Jenna took to her drowning much more eagerly than I anticipated, and it left me feeling a little uncomfortable. I didn’t want these girls thinking it was always safe. But she thought it was fun.
I suppose my error was in making it sexual for her. I guess that was because I didn’t want her to be too frightened. Instead, I think I pushed her in the other direction.
I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when her friend Briana showed up, asking if she could be of any help in any of my drowning experiments. It seems Jenna talked up the incident. Now, the blue-eyed German was eager for her own personal experience.
She said Jenna told her it was scary-erotic, but that her orgasm had been worth it. I told her I was nervous conducting drowning experiments because we wanted to be careful with our volunteers. But the more I tried to discourage her, the more she persisted.
Then she told me that next time, Jenna said she wanted to drown with my cock inside her. Now she was jealous. She wanted to be the first to drown while having sex with me.
So far, I hadn’t had sex with either one of them yet. What’s more, I wasn’t actively seeking any kind of relationship with any of my subjects. They were both quite attractive, and it certainly wasn’t because I hadn’t thought about it. I just wanted to keep my objectivity as much as possible.
Briana sidled up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “So tell me how I can help you with your experiments,” she breathed seductively, pushing up against my groin.
My cock started to harden. I’m pretty sure she noticed it right away. “After all, I want to do my part just like Jenna,” she added. “I want to drown too.”
“It can be dangerous,” I told her softly, her closeness making me breathe funny.
I knew her seduction should not justify participating in an experiment for me. But she refused to let up on me. “I LIVE for thrills,” she murmured, her lips drawing closer. “How can I drown for you, doc? I’ll do anything.”
Dr. Crocker was the real doctor here. I was just an assistant researcher. But these girls didn’t seem to know how else to refer to me.
“Look, honey,” I told her carefully, trying to hold her shoulders in a protective manner so as not to seem like I was rejecting her. Yes I wanted her; my damn cock was acknowledging that fact! But I felt I had to at least attempt to maintain my professionalism.
“The mist is far from perfected,” I explained. “Right now, I’m just collecting data… and I’m doing it damned careful. Everybody is different, so your physiology might make drowning you more… problematic.”
“Oh, I think you want to, doc,” she murmured, playfully pressing up against my groin again. “I know I’m willing. What do you say? Care to fuck me as I drown? I’m already getting aroused just thinking about it.”
I felt I had to do something to get her to rethink her eagerness. So I said, “I’ll tell you what. I do have another test I can perform.”
“…with you inside me?” she added hopefully.
“Something else,” I told her, and I saw her sag as though I’d deflated her a little. “If you don’t find that experience too disturbing, then I’ll think about another experiment where we, uh…”
That made her eyes light up. “Then I’ll make YOU a deal, doc!” she said persistently as she pressed up against me even more. “You go ahead and run me through this experiment, no matter what it is. But the next one…”
I stopped her right there… “IF there’s a next one,” I reminded her gently. But she stubbornly continued…
“…but the NEXT one, I get to drown with you inside me. Deal?”
I told her she would remain as one of my volunteers along with Jenna, so long as she suffered no trauma or any ill effects. “I’ll take that as a yes then,” she murmured with a seductive smile. Then she kissed me passionately, humping my groin one last time as though inviting me to take her at my earliest convenience…
It wasn’t long until I got a visit from Jenna. Briana must have told her about our little chat. Now SHE was jealous.
“If you’re going to fuck/drown HER, then you have to fuck/drown ME!” she protested indignantly.
“Well, I have different plans for her,” I admitted. “This eagerness to drown is just a little too unnerving for me. Now don’t get me wrong, as I like eager volunteers. It’s just that so many things can go wrong, you know.”
“But so many things can go right,” Jenna purred at me, sidling up to me and wrapping her arms around my neck. “I don’t suppose I could talk you into fucking me and then drowning me first, could I? I’ll bet you’d like that.”
I felt her press her body against my groin. Sure enough, my cock was hardening again. “Mmmm,” she moaned at me, humping my bulge. “Research doesn’t have to be cold and clinical; does it, doc?”
“Well, I suppose I should run my next experiment on Briana, being as how she asked to be next.”
Jenna pouted a little. So I tried to explain by saying, “To be honest, I’m hoping to scare the crap out of her.”
That got her attention, and her eyes lit up. “Really?”
“You two are taking this rather well, if not a little too enthusiastically. I guess I want to run a test that will kind of scare her into realizing just how serious these experiments can be.”
“I don’t think she’s gonna scare that easily,” Jenna gasped excitedly. “But it sounds like a lot of fun. How can I help?”
“Well,” I mused thoughtfully, “it might be useful to collect some data on a victim when she’s least expecting it.”
“She’s fun, but she can be a bitch at times. If you’re gonna get her good, then I want to help. It’ll be so much fun!”
I told her I had something in mind. I said I’d contact her once I was ready, providing she could keep it a secret from her friend.
In response, Jenna pulled me to her and kissed me hard. Then she thanked me for letting her help me out. She told me that in exchange for her help, I had to make sure that I also fuck/drowned her in a drowning experiment at some point in the future. Then she left me to my work…
I used Jenna and my two male lab techs to put my experiment in motion. It started off with the two bisexual ladies playing around with each other in Briana’s room. Jenna filled me in on what happened there.
Since Briana is the bigger of the two, I hear she sometimes dominates little Jenna. On this day, Jenna told me she was being smothered as she was being forced to lick her friend’s pussy. Then she was allowed up to breathe.
She told her bigger playmate that she had just bought a new play-toy. She made Briana close her eyes as she went to fetch it. That’s when she prepared the chloroformed rag and snuck up behind the unsuspecting German.
“You should have felt her struggle in my grasp when I hit her with the chloroform!” Jenna giggled. “But I held on tight. Pretty soon, she was out like a light. Then the two techs came in and took her out.”
From there, Jenna said she came straight away to my monitoring station in her black one-piece. I had promised her she would get to watch her friend drown.
Briana ended up naked in a small 3-sided glass chamber. The wall served as the fourth side. It had a sealed door, much like you’d find in a submarine.
She was seated on a specially designed saddle with a couple of probes protruding out of it for her holes. Her mouth was duct-taped shut. Her arms were tied behind her back.
Her legs were secured to the floor of the chamber with magnetic shackles that could be released quickly, leaving her firmly impaled on those two probes so she could not climb off. She was also strapped to a cushioned brace that was hooked up behind her. It was complete with a head rest, which kept her upright while she slept off the effects of the chloroform.
The glass was set for one-way. I could see in, but she couldn’t see out. For her it was mirrored, so she would be able to watch herself from any angle. I had the lab techs on stand-by outside her sealed door as I monitored her progress.
She was noticeably alarmed when she finally came around. I gave her plenty of time to recover from the effects of the chloroform as I pumped fresh air into her chamber. Then I started slowly filling it with water.
At the same time, I activated her probes. They began to spin and vibrate inside her. Briana’s eyes went wide in alarm.
She started to grunt into the duct tape covering her mouth. She groaned as the probes pulsed inside her. I could see her writhing as she ground herself against those two wicked posts up her holes. I figured if she wanted orgasms, this would definitely make sure she got them.
It wasn’t long until the water started climbing her legs, and she cried out in alarm. I had set the temperature for a cool flow, but not a cold one. Her nipples hardened up right away.
She began to wriggle and squirm as though she wanted out. Jenna giggled as she stood next to me while pointing at the monitors. “Serves her right,” she laughed. “This is really gonna get her good. But just look at the way she’s fucking those probes. You can tell she loves it.”
Briana whimpered as the water slowly climbed her legs. I had set it to fill with deliberate slowness. Thus, it was guaranteed to increase her suspense, as well as heighten her anxiety.
It gave her plenty of time to think about what was going to happen to her. I heard her muffled cries as she begged to be let out. I considered it, but I wondered if she was just putting on a show for my benefit.
As soon as the cool water reached her crotch, she popped off. Briana writhed uncontrollably as her eyes rolled. “She’s cumming!” Jenna observed excitedly. “I can tell; it must be so scary that it’s really turning her on.”
Then she turned to face me. “You mean she really can’t see outside the chamber?”
“Nope,” I replied, getting somewhat excited myself. “What she sees in there is her own reflection.”
“Then she’s watching herself cum,” Jenna breathed excitedly. “Gawd; that’s got to be hot! She’s gonna get to watch herself drown. Wish I was in there instead of her.”
“Careful,” I told her ominously. “I’m sure that could be arranged.” Jenna looked at me, and I swear she trembled a little at the erotic possibilities.
The water continued to rise inside the chamber. Briana wriggled about even more as she grunted and groaned. She appeared to be frightened out of her wits, and she tried to cry out through the duct tape covering her mouth.
I ignored her cries while quietly murmuring, “That’s what you get, sweetheart, when you ask to be drowned.” Jenna heard me, and she turned and grinned at me.
The water reached Briana’s breasts, making her nipples really stick out. Briana let out a muffled cry, her body writhing as she ground into those probes. “Gawd; she’s cumming again!” Jenna murmured, touching herself all over as she watched the monitors. “That is so fucking hot! I can’t wait until you drown me again!”
My cock was hard and throbbing in my trousers as I watched the erotic display. The water slowly, but steadily, climbed her body. It covered her shoulders, and then made its way up her neck.
It reached her chin, and she began hyperventilating through her nose, her eyes wide in horror. As it climbed the duct tape covering her mouth, I heard Jenna gasp beside me, telling me how excited it was making her to watch. I actually heard her rub one off in her black one-piece while crying out orgasmically.
Briana tipped her head back, but she could only go so far. I could see her huffing and puffing through her nose, the force of her exertions stirring the water rising just below her nostrils. Then she took one last breath before the water slowly climbed up toward her wide-open eyes.
Once she couldn’t breathe anymore, I triggered the valve. Water flowed fast into her chamber until it quickly filled to capacity. Then I nudged the controls to the probes.
Briana was wide-eyed as she really started fucking those probes shoved up her holes. She grunted and groaned like a helpless fuck-beast. Soon air started snorting out of her nose in bubbly bursts.
I heard her high-pitched grunts. Then there was a muffled cry, followed by a series of gurgles. That’s when she really started thrashing about in her bondage.
“Gawd; that’s got to be a big one!” Jenna gasped in awe. A moment later she let out a cry as she had one herself.
Briana snorted air and water out of her nose as she thrashed about. Her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head as she started convulsing. “She’s drowning!” Jenna gasped breathlessly. “Gawd, that is so fucking hot! Serves her right!”
Briana struggled in her bindings as though she was fighting for her very life. She continued to spasm painfully as air continued to spew out of her nose. Then she jerked hard with one last spasm before her body seemed to give out. She went limp, her eyes vacant as little tiny bubbles trickled out of her nose.
I heard Jenna gasp in wonder as I shut down the probes and triggered the drain. The chamber flushed rapidly. Then I quickly activated the release to Briana’s magnetic shackles.
I activated the controls to unseal the door. That let the techs in. They’d been waiting on the other side for the moment when they could go in.
Both rushed in professionally. They quickly got Briana off the saddle and back out the door. I think that’s when I worried the most, my heart racing as I waited for the all-clear.
A moment later, one of them came on the intercom. “She’s conscious; she’s fine; and she’s on her way to the infirmary.”
I breathed a sigh of relief before I answered him, thanking them both for their good work. He acknowledged my reply. Then he signed off.
I was suddenly aware that my lab coat was open and that my pants had been pulled down. Jenna was on her knees, a look of excitement in her eyes as she set my hard cock free. “Now THAT’S no good,” she observed. “It just wouldn’t be right leaving you all alone with blue balls, doc!” Then she took me into her mouth.
She bobbed up and down for several minutes, taking me deep down her throat and moaning hungrily. I gasped, instinctively trying to hold back. But it was virtually impossible.
I finally cried out as I exploded into her mouth. Jenna moaned lustfully as she took most of it down. Some of it leaked out around the seal her lips had made around my cock.
She opened her mouth to show me what was still inside. Then she gulped it down before sucking my cock clean. “Delicious!” she gasped when she was done.
She helped pull my pants back on before rising up to kiss me with cummy lips. “Briana got to drown, but I got your cum!” she giggled excitedly. “Next time, I hope it’ll be the other way around. Thanks, doc! Now I’d better go check on Bree!” Then she was playfully out the door, leaving me standing there in astonishment…
I checked in on Briana a couple of hours later. She seemed none the worse for wear. But she did give me an accusing look.
“I didn’t know you were going to do THAT to me, doc!” Then her anger faded as a big smile broke out all over her face.
“Jen came in here and told me all about your wicked little experiment. She said she wanted to help, so I owe her big time for that one. She also said she got to watch the whole thing with you.”
I was going to say something. But Briana only paused briefly before going on… “Gawd, doc; that was fucking intense! I came so fucking hard when the water climbed up over my head and I started to drown! What you did was wicked! But I fucking loved it!”
I felt relieved that she’d enjoyed herself. But I also felt dismayed I hadn’t curbed her enthusiasm any. That much was evident once she asked, “So when’s the next one, doc?”
“NEXT one??” I blurted out in astonishment. “You’ve got a couple days in the infirmary first. Then you’ve got a few more as we watch you for any signs of internal system failure.”
“Then when are you going to get Jenna next?” she wanted to know. “I SO want to be in on that one! That little slut is so fucking gonna pay!”
“When I need more data or have need of another drowning victim, I’ll let you both know.” I shook my head in astonishment that these two young women loved drowning so much.
“Jenna told me about her little blowjob,” Briana said to me. “I think it’s only fair I get your cock next.”
“We’ll see,” I told her with a dismissive wave. “Now you just stay put and do what they tell you until they release you.”
“Yes, sir,” she said, humbly bowing her head. When I threw up my hands in mock frustration as I left the infirmary, I heard her laughter trailing behind me…
2010; 2022 (written for Drownlover Mar 27 ’10; ed. Jul 8 ‘22 by riwa)