Writer’s block 3.2 (21)

A writer sits at his keyboard trying to type the script to his next underwater clip. He’s produced a lot of content and he’s trying to come up with a fresh plot.

Shelly floats topless on an air mattress in the pool. It seems sturdy enough, and she likes how it feels like she is floating.

She is half asleep when she hears a noise – a dog, a gunshot or a car backfire. It causes her to rise up with a start and roll off into the water.

The model falls into the water. She starts clawing at the surface, trying to keep her head above water. She keeps gulping, slipping under, coming up, gasping and sputtering, slipping back under.

No, I’ve done the “Can’t Swim scenario before. Maybe I should try something else. Let me see. Ok, let’s do this. Shelly treads water in the deep end, enjoying her swim in her bikini.

The model is suddenly at the surface treading water. She calls upward toward the sky… Oh, I can swim now? And I’m wearing my bikini? Great. Shelly swims down along the bottom from one end of the pool to the other, bubbles trickling out of her nose. After a few such swims she stands up in the shallow end.

Shelly sees a large black container at the bottom of the pool. She looks at it and is excited. Her boyfriend must have left her something special.

The model looks up at the sky as though she is talking to this writer. I have a boyfriend? And he left something for me at the bottom of the pool? And I’m supposed to go look? Fine – fine; whatever. The model swims down and checks the container. But it is tied with rope. She will have to get the rope off if she is to get into it. The model struggles with the rope, losing air before she has to swim back up.

Shelly can only hold her breath for a minute. So it will be hard to open the container.

In the shallow end the model looks up at the sky.  A minute? Really? Are you fucking kidding me?

Ok, she can hold her breath two minutes.

Model looks up and nods. That’s much better!

But the cover is nearly closed because it jammed last week. Shelly will have to swim under all the way to the bottom of the pool under the cover.

The model sees the cover is suddenly in place. She looks up again in surprise. You put the cover in my way? Really?? That’s just great! That’s just fucking great!

The model swims down to the container. She fights to pull the rope off. But there seems to be so much of it.

She bubbles and struggles as she strains to get it all off. But a big release of bubbles sends her back to the shallow end to get a breath. The model pops up, looks upward and blurts out, Did you have to use that much rope? How am I supposed to get all that off on one breath? Could I at least have a weight belt? Damnit!

She is now wearing a weight belt to help her stay down.

The model sees she is wearing a weight belt. She looks up and says, Thanks.

Shelly is in her favorite one-piece. She takes another big breath before she goes back down. And she uses the dive mask sitting on the edge of the pool right next to her.

The model suddenly realizes she is wearing her one-piece. And she sees the dive mask sitting there. She looks skyward in frustration. So I’m in my one-piece now? Would you make up your gawddamn mind? Sheesh! At least you gave me a fucking dive mask!

The model puts the dive mask onto her face and swims back down to the container and starts to fight with it. There is so much rope.

Hmm. I don’t think I want her wearing the dive mask after all. Let’s take it off.

The model is fighting with the rope when the mask suddenly disappears. She touches her face and bubbles, What the hell?? Fuck!! Then she shrugs her shoulders before she goes back to fighting to get the rope off the container.

No, I think I want her back in her bikini for this.

The model becomes aware she is wearing her bikini underwater. She looks at herself in surprise. Then she looks up, gives the writer the finger and bubbles MAKE UP YOUR GAWDDAMN MIND!

But Shelly is running out of breath. And now her ankle is caught in the rope.

The model looks down and sees her ankle is suddenly snagged. SHIT! SHIT – SHIT – SHIT! She fights with the rope as she loses bubbles, struggling to get it off. Her lungs start heaving as she is running out of breath. This is starting to get serious.

I don’t know. I’ve already done the cover and the container and the rope before. Let’s do something else.

The model suddenly sees she is at the bottom of the pool with nothing else. And the cover is gone. She looks all around, wondering where the hell the container went to. Then she sees the cover is gone. She pops up to the surface and treads water. Then she calls up toward the sky. So we’re not doing the rope and the cover and the container thing anymore?

Let’s go back to the mattress floating in the corner as Shelly tries to stay up at the surface. People like that scenario.

The model starts to splash her arms. She looks up in alarm as she gasps, Now I can’t swim? What the fuck?? We’re… going back to that? Shit! Somebody help me!

Fuck this bitch! The boyfriend is pissed off at her behavior and wants to be rid of her. So he handcuffs her to the bottom of the pool ladder. She has a weight belt to keep her down. And she’s topless so he can see her tits.

The model is suddenly cuffed to the bottom of the ladder. Her bikini top is gone. She looks up and bubbles, FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! GET ME OUT OF HERE! She fights and struggles as she runs out of air and drowns, spasming painfully.

The bitch is dead. THE END! Let’s try that and see what happens.

The camera shows the model cuffed to the bottom of the pool ladder, eyes open in shock, the occasional bubble leaking out.


Note: MMPtv actually turned this into a drowning clip. Preview pictures are from MMPtv.

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Decap shorts (inspired by Thor manips) 3.8 (45)

Molly’s game

It was nearly pitch black. Molly couldn’t believe how frightened she was… or how terribly excited. What the hell was she thinking??

Her heart beat fast as she tried to peer into the darkness. They could be anywhere in the shadows out there. But she knew she couldn’t stay where she was for long or one of them would find her.

She bolted out from behind the bushes and ran across the hard sand. She panted for breath, her heart beating wildly. She wondered if they could hear her.

A floodlight came on directly in front of her, illuminating the direction she was going. She thought she saw a shadow somewhere beyond the light. She let out a clipped cry as she abruptly changed direction.

The more she thought about it, the more she was having second thoughts. But wasn’t that why she’d agreed to this in the first place? It was the fear mixed with the excitement.

Another floodlight illuminated the ground twenty yards to her right. It looked like someone was over there too! She let out a yelp as she changed direction yet again. Now they’d probably heard her.

Was it too late to change her mind? It was probably too late. She was on the verge of wetting herself… either that or she was going to cum so fucking hard.

A floodlight randomly came on behind her, spurring her forward. She thought she saw someone right in front of her, and she changed her direction yet again. This was fucking crazy!

She bolted to the left and then zigzagged to the right. A floodlight illuminated the ground several yards in front of her. Molly froze with indecision, not knowing which way to go.

A moment later she was bathed in light as a floodlight lit her up. She caught movement out of the corner of her eye. Then she turned just in time to see him taking a swing at her.

It was much too late to duck out of the way. She started to scream, only to have her cry cut off as sharp metal sliced right through her neck. Her body jerked from the sharpness of the blow before her knees gave way.

Blood poured onto the front of her purple shirt as she collapsed onto the sand, her head coming to rest a couple feet away. Her body jerked and hitched as she tried to blink… tried to open her mouth. Then she thought she heard clapping.

A female voice… “Well done. I almost had her until she skittered away.”

A male voice… “I wouldn’t have gotten her if she hadn’t froze in that spotlight.”

Molly heard more voices as well as more clapping… “Well done.”  “I don’t know how you managed it.”  “That was a great swing.”  “Gawd; look at her bleeding out like that.”

Molly didn’t hear anything after that. Her life was over and she’d gotten what she’d paid for. She was unaware her bladder had just released and that her body had wet itself in orgasm.

A male voice… “What do you think, Cheryl?”

“Damn! That was hotter than I expected it would be!”

“So what do you think? Want to go to the hotel concierge and sign the paperwork? I’m sure everyone here would love another shot at beheading someone out here. Hell of a game, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I, uh… damn. Let’s go back to the hotel. I need a drink. Maybe if you get me drunk enough I might just go through with it…”

(May 29 ’18)

Natasha’s promise

“I don’t think I want to do this anymore. I’ve changed my mind.”

“But you promised. On two Entertainment shows you vowed that if you didn’t produce a hit show before this year, you would have your head cut off and presented on Oscar night.”

“But I have a couple more movies coming up!”

“No you don’t. We recently heard they dropped you once they were reminded of your pledge. Remember, your fans are looking forward to this.”

“Fuck my fans!”

“Oh, that’s not a nice thing to say. I’ll tell you what. We’ll wash that out of the video recording so we can make your last moments here on earth look good, ok?”

“No… wait… I don’t want… please don’t…!”

She began to hyperventilate as they secured her arms behind her back. A camera in another man’s hands was recording everything. That’s when she began to break out in a cold sweat.

“Into the next room, Miss Henstridge. You’ll be kneeling before a block in there. We have our best executioner handling the axe. Thor has never missed a neck before and he’s not about to miss one now.”

“No… please… I’ve changed my mind! I don’t want to do this!”

“But you promised. You gave your word.”

“Fuck my word! You can’t do this to me!”

“Here comes Thor. You might want to get a shot of this, Anthony. He’s got a nice axe he brought special for your neck, Miss Henstridge.”

“No! Please! I don’t want to be beheaded! I don’t want my head served up at the Oscars.”

“Too bad, Miss Henstridge. They’re the ones who’re demanding your head. You promised them too, if you’ll recall.”

“Fuck the Oscars! Fuck everyone! I don’t want to do this!”

“But think of your fans.”

“Fuck the fans – NO; WAIT!”

She was forced onto her knees before an ominous looking block. She was all but hyperventilating at the sight of the red stains. Then Thor brought his axe into her line of sight so she could see what was about to separate her head from the rest of her body.

“NO! Damnit, you can’t do this to me! I’ll do anything!” Then she gasped, “Wait-wait-WAIT” as her head was forced onto the block.

The assistant had to kneel down and help hold her steady. “Give us a moment, would you, Thor?” Then he addressed the frightened actress.

“Look. This is happening one way or the other. They don’t care about anything but your head. Now you saw how big Thor’s axe is. If he misses, he’s not going to miss and potentially damage your skull. He’s going to miss and make a big mess of your shoulders. So I suggest you fucking SETTLE DOWN AND SHUT UP!”

She gasped and whimpered as her head was forced down onto the block once more. Then she pleaded, “Please! I’ll do anything! I’ll fuck you all! I’ll suck your cocks! Please!”

“Do you really mean that?”

“Yes, I really do!”

“I don’t believe you. You’re scared and you’ll say anything. Now quiet down, lay your head on that block, take a deep breath, and then try to convince me that’s exactly what you’re willing to do.”

“Ok… ok… please… just give me a moment, ok? My heart is beating so fast!”

She paused for a moment as she tried to rest her head on the block. Then in the calmest voice she could muster she said, “If you let me go I prom-AWCK!”

Her eyes flew open the moment the blade came down, slicing right through her neck. Her head literally leapt off the block and bounced on the floor a couple times. Then Thor reached down and picked up her head by a handful of hair.

Natasha had a look of shock on her face, her last words frozen to her lips. Her eyes blinked in horror as she was lifted up and turned to see the rest of her body had keeled over sideways and was now jerking and spasming. Blood pumped copiously out of her severed neck.

She tried to speak but no words would come. She couldn’t believe it! They’d actually done it; she couldn’t feel a thing below her neck!

The assistant walked up to her head dangling from Thor’s grasp and smiled. “Miss Henstridge, I do believe my crew and I will take you up on your offer. I hope you don’t mind if we do it post mortem.”

He unzipped his fly and pulled out an erect dick. There was nothing she could do as he grabbed her head and forced it between her lips. Her last taste was his cock in her mouth before her vision faded, her expression sagging tiredly.

(Aug 9 ’18)

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Morning execution – the garrote 4.2 (61)

For the last week I notice Master has not enjoyed my body the way he used to. It makes me wonder if he’s spending time with another of the girls in his harem. It would motivate me to work a little harder, but lately it’s been hard to put forth the effort.

We spend the night together where I do some sucking and fucking. But my enthusiasm is lacking and so is his response. I just chalk it up to one of those nights where we are simply less than enthusiastic.

I promise myself to do better next time. But I’m already starting to rationalize my recent performance. Perhaps I’ve grown comfortable with the good life he gives me.

I awaken in the morning to discover he’s already out of bed. I’ve been sleeping in lately. It’s another of my little idiosyncrasies I’ve picked up lately.

One of the other bitches comes to retrieve me. She tells me Master is waiting in the recreation room. It makes me wonder what he has planned in there.

On the way it occurs to me what device he has in there. I find myself wincing inwardly. Not another one??

Master likes to use his garroting device in there. I’ve watched him on several occasions. It turns him on watching a girl suffer and die like that. But I’ve never gotten into it myself.

I don’t know what it is that turns him on about that dreaded contraption. It makes a woman’s nipples hard, and she often squirts from a forced orgasm. He’s always ready to fuck afterwards. But it doesn’t do a thing for me, although I’ve tried to show my enthusiasm in the past. If he wants to do another one then I’ll put on my best act to let him know I love the way it pleases him.

When we arrive there’s this new bitch waiting for us with short black hair. She looks in better shape than I do; I’ll admit that. I need to spend more time in here, but I just can’t get up the motivation.

The number tattooed on her left breast reads #252. So she’s the next one eh? Maybe he wants to snuff her while I watch.

She waits for Master to walk in. He smiles at the both of us. I give #252 a little smirk, knowing what’s going to happen next. But my heart skips a beat when he announces, “#251, would you please take up a position on the garroting device?”

My breath catches in my throat as I stammer, “M-Master?” The bitch gives me a faint smirk of her own. Then Master starts to walk over.

Immediately I sit down. I know better than to disobey. A moment later I feel him securing my wrists to the back of the damnable device.

#252 gets on her knees and approaches. She forces my legs apart as I writhe and whimper. Master puts the metal strap around my neck and fastens it securely.

My mind is awhirl… “this can’t be happening! I don’t fucking deserve this!” Then I feel the metal around my neck tighten.

I rasp and gurgle as I tremble with fear. Master’s not really going to do this to me, is he? Then I glance over and notice he’s taken his cock out. He always has his cock out whenever he’s going to snuff someone in this chair.

The metal around my throat tightens a little more. I rasp and gurgle as the bitch fingers my snatch. It’s wet and dripping from a fearful arousal.

She fingers me as though curious how the garrote chair works on a female. It’s hard to breathe; drool spills off my tongue onto my breast. My mind screams this can’t be happening to me.

Master steps forward, allowing her to suck his cock. Then she moves in close and licks my dripping twat. I writhe and tremble when her tongue comes in contact with my dripping slit.

She goes back to fingering me until she looks up and asks, “Master, may I?”

“You may, #252.” Then she fucks me with her fingers. I tremble, rasp and shudder in horror and humiliation.

I feel the metal tighten around my neck. Now I cannot breathe at all. My body takes on a life of its own as my legs start to fly outward.

The voices are faint; I can barely detect them. “Can I make her orgasm as she dies, Master?”

“Yes you may, #252.” Then I feel a thumb on my swollen nub as she finger-fucks me.

I struggle to breathe but it’s impossible. My body shakes as more droll spills off my tongue. Then I’m cumming as I spiral away into oblivion, chastising myself for not having made more of an effort to please Master these last few days.

I do not feel his seed splatter my chest from his swollen manhood…

(Oct 31 ’18)

(Inspired by guni’s manip and Algo asking “What about garroting…)

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Dungeon scene 3.9 (44)

Note: I wrote a dungeon scene by request, but never got around to writing a beginning or an ending. So here is a short scene that takes place in a dungeon.

Back arched over a rounded wheel-like structure, her tits are mercilessly flogged by a dominatrix who takes great pleasure in hurting her. Her screams are like music to the ears of the sadistic woman. She is blindfolded so she cannot see each lash as it lands.

Again and again her breasts are whipped. Meanwhile an assistant plugs a hose up her ass. She does not see it, but she can certainly feel it.

The water is turned on and she screams anew as her stomach begins to swell. When the hose is removed she shamefully jets out the remnants of her colon. It is a humiliating experience.

A female assistant grabs another flogger and brings it down hard on the blinded woman’s exposed crotch, all the hair having been painfully plucked away. The dominatrix motions for a fat, smelly man with a thick erection to come over and plug her mouth. The assistant then brings in another large male who pushes his hardening member into the poor woman’s cunt.

The dominatrix and her assistant mercilessly flog the breasts and stomach as the poor, blindfolded bitch takes cocks in both ends. The one in her mouth muffles her screams. But the pain from the blows causes her to clench involuntarily around the dick thrusting into her cunt.

About that time a new girl is brought in naked and blindfolded. Her arms which were secured behind her back are freed long enough to be tied above her head to a rope threaded into a pulley above. Then she is lifted up off the floor.

She lets out an involuntary cry as she gently swings back and forth. She visibly winces at the sound of lashes being applied to her unfortunate companion in the room. Muffled grunts of pain disturb her as she cannot see nor understand the reason for the sounds. But they truly frighten her.

The dominatrix begins by flogging her breasts. The first lash catches her by surprise as she cannot see. The pain makes her scream in agony.

The assistant continues to bring her lash down on the raped woman’s tits and stomach. Both cocks continue to push themselves into her mouth and pussy. The pain and the rape combine to cause her to experience a shameful arousal that further humiliates her.

The new girl starts to turn in place from the pulley device she is hanging from. The dominatrix takes aim and then lets her flogger fly at breasts or ass, whichever presents itself. The dangling girl jerks and screams anew.

Another muffled grunt reminds her she is not along. Someone else is in the room with her, sounding as though she too is receiving a similar treatment. She can’t even see who it is.

The dominatrix demands the new girl spread her legs. The woman blindly tries to comply. But each successive lash makes causes her legs to come together as she hangs from the pulley.

The sadistic dominatrix orders two additional assistants to enter. They are instructed to tie off the dangling girl’s ankles to rings embedded in the floor. Her legs are obscenely spread apart, and she quivers anew at the way her crotch is now dangerously exposed.

The dominatrix smiles at the newly exposed target. Then she begins flogging the exposed cunt. Lash after lash makes the blindfolded woman scream until she is left dripping from the pain and a shameful arousal. The dominatrix smiles at the delicious cries of agony.

She walks up and sadistically thrusts a couple gloved fingers inside the trembling woman’s cunt. She pulls them out to confirm the wetness in evidence. Then she forces her fingers into the young woman’s mouth, demanding she suck them clean.

The helpless woman gags and gurgles at her own taste. Then the dominatrix angrily steps back and begins flogging her tits anew. The screams indicate just how successful she is.

She goes around behind and liberally applies the flogger to the quivering pale ass. The recipient of the blows screams anew. How can this be happening to her??

The one blindly strapped down to the rounded wheel gurgles from the cock shoved clear down her throat. She involuntarily clenches around the prick thrusting into her cunt. She realizes she’s nothing but a sextoy, a recipient of cock and lash at the whims of those in attendance.

The assistant continues to flog her with relish, making her wince with each blow. But there are screams in the room that are not muffled, at least not yet. The beleaguered woman can hear she is not the only one receiving such torment in the room.

She cannot help but wince at the sound of the dominatrix’s lash making contact with bare skin, immediately followed by fresh screams. At least her crotch is not being whipped. But it is being fucked.

Her cunt is swollen with cock. She cannot help clenching, both from her own flogging as well as the sound of lashes and subsequent screams from the woman in the room with her. Her pussy drips from her abject humiliation. Hearing another woman in torment in the room with her has intensified her fear as well as adding to a shameful arousal.

After applying the lash to both tits and ass, the dominatrix returns to flogging the new girl’s exposed, dripping cunt. Stroke after stroke is viciously applied, enticing delicious screams until the crotch is soaked. The cries of agony make her smile with sadistic pleasure before she pauses yet again.

Once more she steps forward. This time she shoves all her gloved fingers up into the well lubricated cunt as the woman writhes and whimpers. She pushes all the way in until her entire fist disappears. Then she starts thrusting cruelly until the poor thing shrieks her distress.

The dominatrix sadistically grabs an erect nipple and twists it hard as she fist-fucks the helpless maiden. There are renewed screams. “CUM!” she finally yells. “YOU WILL CUM FOR THOSE WHO ARE WATCHING!” For indeed, there is a circular glass wall which allows spectators to observe the proceedings from theatre seating beyond.

She fists the poor woman as she takes turns twisting both nipples as hard as she can. The blindfolded girl screams her agony until she finally squirts her humiliation as her body shudders. It pleases the dominatrix to no end.

Over on the wheel the tortured girl’s tits are lashed mercilessly. The assistant bellows, “YOU WILL CUM FOR MISTRESS!” Then the man fucking her face plugs her nose before thrusting his cock so far down her throat she cannot breathe.

She is viciously raped in the other end while unable to draw air into her lungs. Her body hurts all over. Several more lashes are applied directly to her erect nipples, causing her to grunt and shudder until she too ultimately sprays from a humiliating climax.

The two visible expressions of orgasm in the twin victims lead to a change of torture. The rapists pull out of the one attached to the wheel. Then she is helped to her feet, still blindfolded.

The two new female assistants take her over to a hinged, elevated board in the shape of an inverted Y. She is placed upon it and strapped down, her arms pinned to her side as her head hangs over the edge. Her legs are spread apart and secured to the two back pieces of the Y

The floor suddenly opens directly below her to reveal water which the girl cannot see. The spectators beyond the glass watch with interest as her head is tipped downward while her legs are elevated. Then her head is deliberately submerged.

She lets out a bubbly cry, losing much of her air. Bubbles come up as she struggles to hold her breath. Being unable to see makes it that much worse.

While she is being strapped down and ultimately dunked, the new girl is set free from the pulley above. The dominatrix and first assistant walk her over to a post with a metal cross brace level with her crotch. It is standing upright in front of a small, raised trough of water.

The blindfolded woman whimpers as she feels a spreader bar attached to her ankles. Again she will not be able to move. Her fear ratchets up a notch.

She grunts anxiously as her arms are secured strappado behind her back. Her wrists are attached to chains that go upward and thread through another pulley hanging from the ceiling. It is a very uncomfortable position.

She cries out in agony as little lead weights in the shape of teardrops are clamped to her nipples. A metal collar is attached to her neck. Then a ring gag is forced between her lips and secured in place.

She cannot see that a metal frame is now being attached around her head to her neck collar. An additional length of chain runs up from that frame into still another pulley hanging down from the ceiling. Then the dominatrix attaches a heavy weight to a chain now hanging down from the metal collar around her neck.

The spectators beyond the glass partition can see what is about to happen. The dominatrix smiles knowingly at them. Then she calmly releases her grasp on the chain with the heavy weight on the end.

It abruptly falls into the trough of water, pulling the woman’s head down while bending her at the waist over the cross brace to the post she is up against. She barely has enough time to cry out. then her head is submerged in the trough.

She bubbles and thrashes about as she tries to pull her head up out of the water. She has just enough strength for her mouth to barely clear the surface. But she quickly loses the fight as her head is pulled back down into the trough.

Both women now find their heads totally submerge. They wriggle and thrash about, terrified they are going to be drowned. Their cunts clench and wink from the distress they are in.

They struggle as they both lose bubbles. Then each one is pulled up out of the water. The woman on the inverted Y has her head tipped up by the main assistant as her legs come down horizontally. The other is rescued when the dominatrix grabs and pulls the chain hanging down from the pulley attached to the frame around her head.

Both women cough and gasp for breath, blinking behind their blindfolds. Their respite is short-lived. Both cry out and bubbles once they find themselves being dunked again.

The primary assistant lowers the woman on the Y until her head is submerged once more. Then she gleefully flogs the exposed tits. Bubbles come up from the water in the floor as the poor girl jerks and bubbles with each blow.

Meanwhile the dominatrix has let go of the chain holding the head to her charge. The woman blindly cries out as her head is jerked downward again and submerged. She is bent over the crossbar like before until once more it digs uncomfortably into her stomach.

The dominatrix takes advantage of the situation by using the flogger on the exposed ass in front of her. Each blow results in bodily jerks and eruptions of bubbles. Her face reveals the delight she experiences from her sadism.

Both girls are whipped and drowned several times. Then the dominatrix and her primary assistant exchange places. This indicates another addition to the torment they will be inflicting.

The main assistant produces a large dildo which she shoves into the ass of the chained girl while her head is submerged. The blindfolded woman jerks at the violation, letting out a bubbly cry. Many of the spectators smile at the cruelty on display, some unable to resist masturbating while they watch.

Meanwhile the dominatrix swings the girl on the inverted Y around. She forces the dripping face up into her exposed, dripping crotch. Then she bellows, “LICK, DAMN YOU!”

The woman coughs and hesitates, still trying to get her breath back. But dominatrix does not engage in any such hesitation. She brings the lash down and mercilessly flogs the exposed tits while bellowing “LICK, YOU FUCKING WHORE!”

The woman still hesitates, much to her detriment. Her board is swung back around until her head is cruelly lowered and submerged. Then the dominatrix sadistically brings the flogger down until she makes contact with the woman’s exposed, dripping crotch.

Bubbly screams bring a smile to her face. Then the woman is lifted up out of the water. She is swung back around until once more she feels the crotch pressed against her face.

This time she wisely starts to lick. The flogger is applied to her tits anyway. She cries and screams as she blindly tries to keep licking.

After a minute or two she is swung back around. Then her head is lowered into the water. Bubbly screams come up as the flogger is applied to her exposed, dripping cunt, making her jerk and flinch. Once more she drips an arousal she is helpless to prevent.

Both women are thus whipped, tortured and drowned. The audience watches enthusiastically. Then among the spectators there is an impromptu drawing.

Two women squeal with excitement when they are picked. They are brought around to a side door and allowed entrance into the torture chamber. Both are given floggers as a reward. Then they are permitted to do anything they wish to the two tormented bitches.

The one on the Y has her head pulled out of the water, swung around and jammed upward into the crotch of the dominatrix. She is forced to lick while the first drawing winner liberally applies the flogger to her exposed cunt. It is wet with moisture, and the lashes produce a mist.

The other drawing winner is allowed to flog the ass of the chained girl while she is bent over and bubbling. The blindfolded woman jerks, flinches and bubbles with each blow. If the women on the receiving end of the blows expected merciful treatment from any audience participants then those are quickly dashed, especially since they cannot see who is flogging them.

The two bound woman are put through their paces as they are flogged and drowned… pulled out of the water… flogged and then drowned again. Then both audience participants strip naked. They’re allowed to attach large strap-ons around their waists which they use to sadistic effect.

The one bent over the bar is fucked while her head is submerged, her rapist reaching around to jerk on the weights to her nipples. The other one’s pussy is filled while she is horizontal and forced to lick the dominatrix. She continues to get the occasional lash to her tits just to make her jerk and cry out.


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Male fishtank drowning (m/m) 4.4 (23)

I roped him up into a pretty secure bondage situation. Then I threw him into my fishtank. He hit the water with a splash before going under.

His expression indicated he must have gotten water up his nose. But I didn’t give a shit. He wasn’t here to be comfortable.

He struggled a little as he went to the bottom. I told him he had at least a two minute breath-hold to endure before I pulled his head up. He appeared to settle right down, fully suspecting I was not going to pull him back up until his time had fully elapsed.

I watched how hard his dick became. I wondered if that was why he’d signed up to be a lifeguard in the first place. He must have liked being in the water and the way it affected him. I wasn’t all that surprised.

I waited until the full two minutes were up. I pulled him up for a thirty-second breath. Then I let him go, telling him I was going to tack on another thirty seconds to his time underwater. If he wanted to become a lifeguard, surely he could handle that.

I let him go and back down he went. All that rope wasn’t allowing him to reach the surface on his own. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t get there.

I left him longer than the two-thirty I promised. I made him hold his breath for three full minutes. I wanted to see how well he could adapt to his situation.

I don’t think he liked how long I made him suffer. He soon began thrashing about while losing air. But I wasn’t about to pull him up until the three minute mark.

I finally reached down and pulled him up. He panted like crazy, asking what the fuck I was doing. I simply let him go and told him that would cost him another three minutes.

He hit the bottom and started to squirm. I called down, “I’m not pulling you up one second early. So you’d better damn well hold your fucking breath!” He calmed right down.

I made him push his limits. He was really struggling to hold it. I cruelly made him go fifteen more seconds before finally pulling him up.

From there I changed the way he was all tied up, making sure the rope wrapped tightly around his dick. Then I put him in my cylinder. That’s when I stuck a hose in the top and started filling it with water.

He looked all around, giving me a questioning glance as though wondering if I was really going to drown him. I just smiled at him. Soon the water was up to his waist, rising above his erection.

By now I figured it was time for me to have some fun. I’d been hard for quite some time while putting him through his paces. So I climbed on top of the cylinder.

Imagine his surprise when he looked up and saw what he saw. My dick poked down through the hole above. I think he began to get the idea just exactly what was expected of him.

He rose up onto his knees and took me into his mouth. Then he began sucking. Not bad for using my impromptu “snorkel”.

I removed my cock and put the hose back in. The water rose higher. Then I dropped my dick down the hole for him to “breathe from” again.

Once more he dutifully sucked on it. He wisely figured out what was expected of him. At least he showed me some decent oral skills.

Again I pulled my cock out and put the hose back in. It forced him to rise up higher inside the cylinder. He was running out of air inside his cramped quarters.

I dropped a plastic hose through the top for him to breathe through. He wisely took it between his lips. I filled the cylinder the rest of the way until it reached the top.

His dick remained erect as he breathed from the tube. My dick was really hard watching him. I couldn’t resist stroking myself as the hose in his mouth hissed from breath after breath.

When I was ready, I yanked the hose out of his mouth. I also dropped the water level just enough. He really had to scramble to get that next breath. It was just barely there.

I left him like that for about ten minutes. It was arousing as hell watching him go up for air and then settle onto his knees to hold his breath. His cock stayed nice and erect the entire time.

From there it was on to my bathtub. I hung him upside down, making sure he was properly secured. Then I lowered him using my pulley system.

Down he went, spewing up bubbles. I told him he would have to do better than that. I expected him to hold his breath no matter how difficult it might be. And I didn’t give a damn if he got water up his nose.

I pulled him up to let him catch his breath. Then I lowered him back down. His head went completely under where I held him in place.

Once more I saw his cock become erect. I found it quite the turn on, torturing him to see whether or not he would qualify for the position. More bubbles came up as he wriggled and squirmed.

I pulled him up so he could get a breath. Then I lowered him right back down. This time I left him there so I could reach out and jerk his meat.

He flinched and bubbled as I jacked him off. I caressed his balls before jerking hard on his erection. That made him jerk around again.

I pulled him up and allowed him to catch his breath. Then it was back down for more water torture. I enjoyed jerking and tugging on his manhood with his head underwater.

I ran him through several cycles of holding his breath upside down while jerking his meat before letting him up. The last time down, I left him there for ages as I stroked his manhood. I waited until he was thrashing about before jerking a cum right out of him. Then I pulled him back up.

I wasn’t entirely convinced of his skills just yet. So I tied him up before putting him in another tank. This one was strictly for dunking.

I shoved him down and made him hold his breath for a really long time. His cheeks bulged as I pushed him well beyond his stated limits. I think I got his breath-holding up another minute or so.

I wasn’t all that gentle with him. Then again, I wasn’t supposed to be. I was supposed to prepare him for the rigors of lifeguarding in certain perilous situations. So I really made him suffer in that tank.

I decided it was time to finish his training. That meant taking him back to the fishtank.

I bound him up special. Then I tossed him in. He struggled and bubbled before sitting up and getting his head above water.

“On your knees!” I instructed. He struggled to get his legs underneath him. He finally managed to get himself upright onto his knees.

“Your training is about to come to an end. Now it’s my turn for some fun.” Then I grabbed him by a handful of hair.

He bubbled as I forced his head below the surface. “You have to understand how the people you’ll try to save may react. They may struggle and panic. You will have to remain calm. Can you do that?”

I kept him down until he started spewing up bubbles. Then I pulled his head up. I smiled as I gave him a good look at my erection.

He stared at it and then at me. That’s when I forced his head back down. He bubbled as I shook him by my handful of hair before I pulled him back up.

“Let’s see if you’ve learned anything, shall we?” Then I held him close to my erection. He responded correctly by opening his mouth.

I forced him right back down into the water when he hesitated a little too long. I held him there for the longest time. Eventually he began losing his breath as his chest heaved noticeably.

“Let’s try that again, shall we?” Once more I held him close. This time he dutifully took me into his mouth.

I maintained my grasp of his head as he took me into his mouth. He used the appropriate amount of suction to make me feel good. Of course I made sure he stayed close so his mouth couldn’t drift too far away.

I pulled him off my erection and shoved his head back down into the water. He bubbled as he lost a lot of air. All that did was make my erection twitch with anticipation.

I kept him down until I jerked him up out of the water. He came up gasping wildly for breath. That’s when I shoved my cock down his throat.

I gagged him with it, ramming it in and out. He grunted with each thrust. He was proving his talents in more ways than just being an adequate lifeguard.

I pulled him off my cock and pushed his head down into the water again. He tried to settle in for a long breathhold. I think he knew what was expected of him.

I kept him down for quite a while. He winced as he struggled to hold his breath. I needed to make sure his lungs were good and strong in case someday he might have a long, underwater rescue to deal with.

I finally climbed into the tank with him. I pulled his head up and listened to him gasp for breath. Then I showed him my erection, indicating he’d better get right back to work.

I made him swallow me as I thrust into his mouth. I made sure I fucked his face nice and hard. I enjoyed hearing him grunt as I hit the back of his throat.

I shoved him down into the water without warning. He was bubbling when I pulled him back up. Then I thrust my dick back into his mouth.

I told him, “There’s one last bit of training I need to impart to you. You need to understand what a drowning victim is going through so you’ll know how serious the situation really is.” Then I said to him, “You don’t mind if I enjoy this past part of your training, do you?”

I turned him around inside the fishtank. Then I slowly thrust my dick into his puckered anus. He felt nice and tight around my shaft as he gasped and whimpered.

I started fucking his ass good and hard. Then I pushed his head down into the water. He bubbled wonderfully for me as he clenched around my thrusting shaft.

I pulled his head up as I adjusted my position a little. Then I forced him right back down. I pounded him hard as I forced him to hold his breath for me.

I kept him submerged until he started spewing up bubbles. But I wanted to push his limits. I wanted him to understand what a drowning victim goes through when their lungs feel empty and they’re afraid they’re about to swallow water.

I jerked his head back up to let him catch his breath. I thrust nice and slow, listening to his gasps. This is a part of their training I always enjoy.

I forced his head back down into the water. I pumped him harder, enjoying the way he clenched around my dick. Guys always do that whenever they’re trying to hold their breath while feeling something up their ass.

I pulled him back up, enjoying the way he gasped for breath. “Drowners can’t seem to catch their breath, you know. I want you to fully understand what that’s like so you’ll know the seriousness of getting to them in time.” Then I forced his head back under.

I brutalized him as I forced him to hold his breath. Each time up I pulled him up I gave him less time to catch his breath. Then it was right back down.

“Most swimmers reach that point where they can’t get back to the surface. They are too tired; their lungs are on fire; and they’re panicking. Let’s see if we can reproduce that in here for you to fully experience, shall we?”

I pumped him until he really started to wince. Bubbles came up in huge bursts. I knew his lungs had to be almost empty.

“It’s about this time they can’t hold their breath much longer. Their lungs finally give out. Sometimes they open their mouths and voluntarily take a breath. How will it be for you?”

As if in response, he hitched as he appeared to gulp a mouthful of water. A moment later he went into seizures. His ass furiously milked my dick until I couldn’t help dumping a load deep up his rectum.

“Just like that!” I told him as I thrust my cock nice and deep before holding it there. He finished milking me dry before his spasms lessened. Then I pulled his head up.

He coughed out a shitload of water. Then he started breathing again. “I trust you’ll understand the situation once you come across a swimmer in distress?”

I pulled my cock out of his ass. Then I climbed out, leaving him in the tank for a few minutes to get his breath back. He finally stopped coughing before I went over and started to free him from his bonds. The lesson was over.

2020 (written Nov 27 ’20 by riwa. BoundGods preview pics found all over the Internet and used for illustration purposes.)

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The drowning tank 4.4 (34)

I’m out by the pool when Doug summons me. I’m told to report to my room where I’m supposed to undress. That’s when my breath catches in my throat.

Is this the day?

Louisa comes and puts a black leather hood over my face. I can’t see a thing as she shackles my arms behind my back. She chuckles as she tells me she’s looking forward to this.

I know what she’s looking forward to. Doug has promised to drown me on numerous occasions. And he’s vowed to allow that Latina bitch to watch. She’s always wanted to see me drown.

I’m led downstairs on cold, hard cement where I feel Doug’s firm hand grab my arm. He pushes down on me and manipulates me into what feels like a steel tank. It’s not very comfortable.

Chains are wrapped around my knees as my wrists are shackled to the sides of the tank. My breath catches in my throat as my pussy moistens. Is he really going to do it this time??

The hood is pulled off and I finally see where I’m at. I’m secured inside a steel tank with very little room to maneuver. I’m shackled in, my legs spread to leave my pussy exposed. I see Louisa standing there smirking at me. But it’s the glass door that has me breathing heavily.

Doug closes the door where he proceeds to use a huge wrench to seal it tight. Louisa grins at me as she deliberately bulges her cheeks. She’s mocking me, knowing I’ll soon be holding my breath.

A hose appears off to my left. It’s a nozzle which starts spraying water into my tank. I wince as I let out a whimper

“It’s going to take a while to fill that,” she tells Doug. “We can go out to eat if you desire.”

“What if I’ve miscalculated and it fills before we return?”

“Then we’ll just be granting her the deepest fantasy she’s always been harboring. I don’t think it will bother her one bit. In fact she’s liable to cum several times before she drowns.”

He chuckles as he smiles at me. Then he waves, “See you in a couple hours, Diane.”

“Yeah… if you’re still breathing.” Louisa laughs as they walk away arm in arm, leaving me all alone in the basement.

My breath catches in my throat as my pussy throbs with a terrible ache. I can’t even reach down to touch myself. It’s frustrating as hell… and unbelievably erotic.

Is this it; is Doug finally going to drown me? He’s been talking about it for months. I had come to the conclusion he was just teasing me… getting me all worked up. But now I’m not so sure.

The waiting is pure agony. I’ve got nothing to do and nowhere to go. My movement is limited; I just have to wait for the water to slowly rise up and drown me.

It takes a hell of a long time to fill. My toes are finally submerged as I pant for breath. The water is cool but I’m all heated up, my breath threatening to steam up the glass in front of me.

The water rises higher. I’m damned uncomfortable sitting on the bars below me. But my discomfort is overridden by my thoughts as my mind runs away with me.

Is he really going to do it this time? Did Louisa talk him into it? I know how jealous she’s been of me. I squirm uncomfortably, my throbbing pussy full exposed.

The water slowly rises higher and higher. I can’t help wondering if they’re going to come back to watch me drown… or wait until it’s too late. Louisa would love that, returning much too late to save me. But I think she wants to watch.

I’ve seen her rubbing herself whenever Doug has me in a show or is dunking me or making me hold my breath. She loves the way I wriggle and squirm. Strangely, it gets me off knowing she’s enjoying my suffering.

They’re not back yet when the water climbs my breasts, making my nipples poke out even more. Their return is delayed until the water starts lapping at the shackle around my neck. My thoughts go crazy as my pussy throbs for a release from the erotic situation I find myself in.

Will they get back in time? Will Louisa find reasons to delay their return? Is she willing to risk his wrath in letting me drown simply because she’d love to see me out of the picture?

I can imagine her shaking her head, tsking as she observes, “Sorry, Doug. I guess we returned just a little too late. Look at her pussy though. She must have really cum hard while she was drowning.”

The water rises higher until the shackle around my neck is totally submerged. It’s getting pretty damned high in here. My excitement is clear off the charts. But I’m also feeling a nervous anticipation in the pit of my gut.

Where the hell are they? Don’t they want to watch this?? I know Louisa wants to see me suck water and drown. And Doug loves seeing me strain to hold my breath. So I know he wants to be here to observe if I should start to drown.

The waiting morphs into delicious agony when they still do not return. The water continues to rise higher. The tank of water is cool, but my pussy feels molten from an incredible arousal.

Are they coming back soon? When are they coming back? Don’t they want to be here to witness this??

The water reaches my chin… and still it continues unabated. It fills slowly but surely. I gasp and whimper from a terrible excitement.

Does he want to drown me this time? Would he do it if I asked him too? My emotions are in turmoil as I sit in the filling tank all alone in the basement.

It’s a couple more minutes before I realize I’ve been tipping my head back a little. I strain against the chains holding me to the bottom of the tank. I can rise up maybe an inch if I work at it.

Am I destined to drown in here? Is this what Louisa wants to see when they return? The idea of her coming down to look at my drowned body is strangely arousing.

How long has it been? How long have they been gone? When are they going to return?

My mind races at all the possibilities. What happens if they get caught in an accident? What if they’re injured or killed in a car wreck? They might never get the chance to tell anyone I’m down here in a tank filling with water!

I hear vague sounds from somewhere upstairs. Are they back; it sounds like they’re back. Apparently Louisa wants to watch me drown in person.

I hear footsteps descending the stairs. Then they enter the room together. Louisa smiles at me before saying, “Damn, Doug. It looks like we got back just in time to watch the slut drown.”

He comes over to the tank as she smiles at me with all the charm of a serpent. I feel him adjust the hose spraying water into the tank. But he doesn’t turn it off.

The water continues to climb as Louisa watches me. Her eyes gleam with lustful anticipation. She must be imagining what it’s going to be like when I drown in here. The idea makes me wriggle from an insane arousal.

Water slowly climbs my mouth. I tip my head further back and sputter as it continues to rise, the excitement continuing to swell within me. Louisa reaches down and starts rubbing herself, and it nearly sets me off in orgasm.

I strain for all I’m worth to keep my lips above water. That’s when Doug reaches down and puts a clip onto my nose. Then a hose comes down.

I take it between my lips as I breathe deeply. Louisa looks disappointed. I think she wanted to watch me drown.

The water continues to rise as Doug comes around and watches me. Louisa smirks, “Better not lose that hose, dearie. It’s going to get really full in there.” Then she takes Doug’s arm as they leave the basement again.

The water slowly rises… above my nose… my eyes… my forehead. It continues to climb until I’m totally submerged. I wriggle and squirm, left alone with my thoughts.

I adjust the hose in my mouth, making sure it doesn’t pop out. I could drown myself in here if I’m not careful. The urge may be strong, but I’d rather have Doug here to enjoy it. I don’t think Louisa gives a shit one way or the other.

I don’t know how full the tank is. I only know the hose is my lifeline. But I’m a little confused about the nose clip. I’ve never needed it before.

Louisa returns carrying some sort of clear plastic container. I have no idea what the hell she is doing. She comes over and turns the water off. Then she waves the plastic in my face.

“I didn’t want you to be alone, Diane. So I brought a few friends along to keep you company.” Then she opens the top of the tank and dumps the contents.

I scream into the hose in my mouth. “Leeches,” she says with a laugh. “And they ought to love you.” Then she turns and waves goodbye as she leaves me alone. It explains the damned nose clip, no doubt to prevent them from getting up my nostrils.

The damned things wriggle around as though searching for a good spot to make landfall. Then I feel them start to attach. I scream and scream as they begin nibbling on me.

I can’t believe that cruel bitch! She actually did this to me! She must be upstairs laughing her damn head off!

I shudder in orgasm as I try to keep the hose in my mouth. I feel them attaching to places I don’t even want to contemplate. I scream again, vowing to kill that bitch if I ever get the opportunity.

I have no idea how long I’m down there alone as they nibble on me. It nearly freaks me out. But I have very little wriggle room, and there’s nothing I can do to stop their feasting.

It feels like forever before Doug and Louisa return. The top is opened and I’m unchained. I’m allowed to stand up in the tank as he gathers up every last one of the little buggers. Then he pushes me back down into the tank, sealing me in.

I frantically search all around to see if he’s missed any. I don’t see a single one, and I breathe a sigh of relief. But in order to breathe I have to mash my mouth up against the top of the tank.

I pant heavily for breath. Then I come back down. There’s nothing to do now but look out the glass before going back up for another breath.

Once more I’m left all alone in the basement. Is this Doug’s way of testing my resolve? Does he want to see if I’ll obey him or if I’ll willingly drown myself?

I suspect Louisa would love to come down here to find my lungs full of water. But I’m not going to give her the satisfaction. I belong to Doug; it’s his choice whether I inhale or not, even though the urge comes upon me rather strong at times.

I shift all around in the tank, feeling the heat of arousal continue to fill me. It’s a challenge to stop myself from sucking water. But Doug’s given me a chance to get air, and I’m damned sure going to take it for as long as I can.

I spend several minutes holding my breath while sticking my mouth up for air. I’m hotter than I’ve ever felt before. The urge is strong to drown myself in here. But I’m not going to do it unless Doug fills the tank beyond my ability to get another breath. Besides, I’m still not convinced Louisa is willing to miss watching me drown.

It isn’t long until they both return. They just stand there watching me. Louisa smiles as she reaches down to rub herself.

“Enjoying yourself in there, dearie?” she chuckles. “Doug’s got something even better for you.” She laughs cruelly as I shudder with dread. I hope it’s not more leeches.

He comes to the tank and takes the top off. I rise up enough for him to start attaching rope to my arms and around my chest. Then he pushes me back down into the tank and seals me back inside.

“You were getting air in there much too easily, Diane,” Louisa explains. “Let’s see if you can rise to the challenge this time.”

I stare out at her as bubbles trickle out of my nose. She reaches down to rub herself again, the horny bitch. It’s embarrassing the way it turns me on seeing her get off like that while watching me.

I really have to work to get my mouth up for another breath. Doug hardly left any air up there for me. Is this his way of seeing how obedient I’ll be… challenging me and pushing my limits while seeing if I’ll drown myself?

I struggle, but I can’t free my arms behind my back. He’s tied them all too well. I’ll have to work myself up and down with my legs to make sure I get any air.

“Go ahead, hun… drown yourself.” Louisa urges me to give in to my desires. She’s furiously rubbing herself, perhaps hoping I’ll go through with it as I stare at her.

They watch me for several minutes. Louisa rubs herself as Doug stands there observing me. He has this appreciative smile on his face. I can tell he enjoys seeing me all trussed up in his tank.

“I’m bored!” the bitch finally blurts out. “Let’s dunk her!” I give her a defiant glare, but Doug smiles as he tells her, “Why not?” I guess today he’s her patsy for a change.

I’m taken out of the tank, allowing me to stretch my legs. But it’s short lived as my ankles are tied together. Then I’m strung up in the air upside down.

I’m dangled above the tank as Doug handles the rope to the pulley. “Drown the slut!” Louisa gasps excitedly. Doug lowers me until I’m submerged down to my stomach.

Louisa rubs herself again as I’m held upside down, forced to hold my breath. She thinks it’s funny as hell. When I lose a few bubbles, she tells Doug to make me push my breath-holding limits.

She furiously rubs herself again as I squirm and struggle. Being upside down is dizzying; I could easily drown this way. It turns her on like you wouldn’t believe.

She bulges her cheeks as I try to hold my breath. I push it until air spews out of my mouth. “Aww, let her drown,” she tells him before he finally pulls me out.

Louisa gets her jollies as he lowers and raises me until she gasps in orgasm. Doug finally pulls me out. I hang tiredly, panting weakly for breath as he lowers me to the floor.

“Put her back in!” she orders. “I want to cum again! Tie the bitch up and put her in again! Drown her for me, Doug; please?”

He smiles as he puts me back into the tank. This time he adds a pole to the ropes. Now he’s the one who controls when I get my next breath. He can drown me anytime he wants.

I stare at Louisa who starts to rub herself again. “Dunk the slut!” she gasps. “I want to watch her drown!”

Down I go as he forces me all the way to the bottom. “Now hold her there!” Louisa declares. “Hold her there so I can watch the slut drown!”

I feel an erotic jolt as I consider the matter. Has Louisa become my new Master? Will Doug give in to her demands? It seems she wants to watch me drown as much, if not more, than he does!

He holds me down for the longest time before he brings me up. Forcing me like that makes my nipples hard and my pussy throb. Doug knows it, and I’m pretty sure Louisa knows it too.

“Drown the bitch!” she gasps excitedly. Back down I go as my pussy experiences another erotic jolt. I’m going to cum if this keeps up.

I’m held down until my lungs are burning before he pulls me back up. Louisa hears my gasp and then tells him to push me right back down. Pushed down and then back up with only a quick gasp for breath is a real turn-on.

Louisa gets more and more excited, furiously rubbing herself as she cries, “Drown her – drown her – DROWN HER!” It swells inside me until I cannot contain it. Then I’m cumming like crazy, losing my breath as I shudder from that familiar pleasure that beckons me to open my lungs and give in.

Louisa goes nuts as she cums again. Doug pulls me up, allows me a quick gasp for breath, and then back down I go. “Drown her – drown her – DROWN HER!” Then she’s furiously rubbing herself again as I shudder once more in orgasm.

The pleasure is intense; I almost wish he would leave me down here until my lungs fill with fluid. I’m over the edge from the experience. But it’s not to be, at least not yet.

He pulls me up as Louisa comes over to the tank. Quick as a wink she wraps a plastic bag over my head. She seals it with a tight band of torn rubber. Then she tells him to push me back down.

I go back down, but it’s not drowning I have to worry about. The bag starts to deflate as I try to catch my breath. The bitch wants to watch me asphyxiate another way.

The sensation scares me as my pussy throbs with a terrible ache. I find myself inhaling my own stale air as the bag clings tight to my face. Then I’m cumming again as I grimace in panic while that bitch furiously rubs herself.

“That one was for me,” she tells me with a smirk as she comes and removes the bag from my head. I gasp deeply as Doug goes about removing all that rope. I feel relieved the session is over.

Louisa leaves the basement as Doug finishes untying me. I half expect to be let out of the tank. But he pushes down on my head, submerging me.

I watch as Louisa returns with another girl. She’s as naked as I am, her tan skin distinct from my white flesh. She looks at me as though she’s envious of my position in the tank.

She’s brought over until Doug helps her inside. The two of us are intertwined as she tries to get comfortable. At least there’s plenty of air we can get to.

To our horror Doug comes over and uses the hose to top off our tank. We both stretch for the top, trying to fill our lungs. He adds water until we can hardly get a decent breath.

He fills it nearly to the top and then seals us both in. “Now you can drown with Sandra,” Louisa laughs at me. We struggle to reach the air pocket while shifting around inside the tank.

It’s damned uncomfortable. We can hardly settle on any kind of position. There’s no time for speech as we end up grunting, bubbling and whimpering.

I look out to see Louisa furiously rubbing herself again. Now she’s got two bitches to drown. Does she plan on doubling her pleasure? I have no idea.

We have to shove our noses up against the top just to get any kind of breath. It’s cramped as hell in the tank as we try not to drown each other. I look at her and she looks at me, both of us wondering if this is to be our final position before we both start to inhale. It really excites me knowing I could end up drowning with another girl who probably has similar desires.

We both look out to see Doug and Louisa standing hand in hand. “We’re going to leave you two down here for the night,” she chuckles. “Try not to drown yourselves in there.” Then she and Doug disappear up the stairs.

I look at Sandra as an erotic jolt hits me hard. The idea of the two of us drowning here in cramped quarters is strangely compelling. Will they leave us down here all night long to risk drowning? Or will they return to pull us out. Now it’s just a waiting game…

© 2017 (Text written Aug 10 ’17 by riwa. Picture illustrations are from Insex and are used for illustration purposes only.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (5)

Coming August rewards

Another peril story involving pictures of my former wife in our hot tub.
Carrie gets herself into a situation.
Another Shelly in Cancun chapter.
There’s one more Teri in the holodeck chapter.
Another Joia chapter as the tension mounts.
An unfaithful wife gets staked out.
Part 2 of Vanessa’s watery punishment.
Another Mr. Wayne chapter.
A story about a benefactor.
A story about Santa and two sisters.
A story about Melissa who has an underwater peril fantasy that may become a reality.

June stories/rewards will fall off at the end of July to make room for August rewards.

Mom is home. But now there are new stresses to deal with. Her arm is healing, and we’ve taken a couple trips to town to eat, get groceries and look at the lake. But there are troubling signs on the horizon. I suppose that is only normal in situations such as these. At least she’s back home where she feels much more comfortable.

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. And thank you so much for being my patrons.

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Last thoughts (Judicial hanging) 3 (39)

Note: an older, re-edited post.


Dorothy’s thoughts: Are they waking us up? Where are we? What happened? How long have we been here? Last thing I remember was Zilpha and I at that… was it a Club? I don’t know what it was! But what the hell did they put in those drinks?

Zilpha’s thoughts: Where am I? Oh, there’s Dottie. I guess she’s here with me too. But where are we? I don’t remember much about last night; I think I’ve been asleep the whole time. Boy, am I hung over! Bloody hell; why does this guy want to take us somewhere all of the sudden??

We’re supposed to follow him? Where are we going so early in the morning? It isn’t even light out!

I wonder what kind of trouble she got us into this time. Last night I remember we were drinking and… were we the only Western girls in that place? And… did I see Dottie really blow all those blokes??

I can’t believe I saw Zilpha swinging from the chandelier! I guess she can’t hold her liquor any more than I can hold mine. Wow, am I hung over! What DID they put in those drinks??

Ok – ok; he doesn’t have to get so rough with us! We’re going – we’re going! I have no idea why everyone is in such a hurry. It isn’t even light outside.

Is this place some sort of jail or prison? Did we get arrested? Why can’t I remember anything?

I hope Dottie can get us out of this mess. She’s the one who’s supposed to know more about this stuff than I do. I have no idea what kind of trouble we’re in. Have we broken a law or something? Why the hell doesn’t Dottie call one of her contacts? Are we even going to get a phone call??


What the hell kind of trial was that?? We weren’t even given any kind of representation! The whole bloody thing was in a language I didn’t even understand. Zilpha looked just as scared as I feel right now.

Those people looked at us like we were some sort of common criminals or something! Did that guy have to get the whole room all worked up like that? I swear, they acted like they wanted our heads! Dottie sure looked frightened. I’m sure glad we’re out of there!

Were we convicted of something? Everyone was putting up such a stink. I couldn’t understand a word anyone was saying. Where the hell is our embassy in all this?? Isn’t there someone in this bloody country we can talk to??

I wonder where we’re going now. Are we going back to our cell? Are we going to have a chance to clean ourselves up? I must look a mess.

Zilpha seems to be handling this ok. Maybe I shouldn’t have brought her along with me on this trip. I wonder if she’s mad at me. She’s not saying anything. This guard sure makes me nervous.

Dottie seems to be ok. I just wonder what kind of trouble she’s gotten us into this time. I thought the Club was a little scary at first. But then we became so popular and people kept buying us drinks. What kind of a place is this? Why do I have a bad feeling about all of this?

Ok, it looks like they’re taking us back to our cell. Aren’t we going to get a phone call? Is there any way we can go to the ladies room? I really have to wee.

Back to the cell? Ok, here we are I suppose. Now what? What’s he saying? Wait a minute! He’s leaving us with only that bucket? We’re supposed to use the bucket?? What for?! Oh bloody hell! He really doesn’t expect us to use it for THAT, does he??


At least he came and took that bloody bucket away. It was really starting to smell. I wonder if Zilpha knows how embarrassing it was for me to squat and go with her watching me like that.

I can’t believe they left us a bucket as a toilet! But I’m glad they did. I thought for sure I was going to burst! Next time I’ll be more careful how much alcohol I consume. That wasn’t smart of me at all. Come to think of it, I think we were the only Western girls in that place.

Ok, at least the sun is starting to come up. So what happens to us now? Was that a trial we were at earlier? Isn’t anybody coming to see us from the embassy? I sure could use a friendly face right about now.

Dottie looks worried. And I must look a mess! What did they do with my purse? At least I could have used the compact in it to freshen up a bit. I don’t see anything in here that belongs to us. They took everything away but the clothes on our back?? What about our stuff back at the hotel??

What are we supposed to do now? The sun is coming up, but I couldn’t sleep even if I wanted to. Zilpha looks like she won’t be able to sleep either. Wait a minute; is that footsteps I hear?

Someone’s coming. Maybe they’re finally coming to get us out of here. Dottie looks just as relieved as I am. I’ll sure be glad when we get out of here and this is all over. This is some country they have!

Wait a minute! Those look like more guards! What are they all doing here??

Oh bloody hell! This doesn’t look good at all! Do they really want Dottie to take her clothes off??

Oh, NO! They’re making my sister strip! Bloody hell; what’s going to happen to us??

NO! Bloody hell! They’re not going to do what I THINK they’re going to do, are they??


That was AWFUL! And did they have to take our clothes away? I’ve got cum all over me, and I’ve got no way in hell to wipe it off!

My holes are sore. My bum hurts like blazes. Did they have to bugger me so hard??

I’m a mess! I have cum all over me and so does poor Zilpha! It’s all over her face! I can feel it leaking out of my bum and pussy! They didn’t even leave me a tissue to clean myself!

Bloody hell; I can feel cum oozing out my bum! I think they came several times in every one of my holes. I can’t believe they raped us like that! Poor Dottie looks a mess. I’ll bet I look just as bad as she does. This is bloody embarrassing!

They really gave it to Zilpha good! She’s even got cum in her hair! Those bloody bastards didn’t even let up on my sister!

That silly bitch! I heard her scream; I know she had an orgasm! I think she had several, the slut! But I came too. I’m so ashamed!

Poor Zilpha. I can see it in her face. I’ve seen that look. She had a few orgasms and now she’s humiliated. She shouldn’t feel bad, as I got the same bloody treatment!

I think Dottie liked it, the silly bitch! I think she got used to it after a while. Those cocks were smelly and disgusting. But I just couldn’t help myself. Damn those bastards!

Is this our punishment for whatever they think we did? Is this it? Will they release us now? Will they give us our clothes back?

What happens to us now, I wonder? I’ve got a bad feeling about this…


Where are they taking us? Why won’t they give us any clothes? We’re covered in cum; don’t they care?

Where are we going? I’m not sure I like this. I think I’d feel safer back in our cell.

They’re taking us outside? Bloody hell; it’s the courtyard! And it looks like the whole bloody town has turned out!

Wait – wait! Bloody hell; take us back inside! No – no; don’t do this to us! Everyone can see us naked! What are you doing? Are you people barbarians??

Bloody hell; everyone is looking at us. I can hear them yelling something. They look like they’re jeering us. I’d recognize it anywhere, even if I didn’t know the language.

What are they doing dragging us outside in this mob?? Take us back inside already! I’d rather face a hundred guards over this!

Bloody hell! I can see a couple sets of stocks over there. They’re taking us over to the stocks?! This is bloody humiliating!

They’re not going to put us in those stocks are they?? I sure as hell hope not. Bloody hell; they’re leading us right to them! This mob scares the crap out of me. They sound like they want to stone us or something!

Bloody hell; they’re locking us in by our arms and necks! This can’t be happening! They’re going to leave us out here as a humiliation?! Bloody hell; I’ve really got to wee again!

They’re really going to lock us in! Dottie’s in and now it’s my turn! Bloody hell!! Everyone can see us naked with cum dripping down off our bodies! I can still feel it oozing out of my bum and pussy! Can’t these people show us some dignity?!

This is supposed to be our punishment?! Raped by the guards and now left naked in the stocks with the whole town jeering at us??!! I’m so humiliated! Bloody hell, I hope I don’t cum again! Now I’ve REALLY got to wee!

This is embarrassing! I wish Dottie would get us out of this. Doesn’t she have someone who knows where we are? Why haven’t they sent us someone from our embassy yet? This is inhumane! They can’t treat us like this?!

Is that a whip I see in his hands? Bloody hell; are they going to whip us??!!

Hell; they’re really going to whip us! This can’t be happening to us!! I’m so ashamed!


It hurts like bloody hell! And that crazy mob is jeering at us as though they’re enjoying it. I see them laughing at us. OW!! I think I’m going to scream!

Naked, raped, covered with cum… and now THIS?? Ohgawdohgawdohgawd; it bloody hell HURTS! Everyone is jeering at us! OW – OW – OW!



I can’t believe they left us here after our whipping. And where the hell did the locals get all those eggs? Don’t they know it’s better to eat them than waste them by tossing them at a couple of naked foreigners??

How long do we have to stay here like this? I’m covered in cum and eggs. I can’t believe Dottie wanted to travel to this barbaric country! Why are they doing this to us? Is it because of what happened back at that Club? But I don’t remember anything about last night! We’re doomed!

It stings like crazy, and I can’t stop crying. And I screamed another orgasm! I’m pretty sure Zilpha heard me, poor girl. This is all my fault.

Bloody hell; it stings! I’ll bet my bum is bleeding. Buggered and whipped is more Dottie’s style, not mine. Bloody hell; this is embarrassing!

How long do we have to stay out here in these stocks? The whippings are over, but this mob hasn’t left. They scare the shit out of me! They look like they want to stone us. I can hear them jeering at us, but I can’t understand a bloody word they’re saying.

This mob is crazy; I think they want to hurt us. The show’s over; why won’t they just go home? Wait; what’s this one bastard doing? He making strange gestures… and the people around him are laughing and nodding their heads. What is he talking about?

I think I can make out what some of them are motioning. The others are nodding while some are laughing. You don’t think they’re going to… oh bloody hell, Dottie! Don’t even think that! They wouldn’t, would they?

Wait a minute! Is he talking about a noose? Are they talking about hanging us?? I think they are! Bloody hell, Dottie; I think they want to hang us!


Thank gawd, we’re finally out of those stocks. But where are they taking us now? Bloody hell; they’re marching us right through town. We’re buck-naked, and everyone is pointing and jeering at us.

This is insane! Where the hell is our embassy in all this? Why the hell won’t they come to our aid? Do we even HAVE an embassy in this country??

They’re leading us toward the town square up ahead. Wait a minute! What is that I see up ahead? Is that a gallows?? Bloody hell; they’re going to hang us??!!

Ohgawdohgawdohgawd! They’re really going to hang us?! They’re marching us through town and then they’re going to hang us??!! I think I feel faint!

I feel weak all over. My bum hurts from being whipped and buggered. The guards are supporting poor Zilpha; I can hear them laughing at her. Everyone around us is laughing and jeering and pointing at us. Bloody hell; this is a nightmare!

I can hardly stand. They’re dragging me along. Damn; I’ve really got to wee! I can’t believe this is happening to us! Isn’t being raped and whipped and humiliated in the stocks enough for these barbarians?

We’re almost there. Bloody hell; I think they’re really going to hang us! And I don’t think we have one friend in the whole bloody bunch! The whole bloody town is going to watch us hang naked, all covered in cum and eggs!

We’ve stopped at the bottom of the steps. Maybe we aren’t going to be hanged after all. OW; bloody hell! Someone is shoving cotton up my bum! Why are they doing this to me? Is it to keep me from shitting?? I can hear everyone around us laughing and jeering! Ohgawd, I think they’re really going to hang us!

Bloody hell, this is really going to happen! Someone is stuffing cotton up my bum! If they didn’t want us to make a mess, why did the guards spray their spunk all over us?? And why throw eggs all over us?? I’m so humiliated! I hope I don’t embarrass myself and cum again.

Now they’re marching us up the stairs! It’s so bloody high up there! I feel faint! Bloody hell; I think they’re going to drop us naked in front of the whole bloody town! Have they no mercy?!

They’re going to hang us?! I think they’re going to hang us! They’re really going to do this!! Bloody hell; I can barely make it up the steps! They have to help Zilpha along, poor thing. What have I gotten her into?!

I feel faint – I feel faint! This can’t be happening – this can’t be happening!! I’m going to wake up any moment now! This has got to be a bloody nightmare!!

We’re almost there; we’re almost at the top! Now I’ve really got to wee! Can’t they stop and let us use a ladies room first? I don’t want to wee right in front of everyone! Bloody hell; this is humiliating!

We’re at the top! I can’t believe we’re at the top!! They’re marching Dottie over to her trap! And now they’re putting me on top of mine!! Bloody hell; I can’t stop trembling! This has GOT to be a nightmare! I can hardly breathe!

I’m on my trap now. I’m so bloody terrified! I can see poor Zilpha trembling next to me. She looks like she’s going to wet herself any moment now. I’m so sorry I got her into this. We should never have come on this trip. Now the whole bloody town’s going to watch us hang!

Is that the judge I hear below us? It sounds like the bastard from that courtroom… if that even WAS a courtroom. It sounds like he’s reading something.

What’s he doing? I hear him reading something. Is he reading our death sentence?! Why can’t they use English?? Oh gawd, I think I’m going to wet myself!

Now the whole town is yelling and cheering. I can hear some of them jeering at us. They must really want to watch a couple of naked, Western women dangle at the end of a noose. Oh bloody hell; they’re really going to hang us!

They’ve got the whole town up in a frenzy. I think the whole town wants to see us hang. Oh gawd, Zilpha; not you?! They can’t hang you!!

Dottie? Dottie?? Bloody hell; they’re about to hang us! I’m never going to see England again!! Poor Dottie’s screaming. They just put the noose over her neck… and now she’s screaming. I think she just had an orgasm, poor girl.

Bloody hell, I just had a cum! I just had a cum, and now the whole mob is roaring at me! They really want us dead! Bloody hell; they all want us dead! And now I see they’ve just noosed Zilpha! Not my sister??!! NOOO!!

I can’t believe this is happening to us! Raped, whipped and now hanged?? Ohgawd; I think the executioner just stepped back to the lever. I can hear the town roaring for our hanging!

Ohgawdohgawdohgawd… I can’t hardly breathe… Zilpha?? Nooooo….







Bashra Hazeem Reuters – Saturday Sep 29, 2012

Two females from the United Kingdom were executed this morning after being found guilty of immoral behavior at a local establishment the night before. The trial occurred in the early morning hours before anyone from the embassy of the United Kingdom could be notified.

An unnamed source reports the two women, who were sisters, were subjected to prison rape by the guards where they were incarcerated. Afterwards, they were taken out and flogged naked in the prison courtyard. Witnesses report both women were subjected to having eggs being thrown at them by many of the enraged villagers.

The two women were released from the stocks before being marched naked through the streets of town where they were hanged naked in the town square. According to witnesses, the judge read the death sentence before the execution took place around noon.

Sources say the bodies were left hanging until sundown. Some reports indicate villagers gathered during the afternoon to throw stones and eggs at the dangling bodies of the two Westerners before they were finally taken down at sundown and buried in a common grave.

More updates as the story develops.

2012; 2019 (written for Dorothy and Zilpha Sep 29 ’12; ed. Dec 14 ‘19 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories, Dorothy and her friends | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Bathtub punishment (He says/she says) 4.4 (20)


Hmmm… now what could I do to you, you naughty woman? My tub is not very deep. But it doesn’t have to be deep, not as long as all that’s going into the water is your head.

Your hands are cuffed behind your back, your naked body totally exposed to me. I make you kneel next to it as I begin to fill it. “What are you going to do to me?” you ask wide-eyed.

“Punish you.”

“Why? What did I do? What didn’t I do?”

“You didn’t wear that sexy nightie I like while you served me dinner.” Of course, any reason will do for the plans I have for you.

“What?! That’s crazy! You’re punishing me for – URPBL!”

I grab your head and force it down into the rising water. You end up bent over at the waist. You bubble for several moments before I pull you up.

“No talking back – you’re being punished.”

“How was I supposed to know you wanted me to wear – URPBLE!”

Down you go again, you insolent bitch. This time I hold you down a little longer. At the same time, I start fingering your wet pussy.

When I pull you back up, you gasp and sputter. “You don’t learn very well, do you!”

“Ah, c’mon! You can’t punish me for something as stupid as – URPBLE!”

Down you go again. I start fingering you once more, thrusting two fingers into your wet cunt. You burble and squirm, strongly suspecting I’m going to hold you down longer.

I pull you back up. You gasp and sputter. I feel your pussy contract around my fingers still inside you.

“Are you through protesting, bitch? It’s only going to get worse.”

“It can’t get any worse than what you’re already doing to me, you bastard!”

“Stubborn and foolish. I see it’s time to use the watch.” Then I set the timer.

“Congratulations, bitch. You’ve just earned yourself a minute thirty.”

“A MINUTE THIRTY?! I can’t hold it that long!”

“Liar!” Back down you go as I activate the timer.

“Oh by the way. Did I neglect to tell you I’ll be finger-fucking you the entire time? You need the proper motivation to become the submissive slut you’re supposed to be.”

I slide two fingers into you. Then I start working them in and out. I feel you squirm in my grip.

You try to lift your head up. But my hand is firmly entangled in your hair as I push your head down. You give off a burst of bubbles.

It isn’t long before I feel your pussy contract around my fingers. I call out “30 seconds” as I get a brief glimpse of the watch.

You burble in response as your lungs begin to burn. You’d probably be able to hold your breath easier if I wasn’t thrusting two fingers into your cunt…


Ohhhhfuck Ray, OMG………….uuunnnnnnnnghhhh


Oh shit, this is getting intense………I need to come up now……

I try to surface. But with my hands behind my back and your other hand firmly on my head, I cannot move closer to the air my body is craving.

“45 seconds bitch……are you enjoying this?”

I hear you laugh, mocking my predicament. I’m only half way. I don’t think I can make it.

If I was calm, floating face down in a pool, relaxed with no fear of drowning, then maybe. But this? I don’t think I can……………….

Ooooooh fuck! No…..not like that……..uuuuuuuunnnnnnnnhhhhhh……….

Your fingers have changed their motion now. It’s no longer the low build up in and out. No, now it’s something much worse.

You begin a circling motion pressing to the front of my pussy. Your thick fingers are buried to the knuckle. OMG no Ray…………ooooooooooooooooohhhhhh!

I feel my pussy spasm in a warning sign of something much bigger. Something more significant is building deep in the core of my body. My chest tightens; I want to breathe now, Ray!

“1 minute, you slut!” you roar into the rising water. I hear you clearly despite the pounding of my heart in my ears and the sound of water rapidly filling the tub. I try to concentrate on holding my breath. BUT…..it’s ….oooo …..NOT…..oooh fuck ……EASY….uuuunngh…

I let out a burst of air as my lungs protest. I can’t stop another blooop following close behind. You note the air bursting from my wracked lungs. I hear you laughing.

“Perhaps you need something to block that pretty mouth of yours, you whore!” you yell into the rising water.

My pussy is spasming now, I clamp onto your fingers. So close now….uuuuunnnnhhhh………..

I try to lift my head again. I find you allowing me to rise.  Thank goodness you’re going to let me breathe! Then your hand clamps cruelly on the back of my head again.

I feel the fingers of your other hand exiting my turgid love tunnel. My body aches for you to finish what you’ve started. But my need for air is so strong now………..

What’s he up to now? Surely he must let me up………….


I suddenly pull you up, gasping and sputtering. Your body protests indignantly as your quivering cunt screams to be filled again. “Naughty, naughty,” I say, as though chiding a child who’s just gotten caught with her hands in the cookie jar. “That was only a minute twenty-three. That will never do.”

“MIMUTE TWENTY-THREE?!” You sputter in surprise. “Surely I was under longer than that?!”

“We’re going to have to try this again until you get it right.”

“Oh FUCK!”

“What did you say to me?”

Back down you go. You’re caught by surprise. You bubble away a little precious air before clamping your lips together.

You hear me turn the water off. You realize the water is high enough. Now I can easily drown your sexy, little ass.

You wait anxiously, your love tunnel desperate to be filled again. You’re desperate to have those probing fingers inside once more. You’re desperate to have something even larger slip inside and rub against the walls of your cunt. But you feel nothing!

You think, ‘Oh, FUCK! ‘This is even worse!’

It’s bad enough, struggling to hold your breath while your pussy is being fingered. It’s much worse when your quivering cunt is denied something that seemingly has been promised to it.

You squirm anxiously, your dripping hole screaming for attention. You lose another burst of air. Then you hear me declare, “30 seconds.”

A moment later you feel my hand on your shaved snatch; rubbing, fingering and caressing. But I don’t enter, not yet. You shudder in frustration.

Air bubbles out of your mouth. You might be able to make 30 seconds if this is all I do. But you want more… so much more.

“45,” you hear me say softly and seductively. You squirm and twitch, desperately trying to push against my hand. You try to entice my fingers to enter your love tunnel and explore its many treasures.

You tremble as your pussy quivers and clenches in frustration. You lose another burble of air out of your nose. Your lungs begin to burn.

It’s damned frustrating. But you think you can hold out. That’s until you hear me say, “One minute.”

The next thing you feel is a pair of fingers suddenly thrusting deep into your quivering, clenching slit…


….uuuuunggggh mmmmmmmmmm OMG that’s soooo good…………

I thrust back in time with your fingers. Please Ray, don’t ……….. oooooohhhh….. stop…………. uuuunnnnnnnngggggggghh

My chest heaves, my lungs demanding fresh air as my heartbeat rises again. You remove your fingers. I squirm as my body begs for satisfaction. I do not have long to wait……….

You release my head. Before I can surface, you quickly reach around to grab the front of my legs. You pull my lower body up while my head is sent to the bottom of the tub.

What the fuck???…………..oooooooohhhhhhhhhh UNNNNNNNGHHHH no Ray, not now OMG………

You spread my thighs. Then you drive your huge, throbbing member into the depths of my quivering cunt. My body surges with a pleasure so intense that I forget myself.

A burst of precious air leaves my pursed lips to bubble to the surface. You pound my cunt mercilessly. My mind is lost to the pleasure. I don’t care if I drown right now. Just don’t stop fucking me…………

My chest spasms again. I know there’s no escape from here. I doubt you are in any mood to watch the clock now.

I sense my growing orgasm. My cunt muscles pulsate on your huge hard cock…..OMG………its building like a freight train rumbling down the track! There’s no escaping it……….

I slam back into your torso. My cunt swallows all of your massive manhood. It stretches me, sending me over the top.

There’s so much pleasure! But my lungs will not allow me to continue without fresh air. Please Ray…………..OMG……………..

You slam into me, my whole body in the throes of infinite pleasure and acute pain. Your powerful thrusts turn the tub into a cauldron of lust. But I can’t hold out

The last of my air bursts out. Then it hits me, an orgasm so powerful. My head snaps back as my eyes open wide from a mix of terror and uncontrollable lust…………


I hear a bubbly scream. Then I feel your red hot love tunnel spasm around my throbbing shaft as you push back against me. It’s too much.

I can’t hold it back, nor can I delay it another second… not that I would want to in any event. My cock stiffens inside you. Then it erupts.

You’re just coming down from a massive orgasm. Your body is weakened, your air all but gone. Then you feel my warmth flow into you…


Your back arches as your cunt spasms uncontrollably. Your eyes roll as you attempt to expel the last of your breath. But you no longer have any in your system.

A second orgasm comes charging in hard, hot on the heels of the last. I hear a muffled grunt as I shudder pleasurably. I finish emptying myself into your hot, fuck-box.

I see you thrash about in the tub. Your hands and arms weakly attempt to push your head above water. I try to pull out of you, but your spasming cunt refuses to let go.

For the moment we’re locked together. I can’t pull you up. My eyes widen in alarm as I hear you gurgle.

Your pussy instinctively spasms hungrily around my throbbing shaft. I fumble for an arm while clawing at a leg. How the hell do I get you out??

I hear a bubbly sigh as your cunt lets go. I slide out and fall back, bouncing off the floor. You flail about weakly, your head still underwater.

I grab you and pull you out of the water. Your chest heaves. I don’t hear any breathing.

Panic fills my heart and soul. This wasn’t supposed to happen! Your eyes are rolled back in your head from a shocked expression of surprise and great pleasure as your mouth hangs open…


I lay you out on the bathroom floor. I tip your head sideways to drain the water out of your mouth. Then I pinch your nose shut and press my lips against yours.

They tingle instinctively, as though expecting a kiss in return. I frantically blow air into your lungs. It’s enough to trigger the breathing reflex.

You cough, spewing water out of your mouth. I get a little into mine before it dribbles back out. You immediately go into a series of spasms as you cough and sputter.

I’m immensely relieved to hear your ragged gasp for breath. I pull you to my chest, sobbing uncontrollably… “I’m so sorry… I got carried away… I should have paid more attention… can you ever forgive me?”

You try to speak, but can’t. I reach down and scoop you up. Then I carry you into our bedroom.

I gently lay you down on the bed, afraid I’m going to break you if I haven’t already. You see the panic in my face and the tear streaks down my cheeks. You smile weakly as you reach up and brush my face.

“I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry…” I can’t stop sobbing.

“I’m all right; really I am…” But your weakened voice triggers a new series of tears and sobs.

“We gotta get you to the emergency room!” But you grab my arm.

“Not yet. Let me get my breath back, babe.” Damn, if that doesn’t increase the tears and sobs.

“I’m ok – really! I’m fine – you got me out in time.” You seem more concerned about me than you are about almost drowning.

“But you swallowed water! You need to go see a doctor!”

You pat the bed invitingly. “I’ll be OK. Let’s just rest for a little while, all right? If I’m not feeling better after a while, you can take me to the clinic, OK?”

I don’t look reassured. You tell me, “The hospital is for real emergencies. It’s not for silly people like me who get a little water into their lungs!” Then you smile sweetly, melting my heart.

I crawl into bed with you. Then I start kissing you all over. I’m still all sobs and apologies.

I don’t know when it happens. But at some point in time, I fall asleep in your arms. Your soft coos of “I’m fine – I’ll be all right – there, there now, babe” soothe my troubled soul.

Several hours later I awaken to an empty bed. I hear the sound of the bathtub filling. Strange how I don’t remember emptying it.

I call out, “Babe?” But there’s no response.

I climb out of bed and realize I’m still naked. My mind instantly floods with memories of what happened a few terrifying hours ago. Concerned and alarmed, I rise up and head into the bathroom looking for you.

“Babe?” Then I gasp at what I see.

You’re naked and bent over the tub. Your ass sticks up invitingly. Your hands are clasped together behind your back, your head lowered in submission.

Your pussy is wet from the memories of the powerful orgasms you had earlier. Glutton that you are, you’re hungry for more. I stare at you in shock as my cock springs to attention.

“I’ve been bad, Ray,” you breathe seductively. There’s a look of lust in your face. “I need to be punished.”

Do you really want to risk it all over again? Were the orgasms worth it? Apparently they were.

You tremble excitedly as I approach. My cock salutes the position you’ve taken up. Then I push your head down into the water.

The erotic bubbles make my cock quiver…

2006; 2019 (Originally written as a chat Jul 12 ’06; ed. Dec 12 ’19 by riwa)

Posted in Underwater Stories | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Terrie meets the Belmont sisters 3.5 (20)

This gal does bear a faint resemblance to me…Terrie St. A

28-Aug-2018 06:44
This story still gets me off every time…..gawd!
Terrie St. A

7-Aug-2015 05:13
Oh gawd- i shuddered in death…………I’m shaking right now while reading this!

I have been strangled before with ladies to either side, and it is DELICIOUS! There is no way to overpower two of them, and they laugh and mock my feeble attempts to strangle one then the other with a single weak hand. It brings back some very sexy memories….

Thanks Luv!!!!!!!!!

Terrie meets the Belmont sisters

Original post

Terrie never had a clue the big-breasted Belmont sisters had such an incestuous relationship… or that they were so into breath-play during their murderous one-night stands. First they took turns smothering her face with their pussies while the other sister would violently fuck her cunt with a huge toy. Each time she passed out, the one sitting on her face would cum all over her lips. Then they would change positions while giving Terrie a chance to recover.

Next, they took turns breast-smothering her while the other ate out her dripping pussy. Terrie would cum so violently that she would pass out from lack of air, which made both sisters gleeful. Then they would change positions and then do it all over again.

Finally they shoved a couple of toys in her holes before lying side by side right on top of her. They each took hold of her necklace, using it to strangle her together as they gleefully watched. Terrie helplessly stared in horror, unable to breathe as she furiously clenched around the toys in her holes. Both sisters got to watch at the same time as she faded away into oblivion.

They pulled out the toys before one started licking that death cum out of her pussy while the other sat on her face again and rode her to another orgasm. This time Terrie lay with her arms out, her expression begging them to use and abuse her. Then the toys made a return, one shoved deep up her cunt while the other was shoved clear down her throat.

Finally they went back to their favorite position: one sitting on her face while the other licked her pussy. They rode her hard, the one sitting on her face violently grinding her cunt against her lips. Terrie willingly took it all, “eagerly swallowing” each sister’s flowing juices. She even went so far as to give them a little shudder, her pussy moistening from the last of her death cum. Apparently a good time was had by all…

Terrie’s latest attempt to seduce a shemale failed when a friend showed up and took her intended victim away. She sighed heavily as she ordered another drink. Ten minutes later she was joined by a couple of big-breasted blondes.

“You want to be alone? Or would you like some company?”

Terrie looked at them both and smiled. They looked positively delicious. And their large breasts pushing through those tops looked incredible.

She joined them at a booth where they introduced themselves as the Belmont sisters. They were twins – Junie and Janie. Terrie tried to imagine how the night might end if the three of them were to get it on together.

They complimented her over and over, telling her how sexy she looked. Then they asked her if she liked girls. Terrie couldn’t very well say no, especially with those gorgeous mounds as well as the alcohol talking.

They asked her if she liked seedy motels. Terrie got wet just thinking about it. She wondered what kind of raunchy fun the three of them could have together.

They paid her bar bill, which helped seal the deal. Then she followed their car to a rundown motel on the outskirts of town. The whole situation felt deliciously dangerous to her.

Janie went in and paid for the room in cash. She returned with a key to a back room. Junie parked their car in one slot while Terrie parked hers in the other.

Once inside they wasted no time kissing her all over. Hands were everywhere as clothes started coming off. Terrie found herself getting hot and wet with arousal.

She got into a 69 with Janie while Junie rubbed them all over. Then she produced a toy out of her purse. She used it on Terrie’s pussy as Janie nibbled on her nub.

After the two feasting women experienced orgasms Janie got on top of Terrie and straddled her, rubbing her tits as her sister Junie began licking Terrie’s dripping cunt. Terrie gasped with joy as she groped the sister’s mounds in return. Soon the two women were seriously groping and pawing each other.

Janie gave her a sly grin as she panted, “Terrie, have you every engaged in erotic asphyxiation?” Terrie felt an erotic jolt at the question. She’d played several times, but she wasn’t sure how to respond. So she decided to play ignorant.

“Erotic asphyxiation? What’s that?”

In response Janie wrapped her fingers around Terrie’s throat and began to squeeze. “Now lick her really good, sis!” she called out. In response Junie licked and fingered the writhing woman’s cunt.

Terrie reached up and wrapped her fingers around Janie, trying to squeeze back. “Can I play too?” she rasped.

“You can try,” Janie giggled as she squeezed tighter.

It wasn’t long until Terrie began to see stars. She tried to get Janie to stop choking her but the sister just kept squeezing. Between her legs Junie kept licking and slurping while using the toy on her until it swelled within her.

Terrie could hardly breathe as she tried to squeeze Janie’s neck harder. Janie just laughed at her. A moment later Terrie was cumming as she faded away into unconsciousness.

She awakened to the sensation of a tongue in her twat. She looked down to see Janie feasting on her pussy. Then she was aware of Junie straddling her head before the sister sat on her face.

Terrie dutifully licked her dripping cunt, reaching up to grope her tits as Junie rode her face while massaging her mounds. She hoped she wouldn’t be choked again. She wasn’t in a very good position to defend herself.

It wasn’t long before she began to find it hard to breathe again. She tried to push Junie off her face, but she didn’t have any leverage. She was being smothered by a wet pussy!

The toy returned to her cunt as a tongue licked and nibbled on her nub. Not being able to breathe was both scary and arousing. This wasn’t at all what she’d planned as she’d wanted to be on the giving end, strangling both of these sexy sisters instead of them smothering her.

She began to struggle, trying to push Junie off. Janie licked harder while fucking her enthusiastically with the toy. Terrie didn’t have the strength to fight her off, and she felt herself being battered to unconsciousness by yet another orgasm.

When she awakened she discovered she was lying backwards in Janie’s lap. Something was wrapped around her neck as Junie licked her crotch while fucking her with the toy. “Strangle the sexy bitch, sis!” Junie gasped with delight. “This slut loves cumming while being asphyxiated!”

Terrie tried to figure out what Janie was using to strangle her with. Her eyes lit on the curtains freely hanging closed, preventing anyone outside from looking in. The sash was missing to keep them open; it had to be what Janie was using on her.

She struggled to pry it off from around her neck as she was beginning to see stars again. Janie just laughed at her. “You can’t stop me, Terrie. I’m going to strangle you while sis fucks another cum out of you.”

“Strangle her hard, sis; I think she’s going to cum again!” Then Junie attacked Terrie’s swollen nub with her lips while fucking her hard with the toy.

Terrie weakly tried to claw at the sash around her neck. Her vision began to blur as her body started to buck and shudder. Then she was cumming again… cumming while spiraling away into unconsciousness.

When she awakened both sisters were lying on either side of her. They were groping her mounds while sucking on her nipples. She felt fingers wriggling in her wet slit.

“You awake, Terrie?” Janie giggled, lying on her left. “That’s so cool. We just love watching you pass out.”

“You look so sexy cumming and going,” Junie added on her right. Together they pulled on both ends of the sash still wrapped around her throat.

Terrie began to panic, even as their fingers wriggled sexual excitement into her quivering twat. She reached over and grabbed Junie’s neck, trying to wrap her fingers around her throat. “That’s so cute,” the sister laughed. “You really think you can choke me?” Then both sisters pulled hard on the sash.

Terrie’s arms flailed as she tried to make them stop. She reached over and tried to choke Janie. “Pathetic!” the sister laughed as they both pulled even harder.

Terrie saw stars once more. Then she was cumming… cumming and spiraling away into unconsciousness yet again. She could hear the two sisters laughing sadistically until she couldn’t hear them anymore.

Terrie awakened to two mouths sucking on her nipples. The toy was back in her pussy while a finger swirled over her swollen nub. The sash felt loose around her throat.

She reached over and tried to grab Junie’s neck with both hands. The sisters just laughed as they grabbed the sash and pulled. “You’re so pitiful, Terrie,” Janie laughed. “We could kill you so easy right now.”

The sisters pulled hard on the sash again. Terrie’s hands flew away from Junie’s neck as she tried to pull the sash off her throat. She rasped and choked as Junie forced the toy up her ass while Janie thrust four fingers up her slit and gave her a sadistic finger-fucking.

“Night-night, bitch!” Junie laughed. “You look so sexy when we strangle you.” Then they both pulled hard on the sash.

Terrie reached out and tried to choke Janie. She had to do something to stop this! But the crazy bitch just laughed at her, telling her, “Don’t you know? You’re the one who’s going to strangle to death tonight!”

Laughter rang in her ears as the sash tightened ominously around her throat. The toy brutalized her ass as fingers were thrust cruelly into her cunt. Terrie’s eyes rolled as she shuddered again until she passed out.

When she awakened Terrie felt sore all over. She had no idea how long she’d been unconscious. Then Janie leaned over and kissed her lips.

“We’ve had fun choking you tonight, bitch. Now we’re going to strangle you until we kill you.”

When Janie pulled away it was Junie who moved in next and kissed her lips. “You really turn us on when you cum while you’re passing out, Terrie. Now we want to watch your expression as we strangle you to death. Afterwards we’re going to enjoy your corpse until we tire of you. Maybe the maid will find you in the morning and shove her broom handle up your fucking cunt.”

Terrie felt the sash tighten yet again as both sisters laughed. Her mind was foggy; she felt in a daze. One more she tried to reach out and choke one of them in an act of defense.

“Go ahead and try to choke me, bitch!” Janie laughed. “Seriously; is that all you’ve got?”

“She’s so cute when she tries to fight back,” Junie chuckled. ”Now let’s strangle her for good. I want to find out if we can make her corpse cum after she’s dead.”

“Let’s do it,” Janie agreed.

Terrie felt the sash tighten as the toy up her ass started to thrust in and out. She felt fingers fucking her totally drenched pussy. It was so hard to breathe!

She reached over and tried to choke Junie with her hand. “Harder, Terrie!” the sister laughed. “Harder; you can do it! If only you can squeeze a little…” Then she laughed as she told her, “Oh wait… I guess you can’t!” Both sister’s laughed maniacally.

Terrie felt the sash tighten around her neck as they both groped and fondled her boobs. Then they reached down to her crotch. Junie grabbed the toy and fucked her ass while Janie fingered her cunt.

Terrie tried to reach for Janie’s throat one last time. “You gotta try harder than that, bitch!” the sadistic sister laughed. Then they both pulled on the sash as hard as they could.

Terrie felt her vision start to spiral again. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her lungs screamed for air. Then she was cumming… cumming and spiraling away into oblivion as far away voices declared, “Look, the bitch is cumming as she dies! She fucking loves it!” “Damn, she sure loves asphyxiation!”  “Look, Junie; I think she’s fading!”  “Have a nice death, you sexy bitch! We can see the light leaving your eyes!”

The last thing Terrie heard was the sound of laughter fading in her ears. She felt like she was caught up in a never-ending orgasm. Then she tried to scream, realizing she was dead; she couldn’t breathe; and she was cumming and cumming and cumming…

The sisters watched with wicked glee as Terrie faded away into oblivion. Her eyes glazed over as she stared upward in shock. They cruelly sucked on her tits while using the toy and their fingers in her other holes until the body appeared to shudder a little.

“Did she just cum, Junie?

“Damn! I think she did!”

“Fuck her pussy while I ride her face!”

Janie climbed on and ground her wet crotch against Terrie’s slack mouth as Junie took the toy and brutalized the quivering, twitching cunt. Terrie’s corpse seemed to twitch a little. Janie couldn’t help cumming all over Terrie’s mouth and face.

The two girls switched places. Junie rode Terrie’s face to an orgasm while her sister used the toy on the dead ass while finger-fucking the sloppy-wet cunt. The body seemed to twitch a little, perhaps from stray nerve endings firing. It made them both laugh deliriously.

They played with Terrie’s corpse for a couple of hours until they were spent. Then they got dressed. They laughed and made fun of her dead body, telling her the maid was going to cum in and abuse her before reporting her death to the authorities. Then they got in their car and left, leaving a third dead body in their wake over three states.


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