I’ve been working in the Underwater Research Laboratory for over a year, trying to help Dr Crocker come up with a way to help prevent drowning deaths. The problem is: once someone drowns out in the field, it is difficult to revive them, much less keep them alive due to fluid in the respiratory system. For the time being, I’ve been assigned the task of coming up with something that will serve in a prevention capacity.
Experiments have been performed using a mist for the lungs to keep them from absorbing too much water into the respiratory system. Experiments have also been performed concerning the amount of oxygen in the water. That way, if someone does drown, there is enough oxygen absorption to prevent brain damage and death. The results so far show some promise.
I’ve spent some time working on a combination of the two in the hopes that when applied together, they could greatly reduce drowning deaths. Among other issues is the problem of CO2 dispersal, passing it through the liquid in the lungs and back out of the body before reaching dangerous levels. Using the experimental mist to activate the lungs to pass the CO2 back out through a liquid system has been proving to be a difficult task.
I’ve finally come up with something that might work. But it requires heavily oxygenated water, as well as a misting of the lungs.
The whole thing seems impractical from a cost basis. But Dr Crocker has told me to go ahead and see what I can come up with. He says it might not accomplish much in the short term. But any kind of success may lead to further research, as well as a future breakthrough.
I’ve experimented with several lab animals, with promising results. But I have yet to try it out on humans. I’m understandably hesitant, and so is Dr Crocker.
We’ve lost a couple of colleagues and test subjects in our experiments. Although they volunteered and knew the risks, it still weighs heavily on Dr Crocker’s mind.
You’d be surprised at the volunteers we’ve had though. Maybe it’s the fact that we pay them well. But I think some of them are in it simply for the thrill of being underwater, as well as the erotic fear of actually drowning. And when I say “erotic”, I mean that in the truest sense of the word.
You see, we have two females in particular who love taking part in any kind of drowning experiments we initiate. Fortunately, both have proven to be relatively easy to resuscitate thus far, although we always run them through the infirmary right away, keeping them there for a couple days for observation. No matter how often we drown them, they always come back for more.
I get the impression it has become something sexual for the two of them. The two women associate drowning with orgasms. Despite my concerns, they keep volunteering. I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve developed a sexual relationship with each one of them, and I’m concerned it might affect my objectivity.
Dr Crocker has addressed my concerns. He says as long as my work remains professional and I take good care of them during my tests, he has no objections. He believes that being more emotionally involved with our volunteers means we take better care of them. Perhaps what we lose in objectivity, we gain by an increase in our safety precautions.
Jenna is the smaller of the two, all the way down to her 34B’s on her chest. The 29 year old is 5’3” and 105 lbs, with shoulder length, brown hair and brown eyes. Her heritage is an interesting mixture of Spanish, German and Irish, which clearly shows through in her soft facial features. She is a feisty young lady, up for almost anything. In addition, she is a totally submissive little bisexual.
Briana is from Germany. She’s 6 inches taller, about the same height as I. The 31 year old is 125 lbs, and is your typical blonde haired, blue-eyed Aryan.
She sports a pair of 34DD’s, and has an amazingly tight ass. Despite their differences the two women are good friends. I’ve learned they’ve also become passionate lovers.
For some reason, they’ve taken a shine to me. They can see how careful I am with them. So they know they can trust me.
I have a tendency to drown them more often than anyone else in the laboratory. Despite my concerns that one day they might not survive an experiment despite my best efforts, they keep coming back for more.
I suppose it’s my own fault. I like my subjects to be as comfortable as possible, although drowning is anything but. I like to calm my volunteers.
I’ve found that when I use sexual methods, it often distracts them. But I think it has skewed my results. I suspect some of my work has been tainted by the sexuality of some of my experiments.
It has definitely affected Jenna and Briana in ways I hadn’t calculated. For one thing, they keep coming back for more, begging me to drown them over and over again. I’ve tried to discourage them; even tried to warn them there is still a significant risk. But I fear their love of drowning and orgasms has blunted their fear of death.
I’ve told them both that it’s possible someday their bodies simply won’t be able to handle the continued violation of water in the lungs despite my efforts at perfecting the mist. But I think they’ve both come too far now. Both have told me at one time or another that it would be an incredible way to go if they were to drown and couldn’t be revived. I guess once the genie is out of the bottle, it’s impossible to put him back inside.
I remember the first time I drowned Jenna. I used the specially built Coffin tank on her. The glass walls are only two feet high, and it has soft straps in the bottom to secure the arms, legs and neck.
It’s wide enough for the volunteer to spread her legs a little. And it has no top, so as to discourage any kind of claustrophobic feelings. So it probably feels a little deceptive in its purpose.
I told her I wanted to run two simultaneous tests on her. First, I told her I wanted to see how long I could build up her breath-holding abilities. Then I said I wanted to study the drowning process. She was understandably nervous, but she told me she was willing to participate.
I told her she could wear anything she felt comfortable in. But she wanted to be nude. So she stripped out of her clothes and put them in a neat little pile. Jenna is quite the exhibitionist. I think it excites her to be naked in front of me, because her little nipples get hard and pointed.
After I strapped her down into the tank, I offered her a nose clip. But she turned me down. She said if she was going to drown for me, she was going to have to get used to having water up her nose.
I told her I was going to keep her underwater for 30 seconds to start with. Then I opened the valve. Lukewarm water quickly filled the Coffin tank from the bottom up. She filled her lungs with air, causing her cheeks to bulge. Water flowed up over her body all the way to within about 4 inches from the top.
As I kept track of, and recorded, her responses, she released a few bubbles out of her mouth and nose. I saw her wince, as it must have stung a little. But pretty soon, she adapted to it.
She actually smiled up at me as if to indicate it was no sweat at all. After 30 seconds I drained the tank. Then I matched her time underwater with a 30 second break.
During that pause, I told her I was quite impressed with how well she had done. She told me she swam all the time. She said she usually had no trouble making it to 90 seconds underwater whenever she was messing around holding her breath.
I told her that was a good time, but that we would probably shoot for 2 minutes before we were done. She gave me a brief look of concern as though 2 minutes might be too much for her to handle. Then she told me she would do her best.
After her allotted 30 seconds were up, I opened the valve and started filling the tank again. She rapidly filled her lungs moments before the water flowed over her face. I watched her closely.
I could actually see her start to strain a little as her time underwater approached 1 minute. But for the most part, she just smiled up at me. She deliberately shook her chest, flirting with me by trying to emphasize her tits. Air dribbled out of her nose, and I think she deliberately blew bubbles up at me.
I drained the tank, and as the water level dropped below her face, she gasped for breath. I congratulated her on how well she had done. She beamed at me with a look of self-assurance.
“This is easier than I thought,” she told me proudly. “This is also more fun than I imagined it would be. I think you’re going to have to keep me underwater longer than 2 minutes to drown me.”
I admired her spunk as I watched her get her breath back. But I couldn’t help wondering how confident she would be the moment her lungs gave out and she started to drown. “Now this one will be 1:30,” I told her in warning. “I hope you’re ready.”
“Piece of cake!” she responded proudly.
I started flooding the tank again. She took a deep breath before water flowed over her face. As soon as she was submerged, she started shaking her tits back and forth a little.
She blew little bubbles of air out of her mouth. I warned her not to use up her air. She just licked her lips as she looked up at me with an innocent smile.
When she passed a minute, I saw she had to work a little harder to hold her breath. I saw her chest start to heave gently. As her breasts wobbled back and forth, her nipples hard and pointed, her tummy started to convulse a little.
I heard a few grunts as she tried to hold it. I could see the fear starting to manifest in her eyes. She was starting to spurt air out of her mouth in bursts when the tank drained at the 1:30 mark.
The fear in her eyes lessened considerably as she gasped for breath. “Wow; that was kind of hard!” she told me. Then she looked at me as though studying the look on my face.
“Does this excite you?” she asked curiously. “I know its research and all. But the look in your face is… well… does this excite you?”
I admitted that it did. That’s when she got this mischievous little smile on her face. Her eyes twinkled as though she had a new purpose for engaging in this test.
This time she was given 90 seconds to get her breath back before I started filling the tank again. When she heard me turn the valve, she gasped for breath. I saw her chest rise and fall as she filled her lungs.
“Remember,” I reminded her. “This will be 2 full minutes. So you’d better hold it as long as you can.”
Water flowed over her face until bubbles dribbled out of her nose. The water level rose until it totally covered her. It rose rapidly until I shut it off, leaving her about a foot or so below the surface.
As I looked down at Jenna, I realized how aroused I’d become by looking down at her naked body. She looked rather sexy lying there, secured to the floor of the tank by those straps around her arms, legs and neck. She was utterly helpless, and at my command.
At that moment, it occurred to me I could do anything I wanted to her. It also occurred to me she might not make it to 2 minutes unless I found some other way of distracting her. And since she was being flirtatious as hell, I figured I might as well respond.
At the 1 minute mark, I stuck my hand into the water and started gently rubbing her breasts. Jenna’s eyes opened in astonishment at my touch. Her hardened nipples seemed to stiffen even more.
She closed her eyes, moaning softly and burbling up at me as though enjoying what I was doing to her. She even wriggled around a little. Jenna groaned softly as more bubbles trickled out of her nose.
At around the 1:30 mark, I saw her tummy start to heave a little. That’s when I slid my hand down to her crotch. I began rubbing gently over her cleanly-shaved pussy.
Jenna groaned as more nose bubbles reached the surface. Then she began thrusting up against my hand. Her pussy was slick with arousal, and I wondered if it was due to more than just my touch.
Her labia were fully engorged as I rubbed my fingers back and forth between them. I carefully rubbed my thumb over the hood of her clit. That really made her moan, and she lifted up her torso as though begging for more.
I noticed when her lungs started to heave. But her time was almost done. Her head twisted from side to side as she bubbled her air away.
The more I rubbed my fingers over her pussy opening, the more she tried to thrust herself against my hand, moaning impatiently. Then her time was up. The tank automatically began to drain again until her face was totally exposed.
“You made two minutes,” I told her with a smile as she gasped for breath. But a part of me wondered if my results were skewed by the fact that I’d “distracted” her.
“I did, didn’t I!” she panted rather proudly. Then her eyes flashed mischievously at me.
She giggled, “I had some help though, you pervert. Gawd; you were making me squirm! At the end there, I started to get a little dizzy.”
“Now it gets harder,” I told her as I checked the settings and reset the valve to the tank. “You should know, I plan on keeping you down the full 2:30.”
“I’ve never made 2:30 before,” she gasped uncertainly. “What if I don’t make it?”
“Then you’ll drown,” I told her simply. I don’t know why my cock quivered at the thought.
Yes, I do…
“If I make 2:30, you won’t drown me then?” she asked nervously.
“Of course I’m going to drown you.” I couldn’t help smiling when I said it, and I felt my cock quiver again. “You ARE going to drown today, honey. That’s what this experiment is all about.”
In the tank, Jenna gasped anxiously for breath. I couldn’t quite tell if it was out of fear or excitement.
I told her, “If you don’t want to drown, you should just hold your breath for 2:30. That’s the next time to shoot for.” In response my volunteer started gasping for breath, slowly filling her lungs and then exhaling.
I don’t know if I felt the need to explain, or whether it was a bit of a sadistic streak in me. I looked down in the tank at her as I said, “I suppose you should know that if you start to drown before the time is up, then reaching 2:30 won’t save you. Once you start to drown, you’ll be kept underwater until your body has stopped struggling. Then I’ll drain the tank and bring you back. You should only be out about 20 or 30 seconds at most. Do you understand?”
“Gawd!” she gasped again, her eyes wide. Then she nodded while quietly murmuring, “Ok.”
After her 2 minute break, the tank started filling again. She quickly filled her lungs moments before water flowed over her face. Then she was under again, the flowing water causing her hair to swirl around her head like it had previously. For the next 2:30, she would be stuck underwater while being forced to hold her breath.
Almost immediately, her drowning concerns seemed to disappear, because she started winking at me. She even tried to wriggle around as though wanting to show off her tits to me. Once again, she blew sexy little bubbles up at me. I suspected she was trying to turn me on even more. So I decided it was time to get back at her.
I had instructions to study a drowning subject in the cause of finding some way to help future victims. But I had no real directives as to how to go about it. It was pretty much left to my discretion.
I was allowed to do whatever I deemed necessary or reasonable, providing it didn’t further harm the subject. With Jenna being such a flirt, I decided it was time to strike back.
Making sure she was all right, I smiled at her before stepping away from the tank. She tried to see where I went, her brow furrowing in confusion. I was gone long enough to retrieve something from a nearby cabinet.
When I got back, I showed it to her. Jenna’s eyes opened wide as I showed her the slender pink vibrator in my hand.
Turning it on, I knelt down next to the tank. Then I proceeded to gently brush it back and forth over her nipples. Her response was almost immediate…
Her eyes got big as saucers, and her little nipples hardened right up. Then her eyes closed tightly. It was as though she was trying to shut it out of her mind.
Her body writhed around in the tank as she began to moan. Either she would make 2:30, or she would blow her air away. Either way, it would give me something worth taking notes on.
Her naked, writhing body got me hard pretty quick as I rubbed the vibe back and forth over her nipples. At around the 1:20 mark, I moved it down, tracing a line down her tummy to her protruding clit. When I lightly brushed it over the top of her nub, she groaned and bubbled as her torso thrust upwards.
Jenna really started to wriggle and thrust as erotic bubbles dribbled out of her mouth and nose. It wasn’t long until I saw her chest start to heave. Her tummy rippled as her lungs protested.
I took the vibe and slowly worked it back and forth between her engorged labia. Her torso instantly rose up as though she wanted the buzzing thing deep inside her. Jenna moaned as though in agony, writhing around as though she was being tickled or something.
I could hear the quiet buzzing of the vibe as I brushed it over the opening to her pussy. She thrust against it in frustration, groaning helplessly. Her lips clenched as air spurted out in little bursts, her breasts shaking with each new spasm.
I chuckled sadistically as I slid the vibrator against her opening, pushing the tip of it inside. The poor thing cried out, and she humped against it as though she was desperately trying to fuck the damn thing. She strained against the straps holding her down, losing more air in spurts and bursts as her body writhed.
I was surprised to hear the drain open and the tank start to empty, especially since I hadn’t paid that close attention to the time. Jenna groaned as she continued to hump against the vibe in my hand. But when I took it away, she cried out in frustration.
The water level fell below her face. She gasped madly for breath. “Bastard!” she sputtered. “Fuck; that was intense! I nearly came, damn you! Why’d you pull it away?”
“Because you made it to 2:30, honey,” I told her matter-of-factly as I smiled innocently.
She didn’t seem to care how long she’d been under. “But I wanted to CUM!” she protested. “I was holding my breath; and I was starting to get dizzy; and it was feeling incredible; and I was getting so close; and…”
She looked at me as though putting two and two together. Then she stated, “You wanted to drown me as I came, don’t you!” Her eyes were wide from a mixture of alarm and intense arousal.
“The thought had crossed my mind,” I admitted… although to be truthful, I hadn’t considered that. But occurred to me I would probably get some interesting observations if she drowned in the midst of a full-blown orgasm.
“Perhaps that would be too much,” I told her with a wink as I glanced at the time, seeing how much longer she had to get her breath back. “Maybe we should just go back to a simple breath-hold.”
“Make me cum!” she blurted out. “I want to cum underwater! Gawd; that felt so intense for a minute there! Make me cum; please?”
“Actually, I’m not concerned so much about you cumming as I am about you drowning.”
“But I wanna CUM!” she gasped.
“Better get ready,” I warned. “That last one was 2:30. This next one will be 3 minutes.”
“Let me cum!” she begged.
“If you cum, then you’ll probably drown.”
“I don’t care! I just want to cum underwater! Drown me if you have to; just let me cum!”
I considered it for a moment. Then I told her, “If you cum, then I’m going to keep you under until you drown… whether you reach 3 minutes or not.”
She only hesitated a moment… “Then drown me, damn you! Just let me cum!”
“If that’s the way you want it, sweetheart,” I told her with a wicked grin. “Better get your breath back, honey. This is going to be a really long one.”
Jenna started taking long, deep breaths in preparation for her time underwater. But I couldn’t help noticing that she seemed to be trembling with excitement. I examined the vibe in my hand, and I smiled sinisterly at her.
“Don’t you DARE tease me!” she gasped. Then at 2:30, the valve opened and the tank started filling with water.
“It’s MY experiment,” I told her with a wicked grin. “I’ll run it the way I see fit.”
She had no time for a response, as the flowing water climbed higher. She took a deep breath moments before it would have been too late. Then she was underwater.
The tank finished filling. Jenna closed her eyes and settled in for a long one. I could tell she was terribly aroused by how erect her nipples had become. I also thought I saw a little streamer of her arousal leaking out of her pussy. If she was afraid of drowning, she certainly wasn’t showing it.
For the first minute or so, I allowed her to stew underwater, making her think I wasn’t even going to touch her. I could tell by how stiff she seemed that she was waiting anxiously for me to get started. I couldn’t help smiling in spite of myself, being thankful for some of the odd, yet enjoyable, perks this job has for me.
I think she heard me when I turned the vibe back on. There was the faintest hint of movement as though she had jerked or something. Then I brought the vibe in and brushed it gently over her painfully erect nipples.
She moaned and writhed a little as blips of air dribbled out of her nose. I watched her for a greater reaction as I slowly traced a line down below with the vibe. She bubbled as her body quivered.
I brought it down her tummy until I ran it over the top of her clit. She tensed and groaned again, keeping her eyes closed tightly. It was as though she was afraid I might stop if she opened them.
She began to writhe and squirm, but still she kept her eyes closed. It was almost as though she was pushing this one, wanting to hold her breath for as long as was humanly possible. I ran the buzzing vibrator between her pussy lips, and she wriggled around as she humped against it, groaning intensely.
It wasn’t long until her chest started to heave. I saw little stomach convulsions as her need to breathe increased. She began to hump against the vibe in my hand a little harder.
I wriggled it around until it was buzzing her opening. Then I slipped it deep inside her. That’s when I started a gentle thrusting.
Jenna’s eyes snapped open. She started to grunt and bubble in earnest as she tried to grind against the buzzing vibe in her pussy. Air dribbled out of her nose as her lips clenched.
Her grunts and whimpers increased in intensity. As she passed 2:40, she really began humping against the buzzing vibe thrusting inside her. Her breasts shook as her chest heaved.
Her stomach convulsed in what looked like painful spasms. Jenna winced as air spurted out past her clenched lips. Her hips came up like she was fucking that buzzing vibe.
Her back arched as her hands flexed. As she passed 3:00, I really started thrusting it inside her. After all, I was certain she was never going to make 3:30.
All of the sudden Jenna stiffened as though she’d been hit with a jolt of electricity. Then I heard an underwater scream as air erupted out of her mouth. Her body bucked and shook as her arms and legs writhed in their straps, her feet cocking and curling as her hands flexed wildly.
For a second, I thought she was going to choke herself out with that strap around her neck. Then she gurgled as she reflexively inhaled. That’s when her eyes snapped open in horror.
Almost immediately, she began bucking against the straps as air gushed out of her mouth. She tried to scream again. But all that came out was a series of grunts.
Her mouth kept opening and closing like she was gulping down water. Her hair swirled wildly around her head. It was the most incredible thing I have ever seen.
My cock was hard as I witnessed the whole thing. I watched intently so I could jot down every observation. Then I saw a sudden discharge of fluid out of her pussy, although it didn’t look like urine.
Jenna suddenly settled onto the floor of the tank as though she’d lost the will to struggle any more. She stared up in shock and awe, her mouth open from her futile attempts to pull air into her lungs. Her brown hair swirled around her head until it started to settle.
Several tiny bubbles slipped out past her parted lips as her body twitched a couple of times. That’s when I drained the tank at 3:27. When it was empty, I started the resuscitation process.
Jenna came around in less than 20 seconds. She had this dazed look on her face as though she’d been drugged or was confused or something. That’s when I picked her up, carried her over to a gurney and then rolled her down to the infirmary…
I went to check on her a couple of hours later. When I saw her, she said she was fine. She also said she’d never had an orgasm as powerful as the one she’d experienced in the tank. She said she faintly recalled having a second one, but between that and sucking air into her lungs, she had been battered into unconsciousness.
I thanked her for her participation, telling her I was glad she was all right. “Oh, NO!” she gasped excitedly. “Thank YOU! I’m ready to do another one!”
“Didn’t it hurt?” I asked incredulously.
“Hurt like hell,” she responded. “But FUCK; what a rush! When are we gonna do the next one?” I told her I’d get back to her on that.
Once again, I thanked her for her participation. Then I took my leave. But I had to shake my head in amazement as I walked down the hallway.
It was simply unbelievable what some people were willing to put themselves through just to experience a rather powerful orgasm…
2010; 2022 (written for Drownlover Mar 6 ’10; ed. Jul 3 ‘22 by riwa)