Terrie 3.9 (35)


The first time they ganged up on me was in the locker room after Physical Education class. They sat on my face and made me lick them out until they each had an orgasm. Sometimes they fingered me or pushed something into my pussy like the handle to a tennis racket until they made me cum.

I was the smallest one in my class, so there was nothing I could do. But it didn’t happen every day. It only happened when Evelyn or Phyllis were feeling particularly cruel.

All through high school I became known as the school lesbian slut. If any girl wanted her pussy licked, she would come to me. And if I wasn’t accommodating about it, I would end up being forced.

At first I got off being dominated. And I must admit I enjoyed making them cum. Then I hit my growth spurt at about the same time I started spending my time in the school pool.

The gang bangs died off as I got taller and more muscular, and to be honest I kind of missed them. They were replaced by one-on-one sessions with each of the girls. This time my needs became important as I made sure I got my pussy licked for a change.

One of the girls that really changed things for me was Mandy. She let me use a strap-on on her. She loved it when another girl fucked her.

I still liked licking pussy and enjoying my own cunt being licked. But I got to where it really excited me fucking her with the strap-on. She even let me fuck her in the ass.

Mandy let me explore my dominant side, and I really liked it. I discovered I liked it more than being dominated. But it was kinky Phyllis that opened me up to my asphyxia fetish. It proved to be her undoing.

She found out I was using a strap-on on Mandy, and she wanted me to use it on her. She also wanted me to choke her out while I was fucking her. This was something new and totally different to me.

The first time I tried it was incredible. She had me wrap my fingers around her throat as I fucked her with the strap-on. Seeing her eyes roll in orgasm as I choked her out was such an incredible turn-on. I came really, really hard.

From then on I was hooked. I couldn’t get enough of it. Phyllis had no idea she’d unleashed a monster.

We had two or three different sessions where I asphyxiated her in one form or another. One time I strangled her with rope while I was fucking her. The look in her eyes as she passed out made me cum like you wouldn’t believe.

Once we tried some plastic wrap. I pushed it over her face and kissed her lips while I was fucking her with the strap-on. The way she bucked and shuddered underneath me made me cum so fucking hard.

We even tried a sexy bagging. It puffed and then deflated as she tried to catch her breath while I raped her ass with my strap-on. Seeing her eyes before the bag moistened up on the inside was incredible. The way it clung to her face while she couldn’t breathe really did it for me.

Mandy was a little different. I tried choking her a couple times during sex. She let me do it to her, but I don’t think she liked it as much.

She usually put up a pretty good struggle when I was choking her. The more she resisted, the more turned on I became. I really enjoyed fucking her while asphyxiating her.

College opened me up to a whole new world with a lot of females to choose from. I started fucking other girls once they found out I would lick them and then dominate them. But the orgasms were best when I was choking them out or bagging them while pounding their pussies.

Mandy and slut Phyllis ended up becoming exotic dancers to help pay for school. I became one of their frequent customers. I’d eat them out to start with before I would enjoy fucking them good and hard. I even acquired a larger strap-on just to make it hurt them a little more.

One night the orgasms just weren’t coming with Phyllis. I’m not sure what the deal was. So she told me to choke her out.

I wrapped my fingers around her throat and started to squeeze. That’s when I felt that familiar excitement start to swell inside me. The way her eyes bugged out as she made little rasping noises was so incredibly hot. I even kissed her tongue when it slithered out in surrender. But it wasn’t quite enough.

I released my grip and let her gasp for breath. Then the craziest thought entered my mind. What would happen if I took her all the way and strangled her to death?

We were at her place, so I knew I wouldn’t have a body to dispose of. I just didn’t know what evidence I might leave behind. But it was well known she was entertaining johns to help make ends meet. Maybe the police would focus on one of them.

She wanted to take a break, but I really wanted my orgasm. So I started choking her again. Her eyes flew open in alarm, and it really turned me on.

Why was I so excited? Was it the fear in her expression? That’s when I conducted a little experiment by telling her I was going to kill her.

I started to squeeze harder as I got this wicked grin on my face. She looked up at me in disbelief as she really started to struggle. Something about that turned me on so much that I squeezed until I cut off her breath entirely.

Her tongue came out in surrender as her fists beat against my arms. But my grip was too tight, and I wasn’t about to let go. Her eyes fluttered as she started to have that one last big orgasm. Then she started fading away.

I started cumming so hard as I rammed that strap-on up her pussy. I became hysterical… “Yes – yes – YES; fucking DIE, baby!” She shuddered hard, and then she went limp. That’s when I had a really massive orgasm.

It had been a while since I’d had one that intense. It felt so good that I kept thrusting in and out of her pussy. She stared up at me in shock, her tongue protruding. Her nipples were so hard and she looked so fucking sexy that I guess I couldn’t help myself.

I fucked her really hard as I sucked on her tongue. Amazingly I had another orgasm that was just as intense as the last one. Then I collapsed on top of her.

It was amazing; I felt wonderful! But Phyllis wasn’t moving or breathing. Strangely I didn’t give a damn. Seeing her corpse like that was such an incredible turn-on.

I fucked her one last time before I hurried up, got dressed and then beat it out of there. I went about my usual routine, wondering if I was going to be arrested. Reading the newspaper about her death the next day while seeing it on the news was incredibly arousing.

I did get a visit from some cops asking what I knew about her as she had my name in her list of contacts. I told her we were friends and had known each other back in high school. That’s when they told me it looked like one of her johns had choked her to death.

I told them I was shocked while acting sad over the loss of my friend. I told them I’d warned her a couple of times because I was afraid there might be a danger if she picked up the wrong john. We both thought it might happen to somebody else, but that we never expected it to happen to her.

Eventually they got a suspect and really focused the spotlight on him. I didn’t know Phyllis had a john scheduled to come over later that night. At least the focus wasn’t on me.

A week later Mandy invited me over. She was shocked over what had happened to Phyllis. They worked at different strip clubs, but had kept in touch.

We started making out in order to settle her down. I licked her pussy and then offered to fuck her with the strap-on. She said she was willing and that she needed the distraction.

As I fucked her, I started thinking about what I’d done to Phyllis. Naturally it got me all hot and bothered. I’m sure Mandy didn’t suspect a thing as I realized I could kill her so easily.

At first I thought about choking her to death just like I’d done to Phyllis. But I wanted to try something else. So I fucked a nice orgasm out of her first. Then I excused myself and went to her kitchen.

I got a piece of plastic wrap and brought it back to the bedroom. She was still lying on the bed with her legs parted. I moved in and started licking her until she was really moaning.

I slowly pushed my strap-on back inside her for round two, still hiding the piece of plastic. The more I thought about what I was going to do to her, the more turned on I became. I finally told her, “Mandy, I know who killed Phyllis. It was me. I needed a good orgasm, and I guess she had to die in order to give it to me.”

Her eyes flew open in shock. Then she laughed nervously…. “Stop kidding around, Terrie.” That’s when I produced the plastic and held it down over her face as I started fucking her hard.

I’m not kidding, Mandy. It was me. Killing her gave me such an intense orgasm like you wouldn’t believe. Now you’re going to give me another one as you die. Isn’t that right? You’re going to help me cum so fucking hard; right, Mandy?”

She bucked and jerked beneath me, trying to pry the plastic off her face. Her eyes were wide as she tried to breathe. I was so turned on that I really fucked her hard.

Her chest heaved as she tried to breathe. It was so fucking sexy. Then at the last moment I think her body started to orgasm as she began slipping away.

Let me tell you: I came so fucking hard. It felt wonderful! Watching the light fade from her eyes was absolutely incredible!

I fucked her nice and slow as I kissed her dead lips through the plastic. I had permanently taken her breath away for my own sadistic, sexual pleasure. The more I thought about it, the more excited I became.

I fucked her hard, telling her how intense my orgasm had been. I wrapped my hands around her throat, imagining I was taking her life away from her again. It was so hot that I ended up having another orgasm, especially when she gave me a sexy little agonal spasm.

I rose up on my knees and looked her over with my strap-on still inside her. Her nipples were really hard from her last moments of horrific arousal. Her eyes were glazed over as she stared up at the ceiling. She just looked sexy as hell.

I guess I lost control because I went back to fucking her again. I wanted one last orgasm to remember her by. The image of the life flickering out of her eyes sent me over the edge, and I cried out from a massive cum.

After that, I quickly cleaned up and left. Strangely I didn’t feel the least bit sorry. If anything, it made me want to go out and do it all over again.

I had to smile as I drove home while thinking of Phyllis and Mandy. They were the ones who had introduced me to the strap-on and to asphyxia-related sex. I thought it was ironic as hell the way they got to be my fist two sexy kills.

© 2017 (written Sep 28 ’17 by riwa)


I tried to lay low for a while, concerned I might be discovered. I was questioned a couple of times, but apparently I wasn’t considered to be a very strong suspect. So I kept up my routine at the college.

One of the things I did regularly was swim at the college pool. It kept me strong and in shape. I figured that would be important in case I ran into someone who might put up more of a struggle.

There was this girl named Lilith I got to know who worked at the pool. She often closed at night. We got to be friends to the point where she allowed me to stay late and get in a few laps before I went home for the evening.

Sometimes we swam together after closing. Afterwards we would go use the spa for a nice soak before going home. If anyone would have barged in, they would have probably caught us making out naked sitting amongst the bubbling jets.

Lilith was a little shy and reserved unless we were kissing and groping in the spa. Her lithe, lean body was not to be taken lightly. She was a hell of a good swimmer with perky breasts, her brown hair usually tucked up under a light green swimcap.

We were making out in the spa one night after hours when my mind drifted back to Phyllis and Mandy. I got aroused remembering how I’d deprived them of their breath and how intense the orgasms had been. I missed that, and I found myself questioning when the next opportunity might present itself.

Right then Lilith reached between my legs, fingering my pussy as I kissed her deeply. That’s when I wondered what she would look like between my legs with her lungs flooding. I moaned as I got this incredibly erotic mental image.

The more we kissed and made out, the more I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I got all steamed up just thinking about it. She thought she had me squirming with her erotic touch. But a lot of it was this mental image I had of her screaming her breath away as I rode her all the way to the bottom of the pool.

It wasn’t long before I had this overwhelming urge to drown the sexy bitch. I fought it off until it was time for us to go. She smiled at the way she’d left me all breathless as we got out of the water and went for our towels. But my thoughts were not on her roaming hands and sensuous lips. They were on something more lethal.

We got together four different nights over the next couple of weeks. Each time the urge to drown her was worse than the last. It was becoming more than I could bear. And I was starving for one of those special orgasms, the kind where someone gives her all for my pleasure.

I finally couldn’t take it any longer. I decided Lilith was simply going to have to drown for me. She’d gotten me all worked up. Now it was time to go all the way with her.

I got my chance on a Wednesday night. She’d had a hard day, and desperately needed a swim and a session in the spa. I decided it was time to strike.

I snuck some ankles weights in the deep end of the swimming lanes. Then we swam some laps back and forth. We don’t always swim side by side, so she didn’t think anything of it when I stayed in the deep end as she swam back.

I quickly dove down and retrieved the ankle weights, attaching them with the Velcro straps. Then I waited for her to come back, taking long deep breaths to prepare myself. I knew she was a fighter, and I was aroused anticipating the sexy struggle to come.

She was almost to the wall when I filled my lungs and submerged. I waited for her to submerge to make her turn to head back. That’s when I struck.

She was in the middle of her turn holding her breath underwater when I wrapped my arms around her waist. I straddled her with my legs, my crotch up against hers. Then I held on tight as the ankle weights started to take us down.

I could tell I’d caught her by surprise. She lost a burst of air, but she didn’t react in a panic. She must have assumed I was only playing with her.

At first she seemed to like it. Then her lungs began to heave. She started to struggle in my grasp, only for me to hold on tighter.

She struggled a little more, but not very violently. Perhaps she didn’t think I understood she needed up… or that she didn’t want to resist me. But I knew what was coming, and I held on even tighter.

Her lungs heaved again as she exploded in panic. We twisted and spun in the water, bubbles spewing everywhere as she tried to break free. I knew this would be the challenging part, and I held on for dear life.

She screamed my name in a froth of bubbles as she thrashed about. My pussy ground against her crotch; I was horny and on the verge of cumming. Then she let out a little cough of bubbles.

Her eyes flew open as her hands instinctively rose up to cover her mouth. But I wanted to see it all. I pulled her arms away, wanting to watch her spew her last breath away as I began riding her, grinding our crotches together.

She shook her head, still wriggling in my grasp. But she was starting to tire. I was running out of breath, wondering how much longer I would have to hold on. Then she decided the issue for me by expelling the last of her breath from her bulging cheeks.

She gurgled before she began swallowing water. Her chest hitched as she grunted with each gulp. I humped her crotch hard as I held on for dear life, enjoying an incredible ride.

At that moment her body went into convulsions as she shuddered hard. She was cumming, and it set me off as well. I cried out in orgasm, watching the horror in her eyes as she hitched and jerked.

The next thing I knew, we were at the bottom of the pool. She was only spasming weakly, coughing up the occasional bubble. My lungs screamed at me, and I reluctantly let her go and headed for the surface.

I came up gasping loudly for breath. Fuck; that had been a good one! Then I took a deep breath and dove back down.

I grabbed her and humped her silly, enjoying forcing the occasional bubble out of her mouth. She had such an incredible look of shock in her eyes. I had a second orgasm before I headed back for the surface.

I popped up gasping loudly for breath. Then I dove back down for one last session with her. This time I grabbed her head and humped her face with my crotch. Amazingly I had one more orgasm while my lungs were heaving before I headed for the surface.

I dried off, changed clothes and then quickly left the gym. That night I slept like a log. Lilith had given me three incredible orgasms as a very nice going-away present.

The next day the college learned of the passing of poor Lilith. They don’t know if she got a cramp and drowned or what just happened. I mourned her passing as well, only because she could never do for me again what she’d done that sexy night in the pool.

For weeks I thought of Lilith drowning between my legs and how hot it was. My only regret was not being able to fuck her while she drowned. It occurred to me that maybe I could rectify that little issue with my next girl.

I’d been seeing Blythe a couple times a month. Her folks had a fancy house up in the hills. Sometimes when they were away I’d get an invitation to go up to her place for the weekend.

Blythe had nice tits and flowing blonde hair. She was a confirmed lesbian, enjoying the softness of a female body and the fun of a sexual encounter. She was also a little clueless at times.

About a month after Lilith, she invited me up for the weekend. Immediately I began thinking of how I could fuck her while I was drowning her. Amazingly the opportunity presented itself in a manner I least expected.

Her parents had a nice Jacuzzi tub we often soaked in when I was up there. Sometimes we made out with each other, kissing and touching and groping warm, feminine flesh. And sometimes we did other things in the water.

On this day she was feeling particularly horny and uninhibited. She went down on me while holding her breath. I almost drowned her right then and there, but for some reason I held off.

When it was my turn, I went down on her below the surface. I guess I was feeling competitive as I wanted to show her I could hold my breath the longest. I also wanted to see if I could make her cum.

I got her to wriggling and squirming until she went off in orgasm. It was so sexy to see her respond like that. Then she went and did something that she probably shouldn’t have.

She got this double-ended dildo for the two of us to share. We both went under and fucked each other with it while holding our breath. That’s when I thought of Lilith.

We popped up at the surface gasping like crazy. “I really came hard that time!” she admitted. “Holding your breath underwater makes the orgasms so much better. Don’t you think so, Terrie?”

I sure do,” I replied with a grin, my heart hammering excitedly in my chest. “Let’s see how hard I cum while you’re holding your breath.” Then I forced her back down into the water onto her back.

She bubbled as she looked up at me in surprise. I began clenching around the end in my pussy, using it to fuck her with the other end. She grunted and bubbled as though she was really enjoying it.

I kept my head up out of the water, looking down and watching as I fucked her with that double-ended dildo. I got so turned on anticipating what she was going to look like when those sexy drowning bubbles started to come up. Her nipples were really hard, and she looked so fucking hot.

She began to struggle, wanting up for air. “You can hold it!” I encouraged her. “Hold your breath and cum for me!”

She grunted up more bubbles until I saw her stomach start to ripple. I could tell she was getting close once her cheeks began to bulge. Spurts of bubbles slipped out past her pursed lips as I held her down by her shoulders.

I fucked her hard as she really started to struggle. “Push it a little longer!” I gasped enthusiastically. “You can do it!” She grunted up more bubbles until she covered her mouth with her hands.

Perfect!” I gasped as I grabbed her arms and pulled them away from her mouth. “That’s perfect! Now I want you to cum as you drown for me! No hands over your mouth, honey; I want you to give me all your air!”

Her eyes opened really wide in alarm. Then she started shaking her head back and forth. I would have loved to see her flowing hair, but she had it tucked up under her swimcap. I decided I was still going to enjoy her drowning.

She cried out in agony as more bubbles burst out of her mouth. Her cheeks flattened as a big burst of air escaped her lips. Then she grunted as she started swallowing water.

I fucked her really hard using that double-ended dildo. She expelled her breath as she violently thrashed about. That’s what set me off, and I climaxed so intensely that I almost passed out from the pleasure.

She began to settle down until only stray muscles twitched and spasmed. It turned me on so much that I fucked her all over again. Having the double-ended toy in both our cunts was an added pleasure. And seeing her agonal spasms set me off again in orgasm.

I fucked her corpse in the water for another fifteen or twenty minutes before I had one final orgasm that satisfied me. Then I climbed out and dried off. She looked so sexy lying at the bottom of the Jacuzzi with her eyes frozen open in shock.

I went inside to her room and found one of her toys. I pushed it into her cunt before tracking down a weight belt and wrapping it around her waist. With any luck it would look like she had taken a chance playing in the Jacuzzi and had ended up drowning herself.

© 2017 (written Oct 9 ’17 by riwa)

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God’s punishment 2.8 (26)

Sister Mary Francis was a troubled soul. Her conscience bothered her immensely. And it was from an action of her own doing.

She’d just finished up with Father Lucious. But her time with him had nothing to do with the work of the convent. Instead, their meeting had been nothing more than a carnal satisfying of the lusts of the flesh.

She headed away from the monastery, her soul in torment. She knew their coupling was against God’s laws. Yet she couldn’t help herself.

She wasn’t sure how it had gotten started. But did it really matter? She’d willingly succumbed to the temptations of the flesh.

Father Lucious had not put a stop to their liaisons. Instead, he encouraged it, although they attempted to maintain some sort of discretion. He explained that the God he served was a God of forgiveness. He also explained that God had created sex as a beautiful sacrament.

Mary was not calmed as she considered his words yet again. They had stolen the better part of the afternoon together in his study. A brief interruption by Sister Margaret had not dampened his ardor.

She’d waited in hiding, struggling with whether or not she should reveal herself to Sister Margaret. Instead, her courage had failed her. When Father Lucious had returned, she’d become swept up in the moment, offering herself to him once more until they’d completed the act yet again.

What pained her was the fact that today had not been the first time. Nay, it had been the sixth… or was it seven now? They could not seem to stop themselves.

Once she’d expressed her reservations as they’d cuddled together naked. He’d simply smiled while embracing her fondly. Their warm, naked bodies had become alive with desire, and they’d promptly engaged in another act of fornication.

Mary Francis took the narrow path away from the safety of the convent. She wanted to get away from it all. Was she trying to escape her conscience? Or was she running from God’s punishment that surely was headed her way? Was it even possible to get that far away from His wrath?

It was a familiar path that led into the woods. She did not know if any of the other sisters were even aware of its existence. Did they know of the lake that lay nearly three miles away?

She’d first stumbled across it a week after her arrival at the convent. The pressures of her new surroundings had driven her into the forest to pray. A long walk had resulted in her finding the lake.

It was a small, peaceful body of water. It teemed with gulls and ducks. A small outcropping on a rocky ledge gave her a breathless view of the entire body of water.

The first time she’s tumbled upon it had given her a great peace. It was as though God had led her there to pray and meditate. Afterwards, she’d returned to the convent with renewed determination.

She’d gone for long hikes to the lake on two other occasions. Both times had been to pray and seek guidance. Each time the beauty of the lake had filled her with peace. She did not even know its name.

She felt tears well up in her eyes as she made her way through the woods. The image of their recent tryst was fresh in her mind. She had ridden Father Lucious until she’d exploded with pleasure, an act that had immediately filled her with regret.

In the heat of the moment she had thoroughly enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh. But as a nun, chastity was to be the hallmark of her character. She was supposed to be dedicated to God, not serve as Father Lucious’ whore.

She let out a sob as she picked up the pace. She ran for the lake just as fast as her feet would carry her. She needed that peaceful promontory one more time. Question is: would it give her that sense of calmness as it had so many times before?

She winced as she felt Father Lucious’ seed inside her. She’d deliberately worn a pair of pantyhose underneath her robe. But a significant part was missing, the material that covered the hole she was supposed to dedicate to The Most High.

She rushed forward toward the lake in her bare feet. She was not concerned about the cuts and bruises she received. She accepted it as her penance for breaking God’s law.

She did not know how far she went, nor how long it took her. The location seemed farther away than usual. Perhaps it was because of her disturbed spirit.

The forest began to thin out. A particular set of rocks beckoned to her. The gap was up ahead, the gap that would open to the view of the lake beyond.

Sister Mary suddenly paused, her heart beating in her chest. What would she do once she got there? Her guilt was such that she found herself considering the forbidden.

She winced as she shook her head. That was the devil whispering in her ear, urging her to do the unthinkable. This time she would not succumb.

She slowly walked up to the gap in the rocks. Mary Francis began to feel a sense of peace envelop her. It was the remedy she needed, at least for the moment.

She slowed her pace until she walked with calm and purpose. She would dedicate herself to prayer as she thought the matter through. God would help her, just as He always had.

She passed through the rocky gap. A view of the lake opened before her. It was as beautiful as ever.

She stepped up to the edge and looked out over the water. Sister Mary Francis tried to calm the beating of her heart. She stood there with her eyes closed, waiting for the still, small voice of the Lord.

The first thought she had was that she had to break it off with Father Lucious. She did not wish to, and she suspected he would feel the same. But their trysts were simply unacceptable.

The turmoil in her mind began to subside. She cleared her thoughts as she looked out over the water. A brief thought of throwing herself in flickered in the back of her mind. But she quickly dismissed it. She was much stronger than that; it simply was not an option.

She looked out upon the calm surface of the lake. There was nary a breeze; not a ripple in sight. The water looked like glass… or a mirror.

She allowed herself a flicker of a smile. Already she was feeling much better. This was not the end for her, merely the beginning of a new chapter. It would have challenges, of course. But she would meet them with a submissive and repentant spirit.

As she looked out across the water, her smile faded. Something did not seem right. Mary Francis felt a shadow pass over her despite the fact there was not a cloud in the sky.

What was this? God’s judgement? She did not understand. The lake seemed as beautiful as ever. But something did not feel right.

She looked intently across the surface, trying to put a finger on what it was that felt so out of place to her. At first she could not figure it out. Then it finally came to her.

There was not a bird of any sort upon or above the surface of the lake…

Now that was odd. Usually she would see families of ducks and gulls. Occasionally she’d seen the occasional flash of a fish jumping. Today there was nothing. The air was still, as though it was holding its breath.

Mary Francis frowned as she tried to puzzle it over in her mind. What was the meaning of this? Was God this angry with her? Certainly He was just, but she’d never known Him to be vengeful.

The water remained still; not a single ripple. What’s more, there was not the sound of a single, solitary bird. This time the promontory did not give her the peace she sought.

Sister Francis became aware of movement down below in the water. She looked down to see what it was, peering intently. But she was too close to the shore, the shadows of the angle of the sun preventing her from obtaining a good view.

She stared intently into the depths. It looked like a shadow was rising up to greet her. What could it be?

A thousand thoughts flooded her mind. Was it an Angel of the Lord come to discipline her? Was it a minion of the evil one come to torment her even more? There was no way of knowing.

Something was definitely rising up from the depths. She had no idea how deep it was. She had never once attempted a swim, although she’d been sorely tempted on more than one occasion. But she probably would have needed to remove her garments in order to get wet. And she was already feeling quite guilty of removing them for carnal purposes.

It rose up faster from the depths. A moment later something broke the surface of the water. It was long and round, a grey, sinuous arm appearing to be free of any kind of bone.

Sister Mary stood frozen in place, a look of astonishment in her features. The arm moved in her direction. She was too shocked to move out of the way.

It wrapped around her with a multitude of little suckers holding onto her. Then it abruptly pulled her into the water. Sister Mary Francis let out a cry that was quickly swallowed up.

She found herself submerged in the coolness of the lake. Sister Mary Francis was astonished to see more such arms appear. They were long, thick tendrils attached to a solid mass.

She struggled to break free. But she was held firm. The long, thick arm was taking her down into the depths.

The sister got a look at the rest of the creature. It looked massive. Was this what had scared off all the birds of the air? How many had succumbed to a similar sneak attack?

Strangely, she did not panic, even as her lungs began to burn. Sister Mary Francis did not know what type of creature she was dealing with. All she knew was that it had her and was not about to let go.

Her chest heaved as her lungs burned with a fiery intensity. She would not be able to hold her breath much longer. Was this God’s punishment for her sins of the flesh?

With her last lucid moments of consciousness Mary begged God’s forgiveness. If this was His purpose for her, she would accept it graciously. She would do her penance at the bottom of the lake, perhaps as a meal for the creature.

Sister Mary Francis’ lungs abruptly gave out. That’s when she began the process of giving her life, an act she struggled to make as consensual as possible. The pain of drowning was far more agonizing than she could have possibly anticipated. But she gave into it willingly.

At least God was merciful. She was not conscious when the beast pulled her close and began to feast on its unexpected meal…

When Sister Mary Francis did not return, the other sisters of the convent went looking for her. But there was no sign of her. Two sisters followed the path into the woods, aware she had occasionally walked into it during times of stress. But they did not get anywhere close to the lake. Even if they had, there would have been nothing to discover.

A massive wave of guilt overcame Father Lucious. He did not know what had happened to Sister Mary. But it was easy to imagine the worst.

When she did not return in a week’s time he confessed his sins, resigned his position and left the convent, wracked with guilt as well as the stress of not knowing what had happened to his former paramour.

2020 (written Oct 7 ’20 by riwa. Inspired by Itoshiki’s creation)

Posted in Drowning Stories | Leave a comment

Terrie and the strap-on 3.7 (20)

Take a look at this, bitch. This end goes inside me, see? That means you’re going to be fucking me while I’m fucking you! Let’s see if a white slut like you can take it as good as you can dish it out.”

Bitch, I’m gonna show you what I’m made of!” Terrie replied excitedly.

The MILF shoved the sexy ebony bitch flat on her back onto the bed. Then she climbed on and straddled her. Terrie impaled her cunt on the bitch’s sexy strap-on, and then started to ride it.

You’re a fucking whore,” the ebony woman panted.

Yeah, but you’re going to be one dead, sexy cunt once I’m through fucking you to death!”

Terrie wrapped her hands around the ebony woman’s throat and started to squeeze. The woman coughed in surprise. Instinctively her hands lashed out, searching for Terrie’s throat.

Bitch!” she rasped. “I’ll fucking kill you!”

Not if I kill you first!” Terrie shot back gleefully. “I’m gonna fuck orgasms out of you long after you’re dead!”

The ebony woman’s hands wrapped around her throat and tried to squeeze. Terrie simply rode the strap-on harder. Being asphyxiated with a toy up her hole was something she found erotic as hell. It was a game she enjoyed playing every now and then when she was out slumming.

A fight to the death?” Terrie rasped. “I fucking love it!”

Fucking bitch!” the choked ebony rasped back.

Terrie rode the toy even harder. It was almost as though she was trying to use her snatch to drive it deep inside her target’s chocolate twat. Seeing the woman’s eyes roll as she orgasmed and died underneath her was going to be one hell of a thrill.

Ebony fingers squeezed harder around her throat. Terrie started seeing stars. Beneath her the sexy, ebony bitch looked like she was tiring as well. Who would win out?

The thrill over the battle for life and death was more than the MILF could take. All of the sudden she found herself cumming hard as her cunt flooded around the toy inside her.

Her eyes rolled as chocolate hands tried to choke the life out of her. Cumming had made her weak and breathless. Now her hands loosened in an attempt to obtain a better grip.

It proved to be a bad idea. It gave Terrie’s opponent the moment she needed to re-apply her rage. She was determined to focus all her energies against this crazy bitch trying to choke her to death.

Terrie tried to grin as she rasped, “Cum for me and die, you fucking whore!”

I’ll kill you… fucking cunt… fucking kill you!”

Terrie suddenly found herself starting to fade. Wait; this wasn’t supposed to happen! Fingers tightened ominously around her throat until she felt an erotic surge of panic.

Terrie loosened her grip, attempting to gain a better position. It was all the ebony women underneath her needed. Fingers squeezed even tighter around her throat, threatening her very life.

Terrie became dizzy. At the same time she was fully aware of a terrible throb of pleasure between her legs. She tried to fight off the woman underneath her who was now starting to get the upper hand. Then she succumbed to that second orgasm.

Hands reflexively eased their grip. Terrie struggled to re-apply them. But it was too late. She ended up orgasming herself all the way to unconsciousness.

The ebony woman finally pushed her off, panting tiredly. Terrie’s eyes were momentarily glazed over as she went into minor convulsions. Then her eyes started to regain their focus.

The ebony beauty wasn’t about to give her a second chance at the apple. “Fuck ME to death, will you?? You fucking BITCH! I’ll fuck YOU to death!”

She jumped on top of Terrie, her hands clawing for another grip. She found the woman’s throat and started to squeeze. At the same time she managed to work the toy back into Terrie’s soaked cunt.

You’ll never…” the dazed MILF started to stammer, caught before she could finish catching her breath.

Oh won’t I? Fucking bitch!”

The ebony woman slammed the toy hard up Terrie’s cunt as her fingers wrapped tightly around the bitch’s neck. Terrie rasped for breath as she started to become disoriented. Being unable to breathe made her tongue start to protrude out of her mouth.

Kill ME, you fucking bitch?? Now I’m gonna kill YOU!” Then her ebony adversary squeezed just as hard as she could while angrily slamming the toy in and out with all the energy she could muster.

Terrie’s eyes started to bug out. She couldn’t get any air down her windpipe. She tried to open her mouth, but she couldn’t get any air down her throat.

The ebony woman was furious. “Bitch! Fucking whore! I’ll fucking kill you!”

She slammed Terrie’s cunt with the toy again and again. Rage made her fingers tighten even more. A flash of panic briefly filled Terrie’s features. Then she was cumming again as she started to spiral away into oblivion.

Her lungs heaved, unable to obtain the air her lungs needed. Her body bucked and shuddered outside of her control as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Then she reached the point where she could no longer resist.

The enraged ebony beauty kept pounding the shuddering body underneath her. She refused to let go of the MILF’s neck. Bruises soon began to appear where her fingers pressed down hard.

She just kept thrusting and pounding with her strap-on. Terrie seemed to shudder in response. Her adversary thought she was still alive and kept right on fucking and choking her, determined not to be lulled into a false sense of security.

She fucked and pounded the MILF’s spasming cunt as her fingers remained tightly wrapped around her throat. The angry woman spewed obscenities each time she took a breath. But she finally ran out of energy and collapsed on top of her.

The ebony woman panted like crazy as her heart pounded in her chest. But there was no movement beneath her. The MILF remained motionless. Maybe she had finally done her in.

There was an agonal spasm in Terrie’s chest… another in her right arm. The ebony woman panicked, thinking the crazed MILF might be coming back around. “BITCH!” she cried out as she pushed the toy back in before thrusting hard and deep.

She furiously pounded her with her toy as hands were reapplied around Terrie’s throat. The ebony woman thrust hard and deep. The body beneath her seemed to tremble ever-so-slightly.

Was the bitch cumming?? Was she still alive??

The enraged woman stopped thrusting before climbing off. She checked to see if Terrie was breathing before rolling her over face down. Then she misinterpreted another agonal spasm, crying out, “Oh, hell no!”

The ebony woman climbed aboard and started ramming her strap-on deep up Terrie’s ass. Then she pushed down hard on her head. She tried mashing Terrie’s face into the pillow to suffocate her as she mercilessly pounded her anal sphincter.

There was very little movement on Terrie’s part. Her body shuddered briefly from the onslaught. The ebony woman just kept thrusting hard up her butt as though the harder she fucked her, the more likely Terrie would not recover from it.

She fucked with relentless enthusiasm, pounding that ass for several minutes until exhaustion set in again. She pulled the toy out and rolled Terrie over. The MILF stared upward with lifeless eyes.

The ebony woman checked for a pulse. There didn’t seem to be one. But she thought she saw something in the bitch’s face that infuriated her.

Got something to say to me now? Well fuck you!” Then she grabbed Terrie’s head and thrust her strap-on hard between the dead woman’s teeth.

She fucked Terrie’s skull just as hard as she could until she became exhausted again. Then she pulled out. Her anger finally bled away when she saw Terrie wasn’t about to return from where she’d sent her.

You like my toy so much, bitch? Fine! You can fucking have it then!”

The exhausted ebony beauty removed the strap-on from around her waist. She drove the end previously in her pussy into the gaping woman’s mouth. Then she sat on Terrie’s head, impaling her cunt on the strap-on sticking upward.

She began riding her fervently while reaching down to smack the dead woman’s soaked crotch. It was time for her to have some pleasure for herself. But once more she couldn’t tell if there had just been another shudder or if it had simply been an agonal spasm.

She finally went off in orgasm, spraying her fluids until she’d soaked Terrie’s face. She tiredly climbed off, examining the dead woman. Terrie lay on her back with the strap-on emerging out of her mouth. It looked as though she was ready for the next cunt to climb on and go for a ride.

She checked for a pulse again. There was no sign of life. But seeing the strap-on coming out of the dead woman’s mouth made her giggle with sadistic glee.

I hope the maid rides your face, you fucking bitch! I’m out of here!” And with that she got dressed and left, thankful she’d somehow turned the tables on the crazed MILF and was still alive.

2019; 2020 (written for Terrie Jun 12 ’19; ed. Dec 3 ’20 by riwa. Inspired by the photo found in her website folder.)

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Boyfriend next door 6 3.7 (30)

It took a couple minutes for me to catch my breath up at the surface. My mother and Mrs. K seemed quite excited about having had me in that underwater sandwich while mom was kissing me. Kristin was thrilled about having deeply kissed her father during our unusual breath-holding contest. In fact, she was quite excited about everything, despite having her wrists cuffed behind her back like mine were.

Thankfully, Mrs. K had stroked me and had made me cum. I was hoping my cock would stay soft for a while. But that went right out the window the moment my crazy girlfriend blurted out, “Mom, isn’t it time we all got naked?”

Mrs. K smiled. “That’s a good idea.” Then she turned to my mother and asked, “What do you think, Natalie?”

“Whatever you decide,” my mom replied with a smile. “After all, it’s your backyard pool.”

Kristin excitedly blurted out, “We always go naked on bondage night! It’s a rule; right, mom?”

“Is that so?” mom asked Mrs. K with amusement.

“Only if you’re up for it, Natalie.”

My girlfriend enthusiastically replied, “Oh, she’s up for it; right, Natalie? Now we get to hold our breath naked!” I just gave Kristin an anguished, ‘why-are-we-going-this-route?’ look.

Mom promptly shed her bikini pieces. I tried not to stare. Then Mrs. K shed hers as well.

Mr. K was quick to get out of his speedos. That left Kristin and I. But I knew I was going to be out of my speedos in record time.

We weren’t up at the surface that long. We were told to take a big breath. Then Mrs. K pulled me down as Mr. K pulled down his daughter.

We were yanked all the way to the bottom, bubbles trickling out of our noses. Mrs. K rapidly worked me out of my speedos. My cock sprang free and immediately stiffened despite having just cum a few minutes ago.

Kristin’s dad quickly got her out of her bikini pieces. Once we were naked, they started caressing us all over. Mom submerged to watch, and was immediately waved in closer.

Mrs. K was all over me, her hands touching everything as she kissed me. Kristin kissed her father as he touched her the same way. Mom helped fondle my submerged girlfriend before coming over to caress me.

It was shamefully erotic. Naturally, my cock hardened right up. But I was too busy kissing Mrs. K and feeling her tongue down my throat to think much about it.

I felt hands on my ass as another hand stroked my erection. I didn’t know who was touching what. The thought of mom being overly handsy with me was both arousing and embarrassing.

I’m not sure how long we were down holding our breath. Kristin and I were finally hauled back up. We panted for breath up at the surface before it was time to go back down.

This time, Mr. K took me under as Mrs. K took down her daughter. We ended up at the bottom, kissing again. Mom was right there touching and observing us until I felt my cock and ass getting groped again.

It was a long breath-hold before we were allowed back up. We came up gasping like crazy. That’s when Kristin blurted out, “Wow; that was hot!”

Mrs. K smiled as she told my mother, “It’s about this time during bondage night when we really start having fun.”

Mom was intrigued. “Oh? What kind of fun?”

Mrs. K turned to her husband and smiled. “Let’s show Natalie what kind of fun we like to have underwater, dear.” That’s when she warned me, “You’d better get a really big breath, Jason.”

Kristin gave me a knowing look as we both inhaled deeply. Then Mrs. K took me down as Mr. K took down his daughter. Mom got a big breath before coming down to observe.

Mrs. K kissed me all over. Then she worked her way down my quivering body until she came to my twitching, saluting member. She kissed and licked it before she grabbed on and started stroking me.

Next to me, Kristin’s dad was kissing and sucking on her nipples. I saw her moan and bubble as he fingered her slit. Then he worked his way down to her crotch. Naturally, Kristin parted her legs for him.

Mrs. K licked and kissed the tip of my shaft as she stroked me while cupping my balls. Then she slowly took me into her mouth. She began giving me a gentle sucking as her husband licked her moaning, bubbling daughter.

You should have seen mom’s face. I thought she was going to be shocked. Instead, she began excitedly touching herself as she released bubbles out of her nose.

I don’t know how long we were submerged. Mrs. K sure knew how to suck me without making me shoot another load. Maybe it’s because I had recently cum and was recharging for another spurting.

Kristin was losing air, and my lungs were heaving. That’s when we were hauled up to the surface. Mom came up with us until we were all up gasping loudly for breath.

“Wow, daddy! You almost made me cum!” He just smiled at his daughter.

I became concerned again when we switched partners. Kristin and I inhaled deeply. Then her mother took her down as Mr. K pulled me to the bottom. Mom eagerly swam down to watch.

Mr. K stroked me as he kissed me. I could just make out Kristin’s mom kissing her while caressing her. My mom watched excitedly as she again touched and caressed herself.

Mr. K kissed down my body as he continued stroking me. He began kissing and licking my shaft. Then he finally took me into his mouth.

Mom’s eyes were open wide as she watched. She rubbed herself hard, and it looked like she was furiously fingering herself. There was nothing I could do to resist, especially since it felt so good.

Next to me, Kristin moaned and bubbled as her mother feasted on her slit. Mom looked back and forth between us, unsure who she wanted to watch more. She really rubbed and fingered herself; I’ve never see her so excited before.

Kristin’s lungs were heaving, and so were mine. We were finally hauled back up to the surface. We popped up and ended up panting like crazy.

Mrs. K smiled at mom before asking, “You ok, Natalie? You seem a little dazed.”

Mom just smiled as she panted, “Never better, Steph.”

“Would you mind taking my place? I need to run into the house for a minute.”


As Mrs. K climbed out of the pool, Mom got close to Kristin. My girlfriend gasped, “Wow, Natalie! You have no idea how excited I am right now!”

“No more than I am, honey.”

Mr. K looked at me and smiled. “Ready to go back down, Jason?”

I didn’t know what to say. That’s when Kristin blurted out, “Oh, he’s ready, daddy!” So Mr. K counted us down.

We all filled our lungs. Then mom and Mr. K took Kristin and I down. They wasted no time getting right to it.

I watched in shock as mom feasted on Kristin’s slit. My girlfriend moaned and bubbled. She was really enjoying what was being done to her.

Mr. K took me back into his mouth. Then he took his time gently sucking me. When I felt a finger up my ass, it caused my cock to really stiffen between his lips.

I moaned as I lost a few nose bubbles. Next to me, Kristin was wriggling and squirming. Mom looked like she was having the time of her life with her.

Occasionally, she would reach up and grope a breast as her tongue kept working in my girlfriend’s slit. I couldn’t help wondering though. The way she was acting, was it possible mom had done this to Kristin before?

Mr. K gave me a really sensuous blowjob. Occasionally, I felt a finger go up my butt. I was both aroused and embarrassed.

Kristin was leaking more bubbles, so she ran out of breath before I did. That’s when mom took her up to the surface. Mr. K sucked me a few seconds longer before we headed up as well.

We reached the surface and panted like crazy as we got our breath back. Mr. K looked around before observing, “I see my wife’s not back yet.” Then he asked mom, “Would you like to switch?”

Mom smiled sweetly at him. “I don’t see why not. It’s only fair.” That’s when my girlfriend blurted out, “Wow, Natalie! That’s going to be so hot!”

I blushed as mom came over to me. “Ready to hold your breath and beat them, honey?”

“Oh, no!” Kristin blurted out. “Daddy and I are going to beat you both!” Then Mr. K counted us down before I could put up any kind of protest.

There were loud gasps for breath before mom pulled me down. We ended up on the bottom where she started by kissing me. Then she slowly kissed her way down my body until she began kissing the tip of my quivering shaft.

Kristin’s legs were parted, her father feasting on her slit as she looked over at me. That’s when mom took me into her mouth. She began bobbing up and down, taking me deeper until Kristin blurted out a bubbly “That is so hot!”

It was embarrassing as hell. But it was also incredibly erotic. I had no idea mom could suck cock like that. Then it crossed my mind how many times she might have come over to swim and maybe suck Mr. K underwater.

Kristin moaned a bubbly, “Oh, daddy; I’m gonna cum!” That’s when mom cupped and caressed my balls. Then she hungrily bobbed up and down on my shaft.

I felt it swell within me. But shamefully, I couldn’t stop it. Mom glanced over to keep an eye on Kristin. That’s when my girlfriend let out a bubbly cry of “Oh DAA-DEEE!”

She jerked and shuddered in orgasm. Seeing her cum pushed me over the edge. I couldn’t keep from shooting load after load into my mother’s mouth.

Kristin looked over at us and saw cum leaking out past mom’s lips. She let out a bubbly cry of, “Oh, NATALIEEEE!” Then she was cumming again.

Our lungs were aching when we got hauled back to the surface. We panted like crazy to get our breath back. Kristin finally panted, “Wow; that was so hot! I came twice!”

Mom went over to her and kissed her. Then I realized she had opened her mouth to her. Was she sharing my cum with her??

Kristin appeared to gulp it all down. Then she looked at me and grinned. “That was yummy!” she panted. It really made me wonder what all mom had been doing whenever she had come over for a swim.

About that time, I caught sight of Mrs. K. She was back, but I didn’t see anything in her hand. Either she’d come back empty-handed, or she’d put it down somewhere.

“My turn, dear?” she asked Mr. K. He just smiled and moved aside.

Mrs. K jumped into the pool with a splash before coming right over to me. She smiled as she asked, “Ready for a really long breath-hold, Jason?”

I gulped and nodded. Mr. K counted us all down. Then mom and Mrs. K took Kristin and I back to the bottom.

2024 (written Feb 19 ‘24 by riwa)

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Male hanging shorts 4.4 (36)

Hanged at the Circus

My brother and I snuck into a circus in the middle of the night to rob the place. But we were caught by a couple of security guards.

I thought they’d call the cops. But we were tied up and locked in a windowless room for the rest of the night. I had just assumed they would turn us over to the police, and that there would be nothing more than some sort of fine to pay before we were sent on our way.

The next morning, we were hauled before the circus manager. He told us we would have to perform that night as punishment for our crimes. It was to be the last show before the circus moved on to the next town, and he wanted an act the crowd was sure to remember for a long time.

All that day we were kept isolated and in chains. We were not even given anything to eat. We could only wonder what would be expected of us during the evening’s performance before they let us go.

That night, the guards came to get us. To my shock, we were stripped naked, our hands tied behind our backs. Then we were marched into the big top.

The crowd cheered our arrival. It was embarrassing being naked in front of so many people. I had no idea what they expected from us that required us being nude.

Apparently we were the very first act of the evening. We were marched toward a platform in the center of the big top. That’s when I saw two dangling nooses.

What kind of act was this? I didn’t see any safety net. Were they really going to noose us up?

The ringmaster called out to the crowd, “And now for the first performance of the evening!” There was a great roar of anticipation from the spectators. What the hell was this??

The fear and embarrassment made my cock stiffen right up. It had the exact same effect on my brother. It was utterly humiliating.

The guards escorted him up onto the platform first as I stood there watching. They wasted no time noosing him right up. I noticed his cock was shamefully hard and dripping.

There was a dramatic pause. Then I heard the crowd chant, “Hang-Him – Hang-Him – HANG-HIM!” A moment later, my brother was pulled high up into the air.

The crowd roared as he began to kick and dance. His cock bounced and dripped until it spurted. Those who had a good look roared their approval.

I stared in shock and horror as I watched my brother kick in the noose. Then my arm was grabbed. The guard laughingly told me I was next as he dragged me toward the platform.

I could tell how much my brother was suffering by the way he kicked. But his cock stayed incredibly stiff. It was plainly visible to one and all.

I couldn’t understand it. Why was his dick so hard? It was as though his hanging was affecting him in a sexual way.

What’s worse, I felt my cock getting just as hard. I was about to hang naked, just like he was. And yet I was becoming visibly aroused. What was this shameful excitement I was experiencing?

I was taken up onto the platform where the noose was looped over my head. My brother was still in the air, kicking and suffering right next to me. Then the ringmaster motioned at me.

Again the crowd chanted, “Hang-Him – Hang-Him – HANG-HIM!” I felt an erotic jolt as my rope tightened around my neck. Then I was pulled up into the air.

The crowd roared as I swung back and forth right next to my brother. He was slowing down, but I was giving the paying audience a new spectacle to enjoy. That’s when my cock spurted shamefully, which caused a great cheer.

I fought my noose as my brother hung limp beside me. My dick oozed as I exhausted myself. Then I finally hung. We no longer heard the cheers of the crowd.

The show went on. The animals and acrobats came and went. But my brother and I dangled all night long in front of one and all. It seems we truly were the stars of the show. 


Hanging unruly male students

My task is simply to deal with unruly male students at the university. They get sent down to me whenever they become too disruptive. That’s how I first met Jeremy.

The moment he showed up, he defiantly started mouthing off to me. I was none too gentle tying his arms behind his back. Then I gagged and blindfolded him before noosing him up in his clothes.

Their punishment is not designed for a permanent ending, although that happens sometimes. The student suffers quite a bit before they get let down. This often cures them of their antisocial behavior.

I use a thicker noose, so the guys last longer. I think I surprised the hell out of him when I hoisted him up into the air. He kicked like a maniac, suffering for a good twenty minutes. I even noticed a stain that appeared in the crotch of his pants.

I finally let him down and set him free. I told him I was authorized to hang him to death if he kept returning. Next time, he would hang naked. Then I sent him on his way.

Sometimes a student gets hanged twice before they mend their ways. I heard nothing more from Jeremy for a couple of weeks. Then he made another appearance, which was not altogether unexpected.

I was determined this would be the last time we ever set eyes on each other. So I forcibly stripped him out of his clothes. Then he got the gag treatment, although I left the blindfold off.

His cock was already starting to harden when I pulled him up into the air. His dancing was a little less maniacal than the last time. Perhaps he knew what to expect.

This time, I got to see his cock go off. He actually spurted twice during those twenty minutes. Then I brought him down. “Next time you’re down here, you’ll get worse,” I told him before he got dressed and left.

I thought that would be the end of it. But three weeks later, he was back. I angrily asked him why he was in trouble this time. He said nothing.

Strip!” I demanded. He meekly complied. He wasn’t the least bit defiant.

He spoke not a word as I tied his arms behind his back, although his cock started to get hard again. What would be the point in him putting up a protest? He knew why he was here.

He never said a word as I grabbed the rope and hauled him up into the air. I gave him a ten minutes dance. Then I let him down to catch his breath before I hauled him back up for another fifteen.

He kicked and shimmied quite a bit. His cock spurted three different times as I stretched his time in the air to twenty-five minutes in total. Then I let him back down.

I warned him that next time I would humiliate him sexually if he showed up again. He simply nodded as he quietly got dressed before leaving.

Hanging the university students usually leaves me with a raging boner, which I deal with later. I always try to be professional when I hang them. But sometimes I end up taking liberties with certain students. Jeremy turned out to be one of those students.

Three weeks later, Jeremy was back. I violently undressed him, although he was submissive the entire time. Then I roughly tied his arms behind his back.

I noosed him up before forcing him to his knees. I pulled out my cock and fucked his face. There was cum in his mouth, on his lips, and hanging off his cheeks when I pulled him up into the air.

He kicked and danced as I stroked myself. He spurted three times again. But I got to enjoy cumming on his legs. It was only later I learned that he had not been in trouble when he came down to see me.

Jeremy kept showing up every two or three weeks. He always sucks my dick before I hanged him. I even started fucking him up the ass before taking him up into the air.

It was like that with Jeremy for the rest of the school year. I think he liked being strung up. And he certainly seemed to enjoy all those sexual humiliations.

Their hanging fetish

They got together every week to enjoy their hanging fetish. They always took turns with the noose. And they always used hoods.

The one who hanged himself always held onto the rope behind his back, simulating having his arms tied. His friend would suck him as he pulled on the rope while his friend stroked his own dick. Once he came in his friend’s mouth, they would change positions.

One day, they invited me over to observe. I think they enjoyed being watched. I stroked myself while watching them play their hanging games as they took turns.

They were so turned on by my presence that they invited me back. The next week, I was asked to participate. By having a spotter, they could really get into their play.

I put on a hood and tied their wrists behind their backs. I made the first one suck my cock with the noose around his neck. Then I hanged him with a mouthful of my cum still between his lips.

I made his friend suck his cock as he dangled in mid-air. His friend got a mouthful of cum before I let him down and allowed him to finally swallow my load. Then I made them change places.

I noosed the friend and made him suck my cock until he, too, got a mouthful of cum. Then I pulled the friend into the air with my cum still in his mouth. The first one sucked his erection as he dangled. I did not let him down and swallow my 2nd load until the friend gave the first one a load of cream between his lips.

They wanted to play the same game with me the following week. So I showed up, and we did it all over again. The guys were always horny, and loved making me cum in their mouths before I pulled them up into the air.

The next week, they wanted me to hang them both. They had an extra length of rope. And they now had a way to hang side by side.

Both nooses were on pulley systems. I tied them both. Then I made the first one suck me before pulling him up into the air while his friend sucked him.

Afterwards, I let him down. The noose was still around his head as I made his friend suck me. Then I pulled the friend into the air and made the first one suck his friend.

I let him down and was ready to call it a night after hanging them both at least once. But they wanted to play a little more. Now they both wanted to hang together.

I made them both kneel and suck me with their nooses around their heads. I fucked one face and then the other before they both got some of my cum between their lips. Then I pulled them both up onto their toes.

They were side by side as I stroked their cocks. Then I pulled them up into the air at the same time. They both kicked as their cocks spurted. Then I let them down.

They told me how turned on they were by sucking my cock before hanging for me. They loved the way I stroked them together before pulling them up into the air. And they loved spurting at roughly the same time. So they asked me to come back again.

They were ready for me when I returned the following week. This time they’d tied their balls off, leaving themselves with thick erections. I tied their arms behind their backs and then noosed them up.

I made them suck each other, but they were not permitted to cum. I strapped their knees and then their ankles. Then I made them kneel before me.

I took turns fucking their faces. When I was ready, I spurted all over their hoods. Then I took them up onto their toes.

I stroked both cocks at the same time. They both wanted to cum. So I pulled them into the air.

I pointed them at each other so their cocks went off and spurted on each other’s legs. Then I jerked on their cocks. I made sure to squeeze out every last drop for them.

I took turns sucking each cock as they slowly strangled to death. I got a load from each one. Then I asked them if they wanted to be let down.

They both shook their heads. So I left them hanging together. I think it’s what they wanted all along… for me to hang them together after all our sessions.

(Inspired by the pictures I found on the internet.)

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Underwater witch 3.3 (20)

Well, hello there. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Michelle.

What a wonderful day for a swim. And look at what we have here? I just happened to find myself a lovely pool to enjoy.

I love the water. It really turns me on. Being submerged and weightless while being forced to hold my breath? There’s nothing like it.

Actually, there’s a little more to it than that. You see, I’m rather naughty. That’s because I love drownings.

They’re my favorite thing. I enjoy watching it happen to others. I absolutely adore it when some poor, innocent thing drowns.

Michelle suddenly appears to gulp water. She hitches and gurgles, acting as though she is in agony. Then she abruptly stops drowning as a sly smile fills her features.

Somewhere in Phoenix, a naked young woman named Heather swims in her pool. She wears a dive mask to protect her eyes from the chlorine. She’s enjoying an unseasonably warm October 31st.

She’s near the bottom of the deep end when she suddenly inhales without the least bit of warning. Her eyes fly open in shock as she covers her mouth. She cannot understand what just happened.

We go back to the witch. Michelle shakes her head. No, honey. You do it like this. Then she deliberately goes into painful spasms as she appears to gulp great mouthfuls of water.

Back in Phoenix, Heather suddenly gulps water again. Her eyes fly open in horror as she gurgles. Then she inhales again.

The witch hitches as she inhales. In Phoenix, Heather unknowingly mimics her exact same drowning convulsions without realizing why she is doing it. As Michelle spasms, Heather matches the exact same convulsions.

Soon, the witch stops convulsing. But she smiles as she briefly closes her eyes. It’s as though she can see picture in her mind’s eye the action taking place in the Phoenix pool.

Her eyes open back up. Then she smiles wickedly. Poor thing. All it takes is one good gulp to trigger the inhaling reflex. Then the lungs begin to flood. Isn’t it wonderful?

In Phoenix, Heather’s drowning convulsions begin to subside. But she is incapable of reaching the surface. She sprawls out on the floor of her pool onto her back, still in shock over what has just happened.

The witch appears to be in a state of euphoria as she lets out a bubbly sigh of pleasure. Poor thing. Maybe she shouldn’t have been swimming on Halloween.

We hear an evil chuckle as a decorated scythe suddenly appears in her grasp. What’s that? Surely you misunderstand. Not all witches are afraid of the water. Some of us have needs, you know. For me, it’s cumming and drowning. And I usually enjoy taking somebody with me.

In sunny Florida, Julie sits naked in the deep end on the floor of her pool. A weight belt holds her down as she touches herself. She is very close to cumming.

The witch touches herself through her flowing robe. In Florida, Julie touches herself the same way. When the witch goes for her crotch, Julie goes for it as well.

The witch winces in orgasm, losing bubbles out of her nose. Julie suddenly winces in orgasm, also releasing bubbles out of her nostrils. That’s when the witch grins as she deliberately inhales water.

Julie’s inhalation is totally unexpected. The witch coughs and inhales again. Julie unknowingly mimics her action until she’s all caught up in a painful drowning.

Michelle lets out a bubbly cry of pleasure… I’m cumming – I’m cumming!

In Florida, Julie cums again, an action immediately followed up by another painful inhalation.

She’s drowning – she’s drowning! Oh; it’s so good! Meanwhile, Julie drowns painfully as orgasmic aftershocks ripple through her dying form.

Michelle seems all caught up in the moment. She’s had two already. But she selfishly desires more.

Come, my pretties. Trick or treat? Who wants to drown for me next?

She sees a naked young woman named Ava somewhere in Texas. A moment later, we see her too. The only thing she wears is a white bottom, along with a weight belt rolled around her waist.

She sits in a patio longer, enjoying the sun. Somehow, Michelle sees her too. You perhaps? Let’s get your hands behind your back first.

Ava suddenly rises upright on the lounger. Her wrists are secured behind her back. She has no idea how this has happened.

No, darling. I need you in the pool right this minute.

The next thing our Texan discovers is that she is now sitting in the water, just off the steps of her pool. Once again, she has no idea how she got there so fast. She is so confused… and more than a little frightened.

Ready, my dear? Then let us begin. And with that, Michelle opens her mouth wide and inhales deeply. The Texan promptly opens her mouth and gulps down a huge mouthful of water before she can stop herself.

Michelle gulps again and again, hitching and gurgling. The girl in Texas virtually mimics her actions. Michelle stops and grins as the Texan continues swallowing water.

Oh my. She’s drowning so painfully. Such a pretty young thing to be so careless in her pool on Halloween. It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving young woman.

The Texan hitches and gurgles. Her arms finally come free, the object no longer there holding her wrists together. She slowly goes over backward until she is staring up at the surface in shock and awe.

The witch suddenly holds a skull in her hands as she triumphantly raises her scythe. Drownings are so incredibly erotic. But they’re oh-so-wonderfully painful. Pain and pleasure… such a lethal combination, wouldn’t you agree?

In her eye, she spies another young woman swimming in a pool. Alicia is in San Diego. She is swimming naked in the pool of a friend.

How thoughtful she is sharing her pool with you today. After all, what are friends for? But didn’t she warn you about the faulty switch to the pool cover? Sometimes it activates without warning.

Alicia seems oblivious to the danger. The pool cover virtually makes no sound as it quietly slides across the surface. It is only when it darkens at the bottom of the pool that she realizes there is trouble.

She bursts up to the surface. But it is too late. She pushes up against the closed cover. But it hardly gives at all.

My-my. Gotten ourselves into quite a mess, haven’t we? Maybe you should have checked on that cover first, just to make sure it was functioning properly.

Alicia cries out as she beats in vain against the cover. She becomes frantic as her lungs begin to strain. Bubbles trickle out of her nose.

What perfect timing. Such a lovely, tragic accident. And you with those nice breasts too.

Darling, your nipples are rather hard! Are we anticipating experiencing a rather painfully erotic drowning? Here, let me help you.

Michelle takes the smallest of gulps of water. Alicia virtually mimics her action before a hand comes up to cover her mouth. A moment later, she finds herself hitching and gurgling as she starts to drown.

All of that for me? You’re drowning so painfully just for me? How deliciously wonderful! I guess there’s nothing left for you to do now but swallow more water until your lungs flood.

The witch suddenly takes big gulps as though she’s caught up in the middle of a painful drowning. In San Diego, Alicia takes the same big gulps. She hitches and gurgles until she loses her buoyancy.

Alicia starts to drift downward to the bottom of the pool. She ends up flat on her back, looking up in surprise. There are stray agonal spasms as the occasional bubble slips out past her parted lips.

The witch closes her eyes as though fully immersing herself in the drowning that is taking place. Then she lets out a bubbly cry of pleasure. Her eyes open as she smiles happily.

Pool covers can be so handy. One minute, they’re keeping the leaves out. The next, they’re keeping you in. What wonderful devices!

Her scythe is suddenly gone. In her hands is only the skull now. That’s when she smiles knowingly.

I don’t deal only in swimming pools, you know. The most frequent of accidents usually happens in the bathroom.

Take Rosie, for example. She’s been drinking. Now she’s got a massive headache. A nice, hot soak will do her wonders… that is, if she can safely get herself into the tub.

In the outskirts of Chicago, Rosetta prepares a bath. She has a splitting headache. Unfortunately, all that booze has not helped. Or maybe the booze is the cause.

She is testing the temperature by swirling her hand in the water when the witch makes a casual, sweeping motion with her hand. Rosie abruptly tumbles over and falls into the tub.

Michelle smiles as she makes a gulping motion. Rosie immediately does the same thing as though mimicking the witch. A moment later, she is lying on her side, gulping and bubbling… and drowning.

Ah, such a lovely drowning, even in the bathtub. So erotic. Poor thing.

The skull is suddenly replaced with a jack-o-lantern. But the witch is not done. She is all caught up in the moment.

I love when they drown on Halloween. So many accidents on such a lethal holiday. It makes it such a Happy Halloween for me. But not for some of these other poor folks.

No one is immune. Not even lifeguards practicing in their own pools. One has to know her limitations, especially on a day like today.

In Southern California, April dives to the bottom of her pool. She swims the entire length from the deep end into the shallow end. Then she turns around and swims back.

She reaches the deep end and heads for the wall. She figures she can do a couple lengths easy. Then she might call it a day.

The witch smiles before deliberately taking a great big gulp of water. April involuntarily matches the action. That’s when her eyes fly open in shock at what she’s just done.

Michelle takes another gulp for good measure. April mimics it without understanding why. Michelle smiles as she says, Let me join you, darling. Then Michelle goes into painful spasms, causing April to do the exact same thing.

April tries to claw her way toward the surface. The witch just shakes her head as she inhales again. April inhales deeply before settling down onto the pool floor.

Michelle lies propped up against the side of the pool she is in. She releases bubbles as she hitches and gurgles. April ends up laying against the side of her pool in a much similar manner, also losing bubbles out of her mouth.

The witch shudders from the pleasure of another drowning. She takes on a look of rapture. Ah, another unfortunate accident, swallowing water at the bottom of her pool. How deliciously wonderful.

April finally becomes limp and lifeless. She lies against the bottom wall of the pool, her lips parted. The occasional bubble slips out of her mouth.

Michelle smiles dreamily before coming back to reality. She holds the skull between her knees. Now she has a witch’s hat on her head.

Anyone else want to drown before I go? Such a lovely way to go out, cumming as your lungs fill with water. How about you, darling? You look like you could put on quite a performance for me.

In Florida, Linda is actually practicing her “drowning” skills. She performs for an underwater video company. Today, she sits on the bottom of her pool, her hands cuffed behind her back.

Oh, my. You’re all ready to go, aren’t you? Did you do all that just for my benefit? How thoughtful of you.

Linda struggles as she sits on the bottom of the pool. Is she trying to work her hands free while performing some sort of escape act?

Oh, how lovely. I just love it when their hands are already secured behind their back. That makes things so much easier for me.

How silly of you to put yourself into that kind of situation, darling. But I humbly accept. Now why don’t you sit there and wriggle your chest for me?

The witch shakes her chest from side to side. In Florida, Linda does the same thing. She’s not sure why she does it. But she goes along with it anyway.

The witch smiles knowingly. Now for one big breath, darling. Let’s try it together, shall we?

Michelle opens her mouth wide. Then she appears to take a big breath. In Florida, Linda opens wide and takes a big breath without meaning too. It shocks her.

How about another one, darling; just for me? Then Michelle opens her mouth and inhales again. Poor Linda takes another one, unable to fathom what she has just done.

Oh, that’s wonderful, darling. Now let the drowning commence. Then Michelle begins hitching and gurgling as though she is painfully swallowing water.

Linda gulps water down her windpipe. She immediately begins hitching and convulsing in agony. This was not at all how this was supposed to turn out!

Her breasts shake and wobble as she painfully inhales. She experiences an unexpected orgasm in the process. The witch enters a state of bliss as she sighs… Yes – yes – yes! What a lovely drowning orgasm!

Michelle holds up the skull. Happy Halloween, everyone. My work here is done. It is time to depart. But I see the homeowner has returned. Perhaps one for the road? Then she smiles wickedly.

A woman in a white blouse and black skirt comes into the back yard. She looks down into the water and is shocked at what she sees. “Hey! Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my pool?” Then she waves as she declares, “Get out of there!”

From the bottom of the pool, the witch smiles up at her. So nice of you to come home. What perfect timing. Won’t you join me? Come, let us drown together. Then she reaches up and makes a pulling motion as though trying to pull her in, urging her to come join her.

The homeowner finds herself unexpectedly pitching head first into the water. She can’t understand how it happened. It felt as though her arm was grabbed and she was pulled in. But how could that be when her intruder was clear down at the bottom of her pool??

The witch motions her to come closer. The homeowner finds herself being irresistibly pulled toward her. She becomes frightened at her inability to resist.

The witch grabs her by the shoulders. The homeowner is seemingly paralyzed, unable to move. That’s when Michelle pulls her close and kisses her on the lips.

The homeowner is helpless to do anything other than return the kiss. It is deep and soulful. Then they pull apart.

The witch smiles knowingly at her while still holding her shoulders. Then she opens her mouth and appears to inhale water. All right; now it’s your turn.

The homeowner opens her mouth and also inhales. It’s as though she cannot stop herself. Her eyes fly open at what she has just done.

The witch grins knowingly at her as she lets go. That’s right, my lovely. Drown for me. Then she inhales once… twice… three times.

The homeowner mimics Michelle’s inhalations until she cannot stop. She goes into painful drowning spasms as she tumbles onto her side. She is shocked at what she witnesses next, even as she continues to drown.

The witch is no longer clothed! She lies naked on the bottom of the pool. And she is drowning too!

Michelle swallows water, inhaling over and over again. Her nipples are painfully hard. She knows the homeowner is drowning right next to her… and it fills her with such excitement that she orgasms.

The homeowner is shocked. But there is nothing she can do. She can only watch in horror until the life winks out of her eyes.

The witch spasms and convulses until she lies still upon the floor of the pool… So good… so heavenly… drowning with her… cumming and drowning… yes, darling. Such a lovely drowning you have given me.

Michelle lies on the bottom near the drowned pool owner who is still in her clothes. The witch cums over and over again until she lies absolutely still.

The words Happy Halloween echo throughout the backyard. Then she slowly fades away until she and her objects are gone. It is as though she was never there at all.

2023 (written Dec 8 ’23 by riwa. Pictures found all over the Internet and used for illustration purposes. Dedicated to Michelle.)

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Dorothy dances for me 4.6 (50)

Dorothy knew how much it would cheer me up after my operation to witness a hanging. I’d given her so many orgasms over the years that she wanted to return the favor. So she flew over once the weather warmed up.

We decided to stage her hanging in the backyard of a good friend. He was excited to help me hang Dottie. But he said he would make sure to stay out of the way and just operate the noose.

Dorothy and I quickly undressed. She wanted to dance in her very best. I really appreciated her beauty and her willingness to hang for me. Hell, my cock was already trying to salute her incredible gesture.

I secured her hands behind her back. But I made sure to give her some slack so as to allow her to improvise while she was hanging. She was trembling as I shackled her wrists together.

I smiled as I asked, “Are you having second thoughts?”

She smiled seductively at me. “Yes… and no. Besides, I like what I’m seeing.”

She reached around with one hand and grabbed my erection. “I can tell you’re going to enjoy my dance. So I really want to do this for you, love.”

She stroked me as she kissed me deeply. I was becoming more turned on by the second. This sexy bitch was really going to hang for me!

Let me taste it, love,” she said as she gave it a tug.

Want to wear my cum on your face as you hang for me?”

Oh, bloody hell yes!”

She dropped to her knees in the grass and started sucking. She was incredible. My friend got an erection in his pants as he stood nearby. But he didn’t try to interfere.

Dottie glanced over at him while she was sucking me. Then she tried to motion him over. When he got close enough, she somehow managed to get his pants down. I guess her shackles weren’t very tight after all.

She really gobbled us both down. I felt my balls swell as I pulled out of her mouth. Then I splattered her face with my cream.

She gasped with delight. Hell, I think she almost had a climax receiving my load. My buddy splattered her face a few seconds later.

She slowly rose to her feet as my buddy went over and grabbed the loose end of the rope. “I’m ready lover,” she panted breathlessly. “Take me up and send me to heaven.”

Are you sure, love?”

Hang me, darling! I’m so turned on that I can hardly stand it!”

I nodded at my buddy who pulled on the rope. Dottie went straight up into the air. A moment later she started to kick instinctively from the agony of her weight in the noose.

I watched in awe as she did her sexy dance of death. It was arousing as hell. In no time at all my cock hardened right back up.

Lower her!” I gasped as I stepped forward. In her panic, Dottie reached for me with her legs until she managed to wrap them around me. My buddy lowered her until her wet slit sucked my cock deep inside her. That’s when he tied her off.

She grunted and gurgled as she tried to climb me to relieve the agony around her throat. Her pussy clenched wonderfully around my swollen shaft. I squeezed her arse as I thrust up into her again and again.

Her face began to turn a nasty shade of red. I smiled as I breathed, “Now give me your life darling.” Then I stepped back until she lost her grip on me.

She hung freely, her feet barely three inches off the grass. She stretched her toes, but there was nothing there. Then she began to wriggle like a worm, her hips thrusting outward as her sexy breasts bounced for me.

She made no sound as she shimmied and gyrated. Her legs tried to kick as her tongue slowly protruded. She made a sudden jerking motion. Then she dangled quietly.

I heard urine splatter onto the grass as she gently swung back and forth. I was hard as a rock as I stepped forward. I stroked my dick as parts of her naked body twitched from firing nerve impulses.

I was so horny that I let fly for a second time. My cream splattered her tummy. She just stared at me with a vacant expression. But there was something in her eyes that made me believe she’d somehow enjoyed giving me such pleasure.

2021 (written for Dottie 2-24-21 by riwa. Inspired by the manip.)

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Mother-daughter feud 4.4 (27)

Christine and her daughter Viola were escorted down a hall by four matronly women. The condemned wore plain orange jumpsuits. This would be their last walk together as mother and daughter, their last day of existence.

They were led into a simple execution chamber. It was empty save for two wooden structures with handles on the back. Pieces of wood four inches wide by four inches high stuck out in the form of makeshift seats that looked extremely uncomfortable.

A coil of rope attached to each handle. The purpose was all too clear. A redhead in an official blue uniform stood waiting along the back wall.

The blonde haired Christine gasped at the sight before her. It had now become quite serious. There would be no reprieve from the governor on this one.

She heard the frightened voice of her daughter behind her gasp, “Mother?” Apparently reality was hitting her as well. It usually did once the method of terminating one’s life presented itself.

Christine tried to stand upright and resolute. “We understood it might come to this, Viola. We must accept the judgement of the court.”

“But you’re innocent!” Then she looked at the waiting woman and pleaded, “You must set my mother free! She’s innocent.” Their executioner said nothing.

The jumpsuit was abruptly lifted up over Viola’s head by one of the matrons. It exposed her nakedness. Underneath, she’d only been granted a modest pair of nylons to wear.

Her two matrons forced her down onto the nearest garrote. The square protrusion to sit upon gave no comfort whatsoever. She let out an inadvertent yelp of alarm and discomfort.

Viola watched as the jumpsuit was pulled up over her mother’s head. She, too, was forced to sit upon the square protrusion emerging out of the garrote post. She panted for breath as she watched the woman who’d given her life being treated with such callousness.

The matrons spoke not a word as they worked quick and quiet. Viola’s arms were secured to some sort of connection near the back of the post. Her sagging breasts heaved as she panted for breath.

Christine was secured at the same time as her daughter. The matrons were much too efficient. Within moments they were filing single file out of the execution chamber.

Their executioner only moved once the others were gone. She came over and quietly fitted a coil around Christine’s neck until it draped loosely. Viola let out a cry upon seeing her mother being prepared to meet her end.

“No; you can’t! I did it! I’m the one responsible! Please don’t kill my mother!”

“Viola, stop it! I’m every bit as guilty as you are.”

“Mother, you didn’t have to come this far!”

“You would not have managed it without my help.”

The executioner quietly stepped behind Viola and looped the coil around her throat. She stiffened as she felt the rope resting around her neck. But she was too absorbed with her mother’s little dig to appreciate the gravity of her situation.

“Mother, I had it completely under control!”

“Honey, you mucked it up from the very beginning. He would not have expired had I not intervened.”

“Mother, don’t say that! Don’t admit anything!”

“Viola, it’s too late.”

“Mother, why are you always interfering in my life?”

“Darling, is this the time to bring that up now? We’re going to be dead soon.”

“This is all your fault, you know!”

“And now it comes out yet again, even at the end.”

She sighed as the executioner finished with her daughter. She looked back at the woman and gave her a wry smile. “Would you please just get on with it before my daughter goes into another one of her little diatribes?”

“Mother, I can’t believe this! We’re about to be executed and you still have to make a big deal about my shortcomings?”

“Honey, let’s not go through this now, ok? Isn’t there anything you want to say to me?”

“Like what?” Viola asked sarcastically as the executioner grabbed onto the handle to her mother’s garrote post.

“How about something like ‘goodbye’? ‘So long’ maybe? ‘See you on the other side, dearest mother’? How about ‘I love you’? I do love you, honey.”

“Hah! That’s a laugh! You’ve never shown me a single ounce of love or trust! Go right ahead, executioner! Snuff the bitch!”

“Viola?? I can’t believe you – AWK!”

The rope tightened around Christine’s throat. She rasped for breath as she tried to pull air down her windpipe. Her legs flew outward as she began to writhe against her post.

Her daughter’s emotions changed in an instant. “That’s the way!” Viola gasped with maniacal sadism. “Strangle the fucking bitch! It serves her right!”

Christine’s chest heaved. Her feet found the floor as she thrust her hips forward. It looked like she was somehow fucking the air right in front of her.

“Fuck, yeah; slaughter the bitch! Strangle the fucking whore! She was a slut her whole life! She’s the reason I’m in this mess to begin with!”

Christine spewed fluids out of her crotch. She suddenly lost the strength to keep fighting. A sudden crick from her neck caused her to collapse onto her uncomfortable seating arrangement.

Her body went into little seizures as she hitched against her post. Her head turned a nasty shade of red. Blotches of a bluish hue broke out all over her face.

Viola became maniacally hysterical. “Kill her – kill her – KILL HER!” It was this lack of emotional control that had condemned her in the first place. Now she let out a guttural cry of sadistic glee once her mother sat lifeless against her post.

Viola squirted her orgasm as she panted for breath. It should have been shameful. But by now she’d lost all sense of reason.

The executioner calmly stepped behind her. That’s when things got real. “No – WAIT!” Then the coil tightened around her throat.

She rasped as she tried to struggle. But she could not escape the post, nor could she avoid the coil around her throat. Her secured hands and the rope around her neck kept her firmly in place.

Her inability to get a decent breath down her throat made her clit swell. Her nipples hardened considerably. Then she began to buck and shudder against the post she was secured to.

She tried to scream, but her breath was cut off. Viola saw stars as her vision began to fade. Then she suddenly found herself able to gulp a huge breath of fresh air down her lungs.

She coughed and wheezed as she tried to compose herself. She tried to turn her head to see what her female executioner was doing. But the woman was standing right behind her, out of her line of sight.

“You’re n-not going to kill m-AWK!”

Once more, the rope tightened considerably. Viola tried to scream. She only succeeded in getting a thin rasp of air past her lips.

She shuddered hard as she slammed her feet down against the floor again and again. It hurt so fucking bad! Then her pussy gushed as she went into orgasmic seizures.

The rope suddenly loosened again. Viola coughed hard as she rasped for breath. Her body was on fire from a terrible arousal.

“Is that it?” she started to ask. Then the rope tightened around her neck yet again. Her eyes flew open in horror as she struggled to pull the thinnest of breaths down her throat.

She pissed herself as her breasts bounced and heaved. Out of the corner of her eye she could see her mother serene in death. So why was this happening to her? Why was her death being extended??

He hips swung upward with a mind of their own. Viola spewed a violent orgasm, a painful flush of pleasure. Then the rope cruelly loosened around her throat.

“What the fuck are you doing?” she gasped as she tried to catch her breath. “You can’t do this to me!” Then the rope tightened once again.

Viola stiffened in horror as she tried to breathe. Her feet slammed down onto the floor as she went into little seizures again. Gawd; how she wanted this to end!

She tried to speak, tried to scream. But nothing would come out. Her eyes rolled as she shuddered hard, spewing fluids from yet another forced orgasm.

The rope loosened once more. Viola went into a severe coughing fit. “Stop it – stop it! I don’t deserve this! He got what he deserved; ok? Even mom got what she deserved! They all got – AWK!”

The rope tightened yet again. Viola rasped for breath. This time the rope constricted ominously around her throat.

Her mind screamed as she thrashed about against her post. Her pendulous breasts bounced as she shimmied and shuddered while sitting on the uncomfortable piece of wood. And still the agony around her neck intensified.

She glanced over at her dead mother. Her mind screamed, “YOU BITCH! YOU DID THIS TO ME!” Then her chest heaved as she struggled in vain to pull a single sliver of air down her throat.

The rope tightened even more. Her hips thrust upward as she began reflexively humping the air. When was this agony going to stop…..


…and with that her feud with her mother came to an abrupt end as Viola collapsed onto the crude rectangular piece of wood she’d been sitting upon…

2021 (written Mar 8 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by the accompanying picture.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (4)

Coming November rewards

Flora at the club 2
MILF instructor 2
Nicki and the plastic hose
Dreams do come true pt 2
Best laid plans 7
Buried in the sand
It’s no joke
Dorothy’s squalid hanging 4
A leak in the room
The little thief
Tub troubles
And a couple of bonus stories tossed in.

September stories/rewards will fall off at the end of October to make room for November rewards.

Like mother, like son I guess. My gallbladder was bad, and so was my mother’s. Hers was enlarged, so it had to be pulled out through a bigger hole cut into muscle. She’s had more pain from that surgical incision than she’s had from the removal of the gallbladder itself. She didn’t do much for a couple of weeks after surgery, and is only now carefully venturing out. But the prognosis from the doctor’s visit she had yesterday is promising. She’s looking forward to getting back to her routine.

It can be an inconvenience looking after your mother. Sometimes plans get interrupted. And sometimes you say things you should not have said that hurt the ones you love. God recently had to correct me on that. He made me realize I’m blessed to still have her in my life, even with her health issues at her age. So every time I go to see her, I ask God to help me be a blessing to her, and for me to appreciate the times we get to have together.

He’s also reminded me of the blessing of having all of you as my patrons. My living situation and financial circumstances are stable, unlike a lot of other people who’ve been impacted by fire, bad weather, and by not-so-pleasant situations and circumstances. Life is full of uncertainties, and we should be grateful for the blessings we receive. So I thank God for you all, and I include you in my daily prayers. Please take good care of yourselves and your families during these very unique times we are now living in. And thank you so much for being my patrons.

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The decision 4 (35)

She watched him swim naked to the bottom of the pool. He paused by the grating covering the drain long enough to leave something behind. Her heart beat fast as her pussy moistened.

She jumped naked into the water and swam down to him. He was lying on his back near the slope. He stretched his arms out toward her as she swam into his grasp.

They embraced for the longest time, their lips meeting as their tongues intertwined. Bubbles came up as they kissed each other. Then they surfaced where she panted heavily for breath.

You left two sets?” she asked curiously as she looked down at the bottom of the pool. He nodded.

Are you sure about all this?” He nodded again.

She looked at him in confusion. “But I thought you were eager to watch me drown.”

He smiled before telling her, “I am. I just plan on being a minute or two behind you.”

Behind me? You’re going to drown with me?” For a moment there she wasn’t sure she believed him.

Of course. Why not?”

She looked at him dubiously. He eyed her skeptically before asking, “What – you don’t believe me?”

Does it really matter?” she replied. “Whether I believe you or not, I’ll still be drowning either way. Besides, you can hold your breath a couple minutes longer than me at the very least.”

That means I’ll be drowning right behind you… with my cock deep inside you.”

She inhaled sharply, her pussy throbbing at his remark. Then her eyes twinkled lustfully. The idea of drowning for him was incredibly erotic. The thought he might drown himself with his cock inside her corpse made the idea even hotter.

But did she really trust him to drown himself after she was gone? Did it matter? Either way, she was going to be tethered to the bottom of the pool, her lungs full of water.

He looked at her and smiled. “Last breath?”

Last breath,” she agreed with a nod. “Gawd, I’m so… I’m so turned on right now!”

Still want to do this?”

Now more than ever!”

Remember, I’m going to outlast you by a couple of minutes at least.”

She smiled lustfully at him. “Good. I hope you enjoy my drowning. Then I want you to put those minutes to good use.”

To the drain?” he motioned with his head.

To the drain,” she nodded breathlessly.

He took a deep breath. Then he jackknifed downward. She watched him swim all the way down to the grate above the drain.

Was he getting a head start? She decided she didn’t want to tarry too long as she wanted to drown while he could watch her. So she crammed as much air into her lungs as possible before she slipped under the surface.

She swam down toward the drain, bubbles trailing out of her nose. He was already bent down at the drain as though kneeling. An empty handcuff was in his grasp.

Before she even got there, she saw him attach it to his ankle. It gave her an erotic jolt something fierce. Now he was committed… unless he had a key stashed away somewhere.

She could turn around and head back if she wanted. She could watch him drown and then go on about her business. But she swam right down to the adjacent set of handcuffs.

He was still kneeling as she reached down and grabbed the empty cuff to the second set attached to the grate. She looked him right in the eye as she fumbled with it around her ankle. There was still time to change her mi –


It snapped shut around her ankle. Now she was just as committed as he was. It gave her an erotic thrill so overpowering that she almost climaxed right then and there.

She couldn’t hold her breath nearly as long. That meant she would be going first. He would get to watch her drown, something they’d always talked about.

And then what? Would he fuck her corpse before it was his turn to go? Did it really matter? She could only hope he would thoroughly enjoy using her body for that extra couple of minutes.

They embraced, kissing each other deeply as the handcuffs attached to the drain tethered them together. She fumbled as she reached down to grasp onto his erection. He felt harder than at any time during their relationship.

She worked him into her throbbing kitty. She was so unbelievably horny! Then she began to ride him as they fervently kissed.

Bubbles dribbled out of their noses. She rode him harder. Gawd, she was so turned on right now!

It was over a minute before she felt that first spasm in her stomach. Another one forced itself up into her chest. She tried to swallow it back down.

She pulled away from his lips as she smiled at him. She preferred to drown with his mouth on her lips. But the whole purpose of this was to let him watch her suffer.

She deliberately caressed her breasts. Then she smiled knowingly at him as another convulsion rippled through her chest. At that point she began to question the wisdom of her choice… of their mutual decision to go out together.

He’d told her she would panic. He’d explained her body would fight it. She hoped she wouldn’t struggle too much and that he would enjoy the view before it was his turn.

The strain in her chest intensified. Her smile began to fade. He smiled back at her reassuringly as he reached out to touch her all over.

There was another convulsion. Her lungs wanted to give out. She could feel her body’s reaction to her growing desire for one more breath. But that breath would not be forthcoming.

He was still inside her. She tried to keep him there. But she didn’t know how long her body would cooperate.

She could feel an orgasm coming on strong. She could also feel a growing panic threaten to overwhelm her. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt before.

He grabbed her shoulders as bubbles leaked out of her mouth and nose. Instinctively, she began to struggle. He held on tighter.

Her pussy clenched around the dick inside her as a major spasm shook her. Her cheeks bulged as she instinctively covered her mouth. Then she looked upward.

Another convulsion resulted in the loss of much of her breath. That’s when her survival instinct kicked in. There was nothing she could do about it.

She began clawing wildly for the surface, trying to kick with her legs. She struggled to shake the cuff off her ankle. But it wouldn’t break free.

She backed away from him, causing his erection to slip out. He just grabbed her by her wrists. Her eyes opened wide in terror as she frantically shook her head no. Then she inhaled.

She gulped a huge mouthful of water. Instantly she went into painful spasms. She began hitching and jerking as she kept swallowing water. That’s when she shuddered in painful orgasm.

It was horrifying. Yet he held on tight. His cock was incredibly hard.

She gulped and hitched until her struggles lessened. That’s when he pulled her back to her. Then he slid into her as he embraced her.

She clenched instinctively around his shaft as her convulsions lessened. The horror on her face softened. She was reassured knowing he was right there with her.

She shuddered as she felt him start to fuck her. Now he was going to enjoy her drowned body. For a moment it felt like he’d actually cum inside her. The thought made her clench weakly as her senses began to spiral away.

He brushed the hair out of her face. Stray bubbles leaked out past her parted lips. She tried to smile back. Then the life faded from her eyes.

He embraced her fiercely as he thrust in and out of her. He wanted her to embrace him back. But her arms hung loosely around him.

He knew what was coming. Soon, he would be next. Had it turned her on seeing how committed he was? There was no way he would ever know.

At four minutes he felt the first stirring in his lungs. He fucked her harder. The occasional bubble was forced out of her lungs.

He looked into her eyes. She stared lifelessly at him as though happy with her decision. Now it almost looked as though she was encouraging him.

He thrust harder. He could feel another release coming. He looked right into her eyes. Then he forced himself to open his mouth.

He swallowed water, gulping fluid down into his lungs. Instantly, he went into painful spasms. His cock seemed to spurt and spurt inside her as he hitched and gurgled.

He tried to hold onto her body… forced himself to hold on tight. Drowning hurt like hell. Then the pain began to subside.

He was still holding her in his arms, although he could feel his grasp lessening. His cock twitched inside her as it started to soften. He looked into her eyes as a stray bubble slipped out of his mouth. She released a single bubble in reply. Then they quietly swayed together, tethered to the pool drain by their separate cuffs as his erection finally slipped out of her.

2021 (written Apr 2 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by the picture I included.)

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