The garden party


A garden party?” Magalie asked her husband Tony in surprise. “You want us to host a garden party? Is that why you’re building this gazebo? I didn’t know you were even capable of building a birdhouse, much less a gazebo!” Then she snorted as she added, “You really think it will be ready by Saturday?”

You’ll find I’m full of surprises,” he replied in a huff as he hammered in another nail.

She examined how it was shaping up. She grudgingly had to admire his handiwork. Then she shook her head.

You astonish me,” she chuckled. “It’s looking pretty good thus far. But did you really have to dig a barbecue pit in our backyard?”

It’s for the party,” he told her curtly. “I was planning on having a lot of people over, and I wanted to roast a pig. Damnit, do you have to question everything I do in my own backyard?”

A pig?” she retorted dubiously. “Do you even know how to roast one? Where the hell are you going to find a pig to roast?”

Don’t worry; I’ve got something in mind,” he replied as he hammered in another nail.

She got the impression he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “Fine. I’ll be in the house if you need anything.”

Get me a beer?”

She eyed him for a long moment, toying with the idea of telling him to get it himself. Then she saw his progress on the gazebo and thought better of it. Maybe he deserved a little kindness.

I’ll be back with your beer,” she responded as she headed for the house…

Amazingly, the gazebo was ready by the weekend. But what Magalie didn’t like was all the work she had to put into the meal. She had to fix a couple of really large salads. She also had to go to the store for chips and booze.

By Friday night she was exhausted. Needless to say, that night there was no sex between her and her husband. That wasn’t all that unusual as there hadn’t been any between them for quite some time.

Saturday morning Tony was up bright and early preparing his barbecue pit. He’d obtained a couple of metal posts topping off in the shape of a large Y. He drove them into the ground on either end of the pit.

He placed a long, metal pole between the posts. It fit perfectly. Magalie didn’t understand any of the working parts to the contraption. She just hoped Tony knew what he was doing. He certainly was putting in an awful lot of work on the project.

What was really strange was the way he’d designed the gazebo. Apparently he’d tried to make it into some sort of fountain. But he’d obviously mucked that up.

There was a bunch of rope attached to several five gallon buckets. The purpose and design was totally unclear to her. She just shrugged her shoulders while muttering, “It figures!” From that moment on, she referred to the crazy contraption as “Tony’s Folly”.

The guests soon began to arrive. Magalie dutifully played hostess. Tony disappeared for a while, apparently off to buy more party decorations.

She liked having the guests all to herself. She loved taking them out back and showing them “Tony’s Folly”. It was a great way to humiliate him without his presence.

She snorted in derision as she pointed it out to one and all. She told them the gazebo had turned out well. But her husband had gotten things totally out of whack with his so-called fountain.

She made sure to point out the barbecue pit, posts and metal pole. She told everyone she had no idea when Tony was going to arrive with the pig. But for some reason, she got several strange looks from some of her guests, as though they knew something she didn’t.

She thought it rather odd. But she decided not to make a big deal out of it. Besides, they were all Tony’s friends, people whom she was not very impressed with anyway.

She hoped the barbecue would not last all day long. She didn’t want all these people hanging around. Some of them were beginning to give her the creeps.

She made sure the drinks flowed freely. Tony had demanded that of her. He wanted her to make sure his friends never got thirsty.

She thought it was a rather expensive outlay of funds for all that booze. He certainly was spending an awful lot of dough for the afternoon. She didn’t think a dumb, garden party deserved this much effort, not when she could have used those funds to go shopping.

Things soured considerably once Tony arrived. For one thing, he’d brought home a blonde she hated. It was as though he was deliberately flaunting her in front of his wife.

Magalie scowled contemptuously at him while giving the bimbo the stink-eye. Tony acted like he didn’t even notice as he escorted the blonde to the backyard. Magalie followed along, her anger smoldering.

When Tony reached the patio, he got the attention of everyone in attendance. He thanked them all for coming. Then he told them he hoped they would enjoy the day.

Magalie couldn’t help snorting aloud. These people certainly weren’t going to have a very good meal. Her husband had yet to produce this so-called pig he was going to roast.

Tony turned and gave his wife a funny look. Then he turned toward his pride and joy: the gazebo. “Everyone, gather around!” he announced, waving them closer.

Magalie glared angrily as the blonde cozied up to her husband, infuriating her even more. Then her husband began to speak. “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to break this baby in!”

She looked in the direction he was pointing. That’s when she jerked with a start. A noose was dangling from the eyehook up in the ceiling where one hadn’t been before. Now where the hell had THAT come from?

Strangely, it was attached to 5 equal lengths of rope that spread out from the top of the gazebo as they dangled from more eyehooks. Each length of rope attached to the noose went down to those white, five gallon buckets that now dangled a couple feet off the ground. Magalie shook her head, wondering how the hell she’d missed her husband putting that noose up. Maybe one of his friends had done it while she wasn’t looking.

And now for the fun,” Tony waved grandly, motioning for his wife to come forward. “Honey, would you please come forward?” The blonde on his arm smiled as though she was in on some sort of secret.

What do you want with me now?” she responded sourly. By now she’d become totally pissed off at the way he was being so affectionate with the blonde bimbo.

A couple of Tony’s friends came up behind her. They grabbed her with strong hands. Then they began working her toward Tony and the gazebo.

Hey, what gives?” she blustered in annoyance. “Would you stop… HEY! What are you doing?? You can’t take my clothes off like that?? Tony, what the hell is going on??”

She tried to put up a fight, indignant at her shabby treatment and the rough removal of her attire. But she was a rather chubby female and not very athletic, weighing in at approximately 200 pounds.

Within moments she was totally naked. Her arms were quickly secured behind her back. That’s when she started hollering, “WHAT THE HELL–WHAT THE HELL??”

Tony smiled sinisterly as he walked up to her. Then he chuckled, “Guess what, you fucking cow? The joke’s on you. I built this for you” and he motioned at the gazebo she was being forced into.

For me??” she sputtered in alarm, her heart starting to beat fast.

She tried to remain her composure despite being naked in front of everyone. Then she became defiant. “I should’ve known! This isn’t a gazebo! It isn’t even a decent fountain, asshole! Leave it to you to fuck up building something as simple as a gawd-damn gazebo!”

He calmly chuckled, “Oh, I didn’t fuck it up, lard-ass! This is more than just a gazebo with a fountain. It’s your gallows, bitch!” And with that he brought the noose down to eye-level, framing her face.

At first she was dubious. Then he told her, “We’re going to start our garden party with a nice, slow hanging. And when the hanging is over? Guess who’s going to end up roasting for our barbecue?”

Magalie was horrified. Surely this was nothing more than a sick joke. But she shuddered and started gasping for breath as he pulled the noose down over her head.

Tony, WAIT! You can’t be serious! This is a joke, right? Honey, don’t DO this to me! I LOVE you!”

The blonde on his arm chuckled as she eyed her with disdain. Then she snorted, “He loves ME, you ignorant cow! He set all this up for me as a part of our engagement party. The first thing we’re going to do is hang your fat ass. Then we’re going to roast you!”

Her words earned her a loud cheer from the guests. But they gave Magalie the shivers. A quick glance around indicated there wasn’t a single, sympathetic soul on the property.

Tony; NO!” He ignored her as he snugged the noose tight around her neck.

She still held onto the faintest hope this might be some elaborate joke. It sure as hell wasn’t the least bit funny! Besides, she had no idea how they were going to hang her as there was nothing to lift her up, and she was standing on solid ground.

It’s time to set up my ‘hanging fountain’,” Tony said aloud.

He moved to each of the five fountain streams, changing the direction of each flow. That’s when the redirected water began to stream into the five dangling white buckets. A few seconds later Magalie knew exactly how she was going to hang.

The five ropes stretched tightly to the one attached to her noose. Any slack was quickly removed. “Ohmygawd!” she gasped in horror. “Tony; NOO! You can’t DO this to me!”

He chuckled, “Relax, honey. Maybe you’ll enjoy this. I know I’m going to. And so are our guests.”

Bastard!” she cried out, on the verge of hysteria. “Let me go!”

She looked around at their guests. There wasn’t a merciful expression in the bunch. They all appeared to be excited at the prospects of watching her hang. Were they actually going to spit-roast her dead body??

The blonde gleefully spat out, “You’re dead, you fucking cow! Now you’re gonna hang! And then you’re gonna roast!” That’s when she took a swing at Magalie, laughing as she smacked the frightened woman’s tits with her bare hand.

Magalie yelped before crying out, “Tony; PLEASE! Don’t DO this to me!”

She gasped in alarm as the coil slowly tightened around her neck. The water being added to the buckets was now adding to the strain. “Tony?? Help me! The noose is getting TIGHTER!”

Magalie could feel the tension around her neck getting worse. It was starting to choke off her airway. She tried to shuffle around, but that only made things worse.

Anytime she moved, it set the white, plastic buckets to swaying as they each continued to fill. It wasn’t long until she was instinctively trying to rise up on the balls of her feet to ease the strain around her neck. Her nipples protruded from the horror she was experiencing as her pussy dripped from a terrifying arousal.

How about it, bitch?” the blonde snickered at her. “Got anything to say to me now?”

There was nothing but an asphyxiated gasp in response. So she gleefully slapped Magalie’s tits hard. She enjoyed seeing them redden from the blows.

Magalie gasped and gurgled from slow asphyxiation. The strain on her neck was getting worse. How long before she couldn’t breathe? Would she eventually be lifted up into the air?

How about your cunt, cunt?” the sadistic blonde laughed. “Is this turning you on?” Then she cruelly stuck a couple of fingers inside Magalie’s dripping slit.

Hey, Tony!” she proclaimed. “Old lard-ass here is wet as hell!”

She stuck the fingers into her own mouth, tasting them. She moaned at the flavor. Then her eyes flashed as she considered a wicked idea.

Hey, Tony? You know what? You should let all the guys give ol’ lard-ass here a good fuck before we put her on to cook! Besides, it’ll be the last time she ever gets to enjoy another cock. What do you say?”

Magalie was horrified. The last thing she wanted was to be treated like that. But she was helpless as she rasped and gurgled, shuffling around on the balls of her feet as the buckets continued to fill, putting increased tension on the rope around her throat.

What do you say, Tony?” one of his gruff looking friends asked. “She’s certainly not going to tell anyone about this, certainly not after we roast her!” Laughter followed his comments, leaving poor Magalie humiliated as she stood naked and half-strangled!

Fine by me!” Tony agreed, causing the blonde on his arm to grin sadistically.

The gruff looking guy walked up to the noosed woman and pulled down his jeans, revealing a long, thick erection. Magalie couldn’t believe it! He moved closer, lifted her up a little, and then shoved it right in to her dripping slit.

She jerked and gawked as he thrust in hard. By now her face was starting to redden from her asphyxia. Unfortunately, his lifting her up for better penetration did nothing to ease the tension around her throat.

He ruthlessly pounded her as those standing around cheered him on. Magalie’s pussy involuntarily clenched in response to her strangulation. She could not keep from clamping tightly around his thick cock as though eager to be fucked.

Damn!” he gasped aloud. “You should feel her cunt twitching! She’s milking me like she really wants it! The fucking whore!” That got another round of laughter.

Magalie shuddered and gurgled, struggling to take in a decent breath of air. She was brutally violated in front of all Tony’s friends. Then that bitch of a blonde loudly suggested she should take two cocks at once, being as how her ass was available. That got another chorus of cheers.

Magalie shuddered in horror as another of Tony’s friends pulled down his jeans. It revealed another thick cock that was hard as a rock. She did not want that penetrating her ass, but there was nothing she could do.

He walked up behind her and forced the tip of his cock against her anal ring. Then he rammed it home. Magalie let out a garbled cry, her eyes flying open in pain as she was fucked front and back. A moment later she experienced a shameful orgasm.

Hey, did she just cum?” one of Tony’s friends observed. Magalie’s face flushed red with humiliation. But her asphyxiation camouflaged her embarrassment.

The fucking whore!” the blonde cackled. “I should’ve known!” Then she checked the progress of the fountain.

Bucket’s are filling fast, Tony. We don’t want her dying too soon; do we? After all, she’s got a lot of cocks to service before she finishes hanging; right?”

Tony dutifully went around his fountain. He redirected the five streams of water out of the plastic containers. It left the five gallon buckets partially filled as they dangled in mid-air.

Magalie almost wished he would’ve left them alone. She was exquisitely strangled. There was just enough tension on the five ropes to the noose that she could barely breathe.

She was getting just enough air to live. It was just enough air to experience the cocks brutally penetrating her cunt and ass one by one. She choked and rasped, gawking each time another cock rammed its way home into one of her holes.

Tony’s male guests each took a turn fucking Magalie’s asphyxiated body. They forced several more embarrassing orgasms out of her. The moments of pleasure weren’t nearly enough to overcome the agonies of breathlessness.

After the men were done, several of the females came forward to have a turn at abusing her. They enjoyed slapping her tits and fisting her holes. The blonde went last and was especially cruel, wriggling her fingers into Magalie’s cum-filled cunt and then shoving them into the poor woman’s mouth for a taste.

The last thing she did was brutally fist the poor thing’s ass before wiping the cummy residue on Magalie’s lips. “Taste your cum-filled asshole, bitch!” the blonde proclaimed, grinning lewdly at the severely strangled woman. Then she turned toward their host.

Hey Tony! Isn’t it time to finish her off? I’m getting hungry! Let’s finish hanging old lard-ass! I want to see her fat ass strung up and dancing!”

She got cheers and cries of agreement from everyone around her. Tony dutifully went around the gazebo, redirecting the water back into the five buckets. Then he walked up to his severely strangled wife, cruelly slapping her face.

It’s much cheaper that a divorce, you fucking cow! Now you can hang for the lot of us. But don’t worry, honey. I increased the flow of water for you. You should be up in the air in no time at all.”

Everyone instinctively took a step back as though wanting to take in the whole setting. Magalie began to wriggle and struggle. Her eyes opened wider as her chest heaved.

The weight of the water filling the buckets dramatically increased the tension on her noose. It lift her up even more. She shuffled around on her tiptoes, struggling to find any relief.

Her face reddened noticeably as she struggled to breathe. Her tongue poked out as she suffered in breathless agony. Her tits bounced as her chest heaved.

She was slowly lifted up off the ground from the counterweight of the rapidly filling buckets. She rose higher as everyone cheered. Her eyes flew open, her toes fluttering for a solid foundation that was no longer there.

Her legs exploded as she started to kick. Globs of cum leaped out of her well-fucked cunt and ass. Magalie twisted and swung in a lewd ballet of death.

Her knees came together as she danced and gyrated. Then they jerked upward. The sight made the blonde gasp, “Hey look! Old lard-ass is cumming! I should’ve known, the fucking whore!”

Magalie kicked and jerked until the noose totally constricted her airway. Her only conscious thought was how much it hurt and how she just wanted it to be over. Then her body gave off one last jerk.

She hung limp and lifeless. Her naked, well-fucked body softly swung back and forth in the noose. The water finished filling the buckets and began overflowing.

Tony went around and calmly redirected the water flow back into his fountain. The blonde walked up to Magalie and slapped her tits hard. “Are you dead yet, lard-ass? Can you feel this?”

Magalie barely flinched from the abuse as her eyes glazed over. Then her bladder gave way. Piss streamed down her legs, splattering onto the ground.

Hot damn!” one of Tony’s friends cried out. “The bitch is dead!” That brought out a cheer from one and all.

Can we leave her up awhile?” the blonde asked Tony. “I want to enjoy old lard-ass dangling in the noose for a few minutes.”

Anything for you, baby,” he said affectionately.

Magalie was left hanging for half an hour. The rope creaked from her weight as she slowly swung back and forth. The only other sound that could be heard over the guests’ enjoyment of the day was the water flowing in the fountain.

Magalie was finally taken down. Tony took a knife and cut her head off at his new lover’s request. The blonde wanted to use her head as a centerpiece for the afternoon’s barbecue.

A couple of his friends helped shove the pole up her ass. It emerged out of her neck stump. Then she was secured before being put on to roast.

The rest of the afternoon was spent eating and drinking. While Magalie’s body was still roasting, the blonde encouraged the guys to take her head and use it for a masturbation device. Several of the guys fucked her mouth and neck before they tossed it around like a football.

The blonde couldn’t resist kissing the dead lips. As a last humiliation, she pulled down her shorts. Then she peed all over the face.

By the time the sun set, there wasn’t much left of Magalie but guts, bones and internal organs. Her meat had been cooked; her leftovers divided up among Tony’s friends to take home.

Tony dumped the rest of her remains into the barbecue pit. Then he covered it up, leaving the head with his new lover as an engagement gift. In case anyone asked, the story would be that Magalie had packed up and left, and that no one knew where the hell she’d gone.

2013; 2021 (written for “Magalie” Jun 4 ’13; ed. Apr 13 ‘21 by riwa)

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