Coming March rewards
A Nicole Club story
Lily’s last visit to the farm
A warning ignored
Dialogue – Marina
Latex and nooses 2
Penny takes risks
Down the toilet twice – return visit
Best laid plans 11
Off her meds
The kidnapping
Black Lagoon skinny-dip
UW bandits
January stories/rewards will fall off at the end of February to make room for March rewards.
I hope it was not like this for all of you. But for me, this was the month where I was not at full strength. I’m told there’s something going around, but it affected me to the point where it was hard to sit at my desk and type. Even mom dealt with something that left her at less than 100%.
We also suffered through very cold temperatures. There were several days where mom and I were housebound, as we did not want to go out in below 0 weather. And mom is still dealing with frozen pipes, although the weather has been warming up lately. Piles of snow are everywhere. I’ve never been to Alaska. So I guess the weather brought Alaska down to us. And now that it’s thawing out, there are puddles of water everywhere. I haven’t worn hip waders in decades. At least the snow drift in front of my window is starting to diminish.
I hope your weather has been tolerable. And I hope you are enjoying good health through these cold days of winter. There are lots of things going on in the world. Thankfully, I have my stories to write, which is a nice distraction.
Please take care, and stay safe and healthy. And as always, thank you so very much for being my patrons.