Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (3)

Coming May rewards

Vacation 2
Founder’s Day
A sleepless night
You’re next
Lois and Meg 3
Dear diary-the motel
My last day Pt 4
Best laid plans 1
Apology accepted
The evening party at the yacht
The hit on Revy Pt 3
My drowning Master Pt 2

March stories/rewards will fall off at the end of April to make room for May rewards.

Can you believe it? Mom got put in Facebook jail! They said she was posting too much, although others post way more than she does. I think it’s funny my 83 year old mother is now a Facebook Felon. She thinks it’s funny too. She hardly missed it.

My taxes for last month plus my root canal and crown I did yesterday have added to my list of expenses. But they will eventually get paid off, and I have all of you to thank for that. A couple of months, and I’ll be back in the market for another big expense to come my way. Maybe I shouldn’t speak too soon though. My 6 month car insurance payment will be coming due again. It’s just a part of life, I guess. I sure hope your bills are something you all can handle. I pray financial blessings for all of you.

Was this month crazy or what? And it still isn’t over. It sure seems like we’re rapidly approaching the end of the world. I start getting uneasy thinking of those four horsemen of the apocalypse and what they stand for, compared to the things we’re seeing all around us. Makes me think Jesus will be coming back any time now. Thankfully, I can distract myself by writing for you. I hope you have distractions as well, so that these world events do not stress you out. Meanwhile, I continue to count my blessings. And that includes all of you. So once again, I want to thank you all so very much for being my patrons. God bless you all.

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Final Destination: Central Avenue 2.4 (25)

Lisa McKowell checked for oncoming traffic before turning right onto Central Avenue in her Honda Civic. She was running late again for work. As usual, she had gotten all worked up by her mother, and had lost all track of time.

Seeing the ball fields approaching off to her right made her think of Krispy Kreme. It was only a little further ahead.  There was even a traffic light right there for her if she wanted.

When she got there, the light caught her as it often did, making her stop. She was tempted to turn off and go in to pick up a donut and some coffee at the drive-thru. But she was running late, and she really didn’t have the time.

The traffic light finally released her. Lisa drove on by, looking at the donut shop with longing. Her mouth tingled at the missed opportunity of a fresh-baked donut and some coffee. Her stomach growled at her decision to keep going.

Lisa was feeling a little stressed this morning. She was tempted to light a cigarette.  But her mother would not ride with her if she smoked in her car.

Lisa got caught at another light, this one on twenty-fourth street west. She had to stop behind a white Ford Focus. It looked like a short, older lady was behind the wheel. Lisa hoped the woman wouldn’t slow her down much, as she was already running behind schedule.

It was a longer light, making her wait impatiently. She cursed herself for not leaving her apartment sooner. If only she hadn’t called her mother and gotten into another argument about that Jesus thing again.

The light finally released her, and she drove through the intersection behind the Focus. That’s when a yellow van in the Taco Bell drive-thru on her right caught her eye. It had JESUS SAVES in big, emblazoned letters, with a cross illuminated by sunbeams.

Lisa scowled and shook her head as she drove on by. Had her mother arranged for them to be there while she was on her way to work? No, that was impossible. But it sure seemed as though her mom was trying to bring Jesus to her attention every chance she got. It was really starting to annoy her.

Traffic was becoming heavier. The Focus in front of her was forced to settle in behind a dark blue sedan. Today, it seemed like everyone had chosen to go to work at the exact same time. If this kept up, she was definitely going to be late getting to the hospital.

Both the sedan and the woman in the Focus got caught at the next light. Lisa impatiently cursed under her breath. A glance over revealed three cars beside her, making it impossible for her to switch lanes and scoot around the Focus. Damn!

Lisa subconsciously drummed her fingers on the steering wheel until she caught herself doing it and stopped. Now was the time she really needed a cigarette. But her mom could not handle the smell, nor could she deal with the lingering odor in her vehicle. It was a small thing she was trying to do for her mother. But today, she was seriously thinking about going back to smoking in her car.

The light finally released the sedan, allowing her and the Focus to move forward as well. A quick check revealed a string of vehicles in both lanes. A pickup pulling a trailer full of mowing equipment was now coming up on her left.

Lisa looked ahead at the light coming up at the next intersection. The cross street either took you to the right and down to the city golf course clubhouse, or it took you left to the cemetery. She could see some ducks in a pond at the golf course near the street.

She mentally prayed for the light to stay green. But it went yellow just as the sedan was clearing the intersection. What was the Focus going to do?

Thankfully, the woman in front of her kept going, being as how she was too close to stop in time. Lisa instinctively hit the gas to follow her through. She rushed through the light just as it was turning red. The car behind her followed her right on through.

She anxiously glanced at the cars waiting to cross through the intersection. She was hoping not to see a police cruiser waiting to pull out or hit its lights. Getting pulled over was the last thing she needed, as she was probably going to get to work a few minutes late.

Lisa almost jerked with a start upon seeing those ducks suddenly burst up into the air, squawking like crazy. It was as though something had spooked them. But she didn’t see any nearby golfers, nor did she see any errant balls splashing into the pond to disturb them.

It wasn’t just the ducks. Birds were now launching up into the air from the trees, shrubs… everywhere! They were all putting up an incredible fuss.

Lisa found herself looking around at all the birds rising up into the air. Damn! It looked like every bird in the immediate vicinity had suddenly taken flight. What the hell was going on??

She put her eyes back on the road just in time. Drivers were slowing down in alarm. Some were swerving from having been distracted.

Two squirrels suddenly dashed out onto the road. But they were not trying to cross the street. They looked like something had upset them and they were trying to get away. But they were acting as though they had no idea which way to go!

The pickup towing the mowing equipment had just cleared itself from beside her when it nailed one. The Focus took out the other. “Crazy squirrels,” Lisa muttered, shaking her head while at the same time feeling bad.

Further down the street, Lisa thought she saw a dog dash out into the road. Car horns went off in alarm as drivers tried to avoid the upset pooch.

No more than a scant couple of seconds later, there was a sudden flash of brilliant light up in the sky. Every driver facing east instinctively glanced up in surprise. That’s when Lisa thought she heard a voice. It was accompanied by what sounded like the blaring of a horn, but not one she was familiar with.

Drivers were instinctively slowing down while looking confused. Lisa prepared to hit the brakes. That’s when all hell broke loose over in Sunset Memorial Cemetery off to her left.

Caskets suddenly began popping up out of the ground, forcing up the earth they were under. It was as though the ground was vomiting up some of the dead! Coffins popped out of the dirt and tumbled everywhere, spilling their contents. Lisa just happened to get a brief glance inside one long enough to observe no body inside.

Traffic immediately started honking and swerving as brake lights came on ahead of her. Lisa had to slow down even more from speeding through that light behind her. She was looking at the Focus ahead of her, trying to leave enough space between her and the old lady.

To her utter astonishment, she thought she saw a figure emerge up out of the driver’s seat of the Focus through the roof! At that exact same time, Lisa thought she saw what looked like more human figures going up into the air.

A big, white delivery truck coming from the opposite direction suddenly swerved into oncoming traffic. Lisa got enough of a glimpse that she could have sworn there was no driver behind the wheel!

The pickup with the mowing equipment plowed right into it, along with the Focus. Lisa screamed as she instinctively jerked on the wheel. There was a deafening sound of metal crashing against metal all around her as she skidded sideways.

Cars were swerving to avoid hitting each other, only to be hit from behind and twisted around. Lisa’s Honda Civic slid sideways into the trailer with the mowing equipment. That’s when a Kia behind her slammed into the corner of her rear-end as her passenger side windows shattered.

For a moment, Lisa was sure she was dead. Instinctively, she closed her eyes as the crashing sounds continued. She didn’t want to witness her last moments. She also didn’t want flying debris getting into her eyes.

The sound of metal against metal finally died off as she came to a screeching halt. For a moment, there was an eerie silence. That’s when Lisa realized she was not dead.

She began to hear cries and screams from all around her. Lisa opened her eyes and stared in shock. This part of Central Avenue was now filled with cars twisted and smoking. It reminded her of news scenes of winter freeways filled with motorists having crashed into each other from snow or fog.

She did a quick inventory. She had gone sideways, and had thus avoided crashing head on into the mowing equipment trailer. She was stunned, but otherwise, she seemed to be unhurt.

Lisa looked upwards through her now cracked windshield. The rising figures were gone, as was the brilliant display that had briefly appeared in the sky. But the birds were still squawking and flying around as if in a daze.

She turned to look over at the cemetery as though that was what had started it all. Caskets lay strewn everywhere. It was as though some giant kid had pulled a bunch of them out of the ground, only to indiscriminately toss them helter-skelter.

A clear view into one revealed the empty contents. The material looked as though a body had been lying in there at some point in time. But it was no longer there. Where the hell had it gone??

The first thing that came to mind was her mother’s voice, telling her about Jesus and that she shouldn’t put a decision off too much longer because the rapture was imminent. Lisa gasped in horror as she cried out, “Mom??” That’s when she frantically pulled out her iPhone and punched in the number.

There were screams and cries all around her as the other end rang. Something was wrong. It was not supposed to take this long. Her mother usually responded right away.

A male voice finally answered. Lisa’s eyes flew open in alarm. This was supposed to be her mother’s number!

“Mom; is that you?”

Lisa??” It was her father.


“Your mother just disappeared right in front of me! She was bringing the coffee pot over while I was reading the paper. I heard the pot crash to the floor, and I looked up. Your mother is gone, Lisa! She was standing right there… and now she’s gone!”

Gone!?? No! It wasn’t possible! It couldn’t be!!

There was growing panic in her voice as she blurted out, “Dad, are you sure??”

“Honey, she’s gone! Your mother has vanished! She was right here… and now she’s vanished!”

Lisa felt the contents of her stomach start to rise up in her throat. She was sure she was going to be sick. But she’d nearly gotten sick many times before in the trauma unit looking at badly injured patients.

Her training instinctively helped her to do now what she had always done back then. Lisa swallowed it back down. Then she took a deep breath to compose herself. But it only helped a little, as panic still threatened to overwhelm her. Now she was trembling like crazy.

She wanted to speak, to say something reassuring to her father. But she didn’t know what to say. She was in utter disbelief, especially from looking at the devastation all around her while hearing the cries of the injured.

She looked at all the vehicles around her before looking into the cemetery and its scattered coffins. Lisa felt herself start to go numb with shock. If she didn’t do something soon, she would end up becoming paralyzed with fear.

She made the only decision she could think of, one that would at least keep her busy and distracted for a while. “D-dad, I’ve got to go! There are p-people hurt here!” Then she tried the door, experiencing relief that it unlatched and came open.

“Honey?? You have to come home right now!” Her father sounded panic-stricken.

“Dad, I can’t! Central Avenue is totally jammed up here. Nothing’s moving, and my car’s been damaged!”

She knew people around her were going to need help. Some were numbly getting out of their vehicles, many looking hurt and bleeding. She had to do something!

“Honey, I need you here with me!”

Lisa swallowed hard as she pushed the door open. At least she was able to get out. She was beginning to calm down now as her training kicked in.

“Dad, I have to go. People here are injured and need my help.”

“Honey, your father needs you! Please come home right away!”

“Dad, I’m going to administer first aid to as many as I can until help arrives.” She could at least provide aid and comfort until an ambulance showed up.

An instant later, Lisa realized there would be no ambulance. Nothing was getting through. For the moment, she was on her own. And there were so many around her who would be needing her help.

Her iPhone was still in her hand as she got out of her car. Her father sounded desperate; he was almost in hysterics. “No, honey! I need you to come home right now!”

Lisa surveyed the carnage. Then she told her iPhone, “Dad, I just can’t get there from here. This car isn’t going anywhere! Nothing’s moving here; it’s all jammed up!”

“Then start walking, honey! I need you here with me right now! Please; I’m so frightened! Your mother is… she’s gone, I tell you! Lisa, I need you!”

“Dad, you live clear across the city! Besides, I can’t leave! People need me here!”

“Please, honey!”

Lisa was more frightened that she had ever felt in her entire life. The crazy situation she now found herself in was beyond anything she had ever witnessed before, despite her being a trauma nurse at the hospital. But there were people here who were obviously injured and who needed medical assistance. As a nurse, she felt it her duty to assist in any way she could, even if her father was panicked and wanted her back home.

It would be a welcome distraction if she could start tending to the wounded around her. That way, she wouldn’t have to process what had just happened. She needed a task to take her mind off things, or she would end up freaking out like many of the others who were nearby.

Cars were strewn everywhere, some at odd angles and all banged up while others were starting to smoke. Some drivers and passengers were in complete and utter shock. Others were in hysterics, as though they, too, knew exactly what had just happened.

Lisa stood upright on the pavement outside the door of her Honda. Then she looked all around. Who needed medical attention the most? Gawd, she needed a cigarette!


“Dad, I really have to go.”

That’s when several shots suddenly rang out…

More screams were added to the ones currently going on in the background. Lisa turned to see two shocked females and an elderly gentleman go down. Then she located the origin of the shots.

Nearby, a young male was freaking out, screaming they were all doomed. He was waving a handgun in the air. Lisa stiffened in alarm.

“Honey, what was that? Were those gunshots I heard?” Her father was still on the other end on her iPhone.

“D-dad? I h-have to go now.”

“Honey, don’t hang up!”

It was all so surreal. Open graves, missing people, and a massive car pileup on Central Avenue. Now a crazed young man of about nineteen or twenty was in hysterics, shooting at anything that moved. There was a bloody gash in his forehead, and he had a wild look in his eyes.

Lisa saw the revolver in his hand. Clearly, he was the one who had fired the shots. If she could calm him down and tend to his injury, maybe she could put him at ease while helping him put the gun down.

Deep down, she was to the point of panic and terror. But Lisa instinctively allowed her training to take over as she called out to him, “I can help you! I’m a trauma nurse! You’ve got a bad gash on your forehead! Let me treat it for you!”

The young man was far too hysterical to be reasoned with as he screamed in reply, “Lady, don’t you understand?? Don’t you get it?? It’s the rapture! Mom was right; and now she’s gone! Don’t you understand? We’re dead; we’re all dead!”

Lisa carefully put out the palms of her hands, trying to wave him to calm down. But she was still instinctively clutching her iPhone, having not let go of it in case it would fall to the pavement and become damaged. “We’re not gonna die. Just let me treat that injury for you, ok?”

She saw him lift the gun and point it in her direction. Surely he wouldn’t, would he?? There was no need; she wasn’t a threat to –

The gun fired twice. Lisa felt two bullets hit her in the chest. She couldn’t believe it!

She fell back against the side of her Honda and slumped down to the pavement. She collapsed into a sitting position, stunned he had actually shot her. The iPhone fell out of her hand onto the blacktop.

There were more screams. Lisa sensed a handful of people were trying to duck and cover. Then the civil alert siren went off, filling the air all over the city. Nearby, people panicked and started to scream and cry out all over again.

“Honey? I heard more shots! What’s going on??”

The iPhone lay on the pavement. It was just out of reach of her hand. But she could not muster the strength to stretch over and retrieve it.

The young man screamed in hopeless agony. “We all missed it! Mom tried to warn me, and I missed it! I missed it, and now I’m dead! We’re all dead!” And with that, he put the barrel of the gun up against his chin from underneath.

Despite what he’d done to her, Lisa didn’t want him to do that to himself. She tried to call out for him not to do it. But she couldn’t get any words out of her mouth. She was gurgling blood; one of her lungs had been punctured.

The gun fired one last time, blowing material out of the top of his skull. The young man collapsed onto the ground. There was nothing she could do for him now. At least he was out of his misery.

“Lisa? Honey, what happened?? I heard more gunshots! Speak to me!”

She tried again to open her mouth to speak. But she couldn’t form the words. Now she was coughing up blood. Even if she were lucky enough to receive immediate medical attention, Lisa instinctively knew she wasn’t going to make it.

“Honey?? Lisa, answer me! Honey, what happened??”

It was all so surreal. In the background, the civil alert siren was loudly blaring all over the city, causing the birds to continue to erratically fly all over the place. Lisa heard the screams of the horrified. She also heard the groans of the dying, including her own.

From her position against her Honda, she had a clear view into the grounds of Sunset Memorial Cemetery. The last thing she saw were the many holes in the ground. Many caskets had been pulled up out of the earth and were now strewn everywhere, devoid of their contents.

Lisa couldn’t make herself move. The iPhone was lying on the ground right beside her from where she’d dropped it. Her father was frantic now that she wasn’t answering. All she could think of was, ‘I’m sorry, dad. I can’t get there from here. Mom, you were right. I should have listened to you. Mom, you were right all along…………’


Lisa McKowell opened her eyes. Her alarm was buzzing, loud and impatiently. She blinked as portions of the nightmare started to fade away.

She found herself breathing heavily. Her chest rose and fell as she panted to catch her breath. When her eyes adjusted, she realized to her immense relief that she was in her bed back in her apartment.

She blinked her eyes to make sure it had all been a dream. Then she reached over to the nightstand and grabbed her half-empty pack of cigarettes. She was trembling like mad as she reached for the lighter and lit one up.

The nicotine promptly hit her system. She was just starting to calm down when she thought of her mother. Oh, gawd!

She reached over and picked up her iPhone. Then she frantically punched in a number. What if…?



“Good morning, honey. What’s going on? Need a ride into work?”

“No, mom. The car’s fine. I’m fine, uh… everything’s fine.”

“Are you sure, honey? You don’t sound so good.”

“I just had… a bad dream is all.”

“Are you sure you’re all right? What was it about?”

What was it about indeed. Did she really want to tell her mother about it? What if the obsessed woman started preaching again??

“There was… a big accident, mom. There was… a big accident and… and I was going to help. And there was this guy who was… he was scared, and… and he was shooting at people.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, honey. Maybe you should transfer out of the trauma unit.”

“I’ve thought about it, mom. But they say I’m really good at it. It makes me feel important when I help seriously injured people.”

“Well, that’s something to be proud of, honey. You know I’m proud of you.”

“Uh, mom?”

“Yeah, honey?”

“Are you still going to that End Times Prophecy Conference this weekend?”

“I sure am, honey. Are you sure you won’t tag along? I’ve asked your father, but he’s not the least bit interested.”

“I’ve, uh… I’m not sure. I’m kinda… I’m kinda thinking about it.”

“Oh, honey; that would be great if you could go with me!”

“They’re not going to talk about Jesus and that rapture stuff; are they?”

“I’m sure they are, honey. I just thought you might be interested in hearing about what’s going to happen to those who get left behind and why it’s so important to accept Jesus as your…”

“Not now, mom. I’m really not in the mood for another sermon this morning. I was just… I was just asking is all.”

“I’m sorry, honey. I don’t mean to push you. It’s just that I don’t want you to miss out is all. Things are going to get really bad around here after the rapture. I really do think it’s imminent.”

“I know mom; you keep telling me. Look, I’ve got to take a shower, get dressed and get going; ok? Maybe I’ll talk to you about it later.”

She heard her father’s voice in the background calling out, “Don’t let her talk you into going to something you don’t want to attend, Lisa!”

“Oh, Harold. She can make up her own mind.”

It was time to cut the conversation short before her mother started in on another one of her sermons. “Mom, I’ve got to go. Love to you and dad.”

“Love you too, honey.”

Lisa disconnected the call. A moment later, she felt foolish for checking up on her mother. Of course she was still around! It had only been a dream.

Lisa McKowell checked for oncoming traffic before turning right onto Central Avenue in her Honda Civic. Once again, she was running late for work. Being distracted by her call to her mother had thrown off her routine.

Seeing the ball fields approaching off to her right made her think of Krispy Kreme. She hadn’t eaten anything before she left, and a donut and coffee sure sounded good right now. There was even a traffic light right there for her.

When she got there, the light caught her as it often did, making her stop. She was sorely tempted to turn off and go in to pick something up at the drive-thru. But she decided she was running late, and that she really didn’t have the time.

The traffic light finally released her. Lisa drove on by, looking at the donut shop with longing. Her mouth tingled at the missed opportunity of a fresh-baked donut and some coffee. Her stomach growled at her decision to keep going.

This morning Lisa was feeling uneasy and a bit on edge. She didn’t know why, and she was tempted to light up a cigarette.  But her mother would not ride with her if she smoked in her car.

Lisa got caught at another light, this one on twenty-fourth street west. She had to stop behind a white Ford Focus with what looked like an older lady behind the wheel. Lisa hoped the woman wouldn’t slow her down much, as she was already running behind schedule.

It was a longer light, making her wait impatiently. She cursed herself for not leaving her apartment sooner. If only she hadn’t called her mother and gotten into another discussion about that Jesus thing again.

Why had she called her in the first place? Oh yeah, it was about a bad dream she’d had. But she could hardly remember any of it now.

The light finally released her, and she drove through the intersection behind the Focus. That’s when a yellow van in the Taco Bell drive-thru on her right caught her eye. It had JESUS SAVES in big, emblazoned letters, with a cross illuminated by sunbeams.

Lisa stared at it for a moment or two as she drove on by. Something about it seemed awfully familiar. She found herself experiencing a sense of déjà vu as that uneasy feeling grew stronger.

Traffic was becoming heavier. The Focus in front of her was forced to settle in behind a dark blue sedan. Today, it seemed like everyone had chosen to go to work at the exact same time. If this kept up, she was definitely going to be late getting to the hospital.

Both the sedan and the woman in the Focus got caught at the next light. Lisa stopped behind them, experiencing that strange feeling of déjà vu again. But she dismissed it, as she’d driven this same stretch of road so many times before.

Strangely, her growing sense of unease was enough to make her squirm in her seat. Why was this particular drive into work bothering her so much? Was it because of the call earlier to her mother?

Prophecy conference? She didn’t want to go to no Prophecy conference! What the hell was she thinking??

Something made her want to change lanes so that she was no longer behind the old lady in the Focus. But a glance to her left revealed three cars beside her, making it impossible for her to switch lanes. Damn!

Lisa had just started to drum her fingers on the steering wheel when she caught herself. She stared at her hands, feeling that sense of déjà vu again. Why was this particular trip into work unsettling her so much?

She had a stronger than usual urge to light up a cigarette. But her mom could not handle the smell, nor could she deal with the lingering odor in her vehicle. It was a small thing she was trying to do for her mother, and it had taken months just to get rid of the stale smell. But today, she was seriously thinking about going back to smoking in her car.

The light finally released the sedan, allowing her and the Focus to move forward as well. A quick check revealed a string of vehicles in both lanes. A pickup pulling a trailer full of mowing equipment was now coming up alongside her.

Lisa looked over at the pickup… and then did a double take. This all felt so damned familiar! She was starting to get all creeped out, and she had to take a deep breath to calm herself down.

Lisa looked ahead at the light coming up at the next intersection. The cross street either took you to the right and down to the city golf course clubhouse, or it took you left to the cemetery. She could see some ducks in a pond over at the golf course near the street.

Lisa stared at the waterfowl before inhaling sharply. Now why did seeing all those ducks there make her feel so anxious? Why did all of this seem so damned familiar? What the hell was wrong with her??

She thought the light at the intersection was about to turn red. But she didn’t want to get hung up again. “Stay green,” she murmured as the sedan ahead of her started through.

Lisa inhaled sharply as the light went yellow just as the sedan was clearing the intersection. She had known that was going to happen! How had she known that??

What was the Focus going to do? Lisa prepared to hit the brakes. But the woman in front of her went right on through the yellow light.

Something deep inside screamed for her to hit the brakes and stop. But Lisa instinctively hit the gas to follow the Focus because she was running late. She rushed through the intersection just as the light turned red. The car behind her also speeded up and followed her through.

She anxiously glanced over at the cars waiting to cross through the intersection. She was hoping not to see a police cruiser waiting to pull out or hit its lights. Getting pulled over was the last thing she needed, as she was now going to be a few minutes late for work. But that’s not why she was breathing so heavily.

Lisa started to tremble as she stared at the ducks in the pond at the golf course. Then her heart started racing. A moment later, every duck suddenly started flapping its wings.

Lisa let out an anxious cry as she watched them burst up into the air, squawking like crazy. It was as though something had spooked them. But she didn’t see any nearby golfers, nor had she seen any errant balls splash into the pond to disturb them.

It wasn’t just the ducks. Birds of all shapes and sizes were launching up into the air from the trees, shrubs… everywhere! They were all putting up an unbelievable fuss. Lisa was sure she had seen all this before!

She put her eyes back on the road and saw other drivers looking around at all the birds taking flight. There was a lot confusion to the point where some vehicles were starting to swerve in their lanes a little. Then two squirrels dashed out onto the road.

Lisa let out another cry of alarm as they deliberately jumped into traffic. They looked like something had upset them, making them act as though they were trying to escape. But they seemed to have no idea which way they should go!

The pickup towing the mowing equipment had just cleared itself from beside her Honda when it nailed one. The Focus took out the other. Lisa felt bad for them both. But something was frightening her, and she now found herself struggling just to catch her breath.

Further down the street, Lisa saw a dog dash out into the road, only to get hit as car horns went off. She was frightened out of her wits as she then looked up into the Eastern sky. Something told her it was going to appear right about….


A sudden flash of brilliance lit up the sky. Lisa experienced a feeling of intense dread when she heard a booming voice. It was accompanied by what sounded like the blaring of some sort of horn.

Lisa instinctively turned toward her left. She knew – she knew! That’s when all hell broke loose over in Sunset Memorial Cemetery.

She shook her head gasping, “No – no – no!” as caskets began popping up out of the ground, forcing up the earth they were under. It was as though the ground was vomiting up some of its dead!

Coffins popped out of the dirt and tumbled everywhere, spilling their contents. Lisa got a quick look inside one long enough to observe no body inside. That’s when she screamed bloody murder.

It was obvious many drivers had also seen what was happening in the cemetery. Some were slowing down; others were swerving. She could heard screams and cries from the panicked.

Lisa thought her heart was going to explode out of her chest as she looked ahead at the white Focus directly in front of her. Again, it was as though she knew what was about to happen. She just shook her head as she muttered, “No – no – NO!” Then she saw the old lady appear to be pulled right up out of the driver’s seat into the air.

She screamed again in complete and utter horror as she saw what looked like more human figures going up into the air from the vehicles ahead of her in all four lanes. A big, white delivery truck coming from the opposite direction suddenly swerved into oncoming traffic. Lisa was sure she saw no driver behind the wheel.

The pickup with the mowing equipment had no time to react. It plowed right into it, along with the Focus. Lisa screamed as she instinctively jerked hard on the steering wheel.

There was a deafening sound of metal crashing against metal all around her as she skidded sideways. Cars swerved to avoid hitting each other. But in morning rush-hour traffic, it was a hopeless task. Lisa’s Honda Civic slid sideways into the trailer with the mowing equipment before getting hit from behind, shattering all the passenger side windows.

Lisa closed her eyes tight, praying she was dreaming. Another scream was torn out of her lungs at all the crashing sounds. That’s when the trauma nurse wondered if she was even going to survive the pile-up.

The sound of metal against metal finally died off as she came to a screeching halt with a grunt. For a moment, there was an eerie silence. That’s when Lisa realized she was not dead.

She heard cries and screams from all around her. Lisa opened her eyes and stared in shock. This part of Central Avenue was now filled with cars all twisted and smoking. It reminded her of news accounts of winter freeways filled with motorists having crashed into each other from snow or heavy fog.

Lisa took a quick inventory of herself. She had gone sideways, and had thus avoided crashing head on into the mowing equipment trailer. Bits of glass lay sprinkled inside her car from the shattered passenger-side windows. She was stunned, but otherwise, she seemed to be unhurt.

Her heart hammering in her chest, Lisa looked out and upwards through her now cracked windshield. The rising figures had all vanished, as had the brilliant display that had briefly appeared in the sky. But the birds were still squawking while haphazardly flying around.

Lisa turned to look over at the cemetery as she panted like crazy, struggling just to catch her breath. Caskets lay strewn everywhere. It was as though some giant kid had pulled a bunch of them out of the ground like toys, only to indiscriminately toss them helter-skelter.

A clear view into one casket revealed the empty contents. The material looked as though a corpse had been lying in there at one point in time. But the body was no longer there. Where the hell had it gone??

The first thing that came to mind was her mother’s preaching about Jesus and the rapture, and that she shouldn’t put off a decision much longer because the event was imminent. Lisa gasped in horror as she cried out, “Mom??” That’s when she frantically fumbled for her iPhone until she got it in her hand and anxiously punched in the number.

There were screams and cries all around her as the other end rang and rang. Lisa was shaking like crazy. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath.

Something was wrong. It was not supposed to take this long. Her mother usually responded right away.

A male voice finally answered. Lisa’s eyes flew open in alarm. This was supposed to be her mother’s number!

“Mom; is that you?”

Lisa??” It was her father. What was her father doing on her mother’s phone??


“Your mother just disappeared right in front of me! She was bringing the coffee pot over while I was reading the paper. I heard the pot crash to the floor, so I looked up. Your mother is gone, Lisa! She was standing right there… and now she’s gone!”

Gone!?? No! It wasn’t possible! It couldn’t be!!

Lisa tried to compose herself. This time, it was a struggle. There was growing panic in her voice as she blurted out, “Dad, are you sure??”

“Honey, she’s gone! Your mother has vanished! She was right here… and now she’s vanished!”

Lisa thought she was going to throw up. Instinct and her training made her swallow it back down. But her mind kept telling her this just couldn’t be happening!

“Honey, are you all right?”

No, she was not all right! Lisa sure wasn’t going to tell him that though. She wanted to say something reassuring to her father. But she didn’t know what to say. Besides, she was still in shock.

She looked at all the vehicles around her before looking into the cemetery and its scattered coffins. Lisa felt herself start to go numb as another scream wanted to erupt out of her mouth. If she didn’t do something soon, she would end up becoming paralyzed with fear.

She made the only decision she could think of, one that would at least keep her busy and distracted for a while. “D-dad, I’ve got to go! There are p-people hurt here!” Then she tried the door, experiencing a brief sense of relief that it unlatched and came open.

“Honey?? You have to come home right now!” Her father sounded panic-stricken.

“D-dad, I can’t! Central Avenue is totally jammed up here! Nothing’s moving, and… and my car’s been damaged!”

She knew people around her were going to need help. Some were numbly getting out of their vehicles, many looking hurt and bleeding as they looked all around in absolute shock and horror. She had to try helping them; she had to do something!

“But honey, I need you here with me!”

Lisa swallowed hard as she pushed the door open. She was still trembling, but at least she was able to get out. And she was beginning to calm down a little, now that her training was starting to kick in.

“Dad, I have to go. People here are injured, and they need my help.”

“Honey, your father needs you! Please come home right away!”

“Dad, I’m going to administer first aid to as many people as I can until help arrives.” She could at least provide aid and comfort until an ambulance showed up.

Lisa took a quick look down Central Avenue and immediately realized there would be no ambulance. Nothing was getting through that mess of twisted metal. Did the entire city look like this?

For the moment, she was on her own. And there were so many around her who would be needing her help. Hopefully there were other doctors and nurses inside the crashed vehicles who might be able to assist her.

Her iPhone was still in her hand as she climbed out of her car. Her father sounded desperate; he was almost in hysterics. “No, honey! I need you to come home right now!”

Lisa surveyed the carnage. Then she told her iPhone, “Dad, I just can’t get there from here! This car isn’t going anywhere! Nothing’s moving here; it’s all jammed up!”

“Then start walking, honey! I need you here with me right now! Please; I’m so frightened! Your mother is… she’s gone, I tell you! Lisa, I need you!”

“Dad, you live clear across the city! Besides, I can’t leave! There are people here who need medical attention!”

“Please, honey!”

Had her mother been right all along? Had the rapture actually happened? She did not want to believe it. She COULDN’T believe it; she didn’t dare!

Lisa was more frightened than at any time in her entire life. The crazy situation she now found herself in was beyond anything she had ever witnessed before, despite her being a trauma nurse at the hospital. It felt overwhelming.

There were people here who were obviously injured. Many needed medical attention. As a nurse, she felt it her duty to assist in any way she could, even if her father was panicked and wanted her back home.

It would be a welcome distraction if she could start tending to the wounded around her. That way, she wouldn’t have to mentally process what had just happened. She needed a task to take her mind off things, or she would end up freaking out like many of the others nearby.

She briefly took it all in, wondering where to start first. Cars were strewn everywhere, some at odd angles and all banged up. Others were starting to smoke.

Most people looked to be in complete and utter shock. A few were in hysterics. It was as though they, too, knew exactly what had just happened.

Who needed medical attention the most? Gawd, she needed a cigarette!


“Dad, I really have to go.”

That’s when several shots suddenly rang out…

More screams were added to the ones currently going on in the background. Lisa felt her blood run cold as she turned to see two shocked females and an elderly gentleman go down. Then she located the origin of the shots.

Nearby, a young male was freaking out, screaming they were all doomed. He was waving a handgun in the air. Lisa stiffened in alarm…

No. Gawd; no! This couldn’t be happening!

“Honey, what was that? Were those gunshots I heard?” Her father was still on the other end on her iPhone.

Lisa began to tremble as her breathing problems returned. “D-dad? I h-have to go now.”

“Honey, don’t hang up!”

It was all so surreal. Open graves, missing people, and a massive car pileup on Central Avenue. Now a crazed young man of about nineteen or twenty was in hysterics, shooting at anything that moved. There was a bloody gash in his forehead, and he had a wild look in his eyes.

Lisa saw the revolver in his hand. Clearly, he was the one who had fired the shots. What if he decided to take a shot at her?? Would he do that? Lisa felt a sick feeling in the pit of her gut.

Clearly he was in hysterics. Could she calm him down and tend to his injury? Could she put him at ease while helping him to put the gun down?

Deep down, she was once again approaching the point of unbridled panic and terror. Everything inside her screamed for her to duck and take cover. But Lisa instinctively allowed her training to take over.

She called out to him, “I can help you! I’m a trauma nurse! You’ve got a bad gash on your forehead! Let me treat that for you!”

But the young man was far too hysterical to be reasoned with. He screamed, “Lady, don’t you understand?? Don’t you get it?? It’s the rapture! Mom was right; and now she’s gone! Don’t you understand? We’re dead; we’re all dead!”

Lisa carefully put out the palms of her hands, trying to wave him to calm down. But she was still instinctively clutching her iPhone, having not let go of it in case it would fall to the pavement and become damaged. “We’re not gonna die. Just let me treat that wound to your head, ok?”

She knew the moment she saw him lift the gun and point it in her direction. She knew he was going to shoot her. But there was no need! She wasn’t a threat to–

The gun fired twice. Lisa felt two bullets hit her in the chest. She couldn’t believe it!

She fell back against the side of her Honda and slumped down to the pavement. She collapsed into a sitting position, stunned he had actually shot her. The iPhone fell out of her hand onto the blacktop.

There were more screams. Lisa sensed a handful of people were trying to duck and cover. Then the civil alert siren went off, filling the air all over the city. Nearby, people panicked and started to scream and cry out all over again.

“Honey? I heard more shots! What’s going on??”

The iPhone lay on the pavement. It was just out of reach of her hand. But she could not muster the strength to stretch over and retrieve it.

The young man screamed in hopeless agony. “We all missed it! Mom tried to warn me, and I missed it! I missed it, and now I’m dead! We’re all dead!” And with that, he put the barrel of the gun up against his chin from underneath.

Despite him shooting her, Lisa didn’t want him to do that to himself. She tried to call out for him not to do it. But she couldn’t get any words out of her mouth. She was gurgling blood; one of her lungs had been punctured.

The gun fired one last time, blowing material out of the top of his skull. The young man collapsed onto the ground. There was nothing she could do for him now. At least he was out of his misery.

“Lisa? Honey, what happened?? I heard more gunshots! Speak to me!”

She tried again to open her mouth to speak. But she couldn’t form the words. Now she was coughing up blood. Even if she were lucky enough to receive immediate medical attention, Lisa instinctively knew she wasn’t going to make it.

“Honey?? Lisa, answer me! Honey, what happened??”

It was all so surreal. In the background, the civil alert siren was loudly blaring all over the city, causing the birds to continue to erratically fly all over the place. Lisa heard the screams of the horrified. She also heard the groans of the dying, including her own.

From her position against her Honda, she had a clear view into the grounds of Sunset Memorial Cemetery. The last thing she saw were the many holes in the ground. Many caskets had been pulled up out of the earth and were now strewn everywhere, devoid of their contents.

Lisa couldn’t make herself move. The iPhone was lying on the ground right beside her from where she’d dropped it. Her father was frantic now that she wasn’t answering. All she could think of was, ‘I’m sorry, dad. I can’t get there from here. Mom, you were right. I should have listened to you. Mom, you were right all along…………’

2024 (written Apr 18 ’24 by riwa)

Inspired by 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 New International version

16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.

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Wetsuit in the web 3.6 (19)

Note: An older, bonus Emma story to help get over the pain of Tax day.

“Untie me, you bitch!”

“You’re in no position to make demands, my pretty… not after I caught you sneaking in through the underwater tunnel in your scuba gear. Naturally I’ve confiscated all your equipment. But don’t worry. I’ll be sure to give it back on after I’ve dealt with you.”

Uh – oh. That didn’t sound good.

“Dealt with me?? What are you going to do to me? You can’t hold me like this!”

“On the contrary. You’re the one who stuck her nose where it did not belong. Now you are caught… caught like a fly in my web. Would it surprise you to know how excited I am watching you squirm?”

“You’re sick; do you know that? You won’t get away with this!”

“Who’s going to stop me? No one knows you’re here, my pretty. I seriously doubt you told anyone you were planning on breaking into my operation in the dead of night.”

“They’ll come looking for me! Just you wait and see!”

“I don’t think so, hun. No one knows about your little stunt. So no one will be coming to save you.”

“You’d better let me go if you know what’s good for you!”

“Actually I have every intention of letting you go… just as soon as you’ve drowned down here in my chamber.”

“Drowned??” Emma gasped as a jolt of erotic tingles hit her hard. “What the fuck are you talking about??”

“Why, don’t you know? We’re below the river down here! I have valves that open and close, allowing river water to come pouring in. Don’t worry if the water feels cold. After all, you must have expected that, seeing as how you’re dressed for it in that wetsuit of yours… Ah, ha! I see by the look on your face that you’ve finally caught on to what’s going to happen down here.”

“What are you going to do… flood the place??”

“Not the whole place, my dear. Just this little chamber. There won’t be any ‘spider’s’ to come rescue you out of that web I’m afraid. You’ll drown… just like the ‘flies’ I flush down the sink.”

“You wouldn’t dare! You don’t have the balls!”

“Oh, I’ve done it before, hun… and on someone just as stubborn and defiant as you. She wasn’t quite so stubborn in the end though, not when the water began rushing into the chamber.”

“You bitch! You won’t get away with this!”

“But I already have once before. You should have seen her as the chamber started to flood, my pretty. She was still rather defiant up until the moment the water level reached her crotch. But it wasn’t until the water reached her chest that she changed her tune right quick. She started begging, my pretty… and she continued begging and pleading until the water rose up above her head. She was fighting the net the entire time, trying to escape the web… MY web, to be precise. Her struggles as she drowned were absolutely delightful.”

“Don’t do this to me! We can make a deal… come to some sort of arrangement!”

“Oh, we already have, hun. Our arrangement is for me to watch you suffer and drown. I’ll be watching the whole time as the chamber fills with water. I must admit to a certain perverse enjoyment watching pretty young things like you bubble away their last breath. But while I’m watching, you’ll have a small amount of time to think about what’s going to happen to you. It usually takes about 15 minutes. But those are certainly 15 precious minutes in the life of someone who is about to drown.”

Emma began to panic at the realization of the trouble she was in. “PLEASE! DON’T DO THIS TO ME!”

“Once the water reaches your lips, you’ll naturally tip your head back. You’ll have another 30 seconds or so until it reaches your nostrils. Then you’ll be forced to hold your breath as the chamber continues to fill.”


“I watched her hold her breath the entire time, hun. It usually takes a couple of minutes until their lungs give out. I make you out to be about a 90 second breath-holder. Am I right?”

“NO! DON’T DO THIS TO ME!” Emma struggled in vain against the web she was caught in.

“As the seconds ticked by, the more panicked she became, hun. That’s when she really started thrashing about. Her cheeks were all puffed out as bubbles leaked out of her nose. But what really got to me was the sight of her chest spasming as her body fought against the urge to breathe. I suspect it will be the same with you.”


“Oh, no one can hear you down here, hun… no one but me. But go ahead and beg for your life if you wish. It will add to my enjoyment, I assure you. Watching nosey little women like you plead for their lives after breaking into my operation has a certain appeal to me. All right; I’m a sadist. So sue me. Oh that’s right; you can’t, because you’ll be dead soon… floating along the bottom of the river somewhere in your scuba gear as though you suffered a tragic accident.”


“Oh, but I fully intend to ‘do this’, my pretty. I have every intention of watching you drown. So let’s get started, shall we? I have some errands to run and we need to get started. Besides, I plan on releasing your body into the river so you can float downstream as a sign to all nosey young things not to snoop around my operation. Of course it’s just as likely your body will never be found. But… oh well. I suppose that is the price you pay for sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.”


“Enjoy yourself, hun. I know I certainly will…”

Her captor turned the valve. Then she climbed the metal stairway up out of the chamber. Dirty river water began pouring into the chamber.

Emma cried out as she struggled in the net. She fought against her bindings. But it did her no good. She was thoroughly secured.

She panted for breath as she looked all around. The chamber was sealed except for the metal stairway coming down into it. If she was to survive, she would have to get herself free and then use that very same stairwell.

Water began climbing her wet-suited legs. She cried out as she struggled in vain. Then she began hollering up at the ceiling, making demands and then making promises… if only she would be released.

She panted like crazy as the water reached her crotch. She struggled against the ropes to the web. But her arms were tightly splayed outward; she had been well-secured.

There was a little metal ladder behind her. But she couldn’t do anything about that either. She couldn’t even reach it! It hung tantalizingly close right behind her.

The minutes ticked by as the water level rose. It was cold and dirty. Emma felt a surge of panic, along with a shameful surge of sexual arousal at her predicament.

Bound and secured in rising water. If only this was some sort of harmless role-play. That way, she would certainly be less frightened. But there seemed to be no way out of this one. The woman she was dealing with had apparently seen to that.

The water began climbing her chest. Emma began to hyperventilate as she screamed for help. But no help was forthcoming.

Water swirled into the chamber as it steadily rose all around her. It reached her shoulders, causing her to struggle to catch her breath. The water was cold, but she was sexually aroused by her predicament.

“NO! PLEASE! GET ME OUT OF HERE AND I’LL DO ANYTHING YOU ASK!” There was no response, save for the sound of water filling the chamber.

It climbed her neck until it lapped at her chin. Emma tilted her head back. Then she shuddered in orgasm as the water continued to rise.

She struggled against the ropes securing her. But they were much too strong. She could not break free, and she could not work them loose.

Water lapped near her mouth. She tipped her head back even more. Then she was forced to close her lips, frantically breathing through her nose.

Gawd, wasn’t this good enough?? The bitch had made her fucking point! She didn’t need to kill her?!

Emma breathed through her nose. Then the water covered her nostrils. She could not tip her head far enough, and she could not lift herself up in the netting.

The water level continued to rise. Dirty river water reached her eyes. She grunted as she cried out, her kitty hot in the damp moistness of her arousal inside her wetsuit.

The water continued to climb. It rose up over her head. Emma strained to listen for the sound of the chamber being drained. But there was no indication of anything other than incoming water.

Her cheeks began to bulge as she tried to swallow her air back down. She strained with all her might. But it wasn’t long before her tummy began to ripple.

Convulsions took hold in her chest. She began to hitch as her lungs threatened to give way. Bubbles trickled out of her mouth and nose as she struggled to hold her breath.

How long had it been? Did it really matter if she made it past 90 seconds? She wasn’t getting out of this either way.

Her cheeks bulged until her breath exploded out of her mouth. She gulped reflexively, her lungs demanding to take another breath. That’s when she swallowed dirty river water. That’s also the point where she climaxed so very hard.

Water went down her windpipe into her lungs. She coughed and convulsed. Then she began hitching and gurgling as she inhaled more river water.

It hurt like hell; how could drowning be so painful?? She spasmed and convulsed, her body trying in vain to pull air into her lungs, air that was now a foot above her head. She gulped and coughed until she hitched less and less. Then her eyes glazed over as she shuddered her way into oblivion.
Her empty scuba gear would eventually be returned to her drowned body. Then she was released into the river. But her body descended to the bottom and lodged in a submerged tree along a deep section of river. She was never heard from again.

2011; 2021 (written for “Emma” Oct 30 ’11; ed. Jul 18 ’21 by riwa)

(Inspired by a drawing by MIXNUTS club which I included for illustration purposes.)

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Love-bomb backfire 3.5 (27)

My relationship with Landon was becoming more and more frustrating. We began having frequent quarrels. Try as I might, I simply could not get him to commit to a long-term relationship.

He wasn’t the least bit interested in getting married. This caused a ton of problems for me. He was a rich man, and I wanted to lock him down before I lost him. But I just couldn’t get him to propose.

After every argument, I resorted to love-bombing him so as not to scare him off. I did everything he wanted in the bedroom. I always made sure he was well satisfied.

Landon had a nice backyard pool. We spent a lot of time in it. One of his favorite activities was getting me in the water and having fun with me.

I admit playing underwater wasn’t one of my favorite ways of pleasuring him. But it always worked, especially after a painful argument. They were usually quarrels about us getting married. Whenever he put up a fierce resistance, I always fell back on getting him into the pool to make sure he didn’t hold our disagreement against me.

One afternoon we had one of our worst fights ever. The stubborn fool just would not listen to reason. For the first time, he began to question whether or not we were right for each other.

I sensed I might have pushed marriage too hard on him. I was leading a pretty good lifestyle based on the amount of money he was bringing in. I could see it all coming apart on me unless I did something about it and fast.

I swallowed my pride and apologized. I hate admitting I’m wrong whenever we’re having an argument. But I had to do everything I could in order to hold onto Landon.

To make it up to him, I volunteered to be tied up and tossed into the pool. Landon loves putting me in bondage. And he loves fucking me underwater, making me hold my breath while I’m all tied up.

It’s definitely not my favorite way to please him. Being tied up takes away all my power and control. But it certainly has a calming effect on him, giving him back that control over my body.

I often get something in return after one of our underwater sessions. I may not have gotten the ring on my finger. But I usually get some sort of spending spree at my favorite department store.

I said some things during our argument that didn’t sit well with him. Offering to be put into underwater bondage would give him back the power he craved over me. I figured I would eventually get it back after pleasuring him in the pool.

I quickly changed into my salmon colored bikini. It’s the one that shows off a lot of ass and cleavage. It’s an outfit that usually helps soften his mood.

Once we were in the back yard, I allowed him to tie my wrists and ankles. He had a lot of fun doing that, the bastard. I simply played the submissive while planning a different method next time in order to get him to fully commit.

He hooked up a regulator for us to use. That meant I was going to be underwater for a lengthy period of time. Like I say, it’s not my favorite way to please him. But it usually gets me aroused, especially when I have to depend on him to keep me alive.

He put the regulator into my mouth. Then he tossed me into the water. He didn’t even give me a dive mask to use, the bastard.

He likes seeing my face while watching me suck on that regulator. I think he likes to imagine me “sucking on other things” when he tosses me in without a mask. Landon is so predictable

A few seconds later he tossed in his special weight ball. It has a handle on it for me to hang onto. Right away I knew what he wanted me to do.

It helps to have something to hold onto whenever I’m on the pool floor. Otherwise I have to release a lot of air in order to stay near the bottom. Landon loves seeing me all secured and unable to surface.

Landon soon joined me in the water. The bastard was wearing a dive mask so he could see clearly. It also kept him from getting water up his nose. As usual, I was forced to go without.

I had to work myself down in order to grab onto the weight ball. I held onto it and posed for him, stretching my legs out and then curling them up behind my back. Inwardly, I was still angry with him over our recent fight. But I was doing my best not to let him see it in my expression.

Landon came up to me and attached my wrists to the weight ball. Now I definitely wasn’t getting back to the surface without his help. It irritated me as it often does. But I made sure not to let it show all that much.

He pulled the reg out of my mouth and put it between his lips. Then he just drifted near the bottom and watched me. Right then I knew the bastard was going to make me hold my breath and suffer with heaving lungs over the fight we’d just had.

He made me go without air for the longest time. I could tell he was getting a bulge in his trunks. A part of me wanted to deprive him of sex. But I couldn’t risk doing that, not without a ring on my finger… and certainly not without him having already signed the marriage contract.

He finally put the reg back between my lips after watching my chest heave for a good twenty seconds. I’m used to it by now, but it still angers me sometimes. It gives him all the power, when I’m the one who really wants to be in control.

Landon came up to me and molested me like he always does whenever I’m helpless underwater. I put up some resistance, still remembering our fight. But eventually I just gave in and allowed him to enjoy himself. After all, there was nothing I could do to stop him, not after being tied to that damned weight ball.

I always know just when to back off and give him what he wants. It means later on I’ll get something I want in return. So far I still haven’t gotten my proposal. That just means I have to love-bomb him all the harder.

He swam up to me and untied me from the weight ball. But I didn’t get a change to drift up very far. Landon held onto my ankles, keeping me down near the bottom of the pool.

I knew I was in for it when he began securing my ankles to the weight ball. I wanted to be pissed at him. After all, the fight was his fault for not giving me my engagement ring. But I had to keep him happy in order to eventually get what I wanted.

When he was finished, he popped the regulator out of my mouth. He stuffed it between his lips and breathed deeply. I was left to wriggle and squirm, helpless to reach the surface without his assistance.

I always become aroused whenever he does that to me. Maybe it’s because I feel so vulnerable. In the back of my mind I always feel a surge of alarm. What happens if he gets careless and accidentally lets me drown?

Landon waited until my lungs were straining, the bubbles spewing out of my mouth. He pushed the regulator back between my lips. Then he removed my bikini top.

He groped and fondled me before taking the reg away from me. He put it into his mouth before removing my bottoms. Whenever he does that, I know exactly what’s going to happen next.

Normally I try not to withhold sex from Landon. I plan on saving that for after we’re married when I want something from him. Right now I don’t want to do anything that might jeopardize my plans in getting him to marry me. I don’t know why he’s taking his sweet time proposing.

I was forced to hold my breath while watching him remove his swim trunks. I saw his dick emerge all nice and hard as it saluted me. He loves seeing me naked and secured to the bottom of the swimming pool.

He came up to me and started touching me all over. I reached out for the regulator in his mouth. He just hung onto it, the bastard.

My lungs were heaving again when he finally took it out and pushed it between my lips. He moved behind me as I swallowed great gulps of air. He’d really pushed me that time, and the influx of compressed air made me a little dizzy.

I was in the process of filling my aching lungs when he came up behind me. He reached around and groped my tits. I could feel his erection pressing up against me.

It wasn’t long until he popped the reg out of my mouth again. Then Landon must have put it between his lips. I could hear him taking great gulps of air.

He really groped and fondled me. I felt him reach down with one hand and finger my button. My anxiety of going breathless was compounded by the way he was triggering my arousal.

Memories of the fight were fading away. I was still angry with him. But I was determined to get him to commit to marriage. Besides, I wanted to lock him in so that if anything went wrong later, I’d get cash and prizes when we divorced… I mean… in case we divorced later.

He really made me suffer for my part in the fight, even though he was clearly in the wrong. He made me hold my breath until my lungs were screaming. Then he put the regulator back between my lips.

I couldn’t help myself; I was starting to get horny. If he was going to torture me under water, the least he could do was give me an orgasm out of the deal. It wasn’t long until I began calculating ways of getting back at him.

Once more he deprived me of the regulator. He was still wearing the mask while I had nothing to keep the water out of my nose. But there was nothing I could do about it.

Landon shoved me down between his legs. I was still attached to the weight ball by my ankles. But now I had a new problem to deal with.

His erection was right in my face. At first I tried to resist him. But he ended up forcing his cock right past my lips.

I gagged up bubbles as he fucked my face. That natural fear of drowning began to rise up within me again. I also experienced that familiar arousal from being forced to suck cock while holding my breath.

Landon grunted as he thrust hard into my mouth. It wasn’t long until my lungs were straining yet again. I don’t know why he enjoys pushing my limits. But I was seriously considering cutting back on our underwater trysts after we got married.

My lungs were heaving when he pulled his cock out of my mouth. He pushed the reg between my lips, allowing me to refill my aching lungs. Then he stepped back.

I drifted upward as I swallowed great gulps of air. He just drifted nearby as he smiled at me. Then he reached out and began molesting me again.

Landon suddenly popped the reg out of my mouth. Then he pushed me down until he was fucking my face again. I grunted up bubbles as the bastard took nice, deep breaths from the regulator.

A part of me wanted to get angry again. Another part felt that familiar fear of drowning. He really seemed to be enjoying himself at my expense.

He pulled out of my mouth and let me drift upright. The weight ball tethered me to the bottom of the pool. I felt that delicious surge of fear and arousal as my lungs began to burn.

Landon got behind me again. The regulator appeared right in front of my face. He pushed it between my lips, and I greedily sucked down a lungful of compressed air.

I felt Landon push up against me from behind. My legs bent as he forced his cock inside me. I groaned over how good it felt despite my instinctive concerns.

Landon gave it to me good and hard. It was about fucking time! I was horny for a release, and I needed him deep inside me.

He gave it to me good and hard before taking the regulator away from me. I was forced to hold my breath as he fucked me underwater. That fear and arousal intensified.

My lungs were straining again when I suddenly stiffened. Then I shuddered in orgasm. It’s amazing how intense they can be whenever I’m holding my breath underwater.

I wanted to get out of the pool. But I knew Landon hadn’t cum yet. I figured I had to bring him to a release before he would eventually set me free.

Landon pulled out of me, leaving my lungs heaving as I was forced to hold my breath. Then the regulator was returned to my lips. I gulped huge mouthfuls as I waited to see what he was going to do next.

He came up behind me until I felt his cock slowly push its way inside. I moaned as I pushed back against him. Then the reg was pulled out of my mouth.

I heard him use it as I tried to milk him with my pussy. I needed to get him off quick. Then my time in the water would be over. My “apology” would be “completed”.

Brandon reached down to grope and finger me as he slowly fucked me. Then I caught sight of the regulator drifting to the bottom of the pool. Apparently Landon had spit the damned thing out.

His thrusts were nice and slow. My lungs soon began to burn. Was this going to be his way of getting off and then retrieving the regulator at the very last second?

I felt the fear and excitement swell inside me. Wasn’t he pushing things a little too far by leaving the regulator lying on the pool floor like that? What if we both needed another breath of air??

He thrust nice and slow as though he was taking his sweet time. My lungs started to heave as my stomach rippled. He was really pushing my limits.

It got harder and harder to hold my breath. I could feel my cunt clenching around his dick inside me. It felt incredibly erotic. But now I was starting to experience a real fear of drowning.

What the hell was he doing?? I tried to wriggle in his grasp. Bubbles slipped out of my mouth.

Landon thrust deeper inside me. My stomach rippled as a convulsion shook my chest. I grunted as I lost a few more bubbles.

Genuine panic began to swell within me. I became scared despite what should have been Landon’s reassuring presence. My chest heaved as I kept trying to swallow my air back down.

I cried out a froth of bubbles. Landon just fucked me harder. My chest heaved ominously; I was seriously out of breath.

I started to panic and wriggle around. I bubbled, “LANDON, DON’T LET ME DROWN!” Then I accidentally swallowed a little water.

My reaction was almost instantaneous. I began thrashing about as some went down my windpipe. That’s when I felt Landon’s cock go off inside me as I really started clenching.

The terror and arousal was enough to trigger another orgasm inside me. But I was hardly aware of it. I was drowning, and I was sure Landon was fully aware of it.

I hitched and grunted as I struggled against him. But I remained tethered to the weight ball the entire time. He just held on tight to my naked body, his cock pulsing inside me as he spewed his load deep into my womb.

I began to settle down, all my systems shutting down. Landon came around and tipped my head up, smiling at me. He tenderly kissed my lips. Then he swam to the surface.

I stayed tethered to the bottom of the pool for the rest of the afternoon. My plan to love-bomb Landon had seriously backfired. I still don’t know what the hell went wrong. And I never got the opportunity to figure out how I’d seriously miscalculated.

2020 (written Dec 25 ’20 by riwa)

(Inspired by preview pictures from a clip and story by Chase water babes.)

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Teri’s last stripper show (graphic) 3.6 (33)

Note: A bonus older story to ease the pain of April 15th coming up

Teri fucked the pole with her cleavage, smiling seductively with her red-painted lips at the patrons watching her. Then she slowly unhooked her bra. She got whistles and lustful cries as her breasts fell open, the garment falling lazily to the floor.

She gave the stripper pole a sensuous titty-fuck. She wasn’t as lithe or as limber as some of the other girls who worked the club. But she wasn’t afraid to act the slut. That’s what usually got her more attention… and therefore more tips.

The cries grew louder as voices called out for her to “Take it off! Take it all off!” She teased them again before slowly working her thong down her legs and then tossing it into the gleeful crowd. Then she fucked the stripper pole with her cunt, leaving it slickened with her juices. Any males who weren’t hard by then were certainly hard after that wanton display of lewd behavior.

When her presentation came to an end, she scooped up her tips and then disappeared into the dressing room to change. A few minutes later, Brandi came in with a slip of paper. “One of those bikers wanted me to give you this,” she said coldly, handing it to her. Friends they definitely were not.

Teri took it and gave it a quick glance. She and the other girls got messages like this all the time. Apparently someone wanted her for a private party. She snorted at it in disgust before throwing it in the trash like she did all the other messages.

“You’re closing tonight,” Brandi announced.

Teri looked at her in dismay. “Again? Why the hell can’t I go home on time and get a good night’s sleep?”

“Because we all work for that sleazeball, that’s why!” Brandi snorted in a huff. “He wants you out there pushing drinks until closing time. Besides, I’ve got to get home to my family. It’s not my fault you’re single!”

“Figures,” Teri said in disgust.

She proceeded to slip into the club’s official waitress attire, designed to get the clients all worked up. It was also designed to get them all liquored up so they could more easily part with their hard-earned cash. Then she headed out to work the tables.

She noticed right away that the bikers were still there. They seemed more than a little attracted to her. She was able to work their table for drink after drink, getting them more than a little intoxicated. At least it served her well in making tips.

They didn’t let up on her the whole time, trying to proposition her again and again. She just smiled coyly at them each time she passed their table, politely turning them down. But it wasn’t long until she started feeling a little uncomfortable with their presence.

The hour eventually got late. Customers began heading out the door to make their way home. Teri’s fellow strippers began to leave one by one as their shift came to an end. She was certainly relieved to watch the bikers loudly make their way to the door.

She watched her boss work the till. She fumed at his leaving early while she had to stay behind to clean up and lock up. All he did was gather up the cash and receipts. Then he threw them together in a bag before heading out the back door to his waiting car without giving her so much as a thank you.

Teri sighed heavily as she scrubbed down the counter to the bar. At least the bikers were long gone. She’d felt rather uneasy with them around, especially the way they’d been coming on to her and ogling her.

She found herself wishing the sleazeball would have stuck around a little while longer. At least he could have ordered one of the other bartenders to stick around and make sure she got safely to her car. Being the last one out the door sometimes made her more than a little uncomfortable.

She was in the process of wiping down the tables and stacking the chairs on top when she heard the front door open. “We’re closed!” she called out in exasperation.

She hadn’t gone and locked the door right away. That was stupid! Then her heart skipped a beat when she saw the bikers had returned.

Uh – oh. She could immediately tell they were up to something by the expressions on their faces.

“Sorry, guys; we’re closed!” she proclaimed. “Come back tomorrow!” She tried to sound authoritative but she couldn’t disguise the nervousness in her voice.

“Oh, you’re not going to close just yet,” the biker with the snake tattoo on his arm chuckled. “We’re here for that private party, remember? That message I gave that chick to give to you?”

She remembered the note she’d thrown away. Then she shook her head. “Sorry guys; no parties tonight! I’m beat and I need to go home!”

“Oh, I think you’ve got time for us, sweet cheeks,” the one with the scraggly beard told her. “We’re not leaving without our private little showing; right boys?”

“That’s right, Curly,” a man with a tattoo on the side of his face added as the four of them advanced menacingly on her. “We locked the door for you, sweetheart. So there’s no need worrying about us being interrupted. Now c’mon, honey; give us a show!”

“Really guys; it’s getting late!” Teri protested. “I appreciate all the attention and the tips; really I do! But I’m dead on my feet!”

Snake Tattoo just sneered coldly at her. “’Dead on my feet’, now that’s a really good choice of words, bitch! Would you like to find out what I mean by that?”

Teri began backing away in alarm, lifting her hands up as though trying to ward them off. “Now let’s not get excited fellas. It’s late, I’m tired, and you all have been drinking pretty heavily.”

“It’s not the booze we want, bitch,” Snake Tattoo explained ominously. “Now get up on that stage and strip for us!”

“Really guys; it’s getting late…”

“He said ‘STRIP’, damn you!” and Curly pulled a chair off a table before emphatically pounding said table with his fist in emphasis.

Teri jumped with a squawk and then backed up toward the stage. “Really guys, there’s no need for…”

“Get your ass up there, bitch!” Tattoo Face snarled menacingly.

Teri realized she really had no choice in the matter, not unless she wanted to risk further antagonizing them. She nervously climbed up onto the stage and then looked around uncertainly. “Uh fellas? There’s no music. What about…?”

“We don’t need any music!” Snake Tattoo barked. “Besides, we don’t want anyone to know you’re still open! After all, this is a private little party; see?”

“Ok, fellas,” the nervous stripper muttered. “I’ll do what you want. Just take it easy now…”

Teri gulped anxiously, her heart pounding in her chest. This wasn’t good at all! She was all alone with these bastards… and they were liable to do just about anything!

For a moment her mind went blank as she shuffled nervously against the pole. Snake Tattoo got impatient and hollered, “DANCE, BITCH!”

Teri yelped and then started to wriggle around the pole. A familiar song finally came to mind. That’s when she began to writhe and grind a little more rhythmically as she hummed it in her head.

“Now THAT’S what I’m talking about!” Tattoo Face called out appreciatively, clapping his hands.

Curly started whooping and hollering as he pounded the table enthusiastically. Snake Tattoo smiled lecherously in appreciation. But it was the quiet one she was worried about the most. He hadn’t said a word the whole time. And the way he was eyeing her made her shiver with dread.

Teri nervously worked through her routine, pulling the long gloves off her hands and then shedding her attire until she was left in nothing but her sexy black lingerie, heels and nylons. The nylons slowly came off one by one. Then she kicked each heel at the bikers.

Curly and Snake Tattoo each caught one with a cry of joy, whooping and hollering. “Fuck the pole, bitch!” Quite Man growled, speaking for the first time.

Teri gulped as she began titty-fucking the shiny metal surface. Eventually she peeled out of her bra to fuck it with her breasts. “I said ‘FUCK IT, BITCH’!” he barked.

She yelped again before peeling off her bottoms. Teri ground her crotch into the pole. Her pussy glistened from a fearful arousal.

“Who wants a blow?” Quiet Man asked ominously. Within seconds, three sets of leather pants were heard being unzipped.

Teri let out a shriek. Then she tried to run toward the dressing rooms. But Quiet Man leaped onto the stage, swift as a cheetah.

He hastily snatched up one of her nylons. Then he quickly lassoed it around her neck. He ominously choked her as he pulled her back.

“NO!” Teri choked out, her arms flailing wildly. “PLEASE! I’LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT!”

He dragged her gasping and gurgling back to the pole before forcing her onto her knees with her back to the cool metal. Then he wrapped her nylons around both her neck and the pole, using the combination as something of a garrote. Teri began choking and gagging as spittle dribbled off her tongue.

Quiet Man had barely gotten out the words “Now who’s first?” before Snake Tattoo had jumped up onstage. His large member had stiffened considerably through his opened fly.

He wasted no time ramming it down Teri’s throat. She coughed and gurgled, her breath partly cut off from the garrote of her nylons around her neck. His large cock threatened to finish the job of stopping her breathing entirely.

Snake Tattoo fucked her face hard as his two companions jumped up on stage with him, their cocks out as well. “Grab ‘em, bitch!” Quiet Man ordered. Teri fumbled for them before the bikers helped her wrap her hands around each of their meaty members.

“Stroke ‘em, bitch! Stroke those dicks!” For emphasis Quiet Man tightened his grip on her nylons, garroting her even more.

Teri’s eyes rolled as her mouth oozed spittle and drool. Snake Tattoo furiously fucked her skull as her face began to turn red. Then with a cry, he rammed it in hard and deep.

Teri shuddered as his cum shot down her throat. Then she got dizzy before suddenly passing out from lack of oxygen…

She wasn’t out for very long. When Teri awoke, it was because she was gagging from Curly’s cock filling her mouth.

She could taste Snake Tattoo’s cum on her lips. She could also tell he’d splattered some of it on her face. But Quiet Man was still behind her, still garroting her with her own nylons.

She choked and gagged, trying to communicate that strangling her wasn’t necessary. But the bikers seemed to love it. In fact, they seemed to love making her suffer.

As Quiet Man nearly strangled the life out of her, Curly pulled out and splattered her face with more cum. He was barely finished shooting his load when Tattoo Face pushed him aside. Now it was his turn to thrust his immense member down her throat.

Teri gawked and gurgled; gawd, she could barely breathe at all! Didn’t the bastards realize that?? But maybe the fucking pricks enjoyed strangling helpless women!

Once more, she found she could hardly breathe at all. She felt faint and dizzy. Then she passed out again with a shudder…

When she came back around, she was grateful to discover her nylons were no longer around her neck. She was in a crumpled heap upon the stage. More cum had been shot into her mouth and splattered upon her face.

“Now let’s clean her up, boys,” she heard Quiet Man declare. “The whore’s become a fucking mess; wouldn’t you agree?”

Tattoo Face went off to get something as Teri lay there panting quietly for breath. She could still feel the sensation of having her nylons wrapped tightly around her neck, even though they were no longer there. It was uncomfortable as hell, and she hoped that the worst was over.

Teri heard the sound of running water, and she began to wonder what was taking Tattoo Face so long. When he finally returned, it wasn’t with the rag she’d expected. Instead, he returned with the janitor’s bucket full of water.

The first thing he did was dunk the mop into the bucket. Then to Teri’s complete surprise, he gleefully shoved the soaked mop in her face, moving the drenched strands back and forth over her cum-spattered cheeks. Teri cried out in protest; coughing, sputtering, and gurgling as the bikers laughed at her.

“Actually, I have a better idea,” Snake Tattoo suggested.

He grabbed Teri by a handful of hair and dragged her on her knees over to the bucket. To her horror, he shoved her face down into the cold water. She could hear him laughing as she bubbled, gurgled, and thrashed about like crazy.

“How’s that, Dean?” Snake Tattoo asked Quiet Man. That’s when Teri thought she heard another fly being unzipped from somewhere behind her.

“That’s just fine, Snake,” Dean replied. Then Teri felt his long, thick cock thrust hard into her wet, spasming pussy.

She screamed a froth of bubbles into the bucket of water as he began pounding her hard from behind. Teri grunted and gurgled, her lungs on fire as she struggled not to swallow water. She thought she overheard Dean tell Snake to make sure she didn’t drown all at once. Then her head was lifted up out of the water, allowing her to cough and sputter as rivulets streamed out of her hair down her face and into her eyes.

“Feel better, bitch?” Snake laughed. Then he shook her head by a handful of her hair before shoving her head right back down into the bucket as Dean continued pounding her pussy from behind.

Teri screamed and bubbled again; she was being raped and drowned! She tried pushing on the floor with her hands. Then she tried to lift her head up out of the bucket.

“Oh no, you don’t!” the bearded Curly blurted out.

He and Tattoo Face grabbed her arms by the wrists. They held them outstretched so she couldn’t resist. Then Snake pulled her head up out of the bucket and sneered at her.

“What’s the matter, bitch? We’re only trying to clean you up!” Then he brutally forced her head back down into the bucket. Teri cried out, exhaling in a froth of bubbles as she was forced to suck water.

While the other two held onto her wrists, Snake let her up for another breath as Dean the quiet man rammed his cock hard up her twat from behind. “Fuck the bitch, man, while we drown her for you!” he yelled as encouragement to his sadistic companion. Teri let out another cry of horror before her head was submerged yet again in a froth of bubbles.

“Fuck, you should feel her cunt from back here!” Dean gasped appreciatively. “The whore’s clenching like crazy! I swear she’s fucking me back like she really wants it!” Then he tipped his head back and let out a roar as he rammed his cock in hard, filling her pussy with his eruption of spunk.

Teri was frightened out of her wits. But her pussy clenched and spasmed involuntarily each time she was dunked. She thought for sure she was going to suffer the humiliation of drowning in a janitor’s bucket! Then she felt his cum inside her, and she got really dizzy before suddenly passing out again…

When she came back around, it was Dean who was holding her head up out of the bucket. Water dripped down into her eyes and all over her face as she coughed and sputtered. Then she felt someone else’s cock thrust hard into her from behind as others hung on to her wrists.

“Take it, bitch!” Dean said with a cackle as he forced her head back down into the bucket.

Teri screamed and bubbled as Snake’s voice called out from behind. “Gawd; you’re right, Dean! Her cunt is really twitching like a tornado! It must be from her not being able to breathe! Fuck, what a rush!”

Teri’s head was pulled back up, and she gasped and sputtered. Then her head was cruelly slammed back down into the water. She screamed again as the bastard Snake fucked her hard. Then she felt it swell inside her until it slammed into her with a vengeance.

Teri screamed as the powerful orgasm caught her totally unawares, tearing through her body and making her shudder like crazy. Snake just let out a cry of “OH FUCK; THE WHORE’S CUMMING!” Then his cock exploded inside her, adding to the previous deposit.

Teri moaned and bubbled until she was pulled up gasping, weakly panting for breath. “Fuck that was good!” Snake panted appreciatively. “Who’s next?” That’s when she heard Tattoo Face eagerly blurt out, “I GET HER ASS!”

“NO!” she cried out in horror. “NOT MY ASS… ANYTHING BUT MY ASS!” Then two of the bikers switched places.

She felt a thick cock press against her anus until her sphincter gave way. When Teri screamed, Dean cruelly shoved her head back down into the bucket. A froth of bubbles billowed up as her ass was brutally violated.

Teri thrashed her head about in the bucket as they held onto her arms. She bubbled like crazy as she was anally raped. Her muscles clenched and unclenched around the thrusting cock inside her as she blew her breath away. But Dean wasn’t about to drown her and end her suffering… at least not yet anyway.

She was pulled back up, coughing and sputtering and whimpering before she was brutally submerged yet again. She could feel the cock raping her anal passage, and it hurt like hell. Teri screamed another froth of bubbles before Dean pulled her head back up.

“What’s the matter, whore; don’t you like it?” he laughed. Teri grunted and whimpered, her body rocking from the thrusts. Then the bearded one named Curly stepped forward right in front of her while still holding her wrist.

“No use letting a perfectly good mouth go to waste; eh, Dean?” he chuckled. Then he thrust his hardening member down her throat.

Teri was asphyxiated by a mouthful of man meat as Tattoo Face pounded her ass. After a few moments, Curly pulled his cock out of her mouth. That’s when Dean brutally slammed her head back down into the bucket for more bubbling and drowning, just for the sheer sadistic pleasure of it all.

She cried out in a flurry of bubbles as Tattoo Face let out a roar. Then she felt his seed pump deep into her bowels. It was so horrific being anally raped and drowned that she surprised herself by actually orgasming again.

Teri cried out, gurgling water as she grunted and bubbled. She was pulled back up out of the bucket, almost half-drowned. There was a dazed look in her eyes as Curly fucked her mouth again.

After several hard thrusts, he pulled out, leaving her panting like crazy. “Now that’s much better,” Dean observed with a cruel smile as he examined her features. “It looks like we’ve got most of that cum washed off your face. Now Joey here needs his cock cleaned.”

The man named Joey with the tattoo on his face suddenly came around front, thrusting his nasty smelling cock into her mouth. Teri was horrified, forced to taste her own ass as Joey fucked her mouth hard. Then she heard Curly gasp with delight as he moved around back and pressed his cock against her anal ring…


He suddenly rammed it in hard. She screamed into the cock in her mouth. Joey pulled out with a sadistic chuckle, leaving her wrinkling her nose in disgust at the taste.

“Need to wash your mouth out, bitch?” Dean asked with a laugh, shaking her head by a handful of hair. Then her head was shoved back down into the bucket.

Teri screamed again, bubbling like crazy as Curly fucked her ass hard. By then, Dean had gotten hard again. He pulled her out of the bucket long enough to fuck her face with his cock.

After many thrusts, he pulled out and shoved her head back down in the water. It seemed when he wasn’t raping her skull, he was trying to drown her in the janitor’s bucket while Curly worked to enlarge her anal passage with his thick member.

She was pulled back up out of the bucket, only to have Dean’s cock shoved back inside her mouth. Then she felt Curly slam his cock hard up her ass as he roared his release, adding his spunk to the gathering mixture. Teri let out a muffled scream into Dean’s cock as it filled her mouth until she suddenly got dizzy and passed out yet again…

Teri was groggy when she came back around. She hadn’t been out for very long. But when she awakened, she realized her situation had not improved.

She was lying naked in a heap on the floor of the stage, the four bikers circled around her. “How about another show, Dean?” Joey asked.

“Why not!” the apparent ringleader of the group agreed.

Teri was grabbed and pulled back to the stripper pole until she was on her knees with her back to it. The nylons returned around her throat. That’s when her eyes flew open in horror, and she managed to choke out a garbled “GAWD; NO!” before she started gasping and gurgling.

Snake went behind the bar, returning about a minute later with a couple of empty bottles. He brought them over, shoving the neck of the first one up into Teri’s pussy. Then he took the long-necked bottle he’d retrieved and gleefully forced it up her ass.

As Dean tightened the nylons into a garrote, Teri began writhing and gurgling, involuntarily fucking both bottles. The bikers watched and cheered until they started to get hard again. Then each one came up to take turns fucking her mouth once more.

Every time Teri started to pass out, it seemed that Dean recognized it and loosened the nylons around her throat. But she seldom got the air she truly needed, with cocks being continuously thrust down her throat. Then she would start to get dizzy again as Dean tightened the nylons around her neck once more.

“Hey, Dean!” Curly gasped excitedly. “What do you say we double-team the bitch?” Dean agreed by releasing his grip on the nylons. Teri toppled forward, coughing and gasping and whimpering as she rubbed her sore neck.

Thankfully, both bottles were pulled out of her holes, although none too gently. Teri was glad they were gone, as she could feel another embarrassing orgasm coming on. Then Curly laid himself out onto the floor on his back.

She was forced to climb aboard, sit on his cock and start riding him. Joey came up behind her. But he sadistically wrapped a plastic bag around her face he’d apparently found from seemingly out of nowhere.

Teri was asphyxiated again as her pussy began spasming involuntarily around Curly’s cock, much to the biker’s delight. “Hey, Joey!” he called out excitedly. “The bitch’s cunt is twitching again! Gawd, man; you’ve got to feel this!”

The bag loosened around her face until Teri could breathe again. Then Joey pushed her forward on top of the nasty smelling biker underneath her. The next thing she felt was the bastard trying to force his own cock inside her from behind… inside a hole that was already occupied.


She let out a scream as her pussy was double-violated. Then the bag tightened around her head again as Joey went back to his asphyxiation fun. Once more, Teri struggled to get a decent breath as the bag was pulled up tight against her face.

She started to get dizzy again, grunting weakly as two cocks ravaged her cunt! They were pounding her hole like crazy, not the least bit uncomfortable that their pricks were coming in contact with each other. Apparently, it was more fun for them to join in and try to split her wide open.

Teri tried to scream. But she could hardly get her breath with the bag clinging to her face, outlining the horror in her expression. She was breathless and dizzy as hell.

Her body was wracked with pain as they violated her tender hole. Then her eyes rolled as she started to pass out again. The last thought on her mind was amazement that her body was betraying her by cumming again so shamefully hard…

This time returning to consciousness was not the slow, gentle process she’d experienced previously. She was jarred awake the moment her ass was brutally impaled. Too exhausted to scream, Teri grunted as she awakened to Snake’s cruel face below her, his cock thrust deep in her ass as she was forced to ride him.

“Remember me, bitch?” he chuckled sinisterly. “Then I know you’re going to love this!”

Her eyes flew open as yet another cock tried to press into her anus from behind. Then she heard Dean’s cruel voice in her ear saying, “Two cocks are better than one; wouldn’t you agree?” That’s when Dean’s cock brutally forced its way in, joining Snake’s.

Teri’s eyes went wide in sheer agony. Then she found her voice, and she started to scream. It was abruptly cut off with an “URK!” as her nylons wrapped around her neck again, the ringleader of the bunch threatening to strangle the very life out of her.

“Remember these?” Dean hissed into her ear. Then the nylons tightened. Teri’s anal sphincter began spasming involuntarily as two cocks raped her anal passage.

She gawked and gurgled, amazed a human body could endure such agony. She was unbelievably wet, and she was ashamed how strangely aroused she was. But what was even more humiliating was the way her body betrayed her again. As Dean strangled her while he and Snake raped her ass, she suffered through another violent orgasm that sent her straight to unconsciousness…

When Teri awakened, she was weak all over and thoroughly exhausted. She was lying in a crumpled heap on the stage, cum slowly dribbling out of her cunt and ass. She was amazed she was still in one piece.

She listened intently, but she heard nothing. Maybe the bikers were gone. Then she opened her eyes and saw Dean kneeling there, smiling wickedly at her.

“The boys want one more show, honey,” he told her. “Let’s see if we can give ‘em one, shall we?” Then he hefted a white, nylon noose from behind his back.

Teri’s eyes flew open in horror. She tried to get to her feet, struggling to find the strength to get away. She cried out “NOOO!” as Dean looped the noose around her neck. Then she felt someone tying her hands behind her back with her own nylons.

There was a beam crossing the stage directly overhead, put there to help give the stripper pole some support. Teri cried out in horror as Dean threw the other end of the rope up and over. Then he grabbed the free end and gave her a nasty smile.

“Give us a good dance, bitch!” Then he pulled on his end of the rope.

Teri was lifted up into the air, her feet fluttering more than a foot away from the floor of the stage. Her eyes got big as saucers as she gawked and gurgled, her face flushing red. Then she found an energy reserve she never knew she had.

Her legs abruptly exploded underneath her. Then she began kicking like crazy. Teri grunted in anguish as her body swung wildly.

Joey helped Dean with the rope as the others watched, their slickened cocks starting to harden again. They whooped and hollered as the naked stripper swung back and forth, cum flying out of her cunt and ass. As far as they were concerned, this show was better than any pole dance.

Teri never knew it could hurt so bad. The agony was unbelievable. She was strangling to death by her own weight in the noose.

The more she kicked, the tighter the coil constricted around her throat. She broke into a sweat, perspiration flying as she twisted and swayed. Instinctively, her legs kept kicking and then peddling.

She needed to breathe; Teri was desperate to breathe. But she was hardly getting any air at all. Worse, she could see the bastards standing around watching her suffer while jerking on their damn pricks!

“Hey, Dean; let’s give her a flying fuck!” Snake suggested excitedly.

Before the group leader could give his consent, Snake walked right up to Teri as she swayed and twisted, her legs kicking feebly. He grabbed her thighs and centered his cock against her opening. Then he cruelly rammed it home, impaling her with his dick.

Teri’s eyes rolled as she gawked and gurgled. But she had enough presence of mind to wrap her legs around Snake’s waist. Amazingly, she was able to lift herself a little, enough at least to give her a little sliver of air.

“Damn; she’s fucking herself!” Snake gasped. “She’s really riding my cock just to gasp for breath!”

“Then let’s see if she can take two!” Curly added sadistically.

He came up behind her and immediately rammed his cock hard up Teri’s ass, causing her to jerk and gurgle. She was given a flying double-fuck. But the nylon coil still threatened to strangle the very life out of her body.

The two bikers rammed her holes hard as her face turned a deep shade of red. She kept gawking and gurgling, getting just enough air to keep from passing out. Teri suspected the bastards were going to kill her anyway. All she could do was pray they would just get on with it and end her suffering.

She suddenly felt an explosion of warmth up her cunt. At almost the same time, she felt the cock in her ass release its load. Then both bikers pulled out, leaving her swaying limp and lifeless.

She was too exhausted to fight anymore; she was nearly gone. Her face was rapidly turning a mottled purple. Her body was becoming numb.

Teri felt her bladder release. She was far too helpless to prevent it. It was shameful and degrading; she just wanted it all to end.

All of the sudden she jerked in the noose as the rope gave way. Then her body crumpled onto the floor of the stage, the nylon uncoiling from around her neck. She gasped and moaned, lying in her own urine as her lungs pulled fresh air into her lungs.

“Fucking hell!” Dean blurted out angrily. “I didn’t tie the damn thing right!”

“That’s ok, Dean!” Snake told him reassuringly. “I think the whore should die on the pole like the stripper-cunt she is!”

Teri didn’t resist as she was jerked none to gently back over to the pole on her knees. Her wrists were freed from her nylons, only to be retied once her arms were wrapped around the pole behind her. With her back to the pole, Dean took her remaining nylons and wrapped them around her neck, using them as a garrote one last time.

“Remember this, bitch?” he chuckled cruelly. “Any last words?”

Before she could rasp for breath, he began tightening the nylons around her neck. Teri felt that familiar agony return to her throat from having been strangled previously. Then she felt Curly sadistically shove the bottle back up her cunt, the same one that had been put there before.

She didn’t care they were doing the same thing to her once again. Then she felt him cruelly ram the other one with the longer neck back up her ass. Teri gawked and gurgled, her eyes wide.

Her face was turning red again as the nylons cut deep into her neck. “Last chance for a blowjob, boys!” Dean called out. The bikers came up one by one to thrust their hardening members into her mouth one last time.

Teri shuddered and gurgled as she tried to breathe. But this time Dean wasn’t giving her any respite. “Aw, the hell with it!” he declared, and he pulled as hard as he could before tying off the nylons to the pole.

Teri’s eyes bugged out as her body began bucking and jerking in its death throes. Her air had been totally cut off. Her pussy and ass involuntarily clenched furiously around the necks of the bottles shoved up her holes as she started to get dizzy.

Her face turned a deep shade of red as the bikers stroked their cocks while taking turns thrusting them in and out of her mouth. Once more, she felt it well up from somewhere deep inside her. Her mind told her she was dying, and that she was going to humiliate herself by orgasming one last time.

Teri experienced a warm explosion of pleasure that washed all through her body. Her face felt flush as her limbs went numb. Her struggles abruptly ceased as her tongue peeked out through her ruby red lips.

The last thing she felt was the splatter of more cum on her face, although she didn’t seem to care anymore. Then Teri… finally… felt nothing at all…

The bikers continued fucking the yielding mouth, taking turns spraying her face with their cum despite the fact she was no longer responsive. When she was thoroughly coated – and their sexual appetites sufficiently sated – they drunkenly made their way to the exit. They decided that Teri’s last show had been the best show ever…

The next morning, she was found kneeling with her back to the stripper pole by ‘Mr. Sleazeball’ himself. One half of her nylons were wrapped tight around her neck and the pole to garrote her. The other half were wrapped around her wrists, tying her arms behind her back.

As it turned out, the bikers weren’t very bright, at least not in their drunken condition. Their dried cum was found splattered all over Teri’s face. What’s more, there was more evidence that had accumulated inside the two bottles that were found with their openings shoved up the dead stripper’s holes.

It took less than a week to track them all down based on all the forensic evidence they’d foolishly left behind at the scene…

2012; 2022 (written at Teri’s request Sep 2 ’12; ed. Jul 9 ‘22 by riwa)

(Picture provided by Teri for illustration purposes.)

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She owed them – an Emma story 4 (27)

Note: this is an older Emma story I thought you might enjoy reading.

Emma knew something was wrong when she heard the car door slam outside the three bedroom house she rented with two other female roommates. The slamming of a car door always meant that either Becky or Rhonda had gotten pissed off about something. But when she went into the living room and looked out the window, she knew this time it had to be bad. They’d been dropped off in a vehicle she didn’t recognize.

The two came in through the front door, grousing at each other. “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” Rhonda sputtered furiously.

“Seriously?” Becky retorted in exasperation. “Are you going to keep bringing this up all fucking night?”

“What happened?” Emma asked in confusion. “Where’s your car?”

“The stupid bitch wrecked it!” Rhonda snorted, motioning at her roommate. “She still doesn’t know how to drive!”

“That old lady pulled right out in front of me!” Becky protested. “There was nothing I could do!”

“That’s just great!” her angry roommate responded. “So how the hell are we supposed to go clubbing tonight?”

Becky suddenly stopped and looked at her perturbed housemate. Then she looked over at Emma as a wicked smile began to blossom all over her face. “No problem, hun. I think we’ll just take Em’s car. Besides, she owes us.” Rhonda’s face instantly brightened as Emma’s clouded over.

“Oh HELL no!” the petite little Asian blurted out. “You’re not taking my car out tonight! I’m driving over to Edward’s house and picking him up to go to the bar!”

“I thought as much,” Rhonda snorted. “I see you’re all decked out in your hippie outfit, with those boots you bought with our money.”

“I told you I’d pay you back!”

“Yeah, but that was weeks ago!” Becky said with a wave of frustration. “You think you can get away with anything you want around here? Well not tonight, you little slut! You fucking OWE us! Edward will just have to wait to get his cock sucked! We’re taking your car to the club!”

“The hell you are!” But now Rhonda stood with her roommate to grin wickedly at their Asian housemate. Her anger over the wrecked car was subsiding as a new target presented itself.

“You owe us for sure, you little slut! It’s too bad Edward won’t see you in that slutty outfit tonight. I’ll bet you were going to gag on his cock like a good little whore too. That’s just too bad. Why don’t you go get her keys, Beck?”

“With pleasure.”

“Wait a minute!” Emma protested, stepping in front of her taller roommate. “You can’t just take my car without my permission! Why should I trust you with mine when you just wrecked yours?”

“Because you don’t have any choice in the matter,” Rhonda chuckled gleefully. Her anger over the wreck was gone, now that the two of them were focusing their attention on their smaller roommate. “Now go get those keys, Beck. We’re not missing the Club tonight.”

“NO!” Emma protested, standing defiantly in front of her roommates. Rhonda just grabbed her by the arms, pulling her out of the way while allowing Becky to step on by to retrieve the keys.

“Hey! You can’t do this! You’ve got no right!” She struggled in Rhonda’s arms as her other roommate went to her room and began rummaging around.

“We’ve got every right in the book!” Rhonda laughed. “You know you owe us. You were just going to go out and suck cock tonight anyway.”

“The slut just can’t get enough cock; can she?” Becky’s voice called out from Emma’s bedroom with a laugh.

“You get the hell out of my room, you bitch!” Emma began to struggle harder as Rhonda held onto her.

“I don’t think she wants us to take her car, Beck!”

A voice from the bedroom called back, “Then I think we’d better make sure she won’t have any need of her car tonight, don’t you think?”

Emma was indignant. “You bitches can’t do this to me!”

“We’ll do anything we damn well please!” Rhonda snorted.

“Let me go, you bitch!”

Emma strained enough to pull out of the grasp of her roommate. Then she ran toward her room, hoping to intercept the keys before Becky got her hands on them. But at that moment, Becky stepped out through the bedroom door, the keys held triumphantly in one hand while several coils of rope hung in the other.

Emma skidded to a halt in alarm, her eyes wide. “You WOULDN’T!” she blurted out in horror.

“You can’t drive anything if you can’t move your arms and legs,” Becky told her with wicked amusement.

Rhonda giggled as she came up behind the alarmed Asian. “Hello, Edward?” she said aloud as though making an imaginary phone call. “This is Rhonda. I’m sorry, but Emma won’t be able to make your date tonight. I’m afraid she’s a little tied up at the moment.” That just made Becky laugh.

Emma whirled to face her. “You bitch! You WOULDN’T!”

“The hell we would!” Becky called out as she approached. “Grab her, Rhonda! We’ll use that chair in the living room with the arms!”

“NOOO!” Emma tried to make a break for it. But Rhonda grabbed her arm.

The petite little Asian somehow managed to struggle free, only to have Becky tackle her to the ground with a laugh. “GET OFF ME!” Emma bellowed in fear and anger. “YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!”

“Sure we can,” Becky giggled. “After all; we need your car. Besides, you owe us, remember?”

“I don’t owe you bitches anything! And I don’t deserve this!”

Emma cried out, thrashing around in Becky’s grasp as Rhonda brought the chair over. “You’d better knock it off and let me go or you’re both going to be in so much trouble!”

“You’re the one who’s in trouble!” Rhonda retorted. “You’ve had this coming for a long time, you little slut!”

“Let me go – let me go! You’re going to pay for this!!”

“Get her, Rhonda! Put her in the chair! It serves her right!”


“Shut the fuck up, you little slut!”

Emma cried out in protest as the two wrestled her into the chair. Rhonda forced her to sit as Becky began tying her to the chair. Emma kept struggling as they secured her tightly with several coils of rope.


“Shut up, you little bitch!”

“BECKY, YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!” That’s when her captor turned and grinned at her roommate.

“Why don’t you get something to shut her up, Rhonda? She likes cock, so I think that penis gag in her dresser drawer should work just fine, don’t you?”

Emma eyes flew open in horror, and she started shaking her head. Rhonda chuckled at her before heading off to her bedroom. Emma cried out, “NO – NO! YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME! STAY OUT OF MY ROOM, YOU BITCH! DON’T GO IN THERE!”

“But I thought you wanted to suck cock tonight,” Becky said in mock protest, grabbing Emma’s head by the chin and giving her a shake. “This way you can suck on one all night long. It just won’t belong to Edward is all.”


She gasped as Rhonda emerged through the doorway of her bedroom with a nasty grin, brandishing the wicked looking penis gag. Becky turned to look at her roommate and the gag before turning back to give Emma’s head another shake. “This ought to shut you up for awhile, you little slut!”


Rhonda came up to her, but Emma defiantly closed her mouth. “Open up, bitch!” she snarled at her bound roommate as Becky continued securing her to the chair. “Don’t be so stubborn! Besides, it’s not going to do you one damn bit of good!”

“BITCH!” Emma yelled. Rhonda just grabbed her head and forced the penis end hard between the struggling Asian’s teeth.

Emma let out a muffled cry as it was shoved in deep. It made her thrash about all the more. Rhonda just held it in place, strapping it on tight as Becky worked to tie each of Emma’s arms to each arm of the chair.


She talks too much, don’t you think?” Rhonda laughed. “This is fun. We should do this more often.”

“MMM-MMM! MMM-MMM!” Emma shook her head in anger and frustration, her body tingling like crazy in fearful eroticism.

Becky finished securely tying the Asian’s legs to the legs of the chair. Then she stepped back with a sigh of triumph, brushing her hands together for a job well done.

She and Rhonda stood there looking at their squirming roommate with intense satisfaction. “She looks pretty hot wriggling around like that,” Rhonda observed, her eyes flashing lustfully. “That hippie outfit and those slutty boots really look good on her. You think she’s wearing anything underneath those jeans?”

“Doubt it,” Becky giggled. “I’ll bet she went all commando down there.”

As if to confirm her suspicions, she deliberately reached down and rubbed Emma’s crotch. The Asian’s eyes flew open wide. Her struggles abruptly ceased as she started to writhe and moan helplessly.

“Oh she’s definitely naked under there,” Rhonda agreed. “Maybe the little whore was hoping for a little cock action before the night was over.”

“Is that true, Em?” Becky asked with an innocent smile as she rubbed her roommate’s crotch. “Were you hoping for a little cock tonight?” All Emma could do was writhe and moan as her eyes started to roll.

“Sorry we don’t have time to stay and play,” Rhonda chuckled, lifting up and displaying Emma’s keys Becky had set down while tying up her roommate. “But we’ve got a club to go visit tonight. Thanks for the use of your car, Em.”

Emma let out a muffled cry of protest. Becky stopped rubbing her crotch and stepped back. “So what do we do with her now?” she asked her partner in crime. “Do we just leave her out here in the living room?”

Rhonda looked all around and then smiled evilly. “No,” she answered. “I think we put the little slut in there and leave her.” Emma let out another muffled cry of horror as Rhonda pointed out the closet door behind her.

“Perfect!” Becky said with a laugh. “That’s just perfect!” She can be all alone in there and suck all the cock she wants to her little Asian delight.”

Emma cried out as her roommates got on either side of her chair and lifted her up. They carried her over to the closet and opened the door. There was just enough room to put the chair all the way inside.

Emma frantically shook her head. She didn’t want to end up in the closet! Her lungs were heaving, her heart pounding a mile a minute. What’s more, she had massive tingles hitting her hard from her captivity.

The girls put her inside the closet, chair and all. “Now don’t you go anywhere,” Becky chuckled at her. “You just enjoy that cock in your mouth, Em; ok? And if we happen to run into Edward tonight? We’ll give him your regrets. We’ll just tell him you got all tied up and couldn’t get away.”

She and Rhonda laughed at that as Emma let out another muffled cry of indignant protest. Then they closed the door on her. The only light coming through the crack below the closet door was the setting sun, its rays still streaming in through the front window.

Emma panted heavily for breath, her eyes trying to adjust to her surroundings. “You ok in there, Em?” Rhonda called out with a laugh. There was a muffled cry in response.

“Don’t worry, hun! When we come back, Becky and I are going to take care of you good and proper, ok? You’ve had a night like this coming for a long time now. After all, you owe us big time!”

“Thanks for the car, Em!” Becky added with a laugh. “You’re a good roommate to let us use it like this!” There was another muffled cry as they laughed before heading off to change into their clubbing attire.

Emma thrashed about, struggling to free herself. She listened intently, thinking the girls hadn’t left just yet. Surely they were just playing with her, and were going to free her any moment now.

She thought she heard giggles and the words “Bye – bye, bitch! Don’t wait up for us!” That’s when the front door slammed shut with a loud thump. Emma was left all alone in the house, tied up to the chair and stuffed into the closet.

She whimpered helplessly, wondering how long she was going to be all tied up in the closet… “MMMMMMMMPH!” She panted heavily, staring at the crack at the bottom of the door. She could tell it was getting dark outside.

The bitches hadn’t bothered leaving any lights on. Soon it would be dark inside the house. What’s more, no one would know she was all tied up in the closet.

“MMMMMMMM! MMMMMMMMPH!” Then she heard the distinct sound of her car engine. A moment later she thought it sounded like it was backing out of the drive. Then she heard it speed off.

Emma cried out in anger and frustration as she struggled in the chair. She even tried rocking in it. But the closet was very narrow.

She banged quietly against the walls, achieving nothing. The sound wasn’t nearly loud enough to alert anyone to her plight.

The securely bound Asian paused to catch her breath, forced to suck and swallow her own saliva from the penis gag in her mouth. Surely there had to be some way out of the predicament she found herself in. If only they hadn’t tied these damn ropes so tight!

All of the sudden she became aware of a quiet hum coming from somewhere nearby. A moment later she felt the floor vibrate the soles of her boots. It was the refrigerator’s compressor.


Emma’s eyes flew open in alarm as she began frantically wriggling her toes, trying to lift her feet up off the floor. But no matter how hard she tried, she simply couldn’t elevate them up off the buzzing floor. Oh gawd; this was bad!

The frightened Asian whimpered and moaned as she tried one last time to free herself from the chair. She’d put herself in bondage many times before, and had always been able to get herself out of it. But this time Becky had tied her in good and tight. There was no way she was getting free without some sort of assistance.

The floor vibrations from the refrigerator were sensuously assaulting the soles of her feet. Emma whimpered helplessly as electric jolts entered her feet through her boots, shooting up her legs and settling in her crotch. That’s when realization fully set in…

She wasn’t getting loose on her own. She might very well be trapped in the closet for many hours to come…

The petite little Asian moaned as she was suddenly hit with a massive climax. Her eyes rolled as her hands flexed like crazy. Her toes wriggled and curled in her boots, her back arching as she shuddered hard in orgasm.

It took her breath away, and she almost passed out. Then it mercifully passed. Emma moaned weakly, slowly shaking her head. That’s when she became aware of the buzzing in the floor beneath her boots.

The refrigerator’s compressor was still going strong…

She whimpered as more electric fingers of eroticism crawled up her legs and settled in her crotch. She began wriggling again, causing the seam in her jeans to rub her kitty. She instantly regretted not putting on any panties.

She writhed and moaned, squirming helplessly as the sensations built up. She was going to pop off again, and she couldn’t stop it! By the time her roommates came back, there would be nothing left of her but a massive pile of goo!

…and then the compressor mercifully shut off…

Thank gawd!

Emma sagged weakly, thankful for the break. It was going to be a long night. She needed to do the best she could to conserve her strength. All she could do now was pray her roommates would change their minds and come back to set her free.

She tried not to wriggle around too much, struggling not to make any movements that might work against her. She was painfully aware of the seam of her jeans rubbing her crotch. Emma winced in agony. That had turned out to be a rather devastating decision, choosing to go commando simply because she wanted to get off while kneeling and sucking Edward’s cock.

She panted quietly, swallowing the saliva in her mouth she kept producing. It made her suck on that damned penis gag in her mouth all the more, and she moaned in frustration. Those bitches had really set her up but good!

She wasn’t sure how long it was before she heard the phone ring. She grunted in response as she heard the answering machine pick up. That’s when she heard Edward’s angry voice…

“Emma? Where the hell are you?? You were supposed to be here to pick me up forty minutes ago! Did you change your slut mind and decide to go to the Club with your roommates? Emma?? Emma, pick up! Emma, where are you??”

Emma began writhing in frustration and embarrassment, struggling anew to free herself. “I’M TIED UP IN THE CLOSET, EDWARD!” she tried to cry out at the phone. “THOSE BITCHES TIED ME UP, LEFT ME IN HERE AND TOOK MY CAR! IT’S NOT MY FAULT!”

“I’m going to assume something happened, Emma, ok? I’m coming over to the house, so don’t go anywhere. Maybe your car broke down or something, or maybe you had to go out for a second and will be coming right home. So don’t go anywhere, ok? I’m on my way.” Then the line went dead.

Oh, no! How was he going to be able to get inside the house, much less locate her in the closet and set her free?

Emma felt a terribly erotic surge of tingles wash through her body. She began to squirm yet again. Then she heard the compressor kick in again, causing the floor to start buzzing beneath her boots.

It hit her so fast she had no time to prepare herself. Her eyes rolled as her body shuddered from a second humiliating orgasm. This one seemed more powerful than the last.

Her hands flexed helplessly as her feet cocked and curled in her boots. Then it passed. She was left whimpering and moaning as the compressor continued to tease the soles of her feet.

She tried to ignore the sensations while trying not to think about what was happening to her. But it was virtually impossible, especially the way the seam in her jeans kept hitting her kitty just right. It wasn’t long until she was writhing and wriggling, moaning and whimpering as another orgasm threatened to overcome her.

She suddenly caught the sound of a car door closing. Emma cried out into the penis gag in her mouth. A few seconds later she heard a knock at the door… “Emma? Emma, you home?”

“MMMMMMPH! MMM-MMM-MMMMMMMPH!” She struggled like mad to free herself, crying out in an effort to be heard.

“Emma? Did you decide to blow me off tonight? I don’t see your car anywhere!”


“Damn you, Emma! I’m going to the bar! You’d damn well better be there when I arrive, or there’s going to be hell to pay!”

“MMMMMMMMMMMMPH! MMM-MMMMPH! MMM-MMMMMPH!” She frantically shook her head, frustrated she was unable to communicate her plight to him.

“I’ll be at the bar, you little slut! It’s up to you if you want to come see me or not!” Then she heard footsteps as he walked back to his car. She heard a car door slam, followed by a vehicle pulling away. That’s when she lost it again.

It shot up her legs, slamming hard into her kitty. Then she popped off yet again, her body surging with a hot wave of pleasure. Emma moaned weakly as her eyes rolled again.

She got dizzy as hell as her toes curled in her boots, her hands flexing weakly. But the compressor refused to stop. It mercilessly vibrated through the floor so that she felt it in the soles of her feet.

Emma eyes rolled as she was hit again by another devastating orgasm. This time she was battered senseless, and she mercifully passed out…

Emma had dozed off, only to have the compressor to the refrigerator kick in and vibrate the soles of her feet. She awakened writhing and whimpering, causing the seam in her jeans to rub her kitty relentlessly. Ultimately, another climax claimed her until she passed out from the intensity of her orgasm.

Unfortunately, the cycle kept repeating itself all night long…

She finally awakened to a bright light several hours later. The closet door was open. Her roommates were looking in on her, apparently having just returned from the club.

They smelled of alcohol. She moaned weakly as they giggled at what they saw. “Damn, Beck! She looks wiped out! Just look at her crotch! She’s soaked!”

Can you smell it?” Becky added with a laugh. “The little slut smells of sex!” Then she grinned at the dazed little Asian.

“Have you been having fun in here, Em?” Emma just moaned weakly in reply.

“Don’t go away,” Rhonda giggled. “I’ve got something for you, Em.”

She rushed off, only to return a couple minutes later with a Hitachi wand. “Oh fuck!” Becky chuckled. “Rhonda, that is so cruel!” Rhonda just laughed as she turned the wand on and pressed it up against Emma’s soaked crotch.

Emma’s eyes flew open in horror. She tried to shake her head as her kitty was mercilessly buzzed through her jeans. She wriggled helplessly, the seam in her pants hitting her just right.

She tried to cry out in protest, struggling to communicate in some way that would make them stop. A moment later, the buzzing was too much. Her eyes rolled as her body shuddered in orgasm, her hands flexing helplessly as her feet curled in her boots.

“Fuck; that’s hot!” Becky gasped with delight. “Just look at her cum! The slut loves it! Here, let me have a turn!”

Emma tried to shake her head… “Gawd, no! Make it stop!” That’s when the compressor kicked in with perfect timing. Becky cruelly vibrated her soaked crotch using the Hitachi wand until she popped off yet again.

Emma’s eyes rolled as her back arched in orgasm. Her senses overloaded until she passed out, slumping in the chair. Her roommates giggled at how erotic the whole damn thing was.

Emma barely remembered waking up as her two wicked roommates freed her from the chair. She remembered them saying something about her needing to get all cleaned up. Then she was vaguely aware of a bath being drawn for her.

She was stripped out of her clothes and then dumped rather unceremoniously into the bathtub. Her two roommates began scrubbing her down with sponges. But they couldn’t resist having a little more fun with her as they started dunking her.

Emma cried out, bubbling weakly as they forced her head under time and time again. “You fucking deserve this, you little slut!” Becky laughed as she pushed down on the writhing body of her unfortunate roommate. Emma cried out a froth of bubbles as the eroticism of her forced bath overcame her in another devastating climax.

Rhonda and Becky took turns giving her a good dunking as they sponged her down. Emma was too weak to resist. She kept going under in a flurry of bubbles. It finally became too much for her to handle, and she orgasmed again until she passed out.

Her roommates finally relented by helping her out of the bath and drying her off. Then they took her to her room and put her to bed. In seconds Emma drifted off, her body sexually exhausted.

Rhonda and Becky concluded that it had been loads of fun tying up and torturing their roommate into cumming over and over again. They decided they just might have to do it again in the very near future…

2012; 2022 (written for “Emma” Mar 21 ’12; ed. Jul 21 ‘22 by riwa)

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You do mine and I’ll do yours 4.3 (38)

Note: This is a re-edited story that is ten years old.

Dave and I are avid scuba divers. We enjoy going out on the weekends and sometimes during the week. But lately our nagging wives have made it easy for us to want to get together a little more often.

My Marcia is a pretty hot looking babe. But over the past few years, she has become a nag and a narcissist. It’s always about her needs.

She always complains when I want to go diving with Dave. It doesn’t matter how hard I work to contribute to her extravagant lifestyle. She’d rather I quit diving altogether and spend time with her doing things that bore the shit out of me.

The funny thing is: I hear the same complaints from Dave about his wife Betty. So we often complain about our spouses. It doesn’t help that the bitches are good friends.

They often go out together on wild shopping sprees to spend our hard earned money. But they’re not happy whenever we want to go diving. They even complain when they’re not at home and our time should be all to ourselves.

One weekend we were out on the boat in the Keys diving our favorite location. Our wives had gone on a weekend trip to New York City. It was easy to imagine how much money they were going to spend.

We had no illusions as to whether or not they’d be faithful while they were in the Big Apple. We already had our suspicions. There was a lot of circumstantial evidence, but no solid proof.

We surfaced from a particularly enjoyable dive on a reef. There were some rather tricky caverns and tunnels we’d navigated. That’s when Dave disgustedly tossed his fins upon the deck of the boat.

“I wish Betty would get stuck down there and run out of air. She got scuba certified several years ago. But now she won’t even come diving with me!”

“Marcia’s the same way,” I sighed heavily. “She loved diving when we were first going out. Now she says it ‘messes up her hair’!” Then I made a mocking motion of running my hand over my head before rolling my eyes in disgust.

Dave chuckled. “Could you imagine Marcia and Betty getting stuck down there and running out of air? They might not be found for weeks… maybe even months.”

“We’d never get ‘em down there,” I responded dryly.

Dave laughed in agreement. “You’re right about that, buddy,” he said as he shook his head while unstrapping his dive gear. “We’d be lucky just to get ‘em onto the boat.”

“I doubt they’d get into the water,” I responded. “We’d have to toss them overboard. That would really piss them off.”

“Then what?” he asked. “What would we do then? Pull ‘em down to the depths in our scuba gear?”

“Wouldn’t that be nice?” I asked with a knowing smile. “We could hold onto ‘em in great big bear hugs while waiting for the bubbles.”

“Or hold onto an ankle and pull ‘em down until their lungs exploded. Now that’s a mental image I can get into!”

“I bet you’d love doing that to Betty,” I laughed. “That would sure show her!”

“And of course you would probably enjoy doing Marcia,” he chuckled. “I can just see you holding her under and drowning her ass!”

“Yeah,” I nodded half-heartedly. “Drowning that bitch would sure serve her right.” But I was already contemplating how I probably couldn’t go through with it, even though the idea was tempting as hell.

“Yeah,” Dave added. Then he sighed heavily. “If wishes were fishes I suppose.” If he was anything like me, then he wouldn’t have the heart to drown his Betty.

“Drown ‘em both, then stuff ‘em in that narrow cavern,” I mused thoughtfully. “We could make it look like they got stuck and ran out of air or something. Now that would sure be nice!”

“That would certainly simplify my life a great deal,” Dave sighed wistfully. “But you know us… cowards to the core.”

“That’s us,” I agreed, sighing regretfully. “I suppose you would have to do mine and I would have to do yours.”

He sat there nodding his head. Then he suddenly jolted upright. He looked at me as though it had just hit him like a bolt from out of the blue.

“Jack? You don’t suppose…?”

“Suppose what?”

“You don’t suppose we could actually do it, could we?”

“Do what?”

“You do mine and I’ll do yours?”

I looked at him for a long moment. I knew I couldn’t off my wife. But could I off his while he did mine? The way he returned my gaze made me realize he was actually considering it.

It took a couple weeks of wining, dining and bribing our wives to get them to come out on the boat with us. We had to spend a hell of a lot of money on them just to get them to even consider the idea. We told them Dave and I would be the only ones scuba diving while they stayed on the boat and worked on their tans. So they agreed.

On the weekend of the outing, Dave and I rented a nice cabin cruiser with a couple of beds down below. We told the wives it would be our way of stoking the romantic fires, so to speak. That way the girls would still be allowed to sort of stick together.

Just to make sure, we brought along plenty of alcohol. We both knew Betty and Marcia were vulnerable to the strong drink. It significantly dropped their inhibitions, making them much more willing to do just about anything.

We got them on board. Then we watched while they stripped down into a couple of skimpy, yet incredibly expensive bikinis. Personally I think they wanted to show off to anyone who crossed our bow.

We responded by liquoring them up early. That way, they wouldn’t suspect a thing. Then Dave and I made our final plans as we piloted the boat out into open water.

We came to an agreement. He would get into his scuba gear first and drown my wife. Then I would gear up, get into the water and drown his. We also agreed that if the women got drunk enough, anything else was permissible.

You see, in the past we actually considered doing a little wife-swapping. But neither of us ever had the balls to make it happen, although I suspect the women would have been willing. Tonight was going to be different.

Dave’s wife is pretty hot. And he once admitted to having fantasies about mine. It was understood anything was possible once the opportunity presented itself.

After a while, we reached our first location and dropped anchor. Dave and I eagerly geared up. As usual, the women were already starting to nag us.

At first, it was the sun. Then it was the heat. It was even suggested we turn the boat around and head back so they could go shopping at the marina.

Dave and I had seen it before. We would put in the effort, and the ladies would shoot it down just for spite. I think they enjoyed poking the bear, so to speak. But this time we made sure the liquor flowed freely until they became less enthusiastic about heading right back.

We went over the side in our scuba gear. Dave and I enjoyed ourselves in the peace and quiet of the depths for about an hour. Then we climbed aboard.

Our wives were well liquored up and feeling no pain. Amazingly, we got them to take off those bikinis. We even managed to talk them into jumping into the water with us.

I could tell right away that Betty was into me. We swam around together until she playfully pulled my trunks down. She brazenly groped my cock and balls, even though we were not alone.

Nearby, I could see Marcia and Dave laughing and having fun while hugging each other. But I’d long since gotten used to the rumors of her infidelity. Strangely, it didn’t bother me seeing her so frisky with Dave. Besides, she and Betty were destined to go straight to the bottom of the ocean.

After our fun and frolic, we climbed back onboard. Then we motored off to this one particular reef we had in mind. There were other boats out on the water, and our naked wives waved and flirted with anyone they saw who caught their fancy.

Dave and I had no illusions as to Betty and Marcia’s faithfulness once they got rip-roaring drunk. So we kept them on a tight leash until all the other boats had left. They both complained we were spoiling their fun. We just pumped a few more drinks into them until they mellowed out.

We finally went back into the water for a second swim, even though it was getting late in the day. Betty came on to me harder than ever. So she and I swam over to the other side of the boat for some ‘alone time’.

From the way Dave talked about her, it shouldn’t have surprised me how aggressive she was. She playfully jerked my cock a few times, grabbing my balls in the process. Then she took a deep breath and submerged to blow me underwater.

Marcia had long ago stopped blowing me, mostly because she claimed it wasn’t ladylike. I think it was just her way of controlling how much sex I got. I also think she found it distasteful having to get on her knees and service me. But I couldn’t help wondering how many other guys she might have willingly gotten on her knees for over the years.

Betty was drunk as a skunk, and more than eager. Bubbles poured out of her mouth until she had to come up for air a couple of times. But that didn’t bother her in the slightest.

She drunkenly told me she wanted me to cum in her mouth. She said it would be “sho hawwt”. Then she took another deep breath before she went back down.

It occurred to me how easy it would be for me to drown her right then and there in her drunken state. But we wanted to wait until morning. We also wanted our bitch wives to be sober enough to be aware of what we were doing to them when the fateful moment arrived. So I just settled in on getting a hot, underwater blowjob.

She tried her best. But she couldn’t hold her breath long enough for me to cum in her mouth. When she surfaced, she simply climbed into my lap.

She reached back and grabbed my cock, centering it on her cunt. She impaled herself upon it, gasping and moaning excitedly. She drunkenly cried out, “Fuhck me, Shaack! I’ve alwaysh wahnted you to fuhck mee!”

She pulled me underwater. Then she started riding me hard. She was nice and tight.

It felt amazing having a woman who eagerly wanted me to fuck her for a change. So I let her have it nice and hard. She grunted and bubbled as I really rammed it into her.

She even let out a bubbly, “FUHCK MEE, SHAACK!” Then she screamed a bubbly orgasm. I went off deep inside her, enjoying every second of the encounter.

We swam over to the side of the boat. I climbed up to see if Marcia and Dave were back on board. But I didn’t see them anywhere.

Betty pulled me back into the sea with her. She begged me to eat her out. So I took a deep breath and slipped under the surface.

I mashed my face into her cunt. She was nice and wet. What’s more, she had a good, sexy taste to her.

I figured she wasn’t going to live through tomorrow anyway. So why not be nice to her today? It would only be fair, being as how I would be drowning her in the morning.

She started to cry out over how good it felt. So I pulled her under with me. She grunted and bubbled, twisting and turning as I licked her out.

She experienced another bubbly orgasm. It made me feel like a man again, bringing such pleasure to a woman. Besides, Marcia had long ago stopped responding to me sexually.

The sun went down, so we both climbed aboard. She wanted to go right to bed. I was going to put her in Dave’s room, but she told me she wanted to sleep with me instead. Besides, a quick look around revealed Dave was already in my room with Marcia.

I gave Betty a few more drinks. Then I took her to bed. She was a sloppy drunk, but we fucked like rabbits.

In the adjacent cabin I heard Marcia cry out her excitement with Dave as they fucked each other. So I made sure Betty got it good and hard. We both finally fell asleep, all fucked out.

Dave woke me up bright and early the next morning. We quietly went up on deck. He geared up first, telling me all about his night with my wife.

“She’s a whore, Jack; a fucking whore! She told me all about several of the trips they had taken together and how they found boy-toys while they were gone. All that liquor really loosened her tongue. Now I’m really looking forward to drowning the both of them!”

I smiled at him as I told him, “That’s great!” I thought I would feel worse once he told me he’d fucked my wife, Instead, I was all turned on thinking about drowning his Betty.

“It’s still on,” I told him. “You do mine and I’ll do yours. Those bitches are about to bubble their last!”

He nodded eagerly as he slipped over the side of the boat. I went into our cabin and got my wife out of bed. The room smelled of sex and booze.

She was really hung over. She actually looked a little guilty. She even slipped on a pair of lacy panties as though she didn’t want me to see what she’d done with her cunt the night before.

She struggled, but she couldn’t quite seem to figure out how to get back into her bra. She finally waved it off, probably figuring I had seen her topless so enough that it didn’t make any difference. Then she grabbed me and breathed the words “Black coffee!” into my face.

I hauled her up on deck, telling her we should enjoy the morning sun together. She wanted to know where Dave and Betty were. I told her I didn’t know.

I asked if she enjoyed herself the night before. She said, “I don’t remember much about last night.”

She winced and lowered her head a little. Was she finally developing a conscience? I thought, ‘It’s a little too late for that, bitch!’ Besides, Dave was already in his gear waiting for her to hit the water.

I told her, “Well, I remember a little more than you do.” Then I allowed a hint of anger in my voice as I reminded her, “I thought this was going to be a romantic getaway.”

She actually apologized; it was kind of surprising. Maybe she felt guilty. Or maybe fucking her best friend’s husband was a line she hadn’t planned on crossing drunk or sober.

I began to get hard imagining her drowning bubbles once Dave got to have the last of his fun with her. So I decided to try guilting her into sucking my cock one last time. “How about an apology blowjob? Maybe it will wash away that nasty taste out of your mouth from last night.”

I dropped my shorts, revealing my developing erection. She looked at me and winced in dismay. I just shook my head, deciding to play one last card…

“I can’t believe it! All our troubles, you act all disgusted… and seeing your body still gets me hard. Damn!”

It caught her totally by surprise. She appeared to soften a little. Then she slowly dropped to her knees.

I could tell she thought this was beneath her. Maybe she felt forced to acknowledge the compliment. She actually cupped my balls before taking me into her mouth.

She gave me a seductive look as she bobbed up and down on my dick, taking me deeper and deeper. I could tell she had one hell of a headache from the night before. But she did try to give it her all. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a better blowjob from her than that last one.

She actually deep-throated me, giving my cock one hell of a sucking that Betty’s mouth could not even begin to rival. Then I felt my balls start to swell. She recognized the moment and tried to pull away.

I had already decided… “Not this time, bitch!” I grabbed the back of her head. Then I fucked her face nice and hard.

She grunted and struggled. But she had no leverage and couldn’t get away. Then I got this mental image of her grunting and struggling as she drowned in Dave’s grasp. That’s what set me off.

She let out a muffled cry as I filled her mouth with spunk. I rammed her face good and hard, forcing her to swallow most of it. When I finally pulled out, she had cum on her lips.

Marcia quickly reverted back to form. “You BASTARD!!” she blurted out as she stood up. “You fucking BASTARD!! Now where the hell’s my fucking COFFEE?”

“It’s over the side, bitch.” Then I put my hands on her tits and gave her a push.

She went over backward, screaming obscenities at me. Then she hit the water with a splash. She came up sputtering, telling me all sorts of vile things.

She let out one last cry of surprise as she was jerked downward. The water was crystal clear. Dave had his hands wrapped around her legs and was pulling her down.

She twisted and struggled, losing massive bursts of air. She tried to push him away. But he appeared to have a good grip on her.

I don’t think Marcia was ready to hold her breath so early in the morning, not with that kind of hangover. Almost immediately I saw a huge eruption of bubbles. Then I saw Dave pull her panties down.

I stood there mesmerized as he slid into my wife’s cunt, giving her one last fuck. Maybe I should have been upset about it. But I wasn’t. I figured it was only fitting that a whore like her got some cock one last time.

It wasn’t long until it looked like she was lifeless in his grasp. They kept descending until it got harder to separate their shapes from the ocean bottom. A few more bubbles came up. But I suspect that was from the scuba gear more than anything else.

I watched as a lone figure rose up a couple minutes later. I saw it was Dave. He was shedding his dive gear.

As he reached the boat, I dove into the water and swam over to him. He took his tank off and helped me into it. He made sure I got the weight belt on before giving me a pat on the shoulder.

“Flooded lungs, buddy,” he reassured me. “That and with the pressure down there? She’s not coming back up.”

I smiled back at him as I told him, “Good. Serves the bitch right.”

“I heard everything,” he told me as we tread water in a relatively calm sea. “I hope you don’t mind. I just couldn’t help myself. So I finished her off by fucking the last of the air out of her lungs.”

“She had such a shocked look in her eyes, Jack. As far as I’m concerned? She fucking deserved it. Now wait right here while I go fetch Betty.”

He climbed aboard and then looked down at me all geared up and naked. “I don’t care what you do to her, Jack. Just make sure you drown the bitch.” Then he disappeared.

I waited patiently in the water. But I started having second thoughts as the minutes ticked by. What the hell were we thinking drowning our wives like this??

I heard angry voices coming up on deck. They were obviously in the midst of a major argument. I shook my head as I got ready.



I put the reg in my mouth, adjusted the dive mask over my face, and then prepared to make my move. Their argument was convincing me more than ever. What we were doing was the right thing to do.


I heard a scream, just as I submerged with a burble. Betty came flying over the side.  Then she hit the water with a splash.

She popped back up, sputtering and cursing. She barely got out the words, “YOU FUCKING BA-!” Then I pulled her under with me. That was the last air she ever tasted.

She was in a robe as I pulled her down. I scrambled to pull it off her shoulders. She bubbled in alarm as she fought with me, causing my cock to stiffen right up.

I couldn’t help pressing it up against her as we wrestled underwater. There was a look of sheer panic in her expression. I found it disturbingly intoxicating.

I remembered Dave’s words about making sure to enjoy her. So I grabbed for her panties. Then I pulled them down her legs.

There was a little adjustment of her body as she struggled against me. My erection finally found her slit. I eagerly forced it right in.

Her eyes flew open in horror as she glubbed her shock. Then she coughed and gurgled as her chest started heaving against mine. Her cunt spasmed wonderfully around my shaft as she started to drown.

I gave her a good fucking as I squeezed her magnificent tits. It felt amazing feeling her drown in my grasp. Her cunt furiously clenched around my cock as though she was milking me for all she was worth.

She shuddered as she went limp in my grasp. I pumped her cunt hard as I looked into her eyes. Amazingly I could still detect some life there.

I pushed into her stomach again and again, forcing out the last of her air. She spasmed around my cock one last time. I emptied myself inside her until my cum leaked out of her juicy twat.

The shock and horror were still in her eyes as though she had fully experienced it all. Then her eyelids drooped. That’s when I realized I had just witnessed her passing. It was amazing to behold… and incredibly erotic.

I took her down until we reached the bottom. I found Marcia down there waiting for us. There was a similar look of tired horror in her expression.

I placed Betty right next to her. I figured the bitches might as well hang out together while feeding the fishes. Then I headed back to the surface where Dave was waiting for me up on the boat.

“Well?” he asked when my head popped up. “How was it, Jack?”

“Incredible!” Then I smiled as I asked, “Permission to come aboard so we can coordinate our stories to the coast guard?”

“Permission granted!” he laughed.

He gave me a hand and helped me up out of the water. Even with the gear on my back, I felt strangely lighter. It was as though weights had been lifted from our shoulders now that our bitches were lying dead on the ocean floor…

2014; 2021 (written Mar 1 ’14; ed. Mar 28 ’21 by riwa. Idea inspired by rncarp)

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Bonus story: The bogs of Dartmoor 3.8 (13)

Note: This is an edited repost of a story I did for Dorothy many years ago. This was a fantasy of hers. Sadly, I’ve not heard from her in a few years.

Brian didn’t really know why he was prowling the bogs of Dartmoor. It was as if something had called to him, pulling him to make the drive to south Devon, England. Now he wished he’d obeyed his gut instinct to stay the hell away.

He was in a bog up to his neck, having stumbled in… or had he been pushed? He was a little foggy on that one. But there was no one around for miles. He’d hollered out in vain as his struggles took him deeper.

If only that lass Dorothy were out here! He’d seen her posts on a certain fetish forum how she’d been known to come out and wander the bogs at night. If he was damned lucky she might just show up at any moment and rescue him. But right now there was no one around.

He cried out as he slowly sank deeper while hyperventilating like crazy. If he was going to die, he would certainly have preferred some other method. Having a heart attack while shagging some lovely British bird certainly came to mind. But it was obvious that wasn’t going to happen.

Panic set in as he settled deeper, forcing him to tip his head back. Fear made him start to grunt and cry out as the bog inexorably pulled him down. The smelly material seemed possessive, as though determined to claim his life.

Soon his mouth slipped under the surface, leaving him snorting frantically through his nose. Then his eyes got big as saucers as an apparition suddenly appeared right in front of him. It was a wispy specter in the form of a woman with blonde hair.

“Don’t worry, love,” it said soothingly to him. “I’ve read your mind. I have summoned her as well. I promise she’ll be joining you shortly, although she doesn’t know it yet.” Then it smiled at him, a gruesome smile that made him frightened over this strange ethereal being.

His eyes flew open in horror, not wanting some innocent young thing to follow in his footsteps. Then he felt the bog begin to pull him down ever faster. He snorted a big breath through his nose before it too became submerged, leaving only his eyes and forehead above the rancid material.

The ghostly vision stretched an arm out to him, palm down. Brian instinctively shook his head, his lungs beginning to heave. Then the specter brought the arm down as though wanting to force him down below the surface.

…and then Brian was completely submerged within the darkness of the bog…

The surface rippled, evidence of a panicked struggle for life just below. There was a massive eruption of bubbles, a set of lungs having just emptied themselves. The surface rippled again as though something was desperately trying to break out. Then it settled into the quietness of the night.

The apparition smiled down at the quiet bog. The words “She will be joining you shortly” seemed to echo softly on the wind. Then the specter rippled until it faded away into the night…

Dorothy Curtis felt uneasy as she slowly walked amidst the bogs of Dartmoor. She usually enjoyed coming out here to meditate and genuflect. But tonight was different. She’d been uncomfortable ever since she’d gotten that urge and had driven out here.

She’d seen the other car off in the distance. Dorothy assumed lovers might be out walking the marsh together, the silly fools. She hoped they were being careful.

There wasn’t a soul in sight. She wondered where they could have gotten off to. She hoped they had not met with a tragic accident.

Maybe it was another woman like her, out roaming the bog while deep in thought. Maybe someone had come out here and had run out of petrol. At any rate, she wasn’t certain she was all that comfortable being out here, not on a night like this. But for some reason she felt compelled to be here.

She felt a sudden shove in her back. Dorothy pitched forward, the ground giving way in front of her. The next thing she knew she was in it up to her crotch.

“Bloody hell!” she cried out, whirling to see who had pushed her in. But there was no one there. She was all alone.

Had she slipped? Lost her footing? It didn’t seem likely. Yet here she was, right in the middle of a smelly mess!

She gingerly tested her footing. Then she tried to head out the way she’d come in. That’s when she felt something clutch at her ankles as though holding her in place.

She pulled anxiously, panting heavily for breath. But she could not extricate herself.

She shook her head in exasperation. “What did you do to yourself, you silly, stupid bitch? They’re just stupid fantasies, you know! You really didn’t want to end up in one, did you? This is a fine mess you’ve gotten yourself into!”

She struggled with her footing, trying to pull herself free of whatever it was that seemed to be clutching at her ankles. But that just made her sink a little deeper. She gasped in alarm as she went perfectly still, hoping she wouldn’t sink any deeper.

“Ok, ok,” she said to herself, panting heavily. “Think, damn you! You got yourself into this! So you can bloody well get yourself out! Besides, most of these bogs aren’t deep at all. It’s just a matter of walking out is all.”

She carefully worked a foot free. Dorothy moved it in the direction she’d fallen in, concluding she must have accidentally tumbled in. But when she put her foot down while searching for solid ground underneath her, it sank even deeper. Bloody hell!

All of the sudden she saw him standing there. She knew he hadn’t been standing there a moment ago! No matter; at least she was saved!

“Hey!” she cried out, reaching out toward him as her face flushed red with embarrassment. “I fell in and I can’t bloody seem to get myself out. It’s a good thing you came by when you did. Would you help a silly bitch out of her predicament here?”

“Remove the dress.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Remove the dress.”

She hadn’t seen his lips move and it gave her the creeps. But it was kind of dark out. Maybe she was imagining things.

“You want me to remove my dress? You’re bloody kidding me; right, love??”

“Remove the dress.”

“But it’s bloody cold out here! Get me out, damn you!”

She struggled in place, only to slip a little deeper. Now she could feel the surface of the muck approaching her breasts. Dorothy began hyperventilating as her panic swelled within her.

“Remove the dress.”

She frowned at him, wincing over such an incredible demand. Damn! If that was what it was going to take to get her out, she’d better stop dilly-dallying!

Ok, so she’d consent to giving him an eyeful if that’s what he wanted. The dress was ruined anyway. Just so long as he pulled her out.

Dorothy grunted as she pulled it up over her head. She was embarrassed as hell. Strange how she hadn’t bothered to wear anything underneath this night. Was she crazy??

The guy looked at her with amusement. He was acting very strange. She had the distinct impression he knew all along she’d gone commando. So long as he helped her out.

“Satisfied, love?” she said in disgust as she threw it over onto dry ground. He just looked at her impassively.

“You want to get me out of here now? It’s bloody cold in here. I’m stuck in it up to my headlights!”

The surface of the bog was now climbing up her heaving, glistening mounds. Her nipples had become shamefully erect. Dorothy felt a perverse excitement at her predicament.

Her mind suddenly drifted to a post she’d submitted at a fetish website. She’d responded to another person who’d gotten her all worked up over the Bogs of Dartmoor. She trembled fearfully as she thought about what she’d written in response.

The man standing in front of her smiled. It was an evil smile that made her blood run cold. “It shall be done.”

The words seemed to carry softly on the breeze. She was sure his lips had not moved. Then to her utter astonishment, the man vanished right before her startled eyes.

Dorothy let out a yelp of shock as her hands swung around in front of her. A set of manacles had attached to her wrists from out of nowhere. What the bloody hell??

She screamed as the man reappeared. This time he was right there with her in the bog. He was totally naked, a set of handcuffs in his hand. What the bloody hell??

She screamed as he stepped right up to her. He pressed his naked body up against her. Then he pulled her cuffed arms down around his back.

She felt warm flesh. Yet she was strangely terrified. Then he wrapped his arms around her.

“WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING??” she cried out as he cuffed his wrists behind her back. He simply smiled at her.

Her mind tried to process what had just happened. But it made no sense to her. She was trapped in a bog, only this bloody sod was handcuffed to her body! Now they were going to go down together.

“No!! No!! Wait!! You can’t!!”

She was in it up to her shoulders now. And he was in it with her! He did not seem frightened or panicked. That’s what scared her most of all.

She frantically bent her head back as he moved his mouth toward hers. Then his lips were upon hers. They were cold, and she tried to scream.

Dorothy couldn’t get away. And she couldn’t sever the kiss either. Her eyes were open as she was forced to kiss against her will.

Dorothy suddenly screamed into his mouth. Two apparitions had just appeared behind her companion. It was a man and a woman, both of them holding hands.

In a flash she remembered the newspaper article. Two lovebirds had come to south Devon and had disappeared. They were believed to be the ghosts of the Dartmoor bogs.

Dorothy watched in horror as the two specters stretched out their free arms toward her, palms presented downward. Then they both motioned together… “Down!” At that moment she felt something penetrate her womanhood down in the bog.

Dorothy screamed into the mouth of the specter that was still kissing her. Surely he had to be a ghost. There was no other explanation for it.

At the same time she felt something thrust in and out of her as they both started to go down together. It felt like he’d penetrated her womanhood. Was he fucking her as they slowly sank into the smelly bog??


The surface slowly rose up her neck to her chin. It flowed around her pursed lips. She continued to sink until it reached her nose.

With a scream of horror she frantically inhaled through her nostrils. Then they too were submerged, leaving only her eyes above the surface. The last thing she saw was the ghostly duo staring at her, motioning for her to go down to her doom.

Her eyes were flooded with the muck of the marsh as she sank downward. She frantically closed them as she tried to hold her breath. Then Dorothy began to thrash about in horror.

She screamed into the mouth of the apparition still kissing her. At the same time she felt something thrusting into her pussy. It was inconceivable!

Her lungs began to heave as she struggled to hold her breath. She was totally submerged, sinking deeper and deeper with this murderous ghost still handcuffed to her. It would only be a few seconds before her lungs gave out.


Her lungs gave out in a huge burst of bubbles. Dorothy snorted bog water through her nostrils. That’s when the kiss abruptly stopped.

The mouth pulled away from her lips as she coughed up bubbles. The sensation of cuffs on her wrists ceased. He was no longer right there with her. But it still felt as though he was deep inside her.

Dorothy let out a bubbly cry as she started to drown. She gurgled as she thrashed about under the surface of the bog. A moment later she felt certain she could feel hot cum spurting into her cunt, although her rational mind could not explain how. It triggered a devastating orgasm within her as she fought in vain underneath the surface, thrashing about to free herself.

Her mind screamed “BLOODY HELL; I’M REALLY DROWNING!” Her body convulsed painfully. She could not stop cumming amidst the cruel agony of swallowing tons of bog water.

Up at the surface the two apparitions stood hand in hand. They appreciatively observed the heaving surface of the bog. It rippled with great animation from the struggle underneath.

Bubbles burst up as the marshy covering undulated from the action below. There was a sudden final burst of bubbles as the bog belched up its secret. Then the surface grew still.

The two specters looked down at the bog before turning to face each other. Their lips met before they began to shimmer out of existence. The words “Now we are together, my love” seemed to carry softly on the breeze as silence returned…

The next day two abandoned vehicles would be discovered. A woman’s dress lay out on dry ground as though someone had stepped into a bog and then taken it off above her head. But no answers or explanations would be forthcoming.

The authorities later received two missing persons’ reports from the sister of a woman and the mother of a man. They were able to identify the two abandoned vehicles. But the bodies were never recovered. The two individuals were never seen or heard from again, more victims of the Bogs of Dartmoor.

2012; 2020 (written for Brian and Dorothy Feb 28 ’12; ed. Sep 25 ’20 by riwa)

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Mom’s favorite 4.4 (31)

That blonde bimbo always was mom’s favorite. She was also a ditz as well as an incurable slut. But she was destined to inherit 50% of the assets once mom keeled over from her impending heart attack. So Selena and I went to work on her.

First, we got her all liquored up. Then we brought out her sex toys. We tied her arms off so she couldn’t stop us. Then we began fucking her with them.

At first she begged us to stop. Then she begged us not to. When we turned her hands loose she willingly fucked herself with her own toys, the stupid slut.

Next we got that pink scarf she’s always wearing. It’s her favorite; she flashes it everywhere. Mom loves it too, but Selena and I just hate it. So we decided to put it to good use.

We wrapped it around her neck while she was fucking herself with her buzzing vibrator. “This should feel good,” I whispered seductively into her ear. The more we pulled, the harder the stupid bitch fucked herself.

“Feel good?” Selena whispered into her ear.

Dumb question. “More!” the ditz begged. So we got on either side of her and pulled.

She used her toy as though it was her latest boyfriend. I must admit she goes through them the way she goes through liquor bottles. We pulled hard until she was bucking and shuddering while furiously fucking herself.

We let loose, only for the slut to beg us to pull it tight again. I got her a bigger vibrating toy. Then we watched her go at it as we pulled on that damnable scarf. The crazy slut popped off time and time again.

I looked at Selena and she looked at me. We were both thinking the same thing. Neither one of us had to say a word.

We pulled really hard on that stupid scarf. The ditz bucked and thrashed about like crazy. But she had her hand on that toy the whole time, furiously fucking herself with it. All blondes are clueless; our crazy sister was no exception.

By the time we got through with her, she was in an orgasmic fog. The seat of her cushioned chair was totally soaked. Selena and I looked at each other again. This time we nodded in agreement.

We both pulled on our ends of the scarf just as hard as we could. The ditz started bucking and humping in the chair. Her eyes opened wide as she furiously fucked herself with that toy.

Something in her brain must’ve told her she was being a dumbass. By the time she figured it out it was too late. Selena and I weren’t stopping.

Her hands came up to claw at the scarf around her throat. But all those orgasms had worn her out. She was simply too weak to resist us.

We watched closely as her eyes started to roll into the back of her head. Her body went off, bucking and humping like crazy as though instinctively trying to halt the dying process. It was incredible to watch.

Her mouth opened wide as she tried to scream. For a crazy moment she found her toy and tried to fuck herself with it. Even as she was dying, the crazy bitch wanted to cum!

She shuddered hard before going limp. Selena and I just kept up the pressure. We wanted to make sure she was long gone.

We finally released our grip on each end of the scarf. The ditz stared upward with unseeing eyes. We just left her like that, the scarf rolled up around her neck with her hand on her toy. The seat of the chair was totally soaked from her many orgasms.

We went to our rooms and waited for mom to come home. We heard the front door, followed by a scream. It caused us both to come running.

We made sure we both looked visibly shocked. Selena gazed at the scene before gasping, “She was talking about doing a little erotic asphyxiation, mom. But we didn’t think she’d be stupid enough to go that far with it!”

Mom clutched her heart before keeling over. We went back to our rooms and waited ten minutes. Then we came out as though we didn’t know mom was home or the ditz had erotically strangled herself. Then we called 911…


We’re really enjoying the house now. And we’ve been getting together with all the ditz’s old boyfriends. Life is pretty damned good not having to see that stupid pink scarf floating around the house on the neck of our clueless sister…

(Sep 25 ’20) (Inspired by the picture.)

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DIY strangling 4.4 (43)

I foolishly clicked on a link at a porn site. A message box popped up with the text line, “What do you like?

“Asphyxia,” I typed back. “Strangulation by scarf.”

“Kinky. Want to get together?”

“Some other time” and I signed out.

A couple days later I found myself back on that porn site. That same link popped up. I wondered if it was that woman again.

Once more I clicked on it. A message box popped up with the text line, “What do you like?

“Asphyxia,” I typed back.

“Asphyxia man? Is that you? Are you the one who texted me last time?”


“Just a second. Let me turn my cam on.”

About a minute later a screen came on. A blonde in a nice outfit smiled at me. She had a black scarf in her hand.

She smiled right at the camera. Then she wrapped the scarf around her neck. “You like it?” she asked. I could hear her voice over my speakers.

I typed back, “I like scarves.”

She appeared to study the screen as though she was reading it. Then she smiled again. “I take it you like seeing women strangled in scarves?”

“Yes I do.”

She adjusted the scarf around her throat. Both ends were draped over her shoulders. Then she smiled as she pulled on both ends.

“You like?” she asked the screen.

“Very much,” I typed in return, my cock stirring in my trousers.

“Want to come over?”

“How much?”

In response she pulled harder. I watched as she appeared to concentrate. But I wasn’t sure I was convinced.

“What is this?” I typed, my cock hardening. “Do-it-yourself strangling?”

“Want to come over? I’ll do it for you in person. I’ll even let you pull on the ends.” Then she eased up on both ends, breathing quietly.

“Where do you live?” She verbally gave me an address. It wasn’t that far away.

I was curious as I typed, “Does the porn site let you know when someone logs in and is close to where you live?”

“Yes. Do you want to come over?”

She grinned at the camera as she grabbed her scarf on both ends. Once more she started to tug. This time she appeared to be pulling pretty hard.

For a moment she got this strange look in her eyes. She began to rasp and gurgle. She looked like she was actually getting into it.

Her breathing became ragged as her face turned red. She went into little seizures as she suddenly lost her ability to stand. Then she collapsed out of sight of the camera.

I stared in disbelief. Had she strangled herself to death?? Then she rose up, coughing a little as she rubbed her neck.

“That was a good one. You made me cum in my nice outfit. Now I need to get undressed and change clothes. Want to come over and watch me do it in person? I’ll wait until after your visit to change back into my clothes if you like.”

“I’ll be right over.” She just got this huge grin. Then I signed out.

She was naked when I got there. There was this white scarf or wrap around her neck. “Like it?” she asked with a coy smile.

“Should we discuss payment first?”

“In a bit. Let’s go into the bedroom.” She wasn’t wasting any time.

She invited me in where she sat on her bed. There was a chair sitting right there facing her which she waved for me to use. As I sat down I found myself wondering just how many times she’d done this before.

I smiled as I hesitantly asked, “Should we talk payment now?”

“What do you think this is worth?” Then she pulled on both ends again.

I watched with a look of growing desire as her breathing became ragged. It looked like she was struggling between the desire to pull harder and the need to ease up. Her face became flushed, her nostrils flaring.

She let out a gasp as her eyes rolled. Then she started to shudder. Her neck flushed red, an obvious indicator she’d just experienced an orgasm.

She went into little seizures as she let go before falling over backward, almost passing out. It was about thirty seconds before she began shaking her head. She was coming back around.

“Would you like to see more?”

“What do I need to do?”

“Get undressed. I want to see your reaction.”

I carefully stripped out of my clothes. She smiled at my erection. Then she pulled on the ends to her scarf again.

She pulled pretty hard. I watched as she winced. Then her eyes rolled as she started to shudder.

I saw her pussy flare and wink at me. It looked incredibly wet. Her nipples were hard as pebbles on full, round breasts.

She went into little seizures again as she went over backwards, collapsing onto her bed. She had little spasms before her head began to shake. Then she slowly rose back up, panting quietly.

“You like?”

“Very much.”

“Would you like to strangle me?”

“How much?”

“We’ll discuss that later. Right now we’re both too turned on to talk payment, wouldn’t you agree?”

I got up and climbed onto the bed behind her. I took both ends and pulled. She turned her head to one side as she panted excitedly.

“Like this?” I asked carefully.


“So much for do-it-yourself strangling.”

“I like it more when a sexy man does it to me.”

“Let me see if I can make that happen for you.”

“Oh gawd; yes.”

I pulled on both ends. She rasped for breath as she began to squirm. She leaned back against me as she panted, “Harder!”

I pulled nice and tight. Her face went red as she really gasped for breath. Her eyes rolled as she struggled against me. Then she went into those little seizures. I could smell she’d cum again.

I eased up on both ends while propping her up. “Not bad,” I said with a smile.

She regained her composure, shaking her head to clear it. Then she asked, “What’s it worth to you?”

“A couple hundred?”

“For that I’ll even let you fuck me.”

“While strangling you?”

In reply she climbed into my lap with her back to me. I felt her adjust her position. Then she eased down until my erection slid into her velvety wetness.

She took both ends of her scarf and pulled. She began to rasp and gurgle. I felt her bounce up and down on my dick.

Her pussy clenched wonderfully as she strangled herself. She pulled really hard. It made her cunt do amazing things.

She suddenly let go, panting like crazy. “Now you do it,” she told me. I took both ends and pulled as she rode me.

She bounced up and down on my throbbing shaft. It felt incredible. The harder I pulled, the tighter her cunt seemed to clench.

She went into those little seizures again as she struggled against me. I pulled until she went limp. Her cunt kept clenching until it slowly let up.

I lifted her off me and laid her down upon her bed. Then I climbed on top, sliding my dick into her wetness. She began to come around, smiling weakly when she saw I had mounted her.

She took the ends of her scarf and pulled as I fucked her. I thrust harder as her face went red again. She began to buck underneath me until she arched her back. Then she let go of her scarf.

I smiled as I told her, “Now it’s my turn.” She smiled up at me as I took the ends from her hands. That’s when I took the slack out of her scarf.

She looked into my face, her eyes twinkling with excitement. I slowly pulled tighter. Her eyes got bigger as her chest started to heave.

Her face flushed again as she started to shudder. I just smiled at her as I thrust in and out while pulling a little harder. She made delicious rasping sounds.

Her hands fluttered at her sides as though she didn’t know what to do with them. I saw that familiar flush around her neck as she shuddered hard. That’s when I pulled on both ends just as hard as I could.

I really pumped her as she let out a loud “GAWK”. Her hands instinctively came up to my arms, attempting to make me stop. But it was too late. I’d already strangled the strength right out of her.

Her hands flew up to the scarf around her neck as she frantically clawed at the material. “Go ahead, baby,” I cooed softly at her. “Enjoy that last orgasm as you die. Did I neglect to tell you I also like necro sex?”

Her eyes rolled as her hands began to flutter haphazardly at her sides. She gawked and gurgled for a few seconds. Then her body went into those sexy seizures again.

A moment later she went limp, her strength giving out underneath me. I just kept fucking her, maintaining the tension on the scarf. “That was your happy ending,” I told her quietly. “Now here’s mine.”

Her tongue poked out as her eyes remained rolled up into the back of her head, her eyelids half closed. I eased up on the tension on the scarf. Then I pulled nice and hard as though making sure.

She shuddered and flopped around a little. But there wasn’t much else in the way of a response. Her cunt clenched nicely around my erection until I pumped a load deep inside her.

I smiled as I finally released my lethal hold on her scarf. I softly whispered, “Do-it-yourself strangling always works better with a pair of helping hands, wouldn’t you agree? Now let’s spend some intimate time together, shall we?”

2013; 2020 (written for Denny Binder Jun 1 ’13; ed. Sep 5 ‘20 by riwa)

(Pictures found in the Internet and used for illustration purposes.)

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