I was ready to call it an evening when my boss came in and told me I had one more client. He handed me a slip of paper with the address on it. He said this guy was valuable and that we didn’t want to lose him as a customer.
I looked at the address. Then I saw the amount of money involved. I could not help sputtering, “Twenty thousand? For one night?”
“That’s right, Marlene. Now don’t screw this one up or he’ll go elsewhere.”
“What the hell does he want me to do?”
“You’d better damn well do anything he asks!”
“He’s not gonna make me crawl around on all fours like a dog like that one client, is he?”
“No, this one doesn’t have that kind of fetish. You should have no problem satisfying him. I’m told it’s an easy request. There’ll be a nice commission for you if you pull this off. Now get going.”
“Ok – ok; I’m going already!” Then I gathered up my jacket and the keys to my car before I left.
The client was all business when I got there. The first thing he wanted me to do was take all my clothes off. I know better than to antagonize them, so I didn’t give him a snarky reply.
He wanted me to leave my heels on. So he was that kind of guy, eh? I figured I could handle that.
After I’d undressed I gave him a show, twisting and turning while letting him see everything I was packing. “You’ll do,” he replied. Then he motioned… “Into the bedroom, honey.”
I went right in. But I skidded to a stop when I saw it. At the end of the bed the bastard had a noose dangling above a cushioned footstool. A set of handcuffs were lying on top of the damned thing.
I looked at him in astonishment. He just crawled into bed. Then he motioned… “Well? Get on with it!”
“Get on with what?”
“You’ve got a brain, ain’t’cha? You mean you can’t figure it out?”
“You really want me to stick my neck in that noose?”
“I’m paying you a lot, ain’t I?”
“I can’t spend it if I’m dead!”
“Did I say I wanted you to hang to death?”
“You mean you plan on taking me down from here after I put on a… dance for you?” I was leery as hell.
“All I want you to do is dance in mid-air. Is that too much to ask?”
“Why the noose?”
“It will help with your performance. Trust me; I’ve seen other girls do the same thing. So are you climbing onto that stool? Or am I sending you back empty-handed?”
“All right – all right; I’m going!”
I seriously thought about telling him what he could do with his noose before getting dressed and leaving. But I knew that would anger my boss. He would fire me on the spot and then replace me with some other bimbo. At thirty-six, I knew there were a lot of younger bitches who would be more than willing to replace me.
I picked up the handcuffs before tentatively climbing onto the stool. I looked at the noose for a couple of moments before deciding it would have to go on next. I wouldn’t be able to noose myself if I cuffed my hands first.
I looped the noose around my neck. I didn’t know any better, so I slipped the knot behind my head. Then I cuffed one wrist before moving my arms behind my back to finish the job.
It was a little late to be thinking about such things when I nervously asked, “You got keys for these things, don’t you?” I hefted my arms behind my back, indicating my cuffed wrists.
“Right there,” he replied, motioning at the end table. I thought I saw a set of keys sitting there.
“What now?” I wanted to know.
He was surprised. “You mean you haven’t done this before?”
“It’s my first time,” I replied sarcastically, trying to curb my tongue.
I wanted to give him another snotty remark. But there was always the possibility he might not pay me the agreed-upon amount. I also needed him in a decent mood to get me down from here once the “dancing” part was over.
I stood there panting for breath. Then I began sweating profusely. My nipples were incredibly hard, which made me wonder if that was the reason why he liked seeing women in the noose.
He looked at me impatiently. “Well? How long do I have to wait?”
I couldn’t stop myself from blurting out, “Ok – ok; I’m going.” Then I winced inwardly. Had I just ruined the tip I hoped he would pay me for a job well-done?
I stepped off the stool. The rope immediately took up my weight. Instinctively I tried to regain the damned thing, but it had fallen out of reach.
“Dance!” he demanded. And so I danced. I didn’t exactly have much of a choice. The noose hurt like fire, and it made my legs take on a mind of their own.
I kicked and struggled like a marionette. The noose slowly tightened as I twisted and turned. The more I struggled, the tighter it became.
I began to rasp for breath as I twisted in place. My chest heaved from lack of air. My legs just kept kicking, totally out of my control.
I soon reached the point where I’d had enough. “Help[!” I rasped. “Get be… doww… cah’t… breee…”
He didn’t move a single muscle to get out of bed. “Not yet, honey. Your dance ain’t finished yet.”
Shit! When was it going to be finished?? That’s when it suddenly hit me…
Instinctively I started kicking harder as I swung back and forth. I tried reaching for the stool, but it was still out of reach and no help at all. A moment later my cunt squirted from an orgasm I never would have thought possible.
I rotated in place as I swung back and forth. I kept rasping for breath. But I was getting less and less air down my constricted windpipe.
My torso began to thrust in his direction. It was shameful and humiliating. But he sure seemed to like it.
I squirted a second, more powerful orgasm. Then I tried to take a really big breath as exhaustion set in. But I couldn’t get any air down my windpipe.
My mind screamed for him to take me down. He just lay there in bed, thoroughly enjoying my performance. I could feel my face turning red from lack of oxygen.
I finally settled down. I no longer had the strength to kick. I was barely conscious, hoping like hell he would climb out of that damned bed of his and take me down. But he never moved a muscle.
His sick, twisted grin was the last thing I laid eyes on before consciousness was strangled right out of me. At least I wasn’t aware of the moment my bladder gave way. That would have been even more humiliating had I still been alive to feel it.
2021 (written Aug 9 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by Shooter’s drawing)