An obsessed fan 3.9 (7)

The first one I ever drowned in her bathtub was the incomparable Wendy Dean. I suppose I could blame the whole thing on her. But maybe I should take some responsibility for myself.

She used to have these parties where she would invite guys to come and spend a week with her. They always took a ton of footage whenever she was in the water. A lot of videos came out of those parties.

I went to her last one. What I saw convinced me just how good she was when it came to acting out a drowning scenario. She must have done 15 or 20 of them at least. And some had to be filmed 2 or three times just to get the scene right.

She never failed to elicit bulges out of the guys in attendance. Her drowning scenarios were always arousing. She loved the affect it had on us.

You could tell how much she loved “drowning” for us guys. You could tell by the look in her eyes just how much she loved turning us on. She knew what the guys liked, and she always gave it 110%.

I got to take part in one of her “pool drownings”. I held onto her body as she writhed and struggled in my grasp. We were pressed together as the guys filmed the scene.

I had this unbelievable erection the whole time I held onto her. She put on an unbelievable drowning performance. The way she looked at me with that panicked expression was priceless.

The first time we shot it I couldn’t disguise my crotch rocket. She was underwater struggling against me for about a good 45 seconds. I know she could tell I had a raging hard-on.

When we came up for air I was sure she was going to be angry with me. But she didn’t say a word about it. She actually gave me this knowing smile as though she loved the effect she was having on me.

We had to shoot the scene in segments so we could splice it together. As she drew closer to her “drowning” she put more effort into it. She really struggled in my grasp.

A couple times I thought she was humping me. Then we would surface for air. After getting another breath we would go right back down and pick up where we’d left off.

Her final moments were pure bliss. She hitched and gurgled in my grasp as though she was really drowning. Then she went motionless, holding her breath for a good half-minute while I held onto her.

We did one more take after that. In the last shot she held her breath while giving me that “death stare”. I was allowed to grope and fondle her breasts for nearly a minute as she remained perfectly still. It was incredible.

The party finally broke up and the guys all went their separate ways. I’m not sure who had the most fun. Wendy put in most of the work. But despite her exhaustion, she seemed to have this glow about her.

Before I left she told me she was going to take a nice bath to soak away her sore muscles. I told her I thought that sounded like a good idea. But inwardly my mind was racing.

I went down the street, watching and waiting. I really wanted to see Wendy in her bath. My only obstacle was her husband.

I was about to give up when I saw him get in their car and pull away. Maybe he was running an errand. But with the image of Wendy in her bath, I simply couldn’t resist.

I snuck back to their house and tried the door. Fortunately it had not been locked. I snuck inside and crept around, being careful not to attract any attention to myself.

I located the bathroom once I heard the sound of the bathtub filling. Wendy was humming some tune. When I caught sight of her she was wearing a sexy, light blue nightie.

All at once I got an erection. I wanted to see her submerged in her bathtub. Correction: I wanted to watch her drown in her bathtub.

I crept closer to have a look. That’s when she turned in my direction. She let out a cry of alarm before sighing in relief.

“What are you still doing here? I thought you left.”

“I did, Wendy. But when I heard you were going to take a bath I just couldn’t resist.”

“That’s sweet of you, love. But I’m really tired now. The party is over; there’ll be no more filming.”

“Can’t you drown for me in your tub? Can’t you drown just one more time?”

“Look, I really had a lot of fun this past week. But the party is over. You really need to go home now.”

“Aw, c’mon, Wendy. You drown so wonderfully!”

“I’m flattered you think so. But you really need to be going. I need to unwind from a long, hectic week of holding my breath and drowning for you lovely lads.”

Instinctively I moved toward her. “You can drown once more for me, can’t you?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t. I really must insist you leave this house at once.”

“But Wendy; you drown so divinely! Just one more for me?”

I saw the tub was full so I turned the faucet to the off position. Always polite, Wendy instinctively thanked me. Then she corrected herself as she told me, “You really have to be going now!”

“Aw, Wendy… just one more.” Then I began to push her backwards toward the tub.

“No, really; I insist… what are you doing – AAWWWWW!”

I pushed her over backward until she hit the water with a splash. I forced her down into the bottom of the tub until she was really struggling. That’s when her nightie began to turn transparent for me.

She released a ton of nose bubbles. Then she screamed as she shook her head. I smiled as I told her, “That’s right, Wendy; that’s right. I love it when you struggle. You always act so realistic when you’re performing.”

Big bursts of bubbles came up. Then she gave me the signal to bring her up. She must have remembered it from the party.

Instinctively I pulled her head up. She gasped and sputtered for breath. But when she started to cry out I forced her head back down.

She lost more nose bubbles as she shook her head. She did a good job trying to fight me off. She always did put on a great performance.

I let her up and she gasped loudly for breath again. Then I pushed her right back under. I watched as more sexy bubbles came up.

I let her up again, thrilled to hear another desperate gasp for breath. Then I pushed her right back down. By now I was rock hard in my pants.

She released more nose bubbles as she let out a bubbly scream. I smiled as I looked down at her. “You always drown so wonderfully, Wendy. You’ll drown for me one more time, won’t you?”

I kept her down until she gave me the signal again. But I knew from previous experience she could hold her breath a little longer after that. So I kept pushing down on her shoulders.

She frantically shook her head as her legs kicked wildly. I finally pulled her head back up. She really gasped for breath.

“Now you’re going to put on a good drowning for me; right, Wendy? This time it’s just you and me.” Then I pushed her back down to the bottom of her tub.

She got a bit of a breath before going back down. She knew I wanted a good performance. I was glad she got that breath so she could prolong her drowning for me.

She didn’t struggle so much as she tried to hold her breath. But she had this look of terror in her eyes. I nodded as I told her, “You’re going to drown real good for me, aren’t you, Wendy?”

For a moment she looked like she didn’t know what to do. She finally nodded at me. Maybe she thought if she gave me one last drowning performance, I would go home a happy, satisfied aquaphile and would leave her to her bath.

I pushed down on her shoulders as she looked up at me. Her expression was perfect. I don’t think she could have portrayed her fear any better.

It wasn’t long before bubbles started to come out of her nose. I thought that was sexy as hell. She even bulged her cheeks for me.

I saw her stomach start to convulse. Then her chest began to heave. She began shaking her head as she gave me the signal.

“Not yet, Wendy,” I told her enthusiastically. “First you have to drown for me. You’re going to drown for me real good, aren’t you?”

She shook her head harder as more bubbles trickled out of her nose. She had this panicked look in her eyes. It was incredible.

“C’mon, Wendy!” I urged. “You can’t hold your breath forever. It’s time for you to drown for me!”

She lost a big burst of bubbles out of her mouth. Her chest heaved as she gulped and grunted. There was another big burst of bubbles. Then I saw her gulp water.

Almost immediately her expression changed as though she was really terrified. Then she started hitching and gurgling. She kept gulping and convulsing as the water in the tub sloshed around.

I pushed down hard on her shoulders as my cock throbbed. Wendy kept hitching and gulping. The bubbles coming out of her mouth and nose lessened considerably.

The moment she went limp is the moment I creamed my pants. She no longer struggled to get her head up out of the tub. She just stared at me in utter disbelief.

I had to make a confession to her. “Wendy, you have no idea how hard I just came.” She released a couple of stray bubbles out of her parted lips in response.

I pulled her nightie down, exposing her swollen breasts. I began to grope and fondle them. “I know you like this,” I said with a smile. “I saw it in your eyes at the party. You had to act all drowned and lifeless at the time. But I could tell how much you enjoyed it.”

Just for fun I pushed into her stomach. It caused a couple of bubbles to evacuate her flooded lungs. She just stared upward with lifeless eyes.

I finally let her go. But she remained on the bottom of her tub. She was giving me the complete performance, and I loved her for it.

“Wendy, that was great. You have no idea how many times I had to stop from creaming myself watching you drown so many times during your party. I’m so glad we had this time together. Now I’ll leave you to your bath.” And with that I slipped out of her house, a happy, satisfied aquaphile.

2019 (written Sep 1 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by the picture courtesy of Wendy Dean Aquablonde.)

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A night to remember 6 4.4 (20)

A night to remember 6: Torturing Carmen and Sophia

Chastity was in a generous mood. She had enjoyed snuffing her “winnings” from the card game up on stage earlier. Then she enjoyed watching me snuff Tia the attendant.

I followed her and Monique as they led her last two prizes – Carmen and Sophia – into a sex room. She smiled evilly as she told them, “I think I’ll have you bitches entertain me until I’m ready to snuff you.”

Their wrists were tied together behind their backs. Their ankles were secured with ropes dangling from the ceiling so they could hang suspended. Knees were bent and parted so their cunts were invitingly exposed. Mouths were forced open with ring-gags.

A couple of attendants helped lift both women up into the air by the ropes attached to ankles and secured wrists. The Latina and French girl were fully suspended off the floor. Mouths and pussies dangled at a convenient height.

Chastity, Monique and I took up seats at a small table where drinks were furnished. “Bring in the clients,” Mistress announced with a wave of her hand. “I do hope they don’t mind us watching. The bitches are now available to one and all for no charge. Consider their holes ‘on the house’. I’m in a good mood tonight.”

For the next couple of hours we watched as Carmen and Sophia were fucked in every hole. Males and females came in to enjoy them both. Chastity was gracious to one and all as each client was allowed to make use of her “winnings” from the card game.

She was especially enthusiastic whenever either one was fucked by a female. She especially encouraged those clients to “Go right ahead and fuck ‘em hard, ladies! Make ‘em scream for me. That’s what they’re here for.”

As a submissive, the French slut seemed resigned to her fate, if not actually a little excited about it. She was multi-orgasmic, cumming hard time and time again. She often got off both Chastity and my wife Monique simply by her moans and cries.

On the other hand Carmen was a stubborn, defiant bitch. It was a character trait that worked against her. Once our clients discovered her flaw, they showed no mercy, ruthlessly fucking her again and again. Orgasms were virtually raped out of her body.

Of the two bitches I think Carmen’s performance aroused me more. It brought out Chastity’s cruel side. She encouraged everyone to “Rape that fucking whore! Put the damned bitch in her place!”

I’m not sure if the Latina had much practice being a submissive slut. She was certainly getting an education now. It was arousing as hell.

Halfway through the fucking Mistress suggested I go and relieve myself. She told me to show the stubborn bitch how to take it like her submissive French slut. Naturally I couldn’t resist an offer like that.

I got up to give her a taste of my cock. I raped her cunt hard, pounding her mercilessly. It made her body rock and jerk in her suspension.

Monique decided to come over and join me. She assisted by fucking Sophia with a strap-on. The French submissive was brutally fucked as she was forced to watch me bang her Mistress.

I shifted to Carmen’s ass, fucking her rectum hard. Mistress leaned forward excitedly, urging me to brutalize the bitch. Carmen tried to be defiant, but it was no use.

She cursed me through that ring gag in her mouth. I was oblivious to her cries as I pounded her shit-hole harder. I was delighted when I raped an orgasm right out of her. Her body shuddered violently as she came like a whore.

I finished her off by making her suck my cock clean after leaving a dripping deposit in her anus. She was forced to taste her ass on my still hard dick. I was not merciful as I shoved it deep down her throat.

“Gag the fucking whore, honey!” my wife urged excitedly. She spun Sophia around. Then she fucked the French girl’s mouth as well so that together as husband and wife we pounded both oral cavities.

“Make her choke on it, my dear boy!” Mistress urged me with a cruel laugh. She stood up, came over and tugged violently on Carmen’s tits. The Latina screamed with a mouthful of cock.

“Not so high and mighty now; are we, honey,” Chastity told her, her voice dripping with venom.

After we finished, Monique and I rejoined Mistress. We all went back over to the table for refreshments. Chastity raised her glass in a toast.

“Well done, my pretties” she praised us, eyeing her victims coldly. “Now that’s how you rape a couple of deserving whores, especially one who tries to be such a dominating bitch. Let’s open those holes back up for business, shall we?”

She smiled cruelly as the three of us settled in. More clients came in to partake in the two slut freebies the Club was offering. It amazed me where they kept coming from.

At the end of the second hour I was hard again. Mistress encouraged my wife and I to go ahead and fuck them for round two. By then Carmen was too weak to protest.

She still tried to act a little defiant. This time I fucked her French submissive. I allowed my wife Monique to take on the Latina bitch.

Monique was especially cruel. She fisted Carmen’s cunt while taunting her. She told her to watch me fuck her French bitch and that there wasn’t a damned thing she could do to stop it. Then she shoved a second fist into Carmen’s ass as I raped her blonde submissive.

Sophia experienced my hard cock deep inside her fertile cunt. She was helpless as she watched her poor Mistress get brutally violated. It must have aroused her greatly because she certainly endured one hell of an orgasm.

Her spasming cunt milked me dry. I filled her fuck-hole with my seed. Her continuous banging left copious amounts of cum dripping out of all of her holes.

Carmen finally went off like a rocket, going from one devastating orgasm to the next. It must have been humiliating for her. She howled through her ring gag as Monique fisted her cunt and ass.

I don’t know if it was the fisting or the sight of me abusing her little slut. Maybe it was the humiliation of her situation that ultimately set her off. Her system finally overloaded because she suddenly passed out, hanging limp and lifeless in her suspension.

Chastity stood up and applauded, loving what we’d done to her card game bitches. She instructed her attendants to take them down to her suite. She quietly gave them instructions on how to prepare them. Then the three of us left to do a walk-through of the casino while her orders were being carried out.

We wandered through the casino for several minutes, saying hi to our many clients. Mistress Chastity finally decided it was time for us to attend to her bitches down in her suite. I was curious as to her plans.

I inquired as to what she intended to do with them. “Why I plan on torturing them, my dear boy!” she said with great delight. “Then I intend to snuff them. Does that satisfy your curiosity?”

My wife looked at me if to say “Wasn’t it obvious? Did you really have to ask?”

I could tell by the expression on her face that she was really looking forward to it. I felt properly chastised. “My apologies for being such a dunce.”

“Not at all, my dear boy,” Mistress replied good-naturedly. Then she patted me on the chest. “By all means… DO come and join us. It promises to be quite stimulating, a glorious ending to a wonderful evening.”

“It will certainly be a night to remember,” Monique agreed. She purred happily as she wrapped her arms through mine, allowing me to escort her.

We reached Chastity’s suite and stepped inside. We found Carmen and Sophia bound and ready to play with. The naked Latina dom had her arms roped outward and upward above her to the ceiling, her legs splayed open by a spreader bar.

A rope came down behind her from her neck. Twin threads ran down tightly through her crotch. They went right back up between her breasts to wrap around her throat, threatening to strangle her. She was not gagged and was permitted to observe her bound submissive.

Sophia lay naked on her back. She was strapped onto a body-board on a hydraulic pedestal. A section of floor opened directly below her head, revealing water.

Her arms were secured tightly to her body. But the naked French girl’s legs were spread wide. She stared helplessly up at the ceiling.

She was unable to tip her head back far enough to observe her former Mistress’ plight. She whimpered uncertainly, fearful of the known and the unknown. My cock quickly started to harden again.

Beside both bound females were a couple of small tables on wheels. Each table contained various implements of sadistic cruelty. I anticipated a forthcoming mixture of pain and pleasure.

“So how are my bitches?” Mistress asked with a smile. “Are my cunts ready for some pain? Ready to die for me, my pretties?”

“Go to hell,” Carmen panted. But there was little enthusiasm to her words. Either she was exhausted or she was simply putting on an act.

A thought occurred to me. Was it possible this whole thing had been set up from the very beginning? That seemed unlikely. After all, it could very easily have been Mistress Chastity stuck with that last losing hand instead of Carmen and her submissive.

“I’m going to have the most fun with you,” Chastity purred at her. “We’re going to have a great time together. But not to worry. I’m sure Monique will enjoy torturing your precious little sub.”

“Fuck you!”

“No, honey,” Chastity said as she sauntered over. “I plan on fucking YOU!”

She motioned for Monique to take care of Sophia. Then she instructed me to pull up a chair. “Have a drink, my dear boy. Enjoy the show.”

My wife freed the latches to the table. Then she brutally tilted it downward. Sophia’s head was immediately submerged into the water below. “Bubble for me, bitch!” she demanded.

When no bubbles were forthcoming, she grabbed an erect nipple. Then she gave it a good, hard twist while declaring “I said BUBBLE for me, you fucking whore!”

Sophia screamed a flurry of bubbles. Her body writhed and struggled. Monique slapped her tits hard before pulling on her erect nipples. “You fucking LOVE it; don’t you, whore!”

She laughed cruelly, happily abusing the bubbling blonde. I looked over and saw Mistress pawing the tits of her captor. I noticed a flogger in her free hand.

“You love it; don’t you, honey,” she chuckled mercilessly. “You love watching my dear Monique torture your slutty sub, don’t you?”

“Go to hell!”

“Tell me you don’t love hearing her bubbly screams,” Chastity demanded, pulling on her nipples. “Tell me that doesn’t get you off. Tell me you don’t love the idea of my dear girl drowning your sexy bitch!”

“Damn you!” Carmen panted. But I think Mistress was right. The more abuse Monique heaped upon her sub, the more the Latina panted heavily.

Her eyes were wide despite her distress. It was as though she couldn’t help being affected by what she was witnessing. It wasn’t long until she started to moan.

I heard a sound, followed by Sophia’s screams. Monique was flogging her pussy hard while her head was out of the water. The many tails of the whip stung the poor girl’s crotch.

The board was abruptly tipped downward. The French girl screamed with her head underwater. More bubbles came up as Monique flogged the exposed pussy a couple more times.

Carmen suddenly yelped as she received a similar whipping on her crotch. “Tell me you love it, bitch!” Chastity yelled, cruelly flogging her cunt and ass. “Tell me you fucking LOVE it!”

The Club’s co-owner whipped the mistress while my wife flogged the submissive. Occasionally Monique lifted Sophia’s head up for a breath. Then she would dunk her head again, forcing her to hold her breath while flogging her exposed cunt.

Sophia screamed above and below the water. Bubbles fountained upward with her explosive breaths and painful cries. Chastity and Monique worked in tandem until the room was filled with delicious screams and shrieks.

Carmen shrieked from her pain. But still her eyes remained focused on her sub. “Cum for me, bitch!” Chastity crowed triumphantly. “Listen to your sub’s juicy screams… and then cum for me!”

Mistress whipped her hard until the Latina screamed. She shuddered as an orgasm was literally flogged right out of her. But she wasn’t the only one orgasming.

Sophia screamed a froth of bubbles from her blows. She squirted her orgasm, drenching the flogger in Monique’s hand. That just turned my wife on even more, making her more sadistic as she hit her again and again with the wet tails of the whip.

Sophia was given a break from her dunkings, only to have her tits severely whipped. At the same time I saw Mistress clamp Carmen’s nipples together with a chain. She hung weights from a link between her cleavage to add to her misery, causing her to cry out in pain.

It was arousing as hell. My cock was hard in no time at all. Chastity saw my need and responded accordingly.

“Go on over, my dear boy,” she suggested with a wink while jerking on Carmen’s chain. “Why don’t you rape that ass over there while I rape this one over here?”

Carmen whimpered, her defiance having been beaten out of her. There was this strange look in her eyes. I doubt she would have ever admitted it. But I think she was looking forward to watching me fuck her blonde assistant.

As I walked over, my wife handed me something. “Use this on her cunt when you’re not fucking her, honey.” I looked down at the item and smiled, recognizing it as a taser.

I looked over at Carmen and saw that her eyes were wide, her breathing labored. “Gawd, baby; this is going to be so good!” Mistress purred into her ear.

With my eyes locked onto Carmen’s I pushed the taser against Sophia’s dripping pussy. It was red from her whippings. The taser crackled, causing the blonde to scream in pain as her body writhed uncontrollably.

Monique savagely dunked her, telling me to do it again. Once more I cruelly tasered that exposed pink cunt-flesh. We were rewarded with another bubbly scream.

“You too, bitch,” I heard Chastity tell her captive as Monique brought Sophia back up. A moment later I saw her jam a taser against Carmen’s cunt. I couldn’t help myself as I tasered the French girl’s crotch at the same time.

Both bitches screamed in unison. Mistress got this big smile on her face. “Music to my ears,” she sighed happily.

I pushed my cock against Sophia’s puckered anus. Then I thrust hard into her quivering hole. She let out a cry as I began fucking her ass hard.

Mistress sighed again as she wrapped an arm around her captor. “He’s really raping her ass, isn’t he? Don’t you just love it? You know what it makes ME want to do, don’t you? It makes me want to rape YOUR ass!”

As I pounded Sophia’s rectum, I watched Mistress grab the handle to her flogger. She reached down as though trying to pull the rope open enough to find Carmen’s anus. A moment later she shoved the handle inside.

The Latina cried out, her body jerking. “Don’t you just love it, honey?” Mistress delightedly told her captive. “I just LOVE sodomizing a bitch like you! I’m sure you’ve fucked your slut up her shit-hole many times before. Now it’s my turn to fuck yours.”

As I thrust hard into Sophia I watched Mistress fuck Carmen with the whip handle. But Chastity’s eyes seemed to be upon me more than anything else. I exaggerated my thrusts as she did the same.

Both girls grunted in unison. It’s as though we were fucking them together as one entity. So when I hefted the taser in my hand, Mistress hefted hers while giving me a sly wink.

“I think you’re in for a shock, honey,” Monique giggled at Sophia as she caressed the poor girl’s quivering tits.

I pushed the taser against the blonde’s swollen nub. At virtually the same time, Chastity touched Carmen’s crotch. Both girls screamed together.

My wife swooned with pleasure. “Gawd; I just love the sweet sound of bitches in agony!”

“Take it, cunt!” Mistress gasped excitedly, sodomizing her charge while tasering her. “Watch your slut-sub cum for us like a good little whore!”

I tasered Sophia again as I rammed her ass hard. She screamed once more, her muscles spasming violently around my cock in her rectum. A moment later she came violently, nearly drenching me with her cum as she squirted heavily.

“Watch her cum, bitch!” I heard Mistress gasp excitedly. “Gawd; that is so fucking hot! How about you, bitch? Are you gonna cum for me too?”

Chastity shoved the whip handle hard up the Latina’s ass. Then she cruelly tasered her pussy. Carmen jerked and screamed.

Her naked body erotically thrashed about in her bondage. The weights bounced on the chain between her clamped tits. “Cum for me, bitch!” Mistress demanded. Then she looked over at us, telling us to “Drown the whore!”

I pulled out of her ass before tipping Sophia downward. Her head was immediately submerged in a froth of bubbles. Then I tasered her cunt again as I stared at Carmen with a wicked smile.

The blonde screamed and bubbled. Her body writhed like crazy. “CUM FOR ME, BITCH!” Chastity demanded.

She left the handle of the whip up the Latina’s ass as she cruelly tasered her cunt. Carmen screamed and then climaxed hard. I saw fluids spew out onto the floor. The twin ropes were parted just enough by the handle of the flogger shoved up her rectum to allow her to squirt freely.

I tipped the board back up, pulling Sophia’s head out of the water before she drowned. Then I went back to fucking her ass. At times I paused long enough to pull out, dunk her head and taser her cunt.

My wife furiously fingered herself, all caught up in the excitement of the moment. Mistress eagerly tasered her helpless, writhing captive. Now and then she paused long enough to grab the handle to the whip to viciously sodomize that ass.

Carmen screamed again, her cries blending with those of her submissive. It was more than enough to set me off. I filled the blonde’s rectum with my spunk as her quivering muscles milked me dry.

Throughout the ordeal Mistress was exceedingly cruel to Carmen. It was not just with her implements of torture. She also taunted the helpless dom relentlessly with her words…

“Watch your bitch suffer, my pretty. Isn’t it wonderful? Doesn’t it make you want to cum? You fucking LOVE it, don’t you? Go ahead; get off on her suffering! I sure as hell am! Don’t try to deny how much you love it!”

Carmen grunted, moaned, cried out and screamed. Chastity took great pleasure in causing her pain. It was a reminder just how sadistic she could be.

Sometimes she pulled on the rope, grinding it into Carmen’s crotch while half strangling her. Sometimes she sadistically tasered the poor woman’s cunt. Most of the time she simply enjoyed herself by ramming that ass with that whip handle, occasionally pulling on the chain dangling from Carmen’s clamped tits as though trying to rip her nipples off.

After leaving a nice cum deposit in Sophia’s ass, I got a long, loving kiss from my wife for my efforts. I watched Monique fill the blonde’s ass with a huge plug, apparently to keep it all inside. Sophia flinched and grunted, moaning and squirming helplessly.

As I walked back over to the table to get another drink, I heard Mistress call over to my wife. “Flog her one more time for me, baby. Taser that juicy cunt just for me. I want to make this bitch cum one more time while she suffers.” Then she jerked on the chain dangling from Carmen’s nipples

The Latina cried out, moaning in agony as Monique took to her task with great relish. She furiously flogged Sophia’s cunt one last time. Then she tasered her as she dunked her.

There was an erotic froth of bubbles. The naked blonde screamed and wriggled helplessly. I doubted she could hold her breath for any length of time, an assumption that was confirmed by Monique bringing her back up coughing and panting after just a few seconds.

Mistress was relentless. “C’mon, bitch! You fucking LOVE it, don’t you! You LOVE how we’re torturing your bitch, don’t you! Cum for me, you fucking whore! Enjoy her torture and cum for me! Let’s cum together, bitch!”

Chastity left the handle of the whip up inside her captive’s ass, allowing the tails to dangle like the tail to a donkey. Then she took the taser and brutally shocked the woman’s cunt. Carmen’s screams bounced off the ceiling as once more she sprayed her climax all over the floor.

The Latina shuddered hard. Then she suddenly went limp in her bondage. Her head lolled forward, indicating she’d passed out.

That was the end of it. Nothing Chastity did to her could make her respond. She’d taken all she could take at the moment.

At about the same time Sophia’s cum sprayed up into the air like a fountain as she bubbled wildly. Then with a grunt she also went limp. Apparently she had joined her former Mistress in blessed unconsciousness.

“Oh no, you don’t!” my wife told her, quickly pulling her head out of the water by tipping the board level. “You don’t get off THAT easy!”

Sophia’s tongue lolled out of her mouth. Her eyes had glazed over. But her chest rose and fell, indicating she was still breathing.

“We’ll let them rest a moment,” Chastity told my wife. She panted heavily as a look of extreme satisfaction filled her face. Then she told her, “Afterwards we shall proceed with the executions. I’m really looking forward to snuffing these two bitches.”

2010; 2020 (written Sep 26 ’10; ed. Apr 4 ‘20 by riwa)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 3.3 (3)

Coming March rewards

Terrie and the strap-on
Another Teri 5.0 chapter
Shower surprise part 2
Another ghost town chapter
Dottie gets to ride a ducking stool
Hanging a trio
Another Shelly chapter in Cancun
A woman finally has an afternoon to herself and wants to enjoy the pool.
Dorothy “dances” for me

January stories/rewards will fall off at the end of February to make room for March rewards.

Maybe I shouldn’t say something like “not much else to inform you about” like I did last month. Because that’s when I seem to get a whole bunch of things that happen to me.

It was a sunny day on Feb 4th when my doctor and I agreed I would come in the following Monday for gallbladder surgery. He also scheduled a “while I’m in there” hernia operation. But Friday it started snowing, and by Sunday we had over a foot of the white stuff on the ground and it was -10.

I rented a motel a half mile from the hospital so I would not have a long drive. Gallbladder surgery is usually an in and out kind of thing. I woke up at the motel, started the car in -10, drove the half mile to the hospital, and parked in a lot to make a very chilly walk.

I got in, had the surgery, and was asked to stay an extra night. Tuesday night my blood pressure was not high enough. They did tests and found a hematoma. So I went into ICU Wednesday morning, and they went in to remove the blood clot.

I went home Thursday with some leakage I was supposed to monitor. They actually got my car started as it sat in that parking lot while it was still below 0. I went back to the motel and collected what I’d left behind after expecting I would return to the motel Monday night. So much for the best laid plans of mice and men, right?

I drove straight to moms. She watched me as I rested in her chair. Saturday morning I was feeling better and ate something for an early lunch. 90 minutes later I was in excruciating pain. We called the ambulance, and back I went. By now the drain was showing way too much drainage, and my pain was way off the charts.

In the emergency room there was pain, tests and more pain. They could not control my agony. Monday they finally found an issue and wanted to go back in. But they did not want to open me back up for a third time. So they did it orally, going in through my mouth down to the stomach.

They found a stone(s) blocking a bile duct. They removed the stone(s) and put in a stent to control the bleeding. I was sent back to my room and immediately felt 100% better. My pain dropped to amazingly manageable levels.

I stayed a few extra days because they did not want me coming back in an ambulance. They finally let me out Thursday afternoon on the 18th. I took a cab ride home. I got my car at mom’s house, helped mom run a grocery errand, and then drove to my apartment.

As it turned out, I was offline from Feb 8th to Feb 18th. It’s a good thing I uploaded the rest of the stories in advance (except one I did not finish). I’m feeling much better considering how much pain I was in.

The moral of the story? Don’t put off a procedure that needs to be done lest you develop complications from waiting too long. The doctor says it would have been better had I removed the gallbladder two years ago. It shows how bad I can be at procrastinating. Let’s hope March is quiet and uneventful.

I sure appreciate all of you for hanging in there and being my patrons. Thank you so very much.

Posted in Riwas Reads | Leave a comment

Guillotine repair 4.4 (32)

The two sisters got out of their vehicle and turned on their flashlights. The barn looked old and decrepit in the dark. In fact, it looked downright spooky.

“Are you sure it’s here, love?” Dorothy asked her sister Zilpha as she flashed her light all around.

“This is where they told me it would be,” she replied nervously. “Maybe we should have come in the daylight.”

“I thought this was right up your alley, especially the way you like taking people around at night on your ghost walks.”

“Zip it, love.”

Zilpha led the way to the barn. They were right at the door when an owl hooted somewhere in the distance. A moment later something flew overhead.

Zilpha grabbed her sister for moral support as she anxiously looked all around. “C’mon, love,” Dorothy told her. “Let’s go inside and see if it’s really there.”

Dorothy was the one who grabbed the handle. She slowly opened the door to the sound of a mournful creak. Then she stepped inside, flashing her light all around as her sister crowded in right behind her.

“Against that wall,” Zilpha said quietly. Both flashed their lights in that direction. That’s when it came into view.

“Bloody hell,” Dorothy breathed reverently. “You really found a guillotine in here, love!”

“I told you my source was a good one.”

They carefully approached, flashing their lights to maintain their bearings. Then Dorothy illuminated the wooden structure. Clearly it had seen better days.

“Not much to it, is there,” Dorothy observed sadly. “It’s bloody well falling apart. I wonder if Frank would like to have a go at it.”

“Frank? Who’s Frank?”

“He’s my carpenter, love. I bet he can do something with it. Now let’s get out of here before somebody sees us.”

“Or something comes out of the shadows and gets us,” Zilpha added with a nervous laugh. Neither sister felt safe until they were in the car on the road heading back into town.

Three days later they were back. This time Dorothy’s carpenter friend was with them. And it was much earlier in the evening, as the sun was just now setting.

They took him inside and showed him the structure. Frank shook his head in amazement. “At first I didn’t believe you, love. But it looks like you really found a guillotine.”

He flashed his light all around the contraption in the growing darkness of the barn. He spent several minutes looking it over. Then he gave his assessment.

“It’s in bad shape, love; really it is. I suppose I might be able to do something with it. But the blade is cracked and bent. I can’t fix that; I’ll have to order a new one.”

“Can you do it?” Dorothy asked hopefully. She wanted to see it in working order. Hell, she was half tempted to lie down in it once he got it functioning again.

“I’ll have to haul it back to my shop. It’ll take two or three weeks minimum. And I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to come up with a blade for it. I’m not even sure it would be worth it.”

“I know a museum who would pay handsomely for a working guillotine,” Zilpha offered. “I can make it worth your while, Frank. We both can; right, Dottie?”

“If you can get it to function, Frank, I’ll ride it naked for you,” Dorothy said with a naughty grin. Zilpha just rolled her eyes in disgust.

Frank looked at the older sister and smiled. “I’ll bet you would, wouldn’t you, love. Ok. I’ll have the boys come get it and take it back to my shop. I’ll see if I can get it to working.” Then he turned to Zilpha.

“Go talk to your museum friend. Tell him I’m working on a guillotine. If he’s interested, we can talk terms of delivery.”

For the next three weeks Dorothy heard nothing. Zilpha called her once, but her sister had nothing to report. She hadn’t even tried calling her carpenter friend because she suspected he was busy. So she had no idea if he was having any kind of success with it.

Three days later she got a call from Frank. The guillotine was ready. Would she like to come over and have a look before the museum curator hauled it away? Besides, hadn’t she promised to go for a ride on it once he’d finished?

Dorothy got the shivers something fierce as she called her sister. But Zilpha wasn’t home. Dorothy couldn’t remember if this was the night she was out on another of her ghost walks.

Dorothy drove to Frank’s residence. His workshop was in a building out back. She didn’t bother going to the house when she saw all the shop lights were on.

She knocked on the door of his workshop as a surge of erotic tingles hit her hard. “Frank? It’s Dottie!”

“C’mon in, love!”

She opened the door and stepped inside. She had to walk around a little wooden partition blocking her view. When she cleared it, she gasped at what she saw.

Frank had a large wooden guillotine all set up in his workshop. It was made of oak, the wood stained and varnished. A long bench lay attached for the victim to lie secured to.

A gleaming, silver blade hung from the top. Frank was standing right next to it. A moment later he pulled a rope.

The blade whooshed down. It landed with a loud THUNK. A helpless watermelon lying at the base of the guillotine split right in two, the front half falling to the floor. Dorothy let out a cry… and then promptly wet herself….

“Well, love?” Frank asked, motioning grandly at it as he pulled the blade back up while smiling like the Cheshire cat. “What do you think?”

“Bloody hell!” Dorothy gasped reverently. She couldn’t believe it. She also couldn’t believe how wet she’d become at witnessing the glorious contraption.

“It took four weeks, and I searched high and low for a blade. I finally found one in East London. What do you think?”

Dorothy walked up and put her hand on it. It sent an erotic shiver running through her body. “Bloody hell, Frank. I had no idea you could… it’s lovely!”

“So what do you think, Dottie? Ready to take it for a spin?”

She gasped as she started to tremble. She had no idea he might actually want to take her up on her offer. He saw her hesitation and laughed.

He slipped a wooden dowel into the frame. Then he pulled the rope again. The blade came down, only to stop right above the lunette where the dowel held it fast.

“My special feature, love,” he told her with a smile as he pulled the blade back up to the top. “Are you going to go for a ride before your sister’s museum friend comes and hauls it away? He’s paying me a handsome price for it, you know. It’s going to cover all my expenses while leaving me with a tidy profit.”

“I suppose I did make that promise,” Dorothy told him breathlessly.

She watched him seesaw the bench until it stood vertical. “I strap you down to this, love. Then I tip it flat before pushing it forward until your head passes through the opening. When that’s done I secure your head in the lunette. Ready to go for the ride of your life?”

“Bloody hell!” she breathed as another erotic shudder rippled through her.

She slowly undressed, embarrassed at the way her nipples were now protruding out of her breasts. She winced with the knowledge Frank could now see how wet she was between her legs. Well, she wouldn’t be naked for long. Then she could get dressed and go home. At least she’d be able to tell Zilpha…

Her sister. Where was Zilpha? Was she out on her ghost walk? Too bad she was going to miss out on all the fun.

She was panting for breath as she finished undressing. She stepped around to the back of the guillotine and pressed herself up against the bench. She remembered it being called a bascule because of the way it seesawed her flat onto her stomach.

Frank strapped her down in three places: shoulders, waist and upper legs. Then he slowly tipped her forward. Dorothy let out a gasp as she was lowered flat onto her stomach.

“Just got to slide you forward now, love,” Frank told her. Then he gave the bench a shove. Dorothy slid right through until her head was sticking out on the other side of the path of the blade.

She gasped as she looked down at the floor. She couldn’t believe how aroused she’d become. Then she noticed the red stain below her as he brought the lunette down in place.

“Frank? What’s that?”

“What’s what, love?”

“Did you spill something on the floor?”

“Oh! I forgot the wicker basket, didn’t I. Just a moment, love. Let me go fetch it for you.”

Dorothy kept staring down at the floor. That sure was a remarkable red stain. She couldn’t tell if he’d spilled paint or lacquer on the floor while working on his machine. It seemed almost too red for that.

“Here’s the basket, love. Tell me what you think.” Then he placed it directly below her head.

Dorothy gasped in shock at the contents. The basket was all red and bloody. Inside was the severed head of…


The blade suddenly whooshed down. Dorothy felt a sharp pain in her neck. Then it felt like she had fallen until her lips were pressed up against her sister’s right ear.

Frank reached down and pulled both heads out. Then he showed them to the museum curator who had just stepped out from behind another partition. “Will these work, Riwa?” he asked with a smile.

“Perfectly,” the museum curator said with a smile as Dorothy’s legs kicked and flailed. “We’ll prepare the heads while encasing the bodies in plastic. I really appreciate you providing a couple of bodies to display with our guillotine.”

“My pleasure,” Frank said as he held both skulls aloft.

Dorothy was conscious long enough to see her legs kicking. Her naked body jerked and hitched all strapped down to the bascule. Then her vision faded away as she plunged into the abyss of oblivion…


Posted in Beheading Stories, Dorothy and her friends | Tagged | 1 Comment

Hanging Suzan 4.4 (69)

Allow me to upload one more story to get caught up. I’m feeling better.

It took me a few weeks to cultivate a friendship with Suzan Rose. Soon we were having coffee twice a week. From there it was only a matter of feeling her out enough to make her curious.

I let slip I had a bit of a hanging fetish just to gauge her reaction. Instead of frightening her off, she acted curious. I told her bits and pieces, just enough to gain her interest.

One day during coffee at my home I showed her pictures of models I found who had posed with a noose around their neck. She seemed to become even more interested. So I went and showed her a noose I had on the premises.

Again I half expected her to change the subject. Instead she playfully put it around her neck. Then she asked me how she looked. “Incredible,” I panted as I became moist down below.

I put the noose away and dropped the subject. Turns out she was the one who brought it back up at our next coffee. She admitted she’d kind of enjoyed feeling the noose around her neck. Then she asked if there was some place where she could pose like one of those models.

I fetched the noose and tied it off to the second floor banister of my 2 story home. Suzan stood at the bottom of the stairs where she put it on and modeled it for me. When I asked if I could take a few pictures she said yes.

Afterward taking the pictures I put the noose away and changed the subject. I didn’t want to be too aggressive with what I was thinking. But at the end of our coffee she told me she’d had a good time and wouldn’t mind modeling my noose again. That’s when I knew I had her hooked.

During our next coffee at my home she asked if she could model the noose again. She told me she was wearing lingerie and wanted to see how the pictures would turn out. So I set up the noose in the stairwell again.

When she stripped down to her lingerie I stripped down to mine. Then I took several pictures. She even put her arms behind her back as though I’d tied her up.

Afterwards I asked her how she’d felt with the noose around her neck. “Incredible!” she gasped. “You have no idea what it does to me.”

I told her how I’d felt seeing her in the noose while I’d taken the pictures. I thought that might sour her a bit on the experience. To the contrary she told me she thought I looked like I was enjoying myself and that it had been quite a turn-on seeing my expression.

I ended our noose discussion on that note. I wanted to keep her coming back for more. And I didn’t want her to suspect what I was up to.

The next week she came over wearing a sexy outfit. She admitted she was thinking of the noose again. That’s when I made my move.

I led her into the sun room where we discussed taking more noose pictures. Then she looked outside and saw my backyard. I had a metal frame all set up out there.

“What’s that for?” she asked.

“Oh, I was thinking of hiring a few models to try out the noose out there.”

“I’m first!” she gasped excitedly.

“Oh really?”

“Please? Just this once?”

I got up and went to go fetch the noose. When I returned I saw she’s stripped down to her nylons. She smiled as she asked, “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Not as long as I can strip down to mine,” I replied with a smile.

“Oh absolutely!”

I got undressed. Then I took a little footstool and we went out back. The privacy fence was high enough that no one could see us.

I set up the noose and the stool. Then I asked her, “How do you want to pose?”

“Let’s make it look real!” she gasped. I could tell by the way her nipples stood out how much she really wanted to be noosed for me.

I looped the rope around her neck and took a few pictures. But she wanted more. She even begged me to tie her arms behind her back.

I tied her up and took a couple more pictures. Then she asked if I could tighten the noose. I smiled as I went over and took all the slack out. Then I secured it to the cleat attached to the metal frame.

“Like it?” I asked. She moaned and nodded in reply. I rubbed her breasts, taking advantage of the situation. She just writhed and groaned.

I took a few more pictures. She looked sexy as hell standing there. Then I asked her if she wanted me to strap her legs and ankles together for another photo or two. She eagerly nodded her head. Damn, she was making this easy!

I ran a strap around her upper thighs. Then I strapped her ankles together. Her nipples looked painfully erect, and her pussy was moist.

“Damn, you look sexy!” I panted as I fingered her dripping slit. Does this turn you on?” She nodded and moaned.

“Well it sure as hell turns me on!” I replied as I snapped several more pictures.

I walked up to her and fingered her slit again, taking advantage of her helplessness. She clenched and moaned. Then she asked, “Would it be possible? I mean… would it be safe if I… if I hanged… only for a second or two?”

“Up to you,” I replied. “You can lift your feet off the stool if you like. Want me to take a few pictures?” She eagerly nodded.

I was wet as hell as I picked up the camera and focused in. Then she lifted her feet up off the stool, bending her legs at the knees. I snapped off several photos as she did that for a good twenty seconds before she found the stool with her heels.

“Did you like that?” I asked as I walked up to her. She looked like she wasn’t sure. I started rubbing her breasts, fingering her dripping cunt until she nodded her head and panted, “Yes… yes I did.”

“You were airborne for a good twenty seconds. Of course your knees were bent. Too bad I can’t get a picture of your legs going straight down looking for the stool.”

“Can we do that?” Suzan panted breathlessly. “I mean… it wasn’t THAT bad. How long was I in the air?”

“About twenty seconds. We might need thirty or more for me to pull the stool, take a few pictures and then put the stool back.”

“How are the pictures turning out so far?”

“Fantastic. Of course you’ll get a set of them once I’m ready.”

“Then let’s try it.”

“Try what?”

“Remove the stool and take a few pictures.”

“Are you sure?” She just nodded excitedly in reply.

“Ok, if you say so. When you’re ready just lift your feet and I’ll pull the stool out of the picture. Then I’ll take a few photos before putting it back.”

She nodded before lifting her feet right away, catching me by surprise. “Oh shit!” and I pulled the stool away. Then I rushed to get the camera as she hung limp.

I snapped off several pictures until she started to kick a little. She looked like a fish dangling at the end of a line. I put the camera back down and then rushed the stool back into place.

She fumbled with her feet until she found it. I helped steady her. Then I tried to work the noose until she seemed to be breathing better.

“Not bad; not bad at all.” Then I removed the strap from around her ankles. I removed the one from her upper thighs before tossing them both aside.

“I guess we’re done here,” I told her. We weren’t really done. But I wanted to carry on the charade just to see how she would react.

“Can we take a few more?”

“How else do you want to pose, Suzan?”

“How about… without my heels… and kicking with my legs?”

“Those would make for some great pictures, Suzan. But damn. Are you sure you want to go that far?”

“The pictures,” she said with a nod. “I want to cum later while looking at my pictures.”

“Well in that case I think I can take some good ones for you.”

I fingered her crotch as she stood there. Then I took one of her nipples into my mouth. “So you want to cum, eh?”

She clenched as she writhed and moaned. I fingered her harder as I hungrily sucked on a nipple. Then I reached down and pulled the stool out from underneath her.

Her eyes flew open as I rushed to get my camera. Her thighs clenched together as I snapped off a bunch of pictures. Then she started jerking and squirting.

“Damn, baby!” I purred as I stopped to finger myself. “That’s one hell of an erotic pose!”

She really started to kick up a storm. I took a few more pictures and then stopped to watch the show. Suzan looked incredible as she struggled in the noose.

She rasped and gurgled before I heard the word, “Down… get… down!” I just smiled as I took a few more pictures. Then I told her, “Damn, baby; you look so fucking sexy!”

I walked all around as she twisted and gyrated. Her face began to turn red as I marveled at her performance. She hitched and jerked, her thighs rubbing together until she squirted again.

I went and fetched the camera to take a few more pictures. Then I put it down as she hung limp. I went up to her and fingered her cunt while massaging one of her breasts.

Her body twitched and quivered a little. It felt like she was trying to squeeze my fingers. It was time to let her in on the gag.

“I’ve always wanted to hang you, Suzan. I’m just amazed how easy you made it for me.”

She didn’t say a word as her tongue poked out a little between her lips. Then she started hitching as stray muscles began to fire. A moment later her bladder gave way.

Urine trickled down her nylons. Then she hung limp, her body gently swaying and twisting a little. I panted for breath as I fingered myself to orgasm.

Afterwards I walked up to her and felt her up. I groped and fondled her breasts as I fingered her cunt. The sexy bitch had put on one hell of a show.

I stood there and admired her for a good ten to fifteen minutes. Then I went inside and made a call. “Avery? You remember the last time I called with a body for you to dispose of? Well, I’ve got another one. Come on over and take her away. I don’t care what you do with her. I know you have necro fantasies; just don’t tell me about em. …what? Ok, I’ll see you in ten minutes.”

(written for Suzan Jan 11 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by Suzan Rose’s drawings.)

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Neptune’s Wench 3.4 (5)

I’m back after a stay at the hospital. More information to follow in my Patreon update. Meanwhile, it’s time to upload.

An older repost



Strange. It’s been sunny all morning. Then she hears more thunder.

There’s a loud crash, followed by the sound of splintering wood. She’s thrown to the floor, stunned and confused. She hears the harried sounds of crewmembers scrambling on wooden decking above her.

There are cries of alarm. She hears it again. Now she knows it’s not thunder.

It’s cannon fire; the ship’s been hit!

There’s another thunderous roar, much closer this time. A cannonball crashes against wood. The ship shudders.

She’s thrown off her feet as the room shakes around her. It’s time to get out of the galley.

There’s a surge of panic. She has to leave before the next cannonball penetrates the hull and snuffs out her life. But where should she go??

She flees in terror, dashing for the main deck. As she climbs the steps, she hears the sound of battle above her. She detects the metal clang of sword on sword, as well as the sound of pistol fire.

She abruptly changes her mind. It doesn’t sound safe up there. It might be better to stay below.

There’s another roar of cannon fire. Wood crashes and splinters below and behind her. The galley is all but destroyed, making up her mind. Surely it’s got to be safer up on deck.

She struggles up the last few steps. The ship develops a slight list to starboard. She throws open the door…

…and steps out into hell…

A battle rages. There are swords, knives and pistols. She sees men dying before her very eyes.

She takes it in with a glance. They’re being attacked by pirates. So where’s the captain?

She looks around in desperation. Where is he? Then she spots him.

He’s close by, clashing swords with a couple of murderous buccaneers. There’s blood on his shirt and a cut on his arm. She cries out in terror…


“Get below!”

“I’m scared.”

He glances toward her. “I said get below – garhhhhh…”

The distraction is enough. A sword runs him through. It enters his stomach and exits his lower back.

She screams in horror as the sword is savagely pulled out. The captain drops his weapon and grabs the wound in his stomach. Then he falls to his knees and pitches face first onto the deck.

Her voice fails her. She shakes her head in disbelief as her mouth forms the word ‘no’. Then she hears a gruff voice declare, “Look what we ‘ave ‘ere!”

The two pirates who had been fighting the captain grab her. They push her back against a wall. “Let’s ‘ave ‘er!” says the one.

She finds her voice and screams. The other pirate clamps a hand over her mouth, silencing her voice. “We’ll ‘ave none of that, wench!”

Her eyes widen in terror. The two pirates block some of her view. But she can still see men falling by the sword, the knife and the pistol… men she had just fed breakfast to earlier that morning.

She sees a pistol shot drop the first mate. He was the one who had been the most considerate to her on the ship. She wants to scream, but the hand clamped over her mouth prevents her.

It doesn’t prevent the tears from flowing down her face.

“What ‘ave ya got ‘ere, lads?”

She turns to look and feels a surge of relief. It’s the pirate captain. Maybe they won’t get to have their way with her after all.

“Found her standin’ ‘ere, Cap’n. We saved ‘er for ya.”

It’s a lie, of course. And he knows his captain knows it’s a lie. But for now it’s sufficient.

The captain of the pirate ship looks at her longingly. He hasn’t had a nice looking wench like this one in a long time. He feels a stirring in his loins. She’ll do nicely.

A man comes up to him, breathing heavily. “Cargo’s almost out of the ‘old, Cap’n. Ships goin’ down, though.”

He stares at his prize with the short golden hair, barely hearing the report. “How many killed?” he barks as he continues to stare lustfully at her.

The answer doesn’t really matter. Casualties are a part of plundering. He’ll pick up new crewmembers at their next port-of-call…

“None, Cap’n. Cuts and bruises, not much more. No one’s dead.”

This gets the captain’s attention. He turns to the man. “No one?” he repeats with disbelief in his eyes. “Did ‘er crew not put up a fight?”

“A valiant one, sir. The gods are with us. Not a soul ‘as been lost.”

“Bloody ‘ell!” he says in amazement. Then he barks, “Finish with the cargo.”

“Almost done, Cap’n.” Then the pirate hustles away.

The captain dwells on the casualty report with growing interest.  No one was killed? How could this be??

It is indeed miraculous. Neptune has granted his favor to them all. This day will raise his reputation mightily among the men.

He now looks at the trembling wench in front of him with suspicion. Is she also a gift from the gods? Or is she a test?

Has she been presented to him as a reward? Or is he supposed to give her back in humble gratitude? Now he’s not so sure.

She trembles before him, knowing what he might do to her. Will she be ravished? Will she be run through with his sword?

The captain is uncertain. What will happen if her takes her and has his way with her? Might the gods become angry? Might they take away his stature among the men?

The life of a pirate is fleeting at best. One moment, you’re living well off the plunder of some schooner. The next, you’re dying on the deck of a vessel, run through by the sword of some bloody Englishman.

He’s too superstitious to take the chance…

The man returns. “Cargo’s off, Cap’n. Looks like a good ‘aul.”

“Get the crew off. I’ll be over in a moment.”

“Aye, Cap’n.” The pirate scurries to obey.

The captain turns back to the golden haired wench. He sighs heavily. “Sorry, lass. It’s not meant to be.”

He speaks to the two still holding on to her. “Bring ‘er up to the ship’s wheel. And get those bloody clothes off ‘er.”

He scowls as he walks away. It’s a bloody nuisance keeping the gods happy. But one would be wise not to antagonize them.

Her eyes open wide as she shakes her head with fear. What’s going to happen to her??

A pirate grabs her makeshift dress up around her neck. He rips it straight down the center. It exposes her soft white skin, her smooth breasts and hairy crotch. She shivers as he eyes her lustfully.

As the only woman on the ship, there was no time or place for the dignities of undergarments. Now she wishes there had been. But in this instance, they would undoubtedly have done her no good.

They half drag, half carry her along the deck toward the ship’s wheel. Her nakedness is exposed to the gawking eyes of the crew gathered along the side of the pirate vessel. Whistles and catcalls follow her to the wheel.

Voices call over from the adjoining vessel… “Can I have a turn, Cap’n?”  “What a lovely wench.”  “Whoo – eee.”

They quickly discover she’s not to be brought aboard their ship. The catcalls die off as unhappy murmurs set in. Is the captain going to have her all to himself right before their very eyes? There’s a mixture of excitement, anger and disappointment.

The captain waits at the wheel as they bring the squirming girl up the steps to him. They need to work fast. The ship is starting to settle.

“Tie ‘er to the wheel, boys. We’re gonna give ‘er to Neptune. Spread ‘er legs wide, so ‘e doesn’t ‘ave to fight to get inside ‘er.”


She struggles helplessly against them. They tie her off with leather straps. Now she understands what they’re going to do to her.

They’re securing her to the wheel. But the ship is sinking! This will take her down with it.

She’s going to drown…

Should she die? Or should she be brutalized by a shipload of pirates? Only one option promises an extension of life, if only for a short time.

“No!” she blurts out in growing panic. “Take me with you!”

The captain is pleased at her fear. The gods like their victims to be afraid. This is the right thing to do.

The ship shudders beneath them. It takes on a greater list. It groans as the sea hungrily chews it up.

The captain looks upon her one last time. He shows no sympathy or compassion. “Time to go, boys.”

“Wait! I can cook! I’ll do anything you ask! Don’t leave me here!” Her pleas fall on deaf ears.

The captain walks to the edge of the doomed ship. He grabs a rope before calling over to the crew of his ship, just a short swing away. “We’re giving her to Neptune, boys… to celebrate our great victory.”

A cheer goes up from the assembled band of murderers and cutthroats. It would be unwise not to cheer. The damsel can now confirm her cruel fate.

“I’ll do anything you want! I’ll please you; I’ll give myself freely to you! PLEASE!”

The captain pauses, feeling his loins quiver once more. “Bloody ‘ell,” he murmurs forlornly. Then he and his two remaining crewmates swing over, abandoning the sinking vessel.

“NOO! DON’T LEAVE ME!” She hears laughter in reply.

Sails are unfurled. The pirate ship moves off. It does not want to be caught in the suction of the sinking vessel.

She struggles against the leather straps that bind her tightly to the ship’s wheel. But she can’t get free. Then the vessel lurches beneath her.

She lets out a sharp cry of fear as the water level reaches the deck. It starts to swirl under her suspended feet. The ship rights itself and then begins to settle down by the stern.

She whimpers as the water rises. She lets out a cry as cool water touches her feet. Hyperventilation sets in.

The sea rises rapidly up her legs. It hits her pussy, causing her to inhale sharply. It’s going down faster now.

The cool water has a sensuous feel as it caresses and envelops her. It climbs past her navel up her stomach. She feels a terrible thrill of sexual excitement ripple through her.

The cool water hits her breasts, causing her nipples to harden. She gasps in disbelief. Is this how she’s truly going to die??

The ship picks up speed as it sinks. She trembles as she looks up, her eyes wide with fright. Her mouth opens in a scream as water climbs up her shoulders to her neck.

She inhales deeply. Water flows over her mouth… nose… eyes… head. Bubbles spew out of her nose as the ship sinks quickly.

She struggles to hold her breath, her lungs straining until it comes to rest on the sandy bottom. It’s ironic. The cove offered no protection from pirates. Now she will remain here for all eternity.

She feels the pressure on her chest at this depth. Air bursts out of her mouth. She panics as she strains against the straps, struggling to free herself.

More air spews out past her lips. Reflexively, she inhales. Then she coughs and gags.

Her body convulses and spasms as it is invaded by the liquid intruder. She shakes her head back and forth, spewing air. Her body hitches and shudders violently as she looks up toward the surface and the air she will never breathe again.

She gulps down more water as agony overtakes her. She is conscious for far too long. Then consciousness mercifully ebbs away.

Her head remains tilted upward, lifeless eyes open in terror. Small bubbles trickle freely out of her open mouth. Then her bladder empties. A moment later a white creamy substance trickles out of her pussy.

She is now ready to serve Neptune the moment he arrives…

2004; 2019 (written Apr 22 ’04; ed. Dec 12 ‘19 by riwa)

(Inspired by the picture which I included for illustration purposes.)

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A night to remember 5 – Tia’s story part 2 4.4 (11)


 I stop dead in my tracks, doubling over as a small, yet distinct pain knifes me in my navel. In an instant I know what it is. That’s when the color drains from my face.

 I start to shake uncontrollably. There’s no point making a mad dash for the exit now. I’ll just trip the sensors and have attendants on me in a flash, restraining me as they take me back to the Entertainment stage for my farewell performance.

A night to remember 5: Tia’s story (part 2)

I stare at the exit less than twenty feet in front of me as tears well up in my eyes. With a lump in my throat I turn and find a nearby chair to collapse into. That’s when I acknowledge Monique has finally gotten her wish…

That fucking bastard from Manhattan has killed me. My life is over.

I reach into my tunic and numbly pull out my cell phone. Then I call Stewart to give him the bad news. It instantly transfers to voicemail.

The bastard must be out with the guys again. I have no idea where he is or what he’s doing. How can I leave a message telling him his blushing bride won’t be coming home tonight because she’s pregnant at the club and needs to be snuffed?

I look up to see Nicole approaching me. She has a little tracking device in her hand to locate the person whose sensor has popped. Two attendants are trailing behind, flanking her in case they run into someone who might give them a fight.

She points it right at me. I see a look of shock and then sympathy in her features. “Yes, honey; it’s me,” I want to say to her. But I just lower my head in despair.

I look down as I blink the tears out of my eyes. When I look up, the attendants are gone. She must have waved them away.

She knows I’m not going anywhere. She knows they won’t be needed. After all, it’s only me they have to deal with.

“Tia?” she asks with sadness in her voice.

In response I lift up my tunic. For the first time I see the damned thing. It’s popped and glowing, confirming the worst.

Nicole tears up as she sits down next to me. She sympathetically puts an arm around my shoulder. All I can think about is my husband and the fact we’ll never have kids… that I’ll never have kids.

“I can’t get in touch with Stewart,” I tell her as tears fill my eyes. “He might be out with the guys. Otherwise I don’t know where he could be.”

She takes my hand to comfort me. Nicole tells me she’ll be at my side for as long as it takes. Then we hear a roar from the direction of the Entertainment stage.

We both detect cheers and wild applause. No doubt they’ve just watched someone get executed. “They’ll be cheering for me soon,” I tell her bitterly.

She gives me this strange look as she rubs my shoulder. Then she says, “Actually I think I’m a little jealous.”


My eyes open wide in disbelief. I stare at her incredulously. How can she be jealous??

She gently asks, “So who are you gonna have do it?” I look at her in surprise. I hadn’t even thought that far ahead.

I see something in her face. It’s as though she knows the answer. But I don’t understand as I’m numb with grief.

“I don’t know,” I sniffle bitterly. “I suppose I could have Mistress do it. She loves snuffing us attendants.” But if Mistress snuffs me, Monique will no doubt be close by to watch or take part in my death.

“Anyone else?” Nicole asks gently.

What is she getting at? I can’t think of anyone I’d like to snuff me. Certainly I wouldn’t want it to be any of tonight’s customers.

“I don’t know,” I answer numbly. “I suppose I could ask Mr. Rick if he’d like to do it. I know he gets off…”

My voice trails off as I look at her incredulously. A light suddenly goes off in my head. Nicole actually gives me a knowing smile.

She knows I get it now. Of course! In that moment I feel a sudden burst of erotic tingles.

“Now you know why I’m jealous,” she says as she touches me comfortingly on the shoulder.

She glances over in the direction of the Entertainment stage. The red glow is gone. “Most of them have cleared out by now, Tia. Let’s get you over there. Let’s just get this thing over with.”

I give her a sad little smile. We stand up and hug each other. Then she takes my hand.

We walk together as I go to face my destiny. The two of us slowly make our way to the Entertainment stage. I’m somewhat relieved to notice it has cleared out.

I see Mistress and Monique. Mr. Rick is there as well. Nadia and Felicity are hovering near two naked females who I recognize from the poker game as Carmen and Sophia.

All of them are watching attendants remove the dead, naked bodies from up on stage. One woman hangs limp in the noose in a black garter, fishnet stockings and heels. There’s a strange mixture of pain and pleasure in her lifeless eyes.

Manhattan’s naked bitch is slumped in the electric chair. Parts of her body smolder with drifting tendrils of vapor. She looks like she really suffered as she fried. There’s a terrified expression frozen on her face, and I shiver with dread.

There’s fresh blood around the guillotines. But I see no body. I suspect she’s already been hauled away. I’m glad I don’t have to see the severed head.

Two attendants are in the process of carting away the impaled girl. I’m pretty certain she’s off to be roasted. That’s certainly not how I want to go out. But I might not have a choice in the matter. That’s when I shiver from a mixture of fear along with a disturbing excitement.

Chastity sees my expression and speaks up. “Is something the matter, honey?” The others all turn to look in my direction.

I can’t stop the tears from welling up in my eyes. I silently lift up my tunic as though that will be explanation enough. My glowing sensor elicits a few raised eyebrows and a couple of quiet gasps.

“Oh my,” Chastity observes. She actually sounds sympathetic. “Now that’s unfortunate.”

The moment of sympathy passes. Her eyes twinkle with lustful excitement. The bitch is always up to watch another female being snuffed onstage.

“I think we can fit another execution into my schedule,” she says thoughtfully. Then she smiles. I can tell right away she’s going to enjoy watching me die.

She surprises me next when she says, “So tell me, my dear girl. How would you like to be snuffed?” Apparently she’s in a good mood by allowing me to pick the manner of my own death.

It’s not unusual for her to allow pregnant attendants to decide how they want to be snuffed. I feel Nicole give me a nudge and a knowing smile. That’s when I look right at the club’s male co-owner.

I’m hit with a massive burst of erotic tingles. This is my only chance to perform in front of the man I have a severe crush on. “Mr. Rick,” I say in a trembling voice. “I want Mr. Rick to do it.”

He looks at me in astonishment. It’s an astonishment that quickly gives way to wanton lust. Damn; he wants me bad!

I’m suddenly all a-tingle from an incredible excitement. There’s a gleam in Mistress’ eyes. Then she hungrily licks her lips.

“How?” she asks again. “How do you want Mr. Rick to snuff you, my dear girl?”

I’ve had dark fantasies of this moment. Could they actually become a reality? I can barely get the words out; I’m trembling like a leaf.

“I want him to rape me,” I stammer. “Th-then I want him to strangle me with his bare hands with his cock inside me while we’re sitting in the chair.”

I’m amazed I admitted that out loud. Is that what I really want? Is that how I want to die??

I feel a sudden surge of incredible arousal swell within me. I nearly orgasm with excitement. Thank gawd the dead bodies are nearly gone.

The bitch in the chair has been hauled away. The damned thing is now empty, beckoning ominously to me. I stare at it as my mouth goes dry.

They’re just now getting around to taking the last one down from the gallows. That means I’ll have the stage all to myself. Gawd; I can’t stop trembling!

Mistress purrs with excitement. Then she asks me if I want a larger audience. “It’s not necessary,” I tell her.

My eyes are glued upon the man who is going to kill me. I can see a familiar look in his eyes, a look of murderous lust. I shudder from a terrible excitement.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Nicole asks. It shakes me out of my hypnotic trance. I look at her and then look at Mr. Rick.

For some reason it’s no longer my death I’m so worried about. Now I’m trying to think about his pleasure. But I’m shaking like a leaf. Maybe her touch will help calm me down.

I quietly suggest she take me up on stage and disrobe me. Nicole smiles and nods. I can tell she feels a special honor has just been bestowed upon her.

I also have ulterior motives. It will also attract Mr. Rick’s attention to her. She can consider it a small gift from me.

Having another attendant strip me naked up onstage should help get everyone in the mood. It’s not like they’ll need much help or effort in that department. Knowing I’m going to be snuffed in a few minutes should be a turn-on to them for the most part.

Nicole leads me up the steps onto the now empty stage. I’m glad the bodies are gone. This is going to be hard enough as it is.

She turns me around to face the small party that remains in the area. Mistress and Monique take up seats on the couch. I see them motion for Carmen and Sophia to kneel before them. Nadia and Felicity hover nearby as Mr. Rick watches intently.

Nicole starts slowly, working my outfit off one seductive item at a time. It’s incredibly erotic as she touches me all over. Eventually I’m left naked and trembling.

“Thank you for letting me do this,” she whispers quietly. But I’m not done with her yet. My next request has got to be the stupidest idea I’ve had yet!

“Go get the pain injections,” I tell her. My quivering voice carries loud enough for my intimate audience to hear.

I see a flash of eager excitement in Mistress’ eyes. And I can tell how turned on Monique is. ‘You may get to watch me die, bitch,’ I think, looking at the co-owner’s wife. ‘But I’m going to give your husband a snuff he’s never going to forget… that is, if I can be courageous enough to go through with it.’

Nicole gives me a curious look. She whispers, “You’re kidding; right, Tia?” When I shake my head she smiles knowingly.

Nicole descends the stage before going over to Monique’s station. She thoughtfully makes it so the chair is the only execution item left near the front of the stage. Then she comes back with three syringes.

I stare at them in her hand as she steps back up onto the stage. Gawd! I must be insane!

“You’re really going all out, are you?” she whispers. There’s a distinct tone of excitement in her voice.

I nod, my heart hammering in my chest. Then she shakes her head. Maybe she doesn’t believe I’m going to go through with it.

She removes the cover to the needle of the first syringe. She lifts it up to my left breast. I see everyone instinctively lean forward as though eager to witness my suffering.

My nipples are painfully hard. I’m trembling like crazy when she punctures the left one dead center. I cry out in pain.

The looks on the faces I see watching me are filled with lust and sadistic cruelty. They are loving it immensely. Carmen and Sophia are already being forced to service the dripping cunts sitting in front of them on the couch.

Nicole injects my left breast with chemicals. Then she proceeds to do the same to my right. Once more she hits my erect nipple dead center.

I cry out again. The compound she is filling them with will make my tits react in pain. It doesn’t matter if it’s the slightest touch or the most savage of squeezes.

My heart beats double time as she turns me around and bends me over, exposing my ass to my private audience. I whimper in fear, clenching instinctively at what I know is coming. A moment later I really cry out when Nicole sticks my perineum, that soft, smooth tissue between my pussy and anus.

I feel a fire invade my most intimate area. It spreads outward towards my cunt and ass. It instinctively makes me clench.

It will hurt a hundred times worse when a cock invades those holes. I pant heavily for breath, wondering what the hell I’m submitting myself to. Then Nicole stands me up and turns me around.

I’m whimpering when she quietly asks, “Anything else, honey?” I figure I’ve gone this far. I might as well go all the way.

“Make sure Stewart gets a video copy; ok?” More tears well up in my eyes. Then I tell her, “Champagne for all. But for me and Mr. Rick… a special blend for a special toast… you know what I’m thinking.”

Nicole’s eyes flash with understanding as she nods. She knows what I want. Then she leaves the stage to complete my request.

I can see it in Mr. Rick’s eyes. Now he wants me so fucking bad! It makes me go all gooey inside despite the pain in my tits and crotch.

My cunt and ass are already spasming in discomfort from the injection. The champagne I ordered is going to make things that much worse. I still can’t believe I’m doing this!

It’s time for my last little speech of sorts. It’s time to prime the pump. “In a moment we’ll have a special toast,” I say to them all. “My sensor has popped; the die is cast. I accept I’m nothing but a snuff whore now.”

I’m shaking again as my voice fails me. That’s when I think of Stewart. It takes a few moments to compose myself before I can continue.

“I want to thank Mistress for giving me this job. And a special thanks to all my attendant friends who have been such an encouragement to me.” Doris isn’t here, but I don’t think she wants to watch me die.

“I also want to thank Mistress for allowing this more intimate gathering… although I have no problem if anyone else wanders in and wishes to watch Mr. Rick snuff me.” Mistress nods at me with an appreciative smile as she grabs Carmen’s head and jams it hard into her pussy. I can tell her excitement level is rising.

“This bitch is ready to die for Mr. Rick’s pleasure,” I declare.

I feel a dreadful shudder ripple through me. I’m terrified, and yet I’m aroused like never before. I look right at our club co-owner as I say, “A true snuff-whore gives herself totally, and that is my wish. Mr. Rick, I want to be the best snuff you’ve ever had!”

Nicole returns with a tray of champagne glasses. She passes them around to Nadia, Felicity, Mistress and Monique. A special glass is marked for Mr. Rick while mine has a skull and crossbones on it.

Nicole saves the last one for herself. Carmen and Sophia are too busy getting a special liquid reserved just for them. That’s because their faces are mashed into a pair of cunts.

Nicole brings mine up to me and then takes hers for herself. I tremble as I lift my glass in a toast. “To Mr. Rick and my death! May the erotic raping of my holes and my violent death give him the intense pleasure he so richly deserves!”

There are cries of “Here, here”. I see Monique’s eyes flash angrily. She’s going to be so happy watching me die.

Mr. Rick’s eyes flash lustfully as he drains his glass. I shiver with erotic anticipation. Soon I’ll have his cock all to myself, if only until the end of my shortened life.

I bring my glass to my lips, trembling as I drink it all. It burns as it goes down. Once more I ask myself what the hell I’m doing!

Nicole knew exactly what I wanted. The poison in the champagne will soon attack my internal organs and nerve endings. I remind myself this is all for Mr. Rick.

I finally invite him to come up onstage and rape his worthless snuff-whore. Nicole takes my glass and whispers into my ear. She tells me she’ll make sure the chair is ready and that my husband is contacted.

She steps away as Mr. Rick slowly comes up onstage. I remove his shirt. As we kiss, his hands grope my tits, causing me to cry out into his mouth from the breast pain.

I’m oblivious to everything around me as Mr. Rick takes me. He paws me until I feel fire everywhere he touches. It makes me writhe and whimper.

I fall to my knees to pull his pants down, freeing his impressive member. I smile at his wife as though indicating he’s mine now for the next several minutes. Then I start making love to his cock, kissing and licking it all over.

There’s no thought of Stewart whatsoever as I take that thick fuck-stick into my mouth. I finally get a taste of the forbidden fruit. Now I understand why Nicole was so jealous.

This is going to cost me my life. But my life was already over the moment that poker player fucked my cunt. All that is left for me now is to be filled by Mr. Rick’s wonderful rape-tool.

“Use me!” I gasp before he shoves his dick toward the back of my mouth. I feel him grab the back of my head. Then he drives it deep down my throat.

I gag on it as I feel the first stirrings of something more deadly. That’s when my stomach convulses. It’s begun.

He rapes my skull with a vengeance. It makes me wonder if he got any relief during the previous executions. I’m certain he did. But a quick cupping of his balls indicates he’s full and ready to explode. The stuff Nicole slipped into his drink isn’t taking already taking, is it?

I get enough of a glance to see Mistress and Monique being well serviced. Their two sluts’ faces are mashed into their pussies. Both bitches are aroused watching my suffering. Behind me I can hear Nicole working on the seat so it’ll be ready for my final performance.

Mr. Rick lets out a roar. His seed fills my mouth to overflowing. I’m astonished there’s so much of it.

I gulp it down as best I can. But it still leaks out around the sides of my mouth. His cum streaks down my cheeks. Having the opportunity to have my mouth fucked and then swallowing his load gives me an incredible warmth.

He pulls out of my mouth and roughly stands me up. He turns me around and gropes my tits. I cry out from the pain.

The fire I feel all through my body is horrible. I’m starting to regret my decision. Then he bends me forward.

I grab onto the chair before me that is now ready for the two of us. He brutally stabs my ass with his fuck-stick, pushing it all the way inside. My muscles clench hard from a burning fire.

I scream at the pain and violation. Then he savagely rapes me, pounding me mercilessly. My stomach convulses again.

A moment later my orgasm explodes violently. It’s a nasty side effect from the compounds in my body. I scream as my body shakes all over. The pleasure is mixed with mind-numbing pain from the additional chemicals as he continues to violently sodomize me.

I can’t help myself. The chemicals cause me to clench hard around his thrusting shaft. I furiously milk him just as hard as I can.

Instinctively I try to draw him deeper inside me. The pain is intense. I clench my lips in an effort not to cry out.

It hurts too much. I scream again as a second orgasm tears through my body. It’s incredible pleasure mixed with unbelievable misery.

I suddenly feel his fingers wrap around my throat. As he squeezes, my orgasm intensifies. That’s when I become a wild, pain-filled fuck-beast.

I buck and jerk as he brutally rapes my ass, deliciously squeezing my neck. Then he pulls out. He roughly twists my body around until he makes me kneel so he can jam that nasty-tasting cock into my mouth.

I taste my own shit-hole. The excitement and revulsion makes me shiver from an intense sexual lust. I’ve become his filthy whore.

He turns me back around to bend me over the chair. He stabs my ass again. Once more I scream out in pain.

A moment later another orgasm tears through me. I’m brutally ravaged by the sensations of pain and pleasure. It’s indescribable.

Hands savagely grope my fiery tits until I cry out again. Then they return to my neck, squeezing exquisitely. My scream is choked off.

I shudder uncontrollably as his cock explodes in my ass, spewing hot seed deep into my rectum. It feels like hot lava. It must be due to the chemicals reacting to the extremely sensitive membrane of my anal passage.

He pulls back out, throws my body around and cries out, “CLEAN IT, WHORE!” I fall to my knees where I gulp him down. He’s using me like a dirty whore.

Stewart, forgive me! God forgive me; I love it so! I want it so bad that it feels like I can’t seem to get enough.

He sits down in the chair. I notice it’s been properly prepared. Nicole is no longer on the stage; I must have missed the moment she left.

I’m forced into his lap with my back to him. My cunt is impaled on his throbbing dick. I face our private little audience.

Carmen and Sophia are being shared with Nadia and Felicity. Now they’re kneeling and licking out those two cunts. The attendants moan while watching me.

Mistress and Monique sit on the couch with their legs parted. I can see their wet arousal as they watch me get fucked. I can’t tell if Monique is jealous or if she’s just happy I’m about to be gloriously snuffed.

Two couples have wandered in. No doubt they’re here to investigate my screams coming from the stage. They watch in wide-eyed wonder.

Mr. Rick reaches around and savagely gropes my tits again. Another convulsion grips my stomach. I feel fire from my tits.

Another painful spasm takes me. The poison I’ve ingested is starting to set in. I won’t be alive much longer.

He starts bouncing me up and down in his lap. His cock goes deep in my cunt. Fingers wrap once more around my neck.

His squeeze sets me off again. Gawd; the orgasms are coming thick and fast! I can’t find my voice to scream anymore.

My body shudders as I gawk and gurgle. I cum all over his cock. His lap becomes wet with my flowing juices.

It’s so much better, yet far, far worse than I could’ve possibly imagined. My body is on fire as he rapes me. And yet I feel such an incredible warmth that I’m finally getting the fucking I deserve from the Club’s co-owner.

There is no thought of Stewart at all. It’s as though I’m not even married. All I can think about is Mr. Rick’s glorious rape-tool as he fucks and snuffs me.

He squeezes harder until another orgasm slams into me. It batters me mercilessly. I almost wish I could pass out. But the multiple poisons flowing through me won’t permit that.

I’m destined to experience it all. I’ll remain fully conscious for as long as I’m alive. I shudder hard, feeling as though my whole body is on fire.

My stomach convulses in pain again. I nearly bend over from the agony. His cock fills me as I feel it thrust up and down inside me.

The walls of my cunt spasm and clench around his pumping member with a terrible fire. I simply can’t let go of him. The damned thing is killing me… fucking me to death.

I have one last request. Somehow I manage to blurt it out through the fiery haze that is my vision. ”I want….. to see…. your face!”

He lifts me off his lap and spins me around. He fits my legs through the openings in the arms of the chair. Then I’m gloriously impaled in his lap again.

The pain is intense; it feels like I’m on fire. Then I’m cumming all over again. I scream into the air as it devastates me.

My shriek is cut off as he lashes out. He grabs my neck and chokes me hard. My whole body seizes up as another orgasm sets in.

The poison is really starting to take effect now. I’m having painful spasms almost continuously. My heart feels like it’s going to explode in my chest.

I ride him furiously, bucking up and down. I impale myself so hard on his dick that I try to drive it all the way up through my cervix. Then I look deeply into his eyes.

I can see it; he wants this badly. He wants me… wants to fuck me… wants to snuff me! Seeing his lusts on full display drive me out of my mind…

“Snuff…. me…. need it….. now….. snuff your….. worthless….. fuck-whore!!”

His hands wrap tighter as he squeezes my neck. I feel my face flush red from lack of oxygen. A moment later I’m cumming all over his cock again as my eyes roll up into the back of my head.

The pain from the injections feels overwhelming. The poison inside me is all-consuming. My asphyxiation is so exquisite, so sublime. It’s all coming together now as my body writhes in pure agony.

His hands tighten and I feel my eyes start to bug out. At the same time I go into a series of seizures as the poison spreads throughout my body, interacting with the injections. My tongue slithers out as I try to gasp for breath.

I’m filled with an all-consuming fire. God; please make it stop! No, ravage me and make me suffer like the whore I’ve become!

The orgasms won’t stop now. They just keep coming one after another. My senses are overloading.

I pray for unconsciousness; pray for relief. But it’s brutally denied me. The only thing that will deliver me now is Mr. Rick snuffing me himself.

I look weakly into his face, mentally begging him to end me. Now I want deliverance. I’m at that point where my death is the only thing that will satisfy the both of us.

I see it in his face; gawd – he’s enjoying himself! An orgasm in particular hits me with devastating fury. I buck and shudder in his grasp.

My eyes beg him… “PLEASE!” I feel his fingers tighten. Then I can’t breathe at all.

My lungs heave; I can’t catch my breath. Now it just won’t stop. It’s never ending.

I gurgle as I feel his hands squeeze harder. I feel cartilage giving way as my throat is crushed. I hear little cricks, indicating my neck is being broken. Gawd; he’s really doing it!

My life flashes before my eyes. It goes by so fast. Then there’s a moment of clarity.

I think of Doris and Nicole. I’m grateful to Mistress. And I hope Monique is jealous as hell.

I feel something give with a snap. The pain is blinding, my orgasm a volcanic eruption. Then it’s suddenly gone in a flash… wiped away in a moment like chalk wiped from a chalkboard.

There’s nothing but my eyes bugging out. My tongue protrudes grotesquely. I’m astonished I can’t feel anything below my neck.

My face feels hot and flushed. I can’t feel my heart pounding in my chest as though it wants to explode. I can’t feel my lungs scream for air.

Then it’s gone – all gone. There’s nothing but everlasting darkness and relief. My vision collapses into nothingness. My expression of terror… lust… arousal… pain… all remain frozen on my face for all time.

I have no conscious knowledge of my bladder releasing into his lap. Nor do I feel his cock explode one last time into my fertile, dying cunt…


Tia died with my hands wrapped around her neck, pissing into my lap at the very end. There was a gurgle as her body shuddered. But there was nothing left in her eyes. I’d crushed her neck, leaving her limp in my grasp.

 On the couch, Mistress and Monique were panting heavily. Both had been serviced again. I saw them allow their sluts to kneel and gasp for breath, each face dripping with fluids. Chastity and my wife both looked worn out as Carmen and Sophia panted quietly.

 By now several clients had gathered. They were privileged to watch the ending even though Tia was facing me. Some ended up fucking each other while they watched, which was ok with me.

 When it was all over they quietly filed out, no doubt feeling as though they had been privileged to witness a private snuff show up on stage. Nicole seemed to know it was over. She quickly came up on stage with a towel in hand. There were tears in her eyes.

 She began to disentangle Tia’s body from mine. “I’ll take care of her for you, sir,” she said quietly. “I’ll also notify Stewart.” I nodded at her as I accepted the towel, using it to dry myself off before putting my clothes back on.

 Mistress was enthusiastic as always. “My dear boy, that was the most incredible thing I’ve ever witnessed! She really went all out for you, didn’t she?”

 Monique gave me a bit of a dark look. I got the impression she was glad the attendant was dead. Then Mistress rose up with a sigh before looking at her two remaining trophies.

 “I’m a little worn out from watching that. But I think we can find something to occupy these two until I get my second wind. Come along, bitches!”

 Carmen and Sophia obediently rose to their feet. We all quietly filed out. We left Nicole to deal with Tia, yet another dead female in a steady stream of unlucky, snuffed attendants…

 2010; 2020 (written Apr 2 ’10; ed. Feb 28 ‘20 by riwa)

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Corinne and the Orc 4.4 (9)

Note: Corinne is an artist who takes cartoons and manipulates them. As a redhead, she often enjoys putting herself in certain situations. This is a story inspired by a couple of her creations.

There was a disturbance somewhere outside. Corinne went to the door of her hut and looked out. She could see nothing.

She went back inside. But she could hear voices getting louder. Whatever was happening outside was getting closer.

Curious, she went to her door to look out again. That’s when it flew open. A female orc burst in, catching her totally by surprise.

The door was slammed closed. Corinne started to cry out. That’s when the orc came over to her and pulled her into the corner.

A mouth was placed over her hand, silencing her cries. Corinne grunted in alarm as she was pulled back against the large, female creature. Then she heard a feminine voice whisper into her ear, “Make a sound, human, and I’ll snap your scrawny neck.”

Corinne went limp in the orc’s grasp. The voices drew closer, becoming louder. Then she heard hut doors opening and closing outside. It sounded like they were conducting an extensive search.

“If they come inside, I’m taking you with me,” the orc warned, improving her grasp on her prey. Corinne trembled with fear and a perverse arousal.

There were more sounds of doors opening and closing, sounds indicating the search was approaching her location. Corinne could hear the doors opening to her neighbors’ huts. Then there was a cry from somewhere down the street.

There was a rush of footsteps that passed by the door of her hut. The searchers’ voices faded. Then Corinne heard nothing at all except the pounding of her heart and the heaviness of her breathing.

“Not bad for a human,” the orc murmured from behind her.

Corinne felt the creature take a good long sniff of her neck. A hand reached down and fumbled through her skirt. Then it found her underwear and proceeded to rub.

The other hand came away from her mouth and moved down to her chest. Her breasts were savagely groped as the other hand continued to rub. Then she felt a tongue in her ear as the creature purred, “What’s the matter, human? Are you attracted to orcs?”

Corinne whimpered again as fingers violated her. The orc forced a hand through her garment, squeezing her mounds. Fingers violated her harder.

Corinne trembled as she struggled to catch her breath. What was worse: being molested by an orc? Or being killed by one? She wasn’t sure she knew the answer.

Protruding fingers pushed hard up into her womanhood. Corinne winced as she bit her lip. Then she shuddered from a shameful climax.

“I think they’ve gone. Sorry I can’t stay to play with you, human.” Then the orc spun her around and kissed her hard.

Corinne swooned as she became breathless again. Their lips parted as the orc looked at her hungrily. “Another time, human.” Then the female creature slipped out of the door and was gone.

Corinne stood there panting heavily for breath. What the hell had just happened?? Had it all been a dream?

Impossible. She could still taste the orc’s breath in her mouth… could feel the pressure of those lips against hers. And she was still quivering from the humiliating, yet arousing, violation.

She cautiously opened the door and looked out. But the muscular orc was long gone. She slipped back inside her hut, pondering what the hell had just happened.

“Did you hear? They caught that orc last night! They’re hanging the outlaw right now!”

“Right now?”

“Down at the gallows! You should come and see!” Then the woman ran off.

It was almost noon. Corinne could hear the sound of peasants scurrying down to the town square. There was always a large crowd whenever there was a hanging.

Corinne started walking toward the square. Then she broke into a jog. The jog quickly became a run. For some reason she didn’t want to miss this.

Was it that same orc that had burst into her hut? She knew there was an outlaw being hunted down. Was it that female creature who’d molested her last night?

She raced to the town square. A large crowd had already gathered. There was bloodlust in the cries being directed toward the gallows.

There was one victim on the left trap. Corinne immediately recognized her as the female orc from the night before. A white cloth had been tied around her mouth, removing the ability to speak.

Black straps wound around her upper chest and legs. Her dirty brown tunic from the night before was now missing. Exposed were her large breasts, barely contained within what looked like a makeshift bra.

The covering going down to her upper knees was also gone. She was reduced to some sort of thin fabric over her woman parts. A sheen of perspiration had broken out all over her, perhaps from her predicament.

Corinne panted for breath as she stared at the unfortunate creature. The town was not showing her any mercy. If she was guilty of the crimes Corinne had heard about then she could certainly not blame them for their animosity. And yet she wished the orc would not be hanged.

Cries rose up, calling for the hanging of the female orc. The creature looked around defiantly. It looked like she was about to die the way she had lived, giving no mercy and expecting the same.

There were more cries demanding they proceed with her hanging. A man moved over to the lever, an individual Corinne knew was not the official executioner. Apparently the townsfolk here were taking matters into their own hands.

The orc found her in the crowd and locked eyes with her. Corinne saw no pleading in those blue pupils. Instead she saw the look of a lustful creature who would certainly love to have its way with her if freed and given half a chance.

The lever was pulled, causing the orc to fall to raucous cheers. She hit the end of her rope and bounced a little. But her neck did not break. Orcs’ necks were quite strong. And despite her feminine features, this one was going to take a long time to strangle to death.

The orc grunted as sweat poured down her face. Her legs kicked as she jerked on the end of her rope. And still she locked eyes with her host from the night before.

Corinne was wet as hell. That orc was lusting after her even now, amazingly while she was dying! It made her breath catch in her throat.

“This one hid the orc!” a female voice suddenly cried out. “I saw it come out of her hut!” Corinne turned and was horrified to see Lottie Ansel, one of her neighbors, pointing accusingly at her.

An angry cry rose up. Corinne took a frightened step backward. Then she glanced up at the dangling creature. Was the orc smiling under that cloth, suspecting she was now about to suffer a similar fate?

Rough hands grabbed Corinne and dragged her to the gallows. Voices cried out to hang her as an accomplice. She saw a couple of individuals she recognized as other neighbors on her block. But they showed no sympathy towards her whatsoever.

The orc was still kicking when she was hauled up onto the gallows. Several men quickly bound her with rope. Corinne was amazed how they could produce binding material so fast.

She shook her head as she started to cry out, “You know me! I’m not an outlaw!” But a black cloth was quickly wrapped around her mouth. Further protests were muffled.

She was dragged onto the second trap. She’d only witnessed one other double hanging in the last six months. Corinne had no idea she would one day play a prominent role in its future operation.

She shook her head as she let out more muffled cries. The townsfolk hollered to see her strangle at the end of the rope. She shook her head again as she made eye contact with the woman who’d accused her. Then she heard the lever being pulled.

The trap fell away before her. Corinne prayed for a quick neck snap as she fell. But she did not fare any better than the creature dangling next to her.

She hit the end of her rope and started to suffer. Her face turned red as she started to kick. Then she locked eyes with her neighbors, staring with barely concealed fury and hatred.

She kicked and struggled, twisting helplessly until the orc swung into view. They locked eyes again as she struggled to get a decent breath of air down her throat. Despite the agony, the creature looked at her lustfully as though enjoying her struggles. Was the damned thing enjoying watching her hang… watching her writhing, suffering body??

Corinne felt shame mix with agony. She could feel the female creature rape her with its eyes. It did not seem to care it would soon breathe no more. Somehow it was enjoying the moment, enjoying watching her suffer in abject humiliation at the end of a rope.

As Corinne jerked and convulsed, she saw the female orc begin to hump in her direction. Her own face reddened with breathless agony and shame. All around her the townsfolk cheered for their impending demise.

The orc kept humping in her direction. Corinne felt it swell shamefully within her. Then she was cumming, a humiliation observed by one and all.

They laughed and jeered as they pointed at them both. The orc’s face had turned a deep shade of red. But beneath that cloth was a smile of cruel pleasure and satisfaction.

Corinne couldn’t feel her legs anymore. Death was slowly climbing up her limbs. The cheers from the townspeople were starting to diminish in her ears.

The orc kept humping in her direction. Corinne trembled from one last orgasm, humiliated over the way the creature seemed to know nothing other than seeking one last pleasure before its breath was permanently taken away. Then consciousness mercifully faded away.

Corinne gently swayed back and forth as her bladder released. But the orc fought an additional ten minutes, ten agonizing minutes. Each conscious moment was spent humping in the direction of the dangling woman, getting all the pleasure it could out of seeing a dead female human at the end of a noose.

The female orc’s last thoughts were regrets she had not taken full advantage of the human the night before when she’d had the chance. Then she shuddered hard as she pissed herself. Both females – orc and human – dangled lifelessly as the townsfolk released their bloodlust until they were satisfied and began drifting away.

The bodies were left up until sundown. They were taken away and buried together outside the town in an unmarked hole in the ground. Neither were mourned nor remembered.

2019 (written for Corinne Jul 16 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by her two creations I included.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 3.7 (3)

Coming February rewards

Another Teri 5.0 chapter
More Joia chapters as Clemencia becomes a cruel mistress.
Another dramatic Shelly in Cancun chapter. Will Andria and her companion be rescued in time?
Another chapter in the Girl’s Night Out saga
A woman writes a series of letters asking for help about her ex-boyfriend watching her wash her hair in the bathtub.
Ruby must hold her breath inside a special tank in order to earn a spot in the company.
Their visit with the gallows in the ghost town is prolonged.
Lauren can’t swim.
A snoopy woman finds herself in the company’s termination room.
Kirsten plans a surprise for her boyfriend Gunner using a specially set up shower.
The Hangley High Cheerleaders are involved in a method to spur the football team toward their first victory of the season.

December stories/rewards will fall off at the end of January to make room for February rewards.

Cold weather. Lots of wind. Not as much snow as I would have expected. Is it going to be a dry spring? Who knows. Not much else to inform you about. So I’ll just wish you well. Thank you for being my patrons.

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Juney sacrificed on Santamos Island 4.3 (20)

An impoverished Caribbean island nation nears bankruptcy.  In order to raise cash income from “tourists”, the nation’s leaders in desperation pass a law — consensual executions of sane and un-coerced foreigners by other foreigners will be legal in public execution areas on the island. Arachnid’s Santamos Island universe

My sister’s daughter Juney was always a bit of an odd duck. She was a strange girl. For some reason she had this fixation on me when she was a teenager.

I thought she would grow out of it, but she never did. She grew into a rather attractive young woman. Her hair color was not a choice I would have made. But it was her life and I wasn’t going to say anything.

One day I got a call from my sister. Juney had a special request to make. So I went over to see her.

Juney took me back to her bedroom. I sat down on the bed with her. She said, “Uncle Mike? I want you to take me to Santamos Island.”

“Santamos Island? What for, Juney?

“I want to have sex with you. Then I want you to kill me.”

“Juney, are you serious??” Then I hollered for her mother to come into the room. When I told her what her daughter had said to me she just smiled.

“We can’t do anything with her, Mike. She’s saved up the money to go. She’s old enough and we can’t stop her. She’s going to go anyway, so it might as well be with a family member.”

“Do you realize what she wants me to do to her?”

“She’s told me on several occasions, Mike. We’ve finally given up and decided to let her go with our blessing. She’s going to end up dead anyway. It might as well be at your hand.”

Juney looked at me with pleading eyes. “Please, Uncle Mike? Please take me to Santamos Island and kill me?”

How could I resist an offer like that? My cock was already straining in my trousers. When I said I’d do it she hugged me tight, squealing excitedly as her mother nodded her approval.

We weren’t on the Island ten minutes when she had me get her a private bungalow. She was so excited that she just couldn’t wait. She wanted me to do her right away.

“You have no idea how horny I am, Uncle Mike! Can we do it now? Please?” I figured there was no use arguing with her. So I nodded it was ok with me.

She wasted no time stripping down to her lingerie. She was in a hurry to see me naked. I ended up stripping down to my socks.

She grabbed my cock and started stroking it. “Uncle Mike; I’m so excited.” I didn’t want to tell her I was just as excited as she was.

She sat down and got comfortable. “Uncle Mike, I want to play with your cock. Then I want you to cum all over my stomach before you kill me. Is that ok?”

I told her I had no objections. She wasn’t wasting any time. I couldn’t believe how turned on I was at the thought of killing my own niece.

She grabbed my dick and started giving me a handjob. She cupped and caressed my balls. “I want you to cum on my stomach first, Uncle Mike. I’m so fucking turned on right now!” She sounded like a slut, which only turned me on even more.

“Cum on my tummy, Uncle Mike! Give me your fucking cum! I’m so fucking hot I could cum right now!”

“Does your mother know you have a mouth like that, honey?”

“Who do you think I learned it from, Uncle Mike?” Then she jerked me until I started spurting on her. She just moaned as she squeezed every last drop out of me.

She gasped and moaned until I was wondering if she’d just had herself a little orgasm. She looked at me dreamily as she told me, “I need to change, Uncle Mike. My panties are soaked with cum. I’ll be right back.”

She went to the bathroom and changed into a set of brown lingerie. Then she went over and sat on this cloth covered chest in the room. “I’m ready, Uncle Mike. I want you to kill me now.”

“With what?” I asked. Up till now she hadn’t even mentioned the kind of death she wanted from me.

She slowly took her top off, revealing her gorgeous mounds with those erect nipples. Then she laid down flat on the chest. To my shock she produced some sort of dagger I hadn’t seen before, laying it on her chest as she posed seductively. She must have hidden it in the room when I wasn’t looking.

“Juney? What’s going on?”

“I want to be sacrificed like they do in those jungle movies, Uncle Mike. Only I want this to be different. I want you fucking me as you plunge the knife into my belly.”

“Juney, that’s crazy!”

“Please, Uncle Mike? I’m so fucking turned on right now knowing you’re about to plunge the blade into my belly while you’re fucking me! I want to cum as I die with your cock going off inside me. I want you to slaughter your sexy slut niece. Please?”

“Juney, I don’t know…”

“Please, Uncle Mike? I want you to slaughter me while you’re fucking me! Please?”

My cock twitched at her words. She saw it and smiled at me. “I know you want to, Uncle Mike! I can tell how horny you are! I’m horny too knowing you’re going to fuck me while plunging that knife deep in my gut. Please, Uncle Mike? Sacrifice me to the island gods here on Santamos!”

My cock was hard as I approached. Juney began to pant breathlessly. Her eyes flashed as I hesitantly reached for the knife.

I picked it up as she spread her legs. Then I started to push my dick inside her. She was incredibly tight.

“Honey?” I asked in surprise.

“I’m a virgin, Uncle Mike. I’ve been saving myself for you all these years. I want you to slaughter me right after you take my virginity.”

“Honey, I …”

“Do it, Uncle Mike!”

She wrapped her legs around me as I pushed in harder. She let out a cry of pain as I ruptured her hymen. A little blood trickled out.

“Oh fuck!” she blurted out. I held the knife above her as though getting ready to plunge it into her belly. She looked up at the blade as she started to tremble.

I started thrusting in and out. She gasped and moaned. “Do it, Uncle Mike! Slaughter me! I’m ready, and I fucking deserve it!”

“Are you sure?” She looked nervous. Then she gasped as though trying to catch her breath.

I held the dagger in both hands, ready to strike. She gasped again. Then she blurted out, “Do it, Uncle Mike! Just fucking do it!”

I brought the knife down hard. It made a wet, squishing sound as it went through soft flesh. I plunged it all the way through her stomach.

Juney stiffened before letting out a loud gasp of pain. A moment later she began involuntarily milking my cock. I gave her a second load, this time shooting it deep inside her fertile cunt.

“Uncle Mike… it fucking… hurts so good…” Then she was bucking, hitching and jerking as I made sure the knife went all the way through.

I held my arms up in triumph. She was dying with my cock inside her. “Uncle Mike….. you fucking did it….. I’m such a fucking……. snuff….. whoooorrrrrrrrrr….”

I reached down and violently TWISTED the knife in her gut. She jerked and shuddered. Then she was cumming hard, right before the life flicked out of her eyes.

I slowly pulled out and stood upright, looking down at her. Amazingly my niece never looked more sexy than she did with that blade sticking out of her gut. She looked like her last moments had been filled with both pain and pleasure.

2019 (written May 25 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by C. Mike Hunt’s renders and his story idea.)

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