Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (5)

Coming December rewards

The 14th chapter to Aravanna
The 14th chapter to Katia
Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice
Roman Entertainment
AF’s The Roommates
Another experiment
MAID volunteers 3
Temple dive
The bandita
Forced breath-holds
A couple more I want to try to have ready for next month.
And any bonus stories I might wish to include.

October stories/rewards will fall off at the end of November to make room for December rewards.

It’s been nice to see gas prices go back down around here. It’s not that mom and I do a lot of driving anyway. We talk about taking a small trip to go here or there. But we haven’t really gone anywhere. Maybe it’s our age. Maybe it’s the world around us. Or maybe we’d rather be closer to home for the time being. So I hope you take the time to travel if your schedule permits it. Don’t be like us old fogeys who seem glued to our places of residence.

The temperature has dropped around here, which is typical for this time of year. But we haven’t had the snow like we did last year. So I’m still walking around town. God has even blessed me with a new jacket, which has kept me warm during some colder days. I walk during daylight hours, but sometimes when I get home I’m so chilled that I jump into a hot bath just to warm myself back up. And I make sure I keep my ears protected. I’ve had plenty of ear infections in the past, and I’d rather not expose myself to another one.

Thanksgiving Day was pretty cold here. Mom and I went out to eat a couple days before the holiday. The day before was spent getting her caught up on her prescriptions. We have one more to get refilled. Then we should be set for the next few months. Anyway, we spent a quiet day apart from each other because it was pretty chilly to be out driving. But we’d seen each other the previous two days, so it was all good.

I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with happiness and warm memories. I counted my many blessings, and I pray you have many blessings in your life to appreciate. Thank you so much for being my patrons. Have a good December, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

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The seductress 9 4.4 (223)

Part 9

I wasn’t sure how I felt about Mrs. Walker diving in with us. After all, it was bad enough Mrs. Van Ostrum and I weren’t wearing a stitch of clothing. And I wasn’t exactly sure what Karen meant about “having some fun”.

I was beginning to wonder if it was time for me to get out of the pool. But Mrs. Van Ostrum was still in my lap. And I could feel her pressing up against my hardened member.

“I’ve enjoyed my swim,” I nervously told the owner of the pool. “I like your rings down on the bottom. This place should work just fine for a pool party. But maybe I should be going now.”

“You don’t have to leave just yet, do you?”

I was about to answer when someone grabbed my ankle and yanked me under. I instinctively held my breath as I was pulled down. I was pretty sure the culprit was Mrs. Walker.

My first response was relief at being pulled out of such an intimate grasp by a woman old enough to be my mother. Besides, my erection was much too troubling for my piece of mind. Thankfully, all that had happened thus far was me receiving an underwater blowjob… and by another married woman, no less. But that was still pretty bad.

Karen had a good grip on my ankle. She jerked on me again until I was almost down to the ring with her. Then she wrapped her arms around me from behind, her foot hooked in the ring closest to the glass.

I felt her bare breasts press into me from behind. It didn’t help my growing erection any. What’s more, I was afraid she was going to reach around and grab my stiffening dick.

I stayed with her, trying to hold my breath as best I could. Then Mrs. Van Ostrum came down and joined us. I was afraid she was going to reach out and grab something extremely personal. But she just held her breath as she watched us, a huge grin on her face.

I stayed calm for as long as I could. Then my lungs started to strain in my chest. I was running out of breath.

I wanted to get back to the surface. But Mrs. Walker wasn’t letting go just yet. She seemed to be enjoying holding onto me.

I didn’t want to rudely push her away. But I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold my breath much longer. And I was afraid my cock was going to stiffen in front of Mrs. Van Ostrum.

I finally disengaged and kicked upward. I burst up panting loudly for breath. The ladies came up on either side of me, panting quietly as they smiled at me.

I tried again by saying, “Maybe I should be going–” But Mrs. Van Ostrum beamed as she cut me off.

“That’s a great idea, Robert! The three of us can have a breath-hold contest!”

“That’s not what I was–”

“An excellent suggestion, Bernice! After all, there’ll probably be more kids in the water during the pool party. They’ll take up all the rings on the bottom for sure; right, Robert?”

“I suppose that’s true, but–”

“This way, the three of us can test all the rings, Karen.”

“That’s a great idea, Bernice! Let’s test all three rings! Count us down whenever you’re ready, Robert!”

Mrs. Walker had a watch on her wrist. She could just as easily have done all the timing. And she and Mrs. Van Ostrum could practice holding their breath all they wanted. But was it such a good idea for me to stick around and practice with them?

“Actually, I was kind of wondering–”

“–if you needed to put your suit back on, Robert? I certainly don’t mind if we’re skinny-dipping while we do this. Do you, Karen?”

“Not at all, Bernice. In fact, I find it very liberating… and more than a little exciting. How about you, Robert?”

“Well, I am feeling a little self-con–”

“Count us down, Robert! I need to know if too many bodies in the deep end will be a problem.”

I looked at Mrs. Walker and almost shook my head. Right now, three naked bodies in the deep end were two too many for my peace of mind. I was concerned things might get out of hand if I stuck around too long.

A little voice in the back of my head told me I should be getting out of the pool. But my youth group leader was here and had made a request of me. I was afraid I was going to disappoint her if I left now.

I counted out loud from three. Then we all inhaled and submerged together. Mrs. Van Ostrum took the ring farthest from the glass, while Mrs. Walker took the one closet to it. That left me heading down for the middle one.

We all hooked our feet on our rings in order to stay down. I glanced over at Mrs. Walker’s nudity and then quickly looked away. But glancing over at Mrs. Van Ostrum’s naked form didn’t help matters any.

My cock was starting to get hard as I deliberately looked in the direction of the pool ladder. I didn’t want to get caught staring at either one of them. I wanted to be respectful, although I suspected the time for that had long since passed.

I closed my eyes and tried to think of something else. But it was hard thinking about anything other than knowing I was in a pool with a couple of naked women, each one old enough to be my mother.

I could not get my cock to soften. Part of it was because of the nudity on either side of me. And part of it was because I often held my breath naked out at the lake just to get myself off.

I glanced at my watch to keep track of the time. We were down long enough to reach two minutes fairly easily. I felt I owed it to them to let them know.

I turned toward Mrs. Walker and held up two fingers. She smiled at me as a few bubbles trickled out of her mouth and nose. I winced at her nudity as my dick twitched.

I turned toward Mrs. Van Ostrum and held up the same two fingers. She beamed and nodded, acting quite pleased with herself.

Her nipples were quite hard. Then she caressed her right breast as she released a couple more bubbles. My cock stiffened even more. So I turned and tried to focus on the architecture of the metal ladder hanging off the wall of the pool.

I heard a grunt and a release of bubbles as Mrs. Walker headed up. I watched her surface at around 2:18. Then Mrs. Van Ostrum headed up at about 2:23. I followed them up, surfacing at around 2:27.

“How’d I do, Robert?”

“Mrs., er uh… Karen, you did 2:18.”

“And how did I do? I know I just barely beat Karen.”

I turned toward Mrs. Van Ostrum and told her, “You were five seconds longer.”

“Let’s try another one,” Mrs. Walker suggested. “I don’t know how long any of the other kids will be able to hold their breath. But this will give us a good idea of what to expect; right, Robert?”

“Uh… right. Sure; ok.”

I didn’t think it mattered in the slightest. But she clearly wanted to go back down. Who was I to say no?

I counted us down, and we all submerged. I got the middle ring again, while they got the rings on either side of me. This time, Mrs. Walker started caressing herself. But then again, so did Mrs. Van Ostrum.

I was trying to decide whether I should look at them or if I should make sure the ladder wasn’t going to move anytime soon. But I couldn’t help myself. I glanced over at Mrs. Walker and saw her rubbing her breasts with one hand while groping her crotch. Mrs. Van Ostrum was pretty much doing the same thing.

I was tempted to stroke myself. But I forced myself not to, although I suspected they would not have minded. I was trying not to get myself into any more trouble than I felt I was already in.

We were down a little longer before Mrs. Van Ostrum headed up at around 2:35. Then Mrs. Walker followed her up. I surfaced about five seconds later.

They were pleased when I gave them their times. Then Mrs. Van Ostrum said, “I have a question. What if there are more than three people in the youth group wanting to have a breath-hold contest at the bottom of the pool?

Mrs. Walker replied, “They’ll probably need to double-up on the rings. Am I right, Robert?”

I nodded at her in agreement… “Yeah; I suppose so.”

Mrs. Van Ostrum was eager to test out Karen’s suggestion. “Maybe we should try it then, just to see how it goes.”

Karen smiled agreeably at her. “That’s a good idea, Bernice. You double-up with Robert. He won’t mind; will you, Robert?”

“Uh… no; of course not.”

“Good. Now count us down, Robert.”

I counted us down, and we all submerged together. Bernice came down and hooked her foot on my ring. I thought we were much too close for comfort. But what else could I do?

She deliberately rubbed herself as she looked right at me. I simply could not get my cock to soften. So I worked at staying down without bumping into her or touching her or anything like that. For the moment, Mrs. Walker was totally forgotten as she held her breath behind us.

We were down just past 2:40 when Mrs. Van Ostrum headed up. I looked over at Karen to see she was surfacing as well. I felt relieved nothing sexual had taken place as I surfaced behind them.

Up at the surface, I gave them their times. But they wanted to try again. This time it was Karen who wanted to join me on my ring.

I was still a little uncomfortable about the whole thing. But other than watching them touch themselves, nothing else had happened. So I figured it would be ok.

We went back down, where Mrs. Walker joined me on my ring. She stared at me the entire time. She also rubbed and touched herself all over.

I was sorely tempted to stroke myself. Besides, my cock was rock hard. It was bad enough having them both see my erection. So I tried to act serious about my breath-holding.

It was a long one before we all surfaced. For a moment, I hoped that was going to do it for the day. Besides, I figured I had just enough time to go to the lake and rub one out before I went home.

Mrs. Van Ostrum didn’t help matters any when she asked, “What if a lot of them want to go down and hold their breath at the same time? Would that mean three to a ring?”

Mrs. Walker looked at me and smiled. “It might. I suppose we should try it, just to find out. Don’t you think so, Robert?”

Both of them naked down there right next to me?? I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. “I, uh… I’m not sure. I was wondering if I should be going–”

Mrs. Van Ostrum cut me off with a dismissive wave. “Oh, you have time to stick around and find out whether it will work or not; don’t you, Robert? I say ‘Let’s do it’.”

“Well, I think it will work,” I told her. “But I don’t know that we need to try it to find out, do we? Besides, I don’t want to keep you two from anything.”

A part of me was enjoying being underwater with them. But there was another part of me that felt it was wrong. I figured I needed to call it a day and extricate myself out of the situation I was in before things really got out of hand.

“Oh, I have plenty of time,” Mrs. Walker said with a smile and a dismissive wave.

“I’m free for the rest of the afternoon,” Mrs. Van Ostrum added. “It won’t hurt anything to find out now how it might work out for your pool party later, will it? I’m ready to go again… that is, if you’d be so kind as to count us down, Robert.”

“Yes, Robert; count us down.”

I almost scowled at Karen. They clearly wanted me to stay. And it wouldn’t hurt anything, would it? So I tried to convince myself everything would be all right.

I counted us down. Then we all submerged together. But we ended up crowding around the center ring.

Mrs. Walker held onto my left shoulder, while Mrs. Van Ostrum grasped onto my right. It was bad enough having one naked woman breath-holding so close to me. Did they both have to come down and stand right up against me?

There was a little bit of wobbling as though no one was all that steady. I had hoped they would move away a little and give me some room. But they stayed right there beside me with their feet touching the ring.

I tried to focus on holding my breath. But having their nudity on either side of me was once again causing my dick to harden. I told myself only a few more breath-holds before Mrs. Walker would finally let me go home.

Mrs. Van Ostrum casually caressed herself. So did Mrs. Walker. I tried not to let it get to me. But it was a hopeless task.

I figured the easiest way to extricate myself was to go up first despite my competitiveness. So I pulled away and headed for the surface. They both looked surprised before following me up.

We all ended up at the surface panting for breath. Then Mrs. Walker started to chuckle. “You put your left foot in; you put your left foot out…”

“Were we doing the Hokey-Pokey?” Mrs. Van Ostrum laughed.

I murmured, “It was kind of tight, all of us trying to put a foot inside that ring.”

“That’s a good point, Robert,” Karen said with a smile. “I think we should go back down and try again.”

“I’m game if you two are.”

I looked at Mrs. Van Ostrum and smiled weakly. Then Mrs. Walker told me to count us down. I tried not to sigh heavily as I checked my watch before counting down from three.

We all headed down to the center ring. I got there first and used my foot to keep from drifting back up. This time, Mrs. Van Ostrum and Mrs. Walker gave me a little more space as they stood at angles so we could all see each other.

They both grabbed one of my arms to help stay down. Then they grabbed each other’s free arm. We ended up standing in sort of a circle. At least they couldn’t rub themselves in front of me, being as how we were all holding onto each other’s hand or arm.

I concentrated on holding my breath, trying not to stare at two sets of bare breasts that were on full display. Then Mrs. Van Ostrum stuck her foot out and hooked the ring. She let go of me and Karen to immediately start caressing herself.

Mrs. Walker soon was doing the same. She released a few bubbles as she rubbed her breasts and crotch. I felt like I would be the odd man out if I didn’t respond in a similar manner. So I ran a hand over my chest.

We all bubbled as we stood there holding our breath. We must have lost enough air to be able to stand upright without working to stay down. Mrs. Van Ostrum rubbed her crotch as Mrs. Walker ran a hand back and forth over her chest.

To my surprise, Mrs. Van Ostrum slowly reached out toward me. She used her left hand to caress my chest. Her right hand fondled her boobs as she smiled at me.

Almost immediately, Mrs. Walker started doing the same thing. She was reaching out to run a hand over my chest as she fondled herself. Their touch was electric, and it made my dick shamefully harden even more.

How was I supposed to respond? I had a good idea what was expected of me. I didn’t think it was respectful. But would I disappoint them or make them angry if I didn’t?

We were close enough for me to reach out and brush fingers over Mrs. Van Ostrum’s chest. She smiled and bubbled, acting quite pleased with my action. That’s when Karen grabbed my other hand and brought it over to her chest, making sure I was touching one of her breasts.

I heard moans and bubbles of pleasure. My cock stiffened uncontrollably. I tried to tell myself it was ok, even though we were all naked. Besides, they were both encouraging me.

Mrs. Van Ostrum went up first, with Karen a couple seconds behind her. I followed them up, feeling relieved nothing more had happened than a little touching. Would that be enough to satisfy them?

“Not bad,” Mrs. Walker panted. “I keep wanting to drift upward until I release enough air.”

“So do I,” Mrs. Van Ostrum agreed. “But I think I have an idea how to fix that.”

“Oh? Do tell.” Karen seemed quite eager.

I was going to suggest we call it a day. But Mrs. Van Ostrum told me to count us all down again. I looked questioningly at Mrs. Walker. But she just nodded it was ok with her. It was odd how nobody was asking about their time staying down anymore.

I counted us down before we all submerged. I dutifully headed for the middle ring again. Mrs. Van Ostrum came down on my right. But to my surprise, she dropped to her knees and grabbed onto my leg. Mrs. Walker came down onto her knees and did the same with my other leg.

I stood upon the bottom with two naked, married women on their knees, each one clinging to one of my legs. My cock was shamefully hard. So I closed my eyes and concentrated on holding my breath.

That little voice in my head warned me things were on the verge of getting out of hand. I should have surfaced and made some excuse to get out of the water. But I convinced myself that neither one would try anything while the other was around.

I suddenly felt a hand wrap around my erection. Another hand cupped my balls. I winced and trembled as I closed my eyes tighter. Maybe it would be ok, so long as I didn’t have a look.

One hand gently stroked my twitching dick. Then it left, only for another hand to take its place. My cock shamefully twitched in the grasp of whoever was stroking it.

I kept my eyes tightly closed. Maybe if I held my breath long enough, they would stop. But they just kept right on touching and stroking me.

I felt them shift positions. But someone still had my cock in her grasp. So I opened my eyes to have a look.

Mrs. Walker had pushed my cock over toward Mrs. Van Ostrum. She slowly took it into her mouth, sucking on it a couple of times. Then she grasped it and fed it back to Karen, who slowly took me into her mouth.

I closed my eyes again, hoping I could find some way to ignore it or pretend that it wasn’t happening. I was sure I heard bubbly giggles. Then I felt them change mouths again.

I looked down to see Mrs. Walker taking me deeper. A moment later, I couldn’t hold back. I tried to warn her off, but it was too late.

She ended up getting a small mouthful of my cream. Her eyes twinkled as she looked up at me. Then she made sure to squeeze all the remaining cum out of my cock. It felt shamefully good.

To my surprise, I saw Mrs. Van Ostrum grab her head. Then she kissed Mrs. Walker right there in front of me. I saw cum leak out around the seal their lips made.

Bernice went up first, acting as though she was out of breath. Karen followed her right up. I lagged behind a little, enjoying the moment before a feeling of post-nut clarity set in.

We all surfaced, panting like crazy. “Now that’s a great way… to hold your breath!” Mrs. Van Ostrum gasped with a smile. “We were down there a long time!”

“Yes we were,” Mrs. Walker agreed. “That was a good one! But I think Robert here really loved it. Am I right, Robert?”

I blushed as I lowered my head. “Oh, don’t be bashful in my pool, Robert,” Mrs. Van Ostrum observed. “Of course, now I want a release of my own. Besides, I think I’m entitled. Wouldn’t you agree, Karen?”

“Oh, absolutely! After all, it’s your pool. Count us down again, Robert. Let’s be nice to Bernice, shall we?”

“B-be nice?”

“Are you ready, Robert? Or do you need another minute to catch your breath?”

“N-no, I guess I’m ready.”

“Then count us down.”

I counted us down, and we all submerged. I found the center ring and hooked it with my foot. But Karen helped Mrs. Van Ostrum until she ended up sitting upon my shoulders, her crotch pressed up against my face.

I knew immediately what was expected of me. That little voice in the back of my head told me I should excuse myself and go home. But instead of listening, I stuck my tongue out and began to lick.

Mrs. Van Ostrum ground her slit against my lips. That’s when I felt Mrs. Walker’s mouth engulf my dick again. She slowly sucked me as I used my tongue on the quivering opening pressed up against my lips.

I have no idea how long we were on the bottom. I tried to hold my breath for as long as possible while licking Mrs. Van Ostrum. She stayed right there the whole time, wriggling and grinding against my lips as Karen kept sucking on my hardening cock.

Bernice finally broke away and headed for the surface. Karen looked me right in the eyes with a knowing expression as she took my cock deep. Then she surfaced as well.

I followed them up until we were all at the surface gasping for breath. “Such a talented tongue!” Mrs. Van Ostrum panted. “I was so close down there!”

“You’d better count us down again, Robert. After all, we need to thank Bernice for letting us use her pool; am I right?”

I could tell where things were going. But I rationalized it away by telling myself it was only oral and that it wasn’t really that bad. So I waited until we had all caught our breath before counting us down.

I barely had time to grab the ring before Mrs. Van Ostrum was sitting upon my shoulders, pressing her slit against my face again. Mrs. Walker was between my legs, sucking my dick as she worked me into another full erection. I told myself I had to be dreaming and that this wasn’t really happening.

Karen had my cock twitching between her lips. Mrs. Van Ostrum was really grinding herself against me. Then she suddenly began humping my face.

I heard a bubbly cry as she pressed her slit hard against my mouth. I dutifully tongued her for all I was worth. She moaned weakly before heading for the surface.

Karen and I followed her up. At the surface, Mrs. Van Ostrum excitedly panted, “Now that’s what I call… ‘holding your breath’!”

“I think we’re all getting better at it,” Mrs. Walker chimed in. That’s when she gave me a knowing smile before telling me, “Count us down when you’re ready to go again, Robert.”

Right away, I suspected what she wanted. But what could I do? They’d both given me oral and had made me cum. It was only fair I return the favor. Now it was Mrs. Walker’s turn.

After catching our breath, I counted us down. We all went down to that center ring again. Mrs. Van Ostrum went to her knees between my legs and started sucking on my cock. That’s when Karen sat on my shoulders, mashing her winking slit against my mouth.

I gave it my very best effort. What’s more, Mrs. Van Ostrum made my cock quiver between her lips. She certainly knew how to suck dick.

I thought I could get Karen off with my mouth. But she seemed resistant to my efforts. She acted as though she loved it. But she hadn’t gotten there yet when she pulled away and headed for the surface.

Mrs. Van Ostrum and I followed her up. At the surface, Karen excitedly panted, “Gawd; I love the way you use your tongue when you hold your breath! Give me another minute, Robert, and we’ll go down again. I’m almost there!”

She gave a knowing wink to Mrs. Van Ostrum. I assumed Karen wanted an underwater orgasm like the one I’d just given to the owner of the pool we were in. So I waited another minute before counting us down.

We all submerged again. But this time, Karen got a little more aggressive. She straddled my head until I was halfway over onto my back. I frantically grabbed the ring as she eagerly humped my face.

It was at that moment when I felt something engulf my erection. But it didn’t feel like Mrs. Van Ostrum’s mouth. Instead, it felt like an entirely different hole.

Karen held my head in place as she humped my face. But it felt like Mrs. Van Ostrum was riding my cock. By then, I was horizontal, virtually lying on the bottom of the pool.

I tried to ignore what was happening to my dick as I concentrated on getting Mrs. Walker off. I even grabbed her ass as I licked and nibbled on her slit. But it sure felt like Mrs. Van Ostrum was riding my erection.

Karen finally let out a bubbly “FUCK!” Then she really mashed herself hard against my mouth. I could tell she was cumming.

I was running out of breath when I abruptly pushed her off my face. She looked a little woozy. That’s when I discovered Mrs. Van Ostrum had been riding my dick in a reverse cowgirl position.

Mrs. Walker was a little slow in heading for the surface. Then Mrs. Van Ostrum came off my cock. She headed for the surface as I helped bring Karen up.

Mrs. Walker popped up at the surface with me, although she was coughing a little. I asked if she was all right. She just nodded as she panted, “Give me a minute.”

Ms. Van Ostrum was visibly impressed. “Damn, boy; that looked intense! I think I want another one of those!”

I gave a questioning look to my youth group leader. She just waved tiredly. “It’s her pool, Robert. I don’t think it’ll hurt anything. Go on down and practice holding your breath some more. I’m going to need another minute up here.”

I waited until Bernice and I were breathing ok. Then I counted us down. Mrs. Van Ostrum submerged with me.

She immediately pushed me over onto my back. Then she straddled my face. I was just getting started licking when I felt her lean forward along my body before taking my erection into her mouth.

She groaned with my cock between her lips. I used my tongue to try to get her off as we 69ed together on the pool floor. I figured the sooner she climaxed again, the sooner I would be allowed to get out of the water and go home.

I grabbed her butt as I really tongued her. She grabbed mine as she took me all the way into her mouth. It felt incredible.

I did the best I could. We were down for what felt like quite a long time. But this time, I couldn’t get her to cum.

We surfaced together, only to see Karen smiling at us. “That was a great breath-hold. Mind if I join you two this time?”

“Not at all,” Mrs. Van Ostrum replied cheerfully. “Robert is a really great breath-holder! Besides, I’m still trying to get my other orgasm. Count us down when you’re ready, Robert.”

I thought about saying something. But she gave me a look that made me hesitant to question her. Maybe she’d be satisfied if I got her off. Then I could be on my merry way.

I counted us down, and we all headed for the bottom. Now the rings were all but forgotten. Mrs. Van Ostrum wasted no time sitting on my face, pressing her crotch against my lips.

I was horizontal on my back, expecting to 69 with her again. But this time my cock was engulfed by something else. Karen had impaled herself upon it and was eagerly riding me.

They both straddled my horizontal form while facing each other. I had no idea what else they were doing, being as how my vision was obscured. Besides, I was too busy trying to lick another orgasm into Mrs. Van Ostrum’s quivering slit.

Mrs. Walker really rode me. I don’t know what she was thinking. But I’m sure it had nothing to do with her husband.

I did my best with Mrs. Van Ostrum. I heard bubbly grunts and moans, from her as well as Mrs. Walker. Maybe her lungs were starting to strain. I know mine sure were.

She finally let out a bubbly cry. Then she mashed her crotch hard against my lips. Karen rode me like a stallion until I found myself hoping I wouldn’t cum inside her.

Mrs. Van Ostrum finally rose up off my face. I saw Karen grinning at me as she continued to ride me. But it looked like Bernice was a little disoriented.

Karen came off my cock as I worked at getting our hostess back up. Mrs. Walker rose up with me until we were all at the surface. Bernice had glazed eyes as she coughed a little. Then the spark returned to her pupils.

“Fucking awesome!” she gasped. “That has to be my longest breath-hold ever!”

“It sure looked incredible to me,” Mrs. Walker admitted with a grin.

“It was definitely a long one all right,” I said, trying to sound agreeable. “But maybe it’s time for me to get going.”

“In a moment, Robert,” Karen countered. “We’d better try another one, just to make sure.”

“Are you sure?” I had no idea what she had in mind.

“Bernice?” she asked. “Are you ready for another one?”

The pool owner gave us a dismissive wave as she kept panting heavily. “Better give me a minute. I’m still catching my breath from that last one.”

“C’mon, Robert. Count us down.” Then Mrs. Walker firmly grabbed my hand.

“Karen, are you sure?”

“One more won’t hurt anything. I just want to be sure is all.”

That little voice in the back of my head gave me another warning. Then my youth group leader said, “Please, Robert?” I should have said no. But I just couldn’t make myself go against her wishes.

I counted us down. Then we submerged. But I had a funny feeling it was not going to be just an ordinary breath-hold.

No sooner had I grabbed the ring when she straddled my face, mashing her crotch against my lips. Then she leaned forward and took my cock into her mouth. We ended up 69ing at the bottom of the pool.

Maybe she wanted to do what Mrs. Van Ostrum and I had done previously. Maybe THIS would be my last time down. So I did the best I could to get her off.

I really probed with my tongue as she swallowed me whole. It felt so good that I could not resist thrusting up into her mouth. I felt guilty, but it felt much too good for me to make myself stop.

I don’t know how long we went at it. But Mrs. Walker stayed with me the entire time. She was getting pretty good at holding her breath.

I groped her butt as she took my dick in and out between her lips. She really suctioned me good. I could hear and feel the occasional release of bubbles around my cock in her mouth.

I soon felt her chest heave against my body. But my own lungs were aching as well. It no longer mattered to me if I beat her or not.

She finally disengaged and headed upwards. I shot up with her, all out of breath. We both reached the surface, gasping like crazy.

“That was incredible!” Mrs. Van Ostrum told us with a smile. “You two were down for a long time. I really enjoyed watching you!”

I was concerned I was going to cum again. So I decided to see if I could get out of the water and avoid any further damage than had already been done. Besides, my cock was hard, and I was close to the point of wanting another release.

“Time for me to go,” I panted. “I really like your pool and your rings, Mrs. Van Ostrum.”

“One last time down?” she asked hopefully.

“Well… I really need to be going.” I didn’t tell her I also wanted my cock to settle down.

“One more won’t hurt; will it, Robert? Please count us down? Do it for me, your youth group leader.”

I looked at Mrs. Walker and winced. How could I say no to her?

“Please count us down one last time, Robert,” Mrs. Van Ostrum begged. “I would really appreciate it.”

I could not contain my sigh of resignation. But they both ignored it. So I reluctantly counted us down.

We all went right to the bottom. But there was no time to grab for a ring. Karen promptly sat on my face with her crotch mashed against my lips. Meanwhile, Bernice immediately impaled herself upon my cock.

I should have known…

I dutifully tongued Mrs. Walker for all I was worth. Mrs. Van Ostrum rode me like a woman possessed. I heard grunts and bubbles as they leaned toward each other. It made me wonder if they were hugging or groping each other or something.

The longer we were down, the more I could feel it rising within me. It felt as though I was going to cum again. But the last thing I wanted to do was cum inside another married woman.

Karen really ground herself against my face. Bernice rode me hard as she squeezed my member inside her. It was as though she knew exactly what she was doing.

I could not keep from thrusting up into her. Then I heard more grunts and bubbles. It wasn’t long until my lungs began to strain. But neither one of them seemed ready to quit riding me just yet.

It swelled within me until I let out a muffled cry into Karen’s muff. The bubbles and my tongue must have set her off. A moment later, I was cumming inside Mrs. Van Ostrum as Mrs. Walker climaxed all over my face.

Bernice clenched tightly around my thrusting manhood. I don’t know how, but it felt as though she was milking me dry. I couldn’t tell for sure, but it made me wonder if she was cumming too.

I heard underwater moans as they both rode me. Mrs. Walker mashed down hard against my lips. Mrs. Van Ostrum kept going up and down on my cock, clenching like crazy.

I got real dizzy and out of breath. Karen and Bernice were slow to climb off. For a moment, I was afraid I might drown or something.

Things were a bit of a blur after that. Somehow we all got back to the surface. I remember there was a lot of panting and gasping for breath.

I finally got my breath back. That’s when post-nut clarity really set in. I felt guilty as hell, and I knew I had to get myself out of there, even though it was much too late.

I swam for the pool ladder as I blurted out, “Rings are great. I really like your pool. But I’ve really got to be going.”

“Thanks for coming, Robert! I really appreciate it!” At least this time Mrs. Walker didn’t try to stop me.

“Thanks for your help, Robert! You really helped me with my breath-holding today.” Bernice beamed at me as though she’d done absolutely nothing wrong.

I told them both they were welcome. But I still got out of the pool just as fast as possible. I was afraid they might pull me back in for more “fun” as Karen had put it.

I was in such a rush to leave that I got into my clothes before I even had a chance to dry myself. I heard a unified “Thank you!” from behind me. I just gave them a wave over my shoulder. Then I rushed out of the back yard as I headed for my car.

I got in, started it up, and quickly pulled out of the drive before either one could catch me. But I was still feeling guilty as hell. Now I’d cum inside two married women!

What would happen to me if their husbands found out? I really didn’t want to know. So what could I do?

There was no way I could go home in my current condition. So I decided to drive around for a while. I didn’t want to pull into our yard until the effects of my time in Mrs. Van Ostrum’s pool had worn off.

2023 (written Jul 11 ’23 by riwa. Illustrated renders courtesy of JustPaul.)

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Cum and bullets 4 (19)

Note: this is a fanfiction written for a friend, inspired by a character from Black Lagoon.

Revy got back to her apartment after a long day of killing. She was tired from a job well done. But now she was horny as fuck.

It was too bad Rock had gotten himself all shot up. Now he was at that safe house being taken care of. But she’d had other fish to fry and had been forced to leave him there.

Revy stood there looking at herself in the mirror. She liked what she saw. She was still toned and athletic, a perfectly sculpted body. It was too bad Rock wasn’t around to share it with her right now.

She slowly peeled her shorts open. Her pussy was perfectly bare from shaving the night before. Oh how she longed to have something inside her tonight. Oh well; she certainly had other ways of dealing with her needs.

She peeled her shorts down her toned legs. Her pussy was wet and winking at her. She could tell it needed some personal attention.

Revy pulled her tank top up over her tits. Her mounds were nice and full, something she was quite proud of. She looked better than most bitches she came across.

She noticed how her nipples had hardened considerably. Damn; she was hornier than she thought! Maybe it was time to do a little something about that.

She stretched out on her bed and began touching herself admiringly. She knew from years of experience just where to allow her hands to roam. It wasn’t long until she could feel her body start to respond.

She caressed herself all over, cupping her full, firm breasts. Her hands slid down until she was gently rubbing her toned thighs. That’s when one hand moved closer to a more intimate location.

She teased herself, feeling how swollen her clit had become. She was really starting to drip now. It was as though her fingers were communicating to her sexual parts how relief would soon be on its way.

She began working her nub, feeling how much it had swollen within the last few moments. Her breath came out in little gasps as she slipped a finger into her wetness. Revy let out a sigh of pleasure.

She stuck another finger into her wet, quivering opening. She thrust in and out in that way she’d learned how to pleasure herself over the years. After a day like today, she definitely needed something like this.

She rolled over onto chest, her ass lifted upward. That way she was able to reach underneath to hit that sweet spot. Revy rubbed harder, gasping and wincing over the pleasure she was giving herself.

She eased off, wanting to edge for a few delicious moments. The excitement within her began to subside. Then she started all over again.

She slowly worked her nub once more, giving it a nice little swirl with her fingers. She looked back to see the full length mirror on the wall. It reflected the image of a naked assassin in heat.

She watched the reflection touch itself. It made her horny looking at herself. Once more she let her fingers slip longingly into her dripping snatch.

She worked herself up into a strong, sexual excitement. Then she backed off again, still edging. This time she rolled over so she could see herself in the mirror while lying flat on her back.

She studied her reflection closely, admiring her athletic form. She used her fingers to spread her labia wide so she could examine herself in the mirror. She saw how wet she’d become, evidenced by her glistening slit.

Revy cupped a breast, groping and fondling it as she touched herself. It felt so fucking good. It was too bad that shithead Rock had gotten himself all shot up. She could use a good fuck right about now. Oh well; she knew full well how to pleasure herself.

She fingered herself harder, deciding she didn’t want to wait any longer. Her body tensed as she fucked herself with her thrusting digits. It felt good, especially after a long day of killing.

She rolled herself over onto her stomach again before running her hand into her crotch from underneath. With her ass sticking up, she really began going at it. She could hear her pussy squishing as she thrust her fingers in and out.

She thrust harder and faster as she now wanted to cum. Revy fucked herself with her fingers, her pussy clenching around her thrusting digits. She was wet and dripping as she stiffened, wincing with pleasure. Then she let out an orgasmic cry.

She was so distracted that she didn’t hear the motorcycle outside. It sounded like it was further down the block anyway, indicating it was nothing to be alarmed about. Besides, she was too busy playing with herself. Thus, she could not know that a ruthless female had just climbed off and removed her helmet, intent on something far more lethal than simply engaging in a little late-night masturbation.

Diane thought this was the location. Her senses were on high alert as she pulled out her hand-held automatic, ready to spit lead and death. Then she advanced cautiously down the alley, knowing the danger that lay before her.

She heard gasps and moans coming from an open window. She carefully walked up and had a peek inside. To her astonishment Diane saw that it was her objective.

What the hell?? The bitch was lying naked on the bed! And it looked like she was masturbating… getting herself off!

Diane watched with a perverse sense of curiosity as the athletic form writhed in pleasure. This wasn’t at all what she’d anticipated. She figured she would be sneaking up on a deadly assassin, not some slut rolling around naked while furiously masturbating.

The familiar shoulder holsters were there, the twin Berettas visible. She was sure she had the right target. She just hadn’t counted on the bitch writhing around naked in self-pleasure.

It was Revy all right. But this wasn’t a deadly assassin snarling obscenities at her adversary. Instead, it was some bitch in heat, rubbing and moaning in an effort to get herself off.

Diane went to the door and carefully turned the knob. The last thing she needed was the bitch inside snapping out of her self-pleasuring long enough to put a couple holes in her using those deadly Berettas. With Revy, one could not be too careful.

She slowly opened the door and took a careful peek inside. Her target was lying on her side, a hand in her crotch. And that hand certainly seemed busy.

Something inside her told her, “Quick; do it now while she’s distracted!” But Diane hesitated. There was something about the way the deadly assassin was pleasuring herself that was… well, it was starting to affect her.

Revy started to move, making Diane stiffen with anticipation as she firmly grasped the handle of her deadly weapon. But the assassin was not going for her Berettas. Instead she was rolling over onto her back.

Diane saw Revy gasp and moan as she touched herself, her eyes closed to intensify the pleasure. The deadly assassin fiddled with her swollen labia. Then she parted her pussy lips wide.

What the hell was this?? Was Revy showing off her snatch to her?? Diane couldn’t believe it!

Hungering fingers spread pussy lips wider, an action supported by years of practice. Then Diane saw the deadly assassin finger her swollen nub. A gleam of arousal glistened as it rolled down and dripped onto the bed.

For a moment Diane was mesmerized. She could feel herself becoming aroused watching the erotic display. Then she told herself to snap out of it.

It didn’t matter if this was another female with sexual needs, anxious to get herself off. This was Revy, the infamous assassin Diane had been assigned to track down and eliminate. Having to kill a female in heat didn’t make a damned bit of difference. She still had a job to do.

Diane burst in with her weapon drawn. She wasn’t about to take any chances. This bitch had proved difficult to kill in the past. This time she wasn’t going to escape.

Revy was caught completely by surprise. It was bad enough to see a weapon aimed at her. What made it worse was the fact it was a woman who’d barged in on her, catching her right in the middle of pleasuring herself.

Revy instinctively lifted a hand in a defensive posture. “Whahh?? Who the fuck are you??”

“It’s closing time, bitch,” Diane told her coldly. “Time to pay the check.”

Revy couldn’t believe it! The bitch had her dead to rights. What’s more, she’d been caught in an embarrassing situation.

She let out a cry as she tried to reach for her Berettas. Even then she knew it was far too late. That’s when the bitch holding the gun on her pulled the trigger.

Diane didn’t hesitate, her silenced automatic quietly spitting lead and death. It was a triumphant moment. She couldn’t believe she’d caught the deadly assassin in such a compromising situation.

She didn’t bother letting off on the trigger. Diane was going to make certain this would be a confirmed kill. She made sure she didn’t miss with a single shot.

She felt a burst of adrenalin as she fired. The bitch never even made it to her Berettas. Diane had made certain they would never come into play.

Revy’s naked body jerked around on the bed as hot lead tore into her bare flesh. Her proud tits were punctured as her pussy was perforated. One of the shots tore a hole in her heart, instantly ending her agony.

Diane eased off on the trigger to inspect the damage. Blood oozed out of several wounds. The assassin was not showing any signs of life.

Revy stared upward with a vacant expression. She continued to twitch and shudder, even after death. It was as though her nerve endings were still sending messages to her brain, which was feeding them back in response.

Diane watched a clear liquid ooze out of the bullet-ridden corpse. It looked like cum from the dead assassin’s arousal. Cumming to her own death? Now that was a good one!

A few moments later Diane saw urine ooze out of Revy’s crotch. The deceased assassin was pissing herself. Maybe this was her last defiant act, even though it was after she was dead.

An athletically toned body that had once been full of life lay pierced from several bullet holes. No more would men gaze with admiration upon those proud tits. And from the way she’d shot up that pussy, she was sure there were several cocks out that were going to be sorely disappointed.

Diane took a good look at her kill. She felt a brief sense of loss at having been forced to annihilate another sexual being like herself. But it had to be done. Besides, the bitch fucking deserved it.

She made her way outside and walked down the alley to her motorcycle. She put the helmet back on before starting it up. Only then did she realize she was trembling. She was also incredibly aroused, no doubt from her recent adrenaline rush.

Diane decided she needed to get home and take a bath. Then she would have a little self-pleasuring session of her own. It would be her way of celebrating the erotic death of the sexy bitch she’d just slaughtered after catching her masturbating.

2019 (written for a friend Oct 7 ’19 by riwa. I apologize for not knowing or remembering the creator of the drawings from which I drew inspiration. But I thought I would include them for you to enjoy.)

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Girl’s night out 9 4.4 (50)

Part 9

I’m having a hard time believing a mother and daughter are going to hang back to back. But Madelyn is being pulled inexorably toward the entrance to the pit. That’s when the brunette calls out, “Looks like your friend is about done!”

“Hunh; what?”

I turn to see Carrie holding onto her girlfriend’s leg. Hilary is hardly struggling at all. Then I see a stream of urine.

“Going… going… gone!” the brunette loudly declares. Others around us cheer at her pissing herself. Carrie grins and kisses her lover’s wet crotch before telling her what a hot, snuff-whore she was.

She turns her lover’s dangling body until I can see her face, boobs and dripping slit. “Doesn’t she look sexy, Aunt Amanda?” Carrie yells out with a grin. Then she heads for the entrance to the hanging pit.

Hilary twitches and shimmies a little. I wince as another flush of pleasure washes through me. Nearby, some women declare how hot Hilary looks as she hangs to death.

The chain continues to slowly inch the bodies forward, keeping them gently swinging. The dangling young redhead is soon approaching our position. She stares right at me before thrusting her hips forward in apparent orgasm.

I shamefully watch her kick her life away, unable to look away. It’s as though she’s spending her last few moments of life hanging for my enjoyment. But beyond is Madelyn at the entrance, and I don’t know how I should feel about that.

She’s facing her daughter, her back to the pit. The noose slowly pulls her back off her feet. A moment later she starts swinging back and forth as everyone in the facility erupts in cheers and enthusiastic thumbs-down.

If anything, her dance is even more animated than it was back in that hanging practice room. She’s looking right at her daughter who is being noosed up next. Carrie gives Madelyn an appreciative grope before climbing out.

Sandy watches her mother while her own arms are being cuffed behind her back. With the noose around her neck, her body is slowly pulled toward the hanging pit. What’s going through her mind? Does she realize she’s fully committed now??

Madelyn really swings. Her boobs may be small, but they still jiggle. She looks like she’s dancing solely for her daughter, even though the spectators are all cheering her on.

The young redhead is approaching our position. Hilary has gone past. But I don’t even think about Carrie’s lover. I’m obsessed with this mother/daughter combo that will soon be hanging together.

The noose around her throat drags Sandy forward. She watches in wide-eyed fascination as her mother dances. What is she thinking?

There’s another cheer. I turn to see the redhead has just pissed herself. “Going… going… gone!” my escort gasps in rapture before wincing from yet another orgasm. There are more cheers.

The room is now chanting for Sandy. She’s pulled right to the edge of the pit. Her mother is still putting on quite a show.

She balks at the very last second, but by now it’s much too late. The noose pulls her off the edge into the hanging pit. Then Sandy is hanging with her mother as the spectators cheer her dance while giving her an enthusiastic thumbs-down.

Mother and daughter dance as they face each other. Sandy’s boobs bounce as she fights her noose. There’s a sudden change in her demeanor as though she suddenly realizes the situation she’s in. That’s when she really starts to fight.

“Now that’s what I call a show!” my brunette escort gasps into my ear. “Fuck; look at them dance as they play off each other!”

Mother and daughter face each other as they swing back and forth. Their legs split and pedal. Madelyn has been hanging longer, but she appears to have quite a bit of energy left as she approaches our position.

The ladies all around us go nuts at this mother/daughter dancing duo. A part of me is in shock. But another part is so shamefully turned on. Why the hell am I finding this so damned arousing??

I glance past Sandy toward the entrance to the hanging pit. They’re preparing some black-haired Asian woman. The poor thing looks numb as she stands there ready to be committed to hang.

I recognize my niece helping to prepare her. Carrie helps cuff her arms behind her back. Someone else loops a noose around her throat.

The ever-moving track in the ceiling pulls her toward the entrance to the hanging pit to join Madelyn, Sandy and the others. Then the brunette gets my attention. “Looks like the mother is getting ready to go! You won’t want to miss this!”

Madelyn is just about across from us. Her hanging has become less animated. Her face is a deep shade of red as she still mostly faces her daughter.

She suddenly starts humping in the direction of Sandy. Is she cumming from being strangled by her own noose? Or is she cumming from watching her daughter hang to death? I wince as I try to hold back another shameful climax.

Sandy fights her noose, although she looks as though she’s becoming tired. Then she sees her mother’s bladder release. There are cheers all around me, along with exuberant thumbs-down.

Something flashes in Sandy’s eyes. Then she, too, starts humping. “She’s cumming while watching her mother die!” the brunette cries out in ecstasy. That’s when I shamefully lose it as I cum right along with her.

There are more chants, causing me to look toward the entrance to the pit. That Asian chick is right on the edge. That’s when my sadistic niece cruelly pushes her off into the void.

There is a roar of enthusiasm, followed by a ton of fists giving her a thumbs-down. The Asian swings back and forth from the momentum of being pushed in. Then she puts up a dance as though she was somehow born for the noose.

Maybe she’s trying to be entertaining. Maybe she’s trying to fight to survive. Either way, it’s so shamefully arousing that I find myself instinctively rubbing my crotch. Then I catch myself and forcefully pull my hand away.

Carrie… my niece… my sister… Cassandra!

I anxiously turn to look for her. But I’m much too late. Her body has long since vanished. I was so distracted that I missed watching my sister pass through into the disposal unit beyond.

The chain up in the track continually pulls the bodies forward until Sandy approaches our position. Does she see us? I’m not sure if she’s registering anything other than the pain she’s experiencing.

She starts to pass us as her bladder gives way. The spectators roar their approval. Then Sandy goes into little death spasms and twitches.

Something catches my eye, and I glance across the hanging pit. I see someone I swear I recognize. I blink twice before I murmur, “Mom??”

Surely I’m seeing things; right? Yes, it looks as though a lot of older women are here for the orgy. They’re not in abundance, but I can certainly make them out. After all, Madelyn was a mother. And it’s possible that older redhead was the mother of the younger one who hanged a short time later.

I look around, but I don’t see her anymore. I conclude I must have been imagining things. Mom wouldn’t be here; right??

I look toward the entrance to see Carrie helping to string up some chocolate-skinned beauty with dark, shoulder length hair. She’s got large breasts, and her crotch is dark. There’s a maniacal look in her expression. It’s as though she’s lost herself in this orgy of sex, asphyxiation and death.

I catch sight of that older woman again as she makes her way toward the entrance. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear she was my mother Janine. Then Carrie pushes the ebony beauty into the hanging pit.

There are wild cheers and applause. A number of spectators give her an enthusiastic thumbs down. She swings back and forth as she starts to kick and dance wildly.

The Asian in front of her is approaching our position. For a moment, our eyes lock. Then she finds an extra burst of adrenaline.

She becomes animated, and she does one hell of a jig. I masturbate as I shamefully find myself murmuring, “Dance for me, you fucking whore! That’s it; kick your life away for me!”

“You two?” my brunette escort gasps into my ear as she furiously masturbates. Then I catch myself. I try to stop as I lower my head again in shame.

The Asian lady swings with the ebony woman as the track in the ceiling keeps them all moving at a slow, yet steady pace. Those two put on quite a duet, even as the Asian starts to slow down. I wince as I experience yet another shameful climax.

Those on the other end approaching the disposal area hang limp and lifeless. Those close to the brunette and myself tend to lose their bladders right in front of us in the hanging pit. Is that why my escort guided me to this very spot?

I look back toward the entrance to see who they’re getting ready to hang next. When I look closer, I see Carry hugging that older woman. My gawd; it’s her! It really is my mom!

Instinctively, I start making my way over toward them. I feel hands try to stop me, but I pull away. Behind me, I hear the brunette calling out, “Where do you think you’re going??” But I ignore her.

I have a lot of women to fight through. They’re all cheering or dancing or pointing or masturbating or getting each other off. It’s one hell of a shameful orgy.

I see Carrie kissing her grandmother. Then mom motions at a couple of nearby women. A moment later, they grab Carrie’s arms and pull them behind her back.

I feel a horrific jolt of arousal and alarm as I watch her cuff my niece’s wrists together. I shake my head in utter disbelief, wondering what the hell she thinks she’s doing. I try to call out to them, but I can’t be heard above the din.

My heart leaps into my throat as I struggle to get closer. Surely I’m not seeing what I think I’m seeing; right? No; Carrie’s hands have definitely been secured behind her back.

It’s mom who grabs the next noose dangling down from the chain in the ceiling. Then she loops it around Carrie’s neck, much to the cheers of those standing around them. That’s when her granddaughter really struggles in the grasp of those two women holding onto her.

I can’t believe what I’m seeing! The women are packed too tightly around me; I can’t get there in time. All I can do is watch as mom kisses Carrie full on the lips while groping her boobs. Then she pushes her backwards off the edge into the hanging pit.

I let out a cry of horror as everyone around me cheers. Carrie gets a multitude of exuberant thumbs-down. Almost immediately, she goes into her devil’s dance.

It’s sexual, lewd, and utterly perverse. I wince with shame as a flush of warmth washes through me. I didn’t just cum at the sight of seeing my niece hang naked; did I?

I struggle to get closer. But there are too many bodies. I get a number of hands grabbing and squeezing my boobs as I try to work my way closer to the entrance.

I finally break through and reach the front of the hanging pit. Carrie is now swinging back and forth as she kicks and twists. Gawd; it’s so shamefully arousing!

I rush up to my mother and gasp, “Mom; what are you doing??” She just gives me a big kiss and a hug. The kiss is shamefully passionate.

She pulls away and grins as she tells me, “Isn’t it glorious, honey? I watched all of them! …your sister, Carrie’s girlfriend… and now my own granddaughter!”

“Mom; you’re crazy!”

She turns me around to face Carrie. Then she loudly says into my ear, “You saw Cassie and Hilary dance for us; right? Now watch your niece cum in the noose, honey.”

I see Carrie thrust out her chest before throwing her hips out and humping the air. I watch her squirt as she does a bunny hop. Seeing her cum in the noose is shamefully arousing, and I have to force myself not to lose control.

Strong arms grab me and pull my wrists behind my back. I’m hit with an erotic jolt as I feel cuffs securing my wrists together. Wait; what the hell??

In horror, I turn to look into mom’s eyes. What I see reflected back to me is the look of someone so perversely affected by her surroundings that she can no longer think clearly. What the hell is she doing??

“Mom?? Stop them!”

“It’s too late!” she declares loudly. Then she pushes me toward the entrance to have a closer look.

“See Carrie dancing up a storm in the pit? I think you should join her! Besides, these lovely ladies here want to watch you hang. Isn’t that right, girls?”

I feel hands caressing my boobs, hands all over my body. I turn around, but I’m pushed backward toward the entrance to the pit. That’s when another noose swings into view from the ceiling.

Mom takes it and lovingly wraps it around my throat. I start to hyperventilate as I struggle to catch my breath. Then mom kisses me as she rubs my soaked crotch.

“Dance with your niece, honey. Give your mother a good show.” Then she pushes me backward as the whole damned place puts up a cheer.

“Mother, NOOO!” Then the noose pulls me up short. I find myself swinging back and forth once the chain up in the track pulls me off the edge of the pit into eternity.

My legs search in vain for something to stand upon. I twist in place until Carrie comes into view. Our eyes lock as we recognize each other.

She throws her chest out in my direction as though she’s hanging for me and me alone. It hurts like hell as my chest heaves. I stare in horror as I struggle for each breath.

Carrie shimmies and shudders like a woman possessed. But she only seems to have eyes for me. That’s when it starts to rise up within me.

I lose all control as I begin humping violently in her direction. Carrie humps back as though we’re hanging for each other and no one else. I can make out the cheers of the lustful and perverse, one and all enjoying our dance of death.

Something snaps in my brain. I try to open my mouth, but I can’t. However, my mind cries out, “Dance for me, bitch! You brought me into this! Now kick your life away for me, you fucking whore!”

Carrie does precisely that as though we’re mentally tuned in to each other. She squirts as she humps in my direction. That’s when I feel a humiliating orgasm so intense that I squirt for the first time in my life.

The agony increases as I kick, swing and twist. Carrie starts to spin out of view. Every time I lock eyes with someone in the crowd I only see bloodlust and sexual perversion.

There’s another roar as the chain pulls me along, setting me to swaying. I rotate until the next victim comes into view. OHMYGAWD; IT’S MOM!

She kicks and gyrates as though she’s been doing it her whole life. Her performance is crude, lewd and perversely glorious. I’m no longer in my right mind as I mentally egg her on…

“Kick for me, mom! Kick your fucking life away! A snuff-slut to the end just like your daughter and granddaughter; eh, mom? Gawd; it’s so good! Kick and die for me, you glorious piece of snuff-meat!”

Mom humps in my direction as she throws her chest out. Gawd; she’s never been so sexy as she is right now! I hump in her direction until the two of us climax in a shameful family duet.

I manage to get a look at Carrie. Gawd; she’s kicking her life away for someone watching her in the crowd. Then I suddenly lock eyes with my former brunette escort.

She furiously masturbates as she hollers, “I tried to warn you!” Something inside triggers my muscles as I begin humping again. She squeals with glee as I instinctively fuck the air in her direction.

My mind simply cannot process what is happening to me. Family members are dancing their lives away on either side of me. The rest of the facility is cruelly cheering our impending demise.

Carrie finally settles down as she pisses herself. Stray muscles fire as her naked body shimmies. It was horrible… yet a part of me believes it was shamefully glorious.

I kick, struggle and hump the air until I no longer have any fight left. Mom swings into view as I dangle in breathless agony. My final humiliation is my bladder giving way.

Something flashes in mom’s eyes. Did she enjoy watching me piss myself? Does she want to see me die?

Stray muscles fire as I hump a little in her direction. Then consciousness spirals away into infinity. Now my mom is the only one left.

The last of our family finishes up her lewd dance of death. The climax is when she pisses herself, much to the delight and cheers of everyone watching. Then our entire family is no more.

2022 (written for Carrie Apr 15 ’22)

(The drawing below inspired this whole thing.)

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Erotic Thoughts 4.1 (17)

I felt a little out of place at Wendy’s Aqua party. It’s not like I wasn’t accepted by the guys or anything like that. And Wendy was the perfect hostess. So that wasn’t it.

It turns out I was much more self-conscious than I thought I was going to be. Seeing Wendy in her more erotic pool scenarios didn’t help matters any. It felt as though I had a constant erection every time she was in the water.

I finally made it my sole mission to distract myself by becoming a good camera operator. I worked hard to achieve the perfect shot. That left the other guys free to enjoy participating in some of Wendy’s more “hands-on” scenarios.

I got to where I learned how to use every guy’s camera. They were all happy to have me film them in the water with Wendy whenever I could. It meant they were free to participate in one or more of her specific drowning or glamour shots.

A couple of times I was invited (even urged) to get up close and personal in the water with Wendy herself. But I always politely declined. My cock was hard so often that I simply didn’t want to embarrass myself. I figured it was better to take video from what I deemed to be a “safer” distance.

The guys didn’t care either way, although they often urged me to participate in certain scenes. After all, I wasn’t the only one with a noticeable erection. Wendy loved seeing all the guys with stiffies in their trunks.

The last day of the party turned out to be “speedo day”. That meant all the guys had to wear speedos. Wendy wanted to be able to tell in no uncertain terms just how much she was turning us all on.

I let it slip that I had brought a pair of red speedos with me. Immediately all the guys wanted me to wear it. Wendy practically frothed at the mouth at the idea of seeing me in it. She all but demanded I go change into the bloody thing.

I was extremely self-conscious when I came out and showed it to everyone. The guys all said they liked it. Wendy came up to me and personally told me she loved it before thanking me with a peck on the cheek.

Thankfully the other speedos being worn took center stage for a while after that. Everybody got a little attention over their swimwear. Then it was back to filming the scenarios we had left for the day.

Becoming self-conscious again, I went back to operating all the cameras. Trying to distract myself by making sure I got good pictures and video didn’t work very well though. Today was the day Wendy had saved for her more erotic underwater shoots.

I had a distinct bulge in my red speedos for most of the day. Thankfully I wasn’t the only one. Everybody seemed to be sporting wood at different times and during different shoots.

Wendy loved seeing all those bulges. It made her throw everything she had into each and every scenario we filmed. She loved seeing the evidence of us guys being turned on during her drowning and glamour sessions.

I noticed she often made sure to look for me and the camera I was operating. It did not matter whether I was in the pool holding my breath taking the shot from a respectful distance or if I was up at the surface looking downward. She smiled in my direction every time she saw me.

I’m sure she noticed I always had a salute in my speedos for her. At times it seemed as though she was acting just for me. She always made sure the camera I was operating received a lot of smoldering, bubbly looks.

Throughout the day she tried to entice me to come down and take part in one of her scenarios. Even the guys urged me to get a little more involved. But I was just too self-conscious.

I always smiled and thanked them for their kindness. I jokingly told them I simply felt safer behind a camera at a greater distance. Everyone laughed good-naturedly.

We finally got down to a handful of scenarios left to film. Wendy wanted to go down topless while wearing pantyhose. Naturally the guys loved the idea.

She put on dive fins and a weight belt, the later to neutralize her natural buoyancy. Then she asked me to operate the main camera looking down on her. A couple of guys would be in the water taking pictures as Craig got the main video while using the snuba hose.

Before Wendy went down she told us, “I think I’m going to call this one, ‘erotic thoughts’. I want the viewer to decide for him or herself what they’d like to do to me while I’m doing this.” Then she looked right at me and smiled before adding, “I’m thinking about having you guys come down one by one and act out a little of what you’d like to do to me.”

My stiff cock twitched beneath my speedos. So I nailed myself to the side of the pool, deciding this was as close as I dared get. Then I recorded her heading down to the bottom of the pool.

She allowed the weight belt to pull her down. She ended up flat on her back on the bottom. It was disturbingly arousing.

She looked up at the camera in my hands. But it was as though she was looking right at me. Then she proceeded to start groping and fondling her breasts.

I tried to concentrate on recording the video while keeping her body in frame. She writhed as though she was totally turned on while holding her breath lying on the floor of the pool. My bulge wasted no time making another appearance.

It looked as though she was performing solely for my benefit. Guys looking down on her murmured how erotic it was. I just gulped nervously as I focused on getting the best shot.

My cock was hard as a rock underneath my speedos. Wendy kept looking right at me, being as how I was the one holding the surface camera she was playing to. I leaned over and submerged the camera, all the while hoping my bulge was sufficiently hidden.

Craig was out of the frame while taking video of his own. He had a weight belt and dive mask while using the air hose so he could stay down the entire time. His bulge was every bit as noticeable as mine, although he didn’t seem all that self-conscious about it.

Wendy released a burst of bubbles as she massaged her mounds. She smiled as they came right up to me while I was holding the camera. “I think those are for you, Riwa,” Foe chuckled in my ear.

I became extremely self-conscious again, hoping my arousal was not offensive or anything. I told Foe, “You, uh… you want to take over for me? I’m a little, uh…”

He just patted me on the back with a chuckle. “Not this time, buddy. I think you’re the best one to take this shot. Everyone here thinks you’re doing just fine with the cameras.”

Wendy suddenly launched herself up off the bottom. She was looking right at me as her head burst up. She gasped for breath before letting the weight belt take her right back down.

My cock twitched again in my speedos as I zeroed in on her with the camera, following her progress down. She went flat on her back again before groping her breasts while releasing more bubbles. “Now that’s really erotic,” Foe quietly observed.

Wendy blew a burst of bubbles before coming right back up. I eased away from the edge of the pool, trying to keep her in frame. She gasped aloud before going right back down.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a couple of guys looking at me as though trying to gauge my reaction. They all knew I liked the way Wendy would submerge, come up and gasp, and then go right back down. They also knew I liked watching her bubble. I inwardly cursed myself for revealing way too many of my underwater enthusiasms.

Wendy released more bubbles as she groped her breasts again. She tried blowing a few bubble rings for us all. Then she came up for another breath.

I backed away from the edge to give her plenty of room. That’s when she smiled at me. “I’ve got an idea for a camera angle I want to try; ok? Just let me go back down for a second or two to figure things out.”

I told her I was ready to record anything she wanted. Craig remained in position the entire time down on the pool floor. Then Wendy loudly filled her lungs before allowing the weight belt to pull her down.

I leaned in before submerging the camera to get the shot completely underwater. She seemed to throw herself into it even more. It looked as though she was really coming on to me, releasing more bubbles of pleasure as she writhed and groped herself.

She stayed down for the longest time. It looked as though she was trying an impromptu breath-hold. All the guys standing around the pool leaned over to get a good look.

Wendy was really struggling to hold her breath before she released a huge burst of bubbles. Then she shot upward and grabbed onto the side of the pool. Instinctively I stepped back so as not to crowd her.

She took on a serious expression as she told me, “I need a close-up, Riwa. I want you on the pool floor with me. I want you kneeling while straddling my lower legs. I want a view up along my body to catch my chest in profile while I’m lying flat on my back. Can you do that for me?

My heart skipped a beat. Wasn’t that getting a little too close and personal? I stammered, “But Craig’s already down there. Can’t he move in closer for the shot?”

“I want him to record me from farther back. I need you to get a closer view.” Then she gave me a mischievous smile as though indicating she was up to no good.

I turned to Foe and self-consciously asked, “Uh… isn’t this more your department?”

“Oh, I would, buddy…” Then he reached down to grab his calf as he added, “…but I feel a cramp coming on. Besides, you’ve convinced me you’re the best one to get this shot.”

I started to panic as I looked around at the guys. They all nodded their heads as they told me Foe was right. I gulped as I looked at Wendy who motioned for me to come down and join her.

“I really need this shot, Riwa. I trust you. I know you’ll do a fine job. And don’t tell me you can’t hold your breath long enough either. We’ve all seen you take video underwater for a long time without using the hose.”

She waved playfully at me to come join her. I looked around at the guys, feeling like a condemned man off to his execution. They just smiled and nodded.

Wendy took a deep breath and submerged, giving me no chance to back out. I hastily filled my lungs before following her down. After all, I didn’t want her to waste any of her breath-hold waiting for me to join her.

She went flat on her back, the weight belt pulling her down into position. I got down there and wrapped my knees on either side of her ankles and fins so as not to drift upward. Then I focused the camera along her body, working to get her face and chest in the frame.

I had a massive bulge the entire time I was down there. I’m sure she was well aware of it too. Wendy’s nipples were incredibly hard as she grinned seductively at me, looking right at me as she groped her breasts while blowing bubbles.

She could not hold her breath quite as long while she was “acting”. This meant I didn’t have any sort of excuse to bail on her by surfacing ahead of her. I felt like I was obligated to stay down the entire time, suspecting she would ultimately start up whenever she was ready.

She finally made a move indicating, that she needed to surface. I let her go and followed her up, the two of us releasing bubbles on the way. Besides, I needed to refill my aching lungs too.

We burst up gasping for breath. “Great shot!” Foe told me with a huge grin. “I can’t wait to see that one once it’s edited.”

“I don’t know how he does it,” another said with a shake of his head.

“One more,” Wendy gasped as she looked right at me. “I want to hold my breath longer on this next one.” Then she gave me a knowing smile.

What else could I do? I couldn’t very well say no and disappoint her, could I? I would just have to deal with being self-conscious while trying to record the shot she wanted.

She filled her lungs and submerged. I inhaled deeply before heading down after her. I needed to get into position as quickly as I could to make the most of her lengthy time on the bottom.

I knelt down, straddling her ankles while locking onto them to help hold myself down. She went right back at it, groping her breasts while wriggling seductively. My cock had softened a little up at the surface. But it hardened right back up in no time at all.

I focused on the shot she wanted as I straddled her. I was painfully aware how hard my cock was bulging in my speedos. Inwardly I cursed myself for having packed them in the first place. It would have been much easier to say I hadn’t brought a pair of speedos with me.

Once more I got the feeling Wendy was performing solely for my benefit. I was painfully aware of several guys leaning over the side of the pool and looking down on us. I was also aware of Craig and the other two taking video and pictures while they were on the bottom with us.

Wendy really poured on the seduction. She writhed and bubbled for all she was worth. I did my best to record it all while keeping her in frame.

She finally motioned she needed to surface. I rose up, allowing her to fin her way back to the surface. I popped up with her, gasping loudly for breath right next to her.

“That’s hot!” Foe blurted out in admiration. Then he knelt down and stretched a hand out toward me as he told me, “I’ll need the camera for this one, Riwa.”

“Oh? Ok.”

Instinctively I gave it to him without even thinking about it. That’s when it dawned on me I was now in the water with Wendy. And I didn’t have anything to record her with!

It occurred to me the scenario was changing. Instinctively I started to swim over to the side of the pool to climb out. That’s when Wendy came over and grabbed my shoulder, smiling before telling me, “Just a minute.”

I looked confused as I replied, “I beg your pardon?”

“This is my scenario,” Foe explained to me. “And I need your help on this one.”

I looked up at him in surprise. “My help? What am I supposed to do?”

“I want to record the cameraman while he’s straddling Wendy.”

“A cameraman without his camera?” I replied in confusion.

“That’s right.”

“Doing what?”

“Whatever his erotic thoughts tell him to do.” Then Foe grinned triumphantly at me. The other guys all cheered.

I blushed a self-conscious crimson. “I’ll, uh… How about if I offer to go last? Let someone else go first.” I was hoping it would get late and there wouldn’t be time for my scenario with her.

“You’re already in the water, Riwa. Besides, you’ll be setting the stage for the rest of us. I’ll be judging my turn based on what you do down there with Wendy; ok?”

I looked around in desperation. Everyone was motioning I should go first. Then a new voice spoke up…

“I’ll record the underwater part.” It was Craig from behind me. I hadn’t even noticed him surfacing.

“C’mon,” Wendy said eagerly as she pulled on my arm. “I’m really looking forward to this. I want us to work really hard so we can get this in one take.”

“You’d better get it in one take or we might not get him back down there,” Kevin observed. That generated laughs all around.

I looked all around. It seemed everyone wanted me to go down with her. I was struggling like hell to soften a growing bulge in my speedos.

Wendy had this huge grin on her face. “C’mon! Let’s show ‘em how it’s done; ok? I can’t wait to see what you come up with!”

“Uh… what shall we do?”

“Let’s be spontaneous, ok? I trust you, Riwa. Now let’s get back down there, ok? We’re burning daylight!” There was more laughter.

I turned to see Craig had gone back down and was getting into position. Foe was also getting ready with the camera he had sneakily pilfered from me. What else was I to do?

“I’ll hold my breath a really long time for you, Riwa. Let’s make this sizzle, shall we?” Then Wendy filled her lungs and headed down.

I figured she’d be wasting part of her breath-hold if I didn’t hurry and get myself down there right away. So I inhaled deeply and went down after her. I felt like I was now on the spot and was being counted on to produce something.

She ended up flat on her back, writhing and bubbling as before. I swam around her, sizing her up while trying to decide what to do to her. I had an idea or two, but I couldn’t help being a little hesitant.

She blew bubbles at me, writhing as though she was desperately trying to seduce me. I carefully reached out and started to caress her, trying to make sure Foe had an unobstructed view above us. Then I reached out and lightly brushed a hand over one of her breasts.

She moaned and bubbled. Her nipples were really hard. My cock was embarrassingly stiff.

I finally decided to just go for it. Besides, I kept wanting to drift upward. So I straddled her thighs as I knelt down on top of her, locking onto her with my knees.

I reached out and lightly grazed her mounds with my hands. She closed her eyes and bubbled with pleasure. Slowly I began to massage her glorious breasts.

I thought about looking all around to see how everyone was reacting. Then I thought better of it. If they were recording a scene, it would not do for me to “break character” by looking around to see what else was going on. Besides, my attention was supposed to be focused solely on Wendy.

I groped, fondled and caressed her chest. Wendy writhed and bubbled as though she was happy as a clam. I winced inwardly as I realized my bulge was pressing into her crotch.

I continued that for the longest time. For a moment it felt as though she was humping me a little, perhaps confirming my arousal. Instinctively I humped her back before becoming self-conscious again.

I don’t know how long we were down there. She finally wriggled out from underneath me. My lungs were starting to strain as well. I was glad she was calling it a session.

We both surfaced together, gasping loudly for breath. “Excellent!” Foe told me enthusiastically. “That was a great ‘part one’!”

“Part one?” I almost groaned. He wanted me to go back down again?? I couldn’t believe how self-conscious I was feeling!

“You know what I want to see now; don’t you, Riwa?” Foe was grinning knowingly at me.

At first my mind drew a blank. Then it finally occurred to me. Everyone could tell it had dawned on me by my expression of understanding.

“C’mon, Riwa!” Wendy urged enthusiastically. “Let’s make this one for all my fans over at the website.”

I nodded in agreement, wishing I could somehow get my cock to soften. We both began hyperventilating. Then we submerged together.

She let the weight belt take her right to the bottom where she stretched out flat on her back. I immediately straddled her waist while I was kneeling. It felt like my bulge was pressing into her crotch. But I tried not to think about it.

I went right back to massaging her breasts. She moaned and bubbled as though she was all turned on. It felt like she was humping me a little as though urging me to do more.

Her expression subtly began to change. She became more anxious. That’s when she lifted up her arms and pushed her hands against my chest as though I was keeping her down.

I pushed down against her, making sure I had her locked between my legs so I wouldn’t drift upward. She shook her head as though she was in serious trouble. I knew we were still early into her breath-hold. So I figured it couldn’t be that she needed up now, could it?

She began to struggle underneath me. I felt my bulge press up against her even more. It was very embarrassing, and I tried to rise up while at the same time trying to stay down on top of her. She gently humped me as though fully aware of my “problem”.

Wendy lost more bubbles. I pushed down harder against her. I thought about looking around to see what the others were doing. But I realized I had to remain in character and complete the scene.

She struggled even more. Her expression was quite fearful, her eyes wide with fright. For a moment she had me convinced… until I realized I had not yet seen the signal she always gave during a drowning scene.

I just went with it, my cock hard and throbbing as she began “swallowing water”. The way she coughed up bubbles was realistic as hell. A moment later I felt my cock give way in a shameful release. All I could do was hope there wouldn’t be much of a noticeable stain.

Wendy finally went limp in my grasp. A few stray bubbles leaked out past her parted lips. I slowly massaged her breasts, enjoying her “drowned body” as she stared upward with lifeless eyes.

Her lungs suddenly heaved, causing her to lose a huge burst of bubbles. Mine did the same. Instinctively I let her go, and we shot up to the surface together.

There was a loud cheer when we reached the surface and started gasping for breath. My face went beet red. Wendy pulled me close and whispered into my ear, “That was a great scene, Riwa. Don’t be embarrassed. You have no idea how turned on I was down there.” Then she gave me another peck on the cheek.

I was glad I’d participated in a scene she’d enjoyed. But my self-consciousness returned in a rush. So I climbed out of the pool, determined to retrieve the camera out of Foe’s hand and go back to doing something I wasn’t so nervous about.

2021 (written for Wendy and her fans Oct 3 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by her Erotic thoughts clip.)

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My mother the breath-holder 2 4.4 (16)


It took me a few minutes to emerge from the bathroom. I was still trying to process what I’d just witnessed. My mother in her sexy black bikini had just held her breath for two minutes in my backyard pool.

She was in trouble because of her gambling debts. And it was clear she wanted me to help pay them off. I hadn’t improved the situation any by making a wager with her about her breath-holding abilities. All I’d accomplished was helping her to continue her gambling addiction.

She smiled as I emerged out of the house into the backyard. “There you are, Georgie. Ready to time me again? Will you pay me another $50 if I can hold my breath another two minutes?”

I sighed heavily. “Mom, what are we going to do about your gambling debts?”

“Aren’t you going to help me, Georgie? I could be in big trouble, you know!”

“Mom, I’m not just going to pay off your debts!”

“Then what can I do to earn some money from you, Georgie? You already owe me $50 for holding my breath last time. Can’t you pay me each time I hold my breath for you?”

“I don’t know, mom. That’s a lot of money you owe.”

“Then I’ll work at holding my breath longer. What will you pay me for holding my breath for two and a half minutes?”

“Mom, I can’t just pay you for…”

“What will you pay me, Georgie? How about $150? That way you’ll owe me an even $200.”

“I don’t want to make another wager, mom. I don’t want to further your gambling addiction…”

“I am NOT addicted to gambling, Georgie! I’m begging you now! Help your mother out here, ok?”

I thought about it for a little bit. Then I told her, “On one condition, mom. This time you can’t hold onto the ladder. That makes it too easy.”

“Then what do you want me to do, Georgie?”

“You can cross your legs and sit on the bottom…”

“I can do that…”

“…in the deep end.”


“Do you want the other hundred and fifty or not?”

“You can’t do that to your mother!”

“Fine. Let’s just call the whole thing off.”

“All right – all right!” Then she stretched out a hand. “Give me your watch so I can keep track of my time.”

I removed my watch and tossed it to her. Then I went and fetched my iPhone. I figured I could use the timer on it to double-check her progress.

“Two-thirty; right, Georgie?”

“Sitting on your butt on the bottom in the deep end.”

“Ok – ok; you’re on! I need the bread!”

She spent a few moments hyperventilating. Then she took a big breath. My mother finally submerged, a trickle of bubbles popping up at the surface.

I triggered the timer on my iPhone before placing it on the edge of the pool. Then I filled my lungs before slipping under to watch. If I was going to pay her $150, I wanted to make sure she didn’t cheat.

She worked herself all the way to the bottom. For mom it wasn’t all that hard, being as how she had more muscle than fat. Besides, she was a decent swimmer and had used my pool many times in the past.

She sat upright and crossed her legs. She started to drift upward a little. But she released just enough air past her lips to settle back down on her ass.

She checked the time on my watch on her wrist. Then she settled in. I clung to the bottom rung of the ladder and watched as my mother proceeded to attempt a 2:30 breath-hold while wearing a sexy, black bikini on the bottom in the deep end of my backyard pool.

She closed her eyes as a couple of stray bubbles trickled out of her nose. At least she wasn’t doing this with a dive mask or anything. I got to see her face the entire time. I also got an unobstructed view of her barely covered chest, especially the way that bikini showed off the cleavage to her DD’s.

I didn’t have any way of keeping track of the time as the iPhone was up at the surface. But I figured I could judge it pretty well while I was holding my breath and watching her. Mom had barely made two minutes last time, so I expected her to struggle to make 2:30.

More bubbles trickled out of her nose. She adjusted her position on the floor of the pool. The longer I watched, the more aroused I became. Oh gawd; not again??

She reached the point where it began to show in her stomach. I saw it ripple a couple of times as she released a burst of air out of her nose. Then it moved up into her chest.

She winced as she opened her eyes and checked the time. She winced again. But she looked right at me as though determined to win another $150.

I could feel it in my lungs as well. Mom winced once more as she lost a burst of air. This time she stared at the watch as though willing herself to make it to 2:30.

Was she going to make it? I didn’t know for sure. So I headed up to the surface to check the timer on the iPhone.

I surfaced and looked at the display. 2:18…2:19…2:20. Down below there was another burst of air.

I looked down to see my mother struggling to hold it. More air came up through her clenched lips. She lost a huge burst of bubbles as she wriggled and squirmed.

She suddenly lost another huge burst of bubbles. Then she shot up for the surface. I checked the iPhone and noted a time of 2:33 just as she burst up to the surface.

She grinned proudly as she held up the arm with my watch attached to it. “I did it, Georgie! You owe me $200!”

“That’s great, mom!” I called back. “I’ll go in and see about getting you the cash.”

“Can’t we do another one, Georgie? I need more than a couple hundred bucks.”

I was concerned about becoming too aroused watching mom hold her breath in that bikini. So I told her, “Not now, mom. Maybe later.”

“You’ll want me to hold my breath again, right?”

“Yeah, mom. I suppose we can try it again.”

“Well, then I’d better get to practicing. I need to earn a lot of dough if I’m going to pay off the debt I owe.” And with that she took a deep breath and submerged.

My cock was hard again. I didn’t need the embarrassment of sticking around watching my mother while I became all turned on. So I reluctantly headed into the house.

I had to find some way to distract myself. My mind kept drifting back to seeing mom in the pool holding her breath in that sexy black bikini. So I started supper early.

Mom does some cooking while she stays with me. But I do a lot more of it than she does. In fact, I do the majority of everything that needs to be done around the house.

Anyway, I really threw myself into the meal. I worked on a couple of entrees that required my undivided attention. So I was too busy to notice mom come in from the pool and go take a shower.

I had dinner ready by 5:30. Thankfully mom was dressed modestly at the table. Otherwise, I don’t know how I would have handled it.

While we were eating, she told me she’d been working on her breath control. She invited me to come out after dinner and check it out. I felt my cock stiffen in my pants, so I told her I’d think about it.

After dinner, I further distracted myself by cleaning up and doing the dishes. Mom told me she was heading right back out to do more practicing. She wanted to be able to hold her breath long enough to earn some extra cash from me.

I ran out of things to do by around 7:46. So I decided to change back into a swimsuit and join mom out in the pool. That turned out to be a rather huge mistake.

I changed into a pair of baggy trunks in case I encountered any stimulating issues that might cause me some embarrassment. Then I headed for the backyard. Mom was already in the water with a dive mask.

After a lap underwater, she surfaced in the deep end. Right away I noticed mom was in a pink thong bikini. If anything, it was more revealing than her black two piece.

She smiled when she saw me. “Georgie, I’m so glad you came out! You’ll never guess what I’ve been doing! I’ve been working on swimming entire laps underwater!”

“How long can you go, mom?”

“Georgie, I’m up to three minutes. And I can hold my breath even longer when I’m not moving.”

“Three minutes swimming underwater? Mom, are you sure?”

“How much will you pay me to prove it to you, Georgie? After all, you’ve got to make it worth my while.”

I rolled my eyes; not again?? “Mom, I can’t keep paying you just for holding your breath underwater!”

“Why not? You have girlfriends over… and you pay them.”

“That’s different!”

“How’s it different, Georgie?”

“Well… they’re not… they’re not…”

“They’re not your mother. Is that what you’re trying to say? C’mon, Georgie! How much will you pay me to swim underwater for three minutes? You already owe me $200. Why not add $300 more and make it an even $500?”

“Mom, I can’t just…”


“Ok, mom. Three minutes swimming back and forth underwater on one breath.” That’s when I felt my cock start to stir in my trunks again.

“You’re on!” Then she checked the watch on her wrist. I noticed she was still wearing mine.

I made sure I had my iPhone to time her. She called out, “Three minutes, Georgie! Three minutes for $300!”

“Only if you stay underwater for the full three minutes, mom!”

“Piece of cake, Georgie!”

She took a deep breath and submerged, checking my watch on her wrist. I started the timer on my iPhone. Then she kicked off the wall in the deep end.

She pulled with her arms and frog-kicked with her legs. Then she allowed forward momentum to carry her. She’d almost come to a stop when she did it again.

There was a second dive mask lying nearby. I pulled it down over my face before slipping into the water to have a look. Thankfully mom was swimming face down, preventing me from seeing her cleavage. However, I got an unobstructed view of her mostly bare ass, which was not that much of an improvement for the stirring in my trunks.

Mom slowly swam all the way across the pool. She was close to the bottom as she entered the shallow end. She stayed there as she slowly pulled herself forward.

She reached the wall in the shallow end and turned herself around. Then she kicked off toward the deep end. Once more she pulled with her arms while doing a frog kick.

She glided forward on sheer momentum until she almost stopped. Then she pulled with her arms while frog-kicking again. It made me wonder just how long she’d practiced out in the pool while I’d camped out in the kitchen.

She reached the wall to the deep end and turned herself around. I’d swam laps underwater in the pool before. I could get from one end to the other in less than thirty seconds. But she was conserving energy as she glided forward while pulling herself along, all that muscle helping keep her close to the bottom.

She lost a few bubbles as she reached the slope to the shallow end. She pulled herself up, using her arms as she frog-kicked, and then gliding while conserving her air. I was rather impressed.

She reached the shallow end and turned around. Once more she pulled with her arms while frog-kicking. A few more bubbles trickled out of her mouth as she glided forward.

She reached the slope to the deep end. When she’d slowed enough, she simply pulled with her arms while frog-kicking again. I watched as she approached the wall in the deep end, my cock hard as a rock in my trunks.

She reached the wall, turned around and pushed off again. Mom stayed along the pool floor, gliding along after pulling and kicking. That’s when I surfaced, curious as to her time.

I checked the iPhone sitting next to the edge of the pool. She was already beyond two minutes. I’d figured as much because she was going slower than I did. Besides, I knew how long it took me to swim across the pool underwater.

She reached the slope and angled upward, losing another burst of bubbles. She pulled and kicked, totally focused on the task at hand. I was becoming more and more impressed.

She glided all the way to the wall in the shallow end. Mom turned around and dutifully started back. This time I thought I saw a little reaction in her stomach and chest. Was she running out of breath?

I became shamefully excited as I watched her. She lost another burst of bubbles as she reached the slope. I thought she might stay level with the shallow end. But she followed the floor of the pool all the way down to the bottom in the deep end.

I saw her chest heave as she pulled and kicked. There was another burst of air. Then she reached out and touched the wall at the bottom of the pool.

Mom shot up for the surface. I followed her up, incredulous at what I’d just witnessed. The iPhone showed 3:12, with mom calling out her time was 3:13.

“Ok, mom; you win. That’s another $300. That’s $500 I owe you.”

“How about another breath-hold, Georgie? What do I have to do for you to pay me $500?”

I came up with something I thought might slow her down a bit. “On your back on the bottom, mom! If you can do three minutes while you’re swimming, you should be able to do 3:30 without any kind of activity!” This time I wanted to watch her face and chest.

“Can you pay me a little more, Georgie? What do I have to do for say… $750?”

“You’ll have to do it without your dive mask, mom.”

I thought for sure that would get her. Instead, she pulled the mask up off her face. “Deal!” she called out.

I watched her take three really deep breaths. Then she slipped under the surface. I set the timer on my iPhone as she submerged, a few bubbles popping up to mark where she’d gone down.

I submerged to watch, my dive mask pulled back down onto my face. Mom went all the way to the bottom in the deep end. Then she stretched out onto her back.

I thought for sure the water going up her nose would bother her. But she remained on the bottom. I saw her release a few bubbles as she started to drift upward. That helped her sink right back down.

I held my breath with her as I watched her from the pool ladder. I didn’t dare get too close. After all, I didn’t want her to discover the bulge I was sporting.

Mom easily blew right through a minute. She made it through two with only a brief release of bubbles. It made me wonder just how hard she had practiced out in the pool while I was in making dinner.

My cock was hard as a rock as she approached 2:30. She looked as though she was still doing fine. Only a few bubbles dribbled out of her nose.

I hadn’t counted on her staying under so long. So I headed up to the surface. I checked my iPhone and noticed she was already passing 2:50.

I went back under to watch. Mom looked like she was cool as a cucumber. She hardly moved at all as she passed 3:10.

I saw her stomach ripple a little. Then her chest heaved. It was incredibly erotic to observe.

She lost a few bubbles as she checked her watch. Her chest heaved again. That red bikini top did very little to cover anything. In fact, it really showed mom’s mounds, as well as the cleavage that was now on full display.

She released a burst of bubbles as she checked her watch. Then she started to rise. But she paused, allowing me to head up first to check my iPhone.

It read 3:52 when mom came up gasping for breath. She proudly proclaimed I owed her another $750. Then she said she wanted to go again.

I said I felt like I needed to get out of the water and tend to something in my crotch. Mom said it wasn’t fair for me to leave just then. She wanted to do at least one more.

“But mom, I really need to go!”

She smiled as she told me, “Georgie? What’ll you pay me if you stay and let nature take its course while I hold my breath for as long as I can?” Was she thinking about me and the restroom? Or was she referring to my, uh… discomfort down below?

“Mom, I really don’t think…”

“I see how horny you get watching your girlfriends in the pool, Georgie. And I know you’re turned on watching me. So what’ll you pay me? How about $1,250? That way you’ll owe me an even $2,500?”

“Mom I really don’t…”

“Aw, c’mon, Georgie! I need the money! Besides, I don’t mind if you have a little, uh… accident in the pool! So will you give me $1,250 or not?”

“Mom, you’ll have to reach 4:30 for that.”


“It’s either that or I go inside right now and, uh…”

“Ok – ok! But you’ll owe me a total of $2,500 if I make it; ok?”

I sighed, “Ok, mom. Have it your way.”

She spent half a minute taking long, deep breaths. Then she submerged. I made sure the timer on my iPhone had been activated before I went under to watch.

She went all the way to the pool floor in the deep end. She released a few small bubbles until she lost her buoyancy. Then she settled in as she remained flat on her back on the bottom.

The first minute was easy enough. Then mom started moving her hands. She actually began caressing her mounds, her face indicating she was enjoying herself.

I winced as my cock twitched in my trunks. This was not good at all. If she kept it up, there was no way of knowing whether or not I’d be able to hold off.

Oh well. Mom had all but said it would be all right…

She ran her hands up and down her body. One hand rubbed her crotch as the other went back and forth between her DD’s. It was shamefully erotic.

She released a few bubbles as she went somewhere past the two minute mark. Then mom rubbed her crotch a little harder. I kept battling myself over whether or not it was ok to get turned on while watching her.

I was pretty sure she’d passed three minutes when she pulled her bikini top open, exposing her mounds. I almost lost it right there. Somehow I managed to maintain my self-control, although my lungs were starting to hurt.

I finally went up for a quick breath and a time-check. Mom was passing 3:24. Could she actually make it to 4:30?

I went back under to watch. Mom was touching and caressing herself all over. She lost another little burst of bubbles.

My cock was hard in my trunks. Instinctively I reached down and rubbed my bulge. Then I jerked my hand away, wondering if mom had noticed. If she’d witnessed my indiscretion, she gave no indication, although I thought I saw her smile a little more.

She rubbed herself a little harder. Then I saw her stomach ripple. Seeing her struggle turned me on even more.

She lost another burst of bubbles. Now it was evident in her chest. She hitched a little, causing her breasts to wobble as she lost bubbles out of her nose.

She looked right at me as she really began rubbing her crotch. Her chest hitched again as she lost more bubbles. Instinctively I reached down and rubbed my erection through my trunks.

She hitched again and again. Mom furiously rubbed her crotch. Then her back arched as she lost a huge mouthful of bubbles.

I couldn’t help myself. I creamed my trunks as mom orgasmed right there in front of me. At least, that’s what it looked like.

She checked her watch. Mom covered her mouth as her chest hitched again. Then she shot up to the surface, losing more air through her fingers.

I shot up with her, gasping for breath as I checked the time. I thought maybe I had gotten away with it. But my iPhone read 4:51.

“I won!” mom gasped as she checked my watch on her wrist. “Georgie, you owe me $2,500!”

I shot back, “It’s in my other pocket, mom! I’m going in to get out now!”

“Oh, Georgie! Can’t we go again? I’m so excited earning more money to pay off my debts!”

“Not now, mom! That’s enough for tonight!”

I was embarrassed the way we’d both climaxed in front of each other. Mom didn’t seem to think anything of it. “Ok, Georgie,” she sighed. “Maybe tomorrow night.” Then I climbed out of the pool.

She swam right over to the ladder I’d been using. She hadn’t even bothered to put her bikini top back in place. She just grinned at me before going over, picking up a towel and heading inside.

2021 (written Dec 14 ’21 by riwa)

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The Principal 4.5 (57)

Vikki was pissed with school. She was pissed with classes, and she was pissed with tests and quizzes. But she was mostly pissed with the school principal, a snooty woman by the name of Miss Anne Thrope.

The somewhat attractive, middle-aged bitch acted like she owned the school. Everything had to be done just right and done her way. She seemed ill suited for the job of dealing with young adults and with those responsible for instructing them.

The other shoe dropped for Vikki in the hall between classes. She observed Miss Thrope berating Amy Nielson. She liked Amy because the student was, like her, something of a rebel, another one of those girls who had a similar attitude about everything.

It was none of her business to begin with. Vikki had no idea what Amy had done to set off the vindictive woman. If she would have been thinking clearly she probably would have just let sleeping dogs lie.

Unfortunately she’d been in a sour mood all day. She thought the principal was ganging up on Amy unjustly, judging by the sound of the conversation. So she waded right in.

“Miss Thrope? Why don’t you climb on your broomstick, fly away and leave Amy alone? You are such a stuck-up, uptight bitch; you know that?

Amy gave her the faintest flicker of a smile of appreciation and support. It was nice having someone in her corner for a change. But she knew Miss Thrope was not one to be trifled with.

The angry principal turned in her direction, looking as though she was about to blow a gasket. “You got something to say to me, Chestnut?”

Amy gave her a warning look and a brief shake of her head as if to say, “You’d better drop it and leave while you still can.” But Vikki was having none of it. The principal had simply caught her on a bad day while expending a lot of hot air in the direction of a student she liked.

“I said ‘Get your fat ass on your broom-stick, fly away and leave us students alone’; ok? What… you hard of hearing or something?”

Amy closed her eyes and shook her head. She knew that was clearly the wrong thing to say. What’s more, Vikki had said it to the totally wrong person.

Miss Thrope looked like she was going to explode. “My office, Chestnut! Five PM!”

“But I’m going to be home by then!”

“Five PM or don’t bother coming back to school, Chestnut! All those pitiful grades will be down the fucking drain! Do I make myself clear?”

“Fine. If the witch wants me to sweep out her broom closet, who am I to say no?”

“Scram, Chestnut!”

“Fine with me. I’ve got another class to get to anyway, although it’s one I’m probably going to fail.” Then she turned and angrily stormed off.

“Fine, Chestnut!” she heard Miss Thrope holler over her shoulder. “Have it your way! Make it four-thirty! There’ll be a chair outside my door with your name on it.”

“Fuck you!”

“Oh, I’m looking forward to it, Chestnut – where do you think you’re going, Nielson?”

By then Vikki had decided she didn’t want to have anything more to do with the old battle-axe. She just kept walking to her next class. She entered the room, took one of the empty chairs, slumped into the seat and sighed heavily. Another long, lousy day of school…

At first she thought about not even bothering to show up. But she decided against it. If she could just finish her senior year, even getting out of here with C’s and D’s would mean she’d be gone forever.

As she headed down the hall she saw two red chairs outside Principal Thrope’s door. One of them was already taken. Apparently Goldie Haran had not escaped the principal’s ire either.

As she approached the open door she heard voices coming from inside. She paused before she reached it. Something didn’t sound right.

“…feel like smart-mouthing me now, Nielson?”

“N-no, ma’am.” Amy sounded scared.

“You think it’s funny the way I’m treated around here?”

“No, m-ma’am.”

“You’ve been on my ass from day one; haven’t you, Nielson?”

“N-No ma’am.”

“You think you’re better than me because of your father’s money; am I right?”

“P-Please, ma’am. Don’t…”

“I don’t want to hear it, Nielson! What I want to hear from you are these words and these words only… ‘I’m. Bad. And. I. Deserve. To. Hang!’ You got that??”

“No, M-Miss Thrope! P-Please!”

Vikki stopped in alarm right before reaching the door. Goldie looked up at her for a long moment before lowering her head and shaking it. Was that a tear trickling down her cheek?

“Say the words, Miss Nielson! Say the words or I swear I’ll have Coach Carlson manually spit you himself! I trust you know how much that would fucking hurt; am I right?”

There was a long pause. Then Vikki heard the words, “I’m b-bad and I d-deserve to hang, Miss Thrope.” Amy sounded frightened out of her wits.

“Now tell me to hang you, you stupid cunt!”

“P-Please, Miss Th-Thrope! P-Please don’t make me…”


“Please h-hang me M-Miss Thrope.”

“With fucking pleasure, bitch!”

Vikki heard the sound of a mechanical hum, immediately followed by ragged gasps for breath. She rushed to the door and looked inside. Amy Nielson was in her socks and underwear, her arms cuffed behind her back.

She was off the ground, a noose around her throat that went up into the ceiling where a tile had been removed. A pan had been slid underneath her feet to catch any mess she made. She rasped and gurgled as she fought the rope.

Miss Ann Thrope was not wearing her stuffy, loose-fitting outfit from earlier in the day. Now she was in a short, black skirt. Black pantyhose went down her slender legs into a set of black high heels. A black wrap around her white blouse made her look much, much different from her daily attire.

Amy caught sight of Vikki looking in on them as she dangled from the noose. She tried to speak, but was only able to rasp for breath. That’s when Miss Thrope turned to see who her dying student was looking at.

She smiled cruelly at the newcomer. “Have a seat in the hall, Chestnut. I’ll get to you in a bit.”

Vikki looked at Goldie sitting uncomfortably in one of the two chairs. She began to tremble as she stepped over and took up the empty seat right next to her. There was a huge lump in her throat.

Miss Thrope had total authority over her students. Everyone knew it and submitted accordingly. But Vikki hadn’t counted on this.

So the rumors were true? A couple of students had disappeared last year. It was believed they had run afoul of Miss Thrope and had suffered dearly for it. No one had seen them since.

Vikki shifted uncomfortably in her chair. She glanced over at her companion. But her classmate would not even look her in the eye. Was she sniffling?

The sound of rasping and choking emanated from the room. Vikki simply couldn’t believe it! Was the bitch seriously going to hang poor Amy Nielson to death??

Words drifted out to them as she waited in the hall with Goldie… “Not so high and mighty now; eh, Nielson? What’s the matter? Not got a thing to say to me this time? No smart-ass remark? You always mouth off whenever I’m around, Nielson. What’s wrong; cat got your tongue?”

Vikki heard rasps, grunts and gurgles in reply. It sounded like Amy was really suffering in there. Didn’t Miss Thrope have a heart??

If only the damned door hadn’t been open. That way she wouldn’t have to listen. Goldie just fidgeted uncomfortably right next to her, occasionally letting out a sigh or a sob.

“…your father and his money can’t save you this time, Nielson. You’ve been warned time and time again. Now let’s see those legs kick. Since you’re going to die anyway, the least you can do is entertain me.”

Amy heard more rasps and grunts. It sounded like Amy was really fighting the noose. Was she going to be allowed back down before she hanged to death??

Vikki found herself regretting their encounter in the hall earlier. This did not bode well. Why, oh why had she mouthed off to Miss Thrope??

“…that’s a nice shade of red you’ve got there, Nielson. Your neck is stretching rather nicely. What’s that? Still no wisecracks? You must be trying to be a smart-ass again; I can see your tongue trying to poke out of your fucking mouth!”

Vikki tried not to listen. But she couldn’t help it. She was terrified while becoming morbidly aroused.

Goldie just sat there quietly. The occasional sniffle made Vikki wince. Then they both heard, “Haran, you out there?”

“Yes, Miss Thrope.” Vikki saw Goldie shiver uncomfortably.

“Get your ass in here!”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Goldie gave Vikki a look of inconsolable doom before she rose up and went into the office. Vikki heard her gasp inside the doorway. She must have just seen poor Amy dangling from the noose.

“Peel those panties down off her legs, Haran.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Vikki heard movement on the other side of the open door. Hell, she could hear just about everything! A part of her wanted to look inside. But if she did she was afraid she would only be looking in on her ultimate fate.

“…now feast on that cunt, Haran. Lick and slurp as though your life depends on it. You’d better do a damned good job. After all, Coach Carlson told me he’s eager to impale another dumb bitch. So don’t you fucking tempt me!”

Vikki heard licking and slurping sounds. Was Amy still rasping for breath? Or had the noose closed off her throat entirely? Hell, did she really want to know either way??

“…like that, Nielson? I heard you were a lezo. Does it feel nice? Or are you too far gone to feel it? I want you to know I’m not the total bitch you take me for. Maybe you’ll feel something nice as you hang there for me. Then again… maybe I waited too long. Ahahaha!”

Vikki’s heart pounded in her cheat. Then she heard Miss Thrope yell, “I said, ‘EAT HER OUR, HARAN’!” Vikki jumped in her seat upon hearing the principal’s angry voice.

“Ok that’s enough, Haran. I’ve got another noose over here with your name on it. This way you won’t feel so alone, being as how Nielson there will be hanging out with you right here in my office. Ahahaha!”

There was a pause. Vikki didn’t hear anything. Then she heard the Principal demand, “Don’t just stand there, you stupid bitch! Clothes off, Haran! Pile ’em on my desk!”

“But Miss Thrope, I didn’t wear any-”

“Clothes off, bitch!”

Vikki heard movement. Then she heard Miss Thrope derisively snort, “I should have known a slut like you would go commando, Haran. No underwear? No matter! I enjoy a good nude hanging. Now pick up those cuffs and put your neck in that noose.”

My gawd; did Thrope have another noose already set up in there??

“Please, Miss Thrope!”


“Y-Yes, ma’am.”

Vikki winced in horror and sorrow, her heart beating fast as she continued to listen in. “…now cuff your wrists behind your back. Do it now, Haran!”

“Miss Thrope, isn’t there any way I can get out of this?”

“Certainly. You can report to Coach Carlson right away. I want to hear you scream when he rams that pole up your slutty ass… that is, unless you’d rather stay here.”

“I guess I’ll st-stay here, Miss Thrope.”

“I thought you might see things my way. Now get your head in that fucking noose and cuff your fucking wrists behind your back!”

Vikki thought she heard the sound of metal clatching. Damn! Why did the door have to be open so wide?? She wasn’t sure she wanted to listen to Goldie hang to death just like poor Amy.

“Very nice, Haran. You look good all noosed and naked. Doesn’t she look good, Nielson? What’s that? No wisecrack? Oh yeah; I forgot. You can’t talk because you’re so fucking dead… nothing but a dangling corpse. Ahahaha!”

There was another long pause. Vikki couldn’t stand the suspense. Was there another noose in there with her name on it??

“You got anything you want to say to me, Haran?”

“Wh-What do you want me to say, M-Miss Thrope?”

“Weren’t you listening out in the hall? Why the hell do you think I left the fucking door open?”

“I’m b-bad and I d-deserve to hang?”

“Excellent. You bitches can be taught after all. Anything else you’ve got to say to me?”

“P-Please, M-Miss Thrope. P-Please don’t do this to m-“


“P-Please hang me, M-Miss Thrope.”

“Such a polite student. I can’t turn down a request like that, can I? Your wish is granted, Haran.”

Vikki heard another humming sound. It was immediately followed by someone rasping for breath. She heard grunts as well as some sort of movement.

“Very good, Haran. I see those dance classes you took did you a lot of good. Very nice; very nice indeed.”

Vikki heard more rasps and grunts. She couldn’t tell if she heard the sound of something creaking. The rope, maybe?

“Get your ass in here, Chestnut! I got something I want you to see!”

Gawd; no!

Vikki gulped as she nervously stood up and went to the door. She got a horrifying view of a noosed Amy Nielson dangling quietly in her bra, socks and shoes. Her body gently swayed back and forth.

Her panties were on the floor. Her crotch was exposed and glistening. A streamer of fluid trickled down her right leg and splattered into the pan below.

“Over here, Chestnut!”

Vikki turned to look. Miss Thrope was standing in front of poor Goldie. The student was buck naked. She was also dangling from a second noose.

She kicked and humped as though she couldn’t make herself stop. It was an extremely lewd dance of death. It made Vikki feel ill despite the strange flush of arousal she felt.

There was no pan underneath her. Miss Thrope turned and smiled at her. Then she motioned, “Fetch that pan and put it underneath her. I don’t want her soiling my nice, clean floor.”

Vikki glanced at the other corner, freezing in place. There was a third noose dangling quietly. She inhaled sharply as she started to tremble.

“Get that damn pan and slide it under her body, Chestnut! What; are you deaf??”

Vikki went over and retrieved the pan. The smell of urine made her queasy. She carried it over and quickly slipped it under the dangling, naked body before looking up at Goldie with an expression of apologetic sorrow.

“What do you think, Chestnut? Think she makes a good gasper-girl? Think she’s putting on a good air-dance?” Vikki didn’t know how to answer.

“I probably should have saved Nielson for you to observe. But I wanted that fucking bitch to die alone, knowing you’d be out in the hall waiting your turn while listening to her suffer. Now get your damn clothes off, pick up those handcuffs and take your place under your noose over there like a good girl. I’ll be with you in a minute.”

Vikki gasped and whimpered. “I said ‘NOW’, Chestnut! Or do I go fetch Coach Carlson?”

She went over to the desk where two piles of attire had been discarded. She worked to undress as quietly as possible, adding her clothes to the desktop. She wanted to look away, but she couldn’t help staring at Goldie as the poor girl kicked her life away.

Miss Thrope glanced over at her. “Totally naked, Chestnut! Hurry up; I haven’t got all night!”

She finished undressing as she watched the principal reach out and caress Goldie’s quivering mounds. “I might have these cooked up later, Haran. What do you think about that?” The only response was the way the tongue peeked out past a set of parted lips as drool spilled onto heaving breasts.

The principal turned and glared at her. “Cuffed and noosed, Chestnut! You know the drill! The cuffs are on my desk! And the noose is right there calling your name!”

For the briefest of moments Vikki thought about flight. But that moment had long since passed. Besides, she was totally naked now. Where would she go?

She picked up the set of cuffs off the desk. They felt cold in her hand. Then she headed over to her noose.

“Not much left in you; eh, Haran?” The principal was caressing Goldie’s naked flesh all over. The dying student quivered, her toes wriggling as stray muscles twitched in her legs and arms.

Vikki panted heavily for breath as she reached her noose. She turned and faced into the room, a terrifying view of Amy and Goldie in front of her. She looked over at the principal, but Thrope was too busy enjoying Haran’s death throes.

Vikki shivered as she grasped onto the noose. She slowly looped it around her throat. A sudden wave of dizziness almost made her legs go rubbery.

She made sure the noose was wrapped around her neck. Then she grasped onto the handcuffs. She clatched one onto her left wrist before bringing her arms behind her back.

“What do you think, Nielson?” Thrope asked the quietly dangling student. “You should be pleased I’m giving you some company. Did you enjoy Haran’s dance? No? Got nothing to say to me now? I thought you were always good for a wise-ass remark, Nielson!”

There was the sound of liquid splattering into the pan. Vikki winced upon seeing urine trickling down Goldie’s legs. Thrope smiled at her dying student as she murmured, “Nice, Haran… very nice.”

The principal sighed with pleasure. “I do love my work.” Then she turned to look at the last one left to hang.

“Well – well, Chestnut,” she said with a not-so-pleasant smile on her face. “Looks like it’s just you and me now. All alone to enjoy the pleasure of each other’s company.”

She went over to her desk and pulled open a drawer. The principal withdrew what appeared to be a massive dildo. Then she waved it in front of Vikki.

“I believe your words to me out in the hall were ‘fuck you’. Isn’t that right, Chestnut? So I think that’s just what I’m going to do.”

She walked up to the trembling student and bellowed, “SPREAD THOSE FUCKING LEGS, CHESTNUT!” Vikki gulped as she spread her legs apart. Tears welled up in her eyes.

“Who’s sorry now? Are you sorry now, Chestnut?”

“Y-yes, Miss Thrope.”

“Well FUCK YOU!”

The principal rammed the toy hard and deep inside the student’s dripping opening. Vikki winced as she cried out. It was damned uncomfortable the way it totally filled her.

Thrope smiled cruelly at her. “Fuck you, Chestnut! You said it to me so I’m sending it right back to you… only now you can do it for real! So go right ahead, Chestnut. Fuck yourself! Fuck you!”

Vikki winced as more tears appeared. The principal turned and walked over to her desk again as though forgetting something. She opened a drawer, reached in and pulled out a large butt plug.

She brought it over and smiled as she waved it in front of the trembling student. “You’ve always been a pain in my ass, Chestnut. Mind if I return the favor?”

“P-Please, Miss Thrope…”

“Say ‘I don’t mind’, Chestnut!”

“I d-don’t mind, Miss Thrope.”

I thought you’d see things my way.”

The principal went around behind her. She pushed the toy against Vikki’s puckered anus until it started to give way. Then she brutally rammed it home.

The poor girl jerked as she let out a cry of pain. She began to wince and hump as the toy was seated deep inside her. She felt stretched from both large items in her holes.

The principal smiled cruelly at her. “I’m looking forward to this, Chestnut. In fact I’ve been looking forward to this moment for a long time now.” She paused for a long moment before adding, “Got anything to say to me, Chestnut?”

“P-Please, Miss Thrope. I didn’t m-mean anything by it.”

“Those aren’t the words I want to hear, Chestnut. Try again.”

“P-Please. I’ll do anything you w-want!”

“Don’t you fucking understand?? This IS what I want, Chestnut!”

The vindictive principal began tapping her foot impatiently. “Well? I’m waiting. Or would you prefer I go fetch Coach Carlson.”

Vikki gulped nervously. Her heart was hammering in her chest. She’d never been so frightened in her life. She was also perversely aroused, no doubt from the terror of the moment.

She tried to delay the inevitable. But her two holes hurt like hell. What’s more, her humiliation felt unbearable.

She could see Amy Nielson dangling quietly. Goldie was slowly twisting in place. There was no way out she could readily identify.

“I’m b-bad and I deserve to h-hang, Miss Thrope.” Her throat was so dry she could barely get the words out.

A look of rapture filled the principal’s features. “It’s so good to hear a student admit her failures and the punishment she so richly deserves. It’s what I live for. Hearing someone like you admit that to me makes it all worthwhile. I’m so proud of you, Chestnut.”

More tears filled Vikki’s eyes. Now she was thinking of the life she was never going to have. Was it all worth mouthing off to a bitch like this? Had she really been that suicidal??

Miss Thrope walked over to her desk. She reached down as though preparing to activate something. “Let’s get on with it; shall we, Chestnut? Any last words?”

Vikki knew exactly what the sadistic principal wanted to hear. She didn’t want to give her the satisfaction. But she was thoroughly broken now.

What did it matter? She could whimper pitifully or she could go out with some sort of dignity despite the items in her holes. Vikki chose the latter.

She blinked the tears out of her eyes. Vikki took a deep breath. Then she solemnly declared, “Hang me, Miss Thrope.”

“My pleasure, you fucking bitch!”

Vikki heard a hum. A moment later the noose tightened ominously around her neck. Then it smoothly pulled her right up off her bare feet into the air.

Vikki’s eyes flew open in complete and utter horror. The pain around her neck was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. She could not believe how much it hurt.

Instinctively her feet began fluttering for the floor. Miss Thrope smiled cruelly at her. “It’s right there, Chestnut! The floor, I mean. You’ll just have to stretch a really long way down to reach it.”

Vikki’s legs began to pedal as she searched for it. The agony around her throat intensified. A moment later her body began to kick as though it suddenly had a mind of its own.

“That’s the way, Chestnut. Well done. I’m so fucking proud of you. Deep down I knew you weren’t the worthless slut I originally took you for. In fact, you dance as divinely as Haran did. You’re quite the ballerina.”

Vikki wasn’t interested in any kind of compliment. What she really wanted was to relieve the tightness of the rope around her throat. She kicked harder, but that only made the rope constrict even tighter.

She began to swing back and forth as she furiously pedaled. Her legs suddenly split as she tried to force both objects out of her holes. Then she brought her knees up, violently jerking her legs up and down, setting the noose even tighter around her neck.

She threw her chest out as though proudly displaying her breasts and erect nipples. She humped the air in the direction of the principal. Miss Thrope swooned with rapturous delight at the sight before her. “My gawd, Chestnut; did you just cum? I should have fucking hanged you sooner!”

It was getting harder to pull air down her constricted throat into her lungs. Her chest heaved painfully as her legs went back to scissoring. Her body was doing everything it could to escape the breathless torture it was experiencing.

Vikki caught sight of a quietly dangling Amy Nielson. It terrified her, giving her renewed strength to fight the rope. Then she twisted until Goldie Haran spun into view.

She screamed in her mind as she violently bunny-hopped. The noose simply tightened as a result. The toys up her holes hurt like hell while subjecting her to such painful pleasures.

Her knees instinctively came up again. Then she threw her chest out as she humped with her torso. Miss Thrope sighed heavily as she watched with glorious rapture.

Vikki jerked hard before the fight abruptly left her. She swung back and forth as she twisted this way and that. Miss Thrope politely asked, “Anything I can do for you, Chestnut? Wait; I think there IS something I can do.”

The principal went over and slid the urine-filled pan over with her foot. She moved it until it stopped directly underneath her last dangling student. “There, Chestnut. Don’t say I didn’t do anything for you. Oh wait; you want more?”

The principal walked up to Vikki and grabbed onto the butt-plug. She slowly pulled on it until it almost came out. Then she rammed it home. “Fuck you, Chestnut!”

Vikki jerked as she began kicking anew. It was more instinctive than anything else, a reaction to the anal violation. She kicked and humped until she settled down again.

She was gently swinging back and forth, her mind screaming for it to end already when Miss Thrope stepped up to her again. She grabbed onto the toy in her twat and slowly pulled it out. Then she cruelly rammed it home with a “Fuck you, Chestnut!”

The student jerked as her legs shimmied a little. She humped with her torso as her arms and legs jerked spasmodically. Then she settled down, her tongue peeking out a little further past her parted lips.

The principal grabbed onto the toy again. She pulled it out before cruelly ramming it home. “Fuck you, Chestnut! Fuck you!”

Vikki jerked only a little. There wasn’t much life left. Her chest was no longer heaving, her windpipe having been totally cut off.

“I think I’m going to call Coach Carlson now, Chestnut. I’m going to ask him to put you on to roast. ‘Chestnut roasting over an open fire’… and it’s not even Christmas! Ahahaha!”

Vikki was losing her vision. She could feel her heart slowing down. It felt like every organ inside her was dying, all that pain welling up into one massive, never-ending surge of violent agony.

She was humiliated to feel her bladder give way. She could hear urine dribble into the pan below. But it wasn’t hurting so much as before. The pain was starting to subside.

She saw Amy Nielson dangling quietly. Out of the corner of her eye Goldie Haran slowly twisted in place. Her mind screamed, “OHMYGAWD; I’m DYING!” Then conscious began spiraling away until she reached the point where she didn’t care about anything anymore: not Amy, not Goldie, not Coach Carlson, and certainly not that bitch Miss Ann Thrope.

2020 (written Oct 13 ’20 by riwa. Inspired by CharliemonsterUK/Gallows Girl Amy’s wonderful render.)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Tagged | Leave a comment

Dorothy doesn’t make fifty 4.4 (51)

Mike was planning a business trip to England. But I knew exactly what that meant. He was off to visit that English tart Dorothy.

This wasn’t his first visit. He’d gone there many times before. Every time he returned he had the look of a man whose balls had been thoroughly drained.

This time I arranged to get there ahead of him on another flight. I wanted to meet up with that tart myself. I wanted to set up something special for her just to make her suffer for pleasuring my man.

No, that’s not quite accurate. I wanted her to do more than suffer. I wanted her to strangle to death. In my mind a noose was the perfect remedy. That way I’d get to watch her gasp and turn blue before she pissed herself.

I looked around until I found someone who had a small, makeshift gallows. They kept it in a lonely brick building. It was just the place for a tart like Dorothy to swing.

I kidnapped her the night before. Then I took her to that building. Once we were there I stripped her out of her clothes until she was in nothing more than a red, thong bikini bottom with see-through, black lingerie covering her chest.

I took her to the room and showed her the gallows as well as the video equipment I’d set up. I smiled evilly as I told her, “Mike will be flying in tomorrow to see you special, bitch. So I’m bringing him here. Imagine his surprise when he finds out he gets to hang your sorry ass while I record it for him.”

She looked at me and smiled as she said, “Well, I am turning 50 this fall. I don’t mind if he wants to hang me. At least I’ll get to turn him on one last time before I die.”

She gave me this crazy look. I don’t know whether she was frightened or excited. So I chained her wrists to a ring in the floor and told her to get comfortable.

“Think about the dance you’re going to put on for Mike tomorrow, you little tart!” Then I left her there for the night. I had to go get a good night’s sleep before bringing Mike over the following day.

The next morning I met him at the airport. Naturally he was rather surprised and a little alarmed to see me. I said he should calm down and not get overly excited.

I told him Dorothy and I had set up something special just for him. She told me she was turning 50 and wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. So I helped her set something up.

As I drove Mike to our destination he began quizzing me on what Dorothy was going to do. Was she going to behead herself? Was she going to be strangled? Or was she going to drown?”

I smiled as I told him, “Beheading’s much too quick for a tart like that. Drowning would be a little slower, but still not as painful. Besides, I don’t want her to die clean. I want her to suffer.”

“Are you going to burn her?” he asked with uplifted eyebrows.

I just smiled knowingly as I told him, “You’ll find out.”

When we got there I made Mike strip before taking him down to see Dorothy. He left his boots on as the floor was rather cold. I smiled evilly as I told him, “Don’t worry. It’s going to be just as cold where that tart is going, that’s for sure! I’d say ‘cold as the grave’.”

I took him down and turned the lights on. There was Dorothy, stirring from her position on the floor. It looked like it had been a damned uncomfortable night. At least I certainly hoped it was.

Mike looked at Dorothy and then over at the concrete gallows. He saw the video equipment I’d set up special for the occasion. Then he smiled at me.

“You’re recording her hanging for me?”

“That’s right, darling. I plan on showing you the video of her hanging on cold, winter nights. That should warm you right up before I fuck your brains out after you’ve watched her swing over and over again.” That really made him smile.

“Go ahead,” I finally motioned in her direction. “Go play with your snuff slut while I double check the equipment.”

I wasn’t all that happy Mike’s cock had sprung to attention as he went over to the tart. At least he was going to send her straight to hell in a few more minutes. I was looking forward to watching her slutty dance of death.

“Yes, darling,” she said as she stood up and faced him. “I want to slow hang special for you today. I want to do it before I reach my 50th birthday.”

“So Sandy told me,” he replied as he reached out to grope her tits. I tried to ignore her moans of arousal.

“Is she stepping off to hang herself?” he asked me curiously.

“No, darling. You’re pushing on that foot lever on the side. I thought you’d appreciate sending her straight to hell yourself.”

“How thoughtful. Uh…” and he looked around. “Where are the keys to her chains?”

“I’ll get ‘em, darling.”

I tracked them down and freed her from her chains, replacing them with a set of handcuffs. Mike removed that black lacy outer covering until her tits were exposed. I guess he wanted to play with ‘em. Figures.

“Does the condemned get a last request?” Dorothy asked with a lustful smile.

I was going to say no. Naturally Mike told her, “Of course.”

“What does the tart want as a ‘last request’?” I asked sourly.

“I want to die with Mike’s cum on my lips. I want to be interred with his spunk in my mouth.”

“Granted,” he replied enthusiastically.

I glared angrily at him for granting that kind of request. Dorothy just turned and grinned at me. I wanted to slap that smug look off her face so damned bad!

At least she’d be dead soon. Then I’d have Mike all to myself. It shouldn’t really matter how much cum dripped off her lips so long as she danced a merry jig of death.

Mike wasted no time getting her onto her knees. Then he force-fed her his cock. She gagged on it as she tried to swallow him. Watching him make her take it deep made me smile, if only for a moment.

“Shove it down her throat, darling,” I suggested with a smirk. “Make her gag on it, the fucking tart! Bury it all the way down her fucking throat. Make her choke on it!”

He pumped the slut good and hard. It did me good to hear her gag and grunt. I even took some video of it.

“Fuck her skull, darling. She wants it so bad. Make sure you honor her last request.”

He cried out as he gave a powerful thrust. Instantly I recognized what he’d done. A moment later she started snorting his man-cream out of her nostrils.

I laughed as she grunted and gurgled. It made a nice mess on her tits and part of her face. If the tart was going to hang, it was only fitting she swing with Mike’s cum dripping off her cheeks and boobs.

I smiled as I motioned at the gallows. “Ready to see her swing, darling? I think she’s looking forward to it.”

“Hang me, darling,” the tart panted breathlessly. “Let me swing for you, Mike. Record my hanging so my last dance will turn you on for years to come.”

He looked at me, but I just motioned at the gallows. “Have at it, darling. Sounds like she really wants to hang for you. Who am I to say no? Let’s watch her dance!”

“Let’s watch her dance indeed,” he said as he marched her up onto the gallows.

He got her up onto the little wooden trap. It was hinged so it would collapse once he stood upon the lever on the side. Then he carefully noosed her up.

I found myself becoming aroused seeing her standing there noosed and naked. I was really looking forward to watching her swing. The English tart had been a thorn in my side for many years. Now I was finally going to be rewarded for my patience and tolerance.

Mike reached around and groped her tits from behind. I frowned at seeing him enjoy her naked body so much. “Don’t worry, darling,” I assured him. “Those boobs are going to bounce nicely for you once she hits the end of that rope.” I wanted to scare her, but the damned tart seemed to like being told how much she was going to suffer.

He climbed down while I made sure the camera was operational. He slowly walked around front, ogling her naked body. She started panting for breath at the realization she was actually going to hang to death in a few minutes.

I saw how hard Mike had become as he stepped over to the lever. I knew he was going to enjoy her devil’s dance. But frankly so was I.

Dorothy looked down at his cock and licked her lips. Her hair draped down over her tits. But it couldn’t hide how erect her nipples had become.

The tart smiled as she told him, “Darling, I really want you to enjoy my hanging.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” he replied with a huge smile. Then he grandly motioned as he asked, “Would you care to have this dance?”

“I’d love to.”

“Will you just hang the bloody tart already??” My patience was wearing thin. Besides, I was eager to watch her suffer.

Mike’s foot tarried near the lever. Dorothy kept smiling at him. But I thought I saw cracks appear in her veneer. Was she starting to get scared?

“Hang the bitch, damn you!” Dorothy heard my cry and gasped for breath. That’s when Mike stepped on the lever.

The little wooden platform immediately gave way, folding back underneath her feet. Dorothy dropped with a look of surprise on her face. Mike gasped excitedly as he pointed at her.

Up ‘til then I’d been concerned the damned thing was only for show. I jerked a little when the trap gave way and she dropped. Thank gawd the damned thing actually worked!

Dorothy did a little bounce when she hit the end of the rope, making her boobs jiggle. I think it shocked the hell out of her. Then her legs split as she began to kick.

Mike’s cock twitched as he watched her. I saw him reach out to steady her. Maybe he didn’t want her to bang against the concrete platform behind her.

Dorothy soon began to kick up a jig. Her boobs bounced again as she fought the noose. It was arousing as hell, more exciting than I had imagined it would be.

She rasped and gurgled as she kicked and struggled. Her hair bounced and fluttered as it smacked off her jiggling breasts. Her nipples remained incredibly hard as though the whole thing was exciting her on some sexual level.

I couldn’t help reaching down to rub my crotch through the skirt I was wearing. The bitch was certainly exciting my Mike. But her hanging was turning me on as well.

Mike studied her legs as she did the two-step. Then she went into a wild ballet before she settled into a nice waltz. The whole time that filthy strumpet gazed longingly at Mike’s glorious erection.

“Give her a push, Mike! Make that tart really give it up for you!” I was becoming breathless watching her rasp and kick.

Mike reached out and gave her a shove. It set her to swinging back and forth. She gurgled as her chest heaved in a frantic attempt to pull air down into her lungs.

Dorothy’s hips began to sway. The whore really danced lewdly. I could tell she was suffering, and I was especially glad of that.

She began to do a sexy little shimmy. She undulated like a snake as the noose strangled the very life out of her. It was incredible!

Mike just stared as if in awe. I could tell how much he was enjoying her performance. Hell, I was enjoying it too.

Her arms jerked up and down behind her back. It looked like her neck was starting to lengthen a little. But her boobs weren’t bouncing as much as before.

Mike gave her another push. She kicked a little as her feet fluttered. Her mouth kept opening and closing as though she couldn’t get any air down her throat.

Mike swung her around to look at her ass. It made me jealous as hell. Did he ever look at mine the same way?

“She’s got a hot butt; doesn’t she, Sandy?”

“Yes she does, darling. It’ll look even better on her once she becomes a corpse.” I couldn’t hide my disgust at the way she was still commanding his attention as she strangled to death in the noose.

Dorothy shimmied again. I thought I saw her wet herself. I don’t know whether it was cum or urine.

She stared at Mike as he stood there watching. Actually it looked like she was staring at his erection. Even as she was dying that was all she seemed to be thinking about, the horny tart!

Dorothy had little seizures as she gently shimmied in the noose. I could see muscles twitching all over her body. Her face began to turn red from lack of oxygen to the brain.

“Lovely,” Mike observed in awe.

I sourly replied, “Couldn’t happen to a more deserving tart.” He just looked at me and smiled.

Dorothy settled down until she was hardly moving at all. She slowly rotated back and forth. But she maintained that stupid, lustful grin on her face as the life flickered out of her pupils. Mike finally stepped away, leaving the tart to dangle quietly.

He called me over with a wave. “I need you, Sandy.” Then he stood right in front of Dorothy, studying every inch of her dead body.

When I stepped forward, he pushed me to my knees. Then he roughly rammed his cock down my gullet. Dorothy’s dance of death had made him horny again.

I grunted as he gagged me with his erection. But he faced Dorothy the entire time. Her dangling nudity captivated him, and it kind of pissed me off.

My back was to the corpse as I swallowed a massive load of man-cream. But Mike only had eyes for the British tart. Even in death the bitch had his undivided attention.

Mike climbed the steps up onto the gallows. He worked at pulling the noose off from around her neck. He lowered her down before laying her out on the concrete platform with her legs spread and hanging off.

He motioned at her as he told me, “Let me see you get out of your clothes and lick the slut’s slit, Sandy.”

I gave him a dirty look as I undressed before I got down on my knees. I pulled her thong off and started licking and slurping her swollen labia. Her pussy was wet and winking as cum and urine oozed out.

Mike lifted me up onto my hands and feet, my ass in the air as I dutifully licked her out. He rammed his dick deep inside my throbbing womanhood from behind. At least he was shafting me instead of the corpse I was feasting upon.

I grunted into her muff with each hard thrust he gave me. I lifted my head up and told him, “Damn, darling! I had no idea this would excite you so much!”

“What’s not to love, Sandy? The sexy bitch looked hot as hell as she danced for me.”

I became a little indignant. “You don’t think I look hot as hell? I want you to lust after me way more than this dead tart!”

“Yeah, but I want to enjoy her body first.”

He pulled me aside before stepping forward and thrusting into her corpse. Then he fucked her good and hard. Her womanhood made squishy sounds as he really rammed her. He even enjoyed groping and mauling her dead boobs.

“Damn, Mike! I wish you’d enjoy my body the way you’re enjoying hers! Right now I’m jealous as hell!” I was starting to get a little pissed over the way he was enthusiastically fucking the dead strumpet.

He smiled as he told me, “I think I can make that happen, Sandy.”

He pulled out of her dripping slit before grabbing my arms and forcefully pulling them behind my back. The next thing I know, he’s tying my wrists together. I think he used the dead tart’s red thong.

I watched with alarm as he lifted up the wooden trap that had dropped out from under the dead slut’s feet. It latched and held. That’s when I felt a shiver of erotic horror ripple through me.

“Darling, what are you doing?”

“You want me to lust after you the way I’m lusting after her; am I right?”

That’s when it hit me. “Wait a minute, Mike! Darling? Couldn’t we wait and have a great fuck once we got back to my hotel room?”

“I was thinking of something else,” he replied as he marched me up the steps.

I started to hyperventilate as he walked me up and then out onto the wooden platform. For a moment I was afraid it was going to drop out from underneath me, making me fall and break my neck. That’s when Mike looped the coil around my throat, making sure I wouldn’t hit the floor below if the trap suddenly gave way.

He reached around from behind and groped my boobs. “Was this what you were thinking when you wanted me to pay more attention to you than I did to her?”

“Mike, please! I didn’t… ohhh!”

He fingered my dripping slit, making me writhe and whimper. Then he nuzzled my neck as he breathed, “You want to hang for me too; don’t you, darling? Isn’t that why you set all this up? You want me to enjoy a double hanging; am I right?”

I shook my head as I clenched around his wriggling fingers in my snatch. Then he climbed down off the gallows. He walked over and checked the equipment to make sure it was still recording.

I became anxious over the sudden turn of events. “Mike? Darling? Why don’t we go back to my room? Then we can play all the erotic games you like. Wouldn’t you like to fly home and play ‘firing squad’ with me?”

“I like this idea better, darling.” Judging by his erection I strongly suspected that was indeed how he felt about my immediate future.

I looked down at Dorothy lying on the platform close to me. She kept staring with those vacant eyes of hers. A dark red line around her throat indicated I was wearing a necklace that was about to leave a similar scar.

“M-Mike? Darling?” He just stepped forward until he was near the lever jutting out of the base of the gallows.

“You’re right, Sandy. You look sexy as hell standing there all noosed and naked. I’m just as turned on seeing you that way as I was when I hanged Dorothy.”

“D-Darling? Get me down and I’ll give you the fuck of your life!”

“Oh, I’ll be getting you down in a moment, Sandy. Soon you really WILL be giving me the fuck of my life. I just don’t think you’re going to feel it is all.” Then he stepped on the lever.

The trap crisply fell away beneath me. I cried out as I dropped. My voice was instantly silenced as I bounced at the end of the rope.

The pain was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. It gave my legs a life of their own. I swung and kicked as I struggled to pull a decent breath of air down my windpipe.

Mike stood there smiling as he stroked himself. Dorothy lay on the gallows looking up at me as though envious I was hanging while turning Mike on. It was not how I’d envisioned the conclusion of my trip to England.

I rasped and gurgled as I kicked and swung. I went back and forth as I twisted in place. Mike gave me an enthusiastic push, a big smile on his face.

It hurt like hell. I did everything I could think of to pull a breath of air into my chest. But nothing seemed to work.

Dorothy had put on quite the show in the noose. But in my pain I came up with a few moves that tart hadn’t even considered. I wasn’t even conscious I was doing it. My body instinctively seemed to know what moves would greatly arouse my boyfriend.

I tried bunny-hopping in the faint hopes it would relieve the agony around my throat. If anything, it tightened my noose even more. I began to shimmy and undulate until my thighs came together.

They rubbed my swollen clit until I humped the air from an involuntary orgasm. Mike was visibly impressed as he jerked his meat. “Damn, Sandy! Even Dorothy didn’t cum like that!” I would have willingly humped and climaxed time and again if only he would have taken me down long enough to let me have a single, solitary breath.

My neck really began to hurt. I lost feeling in my toes, my feet and my lower legs. I had a massive headache as my insides began to hurt from organs slowly dying inside.

I became aware of the splatter of urine. I’d shamefully lost control of my bladder. Mike just grinned at me.

I shimmied less and less as my mind became a fog. Mike gave me another push, setting me to twisting and swaying. I couldn’t feel anything below my waist. The sensations in my throbbing pussy no longer registered.

I finally dangled quietly as I gently swayed back and forth. I did not feel the wet stream slithering down my inner thighs. Mike was hard as a rock as he stepped forward.

“Now I’m going to get the fucking of my life. Sandy. I made sure I recorded it all. You and Dorothy are going to give me hours of pleasure whether I’m alone or showing off your hangings to some new girl.”

I lost all consciousness after that. I did not feel him splatter my legs with his spunk. I didn’t feel anything at all.

I was not the least bit aware when he freed me from the noose. He laid me down next to the corpse of that British tart. Then he took turns fucking our dead bodies until he’d fully drained his balls.

2020 (written for Mike and Sandy Aug 26 ’20 by riwa. Inspired by Mike’s Dorothy story idea and the renders he made for it.)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories, Dorothy and her friends, Picture Stories | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Breaking her bhing record 4.4 (34)

Note: This is a bonus repost of an older, re-edited story.

The version that inspired me.

Breaking her record by Bill F.

“I’m going to beat three minutes this time,” Melissa said as she got into my tub. “I know you will this time,” I told her. She took a deep breath and slid beneath the surface of the warm water.

She looked up at me, her mouth closed, her curly dark hair spreading out around her face. I looked at my watch as it counted off the time. I held up one finger for her to see as she reached one minute. She nodded slightly to let me know she saw the signal. She was doing great, looking beautiful under the still water.

At two minutes she nodded again as I held up two fingers. She started releasing small amounts of bubbles to release the pressure in her chest as her lungs started needing air. She was at 2:15. She released more air through her nose, and her cheeks started to puff out as the need to release the stale air in her lungs started to set in.

At 2:30 she started to lose the battle. More air bubbled from her nose. Her cheeks were growing bigger, her mouth closed tighter as she tried to hold back the urge to release her air and take a breath. At 2:45 she started to move her legs, trying hard to make it to three, begging to see my signal for three minutes.

I shouted out loud, counting the time down from 10 seconds left. Her body was shaking and the air was bubbling from her now slightly open mouth in a steady stream, her legs kicking, trying to hold on. By the time I reached five seconds left I could see she was about to come up. I made my move.

I pinned her down with one hand on her chest. The remaining air burst from her lungs with a gurgled cry. I held her down. Her eyes were wide with fear, her arms flailing and legs kicking hard against the back of the tub. Her head shook from side to side, her mouth opening and closing as she breathed in the water.

Her body bucked as her lungs filled with water, and at the same time tried to cough it out. Her kicking legs and flailing arms slowed as she drowned. Finally her struggling came to an end, legs now still, toes curled in death.

Her arms slowly dropped to her side and she was completely still. I looked at my watch. Four minutes now.

“Well, darlin’; you beat three minutes.”

I stood above her, looking down at her drowned beauty. Those beautiful eyes were wide and bulged out, mouth open in a frozen gasp for air, her hair flowing slightly across her face now from the violent shaking. She was truly now my drowned mistress.

My Version

Melissa and I were naked in the hot tub. We were playing, pushing each other down while groping each other. Bubbles poured out of the mouth of whoever was being submerged.

After catching our breaths, she decided it was time to try breaking her current breath holding mark. She’d gotten to 2:13 the last time she’d tried it. But that had been a couple of months ago.

“Face down or face up?” I asked with a smile as she began taking long deep breaths. “I know all about how much the water stings your sinuses. Are you serious or not?”

She smiled coyly at me as she inhaled deeply. Then she slowly let her air out. It made her breasts rise and fall with each breath she took.

“Face up,” she replied with a devious grin. “I like seeing the look on your face while I’m underwater. I know how much you get off watching me struggle to hold it.”

She stroked my stiffening manhood as she leaned closer. Then she added, “If you want, I suppose you can always force me. That should get me to three minutes easy… maybe even longer.”

“Does that mean you want me to drown you?”

“If that’s what it takes to help me reach three minutes? Yes.”

My cock twitched in her hand. She grinned as she stroked it harder. “You know you want to.”

“Is that so? Maybe I’ll play with your boobs while you’re under… maybe molest you a little.”

Her nipples were already protruding noticeably. I was toying with the idea of pinching them a little while fingering them. A little pain might make her breath-hold challenge even more difficult.

“Molest me all you want,” she replied with a grin. “It’ll give me something to focus on while taking my mind off holding my breath.”

She cupped my balls, causing my erection to twitch. “You’re going to hold me down; right? You’re going to make sure I don’t come up until I’ve gone past 2:13?”

“Maybe I should push you to 3:00.” This time I was seriously considering the possibility of drowning her if she didn’t make it.

“You’re just saying that. You would never force me.”

“Maybe I won’t… and maybe I will.” I tried to give her my best poker face.

“Oh, fuck!” she gasped breathlessly. “Will you really? You promise? Damn – I’m horny as hell! Hurry up and push me under already!”

She took a deep breath, causing that chest of hers to swell. I set the timer on my watch before pushing her under. She submerged with a burble, wincing briefly as water flooded her nose.

She wriggled uncomfortably for a good thirty seconds before she settled in. That’s when I started caressing her tits. She really likes when I do that.

Melissa grinned as air bubbled out of her nose. I warned her, “Better not release any more of those, darling. You might need all that air you just lost.”

Her nipples were really protruding. I couldn’t help giving them little tweaks and pinches. There were muffled “UNGHS!” and “MMMM’S” as she flinched and squirmed.

“You said I could molest you.” She just nodded her head, smiling throughout her ordeal. Those dark curls on her head waved at me.

I checked the time. “50 seconds, darling. You’re gonna love what I start doing to you at a minute.”

Her eyes widened at my words. Then she got this look on her face as if to say, ‘Oh, yeah? Just go right ahead!’

I counted down to a minute by alternately pinching each nipple with each number… “FIVE (pinch)… FOUR (pinch)… THREE (pinch)… TWO (pinch)… ONE (pinch)… ONE MINUTE (pinch)!” She flinched from each one. I just chuckled at her discomfort.

She easily went past a minute. “Time to make it harder, babe!” Then I began rubbing between her legs.

Melissa’s eyes rolled as her legs came together. I found her clit and fingered it. She burbled some more, causing me to give her another warning to keep all her air in.

She gave me that infamous look of hers. It’s the one that basically says, “What you’re doing to me isn’t fair. But for gawd’s sake, please don’t stop!” I couldn’t help grinning wickedly at her.

“1:20 and counting, babe. Are you having trouble concentrating? You want me to stop?”

She flashed me a dirty look that told me she was screwed either way. But she shook her head. She wanted me to enjoy myself, perhaps secretly hoping I might do the one thing she’d been wanting me to do to her ever since we’d been getting together.

I found her pussy and thrust my fingers inside her well-lubricated snatch. Her eyes went wide as she bubbled again. Then her thighs tried to clamp my hand in place.

She squirmed a little until I saw what looked like small spasms in her chest. I pressed down on her breasts with my free hand. I could actually feel her chest start to heave from aching lungs.

“Better hang in there,” I warned as I checked my watch. “1:50… you’re almost at 2:00. But you have another full minute to go if you’re going to reach 3:00.”

She winced as a little burst of air spewed out past her lips. That’s when I started finger-fucking her pussy. I was pretty sure she was never going to make 3:00 under her own power.

Her eyes went wide again as her head tipped back. I felt her womanhood tighten around my fingers. I demonstrably fingered her as I counted down. “…1:55 (thrust)… :56 (thrust)… :57 (thrust)… :58 (thrust)… :59 (thrust)… 2:00 (thrust)!”

She stiffened and grunted with each thrust. I knew I was driving her wild, making it even harder for her to hold her breath. Somehow she managed it though.

“Time to really make it interesting,” I told her.

I rose up, making sure I kept her submerged. I spread her legs and moved between then, kneeling down in the tub. That’s when I centered my hard pole against her opening.

Her eyes went wide as she released more air. There was a distinct burst of bubbles out of her mouth as my cock entered her pussy. Then I looked down at my watch.

2:17… 2:18… 2:19…

“You’re past 2:13,” I said with a smile. “But you’re never going to make 3:00 at this rate. Let’s see how long you can hold it while I fuck your brains out.”

I started thrusting in and out of her, making sure she couldn’t get up for a breath. Melissa cried out a burst of bubbles as she started to squirm even more. I savagely groped her tits as I fucked her harder.

She began shaking her head, sending those black curls waving back and forth. I could feel her chest heave as I fondled her. But I just kept on sadistically pushing her down as I fucked her.

I checked my watch. She was really struggling. “2:32, babe. Looks like I’m going to have to force you to 3:00.”

She lost another burst of air. A moment later she began furiously shaking her head from side to side. She clawed at my hands on her breasts, trying to pry them off so she could rise up for a breath.

By now she really wanted up. But I wasn’t letting her. She said she wanted to make 3:00, even if that meant swallowing water. And I was seriously considering it.

I saw her gurgle as her body sucked water into her lungs. She was 18 seconds shy of 3:00. Too bad.

In an instant she exploded, thrashing about like crazy in a wild effort to shake me loose. At the same time I felt her pussy clench around my cock as though she wasn’t about to let go. I knew she was cumming while she was drowning.

It felt damned good. I almost blew my load inside her as I struggled to push her down. I wasn’t about to let her up yet.

She stared at me with a wild look in her eyes. She’d said she wanted this many times before. Now she was looking up at me as if to say “What the hell are you doing??”

At 3:00 I pulled out of her as I pulled her head up. She coughed up a shitload of water. “You made it,” I told her with a smile.

She coughed and sputtered. Her eyes were all glazed over. It took a couple of minutes before she regained her focus.

“How was that?” I asked with an amused smile.

“Intense. Fucking intense! I came so hard!”


I pushed her back under without warning. She flailed against me as bubbles came up. I found her pulsing slit with my cock and pushed right in.

“Can you make 3:00 again, darling?” Her eyes flew open in astonishment. Then she began shaking her head.

I enjoyed a nice, leisurely fuck. Melissa began struggling underneath me. Barely 30 seconds went by before she began flailing at my arms, trying to get me to let her back up.

I smiled as I told her, “Ok, darling. I’ll settle for 2:00.” This time she acted as though drowning was no longer on her wish list.

Pretty soon her chest began heaving. I smiled as I asked, “What’s the matter, Melissa? Can’t even make it to 1:00? Surely you can do that, can’t you?”

Her struggles lessened as she tried to hold her breath. I suspected she didn’t have much air in her lungs. I pushed down on her breasts, squeezing and fondling them.

She began to struggle in my grasp. I just kept up my slow, leisurely fuck. Then I checked my watch.

“You’re at 1:23, darling. You’ll have to hold on another 37 seconds.”

She shook her head as she lost more bubbles. I alerted her the moment she reached 1:30. At 1:34 she swallowed water again.

She began gulping like a fish out of water as her chest heaved. She coughed up bubbled as she struggled underneath me. She tried to lift her head up, but I kept pushing down on her chest. “No, darling. You said you wanted to drown; remember?”

I kept track of her time as I continued to fuck her. I felt a shudder ripple through her body as I groped her breasts. A small flurry of tiny bubbles slipped out through her parted lips as she stared up at me in utter disbelief.

At 2:00 I lifted her head up out of the water. Once more she went into a severe coughing fit. Some water came spewing out of her mouth.

“You reached 2:00 that time, darling. What do you think? Think we should try for 3:00 again?”

She looked at me in shock and awe. I smiled as I told her, “Have it your way, darling. You’re the one who’s been obsessing over me doing this to you.” Then I pushed her head under.

She bubbled as I went back to thrusting in and out of her. I smiled as I told her, “3:00, Melissa. Not one second less. It’s what you want; am I right? You said you wanted to drown as you hold your breath for 3:00.”

I suddenly pulled out as I rolled her over. I slid back into her warm, wet opening as I kept her head under. I grabbed a handful of hair and pushed down on her head to make sure she couldn’t get up for a breath.

“Fucked from behind; right, darling? You love it when I fuck you from behind. I’m guessing you’re going to cum really hard as I drown you like this. But I won’t drown you if you can make 3:00.”

I began thrusting more aggressively. Bubbles came up around her flowing curls. I could feel her clenching around my thrusting dick with her muscles.

“What do you think, Melissa? Does reality match the fantasy? What do you think about drowning three times with my cock inside you?”

There was a burst of bubbles that came up through her flowing hair. She shook her head as she flailed with her arms. But she couldn’t get her head above the surface.

I checked my watch. “Better hold your breath, darling. You’ve got a long way to go to make 3:00.”

She began to struggle in earnest. Her body wanted up whether she wanted to succumb or not. The body’s kind of funny like that when it wants air.

“You just passed 1:15, darling. You can hold it. You just have to concentrate. Otherwise I’m going to find myself fucking a drowning victim.”

There was another burst of bubbles as her chest heaved. I was pretty sure she was never going to reach 3:00. Hell, I had my doubts she was even going to reach 2:00.

The more she struggled, the harder I fucked her. I heard a bubbly cry that really made me twitch inside her. Then she started clenching like crazy.

She shuddered hard until she swallowed water at around 1:39. Then she began bucking and hitching in my grasp. Sexy bubbles came up as she kept swallowing and convulsing.

She clenched so hard she milked the cum right out of me. It made her shudder from an orgasmic aftershock. Then she wasn’t clenching so much anymore.

I thrust nice and slow as we passed 2:10. I finally turned her back over, taking care she stayed under. I wanted to make sure she reached 3:00 on that breath she no longer contained in her lungs.

She stared up at me in surprise, her mouth gaping open. Her eyes were glazed over as I fucked her. Stray bubbles leaked out of her mouth and nose.

It was erotic as hell. I was tempted to let her up early. But I wanted to be true to my word.

At 3:00 I pulled her head up. She just stared with lifeless eyes. It was an incredibly sexy look for her.

It took me another half minute before I got her to start coughing. She had quite the fit spewing water out of her mouth. Then life began to return to her eyes.

“Well, darling? I didn’t promise you any orgasms. I guess those were simply a side benefit. At least you reached 3:00 on two separate occasions.

She blinked as she looked at me as if in a daze. “Did I… did you really…?”

“Yes I did. Satisfied now?”

“Yes, I think I’m satisfied. I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard.”

“Good. Then that will be the end of it, right?” She nodded before coming over and kissing me deeply.

Turns out she lied. That wasn’t the end of it. I should have known. She’d enjoyed it way too much.

2007 (written Nov 12 ’07; ed. Aug 7 ‘20 by riwa)

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Shelly in Cancun 14 4.4 (16)

Shelly in Cancun 14 – The case

I awaken to the humidity of a Southern climate and the warmth of the morning sun beating down on me. I quickly realize I’m not in my bed. I’m lying in sand underneath some palm fronds.

It all comes back to me… the storm…being dragged under by the rigging from the sailboat… Andria foolishly coming down to rescue me… the two of us clinging to the broken mast and being tossed around by the waves. Then I realize I’m lying right next to her warm body. I shake her awake.

“Andria? Baby; you all right??”

She moans and stirs as she turns toward me. Her eyes flutter open. “Shelly?” she gasps anxiously.

We both sit up and hug each other, shaking the fronds off our bodies. Then we stand up and take stock of our situation.

Somehow our skimpy bikinis remain intact. We’re on the edge of an isolated section of beach. The main harbor into Cancun sits a couple of miles south of us. The broken mast we rode in on lies a few yards further down the beach.

I vaguely remember coming ashore. We found some scattered leaves that the storm blew out of the trees. I also vaguely recall the two of us being too tired to do much of anything else other than dragging them with us before collapsing onto the ground as far away from high tide as possible, weakly pulling them over the top of us as we cuddled up against each other.

“Jake!” Andria gasps. “We gotta find him!”

“Maybe he made it back to our bungalow,” I suggest hopefully. Together the two of us begin our trek down the beach back toward civilization.

Debris is everywhere, much of it being the leaves and fronds off the trees along the edge of the beach. It takes nearly an hour before we’re back on that familiar stretch of sand we sunbathed on two days ago when we first got here.

We look like a couple of stupid American female tourists strolling along the beach in our skimpy bikinis while everyone else cleans up. We quickly head for the bungalow. We’re both anxious about Andria’s boyfriend Jake.

The bungalow looks intact for the most part. We start hollering out his name as we run to the door. It’s unlocked.

We burst inside, looking all around as we call out his name. But the place is empty. He’s not inside.

“Where could he be?” Andria asks fearfully. “You don’t suppose he fell out of the raft and drowned, do you?”

“He’s fine,” I tell her, gathering her up in my arms and holding on to her. I’m not certain of that fact. But there’s no point assuming the worst.

“We gotta FIND him, ‘Shel’!” She tries to wrench out of my grasp. But I hold onto her.

I give her shoulders a gentle shake. “He KNOWS where the bungalow is, babe! We need to stay in one place for a while. That will give him a chance to find US, ok?”

“But SHELLY??”

“You KNOW I’m right, Andria! This is a good time to calm down, take a good hot shower and get into a change of clothes, don’t you think?” Then I look into her eyes.

“We’ll stay put and give him a couple of hours, ok? THEN we’ll go look for him. Think about it! What if he comes back, only to find out we both went out looking for him?”

Andria looks at me and takes a deep breath. “You’re right, ‘Shel’”, she admits with a heavy sigh and a nod. Then she gets this determined look on her face.

“But ONLY for a couple of hours, ok? Then I’m going out to look for him!”

“Ok,” I agree. “That will give us time to call a couple of places and see if he’s turned up anywhere… like the hospital or the Red Cross or something.”

Andria wants to start calling right now. But I push her toward her separate bathroom, telling her she needs a nice hot bath or a shower so she’ll feel better when we get ready to start the search. Then I head toward my own bathroom and start myself a hot soothing bath, hoping we’ll eventually find Jake alive and well…
The bath is just what the doctor ordered. A half hour later I feel much better. But the whole time I keep an ear open, hoping I won’t hear the door slam shut, indicating Andria has gone out on her own to look for him. I also realize how hungry I am, being as how we haven’t eaten since we had lunch yesterday back on the sailboat.

When finally I emerge from my bedroom I’m dressed in a light yellow shirt and shorts along with a pair of socks and sneakers. Andria is sitting down near the phone. She’s dressed in a light blue shirt, matching shorts and tennis shoes.

She’s glum as she tells me, “The phone is working, ‘Shel’. So I placed a couple of calls. No one has seen or heard from Jake. I want to go out right now and look for him!”

I tell her, “Let’s give him another half hour; ok? Remember? We were way down the beach when we came ashore. It took us a while to walk back. I just don’t want us to be gone when he walks in through the door.”

“He’s not going to just ‘walk in through the door’, ‘Shel’! What if he’s out there hurt somewhere?! Ohmygawd, Shelly; what if he fell out of the raft and DROWNED??”

The door suddenly opens. Amazingly, it’s Jake who walks in. His face is grim as though something serious is on his mind.

He catches sight of us staring at him in complete shock. In an instant his jaw drops in utter astonishment. “ANDRIA? SHELLY??” He’s totally astonished.


Andria screams in shocked delight as she jumps up and runs into his arms. I breathe a sigh of relief, grateful we’re all safe and sound. Then I get up and walk over to them, the three of us happily hugging each other.

We all start talking so fast that we nearly walk over each other’s words…

“What HAPPENED to you two…?” “I got caught in some rope and the ship dragged me down…!” “I saw Shelly go down with the ship and I just couldn’t leave her, Jake!” “You crazy bitch, you could have gotten yourself killed! The wind swept me into the harbor and I lost sight of you both…” “Yeah? Well your stupid girlfriend came after me and nearly drowned herself getting me loose! When we came back up you were gone and we hung onto a piece of the mast until we blew into shore…” “We landed on the beach, honey, and we fell asleep under some leaves! We had to walk a long way just to get back here!”

“We were just about to go out looking for you when you walked in, Jake. Where the hell have you been?”

“Well I’ve been looking all over for you two girls! You see I’m in big trouble. I really need your help.”

“Trouble?” Andria says. “What KIND of trouble?”

“Is it about the sailboat?” I ask. “Won’t the insurance cover the loss?”

“It’s not about the insurance,” Jake replies, anxiety in his voice. “We’ve got to find that sailboat and make a dive! We’ve got to do it right now, girls! I’ve got to get something out of there… and fast!”

“Get what, Jake?” Andria asks in disbelief. “You can’t MEAN that, can you? What the hell is so important on that damned boat? Shelly nearly DROWNED because you waited out there by that reef too long, you fucking MORON!”

In a flash it occurs to me. I’m pretty sure I know exactly what he’s after. “What’s in the case, Jake?” I ask quietly, looking carefully at him.

His inability to look me in the eye and the guilty expression on his face says it all. “I can’t tell you that, Shelly,” he says quietly. “You don’t want to know.”

Andria looks at me and then back at her boyfriend in confusion. “Jake?”

I see a flash of shocked revelation in her eyes. That’s when I know she’s come to the same conclusion I have. “NO!” she gasps in horror. “When we threw Shelly over the side, I said that as a JOKE! You’re not actually a fucking DRUG DEALER; are you, Jake??”

Andria shakes her head in disbelief. She takes a couple of steps backward from her boyfriend as though carefully backing away from a poisonous snake. She keeps saying “No – it CAN’T be!” That’s when I get a sick feeling in the pit of my gut.

“I’m NOT a drug dealer!” he says anxiously. “I just… I just… Look! You girls have got to help me, ok? You know I can’t make the swim down to the boat on my own! I’m not as good a swimmer as either one of you. And I don’t know how to scuba dive, ok?”

At that moment my mind is made up. “We’re not helping you, Jake,” I say firmly, and I back away from him as well. “C’mon, Andria! We’re packing up and flying out of here right now!” Then I glare at him before adding, “You’re on your own, you stupid bastard!”

Andria stands there shaking her head in shock and horror. She looks like she doesn’t want to move. But she can’t just stand there either.

“Jake; what have you DONE?” she finally gasps, her face deathly pale. “The boat… all that money we spent back in the states… this trip? You mean it’s all paid for with…?”

She can’t bring herself to say it. I see tears well up in her eyes.

“I did it for YOU, Andria!” he says desperately. “I did it for US, baby! I just need your help on this one thing is all!”

“You can’t help him, Andria,” I warn her. I feel like I’m going to start hyperventilating any second now. Things have just gone from bad to worse.

“We can’t risk going out there with him. You know that; right? Someone bad could show up. One of us could get stuck down there and drown!”

I nervously look all around, half-expecting a bunch of drug runners to come bursting through the door to gun us down for losing their shipment. Gawd! How could Jake be so fucking STUPID, messing around with drug dealers like that?

I grab Andria by the arm. “C’mon. We’ve got to go NOW! I’ll call the airport and see about getting us on the next flight out; ok?” Now I want out of Cancun in the worst way.

“But Shelly??” Andria gasps uncertainly, looking from Jake to me and then back to Jake again. “I don’t… I don’t know…”

“Babe, you’ve got to help me!” Jake pleads as he takes a step toward her. “If you don’t do this, they’ll KILL me!”

He looks right at me. It’s as if I know what he’s going to say next. “Shelly, if we don’t get that case back to them, they’ll kill us all!”

Damn! I hate being right about this one!

He turns to his girlfriend and starts begging. It’s pitiful… pathetic. “Andria? Honey? Please! I can’t do it without you, baby! They’ll kill me if I don’t get the case back to them. And I have to do it today!”

Andria looks back and forth between Jake and I. I see the fear etched in her face. Then she takes a deep breath as though she’s come to a decision.

“Ok, Jake; I’ll help you.” There’s resignation in her voice.


“Andria… NO! You can’t!”

I’m firmly convinced if Andria does help him, this is not going to end well for any of us. I can see how badly shaken she is. But I’m not surprised at what she says next, even though her voice is trembling…

“Get out of here, ‘Shel’! You should pack up and fly back without us, ok? Get the hell out of Cancun! I’ll stay behind long enough to help Jake get his case back.”

“Andria; no!”

I’m horrified. I should’ve known this was coming, damn her! It’s just like Andria!

I shake my head as I tell her, “You can’t stay here and help him, babe! It’s much too dangerous.”

“I can’t just leave him like this, ‘Shel’! But you should go! I don’t want anything happening to you!”


In an instant I know I can’t leave either, knowing Andria will be going down to that damn boat by herself. I just can’t fly back until I’m certain she’ll be safe. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something happened to her.

I give Jake my angriest glare. “All right, damn you! I guess we’ll both go and help you. But it’s the last time I ever want to see your face. You got that?”

“Shelly… NO!” Andria blurts out in alarm.

She sees the grim determination in my face. Tears of gratitude well up in her eyes as she acknowledges what she’s suspected all along. I can’t leave without her any more than she could leave without me.

A moment later I can tell by the look in her eyes that she fully realizes what this means. So she tries one last time. “Please, Shelly. Go home… for my sake, ok? I can’t bear the thought of something happening to you because you stayed on my account. Please?”

“I’m not leaving without you,” I tell her sternly.

Andria gets this haunted look in her eyes. Then she looks angrily at Jake. She’s not happy, knowing if anything should happen to me it’ll be because I refused to go since she’s staying behind to help her boyfriend.


I can see the conflict inside her. She wants him to embrace her with words of encouragement. At the same time, she’s mad at him for putting her in this spot.

“It’ll work out fine,” he tells her. “Nothing will happen, ok? We’ll get the case back up, I’ll get it delivered, and everything will be all right.”

I glare at him as a mixture of fear and anger boil up inside me. “Once we get that fucking case out of that damn boat, you’d better make damn sure Andria and I are both on the next flight out of the fucking country! You GOT THAT?” I’m livid, barely able to contain my fury with him.

“Agreed,” he says quietly with a nod, properly chastised upon seeing the anger in my face. “But only Andria goes down after the case, ok?”

Does he trust his girlfriend more? Or is it that he just doesn’t want me handling it? I can’t be certain, but it doesn’t really matter either way.

He tells her, “Why don’t you go get changed into something you can dive in; ok, honey?” He reaches out to touch her affectionately. But she recoils from his hand. She’s angry with him for putting our lives in jeopardy, especially mine.

She dejectedly heads back toward their bedroom to change. I turn and head toward mine to change too, just in case I have to dive down after her. But I can’t help turning to look back at Jake, almost as if I don’t want to turn my back on him.

There’s something in his eyes that bothers me as he looks back at me. I find myself wondering just how much he actually loves Andria. I have the uneasy feeling that it’s not nearly as much as I do and my hunger is momentarily forgotten as I go into my room and pick out another swimsuit…
We come out of our respective bedrooms. Andria is in a white bikini, while I’m sporting a red one. Jake is glad we’re going down to the marina in our swimsuits so as not to attract any undue attention. He says it’ll look better if we look like a couple of sexy tourists going out for a pleasure cruise. But I’m not reassured.

We soon discover he’s already rented a 34 footer for the occasion. I give him a dirty look. I get the distinct impression he planned on the two of us going out with him from the very beginning, just to help him find his sunken sailboat and retrieve his precious case. My distrust of him grows by leaps and bounds.

The guy at the dock tells him he did what he could to furnish his boat for him as per his requests. Jake nods and thanks him.

Andria doesn’t say much. She still appears to be shaken up over this horrible revelation about her boyfriend. I silently vow that if anything bad happens to my roommate, he’s going to wish he’d never brought me along with them to Cancun.

I get the uneasy feeling that we’re being watched as we walk to the end of the dock. But Jake’s pleasure craft is waiting for us, just like the guy said it would be. We all climb aboard without incident.

He unties the lines before starting the motor. We soon pull away from the dock. The three of us quickly motor out of the harbor.

Andria and I sit on the bench seat near the back of the boat. Neither one of us says anything. I can’t help thinking about yesterday, Jake’s decision to wait for that other boat, and the case we’re now going after.

It suddenly throws suspicion on Almonte and his girls. I have to wonder about the true nature of their sudden arrival that day. I sigh heavily, shaking my head.

Jake’s got a tracking device with the frequency for the signal to the sailboat that went down last night. He seems to zero in on its location right away. Thankfully it only takes twenty minutes or so for us to find the damn thing.

It isn’t long until he’s turned off the motor. We anchor right above it. Jake looks all around, confirming we’re the only boat out in the immediate vicinity.

There are other boats on the water. But so far none of them seem the least bit interested in what we’re doing out here. I hope it stays that way and that none of his druggie friends come out to have a look. I also hope for our sakes that the authorities don’t come nosing around either

“It’s about 35 or 40 feet down,” he observes, checking his readings as he looks down over the side of the boat. “It’s right there; I can even see it. It’s a little murky down there, but it should be clear enough. The case will be a little heavy. But the guy back at the dock gave me some rope so I can help you pull it back up.”

He looks over at Andria. Then he tells her, “There shouldn’t be any problems, babe. The guy was supposed to stow some diving gear on board for me. It should be right there inside that storage compartment.”

I look over the side where I can actually see the boat lying on its side. The water does look a little murky around the sunken craft. Thankfully it looks like it should not pose too much of a problem. I still don’t like the idea of Andria going down alone. But at least the conditions are halfway decent.

Jake starts to pull out a hefty length of nylon rope. Andria opens up the compartment. The only thing she finds inside is a solitary blue dive mask, a pair of blue dive fins, a weight belt, and a yellow bottle of spare air. There’s no sign of any dive tank.

I’m sarcastic as I ask, “So where the hell’s the scuba gear, hotshot?”

Andria stares at the contents in alarm. Jake explodes in fury. He spews obscenities as he threatens to kick the guy’s ass all over the marina once we get back.

His outburst seems just a bit contrived to me. Then he starts apologizing over and over again to his girlfriend. He tells her he suspects the bastard ran out of rental gear and fitted the boat with the only things he had on hand due to the many other rentals instigated by the havoc the storm wreaked the night before.

Andria looks at the gear for a long moment before she starts to pull it out. “I can do this,” she says carefully. Then she starts strapping the dive fins onto her feet as she asks, “So where’s the case located, Jake?”

“Like HELL you are!” I state firmly. “You’re not doing ANYTHING! I’m NOT letting you go down into that mess of a wreck with nothing but a miserable bottle of spare air! Besides, the fucking thing is lying on its side! You could get hung up in there!”

“She can do this, Shelly,” he says encouragingly as she straps the weight belt around her waist. “After all, it’s in that little storage cabinet just down the steps off the main deck. She won’t have to go any further than that. She’ll be in and then right back out.”

“How the HELL can you make her do this?” I sputter angrily.

“Relax, ‘Shel’; he’s not ‘making me’,” Andria calmly tells me, gently touching my arm. But despite her bravado, I can see she’s trembling a little.

“This’ll be a piece of cake,” she says with a smile. “I can do this! I’ll be back up with the case before you both know I’m gone!”

Jake hands her the end of the nylon rope as she adjusts the dive mask over her face. I’m still not happy about all this. But I feel like it’s out of my hands now.

Andria places the spare air in her mouth. She takes a breath to make sure it’s working. Then she nods as she pulls it back out.

“Works fine,” she says cheerfully. Then she nods in my direction as she tells me, “Don’t worry, ‘Shel’. I’ll be right back!”

She puts the mouthpiece to the spare air bottle back between her lips. I look at her solemnly as I tell her, “You got three and a half minutes! Time her, Jake!”

As he checks his watch, she gives us both a thumbs up while one hand holds the end of the rope. Then she grabs both her dive mask and the spare air bottle. She holds onto to them so they won’t be ripped off when she makes the plunge.

Andria steps onto the ledge on the back of the boat. Then she steps off into the water with a splash. With a flip of her legs she heads down toward the sailboat as Jake plays out the nylon rope for her.

2009; 2021 (written May 15 ’09; ed. Jun 13 ‘21 by riwa)

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