Roasted at his Favorite Restaurant 4.5 (50)

I began to have my concerns the moment she joined our harem. Master took to her right off. The time he spent with me became less and less.

She had nice boobs and a great ass. I was jealous as hell the first time I saw her. I knew she was taking up more of Master’s private time. But there didn’t seem to be a damn thing I could do about it.

In the end, it might have been my fault. Maybe I took him for granted. Maybe I didn’t treat him as well as I should have. Us bitches have a habit of doing that a lot. And in the end we always pay.

When he came to me last night I thought I had won him back. We fucked off and on throughout the night. But I didn’t give it my all. Maybe that’s what ultimately did me in.

You know how it is when you think you own your Master, right? You make assumptions, and you do things you wouldn’t normally do. I thought that new bitch was just a passing fad. Boy, was I wrong!

I don’t remember when I fell asleep. But it was that new bitch who came and woke me. She told me she was taking me on a special trip and that Master would be waiting for me once I got there.

I eyed her with barely concealed disdain. She just smiled at me. Did she really think she had the power to take Master out of my grasp?

She took me to a familiar location on the edge of town. I knew where we were going when I smelled the aroma in the air before we even got there. Master was planning a special dinner for me.

Would this new bitch be on the menu? I sure wanted her to be. I found myself hoping Master would allow me a bite of her cunt steak. My only regret would be her inability to scream once my teeth sank into her flesh.

It wasn’t hard to locate Master’s vehicle in the parking lot. I knew he was here waiting for me. That meant we were going to enjoy some tasty girl-meat. I just hoped it was this new bitch whose name I hadn’t even bothered to learn.

As we approached the front I saw a naked girl in the window. She was on her knees with a pole emerging up out of her mouth. She was slowly rotating, spinning in place.

There were heat coils turned on, cooking her nice and slow. It made me wet and aroused seeing her like that. Then she shuddered a little.

“Gawd; she’s still alive!” my bitch escort gasped.

I smiled as I told her, “They like to make them suffer through as many orgasms as possible while they’re still breathing. It really flavors the meat. And it’s incredibly hot to watch.”

I grinned at her as she stood there mesmerized. The girl in the window just kept spinning round and round. Her arms hung limp behind her back as though she was too exhausted to put up any resistance.

It was so damned erotic seeing that roasting bitch staring up like that, the end of the spit protruding out of her mouth. Her chest barely rose and fell. She sure was getting the ultimate fuck.

I saw her shudder again. Was it possible she was still cumming? I could tell he spasms were not very strong. But they didn’t need to be. I think it was just her body’s way of dealing with her suffering.

“Gawd!” my bitch escort breathed. “I wonder if they’ll do you like that. That is so incredibly hot!”

My head snapped around as I looked at her in surprise. My heart leaped into my throat as I struggled to catch my breath. Surely I must have heard her wrong.

She escorted me around the building to the “meat” entrance where the girls walk in. But they never come back out except in packages or digesting in stomachs. So why was I being taken back to this entrance?

It couldn’t be true, could it? Surely Master wouldn’t get rid of me like this, would he? I couldn’t believe it… didn’t want to believe it!

She buzzed the rear entrance twice. An attractive, muscle-bound guy opened the door. “I’ve got some meat to deliver,” my bitch escort told him matter-of-factly. “You should already have the paperwork.”

I stared thunderstruck before I stammered, “This can’t be right. There’s been a mistake!”

The guy looked at me before asking, “Your name’s Carrie, right?”


“Then there’s no mistake.”

He smiled as he asked my bitch escort, “Would you like to come in and watch?”

“I sure would!” She let out a grin from ear to ear.

I couldn’t believe it! That’s when I started to tremble. He just grabbed my arm and took me inside as my bitch escort followed us in.

I went numb, in a complete state of shock. I was sure I had Master eating out of the palm of my hand again. What the hell happened??

What about last night? After all, hadn’t we enjoyed fucking? My mind worked overtime trying to remember what had happened the night before and what we had said to each other.

Hadn’t he enjoyed it? Didn’t he always enjoy it? He was supposed to enjoy it, right??

My mind wandered back to the day the bitch came to live with us. I remembered how little I’d seen of Master since then. Was I really about to be put on the menu? Had he grown tired of me??

There were already bitches cooking; I could smell the aroma. My blood ran cold as I considered my situation. I wasn’t sure this was how I wanted to go out, certainly not as an entrée on Master’s plate. Besides, I knew the bitch beside me was going to enjoy watching me suffer.

We entered a large spitting room. There were already women in the process of being readied to be barbecued. I couldn’t believe I was about to add to their number.

One woman had her ass up in the air with her face hanging off the end of the table. A couple bitches were holding her down as a couple of guys were pushing the spit into her from behind. We paused for a moment to watch since my bitch escort had become fascinated at the sight.

One of the bitches holding that woman down gasped, “Push it in – push it in!” The poor thing was already gurgling as though she was having trouble breathing. Then the guys shoved real hard.

The poor woman jerked painfully as the spit suddenly emerged out of her mouth. It was all bloody; I could tell it had gone through her ass and torn up her stomach. The other bitch quickly rushed behind her and began licking her swollen nub.

The spitted woman grunted as she began shuddering. “She’s cumming on the spit!” the other bitch gasped. My bitch escort blurted out, “That is so fucking hot!” Then we moved on.

We went over and watched a woman sitting on a chair. She was securely fastened and was bucking and shuddering. A metal spit was going into her from underneath.

“She’ll be like that for another fifteen minutes,” our muscular escort told us. “She gets electric shocks every half minute to flavor her meat from the inside.”

She stopped shuddering as she panted for breath. She gave me a pained expression as though she was really suffering. Her eyes pleaded for relief, but I was in no position to grant it. Then she jolted again, her eyes rolling as she appeared to be orgasming painfully.

Another naked girl was lying flat on her back unattended on a table. A metal pole went right through her cunt and was sticking out of her mouth. Her right wrist was secured to her right ankle. The same was done to her left wrist and ankle.

Her legs flopped open and closed like a butterfly’s wings. She grunted and wriggled. I felt myself getting wet again despite the roasting I was about to endure.

“We just did her,” the muscular guy explained. “They’ll be back any minute to take her and put her on to roast.”

At that moment two guys went by carrying another spit. A naked woman was bound and secured to it. A long, wooden stabilizer had been pushed deep into her cunt.

“Where are they taking that one?” my bitch escort asked.

“She’d going on a rotisserie outside. Care to have a look?”

“Hell yeah!”

My date with the spit was delayed as we followed those two guys outside. They took their charge to a pit and hooked her up to a rotisserie. They made sure the machine was set up to rotate her body. Then they stepped back and activated it.

Flames came up from below as she started to rotate in place. I could see her wriggle like crazy as she fought her spit. Then it looked like she was cumming as she fucked that pole… well, at least it looked like it to me.

I trembled from a terrible arousal. I was frightened out of my wits. I didn’t want this to happen to me. But there was nothing I could do to stop it now. They had the work order from master. I was nothing but meat now.

We spent another couple of minutes outside looking around. Two headless bodies were starting to brown on their spits. My bitch escort turned to the muscular guy and asked, “Will Carrie lose her head too?”

“Only after she’s been on the fire until the heat kills her.”

Instinctively I shook my head. This couldn’t be happening to me, could it? That’s when my bitch escort turned to me and smiled.

“That’s great. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bitch. Master says this one’s been cold to him lately and has been treating him like shit. He’s really looking forward to eating her.”

I wanted to tell her she was wrong. I wanted to tell her Master wouldn’t do this to me. But what could I say? Supposedly they already had the work order indicating I was to be processed.

They led me back inside and straight to one of the spitting machines. I was instructed to remove all my clothes. That’s when I knew it was all true.

Up ‘til then I’d been hoping for a miracle. But there was no hope for me. Master had ordered me to be spitted and roasted at his favorite restaurant.

I was numb as I took up a position upon the machine. My ankles were locked in place so I couldn’t kick. My stomach rested on a cushioned bench as my wrists were locked to the front of the machine, leaving me virtually on my hands and knees.

I whimpered as the pole was slowly cranked forward until it touched my puckered anus. I flinched as I whimpered. Then it was slowly inched forward until it penetrated me.

I started hyperventilating as I felt it reach something unyielding internally. My bitch escort asked, “Can I do it?” The muscular guy motioned as he told her, “Help yourself.”

The bitch pushed a button on the machine. All at once I felt the spit start to push farther inside me. I let out an ungawdly wail as I felt it start to tear at my insides.

I wriggled and shuddered as I tried to break free. But it was no use. My bitch escort shamelessly masturbated as she watched me being spitted.

I let out a belch as it pushed into and ruptured my stomach. It hurt like hell. My cunt kept clenching, but there was nothing for it to hang onto.

The muscular guy went over and brought back a huge metal phallus for my bitch escort to look at. “You can push that inside her if you like. It will give her orgasms while somewhat minimizing the pain.”

She grinned as she went behind me. I was clenching like mad, but she still managed to force it in. Then she turned it on.

Almost immediately I began wriggling and writhing. Once more she masturbated to my agony. She even reached under to cup my boobs, grasping onto them and giving them a shake.

I heard a familiar voice, which made me turn to look. Master had just walked into the area. “How’s she doing, Jack?”

“You’re just in time, sir. The spit’s about to enter her throat.”

About that time I felt it down in the lower part of my esophagus. I tried to retch, but I couldn’t throw anything up. My throat began to bulge from the intrusion. Then I was cumming, a humiliating orgasm as I kept trying to swallow.

My bitch escort went back to touching herself. Master just smiled at me. “Well Carrie, it seems you’ve reached your sell-by date. I hope you taste good.”

I shook my head as tears filled my eyes. I tried to mouth the words to beg for my life. But it was already much too late.

I felt the spit enter the back of my throat. My head was forced back as it kept moving through me. Then it slowly emerged out past my teeth.

That bitch escort gasped in orgasm. I shuddered from another painful climax. Master instructed Jack to make sure I cooked to a golden brown. Then he and the bitch escort left me to my fate.

A couple guys came over and finished with preparations. My ankles were skewered to the back of the pole. I would have screamed, but I had a long, steel cock down my throat, muffling my cries.

My wrists were skewered to the front, causing me even more agony. The toy was pulled out of my cunt as a pussy stabilizer was inserted. Then the damned thing was turned on.

Once more I began shuddering with orgasms as they carried me to an open cooking slot. I was hooked up to a rotisserie. Then I started to turn in place next to one other bitch who had long since succumbed.

I orgasmed again and again as the pussy stabilizer vibrated me. I knew it was supposed to help flavor the meat. But I was in too much agony to appreciate it.

I had a few minutes of life remaining to consider my sad fate. I kept wondering what I had done wrong for Master to discard me so callously. In the end did it really matter what his motivation was to get rid of me?

I don’t know how many times I climaxed before I finally succumbed. I cooked for another hour before my head was removed. After another three hours they began sawing off pieces of meat to serve.

Master and my bitch escort got a healthy portion of rump roast. They said I tasted delicious. That was the end of me as I was chopped up into little pieces before being packaged. Some parts ended up being cooked and served to restaurant guests.

2019 (written Jul 14 ’19 by riwa)

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Haunted Guillotine 4.2 (11)

Ever since he bought it for his studio I could not take my eyes off it. It gave me the erotic chills every time I laid eyes on it. It was beautiful, yet deadly.

He told me it had a strange history. It had three previous owners. And there had been three previous deaths attributed to the blade.

The first death went to a magician’s assistant. Somehow there had been a miscalculation. The audience knew it was not a trick when blood was seen flowing profusely out of the severed neck.

When the head was pulled out of the wicker basket, blood dripped from severed flesh. Three women in the audience fainted. The magician was charged with involuntary manslaughter despite his protests the machine shouldn’t have worked that way at all.

The second death occurred in a museum where the guillotine was put on display. The story was told of the poor magician’s assistant, how beautiful she was and the accident that had claimed her. The guests were always captivated by the retelling. It was said that more than a few women stared at it as though transfixed.

Late one night a museum attendant and her boyfriend snuck inside and went down to check out the deadly blade. He claims she wanted to stick her head inside and feel the raw power of kneeling at death’s door. He was sure the blade was locked into position. But somehow it fell anyway. He too was arrested and charged accordingly.

A few weeks later the curator had the guillotine taken out of the museum. She’d told others she believed it was haunted. That was the reason for the first two deaths and she was determined not to risk any more lives.

She had it locked in her basement. She was determined not to display it in public ever again. But there were several requests to have it returned as people were now fascinated with its reputation.

One morning the curator did not show up for work. An intern was sent to her home. She was found beheaded in her basement in her night robe. There was no indication who might have wanted her dead.

Three deaths attributed to it were enough to cause the museum to get rid of it. That’s how my boyfriend got hold of it. And that’s when I first laid eyes on it in his studio.

He said he was using it for models to pose. I asked if he would give me the chance to stick my head through the lunette. He told me he wasn’t ready for that just yet.

I fumed at his reluctance. I believed I would make a great model. He just smiled and said the time wasn’t right.

I waited impatiently for a week until I could wait no longer. I went to his studio when he was away. When my eyes took it in I felt a strange compulsion.

There was a pillow on the floor. It looked like it was for the head and it was stained in red. It was some coloring he must have gotten his hands on to sprinkle onto the fabric.

I stuck my head into the lunette and felt something I had never felt before. So I found his camera and put it on a tripod. I used the timer and began to take my own pictures.

Each time I posed I removed another article of clothing. The whole experience was strangely thrilling. It’s as though I felt a presence there with me, encouraging me to pose again and again.

I finally stripped down until I was only wearing my stockings, heels and lacy panties. Then I posed some more, setting the timer to record the pictures. I was breathless, but now I experienced what felt like a strange compulsion… along with a fear I had not felt previously.

A part of me wanted to stop. But I couldn’t make myself end my impromptu photography session. It was as though the blade kept calling me back, compelling me to return and expose my graceful neck time after time.

I reset the timer on the camera. Then I posed in a crouching position. I propped myself up by my arms, stuck my head through and presented myself in a submissive pose. It was as though I was offering myself to the blade above.

I felt that presence again, and the fear returned in a rush. I felt a cold chill run down my spine. Then the rope to the blade fluttered as though someone was caressing it.

In my last moments I felt that presence, something dark and sinister. Then the camera started snapping pictures in rapid-fire succession of its own accord. I had failed to set the timer; it should not have gone off.

I opened my mouth to scream, only for the blade to come whooshing down. My cry was silenced as my head rolled onto the floor. My body rose upwards, my hands reaching for a head that was no longer there. Then my body tiredly fell over sideways, jerking and spasming in its death throes.


They were going to arrest my boyfriend for my murder. But there were several witnesses attesting to his whereabouts. The camera had time-stamped the moment of my beheading, indicating he could not possibly have been in the studio at that moment.

There have been no arrests for my murder. The crime continues to go unsolved. And the guillotine now lies in the hands of another owner.

2018 (written Sep 6 ’18 by riwa. Inspired by the pictures found on the Internet.)

Posted in Beheading Stories | 1 Comment

Hanging Professor Moore 4.3 (19)

Note: Inspired by this render by Hojojitsu.

“You wanted to see us, Professor Moore?”

“Yes, Tamara. I’ve had it with you and Sapphire. You girls are always cutting up in class. You’re just not taking Early American History seriously.”

“That’s not true, professor.”

“Sapphire, you’re the worst; always making jokes and flirting with the boys. If you two aren’t interested in taking a history class then why are you sitting in mine?”

“Because we were told we had to have some history credits in order to graduate, professor.”

“Well, you’re not getting any credits out of my class, girls. I’ve tried my best with you. I suggest you drop out and try to enroll in another history class.”

“But we HAVE been paying attention, professor! Why do you have to be such a hard-ass?”

“Girls, whatever you’re ‘paying’ in my class, it certainly isn’t attention.”

“Sure we are,” Sapphire protested as she flung her red hair indignantly. “We learned all about how they hanged all those witches in back in Salam in the 1400’s.”

“You certainly didn’t learn that from my class, girls. And it was the 1600’s. Your noses are always buried in your iPods. But I do commend you for giving it your best shot looking it up on the Internet.”

“Professor Moore, that’s not fair,” Tamara whined. “Sapphire, let’s show her what we learned.”

Sapphire produced a length of hemp out of what looked like an expensive bag, no doubt purchased from one of their many self-proclaimed shopping trips – the bag, not the rope. Tamara pulled a chair up to the front of the class. She climbed on and then tilted up a piece of ceiling tile to expose a thick pipe.

Sapphire handed her the rope which her companion looped over the pipe. Then she began to form one end into a noose. The professor watched with a feeling of growing unease.

“Since when did you girls get interested in hangings?”

“Since reading about the time they hanged witches, professor. It’s really interesting. We thought we’d try to earn a little extra credit by putting on a little demonstration.”

“Girls, I’m really not interested – Hey, what are you doing?? Tamara stop it! Sapphire, what do you think you’re doing??”

“We’re just undressing you, Professor Moore. We heard they hanged the witches back then in their frocks and dresses. But this one website we went to said you should hang a girl nude. See? We know more than you think we do.”

“Sapphire, this is uncalled for. Tamara, you stop this right now – HEY!”

She was too shocked to cry out. Before she knew it they’d forcefully removed everything but her heels. If this was some kind of a joke, they were certainly taking it way too far.

“Girls, I’m going to report you to your faculty advisor for this. You’re out of my class. Hell, you’ll be kicked out of the university over this!”

“Not until we finish with our extra credit demonstration, professor.”

Miss Moore let out a cry as Sapphire bound her wrists tightly behind her back. “Girl’s, this has nothing to do with witches, Salem or American history!”

“That’s ok, professor. We know this isn’t Salem or the 1600’s. We’re just putting on a demonstration of what we’ve learned.”

“”Girls, I’ve had enough – WAIT!”

Professor Moore gasped as Tamara snugged the noose around her neck. “Looks good on you, professor,” the blonde observed with a smirk.

“Let’s get her up on the chair,” Sapphire suggested.

“Girls, no – STOP!” They just got on either side of her and hefted her up. Then Sapphire took the slack out of the noose before securing it as Tamara steadied the frightened professor.

“Ok, girls; you’ve made your point.”

“Oh, we haven’t finished with the demonstration yet, professor. Right, Tamara?” Sapphire chuckled as she sat on the professor’s desk, pulled out a file and began filing her nails.

“That’s right,” the blonde agreed with a dangerous smile as she touched the quivering professor on her bare ass. “There’s just one thing left to do.”

“Girls, you can’t do this to me! You won’t get away with it!”

“Actually we learned this from Dr. Tree’s class, professor. You know he teaches Hanging 101, right?”

“I should have known! Did that bastard put you up to this?” Then she crossed her thighs in embarrassment, trying to hide the fearful arousal she felt that was beginning to trickle out of her slit.

“No, professor,” Sapphire told her as she worked her nails. “We came up with this idea all on our own. But he did tell us you should hang a woman nude. Show her, Tamara.”

“Tell us what you think, professor.” And with that the blonde pulled the chair out from underneath.

Professor Moore finally let out a shriek of horror and disbelief. A moment later the chair was gone, her voice choked off. She dropped a few inches until the noose pulled her up short, leaving the tips of her heels a mere four inches above the floor.

“How’d we do, professor?” the blonde asked as the naked woman’s legs scissored. She pedaled as though riding a bicycle. Then she stretched her heels downward as though reaching for the floor again.

“She’s doing better than that clip we saw,” Sapphire observed, still calmly filing her fingernails.

“That’s because that one was fake, silly,” Then Tamara asked, “What do you think, professor? Do we get an A for extra credit?”

Miss Moore kicked and twisted, fighting the noose as she jerked her arms up and down behind her back. She rasped for breath, unable to make much more than grunting sounds. Her nipples were painfully erect as moisture dripped out of her slit.

She cross her legs, rubbing her thighs together. “Look at that; she’s getting herself off!” Tamara gasped excitedly.

“That’s nothing,” Sapphire replied with a yawn. “I wriggle more and make more noise than that when Bobby gets me off in the back of his Chevy!”

The professor kicked and struggled until she wore herself out. Her face turned red as she hung limp, her body gently swaying from side to side as she started to twist in place. “So what do you think, professor?” Sapphire asked matter-of-factly. “Is that worth an A or a B?”

There was no response other than drool appearing in her mouth to splatter onto her breasts as her tongue poked out past her lips. “I think she said it’s an A,” Tamara decided. “Let’s go get Professor Tree and bring him back and see what he thinks.”

“I bet he’s gonna love the way we tied the noose and hanged her nude,” Sapphire, agreed with a smile as the two coeds gathered up their bag and left the professor dangling quietly in her classroom. There was silence except for a quiet dripping sound of fluid off heels caused by a bladder giving way.

2018 (written Oct 15 ’18 by riwa. Inspired by Hojojitsu’s creative render.)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Karma is Famous at the End 4 (6)

Note: Another bonus story for the holiday season.

Every now and then I get a call from Robert or Cynthia Packwood at Famous at the End, wanting to know if I have any promising young talent to present on their show. Sometimes I have someone who goes willingly. But sometimes I like to surprise it on someone.

Take Karma for instance. She’s a cute little Asian I like to inflict some water torture upon whenever I’m feeling particularly sadistic. Cynthia’s call couldn’t have come at a better time. I told them I would have footage for them to edit at the end of the day for tomorrow’s show.

I took Karma naked out to the pool and hooked her all up. I gave her a set of weighted footwear so she wasn’t about to go anywhere. That meant she wouldn’t be able to walk away from me or break free.

I hooked her up to a pulley system in the water. That meant I’d be able to submerge her any time I felt like it. I just love submerging my girls and making them hold their breath.

I finished making sure I had Karma all hooked up. The collar around her neck had a ring I could hook a cable to. That meant she would be pulled under any time I was so inclined. Or she would be allowed to breathe whenever I felt merciful, which isn’t that often.

A nice tug on the cable and under she went. I had my cameras taking footage above and below the water. After all, I wanted to make sure Bob and Cindy got all the footage they needed, with all the angles necessary to put on a good drowning show.

Whenever one of my bitches is in the pool I like to dress up for the occasion. That means dive mask, snorkel and a strap-on for the “hands on” approach. I love giving that personal touch to my girls as I love giving pleasure to go with the pain I dish out.

I’m not totally heartless. They’re allowed to get a breath or two up at the surface. But I don’t usually give them that long out of the water. After all, it’s the show that’s important. And suffering is a part of being Famous at the End. Otherwise, what would be the point?

Anyway, a couple of quick breaths and back down she went. I love to watch them struggle to hold their breath. They don’t always know when I’m going to grant them the next one. That’s what makes it such a turn-on.

They usually know what’s coming, and Karma was no exception. She knew better than to resist me. So she held her breath like a good girl, never knowing when she would be allowed back up to get another.

Now Karma is a bit of a pain-slut. And I wanted to do something special for Bob and Cindy’s show. So I swam over to her where I attached a couple of clamps to her nipples, just to give her the proper incentive to be a good girl. I made her hold her breath the entire time.

Once they were attached I kept her submerged, just to make sure she got used to her torment. You can tell in this shot that she kind of liked it. Of course that all changed in the end. But to begin with she was the proper little breath-holding pain-slut.

Pain-sluts can’t hold their breath forever. So I allowed her a quick one. I love the way they frantically gasp for breath as I love torturing their lungs. I love the look on their faces too.

A very short breath and back down she went. She was doing a good job for me. I knew Bob and Cindy were going to enjoy the show. But I had to give them more.

I let her up for another quick breath. Make it a good one, sweetie, because you won’t be at the surface all that long. Their loud gasps for breath are like music to my ears.

I pulled on the cable and back down she went. Then I left the line in charge of one of my assistants as I swam underwater to meet her. Now it was time to give her that personal touch I was telling you about.

You think it’s hard holding your breath underwater with clamps on your nipples? Try holding it when you’re being fucked with a strap-on. It adds an additional element of sexual excitement to those who are suffering. As I said before: I love to mix pleasure with pain.

Karma’s a smart girl. Right away she knew what she was in for. I was looking forward to drowning her. But first I wanted to enjoy fucking the shit out of her.

I shed my mask and goggles to focus on the task at hand. I wanted Bob and Cindy to get good footage. After all, this was going to be broadcast in a great time slot for all those sadists and masochists watching out there.

Karma took it like a trooper. I’ve fucked her in the water many times before. She’s admitted after each session how those underwater orgasms are always the most intense. I love the way she jerks, grunts and struggles as she cums.

It’s never easy with me. I make them hold their breath for a really long time. And I like to force their heads down. It gives me that feeling of power by being in charge of pleasure and pain… life and death.

After a while they always cry out whenever I’m giving it to them good and hard. I’m always rewarded with a nice eruption of bubbles. It’s even better when there’s no breath in their lungs as they give me a silent scream.

Karma was being a good little bitch as I fucked the shit out of her. The poor thing ran out of air so I had to pull her back up. I didn’t want her to drown right away as I kept on fucking her.

After a while it was time to pull those clamps off underwater. And pull them off I did. She winced and cried out as I pulled off one and then the other. Her pain gave me such exquisite pleasure.

Then it was back to fucking… and boy, did I give it to her good! Bob later told me how much it looked like she was suffering both pleasure and pain underwater. I was so glad they called me so I could put Karma through her paces.

Up for a quick breath and then back down she went. I grabbed the ring on her collar and pulled her under. She cried out as I gave her a brutal pounding. I thought about taking her ass, but for some reason I was in a good mood that day.

I jerked her head up out of the water, enjoying the last gasps of air she would ever give me. She coughed and sputtered, but I didn’t let her stay at the surface very long. She had to drown for Famous at the End and I didn’t want to keep her waiting.

Back down she went where I pounded her good and hard. I always like to make them cum right as they’re drowning, if not a little before. I knew Karma well, so I knew what she was going to give me.

I kept her down as I fucked her with my strap-on until she began to shudder. I could tell her lungs were heaving by the way the bubbles were coming up. Then she cried out in orgasm. That’s when I knew she was experiencing a really good one.

She panicked, wanting back up for another breath. I just groped her tits as she began coughing and gurgling. I even had to hold on extra tight. But I made sure I didn’t stop thrusting that strap-on deep inside her.

She went into convulsions as I fucked her good and hard. But I’m pretty sure she orgasmed one last time as she spiraled away into oblivion. Then I was fucking a corpse as her naked body hitched and trembled.

Her mouth gaped open as her lifeless eyes gazed down at the pool floor. I was sure Karma would be a winner for Bob and Cindy. And as it turned out, I was right.

2019 (written May 7 ’19 by riwa)

(vidcaps are from a Waterbondage clip and are used for illustration purposes.)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Picture Stories | 3 Comments

A night to remember 4 4.4 (21)

Snuff slut Heather

“Ladies and gentlemen, now you’re in for a real treat!” Mistress Chastity announced grandly. “My last slut for you is sexy as hell. Her death promises to be quite a show!”

She paused for a moment as though looking around for a particular individual out in the audience. She smiled at someone in recognition. Then she continued…

“I see her husband is in attendance tonight. I know she wants to put on a good performance, not only to please him but to please all of you as well. When I told her how I was going to snuff her, she asked if she could dress properly for the occasion. Now that’s the kind of slut we can all get off on!”

Chastity paused dramatically to catch her breath as the crowd politely applauded. I was just as worked up as everyone else. But I was starting to wish I’d used that attendant’s services.

Heather appeared to be breathing heavily in anticipation of her presentation. Her nipples appeared to be quite hard. “Folks, this is one performance I’m really looking forward to,” Mistress explained eagerly. “I can tell just by looking at her: this slut wants to swing for you. Ladies and gentlemen, dancing on the gallows I give you… SNUFF SLUT HEATHER!”

Mistress gestured grandly as the Club broke out in wild applause. I watched as Nadia and Felicity made a move toward the woman. She lifted her arms up as though indicating she would do it on her own.

Heather was wobbly on her black, fuck-me heels. But she walked to the steps under her own power. The two attendants followed behind her at a respectful distance.

Mistress and Monique were there to meet her at the top of the steps. “There you are, honey,” Chastity said eagerly, reaching out to embrace her. “So nice of you to join us. You look absolutely scrumptious!”

Despite her apprehension, Heather appeared embarrassed at all the attention she was getting. “Just look at those legs!” Mistress gasped in delight as she reached down and caressed the fishnet-covered limbs. “Those are going to kick up so divinely. Baby, I can’t wait to get you up in the air. You look so sexy that it makes me want to touch you all over.”

Chastity couldn’t keep her hands off her. She and Monique carefully moved her into position below the dangling noose. The club co-owner almost seemed overcome with rapture.

“Gawd, honey; just look at you!” Mistress gasped, waving her hand in front of herself as though she was suffering from the vapors. “Just look at those nipples! Gawd; I could eat you up!”

Chastity immediately latched onto the nearest one. She began sucking quietly, moaning like a bitch in heat. Monique looked like she was just as affected.

She ran her hands all over the quivering woman’s flesh. The executrix smiled as she cooed softly at her. Heather closed her eyes and breathed heavily, the results of her arousal dripping from her wet slit.

“Look at this, Mistress,” my wife observed as she slipped a couple of fingers inside. Heather moaned as her legs instinctively came together. When Monique pulled them out, Chastity parted her lips, allowing my wife to slip her fingers into the co-owner’s hungry mouth.

“Pure ambrosia,” Mistress purred. “Gawd, honey; you’ve got me all worked up! Can you imagine how excited your husband must be? Do you realize how many men out there want you at this very moment?”

The comment seemed to embarrass Heather even more despite the knowledge she was about to hang. She actually blushed. “Honey, we want those gorgeous tits of yours to stick out,” Chastity explained to her. “So we’re going to tie your arms behind your back good and hard now. There’s nothing like a helpless female waiting for the noose that really gets my blood boiling.”

My wife roughly pulled Heather’s arms behind her back. Mistress continued caressing the trembling woman’s naked flesh. She paused now and then to give her lingering kisses.

It was as though she was seducing her for the noose. The poor thing whimpered helplessly. Heather appeared extremely nervous. But she didn’t cry out or beg or anything.

Mistress picked up on it rather quickly. She beamed with pride. “I’m so impressed with you!” she gushed. “You’re not protesting or struggling or anything. You’re really going to give us a great show, aren’t you!”

Heather gulped anxiously. She exhaled nervously as though she’d been holding her breath. But once more she didn’t respond.

With a strong tug, Monique strapped her arms behind her back, crisscrossing them wrist to elbow. Heather let out a painful cry, only to have Mistress hungrily envelop her lips. Heather let out a moan as she was kissed hard.

“I love it when it hurts you, baby,” Chastity gasped when she came up for air. “So innocent – so helpless. Yet I can see it in your eyes. You really want this; don’t you, honey!”

Heather’s eyes flashed in alarm. Mistress reached up and pulled down the noose. Heather gasped and whimpered the moment she draped the coil over the trembling woman’s chest.

“Do you like the feel of the rope?” Mistress chuckled as though toying with her. “Would you like to feel it around your neck? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Heather gasped and moaned. It looked like she was having a little trouble staying on her feet. That’s when Chastity seductively dragged the noose back and forth over Heather’s erect nipples.

Monique finished with her arms. Then my wife bent down near one of the supports. She produced a black butt-plug that had been left there out of sight.

Mistress smiled and nodded at her. “Well done, my pretty. We can’t have the slut soiling my stage now, can we? Let her see it!”

Monique brought it around and waved it in front of Heather. It was rather impressive in size. The poor thing gasped in alarm. It must have been quite humiliating knowing she was going to be plugged like a common criminal to keep from soiling herself.

“Stick it in, my dear,” Mistress told my wife. “Don’t be none to gentle either. It’s all a part of our noose slut’s experience… part of her humiliation. We wouldn’t want her to miss out on any of it now, would we?” Monique smiled as though she was looking forward to it.

My wife stepped behind her. We all heard Heather gasp. She stiffened and winced, whimpering in pain and embarrassment. Then her eyes snapped open.

She let out a cry as Monique brutally shoved it home. Heather moaned and whimpered. Now she truly looked humiliated as she stood there shaking like a leaf.

Mistress chuckled at her before she went back to lovingly molesting her. “Baby; I love your pain. Now I’m looking forward to the noose giving you such exquisite agony.”

Heather trembled like crazy. Chastity and Monique caressed her naked, shivering body all over. They cooed seductively at her as they worked at breaking down any remaining barriers.

Heather winced as she squirmed uncomfortably. “That plug hurts, baby?” Mistress asked softly. “But it’s supposed to hurt. It’s going to hurt even more when that noose closes off your windpipe. But I think you really want that sweet asphyxiation, don’t you?”

Heather’s voice was low. But one of our directional microphones picked up every syllable. It was arousing as hell to hear her whisper, “Yes. Gawd, yes; I think I want it.”

Mistress gasped excitedly at having such an exquisite slut to hang. “You had no idea how hot it makes me to hear you say that. You really want to hang for me; don’t you, honey? You want to hang for your husband and for all these nice people out there watching, don’t you!”

Mistress ran a hand down past Heather’s black garter. She lovingly rubbed it back and forth over the woman’s wet slit. Heather moaned softly, whimpering and wincing as though she had to pee again.

Chastity milked it for all it was worth. “Tell me you want me to put this rope around your neck. Tell me how badly you want to feel it around your throat.”

The spectators remained quiet, although a few were murmuring softly. It was as though they all wanted to hear every word of this incredible dialogue coming from up on stage. Every eye was upon the scene taking place at the gallows.

Mistress and my wife fondled and caressed the trembling woman. Heather appeared to weaken for a moment. The two women quickly grabbed her to help hold her up.

“Yes” came the soft, trembling voice through the speaker system, sounding as though she couldn’t help herself. It was almost like she was in a trance or something. “…please… around my neck…”

“You want it, don’t you,” Mistress breathed seductively, nudging her toward the edge of the precipice.

“Yes… please…”

For a minute I thought Chastity was going to orgasm. She had to take a deep breath to calm herself from her highly aroused state.

She slowly and deliberately draped the noose around the trembling woman’s neck. Heather inhaled sharply at feeling the deadly coil caress her skin. Then the poor thing moaned softly

At that point I really had to wonder. Had she and her husband engaged in several previous discussions on the topic of her swinging from a noose for his benefit? She never once protested, nor did she beg for her life.

She seemed to be responding as though the idea of hanging had a certain erotic appeal to her. It was certainly leaving her breathless as hell. I could actually see her slit glistening from her arousal.

Both women were all over her with their hands. Yet they left enough of a frontal view so we could all see what was happening. They pawed her and cooed at her, rubbing her wet slit and leaving the poor thing weak and helpless.

Mistress kept talking to her as though taunting her. “Does that feel good, honey? Do you like feeling that around your neck?”

“Yes… gawd, yes…”

“You’re excited, baby; you’re trembling like a leaf. You like this, don’t you? Would you like it a little tighter?”

“Yes… tighter… oh gawd…”

“Are you sure?” Mistress seemed to be teasing and seducing her at the same time.

“Tighter… please… oh gawd…”

Chastity took hold of the rope. She abruptly pulled it tight around Heather’s neck. The poor thing gasped.

She suddenly started writhing as though she had to pee. She mewled and was left gasping to get her breath back. Sarah was totally ignored, left to writhe quietly in her chair with a low dose of current, her eyes wide at what she was witnessing. Hell, we’d all but forgotten about her!

“You want to hang for us; don’t you, baby?” Chastity was filled with breathless excitement. Heather whimpered, nodding her head as though it was so hard for her to actually admit it.

“Tell me!” Mistress pressed cruelly. “Tell me you want to hang. Tell me you want to strangle to death for me and for your husband.”

“Yes.” A tremor in her voice… tears in her eyes…

“Tell me you want me to take the slack out of the rope…”

“Yes.” Soft… breathless… aroused… embarrassed… appearing unable to resist…

“Tell me!” Cruel… eager… wanting the woman to beg for it…

“Tighter… take the slack out… hang me…” Embarrassed… humiliated… yet a voice filled with longing…

Heather’s breasts were swollen, her nipples hard and pointed. Her labia were fully engorged; her slit dripping copiously. There wasn’t a man watching who didn’t want to take her right then and ravage her. No doubt there were quite a few women who felt the same way.

Mistress reached over toward the controls. With a quiet hum, the slack was taken out of the rope. Chastity stopped just before it started to pull the young woman up onto her toes.

There was enough tension in the noose for Heather to notice. She gasped anxiously, appearing to focus on someone in the audience. I glanced over to see her husband staring back in wide-eyed excitement as an attendant on her knees slowly worked his exposed cock.

“You want to hang for him; don’t you, baby.”

“Yes…” There was a tremor in her voice as her body shook with nervous excitement…

“You want me to hang you, don’t you?”


“Do you know how hot it’s going to make me watching you strangle to death in the noose, honey?”

“Oh gawd…”

“Would you like it tighter?”

“Oh gawd… I… I can’t…”

“Would you?”

“Yes… gawd yes…”

There was a quiet hum. Heather gawked as the noose tightened. This time it pulled her up until her heels shuffled to help keep her balance.

She appeared to start writhing again. It looked as though she had to pee once more. She coughed and gurgled as tears welled up in her eyes.

Mistress lustfully rubbed the woman’s dripping slit. It caused the poor girl to wriggle in response. Chastity brought her wet fingers to her mouth, savoring the flavor.

“Honey; you taste divine. I wonder how you will taste after death.” The response she got was a low moan.

“You really want to hang, don’t you, baby?”

“Yes… gawd I shouldn’t… I can’t… I…”

“Tell me.”

“Gawd, I… I…”

Mistress was as cruel as she was seductive. Obviously she wanted to hear it from Heather’s lips. Actually I think we all did as it was terribly arousing. Where the hell was that damned attendant??

“Tell me, honey. Tell me you want me to hang you. Tell me you want me to snuff you right here and now.”

Heather could take it no longer. “Hang me,” she croaked, tears in her eyes. “Please… oh gawd… I can’t stand it…”

“You really want this, don’t you, honey?”


“You need this, don’t you?”

“I… I… gawd, yes…”

“Tell me again.”

“Please… don’t make me… say it again…”

“Tell me, honey…”

“Gawd, I… I…”

“Go ahead and tell me again, honey. It’s all right. We love hearing you say it…”

“Gawd! I want… I want you to… hang me… please…snuff me now…”

Mistress rubbed her slit harder. “You need it; don’t you, baby?”

“N-need it… p-please… ohgawd…”

“Need what, baby?

“Hang me… please… need it…” Heather seemed to be on the verge of a massive orgasm.

“More tension, baby?” Mistress breathed at her. Then she reached over and activated the controls.

Heather was pulled up a little more until she was balancing on her toes. She gawked as she almost orgasmed. Her heels shifted in an instinctive effort to ease the tension around her neck.

Monique was quiet the entire time, allowing Mistress to take control. But she continued to lovingly caress Heather’s naked flesh. Mistress just kept torturing her with her words…

“How’s that, baby? You like that?”

“Gawd……. more….. want….. to cum……” Heather gasped with delicious choking sounds.

I heard quiet gasps coming from all around me. It felt like the tension was building in the entire room. It was a tension only Heather’s hanging could release.

If anything her nipples seemed even harder. I saw trickles of her fluids glisten as they slithered down her fishnet-covered legs. “You really want to hang for me, baby?” Mistress cooed naughtily.

“Yes…” It was a voice half choked, yet full of desire…

“You want to hang for your husband?”

“Yes… want to… hang for…”

“You want to hang for all these lovely people out there?” Chastity motioned in the direction of the spectators. Heather glurked as she tried to nod…

“Look at them, honey,” Mistress instructed, motioning to the breathless spectators. “See them all lusting after you? Right now every man wants to fuck you. See the look in your husband’s eyes? He wants you to hang, honey. He wants you to suffer like never before. See all those women out there? Do you know how many want to taste the pearls of your dripping arousal right now? Do you know how many of them wish they were in your heels, if only for one painful moment? Honey, you’ve got the best seat in the house!”

Heather rasped and gurgled. She shuffled on her heels, her breasts jutting out proudly. Her erect nipples displayed her great arousal.

“Say the word,” Mistress told her softly. “Tell me what you want; tell me what you need. Tell me, and I’ll send you off to ecstasy; ok, baby? Just say the word and it’s done.”

Chastity’s hand strayed toward the controls. She could hardly stand the suspense. Heather rasped as she tried to catch her breath.

It was deathly quiet. The directional microphones were no longer needed. Everyone could hear the drama as they waited all quiet and breathless.

Would Heather do it? Would she say the words that would condemn her to death by strangulation?

Heather locked eyes on someone in the audience. I was pretty sure it was her husband. She kept them there as she choked out the words in her state of partial asphyxiation…

“Hang me…… please……. I want..… to hang…… I…… I need it….. please….. hang me!”

“Your wish is my pleasure, baby.”

Mistress and Monique both stepped aside. Chastity activated the controls. Heather was abruptly lifted up into the air until her toes wriggled a couple of feet above the floor of the gallows.

Her eyes opened wide in shock at the increased tension around her neck. She began thrusting with her torso as though trying to fuck the air in front of her. Fluid sprayed out of her crotch as she grunted, her naked body twisting and gyrating.

“Gawd; she’s cumming!” Mistress gasped as her hand plunged down to her crotch. I was pretty sure Monique was doing the exact same thing.

Heather’s pussy lips flared as her legs started to kick. Her torso thrust out even harder as she jerked herself in the noose. Her naked body swung back and forth, twisting erotically.

Her bound arms jerked frantically behind her back as though trying to free herself. It made her breasts jut out even more. Chastity’s words proved accurate; I really did want to fuck the hell out of the hanging slut!

Heather’s knees came together as she did something of a bunny hop. It seemed to set the noose even tighter around her neck. Her fishnet-covered legs exploded every which way as she fought the rope.

By now I suspected she was having second thoughts. Her face went crimson as her brain began to starve for blood and oxygen. But there was no way in hell Mistress was going to let her back down, certainly not at this stage of the game.

She swung wildly as her body twisted. Droplets of her arousal fell everywhere underneath her. Then she began humping the air again.

Mistress let out a cry of “Oh, FUCK; THAT’S HOT!” Then she went off in a violent orgasm, furiously jamming her hand into her sloppy cunt. My wife was not that far behind her.

All around me I heard gasps and grunts. Some people were writhing while others grabbed sexual body parts. It was an incredible orgy of unbridled bloodlust.

Heather’s gyrations lessened, although her knees jerked upward a couple of times. That only succeeded in further tightening the noose. Then she stopped struggling.

Her body twisted and swayed back and forth, sweat glistening off her naked flesh. Her face began to turn a nasty shade of bluish purple. I could see her chest heave from her attempts to get air down into her lungs.

There were the faintest of rasps as though she was getting no more than a wisp of air down her throat. She jerked and twitched until her knees came up one more time. They kicked together, bouncing her in the noose in a futile attempt to loosen the coil around her throat.

Once more she hung limp. Her eyes reflected the pain of her strangulation as she swayed back and forth. Then her legs exploded one last time, kicking all around with no discernable purpose.

They went still after a short time until she shuddered as she hung limp. Scattered muscles twitched from various nerve impulses. Signals from her brain were no longer getting through.

There was an internal gurgling sound as the directional microphone picked up the death rattle within her. Her legs spasmed briefly as though wanting to kick and then having second thoughts about it.  Then her body hung limp and lifeless, swaying softly as it gently twisted in place.

Somehow her heels remained in place throughout all that dancing. It was probably for the best because the floor was wet underneath her from her dripping cunt. The only thing left was for her to piss herself.

As if on cue, I saw a stream of urine run down her fishnet-covered legs. It splattered in a puddle onto the floor below her dangling feet. “GAWD!” Mistress breathed.

She shuddered hard, experiencing another orgasm. Monique just stared in reverent awe. The spectators around me remained absolutely silent, totally caught up in what was happening up on the stage.

Mistress finally stopped Heather’s swaying body. She lovingly caressed her naked, sweat-dripping form. “Honey; that was fantastic!” she gasped lovingly. “I hope that last one sent you out in a blaze of glory. It sure as hell set me off!”

Monique said nothing. She just continued to stare wondrously as though totally enraptured. I could tell the execution had profoundly affected her.

The sound of Sarah’s moans and whimpers interrupted Chastity’s reverie. She turned to look at her. “We seem to have forgot about you, honey,” she said with a snicker. “You really didn’t think I would, did you?”

Sarah grunted, pleading with her eyes. Mistress turned toward the audience and gestured grandly. “Who’d like to watch me fry the whore?”

For a moment nobody spoke. But I could hear murmurs of agreement all around me. I think everyone desperately needed an outlet from the incredible hanging they’d all just witnessed.

“Fry the whore,” someone murmured, loud enough to be heard. Then it came from another source and then another. Soon I heard a quiet chant of “Fry the whore – fry the whore!” It got louder as more voices joined in.

Mistress turned to look back at Sarah whose eyes had widened in utter horror. She tried to shake her head “No – don’t!”

Chastity teasingly fingered a button. Then Mistress turned back toward the audience. She could not help smiling with wicked amusement.

The chant grew louder… “Fry the whore – fry the whore!” Chastity turned back toward Sarah. She pointed the remote at her, fingering the button again.

Sarah’s eyes got even bigger. She cried out into her gag for Mistress not to do it. But the chant from the audience was getting louder until everyone around me was crying out “FRY THE WHORE – FRY THE WHORE!”

Mistress turned back toward them. I saw a look of extreme cruelty flash in her eyes. Then she turned back toward Sarah, pointing the remote at her.

“THEY WANT YOU DEAD!” she hollered loudly in order to be heard above the chant. “I WANT YOU DEAD TOO, YOU MISERABLE SLUT! SO DIE FOR ME, YOU FUCKING WHORE!” Then she activated the remote.

Sarah screamed into her gag as her body jerked from a massive jolt of current. Her whole body writhed as though she was on fire. She violently ground against the probes impaled inside her as though her muscles had a mind of their own.

There was the sound of crackling electricity. I saw blue arcs dance between Sarah’s tits. The seat of her chair flared a blue fire.

Another muffled scream was torn out of her lungs. It was a good thing her head was strapped down. Otherwise she might have given herself a bad case of whiplash.

The smell of burning flesh filled the air. Smoke drifted up from her crotch and nipples. Sarah’s eyes were open wide in pure horror as though she was staring into the eyes of some vengeful spirit.

Her muffled cries were abruptly cut off as though her vocal chords had been cut. Her body convulsed as a spray of urine spewed off her seat. Electricity crackled until Mistress finally hit a button on the remote again.

Sarah’s body appeared to collapse into the chair. Her horrified eyes stared vacantly. A tendril of smoke came up from her fried cunt.

A cheer erupted from the audience, immediately followed by wild applause. Our customers roared their approval, cheering and laughing and letting go as though it had all been bottled up for far too long. Mistress blushed at the ovation.

She took Monique’s hand. The two of them bowed low in gratitude to the gathered spectators. They were the most popular bitches in the entire facility.

The cheering finally died down. But excited conversation continued to buzz all around me. People started to depart, still talking about what an incredible performance they had just witnessed.

I knew our sex rooms were going to be doing a brisk business in short order. Several clients paused long enough to shake hands with me. They personally thank me as they passed by, even though I had virtually nothing to do with what had happened up on stage.

I caught sight of Carmen and Sophia and saw the shocked looks on their faces. No doubt they knew what they were in for, now that they had witnessed Chastity at her finest. Nadia and Felicity kept them rounded up so they couldn’t run off anywhere.

I had come damned close to creaming my trousers. I decided never again. I needed to fuck someone soon.

I looked expectantly at Mistress while nodding toward Carmen and Sophia. She must have read my mind because she smiled and nodded at me. ‘Good,’ I thought happily. ‘Soon I’ll be taken care of.’

The room was just about empty when Chastity and Monique descended from the stage. “Well, ladies,” she smiled wickedly at the remaining two while eagerly rubbing her hands together. “I think it’s time we adjourn to a more private venue so we can thoroughly enjoy ourselves. What do you think?”

Neither one got the chance to speak, because at that moment attendants Nicole and Tia walked up. Tia had been working for us for several months now. She had been the one who’d gone off with the poker player nicknamed Manhattan after he’d lost his stake in the poker game.

The expression on her face indicated something was amiss. I wondered if he’d become a problem in one of the sex rooms. Chastity saw her expression and was suddenly all business.

“Is something the matter, honey?”

With tears in her eyes, Tia silently lifted up her attendant’s tunic. That act was explanation enough. But it confirmed her pregnancy sensor had popped and was glowing ominously.

“Oh my,” Chastity observed with dismay. “That is most unfortunate.” Then she smiled, her eyes twinkling with lustful excitement as she added, “I think we can fit another execution into my schedule this evening.”

She smiled as though she would certainly enjoy watching Tia die. Then she asked, “So tell me, my dear girl. How would you like to be snuffed?”

The attendant looked right at me and in a trembling voice said, “Mr. Rick. I want Mr. Rick to do it.”

2010; 2020 (written Mar 23 ’10; ed. Jan 10 ‘20 by riwa)

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Sela’s pesky neighbor 4.1 (14)

Note: Here is a bonus story for the holidays. This time it involves a male victim. It’s only fair to the ladies, right?

He was trouble from the first day he moved into the house next door. As soon as he saw her outside he rambled over and introduced himself as Derrick. He had short, dirty blonde hair and looked like he hadn’t shaved in five days.

The first thing he did was to ask her out. Sela tried to be polite. But he didn’t want to take no for an answer. She finally told him she wasn’t interested.

He came over the next day to borrow some scotch tape. Sela immediately suspected it was a ruse to get inside her home. She gave him a dispenser she’d purchased last week, only for him to ask her out again. Once more she declined.

The next day it was a request for milk for his cereal. The day after that he wondered if she had a broom. Each time he was there he asked her for a date. The bastard just couldn’t take no for an answer.

She was buying groceries the next day when she overheard another woman complaining about a guy who wouldn’t take no for an answer. She shared she was having the same problem. The other woman laughed as she lamented it was too bad they couldn’t make them disappear.

Sela laughed at that. Then she gave it some thought. That’s when a wicked idea sprung to mind.

After two weeks of pestering her for a date, Sela finally told him there was a place in the woods she liked. It was near a waterfall with a pool. He immediately offered to pack a picnic lunch and drive her up there.

She offered him a compromise. He could bring the sandwiches and she would bring the drinks. She said she had an appointment but she figured she could get away and meet him there later. She was relieved when he said that would be acceptable.

She drove up early and parked in a different location. Then she hiked to the spot and waited for him. Sure enough, he showed up about a half hour later lugging a large picnic basket.

He expressed surprise he hadn’t seen her in the parking lot. She told him a friend had dropped her off. She hoped it wouldn’t be too much trouble if he drove her back. Instantly his eyes lit up, no doubt at the idea she was alone and was now dependent on him.

Derrick set up a blanket on the ground. He pulled out the food while Sela fixed a couple of drinks. She made sure he didn’t see what she dropped into his container.

He’d just taken a drink when Sela asked if he wanted to go skinny dipping. He readily agreed, no doubt thinking his charm was finally winning her over. They both quickly stripped.

He was preparing to wade into the water when he started feeling high and a little sleepy. That’s when Sela fetched the rope she’d hidden a short distance away. She used a small length to tie his hands behind his back. Then she threw one end of the longer nylon over a nearby tree branch.

She quickly formed the free end into a noose she’d learned to tie. Then she led him over to a rock below the branch where the rope was dangling. “You’re going to love this, Derrick,” she said enthusiastically as she helped him over. His mind was so foggy that he went willingly, hoping he’d get to fuck her.

He was getting an erection which she reached out and stroked to encourage him. She looped the noose around his neck. Then she pulled on the other end, forcing him to climb up onto the rock.

“Isn’t this fun, Derrick?” she asked with a smile. He smiled back as he nodded drowsily.

“You want to fuck me; don’t you, Derrick?” He smiled and nodded again. Everything was so fuzzy he was having some difficulty staying awake.

She tied off the free end of the rope. Then she grabbed his cock. “You want to fuck me, right Derrick? Ok, baby; let’s fuck!” And with that she pulled him off the rock by his cock.

He swung back and forth, rasping and gurgling. He seemed drowsy and confused. Sela grabbed his cock and stroked it, noticing how hard he’d become.

“You like fucking me, Derrick? Doesn’t it feel good?”

He was so tired and confused. He couldn’t breathe, but his cock felt good. Was he fucking her like she said?

“You going to cum for me Derrick?” Sela asked as she stroked his meat. He began hitching and jerking, his legs kicking a little as he twisted in place. Then his cock went off in her hand, splattering Sela’s chest.

“Did that feel good, Derrick?” she asked, aroused at the way he’d splattered her with his cream. She kept stroking him as he slowed down. His eyes were half closed as stray muscles started firing.

“Got any more for me, Derrick?” she asked with a smile as she kept stroking him.

He twitched and shuddered as his cock went off again. Sela got a little more cream on her chest. That was enjoyable. But now it was time to depart.

“Eric, that was one hell of a fuck. But I’ve got to go now. I’ll see you later, ok?”

Sela quickly got dressed. She packed up everything she’d brought with her. Then she made the hike back to where her vehicle was hidden. As she drove home she wondered how long it would be before Derrick was found and who her new next door neighbor might be. Hell, she’d enjoyed this one so much the new one might also be worth bringing out here for a picnic.

2018 (written Oct 11 ’18 by riwa)

(Inspired by the picture/manip)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories, Male stories | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Izumi’s hot spring hanging 4.4 (18)

Izumi was a playful little nymph. She was also considerably kinky. She loved dangerous games, mostly because of the affect they had on her sexually.

Once she was sitting naked in a chair with her iPhone in hand, surfing the Internet. I snuck up behind her and wrapped a pair of her nylons around her neck, playfully strangling her. Immediately her hands came up to claw the garrote away.

I removed the nylons and said I was sorry. She shook her head and told me not to apologize. I had simply caught her by surprise; her reaction had been instinctive.

She begged me to do it again, asking that I wait until she was not paying attention. She told me to strangle her harder and not to stop no matter how she might react. I said it might be difficult but I would see what I could do.

I went into the bedroom to do something. Izumi went back to her iPhone. I quietly returned five minutes later to whip the nylons around her throat, strangling her again.

She jerked with a start as her hands came up to claw at the nylons. I pulled her back against me as I strangled her harder. She rasped for breath before her hand snaked down to her pussy.

She furiously fingered herself as I nearly choked the life out of her. Then she began to buck and shudder in orgasm. I gave her an extra five seconds before letting go.

I had no idea what kind of effect that would have on her. From then on she wanted to include asphyxia during our playtimes. She even wanted to be choked and strangled during sex.

Once I put a pillow over her face while I was fucking her. She bucked and shuddered underneath me, thrashing about until she milked a cum right out of me. The moment she passed out in the midst of a savage orgasm I removed the pillow. She later told me how much she loved it.

Soon she stopped taking showers in exchange for taking baths. She loved it when I would burst in on her and force her to the bottom of the tub. She always bubbled wildly, thrashing about in the water. And she almost always experienced an orgasm.

We strung up a noose in our bedroom. She loved riding the noose while fucking me in the cowgirl position. Afterwards she would beg me to hang her as befitting a whore of her caliber.

I always took her down before serious damage was done. She often acted disappointed. I told her I didn’t want to accidentally kill her. But she didn’t believe me.

She knew the effect it had on me. She believed one day I would take her too far. And she was fully convinced I wouldn’t be the least bit sorry.

For a special treat we drove up to our cabin in the mountains in the middle of winter. We had a building next to a hot spring. She liked the idea of skinny-dipping with snow all around.

On the way up she told me how I could dispose of her body were something to happen to her. She told me I could easily get my hands on another sexy whore to play with. Her kind were a dime a dozen, and she said it shouldn’t take long to find another bitch who loved asphyxia every bit as much as she did.

Once we arrived and got settled in, she took off her clothes and made straight for the hot spring out back. I joined her and we had an erotic time in the water. I forced her head underwater and fucked her silly until she was cumming and bubbling up a storm.

Afterwards she told me I should have drowned her and then tossed her corpse into the river. Her eyes twinkled as she told me how erotic it would have been to drown with my cock up her cunt. I told her I might have to give it some serious thought. Strange how my words made her all breathless as her eyes flashed with excitement.

She fixed a nice meal and we cuddled after supper. Then she wanted to fuck again. I bagged her as I fucked her until she shuddered in orgasm, the plastic clinging tightly to her face as she passed out. Afterwards we fucked like rabbits until we exhausted ourselves.

The next morning I got up and rigged the noose out over the hot spring while Izumi did a little cleaning. Then she got undressed and came out naked. She wanted to see what I’d done out in the spring.

She came out and saw the noose dangling there. She got all excited as she grinned at me. Then she grabbed the noose and looped it around her throat.

“Hang me!” she gasped excitedly. “Hang me and leave me to dangle out here until my body freezes solid!”

I pulled on the rope and took her up into the air. She rasped for breath as she kicked and struggled. But she managed to masturbate like she always did whenever I left her hands free during her previous hangings.

She put on quite a show, jerking until she squirted into the hot spring. Then I brought her back down. She was relieved to be able to breathe again. But she expressed her disappointment I had not left her hanging. So I fucked her good and hard, forcing her head under until she savagely climaxed as she bubbled like crazy.

That afternoon I added a wrinkle to our hot spring play. I tied her wrists behind her back to her ankles. Then I noosed her up and hauled her hogtied into the air. She wriggled like a good little whore as she rasped for breath.

When I lowered her she had a different problem. She ended up submerged face down, still unable to breathe. Then I jerked on the rope and hauled her back up to hang again.

I don’t think I ever saw her squirt so hard. Her orgasm looked incredibly intense, at least from where I was standing as I held onto the rope. Then I let go and she dropped into the hot spring with a splash.

I fucked her mouth until I blasted my load between her lips. Then I pulled her head up out of the water. She gasped for breath before telling me she’d cum like a fucking whore.

That night our sex was incredible. I choked and strangled her into orgasm after orgasm. We finally exhausted ourselves before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

The next morning Izumi begged me to hang her out in the hot spring one last time. I could see by the look in her eyes just how much she wanted me to take her all the way. By now I was starting to seriously consider it.

I had everything packed up in the car when Izumi took off her clothes. She grabbed the rope and headed out back for the hot spring. I shed my clothes and followed her out, asking her what the hell she thought she was doing.

“My friend Misaki would love to be your girlfriend. She has told me so on many occasions. She is a whore just like I am.” Then she tossed one end of the rope over the beam above the hot spring.

She grinned excitedly. Then she said, “Please hang me, Riwa-san. Leave me dangling here until spring where you can take me down and cast my body into the river. Go to Misaki and make her your new whore.”

She took the rope and looped it around her throat. Then she waited expectantly. When I hesitated she said, “Please, Riwa-san. I am so excited I am ready to burst. But I can see you are excited too. I want you to cum as I hang to death for you.”

My cock was certainly erect. I grasped onto the rope to make her think I was going to do it. Then I paused.

Could I do it? I was incredibly fond of Izumi. But I was also incredibly aroused. Had she ascertained my weakness, just as I had ascertained hers?

I grabbed the rope and pulled her out of the water. She gasped as one hand reached up for the coil around her neck. The other began fingering her dripping slit.

I held her in the air as she kicked and fingered herself. Then I tied the rope off. Her eyes seemed to flash with a burst of radiance as she kicked harder, her fingers blurring as she furiously masturbated.

She rasped for breath as the noose tightened. There was a definite chill in the air from being exposed to the elements while standing out of the water. So I lowered myself until I was nearly fully submerged, stroking as I watched her.

Her nipples were incredibly erect, her labia swollen through her hairy bush. She appeared to be dripping profusely as she swung back and forth. Then her knees came together as she squeezed her fingers with her cunt.

Her orgasm came squirting out of her as she hitched and shuddered. It looked like the most intense orgasm of her short existence. She appeared to exhaust herself. Then she hung limp as my cock went off in the warm waters of the spring, ropes of cum swirling around.

Her body hitched as her arms dangled at her sides. For a moment I was sorely tempted to bring her down. But I saw something flicker in her eyes as though she was pleading for me to leave her up. Perhaps it was just my imagination.

I sat there in the spring for a full fifteen minutes as Izumi hung limp and lifeless. Her bladder gave way, allowing urine to roll down her legs into the spring. Already I was seeing frost start to accumulate on her naked body.

I went inside, got dressed and then drove down the mountain. I was not afraid of anyone finding our cabin and the naked body dangling outside. It was in a remote part of the forest.

When I got home I received a visitor late that evening. It was Misaki. She bluntly asked me if I had hanged Izumi as she’d gotten a text message the other day from her friend, telling her what she hoped I would do to her.

I was stunned and did not reply. She just touched my shoulder and smiled. “It is ok, riwa-san. I will be your whore now. Maybe you can take me to see the body of my friend Izumi. And maybe one day you will hang me too.”

2019 (written Feb 16 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by the manip created by Quidam Martin.)

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Arlene’s consensual drowning thoughts 4.1 (10)

Note: A short bonus story for you to end this month.

I can’t believe it! It’s finally going to happen. Today’s the day he’s going to drown me.

I’ve been begging him to do it for weeks now. I know he wants to drown me. Every time I bring it up he gets such a huge bulge.

The other day we fucked underwater in our backyard pool. He pounded me so hard that I had a really intense orgasm. My lungs were straining and I nearly lost all my air. You have no idea how hot that was.

Afterward I told him he should have finished me off. I would’ve cum even harder if he would have drowned me. Just the idea of him holding me down while fucking the air out of my lungs gets me so turned on.

Ever since we built this backyard pool I’ve been thinking about it. The idea of being found at the bottom of our pool in the deep end is such a huge turn-on. Every time I tell Bret, he gets so hard. So I know he’s been thinking about it too.

He’s asked me how I want him to do it. But there are too many options to choose from. I honestly can’t decide.

One idea that gets me wet is being anchored nude to the bottom by my ankles to a set of weights. Even better would be if he were to come down and touch me all over as my lungs start to burn, waiting and watching until the air bursts out of my mouth. Damn, I’m really getting horny just thinking about it.

There’s another idea I’ve thought about that I haven’t told him. He could drain the water level to the pool, tie my hands to the metal pool ladder in the deep end, and then slowly fill it back up. I know I would go crazy with the water slowly rising while he was stroking himself as he watched me.

Of course the best way would be if we were fucking in the deep end. It’s hard to contemplate anything hotter than him thrusting deep inside me while we’re at the bottom of the pool. Imagining him pushing my limits while filling me with his seed makes me so wet and horny. Damn, my nipples are hard just thinking about it!

I suppose he could always tie me up, weight me down and then toss me into the deep end. Watching me wriggle and struggle until my lungs gave out would give him quite a thrill. It would be a good role-play for us.

I can picture him now with me floating at the surface, looking at me with lust in his eyes. He gives me one last kiss, and then he gently pushes me under. No fanfare; no announcement – it’s just under I go. Then I have to hold that last breath until it explodes out of my lungs.

When I’m almost gone I want him to take the heel of his hand and shove it into my stomach, forcing the remaining air out of my lungs. I want them to be filled and my stomach full of water as I lie on the bottom looking up at the surface. I can tell I’m going to have one hell of an orgasm when it happens.

Ok, Bret! I’m out here naked just waiting for you! Hurry home and drown me, honey! I’m so turned on right now I’m afraid I just might start the festivities without you!


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Laura and the Strangler’s Playroom 4.1 (11)

Laura was in her sheer nightie when she logged into The Strangler’s Playroom. She always liked checking in before she went to bed. Sometimes she got into a hot chat private messaging one of the members.

Some of the regulars were already in. Almost immediately she started getting messages…

(Hey, it’s Laura)
(Welcome, Laura. Want to get strangled tonight?)
(I really want to choke u out and fuck ur dead body)

DoHer was online, as was ChokeHerOut and NylonStrangler. There were a couple of new ones she didn’t recognize. But her reputation had spread as they all wanted to strangle her.

It looked like tonight she had her choice of members to message privately. But who should she choose? They were always good for making her horny. She didn’t want to pick one without hurting the others.

(Want to feel my hands around ur throat?)
(Mmmm… I want to feel your hands) ChokeHerOut was always good at getting her turned on.

(I’ve got a rope with your name on it. I’ll hang you and watch you dance for me.)
(I will kick for you, DoHer.) He was another who was quite good at giving her erotic tingles.

(I’ve got nylons ready for you, Laura. Shall I come strangle you?)
(Yes, I want to feel the nylons around my throat. Be my strangler.) It seemed he always wanted to use nylons. Laura supposed that was why he had chosen that particular nick.

She looked around for any sign of Riwa. He was good for a story caption on her pictures every now and then. But he didn’t seem to be online. And he had not posted a story recently.

Laura started to get some private messages, suggesting more intimate ways she could be offed in fantasy for the night. She responded to a couple, wondering if she could balance a couple of chats without mixing up her messages to her recipients. Then she thought she heard a noise from the kitchen.

She turned her head to look out the door. But she heard nothing else. Her house was always creaking, making sounds she could not identify. They always amounted to nothing.

She sent a private response to DoHer; his suggestion sounded promising. ChokeHerOut wanted to wrap his hands around her throat. That was good too as she loved the personal approach of a killer’s hands on her neck. It gave her goosebumps when she played with NecroRusso, a friend who came over from time to time and choked her out.

Where was NylonStrangler? He hadn’t responded. Had he found a private chat to engage in?

She heard the floor creak, causing her to turn again toward the doorway. Standing there was someone in a black outfit with an executioner’s hood. He was holding a pair of nylons in his gloved hands.

For a split second she wondered if it was NecroRusso come to play unexpectedly. By the time he stepped forward, she realized it wasn’t him. By then it was too late.

He quickly wrapped the nylons around her throat before she could scream. Then he started to pull. He whispered into her ear, “I’m NylonStrangler, Laura. I’ll be your Internet Strangler for the night.”

Her pussy flared with a terrible arousal as she reached up to pull at the nylons around her throat. They were far tighter than she expected. Was it possible her guest was not role-playing??

She clawed at her neck with her fingernails, trying to pry the nylons loose in order to get a little air. She was really wet now. She was also getting dizzy, unable to breathe.

“These belonged to JudySlut,” he whispered into her ear. “Did you notice she stopped visiting the chatroom two months ago? She gave me a good performance as I strangled her to death. Now I want you to give me a good performance, Laura. You will, won’t you?”

Her mind cried out in horror as she continued clawing at the tightening nylons. He pulled her backward as her legs started to kick. She reached for the keyboard, wanting to signal for help. But now she couldn’t reach it.

She rasped and gurgled as she started to lose consciousness. “That’s it, Laura,” her strangler whispered into her ear. “Enjoy yourself. I know I’m going to.”

Her hands came up one final time in an attempt to claw the nylons away. Then her body shuddered in orgasm as she wet herself. Consciousness faded away as she slumped in the chair at her desk.

He maintained his grip on the nylons until he was sure she was gone. Then he tied them around her neck. “JudySlut says to wear them in good health,” he whispered into her ear. Then he moved her body aside. He noticed on the monitor she was getting requests from the members for private chats. He needed to address them all before he left.

He smiled as he began typing on her computer. It would not do to allow someone so popular to sign off without one last message. He hit the keys one at a time as he carefully typed out…

(My strangler is here. I want to give my neck to him. Kisses.)

The responses came quickly…

(Lucky bloke! Wish I was there!)
(I want to choke u, Laura!)
(Strangle her for me!)

He smiled as he signed her out of the chat. Then he looked all around her bedroom. He found a pair of nylons and gathered them up to take with him. They would be perfect for the next woman he tracked down after meeting her in The Strangler’s Playroom…

2020 (written for Laura Nov 24 ’17 by riwa. Inspired by Laura’s picture.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 0 (0)

Coming December rewards

Another chapter with the Teris in the holodeck.
A young woman must face tribal justice for stealing.
A couple of short stories involving some scarf work.
A gangster’s girlfriend has an affair with a plumber and gets tossed into a cistern.
A principal uses cruel punishments while students are in detention.
3 in the Pool finds Melissa taking her enthusiasms too far.
The synchro tryout continues, with vidcaps by JustPaul.
Another chapter to the Joia saga.
It’s Carrie’s turn to become one of Taylor’s Followers.
Shelly is still down in the wreck in Cancun with Andria and their two new companions.
A female with an enthusiasm for the noose visits a ghost down with her boyfriend.
A woman foolishly responds to an ad for participating in a gangbang.

October stories/rewards will fall off at the end of November to make room for December rewards.

In a crazy year filled with everything but an alien invasion (and I’m expecting that from the skies in December), I still have many things to be thankful for. I’m thankful I didn’t have to try moving from Idaho during this year. I’m thankful I have a roof over my head and food in my belly. I’m thankful my mother is only 3 miles away so I can see her anytime I want. I’m thankful I can drive for her when we go to town together for lunch and groceries or just to take a drive. I’m thankful I can walk around town for exercise and don’t have major issues with my knees, legs or back. I’m thankful for waking up this morning when so many people this year have sadly lost that same privilege. And I’m thankful to have you as my patrons so I can provide entertaining stories for your enjoyment. (At least, it’s my desire for them to be entertaining.)

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. And happy Thursday for those who do not have this holiday in their country.

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