed up near the site. The irons were pulled out of Alviva’s sizzling, lifeless flesh. Her naked body was unstrapped,

Two of the guards picked her up by her wrists and ankles. They unceremoniously swung her up over the tail of the truck. They handled her like nothing more than the carcass of some wild animal.

As a final indignity, the executioner carelessly tossed the head up into the back of the truck. Then the vehicle roared to life. It pulled away, no doubt those inside having orders to go dispose of the body.

If the young women standing around Joia were not fully aware of what might happen to them should they disobey in the slightest, they certainly knew it now. Joia thought she was going to be sick. She also felt shame the way her body had reacted at the sight.

“To your rooms!” Clemencia demanded loudly. “For this outrage, there will be no evening meal!”

Joia and her horrified sisters fled back inside the building with shrieks and cries of horror. They all rushed off to their separate rooms. Each one could only hope to find some way to blot out of her mind the horrific scene they had just witnessed…

2010; 2020 (written Mar 15 ’10; ed. Oct 21 ’20 by riwa)


Joia lay upon her straw filled mattress in the darkness, blinking back tears. Her body shook with quiet sobs of horror and grief. She’d become painfully aware that her future was even worse now than what it would have been had she remained at home.

She simply could not comprehend how Alviva had been so cruelly tortured. And then to have her head separated from her body?? Whatever had she done to deserve such a dishonorable ending to her life??

What made things all the worse were her own feelings of guilt and shame. Watching Alviva lose her head had been the most horrific thing she had ever witnessed. Yet for some reason it had affected her deeply, in ways she couldn’t possibly share with anyone else.

How would they look upon her if they fully knew the truth of how it had made her feel? How could she possibly explain the shameful stirrings of pleasure? How could she describe how she felt the moment the blade had fallen and had cleanly severed Alviva’s head from her body?

It had been so traumatic. Even now, it continued to play itself out over and over in her head. What’s more, she couldn’t make it stop.

Oh, how she wanted it to stop! Joia blinked tears out of her eyes. Then she took a deep breath to compose herself.

She hoped her exhaustion would prevail and that sleep would finally claim her. Instead she saw Alviva in her mind once more. She could clearly picture in her head seeing the naked young woman being strapped down all over again.

Joia whimpered softly as the images began to play back. Her shame returned anew as she remembered Alviva’s body writhing in pain. She actually felt her nipples harden again.

Joia instinctively kneaded her breasts. Then her hand subconsciously slid down below. It went to the place that was already wet from her disgraceful feelings of pleasure.

She pictured the hot irons being applied. Joia remembered Alviva’s body rising up in pain. Her fingers slid inside, shamefully working themselves harder and faster within her.

She tried to stop herself; oh how she tried! Tears of sorrow and shame welled up in her eyes. Her body simply writhed with perverse excitement at the mental images.

She would have given anything to be taken out right then to lose her head. Perhaps then it would finally stop the detestable feelings of pleasure she was experiencing. It shamed her to have such feelings over such a horrible thing to have been done to one of her own right here in the compound.

“Forgive me, Alviva,” she breathed quietly as tears blurred her vision. Then she saw in her mind the image of the young woman looking at her. She remembered the look in her eyes before the irons were applied.

There was no condemnation on display. There was only defiance and pride. Then she heard that horrible scream in her mind, followed shortly by the drop of the blade.

Joia plunged her fingers inside. Her back arched as she was overcome. Tears streamed down her cheeks as pleasure flowed warmly through her body.

This time the shame wasn’t quite so bad. Perhaps she was finally wearing herself out. Joia finally relaxed upon her bedding, sobbing quietly until she finally cried herself to sleep…


The next day Joia and her female companions were bathed once more in the cistern. It was a much subdued atmosphere from the day before. Although they were oiled and perfumed again by their matrons, they were not as excited.

The sight of the blade taking one of their own had matured them beyond their years. What’s more, it had taken place in the span of a single day. Now they should prove to be much more compliant.

Ysabella gently tended to Joia. She cooed softly at her in a futile attempt to bring some semblance of comfort from the witnessed events of the day before.

She told the young woman she had learned that Master had tried to bed Alviva. The girl had foolishly refused, scratching his face and leaving three cruel marks running down his cheek. In return, she had been struck. Then she had been taken out and whipped before losing her head.

“Master is angry now,” the matron told her quietly. “I fear for you all. You must be obedient. Respond to any request he makes of you. Otherwise I fear you will suffer the same fate as Alviva.” Joia nodded numbly in response.

Later that day, Clemencia came to them again. She looked them all over as though searching for someone in particular. She spied Gemina, a young woman 2 years younger than Joia who was now merely a few weeks past her 18th birthday.

She roughly took her by the arm. “You!” she commanded with a leer. “Come with me! The Master has need of something soft and pliable!”

Gemina mewled like a frightened kitten as she was pulled out of the room by her arm. Joia was instantly concerned with Gemina’s welfare. The poor thing had taken Alviva’s death particularly hard. She seemed to be a fragile thing.

Marsona came up to her and kindly touched her shoulder. “Joia, I can tell you are troubled.”

“I fear for Gemina,” Joia explained.

“I fear for Gemina as well,” Marsona said quietly. “If what my matron tells me is true, I worry she will not be ready for what is to come.”

Her words would prove to be far more accurate than she would have wished for…

It was the same time as the evening before when the girls were summoned. They were all led to the room beyond which lay the horrible blade. Once more Clemencia appeared to be visibly enraged.

Joia sensed there was a certain elation in her anger. Again, she told them to wait. Then Clemencia went outside to see that everything was being prepared accordingly.

A short time later Gemina was brought crying into the room. She was escorted by the same two guards as the previous day. All garments had been removed from her body.

She was absolutely terrified. Her pitiful cries cut Joia to the quick. But Joia now began to feel those shameful stirrings.

Before they had arrived at the compound, Gemina supposedly had her whole life spread out before her. But Joia now believed it was about to be cut short. She began to grieve inwardly for the poor girl.

Joia could only imagine how Gemina had responded to Master’s demands. Inwardly she questioned Clemencia’s decision to take her to Master next. Shouldn’t she have picked someone else more resilient?

She remembered the expression in Mistress’ face. There had been a certain cruel pleasure at having chosen Gemina. Joia’s suspicions deepened over Clemencia’s motivations.

Mistress was cruel, yet wise. Joia had no doubts she could read the abilities of each girl under her charge. Surely she must have known, or at the very least had some sense, of how the young woman would respond.

Had Clemencia anticipated what would happen? Had she deliberately chosen Gemina for the task, suspecting what would follow? There seemed to be much inhumanity lying beneath the skin of Joia’s Mistress.

As she observed the shaking form of the sobbing Gemina, Joia began to feel those stirrings grow a little stronger. They were the very same ones she had felt when Alviva had lost her head. What made this all the worse was that Gemina was an exceptionally beautiful young woman.

Joia admired her small mounds and flaxen hair. She seemed to be the epitome of innocence. Formerly she had been promised to the son of an important man in her village before she had been taken away. Because of the contents of a pouch, that marriage would never take place. Now Gemina was about to lose her head.

The sobbing young woman was taken through the door to her fate. As she cried out in terror, Joia felt those disgraceful stirrings intensify within her. It caused her to breathe harder.

She was already feeling ashamed of herself. Joia could picture the poor girl writhing on the wooden slab. That beautiful, innocent body was about to be deprived of its lovely head of golden hair.

Tears welled up in Joia’s eyes. She quietly summoned the most vile of curses to fall upon her. How could she even think such terrible things concerning the helpless Gemina?

Clemencia came in to fetch the rest of them. They were all led out into the evening dusk. Gemina was already flat on her back.

She was in the process of being slid into the sections awaiting her throat. The top block came down, sealing her neck into the path of the blade. Instantly she let out a wail as she started begging for mercy.

She cried out that she had done her best to please Master. But he had been too rough on her. It wasn’t her fault.

“Silence!” Clemencia bellowed at her. “Your failure is none of my concern! The least you can do with your pitiful life now is bring some pleasure to those around you! At least you can do THAT, can’t you?”

Joia and her fellow sisters watched in horror as one of the guards exposed his hard penis. His companions laughed and cheered. Pulling Gemina’s legs apart, he savagely thrust himself inside her.

She screamed in pain. No doubt she was dry from her terror. Then the executioner exposed his manhood before tipping her head back and ramming it home into her mouth.

Joia was absolutely horrified. For a moment she thought the midday meal was going to come back up inside her. A moment later she truly wished it would have.

Those disgraceful stirrings she was having suddenly swelled within her like the rush of a mighty wind. Her face flushed red with shame as her nipples hardened under her sheer garment. She fervently hoped no one would notice and bring it to the attention of Mistress or the guards.

Gemina tried to scream. But her mouth was full. The man between her legs gasped aloud as though experiencing great pleasure.

Joia risked a glance at Clemencia. She saw a cruel smile on the woman’s face. She seemed to be enjoying what must be coming across to her as a wickedly good performance.

At that moment Joia was almost certain of her suspicions. Mistress had deliberately picked Gemina to deliver to Master. She must have strongly suspected this would be the end result.

The man between Gemina’s legs roared his release. Then he pulled out and aimed. His ejaculate spurted all over Gemina’s stomach.

The young woman gurgled as the executioner’s seed bubbled up out of her mouth. It set her to coughing and gasping. Then she began crying forlornly.

Joia was horrified at the degradation of poor Gemina. But she was unable to look away. It was not because they were all compelled to observe the proceedings upon threat of death. It was because of something more shameful inside her.

She could feel it swelling within her. Joia seemed unable to stop the rising feelings that threatened to overwhelm her. Surely anyone looking her way would discover her shameful reactions.

“Now use the other opening!” Clemencia demanded of the guards with a cruel laugh.

One of them eagerly stepped up to do her bidding. Gemina screamed anew as he violated her rectum. Every one of Joia’s companions shivered and squirmed, fighting to prevent the screams that wanted to erupt from their lips to join with those of their poor sister.

Joia struggled to breathe, her eyes wide in horror as the sensations swelled inside her. This time it was much worse. This time she could imagine it was her lying on the wooden slab instead of Gemina.

Strangely she imagined it was her being so disgracefully abused, the blade hanging ominously over her own head. Tears stained her cheeks as she watched the poor girl writhe and scream. She couldn’t help wondering how Gemina must feel knowing the blade would come down at any moment.

The executioner reached for the rope. Joia shuddered in revulsion. Even so, she could feel shameful, internal pleasures over what she was witnessing.

Her mind screamed in horror as the feelings inside her swelled towards a crescendo. Then she saw Mistress nod at the executioner. The cruel woman’s eyes blazed with fire as she licked her lips.

The blade dropped. Gemina’s cries were mercifully silenced. Her head dropped onto the blood-stained ground beneath her.

At the moment the head was severed, Joia felt it break over her. She wept openly as a pleasurable warmth filled her body. She shuddered shamefully as Gemina’s body bucked involuntarily in the straps.

The man thrusting into Gemina’s rectum roared out his release. He finally pulled away, his ejaculate dripping out of her anus. The hooded executioner lifted up the head of Gemina and displayed it to one and all, seemingly proud that his seed dripped from the corners of her mouth.

Joia gasped and then shuddered again. More tears flowed down her cheeks. Shamed by the betrayal of her body, she silently pleaded with Gemina’s spirit to forgive her for such dishonor.

Clemencia turned and saw Joia sobbing quietly. She smiled cruelly, pleased at the poor girl’s tears. Then she turned her attention to one and all.

“Do NOT displease Master again!” Clemencia roared at them. “Now GO!” They scurried back inside the door like a herd of frightened does, their sobs and cries fading as they rushed back to their separate rooms…

2010; 2020 (written for Aravanna and Hitomi Mar 15 ’10; ed. Dec 3 ‘20 by riwa)

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Shelly in Cancun 16 3.3 (16)

Shelly in Cancun 16 – The aquarium

When consciousness finally returns I feel cramped and stuffy. It’s pitch black all around me. I squint in a frantic effort to be able to see something. But I see nothing at all and it frightens me, making me think that perhaps I’ve gone blind.

I try to cry out, but it comes out muffled. That’s when I discover someone has covered my mouth with duct tape. It was probably one of those bastards who took me back at the bungalow.

It both scares and infuriates me. I scream as loud as I can. But my scream is muffled and it does me no good.

Squirming around, I find my wrists have been duct taped behind my back. I also discover someone has bound my ankles together around my socks with what I can only assume is more tape. It feels like I’m still in my street clothes.

I mentally take a quick inventory. I don’t feel any bruises or broken bones. And it doesn’t feel like I’ve been sexually abused either… well, not yet anyway.

I wriggle and squirm in an attempt to try and get more information on my whereabouts. What I’m laying on feels like no carpeting I’ve ever walked on before. As I thrash around, I feel my prison move up and down just a little. That’s when I conclude I must be in the trunk of someone’s car… probably one belonging to one of those bastards who kidnapped me.

I squirm around some more in an attempt to feel if there is anything back here with me I can use to cut myself free. My hands pat all around behind me. But there doesn’t seem to be anything in here I can use.

I whimper in frustration. Moving my feet around does no good either. All I find are the ridges inside the trunk of the car and nothing else.

Trying one last time to do something, I try to reach for my ankles in the hopes I can somehow work the tape loose. But I can’t quite reach them. I scream out in frustration. That’s when I realize I’m ultimately going to need someone’s help getting out of here… wherever ‘here’ happens to be.

I lie still and listen with all my might, trying to figure out where the car I’m trapped inside might be located. But I hear nothing at all. For all I know I’m in a car parked inside some private garage where no one will ever find me other than the owner… and I’m not sure I want to meet him.

Angry, frustrated and scared, I start screaming into my gag in the vain hopes of getting someone’s attention. Perhaps I’m in a parking lot somewhere. If I keep crying out maybe someone will come pound on the trunk, hear me inside and go call the authorities.

After five minutes of crying out, all I accomplish is making myself hoarse. I finally give up.

I squirm around until I’m not lying on that damned ridge anymore so I can make myself comfortable. I have no idea how long I might’ve been in here. But I decide there’s no point in exhausting myself any further. I might as well sit tight, get my strength back and hope for the best.

I have absolutely no sense of the passage of time in here. For all I know, I’ve been in here for several hours. It’s possible I might even be in here several hours more before someone finally comes and gets me.

The thought of what might happen to me sets me to trembling like mad. I have to force myself to calm down as I whimper plaintively. For the moment I’m still alive. Right now, that’s all that matters.

I suddenly hear footsteps nearby. My heart surges with fearful excitement. I start screaming into the tape in my mouth, hoping someone will hear me.

I hear what sounds like a key twisting in the trunk. A moment later it opens. I’m blinded by daylight.

As my eyes adjust I realize it must be late afternoon because of the sun’s position in the sky. That tells me I’ve probably been in here several hours at least. Then I get a clear view of the man who’s just opened the trunk. I whimper in fear, instantly recognizing him as one of the men who took me earlier today.

“How are you doing in there?” he asks kindly in a distinctly Hispanic accent. I “mmmph” anxiously. Then his kind expression evaporates as his face grows cold and hard.

“Tell me, senorita. Has your lady friend ever let you down?”

My eyes widen in horror. Now I’m afraid for Andria’s safety. I “mmmph” anxiously.

“You see,” he continues in an unpleasant tone. “Her boyfriend failed to return the case to us in a timely manner. We were forced to dispose of him.”

The man says it so calmly, so matter-of-factly, that it sends a chill running down my spine. Apparently murdering Jake meant nothing more to him than swatting away a pesky fly.

“I hope your lady friend finds the case and returns it to us soon,” he says thoughtfully. “Otherwise I’m afraid your stay in Cancun is going to become rather… permanent?” I stiffen anxiously as he looks down on me.

“We have set the meeting for midnight,” he tells me. “I suggest you get some rest, senorita. It will be a few more hours yet. Then we shall see.” That’s when the bastard slams the lid shut, entombing me inside the trunk of the car once more.

I can’t help whimpering fearfully at the news Jake is dead. I’ve got a very bad feeling about all of this. I can’t help wondering what’s going through poor Andria’s mind. She must be sick with worry over my disappearance.

A part of me wishes for her to run far away and catch the very next plane out of Cancun. But I know that’s not going to happen, not as long as I’m still out here somewhere. Knowing Andria, she’ll do whatever she has to do in order to get me back, no matter the cost. But something tells me if I do see her tonight, the two of us will not live long enough to see daylight tomorrow.

Tears well up in my eyes as I whimper helplessly. I don’t want to die. What’s more, I’m ashamed of myself for wanting her to make the attempt to get me out of this.

For a few moments I scream out, thrashing around as though I could somehow shake loose from my bonds. Then I curl up and start crying softly, knowing that neither one of us is liable to make that 9 pm flight out of Cancun tonight.

My stomach growls; I haven’t eaten all day. But there’s nothing I can do about it. In the meantime, all I can do is lay here and ponder my fate, something that doesn’t help matters any. It isn’t long until I eventually drift off into a troubled sleep…
I awaken to the sensation of riding around in the back of a moving car. My eyes flutter open. I’m hungry and I discover I’m still inside the damn trunk.

For a moment I’m tempted to cry out. What if I make as much noise as I can? I’m afraid of angering my captor, so I end up doing nothing at all.

With all the turns, there’s absolutely no way of keeping track of where we’re going. I finally give up altogether. It wouldn’t do me any good anyway as I have absolutely no clue about the layout of the city I’m in. I couldn’t tell anyone where I was even if I did somehow manage to get to a phone.

The car finally comes to a halt and the engine shuts off. I don’t know whether to be relieved or worried. I hear a car door slam followed by the sound of footsteps on blacktop.

A moment later I hear the key in the trunk. My breath catches in my throat. Then the trunk pops open.

I look out hopefully, blinking my eyes. It’s dark outside. But there’s enough light for me to see it’s still that same bastard.

I try not to show any fear. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction. But I just can’t help whimpering anxiously.

He pulls out a knife and my heart rate spikes. I half expect him to plunge it into my chest. Instead, he reaches for my feet and cuts the tape to my ankles.

He puts the knife away. Then he pulls me out of the trunk onto my feet. It’s quite warm outside.

There’s enough light from the night sky to see we’re parked next to the back of some building. I see a metal door nearby. But I don’t know – or trust – what lies beyond it.

My first urge is to make a run for it. Then he pulls a rather menacing looking revolver out of his jacket pocket for me to see.

“You will not try to do anything foolish; will you, senorita? After all, your friend is meeting us in a few minutes. I would hate for her to be disappointed if some unfortunate, uh… accident… were to befall you.”

I whimper as I shake my head. My best chance for survival is to be patient and wait for an opportunity.

Pocketing his gun, he grabs my arm near the elbow. Then he steers me toward the door. It’s unlocked, and he forces me inside.

In an instant I’m hit by a wall of humidity. My nose instantly picks up the distinct aroma of fish and seaweed. My first guess is that we’re in some sort of aquarium.

He escorts me through a dimly lit corridor. I can only assume we’re walking through the employees’ section of the building. Then we emerge out into what I suspect is public access.

I nearly cry out in horror when we round a corner. There’s enough light for me to make out the figure of a man lying on the tile floor on his back. Something dark pools out under his body.

As we walk around him, the dim lighting reveals a dark, red tint to it. I see some sort of small burn in his chest with that similar red tint oozing out. Then the light catches his face just right.

This time I DO cry out in alarm. I know this man; it’s Almonte! He’s been shot in the chest!

My captor nudges me forward, dragging me along by my arm. “Come along, senorita,” he tells me with a sigh. “You cannot help him now.”

It takes everything in my power not to scream over and over into the tape covering my mouth. In a flash my appetite is gone. My heart’s up in my throat, and I can’t stop trembling.

We wind our way through more of the building until we come to a large set of ornately decorated wooden steps. “This way, if you will,” my captor tells me as he steers me upward.

I start to climb up, trying to be careful not to lose my balance even though he has a good grip on my arm. With a few steps to go, I see the stairwell level off ahead of us. It looks like an observation platform.

Beyond is the edge to a large fish tank. It confirms my suspicions we’re inside some sort of aquarium. I see water beyond the glass, along with the occasional darting of brightly colored tropical fish.

When we reach the observation platform, I drift toward the edge and look into the tank. There is a variety of fish swimming around inside. The view is somewhat soothing, and I manage to relax… but only a little.

I make the mistake of looking down where several fish have gathered curiously. They’re darting back and forth around a couple of objects. As my eyes adjust, I can’t help screaming into the tape covering my mouth.

Down on the sandy floor I see two naked female bodies tethered next to each other by a couple of concrete blocks. The blocks are eerily similar to what I was tied up to and dumped overboard with back at the reef. The fish dart close as though expecting to be fed. But there is no food forthcoming.

Both girls seem to be facing each other. They appear to have their hands duct taped behind their backs. Both mouths are duct taped as well.

It’s the horrific expression of sheer terror in the one girl’s lifeless eyes that haunts me. I scream over and over again. I cannot believe this has happened to Shiori.

“Come along, senorita,” the man nudges me. “You cannot help them either. You can only hope your friend will be more helpful when she arrives.”

I drag my feet, whimpering as I blink my eyes in pure horror. I want the image of what I’ve seen to vanish like a bad dream. But the nightmare remains.

I blink hard again. Unfortunately they’re both still there. I don’t have a clear view of the other face. But I’m convinced it’s the body of her friend Emiko whose back is to me at a bit of an angle.

I almost freak out when I see a couple of tiny bubbles dribble out of Shiori’s nose. But she doesn’t respond – doesn’t even blink.

I want to scream at them to move. I want to see them wriggle around – do something – anything that will prove to me they’re both alive and that there’s still the slightest chance they can both be saved.

I’m utterly horrified. I’m also becoming more than a little aroused despite my fear. Embarrassing stirrings surge shamefully through my loins.

Both bodies sway ever so softly. Their skin tone is still flesh-colored. They have not yet taken on the pale of having been submerged for a long period of time.

I suspect they haven’t been down all that long. Tears well up in my eyes; I might have just missed them. For some reason it hurts that I never even got the chance to say goodbye.

I’m nudged in the back as I’m pulled along by my arm up the rest of the steps. I sob into the tape covering my mouth as tears stream down my cheeks. I’m almost certain I’m going to die now.

Surely I’ve seen way too much for him to allow me to live. That means that Andria is doomed as well once she sets foot inside the building.

My mind screams, wishing I could send some sort of telepathic message warning her not to come get me. But if I know Andria, I know she won’t rest until she knows I’m safe. It tears me apart inside knowing her attempt to rescue me will probably end up costing her her life.

We reach the top of the stairs. He directs me around another corner to a large observation area. There’s a glass partition four feet high with a metal rail on top to keep the public from pitching forward into the tank. But it’s folded open in two places like a couple of gates, no doubt to allow employees access into the tank itself.

The bastard walks me toward the farthest one and stands me close to the edge. One false step and I’ll find myself literally swimming with the fishes with my arms taped behind my back.

My eyes settle on something lying over in the corner in the shadows. I inhale sharply, knowing in an instant I’m dead.

There’s just enough light for me to make out two more of those decorative concrete blocks. Both have lengths of rope already tied through them. Apparently they are waiting for a couple more bodies to be tied to.

Andria and I are to be tossed into the tank. We’ll end up like Shiori and Emiko. It’s as though both girls are now waiting for us to join them.

I start to whimper as my breath catches in my throat. I feel like I’m going to start hyperventilating any second now. My pussy is drenched from a fearful arousal.

The man calmly walks over and picks up one of the blocks, bringing it back to me. I’m suddenly frozen with terror. All I can do is whimper helplessly as he bends down and removes my shoes and socks.

He ties my ankles together with the free end of the rope. I whimper in fright, my pussy throbbing with a terrible arousal. I’ll soon be joining Shiori and Emiko. No doubt, Andria will be joining us all.

“Your friend must know we mean business, senorita,” he says sympathetically. “It will not be much longer. Try not to be frightened.”

I whimper anxiously, and I can’t help squirming around a little. “FUCK YOU!” my mind screams at him. “TRY NOT TO BE FRIGHTENED?? IT’S TOO DAMNED LATE FOR THAT!! I’M FRIGHTENED OUT OF MY WITS!!”

He gives a final tug to make sure the rope is secure. Then that damn knife comes out again. For a second I’m afraid he’s actually going to cut me.

He starts slicing away my clothes, humiliating me even more. In no time at all I’m naked and trembling. Now I’m even more certain I’m going to end up just like my two naked friends at the bottom of the tank.

I’m hoping he doesn’t notice my wetness. If he does, he makes no mention of it. “Now we wait,” he says quietly.

I hyperventilate through my nose, my breathing hard and labored. About 20 minutes later I feel a door closing inside the building. There’s a quiet whoosh as though the air pressure has changed just a little bit, enough for me to notice a disturbance.

“GO AWAY, ANDRIA!” my mind pleads as tears well up in my eyes.

2009; 2021 (written May 26 ’09; ed. Jul 21 ‘21 by riwa)

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Scarlett hangs 4.4 (77)

”What am I doing here?”

Scarlett J was indignant as I marched her through the grounds of my estate. She was not happy having her wrists tied behind her back. Nor was she happy with my pistol in her back.

“You’re here because I had a request.”

“What sort of request?”

I smiled behind her as I marched her forward. We passed through a hedge into an open area. The gallows that appeared made an interesting contrast among the flower bushes.

She looked at the structure in alarm. “What the hell is that?”

“That’s the request I was given, ScarJo. I like to honor my requests whenever I can.”

“You’re going to hang me?”

“Sort of looks that way, doesn’t it?”

“Oh, hell no!”

I pushed the barrel of my revolver into her back. Then I told her, “To be perfectly honest, I prefer using a firing squad. We can do that if you prefer. I just love perforating gorgeous chests.”

“Asshole.” Then she resolutely headed toward the gallows. She must have concluded it would be difficult running in her heels. Besides, I don’t think she wanted a bullet in the back.

I marched her up to the top of my gallows. She looked at the noose and gasped. I don’t think she believed I was serious.

“Are you really going to do this?”

In reply I pushed her over to the large trap. Then I looped the rope around her neck. “I apologize for it not being a regulation 13 loop noose, ScarJo. At least it’s nice and thick. You should strangle for a good several minutes for me; that is, unless your neck is fragile. Do you have a fragile neck, ScarJo?

“Go to hell, asshole.”

“You first,” I told her with a smile as I placed the gun out of sight. I didn’t need it anymore.

I smiled as I told her, “Usually I require my victims to give me a blowjob before I send them to their deaths. I don’t suppose you’d be interested?”

She faced away from me as she snorted, “Fuck off!”

“Are you sure you won’t change your mind? It would delay your hanging by a few minutes.”

“Any way I can totally get out of hanging up here?”

“I’m afraid not.”

“Then let’s get this over with.”

“Defiance; that’s good. I like that in a victim.”


She panted heavily as I walked over to the lever that would release the trap. “Any last words before I drop you?”

“I got nothing more to say to you.”

“There’s still time for that blowjob.”

“Go to hell.”

“How about a last fuck?”

“Over my dead body.”

“Your terms are acceptable.” Then I pulled the lever.

She dropped maybe a foot or two. I thought the noose might break her neck. That would have been the merciful thing. But fate wasn’t being merciful to Miss Scarlet Johansen today.

The rope shifted as she started to dance for me. And boy, how she danced! It was incredible!

I suppose it was my fault really. I’d made sure the rope was nice and thick. She really struggled with it around her neck.

She was quite the fighter. I could tell she desperately wanted to live. Her legs really kicked as she gyrated in the noose.

Somehow she got turned around until she was facing the gallows. She fought to work her legs back up onto the platform. She was doing everything in her power to ease the pressure of the noose around her neck.

It was amazing how she managed to get both legs back onto the platform. The noose even looked like she was trying to work it off. She managed to splay herself up on the platform, somewhat easing the tension of the rope around her throat.

She rasped and gurgled as she looked at me. She was actually getting more air with less of her weight in the noose. What was I to do over this dilemma?

“Change your mind about that blowjob?” I asked with amusement. She rasped as she tried to glare defiantly at me.

I smiled at her as I asked, “Want me to leave you like that? It looks kind of painful. It might take you a long time to strangle to death that way. Of course I might actually enjoy that.”

Something flashed in her eyes as her legs struggled. Then she shook her head as she rasped and gurgled. I don’t think she wanted her agony to be extended indefinitely.

“Maybe it’s all that weight,” I observed thoughtfully. “Let me see if I can make you a little lighter.”

I carefully removed her top and bra. Then I tossed them off the gallows. “That any better?” I asked with a sly grin.

She tried to speak. But her words hung up in her throat. She was still rasping… still getting a little air.

I removed her garter, heels and stockings. Then I pulled off her bottoms. Her cunt glistened beckoningly from her fearful arousal.

She rasped again as she shook her head. Apparently she didn’t like me taking everything off. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did I remove too much? I’ll put something back.”

I slipped her heels back on. Then I smiled cruelly. “How’s that?”

She rasped at me again as she shook her head. “Oh, you want me to take something off of mine? You want me to remove my trousers? Certainly; be glad to!”

I pulled my pants and briefs off. My exposed cock immediately stood at attention. She looked at it and then looked at me. The expression in her face indicated she didn’t appreciate my gesture.

I smiled cruelly at her. “Still strangling? How about a fuck for a quicker death?”

She rasped again. Despair filled her features. Then she nodded her head.

“Good girl. Finish me off and I’ll do the same to you.”

I parted her legs as I lifted her up. My cock easily slid inside her. Then I started thrusting.

“I knew you wanted it, ScarJo. I can tell by how wet your cunt is. See; I slid right in! Feel free to enjoy yourself since it’ll be the last fuck you ever feel.”

I took my time pumping her. I enjoyed how she clenched around my thrusting shaft. I don’t know if that was deliberate on her part or simply a reflex forced by the noose strangling her.

“I’m going to cum now, ScarJo. Get ready for my baby batter.” Then I thrust nice and deep.

She really milked me as I pumped her full of my seed. By now her face was really getting red. She didn’t have much time left.

“How about that ass, Scarlett? Mind if I fuck that ass?”

She rasped and gurgled in response. Her face was turning red. Drool fell off her tongue onto her tits.

“Ok – ok. I promised you a little mercy. Let’s get you back to fully hanging like the noose whore you are. I’ll just take your ass after you’re dead. How does that sound?”

I swung her back around and let her legs dangle. She began to hitch and shudder. She was hardly making any noise at all.

I laid there on the gallows as I watched her ass. It looked so nice and inviting. My cock was getting hard again.

“You really do have the nicest ass, ScarJo. I’ve got a great view from back here.” In response her legs fluttered as her arms jerked a little behind her back.

“You know, ScarJo? I don’t think I can wait until you’re gone. I think I want to feel that ass right now.”

She kicked a little as she gyrated in the noose. I was pretty sure she was dying as she was hardly making those rasping noises anymore. But that sweet ass certainly had my attention.

“You know, ScarJo?” I said as I started stroking myself. “I know I told you I was going to wait until you were dead to take that ass. But I don’t think I can wait that long.”

Was she still alive? How much was that ass clenching in her death throes? A part of me just had to know.

I sat on the edge of the gallows with my legs dangling. I pulled her back to me. Then I thrust my dick up her ass. It felt heavenly.

I smiled as I told her, “You can die now, ScarJo. You can die with my cock up your ass. You might not enjoy it as much as I will. Hell, by now you might not even be able to feel it. But I sure can. Your ass is twitching like a tornado.”

She began to clench as she went into spasms and shudders. Her ass milked another cum out of me until she gurgled. I heard the death rattle in her throat as her bladder released and she pissed herself. Then she hung limp, fully impaled on my cock.

I let her go and watched as she hung limp and lifeless while gently swaying back and forth. “Hell of a show, ScarJo! Hell of a show!”

I gleefully swatted her ass. It set her to gently swaying back and forth. I slapped her ass again, enjoying the way it made her twist and sway.

I laid out on the gallows and looked at her from behind for the longest time. It really was a nice ass. I decided I would have to take it again before I buried her.

(Jan 16 ’20)

(Inspired by the Mike Hunt renders and his story idea.)

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Melvie rides Victor’s guillotine 4.4 (39)

Florio bought my gas when the pump declined my card. So I agreed to go out with him. He was a nice guy.

I was never really attracted to him though. He certainly treated me well enough. But when it came time to getting my sexual needs met, I had a couple of other guys I turned to whenever I wanted someone to rock my world.

I heard about Victor’s guillotine and wanted to go see what it was all about. But Chad and Buck were not available. So I asked Florio to drive me there.

I was impressed when we got there. Victor had quite the mansion. I knew money was involved, because I was seeing dollar signs everywhere as we looked all around.

A girl named Frieda led us down to the basement. She must have been his hostess. Anyway, the basement was where Victor kept his guillotine.

There must have been about six or seven of us. Frieda showed us the machine and how it worked. I don’t know how interested Florio was. But I was definitely intrigued. So were the other bitches who were with us.

Frieda allowed us to lie down on the bench with our heads locked into the lunette. She said the blade was locked and would not be allowed to fall. So naturally each of us had to try it.

I took a turn along with the others. It was quite a thrill. But when someone questioned if the machine even worked, Frieda showed us by imputing a random setting into the controls.

The blade dropped before five minutes were up. We all jumped with a start. Then we laughed about it before we all went back upstairs.

At the barbecue, I got alone with Frieda and a couple of the other girls. She explained how Victor had these risky parties where the guillotine blade could be rigged to drop randomly. The women all rode it naked, sometimes while they were getting fucked by their boyfriend or significant other.

Someone asked if there had ever been an accident. Frieda said it happened every now and then. That’s why anyone who rode it had to sign a waiver. The body would end up being barbecued afterwards. There was always a dinner for all the guests, one way or the other.

I asked if people just laid in the guillotine waiting for the blade to fall. Frieda said that happened sometimes. But usually, the couples liked to fuck while one of them was locked into it. It added to the sexual thrill of being helplessly secured while wondering if the blade was going to fall.

My mind immediately started imagining all the erotic possibilities. I asked Frieda if the girls had orgasms in the guillotine. She said she’d been fucked in the guillotine a few times.
She admitted those orgasms had always turned out to be the most intense. Thinking the blade might come down always made her cum intensely. At that point, I was sold.

It occurred to me I should get Chad or Buck to fuck me in the guillotine during one of those parties. It sounded like one hell of a thrill. And what if I got to watch another couple fucking when the blade came whooshing down? The thought of it soaked my panties.

Florio finally came over and asked if I was ready to go home. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and we left. I was horny, but he was not the one I wanted to fuck.

On the drive back, he asked what I thought about it. I told him it made me think about some sort of museum guillotine. After all, I couldn’t tell him what I was really thinking; could I?

Frieda contacted me a couple days later. She said Victor was going to have a party where the guillotine was going to be unlocked. Did I want to come over to ride it and risk my neck?

I asked what day it was going to be. She said it would be next Saturday. I told her that would be perfect.

I asked if we could bring anyone we wanted. She said that would not be a problem. She probably thought I would be bringing Florio back.

I was excited as hell. I knew Florio had to work a shift that Saturday. All I had to do was check and see if Chad or Buck would be available.

I called Buck and told him my plans. But he said he was busy. So I called Chad.

Chad loved the idea. I think he just wanted to see if I would lose my head while he was fucking me. The idea of having such risky sex got me all hot and bothered.

He agreed to drive me there. But he said he would have to leave early before the party ended. So I would need a ride home. That made me think of Florio.

By the time my boyfriend got off work and got to the party, Chad would be long gone after fucking the shit out of me. I knew Florio would be nice enough to come pick me up. So I called him and told him about it.

I said some girls would probably be riding it. He asked me if I was going to take a chance on it. I admitted I was considering it. I just didn’t tell him I was planning on having Chad fuck me while I was strapped down with my head locked into the lunette.

He said he’d be happy to pick me up. I told him I would meet him there. He said he loved me, and I ended the call.

A couple hours later, I got a call from Buck. Turns out, he had some free time after all. And he knew where the party was taking place.

He told me he’d meet up with me at Victor’s place. I didn’t tell him I already had Chad scheduled to come as well. Besides, I loved the idea they would both be there.

Like Chad, I think Buck wanted to be the one fucking me in case the blade came down. He already knew all about Chad. But he didn’t seem to care.

I didn’t think it would be a problem. In fact, I was pretty excited about it. Having two guys fuck me in the guillotine at the party was going to make all the other girls jealous as hell.

On Saturday, I got a call from Florio a little after noon. I was already in the car with Chad. Buck was going to catch up to us after we got there.

I told Florio I was on my way and that I would see him there after he got off work. “Love you, babe,” he said casually. Then the call ended.

Chad laughed at me. “I heard that. But you didn’t say it back to him. Do you love him, Melvie?”

“He’s a nice guy,” I replied with a dismissive wave. Then I smiled as I added, “But I’m going to Victor’s party with you.”

“And Buck,” he laughed. “I know you told him about it.”

I just grinned at him. “Be nice, Chad. Maybe I’ll let you be the first one to fuck me while I’m lying down with my head locked into the guillotine.”

“What if the blade comes down on you?”

I laughed again. “Who knows? Maybe I’ll give my head to Florio as a souvenir.” He just shook his head as he chuckled.

We arrived at the mansion, and I turned off my phone. I didn’t want to be interrupted. After all, Florio already knew where I was.

We were mingling in the backyard for drinks when Buck arrived. Victor was getting the barbecue ready. “So what’s on the menu?” Chad asked.

“You mean ‘who’s’ on the menu, don’t you?” Frieda remarked with a knowing smile. There was laughter all around.

“I have a bunch of steaks and burgers ready,” Victor replied. “Unless of course, one of you ladies loses her head. Then we’re in for a real treat.”

“You’d really cook one of them?” Buck asked, sounding as though he’d enjoy that a lot.

“Of course he would,” Frieda said with a smile. “He’s done it before. He knows his business. Now who wants to go down with me and see who gets lucky and who’s going to be on the menu?”

Everybody except Victor got up to go downstairs. After all, watching others ride the guillotine before riding it ourselves was the reason we’d all come to the party in the first place.

We all signed waivers at a counter near the door to the basement. Frieda checked them over. “Good,” she said with a nod. “That lets Victor off the hook in case anything goes wrong.”

There were ten of us who went down to the basement. Three other couples had shown up for the party. I was there with Chad and Buck. And of course, there was our hostess.

Frieda got me alone and quietly asked, “Who are the guys you’re with? I thought Florio was your…”

“Oh, Florio’s just a friend,” I told her with a dismissive wave.

“And these two guys are…?” she started to ask. I just grinned in reply.

“Oh,” she said with a wry smile. “Well, I don’t judge. I just help run Victor’s guillotine during these party days.”

When we got to the room with the guillotine, Frieda walked right up to it and set the timer for a two hour maximum. The clock on the wall in front read 0:00. The one on the guillotine read the same.

She said the blade could fall anytime between the first minute and the last. But there were two hours on the clock. She told us she’d only seen the blade come down during the second hour. But there was always a possibility it could drop earlier. So we shouldn’t ride it if we didn’t want to risk it.

I asked her, “What if no one is riding it? Does the timer keep going?”

“The timer shuts off each time the lunette is unlatched,” she replied. “It will remain at that time with the program still randomly plugged in until someone takes it for another ride. The time will continue from that point on, unless someone resets the entire thing to zero.”

“So we can just climb aboard anytime we want?” the busty blonde named Petria asked.

“Not exactly,” Frieda told her with a twinkle in her eye. “It wouldn’t be much fun if you got on, got the timer started, and then immediately stopped it after a few seconds; right? So there’s a five minute minimum each time the lunette is latched.”

The Asian chick named Tekoma blurted out, “You mean we’re stuck inside that damned thing for a minimum of five minutes?”

Frieda didn’t give her an answer. Instead, she turned to me and asked if she could borrow Buck for a few minutes. I told her it was fine with me.

She smiled as she asked him, “Care to help me out?”

“Sure!” he replied with a grin.

She promptly got undressed, shocking all of us. She had a nice rack, although it wasn’t as large as Petria’s. I even thought mine was a little bigger. Sometimes us bitches think about things like that.

She retrieved a set of cuffs and handed them over to Buck. “Put these on me once I’m lying in place, ok?” He nodded excitedly, a noticeable bulge in his pants. I know I’d said it was ok. But at that moment, I was jealous as hell.

She laid down on the bench face down. Her knees did not quite not quite touch the floor as her legs hung off the back of the bench. It left her ass fully exposed for one and all to see. Her cleanly shaved snatch was visibly dripping.

She got her head into place as she looked down into the wicker basket below. Frieda submissively brought her arms behind her back. Then she said, “Go ahead and cuff me, Buck. You’ve got ‘em in your hands; right?”

Buck eagerly cuffed her wrists behind her back. Then she told him, “Slide the lunette down on my neck. It moves easily enough.”

I was amazed she let someone else do it to her. But it slid down with a minimal amount of effort. When I noticed all eyes were on her, it made me even more jealous.

“You see the latch, Buck?” He said he saw it as he nodded. “Good. Once you latch it down, the timer will start. It won’t release me until my five minutes are up. Would you be a gentleman and release me then?”

“Sure thing, Frieda.”

Everyone could see how enthusiastic he was. It was also obvious how much this was affecting our hostess. She was now beginning to pant excitedly.

There was an audible click as he latched the lunette in place. Petria blurted out, “The timers are going!” The clock on the wall in front of the guillotine and the one on the frame were both counting forward… 0:01… 0:02… 0:03.

Everyone focused on Frieda, the clocks or the blade. It was exciting as hell. Then Tekoma’s guy Kimo murmured, “You mean she’s stuck in there until five minutes are up?”

“That’s right,” Frieda panted excitedly upon overhearing him. “I couldn’t get out now if I wanted to.”

“You mean the blade could come down, and off with your head?” That was from a brunette named Mera.

“My waiver is on file with Victor,” she panted. “I try to be careful. But you just never know.” Then her voice rose as she gasped, “Ohgawd! What if this time it comes down early? I could end up on Victor’s menu!”

Did she really think that was possible? Or was this all just for show? I didn’t know, but it was certainly making things exciting. I was more aroused than I thought I would be.

We all watched with great anticipation. The timer passed two minutes and then three. That’s when she gasped, “Buck? Would you do me another favor?”

“What’s that?”

“Would you finger me back there?”


He grinned at me as he moved next to her ass. I just gave him a jealous glare. Then he rubbed her crotch.

She began to moan as he fingered her slit. It was incredibly arousing to observe. I found myself wishing I would have been the first one to try it.

The timer reached 4:00 and kept going. Frieda writhed and moaned as everyone watched. Some looked up at the blade, wondering if there was really a risk of Frieda losing her head.

We all started counting down as the timer approached five minutes…. “…five… four… three…” Frieda cried out as she squirmed on the bench. The timer hit 5:00 and kept going.

Buck stopped fingering her and rushed forward. He flipped the latch on the lunette, stopping both timers. The numbers read 5:04.

There were sighs and murmurs as everyone exhaled. Buck freed her from the cuffs. Then he lifted the lunette up off her neck.

He helped her to her feet. Frieda was a little unsteady at first. Then she smiled at him as she affectionately touched his shoulder. “Thanks for the O, Buck. That felt wonderful.”

“Anytime,” he answered proudly.

“The bench sure is wet now,” Mera observed, her boyfriend Donahue standing right there next to her.

“That’s because of that nice orgasm Buck just helped me with,” Frieda confessed. “I always cum when I’m locked into the lunette and the timer is running. You think the blade might come down before you get out and you can’t help yourself. You just never know.”

She paused for a moment. Then she smiled as she looked our little group over. “Ok. So who wants to go next?”

I blurted out, “You once said we’re allowed to fuck in the guillotine? Is that right?”

“If you want,” she said to me with a knowing nod. Then she addressed the others by saying, “Anyone who’s shy and doesn’t want to watch someone having sex in the guillotine can head upstairs and wait a few minutes. So go ahead and leave now.” She paused dramatically, but nobody left.

I was so horny I just had to have a release. Besides, I figured the blade wouldn’t come down this early, would it? So I started to strip.

Tekoma, Mera and Petria looked at me in shock. The guys all whooped and cheered. Frieda just grinned at me. I noticed she had not put her clothes back on, nor did she act as though she was going to.

“Chad!” I pointed as I dropped my skirt, indicating I was wearing nothing underneath. “You’re up!”

He grinned at Buck as Frieda helped me lie face down on the bench. My wet pussy was obvious to anyone who looked at it. I knew by the way he was rapidly undressing that Chad was eager to fuck me in front of the whole damned room.

I suddenly got nervous when I saw the wicker basket below my head. I was panting as Frieda cuffed my wrists behind my back. Then she brought the lunette down.

“Are you sure?” she asked as she got ready to latch it. “Once it’s latched, you can’t get off the ride until it passes the five minute mark.” She chuckled with amusement.

“Lock her in!” Chad declared. Then he thrust into my wet cunt, causing me to cry out. Frieda latched me in before I could change my mind.

The timer immediately began ticking… 5:05… 5:06… 5:07. “You’ve got ‘til 10:04,” Frieda told me. Gawd; what had I gotten myself into??

Chad pounded me from behind like we were all alone. I cried out as I stared at the ticking timer on the wall in front of me. My fear and arousal were clear off the charts. What if the blade dropped early and took my head off??

I suddenly blurted out, “I’ve ch-changed my mind!”

“Too late,” Frieda chuckled as she came around in front and caressed my cheek. “You’ll be good eating once the blade comes down.”


Chad fucked me good and hard. I heard gasps and moans from the others. I caught sight of Frieda touching herself all over as she moaned, “Gawd, I should have let Buck fuck me while I was all locked in.”

“Next time!” I heard Buck eagerly blurt out. The bastard was happy to fuck anything that moved.

The timer passed six minutes… then seven… and then eight. Why the hell was it taking so long?? I suddenly became terrified I would not live to see ten.

By 9:06 I was cumming up a storm as Chad emptied himself deep inside me. I wanted out, but there was still time on my meter, so to speak. Chad was still inside me, thrusting as though he hadn’t cum yet, even though I knew he had.

I begged Frieda to shut it down, but she just laughed. Chad kept fucking me as I mentally willed the timer to hurry along. I actually came again at 9:55.

I was deathly afraid my head was coming off before they could shut it down. Then I heard everyone counting down. Frieda finally stepped up and flipped the latch at 10:06. That’s when I fainted dead away.

2022 (written Oct 18 ’22; ed. Jan 18 ‘23 by riwa)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.3 (6)

Coming January rewards

The 15th chapter to Aravanna
The 15th chapter to Katia
A summer of Cassidy
Eager girls
A day at Lake Malawi
A special request
The call of the lake
One way boat ride
Pool lovers
No more dates
Janet in caged quicksand
And a couple others I’m considering

November stories/rewards will fall off at the end of December to make room for January rewards.

December has been unseasonably warm. We did get a couple of light snow showers. Saturday it snowed just enough to give the city that Christmas feel. But it’s going to be gone soon when our temps rise back up above December averages.

Today, mom and I engaged in our annual “hunt for an open restaurant on Christmas” drive. Google maps said “yes, they’re open”. But we found empty parking lots in those places. I was driving, so naturally I got us into a couple of spots where I had to turn us around. Mom just laughed.

We finally ate at Red Lobster. The meal was not what it could have been. But mom liked her fries and her decaffeinated coffee, and we both liked the cheddar biscuits. But most of all, we both greatly enjoyed each other’s company.

We’re enjoying each other as much as we can, while we still can. There have been several fatal car accidents around here lately, including one that tragically took the lives of four teens. There are many hurting families out there this Christmas, and it breaks my heart. So make sure to enjoy friends and family this holiday season while they are still around.

I hope your Christmas was very merry indeed. Have a Happy New Year. Thank you for being my patrons. See you in January.

Posted in Riwas Reads | Leave a comment

Indoor spa fun 4.3 (27)

It was after midnight and I couldn’t sleep. Karen had gone to bed early. She’d claimed a headache, but I think she was just avoiding any chance of the two of us being intimate.

After a while I decided a good soak in the apartment complex’s indoor spa would relax me. So I changed into my suit. I toyed with what to wear before I settled on a pair of black speedos.

It was a cool night. I was looking forward to the warm waters of the spa. I quietly made my way to the courtyard and unlocked the building with my apartment key.

I heard the jets the moment I went inside. The lights had been dimmed so as not to alert the rest of the apartment complex. It made me wonder who was already inside.

I opened the inner door and looked in. Gloria was sitting upright in the spa with her back to a jet. The top to her light blue one-piece had been pulled down, exposing a nice set of breasts.

I’d seen her in the spa a time or two. So her presence wasn’t all that surprising. What did surprise me was the absence of her husband Dick.

“Hi Brett,” she said with a cheery smile when she saw me looking in. “Like what you see?” Then she wriggled her chest at me.

“Yes I do,” I admitted.

I stepped inside, closed the door behind me, and then climbed down into the water. I figured if she wasn’t chasing me out or pulling her top back up, it meant I was in the clear.

I had just settled in front of another jet when she asked, “Late for you to be out here this time of night. What’s the matter, Brett? Can’t sleep?”

I threw the question back at her with a smile as I asked, “Can’t you?”

She ignored it. “So where’s Karen?”

“Where’s Dick?”

“He doesn’t like using the spa.”

“So I’ve noticed.”

She still hadn’t bothered pulling her top back up. I couldn’t help staring. She finally told me, “I’m not going to pull it back up, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“So long as you don’t mind my looking.”

She gave me a smile, putting me even more at ease. “Oh, I don’t mind. In fact, I was kind of thinking about…” She paused as though she was considering something.

“Thinking about what?”

She gave me an amused look, a twinkle in her eye. “I was going to get myself off. And I planned on doing it completely nude. That’s ok with you; isn’t it?”

Getting to see her naked didn’t bother me in the slightest. So I told her, “Go right ahead. I don’t mind.”

“Oh, there’s a little more to it than that, Brett. You see, I’m not getting naked unless you are.”

Was that a challenge? Did she think I’d be too timid? Did she figure I would call it an evening and leave her alone?

I figured I didn’t have all that much to lose. So I promptly pulled my speedos down my legs. I grinned at her as I tossed them aside.

A faint smile crossed her lips. “Aha! I thought maybe you were one of those!” And with that she pulled her suit all the way down her legs until she was just as naked as I.

I couldn’t help staring at her crotch. She kept it cleanly shaved. It made my cock harden even more.

She smiled as she told me, “I’m going to get off now, Brett. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Why should I mind?”

She gave me a knowing smile as though she liked my answer. Was she glad I was playing along?

She went over to the metal rails leading into the spa. To my surprise she filled her lungs before inverting her position and going over backwards. She used her ankles for support, using them to brace herself against the rails to the spa.

She was over backwards on the bench seat inside the spa, her head fully submerged in the deepest part as bubbles came up. Right away I noticed where the jet was hitting her. Then she came back up for a breath.

She filled her lungs before submerging backwards again. More bubbles came out of her mouth and nose. It was deliberate on her part, especially as the jet between the rails was hitting her lady parts the same as before.

Clearly she’d done this more than once. How many times had she come out here and gotten herself off using that one particular jet?

My cock really got hard as she tipped her head back until it was almost touching the floor of the spa. Then she started touching herself. The jet hit her crotch just right, making her wriggle a little.

She was under for a good thirty seconds before she came back up, coughing and snorting. “Water up my nose,” she explained. “A couple more times and I should be good to go.”

She filled her lungs and then went back under. I saw her legs tense up as she braced her ankles against the rails. Then she started rubbing herself all over again.

She looked up at me and smiled. Then she released a few teasing bubbles. It made me ask myself why she should be allowed to hog all the fun to herself.

I stood up and deliberately started stroking my meat. Seeing her hold her breath while touching herself was incredibly erotic. Besides, what was she going to do to me now? She was acting as though she didn’t care whether or not I participated in her illicit little activity.

She came up out of the water and gasped, “I think I’m ready.” Then she grinned lewdly at me as she asked, “Does this mean you’re going to join me, Brett?”

“Join you?”

She pointed at what I was doing. “Are you going to masturbate with me?”

“You’re the one turning me on, Gloria. If you’re going to get yourself off, I don’t see why I should be left sitting here in the spa with blue balls.”

She grinned happily. “Now that’s the kind of response I like to get!”

She filled her lungs and submerged. Then she went back to touching herself. So I went back to stroking myself, enjoying the incredibly erotic sight before me.

I didn’t expect what happened next. Gloria reached out and grabbed my balls. Then she pulled me a little closer as she groped and fondled them.

At that moment I knew I didn’t have anything to worry about. Besides, we were both married. Neither one of us wanted our spouses to know about our joint masturbation session out here in the indoor spa.

She surprised me by staying down for quite a long time. I had no idea she was that kind of breath-holder. Sexy bubbles came out of her mouth and nose.

I decided not to rush things. I wanted to enjoy the view while I could. Besides, I had no idea if this might be the one and only time I ever got to do this with Gloria.

She finally came up panting loudly for breath. Then she took one look at me and grinned. “Fucking hot, Brett!”

“You’re pretty damned sexy yourself, Gloria. I’ll have to pace myself or I might cum too soon.”

She gave me a huge, shit-eating grin. Then she filled her lungs and submerged. She went right to the bottom and started groping and caressing her mounds again as the jet spewed against her lady parts.

I sat back into the seat and watched her. I slowly stroked the entire time. It was incredibly erotic watching her hold her breath while touching herself like that as the jet spurted against her crotch.

She didn’t even touch her lady parts. She just let the jet do all the work. I loved the way she writhed and wriggled as the jetting water hit her just right.

She was down for quite a while. I really had to pace myself. I wanted to wait until I saw her orgasm before I shot my load all over the interior of the spa.

She finally burst up gasping loudly for breath. “Damn, that feels good!” she panted. Then she gave me a knowing smile before adding, “Looks like you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Well, you might say I’m enjoying the view.”

“Oh really? Do tell.”

“I had no idea you could hold your breath while getting off like that.”

“It’s how I like to cum when I’m using the spa. Which reminds me…”

She paused and gave me an evil look. Then she told me, “You can’t cum unless you’re underwater holding your breath.”

I gave her a questioning look. “Apartment complex rules, Gloria?”

“My rules, Brett. If you like what you see and you want to get off, you’ll have to do it like I’m doing it.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, that’s so.”

I think she thought she had me. She was going to get off while leaving me frustrated. I don’t think she knew just how much I enjoyed being out here in the spa.

She took deep breaths to prepare herself. I matched her inhalation for inhalation. When she submerged, I went right down with her.

At first she was more than a little surprised. Then she grinned at me as though discovering a tasty new morsel. She groped her boobs and writhed against the bubbling jet as I stroked my cock while cupping my balls.

She groped herself harder. I watched as her hips really started to wriggle. It looked as though she was getting into it. Was she going to orgasm during this breath-hold?

I stroked harder. Gloria wriggled like crazy as she aimed her crotch at the jetting water. It looked like she was really enjoying herself.

I don’t know when it morphed into a contest. I finally decided I wasn’t going to surface until after she did. And I was going to try to pace myself, waiting to ejaculate until right after her climax.

She writhed even harder. Bubbles started dribbling out of her nose. It looked like she was trying to fuck the jetting water.

I stroked harder while cupping and caressing my balls. I was getting pretty close. But I was trying to figure out how long I needed to hold off until she came first.

Gloria’s expression changed into a grimace. It looked as though she was trying to outlast me. We both writhed as we worked at getting ourselves off underwater in the spa.

She suddenly stiffened. Then she began jerking around as though she’d been hit by a live wire. I thought I saw a little discoloration emerge from her lady parts.

It swelled within me until I started shooting a load into the spa. I had no idea I’d been storing up so much cream. I suppose my wife Karen was partly to blame for that.

Gloria finally shot up and gasped madly for breath. But her ankles lost the rails. She slipped back under and had to sit up on the seating to compose herself.

I shot up a few seconds later. I coughed a couple times before gaping like crazy. I had no idea I was capable of pushing myself like that.

“Fucking hot, Brett!” she gasped. Then she lowered her head as though feeling guilty about something.

She sighed before telling me, “I’d better get out of the water before I do something I might live to regret.”

I nodded with understanding as I told her, “You’re right, of course.”

We quietly got back into our suits. Then we each took a towel from a stack that had been previously washed and left for the residents to use. In no time at all I was dry enough to head back to the apartment.

“That helped,” I said as I headed for the door. “I think I can fall asleep now.”

“Me too, Brett.”

She looked at me with sadness and longing. I could see it in her eyes. I felt the same way, but I knew we didn’t dare stay a second longer together.

“I enjoyed it,” I said as I opened the door and headed out. Her voice followed me out with “I did too!” Then I proceeded to put it out of my mind as I headed back.

…or at least I tried to…

2021 (written Sep 18 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by vidcaps from JustPaul’s animation.)

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The Santamos Island concierge 4.3 (26)

An impoverished Caribbean island nation nears bankruptcy. In order to raise cash income from “tourists”, the nation’s leaders in desperation pass a law — consensual executions of sane and un-coerced foreigners by other foreigners will be legal in public execution areas on the island. Arachnid’s Santamos Island universe

I work as a concierge at the hotel on the south side of the island. I don’t get many requests down here. Many of the tourists who come to experience the ultimate fantasy usually check into the classier Robespierre hotel. It has all the amenities you would ever want, especially when it comes to suiting one’s needs for passing into the next life.

That doesn’t mean we don’t get the occasional request down here. I’ve filled out my share of paperwork for those wanting to check out, even though they are not leaving the island. It’s just that other parts of the island catch more business.

It’s not that Santamos gets swamped with activity or anything like that. Our days are often routine. We can go as long as a couple of weeks before we encounter a tourist wanting to make the ultimate decision. That’s why we don’t see the heavier activity down here.

Sometimes I get asked to oversee the ending of a life, especially when it falls outside the normal parameters of what we have set up here. We have the usual endings, of course. But sometimes we encounter a guest who’d like us to improvise.

The only “sanctioned” drownings are those that occur down at our tidal stakes. It can be quite the experience, especially if a guest has to wait several hours as the tide rises and climbs the post they’re tied to. But we do get the occasional drowning request that falls outside the methods we usually implement.

For instance, we had one woman show up at my hotel who wanted to go out by way of drowning. When I explained how our tidal stakes worked, she requested a different drowning method. Of course, we’re encouraged here on Santamos to indulge our guests as much as is humanly possible.

After seeing to the paperwork, Laverne asked if I would accompany her as she sought out the best way to go out for herself. I got someone to cover for me at the desk. Then I made it my personal mission to see to her needs.

I took her down to the beach and showed her our tidal stakes, wondering if perhaps she might change her mind. She thought that might take too long. The stress of waiting for the tide to rise high enough to drown her might cause her to falter and thus to freak out during her experience rather than being able to enjoy it to the full.

We went for a stroll along the beach. I asked how she would feel about walking out into the surf and drowning herself that way. She said she was still considering that as a possibility. But she thought she wanted something a little different.

I asked if she wanted to do this on her own or if she required some assistance. She said she wasn’t sure. I told her I could always find someone to hold her under until the fateful moment she started swallowing water.

She thought about it for a moment. Then she asked me if I could be the one to hold her down. I told her I could arrange to get anyone she liked, but if she preferred me to assist in this manner then I would be happy to oblige. She seemed a little unsure of this, so I did not press her on it.

We went out to the marina and looked around. I told her I could arrange for her to ride out on a boat and be thrown overboard. It didn’t happen often, but I’d heard of the occasional drowning at sea.

I explained a set of weights would take her right to the bottom. An attached rope would allow us to pull her back up when the deed had been completed. Then we could give her a proper burial.

She thought about it for a moment. But she wasn’t sure if she wanted someone to throw her overboard. She imagined her drowning to be a much more intimate affair.

I asked if she had considered drowning herself in a bathtub. She told me that felt a little too clinical. In her mind bathtubs were for getting cleaned up. She said it was ok if others took that method. But it felt a little too sterile for her tastes.

I queried her as to why she was interested in drowning. Laverne explained she had always enjoyed the water ever since she was a youngster. She could not recount how many times she had gotten herself off at the bottom of some pool, lake or stream.

I explained to her that I had never experienced an orgasm underwater. She asked if I would be interested in seeing one for myself. I smiled as I told her it would be all right with me so long as she was comfortable having me watch her. She said she would be delighted to show me.

It was dark when we arrived back at the hotel. So we went out back to our outdoor pool. Our warm temperatures year-round make the pool an inviting, if not a necessary, addition.

She suddenly became apprehensive. She had not brought a suit along. I told her not to worry. She could go nude if she so desired.

She stripped down until she was only wearing her white blouse. I did the same so she would feel more comfortable. She seemed appreciative I was going the extra mile for her.

There were no other guests in the pool when we entered the water. It was nice and warm. Soon Laverne had opened her blouse, allowing me to gaze upon her lovely, bare breasts.

She went underwater several times. I’m used to being in the pool, so I went under with her. She became more relaxed the more I participated in a shared swim.

She was under for a long time before she came up for a breath. She smiled shyly at me as she explained, “The longer I’m under, the more aroused I become.” It seemed true, as her nipples had markedly hardened.

We were in the shallow end when she suddenly submerged. She went flat on her back onto the pool floor. Then she began touching herself all over.

Normally I’m able to maintain my professionalism with the guests. But Laverne’s actions were incredibly stimulating. The way she touched herself as she released bubbles was quite erotic.

She came up and asked me what I thought. I blushed as I apologized for my lack of professionalism. I had become horny, and I begged her forgiveness.

She told me I had nothing to be sorry about. On the contrary, she was thrilled I’d enjoyed watching her. Then she took a deep breath before going back down.

She was in the glow of one of the overhead lights. It really accented her body as she lay on the bottom of the pool. It was one of the few times I had ever found myself becoming aroused by the actions of a guest.

She really worked her nub with her fingers. Occasionally she thrust them into her pussy. The way she wriggled and squirmed was incredibly erotic. And the way her blouse fluttered around her exposed chest merely added to the sensuality of the moment.

She came up gasping for breath. Then she smiled shyly as she asked, “What did you think about that?”

I told her it was quite erotic. Then I again asked her to forgive me for my lack of professionalism. I explained that I didn’t know whether it was the bubbles or the way she thrashed about down there. But I had become shamefully aroused.

She reached out and touched my arm. “Please don’t be ashamed on my account. I love the way I turned you on. Can I show you again?”

It’s not often I find myself blushing in front of a guest. All I could do was stammer, “Yes; please.” She grinned happily at me, making me glad I was able to bring her some small semblance of joy by my presence.

She took really deep breaths before filling her lungs with air. Then she submerged again. Bubbles trickled up from her nose as she stretched out flat onto her back.

I watched with growing excitement as she touched herself underwater. I could not fathom what it was about the experience that was making it so pleasurable for her. Maybe it was holding her breath. Or maybe it was being totally submerged in the water. All I know is that I was terribly, shamefully aroused.

She looked up and bubbled at me. I smiled down at her. Then she grinned back at me. I think it was because she’d caught me caressing myself.

I self-consciously moved my hands away before apologizing down at her in the water. She must have heard me because she motioned… “No, please keep going.” So I caressed my right breast as I rubbed and fingered myself.

She was very deliberate as she touched herself. I was breathless as I watched her. More erotic bubbles came up.

Once more she began to writhe and wriggle. It looked like she was receiving much pleasure. It certainly was a huge turn-on watching her.

She suddenly burst up gasping loudly for breath. Then she smiled self-consciously at me. “So what do you think?”

“Very erotic,” I replied as I shamefully lowered my head. “I cannot explain why. Again, I apologize for my actions and feelings.”

“No apologies are necessary,” she replied. “I’m just pleased I’m turning you on.”

“But it’s not professional.”

“You don’t have to be professional around me. I’m glad you’re here.” Then she filled her lungs with air before submerging again.

Sexy bubbles came up as she went right back to work. She certainly knew how to touch herself in all the right places. It was incredible to observe.

She was down for quite a while. Laverne surprised me by how good she was at holding her breath. I think it was part of her experience.

Maybe I should have been more concerned. But she had expressed a desire to use water as her method of exiting this world. I wasn’t even thinking along those lines. After all, she was only showing me how she got off underwater. And it was utterly incredible.

I got to where I could tell when she was running out of breath. Her chest heaved as more bubbles came up. She furiously fingered herself as though she was running out of time before the need to surface overrode her pleasure.

To my surprise, she stiffened and then shuddered hard. It looked like she was trying to scream underwater. Erotic bubbles trickled out of her nose. I had never witnessed an orgasm so intense before, certainly not one occurring underwater.

It caught me totally by surprise. One moment, she was cumming up a storm. The next, she was inhaling and drowning right before my startled eyes. It was shamefully arousing.

I was shocked as she glubbed and bubbled. Instinctively I reached down to help pull her back up. Then I hesitated as I caught myself. Was this what she ultimately wanted??

She hitched and convulsed as she lay submerged. It looked incredibly painful. Then it overcame me in an unexpected rush.

I let out a shameful cry as I endured a climax of my own. It was embarrassing as hell. But it felt wonderful.

Laverne began to settle down. There were a few stray muscle spasms. Then she lay quiet.

She seemed to stare up at me. But there was no shock or horror in her eyes. Instead, she had a blissful expression.

I looked down upon her sexy body, wondering what I should do. I saw a discoloration emerge out of her slit. It was not the color of urine.

Shamefully I climaxed again. Afterwards I needed a few moments to compose myself. Then I looked down at her and apologized again for my unprofessionalism.

She did not try to contradict me. Her expression was not one of condemnation. Instead, it was as though she had accepted my reaction, if not – dare I say – encouraged my sexual response to her drowning.

It was an experience I have not forgotten. That happened a little while ago. Now I have a better understanding when the occasional guest seeks to be drowned. I always do everything in my power to accommodate their request, even if it means using other means besides our tidal stakes here on Santamos Island.

2021 (written Sep 16 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by the pictures I included.)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Santamos Island stories | Tagged , | 1 Comment

She didn’t go back 4.3 (24)

I was out in the forest in my buckboard taking photos with my new photo machine when I saw her. She was crouched low in the thicket. Part of her tattered garment was exposed enough to give away her location.

When I approached, I heard a whimper followed by the rustling of shrubs. I thought for sure she was going to bolt. She seemed frightened about something.

I was curious enough to take my equipment back to the buckboard. I returned with my lunch basket. Then I sat down a short distance away and spread out a blanket on the ground.

I said out loud, “Mighty fine day for a picnic in the woods, wouldn’t you say? It’d be a shame not to be able to enjoy it with someone. Besides, I certainly brought more than enough to eat.”

I pulled out a drumstick and started to eat. Charlotte always did make mighty fine fried chicken. She was kind of sweet on me.

She was still in the thicket. So I put a piece of chicken on a piece of newspaper. Then I got up, walked over and placed it down in front of the shrub before walking back to my picnic basket. When I turned to look, the paper and chicken were gone.

I thought I heard the sound of someone ravenously devouring that drumstick. “There’s more out here if you want. But you’ll have to come out to eat it. Afterwards, you can go back to your thicket if you prefer.”

A head slowly emerged. Right away I understood the situation. It almost broke my heart.

She looked young enough to be my daughter. But Mary had gotten married and moved back East, leaving me alone. I couldn’t blame her, as the hills of Kentucky were no place for a woman who preferred city life.

Her tattered garments disguised her dark, physical features. I motioned her to come over and have another piece of chicken. I told her I wasn’t the least bit interested in who she was or where she’d come from. I just had plenty of chicken because Charlotte wanted to make sure I didn’t go hungry.

She hesitantly came out of the thicket. She wandered over and sat down. I pulled out the rest of the chicken and set it right in front of her.

She ravenously attacked it. Charlotte had certainly done well. This time there was nothing left over.

I finally said, “Somebody’s looking for you, aren’t they?”

She stiffened as though preparing to bolt. She didn’t nod her head, nor did she give a yay or nay. But I thought I saw her start to tremble.

“You don’t want to go back, do you?”

I thought I saw a tear in her eye. Then her head shook as though indicating, “No, I don’t.” I nodded in understanding.

“Ok. I hope you don’t mind my being around your thicket. I just came out here to try my hand at being a photographer. You can watch me or you can return to your thicket. I don’t mind either way.”

It was nice to see she did not return to her thicket.

I retrieved my equipment from the buckboard and set up the tripod. But I only took half a dozen photos. I was careful with the shots I chose. After all, film is expensive and hard to come by.

She watched me the whole time. I offered to take a photo of her. But she seemed frightened of that, so I didn’t.

When I was done, I told her I was headed back home. I told her I lived on the outskirts of a small village. If she wanted to come along, she could duck down in my buckboard so she wouldn’t be seen. Or she could stay out here in her thicket. But I couldn’t promise I would return.

She looked at me for a long moment. Then she helped me put my equipment back into the buckboard. When we were done, she crawled into the back under a canvas as I took my seat. A flick of the reins, and Winnie headed us home at a leisurely trot.

She started speaking when I fed her stew for supper. She said her name was Phibe. She’d run away with her two brothers.

When their pursuers had gotten close, she’d jumped into the river. Her brothers had stayed on the bank to distract the men from finding her. She heard cries as well as the sound of whipping. Then they all disappeared.

I fully understood her dilemma. And I was sympathetic. I told her I wasn’t the least bit interested in reporting her. She reminded me too much of my daughter Mary, despite the color of her skin. I was happy for the company.

She stayed the night. More nights were to follow. She seemed shy and innocent. But looks were deceiving. I was all but certain of the abuse she’d no doubt received where she’d come from… and would receive again were she ever to go back.

Things changed when three Southerners stopped by. They said they were looking for escaped slaves. I told them I hadn’t seen any. Besides, I was too eccentric, what with my equipment and all.

Half the village thought I was a loon. I told them any slaves who came around here would take one look at me and run. That seemed to satisfy them.

I waited until they were long gone before fetching Phibe from her hiding place. She looked very sad. Then she told me, “They’ll keep coming back until they find me… or others like me. Then they’ll hurt you. They always do.”

I told her I could help her keep running. There were places farther north she could go. But she told me she was tired of running.

She asked me about the photos I took. She remarked how long they might last. I told her I didn’t know… months… years… maybe even decades. Photography was still in its infancy. But newspaper lasted a long time if it was well kept. I figured photographs would last even longer.

She hesitated a moment. Then she carefully asked, “Hiram? Would you… take a photograph of me?”

“I thought you didn’t want any photographs taken. I thought you were afraid of them falling into the wrong hands.

“They’ll be around a long time, won’t they?”

“Longer than I will, child.”

She said please. I didn’t want them to fall into the wrong hands. But how could I say no to her?

Charlotte gave me permission to film in one of her rooms. I thought it would be better than in any of mine. After all, my wallpaper was falling apart.

I told Charlotte I needed to be alone. I had a model who was just passing through. She was shy and wanted me to take photos without anyone present.

Charlotte saw right through me, just as I’d anticipated. But she accepted my conditions anyway. Charlotte always was kind of sweet on me.

I made sure Phibe kept out of sight in the back of my buckboard. Charlotte lived on a lane without a lot of neighbors. But I still wanted to be careful.

Once we got inside, I set up the equipment on my tripod in Charlotte’s drawing room. She even offered to let me use a couple of her dresses for my model. When Phibe put one on, she looked lovely. It made her come alive as the young woman she was rapidly becoming.

For the first time in many years, I began to get a rise down below. Normally I would have been embarrassed. But losing my wife to the sickness so many years ago had made that area inactive. That’s why Charlotte and I had never married.

I took three photos of Phibe. I told her I couldn’t promise how they would turn out. I think she saw the reaction she was having on me. It embarrassed me.

She asked if she could remove the dress she was wearing for a couple more photos. I told her I was old enough to be her father and didn’t want to shame her. She said it was no shame, considering what she’d already endured where she’d come from.

She sensuously removed the dress. I snapped another photo with trembling hands. I couldn’t believe the effect she was having on me.

She smiled shyly at me. Then she got sad again. “Hiram, do you have enough film to take a few more photos of me?”

I told her I did. She told me to wait where I was. Then she left the room.

At first I wondered what she was doing. She wasn’t robbing Charlotte, was she? I couldn’t allow that, no matter how I may have felt about her.

When she returned, I was shocked at what was in her hand. She was carrying a length of rope. One end had been formed into a noose.

“Phibe, what’s the meaning of this?”

“Is it ok if it’s in the photo? That way if anybody sees it…”

I was beginning to understand. “They’ll think that’s what happened to you?” She nodded her head.

“Phibe, I can’t take a photo of you with a thing like that hanging in view!”

“Please, Hiram?”

I shook my head. I didn’t like where this was going. Yet a part of me understood what she was thinking. Maybe if the photos did fall into the wrong hands, they would assume she’d been hanged. Maybe they would stop looking for her.

I reluctantly agreed. She used one of Charlotte’s dresses as a prop. I took two photos. Her naked image with the noose in the background had a profound effect on me. I was shamefully embarrassed again.

I told her it was getting late. We needed to leave before Charlotte returned. I wanted to be off the lane in case any of the neighbors might be out.

She helped me pack the buckboard. Then I took her home. She seemed unusually quiet and sad.

I fed her some stew. Then I put her to bed. As usual, I slept on the floor in the kitchen.

Part 2

The next day Charlotte showed up with some fried chicken and apple pie. I asked her what the occasion was. She told me she wanted to fix extra in case I had a visitor for lunch.

I gave her a look of concern. She just gave me a dismissive wave. “Don’t worry, Hiram. If you don’t eat it all today, you’ll finish it tomorrow. I know how much you like my fried chicken. You won’t let it go to waste.”

I was sure she knew something. She just smiled and wished me a good day. Then she was gone.

Phibe came out of hiding. She smiled as she remarked, “She’s a nice lady; isn’t she, Hiram?”

“Yes, Phibe; she certainly is.”

“Can we go on a picnic in the woods today… out where you found me? Could you bring your photo equipment?”

“Want to make a day of it, Phibe?” She smiled and nodded.

We packed everything into the buckboard. She ducked in back to hide under some canvas. Then I directed Winnie off to the forest.

After we arrived, Phibe and I went for a little walk. We found a different spot where she wanted to lay out the blanket for lunch. It was in a small, earthen clearing.

Lunch was bittersweet. I sensed something was wrong. I had the feeling Phibe was about to leave me. But I decided not to bring it up. I didn’t want to spoil the meal, nor the pleasant afternoon we were sharing together.

Afterwards, she helped me set up the equipment. Then she revealed a couple of additional items under the tarp she’d snuck in without my noticing. One was a spade.

The other was Charlotte’s rope, still fashioned into a noose…

I looked at her in shock. That’s when Phibe told me, “I’m not going back, Hiram. But I’m not leaving either. So I want to know if you would take a couple more photos of me.”

I felt a lump in my throat as I started to protest. “Phibe, we’re not doing this!”

“I’m not going back, Hiram. But I don’t want to hide anymore. And I’m not going to run. This is the only way out for me.”

She sounded adamant… resolute. But so was I. “Phibe, I’m not going to hang you.”

“Then I’ll hang myself, Hiram. I only want you to help me. And I want you to take a couple of photos… so people will know…”

Her voice broke. Then she paused to compose herself before finishing her thought… “…so that people will know I was… that I was alive and free… if only for a little while.”

“Phibe, I…”

“If you don’t do this, Hiram, you know that eventually I’ll be captured. You know what they’ll do to me, don’t you? I might not even make it all the way back.”

I nodded. I could only imagine what might happen to her. I didn’t want to dwell on it.

We went back to that little clearing. She’d already picked out a tree. I guess I shouldn’t have been all that surprised.

I dug a little grave nearby. When I was done, we ate the rest of the chicken and the pie. Then Phibe got naked. She wanted to be nude when I took the last of her photos.

I got one of her standing there in the clearing. Then she wrapped the noose around her neck and posed. She held her arms behind her back until I snapped off another photo.

Afterwards we stretched out on the blanket together. She was still naked. I was amazingly stirred by her beauty… shamefully stirred.

She quietly said, “All I ask is you take one more photo of me, Hiram. Please wait until I’m dangling from the noose, ok?”

“Phibe, I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.” Then she kissed me.

I don’t know where it came from or what came over me. Even Charlotte had not brought it out of me. But that’s when my passions unexpectedly overwhelmed me.

I took her right there on the blanket. It was shameful. When we were done and panting for breath, I profusely apologized.

She told me it was all right. She figured she would be taken like that and much worse once she was caught and on her way back. She was glad I had acted that way as she figured she deserved it for running away.

I told her she deserved nothing of the sort. In response she kissed me hard. Then she begged me to make love to my condemned runaway one last time before I hanged her.

Taking her the first time had come as a shock… a surprise… even a miracle of sorts. The second time was even more unexpected. I don’t know if it was her nudity, the solemnness of the moment, or the fact she would soon be dangling from the noose. All I know is that I ravished her.

She responded willingly…

Afterwards, we rested on the blanket in the afterglow of our coupling. That’s when sadness filled her features. She paused to compose herself. Then she stood resolute with a determined look on her face.

“Now hang me, Hiram. Hang me and bury me. You have the photos of my existence. It is enough for me to know that someday people will know I existed and that I had to be hanged for running away.”

I sighed heavily. Then I took a length of cord from the basket I’d brought with us. She wanted me to bind her arms behind her back.

She said she’d witnessed other hangings back where she’d come from. She wanted to be hanged the very same way. She did not want my sympathy or pity. She only wanted my help… and my lust.

I hesitated, and for a moment I almost backed out. Then I decided to grant her final request. In our last moments together, I could only try to give her what she wished for.

I noosed her up with her arms behind her back. Unbelievably, I began to stiffen again in my nudity as she wanted me naked for the task at hand. She saw my excitement and smiled as though she approved.

She looked at me calmly. Then she told me, “I’m not going back, Hiram”

I told her, “No, you’re not, Phibe.”

I gave her a moment to catch her breath. Then I pulled on the rope, taking her up into the air. I tied off the loose end and then watched her kick.

I’m ashamed to report how stiff I became at observing her suffering. Inside, my heart was breaking. It was Mary leaving all over again… and losing my wife to that sickness. But Mary had to go back East to be happy. Phibe was seeking happiness in her own way.

She kicked and suffered for several minutes. Her breasts were full and swollen, evidence she’d become a fine, young woman. She leaked from between her legs, evidence of our recent coupling. I was sad she would never know what it was like to become a mother.

While she was still conscious, I went over to my equipment and prepared to take another photo. It looked like she was really suffering as she strangled in the noose. But I thought I saw a flash of something appreciative in her eyes the moment I took the photo.

She began to settle down. Then she soiled herself. I took one last photo. Then I took her down.

I redressed her before burying her. I wept the entire time. When I was done I collected all my belongings before heading back to the buckboard.


I returned a few days later. I buried a couple of pictures in the ground close to her body to say my final goodbyes. That was the last I ever saw of her grave. I never went back.

I had to buy another rope for Charlotte. I could not risk letting her see the one I’d used on Phibe. I had left that one in the ground with her as I could not bring myself to haul it back.

After a week, I paid my respects to Charlotte. I presented her the new rope and made my apologies. She thought she’s misplaced it and was appreciative of my consideration.

We sat and talked for the longest time until she asked about my recent boarder. I told her the young lady had moved on. I was sure I would never see her again. That’s when I broke down and cried.

Charlotte was tender and understanding. She consoled me until I strangely found myself becoming stiff. When she offered her usual kiss of kindness and concern, I was more than a little ardent in returning it.

My passion caught her by surprise, although it was a welcome one. That evening I stayed with her. We spent the entire night making love.

Within three months, we were wed.

2019 (written Oct 28 ’19 by riwa. Inspired by the manip I found on the Internet.)

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