Monthly Archives: April 2024

Iron Maidens 3.6 (19)

Zilpha and her half-sister Dorothy are ravaged by their brother-in-law. Then he has each one placed inside an Iron Maiden to torture and kill them so that he can dispose of the evidence of his adultery with them. Continue reading

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Joia 12-13 3.4 (13)

At dinner, Clemencia declares the existence of treachery among the women. But when she is rebuffed, she cancels the evening meal. Later, Joia is awakened in the early morning hours where she is taken down and tortured until she confesses her guilt to an imaginary plot. Continue reading

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Water Babies Part VI and VII 2.8 (10)

Nora finds out who’s been fucking her mouth. But she says the wrong thing. Continue reading

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (3)

Coming May rewards Vacation 2 Founder’s Day A sleepless night You’re next Lois and Meg 3 Dear diary-the motel My last day Pt 4 Best laid plans 1 Apology accepted The evening party at the yacht The hit on Revy … Continue reading

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Final Destination: Central Avenue 2.3 (24)

Lisa is on her way to work when something extraordinary happens on Central Avenue to her and everyone around her. Continue reading

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Wetsuit in the web 3.6 (18)

A dialogue between Emma, who is in her wetsuit while being tied up within a spider’s web of rope, and her captor. Continue reading

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Love-bomb backfire 3.7 (20)

She cannot get him to commit to a long-term relationship. So she love-bombs him. But it seriously backfires in his backyard pool. Continue reading

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Teri’s last stripper show (graphic) 3.6 (27)

Teri is left behind to close up for the night, only to have four bikers burst in and demand one last stripper show from her. Continue reading

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She owed them – an Emma story 4 (24)

When her roommates return home after wrecking their car, they decide to borrow Emma’s to go to the club because she owes them. But when Emma puts up a protest because she has plans of her own for the evening, they tie her to a chair, stuff her in the closet and leave her there all night long. Her forced bondage ends up triggering several orgasms. Continue reading

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You do mine and I’ll do yours 4.4 (34)

After a day of diving and complaining about their wives, Dave and Jack hatch a plan to get rid of their women by bringing them out on the boat and drowning them. Continue reading

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