The company’s ‘Termination Room’


It had been a stupid thing to do…

She’d gone into Mr. Benson’s office in search of something useful for her new job. As his secretary, it was not unusual for her to go in and out. Then he’d caught her rifling through his files.

She’d started to stammer how she was searching for a folder for the Patterson account. Mr. Benson had reacted rather calmly. He’d simply instructed her to take the rest of the day off. She had breathed a sigh of relief when he hadn’t fired her.

Things took an ominous turn down in the parking garage. She had her keys in her hand and was about to unlock her car when someone came up behind her. She was violently grabbed, a white cloth forced over her mouth and nose.

She breathed noxious fumes. That was the last thing she remembered. Now she moaned softly as consciousness returned.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she gasped in alarm. She was in what appeared to be some sort of basement. There was no furniture whatsoever except for the wooden chair she was sitting on. Some sort of sawhorse sat in a corner, but otherwise that was it.

Her wrists were bound together behind her back with some sort of thick, metal cuffs. What’s more, there was an ominous cord wrapped around her neck. This wasn’t good at all, and she began to shiver with dread.

A man walked in through the door on the opposite wall. His appearance made things worse. He was dressed in black, a black ski mask covering his head. She could make out his eyes and mouth, but nothing more.

“Where am I?” she demanded, trying not to sound as frightened as she felt. “What are you doing to me?”

“What were you doing in Mr. Benson’s files?” It was a deep male voice.

“I told Mr. Benson I was searching for the Patterson account. You don’t have to do this to me.”

He calmly walked up to her. Then he squeezed her neck hard with a gloved hand. It caused her to cry out in terror.

“What were you doing in Mr. Benson’s files?” She gawked and gurgled as she rasped for breath. Her legs kicked in response to her asphyxiation.

“NOTHING!” she rasped when he eased his grip. “I TOLD YOU – GAWK!”

He squeezed hard until she rasped for breath. “Mr. Benson doesn’t believe you!” he growled menacingly. Then he released her throat.

She coughed a couple of times. Then she defiantly told him, “Well, it’s the truth! I wasn’t doing anything wrong!”

“That’s not the way he sees it,” the man said as he moved behind the post that stood behind her chair. “He seems to think there’s more to you than meets the eye.”

Maybe defiance would work with this idiot. “Let me go right this instant! You can’t do this to me! You’re going to be in so much trouble once Mr. Benson deals with you!”

“I think not,” he explained calmly. “You see, I’m operating on his instructions.”

The cord around her neck tightened dangerously. She gasped and gurgled as her breath was cut off. Then the tension on the cord around her throat eased up.

She found herself panting wildly for breath. Now she was extremely frightened. “What do you want from me?”

“I’m not a patient man. I suggest you tell me what I want to know.”

Panic brought out a desperate defiance. “You can’t do this to me! You’re going to be in so much trouble when the cops find out. You’re going to pay for this!”

He calmly came around front. She was shocked when he forcefully popped the buttons to her blouse.

She’d chosen not to wear a bra today. Now she was terribly embarrassed. The man grabbed one of her tits and roughly squeezed it as she tried to protest.

“You don’t understand,” he told her, his voice filled with menace. “This is the company’s ‘termination room’. You’ve got just one minute to tell me what I want to know. Now I’m going to ask you again…”

“But I don’t know anything!” she cried out, interrupting him as she trembled like crazy. “I’m a loyal employee! You can’t treat me this way!”

“Then I guess we have nothing further to discuss.”

He calmly moved behind her. The cord tightened around her throat. She began to gawk as she rasped for breath.

Her hands flexed behind her back. Her face started to turn read. She managed to rasp the words, “ALL RIGHT – ALL RIGHT; I’LL TALK!”

He eased up on the tension to the cord. Her breath was still partly cut off. “Talk” was all he said.

“I got… an offer from a rival company! They said if I…brought them something, they’d… sweeten the pot! I didn’t mean anything by it… help! I can’t… breathe! Now let me go!”

“Mr. Benson wants you terminated. I’m here to see to that personally.” The way he said it scared the crap out of her.


“No one knows where you are. As I said before, Mr. Benson wants you terminated. Once I dispose of your body, no one will ever find you. You’ll just disappear off the face of the earth. Now let’s get to it, shall we?”

He tightened the cord around her neck even tighter. Her eyes flew open as the cord cut into her throat. Her feet flew up and started kicking as she gasped and gurgled.

She coughed and rasped, kicking and shuddering as he held on tight. There was a roaring in her ears as her nipples protruded painfully. She tried to gasp for breath. But her throat had been closed off completely.

Her lungs screamed for air, her chest heaving as her brain was starved for oxygen. She was dimly aware of a shameful orgasm rippling through her ravaged body. Her lungs were on fire.

Her head felt like it had swollen and was about to explode. She shuddered hard before her legs suddenly lost the will to fight. Her heels clattered as they collapsed onto the floor.

She sagged in the chair, her head tipped back. Her mouth gaped open as she stared up at the ceiling with unseeing eyes. A moment later her bladder released. A trickle of urine splattered off the seat of her chair onto the floor.

Her killer maintained his grip another two whole minutes to make sure she was gone. She would not be noticed. Besides, she’d already been replaced…

2012; 2021 (written Oct 22 ’12; ed. Jan 22 ’21 by riwa)

(Pictures are from and are for illustration purposes only.)

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