Joia 1-3 3.9 (27)


Life was hard.

What made it harder for Joia was that her parents had wanted a son. A son could work the plot of land much better than she could for the crops they grew that fed them year after year. Even with her mother assisting her, it was sweat-inducing labor.

Joia always tried hard. But she was more feminine than masculine. Nature had designed her for simple beauty rather than hard labor. Her face was soft and innocent, her breasts small yet firm under her meager peasant attire.

The only thing that gave her comfort was her discovery of self-pleasure. Joia would touch herself late at night when it was dark and her parents were asleep. Usually she did this whenever she was feeling particularly sad.

With just a little bit of kneading, she could make the nipples on her breasts rise. The right combination of a thumb on her nub and fingers inside her would carry her away with feelings of pleasure, temporary though they always turned out to be. Afterwards, she would drift off to sleep.

Joia longed for the day some promising young man from the village might come and take her away from all of this. She longed for the gentle touch of warmth and affection from another human being. It was something her parents were not good at giving her. She wanted to be loved, but that emotion bestowed by another seemed destined to be denied her.

Her family’s resentment at her gender slowly ate away at her hope and joy of life. Now she simply wanted to be taken away. But there was no one to take her away.

She had simply been born into the wrong family at the wrong point in history. The life that lay before her appeared dark and full of despair. So she lived each day in sadness, touching herself in the dark hours to bring herself some semblance of comfort.

That all changed the day the military people showed up in a small convoy of vehicles…

Joia and her mother came in from the nearby field, curious about the visitors. Joia noticed the large truck that was open in back. In it she saw a number of young females similar to her age looking out at her.

Their eyes betrayed a combination of fear and hope. Perhaps they had lived an existence similar to hers. Were they now being taken away to a better life?

Joia felt a surge of something inside her. Was it fear and trepidation, perhaps? Or was it a desire they might take her with them to a better life?

She saw a stern looking woman get out of one of the vehicles to speak to father. The woman pointed in her direction. For the first time, she wondered if there might indeed be a future for her.

Seeing all the young women in the back of the truck spoke to her. Their presence spoke of the promise of companionship, a better life to come. She found herself longing even more to go with them rather than go back to her work in the field.

Father nodded at the stern looking woman. Joia saw her signal for someone in her vehicle to come to the two of them. A man in military attire came out with a small pouch.

He gave it to the woman who then turned and gave it to her father. Looking inside, his eyes gleamed. For the first time in her life, Joia’s father actually looked quite happy.

He nodded at the woman. At her command, a couple of men piled out of the truck and came toward her. Joia didn’t know whether to be excited or fearful.

Despite a renewed sense of hope, she felt an understandable fear of the unknown. It now appeared she was truly going to be taken from her home. Joia instinctively cried out in alarm.

She felt a mixture of emotions as she was forcibly escorted toward the back of the truck. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. That’s when her mother started to protest.

The woman ran over to her father. He simply showed her the contents of the pouch. She too seemed overjoyed at what she saw inside.

All sadness was removed from her parent’s eyes. They watched her being taken to the back of the truck. She was hoisted up inside with the other females.

Joia was greatly saddened. For a pouch of coins, her parents seemed willing to say goodbye to their one and only daughter. She wasn’t even allowed to fetch her meager possessions.

The stern looking woman nodded at them as though concluding their transaction. She turned and climbed back into her vehicle with her male subordinate. Joia took a seat next to another young woman as the truck roared to life.

The convoy started to pull away. For a brief moment, Joia watched her parents as the truck pulled away. She was still hoping to see some sign of love.

Sadly, there was no show of affection and sadness at her departure. All she saw was her father pointing at her mother to go back to the field. A tear trickled down her cheek as she turned her back on them forever.

Joia refused to gaze back at what had been her only home. She did not look back with fondness over her life of hard labor in the field. Where she was going now would surely be better than what she was leaving behind.

Joia did not see the last vehicle in the convoy tarry at her home. Nor did she see two men get out and pull out their weapons. By then she was too far away.

The roar of the departing truck was too loud for her to hear the cries and shots. She was not made aware the pouch had been retrieved. She would never learn her mother’s dead body had been left behind to fertilize the field she once had toiled in. She had no way of knowing her father now lay lifeless outside her former home, shot through the head.

Joia was saddened to be sent away over a pouch of coins. She simply hoped for a better life. But had she known her parents cruel fate, she might have experienced reservations over her future. At the very least she might have found some tears of grief to shed over them.

2010; 2020 (written Mar 15 ’10; ed. Oct 21 ’20 by riwa)


They finally arrived at their destination two days later in the morning hours. Joia and her 14 female companions were tired of riding in the back of the uncomfortable truck.

They had been fed, and had also stopped several times to allow the women to discharge the contents of their bowels. In the process, she had learned a few names. Joia had also learned most of the stories were similar to hers: a pouch of coins in exchange for each life.

A couple of females seemed genuinely sad to have parted with their families. Another one like her was all too happy to have been delivered from her former home. For the rest, any sadness was overshadowed by the uncertain hope of a brighter future.

All had been delivered from a hard existence. But what new life had they been delivered to?

The buildings of the compound showed the promise of food, shelter and warmth. Their truck backed up near the edge of a wooden building. No fields were visible, although Joia fretted she might still find herself on a new plot of ground to work.

The stern looking woman appeared again at the end of the truck. She carried herself with a commanding presence as someone not to be trifled with. Her countenance spoke that she would brook no opposition.

“My name is Clemencia,” she told them. “That should be of no consequence to you. You will henceforth refer to me as Mistress. And you will come whenever I call for you.”

“You will get out and follow me to your new lodgings! Obedience will be rewarded. Anything less will be met with the harshest of punishments. If you understand my words, nod your head.”

Joia nodded submissively along with the others. The woman did not seem as compassionate as her mother had tried to be at times. As long as there would be no fields to work, she would willingly adjust to her new life.

Two guards came up to the back of the truck. One by one they offered each young woman a helping hand. There were no words of complaint from her companions.

Joia patiently waited for her turn to disembark. But her eyes wandered during the delay. That’s when she caught sight of some sort of activity occurring on the far side of the compound.

A group of men – more guards perhaps? – had gathered around some sort of upright mechanism she did not recognize. They seemed happy and jovial. She thought she heard laughter carry back to her.

Another open-ended truck had been backed into position near the men. But the sides – like her truck – were too high to see the contents. Were there other females inside that vehicle as well?

Joia tarried, allowing other females in their peasant dresses and simple attire to pass ahead of her. She was curious as to what was going on across the compound. She could not fathom what she was seeing.

She saw a naked young woman emerge from a building. She was escorted by two more guards. They led her over toward the strange object.

Joia was surprised over what she saw. Instinctively her hand came up and covered her mouth. How could they take her out like that without any garments to cover her nudity? It was indecent!

The woman was taken over to the upright mechanism. At the last moment Joia saw her turn and look right at her. Joia blushed at the sudden attention.

Instinctively she turned her head. Besides, there were only three females ahead of her now. She would soon be helped out of the back of the truck.

As Joia moved forward, she glanced back across the compound. That’s when she gasped at what she saw. The woman was now lying face up on some sort of wooden bench.

Her head appeared to be protruding through some piece of wood. She thought she heard a frightened cry as the men laughed at her. Her legs were up and spread apart in a totally shameful manner.

One of the men appeared to be between her legs. His movements were such that… Joia stared in disbelief.

It was not possible! Why was he treating her like that out in the open? Why, it couldn’t be!

“Come here, young lady!” the woman named Clemencia told her sternly, getting her attention. She was now the last one. Joia gulped as she nervously made her way to the back of the truck.

Two guards reached up with their hands to help her out. That’s when she heard a faint scream carry across the compound. The scream was abruptly cut off with the sound of a thump.

Joia could not help turning to look. She stared in horror at what she saw. Then hands pulled her out of the truck.

She was stood upright upon solid ground. Joia was forced to focus her attention on the woman standing before her. There was a rather disturbing smile upon the woman’s face.

Her new Mistress turned her head, perhaps to view the same area Joia had been witnessing. She seemed not the least bit upset by the goings on across the compound. It unnerved Joia even more.

“What’s the matter, little one?” the woman asked solicitously. “You’re positively pale! Is something wrong?”

The sinister look in the woman’s eyes frightened her like never before. Joia was unable to speak. Her words locked in her throat in abject horror.

She trembled violently, her breath catching in her throat. Her heart felt like it would burst out of her chest. Surely she had not really seen what her eyes had witnessed, had she??

“Come along!” her new Mistress said impatiently. “As I said before: obedience will be rewarded. Anything less will be met with the harshest of punishments.”

Joia nodded numbly. But her mind now struggled to find some rational explanation for what she thought she had seen…

…that of a hooded man lifting up by the hair the severed head of that woman she’d seen looking at her… and then showing it off to the festive guards…


Joia had no time to dwell on what she’d witnessed, much less the image that seemed burned in her mind as though it would never leave. After being shown to her room, she and the other females were led to a larger room which housed a cistern of warm water. Joia was embarrassed when she and the others were forced to remove all their coverings and climb in naked.

Older women were assigned to each one. She received a kindly, sad-eyed, grey-haired soul who climbed in with her. The matron told her she had been there for many years tending to the females that had been brought in.

She said her name was Ysabella. She quietly instructed Joia to act submissive at all times. If she did as she was told, especially concerning one of Mistress Clemencia’s commands, everything would turn out all right.

Joia was embarrassed at Ysabella’s nudity, especially since all the matrons were naked in the large cistern with their charges. She blushed with embarrassment as she was gently and lovingly washed. The woman was much more tender with her than her mother had ever been. Still, Joia couldn’t help shivering shyly as her breasts and that sensitive area down between her legs were carefully tended to with a sponge.

After the communal bath, the young women were treated to oils and perfumes. Joia had never smelled such magnificent aromas! Nor had her body ever felt as wonderful as it did when they were applied to her skin. She found herself feeling like she did on those sad, lonely nights when she would touch herself.

They were all given special gowns of a material that covered, yet did not hide, their nakedness. The material felt good upon her skin. Joia decided she would not mind so much that her flesh showed through.

That horrible scene she’d witnessed that morning seemed a distant memory. Now her senses were filled with all these new smells and sensations. Joia began to feel the internal swellings of a happiness she had not known in a long time.

The females were given a separate communal area to share whenever they were not bedded down or using the room with the cistern. It was filled with things Joia had never seen or known living with her parents. There were brushes and perfumes, and creams for the face. All of her companions experienced the same giddy joys of using the items that helped make them feel more womanly than at any time in their lives.

Clemencia suddenly made an appearance. She took away a young woman Joia knew as Alviva. Alviva had long brown hair with cold, grey eyes, the evidence of a hard life. She was a young woman whose beauty had been marred by the sadness of her former existence.

Joia had learned that before her ride in the truck Alviva had been sold to a cruel man who had branded his mark upon her. It was just below her left breast, imprinted with a hot iron and again in the skin above her garden below. Now she had been sold a second time. She had secretly told Joia she would never be marked again.

Joia had been allowed a glimpse of the marks. She had even been allowed to gently touch them. Now she watched in alarm as Alviva was taken away.

There was no kindness in Clemencia’s eyes. Nor was anything spoken as to where she might be taking Alviva. On the contrary, the cruelness she saw in the stern woman’s expression chilled her to the bone.

Once again Joia found her heart beating fast. This was becoming a strange place of contradictions. Disturbing images were strangely followed by inexpressible joys, only to be followed by heart-gripping fear.

Joia stared out the doorway the two had departed through. A strong feeling of unease swept through her. She couldn’t help wondering what was to become of Alviva and how it might eventually affect them all…

2010; 2020 (written Mar 15 ’10; ed. Oct 21 ’20 by riwa)

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Addison 4 (30)

Addison checked her reflection in the mirror. Her blush wasn’t quite right, and her eyebrows needed just a little more work. She was very picky about her appearance.

She inhaled sharply at the sound of the doorbell. Darren had arrived. She felt a surge of excitement flow through her.

Where was he going to take her tonight? Would it be that expensive restaurant down on the river? She’d given every indication that’s where she wanted to go.

Addison believed she was in for a really nice dinner. Afterwards they would probably go out for drinks. The only decision she would have to make before the night was over was whether or not she was going to put out for him.

The doorbell rang again. Addison quickly rechecked her reflection in the mirror. It wasn’t perfect, but it would have to do.

She swept through her apartment to the door. She looked down at her dark pink dress, using her hands to brush the wrinkles away. Then she opened the door.

She inhaled sharply as she took a step back. It was not Darren. It was someone she had not counted on seeing, nor did she wish to see. Oddly he was dressed as though he was prepared for a night on the town.

“Stewart, what are you doing here?”

“We have a date for tonight, remember?” He smiled innocently at her.

“We don’t have a date, Stewart! Darren will be here any moment to pick me up. We’re going to the Shoreline for supper.”

“Oh, but we do have a date for tonight, Addison. I was the one who sent you that text.”

“What text?”

“The one that asked what restaurant you wanted to go to tonight.”

Addison was stunned. “Th-that was you?? But I thought… I thought that was Darren!”

“Nope. I’m the one who sent the text, Addison.”

She glared angrily at him. “You asshole! You led me to believe you were Darren!”

“C’mon, Addison. Just one little date? I’ll even take you to the Shoreline.”

“Stewart, I wouldn’t date you if you were the last man on earth!”

“Why not? What’s wrong with me?”

“Everything! Can’t you tell??”

At first he looked disappointed. Then he began to get angry. “Do you really mean that, Addison?”

“I certainly do, you bastard! Now my evening is ruined!”

“No, Addison. Your evening is about to get way more interesting. But then again, so is mine.”

“What’s that smell?” she asked in alarm, sniffing in his direction.

She started to go back inside. That’s when Stewart reached into his pocket and quickly pulled out a white cloth. He grabbed onto Addison before she could resist. Then he forced the cloth tight against her face.

Addison tried to scream, only to be overcome by the fumes. Her legs instantly weakened as her eyes rolled. Then she collapsed in the doorway.

Stewart carefully looked all around. Then he calmly told the unconscious form, “Is this really the way you want to play it, darling? That’s certainly fine by me. Besides, I have something I’m just dying to show you.”

Stewart closed her front door. Then he scooped the young woman up in his arms. He calmly carried her out to his vehicle, smiling inwardly at what he had planned for their time together.

Addison moaned weakly. She shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs. When she opened her eyes she had to blink in surprise.

She had awakened in some sort of basement. She was lying flat on her back inside a narrow glass tank. Her arms were tied behind her back, making her uncomfortable as hell.

Her ankles were tied together, her white heels no longer attached to her feet. She felt something round and metallic down at her bare feet. But she couldn’t make out what it was.

She shook her head as her senses tried to come back online. She vaguely remembered the date she was supposed to go on. She groggily called out, “Darren?”

A male voice replied, “No, Addison. It’s Stewart; remember?”

She found herself being pushed further inside the glass enclosure. There certainly wasn’t very much room to wriggle around inside it. What the hell was this??

She coughed before speaking again. “Stewart, what are you doing?”

“I decided to allow you to show me your Houdini tank escape act.”

“I don’t have a Houdini – HEY!”

The tank slowly started to tilt upward with her inside. When it was elevated enough Addison found herself slipping down along the glass. She slid all the way to the bottom where her feet came in contact with the floor.

She just narrowly missed having her toes pinched by the metal ball in the tank with her. Her dark pink toenails stood out as she shuffled around on her feet. What the hell was Stewart doing to her??

She panted for breath as the Houdini tank was stood upright. She looked out of the glass in alarm. She confirmed she was in some sort of basement, although it struck her as being more like a dungeon.

She felt around with her bare feet. Then she looked down. There was definitely some sort of large, steel ball in the tank with her. What’s more, it felt like her ankles had been secured to it.

“Stewart!! What the hell is going on?”

“Be with you in a minute, darling.” It sounded like he was somewhere behind her.

“Cut the ‘darling’ crap, ok? I don’t like you; remember? I never did!”

“You’ve made that quite clear, Addison. So I’ve decided to take this in another direction.”

“Stewart, get me the fuck out of here!”

She heard something tap up at the top of the Houdini tank. Addison anxiously looked up. That’s when she saw the end of a garden hose pointing down at her.

“Stewart, what’s going on? This isn’t the least bit funny!”

“I never intended it to be.”

“Where the hell are you?”

“Be with you in a minute, darling. Just hooking up the garden hose.”

“Cut the ‘darling’ crap – garden hose??!!”

Addison heard the sound of a faucet being turned on. A moment later the hose above her began spewing water down on top of her head. She cried out in shock and anger as she pressed against the side of the tank in trying to avoid getting wet.

It totally soaked her wavy, brown hair. She had two clips in back, pulling the strands clear of her face. But what really bothered her was the fact her pink dress was getting wet.

She let out a scream of rage and indignation. “Stewart, damn you! Turn that fucking thing off! You’re going to ruin my dress!”

“I’d say that’s the least of your worries, Addison.”

She tried to shuffle around inside the tank. But there was very little room to maneuver. She was already starting to feel claustrophobic.

“Stewart – SHIT!”

She looked down with dismay. Water was accumulating at the bottom of the tank. It was almost covering her feet.

The focus of her animosity walked around until he was standing in front of the glass tank facing her. She looked at him with a mixture of anger and fright. “Stewart, what the hell are you doing?”

“Haven’t I made it obvious to you, darling? I told you; I’ve decided to allow you to show me your Houdini tank escape act.”

“Damn you, Stewart; I’ve got no ‘escape act’! Now get me out of here before my dress is ruined!”

“I told you: your dress is the least of your worries.”

“Damn you!”

Addison let out a yelp as water began rising up her ankles. Her situation was becoming a lot more serious. She soon found herself panting heavily for breath.

Addison struggled to compose herself. Then she held herself upright as she indignantly stated, “Stewart, this isn’t funny.”

“Neither was turning me down for a date tonight. I decided the least you could do was to entertain me down here for the next few minutes.”

“Stewart, I’m not your fucking entertainment! Now get me out of here right this instant! The water’s rising in here!” By now it had started to climb her lower calves.

“I’ve watched you out at the resort pool, Addison. I’ve seen you underwater holding your breath. All you have to do is hold it long enough to free yourself and climb out.”

Addison frantically yanked on the ropes binding her wrists behind her back. “Stewart, I CAN’T! You tied them way too tight!”

“C’mon, Addison. You’re an independent woman, right? Surely you can get yourself out of some silly rope.”

“Stewart, get me out of here! You’re going to ruin my – AAUUGGHH!”

Addison looked down in horror. The lower part of her dress was now soaked. The water was quickly rising toward her knees.

“Stewart, get me the hell out of here!”

“You’ve made it abundantly clear how you feel about me, Addison. In the past you’ve told me in no uncertain terms how you don’t want my help. In fact, you don’t want anything to do with me. So you can just get out of there by yourself.”

“Stewart, I CAN’T!”

She screamed from a mixture of rage and growing alarm. Her cry was muffled inside the tank. She looked down to see the water slowly rising up her dress past her knees.

He sighed as he shook his head. “I would have done anything for you, Addison. I would have given you the world.”

“Get me out of here!”

“Prove to me how independent you are. Prove to me you can get out of there by yourself.”

Addison didn’t want him to see her distress. But she was really becoming alarmed now. “Stewart, I’m frightened!”

“Why? What is there for an independent woman like you to be frightened about?”


Addison started hyperventilating as the water level continued to rise. She’d shifted around enough so it wasn’t splashing on her hair as much. But it was clearly on the rise, now climbing her upper legs.

She gasped and whimpered as she looked down at her dress. It was starting to become translucent. She could just make out her legs through the soaked fabric.

Once more she struggled with her wrists behind her back. But it was no use. They were secured much too tightly.

There was only one option left to her. It galled her, but she had no other choice. She had to offer him anything he wanted. She had to talk him into letting her out of her glass prison.

“Stewart, I’m sorry. I’ll go out with you, ok? I… I wasn’t being myself back at my apartment.”

“Oh, back there you made it quite clear how you feel about me, Addison. So I’ve decided to see what you can do in the Houdini tank instead.”

“Stewart?? Help me out of here before I drown!”

“Help yourself, darling.”

“If I’m your darling then you’ve got to help me!”

“No, darling. You’re an independent woman; remember? So I’m going to step back and let you do it all by yourself.” And with that he took a couple steps back.

Addison let out a cry as the water reached her crotch. Her pink dress was going to be ruined. She looked down at herself before letting out a wail of grief.

“Better get started on those wrists, Addison. The water’s getting high in there.”

“Stewart, I didn’t mean any of it! Get me out of here, ok?”

“Do it yourself, darling.”


“You can do it.”

“Stewart, I CAN’T!” Then she paused before desperately adding, “I LOVE you! Don’t you love me too?”

“You don’t really love me, Addison. You don’t even want to go out on a date with me.”

“I’ve changed my mind, ok? I’m a woman and I have that right! A woman has the right to change her mind, you know!”

“You’ll change it right back once you get out of there. So go right ahead and free yourself. Show me how independent you are. Show me your escape act, darling.”


Addison gasped as the water slowly climbed her stomach. Now she could see her frilly white underwear through her soaked dress The Houdini tank was filling fast!

Addison looked all around the basement. But she saw nothing that could save her. There was no one else to rescue her; she was all alone with Stewart.

In growing panic she screamed again. He looked at her emotionlessly. Then he told her, “You’re wasting time, Addison. If I were you I’d get to work on that rope around your wrists. Then you’ll have to reach down and free your ankles from that cannonball I put in there with you. It’s tethering you to the bottom of the tank so you won’t float up.”


Addison struggled with her wrists again. She jerked her arms up and down behind her back as the water continued to rise. She gasped the moment it reached the bottom of her breasts.

She began panting heavily as she wriggled and squirmed. The water was making her pink dress see-through. Now her flowery white bra was becoming visible.

“Stewart, I can’t… I can’t catch my breath!”

“Take deep breaths, darling. You’ll need them once the water rises above your head and takes away that last one… that is, unless you can hold your breath for a really long time.”


Addison screamed in growing terror. The water reached the top of her breasts, covering her impressive cleavage. Cool water kept rising inexorably toward her shoulders.

Addison struggled with her footing. She found the cannonball with her feet. Then she clumsily climbed on. It gained her just enough additional height for the water level to fall back down below her breasts.

She panted anxiously, her heart hammering in her chest. She stared at Stewart in growing terror. He didn’t seem the least bit bothered she might drown. Maybe it was time to try something else.

“Stewart, get me out of here and I’ll suck your cock! I’ll fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before! Get me out of here before you make the biggest mistake of your life!”

“The biggest mistake of my life was developing feelings for you, Addison. I’m sure other men would have also developed feelings for you in the years to come. I’m simply sparing them from the heartbreak of you turning them all down.”


“That’s not a very nice thing to say, darling.”

“I’M SORRY – I’M SORRY!” Then she gasped in alarm. The water level had reached the top of her breasts again.

She tried to rise up on the balls of her feet on the cannonball. But there was no escape. She looked up to see the hose fully spewing its contents into the tank with her.

“Stewart, turn the water off! Turn it off and I’ll do anything you want!”

“What I want is to watch you try to escape, darling.”


“If you can’t escape then I want to watch you drown.”

She stared at him in horror as her mouth dropped open. He’d actually admitted it. He wanted to watch her drown. That was why she was in there in the first place.


“Better work on those wrists, darling.”

“Stewart, I’m scared!” Now the water had reached her shoulders. Her white bra was visible through the material of her dress, accenting her cleavage.

For the first time since the encounter at the door, he actually smiled at her. “I’m going to watch you drown, darling. It’s clear you’re no escape artist. You’re no independent woman either. But I never thought so from the very beginning. Instead, I’m going to enjoy watching you drown.”


The water reached her chin. Addison tipped her head back as she stretched upward on her toes, feeling the panic well up inside her. It was rising way too fast.

Her feet shuffled until she slipped off. Addison bubbled as she was momentarily submerged. She struggled to get her feet back onto the metal ball. Then she stuck her head up out of the water. But she had to stretch upward as she tipped her head back to breathe.

“How long can you hold your breath, darling? Can you hold it before the water reaches the top of the tank?”

“Stewart, p-p-please! I’ll d-d-do anything you want!!”

“Darling the only thing I want right now is to watch you drown.”

“Stewart; n-no!!”

Her feet shuffled around as she tried to stretch upward. Buoyancy lifted her up off the cannonball she was standing on. Her feet kicked and flailed around as Addison tried to stay at the surface while tipping her head back to get another breath.

“Last breath, darling, before that tether tightens and pulls you under. Better make it a good one. I want you to put on a good drowning for me, ok? After all, that’s all you’ve got left to give me now.”

“St… St… STEWART… p-p… please!”

Her feet shuffled as she tried to find the cannonball below. She submerged as she found it. Addison tried to kick herself up a little higher until she felt the tether pull her up short.

Her lips and nose went under. She kicked upward and got most of her head up. She stretched upward just as high as she could go, frantically tipping her head back as the water continued to climb inside the tank.

Addison gasped for breath as the water rose. But she could not go any higher. It had reached her lips and was tickling her nose.

Addison inhaled deeply before straightening up and facing him. Bubbles trickled out of her nose. Only the top of her head remained above the surface. She was almost fully submerged.

Bubbles trickled out of her nose as she stared at him in abject horror. She tried to kick upward again. But the tether pulled her up short. She could not get her head back above the surface.

She looked upward, but it was no use. The water kept rising; it was now a couple of inches above her head. No matter how hard she stretched and kicked, she could not reach the surface.

She bubbled anxiously, her toes wriggling as her feet kicked in vain for solid footing. Standing on the cannonball now would to her no good. She needed to go higher to reach the surface. But the tether to the metal ball underneath her bare feet kept pulling her up short.

Addison anxiously shook her head as more bubbles came out of her nose and mouth. Her eyes were wide as she kicked upward again. But the tether still pulled her up well short.

She looked upward to see the surface of the water rising toward the top of the tank. Addison shook her head again as she stopped struggling. She was getting tired and out of breath.

Stewart stepped closer. He reached out toward the tank, admiring her cleavage. Addison bubbled out of her nose as she shook her head yet again, her eyes wide in terror.

Stewart caressed the glass in front of her. Addison shook her head harder as she lost more bubbles. The clips kept her hair back and her face exposed.

More air trickled out of her nose. Some bubbles slipped out past her lips. Addison grunted in growing horror as she shook her head again, her eyes pleading for Stewart to do something.

The water continued to fill the Houdini tank. It was now less than a foot from the top. Wasn’t he going to drain the tank now? Was he really going to let her drown??

Stewart saw Addison’s stomach heave behind her flowing pink dress. Then he saw her chest start to spasm. Her breasts wobbled in her bra as she grunted and bubbled.

She frantically shook her head. Then she bubbled, “STEWART, HELP MEEEE!”

“Better keep all that air inside your lungs, darling. Better not waste any of it.”

Alison’s lungs were straining. Her chest heaved as her breasts gently bounded up and down. She tried to kick herself upward for the surface and the air she desperately needed. But the tether grasped firmly onto her ankle.

She lost more bubbles out of her nose and mouth. Stewart looked up to see how much longer before the tank was full. The water had almost reached the top.

Addison screamed her breath away. Then she took a big gulp. Her eyes flew open in horror as she coughed up bubbles.

Addison started hitching and gurgling as she began swallowing and inhaling water. She went into seizures as her body shook inside the Houdini tank. Her pink dress flowed and billowed as she spewed bubbles out of her mouth and nose.

Her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. Addison hitched painfully, her body shaking and convulsing. Then she slowly descended until her feet touched the floor of the tank.

She began to gently sway back and forth as though a current was present. She stared incredulously, unable to believe how this night was going to end for her. Her body gently spasmed as her lungs continued their futile attempt to breathe.

Her struggles abruptly ceased as she continued to sway inside the Houdini tank. Stray bubbles slipped out of her gaping mouth. Her pupils briefly dilated before the life winked out of her eyes.

Addison stood there with a vacant expression of shock and horror. Occasional muscle twitches indicated the firing of stray nerve impulses. A moment later water began spilling out of the top of the Houdini tank.

It poured down on all sides, partially obscuring the view of the occupant inside. Stewart reached out and tenderly touched the glass. He got his hand wet from the pouring water. Then he calmly turned and walked away.

He didn’t bother turning off the water. He simply allowed it to continue overflowing as it poured out and down along the four glass walls of the Houdini tank. Stewart left Addison inside, giving her no further thought than he would to some drowned specimen inside a narrow, upright aquarium.

2020 (written by request Apr 26 ’20 by riwa)

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Shelly in Cancun 15 4.4 (13)

Shelly in Cancun 15 – Running out of time

“You got three and a half minutes!” I tell her sternly. “Time her, Jake!”

As he checks his watch she gives us both a thumbs up, one hand holding the end of the rope. Then grabbing both her dive mask and the spare air bottle so they won’t be ripped off when she makes the plunge she steps onto the ledge on the back of the boat before stepping off into the water with a splash. With a flip of her legs she heads down toward the sailboat as Jake plays out the nylon rope for her.

I watch closely, my eyes glued to her descending body as she fins her way down. “Yeah, right!” I mutter under my breath. “‘Don’t worry, ‘Shel’’… easy for HER to say!”

“What’d you say?” Jake asks, hearing me mutter.

“You just keep your eyes on that fucking watch of yours!” I tell him coldly. “I want a time-check every thirty seconds!”

“She’ll be fine, Shelly.”

“Just give me the damn time, ok?”

“Fine – fine… coming up on thirty seconds.” I don’t think he likes me telling him what to do. But I don’t give a shit! My heart’s up in my throat, and I’m worried about my best friend.

We both watch as she reaches the deck of the sunken sailboat. She fins her way toward the door leading to the interior. It looks like she has a bit of trouble getting it open.

My heart stops for a second. Then it looks like she finally gets it open. A moment later she disappears from view.

“One minute,” Jake reports as he checks his watch.

The two of us lean over the side of the boat, watching anxiously. But I can’t help getting the feeling Jake is more anxious about his damn case than he is about his girlfriend. I suppose it’s probably because of the threat he faces back in Cancun if he doesn’t get it back.

“Minute thirty,” he proclaims. I feel a shiver of anxiety.

I suppose I shouldn’t be this nervous. But the way he talked, it was supposed to be right there within easy reach. I’ll feel much better once she’s back on the damn boat.

Anxious seconds tick by until I hear Jake mutter “Two minutes.” I figure the spare air she’s sucking on should be half empty by now. I just hope nothing has excited her and has made her suck on it even faster. I can’t help feeling she should have been back out by now.

“Jake; where is she?” I growl ominously, my heart rate increasing.

“Relax, Shelly,” he says as he keeps looking down into the water. “The rope’s not playing out anymore. She’s got to be inside now. She’ll find it; don’t worry! She’s probably looking in a couple of cabinets and is about to stumble upon it any second now.”

“They’re not locked, are they?”

“No – no; they’re not locked. But they might be hard to open underwater.”

“Time?” I ask nervously.

“Two forty!”


I feel my heart rate spike, and I try to control my breathing. If I have to go down, I’ll need a good lungful of air. I’ll also need to not be in panic mode if I have to jump overboard and make a lengthy swim downward.

“Three minutes,” Jake says. I can hear by the tone in his voice that he’s starting to become alarmed.

I scan the empty storage compartment, confirming there’s nothing else inside for me to use. Damn! I’ll have to do this on my own without fins, a belt or even a dive mask.

“Give me the time!” I tell him as I ready myself. Then I look him square in the eye. “She’d better fucking be all right down there or I’ll be coming for you!” That’s when he checks his watch.

“Three thirty,” he gasps in alarm. I can see him starting to panic. “Maybe you’d better go down, Shelly.”

“Bastard!” I snarl at him. Then I take a deep breath before diving off the edge of the boat into the water.

I’m anxious as I pull myself hand over hand down the rope. I fight like hell to calm the wild beating of my heart. Air trickles out of my nose.

In my agitated state I figure I’ve got about two minutes of breath before my lungs give out, if that long. That gives me about twenty or thirty seconds down, a minute inside and then maybe another twenty or thirty seconds back up. But without a watch on my wrist to gauge my time underwater, I’ll have to wing it.

The rope trails all the way down to the door. I make it down in good time. But the first thing I discover is that the damn door has closed on the nylon.

I struggle, but I can’t get it to open. I can see it’s dark and murky inside. But there’s a little bit of illumination.

Some light must be getting in through those windows in the master suite. But there’s no sign of Andria. Shit!

I’m certain it’s been over four minutes for her by now. I have to fight off the panic that wants to overwhelm me. She’s got to be somewhere inside, going on the air in her lungs now.

I can only imagine the terror she must be feeling. I find myself mentally cursing her damn boyfriend. Fucking bastard…sending her down here with a pony bottle containing only four lousy minutes of air inside a darkened wreck!

The door feels wedged shut against the rope. I struggle to push the damn thing open. The sailboat lies on its side, making it so the door hangs down.

It has to be pushed inward so that it swings backward and up. I feel it give a little as I push against it. So I try to push even harder.

As I strain to get the damn thing open, I find myself wondering how much air I’ve used up. I figure I’ve been down at least a full minute now. My anxiety at not finding Andria is not helping matters any.

I suspect I’ve got another thirty seconds or so before I need to make a mad dash up to the surface. But I firmly believe if I abandon her now I can probably rest assured that when I come back down she’ll have already drowned on the other side of this fucking door! That tells me I can’t leave until I’ve found her.

…or drowned right along with her…

The door won’t budge. I start pounding on the glass. I suspect the rope has helped wedge it even tighter. Has that stupid bastard pulled on it, helping to jam the door shut?

A moment later I see a shadow emerge through the door into the master suite. A figure swims toward me. It’s Andria.

At least she’s still alive. But she’s trapped on the other side of the door. I’m afraid she won’t be alive much longer.

The spare air is gone from her mouth. But her dive mask is still in place. She cries out with a burble upon seeing me.

For a moment she seems to panic as she beats on the glass. I frantically work the doorknob. Then she catches on, grabbing the knob on her side of the door and pulling with all her strength.

There’s a muffled sound of something releasing as the door starts to give. Then it swings open in her direction. I burble anxiously, suddenly realizing my lungs are heaving and that I’m going to need air soon.

Instinctively I reach in to pull her out. But she surprises the hell out of me by grabbing my arm and jerking me inside with her. Before I can grab it, the door swings shut, trapping us both inside.

Ohmygawd! Andria, what the fuck have you done? Before I can resist her, she insistently pulls me further inside. My lungs start to scream at me in protest.

There are dark shadows everywhere. I can’t see as well as I’d like to. But there’s enough light for me to see she’s slinging me through the missing window of the interior door into the bedroom suite.

My first thought is that she’s gone crazy. Is she killing us both because of her stupid boyfriend? I’m almost certain we’re both going to drown down here.

I start probing upward, looking in vain for another way out as air bubbles out of my mouth. The windows look like they’re much too narrow to slip through. I feel a surge of fearful excitement as my pussy starts to scream at me.

Andria guides me toward a dark section of the interior. Then she pushes me up. I’m utterly astonished when my head pops up into an air pocket.

I gasp like crazy, my lungs heaving as I struggle to get my breath back. Andria comes up right next to me. I hear her panting heavily for breath.

“What the fuck happened??” I blurt out anxiously.

She tells me, “The case is in here, ‘Shel’. It must have spilled out of the cabinet and tumbled in through the broken window when the ship went down. By the time I found it, the bottle was empty and I couldn’t get out!”

She pauses a minute to catch her breath before continuing. “I was about to swim back out and try the door out there when I looked up and found this little air pocket. I knew you’d be coming down to find me. But I was afraid you wouldn’t give up until you drowned yourself. That’s when I knew I had to get back to the door and let you know where I was.”

“I was afraid you were out of air when I saw you, ‘Shel’! I couldn’t take the chance on you not making it back to the surface in time, not when I knew about this air pocket in here. Sorry to pull you in here like that. At least now we’re together. Between the two of us, I know we can get out of here and get the case back up to Jake.”

I nod my thanks before noticing the air tastes a little funny. “We got to get out of here!” I gasp in alarm. “This air tastes like its growing stale!”

“The case is right down there.” Andria says, motioning downward. “Let me get it through the door first, ok? We’re going to need to work together on that outside door out there. I’m sure I saw it swing closed, and it might be stuck again.”

She gives me an encouraging pat on the arm. I nod at her. “Ok, Andria,” I gasp. “We better go right now.”

My pussy’s still tingling wildly. At least it’s backed off a little. What I don’t need right now is an underwater orgasm stealing my strength, not when I’ll be needing it soon.

I want to take charge. But I allow Andria to fill her lungs and submerge ahead of me. She knows the layout in here better than I do.

She’s the one who located both the case and this air pocket. I trust her implicitly with my life. But I still can’t help worrying about her.

I take long, deep breaths, trying to calm the wild beating of my heart. I know I’ll need all the air reserves I can keep in my lungs if we’re both going to get out of here alive. I hear a bubbly grunt as her shadow moves near the door, followed by the sound of a thump. Then she’s back up in the air pocket with me.

“Got it!” she says. Then she looks all around.

“It’s really getting stale in here, ‘Shel’. I’m starting to get a little light headed. We better go right now!”

“You get the case; I’ll get the door!” I, too, am starting to feel a little dizzy. “When you get there, you can help me get it open. Then we’ll tie off the case, give the rope a tug and get the hell out of here!”

“Got it!” she says with a nod.

Damn! It’s really starting to get bad in here! We’ve got to go soon or we’ll succumb to the accumulation of stale air.

“On three,” I declare calmly, trying to keep us both from freaking out. “Nice and calm now; no panic. On one…” and I hear us both inhale.

“Two…” and I hear the sound of two anxious young women exhaling.


We both inhale. Then we submerge with a burble. I just hope we got enough good air within the pocket to make it back ok.

Andria forces me to swim through the opening first. There’s enough light for me to see the steps lying on the other side leading up to the exit door. I swim up to it and grab onto the handle.

Naturally it won’t budge. The damn thing has wedged shut again.

I look back to see Andria dragging the case along with her. She comes right up next to me. Then she grabs onto my hands as I cling to the handle.

We pull together, grunting anxiously. Life, freedom… our next breath lie on the other side of that damned door. We bubble frantically, tugging on the damned thing while grunting in alarm.

Fuck; it won’t open!

For a horrifying second I’m afraid our destiny is to end up trapped inside this damn boat. I feel a monstrous climax surge toward me. “NOT NOW!” my mind screams.

I pull even harder. But I can’t help imagining the worst. I find myself hoping those goons Jake works for finds him and blows him away for getting us both killed.

The two of us cry out anxiously, spewing air we can’t afford to lose. Then the door suddenly gives way. It swings up and open.

In a flash I squirt through before turning back around. I hold it open as Andria swims through, dragging the case with her. Then I grab the rope, frantically pulling it through the door until it’s clear, not wanting the damn door to close on it again.

Finding the end, I begin tying it to the handle of the metallic silver case. The damn thing looks like it should be watertight. If not, then Jake’s shit up a creek… and probably so are we.

I tap Andria’s arm… “I GOT IT; NOW LET’S GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” Then I give the rope a hard yank. With a flick of her wrist, she sheds her weight belt.

The two of us kick like hell for the surface, air trickling out of our mouths. We both swim hard, losing air fast as we kick upward. With the fins she’s naturally faster than I am.

She grabs onto my arm and literally drags me upward. My lungs heave painfully, and I lose a big burst of air about 15 or 20 feet from the surface. Then it just becomes too much.

My damn pussy explodes on me. I shudder hard as a wave of sexual heat washes through me. I burble weakly, kicking as hard as I can.

I’m not sure I’m going to make it. I can tell Andria’s lungs are in just as much agony as mine. She fins as hard as she can, pulling me up with her.

It gets lighter as we near the surface. Then our heads erupt out of the water. We gasp madly for breath; fresh air never tastes so good!

We’re not too far from the boat when Andria hollers over at Jake to haul it in. But he’s already pulling on the rope. I can’t help noticing he seems more concerned with the case than he does with the two of us.

Somehow we tread water, swimming around until we can grab onto the end of the boat and pull ourselves up onto it. Jake pulls his precious case out of the water. The two of us crawl over the end of the boat and collapse into the cushioned bench seat at the end of the craft.

He studies it intently, no doubt checking to see if it’s still intact. “Thanks for the fucking help,” I mutter weakly.

He finally looks at the two of us as though he’s just become interested in our welfare. “You two ok?” he asks, concern in his voice as we pant heavily. “What happened down there? Why’d it take so long?”

“Who the hell cares!” I shoot back.

I’m still angry at him for putting us all in danger. What’s more, he nearly drowned Andria and I yet again. I disgustedly tell him, “All that matters is that we got it, ok? Now get us the hell out of here!”

Jake quickly pulls up anchor before starting the motor. We’re soon on our way back. Andria and I hug each other, grateful that neither one of us had to leave the other behind.

I’m not the least bit surprised when Jake takes us back a different way. There’s a lot of activity at the marina. The last thing we want is to be caught with a case full of drugs… either by the drug’s owners, or by the local authorities.

Jake pulls up to an unoccupied private dock several hundred yards away from where our bungalow is located. No one is around. That’s probably why he pulled up here in the first place.

“Take care of it for me, baby; ok?” he asks, motioning toward the case. “I don’t want to have to deal with any unexpected searches back at the marina. There are a lot of people hanging around down there and things could get, uh… complicated.”

“Why am I not surprised?” I mutter unhappily as we climb out with a very dangerous silver metallic case in our possession

“Thanks, babe!” he waves at us. Andria waves back as he motors away. Then she gives me an anxious look.

“What the hell do we do with THIS?” she asks nervously, hefting it up.

“I wish I knew,” I tell her, anxiously looking all around. “All I know is that we can’t trust anyone. We don’t even know who it belongs to. Anyone could come up to us and claim it belongs to them. Maybe we ought to hide it or something until Jake gets back.”

“Good idea, ‘Shel’. Then the two of us hurry off the dock, hustling off just as fast as possible without attracting any undue attention to ourselves…
We safely make it back to the bungalow where we quickly change into our street clothes. The case sits by the door to her bedroom. I give it the evil eye as though blaming it for all our problems.

I tell Andria I’m going to call the airport to check on flights out of Cancun. “You’re coming with me, aren’t you? Jake can take care of it from here, right? You can just call him from the airport and tell him where you hid the damn thing, right?”

Andria looks at me as though she’s about to cry. “I don’t know what to do, ‘Shel’!” Then tears well up in her eyes. “I love Jake, you know. But this? This is just too much!”

“Then come home with me, ok?” My heart is suddenly hammering in my chest again. “This is his mess; let HIM clean it up. I don’t want anything bad happening to you. Let’s get the hell out of here while we still can!”

Andria looks at me for the longest time before nodding unhappily. “I guess that’s the smartest thing to do, ‘Shel’,” she admits. Then I sit down and pick up the phone on the nightstand.

I listen for a moment. “There’s no dial tone,” I say nervously. Then I look all around, getting that creepy feeling again like I had down at the marina.

“Maybe the phone lines are down,” she says hopefully. But I don’t think either one of us believe that. That’s when I decide it’s just too risky sitting around and doing nothing while waiting for Jake to get back.

“I’m going straight to the airport to check on flights. Pack everything up; ok? Be ready to go when I get back.” Then I’m out the door like a rifle shot, heading down to the street to hail a taxi…
I manage to catch an empty cab to the airport. But it turns out to be a fucking mess. I have to wait in line nearly an hour before I can speak with anyone at the counter. It seems everyone else in town wants to fly out as well.

I find out that most of the afternoon flights have been canceled because of the storm. The earliest flight out will be around 9pm that evening. That’s fine with me, although I wish we were leaving sooner.

I book a couple of seats for Andria and I. I don’t want to be stuck here one minute longer than is absolutely necessary. It never even occurs to me to call Stephanie and alert her to our change of plans.

It does occur to me that Andria might want Jake to come back with us. As much as it pains me, I decide to book an extra seat for him, just in case he wants to come home with us. He can take it or leave it if he wants.

As far as I’m concerned I’ve had enough of Cancun. I just want to get back to the safety and comfort of our place back in California.

It takes a while before I can find another cab to take me back to the bungalow. I find myself hoping Andria’s hidden the damn case and has packed all our things.

For a minute or two I toy with the idea of her and I going right back to the airport so we can wait in the relative safety of the terminal. Perhaps we might get lucky enough to catch a flight out sooner than 9pm. But she’ll probably want to wait until Jake gets back. So I scratch that idea.

I pay the cab fare and head up the walk to the bungalow. I shake my head in wonder at the events of the past 24 hours. I’ve nearly drowned several times, but not because of some role-play Andria set up for me… other than that one with the new friends we met. Maybe coming down here wasn’t such a hot idea after all.

Reaching for the door, I find that it’s unlocked. That means Jake or Andria must be here. My hunger has finally returned, stronger than ever after our exhausting little dive on the wrecked sailboat.

I walk right in, ready to discuss where we can go get a little something to eat. But my jaw drops in astonishment. My heart instantly leaps into my throat the moment I see the entire bungalow has been trashed.

I look around in shock. The place looks as though it’s been totally ransacked. I get the distinct impression whoever was here was not merely vandalizing the place. They were obviously looking for something.

SHIT! That fucking CASE! In an instant I’m fearful for my best friend’s safety.


Panic swells within me as I make a mad dash into their bedroom. I’m afraid I’m going to find both of them shot to death, lying on the floor in a pool of their own blood,

Their room is thoroughly trashed. But no one is in there, alive or dead. I don’t know whether to be relieved or concerned.

I do a quick search of every other room in the bungalow. But no one’s around.

Our clothes have been scattered everywhere. All our suitcases are emptied. Drawers are pulled out of their dressers, and both beds have been overturned.

I feel a sudden jolt of anxiety. What if Andria was here when they struck? What if they took her somewhere?

I have no idea where she is. And I don’t have a clue where Jake might have gone. I suddenly feel all alone… and very, very vulnerable.

What the hell do I do now?? It’s clearly not safe in here anymore.

I head for the door, only to have it swing open on me. Two tall, very dangerous looking men barge in on me. They’re both dressed in black suits. The look on their faces tells me they mean business.

I’m so fucking screwed!

I scream as I try to run away. One of them easily catches me. He wraps an arm around me as he covers my mouth with his free hand. “Where’s the case?” he hisses into my ear.

All I can do is whimper with fear. I shake my head that I don’t know anything. I grunt in terror as my pussy flames to life with a terrible roar of fearful arousal.

“This one isn’t her,” the other one states matter-of-factly.

“No. But the other girl will come back for her,” the one holding on to me says with satisfaction. “Better bring this one along for the time being. We’ll refer to her as ‘added incentive’.”


My eyes fly open in horror as I’m dragged out of the bungalow around back to the parking lot. I cry out into the hand covering my mouth, screaming for someone to call the authorities. But I don’t see anyone outside watching me being kidnapped. If so, would any of them actually care?

“Better shut her up,” I hear the other one say. Then I hear a car door open.

A few seconds later a white cloth appears in front of me. I hear “Nighty-night, sweet princess!” moments before the cloth is applied to my face.


The fumes are noxious. I struggle and thrash about in a futile attempt to break free. I struggle to hold my breath. But eventually my lungs give out.

My first whiff makes me weak and dizzy. I inhale again. This time it’s as though my arms and legs suddenly become dead weight.

I can barely keep my eyes open. I weakly inhale a third time.

This time I have no strength at all, and I collapse into his arms as darkness overwhelms me…

2009; 2021 (written May 15 ’09; ed. Jul 12 ‘21 by riwa)

Posted in Underwater Stories | Leave a comment

Paola’s end 4.4 (25)

Paola put up quite a fight. For a minute there I thought she was going to kill me. I had to struggle to keep her from firing the gun in her hand. Then I had to find a way to incapacitate her.

By the time I got done with her I had a rope around her neck and had her strung up against the wall. I had to fight to tie her arms behind her back with all the resistance she gave me. Then I was able to step back and catch my breath.

I watched as she shuffled around on the balls of her feet. I heard rasping sounds as though she couldn’t get a full breath of air down her throat. Her tits were swollen underneath her bra. I saw her nipples poking through the fabric.

I began to get hard as I stared at her. She glared daggers at me as she tried to stay on the balls of her feet. I could tell I’d humiliated her by securing her like that.

“What’s the matter, Paola? Didn’t I play fairly? You didn’t think I would leave you a clean shot, did you?”

She rasped some more as she shuffled around. I stepped up to her, smiling coldly. Then I put my hands on her tits and felt her up.

“I think I like you better this way, darling. It’s no fun when you’re trying to kill me. Now I can enjoy myself before you strangle yourself.”

I pulled out a knife and pushed it into her navel, twisting it a little as though threatening to stab her. Her eyes opened wide when she thought I was going to plunge it into her belly. Instead, I used it to cut the strings to her bra.

It fell onto the floor, exposing her heaving mounds. I groped and fondled them as she gave me a dirty look. She rasped again for breath, but I just smiled at her.

I felt myself getting harder as I reached down and rubbed between her legs. I could tell she was starting to get damp down there. Was it because of the adrenaline of our recent fight? Or was it because she was finding it hard to breathe?

I traced the tip of my blade down between her breasts. I paused with the tip in her navel again, once more threatening to plunge it in deep. Her eyes widened as though this time I might do it.

I traced a line down until I sliced one side of her bottoms. Then I cut the other side. They fell to the floor, joining her bra.

I rubbed my hand in her crotch. I could tell how wet she’d become. I smiled cruelly as I allowed a couple of fingers to slip inside.

She winced as she continued to rasp and gurgle. She squeezed my fingers as she tried to talk. But intelligent speech for her was impossible.

I thrust my fingers in and out of her. She winced as she writhed against me. Then I smiled as I removed my shirt.

I pulled my pants and briefs down in one tug, exposing my erection. Her eyes opened wide again when she saw how hard I’d become. Then I stepped right up to her, pressing my naked flesh up against hers.

I pressed my hard cock up against her crotch. She winced as though this was the last thing she wanted me to do to her. I just smiled cruelly as I told her, “Having trouble breathing, darling? You know how to fix that, don’t you?”

I humped against her as she rasped and gurgled some more. “C’mon, darling. One last fuck before you die? Or are you too proud for that?”

She rasped again as she glared at me. I pulled down on her shoulders, tightening the rope around her throat. Her eyes widened in alarm as she started choking.

Instinctively she wrapped her legs around me. She tried climbing me as though it would ease the strain of the rope around her neck. I smiled as I told her, “That’s right, darling. Climb me if you can. I have more time left than you do.”

I felt my cock shift underneath her. Then she lost her grasp on me. She slid down, only to impale herself on my throbbing shaft.

“I knew you couldn’t resist, darling. Go ahead and ride me. Enjoy yourself one last time.”

She rasped as she tried to climb off. But I was too deep inside her. She started going up and down, fucking me as her face began to turn red.

I groped and squeezed her mounds before pinching her nipples. She let out a yip as she lost her grip again. She slid down until she was fully impaled on my throbbing dick.

She tried to climb me, tried to ease the strain of the rope around her neck. I could feel her pussy clenching tightly around my cock. I don’t think she could help herself.

“One last cum before you die, darling? For me or for you?” Then I grabbed her hips and started thrusting hard inside her.

She rasped and gurgled as she fucked me in return. I don’t think she could help herself. By now her body had taken on a mind of its own.

I thrust harder as I pulled down on her. It got harder for her to breathe. Her pussy clenched wonderfully around my pulsing shaft.

Her eyes rolled as she began milking me. It felt so good that I couldn’t help myself. I shot my load deep up her cunt as she strangled while fully impaled on my manhood.

I slowly pulled out of her, my cum dripping out onto the floor. She could no longer stand on the balls of her feet. By now she was deeply strangled.

I smiled as I told her, “That last one was wonderful, darling. Would you like me to be merciful now?” Was she nodding at me? I couldn’t tell.

I walked over and picked up her weapon. Then I pointed it at her. “Killed by your own gun, darling; the weapon you tried to use to kill me. How does that sound?”

I fired at her right breast. The gun quietly spat led. Paola jerked as a red hole appeared in her tit, a trickle of blood slithering down to her stomach.

“Another one, darling? Anything you say.” Then I fired again.

She jerked as a matching hole appeared in her left breast. She could no longer stand on the balls of her feet. Now she was strangling to death as her lungs flooded with blood.

“How about one more, darling… for old times’ sake?” Then I fired again.

A hole appeared in the center of her forehead. That’s when her eyes began to glaze over. Now she was twitching and shuddering in her death throes as my cum leaked out of her cunt.

I walked up to her and thrust four fingers up her snatch. She was wet as hell. I could feel her still clenching and spasming as her life ebbed away.

“Cum as you die, darling. Cum as you die.” Then I fucked her hard with my fingers.

I felt her clench hard as she went into her death convulsions. By now blood was coming out of her mouth. She shuddered hard as she came all over my hand. Then she relaxed in death.

For Paola 10-30-19

Bonus ending for Paola

I gave her a nice, gentle squeeze. She looked at me in alarm. I squeezed her neck harder.

She began to rasp for breath as she tried to claw my gloved hand away. “No,” I murmured at her as I maintained my grasp. “It’s more intimate this way. I want to watch the life flicker out of your eyes as you die.”

She began to claw at me in earnest, wriggling and struggling. The way she rasped for breath indicated I was slowly closing off her windpipe. It wouldn’t be much longer.

I could actually feel her heart racing through her neck. I smiled as I told her, “First your heart speeds up. Then it slows down before it shuts down entirely.”

I had to hold on tight as she reached that point where her body panicked. She struggled to claw my hand away. But my grip was too strong.

Her rasping ceased as her mouth breathlessly opened and closed. “No breath left, Paola. Now your heart shuts down and you die in my grasp.”

Her struggles became haphazard as she began to jerk around in my grasp. I saw her chest heaving in vain for her next breath. She began to settle down. Then her eyes started to become glassy.

“That’s it, darling. I’m right here watching. Now you can die for me.”

There was a rattle from somewhere deep in her chest. Her arms fell away and hung limp at her sides. Then the life winked out of her pupils as she stared vacantly at me with those soulless, killer eyes.


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Laundry day 4.2 (27)

There were only six machines for my large apartment complex. I don’t know who she was. But every time I tried to do my laundry she was in there with several loads of clothes.

Once I went in and found her there in her shorts and white tank top. Every machine was in use. And it looked like she had several more baskets that needed to be done.

I got disgusted as I looked all around. I finally got her attention and asked, “How long are you going to be?”

“All day,” was the reply.

“Don’t you have a life beyond the laundry room?”

“That’s none of your damned business!”

“Hey, you don’t have to get all bitchy with me.”

“Why don’t you just get the hell out of here?”

I hauled my clothes back to my apartment. When the hell was I going to be able to get my laundry done? It was starting to pile up on me!

As I was hauling my clothes back I ran into Eddy. “What’s the matter? She wouldn’t let you wash your clothes?”

“She’s got every machine tied up again. Doesn’t she ever go to sleep?”

“Not that I’ve noticed.” Then Eddy walked away. It was clear he was just as disgusted as I was.

I waited until it was getting late before hauling a couple of baskets over to the laundry room. This time I’d tossed something special into the baskets in addition to my smelly underwear. It was laundry day and I was damned well going to wash my clothes!

I was not surprised to see her still in there. She looked at my basket and snorted derisively. “Not tonight, you’re not.”

“Oh, yes I am.”

I waited until a couple of her washing machines finished their cycles. As she was pulling clothes out I was moving in with mine. “Oh, no you don’t! Those are mine! I still have more clothes to wash!”

“Not this time, honey.”

“I am NOT your ‘honey’!”

I had just finished filling the machines when she came over after putting her washed clothes into a couple of dryers. She started to pull my clothes back out. That’s when I grabbed the rope I’d brought with me.

She really squawked when grabbed her and tied her arms behind her back. So I took one of her white t-shirts, wrapped it around her head, and then ran rope through it so she couldn’t talk. That really pissed her off.

I ran rope around her legs so she wouldn’t try kicking at me. I wound several loops around her waist and above her boobs. If looks could kill I would have ended up a puddle of goo on the floor.

She kept trying to wriggle and kick as she spewed muffled obscenities my way. I just ignored her until my clothes got done washing. Then I went over to the two dryers she’d planned on using.

She kicked at me as I walked past. That’s when I’d finally had enough. I had one last length of rope left, but I was only planning on using it as a last resort.

I tossed it up over an exposed pipe in the ceiling that looked like it could hold her weight. Then I formed one end into a noose. “You’re just not going to stop; are you, bitch.”

Her eyes widened in horror as she started shaking her head. I grabbed her and struggled to get her to her feet. Then I looped the noose around her neck.

She broke out in a cold sweat despite the warmth of the laundry room as she struggled against me. “I guess you went crazy in here, honey. Maybe it was the heat that made you snap and kill yourself.”

Her eyes flew open in shock and horror. I pulled on the free end and lifted her up into the air. She winced as she started dolphin-kicking while struggling against the rope around her neck.

I tied it off before calmly walking around her to empty her clothes out of the two dryers. Then I tossed mine in and turned the machines on. By then she was starting to tire until she was hardly kicking at all.

About that time Eddy came in. His eyes flew open in astonishment as he gasped, “Holy shit; what happened in here??”

I gruffly told him, “She must have snapped and killed herself. Take any machine you want. My clothes are in the dryer.”

He started to point at all that rope around her body. Then he waved dismissively. “Fuck it; I believe you. Let me go get my clothes.” Then he dashed off as though excited he finally had access to a couple of machines.

She dangled quietly, her body still sweating as Eddy and I did our laundry. I waited until his were dried. When we were finished we put our clothes back in our baskets.

I looked at her dangling body as I walked past. Her neck had stretched and her face had turned all purple. At least she wasn’t going to use all the machines anymore.

On the way out the door I asked Eddy, “You think I’ll get the death penalty?”

“You snapped just like she did. Involuntary manslaughter. Hell, the whole apartment complex will probably give you a medal.”

“Thanks, Eddy.” Then he went off to his apartment with his cleaned clothes while I went off to mine…


Inspired by Corinne’s creation.

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Too much champagne 4.2 (22)

I was devoted to her. I totally loved her. I should have known better.

Friends warned me she was after my money. But I didn’t believe them. She’d convinced me it was a love that would last forever.

The first sign was when we stopped being intimate. She kept making excuses. But as time went on I began to suspect there was more to it than that.

One of my friends told me he saw her out clubbing with her friends. She was all over some guy on the dance floor. Another friend told me she’d been seeing that same guy for several months.

One of her girlfriends felt sorry for me. She said I was a good guy and didn’t deserve the way I was being treated. Then she dropped the bombshell.

Lorissa was planning on divorcing me. She wanted to take half of what I owned. She hadn’t filed yet, but supposedly she was seeing a lawyer friend who was willing to take her case. And apparently she and the lawyer friend were becoming extremely intimate.

At first I was devastated for being played. Then I became angry. I wanted revenge.

I did a little investigation just to make sure. Everything that had been revealed to me was only the tip of the iceberg. Apparently she’d been riding the cock carousel almost as long as we’d been married.

I went out and purchased a bottle of champagne as a gift to her. I already had a bad habit of spending a lot on her wishes and desires. Only now did I realize she was taking advantage of me.

That night she said she had to go out to meet up with a sick friend. I had her followed. The “sick friend” turned out to be that lawyer she’d been seeing. And he wasn’t the least bit ill.

Lorissa came home really late. I made sure I was still up when she got in. I told her I was interested in a little intimacy. She said her friend was really sick and her visit had taken a lot out of her.

I offered to draw her a bath. Then I told her I’d bought some champagne. She was definitely interested in having some of that.

She got naked in the tub as I went to pour her a drink. I heard her voice from the bathroom calling out and asking where her champagne was. It was just like her to be impatient with me.

I brought a glass in for her. It was the type of champagne she really liked. I suppose that’s because it was so expensive.

I asked how her friend was. She told me the woman might be sick for a few days and might need some comforting. That told me she was eager to go out and meet back up with the lawyer for another game of “find the salami”.

She drained her glass and asked for more. I went back into the kitchen. This time I dropped one of her sleeping pills into it along with one of her anti-depressants that made her drowsy. She often took them before she went to bed. I think she took them so I wouldn’t bother asking her for sex because she would be so out of it.

She worked on her second glass. I told her how beautiful she was. She loved the attention, but she quickly shot me down by reminding me how tired she was and that she would be going to bed right after her bath.

She drained her second glass. I asked if she wanted one more. When she said yes I went and poured her a third one.

I returned and set it down on the edge of the bathtub. She picked it up and took a big swig out of the glass. But her hand was a little unsteady. She was starting to get drowsy.

“Ready for bed, honey?” I asked solicitously.

She nodded… “Mm-hmm.” Her eyelids drooped until her eyes were hardly open.

Her arms floated weakly in the water. She looked like she was out of it. I quietly asked, “Too much champagne, dear?” She just murmured, “Mm-hmm.”

I reached in and picked up an arm just to see how conscious she was. Lately Lorissa didn’t even like me touching her. But she didn’t let out a single peep of protest.

“Nice bath, darling?” She barely murmured a reply. The champagne and the two ingredients I’d added were definitely having an effect.

I could not help myself as I reached in. I began to develop an erection in my pants as I caressed her breasts. They were still just as gorgeous as ever. She just sighed without the slightest protest.

“Feeling good, darling?” She did not say a word. “Want me to put you to bed?” She sighed as she hardly stirred.

I reached between her legs and gently rubbed her crotch. She kept it nicely trimmed. No doubt it was for her lawyer friend she was going to use to divorce-rape me.

I grabbed her legs and slowly pulled. Lorissa slid lower into the water. She finally floated face up, her eyes still closed as she breathed quietly.

“Darling, I think you’ve had too much champagne. Don’t you?” She said nothing.

I pulled on her legs until they were up out of the water. Her head slipped below the surface as her hair flowed. One arm stretched to the back of the tub behind her.

“I definitely think you’ve had too much champagne, darling.” Then I slowly rotated her over onto her side. Bubbles came out of her mouth as she exhaled her breath.

All of the sudden her eyes flew open. It was as though she knew something was horribly wrong. But there was nothing she could do about it.

She went into little hitches and spasms that were so minor I almost missed them. Her arm jerked a little as her toes flexed. More bubbles came out as her breasts wobbled ever so slightly.

I reached out to touch her ass. And what a lovely ass it was. Pity I would never get to enjoy it again. At least that lawyer friend of hers wouldn’t get to enjoy it either.

Bubbles kept coming out of her mouth. Her eyes were open in surprise. A part of her was conscious she was drowning. For that I was grateful. I wanted her to suffer a little.

“Darling, I know all about the ‘cock carousel’ you’ve been riding. I know you’re planning on divorcing me and taking as much of my assets as possible. I wish you hadn’t decided to do that as I really didn’t want it to end this way. I was in love with you, you know. But now my eyes are opened. I see you for who and what you really are.”

I lovingly caressed her ass again. The bubbles coming out of her mouth began to lessen. Now it was only a solitary bubble or two, trying to escape her flooding lungs.

“Darling, I warned you about drinking too much champagne before bedtime. Did you take one of your pills? Darling, you should have known better than that. Maybe you just weren’t thinking. Or maybe you were so distracted by that ‘sick friend’ you visited that you weren’t thinking clearly.”

I got up and went to the den. Lately I had spent so much time by myself wishing things could have been different. Well, they were certainly going to be different now.

In just a few minutes I had become a widower. I was going to miss my Lorissa. But I was not going to miss her as much as I would have had I not learned the truth about her life outside our humble abode.

2020 (written Apr 10 ’20 by riwa)

(Inspired by a Rue Morgue clip and the screengrabs I created.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (5)

Coming December rewards

The 14th chapter to Aravanna
The 14th chapter to Katia
Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice
Roman Entertainment
AF’s The Roommates
Another experiment
MAID volunteers 3
Temple dive
The bandita
Forced breath-holds
A couple more I want to try to have ready for next month.
And any bonus stories I might wish to include.

October stories/rewards will fall off at the end of November to make room for December rewards.

It’s been nice to see gas prices go back down around here. It’s not that mom and I do a lot of driving anyway. We talk about taking a small trip to go here or there. But we haven’t really gone anywhere. Maybe it’s our age. Maybe it’s the world around us. Or maybe we’d rather be closer to home for the time being. So I hope you take the time to travel if your schedule permits it. Don’t be like us old fogeys who seem glued to our places of residence.

The temperature has dropped around here, which is typical for this time of year. But we haven’t had the snow like we did last year. So I’m still walking around town. God has even blessed me with a new jacket, which has kept me warm during some colder days. I walk during daylight hours, but sometimes when I get home I’m so chilled that I jump into a hot bath just to warm myself back up. And I make sure I keep my ears protected. I’ve had plenty of ear infections in the past, and I’d rather not expose myself to another one.

Thanksgiving Day was pretty cold here. Mom and I went out to eat a couple days before the holiday. The day before was spent getting her caught up on her prescriptions. We have one more to get refilled. Then we should be set for the next few months. Anyway, we spent a quiet day apart from each other because it was pretty chilly to be out driving. But we’d seen each other the previous two days, so it was all good.

I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with happiness and warm memories. I counted my many blessings, and I pray you have many blessings in your life to appreciate. Thank you so much for being my patrons. Have a good December, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

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The seductress 9 4.2 (264)

Part 9

I wasn’t sure how I felt about Mrs. Walker diving in with us. After all, it was bad enough Mrs. Van Ostrum and I weren’t wearing a stitch of clothing. And I wasn’t exactly sure what Karen meant about “having some fun”.

I was beginning to wonder if it was time for me to get out of the pool. But Mrs. Van Ostrum was still in my lap. And I could feel her pressing up against my hardened member.

“I’ve enjoyed my swim,” I nervously told the owner of the pool. “I like your rings down on the bottom. This place should work just fine for a pool party. But maybe I should be going now.”

“You don’t have to leave just yet, do you?”

I was about to answer when someone grabbed my ankle and yanked me under. I instinctively held my breath as I was pulled down. I was pretty sure the culprit was Mrs. Walker.

My first response was relief at being pulled out of such an intimate grasp by a woman old enough to be my mother. Besides, my erection was much too troubling for my piece of mind. Thankfully, all that had happened thus far was me receiving an underwater blowjob… and by another married woman, no less. But that was still pretty bad.

Karen had a good grip on my ankle. She jerked on me again until I was almost down to the ring with her. Then she wrapped her arms around me from behind, her foot hooked in the ring closest to the glass.

I felt her bare breasts press into me from behind. It didn’t help my growing erection any. What’s more, I was afraid she was going to reach around and grab my stiffening dick.

I stayed with her, trying to hold my breath as best I could. Then Mrs. Van Ostrum came down and joined us. I was afraid she was going to reach out and grab something extremely personal. But she just held her breath as she watched us, a huge grin on her face.

I stayed calm for as long as I could. Then my lungs started to strain in my chest. I was running out of breath.

I wanted to get back to the surface. But Mrs. Walker wasn’t letting go just yet. She seemed to be enjoying holding onto me.

I didn’t want to rudely push her away. But I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold my breath much longer. And I was afraid my cock was going to stiffen in front of Mrs. Van Ostrum.

I finally disengaged and kicked upward. I burst up panting loudly for breath. The ladies came up on either side of me, panting quietly as they smiled at me.

I tried again by saying, “Maybe I should be going–” But Mrs. Van Ostrum beamed as she cut me off.

“That’s a great idea, Robert! The three of us can have a breath-hold contest!”

“That’s not what I was–”

“An excellent suggestion, Bernice! After all, there’ll probably be more kids in the water during the pool party. They’ll take up all the rings on the bottom for sure; right, Robert?”

“I suppose that’s true, but–”

“This way, the three of us can test all the rings, Karen.”

“That’s a great idea, Bernice! Let’s test all three rings! Count us down whenever you’re ready, Robert!”

Mrs. Walker had a watch on her wrist. She could just as easily have done all the timing. And she and Mrs. Van Ostrum could practice holding their breath all they wanted. But was it such a good idea for me to stick around and practice with them?

“Actually, I was kind of wondering–”

“–if you needed to put your suit back on, Robert? I certainly don’t mind if we’re skinny-dipping while we do this. Do you, Karen?”

“Not at all, Bernice. In fact, I find it very liberating… and more than a little exciting. How about you, Robert?”

“Well, I am feeling a little self-con–”

“Count us down, Robert! I need to know if too many bodies in the deep end will be a problem.”

I looked at Mrs. Walker and almost shook my head. Right now, three naked bodies in the deep end were two too many for my peace of mind. I was concerned things might get out of hand if I stuck around too long.

A little voice in the back of my head told me I should be getting out of the pool. But my youth group leader was here and had made a request of me. I was afraid I was going to disappoint her if I left now.

I counted out loud from three. Then we all inhaled and submerged together. Mrs. Van Ostrum took the ring farthest from the glass, while Mrs. Walker took the one closet to it. That left me heading down for the middle one.

We all hooked our feet on our rings in order to stay down. I glanced over at Mrs. Walker’s nudity and then quickly looked away. But glancing over at Mrs. Van Ostrum’s naked form didn’t help matters any.

My cock was starting to get hard as I deliberately looked in the direction of the pool ladder. I didn’t want to get caught staring at either one of them. I wanted to be respectful, although I suspected the time for that had long since passed.

I closed my eyes and tried to think of something else. But it was hard thinking about anything other than knowing I was in a pool with a couple of naked women, each one old enough to be my mother.

I could not get my cock to soften. Part of it was because of the nudity on either side of me. And part of it was because I often held my breath naked out at the lake just to get myself off.

I glanced at my watch to keep track of the time. We were down long enough to reach two minutes fairly easily. I felt I owed it to them to let them know.

I turned toward Mrs. Walker and held up two fingers. She smiled at me as a few bubbles trickled out of her mouth and nose. I winced at her nudity as my dick twitched.

I turned toward Mrs. Van Ostrum and held up the same two fingers. She beamed and nodded, acting quite pleased with herself.

Her nipples were quite hard. Then she caressed her right breast as she released a couple more bubbles. My cock stiffened even more. So I turned and tried to focus on the architecture of the metal ladder hanging off the wall of the pool.

I heard a grunt and a release of bubbles as Mrs. Walker headed up. I watched her surface at around 2:18. Then Mrs. Van Ostrum headed up at about 2:23. I followed them up, surfacing at around 2:27.

“How’d I do, Robert?”

“Mrs., er uh… Karen, you did 2:18.”

“And how did I do? I know I just barely beat Karen.”

I turned toward Mrs. Van Ostrum and told her, “You were five seconds longer.”

“Let’s try another one,” Mrs. Walker suggested. “I don’t know how long any of the other kids will be able to hold their breath. But this will give us a good idea of what to expect; right, Robert?”

“Uh… right. Sure; ok.”

I didn’t think it mattered in the slightest. But she clearly wanted to go back down. Who was I to say no?

I counted us down, and we all submerged. I got the middle ring again, while they got the rings on either side of me. This time, Mrs. Walker started caressing herself. But then again, so did Mrs. Van Ostrum.

I was trying to decide whether I should look at them or if I should make sure the ladder wasn’t going to move anytime soon. But I couldn’t help myself. I glanced over at Mrs. Walker and saw her rubbing her breasts with one hand while groping her crotch. Mrs. Van Ostrum was pretty much doing the same thing.

I was tempted to stroke myself. But I forced myself not to, although I suspected they would not have minded. I was trying not to get myself into any more trouble than I felt I was already in.

We were down a little longer before Mrs. Van Ostrum headed up at around 2:35. Then Mrs. Walker followed her up. I surfaced about five seconds later.

They were pleased when I gave them their times. Then Mrs. Van Ostrum said, “I have a question. What if there are more than three people in the youth group wanting to have a breath-hold contest at the bottom of the pool?

Mrs. Walker replied, “They’ll probably need to double-up on the rings. Am I right, Robert?”

I nodded at her in agreement… “Yeah; I suppose so.”

Mrs. Van Ostrum was eager to test out Karen’s suggestion. “Maybe we should try it then, just to see how it goes.”

Karen smiled agreeably at her. “That’s a good idea, Bernice. You double-up with Robert. He won’t mind; will you, Robert?”

“Uh… no; of course not.”

“Good. Now count us down, Robert.”

I counted us down, and we all submerged together. Bernice came down and hooked her foot on my ring. I thought we were much too close for comfort. But what else could I do?

She deliberately rubbed herself as she looked right at me. I simply could not get my cock to soften. So I worked at staying down without bumping into her or touching her or anything like that. For the moment, Mrs. Walker was totally forgotten as she held her breath behind us.

We were down just past 2:40 when Mrs. Van Ostrum headed up. I looked over at Karen to see she was surfacing as well. I felt relieved nothing sexual had taken place as I surfaced behind them.

Up at the surface, I gave them their times. But they wanted to try again. This time it was Karen who wanted to join me on my ring.

I was still a little uncomfortable about the whole thing. But other than watching them touch themselves, nothing else had happened. So I figured it would be ok.

We went back down, where Mrs. Walker joined me on my ring. She stared at me the entire time. She also rubbed and touched herself all over.

I was sorely tempted to stroke myself. Besides, my cock was rock hard. It was bad enough having them both see my erection. So I tried to act serious about my breath-holding.

It was a long one before we all surfaced. For a moment, I hoped that was going to do it for the day. Besides, I figured I had just enough time to go to the lake and rub one out before I went home.

Mrs. Van Ostrum didn’t help matters any when she asked, “What if a lot of them want to go down and hold their breath at the same time? Would that mean three to a ring?”

Mrs. Walker looked at me and smiled. “It might. I suppose we should try it, just to find out. Don’t you think so, Robert?”

Both of them naked down there right next to me?? I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. “I, uh… I’m not sure. I was wondering if I should be going–”

Mrs. Van Ostrum cut me off with a dismissive wave. “Oh, you have time to stick around and find out whether it will work or not; don’t you, Robert? I say ‘Let’s do it’.”

“Well, I think it will work,” I told her. “But I don’t know that we need to try it to find out, do we? Besides, I don’t want to keep you two from anything.”

A part of me was enjoying being underwater with them. But there was another part of me that felt it was wrong. I figured I needed to call it a day and extricate myself out of the situation I was in before things really got out of hand.

“Oh, I have plenty of time,” Mrs. Walker said with a smile and a dismissive wave.

“I’m free for the rest of the afternoon,” Mrs. Van Ostrum added. “It won’t hurt anything to find out now how it might work out for your pool party later, will it? I’m ready to go again… that is, if you’d be so kind as to count us down, Robert.”

“Yes, Robert; count us down.”

I almost scowled at Karen. They clearly wanted me to stay. And it wouldn’t hurt anything, would it? So I tried to convince myself everything would be all right.

I counted us down. Then we all submerged together. But we ended up crowding around the center ring.

Mrs. Walker held onto my left shoulder, while Mrs. Van Ostrum grasped onto my right. It was bad enough having one naked woman breath-holding so close to me. Did they both have to come down and stand right up against me?

There was a little bit of wobbling as though no one was all that steady. I had hoped they would move away a little and give me some room. But they stayed right there beside me with their feet touching the ring.

I tried to focus on holding my breath. But having their nudity on either side of me was once again causing my dick to harden. I told myself only a few more breath-holds before Mrs. Walker would finally let me go home.

Mrs. Van Ostrum casually caressed herself. So did Mrs. Walker. I tried not to let it get to me. But it was a hopeless task.

I figured the easiest way to extricate myself was to go up first despite my competitiveness. So I pulled away and headed for the surface. They both looked surprised before following me up.

We all ended up at the surface panting for breath. Then Mrs. Walker started to chuckle. “You put your left foot in; you put your left foot out…”

“Were we doing the Hokey-Pokey?” Mrs. Van Ostrum laughed.

I murmured, “It was kind of tight, all of us trying to put a foot inside that ring.”

“That’s a good point, Robert,” Karen said with a smile. “I think we should go back down and try again.”

“I’m game if you two are.”

I looked at Mrs. Van Ostrum and smiled weakly. Then Mrs. Walker told me to count us down. I tried not to sigh heavily as I checked my watch before counting down from three.

We all headed down to the center ring. I got there first and used my foot to keep from drifting back up. This time, Mrs. Van Ostrum and Mrs. Walker gave me a little more space as they stood at angles so we could all see each other.

They both grabbed one of my arms to help stay down. Then they grabbed each other’s free arm. We ended up standing in sort of a circle. At least they couldn’t rub themselves in front of me, being as how we were all holding onto each other’s hand or arm.

I concentrated on holding my breath, trying not to stare at two sets of bare breasts that were on full display. Then Mrs. Van Ostrum stuck her foot out and hooked the ring. She let go of me and Karen to immediately start caressing herself.

Mrs. Walker soon was doing the same. She released a few bubbles as she rubbed her breasts and crotch. I felt like I would be the odd man out if I didn’t respond in a similar manner. So I ran a hand over my chest.

We all bubbled as we stood there holding our breath. We must have lost enough air to be able to stand upright without working to stay down. Mrs. Van Ostrum rubbed her crotch as Mrs. Walker ran a hand back and forth over her chest.

To my surprise, Mrs. Van Ostrum slowly reached out toward me. She used her left hand to caress my chest. Her right hand fondled her boobs as she smiled at me.

Almost immediately, Mrs. Walker started doing the same thing. She was reaching out to run a hand over my chest as she fondled herself. Their touch was electric, and it made my dick shamefully harden even more.

How was I supposed to respond? I had a good idea what was expected of me. I didn’t think it was respectful. But would I disappoint them or make them angry if I didn’t?

We were close enough for me to reach out and brush fingers over Mrs. Van Ostrum’s chest. She smiled and bubbled, acting quite pleased with my action. That’s when Karen grabbed my other hand and brought it over to her chest, making sure I was touching one of her breasts.

I heard moans and bubbles of pleasure. My cock stiffened uncontrollably. I tried to tell myself it was ok, even though we were all naked. Besides, they were both encouraging me.

Mrs. Van Ostrum went up first, with Karen a couple seconds behind her. I followed them up, feeling relieved nothing more had happened than a little touching. Would that be enough to satisfy them?

“Not bad,” Mrs. Walker panted. “I keep wanting to drift upward until I release enough air.”

“So do I,” Mrs. Van Ostrum agreed. “But I think I have an idea how to fix that.”

“Oh? Do tell.” Karen seemed quite eager.

I was going to suggest we call it a day. But Mrs. Van Ostrum told me to count us all down again. I looked questioningly at Mrs. Walker. But she just nodded it was ok with her. It was odd how nobody was asking about their time staying down anymore.

I counted us down before we all submerged. I dutifully headed for the middle ring again. Mrs. Van Ostrum came down on my right. But to my surprise, she dropped to her knees and grabbed onto my leg. Mrs. Walker came down onto her knees and did the same with my other leg.

I stood upon the bottom with two naked, married women on their knees, each one clinging to one of my legs. My cock was shamefully hard. So I closed my eyes and concentrated on holding my breath.

That little voice in my head warned me things were on the verge of getting out of hand. I should have surfaced and made some excuse to get out of the water. But I convinced myself that neither one would try anything while the other was around.

I suddenly felt a hand wrap around my erection. Another hand cupped my balls. I winced and trembled as I closed my eyes tighter. Maybe it would be ok, so long as I didn’t have a look.

One hand gently stroked my twitching dick. Then it left, only for another hand to take its place. My cock shamefully twitched in the grasp of whoever was stroking it.

I kept my eyes tightly closed. Maybe if I held my breath long enough, they would stop. But they just kept right on touching and stroking me.

I felt them shift positions. But someone still had my cock in her grasp. So I opened my eyes to have a look.

Mrs. Walker had pushed my cock over toward Mrs. Van Ostrum. She slowly took it into her mouth, sucking on it a couple of times. Then she grasped it and fed it back to Karen, who slowly took me into her mouth.

I closed my eyes again, hoping I could find some way to ignore it or pretend that it wasn’t happening. I was sure I heard bubbly giggles. Then I felt them change mouths again.

I looked down to see Mrs. Walker taking me deeper. A moment later, I couldn’t hold back. I tried to warn her off, but it was too late.

She ended up getting a small mouthful of my cream. Her eyes twinkled as she looked up at me. Then she made sure to squeeze all the remaining cum out of my cock. It felt shamefully good.

To my surprise, I saw Mrs. Van Ostrum grab her head. Then she kissed Mrs. Walker right there in front of me. I saw cum leak out around the seal their lips made.

Bernice went up first, acting as though she was out of breath. Karen followed her right up. I lagged behind a little, enjoying the moment before a feeling of post-nut clarity set in.

We all surfaced, panting like crazy. “Now that’s a great way… to hold your breath!” Mrs. Van Ostrum gasped with a smile. “We were down there a long time!”

“Yes we were,” Mrs. Walker agreed. “That was a good one! But I think Robert here really loved it. Am I right, Robert?”

I blushed as I lowered my head. “Oh, don’t be bashful in my pool, Robert,” Mrs. Van Ostrum observed. “Of course, now I want a release of my own. Besides, I think I’m entitled. Wouldn’t you agree, Karen?”

“Oh, absolutely! After all, it’s your pool. Count us down again, Robert. Let’s be nice to Bernice, shall we?”

“B-be nice?”

“Are you ready, Robert? Or do you need another minute to catch your breath?”

“N-no, I guess I’m ready.”

“Then count us down.”

I counted us down, and we all submerged. I found the center ring and hooked it with my foot. But Karen helped Mrs. Van Ostrum until she ended up sitting upon my shoulders, her crotch pressed up against my face.

I knew immediately what was expected of me. That little voice in the back of my head told me I should excuse myself and go home. But instead of listening, I stuck my tongue out and began to lick.

Mrs. Van Ostrum ground her slit against my lips. That’s when I felt Mrs. Walker’s mouth engulf my dick again. She slowly sucked me as I used my tongue on the quivering opening pressed up against my lips.

I have no idea how long we were on the bottom. I tried to hold my breath for as long as possible while licking Mrs. Van Ostrum. She stayed right there the whole time, wriggling and grinding against my lips as Karen kept sucking on my hardening cock.

Bernice finally broke away and headed for the surface. Karen looked me right in the eyes with a knowing expression as she took my cock deep. Then she surfaced as well.

I followed them up until we were all at the surface gasping for breath. “Such a talented tongue!” Mrs. Van Ostrum panted. “I was so close down there!”

“You’d better count us down again, Robert. After all, we need to thank Bernice for letting us use her pool; am I right?”

I could tell where things were going. But I rationalized it away by telling myself it was only oral and that it wasn’t really that bad. So I waited until we had all caught our breath before counting us down.

I barely had time to grab the ring before Mrs. Van Ostrum was sitting upon my shoulders, pressing her slit against my face again. Mrs. Walker was between my legs, sucking my dick as she worked me into another full erection. I told myself I had to be dreaming and that this wasn’t really happening.

Karen had my cock twitching between her lips. Mrs. Van Ostrum was really grinding herself against me. Then she suddenly began humping my face.

I heard a bubbly cry as she pressed her slit hard against my mouth. I dutifully tongued her for all I was worth. She moaned weakly before heading for the surface.

Karen and I followed her up. At the surface, Mrs. Van Ostrum excitedly panted, “Now that’s what I call… ‘holding your breath’!”

“I think we’re all getting better at it,” Mrs. Walker chimed in. That’s when she gave me a knowing smile before telling me, “Count us down when you’re ready to go again, Robert.”

Right away, I suspected what she wanted. But what could I do? They’d both given me oral and had made me cum. It was only fair I return the favor. Now it was Mrs. Walker’s turn.

After catching our breath, I counted us down. We all went down to that center ring again. Mrs. Van Ostrum went to her knees between my legs and started sucking on my cock. That’s when Karen sat on my shoulders, mashing her winking slit against my mouth.

I gave it my very best effort. What’s more, Mrs. Van Ostrum made my cock quiver between her lips. She certainly knew how to suck dick.

I thought I could get Karen off with my mouth. But she seemed resistant to my efforts. She acted as though she loved it. But she hadn’t gotten there yet when she pulled away and headed for the surface.

Mrs. Van Ostrum and I followed her up. At the surface, Karen excitedly panted, “Gawd; I love the way you use your tongue when you hold your breath! Give me another minute, Robert, and we’ll go down again. I’m almost there!”

She gave a knowing wink to Mrs. Van Ostrum. I assumed Karen wanted an underwater orgasm like the one I’d just given to the owner of the pool we were in. So I waited another minute before counting us down.

We all submerged again. But this time, Karen got a little more aggressive. She straddled my head until I was halfway over onto my back. I frantically grabbed the ring as she eagerly humped my face.

It was at that moment when I felt something engulf my erection. But it didn’t feel like Mrs. Van Ostrum’s mouth. Instead, it felt like an entirely different hole.

Karen held my head in place as she humped my face. But it felt like Mrs. Van Ostrum was riding my cock. By then, I was horizontal, virtually lying on the bottom of the pool.

I tried to ignore what was happening to my dick as I concentrated on getting Mrs. Walker off. I even grabbed her ass as I licked and nibbled on her slit. But it sure felt like Mrs. Van Ostrum was riding my erection.

Karen finally let out a bubbly “FUCK!” Then she really mashed herself hard against my mouth. I could tell she was cumming.

I was running out of breath when I abruptly pushed her off my face. She looked a little woozy. That’s when I discovered Mrs. Van Ostrum had been riding my dick in a reverse cowgirl position.

Mrs. Walker was a little slow in heading for the surface. Then Mrs. Van Ostrum came off my cock. She headed for the surface as I helped bring Karen up.

Mrs. Walker popped up at the surface with me, although she was coughing a little. I asked if she was all right. She just nodded as she panted, “Give me a minute.”

Ms. Van Ostrum was visibly impressed. “Damn, boy; that looked intense! I think I want another one of those!”

I gave a questioning look to my youth group leader. She just waved tiredly. “It’s her pool, Robert. I don’t think it’ll hurt anything. Go on down and practice holding your breath some more. I’m going to need another minute up here.”

I waited until Bernice and I were breathing ok. Then I counted us down. Mrs. Van Ostrum submerged with me.

She immediately pushed me over onto my back. Then she straddled my face. I was just getting started licking when I felt her lean forward along my body before taking my erection into her mouth.

She groaned with my cock between her lips. I used my tongue to try to get her off as we 69ed together on the pool floor. I figured the sooner she climaxed again, the sooner I would be allowed to get out of the water and go home.

I grabbed her butt as I really tongued her. She grabbed mine as she took me all the way into her mouth. It felt incredible.

I did the best I could. We were down for what felt like quite a long time. But this time, I couldn’t get her to cum.

We surfaced together, only to see Karen smiling at us. “That was a great breath-hold. Mind if I join you two this time?”

“Not at all,” Mrs. Van Ostrum replied cheerfully. “Robert is a really great breath-holder! Besides, I’m still trying to get my other orgasm. Count us down when you’re ready, Robert.”

I thought about saying something. But she gave me a look that made me hesitant to question her. Maybe she’d be satisfied if I got her off. Then I could be on my merry way.

I counted us down, and we all headed for the bottom. Now the rings were all but forgotten. Mrs. Van Ostrum wasted no time sitting on my face, pressing her crotch against my lips.

I was horizontal on my back, expecting to 69 with her again. But this time my cock was engulfed by something else. Karen had impaled herself upon it and was eagerly riding me.

They both straddled my horizontal form while facing each other. I had no idea what else they were doing, being as how my vision was obscured. Besides, I was too busy trying to lick another orgasm into Mrs. Van Ostrum’s quivering slit.

Mrs. Walker really rode me. I don’t know what she was thinking. But I’m sure it had nothing to do with her husband.

I did my best with Mrs. Van Ostrum. I heard bubbly grunts and moans, from her as well as Mrs. Walker. Maybe her lungs were starting to strain. I know mine sure were.

She finally let out a bubbly cry. Then she mashed her crotch hard against my lips. Karen rode me like a stallion until I found myself hoping I wouldn’t cum inside her.

Mrs. Van Ostrum finally rose up off my face. I saw Karen grinning at me as she continued to ride me. But it looked like Bernice was a little disoriented.

Karen came off my cock as I worked at getting our hostess back up. Mrs. Walker rose up with me until we were all at the surface. Bernice had glazed eyes as she coughed a little. Then the spark returned to her pupils.

“Fucking awesome!” she gasped. “That has to be my longest breath-hold ever!”

“It sure looked incredible to me,” Mrs. Walker admitted with a grin.

“It was definitely a long one all right,” I said, trying to sound agreeable. “But maybe it’s time for me to get going.”

“In a moment, Robert,” Karen countered. “We’d better try another one, just to make sure.”

“Are you sure?” I had no idea what she had in mind.

“Bernice?” she asked. “Are you ready for another one?”

The pool owner gave us a dismissive wave as she kept panting heavily. “Better give me a minute. I’m still catching my breath from that last one.”

“C’mon, Robert. Count us down.” Then Mrs. Walker firmly grabbed my hand.

“Karen, are you sure?”

“One more won’t hurt anything. I just want to be sure is all.”

That little voice in the back of my head gave me another warning. Then my youth group leader said, “Please, Robert?” I should have said no. But I just couldn’t make myself go against her wishes.

I counted us down. Then we submerged. But I had a funny feeling it was not going to be just an ordinary breath-hold.

No sooner had I grabbed the ring when she straddled my face, mashing her crotch against my lips. Then she leaned forward and took my cock into her mouth. We ended up 69ing at the bottom of the pool.

Maybe she wanted to do what Mrs. Van Ostrum and I had done previously. Maybe THIS would be my last time down. So I did the best I could to get her off.

I really probed with my tongue as she swallowed me whole. It felt so good that I could not resist thrusting up into her mouth. I felt guilty, but it felt much too good for me to make myself stop.

I don’t know how long we went at it. But Mrs. Walker stayed with me the entire time. She was getting pretty good at holding her breath.

I groped her butt as she took my dick in and out between her lips. She really suctioned me good. I could hear and feel the occasional release of bubbles around my cock in her mouth.

I soon felt her chest heave against my body. But my own lungs were aching as well. It no longer mattered to me if I beat her or not.

She finally disengaged and headed upwards. I shot up with her, all out of breath. We both reached the surface, gasping like crazy.

“That was incredible!” Mrs. Van Ostrum told us with a smile. “You two were down for a long time. I really enjoyed watching you!”

I was concerned I was going to cum again. So I decided to see if I could get out of the water and avoid any further damage than had already been done. Besides, my cock was hard, and I was close to the point of wanting another release.

“Time for me to go,” I panted. “I really like your pool and your rings, Mrs. Van Ostrum.”

“One last time down?” she asked hopefully.

“Well… I really need to be going.” I didn’t tell her I also wanted my cock to settle down.

“One more won’t hurt; will it, Robert? Please count us down? Do it for me, your youth group leader.”

I looked at Mrs. Walker and winced. How could I say no to her?

“Please count us down one last time, Robert,” Mrs. Van Ostrum begged. “I would really appreciate it.”

I could not contain my sigh of resignation. But they both ignored it. So I reluctantly counted us down.

We all went right to the bottom. But there was no time to grab for a ring. Karen promptly sat on my face with her crotch mashed against my lips. Meanwhile, Bernice immediately impaled herself upon my cock.

I should have known…

I dutifully tongued Mrs. Walker for all I was worth. Mrs. Van Ostrum rode me like a woman possessed. I heard grunts and bubbles as they leaned toward each other. It made me wonder if they were hugging or groping each other or something.

The longer we were down, the more I could feel it rising within me. It felt as though I was going to cum again. But the last thing I wanted to do was cum inside another married woman.

Karen really ground herself against my face. Bernice rode me hard as she squeezed my member inside her. It was as though she knew exactly what she was doing.

I could not keep from thrusting up into her. Then I heard more grunts and bubbles. It wasn’t long until my lungs began to strain. But neither one of them seemed ready to quit riding me just yet.

It swelled within me until I let out a muffled cry into Karen’s muff. The bubbles and my tongue must have set her off. A moment later, I was cumming inside Mrs. Van Ostrum as Mrs. Walker climaxed all over my face.

Bernice clenched tightly around my thrusting manhood. I don’t know how, but it felt as though she was milking me dry. I couldn’t tell for sure, but it made me wonder if she was cumming too.

I heard underwater moans as they both rode me. Mrs. Walker mashed down hard against my lips. Mrs. Van Ostrum kept going up and down on my cock, clenching like crazy.

I got real dizzy and out of breath. Karen and Bernice were slow to climb off. For a moment, I was afraid I might drown or something.

Things were a bit of a blur after that. Somehow we all got back to the surface. I remember there was a lot of panting and gasping for breath.

I finally got my breath back. That’s when post-nut clarity really set in. I felt guilty as hell, and I knew I had to get myself out of there, even though it was much too late.

I swam for the pool ladder as I blurted out, “Rings are great. I really like your pool. But I’ve really got to be going.”

“Thanks for coming, Robert! I really appreciate it!” At least this time Mrs. Walker didn’t try to stop me.

“Thanks for your help, Robert! You really helped me with my breath-holding today.” Bernice beamed at me as though she’d done absolutely nothing wrong.

I told them both they were welcome. But I still got out of the pool just as fast as possible. I was afraid they might pull me back in for more “fun” as Karen had put it.

I was in such a rush to leave that I got into my clothes before I even had a chance to dry myself. I heard a unified “Thank you!” from behind me. I just gave them a wave over my shoulder. Then I rushed out of the back yard as I headed for my car.

I got in, started it up, and quickly pulled out of the drive before either one could catch me. But I was still feeling guilty as hell. Now I’d cum inside two married women!

What would happen to me if their husbands found out? I really didn’t want to know. So what could I do?

There was no way I could go home in my current condition. So I decided to drive around for a while. I didn’t want to pull into our yard until the effects of my time in Mrs. Van Ostrum’s pool had worn off.

2023 (written Jul 11 ’23 by riwa. Illustrated renders courtesy of JustPaul.)

Posted in Picture Stories, Underwater Stories | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Cum and bullets 4.1 (21)

Note: this is a fanfiction written for a friend, inspired by a character from Black Lagoon.

Revy got back to her apartment after a long day of killing. She was tired from a job well done. But now she was horny as fuck.

It was too bad Rock had gotten himself all shot up. Now he was at that safe house being taken care of. But she’d had other fish to fry and had been forced to leave him there.

Revy stood there looking at herself in the mirror. She liked what she saw. She was still toned and athletic, a perfectly sculpted body. It was too bad Rock wasn’t around to share it with her right now.

She slowly peeled her shorts open. Her pussy was perfectly bare from shaving the night before. Oh how she longed to have something inside her tonight. Oh well; she certainly had other ways of dealing with her needs.

She peeled her shorts down her toned legs. Her pussy was wet and winking at her. She could tell it needed some personal attention.

Revy pulled her tank top up over her tits. Her mounds were nice and full, something she was quite proud of. She looked better than most bitches she came across.

She noticed how her nipples had hardened considerably. Damn; she was hornier than she thought! Maybe it was time to do a little something about that.

She stretched out on her bed and began touching herself admiringly. She knew from years of experience just where to allow her hands to roam. It wasn’t long until she could feel her body start to respond.

She caressed herself all over, cupping her full, firm breasts. Her hands slid down until she was gently rubbing her toned thighs. That’s when one hand moved closer to a more intimate location.

She teased herself, feeling how swollen her clit had become. She was really starting to drip now. It was as though her fingers were communicating to her sexual parts how relief would soon be on its way.

She began working her nub, feeling how much it had swollen within the last few moments. Her breath came out in little gasps as she slipped a finger into her wetness. Revy let out a sigh of pleasure.

She stuck another finger into her wet, quivering opening. She thrust in and out in that way she’d learned how to pleasure herself over the years. After a day like today, she definitely needed something like this.

She rolled over onto chest, her ass lifted upward. That way she was able to reach underneath to hit that sweet spot. Revy rubbed harder, gasping and wincing over the pleasure she was giving herself.

She eased off, wanting to edge for a few delicious moments. The excitement within her began to subside. Then she started all over again.

She slowly worked her nub once more, giving it a nice little swirl with her fingers. She looked back to see the full length mirror on the wall. It reflected the image of a naked assassin in heat.

She watched the reflection touch itself. It made her horny looking at herself. Once more she let her fingers slip longingly into her dripping snatch.

She worked herself up into a strong, sexual excitement. Then she backed off again, still edging. This time she rolled over so she could see herself in the mirror while lying flat on her back.

She studied her reflection closely, admiring her athletic form. She used her fingers to spread her labia wide so she could examine herself in the mirror. She saw how wet she’d become, evidenced by her glistening slit.

Revy cupped a breast, groping and fondling it as she touched herself. It felt so fucking good. It was too bad that shithead Rock had gotten himself all shot up. She could use a good fuck right about now. Oh well; she knew full well how to pleasure herself.

She fingered herself harder, deciding she didn’t want to wait any longer. Her body tensed as she fucked herself with her thrusting digits. It felt good, especially after a long day of killing.

She rolled herself over onto her stomach again before running her hand into her crotch from underneath. With her ass sticking up, she really began going at it. She could hear her pussy squishing as she thrust her fingers in and out.

She thrust harder and faster as she now wanted to cum. Revy fucked herself with her fingers, her pussy clenching around her thrusting digits. She was wet and dripping as she stiffened, wincing with pleasure. Then she let out an orgasmic cry.

She was so distracted that she didn’t hear the motorcycle outside. It sounded like it was further down the block anyway, indicating it was nothing to be alarmed about. Besides, she was too busy playing with herself. Thus, she could not know that a ruthless female had just climbed off and removed her helmet, intent on something far more lethal than simply engaging in a little late-night masturbation.

Diane thought this was the location. Her senses were on high alert as she pulled out her hand-held automatic, ready to spit lead and death. Then she advanced cautiously down the alley, knowing the danger that lay before her.

She heard gasps and moans coming from an open window. She carefully walked up and had a peek inside. To her astonishment Diane saw that it was her objective.

What the hell?? The bitch was lying naked on the bed! And it looked like she was masturbating… getting herself off!

Diane watched with a perverse sense of curiosity as the athletic form writhed in pleasure. This wasn’t at all what she’d anticipated. She figured she would be sneaking up on a deadly assassin, not some slut rolling around naked while furiously masturbating.

The familiar shoulder holsters were there, the twin Berettas visible. She was sure she had the right target. She just hadn’t counted on the bitch writhing around naked in self-pleasure.

It was Revy all right. But this wasn’t a deadly assassin snarling obscenities at her adversary. Instead, it was some bitch in heat, rubbing and moaning in an effort to get herself off.

Diane went to the door and carefully turned the knob. The last thing she needed was the bitch inside snapping out of her self-pleasuring long enough to put a couple holes in her using those deadly Berettas. With Revy, one could not be too careful.

She slowly opened the door and took a careful peek inside. Her target was lying on her side, a hand in her crotch. And that hand certainly seemed busy.

Something inside her told her, “Quick; do it now while she’s distracted!” But Diane hesitated. There was something about the way the deadly assassin was pleasuring herself that was… well, it was starting to affect her.

Revy started to move, making Diane stiffen with anticipation as she firmly grasped the handle of her deadly weapon. But the assassin was not going for her Berettas. Instead she was rolling over onto her back.

Diane saw Revy gasp and moan as she touched herself, her eyes closed to intensify the pleasure. The deadly assassin fiddled with her swollen labia. Then she parted her pussy lips wide.

What the hell was this?? Was Revy showing off her snatch to her?? Diane couldn’t believe it!

Hungering fingers spread pussy lips wider, an action supported by years of practice. Then Diane saw the deadly assassin finger her swollen nub. A gleam of arousal glistened as it rolled down and dripped onto the bed.

For a moment Diane was mesmerized. She could feel herself becoming aroused watching the erotic display. Then she told herself to snap out of it.

It didn’t matter if this was another female with sexual needs, anxious to get herself off. This was Revy, the infamous assassin Diane had been assigned to track down and eliminate. Having to kill a female in heat didn’t make a damned bit of difference. She still had a job to do.

Diane burst in with her weapon drawn. She wasn’t about to take any chances. This bitch had proved difficult to kill in the past. This time she wasn’t going to escape.

Revy was caught completely by surprise. It was bad enough to see a weapon aimed at her. What made it worse was the fact it was a woman who’d barged in on her, catching her right in the middle of pleasuring herself.

Revy instinctively lifted a hand in a defensive posture. “Whahh?? Who the fuck are you??”

“It’s closing time, bitch,” Diane told her coldly. “Time to pay the check.”

Revy couldn’t believe it! The bitch had her dead to rights. What’s more, she’d been caught in an embarrassing situation.

She let out a cry as she tried to reach for her Berettas. Even then she knew it was far too late. That’s when the bitch holding the gun on her pulled the trigger.

Diane didn’t hesitate, her silenced automatic quietly spitting lead and death. It was a triumphant moment. She couldn’t believe she’d caught the deadly assassin in such a compromising situation.

She didn’t bother letting off on the trigger. Diane was going to make certain this would be a confirmed kill. She made sure she didn’t miss with a single shot.

She felt a burst of adrenalin as she fired. The bitch never even made it to her Berettas. Diane had made certain they would never come into play.

Revy’s naked body jerked around on the bed as hot lead tore into her bare flesh. Her proud tits were punctured as her pussy was perforated. One of the shots tore a hole in her heart, instantly ending her agony.

Diane eased off on the trigger to inspect the damage. Blood oozed out of several wounds. The assassin was not showing any signs of life.

Revy stared upward with a vacant expression. She continued to twitch and shudder, even after death. It was as though her nerve endings were still sending messages to her brain, which was feeding them back in response.

Diane watched a clear liquid ooze out of the bullet-ridden corpse. It looked like cum from the dead assassin’s arousal. Cumming to her own death? Now that was a good one!

A few moments later Diane saw urine ooze out of Revy’s crotch. The deceased assassin was pissing herself. Maybe this was her last defiant act, even though it was after she was dead.

An athletically toned body that had once been full of life lay pierced from several bullet holes. No more would men gaze with admiration upon those proud tits. And from the way she’d shot up that pussy, she was sure there were several cocks out that were going to be sorely disappointed.

Diane took a good look at her kill. She felt a brief sense of loss at having been forced to annihilate another sexual being like herself. But it had to be done. Besides, the bitch fucking deserved it.

She made her way outside and walked down the alley to her motorcycle. She put the helmet back on before starting it up. Only then did she realize she was trembling. She was also incredibly aroused, no doubt from her recent adrenaline rush.

Diane decided she needed to get home and take a bath. Then she would have a little self-pleasuring session of her own. It would be her way of celebrating the erotic death of the sexy bitch she’d just slaughtered after catching her masturbating.

2019 (written for a friend Oct 7 ’19 by riwa. I apologize for not knowing or remembering the creator of the drawings from which I drew inspiration. But I thought I would include them for you to enjoy.)

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Girl’s night out 9 4.5 (58)

Part 9

I’m having a hard time believing a mother and daughter are going to hang back to back. But Madelyn is being pulled inexorably toward the entrance to the pit. That’s when the brunette calls out, “Looks like your friend is about done!”

“Hunh; what?”

I turn to see Carrie holding onto her girlfriend’s leg. Hilary is hardly struggling at all. Then I see a stream of urine.

“Going… going… gone!” the brunette loudly declares. Others around us cheer at her pissing herself. Carrie grins and kisses her lover’s wet crotch before telling her what a hot, snuff-whore she was.

She turns her lover’s dangling body until I can see her face, boobs and dripping slit. “Doesn’t she look sexy, Aunt Amanda?” Carrie yells out with a grin. Then she heads for the entrance to the hanging pit.

Hilary twitches and shimmies a little. I wince as another flush of pleasure washes through me. Nearby, some women declare how hot Hilary looks as she hangs to death.

The chain continues to slowly inch the bodies forward, keeping them gently swinging. The dangling young redhead is soon approaching our position. She stares right at me before thrusting her hips forward in apparent orgasm.

I shamefully watch her kick her life away, unable to look away. It’s as though she’s spending her last few moments of life hanging for my enjoyment. But beyond is Madelyn at the entrance, and I don’t know how I should feel about that.

She’s facing her daughter, her back to the pit. The noose slowly pulls her back off her feet. A moment later she starts swinging back and forth as everyone in the facility erupts in cheers and enthusiastic thumbs-down.

If anything, her dance is even more animated than it was back in that hanging practice room. She’s looking right at her daughter who is being noosed up next. Carrie gives Madelyn an appreciative grope before climbing out.

Sandy watches her mother while her own arms are being cuffed behind her back. With the noose around her neck, her body is slowly pulled toward the hanging pit. What’s going through her mind? Does she realize she’s fully committed now??

Madelyn really swings. Her boobs may be small, but they still jiggle. She looks like she’s dancing solely for her daughter, even though the spectators are all cheering her on.

The young redhead is approaching our position. Hilary has gone past. But I don’t even think about Carrie’s lover. I’m obsessed with this mother/daughter combo that will soon be hanging together.

The noose around her throat drags Sandy forward. She watches in wide-eyed fascination as her mother dances. What is she thinking?

There’s another cheer. I turn to see the redhead has just pissed herself. “Going… going… gone!” my escort gasps in rapture before wincing from yet another orgasm. There are more cheers.

The room is now chanting for Sandy. She’s pulled right to the edge of the pit. Her mother is still putting on quite a show.

She balks at the very last second, but by now it’s much too late. The noose pulls her off the edge into the hanging pit. Then Sandy is hanging with her mother as the spectators cheer her dance while giving her an enthusiastic thumbs-down.

Mother and daughter dance as they face each other. Sandy’s boobs bounce as she fights her noose. There’s a sudden change in her demeanor as though she suddenly realizes the situation she’s in. That’s when she really starts to fight.

“Now that’s what I call a show!” my brunette escort gasps into my ear. “Fuck; look at them dance as they play off each other!”

Mother and daughter face each other as they swing back and forth. Their legs split and pedal. Madelyn has been hanging longer, but she appears to have quite a bit of energy left as she approaches our position.

The ladies all around us go nuts at this mother/daughter dancing duo. A part of me is in shock. But another part is so shamefully turned on. Why the hell am I finding this so damned arousing??

I glance past Sandy toward the entrance to the hanging pit. They’re preparing some black-haired Asian woman. The poor thing looks numb as she stands there ready to be committed to hang.

I recognize my niece helping to prepare her. Carrie helps cuff her arms behind her back. Someone else loops a noose around her throat.

The ever-moving track in the ceiling pulls her toward the entrance to the hanging pit to join Madelyn, Sandy and the others. Then the brunette gets my attention. “Looks like the mother is getting ready to go! You won’t want to miss this!”

Madelyn is just about across from us. Her hanging has become less animated. Her face is a deep shade of red as she still mostly faces her daughter.

She suddenly starts humping in the direction of Sandy. Is she cumming from being strangled by her own noose? Or is she cumming from watching her daughter hang to death? I wince as I try to hold back another shameful climax.

Sandy fights her noose, although she looks as though she’s becoming tired. Then she sees her mother’s bladder release. There are cheers all around me, along with exuberant thumbs-down.

Something flashes in Sandy’s eyes. Then she, too, starts humping. “She’s cumming while watching her mother die!” the brunette cries out in ecstasy. That’s when I shamefully lose it as I cum right along with her.

There are more chants, causing me to look toward the entrance to the pit. That Asian chick is right on the edge. That’s when my sadistic niece cruelly pushes her off into the void.

There is a roar of enthusiasm, followed by a ton of fists giving her a thumbs-down. The Asian swings back and forth from the momentum of being pushed in. Then she puts up a dance as though she was somehow born for the noose.

Maybe she’s trying to be entertaining. Maybe she’s trying to fight to survive. Either way, it’s so shamefully arousing that I find myself instinctively rubbing my crotch. Then I catch myself and forcefully pull my hand away.

Carrie… my niece… my sister… Cassandra!

I anxiously turn to look for her. But I’m much too late. Her body has long since vanished. I was so distracted that I missed watching my sister pass through into the disposal unit beyond.

The chain up in the track continually pulls the bodies forward until Sandy approaches our position. Does she see us? I’m not sure if she’s registering anything other than the pain she’s experiencing.

She starts to pass us as her bladder gives way. The spectators roar their approval. Then Sandy goes into little death spasms and twitches.

Something catches my eye, and I glance across the hanging pit. I see someone I swear I recognize. I blink twice before I murmur, “Mom??”

Surely I’m seeing things; right? Yes, it looks as though a lot of older women are here for the orgy. They’re not in abundance, but I can certainly make them out. After all, Madelyn was a mother. And it’s possible that older redhead was the mother of the younger one who hanged a short time later.

I look around, but I don’t see her anymore. I conclude I must have been imagining things. Mom wouldn’t be here; right??

I look toward the entrance to see Carrie helping to string up some chocolate-skinned beauty with dark, shoulder length hair. She’s got large breasts, and her crotch is dark. There’s a maniacal look in her expression. It’s as though she’s lost herself in this orgy of sex, asphyxiation and death.

I catch sight of that older woman again as she makes her way toward the entrance. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear she was my mother Janine. Then Carrie pushes the ebony beauty into the hanging pit.

There are wild cheers and applause. A number of spectators give her an enthusiastic thumbs down. She swings back and forth as she starts to kick and dance wildly.

The Asian in front of her is approaching our position. For a moment, our eyes lock. Then she finds an extra burst of adrenaline.

She becomes animated, and she does one hell of a jig. I masturbate as I shamefully find myself murmuring, “Dance for me, you fucking whore! That’s it; kick your life away for me!”

“You two?” my brunette escort gasps into my ear as she furiously masturbates. Then I catch myself. I try to stop as I lower my head again in shame.

The Asian lady swings with the ebony woman as the track in the ceiling keeps them all moving at a slow, yet steady pace. Those two put on quite a duet, even as the Asian starts to slow down. I wince as I experience yet another shameful climax.

Those on the other end approaching the disposal area hang limp and lifeless. Those close to the brunette and myself tend to lose their bladders right in front of us in the hanging pit. Is that why my escort guided me to this very spot?

I look back toward the entrance to see who they’re getting ready to hang next. When I look closer, I see Carry hugging that older woman. My gawd; it’s her! It really is my mom!

Instinctively, I start making my way over toward them. I feel hands try to stop me, but I pull away. Behind me, I hear the brunette calling out, “Where do you think you’re going??” But I ignore her.

I have a lot of women to fight through. They’re all cheering or dancing or pointing or masturbating or getting each other off. It’s one hell of a shameful orgy.

I see Carrie kissing her grandmother. Then mom motions at a couple of nearby women. A moment later, they grab Carrie’s arms and pull them behind her back.

I feel a horrific jolt of arousal and alarm as I watch her cuff my niece’s wrists together. I shake my head in utter disbelief, wondering what the hell she thinks she’s doing. I try to call out to them, but I can’t be heard above the din.

My heart leaps into my throat as I struggle to get closer. Surely I’m not seeing what I think I’m seeing; right? No; Carrie’s hands have definitely been secured behind her back.

It’s mom who grabs the next noose dangling down from the chain in the ceiling. Then she loops it around Carrie’s neck, much to the cheers of those standing around them. That’s when her granddaughter really struggles in the grasp of those two women holding onto her.

I can’t believe what I’m seeing! The women are packed too tightly around me; I can’t get there in time. All I can do is watch as mom kisses Carrie full on the lips while groping her boobs. Then she pushes her backwards off the edge into the hanging pit.

I let out a cry of horror as everyone around me cheers. Carrie gets a multitude of exuberant thumbs-down. Almost immediately, she goes into her devil’s dance.

It’s sexual, lewd, and utterly perverse. I wince with shame as a flush of warmth washes through me. I didn’t just cum at the sight of seeing my niece hang naked; did I?

I struggle to get closer. But there are too many bodies. I get a number of hands grabbing and squeezing my boobs as I try to work my way closer to the entrance.

I finally break through and reach the front of the hanging pit. Carrie is now swinging back and forth as she kicks and twists. Gawd; it’s so shamefully arousing!

I rush up to my mother and gasp, “Mom; what are you doing??” She just gives me a big kiss and a hug. The kiss is shamefully passionate.

She pulls away and grins as she tells me, “Isn’t it glorious, honey? I watched all of them! …your sister, Carrie’s girlfriend… and now my own granddaughter!”

“Mom; you’re crazy!”

She turns me around to face Carrie. Then she loudly says into my ear, “You saw Cassie and Hilary dance for us; right? Now watch your niece cum in the noose, honey.”

I see Carrie thrust out her chest before throwing her hips out and humping the air. I watch her squirt as she does a bunny hop. Seeing her cum in the noose is shamefully arousing, and I have to force myself not to lose control.

Strong arms grab me and pull my wrists behind my back. I’m hit with an erotic jolt as I feel cuffs securing my wrists together. Wait; what the hell??

In horror, I turn to look into mom’s eyes. What I see reflected back to me is the look of someone so perversely affected by her surroundings that she can no longer think clearly. What the hell is she doing??

“Mom?? Stop them!”

“It’s too late!” she declares loudly. Then she pushes me toward the entrance to have a closer look.

“See Carrie dancing up a storm in the pit? I think you should join her! Besides, these lovely ladies here want to watch you hang. Isn’t that right, girls?”

I feel hands caressing my boobs, hands all over my body. I turn around, but I’m pushed backward toward the entrance to the pit. That’s when another noose swings into view from the ceiling.

Mom takes it and lovingly wraps it around my throat. I start to hyperventilate as I struggle to catch my breath. Then mom kisses me as she rubs my soaked crotch.

“Dance with your niece, honey. Give your mother a good show.” Then she pushes me backward as the whole damned place puts up a cheer.

“Mother, NOOO!” Then the noose pulls me up short. I find myself swinging back and forth once the chain up in the track pulls me off the edge of the pit into eternity.

My legs search in vain for something to stand upon. I twist in place until Carrie comes into view. Our eyes lock as we recognize each other.

She throws her chest out in my direction as though she’s hanging for me and me alone. It hurts like hell as my chest heaves. I stare in horror as I struggle for each breath.

Carrie shimmies and shudders like a woman possessed. But she only seems to have eyes for me. That’s when it starts to rise up within me.

I lose all control as I begin humping violently in her direction. Carrie humps back as though we’re hanging for each other and no one else. I can make out the cheers of the lustful and perverse, one and all enjoying our dance of death.

Something snaps in my brain. I try to open my mouth, but I can’t. However, my mind cries out, “Dance for me, bitch! You brought me into this! Now kick your life away for me, you fucking whore!”

Carrie does precisely that as though we’re mentally tuned in to each other. She squirts as she humps in my direction. That’s when I feel a humiliating orgasm so intense that I squirt for the first time in my life.

The agony increases as I kick, swing and twist. Carrie starts to spin out of view. Every time I lock eyes with someone in the crowd I only see bloodlust and sexual perversion.

There’s another roar as the chain pulls me along, setting me to swaying. I rotate until the next victim comes into view. OHMYGAWD; IT’S MOM!

She kicks and gyrates as though she’s been doing it her whole life. Her performance is crude, lewd and perversely glorious. I’m no longer in my right mind as I mentally egg her on…

“Kick for me, mom! Kick your fucking life away! A snuff-slut to the end just like your daughter and granddaughter; eh, mom? Gawd; it’s so good! Kick and die for me, you glorious piece of snuff-meat!”

Mom humps in my direction as she throws her chest out. Gawd; she’s never been so sexy as she is right now! I hump in her direction until the two of us climax in a shameful family duet.

I manage to get a look at Carrie. Gawd; she’s kicking her life away for someone watching her in the crowd. Then I suddenly lock eyes with my former brunette escort.

She furiously masturbates as she hollers, “I tried to warn you!” Something inside triggers my muscles as I begin humping again. She squeals with glee as I instinctively fuck the air in her direction.

My mind simply cannot process what is happening to me. Family members are dancing their lives away on either side of me. The rest of the facility is cruelly cheering our impending demise.

Carrie finally settles down as she pisses herself. Stray muscles fire as her naked body shimmies. It was horrible… yet a part of me believes it was shamefully glorious.

I kick, struggle and hump the air until I no longer have any fight left. Mom swings into view as I dangle in breathless agony. My final humiliation is my bladder giving way.

Something flashes in mom’s eyes. Did she enjoy watching me piss myself? Does she want to see me die?

Stray muscles fire as I hump a little in her direction. Then consciousness spirals away into infinity. Now my mom is the only one left.

The last of our family finishes up her lewd dance of death. The climax is when she pisses herself, much to the delight and cheers of everyone watching. Then our entire family is no more.

2022 (written for Carrie Apr 15 ’22)

(The drawing below inspired this whole thing.)

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