I saw him pull her out of the trunk of his car, heft her over his shoulder and then take her into the building. Instantly I regretted not having my cell phone with me. You always need it when you never have it; am I right?
There was no one else around; it was an empty alley. I would not have been there myself had I not taken a wrong turn. When I saw the car I followed it to this location, only to stay back in horror once I saw who he had in the trunk.
I couldn’t tell if she was conscious or not. I wondered what he was going to do to her. He carried her in over his shoulder until he disappeared inside.
Right then I should have gone for help. But I had no idea where I could find the nearest telephone. Besides, I was curious to find out what was going to happen to her.
I snuck up to the door I’d watched him take her into. I carefully pulled on the handle. It opened right up.
‘Out of the frying pan?’ I thought to myself as I slipped inside.
It was nothing but a large warehouse. I listened intently. I thought I heard sound coming from the other end of the building.
I headed off in that direction. I tried to remain as quiet as I could, fully aware of my limitations. With any luck I might find a phone in some unused office from which I could call the police.
The building was large and imposing, amplifying every little sound. What the hell was I doing?? I was out of my depth, and I knew it! Still, I just had to know what he’d done with that poor girl.
I stood frozen with indecision. I thought I heard strange sounds emanating from somewhere nearby. But they made no sense to me.
They were choking, rasping sounds. It sounded like some sort of struggle was in progress. I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing, could I?
I bravely picked up a small metal pipe lying nearby. Then I went off in that direction. I had absolutely no idea how much help I might be able to contribute to the situation.
The sounds seemed to lessen the closer I got to one particular door. Had I heard them wrong? What was going on in there?
I held the pipe awkwardly. I was not sure what I would do with it if the situation were to warrant some sort of action. Then I carefully reached out for the door.
I heard a strange creaking sound, along with faint grunts and rasps coming from the other side. They were very weak. But they sounded human in origin.
Fear knifed into my gut as I reached for the doorknob. I clung to my weapon, unsure how I would even use it. Then I pulled on the knob.
The door started to open with a creaking sound. Damned rusty hinge! I figured I had just announced my presence to whoever was inside.
Throwing caution to the wind, I threw the door wide open. Then I stepped inside. What I saw was so shocking that it made me drop the pipe from my hand.
It bounced off the cement floor with a clangity-clang. But that made no difference. It would not have helped with what I was now witnessing.
Fronting a cement wall were two wooden posts holding up a crossbeam. A metal ladder occupied an adjoining wall. A chair stood nearby to the wooden structure.
What horrified me was what dangled from that crossbeam. The woman I’d seen from the trunk was now hanging there naked. She was dangling right along with some other girl I had not seen before, one who was dressed only in a black bra.
Their faces were a horrible shade of red. I could tell their necks were stretching. And their bushy womanhoods were shamefully exposed with glistening droplets.
They gently swung back and forth, their ropes creaking from the tension. Their arms were tied behind their backs. They had agonized looks on their faces.
Occasionally I saw a muscle twitch or a leg jerk. Otherwise, they made no movements of their own. They simply swung back and forth while twisting in place.
I rushed up to them; Gawd, were they still alive?? I had no idea what to do. My heart pounded in my chest. They simply turned in front of me as though rotating in those nooses like mannequins in some storefront display.
“How kind of you to join us, my dear…”
I turned in horror, only to see that male from the car approaching ominously. A switchblade flashed in one hand. A coil of rope occupied the other.
My heart leaped into my throat as I began to back away. “Stay away from me!” I stammered in my best no-nonsense voice. “The police are on their way!”
I did not sound the least bit convincing.
“I think not,” he chuckled sinisterly. “But I am pleased to see you. I had no idea fate would be so kind as to give me a third brunette to string up today.”
I gasped in horror… “You wouldn’t DARE!” Then I turned to run.
He caught me easily, pinning my arms behind my back. When I tried to scream, he covered my mouth with his hand. “You’ll be my centerpiece, my dear,” he cooed into my ear.
I tried to scream again. Then I felt a blow to the back of my head. It left me momentarily stunned.
He cut my clothes off my body using the switchblade. It was humiliating beyond belief. Then he tied my arms behind my back.
I watched in helpless nakedness as he tied a third noose. It went right in the middle of the beam between those poor, unfortunate girls. Then he slid the chair between them, leaving it directly under that horrifying noose.
He came over and picked me up off the floor. He chuckled with amusement as he remarked, “A trio of brunettes. Can you imagine my good fortune?”
I tried to scream. But I was terrified out of my mind. For a moment I could not find my voice.
My legs were wobbly as he placed me upon the chair. Then he looped the noose over my head. I moaned weakly as a feeling of fear and a horrific arousal enveloped my very being.
“It may not last long,” he whispered into my ear, “but I’m sure you’ll dance every bit as wonderfully as your predecessors.”
“P-please!” I stammered. “D-don’t do this! You’ll n-never get away with…” And then I felt him lifting me up off the chair.
I began panting heavily for breath. I screamed in my head as my body trembled in absolute terror. I heard the sound of a chair sliding upon its legs along cement. Then I felt the noose take up the slack around my neck.
Within moments I found myself giving him what he wanted. My legs kicked as my naked body bounced back and forth between those poor girls. He indicated it might not last long.
The bastard lied…
It seemed an eternity before the coil around my throat slowly strangled the very life out of me, causing me to fade away into merciful oblivion…
2013; 2021 (written for “Vickie” Mar 20 ’13; ed. Jun 4 ‘21 by riwa)
(Picture found in Vickie’s short-shorts album and used for illustration purposes only.)