Cindy Lou finds a guillotine 4.4 (55)

Note: I wrote this story before I realized I’d written something similar in the Santamos Island story about Mahina. I decided to post this one anyway since it has some differences. I hope you enjoy it. I included a couple renders by Mike Hunt which I did not include in the other story.

Cindy Lou was out lounging in the backyard when she suddenly felt a tingling sensation. The sun was out; not a cloud in the sky. She was sure the wind wasn’t blowing.

She sat up, removed her sunglasses and looked around. But nobody was there. Strange; she felt like she was being watched.

She laid back down on the patio lounger, luxuriating in the feel of sun on her mostly bare skin. Once more she felt the hairs rise on the back of her neck. Cindy Lou removed the sunglasses again before setting them down on the nearby patio table. Then she sat up and looked all around.

At the corner of the brick structure, she caught sight of a darting figure. For the moment it looked like a woman in a black, flowing robe. Was she spying on her??

“Hey! You there!” But the figure was gone. She couldn’t confirm if the individual had gone around the corner or had simply vanished right before her startled eyes.

Cindy Lou stood up and headed for the corner of the building, her heels clattering on cobblestone. She wanted to know who’d been spying on her. She didn’t think it was one of the other girls she was staying with. Hell, she only knew them by name. Besides, none of them seemed all that friendly.

She rounded the corner, only to discover the woman in black standing near an opening in the wall. She waved to her as she called out, “Hey there!” But the woman stepped out of sight.

The pigtail-braided twenty-year-old headed off in that direction. She didn’t know whether to be curious or annoyed. She hadn’t been told her and her companions might be spied upon. If so, she was going to say something to their hostess.

She rounded the corner and gasped in astonishment. Some sort of metal contraption stood there all by itself in a sectioned-off alcove. It came complete with dangling blade and a lever.

Cindy Lou couldn’t believe it. What the hell was a guillotine doing back here?? She was shocked beyond belief.

She looked around for that woman she’d seen duck in here. But she didn’t see a soul. What’s more, there were no doors or windows along the brick wall. The woman had vanished into thin air.

Cindy Lou stepped toward the guillotine. There was a pipe in the brick wall, but she shook her head. There was no way in hell that woman could possibly be hiding in there.

She paused to look all around. Where the hell had that woman gone?? She was sure she’d seen her duck in here!

She shook her head as she began examining the guillotine. She’d never seen anything like it before. It looked completely foreign… as though it didn’t fit in with the rest of the architecture.

She vaguely remembered seeing pictures of guillotines in her history books. But they were all made out of wood. What’s more, they all had some sort of bench for a person to be strapped down to. This thing only had a short metal beam to lie upon. And it looked uncomfortable as hell.

She walked all the way around it, wondering where the hell it had come from. It certainly seemed like an odd place for a guillotine. Didn’t the caretakers realize how dangerous it was, sitting out here in plain sight for her or one of the other girls to find?

Odd how she didn’t seem to be frightened by its presence. If anything, Cindy Lou was curious. Seeing such a structure in a place like this simply made no sense to her.

On impulse, she reached out and touched it, wondering if perhaps she was dreaming. The structure seemed real enough. She reached up and touched the blade. It, too, seemed real.

How strange. She couldn’t begin to fathom what the hell it was doing out here. Had the caretakers failed to put it away? If so, what had it been doing out here to begin with??

The sun was starting to get lower in the sky as she allowed herself a closer look. She couldn’t imagine how she could possibly get into trouble just looking at it. If the caretakers didn’t want any of her companions stumbling across it, why the hell had they left it out here like this??

She was reminded again of that female figure she’d been following. She looked all around. But there was no one else around, not even one of the other girls she’d come to the castle with.

Had the blade been used on anyone? It seemed doubtful. The damned thing looked pristine; she didn’t see any stains on the blade or supporting beam. That didn’t mean accidents couldn’t occur.

She got closer and looked at the metal beam. It sure as hell didn’t look very comfortable to lie upon. Then again, the crazy contraption didn’t look like it was built for the comfort of the condemned.

The condemned… now there was a thought. She wondered how people had been clothed when they’d been beheaded back in the days of those wooden guillotines. Had any of them ever been as scantily dressed as she now was?

A name came to mind from an old history class… Marie Antoinette was it? Wasn’t she some queen? Cindy Lou couldn’t remember very well.

What must it have felt like for her to have her head locked in? What must have gone through her mind moments before the blade fell? She had a guillotine right in front of her; it would certainly be easy enough to find out.

Cindy Lou looked all around. But she saw no one watching her. Did she dare?

She carefully straddled the metal beam. It touched her upper legs, making her shiver. She gasped as a strange arousal coursed through her body.

She bent forward and carefully stuck her head through the lunette. Cindy Lou gasped as she shuddered from an incredible arousal. Instantly she jerked her head out and backed away.

She’d experienced something she’d never felt before. It felt… sexual somehow. Cindy Lou looked all around, making sure she was still alone. Then she stepped forward once more.

She straddled the beam before carefully bending forward. She slowly stuck her head in the lunette, pushing herself all the way through. Those incredible stirrings of sexual arousal increased exponentially.

She gasped at the sensation. Her nipples hardened dramatically. Amazingly, her pussy was dripping from the experience.

Something told her she would need to bring the lunette down on the top of her neck if she truly wanted to experience the feeling. Cindy Lou took a deep breath. Then she reached up and pulled it down until she felt it come in contact with the back of her neck.

She gasped and trembled. Her legs felt like rubber; it felt incredible! That’s when she reached out and tentatively grasped onto the lever.

Almost immediately the sensations seemed to increase a hundred-fold. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Cindy Lou inhaled sharply before letting go of the lever as though it might bite her.

She paused to catch her breath. Then she tentatively reached out for the lever again. She braced herself with her hand on the structure as she grasped onto the lever, standing there with her ass sticking up.

She could not describe her emotions. There was a noticeable sensation of fear. She almost felt terrified at the thought she could easily lose her head right now if she wasn’t careful.

At the same time she feel an incredible sexual excitement. She’d become unbelievably horny. What’s more, she was sure her pussy was dripping like crazy. She could tell she was wet down below.

Is this what those unfortunate victims had felt all those years ago? Had they endured a mixture of fear and arousal before their deaths? Had they felt terror coupled with a strange sexual excitement… the same emotions she was now experiencing?

Without even realizing she was doing it, Cindy Lou reached back with her left arm. She ran her hand under her upraised ass and began to feel around. She confirmed how wet she was, something that was going to be noticeable should she run into any of the other girls before she could change.

She began working a finger over her nub. She could tell it had swollen with excitement. It made her wince and stiffen as her body responded.

She paused as she imagined how ridiculous she looked. Her body was locked in a guillotine, one hand on the lever with the other in her crotch. If anyone saw her now, she would be utterly humiliated.

She carefully looked up and then all around, as much as the lunette would allow. She still saw no one. But her pussy was now throbbing for a release.

She told herself how crazy the whole thing was. She should get her head out of here before somebody saw her. But she couldn’t believe how turned on she was.

All it would take would be a gentle pull on the lever. Or did you have to push it to bring the blade down? Cindy Lou couldn’t believe she was thinking such things.

She fingered herself harder. Gawd; how she needed to cum! She couldn’t believe how horny she was!

She self-consciously looked around again. She saw no one watching her. That’s when her fingers began to rub a little harder.

She thought about those who had faced the guillotine so long ago. Did they have any last words before their head was chopped off? Did they beg for mercy; did they plead for their lives?

What Cindy Lou felt was nothing like that. She felt a bizarre, sexual excitement at having her head locked in the lunette. Had any of those past victims felt this very same way?

Gawd; she could feel an orgasm approaching! Had any of the condemned experienced any kind of sexual excitement moments before losing their heads? Had any of them cum during those last moments? She couldn’t help wondering what must have gone through their minds right before the blade had come down.

She was really horny now. Cindy Lou panted for breath as she moved the fabric aside before sticking a couple of fingers into her slit. She was wet as hell… wet from an incredible sexual excitement.

Could she make herself cum? Knowing the blade was directly above her, ready to chop her head off, gave her an intense feeling of fear and excitement. Instinctively, she fingered herself harder.

Cindy Lou writhed and moaned as she imagined she was one of those condemned to being beheaded. Her clothes had been mostly removed, leaving her exposed and humiliated with the blade about to fall. Surely that must have been what those people had experienced, especially the women.

She thrust harder into her womanhood. She could not believe how turned on she’d become. This was incredible!

She suddenly detected the faint sound of laughter. Cindy Lou instinctively looked up. But she saw no one; there was nobody around.

Was it the breeze? Maybe it was the leaves rustling. Maybe she was imagining things.

She was so unbelievably horny. What a story she would have to tell; that is, if she ever shared it with anyone. How many women could say they had actually orgasmed with their head locked inside a guillotine?

She thought she heard laughter again. Cindy Lou anxiously looked up. But there was no one there. If she was going to cum, she needed to do it soon before someone caught her like this.

She fingered herself harder, thrusting in and out of her pussy. She heard wet, squishing noises. She was really soaked back there.

She suddenly experienced what felt like a hand on her ass… or was it the breeze? Then something caressed her backside. Cindy Lou felt an erotic shiver of horror and dread.

She had to stop right now! She had to get her neck out of this damned guillotine! But at that moment her incredible urges overrode her sensibilities.

She moaned as she trembled, her legs becoming rubber again. She could feel them starting to buckle. It felt like she was getting closer to orgasm.

She thought she felt a hand on her ass again. This time she was sure of it. Cindy Lou stiffened as she started to cry out.

She suddenly felt a hand wrap around hers as she gripped the lever to the guillotine. She looked up in horror to see a woman in a black robe. She was actually standing there smiling at her.

The woman let out a moan of pleasure as she pulled on her hand. Cindy Lou felt the structure shudder. That’s when the woman in the robe vanished right before her startled eyes.

She felt a sharp pain in her neck. A moment later her head was falling. The severed connection to her brain caused her hand to instinctively let go of the lever.

Her head bounced once before rattling against the base of the metal contraption. Her body instantly sagged onto the beam, coming down on her arm. Her fingers were still in her pussy. But she could not feel the intense climax her body was now experiencing.

She looked up in disbelief. What the hell happened? Had she pulled the lever by accident and beheaded herself? How was that possible??

She was sure she’d seen that woman in the robe pulling on her hand grabbing the lever. Then she’d seen her vanish a split-second before the blade had fallen. Hell, now she didn’t know what the hell she’d seen!

Her body hitched and jerked as it lay collapsed onto the beam. Her left arm was now wedged underneath her stomach. Her fingers were still diddling her pussy, although she had no way of knowing that.

What the hell – what the hell – WHAT THE HELL?? Cindy Lou couldn’t feel anything below her neck anymore. Was she having a dream; was she still on that patio lounger in the back yard?

She needed help… and right now! Actually, she needed one of those girls to show up and put her head back on. No wait; she didn’t want anyone to see her like this! Hell, she didn’t know what the hell she wanted!

She could see blood falling onto the ground. She could just make out the way her body appeared to be hitching and jerking. It all seemed so surreal.

Was her hand reaching down for her head? Her right arm seemed to be reaching for her. Was it looking for her head; was it trying to pick it up and attach it to her severed neck??

Cindy Lou’s body gyrated on the beam, hitching and shuddering. The signals from the brain had been cut off. Now there was muscular chaos.

Her legs spasmed as her hand jerked underneath her. Her fingers flexed as though trying to remember what they had been doing mere moments ago. Her ass quivered as her legs twitched.

Her crotch was soaked, turning the material to her skimpy thong transparent. Her labia flared as her pussy kept winking in response. Cindy Lou’s body just kept cumming and cumming.

But her neck was now severed. Her brain could not process the signals trying to be sent back. She never got the chance to experience the orgasm she’d been craving.

It all seemed so surreal. Was this really happening? Why couldn’t she feel anything below her neck??

There was a sudden sensation of movement that passed in front of her eyes. Cindy Lou’s senses attempted to penetrate the foggy haze that was closing in. That’s when she thought she saw that same woman in the black robe.

The figure rippled before her as though in a haze. Cindy Lou thought she could see solid matter. Then she thought she could see right through. Strangely, the whole thing terrified her.

She opened her mouth to scream… or at least she tried to. But she did not make a sound; her lips wouldn’t move. All she could do was stare in abject horror.

There was blood spatter all around her. It seemed like she was dreaming. But it all felt so real!

The figure came closer until it seemed to kneel right in front of her. It reached down as though caressing her cheek. Cindy Lou was frozen in disbelief; she couldn’t scream or pull away.

She simply could not believe this was happening. Then the figure started to appear hazy. Cincy Lou could see parts of the yard through her vaporizing form.

The woman reached into her robe as though rubbing her crotch. At the same time she appeared to grope a breast through the material. That was the last thing Cincy Lou saw before her vision failed her. Then it felt like she was falling into the bottomless abyss of oblivion.

The life flickered out of her pupils. Her body stopped twitching and shuddering. Her pussy dripped from her orgasm. A moment later her bladder gave way as urine splattered onto the cobblestone.

A faint breeze set the leaves to whispering… whispering as though they were witnesses of the event. They whispered of sex and beheading and death as though they had been in on it the whole time. Then the wind stopped, silencing the conspiracy amongst themselves.

There was the clatter of heels on cobblestone. The clatter grew louder. Then a figure came around the corner.

Their hostess paused for a long moment. Then she slowly approached and examined the body. The young woman with the braided pigtails appeared to be quite dead, her head resting on the ground at the base of the guillotine.

She walked all the way around, admiring the corpse with its ass protruding. She ran a hand over flesh that was still warm. Then she came in front where she bent down to inspect the severed head.

Cindy Lou looked up at her with lifeless eyes. There was a vacant expression of shock in her features. The hostess smiled down at her. Then she got up and walked away.

One of the four girls in her care had suffered a terrible misfortune. She must have been playing with the lever. She could only wonder if it was due to some accident or whether it was a spur-of-the-moment suicide. She would have to contact the groundskeeper to take care of the matter.

2019 (written Oct 23 ’19 by riwa)

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The nightclub hanging 4.5 (70)

“Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Kamisol Harris. It is my great privilege to hang a lovely lady for you tonight. Her body will be roasted at a special dinner tomorrow at the Phi Omicron Ro Nu sorority. You are all invited to attend. Without further ado, allow me to introduce the star of our show tonight. Ladies and gentlemen… Marzai Pipsin!”

A bubbly 18 year old came out onto the stage. She had fluffy pigtails with pink flowers serving as ribbons. She was wearing a see-through white sweater with a black print skirt. Black leggings and soft grey footwear completed her attire.

She received a lot of applause as she came up to Kamisol. She glanced at the noose dangling from the ceiling as well as the platform embedded in the floor. Then she happily waved at the applauding spectators.

“Marzai is here to hang for your entertainment, ladies and gentlemen. She has graciously decided to hang nude for us. Let’s cheer her on as she undresses for us, shall we?”

Music started to play, piped in through the speakers. The 18 year old worked herself out of her sweater. Then she motioned grandly at the cheers and catcalls she received.

The skirt was next to go. When it had been removed, Marzai stepped onto the circular platform embedded in the floor. The noose was right there framing her face. So was a microphone that hung down from the ceiling.

“Why don’t you say a few words to our guests, Marzai?”

“Be glad to, Kamisol. I’m so excited to be hanging for you all tonight. My sisters at the sorority voted me to take part in this very exciting moment. So I really hope I hang well for you tonight.”

“I’m sure you will, Marzai,” Kamisol said with a smile. “Let’s give her a big hand, shall we?”

The audience clapped and cheered. Marzai beamed with pride and excitement. Her nipples hardened as her crotch began to moisten from a fearful arousal.

“Those leggings will never do,” Kamisol told her. “Let’s bring out something better, shall we?”

At that moment a female assistant appeared, another of the Phi Omicron Ro Nu sisters. She brought out a pair of black heels. They were insane in their height.

Marzai looked at them with the faintest flicker of doubt in her expression. Then she smiled as she removed her leggings and footwear. She struggled to get herself into the crazy heels.

Once more she stood on the platform. “How do you feel now?” Kamisol asked.

“Excited and nervous,” Marzai said into the microphone as she struggled to maintain her balance.

“We can’t have you hang without including a little bondage, can we?” Then she turned to the audience. “Let’s grab a little rope to string our sexy hangee up right, shall we?”

The assistant returned a second time. In her hands was a large length of rope. She and Kamisol proceeded to secure Marzai with it as the 18 year old stood precariously on her heels on the platform.

Marzai’s arms were crossed behind her back. Her wrists were tied together. Then she was roped below and above her breasts to add to the bondage effect.

The assistant left as Kamisol looped the noose around the 18 year old’s neck. Marzai shivered from a combination of nerves and excitement. She struggled to balance on her precarious heels.

“You look lovely,” Kamisol told her. “Doesn’t she look lovely, folks?” There were more cheers and applause.

Marzai blushed. Then her legs wobbled. She almost lost her footing.

Kamisol reached out to steady her. “Don’t fall, Marzai. We want to watch you strangle to death. We don’t want you to literally break a leg out here on our stage, right?”

“I’ll t-try not to,” the 18 year old stammered.

“Are you ready, Marzai? Shall we get you ready to hang?”

“I’m as r-ready as I’ll ever be, K-Kamisol.”

“Then let’s get you elevated, shall we?”

Kamisol waved grandly at the audience. A moment later there were murmurs of excitement as the circular platform Marzai stood upon began to rise. Once more she wobbled on her heels.

The noose went up with her as the slack was slowly taken out. So did the microphone. It stayed close to her mouth the entire time.

The stool stopped a couple feet off the floor. Marzai wobbled again. Once more Kamisol reached out to steady her.

“You’re none too stable on those heels; eh, Marzai?”

“I g-guess I’m not,” she stammered nervously.

“Make sure you talk into the microphone so our guests can here you. How do you feel up there?”

“N-nervous I guess.” Then she thought of where she was and the task expected of her. She remembered to add, “…and excited… nervous and excited. I’m excited t-to be here t-tonight to hang for you all.”

“We’re excited to have you hang for us, Marzai. Isn’t that right, folks?” The audience clapped and cheered in reply.

Kamisol put her hands on her hips. “Is everybody ready to watch Marzai Pipsin hang for us?” The crowd cheered.

“I can’t hear you. I said, ‘Is everybody ready to watch Marzai Pipsin hang for us?’”


“Then let’s watch her hang!”

At that moment the stool began to lower back to the floor. It fell away from Marzai’s extremely high heels. Her legs spread in search of solid footing as the noose took her full weight until her head had tipped to one side.

The stool continued to drop until it reached the floor. Marzai’s heels attempted to stretch down as though she could reach it. Then her legs began to pedal as she went into her dance. Kamisol couldn’t help lifting a leg, posing for the crowd as they watched the hanging.

Marzai kicked and struggled as she suffered in the noose. She knew she was going to hang. But the experience was not quite what she’d anticipated. For one thing: it hurt like hell!

She fought and struggled as she tried to pull a breath of air down her throat. The noose only tightened around her neck as she struggled to breathe. A mark appeared around her neck from the imprint of the rope as her face turned red.

Her exertions lessened until she could hardly fight anymore. Her face took on a bluish tint. Kamisol smiled as she approached the dangling 18 year old.

“Let’s see if she’s enjoying herself, shall we?” Then she pulled one leg aside as she reached up with her hand. She rubbed Marzai’s wet crotch before sticking a couple of fingers inside.

“She’s really juicy, ladies and gentlemen. That means she’ll cook up nice and tender. Let’s see if I can make her cum before she fades away.”

Kamisol finger-fucked poor Marzai as the 18 year old’s chest heaved. But she was unable to get any air down her throat. She shuddered from an orgasm as major organs started shutting down. Then her bladder released.

Kamisol jerked her hand away. “That’ll teach me,” she laughed pleasantly. “They always piss themselves as they’re slipping away.”

She let go of Marzai’s leg and gave her a push. The 18 year old swayed back and forth. Life was fading from her eyes as drool spilled off her protruding tongue and splattered her tits.

There were brief twitches as stray muscles fired. Marzai’s legs flinched as she hitched gently in the noose. Then her bowels gave way with a loud fart.

The spectators roared with laughter and cheers. “Let’s give her a big round of applause, shall we?”

The audience gave Marzai a standing ovation. It looked like the nightclub was going to be a huge success. All they had to do was keep finding a sweet young thing to hang every once in a while.

2019 (written Dec 10 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by a story idea and renders courtesy of Mike Hunt, which are included for illustration purposes.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (3)

Coming October rewards

The final Joia chapter.
Another Shelly chapter as we approach the climax to the story.
Another Mr. Wayne chapter.
A third chapter to Santa and the two sisters.
A third chapter to the Melissa story.
A “dry” story I did some years ago using pictures of the former Mrs. Riwa.
Dorothy ends up in a Houdini tank.
A spastic pool vacuum.
A trio of brunettes find themselves in big trouble.
Emma finds herself in a wetsuit in a web.
And a couple other stories.

August stories/rewards will fall off at the end of September to make room for October rewards.

There have been some stresses this month. Naturally I worry about my mother’s health. Some visits are better than others. But I’m appreciative of every day I have with her.

I’ve been reminded yet again how precious life is. Anything can happen. We are witnessing events happening all over the planet – floods, fires, quakes, and volcanos. Life can end unexpectedly. So I figure it would be a real nice gesture on my part to try to get back to some stories I’ve written that need to be concluded before something happens to me. Just my luck I’ll get crushed by a gigantic spitball or the world’s largest mosquito finds me and drains me dry.

So I’m going to keep reminding myself of stories that need to be worked on. But you know by now how well I seem to be perfecting my procrastination without really trying. You are so patient and gracious, and I thank you for that.

Thank you so much for being my patrons. Take good care of yourselves. And be careful out there.

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AF’s Casting Call 3.8 (24)

Note: This is an older repost of a picture story from way back.

No one answered when she knocked on the door. That’s when she found herself becoming concerned. “Shit. I hope he’s here. This is supposed to be the right address. Maybe he’s outside somewhere.”

She circled around back and found the pool. But there was no sign of him. He wasn’t at the shed either. Where could he be?

She looked around and saw a small lake a few yards away. There was a dock with some guy sitting on it. “Maybe that’s him over there,” she said hopefully to herself.

She walked over and spoke to him. “Hi, my name’s Diamond. Is this where the audition’s being held?”

“This is the place. My name’s Tim. Glad you could make it.”

Diamond sat down next to him, grateful she’d found him. He was the producer who might be the one to get her career going. She was relieved he was still taking auditions.

“As I mentioned on the phone, I’m auditioning a woman for the pool scene in my next film. I think you might be good for the role. But you’ll have to be underwater for some of the take. I need to know how long you can hold your breath so I can get the shot I need.”

“Well, I have been practicing in my bathtub, so… I’m sure I’m up for the part.” She nervously played with several strands of her hair, not wanting to blow this opportunity.

“Ok, let’s hit the pool and rehearse your scene.”

They stood up and walked up the slope to the pool area. “Wait here,” he said. “I wasn’t expecting you this soon. I need to get some equipment. I’ll be right back.”

As he went off to the house, Diamond sat down on the concrete by the water’s edge. She really wanted this role. But he was acting indifferent. Was it possible he was going to audition other actresses for the part?

‘What can I do to impress this guy?’ she thought to herself.  ‘I really do want to be in this film. It could be just the thing that jump-starts my career.’

She suddenly got an idea. ‘I know,’ she thought as she stood up.

She removed her sweats before hanging them on the pool fence, revealing the bikini she’d worn in anticipation of being in the water. Then she reached behind her back. Diamond untied her top, revealing what she hoped would be her two biggest assets in getting the part.

The producer came around the fence and was surprised to see her breasts on display. He smiled as he told her, “Oh… you don’t need to audition topless. That’s just required for the actual film.”

“Well I don’t mind,” she told him with a knowing smile. “Do you?”

“Not at all,” he answered cheerfully. Then he got down to the business of the audition.

“As I explained on the phone, you’ll be tied up for your scenes. So I want to make this audition as realistic as possible. You don’t mind, do you?” In response she shook her head no as she brought her arms behind her back.

He tied her wrists together with one end of a long nylon rope. Then he showed her the system he had built for the audition. It was down in the deep end of the pool.

She looked down and saw a long pole with two pails attached to each end. The buckets stood upright, filled with some sort of weighted material. The attached pole remained a foot off the pool floor.

The nylon rope that was tied to Diamond’s wrists snaked down, looped under the pole and came back up to the surface. The free end was now in the producer’s hands. When he pulled on the rope, she would be pulled down toward the pole.

She got into the water as he finished his preparations. She didn’t mind a little underwater bondage, although she did feel a bit uncomfortable. She just assumed he knew what he was doing.

“Here’s the deal,” the producer told her. “I’m going to pull you down to the bottom of the pool. We’ll start with fifteen seconds and then do thirty. We’ll go to sixty seconds and beyond until we determine how long you can hold your breath.”

Diamond exhaled in concern, realizing what he was asking of her. “Well… I can hold my breath for about a minute.”

He smiled at her. “If you concentrate, I bet you can do better than that. I need at least three minutes out of you.”

“Three minutes??” she responded in alarm as he held her arm. Now she wasn’t so sure she would be able to pass the audition. “Three minutes is an awfully long time. But I’ll try my best.” After all, she really wanted this gig.

He let her go and watched as she went out to the middle of the deep end of the pool. She tread water easily, indicating she was comfortable keeping her head above water. When he saw her take a deep breath, he pulled on the rope.

Diamond was pulled backwards down to the bottom of the pool. It was a bit disconcerting. But she seemed to be managing it ok.

She closed her eyes and focused on holding her breath. She tried not to expend any energy as she drifted there topless. If she concentrated, maybe she really could hold her breath long enough to get the part.

The producer actually held her down for twenty-five seconds before he let go of the rope in his hands. Diamond felt the nylon go slack as her body began to drift upward. She kicked the rest of the way to the surface where she popped up and gasped for breath.

“See how easy that was?” he called out to her.

“Not bad for a first time,” she called back. “I’m pretty sure I can go longer.”

She felt the rope tighten on her wrists. Diamond quickly filled her lungs. Then she was pulled downward toward the bottom of the pool.

Once more she concentrated on holding her breath. She closed her eyes and tried to remain perfectly still. Her legs dangled underneath her as she tried not to kick. The only thing that mattered now was improving her breath-hold time.

She wasn’t sure how long she was under before she felt slack in the rope, allowing her to drift upward. She figured that was her signal to surface. Once again Diamond kicked herself up to get another breath.

She popped up and panted for breath as she tread water. She hadn’t been straining for air all that much. That’s when she realized she could have gone longer.

“How long was that?” she called out.

“A minute,” he replied. “You were doing so well I thought I’d let you hold your breath longer. Ready to go back down?”

She took a couple deep breaths before nodding her head. “We’re going to go longer, ok?” She nodded her head again before taking another deep breath.

The producer was becoming hopeful. This one showed promise. Maybe she could hold her breath the entire three minutes for the scene he needed to shoot.

“Here we go!” he called out. Diamond inhaled loudly. Then he pulled her back down. This time he was liable to stretch it past a minute-thirty… maybe even longer…

Diamond went right to the bottom until she felt her feet touch the pool floor. Once more she closed her eyes and focused on holding her breath. By concentrating, she felt confident she could reach two minutes if given enough practice. But she wanted to make three if she could so she could earn the part before he found some other bitch to give it to.

Up at the surface, the phone went off in the producer’s back pocket. He cursed under his breath. It always happened when you were in the middle of auditioning someone. And a call at this time of the day usually meant trouble.

He fumbled with the rope and the phone until he could get the damned thing to his ear.

“Yeah? …yeah. …yeah? …hang up? Are you sure? Hang on a second, I got the script…” Inwardly he was cursing again, suspecting this was not going to be good.

At the bottom of the pool, Diamond squirmed a little. She could felt pangs of discomfort in her stomach. He was definitely keeping her down longer this time.

She released a few bubbles out of her nose and mouth. She was ok for the moment. But how long was he going to keep her down on this one?

The producer was not happy. It was an issue with his other actress. Why the hell did she have to do this to him?

“I need her next Thursday… no, I need her next Thursday… no, I’m not going to negotiate the price with her… no, we’re not going to change the script for her either…”


Down below Diamond lost a few more bubbles. She could feel the strain in her lungs now as she started to struggle. Why the hell was he pushing her so hard on this one??

She kicked and squirmed as more air slipped out of her nostrils. Her head twisted back and forth as she strained against the rope, trying to keep her flowing hair out of her face. She tried jerking on the rope her wrists were secured to in an effort to let that son-of-a-bitch know he needed to let her up.

He was facing away from the pool in frustration, his anger growing. “Okay – okay – okay – okay. We’ll pay her the extra money she wants, just as long as she’s gonna do the nude scene, ok? What do you mean ‘she wants more exposure’?? She’s going to be nude; remember?”


At the bottom of the pool Diamond was close to panicking. Why the hell wasn’t he letting her up?? Her struggles became more desperate as she fought to get back to the surface. She cried out as she twisted and jerked about.

The agony in her chest was getting worse. She wanted to inhale in the worst way. A bubbly scream was torn out of her lungs as she jerked hard on her bindings.

Her face twisted in a grimace of agony. What the hell was he trying to do?? She couldn’t hold her breath much longer!

Diamond screamed her breath away. She couldn’t help sucking water down her throat. In response, her windpipe instantly closed off.

She violently thrashed about, her body reacting to her inability to breathe. Her senses promptly overloaded. A moment later she went limp.

He was so focused on the phone call, he’d totally forgotten about the girl in the pool. “…schedule her for next Thursday at 10am! Tell her ‘don’t be late’ or she gets nothing, all right? I’ll talk to you later.”

He ended the call before turning to look at the pool. “OH, SHIT!” That’s when he tossed the rope into the water.

The slack allowed Diamond’s body to drift up to the surface. She floated face down in the pool. There was no coughing or gasping for breath… no obscenities spewed in his direction for keeping her down so long.

He stared at her lifeless body as it bobbed in the water. All he could do was shake his head with regret. “I guess three minutes was a little too long. Damn shame. She was the best lookin’ one of the bunch.”

There was nothing he could do about her now. Calling an ambulance would only throw him further off his schedule. But he couldn’t very well leave her floating out in his pool, could he?

He fished her out of the water. Then he carried her topless form out back. He had a yellow barrel that was empty next to his shed. That would work.

He dumped her unceremoniously into the bottom of it. He glanced at her for a long moment. Then he shook his head as he placed a piece of plywood over the top.

There was no time to deal with her now. There was too much to do. Besides, there were plenty more where she came from, an inexhaustible supply of bimbos to choose from…


His next audition wore a dive mask as she slowly moved along the bottom of the pool. Sammi paused every now and then to pose and posture for the producer who was watching from above. The part involved holding her breath for a long time, and she wanted to impress him.

She tried everything she could think of, including wearing her light, blue-print sun dress. She posed and teased him a couple of times. She did everything she could think of.

She really wanted the part, hoping it would help get her career on track. Now it was time to show off her assets. She swam to the slope of the deep end and reclined against it. When he looked down at her he would get a great view of her cleavage.

She slowly pulled one shoulder strap down and then the other. She smiled slyly at him as she exposed her breasts. This should get her the part for sure!

She caressed them as she held her breath, showing how she wasn’t the least bit uncomfortable being underwater. She could act for him above AND below the surface. And she could hold her breath for as long as he needed her to.

She slowly surfaced, playing the part of the temptress. Sammi removing the dive mask and set it down on the concrete surrounding the pool. Then she looked up at him and coyly asked, “How’s that?”

“That was great!” he replied enthusiastically, having totally forgotten about the girl he had just drowned. “That’s just what I’m looking for! But now we need to rehearse the actual scene I’m auditioning you for. So climb on out so I can tie you up.”

“I like to be tied up!” she told him eagerly.

She pulled the straps to her dress back up over her shoulders. Then she lifted herself out of the pool, sitting on the edge. Minutes later, he’d secured the nylon rope to her wrists behind her back.

“For this scene I want you to pretend you’re in real danger. I want good facial expressions of fear and agony.”

“No problem,” she replied. “It’s a drowning scene? I can do a drowning scene! I LOVE the water!”

He pulled on his end of the rope. Sammi was pulled down to the bottom of the pool in her sun dress. Her feet touched before she started kicking her legs, trying to act afraid and panicked.

Sammi twisted and struggled while holding her breath. How long did he want her to struggle? Hadn’t he said something about three minutes? That was a long time, but she figured she could manage it.

Her body drifted upward. She thought maybe she was going to get another breath. But he pulled her back down before she could reach the surface.

She kicked and struggled, really needing to breathe. Somehow she managed to burst up to the surface. She gasped loudly for breath, wondering why he’d kept her down like that.

“Don’t leave me under so long, ok? I’m not a fucking fish, you know!”

“Don’t worry,” he replied cheerily. “I’ve done this before. Back under you go!” He was being much too enthusiastic for her peace of mind.

Down she went as he yanked on the rope. Once more she kicked and struggled. This was turning out to be a lot more anxiety-inducing that she’d anticipated.

By now Sammi was starting to have second thoughts about the whole thing. He was enjoying pulling her down too much. What kind of part was she auditioning for anyway?

The longer he watched her struggle, the more excited he became. She was really playing her part well. The fear in her expression was intoxicating.

He hadn’t gotten the chance to watch the first girl drown because of that damned phone call. But this was what he was looking for. If he was this aroused, imagine how the customers would react upon seeing the very same thing in his film!


Sammi struggled to reach the surface, only to get pulled back down. She could feel it in her lungs now as she started bubbling in alarm. Why the hell wasn’t he pulling her back up for her next breath??

He put on a dive mask and weight belt, deciding he wanted to drown this one in person. He wanted to witness a drowning up close and personal so as to perfect the scene he wanted to shoot for his movie. Besides, he was fully prepared to drown her and then audition another girl.

He eagerly slipped into the water, surprised how aroused he’d become. Then he swam down to her. Sammi thought he was going to free her, only for him to grab on and start tearing at her dress.

Her mind cried out, “What the hell are you doing?? Get me back to the surface before I drown!!”

She slipped out of his grip and kicked toward the surface. But he grabbed onto the rope still attached to her wrists behind her back. Then he pulled her back down.

Air spewed out through her lips as she struggled to get free. The panic was obvious in her features. ‘That’s great!’ he thought happily. ‘That’s exactly the expression I’m going for! Perfect!’

She let out a bubbly scream. But he loved that too. A bubbly cry as the damsel drowns would fit the scene even better.

She broke free and shot for the surface. Sammi barely got a mouthful of air before he pulled on the rope and yanked her back under. She screamed again, causing a flurry of bubbles to dance for the surface.

The producer decided the screams really added to the scene. He would have to make sure the next girl he auditioned would give him the bubbly screams he wanted. But he wanted to finish drowning this one to see exactly what he wanted in his movie.

The part called for her to go topless. This he now wanted to see. That meant the dress had to go.

He wrapped his legs around her squirming body. Then he pulled the dress up over her head. It nicely exposed those lovely, jiggling boobs of hers.

She twisted away, trying to break free. She got close enough to the surface to pop up and snag a quick breath. But it was a painfully small one.

As he pulled hard on the rope, she let out another bubbly scream of terror as she was jerked down, kicking and struggling the entire time. The producer pulled her closer. Then he finished working the dress off her body and down her arms.

Tearing it free, he tossed it aside, maintaining his hold on the rope attached to her wrists. Then he stretched out on the bottom of the pool courtesy of the belt around his waist. Now he wanted to watch this model drown for him.

Sammi was horrified. It had all gone horribly wrong. Now it seemed as though he was actually going to drown her!

Her hair flowed around her face as she struggled not to inhale. She was out of breath, her lungs heaving ominously. It was agony, especially the way he was holding onto the rope as though intent on drowning her.

Involuntarily, she gulped a mouthful of water. Her body convulsed as she fought to keep from inhaling. Her lungs were on fire, her chest heaving insistently.

Her mouth gaped open as she lost the last of her breath. He was holding onto the rope, preventing her from reaching the surface. She was horrified at the thought he actually wanted to drown her.

The producer watched her struggles and her facial features. It looked like she was about to drown. He found himself eager to push her all the way to the end just to see it for himself.

The whole damned thing was shockingly interrupted. The girl he’d thought he’d drowned was seemingly back from the dead! She appeared in the water from out of nowhere, working the rope loose enough for Sammi to make a mad dash for the surface.

For a brief moment she struggled with the producer, trying to entangle him in the loose nylon. But he kicked and struggled too much. Giving up, she shot up for the surface.

She burst up panting loudly for breath. The girl she’d saved was coughing and wheezing. Diamond asked, “Are you all right?”

Sammi cried out, “He tried to kill me!”

“He tried to kill me too! C’mon, let’s go get him and teach him a fuckin’ lesson!”

The producer popped up for a breath. That’s when they ganged up on him. They pushed him down toward the bottom of the pool, determined to drown the bastard.

They grappled with him, trying to keep him on the bottom of the pool. But they were rapidly using up their oxygen reserves. The struggle was making it hard for them to stay down while holding their breath, much less keeping him on the bottom.

They worked together, fighting to keep him on the pool floor while avoiding his flailing arms as he grabbed for them. But he put up a remarkable resistance. They couldn’t believe the bastard had such stamina to be able to remain on the bottom like that.

He grabbed Diamond and held onto her for a moment. But she managed to break away and swim to the surface. She was out of breath and had to go back up, leaving him to struggle with the girl she’d just rescued.

He was trying to get a good hold in order to drown her when Diamond came back down. She tried to distract him, allowing Sammi to shoot up for a breath. Now Diamond was the one struggling to keep him down without drowning in the process.

Sammi struggled to catch her breath. The explosion of bubbles indicated the struggle taking place below. She was getting tired, but she could not leave that woman to her fate, not when she’d just saved her from drowning.

She filled her lungs and then swam back down. She had to help that woman! They had to drown this bastard before he managed to drown another model. Thus, she returned to join the bubbly fray.

Diamond was pushing down on him, keeping him on the pool floor when the other woman returned. Together they fought to prevent him from reaching the air he had once tried to deny them. They pushed, prodded, and grabbed anything that moved in an effort to keep him down on the pool floor.

Diamond was forced to break off and swim back to the surface again. She gulped in a quick lungful of air. Then she quickly returned to help her topless ally.

The producer struggled feebly before he stopped moving altogether. Sammi tapped Diamond’s arm and pointed upward. They surfaced together, leaving his body to sway in the turbulence of the struggle.

They reached the surface and gasped mightily for breath, amazed it had taken so long to drown the bastard. “Sonofabitch is dead now!” Sammi gasped with exhaustion. Diamond could only pant heavily, feeling tired all over.

Diamond was in shock over how long he could hold his breath underwater. She shook her head as she finally found her voice. “It took us about five minutes to kill his ass! DAMN!”

They only had a moment to savor their victory. Then they were suddenly pulled underwater together. What the hell…??!!

It was the producer! Was he back from the dead? Had they not finished him off??


The women were totally caught off-guard. They were shocked they hadn’t succeeded in drowning him. That gave him time to wrap his legs tightly around Diamond’s waist while grabbing Sammi by the wrists

He dragged both women with him he swam down to the pole. He was determined to leave one of them tied to it. He lassoed Sammi’s wrists with the rope and wrapped them as fast as he could.

Diamond struggled between his legs. But she couldn’t wriggle free. All she could do was watch in horror as he tied the other woman to that wooden pole stretched between the two buckets on the bottom of the pool.

Sammi cried out in alarm as she struggled to free herself. There was so much rope, and her wrists were tied together. She couldn’t free herself!!

Diamond struggled to get out from between his legs. But they were clamped tightly around her waist. She wouldn’t be able to help the other girl if she couldn’t save herself!

The producer finally shed the weight belt. With Diamond between his legs, he was able to go up to get the breath of air he badly needed. With one bimbo roped to the pole, all he had to do was push down with his feet to keep the other submerged so he could drown her.

Freed from between his legs, Diamond tried to reach the surface. But the producer blocked her path. He wasn’t letting her past him to reach the air she needed.

She tried moving around him. But he kept himself between her and the surface of the pool. No matter what she did, he refused to let her up.

She tried swimming away, trying to get far enough ahead of him to reach the surface. He simply swam after her, intercepting her and preventing her from getting up. She was too focused on her own survival to go to the aid of the woman she’d previously freed from all that rope, the same woman who was now tied up again and drowning!

Sammi was left to fend for herself. She was secured to the pole by several lengths of nylon rope. She tugged and pulled, but it wouldn’t come free. She even tried to pry it off with her teeth, desperate to free herself.

She couldn’t believe how the tide had turned. She thought for sure they had drowned the bastard! Sammi gnawed on the knot, a bubbly groan of despair escaping her lips as she worked it with her teeth…


Every time Diamond pushed to reach the surface, he pushed her back down. It had become a Mexican stand-off. The only problem was: he was the one breathing at the surface, while she was not.

Twisting and turning, she swam off again. He followed her every move, swimming just above her. He kept pushing her down, preventing her from reaching the surface…


Sammi gave up using her mouth. She yanked and jerked on the rope, hoping it would somehow work loose. She kicked with her legs, struggling to find any way of making it back to the surface….


As Diamond pushed up, he pushed down on her. She spun, turned and twisted. But he was always there, directly above her and blocking her path.

She swam into the shallow end, hoping to be able to stand up at some point. He swam directly over her, preventing her from getting her head up. Then he reached down, wrapping his legs around her again. There was no thought as to what was happening to the other woman in the pool…


Sammi was desperate to try anything. She even grabbed the pole and lifted with all her might. It bent from the weight in each bucket.

She managed to raise it about a foot. But she couldn’t get it any higher. She strained with all her might, losing bubbles of air from a great effort. Her face was a mask of desperation as her lungs heaved from a breathless inferno in her chest…

Diamond closed her eyes from the burn of chlorine in the water. She focused on holding what little breath she had left for as long as she could. Her cheeks bulged as her arms waved feebly.

She tried to kick her way out of his grip. But he was too strong. And she was too exhausted.

He smiled, sensing impending victory. The other bitch was still struggling with the rope and the pole in the deep end. It looked like she wasn’t getting free any time soon.

That left this one. She seemed tired… exhausted. Surely her bubbly demise was not far off. Now it was easy to push down and keep her between his legs…

With a burst of adrenaline Sammi lifted the buckets two feet off the ground, only to grow weary and have them fall back down with a thud. She yanked on the rope in desperation, having exhausted all other options. Her lungs were on fire… and she was so tired, so very tired…

The producer pulled Diamond to the side of the pool. It was easy to flip her upside down. Instinctively she grabbed her nose, struggling not to flood her sinuses to the point where she might involuntarily inhale.

She flailed weakly, her chest heaving as her breasts bobbed. She couldn’t hold her breath much longer. Her lungs screamed for more air.

Sammi thrashed about, kicking desperately as her breasts jiggled wildly. She was too exhausted to struggle much longer. Her cheeks bulged as she poured what little energy she had left into holding her breath…


Diamond continued to struggle uselessly against the side of the pool. Upside down, she was helpless, unable to get free. Her eyes remained closed as her lungs screamed at her.

The producer glanced into the deep end. Bubbles were coming up. Then he looked down at Diamond, wondering who was going to drown first. It made his cock stiffen with anticipation…


Sammi’s cheeks bulged as though her mouth were full of marbles. She looked up helplessly at the surface. Just one breath… all she wanted was just one little breath…


Diamond gurgled as water invaded her lungs. Then she started convulsing. The producer wrapped an arm around her and hauled her off toward the steps of the shallow end.

He sat down and turned her over so he could watch her face. He wanted to view her final moments. He wrapped a leg around her to make sure she wouldn’t drift up as air bubbled freely out of her mouth…

A burst of air fled Sammi’s heaving lungs. She reflexively inhaled, gurgling and hitching. She coughed another burst of air as she looked up at the surface, her mind screaming in horror…

Unhindered, air trickled steadily out of Diamond’s lungs. She spasmed and convulsed painfully. Her breasts wobbled with every hitch and shudder…


Sammi convulsed and gurgled. Another burst of air billowed out of her mouth. Her lungs rapidly flooded, filling with pool water……


Diamond’s body convulsed, all caught up in the throes of drowning. A few small bursts of air escaped past her lips. The producer calmly brushed her hair with his hand as he creamed himself…


Buoyancy caused Sammi’s legs to point upward toward the surface. She was no longer struggling. She simply hung limp and lifeless, tethered to the pole by the nylon rope wrapped around her wrists…


A few bubbles slipped past Diamond’s lips. The producer pushed into her stomach, forcing out the rest of her air. She hitched as a few more solitary bubbles slipped away…

Sammi’s body floated parallel to the pool bottom, her arms still attached to the pole by the rope. Her long, flowing hair obscured her face…

A final trickle of bubbles slipped away from Diamond’s lips as though emerging from somewhere deep inside her. The producer continued to brush her hair, reminding himself that she was, after all, the best of the bunch. Then he stood up.

He grabbed Diamond in tow and pulled her toward the deep end to check on Sammi. It didn’t take long to spot her lifeless body floating next to the pole. She had drowned as well.

Inspired, he pulled Diamonds body down to the pole and attached it by the wrists with some leftover rope. They floated together, tethered to the pole. He admired the two drowned women as they drifted together in their macabre dance of death.

‘Now that’s the image I want for my movie!’ he decided with a surge of perverse excitement. ‘I gotta call the studio. Maybe they can send over a few more girls. I’ll keep doing this as long as I have to until I get it right…’

2004; 2019 (written Nov 23 ’04; ed. Oct 16 ‘19 by riwa)

(Inspiration and pictures are from Aqua fantasies “Casting Call” and are for illustration purposes only.)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Picture Stories - Aqua Fantasies | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Luring a French maid (to her hanging) 4.3 (32)

Re-edited from an earlier post

“It’s the best French maid costume I’ve ever seen!” Dara gushed as they stood in the private room. Sounds of the Halloween party could be heard down the hall in the main room.

“It is?” Macy asked excitedly, quite pleased her outfit seemed to be a winning costume.

“It sure is, hun!” Treva told her. “You win the grand prize! You get to star in an upcoming scene in our next movie!”

“What’s the scene?” the excited French maid asked.

They pointed her in the direction of a noose dangling from the ceiling. A wooden stool lay directly underneath. A camera on a tripod stood nearby.

“Is it an execution scene?” Macy asked.  Or am I the victim of a serial killer?” She actually seemed enthusiastic.

“A serial killer, hun,” Dara told her. “Let’s have you stand in front of the stool so we can get a few stills.”

The French maid willingly took her place in front of the stool. She smiled as she shifted into different poses. Dara went behind the camera and took a few pictures.

Afterwards she motioned at her friend. “Treva, should we get her up on the stool? We could frame the noose around her face.”

“Great idea, Dara! Let’s do it. You don’t mind; do you, Macy?”

“Why should I mind?” the French maid replied, excited she might actually get to play a part in a movie.

Treva helped her up onto the stool, making sure she stayed balanced on her heels. She was positioned so her face was framed by the noose. That’s when Dara got behind the camera and took a few more pictures as Macy posed precariously.

“That’s good,” Dara observed. Then she motioned with her hand as she told her, “Now try to look ‘in character’. Try to look scared.”

The girl in the French maid costume did her best to look alarmed. She nervously eyed the coil before her as several more pictures were taken. “How’s that?” she finally asked after a few moments.

“That’s great. Now put your head in the noose.”

Treva stepped in and helped steady her as Macy looped it around her throat. Then she stepped back out of the shot as Dara took a few more pictures. Macy posed as best she could, trying to maintain her balance while appearing frightened as her arms hung at her sides.

“Something’s not right,” Dara observed as she stepped back from the camera.

“What’s wrong?” Treva asked.

“We need the bondage look. Put the cuffs on her. She won’t mind… right, hun?”

“Oh, I don’t mind,” the French maid gushed. “Actually, this is kind of exciting. Do you think I’ll get the part?”

“With that outfit and the way you’re posing for us? I’m sure of it!

Treva cuffed the girl’s arms behind her back. “It’s getting a little hard to balance on this stool,” Macy observed nervously.

“That’s ok,” Dara told her. “We won’t be much longer.”

Treva snugged the noose tight around Macy’s neck. Dara stepped up to the camera. Then she snapped off a few more pictures. “Looks good,” Treva observed as she stood out of the way.

Macy did her best to continue posing. She was nervous about her balance. Thus, the alarm she presented was quite realistic.

“Almost done,” Dara called out. “We just need a couple more for your portfolio.” Then she smiled knowingly at her companion…

“I’m ready, Treva. Kick the stool out from underneath her, and I’ll take a few more.”

“Kick the stool out… WHAT??”

Macy’s eyes flew open in surprise. A moment later the stool was kicked away, skittering across the floor. The noose instantly took her full weight.

She only dropped a couple of inches. But the rope tightened ominously around her throat. It had the effect of nearly cutting off her breath.

She rasped and gurgled as she struggled to get a decent amount of air down her windpipe. Her feet instinctively kicked and pedaled as she fought the noose. “That’s it; make it realistic, hun!” Dara called out enthusiastically as she kept snapping photos.

The girl in the French maid costume frantically jerked her arms up and down behind her back. But it was all in vain as she rasped for breath. Her feet fluttered for solid footing as she choked and gurgled.

The skirt of her outfit fluttered from her fight with the noose. Her struggles lessened considerably as her chest heaved. She could no longer get any air down into her lungs.

She finally became too exhausted to kick anymore. Her body made little twitching motions as stray muscles fired from sporadic nerve impulses. That’s when a stain appeared in her skirt as droplets hit the floor.

“That’s great” Dara gasped as she continued snapping pictures. “Pissing yourself was a nice touch! Keep it up; you’re doing great!”

The French maid hung limp as her body gently twisted and swayed. Treva came up to the strangled girl and placed a couple of fingers against her carotid artery. “Anything?” Dara asked.

“Almost gone” was the reply. “Her heart’s barely beating. Get my picture with her, ok?”

She wrapped an arm around Macy’s waist. A couple more photos were snapped. Then the girls switched places so Dara could have her picture taken with the dangling body.

As a last treat, they set the timer. Then they stood on either side of their gullible victim. The camera took pictures of Dara and Treva standing with Macy’s corpse dangling between them.

“Give her one last swing,” Dara said to her conspiring friend as she walked behind the camera one last time. “I want to get a few more shots of her swaying back and forth.”

The lifeless body was given a gentle push, setting her to twisting and swinging. Her face had turned purple as her neck lengthened considerably. Dara snapped a few more pictures until she was fully satisfied.

“That’s perfect!” she told the corpse with a big smile. “These are just what we were looking for! You did great!”

She walked up to Treva and put an arm around her. “These blondes are so gullible. Let’s go back to the Halloween party and see who else we can pick up. I want to see if we can get one to stick her head in that guillotine down in the basement.”

They packed up their camera and tripod. Then the two conspirators giggled as they walked out of the room. The girl in the French maid costume was simply left to hang quietly, having given the one and only performance the two wicked bitches were looking for.

2013; 2019 (written Oct 30 ’13; ed. Dec 2 ‘19 by riwa)

(Picture found on the net and added for illustration purposes only.)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories | Leave a comment

A short interrogation 2.8 (24)

Note: a re-edited Dorothy story from 2014

As soon as Dorothy stepped through the door, she knew she was in trouble. It wasn’t the uniformed men standing beside each of her girls sitting in the main foyer, nor was it the worried look in Aneeqa’s eyes. It was the sound of the cocking of a luger in her ear.

She made herself sound cheerful. “Captain Klossman, I presume?” Then she turned to face him.

“How good of you to come. I suppose you and your men are looking for the usual discount?”

“Not at all, mademoiselle,” he responded formally. “I know where you have been. I can assure you the Gestapo does not like it in the slightest.”

Dorothy didn’t even bat an eye. “Well then we’ll just have to give them the same discount. Right girls?”

She saw Aneeqa try to smile bravely at her words. But there was a haunted look in her eyes. It was the look of a woman who believed her life was about to come to a rather abrupt end.

The captain motioned toward the door with his luger. “You and your girls will come with me, mademoiselle. Major Mossman of the Gestapo wishes to see you.” That’s when soldiers lifted their rifles, causing the other girls of her brothel to nervously rise.

Dorothy was not surprised at the sudden appearance of a lorry pulling up to the door. The good captain had planned for everything, even going so far as to arrange transport for her and her girls. Her only question now was how he and the Gestapo had found out.

Was her contact in danger? She certainly hoped not. But there was nothing she could do about it now. No matter how much this Major Mossman of the Gestapo tortured her, she was not about to give him up.

One by one the soldiers assisted the girls up into the back of the lorry. Then they climbed in with them. A few moments later it lumbered off, leaving Dorothy to wonder if she would ever return to grace the halls of her establishment to once again ply her trade.

Aneeqa sat beside her. Dorothy carefully touched her friend’s exposed knee. It was their code when amongst strangers, especially the enemy…

“Do they know anything?”

Her friend patted her hand three times… “I do not know.” Then she squeezed her fingers reassuringly… “I told them nothing.” Dorothy breathed a sigh of relief. Apparently it was not Aneeqa who had betrayed the cause.

As the truck lumbered through the streets of the French town, Dorothy reassuringly grasped her friend’s elbow… “I understand. We shall remain silent.”

Aneeqa grasped her hand upon her knee encouragingly… “Yes, we shall.” Surely their intimate gestures would not arouse suspicion. But the two of them could not help wondering about the other girls.

Had one of them spilled the beans? It seemed unlikely. Still, it was possible there was a traitor in their midst.

Dorothy had no idea where they were being taken. It certainly seemed like they were going for a very long ride. Her hopes of ever returning to the brothel sank lower and lower with the passage of time.

The lorry made several turns as it slowed down. Dorothy thought she detected the aroma of the sea on the wind. Then the truck came to a halt.

The back opened and the captain appeared. He motioned for his men to get out. Then he indicated they should bring the women out as well.

Dorothy discovered they were on a beach. She gasped in dismay at what she saw down at the water’s edge. Five posts stood upon the shore sticking up out of the sand.

At a command from the captain Dorothy and her girls were taken over. Each girl was secured to a different post. Clearly this did not bode well.

“Captain?” Dorothy called out, trying to keep the panic out of her voice. “Are we here to serve the mermen of the sea?”

He appeared not to be the least bit amused. He coldly responded, “Major Mossman will be with you in due course, mademoiselle. Our orders are to leave you here.”

“But the tide…” Aneeqa started to say in alarm.

“Yes, mademoiselle… the tide” was all the captain replied with a knowing smile.

The soldiers walked back to the truck. The five women were left to stand bound to their posts in the early afternoon sun. The men piled into the back of the lorry. Then it drove off, leaving the women standing all alone with their backs to the incoming sea.

Dorothy waited until the lorry was gone before she looked down the row at her girls. They were clearly frightened. Were there any listening devices? She did not see any and decided to chance it.

“Did anyone talk?”

They all shook their heads at her. Elise and Helene, the two younger ones both murmured, “No, mademoiselle.”

“Could they have found out from someone else?” she quietly asked Aneeqa who was bound to the post next to her. “Or will the Major come to interrogate us as promised?”

“I do not know, ma cherie,” Aneeqa responded with a sad little smile. “I suspect we shall find out soon enough.”

“That is if they do not drown us first,” Dorothy replied dryly. A brief struggle to wriggle out of her bonds proved fruitless.

“Perhaps this is their way of making us talk?” Aneeqa suggested, the worry evident in her features.

The other girls had overheard and were adamant. “We shall NEVER talk!” little Elise at the end of the row loudly proclaimed.

She acted as though she was speaking for all. She proudly hefted her chest, displaying what had made her such a hit with the men who frequented their establishment. The other girls nodded their agreement.

Dorothy smiled with fondness in their direction. But the tide was ominously coming in. The water was up to their knees when they heard the sound of a lorry approaching. Did it contain the dreaded Major Mossman?

“Courage girls!” Dorothy declared. “We speak not a word! Vive la France!”

“Vive la France!” the girls cried out in unison.

The lorry drove onto the sand. It pulled up and halted less than 25 meters away. The lorry displayed its canvas side to the girls as they stood in rising water.

The passenger door opened. A stern looking man in his thirties stepped out. He was wearing the uniform of the Gestapo as he walked down to the girls with a riding crop in his hands.

He slapped it into his palm. Then he walked over toward Dorothy, avoiding getting his boots wet. He briefly inspected her and the others in line all secured to their posts.

She and her girls were dressed as tarts, not something one might wear to an interrogation. But it did nothing for him, as he paused at the water’s edge. He was all business as he stood a full 5 meters away from where the girls were already standing in deepening water.

“Mademoiselle?” he called out to her sternly. “We have been tracking messages being sent to and coming from your establishment. Would you please divulge the contents of these messages?”

“We have received no messages,” Dorothy responded politely, trying to act confused at his claim. “And we have sent no messages, unless you are referring to those intended for your officers and enlisted men to come seek a little companionship from the ravages of war.” She smiled as though he should fully understand the nature of her profession.

“These would be special messages, mademoiselle,” he told her, allowing a hint of menace in his voice. “These would be messages sent to and received from the Allies?”

He looked down at the water having risen to her knees. He nodded with a faint smile as though acknowledging the danger she and her girls were in. “Mademoiselle, I would suggest you cooperate. As you can tell, there is not much time to discuss the matter.” He used his riding crop to motion at the tide coming in by way of explanation.

“I know of no such messages,” Dorothy replied, shaking her head.

The major sighed heavily. “Yah, I see.”

He calmly took a couple of steps to his left until he was facing Aneeqa. “And what about you, mademoiselle?”

“I know of no such messages” was Aneeqa’s firm reply.

He stepped over a couple more spaces to face Helene. “And you, mademoiselle?”

“I know of no such messages, Herr Major.”

Two paces farther over. “And you?” he asked Brigitte.

“I’m sorry, Herr Major. But I know of no such messages.”

Two further steps to the left. “What about you?”

“No, Herr Major,” Elise answered politely, shaking her head. “I know of no such messages.”

He sighed heavily. “Yah, it is as I suspected.”

He abruptly slammed his riding crop into the palm of his hand. The younger women flinched. Dorothy remained steadfast, although her heart beat fast. She sensed this was not going to end well.

“So be it, mademoiselles.”

He strode back to the passenger side of the lorry. He muttered something about it certainly being a very short interrogation. Dorothy was surprised. Was that it??

When he reached the lorry he pounded twice on the edge of the cab with the palm of his hand. The canvas abruptly rolled up along the side of the transport. What was revealed was a heavy machine gun on a tripod, fully manned and at the ready.

The gunner wasted no time taking aim at the five young women. There was hardly a pause. Then he started firing with no preamble whatsoever.

The gun went off with a noisy rat-a-tat-tat. At the end of the line Elise sported a look of complete and utter shock as her body took a half dozen slugs before she even got the chance to scream. She slumped against her post, blood coming up out of her mouth as her eyes stared in astonishment.

At that moment the rest of Dorothy’s girls instantly realized the interrogation had come to a quick end. They all started screaming as the gun continued its rat-a-tat-tat. Brigitte’s screams were silenced forever as she grunted and then slumped forward, her body riddled with slugs.

Helene barely had time to scream Dorothy’s name at the top of her lungs before the gun swung over to include her in its sights. She also grunted as she slumped, several rivulets of blood pumping out of her severely riddled body. By now the tide had begun to redden with the addition of a new color of liquid around the submerged legs of the women being gunned down.

Dorothy screamed the whole time, numb with shock to the point she was unaware she was doing it. She watched her girls being methodically gunned down one by one. She was just starting to blurt out the name of her dear friend – “Aneeqa – NOO!” when there was another rat-a-tat-tat.

The bullets tore into Aneeqa’s body. The poor girl dance obscenely against the post she was tied to. Then she slumped over in death.

In a split-second Dorothy’s life flashed before her eyes. Then she started to scream for herself as the gunfire came in her direction. Hot lead tore into her body until she jerked like a marionette as she was riddled with bullets.

Her screams were silenced as she too slumped against the post she was secured to. For a moment there was silence save the sound of the tide coming in. Then the good major hit the side of the lorry twice with the palm of his hand.

The canvas came back down along the side of the lorry. The gunner was hidden as before. It looked like nothing more than a common transport.

The Major took one last look at the five bodies slumped and bleeding into the afternoon tide. “A short interrogation indeed,” he observed. Then he climbed into the passenger side of the lorry. It roared off, the wheels kicking up sand. Five bleeding, bullet-riddled tarts were left tied to their posts as a stern warning to anyone who might dare side with the Allies against the Third Reich.

2014 (written for Dorothy and Rifleman Feb 16 ’14; ed. Mar 26 ‘20 by riwa)

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Acting out Riwa’s story 4.4 (43)

“What’s his next story?”

“This one should be interesting.”

“What is it?”

“He says she goes down to the bottom of the pool and uses a vibrator on herself for four minutes.”

“Four minutes? That’s a long breath-hold!”

“Some of his characters can do that.”

“What happens to her at the end?”

“She doesn’t quite make it.”

“Are you telling me she drowns?”

“He doesn’t really say. Why? Do you want to know whether she drowns or not?”

“Is she left on the pool floor to drown?”


“So let me get this straight. She’s on the pool bottom using a toy on herself for four minutes?”

“There’s a guy down there that times her.”

“And I suppose you want to be the one who times me, eh?”

“Why? Are you thinking of going down?”

“I don’t know. Sounds kind of hot.”

“All his stories are hot.”

“Some more than others.” Now she was cupping her breast, her nipples poking through her skimpy pink top.

“What? You want to act this one out?”

“If I do, do I have to stay down the full four minutes?”

“You have to according to this story.”

“What if I can’t hold my breath long enough?”

“Then I guess you’ll swallow some water down there, won’t you.” He smiles as though he might enjoy seeing that.

“A vibrator?” she asks dubiously.

“He says one of those pink, ribbed ones… like the one you have that really drives you crazy.”

“Damn! That figures. I don’t know…”

“Then why are you touching yourself right now?”

She self-consciously stops. “I don’t know. It sounds kind of… I have to use it on myself?”

“The story goes that she pushes it in up at the surface, turns it on and then goes down to the bottom of the pool to hold her breath. The guy goes down and makes sure she stays down until her four minutes are up.”

“Gawd; I don’t know. I’m not sure I can make four minutes. But I kind of… I kind of want to try.”

“Ok. You go get the vibrator. I’ll attach some ankle weights so I can stay down with you.”

“Ok; you talked me into it.”

“No I didn’t. You want to do this. You think it’s kind of hot, don’t you?”

“Oh, shut up!”

Five minutes later they are back, sitting on the pool’s edge.

“Ok, it’s inside me. My bottoms are holding it in place. And I’ve got a weight belt around my waist so I don’t float up. Gawd, it’s… it’s really… I don’t know if I can stay down four minutes.”

“You’ll have to if you want to act out this story. I’ve got ankle weights on to help keep me down and stay with you.” Then he checks his watch. “Are you ready?”

“Gawd; it’s… it’s really buzzing inside me! I don’t know… maybe I… fuck; I’m going to do this!”

“So you want me to follow the story?”

She looks at him dubiously. Then she nods her head.

“Ok. Let’s go.”

She hyperventilates. Then she slips under, losing a few bubbles on the way down. He checks his watch before following her down.

She stops and hangs onto the bottom rung of the ladder. He shakes his head and points. She has to go all the way down and lie flat on her back.

She shakes her head, losing a couple bubbles out of her nose. He points again. She finally nods as she lets go of the bottom rung of the ladder.

She reaches the bottom and lies flat on her back on the pool floor. He kneels right next to her. She lies there and bubbles, wincing as her sinuses adjust to the sting.

He motions she needs to fuck herself with the toy. She moves her bottoms aside and grabs the end sticking out. Then she starts to thrust it in and out.

There is a quiet, yet distinct buzzing sound. She wriggles a little as she loses a little air. Then she motions she wants to go back up.

He shakes his head before motioning… “Hunh – unh. Now you’re committed.” Then he indicates the time on his watch. She’s been down for 1:30.

She winces as she wriggles a little. She stops fucking herself. So he reaches down, grabs the toy and works it in and out of her.

She winces in agony as she loses a few more bubbles. He didn’t specifically say this was a part of the story. She begins to wonder if he deliberately left a few things out.

The toy continues to buzz. She motions at his watch. He checks it before motioning back her time… 2:20.

She shakes her head and motions for the surface. He shakes his head and smiles. Then he pushes down on her chest while working the buzzing toy in and out of her.

She loses more bubbles. This wasn’t really a part of the story, was it? Did he leave out the part about the guy pushing her down and working the toy inside her? She had no idea he was going to do this to her!

She motions at the watch as more bubbles slip out of her nostrils. He signals back… 3:10. Gawd; she’s not sure she can hold her breath long enough!

The toy is driving her crazy. She wriggles and squirms as she loses more air. Then she shakes her head and motions at the surface.

He grins as he firmly pushes down on her chest. Then he really fucks her with the toy. Her eyes fly open… Surely this wasn’t part of the story, was it??

She motions at the watch on his wrist. He just smiles as he fucks her with the toy. She humps and bubbles as she motions at the watch again while wincing. But he does not give her an indication of the time.


Her torso begins to shimmy. She loses a burst of air as she shudders hard in orgasm. That’s when her lungs become empty.

Her eyes fly open in horror as she clamps a hand over her mouth. Her chest hitches as she swallows water. Then she begins coughing and convulsing as she grunts and gurgles.

He fucks her harder with the toy as she bucks and shudders and swallows water. The second orgasm that envelops her is incredibly intense. She can feel herself starting to lose consciousness.

He checks his watch before popping her weight belt. Then he scoops her up in his arms. He carries her up to the surface where he manages to heft her up onto the side of the pool.

She spews water out of her mouth. Then she goes into a serious coughing fit. It takes her a couple of minutes before she gets most of the moisture out of her windpipe and can breathe without coughing.

He climbs out of the water and retrieves a couple of towels. They both dry themselves off. Then he picks up the laptop and looks at it.

She gives him a skeptical look. “Don’t tell me all that was in his story, was it?”

“I, uh… I improvised a little.” He grins mischievously.

“That was terrible! I started to drown!”

“But you came twice. You also made it to four minutes.”

“No thanks to you!”

“Yes-thanks to me. I’m the one who had to keep you down in order for you to make it.”

“Bastard.” He just laughs.

She coughs again. Then she sees him studying the laptop. “What is it?”

“He just posted another one.”

“What is it this time?”

“She has to ride a cock at the bottom of the pool for four minutes.”

She looks at him and licks her lips. “Another four minutes?”

“Four minutes.”

“And does she drown again?”

He says nothing…

“You’re not telling me whether or not she drowns again?”

He just gives her a knowing look.

She notices the erection in his suit. “Damn! You WANT me to drown, don’t you! Ok – ok; you talked me into it! Besides, it looks like you need a good fuck anyway.”

“I didn’t talk you into anything.”

“Just shut up, fill your lungs, and get ready to fuck me at the bottom of the pool; ok?”

“And keep you down for four minutes or until you drown?”

She winces. Then she spits out, “Yes, damn you!” He just laughs as his cock twitches in his Speedos.

9-3-21 (inspired by the JustPaul render)

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The gentlemen’s club (bonus story) 4.5 (45)

Brian leads me in naked. I cannot see with the blindfold on my face. But I trust him implicitly as he leads me over to the chair.

I hear the voices of the males in the room. They grow silent as Brian helps me find the chair. I feel around for it until I grasp onto the protruding phallus sticking up out of the seat.

I smile in the direction of those watching me as I gingerly adjust myself onto the chair. I slowly impale my pussy on the phallus until it completely fills me. I adjust my position until I’m comfortable… or at least as comfortable as one can be in my situation.

Brian drapes a tie in my hand, telling me, “Compliments of one of our guests.” I blindly smile forward. Then I take the tie and deliberately wrap it around my neck.

I grasp onto both ends. Then I began to pull. It’s that moment of strangulation that causes my pussy to contract around the dildo I’m impaled upon.

I ride it as I strangle myself. My head turns from side to side, although I cannot see anything: neither Brian nor our paying customers. I had no idea I would be making money in a Gentlemen’s club off my fetish.

I pull harder, thoroughly strangling myself. I begin to rasp and struggle. My cunt clenches even tighter around the phallus inside me. I’m such an asphyxia slut.

I hear murmurs of excitement from the audience. I can detect both male and female voices. It amazes me how many bitches out there love watching a whore strangle herself while impaled by a big dick.

I wheeze as I start to struggle. I try to pull hard on the tie around my throat. But self-preservation inevitably sets in.

I release my grasp on the tie when I see stars. My pussy is soaked; I nearly came that time. My hands tremble as my body gets the shakes.

“Brian?” I murmur loud enough for the audience to hear. “I’m going to need a little help here.”

The poor lad is an orbiter. I’ve taken plenty from him, but I’ve never given back. He wants to marry me, and he often gives me money and attention. But to me that’s all he’s good for.

I hear him shuffle up behind me. I feel him grab both ends of the tie. That’s when I reach down to touch my swollen nub while using my other hand to grope my boobs.

Brian begins to strangle me from behind. I hear excited murmurs from my audience. It’s a private showing for club members, as well as their friends, wives and girlfriends.

Brian pulls a little tighter. It sets my clit on fire. I furiously rub it with my fingers as my cunt clenches involuntarily around the phallus inside me. This time I’m definitely going to cum.

I hear growing murmurs of excitement from those watching me. Some woman eagerly gasps, “Strangle the fucking bitch!” Her words fill me with a terrible arousal.

My fingers blur over my swollen button. Brian pulls harder on the tie. But I know he won’t harm me. He’s a beta, hopelessly in love with me.

The man who paid for the privilege of seeing me strangled with his tie will get it back before the night is over. Will he retire it to some special location? Will he masturbate over and over to it in remembrance of how it was used to strangle me? It turns me on knowing he’ll get horny thinking about me long after this night is over.

Brian pulls harder on the tie. It gets to the point where I can hardly breathe at all. That’s when panic threatens to overwhelm me.

My hands reach up to stop him. My fingers claw at the tie around my throat. My body rocks as I furiously ride the thick phallus inside me.

I want to breathe – I need to breathe – I need air! Is Brian going to take me too far? He wouldn’t dare, would he?? GAWD; I WANT AIR!

I try to pull against the tie around my neck. Brian just maintains the tension, knowing how much I love it. He loves me, so I know he won’t hurt me. But he’s pulling so damned tight!

I’ve never have sex with him, although he wants me to. He would never hurt me, so I trust him with my life. But why the hell is he pulling it so tight??

I find myself wondering if I’ve misjudged him. Is this his revenge for not getting to stick his dick inside me?? Would he strangle me to death in front of a roomful of customers??

The stars return as I struggle in the chair. Then I’m cumming like a fucking whore. I make a huge mess on the chair as I furiously milk the phallus I’m impaled upon.

I shudder as my arms suddenly fell to my sides. I go into what feels like spasms and seizures. Then I’m aware of nothing at all.

Brian tells me there’s always a palpable excitement from the audience at this point. I’m not out very long. Then I start to come around as I go into little recovery spasms.

I hear enthusiastic applause. That’s when I allow myself an inward smile. I’ve done it again, putting on a good show while cumming all over myself.

I can’t help wondering if I’m the only one. How many guys creamed themselves watching Brian strangle me into unconsciousness? How many bitches climaxed to my suffering?

The tie is removed. I hear Brian giving it back to the guy in the audience. There’s more applause, along with several murmurs of “Lucky bastard.”

Brian helps me up off the chair. I hear him ask, “You ok?” The dildo slurps out of my soaked pussy with a wet plop. Then he gingerly walks me off the stage.

He holds my hand as he quietly tells me, “You did it again, Teri. You had them eating out of the palm of your hand. I saw guys and gals all rubbing crotches.”

“Did you have to strangle me so hard?”

“I thought you loved it like that.”

“Just be careful, ok?” Actually, he was just fine with the way he strangled me. But I always like to put him in his place.

I allow him to walk me back to my changing room as I don’t want to see anyone coming and going. Club members like having that anonymity with me. Besides, I’m well paid. Even Brian gets a percentage when he goes out into the audience. Got to give the guy a bone every now and then, right?

A niggling thought tickles the back of my brain. What if Brian gets pissed one day? What if he strangles me for not marrying him… for not allowing him to fuck me?

I tell myself that would never happen. He’s too much in love with me. He thinks someday I’ll come around, and he’s willing to wait.

But sometimes I can’t help thinking about it, especially when he’s at the height of strangling me. Is that why I keep going through the risk? Is it the erotic thrill of the unknown? The thought gives me a delicious shiver that settles in my pussy, making it tingle with longing.

At the top of the next hour Brian leads me in again. Once more I’m naked and blindfolded. There’s something about performing nude without sight that gives me an added thrill.

Once more I’m lead to my chair. I feel around until I detect the protruding phallus. Then I gingerly sit down upon it again until my cunt is fully impaled.

“Slut!” a female voice calls forth from the audience. I smile inwardly. I do not mind the names, so long as they keep providing the coin I desire.

I begin to ride the large dildo inside me. It isn’t long before Brian places something in my hand. It crinkles, and I know exactly what to do with it.

I fumble around until I find the opening. Then I pull the bag down over my head. I close it off around my throat, gently choking myself.

I breathe normally as I ride the phallus. It isn’t long before the air in the bag becomes stale from my exhalations. That’s when it starts deflating tighter against my face.

I ride my chair-cock harder as the bag deflates more noticeably. I love the way it tightens against my face. It gives me such a thrill despite the growing panic of breathlessness.

I inhale deeply until the bag pulls tightly to my face. I begin to shudder as I start to panic. My hands quickly open the bag, and I gratefully breathe fresh air.

I hear excited murmurs from the audience. I pull the bag back down over my head. Then I begin the process anew.

I feel that thrill again as the bag starts deflating against my face. I struggle for as long as I can. My pussy becomes so wet that it squishes around the phallus inside it.

Once more I reach that delicious point of panic and growing terror. I frantically pull the bag up off my face. Then I pant for breath.

A female voice out in the audience cries out, “Suffocate her with these!” I look all around, although I cannot see a thing. I hear Brian walk out into the audience. A moment later he returns.

Something soft and silky is put into my grasp. He bends down and says in my ear, “Compliments of a fan, Teri.” I blindly smile toward the audience, wondering who made the donation.

I pull the bag back down over my head. Then I wrap the nylons around my neck. It seals off the bag far better than the grasp of my hands around my throat.

I ride the phallus harder as the bag begins to deflate in a more pronounced manner. Now it will take more time to release the nylons, open the bag and get the air I’ll need to breathe. A delicious thought goes through my mind how this could go horribly wrong if I cannot get the bag off my head in time.

I breathe harder, my lungs protesting at being forced to recycle my exhaled breaths. The bag crinkles as it inflates and deflates. My pussy drips copiously as I ride the dildo with more urgency.

I begin to shudder as I struggle for air. Then I frantically unwarp the nylons from around my throat. The bag opens up and I pant wildly for breath.

That same female voice enthusiastically cries out, “Bag the slut!” That’s when I feel Brian grab onto my left wrist. With a familiar clicking sound he cuffs my arm to the back chair leg.

Brian does the same to my right wrist. Now I cannot use my hands at all. I suddenly feel quite vulnerable… totally at his mercy.

I tremble with anticipation as I wait for what I know is coming next. The bag is slowly brought down over my head again. Then the nylons tighten around my throat, sealing in my exhalations.

I tremble from a fearful arousal as I try to breathe normally. But I cannot help clenching around the phallus inside me. It drives me wild, especially since I cannot get a decent breath of fresh, clean air.

My lungs protest as I breathe in my own exhalations. I inhale harder, trying to get fresh air. The bag crinkles as it deflates tighter and tighter against my face.

My hands instinctively jerk against my restraints. I begin to wriggle around in the chair. The bag clings tighter to my face, outlining my eyes, nose and gaping maw.

I desperately open my mouth wide for that badly needed breath. But it’s foul and stale. I suck the bag into my mouth, my lungs protesting my stupidity.

It’s not long before I begin to panic. I want the bag off my head in the worst way! And I want the nylons removed from around my throat.

I hear that female voice cry out, “Bag the bitch; make her suffer!” Other voices eagerly take up the cry. That’s when I easily slip into full panic mode… “MY GAWD; THEY WANT ME DEAD!”

I struggle as I thrash about in the chair. It becomes soaked from my flowing juices. A devastating orgasm batters me into oblivion.

When my senses return, I’m aware of applause as well as enthusiastic cries. I’m sore from riding the phallus and cumming so hard. The bag and nylons are gone; Brian is in the process of removing my cuffs.

Once more he gingerly helps me up out of my chair. I’m slowly led away to more applause. I’m sore as hell, but my body thrums with delicious aftershocks. I’ll need the full hour to recover in time for my next session.

At the top of the next hour I’m led back in for another performance. Brian has to lead me in again. Once more the blindfold renders my vision ineffective.

When I reach down for the seat of the chair, I discover a vibrating dildo instead of the embedded phallus. I pick it up and smile in the direction of my audience. I have no idea how many people are watching.

I carefully sit down in the chair. Then I start using the vibrating toy on my pussy. Anticipation of being strangled quickly makes me wet.

I hear murmurs of excitement among the spectators. Then I feel Brian loop a rope around my neck. I shiver as I gasp for breath.

He gives me what feels like another rope. I pull on it until my head tips. It’s obviously connected to my noose from a point up in the ceiling.

I push the toy deep into my wet slit, wasting no time. I pull harder on the rope, partially strangling myself. I rasp and gurgle as I fuck myself with the vibrating dildo.

I pull a little harder, almost lifting myself up off the chair. My breathing is immediately restricted. My cunt clenches around the toy inside me.

I pull up and down on the rope, teasing myself as I strangle myself. I hear appreciative murmurs from the crowd. I smile in their direction.

I reach a point where I really try to strangle myself. I pull as hard as I can until I feel my face turn red. My pussy gushes as I begin to shudder, making me let go of the rope.

Brian comes over and loosens it from around my neck. I pause to catch my breath, the seat of my chair soaked again. Then Brian reaches around and moves my arms as though instructing me to use both hands on myself

I start using the toy with one hand while I cup and fondle my swollen mounds with the other. That’s when I feel the rope start to tighten. Once again, Brian is helping to strangle me.

He toys with me, pulling hard and then easing back up. I rasp and gurgle as I use the toy with one hand while swirling my swollen nub with the other. My heart hammers in my chest from the excitement of playing with myself while being asphyxiated. And to think I actually get paid for doing this!

Brian leans into the rope. It tightens around my throat. Jolts of breathless pleasure settle in my throbbing pussy.

He pulls a little harder. I can actually feel myself being lifted up off the chair. I slide the vibrating toy inside me until I’m sitting on it.

The vibrations send jolts of pure pleasure racing through me. But now it’s getting really hard to breathe. Fingers feverishly swirl my button with one hand while the other hand climbs my chest in growing alarm.

Brian pulls a little harder. It almost chokes my breath off. Instinctively I reach up to relieve the pressure.

I forget all about the toy as it remains jammed inside me. Now I claw at the rope with both hands, desperate for another breath. Ragged gasps escape my lips as my face turns red.

I start to panic again. Damnit, why does Brian push my limits like this?? Then I’m shuddering as I claw at the noose strangling me to death.

I see stars as my chest heaves. My mouth opens and closes, my tongue frantic to taste just the smallest wisp of air. Spasms and convulsions batter me into unconsciousness as my pussy ejaculates.

I awaken to a sore neck and enthusiastic cheers. I rub my throat, but the noose has been removed. Once more they love my performance.

I’ve totally soaked the seat of the chair I’m sitting on. Brian helps me to my feet. I’m wobbly as he leads me away.

The enthusiasm of my audience follows me out. One more performance, and my shift will be over. I can’t wait to orgasm one more time while I’m being asphyxiated.

Once more Brian leads me out naked and blindfolded. This performance will be somewhat different. It should also be the one that generates the most cash from my customers.

I’m led out until Briand puts my hand on a wooden post sticking up off the floor. My bare feet detect cushions lying in front of it. I become both scared and excited.

Brian whispers in my ear, “One of these days you should let me have a turn, Teri. You know I’d do anything for you.”

“One of these days, Brian,” I whisper in reply. But I don’t ever plan on giving him the chance. He’s a beta, an orbiter. He doesn’t deserve a chance.

Oh, I’m sure there are betas in the crowd. But I don’t know what any of them look like, so I can always pretend. And since they all have money, I really don’t give a damn.

I’ve seen Brian enough to know he’s nice enough. But he’s never getting into my pants, not ever. I just don’t feel that way about him.

I carefully kneel on the cushions, making sure my legs straddle the base of the post behind me. Brian takes my wrists and pulls them behind my back. It makes my tits stick out appetizingly.

He cuffs my wrists behind the post. Now I’m effectively immobilized. I won’t be going anywhere without his help.

I feel a plastic bag pulled down over my head. Brian is already getting the show started. Immediately I’m filled with an incredible arousal.

He tightens it around my neck until I can’t get any seepage of air. It isn’t long until the bag starts to noticeably deflate. It gets pulled tight against my face as I struggle against my stale exhalations.

My mind cries out as I breathe my own breath. My wrists jerk in vain behind the post as my pussy moistens considerably. Then he pulls the bag up off my head.

I pant gratefully, trying to catch my breath. Then I feel something wrap around my throat. It tightens until I’m pulled back against the post.

I tremble as the garrote around my neck begins to constrict. It’s deliciously slow. My breathing becomes severely restricted.

I start to struggle again as I attempt to breathe. It feels like my throat is all but closed off. Then the garrote loosens around my neck.

“So who’ll be first?” I hear Brian tell my audience. It doesn’t take long before I hear some male come up onto the stage. He’d better have lots of money on him.

I hear what sounds like something being deposited into the nearby jar Brian has left out here near the post. Then I hear a fly unzip. That’s when I get the shakes as I become both frightened and excited.

A cock pushes itself against my lips. I open my mouth and it pushes its way inside. He paid for this, so I’m honor-bound to give it to him.

He slowly thrusts in and out. I grunt as I slurp my tongue all around his shaft. I’m as noisy as can be, so the others will know what kind of eager performance they’ll receive, so long as they’re willing to pay handsomely for it.

The cock pushes deeper until it almost forces its way down my throat. I gag and grunt as I try to get another breath. Damn, Brian; tell this one not so deep!

The garrote suddenly tightens. My breath becomes restricted. The cock fucks my mouth harder.

I grunt and gurgle as I try to breathe. I’m filled with a terrible fire of intense arousal. I’m also frightened over what could happen to me if something goes wrong. Is that what makes me keep doing this?

The garrote tightens even more. I start choking and gagging. Gawd; that bastard Brian is really strangling me! Is this his way of paying me back for not letting him stick his dick inside me??

My wrists jerk around behind the post as I start to shudder. I can feel my face turn red. My mouth is fucked hard as I suction for all I’m worth. But the lack of oxygen to my brain makes me dizzy and light-headed.

My mind cries out for Brian to back off. Tell this bastard to take it easy, damn you! If you’re not careful, you’re both going to kill me!

I start to go into spasms as my senses diminish. I become aware of his grunts of release as his hot, salty seed fills my mouth. My eyes roll behind the blindfold. Then the garrote is loosened.

I feel a single splat of cream against my cheek. Damn; this bastard had a load! I hear oohs and aahs from the audience as he zips up. Then I hear applause.

Brian calls out, “Who else wants a turn?” I hear more footsteps before I detect what had better be the whisper of more cash going into that jar. Then my mouth is fucked again.

My cunt is wet; the cushion soaked beneath me. I suck on another cock, working it with my tongue as my cheeks go all concave. I know what’s coming, and I instinctively try to get him off before we reach that point.

All too soon I feel the garrote tighten around my throat again. I’m not exactly certain what it’s made of. It feels silky… as though someone has donated a pair of nylons to be used against me.

The garrote tightens until I can barely breathe. The cock fucks my mouth nice and hard. This one is just as rough as the last bastard who used my oral cavity for his pleasure.

I do my best to get him off. But my lack of air affects my ability to concentrate. Soon I’m thrashing about against the post as I struggle to breathe.

I see stars as my naked body shudders in protest. My nipples feel painfully erect. My pussy gushes as I struggle to pull a wisp of air down my throat.

The cock suddenly pulls out of my mouth. I feel creamy spurts hit my face. Males roar their approval as females urge him to “spunk that slut’s face!”

The next one is obviously a woman. She presses her wet cunt against my mouth. “Eat me, bitch, or you’ll never breathe again!”

Would Brian really let her do that to me?? I sure as hell hope not! Her threat fills me with a terrible arousal.

I lick and slurp, forced to get her off. “Strangle the bitch!” she demands. Then the garrote tightens once more around my throat.

My tongue pokes out in surrender. She grinds her cunt against my mouth as I struggle to breathe. Once more I start to thrash about in growing terror.

I feel a flush of fluid in my mouth. Then she pulls away as the garrote loosens. I pant gratefully for breath, wondering if I’ve been given a particularly sadistic crowd for my last performance of the night.

The bitch demands the bag. She wickedly pulls it down over my head. Then she pushes her wet cunt up against my mouth. I just hope she paid well for the privilege of asphyxiating me.

I’m surprised how effective it is. It isn’t long until I’m struggling to get any little wisp of air down my throat. I try to cry out, but I can’t get any air past my vocal chords.

“Suffocate for me, bitch!” the woman cackles. I get dizzy as I start seeing stars. My mind cries out for Brian not to let her take me too far. Then I go into spasms as I pass out.

When I regain consciousness I find I’m still handcuffed to the post. Brian announces this will be the last one for the night. Then one more sadistic bastard sticks his dick between my lips.

He thrusts in and out as Brian tightens the garrote yet again. I grunt as I rasp for breath. I make my cheeks go all concave as I try to get him off.

I sense movement from somewhere in the room. Are people leaving? Has Brian lost control??

The cock hits the back of my throat. I’m appreciative it’s not very long or very big. But that doesn’t matter, especially when behind me Brian pulls hard on my garrote.

Once more I begin to thrash about. I struggle as I kneel on the cushions beneath my legs. What good is kneeling in comfort if I can’t get a decent breath of air down my lungs??

I struggle as I try to free myself. My cuffed hands jerk helplessly behind the post. It feels like Brian is trying to strangle the shit out of me.

I try to cry out. But once more I can’t get any air past my vocal chords. My mind screams for Brian to put an end to this before he kills me. Then my mouth-rapist grunts out his release.

I get a mouthful of salty spunk. But I can’t swallow. My throat has been closed off.

I feel cream start to splatter me from all sides. It hits my tits, stomach and red, silky hair. Is the entire room having a big wank at my expense??

The bastard pulls out of my mouth. Then I hear a woman scream her orgasm. I get hit full in the face with her discharge. That’s the last thing I remember before I pass out.

When I awaken, I discover I’m no longer cuffed to the post. I feel like I’ve been cummed on all over. I feel like a mess.

“You ok, Teri?”

In reply I ask, “Did we make good money, Brian?” I pant tiredly as he helps me to my feet.

“Pretty good haul on that last one.”

“Good. I could use a hot soak in the tub before I go home.”

“Want me to join you, Teri?”

“Maybe another time, Brian.”

“You keep saying that, Teri, but you never do.”

“That’s because this isn’t that time. I’m sure the right time will come.”

He leads me blindfolded back to my dressing room. I wait until I’m inside before I pull it off from my eyes. I don’t want to see any of my customers out of respect for their privacy.

I look at my naked body and wince. I’ve really been cummed on tonight. Then I glare accusingly at Brian.

“I’m a mess. You really let them do it to me this time, didn’t you!”

He holds up a jar full of bills. “You always like the last one to be profitable, right?”

“It damned well better be after all I went through. Now get my bath drawn. I need a hot soak before I go home.”

Brian heads off to do my bidding. I can tell he’s a little downcast. But he does what I want him to do. That’s all that matters.

He knows how easy it would be for me to find someone else to do what he does. As a result, he’s a good little beta. As long as I keep stringing him along, I figure he’ll keep treating me the way I want to be treated.

2020 (written for Teri Jan 19 ’20 by riwa)

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The gallows in the courtyard 4.3 (40)

There was a rap on the door, followed by a familiar voice. “Reilah?”

The maid gasped in alarm. She was not prepared to face Navi, certainly not at this moment.

“Just a moment, Mistress! I’m… I’m not decent!”

The door suddenly opened. Reilah saw her mistress standing framed in the doorway. Immediately she clutched the sheet to her neck, hoping to cover her privates…

It would not do to reveal to her employer she had just been masturbating.

“I have need of you, child.”

Reilah had already adjusted to the way her employer referred to her so intimately. “I’m not dressed, Mistress. Please, allow me to…”

“Now, Reilah.”

There were times when she could not resist that authoritative tone. This was one of those times. She slowly lowered the blanket from her body. Then she climbed out of bed.

She stood before her employer, almost naked. She wore only her black stockings and heels, presents from Mistress Navi. It was amazing how wonderful she felt in them.

“I cannot sleep, my child. I need your assistance. Come with me.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Reilah could not help herself. She dutifully followed her Mistress as though in a trance. Being shamefully naked did not seem to bother her employer, certainly not at the moment.

Her heels clattered as they moved through the large estate until they descended the steps down into the courtyard outside. It was a warm, humid night. The dark sky was full of stars.

Navi led her maid over to the wooden structure in the center of the courtyard. A thick woven noose dangled from the point of the beam. Reilah inhaled sharply as she looked up at it.

“I cannot sleep, Reilah. I am too worked up. I need you to dance for me.” Then Mistress motioned at the noose.

Reilah watched as it lowered as if by magic. Then she swallowed hard. But she could not disobey.

She carefully walked over to the dangling noose, her heels clattering on stone. Then she reached out and touched it. “Dance for me, Reilah. I need you to dance for me.”

Reilah inhaled with fright as she took the noose into her trembling hands. Then she carefully looped it around her neck. “Now I want you to do for me what you were doing in your room, Reilah. Dance for me, my child.”

Navi motioned with her hand. The noose suddenly retracted upward as though it had a mind of its own. A moment later Reilah was kicking in vain for solid footing.

She rasped for breath as she tried to understand what was happening to her. At the same time she felt unexpected pleasure blossom between her legs. It was the same pleasure she’d felt up in her room a short time ago.

Her legs began to kick as she felt something pulse inside her. She reached down and touched herself. Fingers penetrated as she frantically tried to work that special feeling out of her dripping slit.

Mistress sighed with pleasure. She admired the stockings and heels she had given the young woman upon arrival at her estate. The fabric had sent messages back to her, indicating what the maid had just been doing in bed. Now they sent new messages, exciting messages of what was happening to Reilah’s body.

“Yes, my child. Dance for me.” And Reilah danced as her body came alive.

The rope began to constrict around her throat. And still she danced and masturbated. A part of her was embarrassed she was acting so shamefully in front of her employer. But Mistress seemed to be enjoying it.

She kicked; she struggled; she danced on air as one hand clawed reflexively at the noose. And still she fingered herself. She could not seem to make herself stop.

Mistress moaned. Her body seemed to give off the faintest of glows. It was a most wonderful dance.

Reilah began to slow down. It was so hard to breathe. She hitched twice and then hung limp as her arms dangled at her side.

“Wonderful, my child,” Navi breathed in rapture. “I believe I shall have another.” And with that she waved her hand in the direction of her dangling maid.

Reilah appeared to awaken with a start. Almost immediately she became aware of her situation, of how she could not breathe adequately. That’s when she stared in disbelief as she grabbed at the noose around her neck.

She began to kick with renewed vigor as once more she began fingering herself. Her motions became frantic. It was as though she had very little time to accomplish her task.

“Yes, my child; yes.” Navi seemed to be in some sort of euphoria. Reilah kicked and struggled as she danced for her mistress while acting lewdly in the noose.

She fingered herself harder as she wildly kicked about. She hitched and jerked as she rasped for breath. Then it came in a mighty wave, battering her senseless.

She wet herself from her climax and from her bowels releasing. Then she hung limp again. Mistress panted heavily for breath as she watched in reverent awe.

A male suddenly appeared as though from out of nowhere. That’s when the rope lowered Reilah’s body. He caught it in his arms and quickly removed the noose from around the neck.

Navi caught sight of him and smiled. “I’m better now, my child. Take her back to her room.”

“Mother, you know you should not be doing this to her. I see you gave her the stockings and heels.”

“I had to, my child. I knew she would dance divinely for me.”

“Remember the last one, mother? She danced for you for eight months before her heart gave out and she could dance no more.”

“I know, my child. But I cannot help myself. This one was pleasuring herself in her room, and I…”

“I know, Mother; I know. You should not have given her the stockings and heels.”

“I could not resist. She loves and appreciates them so. Now take her back to bed, my child. Let her rest so she will be ready for her duties in the morning.”

“Please, mother; not so often with this one. Otherwise she will not last as long as the last one.” Then he shook his head as he carried her back to her bedroom.

Jan 2 ‘20 (For Noosegirl; inspired by her maid renders.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (3)

Coming September rewards

Another Joia chapter.
Another Shelly chapter.
Another Mr. Wayne chapter.
A second chapter to Santa and the two sisters.
A second chapter to the Melissa story.
A second chapter to the seductress.
Terrie celebrates her birthday in a rather wicked manner.
A couple find themselves going 90 miles an hour down a dead end street.
And at least 3-4 other stories I’m sorting through.

July stories/rewards will fall off at the end of August to make room for September rewards.

These days I’m driving mom in to physical therapy. Her arm is improving. We’re also monitoring her weight and other vital signs. But it seems the state wishes her to serve on a jury over the next year. She’s 78, in frail condition, and at times I wonder if she’s going to make it through the next month, much less be available to serve for an entire year. Hopefully the state will come to the understanding that having my mother collapse in a jury box during a major trial would not be a good thing.

Summer is ending. I hope you are all doing well. Thank you so much for being my patrons.

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