Riwa’s Stories at Patreon


Coming May rewards

Vacation 2
Founder’s Day
A sleepless night
You’re next
Lois and Meg 3
Dear diary-the motel
My last day Pt 4
Best laid plans 1
Apology accepted
The evening party at the yacht
The hit on Revy Pt 3
My drowning Master Pt 2

March stories/rewards will fall off at the end of April to make room for May rewards.

Can you believe it? Mom got put in Facebook jail! They said she was posting too much, although others post way more than she does. I think it’s funny my 83 year old mother is now a Facebook Felon. She thinks it’s funny too. She hardly missed it.

My taxes for last month plus my root canal and crown I did yesterday have added to my list of expenses. But they will eventually get paid off, and I have all of you to thank for that. A couple of months, and I’ll be back in the market for another big expense to come my way. Maybe I shouldn’t speak too soon though. My 6 month car insurance payment will be coming due again. It’s just a part of life, I guess. I sure hope your bills are something you all can handle. I pray financial blessings for all of you.

Was this month crazy or what? And it still isn’t over. It sure seems like we’re rapidly approaching the end of the world. I start getting uneasy thinking of those four horsemen of the apocalypse and what they stand for, compared to the things we’re seeing all around us. Makes me think Jesus will be coming back any time now. Thankfully, I can distract myself by writing for you. I hope you have distractions as well, so that these world events do not stress you out. Meanwhile, I continue to count my blessings. And that includes all of you. So once again, I want to thank you all so very much for being my patrons. God bless you all.

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