Riwa’s Stories at Patreon


Coming July rewards

Take my breath away
Vacation 4
Relaxing in the water
Best laid plans 3
The drowning party
Terminated 3
Trusting Kurt
Just pull hard
An embarrassed mother
The hit on Revy Pt 5
Giving Tori what she wants
And a club story if I finish it in time

May stories/rewards will fall off at the end of June to make room for July rewards.

June took an interesting turn when my computer died on the morning of the 10th. I’ve been nursing it along for a year or two. I actually had it in the shop last year… or was it the year before. I like to drag my heels when I really should be updating my equipment.

I took it in and was told they might be able to retrieve my files. That way, they could transfer them to a refurbished system. If successful, it would mean I could save a lot of my files (and some money) as well as save my editing program.

I recently got a call indicating they have successfully gotten into my hard drive and will be able to do the transfer. But this means more time at the shop. It’s been two weeks thus far, and I still don’t have it back. I don’t anticipate getting it back until a few days after this update is due. So I’m going to do my best to post this using my laptop.

Meanwhile, I’ve been using an old computer I kept. The word processing system is old, and harder to edit with. I have files on it that date back to 2004. But amazingly, I’ve been able to do some writing with it. My editing is a bit iffy, so I hope to get the refurbished system back and run all these recently written stories through at least one last edit if I can.

Other than that, everything is ok. No nukes have landed yet in my neck of the woods. And mom is doing ok. So I’m going to do my best to keep trucking along. I hope all of you are doing better with your computers then I’ve been this month with mine. Thank you all so very much for being my patrons.

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