The semester sisters (male victim) 4.4 (53)

I probably should have known it was going to come to this. But it was just too tempting. I was thinking with my little head instead of my big one.
At the beginning of the semester Kathleen Newberry came up to me in the cafeteria. She and her sister Connie were looking for a playmate. They’d heard through the grapevine that my sex organ was larger than normal.

I asked what she was interested in specifically. She said that she and her sister were looking for a fuck-buddy. Supposedly they picked some new guy to share every semester and they’d heard I was available.

I wasn’t committed to anyone at the time. I was just playing the field. And Kathleen was kind of thin for my tastes. But I liked her sister Connie.

She said they only played together. That meant I was in for a semester of threesomes. Would I be interested?

It was kind of a stupid question, especially when my dick began to protrude through my trousers at her suggestion. Kathleen noticed and licked her lips. “We heard you had a big one, Milton. I guess they were right. We heard you were seeing a lot of girls, and I guess all that gossip was true.”

That evening I arrived at the house they were renting as per their instructions. That night they showed me things I’d never experienced before. What’s more, they were incredibly sexual with each other.

It wasn’t long before I learned they liked asphyxia during sex. I began to choke them whenever I was fucking them. I thought it might scare them, but they really seemed to enjoy it.

Sometimes they would choke or strangle each other. Connie would strangle her sister while I was pounding her ass. And Kathleen would bag her sibling while I tried to inseminate her.

Sometimes we played in their large Jacuzzi tub. I would hold them underwater and fuck the shit out of them until bubbles came up. They both really loved that.

I thought they were taking things too far when they brought out the hangman’s noose. They would spot each other while making the other one swing for a couple of minutes. I thought they were crazy, but they had some really powerful orgasms that way.

There were times I would fuck each one in the noose. No matter who was gasping, her cunt would clench unbelievably around my dick. I got to where I looked forward to using the noose.

About halfway through the semester they started asphyxiating me. At first it was only a little throat squeezing. It sure made my dick stiffen, especially while one of them was riding me.

It wasn’t long until one sister would strangle me while I fucked the other. I’ll admit it was a little unnerving at first. But eventually I got used to it, especially since it made me cum that much harder.

We tried a few plays in the Jacuzzi tub with me on the bottom. One sister would ride my cock while the other rode my face. Holding my breath was a little disconcerting. But the girls loved the way my dick emptied itself into them whenever I came underwater.

It didn’t dawn on me until sometime later how much things had changed. They were still as slutty as ever. But now I was the one mostly being asphyxiated.

One time they tied me to a chair. The sisters took turns riding me while the other stood behind me and strangled me, usually with a sash to one of their robes. Being unable to breathe made me spurt even more, something they both loved as my cock was huge and I would spurt a lot.

They even tried bagging me a few times. I was tied spread-eagled to their bed as they took turns riding me. One would bag me while the other would cum up a storm.

A part of me always felt a little unnerved over the way they would deprive me of air. But the orgasms I had were so much more intense. So I went along with it. After all, I was getting to fuck two sisters on the same night.

As the semester came to a close they told me we wouldn’t be meeting anymore. But they wanted to plan one last night of asphyxiation, sex and orgasms. I figured I might as well. To be honest, I was going to miss fucking a couple of uninhibited sluts like the Newberry sisters.

We got together for an evening of wild, uninhibited sex. There was plenty of asphyxia for everybody. Even the sisters got in on the act.

Connie strangled Kathleen while she rode my cock on the bed in a cowgirl position. Kathleen tied her sister to the bed and bagged her while I pounded her pussy. Both of them even took a couple of short rides in the noose while I gave each of them a flying fuck.

I probably shouldn’t have let them tie my wrists behind my back. From there they led me to the room with the noose. Kathleen got a chair and placed it directly under the dangling coil.

“Ok, Milton,” Kathleen said to me. “We’ve ridden the noose a lot this semester. Now it’s your turn to give it a go.”

“That’s right, Milton,” Connie added. “You owe us at least one noose-ride.”

Naturally I was hesitant. “Girls, I don’t know about this.”

“But you owe us!” Connie whined. “How many times did we let you fuck us while we were hanging?”

“That’s right,” Kathleen chimed in. “We know it’s going to make your cock nice and hard.”

“I’ll bet he spurts harder than he’s ever spurted in his life.”

“C’mon, Milton! We want to watch your cock get hard in the noose!”

“Yeah, give us a show! It’s your turn now!”

“I promise to gag on your cock while you’re in the air, Milton!”

“Me too, Milton! You know we’re the ‘gag sisters’, right?”

To be honest, I was a little turned on at the thought of dangling in the noose for a few moments. After all, both girls had taken several noose-rides during the semester. I probably owed them at least one.

Connie cheered as I carefully climbed onto the chair. Kathleen got another and stood on it while adjusting the noose around my neck. Then she moved her chair well out of the way.

Kathleen looked at me and sighed. “You look good all noosed up, Milton. I am so fucking wet right now.” She put her hand on my hip as she gazed at me with lust in her eyes.

“Doesn’t he look great?” Connie added from behind me as she steadied me. “I could hook the chair with my foot and you’d give us a great dance, Milton. Would you like to dance for us?”

“Well, I don’t know…” I was feeling an inordinate amount of concern at my dilemma. So I told them, “I feel a little unsteady up here.”

“I’ll fix that,” Connie eagerly replied. A moment later I felt much of the slack being taken out of the noose.

I felt a jolt of alarm as my cock hardened right up. “That’s perfect, sis!” Kathleen gasped, her eyes flashing. “Now we get to see his erection as he dances for us!”

“He’s getting nice and hard all right. We don’t need to touch him or suck him or anything!”

“What about that ‘gagging on my dick’ part?” I asked as my legs became a little rubbery.

“Oh yeah. That part’s coming up. Better get started; eh, sis?”

The chair was suddenly jerked out from underneath me. It caught me totally off guard. The pressure on my neck instantly became unbelievable.

At first I stretched for something solid beneath me. But I couldn’t find anything to stand on. I began to rasp for breath as I started to shimmy.

Kathleen looked at me and gasped, “Damn; that’s hot! Isn’t that hot, sis?”

“Fucking incredible!” I heard Connie gasp from somewhere behind me.

It really started to hurt. I found enough voice to rasp, “Isn’t it… time to…get… me down?”

“You haven’t done your dance yet; right, sis? He’s got to dance for us first!”

“And then we gag on his dick! I can’t wait to gag on his dick!”

Kathleen seemed eager. But I wanted her to take me down first. Then she could gag on my dick to her heart’s content.

“C’mon, Milton? Where’s our dance?” Connie sounded like she was getting impatient.

Instinctively I began to kick and dance. But it wasn’t really my idea. My body just seemed to take off as though it had a mind of its own.

My cock stiffened until it was hard as a rock. I began to shimmy and shake as I twisted in the noose. It was really starting to hurt like hell!

I tried to rasp for them to get me down. But I couldn’t push any air out of my throat. There was a huge burning sensation in my chest.

Kathleen smiled as she said, “He looks way better than the last one.”

“Dillon wasn’t much of a dancer,” Connie replied. “But he sure spurted a lot before he pissed himself.”

“Yeah, but the mess he made on the floor was horrible.”

“I’m not cleaning it up. If Milton shits himself, it’s your turn.”

“Hey, Milton; how’s it going?”

“Ready for us to gag on your dick now?”

I could hardly make my lips move. My chest felt like it was on fire. There was such incredible agony around my neck that I prayed for relief.

My struggles lessened until I was hardly fighting anymore. Kathleen stepped up with a big grin on her face. “It’s gagging time, sis!”

I was still doing a little shimmy when she grabbed my dick and swallowed it. I felt it hit the back of her throat until she gagged. Then she managed to swallow it down.

Connie appeared and pushed her sister out of the way. She took my cock into her mouth and gagged on it as well. I was hard as a rock.

I lost the feeling in my toes as a numbness climbed my legs. The sisters started taking turns gagging on my dick. A moment later I couldn’t hold back.

A big blast hit Kathleen full in the face. Connie moved her over and got the next huge spurt. My dying cock emptied its last load on both their faces as they stood there grinning.

I was losing consciousness fast, my mind screaming for them to take me down before it was too late. Then Kathleen jumped onto me, impaling herself with my erection as we swung back and forth. The weight lengthened my neck, adding so much strain that I prayed for death.

She rode me for a few seconds, setting me to twisting and swinging as she fucked me hard. “My turn!” Connie’s faraway voice declared. Then Kathleen climbed off.

Connie leaped on, finishing me off as she impaled herself on my erection. There was a faint crick, although I never heard it. She rode me with my dick up her twat until I oozed cream into her spasming, clenching cunt.

Afterwards the girls took turns gagged themselves on my cock until I softened. I ended up making a double mess on the floor. They just worked around it, taking me down and playing with my body until they got bored. I guess they disposed of me the same way they did Dillon. I never did find out what happened to him.

2020 (written Aug 5 ’20 by riwa. Inspired by the renders I found and included.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.4 (8)

Coming May rewards

Wendy endures a scuba pulldown.
A wife takes revenge.
An Ama diver ignores her premonitions.
Another Mr. Wayne chapter.
Two women talk about Emma and her bad decisions in a biker bar.
Lori drowns for Amy.
The concluding chapter to Emma’s consequences for snooping.
Another chapter to Donna’s shore leave.
Mrs. Anderson is prevented from testifying.
Too many adult beverages lead to a catfight in the pool.
Another chapter to the Legend of Whittaker Manor.
And anything else I might choose to post next month.

March stories/rewards will fall off at the end of April to make room for May rewards.

The end of this month will mark the three-year anniversary of my return back to my home town and where I went to high school. I am amazed at all the events that have taken place. I got another car, and I had gall bladder surgery. I even got shifted from one apartment to another. But when I consider where I used to live, I feel I am blessed to be here.

Mom is doing well, considering all she has gone through. I’ve been blessed to still have her around. It’s so nice to have her living so close to me that I can be at her house within five minutes. With all that has occurred, it is important to be appreciative and count your blessings. I find things to be thankful for every day. And one of the things I’m thankful for is all of you who are my patrons, giving me the purpose of finding ways to entertain you (I hope) through my writing. Thank you.

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Synchro Tryout 2 4.4 (66)

The practice pool was empty when she arrived. That was a good thing. Cyndi Jacobs didn’t want to find herself having any sort of competition. She wanted Coach Riley’s eyes to be on her and her alone.

She swallowed hard when she saw Coach Riley standing there waiting impatiently. She quickly checked her watch. She didn’t think she was that late.

“I’m here, coach,” she declared confidently. “I’m ready for my audition.”

He scowled at her. “You’re late, Jacobs.”

She quickly checked her watch again. “Coach, I’m here when you wanted me to be here.”

He shook his head in irritation. “If you’re as tardy at practice sessions as you are with me today you’ll get no closer to the team than becoming the laundry attendant. I might have a spot for you folding towels.”

She was going to correct him when she thought better of it. So what if she wasn’t late? It was better not to irritate him, right?

Cyndi submissively lowered her head. “Sorry, coach. I was busy putting on a special outfit for my audition.”

She smiled as she spun around in her blue print one-piece, matching swimcap and blue goggles. Other synchro members had worn the same thing during their “private practice”. Coach Riley seemed unimpressed.

“Get your ass into the water, Jacobs! I want to see some underwater laps!” When she hesitated he barked, “Now!!”

She put on a noseclip before diving right in. She swam back and forth underwater until she ran out of breath. Then she surfaced. Coach was nowhere to be seen.

A voice in the pool boomed, “Get your ass in front of this window, Jacobs!” It came from the pool speakers. Cyndi swam down until she stopped right in front of the glass. Rick was right there looking out at her.

He gave her outfit a thorough examination. Sure enough, it had become somewhat transparent upon getting wet. She could tell she had his attention now.

“Split those legs, Jacobs! And stay off the floor of the pool!”

Cyndi did as she was told. She dutifully split her legs wide as she skulled in place. Her labia were plainly visible through the fabric covering her crotch.

“Upside down, Jacobs! Slowly spin in place upside down with your legs split!”

Cyndi obediently did as he requested. She wondered if he was giving her crotch his undivided attention. She smiled inwardly, wondering if she might actually have this in the bag.

“Leg split on the surface! Now!”

Cyndi rose up and got a breath. Then she split her legs. “Upside down, Jacobs!” She dutifully went under, her legs split wide while remaining level with the surface.

For the next half hour he really put her through her paces. He made her skull right in front of him. He made her twist upside down in the water. He even made her stand on her head with her legs together pointed up into the air.

He finally let her surface to catch her breath. She barely got a couple of minutes before she heard him holler, “Get a weight belt, Jacobs! Then get your ass back down here!”

She attached the belt around her waist. Then she headed for the pool floor. “Right in front of me, Jacobs! Leg’s split!”

She split her legs, showing him her crotch again. By now her labia were flared from being underwater and breathless for so long. Doubts were starting to creep in as to whether she would even pass this audition.

“Upside down, Jacobs! And ditch that damned noseclip! Don’t let your head touch the fucking floor!”

‘Hardass!’ she thought as she did as she was told. She ended up showing her goodies to him once again. They were plainly visible through the fabric of her suit.

“Stay like that for a minute, Jacobs!” She lost a few bubbles out of her nose. “And I don’t want to see one fucking bubble! Is that clear?”

She struggled to hold her breath while keeping her air in. He glanced at his watch to check on her progress. It was exhausting, especially with the addition of the weight belt.

“To the surface, Jacobs!” She gratefully headed up. Cyndi burst up and gasped loudly for breath.

“Get your ass back down here, Jacobs! Skull right in front of me!”

Cyndi headed back down. She hovered just off the pool floor, her hands waving furiously as her legs pointed ramrod straight. It was easy to stay down; the struggle was trying to keep from touching the floor.

“One minute, Jacobs!” Cyndi groaned inwardly. But she dutifully stayed there, allowing assistant Coach Riley to get a good look at her breasts and crotch… whenever he wasn’t looking at his damned watch!

He checked the time. “Ok, Jacobs; you can surface!” Cyndi dutifully headed up.

She waited for him to call her back down. But he remained silent. She decided to use the time wisely by catching her breath.

“Get your ass back down here, Jacobs! Park it on the pool floor right in front of me! Now!”

She swam down and sat her ass right in front of him, crossing her legs. He checked his watch. “All the girls have to make three minutes just to be permitted to talk to Coach Johnson. Can you do three minutes for me, Jacobs?”

Cyndi smiled and nodded. “Spread ‘em, Jacobs!” She dutifully spread her legs before him, wondering if he wanted to see her goodies again.

She remained motionless, her legs spread as she concentrated on holding her breath. “Not one fucking bubble, Jacobs!” She struggled to make sure she didn’t let one slip out of her mouth or nose.

“You like being underwater, Jacobs?” Cyndi nodded in reply. “Will you do anything to get on this team?” She nodded again.

Riley checked his watch. Then he held up one finger. She knew the intercom was on the wall right next to him as he spoke into it.

“Obviously you wore that suit for a reason, Jacobs! Show me!” Then he gave her a lustful smile.

Cyndi slowly pulled the material aside, revealing her left breast. She deliberately groped and fondled it. “Is that all, Jacobs?”

Cyndi reached down and touched her swollen labia. She ran her fingers back and forth through the material between them. She hadn’t counted on a long breath-hold, certainly not like this. But she felt reasonably confident she could make three minutes.

Riley grinned lewdly as he checked his watch. Then he held up two fingers. Cyndi’s only regret was not getting to see whether or not he was sporting a bulge.

She touched herself as she fingered the fabric between her labia. This was not at all how she’d expected her tryout to unravel. It was certainly getting her all turned on.

She could feel it in her stomach, rising up into her chest. Her tummy rippled as her lungs began to burn. Little spasms occasionally gave her breasts a gentle shake.

The fire in her chest intensified. Was it three minutes yet? She looked at him expectantly. But he just kept staring at his watch.

Damn! How long was he going to keep her down here? Wasn’t it three minutes already? She wanted to release most of the air in her lungs in the worst way. And having her legs split was uncomfortable as hell!

The assistant coach finally lifted up three fingers. “Ok, you can surface and catch your breath, Jacobs.” He didn’t sound quite so demanding this time.

She blew most of her breath away as she shot upward. The weight belt sure was making her feel heavy. She finally burst up gasping loudly for breath.

Damn; that had certainly felt longer than she would have liked. Had she at least earned an audience with Coach Johnson now?

“One more breath-hold, Jacobs! I want you down here upside down on the ladder. Stick your legs in to make sure your head does not touch the pool floor. You got that?”

Upside down? Three minutes upside down?? Damn!!

Cyndi crammed as much air into her lungs as possible. Then she descended to the floor of the pool.

When she reached the bottom she turned herself upside down before hooking her legs into the ladder. “Show me how much you want it, Jacobs! Show me how much you fucking want it!”

Her breast was still hanging out. Cyndi began groping and fondling herself. This time she parted her suit at the crotch with her other hand before working her quivering labia.

Coach Riley smiled as he looked at his watch. Cyndi hoped this would do it. Maybe she could turn him on enough to win an appointment with Coach Johnson.

There was no point trying to be modest now. She worked her crotch as she groped and fondled her boob. Cyndi wasn’t sure she was auditioning for a position on the synchro team or a place in Coach Riley’s personal harem. Maybe in order to get one, she had to work like hell to get the other as well.

She could see in Riley’s eyes that he liked what he saw. So the rumors were true. Deep down he really was a pervert!

That didn’t bother Cyndi too much. She liked acting all slutty in the water. It helped whenever she was trying to hold her breath longer.

Coach smiled as he held up one finger while studying his watch. One minute down. Only two more to go. But could she hold out that long while hanging upside down like this?

“Show me you fucking want it, Jacobs! Show me you fucking want it!” Cyndi responded by groping herself harder. She fingered her slit, wincing as a surge or erotic tingles hit her hard.

She wanted to release a few bubbles to ease the growing discomfort in her lungs. But coach didn’t want to see any bubbles. For some reason that only made it worse.

She wriggled around on the ladder as she fingered herself. She groped her breast as her cheeks began to bulge. She kept telling herself to hang onto every molecule of air she had. She was going to need it if she was going to make three minutes like this.

Coach Riley’s eyes seemed to burn into her very soul. She could tell by his expression how much he was enjoying this. Damn; wasn’t it two minutes yet??

Holding her breath right side up was one thing. Holding it upside down while trying not to lose any air was something else entirely.

He finally held up two fingers as he checked his watch. Cyndi couldn’t believe it! Had she only been under for two lousy minutes? It sure felt like a hell of a lot longer.

“Show me how much you want it, Jacobs! Give it your all! I want to see it!”

How was she supposed to interpret that? Cyndi suspected she knew the answer. Would making herself cum win her that desired audience with Coach Johnson?

She fingered herself harder. At the same time she could feel it in her lungs. It was going to be a challenge staying down for three full minutes. Maybe doing a little masturbation like this would take her mind off it.

Cyndi worked her swollen nub as she fingered herself. She was sure he wanted to watch her cum. It was so damned arousing she figured it wouldn’t be too hard to make herself pop off.

The problem was: could she hold her breath long enough? Her cheeks were bulging, her chest starting to heave. What if she lost her breath and exploded in orgasm before her three minutes were up?

She looked over at Coach Riley. How long was it going to take to get to three minutes?? It felt like her lungs were on fire!

Cyndi really began to wriggle and struggle. But her eyes remained on Coach Riley the entire time. She didn’t dare cum until after he gave the signal she’d reached her goal.

She could feel it swelling within her. Her lungs felt like an inferno. Did he want her to drown? Or did he just want to see how far she would push it in order to win a visit with Coach Johnson?

She struggled to hold her breath in, staring intently at the assistant coach behind the glass. His eyes remained on his watch as though oblivious to her struggles. Her lungs screamed in protest. Then he held up three fingers, smiling wickedly the entire time.

Cyndi shuddered in orgasm. She was unable to prevent her breath from spewing away. It left her all dizzy as hell, her lungs virtually empty.

She fell away from the ladder, weak and disoriented. Cyndi struggled to get her ass back to the surface. The weight belt felt so heavy that for a moment she didn’t think she was going to make it.

She finally burst up gasping loudly for breath. She almost slipped below the surface, coming dangerously close to passing out. A wave of dizziness momentarily overwhelmed her before it passed.

She panted wildly for breath, waiting to be called back down. She wondered if the assistant coach also had a drowning fetish. What would she do if he pushed her beyond her limits? Would he try to drown her as a part of her audition?

2020 (written Jul 31 ’20 by riwa)

(vidcaps courtesy of JustPaul and are used for illustration purposes.)

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The Party Decoration 4 (43)

The lockdown was over. The party was set. Philomena learned that Lucia was going to hold it at her parent’s house out in the country while they were out of town.

The guest list was made up of university students both male and female. The school had already opened back up with classes in session. That meant students were back in the dorms.

Lucia scheduled the party for the Saturday after the first week back while her folks were away. But she wanted this to be a special party. She had a favor to ask Philomena. So they arranged to meet Friday afternoon.

When they were alone after class on Friday Lucia told Philomena, “I want to do something special for my party. And I want you to be a part of it. Are you interested?”

Philomena said she was. Lucia asked, “Can you come over early Saturday and help me set up? I’ll tell you all about it then.” Her friend said she would be there.

The truth of the matter was: Philomena owed Lucia some money. In fact she actually owed her a lot of money. She was hoping that by accepting this favor, it might cover her debts enough so she wouldn’t have to pay any of it back.

She showed up early on Saturday to help set things up. Lucia expressed gratitude at her friend’s willingness to help out. Then they got to work getting everything ready.

The subject of the debt she owed didn’t come up, at least not at first. Lucia didn’t even mention it. Philomena found herself waiting for the other shoe to drop. When it did, she was afraid they might have a big blowup over it.

She wasn’t about to remind Lucia she would eventually pay it all back. In fact she was kind of hoping her girlfriend would just forget about it. But that seemed unlikely, considering the amount she owed.

When everything was finished on the main floor, they headed down to the basement. They cleared the recreation room, pushing the pool table off to one side to make room for dancing. Couches and chairs lined the walls.

What caught Philomena’s eye was something located along the back wall. It was a noose dangling from the ceiling. Underneath was a lone, three-legged stool.

“What’s that for?” she pointed nervously.

“That’s the favor I want to ask,” Lucia replied with a knowing smile.

“That’s the favor? A noose and a stool?? Just who do you plan on hanging down here?” But she already had a growing suspicion she knew what the answer was going to be.

“Why you, of course!”

“Me?? That’s not funny!” Philomena was not amused.

“Oh, come on,” Lucia waved dismissively. “You didn’t think I was really going to hang you, did you? I just want you to stand there as a party decoration.”

“Stand there? …on that stool? …as a party decoration?? What if I fall off?”

“You’re not going to fall off, ok? The noose will be tight enough around your throat to help you stay upright. You won’t fall off unless you deliberately step off.”

“What if the stool tips over? I’ll hang, won’t I?”

“You can see I’ve got a really thick noose, Mena. If anything happens, you’ll only hang for a second or two before I get the stool back underneath your feet. It won’t hurt all that much. Anyway the stool is not going to tip over.”

“But what if it does? What if you don’t get the stool back under my feet in time?”

“Don’t worry! Kiera and Tawny will be down here the entire time. Someone will make sure you don’t slip and fall; ok? If something should happen, you’ll only hang a few seconds before someone gets you back onto the stool.”

“What if I get thirsty?”

Lucia sighed heavily. “Someone will make sure you get something to drink, ok? Stop being such a worrywart!”

“But what if…?”

Lucia angrily cut her off. “Have you forgotten how much money you owe me? You still haven’t paid me back, you know.”

The subject of her debt had finally come up. Philomena gulped and lowered her head. “Finances have been kind of tight lately.”

“Finances are always tight with you! You owe me big time! Now are you going to do this for me or not?”

Philomena was understandably nervous. “Let me get this straight. You want me to stand on that stool during the party with that noose around my neck?”

“There’ll be a little bit more to it than that.”

Uh – oh. That didn’t sound good. “Like what?” Philomena wanted to know.

“Your hands will be tied behind your back. It will add to the effect.”

Bondage, eh? She’d done that before on several occasions. That wouldn’t be so bad, would it?

“Um… ok. I guess I can do that.”

“There’s more, Mena. I want you to have a ball-gag in your mouth. I don’t want you complaining the whole time you’re up on that stool.”

Philomena became indignant. “I wouldn’t complain…”

“Oh, yes you would! Besides, I don’t want you hitting up any of our friends for more money tonight!”

“I wouldn’t do that!”

“You’ve done it before! Anyway, that’s the deal! So are you going to be my party decoration or not?”

Philomena considered the matter carefully. What was being asked of her sounded dangerous despite the assurance there would be plenty of precautions. But this might be a way of wiping out most if not all of her debt. It was time to play her trump card.

“What you’re asking still sounds kind of risky. So I’ll do it on one condition. If I do this for you it means my account with you will be square. I’ll be all paid up, ok? After tonight I won’t owe you a dime.”

Lucia frowned as she considered the matter. “I don’t know, Mena. You owe me a lot.”

“But you want me to hang!”

“No, I don’t! I want you to stand noosed on that stool as a party decoration! If you want to wipe the slate clean you’re going to have to stand on that stool for… hmm. I’d say four hours ought to just about do it.”

“Four hours???”

“It’s a party, remember? There’s going to be lots of drinking and dancing…”

“…and couples sneaking off to make out! No one will be left down here in the basement to look at me after they all wander off!”

“That’s why I want you down here on that stool as the center of attention. No one will want to leave early or go off somewhere with you standing there looking as though I’m going to hang you at any moment. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“You won’t kick the stool away for spite and hang me down here, will you?”

Philomena was worried. She really did owe Lucia a lot of money. Her girlfriend wouldn’t hang her over the debt she owed, would she?

Lucia sighed with exasperation. “I promise I won’t kick the stool away and hang you down here.”

“Four hours? And then my debt to you is paid in full?”

“You owe me a lot of money, remember?”

“Yeah, but you want me to stand on that stool for a long time! You want me there with my arms behind my back, a ball-gag in my mouth, and a noose around my neck!”

“For what you owe me I think I deserve a little more.”

“Like what?” Now Philomena was really becoming uncomfortable.

“I think you ought to stand there naked.”


“You OWE me, remember? You owe me a lot! Besides, you’re going to get a hell of a lot of attention standing there naked with those tits of yours hanging out.”

“Then I want to wear a thong! I don’t want anyone gawking at my kitty!”

“That’s not part of the deal, Mena. Hell, everyone coming to the party tonight has already seen it; am I right? You’re the campus slut, remember? That’s why I picked you! You want to pay me off? Then you’ve got to stand there noosed and naked.”

“But everyone will see everything! You’re just trying to humiliate me! Everyone will take pictures!”

“You owe me, remember?” Then Lucia gave her a sly grin.

“Just think of it, Mena. You’ll be the center of attention. It’s my party, but all anyone will ever talk about for years to come is seeing you standing naked on a stool with your head in a noose.”

“What if… what if I get… touched or something??”

“I don’t fucking care whether or not they molest you! Hell, you’ll probably get off on it! You want to wipe out the debt you owe me, don’t you? This is your one chance to wipe the slate clean! I don’t care who gropes you tonight! So take it or leave it!”

“Lucia, I don’t know…”

“Mena, you’ve taken advantage of me for far too long. I’m seriously thinking about cutting you off.”

“But you’re my friend! I can’t help it if I keep running out of dough!”

“If you’re my friend, you should damned well act like one! You owe me, remember? Stand naked for four hours with a noose around your neck and I’ll consider your debt paid in full!”

Philomena looked carefully at the noose. She wasn’t all that comfortable about the idea. But Lucia seemed serious about wiping away the amount she owed her.

She checked her watch and sighed. Then she looked up in the direction of the main floor. “How soon before they start showing up?

“Tawny and Kiera will be here at six-thirty. The others will start showing up around seven.” Then she paused, giving her girlfriend a sly smile.

“You’re going to be the hit of the party, Mena. Every eye will be on you. Besides, you love being the center of attention; am I right?”

Philomena gave it some more thought. But Lucia was right. She loved being the center of attention.

She was clearly nervous about the whole thing. But she was definitely going to be the star attraction. Being groped didn’t sound like it would be all that terrible. Hell, she might even get a good fuck out of it from one of the guys once the party was over.

The idea had its appeal. But she didn’t want her girlfriend to know that. So she tried to sound reluctant.

“Um… all right, Lucia. I, uh… I guess I’m in.”

“Great. I’ll have Tawny and Kiera set you up down here once they arrive. When I bring everyone down I want to see you on the stool at the same time everyone else does.”

“Ok, Lucia. If this is what it takes to get you off my back about what I owe you then I’ll go ahead and do it. Now you promise this will make us even?”

“I promise.”

“And you won’t kick the stool away?”

“I won’t kick the stool away.”

“All right; I’ll do it.”

Philomena felt a shiver of arousal ripple through her. The way her girlfriend eyed her made her tremble with uncertainty. She hoped she wasn’t making a big mistake.

She knew Lucia had a bit of a thing for her. Being naked was certainly going to allow her girlfriend to violate her with her eyes all night long. But she wouldn’t be the only one gawking at her.

Everyone else who showed up tonight was going to get quite an eyeful. She was going to be helpless… and totally exposed! Hell, she was liable to get pawed and groped all night long before the damned party was over! Philomena wasn’t sure whether that excited or frightened her.

Once they returned to the main floor Lucia suggested Mena should go to the bathroom. Otherwise she would have to hold it in all night long. Philomena wisely went to the restroom to relieve herself, wondering what the hell she’d gotten herself into.

Tawny and Kiera arrived shortly before 6:30. Lucia and Philomena greeted the redhead and the blonde at the door. They had barely set foot inside the foyer before Tawny looked at Philomena and smiled.

“Is she going to do it, Lucia? Is she going to be your party decoration? Is she going to stand with a noose around her neck?”

Philomena was horrified. She turned toward Lucia and blurted out, “You bitch! You told them you were going to ask me to hang at your party??”

“They need to get you ready downstairs, remember? I had to tell them why I wanted them to show up early!”

“What’s the big deal?” Kiera asked with a naughty grin. “So what if you stand there noosed and naked during the party? So what if the guys all rape you with their eyes? So what if you get groped a little before we let you down?”

The blonde looked overly enthusiastic. Even Tawny seemed eager to see her all noosed up. Now Philomena wasn’t as certain as she had been earlier.

“I don’t know…” she stammered nervously.

Lucia frowned at her. “You owe me money, remember? Or have you forgotten?”

“She owes us too,” Kiera reminded her. “I still haven’t seen that hundred you owe me.”

Tawny looked at her in surprise. “Only a hundred? She owes me two!”

“I said I’d pay you guys back, and I will! It’s just that…”

Lucia interrupted with a dismissive wave at the bickering trio. “She owes everybody! Just take her downstairs and noose her up, ok? I’ll wait up here for everyone else to arrive.”

The redhead grinned sadistically. “With pleasure.” Then she lashed out, latching onto an arm.

“Tawny, don’t grab me like… hey, Kiera, not so rough – HEY!”

The two coeds grabbed her arms before marching her toward the stairs. Lucia hollered after them, “The stuff’s in a box in a corner! I want to wait until she’s noosed and ready before I bring everyone down to see her!”

“We’ll make her look good for you, Lucia!”

“Tawny, you don’t have to be so fucking – OW!”

The two young woman marched Philomena down the stairs into the basement. Kiera went over and fetched the box. Tawny took their captive straight over to the noose and the stool.

“Ok, Mena. Time to strip.”

“I don’t think I like this very much.”

“Have you forgotten you owe us money too?” Kiera said, eyeing her with a dangerous grin as she came over with the box.

“I’m not sure I want to go through with this…”

“Are you going to get undressed?” the redhead asked with a lewd smile. “Or do I get to help you out of those things?” Tawny looked as though she would like nothing better than to forcibly remove every stitch of clothing Philomena was wearing.

“Ok – ok; I’m undressing!”

Kiera took the items out of the box. Philomena reluctantly stripped before carefully folding her clothes inside the emptied box. The two girls had previously seen her naked, so that wasn’t an issue. It was just that now she couldn’t stop shivering from a mixture of anticipation and dread.

“This is for your wrists,” the redhead gleefully remarked, spinning Philomena around. Tawny pulled her arms roughly behind her back. Then she started securing her wrists together with a length of rope.

“Ow! Not so tight, you bitch!”

“Shut her up, Kiera.”


The blonde took the ball-gag and tried to force it between Philomena’s lips. Their captive put up a futile struggle. “OW, my wrists! Not so-MMMPPPHHH!”

Kiera forced the ball-gag into her mouth. Then she strapped it tightly behind their naked friend’s head. Philomena grunted in pain as Tawny pulled hard on the rope binding her wrists together.

When they were done they spun her around to face them. Philomena grunted indignantly. Tawny just laughed at their handiwork.

“She looks great; doesn’t she, Kiera? Just look at those nipples! They’re really sticking out!”

She reached out and sadistically twisted them both. Their helpless party decoration let out a muffled cry of pain. “That’s for the two hundred dollars you owe me, bitch!” In response Philomena glared daggers at her.

The doorbell rang upstairs. Kiera motioned upwards. “They’re showing up early, Tawny. Let’s get her all noosed up.”

Philomena grunted as the two coeds worked her up onto the stool. Being the taller of the two, Tawny reached up and looped the noose around her neck. She made sure it was snug, tightening it behind Mena’s left ear. Then she made sure most of the slack was taken out, leaving the rope uncomfortably tight around their naked friend’s throat.

Philomena whimpered plaintively. Tawny patted her boobs before chuckling. “You just stay put, ok? Don’t fall off; we’ll be right back.”

“MMMPPHHHH!” Philomena anxiously shook her head.

“Relax!” Kiera laughed. “We’ll be right back! We’re only going upstairs!”

The coeds took the box with her clothes and slid it under the pool table until it was mostly out of sight. Then they went upstairs. Philomena was left standing on the stool with the noose around her neck, all alone and trembling like a leaf.

She shuffled in place, only to feel the noose uncomfortably snug around her throat. Falling off the stool now would undoubtedly stretch her neck before anyone could come down to rescue her. Philomena let out a muffled grunt of alarm.

She could feel a little drool building up around her mouth. She was having a difficult time swallowing it down. She was not going to be able to keep from drooling all over herself.

It didn’t take long until she was quite uncomfortable. This wasn’t such a good idea after all. Four hours was going to be a long time!

She could feel herself moistening down below. How humiliating! At the very least she should have insisted on the thong.

Philomena felt flush as she tried to stand still. She didn’t like the way the rope felt around her neck. Shuffling around didn’t help matters any as she could not find a more comfortable position in which to stand motionless.

She could hear people upstairs. It sounded like there were a lot of them. How long until Lucia brought them all down to see her??

That bitch! Was she going to make her wait? Was she going to make her suffer over the money she owed? She should have turned her down from the very beginning!

Once more Philomena shuffled around on her feet. But she simply could not find a comfortable position. Maybe she could try to get someone to get her down before her four hours were up.

She heard voices in the stairwell; they were finally coming down. Lucia’s voice could be heard above the others… “I want you all to come down and see what Tawny and Kiera set up for our party!”

Philomena whimpered as bodies started pouring out of the stairwell. “There she is!” Lucia declared with a gesture. There were oohs and aahs as all the university students rushed over.

“Let’s have a look at her!” Lucia declared as she stepped close. “Now THAT’S what I call a party decoration!” There were laughs, cheers and applause.

Everyone crowded around to have a look. Philomena blushed as she whimpered in shame. She definitely should have told Lucia to go fuck herself. She was never going to live this down.

Somebody cranked up a boombox. But nobody wanted to dance. They just kept hovering around Mena, gawking and staring. Several gazed lustfully at her. Others looked at her as though she deserved to be noosed and naked.

Students started wandering away to get refreshments for themselves. Many of them came right back to stare at Philomena. It was embarrassing as hell, especially since her breasts were swollen and her nipples erect. Her neatly trimmed pussy glistened as it dripped from a shameful arousal.

A few couples started to dance. They stayed close to Mena the entire time. It was as though they just couldn’t take their eyes off her.

The pool table was slid away from the wall. Some guys wanted to play. But they were just as distracted, continuously looking over in Philomena’s direction.

Lucia approached her party decoration with a drink in her hand. She held it up in a toast. “It’s 7:20, bitch! The party is just getting started! Cheers!” Then she laughed as she took a big swig.

Philomena groaned with humiliation. She tried to speak, but her ball-gag would not permit intelligent conversation. She shook her head as she tried to indicate with her eyes that she wanted down.

“You owe me, remember?” Lucia had to call out to be heard above the music.

“Hell, she owes a lot of us!” a guy reminded her as he danced close by with a brunette.

“Four hours, bitch,” Lucia told her. “Four hours like that and I’ll call us even.”

Philomena groaned as she shook her head while rolling her eyes. “Hey, don’t mouth off at me, bitch! Otherwise I might forget that little promise I made tonight; remember?”

Lucia reached out with a foot and snagged one of the legs to the stool. Mena grunted in horror as she shook her head.” That’s what I thought. Be a good girl and I’ll let you down in oh…” She checked her watch before telling her, “…three and a half hours from now!” Then Lucia left to go mingle.

Philomena shuffled around on her feet. She still could not find a comfortable position in which to stand. Her nipples remained hard as her kitty continued to drip and glisten.

2020 (written May 21 ’20 by riwa)

(Inspired by a story request)

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Not the fastest girls in town anymore 3.7 (20)

Note: Inspiration for this story struck when I couldn’t sleep after drinking too much caffeine during supper. At 2AM I was watching a country music video of Miranda Lambert’s Fastest Girl in Town. I was annoyed they got away with stealing a car. So I asked myself how they could get caught. Then my attention turned toward the question of “What would happen if they stole the wrong car?” What follows is inspiration from that idea. (An older, re-edited story)

 Miranda and Danica were laying their claim to the title of fastest girls in town. That’s because everywhere they went vehicles would end up being stolen. Authorities were on the case, but there appeared to be no leads.

The duo were stealing cars. It was believed they were dropping them off at some as yet to be discovered chop shop somewhere in the greater Phoenix area. There had been many sightings, but so far no arrests. The two were deemed folk heroes by some. Law enforcement had different view of their chosen profession.

They had no way of knowing their fate would be sealed the day they stole a Grand Prix from Big Sol’s wife while she was shopping at the mall. Witnesses claimed it had certainly looked like the infamous pair in the automobile. A brunette was behind the wheel while a blonde sat in the passenger seat. Big Sol was infuriated, and he put his men on it right away.

Miranda and Danica were staying at the Roadside Inn just outside the southern end of the city limits. They were hidden in a back unit out of sight from prying eyes. The two daring car thieves were giddy with excitement at their latest job.

They had stolen a souped up Plymouth from some guy at a bar. The unsuspecting victim was obviously into fast cars and faster women. By the time he found out his vehicle was no longer gracing the parking lot the two bandits were gone, hitting the accelerator with their hearts pumping from the excitement of another successful theft.

Miranda and Danica were in the room feasting on beer and pizza when they ran out of booze. It was Miranda’s turn to make the drive into town to pick up another six-pack. Danica told her to make sure she wasn’t caught. After all, they had their sights on a juiced up Buick the guy at the chop shop was itching to get his hands on.

Miranda went out and took the back road to a local convenience store where she bought a six-pack. The trip was uneventful. She returned about 20 minutes later.

She didn’t expect to find her partner lying face down on the bed with her arms tied behind her back. Her favorite red bandana ran through her mouth to muffle her cries. “Danica??” she blurted out in alarm as she rushed over to her.

Her friend tried to warn her, but it was too late. The bathroom door suddenly swung open. Two men stepped into the room wearing gloves and brandishing revolvers.

“So nice to finally meet you at last,” the taller one in the pinstripe suit said menacingly as he waved the weapon at her. “We’ve been getting acquainted with your partner in crime. It appears she’s the driver. That must mean you’re the lookout.”

“Who the hell are you?” Miranda wanted to know. Her heart pounded in her chest at this unexpected turn of events.

“Big Sol sent us,” Pinstripe said coldly. “You two bitches stole from the wrong man. Tie her up, Phil!”

The man in the navy blue suit handed his gun to Pinstripe. Then he reached inside his suit and pulled out a length of rope. He grabbed Miranda and spun her around before roughly pulling her arms behind her back.

“You bastards are going to PAY for this!” she protested indignantly. Her partner grunted in protest.

Pinstripe just sneered at her. “No; I think you two bitches are the ones who are going to pay. Gag her, Phil. Then let’s get them out of here!”

“You can’t do this to us… HEY!”

He took the blue bandana from around her neck. He ran it through her mouth, tying it off behind her head. Miranda let out muffled protests to no avail.

Phil made sure the coast was clear. Then he and Pinstripe slung the grunting, struggling duo over their shoulders.

They were hauled out to the car they’d stolen. Miranda and Danica were given the honor of taking their last ride in the trunk. Both were unceremoniously dumped inside.

“YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO US!” Miranda protested through her gag. Her companion let out muffled grunts of alarm. Then the trunk was slammed shut on them.

Phil climbed in behind the wheel. Pinstripe crawled into the passenger side. Then they took off.

The two bandits were driven around for what felt like an hour. They kept rolling around against each other in the back of the trunk. It was their first truly uncomfortable ride.

Neither one knew who Big Sol was. But they suspected they were going to meet him soon. Then they would probably be given instructions to retrieve the vehicle they had stolen.

When the car finally stopped they both breathed a sigh of relief. It was getting hot and stuffy in the trunk. And with the desert heat outside they were both starting to sweat something fierce.

The trunk opened up and blinding sunlight filled the interior. Phil was there to reach in and pull Danica out, slinging her up over his shoulders again. Pinstripe was right beside him waiting to grab Miranda.

“I see you bitches got all hot and sweaty back here,” he observed dryly as he pulled her out. Then he threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Well, don’t worry. You’ll be cooling off real quick where we’re taking you.”

Miranda’s protests were muffled as she demanded to be put down at once. She kept trying to tell them they had no right to do this. Her cries to be released went unheeded.

From what Miranda could observe of her surroundings they were on some sort of isolated estate. There were no neighboring houses nearby. No one would be able to see them and call the cops.

Miranda suspected they were being taken to see Big Sol. They believed they were about to face his wrath. Instead they were taken through a couple of gates until they ended up in a backyard.

The sun beat down mercilessly; it was 105 in the shade. Big Sol’s men rounded the corner. A large outdoor pool came into view, a heavy canvas insulating it from the sun’s rays.

“Welcome to the Henderson residence, bitches,” Pinstripe said formally. “This is where you’ll be staying.”

He and Phil dropped the grunting, protesting bandits onto a couple of patio loungers. “They’re in Europe by the way,” he continued as he walked over to a set of controls on the wall of the pool shed. “They won’t be back for several weeks. We’re just borrowing their pool for the day.”

He activated the controls. The immense pool cover began to open. The scent of chlorine wafted up to their nostrils.

Miranda and Danica grunted in alarm as Pinstripe returned. “I see you bitches got all hot and sweaty during your ride in the trunk. I’m a reasonable man, ladies. Why don’t I allow you to go for a nice swim to cool off, ok? You’ll have to take your clothes off though. I understand the Hendersons don’t allow clothes in their pool.”

Their eyes flew open in alarm. Pinstripe and Phil produced knives from their pockets. The women started to let out muffled screams as the two man approached, fearful of what was going to happen to them.

They were relieved when Big Sol’s men did nothing more than cut their shirts and bras off. The remaining jeans, underwear and boots were easily removed. Both ladies grunted in protest, indignant they’d been stripped naked.

The bandanas were not removed. And their arms remained bound. Instinctively they shook their heads in growing alarm, suddenly fearing the worst.

“Ok, bitches,” Pinstripe instructed as he started to pull Miranda up out of the patio lounger. “On your feet. It’s time for your swim. I hope you two can hold your breath. You’re going to be in the water one hell of a long time.”

Phil grabbed Danica and got her to her feet. Both women were marched over to the deep end. Miranda began pleading with them through the bandana in her mouth, telling them they weren’t going to get away with it and to just let them go.

Maybe Pinstripe understood, or maybe he didn’t. He just laughed all the same. “This is what you bitches get for messing with Big Sol.”

He pushed Miranda into the pool. Phil did the same with Danica. The two bandits hit the water with a splash.

Thankfully their feet had not been bound. They were able to kick themselves back to the surface. They anxiously tread water as Pinstripe calmly walked over to the pool shed.

“Enjoy your swim, ladies,” he said over his shoulder. Then he reached for the controls to the pool cover.

“You shouldn’t be interrupted for oh, say… three weeks at least. I hear that’s when the Hendersons might be getting back.” Then he activated the controls.

The cover began to close. Miranda and Danica began screaming through the bandanas in their mouths. They shook their heads, begging and pleading to be let out of the pool.

They tried to promise to retrieve Big Sol’s automobile. They would do that if that’s what it would take to spare them. But whether their muffled pleadings were understood or not seemed to make no difference.

The cover continued to work across the pool with ominous slowness. The horrified bandits tried to work their way over to the side of the pool. That’s when Pinstripe retrieved a pool skimmer.

He brought it over with him as he walked back to the pool. When Miranda got too close to the side he simply used it to push her farther out into the deep end away from the edge. He also did the same to her companion.

The cover was three quarters of the way closed when the two unfortunate bandits began letting out muffled screams and cries. “I’d say you two bitches messed with the wrong man,” Pinstripe calmly told them. He was unmoved by the approaching edge of the cover.

“You two had best say your goodbyes and fill your lungs. You’re going to have to hold your breath until… well, I’d say until you drown.”

Miranda and Danica frantically tread water, desperately trying to get back toward the side of the pool. Pinstripe calmly pushed them both away from the edge whenever either one of them got too close. Then the cover reached them.

With a bubbly cry Miranda’s head was forced under first. Danica was a couple seconds behind her. As the cover continued to close, all that could be seen of them were a couple of small bulges under the canvass.

They appeared to be trying to head-butt their way up through the sturdy material. Then it reached the side of the pool with a thunk. The would-be car thieves were sealed underneath.

It was quite dark under the surface. Miranda instinctively tried to kick herself up out of the water. But the canvas above her was solid.

She could achieve little more than making a noticeable bulge in the material. There was no air pocket to access. She blindly thrashed about, kicking with her legs while struggling to free her arms.

A few feet away Danica let out a bubbly cry of horror. She tried to hold her breath while pushing up against the cover above her. But there was very little give in the material.

Her naked body wriggled and squirmed to no avail. Her lungs were straining in her chest. That’s when she realized her days of driving stolen cars had come to a rather abrupt end.

Both women were terrified, their naked bodies trembling from a fearful arousal. Two sets of nipples protruded noticeably as they bubbled and struggled. But they could not free themselves from their bonds. All they could do was kick themselves upward, their heads bumping time and time again against the underside of the cover.

Miranda went first as her lungs finally gave out. She grunted and gurgled, her body bucking and jerking as she drifted up against the cover chest up. Bubbles escaped her lungs to burst out around the bandana in her mouth and out through her nostrils.

Danica had just enough time to experience the horror of hearing her friend and partner start to drown with horrific grunts and gurgles. Then her lungs gave out as well. She began spasming and convulsing as she floated upward with her back to the cover.

Both women hitched and gurgled, coughing up the last of their air in drowning seizures until they finally went limp. Their bodies gently pressed up against the underside of the canvas. Stray bubbles trickled out of their opened mouths as their unseeing eyes stared in shock. Their last thoughts before they both faded away was sorrow they were not the fastest girls in town anymore.

At the surface Pinstripe and Phil watched until the cover stopped undulating. They noticed a couple of minor bulges that remained unchanged. Both women were now lifelessly floating all pressed up against the underside. It would not be long before their lungs would flood and their bodies would eventually lose buoyancy.

“Let’s gather up their clothes,” Pinstripe told Phil emotionlessly. “Big Sol says they’re to go out of this world the way they came in. At least we left those bitches with their bandanas. The Hendersons can deal with them later when they get back from Europe.”

“I’d love to see their faces when they discover the ‘welcome home’ presents we left for them in their pool,” Phil added with a chuckle.

The two men quietly gathered up the clothes of the drowned bandits. Then they left the pool area. The Henderson family would experience quite a shock at what they would discover in their backyard pool once they returned from their trip to Europe.

2012; 2020 (written Dec 6 ’12; ed. Mar 23 ’20 by riwa)

(Pictures found on the internet and used for illustration purposes.)

Posted in Drowning Stories | Leave a comment

Yvette’s punishment 4.4 (49)

Yvette came in late. It was well after midnight. I was sitting right there in the living room waiting for her. I was completely nude.

She reacted with a start upon seeing me sitting there. “Jeremy; what the hell?? You startled me!”

“Where have you been?”

“I told you I was going to see Goldie tonight! She broke up with her boyfriend; I was trying to cheer her up!”

“You know the punishment for lying to me, right?”

“I’m not lying!”

I pulled out my iPhone and pulled up a picture. I waved her over to me. Then I showed it to her.

She gasped in shock. Then she tried to deny it. “That’s not me!”

“Your vehicle was parked outside. That’s your purse and blouse lying on the floor. Are you still going to deny it?”

“I… I… that’s not me! I swear I was with Goldie!”

I flicked to another photo. This one showed her and Goldie on their knees working on the same cock. The gentleman in question seemed appreciative of their efforts.

She gasped again. I pointed at her black heels sitting on the floor by the side of the sofa. “Dining room. Naked except for those heels. Five minutes.”

“Jeremy, you wouldn’t!”

“Were you thinking about what I might do to you while you were sucking that cock with Goldie? Were you thinking about what I might do to you while you were bent over that sofa taking it up your slutty hole?”


“Five minutes, Yvette!” Then I got up and walked into the dining room.

I waited for her, listening to her murmured complaints from around the corner… “Damn him! How did he find out? Did he have Tony follow me? He’s not going to strangle me again, is he?”

She rounded the corner and entered the dining room naked. The rope was already dangling from the hook embedded in the ceiling. She took one look at it before gasping, “Oh, FUCK!”

“Get over here, bitch!” I pointed right in front of me. My cock was already at half-staff.

“Jeremy, I don’t…”

“Do I get sloppy seconds tonight?”

“Jeremy, you can’t do this to me!”

“Remember our agreement?”

“I honestly didn’t think you’d…”

“Really? After all the times I strangled you during sex? You really didn’t think I wouldn’t? I’m the one who doesn’t know what to think here, Yvette! Is this your way of rebelling? Or is it simply because this is your way of getting me to strangle you again?”

“Jeremy, you can’t…” That’s when I looped the coiled noose over her head.

She reached up to remove it. I growled in warning, “You want to do this with your arms secured behind your back? You won’t get to touch yourself that way.”

She hesitated only a moment. “No,” she responded sullenly.

“Crouch on those heels, you slutty bitch!”

She gave me a dirty look. But she did as I commanded. She went into a crouch with my cock right there at eye level.

“Suck it!”

“And if I don’t?” A hard jerk on the other end of the rope in my hand made her gawk in alarm.

She started mouthing my erection. “C’mon, bitch. Or are you going to make me hang you? As thin as this rope is, you’re not going to last very long.”

I saw a flash of fear in her eyes. Then she went to work on my dick. It didn’t take long before she started to get into it.

“Were you like this with that guy you were with tonight? Did you and Goldie worship his cock too?” She just grunted as she gave me a dirty look.

I thought she was not giving it her all. So I tugged on the rope. She grunted with a mouthful of dick.

“What if I decide to end your slutty ways tonight, bitch? You know you deserve it.”

She grunted again as she redoubled her efforts. Had she deliberately gotten into trouble just to test my limits? Was she curious to find out whether or not I would take her all the way?

She slobbered all over my cock. I grabbed her head and thrust into her mouth. I gave another warning tug on the rope, letting her know I was serious.

She grunted as she looked up at me from a mixture of fear and arousal. Once more I found myself questioning her motives. Was she really looking to monkey branch to some other guy? Or did she want me to seriously strangle her?

I tugged on the rope again. She grunted as she reached down to touch herself. “NO!” and I pulled hard on the rope again.

She whimpered and pouted as I fucked her face. She got more into it. Then she pleaded with her eyes again.

“Fucking whore. I should have known. Ok; you can masturbate, you slut.”

Yvette wasted no time fingering herself as she groped her breast. She grunted and moaned as she slobbered all over my dick. Yeah, she was worshiping my erection now. But what about tomorrow?

She really fingered herself. I jerked hard on the rope just to give her a reminder. She grunted and moaned as though she loved it.

“You need to be punished, Yvette. This is becoming quite a pattern with you.” She let out another grunt in reply as she shook her head.

“SUCK IT!” and I pulled harder. She let out a muffled gawk as she took it deep down her throat. I was nice and hard.

The bitch gave good head. But that wasn’t the problem. The problem was the way she kept going out of her way to ride the cock carousel while claiming to be devoted to me. Could she be cured of her slutty ways? Or was she simply trying to get herself strangled because she loved it so much?

“Did you enjoy fucking that guy tonight? Did you and Goldie enjoy sucking his dick?”

She defiantly came off my cock. “I told you, Jeremy, I didn’t – AWK!”

I pulled her upright. She squawked as she instinctively reached up for the rope around her throat. I pulled a little more until she was shuffling around on her toes.

She rasped, “Jeremy… NO… DON’T!” I just tied off the other end of the rope. Then I stepped up to her and groped her boobs.

She kept reaching up for the rope around her throat. “Leave it alone!” I snarled. “Leave it alone unless you don’t want to cum!”

She grunted as she brought her arms down. She found my cock with her hand and began stroking it. Her other hand reached down as she tried to masturbate again.

She rasped for breath. “Jeremy, I can’t…”

“You want to cum? You want my cock inside you as you strangle?”

She shook her head. I slapped her face as I mauled her boobs with my free hand. I slapped her face again.

She jerked my cock harder. “Do you want me inside you, Yvette? Do you want to cum? It might be the last one you’ll ever enjoy.”

She rasped and grunted. This time she nodded her head. That’s when I spun her around to face the wall mirror.

I pushed my dick against her anus as I groped her boobs from behind. I could see my reflection as well as how red her face had become. She rasped, “Jeremy… no!”

“It’s your punishment, Yvette! Shall I tie your arms behind your back? Or do you want to finger yourself to an orgasm?”

She rasped, “Damn you!” Then I pushed my way inside her anus.

She jerked as she let out a raspy gurgle. Then she reached down and began finger-fucking herself. “That’s what I thought!” I hissed into her ear.

The tied-off section of rope was within reach. I simply leaned into it as I fucked her ass. It tightened around her throat, taking her breath away.

In the mirror I saw her face become redder as she furiously masturbated. Once more I hissed into her ear. “Did you fuck him because you were horny, Yvette? Did you do it simply because you wanted to get into trouble and have me strangle you again? Or was it a little bit of both?

She shook her head no as she tried to get a decent breath. I fucked her harder as I reached around and savagely groped her boobs. She aggressively finger-fucked herself.

“Slut! Fucking whore! You want it like this, don’t you! Look into the damned mirror and watch yourself!”

I leaned into the rope a little harder. She looked at her reflection as she rasped for breath again. She fingered herself even harder.

“You want to be punished, don’t you! You really want this; am I right? You know what you deserve!”

She shook her head no. I leaned into the rope, strangling her more intensely. She rasped as she finally nodded her head.

“That’s what I thought, Yvette. You’re never going to change. I think I’ll just take your ass and your life right now.”

I pounded her nice and hard. Her hand lashed up to fight against the rope. I just reached around, grabbed both wrists and pulled them down.

I hissed into her ear, “Your choice, bitch. I guess you’ll just have to cum with my dick up your ass without touching yourself. But you don’t really mind, do you? You’ve had ass-gasms before; am I right?”

Her face was so red. It looked like her eyes were becoming bloodshot. Her hands jerked in my grasp as she tried to pull free. I calmly held onto her wrists with an iron grip.

“Poor, dying Yvette… doesn’t get to touch herself as she turns into a corpse. I guess that’s what a slut like you deserves; am I right?”

She opened her mouth as though trying to scream. Her back arched as she threw her chest out. I pumped her ass hard as her muscles furiously clenched around my thrusting dick.

Her eyes rolled as she started to shudder. The bitch squirted as she went into spasms. Then I was pumping a load deep up her butt as her bladder released.

She went into hitches and spasms. Then she finally became limp. She sagged in the rope, stretching her neck as it dug a vicious line around her throat.

I slowly pulled out of her butt. I looked in the mirror and saw her vacant expression. It looked like it had really hurt. But it also looked like she’d orgasmed as I sent her into oblivion. Now I just had to find another bitch who was a lot more faithful, one who didn’t enjoy erotic asphyxiation to the point of risking death over it.

2020 (written Mar 11 ’20 by riwa)

(Inspired by the manip I found in Sadie’s folder.)

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Witness Relocation 3.3 (26)

Note: an older, re-edited story

Suki opened the door to her employer’s office just in time to watch a man put a bullet into his brain as he sat at his desk. She brought a hand to her mouth and gasped. The moment she was seen she turned and fled.

She ran through the strip joint and found the back door. She nearly knocked the man over who’d been reaching for the handle outside. He grabbed her shoulders to keep her from tumbling over.

“Whoa there, miss. You should watch where – are you all right? You look pale!”

“I just saw… my employer murdered!”

“You did?” All she could do was nod her head, the horrific scene frozen in her mind’s eye.

“Let’s get you out of here. My car is parked around the corner.”

They rushed down the alley and turned the corner. He ran to the driver’s side door of the nearest vehicle and opened it. She raced to the passenger side and slid into the seat.

He started the motor. Then he gunned the engine as two men appeared in the alley. “Oh NO!” she gasped in terror.

He smashed his foot on the accelerator as he pulled away from the curb before either of the two could draw a weapon. He looked back to see they were not firing at them. Then he said, “You say you saw your employer being murdered, miss?”

“Yes. Those two men in the alley! I think… they were the same ones in his office!” That’s when she started to cry softly.

“I’m afraid I have dishonored my unit. I was sent here to offer him protection. I was… too late.”

She looked at him with tears in her eyes. “So what will happen to me?”

“You are a witness to a crime committed by the Yakuza organization. I will get you to a safe location and restore my dishonor; that is, if you will allow it.”

“Can you keep me safe?” She looked hopefully into his eyes.

“I will try,” he said with determination. “My name is Nomuri.”

“I am Suki,” she answered, feeling a little bit better…


He took her down to the wharf, telling her he had access to a boat. Travel in the city would be dangerous, he explained. But the harbor was safer. There were many places to hide a small craft.

They pulled into a small lot and exited the vehicle. They dashed between two buildings to a wooden dock with a small cabin cruiser that bobbed on the water. It looked promising, certainly big enough to spend a few days inside with some small degree of comfort.

She jumped aboard as he quickly released the boat from the ropes that held it against the dock. Then he stepped onto the deck where he moved to the controls and started the motor. Suki breathed a sigh of relief when it started. Soon the boat was pulling away from the dock and motored off into the night…


“Do you have something for my nerves?” she quivered. “A drink, perhaps? I can’t seem to… stop shaking.”

“A thousand apologies. Come below. Let me fix you something. Then you will feel more comfortable.”

“Thank you,” she said as she followed him down the steps.

She moved to a sofa and slumped into it. It was then that her mind fully replayed the scene in her employer’s office. She put her head in her hands and started to cry.

Nomuri added two cubes of ice to a glass and filled it with an alcoholic beverage. “This should help calm you,” he told her as he brought the glass over.

He sat down next to her. Then he put his arm around her shoulder before offering the drink. “I am very sorry,” he said quietly. “It must have been awful.”

She nodded as she accepted the offered glass. Then she took a long drink. It made her feel better.

“I’ve never seen anything like it in my whole life,” she said tearfully as she shook her head. “Yamato was a nice man. Why did they have to kill him like that?”

She took another drink as the alcohol began to calm her down. “No one knows the ways of the Yakuza,” Nomuri replied with sadness. “I am truly sorry you had to witness such a thing.”

“Where will I go? What will I do now?”

“I will help you,” he replied firmly.

“Thank you,” she replied, “You have been very…” She paused as she blinked her eyes.

“Is something wrong?”

“I don’t feel so good.”

“A sensitive stomach after witnessing such a traumatic event. It will pass, I am sure.”

She waved dismissively as she blinked again. She was feeling felt lightheaded. He looked at her and asked, “Miss? Are you going to faint?”

He caught her as she started to fell out of the sofa. He picked her up and carried her into the interior. There he gently laid her onto the bed…


Suki awakened with a splitting headache. She glanced out a window and saw the sky getting noticeably lighter. She concluded it must be dawn.

Had she slept through the night? Had she imagined it all? Then she sensed something was not right.

What was wrong with her arms? It was uncomfortable lying on them the way she was. So she tried to pull them out, only to discover…

Her wrists were bound together? But why?? Why had he tied her wrists together??

She tried to sit up. But she still didn’t have the strength. That’s when she noticed how her feet hung over the bed, immobilized in some sort of material and…

‘I’m NAKED!’ she thought in alarm.

A shiver of fear swept through her. Had Nomuri taken advantage of her? Why couldn’t she remember?

Had the Yakuza found them? Suki’s blood ran cold. What if he had also been tied up… or worse??

“Nomuri?? Nomuri, please help me!” There was no answer.

Maybe the Yakuza had indeed found them. She felt a lump in her throat as her panic rose. That’s when Nomuri walked into the little cabin.

“You are awake; excellent. Allow me to carry you up on deck so that you may enjoy the dawn.”

“Nomuri? Why am I bound and naked?”

“You are a stripper, are you not? Is it inappropriate for me to see you in this manner?”

“But why am I bound?”

“You thrashed around in bed last night. I did not want you to hurt yourself.”

“But… but what is this on my feet?”

“It is Styrofoam, surrounded by a concrete membrane,” he explained as her carefully carried her up the steps.

“Concrete membrane? I don’t understand! What is it doing on my feet?”

He matter-of-factly told her, “It is there to help keep your body on the ocean floor.”

She gasped in horror. Her eyes got big as saucers. That’s when realization set in.

“You’re… you’re with them??”

“Yes. I am a part of their Witness Relocation Program.” Was that why he had been outside the back door??

“The sun will be up shortly, Suki. This is the best part of the day, the moment right before the rays of the sun flicker over the water. I wanted to share this moment with you before I let you go.”

She tried to cry out, but a lump hung up in her throat. That’s when he carried her over to the side of the craft. She finally found her voice… “NOOOOOOO…”

“Don’t worry, Suki,” he said soothingly. “The Yakuza will never be able to reach you where I’m sending you.” And with that, he tossed her over the side.

She hit the water with a splash and then sank from view. She struggled all the way down as the water got colder all around her. Bubbles fizzed out of her mouth and nose.

How could she have been so foolish?? He was with them the whole time! Sadly, she had no way of knowing.

She could feel her toes wiggle inside the encasement. But she couldn’t break free. She tried jerking arou,d but the weight was too heavy.

Her lungs ached for another breath. Her cheeks bulged as she tried to hold her air in. But she was already to the point where she could not keep from inhaling.

It was no use. She wasn’t much of a swimmer, and she wasn’t very good at holding her breath. Air burst out past her lips, causing her to inhale reflexively.

She started hitching and gurgling as her body fought the intrusion of water into her lungs. She coughed, gurgled, and spasmed again. She jerked and twisted around as her wrists yanked behind her back.

As she drowned, she became dimly aware of a tingling between her legs. Her nipples had hardened considerably from her plight. She was terrified, although her body was betraying her from a different emotion.

She convulsed painfully one last time as she nearly doubled over. Then she ceased struggling altogether. Sporadic bubbles trickled freely past her parted lips.

She looked up at the hull of the boat in time to see is start to pull away. There was the faint sound of a motor. Then the life flickered out of her eyes.

At that moment the gently rays of the sun shimmered over the water. Dawn had officially arrived. But Suki was beyond the moment where she could enjoy it.

2004; 2020 (written Jun 20 ’04; ed. Feb 22 ’20 by riwa)

(Inspired by the render I included for illustration purposes.)

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Querida and Xenia 4.3 (34)

Querida and Xenia were freshmen at City U. They were also members of the P.O.R.N. sorority. Essentially they had licked their way into becoming members.

They quickly became roommates as well as the best of friends. It wasn’t that they didn’t like boys. It was simply that they liked girls more. Thus, their services were often provided to the other sorority members.

The two freshmen spent many nights pleasuring each other. They did it so often that the house mother had to remind them they were required to spread themselves around a little more, especially with members of the nearby fraternity. They frequently made arrangements so they could be together in the same room licking, sucking and fucking.

It didn’t take long before they discovered the joys of erotic asphyxia. It started innocently enough. Querida simply got so excited one night that she choked her dark skinned lover until Xenia climaxed as she passed out.

When Xenia regained consciousness Querida apologized profusely. Xenia said she’d never cum so hard and wanted to do it again. From then on they started incorporating asphyxiation into their play with each other.

At first they didn’t tell any of the other sorority members about their enthusiasms. Otherwise they were afraid they might become too much in demand and be forced to spend less time with each other. They were selfish that way when it came to wanting to be alone with each other.

They often choked each other while lying on top of each other as they mashed their pussies together. Frequently they would climax together until passing out at virtually the same time. Their orgasms were always intense.

From choking they graduated to the heavier stuff, starting with strangling each other with a red ribbon they had obtained. Querida loved watching Xenia’s eyes roll as she cut off her air with the ribbon. Grinding her pussy against that of her roommate always got Querida off each time Xenia passed out.

Querida loved being strangled while Xenia was eating her out. But it was hard for her roommate to pull on the ribbon while focusing on eating clam. So Querida took to wrapping the ribbon around her own neck and then pulling tightly. Xenia always got a gush of fluids in her mouth whenever Querida strangled herself to unconsciousness.

It wasn’t long until the roommates grew more obsessed with erotic asphyxiation. But the house mother kept interrupting their sessions, frequently sending them over to the fraternity to please the frat boys. And their sorority sisters often came calling for their services.

Querida and Xenia weren’t always in the mood for cock. But they soon discovered they became horny and more willing to play “hide the salami” after first enjoying some erotic breath-play. So they would strangle each other on those nights before heading over to service their frat brothers.

One Friday night several of the guys traveled to a rival university for a basketball game. The girls were informed they would need to service them once they returned. That was Querida and Xenia’s cue to start their erotic asphyxiation with each other. That way they would be horny as fuck and raring to go once the guys returned.

After supper they went straight to their room where they quickly got naked before munching down on each other for dessert. The red ribbon soon came out and made its presence felt. The roommates took turns strangling each other, leading to a couple of juicy orgasms to start the night off right.

From there Xenia went and retrieved some Saran wrap. She used it to erotically cover the face of Querida as she lay on her back on the bed. Querida shuddered hard in orgasm, her eyes rolling as she was suffocated into unconsciousness. For Xenia it was quite a thrill.

They switched places so Xenia could have a turn being asphyxiated. Querida eagerly forced the clear wrap tightly against her roommate’s face. The way Xenia struggled as her eyes rolled gave Querida such an erotic rush.

It was getting late; the guys would soon be returning. Xenia suggested they up the ante before they headed over. She suggested they retrieve the noose the house mother kept in a cabinet down on the main floor.

Querida was more than agreeable, although she was curious what her roommate had in mind. Xenia went to “borrow” it from the cabinet. She knew where it was since the house mother was known to occasionally string girls up for a few moments who were less than enthusiastic about fulfilling their role as a Pi Omicron Ro Nu sorority girl.

When Xenia returned with the rope they removed the hanging light fixture above the bed. They threaded the rope through the eyebolt and tested it. It was strong enough to hold each one’s body weight so long as they were careful about it.

Xenia wanted to try it first. The freshman eagerly straddled her roommate’s face before looping the noose around her own neck. Querida reached up and groped Xenia’s mounds while licking out the dripping twat of her chocolate lover.

Xenia was wonderfully strangled. It did not take long before she shuddered hard in orgasm, spraying her fluids all over Querida’s face. Querida thought that was incredibly hot.

They checked the time and realized the boys would soon be back. But Querida wanted to experience a turn of her own. They switched places so she could noose herself up before eagerly straddling Xenia’s head.

Xenia went right to work, licking and slurping up her roommate’s dripping fluids. Querida climaxed hard as the noose deliciously strangled her. Xenia nearly had an orgasm of her own witnessing the way the noose made sweet love to her kinky roommate.

Querida wanted another cum before it was time to get together with the guys. Xenia was all too happy to comply. She figured she was going to cum so hard watching Querida’s eyes role as her roommate climaxed into unconsciousness in the noose.

Xenia went right to work licking and slurping her roommate’s juicy twat. Querida groped her own breasts as her roommate chowed down on her wet cunt. The orgasm that was headed Querida’s way promised to be deep and profound.

Xenia deliriously feasted on the dripping fluids. She saw Querida slip into erotic spasms as her eyes started to role. Xenia enthusiastically reached up to squeeze and fondle her roommate’s sexy tits.

Querida did not notice how tight the noose had become. Her orgasms had dulled her senses. She kept slipping in place, tightening the noose as she shuffled around to further adjust her position.

Her wet cunt ended up mashed right up against Xenia’s lips. It was so erotic that Querida went into seizures as orgasm after orgasm battered her senseless. Then she started to blissfully lose consciousness.

Xenia licked and slurped like a woman possessed. She knew how to use her tongue to make any woman pop off in ecstasy. The dazed look in Querida’s eyes only made the juices to her own cunt flow.

Querida kept hitching as she went into seizures and spasms. Her body slipped a little more, the noose tightening even further until her wet pussy was mashed tightly against Xenia’s face. Xenia misunderstood, believing her roommate was cutting off her breath with her cunt so they could cum hard together.

Querida kept hitching as the flow of oxygen was cut off to her brain. Xenia’s eyes started to roll from her own orgasm as well as lack of air. She got so weak she could no longer reach up and squeeze her roommate’s wonderful mounds.

Querida finally lost consciousness. But her cunt being pressed up against her roommate’s talented mouth only succeeded in making her body twitch and tremble in orgasmic aftershocks. The sensation of tongue on flesh kept making her body cum and cum.

Xenia could hardly breathe as her roommate’s cunt cut off her breath. Instinctively she reached down to finger herself. Then she was cumming as well, breathless orgasms that eventually battered her senseless……

A half hour later Spike and Joey came up to their room. They’d been sent up by the house mother to “get those two bitches out of their room and fuck the shit out of them!” If the girls would not come out, the guys were instructed to fuck them right there in their room.

The guys walked in an on incredible scene. Querida was noosed, her creamy body straddling Xenia’s head. Her eyes were lifeless and glazed over. Drool spilled out of her mouth onto her tits.

Xenia’s mouth and nose were completely covered. One hand was still buried in her wet pussy. She was looking up with a strange, vacant expression as though she’d orgasmed herself into eternity.

Spike looked at Joey who looked back at him and shrugged in amazement. Spike finally asked, “Shall we go down and tell Laura these two won’t be coming down from their room?”

“She told us to fuck the shit out of them, didn’t she? Does it really matter if they’re alive or dead? Hell, I’ve always wanted to fuck a sexy corpse!”

Joey started pulling down his pants, removing them completely. Spike removed his as well. He eagerly stepped between Xenia’s legs. Then he thrust his cock inside for a taste of some sweet necro chocolate.

Joey eagerly climbed up onto the bed. He grabbed Querida’s head and held it in place. Then he thrust his hard dick between her parted lips.

The frat boys eagerly began the task of sexually enjoying the two dead, sexy roommates. The fact they were deceased didn’t make them any less enjoyable to play with.

Afterwards the frat boys went back downstairs. They told whoever would listen that Querida and Xenia had snuffed themselves, perhaps in a game of erotic asphyxia gone wrong. They confessed they had eagerly enjoyed the dead bodies.

Word quickly got around. Other guys went up to their room to have a go at the deceased roommates. Several members of the sorority also went up to enjoy a little necro sex with their dead, sexy sisters. The orgy that took place with the bodies of Querida and Xenia would eventually go down in the history of the Pi Omicron Ro Nu sorority.

2020 (written Apr 23 ’20 by riwa. inspired by a manip in Sadie’s old DFN album)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (8)

Coming April rewards

Jennifer gets a special decoration to take to the premiere.
A bride’s honeymoon turns out to be rather short.
A third chapter to My Mother the Breath-holder.
Another Mr. Wayne club chapter.
Another dream about drowning females.
A mother celebrates her 40th birthday in a unique way.
The second chapter to The Consequences of Snooping.
Another chapter to Donna’s shore Leave.
A story about thirteen steps.
A woman decides to stop being friends with another female by using the pool in a wicked manner.
The second chapter to the Whittaker Manor story.
What I hope is the final chapter to Girl’s Night Out.

February stories/rewards will fall off at the end of March to make room for April rewards.

It’s finally starting to warm up around here. But we’ve been dealing with a lot of wind lately. I’ve noticed some pruners have been out pruning trees… even taking some down entirely. This is probably a good thing, as a few months ago I was walking home when this branch came right down a few feet in front of me. I guess prolonged wind will do that to an older tree over time.

Mom is doing well. I am too. No news is good news, right? So I’ll just thank you for being my patrons before I go back to work putting off until tomorrow what I should have edited today (my bad).

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Synchro Tryout 1 3.7 (39)

Cyndi Jacobs wanted to be on the Aquastars synchro team. She was good in the water and a decent breath-holder. Now she wanted to put her abilities as a water-baby to good use.

She’d been watching the team practice and had been privately working on some moves by herself. She could tell her presentation was still quite rough. But given time she believed she would eventually make a good addition to the team.

She was willing to do just about anything to become a team member. The problem was: she couldn’t just get an audition through Coach Johnson. He always pawned that off on his assistant coach Rick Riley. If Rick didn’t think she was good enough, she would never even see Coach Johnson.

The word around campus was that Riley was quite the hard-ass. He expected a lot from the synchro girls, even though it was Coach Johnson’s team. He was notorious for putting them through hell.

As much as he enjoyed torturing the synchro girls, he was also quite the pervert. Cyndi had learned that Coach Riley gave certain members of the team “personal training sessions” on more than one occasion. She knew full well what that meant.

What it amounted to was nothing more than a casting couch audition. But Cyndi didn’t have a problem with that. She understood the unwritten rules and was willing to work within them.

To begin with, she was rather attracted to Rick Riley. But so far he hadn’t even given her the time of day. His focus was strictly on the girls who were on the synchro team.

There was no other way around it. If she wanted any kind of relationship with him she would have to try out for the synchro team. Naturally she would be forced to share him with the other girls. But Cyndi decided she would rather share an alpha like Riley than some loser beta who none of the other girls would even pay attention to.

She found a one-piece swimsuit the other synchro girls wore whenever they were having a one-on-one session with Coach Riley. It became somewhat transparent once it got wet. Obviously the pervert liked looking at the goodies, even when a synchro girl wasn’t naked.

Cyndi thought she’d try out the suit on her own before arranging an audition with Coach Riley. There was a soaking tub she had access to for late-night dips. Besides, she wanted to get in a little more practice before she would have to show Rick what she was capable of.

Cyndi got into the water in her suit, goggles and matching swimcap. It felt nice and cool after a hot day as she submerged. She discovered how quickly the suit became somewhat transparent, showing off her privates once she’d gotten herself wet.

Her breasts were clearly visible, her nipples on display to one and all. No wonder coach Riley liked to see his girls in this suit. She had to admit it actually made her feel quite sexy.

It was time for a little workout in the water. Cyndi dispensed with using any type of nose clip. She had a feeling Coach Riley might reject it during her audition simply to torture her sinuses.

She sat on her ass on the bottom with her legs crossed, working on holding her breath. Riley wouldn’t even talk to a girl who couldn’t reach three minutes. That was her first objective.

It took her three different tries. But she finally broke three minutes. Cyndi was sure she’d be able to match that when it was time for her audition.

Next she did some stretches underwater. Cyndi bent forward, touching her toes as she held her breath. Her lungs burned, but she pushed herself, sensing Coach Riley would push her even harder when the time came.

From there Jacobs tried a few handstands in the water. She went upside down, submerging until her legs stuck out of the water while her crotch remained submerged. Then she tried to hold her position.

She was fully aware how her tanned flesh became visible through her suit. The blue patterns could only cover so much. But instead of feeling self-conscious, Cyndi felt even sexier. She was sure to get Coach Riley’s attention by wearing this outfit for an audition.

Cyndi came up for breath, panting quietly. She wondered what kind of torture the assistant might put her through. She suspected a lot of it might occur while she was upside down. Being upside down was the hardest position to pull off, making it a challenge just to concentrate on staying in place.

Once more she filled her lungs before going underwater. Cyndi went upside down again and tried to hold her breath and position. She held her legs straight up with her toes pointed.

She held that for a good half minute. Then she began doing pushups with her arms. Cyndi bent them while pushing herself up and down, trying to anticipate anything the perverted coach might subject her too.

It occurred to her how much Riley might like this position. It gave him a great view of her crotch. She wondered how much of her kitty would be visible to him through the fabric.

Cyndi came back up for another breath. She looked down at her crotch and confirmed what she’d suspected. She had a distinct camel-toe that was plainly visible. Coach Riley was going to love that.

She caught her breath before going back under. Once more she went upside down. Cyndi did some pushups, pushing her legs higher out of the water before lowering them.

She stayed like that for about a minute. Then she began spreading her legs. She opened and closed them, imagining Coach Riley staring at her crotch.

Would he get all turned on with her body? He was a guy, wasn’t he? Word around campus indicated he would not have any problems gawking at her while making her hold the pose for as long as she could hold her breath.

Cyndi remained like that for as long as possible. The more she thought about Coach seeing her like this, the more turned on she became. She just had to get an audition from him!

She pushed herself until her lungs began to heave. Cyndi came up out of the water and gasped quietly for breath. She was becoming horny again, something that frequently happened while she was underwater holding her breath.

She got her breath back before going upside down again. This time Cyndi worked on doing splits while holding herself upright. If she could do this right here with her legs out of the water, surely she could do it in front of Rick Riley.

Cyndi Jacobs went up and down while opening and closing her legs. Bubbles trickled out of her nose as she tried to ease the strain in her lungs. Imagining Coach Riley’s eyes on her body only turned her on even more.

She split her legs wide and held them there as she held her breath upside down. How long might Coach Riley force her to hold this position? She decided she should try to push it for as long as possible.

She stayed under until she began losing air through her nose. She was sorely tempted to reach up and touch herself. But that would throw her off-balance and bring her crashing down.

Cyndi finally collapsed into the bottom of the soaking tub. She came up out of the water gasping like crazy. Coach Riley was going to love her! It was only a matter of time before she became a member of the Aquastars.

The synchro hopeful reached down and felt her crotch through her suit. It gave her nice, erotic tingles. She could tell how see-through the suit was. She hoped it would give Coach Riley a massive hard-on.

Cyndi slipped under the surface until her ass was on the bottom of the soaking tub. She touched herself all over. Her body responded with tingles as she released little bubbles out of her mouth.

She worked at holding her breath as she fondled herself. Focusing on her pleasure always stretched her length of time underwater while holding her breath. She wondered if it might be a good idea to try that out on Coach Riley.

Cyndi came up and panted for breath. She decided it was time to try a nice, long one. This one wouldn’t be for Rick or any synchro team member. This one would be strictly for her benefit.

She filled her lungs and submerged into the soaking tub. Cyndi stretched out until her upper body angled into the deeper part of the water. Then she focused on touching herself and the pleasure she wanted to experience.

One hand groped her breasts. The other reached down to tend to her crotch. Her fingers sent tingles of pleasure coursing through her body.

She imagined Coach Riley watching her, making her smile inwardly. What if she masturbated for him as a part of her audition? Would it help get her a spot on the team?

Cyndi let her hands roam all over. She was careful not to neglect that area between her legs. A hand always returned there whenever the sensations ebbed, stringing things along while prolonging her breathless pleasures.

Her stomach rippled as her lungs began to burn. The strain increased the tingles in her lady-parts. Cyndi pushed herself until her chest was heaving before she surfaced.

She came up panting loudly for breath. How long had she pushed that one? She was sure it was well past three minutes. Would Coach Riley find favor with her if she could reach four?

She got her breath back before taking long, deep breaths. Then she submerged again. Cyndi stretched herself out as before, her head angling into the deeper part of the tub.

Once more she began touching herself all over. She pictured Coach Riley watching her as she held her breath for him. Would it turn him on? Would he reward her for a job well done?

She imagined him forcing her to hold her breath with his cock in her mouth. That idea gave her a jolt of erotic tingles. She rubbed her crotch harder as she thought about it.

What would he do to her in order to test her abilities? Would he force her to blow him while holding her breath? Would he fuck her underwater while pushing her limits?

The tingles increased as she let her mind run wild. She just had to get an audition! Even if she failed, she might get the chance to suck his cock underwater. Hell, if she was good enough, she might even earn herself an underwater fuck before he discarded her. But she wasn’t about to fail her audition.

She rubbed her crotch harder as she ran scenarios through her mind. It helped her stay down longer. Thinking about Coach Riley was helping to distract her from the strain of holding her breath.

Cyndi felt the ripples in her stomach. They moved up into her chest. She stubbornly pushed onward, imagining she was doing this for Coach Riley.

She pictured him giving her a private session where he tested her abilities with something in her mouth. She imagined him fucking her at the bottom of the practice pool. Her lungs burned, but she stubbornly remained on the bottom of the soaking tub.

It began to swell within her as she imagined herself alone with Rick. She furiously groped herself as she began to writhe around underwater. Bubbles spewed out of her mouth as her lungs ached.

She thought about how she could best please the assistant coach. She would do anything, even if it meant drowning for him. She could actually imagine him watching her as she swallowed water before settling onto the pool floor with flooded lungs.

It swelled within her until she couldn’t stand it any longer. Her lungs were on fire as she wriggled and squirmed. She was out of breath, adding to the eroticism of her breathless agony.

Her chest heaved painfully. Cyndi stiffened as it overwhelmed her. Then she lost the last of her breath from a mammoth orgasm.

She shuddered hard as her lungs emptied. She blinked as she felt dizzy and disoriented. Then her chest heaved ominously.

For a moment she couldn’t get her body to respond. Cyndi thought she was going to be found at the bottom of the soaking pool as she thrashed about. Then she got her head above water.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she gasped for breath. That had been a really good one! But she figured she’d better call it a night before she overdid it. She wanted to be at full strength when she faced Coach Riley for her audition.

2020 (written Jul 30 ’20 by riwa)

(Vidcaps courtesy of JustPaul which are included for illustration purposes.)

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