Joia 7-9 3.4 (24)


Joia sobbed quietly in her darkened room as though she would never stop. Her sorrow at watching Gemina suffer and die was eclipsed only by the shame of her body’s response as she witnessed the event.

The thought that she might have to watch every one of her companions lose their head in a similar manner was almost more than she could bear. What made it all the worse was the way she could not seem to control her shameful reactions.

She quietly sobbed as her mind replayed Gemina’s suffering over and over again. Her body tensed in preparation for another humiliating, yet pleasurable, release. Then she heard a rustling in the darkness, followed by a soothing voice…


“Who’s there?” she whispered quietly, her heart leaping in her throat as she rubbed the tears out of her eyes.

“Hush, my child.”

It was Ysabella…

“You should not be here,” Joia told her anxiously, sniffling as her matron gently caressed her face.

“I must warn you, Joia. Clemencia is in a dangerous mood. She wishes to watch each one of you lose your head. She is an exceedingly cruel Mistress, desirous of more power within the compound. When Master is displeased, it brings her great joy to take one of you out and watch you lose your head.”

“I am in danger?” Joia murmured quietly in alarm. “What about the others? What about Marsona?”

“Yes – yes; all of you! Joia, you must be careful! If Master is not pleased, Clemencia will see to it that all of you are slaughtered!”

“Then Master must be pleased,” Joia responded. “It is the only way.” She could take no more humiliation by continuing to watch her sisters die one by one, only to feel perverse pleasure during their suffering.

“Tell me what I must do, Ysabella! You must tell me! I can bear this no longer. Surely Mistress will soon take Marsona’s head. I do not wish to be there when it happens. Please, Ysabella! Tell me what I can do to stop all this!”


Two days passed before anyone was summoned again. The girls were left in a state of heightened anxiety. None of them wanted to see Clemencia come for any of them.

A feeling of dread and despair settled upon them all. As for Joia, she learned all she could from her matron. She was determined to learn how to satisfy Master’s lusts.

She had made her decision. If it was within her control, the next girl fated to lose her head was going be her. She did not wish to see even one more of her sisters suffer, especially her friend Marsona.

Mistress finally stepped into the room on the third day. All conversations were effectively silenced. No one dared make eye contact with her.

They all looked away, fearful she might choose one of them. Joia saw the look in Clemencia’s eyes. To her it was as though the woman was looking to send someone to their death.

“Master has need of one of you,” Mistress said in a casual manner. From Joia’s perspective, they were words from a poisonous serpent.

“Whom shall I take to see Master? Who wishes to provide such an honorable duty?”

Joia stepped forward, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. “I shall go.” She tried to sound confident despite the fact her insides were quivering.

Clemencia scowled at her. A volunteer was not who she was looking for.

She tried to look beyond Joia at one of the others. “Perhaps I should take…” That’s when Joia stepped right in front of her.

“Am I not suitable, Mistress?” Then she bowed her head low.

She could tell Clemencia was annoyed at her. But it was better to risk losing her own head than to witness the death of another of her captive sisters.

Mistress paused, taken aback by having one of the girls offering herself so willingly. Then she sighed irritably before grabbing Joia by the wrist.

“Come with me, if you will. If Master likes you, perhaps he will allow you to keep your head.” There was cruel amusement in her smile.

Joia heard quiet gasps from all around. But she observed none looking directly at her save Marsona. Her friend was giving her an anxious glance.

She tried to return a smile of reassurance. It was a reassurance she did not feel in the slightest. Then Clemencia roughly pulled her out of the room.

Joia went willingly, resigned to her fate. She firmly believed the result would be the loss of her head. But it would all be worth it in the end, so long as she would not have to bear witness to another of the girls being slaughtered by the blade…


Ysabella’s words served her well. The experience was not altogether unpleasant. On the contrary, Master’s touch was gentle, and she willingly gave herself to him.

She adapted quickly. Despite the disgrace of such intimacy outside a proper betrothal, Joia felt a pleasure from his penis. The encounter succeeded in blotting out the horrors she had witnessed thus far.

Joia noticed the marks on Master’s face from the struggle with Alviva. She kissed them tenderly. Then she begged forgiveness for her sister’s violent reaction.

She wished to honor the slaughtered girl’s spirit. But inwardly her desires lay elsewhere. She truly wanted to spare the rest of the girls from the blade, if that was even within her reach.

Her gesture was not entirely marked by a desire to spare the others. His gentle caresses had touched her deeply. She even found herself hoping he might call upon her to return for a future encounter.

Before she left Master’s private chamber, he allowed her to speak freely. She offered her head in the hopes it would spare the others. He declined, telling her she had found favor in his sight.

However, he did give her words of hope. Master told her he would spare the others if it would ultimately bring her peace. They only had to submit with a willing spirit.

Joia bowed low, thanking him for the precious gift of all their lives. She told him she was in his debt. She would humbly return to serve him any time he so desired.

Joia was forced to wait outside the chamber as Mistress was summoned inside to speak to Master. When she emerged a short time later, her face was twisted with rage. Clemencia’s eyes burned at her with an intense hatred.

Joia swallowed hard. Now it appeared her best efforts were all for naught. Instead of saving all their lives, she had just made a very powerful enemy.

Over the next several days Joia made a point of telling each girl how she had willingly given her body to quench Master’s lusts. It was humiliating to share such intimate things. She did her best to avoid specific details of their time together as much as possible. However, she assured them that if they were submissive, she had Master’s word there would be no further harm bestowed upon any of them.

All the girls took her words to heart. Over time, each one was called to serve in Master’s private chamber. Certain ones were summoned more than others.

Joia was summoned most of all. Thoughts of the falling blade had previously filled her nights with despair as well as shameful pleasure. But now they began to diminish.

Her position increased in the eyes of her female companions. They began to look to her for wisdom, almost as much as their individual matrons. In the meantime, she found herself being drawn more and more to Master’s gentle, loving touch.

Their increased attention and devotion toward Joia did not escape Clemencia’s notice. Neither did the young woman’s growing closeness to Master. Mistress grew increasingly harsh with her.

Joia kept her mistreatment hidden from Master. Clemencia still had great power. But so long as Master was pleased with her and her sisters, life would be more tolerable than the alternative.


What she did not count on was the day Master’s travel plans took him away from the compound…

2010; 2021 (written for Aravanna and Hitomi Mar 15 ’10; ed. Jan 11 ‘21 by riwa)

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Shelly in Cancun 17 3.5 (22)

Shelly in Cancun 17 – Revelations

Another man emerges from the shadows as though he just came from another part of the building. His sudden appearance makes me jerk with a start. I recognize him as the other man who helped kidnap me.

I shiver with dread. Now there are two of them. Our odds of survival have drastically diminished.

“I believe she’s in the building now,” the new one says to my captor in a similar Hispanic accent. “Now we will have our case.”

The first one nods. Then they both stand together and wait. I tremble like mad as I stand in the opening near the edge of the tank as far away from them as possible.

Somewhere on the floor below I hear a cry of alarm. I suspect Andria has just encountered Almonte’s body. It sounds like there’s a third Hispanic male trying to move her along.

I wonder who she might be with as tears fill my eyes. I firmly believe we’re both going to drown together. It makes my damn pussy throb again.

All of the sudden I hear a scream of horror. I know in an instant she’s seen Shiori and Emiko. A moment later we all hear “SHELLY? SHELLY??”

Feet race up the rest of the steps. I hear a Hispanic male voice telling her to wait for him. But I can tell she’s freaked out.

I’m certain all she can think about now is my safety. Gawd; I wish she wouldn’t have come.


She bursts in from the other side of the room, case in hand. Then she sees me. “SHELLY!” she screams in fear and relief, happy to see me alive.

Another Hispanic male comes up behind her. I assume he’s the one who accompanied her in here. But he’s not nearly as threatening nor as intimidating.

I get the impression he’d much rather be anywhere else. I suspect he’s nothing more than an employee of the aquarium. Was he someone they used to get inside the building?

Andria takes me in with a long look. Then her eyes widen in horror at my appearance. She sees me naked, standing near the edge of the tank with my rope tied to a concrete block.

She gasps in horror. I whimper with fright, wishing she wouldn’t have come. Now I’m thinking we’re both going to drown.

“No!” she cries out, her eyes welling up with tears. “Not my Shelly?! I’ve got your damn case! You can have it; just give Shelly back to me!”

“Slide it to us,” my captor’s companion says evenly, holding his hand out. “Slide it to us and you can go to your friend.” Andria frantically slides it along the floor toward them.

As they bend down to open it up she runs over to me. I’m trembling like a leaf, feeling like my muscles might give out any second. The last thing we both need is for me to go tumbling off the edge into the tank.

“‘Shel’, are you all right?” she gasps anxiously, feeling me all over. I “mmmph” at her. Then she holds me tight, sobbing into my shoulder as my eyes fill with tears.

We’re both in grave danger. But I actually feel better now that she’s here with me. I also feel sick inside, suspecting we’re both about to join Shiori and Emiko.

“I was so worried about you!” she gasps as she looks at me. “When I came back, the bungalow was trashed! You were gone and there was this note!”

She sobs again, holding me tight. I’m comforted by the warmth of her body. I can tell she’s trembling with fear.

She goes to pull the tape off my mouth. But my captor raises a hand to stop her. “Not yet, senorita,” he warns her. “First we must know if it is all here.”

“Yes – yes; it’s all there!” Andria gasps anxiously. “I didn’t open it; I don’t want to know what’s inside! Now can I pull the tape off? I’m going to take my friend and go, ok? What did you do with her clothes?”

She looks around until she finds them in a pile on the floor. She goes to reach for them until she sees they’ve been cut off my body and are no longer suitable for wearing. “What did you do to Shelly’s clothes??”

Her eye is suddenly drawn toward a lone concrete block. There’s a length of rope lying by itself on the floor. No doubt it’s waiting to be secured to her ankles.

A look of horror instantly washes across her face. “NO! You said you wouldn’t HURT us… not as long as I brought the case back to you!”

She grabs onto me and holds me tight, trembling with fear. I wish I could communicate something to her… tell her to run. But I suspect it’s much too late for that.

“Let her go!” Andria cries out anxiously. “Untie her; take me instead!”

Tears of love fill my eyes as I start protesting into my gag while shaking my head. There’s no way in hell I want her drowning in my place!

“It’s out of our hands, senorita,” my captor says, shrugging his shoulders.

“DON’T HURT SHELLY!” Andria screams in panic.

“They’re not going to hurt Shelly,” a new voice announces from the shadows.

The voice is familiar. We both turn in shock. Jake emerges into the dim light of the area we’re standing in.

“Jake?? Ohmygawd; they said you were dead!!” Then she rushes into his arms, bawling like a baby into his shoulder.

I’m relieved as hell to see he’s alive and well. But a moment later my brow furrows. Things are not adding up.

I remember my captor telling me they had to dispose of him. I suddenly have a very bad feeling about all this. It’s a feeling that’s confirmed the moment I notice Jake grab Andria by her shoulders and hold her out at arm’s length.

There is no affection for Andria in his posture. Then he turns and smiles at the two men standing with the case. “Didn’t I tell you she would come through for her friend? I told you I would get your case back to you if you just captured the other one.”

Andria is shocked and confused. “Jake? What’s going on? I don’t understand.”

But I understand all too clearly. He sees I know by the look of horror in my eyes. He gives me a sympathetic smile before he pats Andria on her shoulders.

“I’m sorry it has to end this way,” he tells her quietly. “But I had to find a way to convince them I’d get their case back and that I really want to be a part of all this. I’m sorry, babe. It was either you two or me. If it hadn’t been for that damn storm everything would have worked out fine.”

“Jake?? Jake, you can’t mean…”

Andria gasps in horror. I think she’s finally starting to get it. Her eyes open wide in complete and utter shock.

She takes a frightened step back. Now she’s looking at him as though seeing who he truly is for the very first time. Inside, my heart is breaking for her.

“It was the only way, babe,” Jake says apologetically. “Once you hid the case, there was no other way to get you to bring it here… not unless Shelly was involved.”

“Jake?? You mean… you mean YOU set this up?!” That’s when Andria backs away from her boyfriend in disbelief and alarm.

“DAMN YOU!” I grunt into the tape over my mouth. I feel an erotic shudder of horrific arousal course through my body. This is not going well at all. Now I can really feel the tank looming ominously behind us.

Andria looks down at the rope around my ankles before turning and looking down into the tank, knowing who already inhabits it. Then she gets this horrific flash of revelation in her eyes. She turns and looks at him in utter disbelief.

“Jake, you didn’t… did you??”

He nods as though somewhat proud of his accomplishment. Maybe he’s posturing for the others. “Had to be done, babe. No loose ends; no witnesses. If you’re going to play with the big boys, you’ve got to get your hands dirty.”

Tears well up in Andria’s eyes. “But they were our FRIENDS!” she wails with grief. “How COULD you??”

She looks over at the man who accompanied her here, hoping he of all people might show us some compassion and intervene on our behalf. He merely stands there with a frightened look on his face. Once more I find myself wondering if he’s just an employee.

The poor guy probably has a wife and kids. He’s no doubt hoping he can just get out of this alive. I see a flash of sorrow and regret in his eyes that he has brought someone to her doom. I’m betting he feels in way over his head, and I wonder if he will also meet an untimely end before daybreak.

Without saying another word Jake turns and kneels into the shadows before producing a roll of duct tape, confirming my worst fears. Then he advances on Andria. She backs away from him until she’s in the opening with me, almost up against the end of the floor. There’s nothing but tank and water laying one more step behind her.

“Sorry to have to do this to you, babe,” he says as he tears off a piece of tape. “But a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do!”

“No!” she gasps, shaking her head. “Jake, DON’T… MMMMPH!”

Her eyes widen in disbelief and horror as he tapes her mouth shut. I’m so sorry for her. I’ve never felt so bad for someone – or so utterly helpless – in my entire life.

“BASTARD!” I scream into the tape covering my mouth. He has to grab her before she pitches over backwards into the tank. Then he pulls her back in and spins her body around before taping her wrists behind her back.

The two men watch impassively. The employee watches with an expression of fear and utter helplessness. My heart hammers in my chest as my pussy drips with horrific anticipation.

Andria screams Jake’s name into the tape covering her mouth as he finishes taping her wrists together behind her back. Then he motions toward my captor. The knife is pulled out and thrown in his direction.

He manages to catch the handle without cutting himself. Then he starts cutting away his former girlfriend’s clothes. Andria shakes her head as she cries out in despair and anguish, her world shattered into a million pieces.

I can’t cry anymore. I know what our immediate future holds now. Despite my fear of dying, I’m feeling a shameful arousal. All I can do is watch in sorrow and helplessness as he cuts Andria out of her street clothes, saving her shoes and socks for last.

We both watch him walk over and pick up the other concrete block with its length of rope. Jake shows no remorse whatsoever. Then he brings it back to where we are standing.

Andria tries to back away from him. He simply grabs her and steadies her before he starts tying the end of the rope to her ankles. “It’ll all be over soon,” the bastard says to us both in a soothing voice as though trying to reassure us.

I hear Andria whimper through the tape covering her mouth. I think she’s begging him to reconsider. But I can already tell it’s no use.

The Jake she knew and loved is long gone. In his place is a cold-hearted, drug-pushing, murdering bastard. After all, he’s the one who’s responsible for the deaths of Almonte and our two Japanese friends. Sadly, Andria and I will both be joining them in a matter of minutes.

My pussy throbs with a terrible ache at our impending fate. Jake finishes binding Andria’s ankles as she whimpers and sobs, her heart broken. My own heart breaks for her.

I feel a sudden calmness at my impending demise. Then I give him a disgusted look as he stands up and looks at us both. He now acts as though he doesn’t give a damn.

“Sorry I have to do this, girls,” he says coldly, “but you both have seen the case. I’m sure you know what’s inside. You’ve also seen my two comrades in arms. Obviously we can’t afford to let you go.”

Andria shakes her head in terror, her eyes wet with tears. I just give him a disgusted. He’s nothing more than a worthless insect that needs to be squashed underfoot.

I risk a glance at our other captors. The looks on their faces make me wonder how much longer they will tolerate his presence. The naïve fool probably doesn’t suspect a thing.

“Sorry to have to do this to you, ‘Shel’,” he says, patting me on the shoulder. “No hard feelings?”

I make a gesture of spitting at him. But it stays in my mouth behind the duct tape. He smirks at me, knowing I can’t hurt him.

Jake looks at the two men who are watching him carefully. I see a brief flash of concern in his face. That’s when I get the impression he’s nothing but a two-bit punk, trying to show the big boys he’s on their level.

I get the feeling that if it had not been for him they might actually have taken the case back and allowed us all to live. Now he’s doomed us all. Will the moron figure it out before it’s too late? Probably not.

The bastard turns back in my direction. I see a wicked smile cross his face. Then he reaches for his zipper and pulls it down.

In an instant I know what he wants. He just has to play one more card. It’s one more attempt on his part to prove his fucking manhood to the others.

Damn him!

“I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, Shelly.” I grunt as he turns me around and bends me over the nearest section of railing. Then the bastard sticks his hardening prick up my cunt and starts thrusting.

I’m humiliated at my penetration. It’s certainly not because of his sexual skills. It’s merely because my damn arousal at my impending fate has made me wet as hell, making it easy for him to slide right inside.

“Well what do you know,” he tells me with a cruel smile. “You’re wet and raring to go, ‘Shel’.”

“FUCK YOU!” I scream into the tape covering my mouth.

Andria’s scream of horror is muffled. I try to give her a disgusted look. I want her to know this little prick who used to be the man she loved isn’t worth the effort anymore.

He cums in no time at all. I give him a look of utter disdain. The only thing I feel ashamed about is the fact my damn pussy enjoyed being filled one last time… and by HIM, no less!

The bastard zips back up, only to look over at the two men he is in league with. I can tell by the looks on their faces they are not impressed. Then he turns back toward the two of us, deciding he’d better get on with it.

“Time to go, girls,” he says, trying to sound all tough and business-like.

2009; 2021 (written May 26 ’09; ed. Aug 11 ‘21 by riwa)

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AF’s Payday (plus bonus chapter) 3.8 (22)

Allison and Tammi relaxed in patio chairs by their pool, enjoying their newly-acquired wealth.

“We sure showed that fucker, didn’t we?” Tammi said, referring to their boss.

“We sure did,” Allison agreed. “Even though he didn’t give us that raise? It didn’t matter to us. We went and made our own raise!”

“We should have strung him up by his balls while we were there and let him swing for a while.”

Allison laughed, picturing her boss hanging in the wind by his privates. She was giddy because of the briefcase full of money sitting between them. She was also giddy from the champagne

“Shall we make a toast?”

“Sure,” Tammi agreed, reaching for the glass next to her patio chair.

“To the raise we got from our own initiative!”

Tammi couldn’t help chuckling. She was also feeling giddy, excited over their successful heist. Now she wanted to go for a swim, eager to shed her bikini from the excitement of the moment.

She got up and walked down the steps into the shallow end. Then she set out across the pool. It wasn’t long before her two bikini pieces were floating around in the water.

‘That’s a good idea,’ Allison thought as she watched her friend take her suit off. She stood up and removed her bikini as well. Then she changed her mind as she sat back down to enjoy a little more champagne.

She grabbed the bottle and drank right out of it, thinking about their recent heist. She was becoming a little tipsy from their successful venture. But there was no harm in that, right?

As she took another drink she began to consider how they’d acquired the cash in the briefcase. The more she thought about it, the more agitated she became. Something didn’t feel right.

“Why should I share with her?” she slurred tipsily. “I’m the one who did all the work.” And with that a rather dangerous idea sprang to mind.

Removing her sunglasses, she walked to the shallow end and stepped unsteadily into the pool. That was a nice haul they’d taken in. But splitting it only one way would be so much more profitable.

She walked over to Tammi and drunkenly asked, “So what are you going to do with your share?”

“I was going to open a hair salon. You can join me if you want. We could pool our resources and be the best hair salon on the West coast.”

That confirmed it. Tammi had already decided how she wanted her friend to use her share. There was no way she was investing her half of the loot in a hair-brained salon scheme. She wanted it all.

Allison pushed Tammi down into the water. Her partner in crime bubbled drunkenly. But when she tried to get up she discovered Allison wasn’t about to let her reach the surface.

She bubbled and struggled, indicating she wanted up. But her coworker would not relent. Something was terribly wrong.

This didn’t feel like a drunken game in the pool or anything like that. Her partner in crime seemed serious! What the hell??

Tammi finally scrambled out from underneath her. She got a much-needed breath as she stood up. Then she shoved Allison backward into the water.

Allison reached out and snagged Tammi’s leg. Once more she was able to force her back down. This time she straddled her for better leverage.

Tammi managed to burst up to the surface. Moments later they were both on their feet. But Allison couldn’t stop now that she’d committed herself.

She began grappling with her coworker. Tammi gasped, “What’s the matter with you?”

“I don’t wanna invest in your stupid hair salon!”

“Ok – ok; you don’t have to!”

“I don’t intend to. I have my own investments to make. That means I want it all!”

“You bitch!”

Tammi caught Allison off-guard. She shoved her into the water and then got on top of her. The bitch couldn’t drown her if she was the one pinned to the bottom of the pool; right?

It finally registered in her champagne-addled brain what was going on. Allison wanted it all for herself. But if the stupid bitch were to “accidentally drown” she would get to keep all the money!

It would be so easy. They’d both been drinking. That would make it look like an accident. All she had to do was keep Allison down long enough.

Tammi grabbed her friend’s arms and pinned them behind her back. Allison struggled as she cried out, her red hair flowing all around. The more Tammi thought about it, the more she liked the idea of keeping the loot all to herself.

Allison struggled to get out of the grip of her co-worker. She finally broke away. Then she swam all the way to the edge of the pool where a weight belt beckoned to her.

For a moment Tammi felt regret. She called out, “Let’s not fight, ok? There’s plenty for everybody.”

In reply Allison declared, “I want it all!”

As her coworker approached she jumped onto Tammi’s back and pushed her back under the surface. She struggled with her and the weight belt, wanting to attach it if possible. Arms and legs waved everywhere as the two drunken women struggled with each other.

Allison finally managed to wrap the belt around Tammi, making sure to secure it. Then she stretched her coworker out along the pool floor with a firm grasp around her waist. The belt would help, but she needed to make sure her partner in crime never got back up.

Tammi bubbled as she reached for Allison’s hands, desperate to pry them loose. The alcohol was affecting her ability to hold her breath as well as her ability to think clearly. She struggled to push herself up off the pool floor.

Allison sensed her coworker was about to break free again. She quickly wrapped a leg around her friend’s chest. She simply had to keep her from reaching the surface. A little more effort and she would successfully double her payday.

Tammi was becoming exhausted. It was getting harder to coordinate her efforts. This was crazy!

Allison sensed it wouldn’t be much longer. She stood up for a breath, gasping loudly. Then she placed a foot down on Tammi’s back, holding her down with relative ease.

Tammi grunted and bubbled as her chest heaved. She couldn’t rise up and she couldn’t get the foot off her back! She wriggled and squirmed, but she just couldn’t get back to the surface.

Allison laughed with wicked glee. Soon the money would all be hers. “I’m the one who did all the work, bitch! It should all go to me anyway!”

Tammi bubbled as she lost precious bursts of air. She was tired, and the alcohol was having an effect on her. What’s more, Allison was a better swimmer and breath-holder.

She coughed, sending air bursting out of her mouth. Tammi inhaled reflexively, sending her into painful spasms. She coughed, choked and gurgled as her lungs began to flood while her breasts bounced and wobbled.

Allison watched with intense satisfaction. She could see the air coming up in huge bursts. It wouldn’t be much longer until the money was all hers.

Tammi shuddered before she went limp. Stray bubbles slipped out past her parted lips. She stared lifelessly, a vacant look of shock and betrayal in her eyes.

Allison watched a last burst of air reach the surface. The woman under her foot grew still. It was all over.

Allison walked to the steps leading out of the pool. She looked over at the briefcase and smiled. Then she looked down into the water.

“Thanks, Tammi! I knew you’d see things my way.”

2004; 2020 (written Mar 14 ’04; ed. Jun 1 ‘20 by riwa)

(Pictures are from Aqua fantasies “Mermaids in Peril Vol. 6 and are for illustration purposes only.

Part 2

Allison dreamed Tammi had gotten the upper hand and was drowning her in the pool. She couldn’t break out of her grasp and she couldn’t reach the surface. She was going to drown because the bitch wanted all the loot for herself.

She tried to scream but nothing would come out. She tried to struggle but she felt as though she was submerged in molasses. Tammi’s grip was tight, her expression one of cruel vindictiveness.

Allison cried out as she sat upright in the patio chair. She panted heavily for breath over the dreadful nightmare. She was groggy from sleep and drink.

She looked down into the pool. Tammi was still there. The weight belt was still wrapped around her waist.

“I deserve it all!” she told the corpse. “I did all the work. Why should I share it with you?”

She reached down and found the nearly empty bottle of champagne. She took a long drink, almost finishing the bottle. The sun was warm and she was so tired.

She thought about going for a quick dip in the pool. But Tammi was still in the water. She hadn’t bothered to call anyone to get her out.

She looked down at the briefcase full of money. It was still there. It wouldn’t do to call anyone while the proceeds of their theft lay visible for the cops to observe. She would wait to call later.

She relaxed in the chair, thinking of what they’d done to steal from their boss. A smile crossed her face. No one would ever suspect it was them.

The sun was warm; she was still feeling tired. She thought about going inside and hiding their purloined cash. But she was getting sleepy again. Perhaps she would feel better after another little nap.

Once more Allison drifted off to sleep. And once more she dreamed of being drowned in the water. This time it was her boss who was holding her under, angry over her theft.

She struggled in his grasp. But once more the water felt like molasses. She could hardly move.

She tried to tell him it had all been Tammi’s idea. She tried to beg him not to drown her. Now he was tying her feet together in order to make her drowning more effective…….

Allison cried out again as she woke up. A figure blocked the sun coming down on her. She looked up to see Mickey standing over her. Lefty was kneeling while tying rope around her ankles.

With a fright she turned to look for the briefcase of cash. It was no longer there. “I moved it,” Mickey explained matter-of-factly as though guessing her next question.

Lefty was still tying her ankles together. On the cement next to her chair lay a circular, iron weight. Allison cried out in alarm.

“A present from Phil,” Mickey explained again. “He doesn’t like bitches like you and Tammi stealing from him.”

She inhaled sharply as her mind scrambled to recover the situation. Then she pointed at the water. “It was all Tammi’s idea! She’s the one who suggested we steal it! She was going to drown me, but I got her first!”

“Unlikely,” Mickey replied in that damnably calm voice. “She barely knows how to type, file and make coffee. Phil knows it was all your idea.”

“It was all Tammi, Mickey! I was going to bring it all back; I swear! You know me better than that!”

“Yes, I do,” he replied evenly.

At that point Lefty began attaching the rope from Allison’s ankles to the iron weight. She gasped again as she sat up. Then she tried to beat on him with her fists… “Lefty, stop it!”

Mickey calmly grabbed her arms. He forcibly pulled them behind her back. Then he turned her around to get a better view of her backside as he began securing her wrists together with more rope.

Allison began hyperventilating. She was completely sober now. Phil’s two henchmen were scaring the shit out of her.

“Mickey, I was going to pay it back; I swear!”

“I’m sure you were, Allison.”

“The whole thing was Tammi’s idea! Mickey, you’ve got to believe me!”

“Sure, Allison; sure.”

“Mickey; stop!!”

“In a minute, Allison.”

In her panic she hadn’t realized she was still naked until now. Allison saw only one way out of the jam she was in. In growing desperation she gasped, “Let me go and I’ll do anything you want!”

“I’m sure you mean that, Allison.” He was still so damned calm.

“You know I mean it, Mickey! I’ve seen you giving me the eye! I know you want me! I want you too! Let me go and I’ll prove it to you! I’ll prove it to you both!”

“In a minute, Allison.”

She let out a yelp as he tightened the rope around her wrists. She was wide-eyed and panicked to see Lefty finish up with her ankles and the weight. In desperation she told him, “You know you want to; don’t you, Lefty? Tell Mickey to let me go! You can take the money back and I’ll suck and fuck you both! We only bought the champagne; the rest is still there! I’ll pay the difference; I promise – OUCH!”

“You get the legs; I’ll get the other end.” Lefty nodded. Together they picked Allison up off her chair.

“No… no… don’t do this! Mickey, I’ll do anything! Mickey, I love you!”

“I’m sure you do, Allison.”

“I mean it; don’t do this!”

They walked her around the pool to the deep end. Allison got a good view of Tammi’s naked corpse in the water, the weight belt still in place. She began hyperventilating at the horrifying thought she was about to join her.

“Mickey, don’t do this! Lefty, I didn’t mean it! You guys are making a big mistake!”

“Ready?” Lefty nodded in reply. Without any fanfare they calmly hefted her into the pool.

Alison let out a cry before she hit the water with a splash. The iron weight sank straight to the bottom, pulling her down with it. It bottomed out, leaving her head less than a foot from the surface.

Allison could see Tammi lying in the shallow end. That vacant, betraying stare was still there. But there was no way her coworker could come to her aid now.

Allison twisted as she struggled with her wrists. But they’d been secured much too tightly. She jerked her arms behind her back as she grunted and bubbled.

She looked up at the surface. Mickey and Lefty were clearly standing there watching her. She could see them right there by the side of the pool.

Maybe they were only trying to scare her. Maybe they were going to set her free. If that was the case, why hadn’t either one of them gotten undressed to dive in after her??

Her lungs burned in her chest. She tried kicking, but her ankles remained secured to the iron weight. She could feel the panic rising within her as her stomach began to ripple, her chest heaving.

She shook her head, her crimson tresses flowing around her face. She cried out toward the surface, losing a burst of bubbles. Panic made her jerk around against her tether.

Her chest heaved ominously. Allison gulped a mouthful of water. An explosion of bubbles burst out of her mouth.

Instantly she started hitching and convulsing. She began swallowing water while inhaling it as well. She hitched as she went into seizures, her convulsions bending her over at the waist.

She could see Tammi watching her. She tried to scream, but nothing came out other than a few bubbles. Then the pain lessened as darkness closed in all around her.

Up at the surface the guys watched the last of the bubbles come up. The surface of the pool became still. It looked like Allison was gently swaying back and forth as her red hair settled all around her head.

“Get the cash,” Mickey told Lefty matter-of-factly.

His accomplice nodded as the two men walked around the pool. Lefty picked up the briefcase that had been sealed up, the cash safely secured inside. Then they calmly walked out of the backyard, leaving Tammi and Allison to share the fruits of their ill-advised payday.

2020 (written Jun 2 ’20 by riwa)

(Pictures found and used for illustration purposes.)

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Melvie rides Victor’s guillotine (part 2) 4.4 (32)

Part 2

I have no idea how long I was out. But I don’t think it was very long. When I regained consciousness, the lunette was up off my neck. And my hands were no longer cuffed behind my back.

Chad smiled as he helped me sit up. “That was incredible!” he blurted out. “You were so tight that I couldn’t pull out until you passed out. That was one hell of a ride!”

“I’m not surprised,” Frieda told him with a knowing smile. “The guys seem to love it when their date cums in the guillotine, especially while he’s fucking her.”

“I can see why,” Chad replied with an understanding smile.

“The bench is really wet now,” Mera observed as she looked down at it. “All that cum…”

“I can get a rag and clean it up if you wish.”

Mera looked at Frieda and shook her head. “No, you don’t have to just yet.” Then she looked at her male companion as she started to strip before asking, “Donahue, how’d you like a blowjob while your bitch is lying in cum?”

Donahue curiously looked around at all of us. But we had no objections. Frieda smiled as she told him it was all right with her.

The brunette laid out on the bench until her knees hung off the back. She wriggled around in the sticky substance as though she was getting off on it. Then Frieda cuffed her wrists behind her back.

The lunette was quickly brought down upon her neck. Mera gasped as though things had suddenly gotten real. “Changing your mind?” Donahue asked her with a nasty grin.

“Yes… er, uh… no… oh hell, just do it already!”

Donahue pulled down his pants and briefs. He had a growing erection that looked pretty tasty to me. Then he carefully knelt right in front of the guillotine, leaving room in case her head came off so it would drop into the wicker basket below.

Mera opened her mouth and took him between her lips. His dick stiffened even more. My own lips began to tingle with longing as I watched her.

Frieda suddenly latched the lunette. I think it caught them both by surprise. The timers on both displays immediately started counting forward again.

Mera paused for a moment. “Oh gawd!” she gasped in a muffled voice. Then she went back to sucking on his dick.

We all watched with fascination as she gave him a sloppy blowjob. He gasped as he thrust between her lips. “She’s the best,” he admitted to all of us as we looked on. I noticed the other guys were watching with lust and admiration.

“The best? I’ll be more than happy to prove her wrong,” I replied sourly.

Mera wriggled around upon the bench as though trying to absorb all that cream underneath her. I had to grudgingly admire her oral skills. But I vowed to go even one better the next time I rode Victor’s guillotine.

She looked as though she was trying to get him off as she approached the fifteen minute mark. But Donahue pulled out a couple of times as though preventing her from finishing him off. She gasped, “What are you doing??” before he slammed his cock back between her lips.

The timer passed 16 minutes. But Donahue kept thrusting deep into her mouth. Mera anxiously cried out with a mouthful of meat.

At 17:23 Donahue pulled out and spurted all over her face. Mera anxiously cried out, “Shut it down – shut it down!” Then she shuddered in orgasm before Frieda calmly stepped up and flipped the latch on the lunette, stopping the time at 17:37.

Mera panted for breath, her face laced with streams of spunk. Donahue had given her quite an erotic glaze. She final got out a breathless “Damn you!”

“How was it?” Frieda asked as she worked at lifting up the lunette.

“He scared me half to death!” Then she paused before adding, “…but it was so fucking intense that I came really hard.” Frieda just grinned as she removed the cuffs before helping her sit upright.

Mera glared at Donahue. “What were you trying to do… get me killed?”

In response, he turned toward Frieda before asking, “When did you say the blade usually falls?”

“Sometime during the second hour.”

“So you were fine,” Donahue told Mera as though that settled things. She just glared daggers at him as he helped her to her feet.

“I guess I’ll ride it next,” Tekoma offered nervously. We all looked at her as she hesitantly started to strip. By way of explanation, she added, “If everyone’s going to have a turn, I’d better go now before it gets into the second hour.”

“Are you sure?” her companion Kimo asked her.

“Yeah, let’s do this.”

She got undressed before stretching out face down upon the bench like we all had done thus far. Her knees also hung down. “You want me to fuck you?” Kimo asked as Frieda cuffed her wrists behind her back.

“No. I mean… I don’t want… uh, I’m not sure…”

Kimo looked around at all of us as though embarrassed his companion was not being sexual. “Ready?” Frieda finally asked them as she got ready to latch the lunette.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Tekoma sounded hesitant as hell. Then Frieda latched the lunette.

The timers started moving again. Tekoma gasped anxiously as though having just changed her mind. That’s when Kimo stepped up and began fingering her.

“What… what are you doing back there? Ohgawd; I think I’ve changed my mind!”

“Too late,” Frieda replied with a smile. Three other voices including mine chimed up in unison, saying the exact same words.

Tekoma started wriggling and whimpering. Kimo just fingered her even more. Then he pushed a thumb up her butt.

She let out a cry as she panted for breath. Then she began grunting as her companion thrust a little more aggressively into her pussy and ass with his fingers and thumb. I heard her mumbling, “Stop… don’t… no wait… keep going… stop… ohgawd, this was a horrible idea… stop… NO, KEEP GOING!”

She really whimpered; it was incredibly arousing. Then she appeared to go off, wincing hard as her body appeared to stiffen. Frieda was right there to mercifully stop the timers the moment they reached 22:39.

Tekoma panted like crazy as our hostess lifted the lunette up off her neck. Then the cuffs were removed. The poor thing seemed woozy as Kimo helped her sit up.


She looked at him before gasping, “Don’t ever let me do that again! Why would you let me do that??”

“Hey, you were the one that wanted to go for a ride!” She just smacked him in reply.

That left Petria. She and her companion were talking quietly to each other. When he asked, “Are you sure?” she just nodded her head. Then they both began to undress.

“Looks like the ladies are all going to ride it at least once,” Frieda observed with a smile.

“I’m going again after she’s through,” I declared, causing everyone to turn and look at me. Besides, I felt like I had to prove to everyone I was the sluttiest and most eager bitch of them all.

Petria lay face down upon the sticky bench. Her male companion was named Hernan and looked to be of Spanish descent. He knelt behind her and started fucking her before our hostess could even get her wrists cuffed behind her back.

“I see you two aren’t wasting any time,” Frieda remarked with amusement.

“Showoffs,” I muttered under my breath. That earned me a few curious looks from the others.

Frieda cuffed Petria’s wrists behind her back. Then she brought the lunette down upon her neck. She wasted no time latching it, causing the timers to start moving again.

Hernan gave it to her nice and steady. Petria moaned as she panted for breath. “Gawd; this is scarier… and more exciting… than I expected.” Frieda just looked down on her and grinned, telling her most girls usually felt that way about experiencing a ride in Victor’s guillotine.

She looked at the timer in front of her before panting, “Remember our agreement, Hernan!” He told her he hadn’t forgotten. We all wondered what that was all about.

At about 25:40, he pulled out of her pussy. Then he appeared to push his thick dick up her ass. She winced as she gasped, “Fuck, he’s huge!”

He got all the way inside before he began to thrust. Petria gasped and moaned. Then she anxiously asked Frieda, “Are you sure the blade won’t come down this early?”

“I said I hadn’t SEEN it come down this early,” our hostess corrected her. “I didn’t say it COULDN’T come down this early.”

“Oh, fuck! Hernan, maybe we’d better…”

“Oh, no!” he declared. “We’re going through with it!”

“Going through with what?” Frieda wanted to know.

“She privately agreed to ride it for me for six minutes: three with my cock up her cunt, and three with my cock up her ass. She wanted to prove she could do it.” Naturally that made me frown at her, knowing now that she really did want to show off for the rest of us.

“Gawd, Hernan; I’ve changed my mind!” That’s when Frieda prepared to step forward.
Donahue told her to wait. After all, he said they had agreed. She wasn’t supposed to stop the timer until after six minutes had gone by.


Petria was panting like crazy. I think she was suddenly terrified the blade was going to come down before Frieda stopped the timers. I found myself hoping like hell she would lose her head just for trying to show off.

Petria cried out until it looked like she was cumming, even though his cock was up her butt. Frieda stepped forward and got ready to flip the latch to the guillotine. Petria begged her to do it early. But she glanced at Hernan and saw him shake his head… “Don’t.”

Six minutes passed, causing Frieda to flip the latch. The timer stopped at 28:41. There were oohs and aahs from everyone watching. I just snorted as I remarked we were barely thirty minutes in and that there had never been any real danger.

Petria was released from the cuffs and from the lunette. Hernan helped her sit upright on the bench. But she didn’t act the least bit upset with him. It made me wonder if her whole performance had been staged.

“Pretty erotic,” Frieda remarked. “Even though it’s only been thirty minutes, it’s still one hell of a thrill wondering if the blade might come down.”

“You’re right about that,” Petria agreed.

“I feel the same way,” Tekoma added. She appeared to be feeling better from her ordeal.

“I’m going again,” I declared as I moved toward the bench.

“Better clean it off for her,” Petria remarked sourly with a dismissive wave. “She went first, so she’s probably used to a clean bench.”

I gave her a dirty look. Then I climbed on, stickiness and all. I stretched out onto my stomach before I obediently lifted my wrists behind my back, crossing them for Frieda and her cuffs.

“You’re up, Buck!” I demanded. “You get my cunt. Oh, and Chad? I’m not forgetting about you. How’d you like a blowjob?”

“Sure!” he eagerly replied as he came around in front of me.

Buck got undressed and knelt behind me as Frieda put the cuffs on me. He wasted no time thrusting into me as our hostess brought the lunette down onto my neck. That’s when I told our hostess, “I want to be in here for seven minutes, and not a second less. Ok?” When she smiled and nodded, I added, “Chad, get that cock over here!”

Chad thrust his dick between my lips. Then I heard Frieda latch the lunette. The timer in front of me started moving yet again.

I was all turned on like never before. Oddly, it didn’t have much to do with the guillotine. I figured the blade wouldn’t come down for another thirty minutes at least.

No, I was turned on because everyone was watching me. I was the center of attention. And I wanted to prove I was better and riskier than that bitch Petria.

I never once thought of Florio. He was just a nice guy to take advantage of. But it was guys like Buck and Chad who got my motor running.

I loved being spit-roasted in the guillotine. Oddly, I’d never been fucked by two guys before. But I wasn’t about to miss out on a golden opportunity.

I heard Petria remark what a slut I was. But I didn’t care. Next time, I was going to see if I could get her companion to fuck me in the guillotine.

Buck and Chad had no problem double-teaming me. But Buck asked Chad what would happen if I lost my head. Chad just laughed, telling him he’d better make sure his cock didn’t go all the way down my throat.

Their words gave me the chills. Petria said she hoped the blade would fall and cut my head off. A part of me got concerned it might possibly happen. But I figured it was still too early. Besides I was showing up everyone by having a real good time with Buck and Chad.

Just like that, it was over. “Seven minutes!” Frieda declared as she stood right there within reach. That’s when she popped the latch to the lunette. The timer in front of me stopped at 35:42.

Chad pulled out of my mouth, not having cum yet. Buck was just getting a good rhythm when he had to stop too. Frieda pulled the lunette up off my neck before freeing my wrists from the cuffs.

I sat upright before I stood up and grinned at everyone. “Piece of cake!” I declared. “That was fucking hot!”

Frieda smiled as she looked around at all of us. “Anyone else?”

Petria wasn’t going to allow me to upstage her. But before she could say anything, Mera turned to her companion and hesitantly asked, “Donahue, would you like to fuck me in the guillotine?” She still had cum on her face.

“Would I? Hell yeah; I would!”

I think Frieda was going to clean the bench for her. But she quickly climbed on it onto her stomach before our hostess could react.

“You sure?” Frieda asked. In response, Mera obediently brought her arms behind her back. So our hostess promptly cuffed her wrists right then and there.

By now, everyone was naked except for Kimo. There was no point in anyone putting clothes back on if they were only going to come back off. Donahue promptly got onto his knees before thrusting into her.

“How long?” Frieda asked as she brought the lunette down onto her neck.

“Just five minutes, please.”

“Done. Enjoy the ride.” Then Frieda latched the lunette in place.

The timer began moving forward again as Donahue began fucking his companion. They hadn’t said whether they were dating, together as boyfriend/girlfriend, or engaged. There was no ring on any of their fingers, so I assumed they weren’t married. But I decided it really didn’t matter.

Mera seemed a little calmer about being locked into Victor’s guillotine the second time around. But she sure gasped and moaned as Donahue fucked her. I think she had a little climax at the end when Frieda stopped the timer at 40:44.

She had just finished uncuffing Mera when I heard Kimo ask Tekoma if she wanted to go again. She said she wasn’t sure… until Kimo reminded her the timer was only at forty minutes. When she saw us all looking at her, I think she felt pressured because she finally said, “Oh… alright.”

We all cheered and applauded her as she hesitantly lay naked face down upon the sticky bench. But Kimo had to talk her into letting him fuck her. When she finally agreed, he quickly got out of his clothes.

He knelt behind her and pushed his cock inside. “Are you sure?” Frieda asked as she brought the lunette down into position. Tekoma just nodded quietly.

Frieda quickly latched the lunette, triggering the timers. Tekoma began panting heavily for breath as Kimo thrust in and out of her. “Now that’s hot!” Mera observed encouragingly.

Tekoma’s eyes were wide as she watched the timer. She writhed and whimpered as though she was having second thoughts. But there was nothing she could do about it now.

Frieda soon stepped up and got ready. “You want me to shut it down after five minutes?” Tekoma vigorously nodded yes.

She panted heavily until she finally popped off. Frieda smiled knowingly as she shut the machine down. The timer read 45:45.

She got a cheer for her efforts as the lunette was pulled up off her neck. Then the cuffs were removed. Kimo helped her sit upright as she panted for breath.

“You ok?” Petria asked. “You look a little dazed.”

“I thought the blade was going to come down. It scared me… and then I came really hard.” Frieda just gave her an encouraging pat on the shoulder.

Petria pulled Hernan away and spoke to him in private. He asked aloud if that’s what she really wanted. She said she was sure. So he told her to go right ahead.

She came back over to the bench and smiled at Frieda. Then she gave me a smirk before asking if my companions would like to fuck somebody else. Before I could reply, Buck and Chad immediately agreed, saying I was just a friend and fuck-buddy. I gave them dirty looks, but said nothing.

She stretched out face down upon the sticky bench before dutifully crossing her wrists behind her back. Chad quickly took up a position kneeling directly behind her. Buck was left with the other end. So he knelt in front of her face, the wicker basket between them.

Mera and Tekoma were astonished at the sudden change in fuck-partners. Frieda was amused as she cuffed Petria’s wrists behind her back. I could tell the bitch on the bench was still trying to show off.

I wanted to be pissed. But what could I do? The guys were right about my relationship with them. I was mostly using them for sex anyway. So what did it matter if they fucked another woman? I could always hope she would end up headless in the next few minutes.

Frieda brought the lunette down onto her neck. “Give us ten minutes,” Petria confidently told her. Then she said, “Buck? I want to be wearing your cream when my ride is done.”

“Done!” he declared. Then he gave me a look that indicated he was going to fully enjoy himself. I just stood there naked and fuming.

Petria gave me a snarky look. Then Chad started fucking her as Buck thrust between her lips. That’s when Frieda latched the lunette, activating the timers. I found myself mentally willing the blade to come down and cut her head off.

Chad really gave it to her good. And she slobbered all over Buck’s cock between her lips. Mera looked a little jealous. Even Tekoma seemed envious.

Frieda caught me looking over at her and smiled. “Sometimes Victor’s guillotine brings out the slut in all of us.”

I quietly growled, “I hope she loses her fucking head.”

“She just might. You never know.”

Everyone drew closer as though eager to get up close and personal. I wondered if maybe they wanted to get a little blood on themselves in case the blade fell. But I was jealous as hell over the attention Petria was getting.

The guys thrust a little harder the longer they fucked her. She began to wriggle like crazy. Maybe she wanted off??

Chad let out a cry as he thrust hard into her cunt. Buck pulled out, leaving cum on her lips. But he had enough left to splatter her face. Petria screamed in orgasm before Frieda calmly reached in and flipped the latch, stopping the timers. The time read 55:48.

“Fuck!” she panted as Frieda pulled the lunette up off her neck. “That was really intense!” Then the cuffs were removed.

She sat upright, panting heavily. She wiped some of Buck’s cum off her face with a finger. Then she stuck it in her mouth and moaned over how good it tasted. “Thanks, guys! That was incredible!”

I looked at the timers, my heart racing. It was getting damned close to one hour. I wanted to go again just to show the bitch up. But did I want to do it with that much time on the timers?

“Gonna go again?” Petria asked me with sickening sweetness. Then she turned toward Frieda and chuckled, “Better reset the timers to zero so the poor thing won’t freak out.”

“Fuck you!” I replied icily. Then I deliberately sat down on the bench. A moment later I went over on my back, lying face up.

“You want to ride it face up?” Frieda asked with an amused smile.

“Why not?” I replied confidently. “I want to show everyone what it’s like to go for a really erotic ride. But first, I want to know who’s fucking me and who will I be sucking. Hernan?” and I turned and faced him. “What to play with my boobs while you’re fucking me?”

He didn’t even give Petria a look to see if it was ok with her. He just came over and knelt at the end of the bench. Then he took my legs and put them up over his shoulder as he slowly slid into me.

Frieda cuffed my wrists under the bench so I couldn’t rise up. Then she brought the lunette down onto my neck. “How does it feel staring up at the blade?” Tekoma asked nervously.

“What a fucking thrill!” I gasped with forced bravado. Then I added, “Kimo, does your cock want my mouth?”

His date was not agreeable as she declared, “Kimo, don’t you dare!”

“Then Donahue,” I suggested. Mera just motioned for him to go right ahead. She looked pretty silly still wearing his cum on her face from her first ride.

I was glad I was going to get to suck his dick. It was a really nice one. I figured he was really going to enjoy gagging me with it.

I tipped my head back to take him into my mouth. I saw Frieda looking down on me with a smile. So I told her, “Eleven minutes for me, ok? I want to beat Petria’s time.”

“Anything you say,” she replied with a smile.

“Gawd; I’ll bet she’s gonna cum really, really hard!” Mera said quietly to Tekoma. But it was loud enough for me to grin inwardly.

“Gag me, baby!” I purred at Donahue. Then he thrust into my mouth. He hit the back of my throat as Frieda latched the lunette, starting the timers.

Hernan really gave it to me good as he thrust hard into my cunt. My legs were up his chest as he enjoyed my tightness. I was the center of attention again… and I fucking loved it!

Donahue pushed all the way down my throat. I gagged for him as he grasped onto my skull with both hands. My head was tipped back so I couldn’t see either the hovering blade or the timer in front of me.

What if the blade suddenly came down? The thought was terribly arousing. It both scared and thrilled me.

What happened next was a blur. I heard an audible gasp in the room. A split-second later, I felt something sharp, as though it had gone right through my throat.

I suddenly couldn’t feel anything below my neck anymore. I heard a scream, which sounded like it came from Tekoma. Then I heard Hernan cry out, “She’s clenching like crazy! Hold onto her head, Donahue!”

All I could see was Donahue’s groin and balls. I couldn’t seem breathe anymore. But I could still feel his hands on either side of my head.

I felt strangely weightless. Then Mera said, “Fuck! His cock is peeking out through her neck stump!”

“She’s really bucking back here!” Hernan called out. “And she’s so fucking tight!”

“Let her see herself!” Chad declared.

“Impale her through the other end!” Buck added.

I felt myself slide off Donahue’s cock. Then my vision did a one-eighty. It all felt so surreal.

I felt something come up through the back of my throat before protruding out of my mouth. The tip of Donahue’s cock emerged out past my lips. I blinked as I finally got to see everything.

My naked body was bucking upon the bench. My neck stump was furiously pumping out my life’s blood. Hernan groped my boobs while thrusting hard into my cunt.

“Mera, come on over!” Donahue demanded. So she came right over. Then he told her to kiss me.

She took the tip of his cock into her mouth until our lips met. I thought I tasted his cum spurting out of his dick into her mouth. Or maybe it was the cum still splattered onto her face. That’s when my vision failed me as my expression sagged tiredly.

For the next few minutes, I was the most popular bitch in that basement. The guys took turns fucking my cunt and neck stump while others used my head to fuck my mouth and neck. The girls licked my face and kissed my lips whenever a cock was poking out of my mouth. Hell, even Tekoma kissed my lips.

I got way more attention than I ever thought possible. But it was not the kind of attention I had been seeking. I certainly got noticed the most when I ended up roasting over Victor’s fire pit.

I would never learn that Florio gave up access to my head. Buck and Chad both wanted it. But Donahue wanted it too. And since he was the one in my mouth when the blade fell, he was the one who got to keep it.

2023 (written Sep 28 ’23 by riwa. Inspired by a manip created by Thor.)

This is the original short story that triggered the longer one. Call it an epilogue, if you will.

Melvie and I were not really an item; at least not yet. We’d been casually dating for a while now. But she was starting to grow on me.

One day, we drove up to this mansion. She said there was something there that she wanted to see. She’d been invited, and she wanted me to tag along.

When we got there, I discovered there were others on the premises. After introductions, several of us followed a young woman named Frieda down to the basement. There, we were introduced to a guillotine.

We were told it operated automatically. A timer could be set for the blade to fall randomly. Otherwise, if anyone wanted to try it out, it would be perfectly fine with her.

Several of the ladies laid out on it and tried it. However, the timer was not engaged. They just stretched out on the bench and stuck their heads through, just to see what it felt like.

Melvie took a turn along with the others. Then someone wanted to know if the timer could be engaged. Frieda set it up to randomly go off within five minutes.

We all watched and waited. At 3:23, the blade came whooshing down, causing all of us to jump with a start. There were screams and cries of laughter. Then we headed upstairs.

There was an outdoor barbecue. I saw Melvie talking with Frieda. Then we went home.

She acted like it was no big deal. But I wasn’t so sure. I could tell the event had made an impact on her.

A few days later, Melvie contacted me. The guillotine was going to be put into operation if anyone wanted to ride it and take the risk. I asked her if she really wanted to risk riding it. She said she was thinking about it.

The event was going to take place on Saturday. I reminded Melvie I had to work that day. I’d switched shifts with a coworker and couldn’t get the day off.

She told me it was quite all right. She said she would meet me there and would wait for me to arrive. So I said ok.

I went to work on Saturday and put in my time. Shortly after lunch, I contacted Melvie and asked how she was doing. She said she was on her way to Victor’s mansion. She said she would see me there once I got off work.

I finished the rest of my shift. Then I tried to call Melvie. The call went straight to her voicemail. I sent a text, but it was not responded to.

I didn’t think anything of it. I just assumed she was in the middle of something and did not want her phone to go off at an inopportune time. So I went home and changed clothes.

I tried calling her again before I left. But once more, the call went straight to voicemail. I tried sending another text, but it, too, wasn’t answered.

I noticed she had not returned my call from earlier. Had she been off her phone this whole time? I thought that was a little unusual for Melvie.

I drove to Victor’s, wondering why she couldn’t get away long enough to check her messages. I checked my phone again while I was on the road. But there had still been no response to my calls or texts.

An idle thought went through my mind. What if she’d tried Victor’s guillotine and had not been so lucky. I didn’t think she would do anything so foolish. But the more I thought about it, the faster I drove.

I pulled into the mansion and found a spot next to some other vehicles. I anxiously pulled out my phone and tried again. When she didn’t answer my call, I sent her a text telling her I was on the premises and was looking for her. There was no response.

I was anxious as I walked to the door. I went inside and asked someone for Melvie’s whereabouts. They didn’t seem to know who I was talking about.

I asked some Asian chick where my girlfriend might be. She asked what her name was. When I told her, she looked at me in shock.

“You’re Melvie’s boyfriend??”

I told her I’d been at work all afternoon and had just gotten off. Then I anxiously asked, “Where is she?”

She got a rather bemused look on her face. “Um… that might be a little hard to explain. Maybe I should go get Victor. Wait right here.”

I frowned as I waited impatiently. Two minutes later, Victor came in from the backyard.

I told him who I was. He said he remembered me from the other day. Then I told him I was there to see Melvie. I said I was her boyfriend.

“Her boyfriend?” Victor seemed confused. “Ok. Uh… follow me. It’s right this way.”

He led me to a back room. “I’ll only be a moment.” Then he passed through a door.

I heard him ask, “Is she ready? Her boyfriend’s here to pick her up.”

I heard a female voice reply, “Boyfriend? But I thought…”

“Her boyfriend… is here!” Victor declared.

“Oh; ok. Well, I got her cleaned up as best I could.”

“Fine – fine” was Victor’s reply. “She looks lovely.”

I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what they were talking about. Then Victor came through the door. To my shock, he was holding Melvie’s head in his outstretched hands.

“I think she wanted you to have this,” he explained. “The rest of her is, uh… well, she’s out cooking on our barbecue. You’re welcome to stay for supper if you’d like.”

I was stunned. Then he handed her head over to me. I was shocked as I held her in my hands.

Her lips were parted, her eyes glazed over. There was this strange look about her. “What happened?” I wanted to know.

“Several of our guests wanted to try the guillotine for real. So we set the random timer. Your girlfriend wanted to try it as well. I wasn’t there when it happened. I guess the guillotine choose that particular time to come down. It sliced her head clean off.”

I stared at her head in disbelief. Now I understood why she hadn’t responded to my calls and messages. All I could do was stammer, “Melvie? What the hell did you do?? I was… I was starting to fall in love with you!”

“She signed a waiver,” Victor said hastily. People have to sign it because of the risks involved.” I think he didn’t want me to hold him accountable for her beheading.

“I see,” I murmured sadly. “Well, I guess it’s not your fault.” Then I paused before asking, “You people are really going to eat her?”

“It’s all a part of the waiver she signed. I know how to cook them. You’re welcome to come out back and stay for dinner.”

Thinking about eating my girlfriend gave me a weak stomach. “Thank you, but I think I’ll pass.”

“I understand,” he said sympathetically. “They did a good job on her head, don’t you think?”

“Yes they did,” I replied. She looked so lifelike.

“Her head belongs to you now, if you want it. But I know a couple of people who are willing to pay you top dollar for her head in case you’re not interested.”

Something told me there was so much more to the story. Did I really want to know about it? Maybe it was better to sever all ties with her once and for all.

I handed the head back over. “She’s all yours. Give her to whomever wants her.”

“Let me go get you some cash,” he said as he turned to go with the head in his hands.

“Don’t bother,” I replied with a dismissive wave. “It was nice meeting you. I, uh… I hope my girlfriend is good eating.” Then I turned and headed for the exit, leaving Melvie and her head out of my life forever.

2022; 2023 (Written Oct 11 ’22; ed. Jan 16 ’23 by riwa.)

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Hogtied 4.4 (27)

I had just finished taking some underwater glamour shots with the guys. Several had even been submerged with me. They took pictures with their cameras while others helped spot for me.

“What shall we do next?” one asked the others.

I looked around as my eyes twinkled. “Time for me to drown again?” That got smiles from just about everybody.

Someone asked how I was going to do it. “How about a hogtie?” another suggested.

Being tied up sounded kind of exciting. Besides, I figured the guys would all love seeing me wriggle and squirm in some sort of bondage. So I replied, “Sounds lovely. Anybody got anything we can use?”

One of the lads had a nice long strap that went with his luggage. He quickly went and fetched it. I noticed everyone else talking amongst themselves over how exciting this was going to be.

He returned with the strap. It was so long that we had to improvise when we used it to secure me. I knew the lads would work something out.

I sat on my bum as my wrists were tied behind my back. When it came time to tie my ankles together, I rolled over face down on my stomach by the side of the pool. I felt my legs being bent back as they were tied together.

I felt a surge of excitement ripple through me, along with the usual apprehension. After all, there was always a chance they might miss the signal. What if they didn’t get me back to the surface right away?

It turned out I was rather loosely tied. I had some slack to wriggle my arms and legs as I tested my bonds. I figured that would make me look more attractive during the show I was about to put on.

Kevin smiled and asked if I was ready. He said I looked good all trussed up. I should have known my bondage would excite my husband.

When I told him I was ready Craig calmly rolled me into the pool. I let out a surprised cry as I hit the water with a splash. I wriggled around until I ended up floating face up in my pink, one-piece the guys all liked so much.

Somebody called out, “All right; who’s first?”

Albert from Northern England said, “I’ll go!” Then he jumped into the water as three other blokes jumped in with their cameras.

Albert is one of the tamer lads who attends my parties. Still, he rolled me over until I was face down in the shallow end. Then he gently pushed me deeper.

I gave him a good show of wriggling and squirming. I blew bursts of bubbles for him as though I was panicking. I could see other bodies in the shallow end, all of them using cameras to capture the action.

Albert let me up before he’d pushed my lungs too much. I came up with my head out of water, my knees pointed downward. I let out a cry, telling him I didn’t know where the package was.

He grinned as he pushed me back under, picking up on the play I had in mind. Up at the surface I heard a couple of voices demand I tell him where it was. Everyone was getting into the spirit of the thing.

I held my breath until he let me up again. This time he rolled me over onto my back. My arms and legs hung down as I jerked them a little.

Once more I told him I didn’t know where the package was. He grinned as he rolled me back over onto my tummy, submerging me again. I wriggled and squirmed as I bubbled for him.

I looked around during my struggles. Right away I noticed there were a lot of bulges. It gave me a thrill knowing I was the cause of all that arousal. So I struggled harder, losing more of my breath.

Once more Albert let me back up, rolling me over onto my back. I told him I didn’t know about any package. He just smiled as he rolled me onto my stomach once more, submerging me yet again.

I bubbled and struggled while screaming and crying out. That made a couple of bulges I detected really stand out! It was quite the turn-on.

He pulled me back up for a breath. I thought he was going to dunk me a couple more times. Instead, he passed me off to Mike.

I shook my head… “No… NO!” Mike just pushed me under face up. The water stung my sinuses a little, but by now I’d been under a lot and was pretty much used to it.

I wriggled and squirmed as I bubbled, “I don’t know anything about a package!” Mike didn’t act like he was the least bit interested. Instead he reached down to grope and fondle my chest. Mike’s the “touchy-feely” one of the bunch.

He caressed me until I was really turned on. But he pushed my limits longer than Albert. I was losing my breath, about to give him the signal when he let me up.

I came up gasping and sputtering. He just grinned at me. I cried out before he pushed me under again.

He kept me face up, about a foot below the surface. He’s the one who loves me to see just how close I am to the air he’s not going to give me. I kicked and bubbled as I begged him to let me back up.

Once more he pushed my limits. Mike has this sixth sense about me. About the time I’m going to shake my head, he usually brings me back to the surface.

Once more I came up gasping for breath. And once again I got into my role. “No – no; I don’t know anything about a package!” Then back down I went.

He pushed down on my boobs as he groped me. I could tell it was having quite an effect on him. I didn’t mind so much, especially because I love being such a tease. He always tries to be respectful while still pushing every advantage he can get.

I wriggled and squirmed until my lungs were hurting. This time I had to give the signal. He dutifully pulled me right up.

I gasped and sputtered, telling him he had the wrong girl. I didn’t know a bloody thing about any package. That’s when Brian came up and grabbed me.

He pushed me under right between his legs. I was looking up at the surface as he held me there. I wriggled and squirmed while blowing my breath away.

His willie was making quite the bulge in his Speedos. I like that type of swimsuit on the lads because it lets me know how aroused they’ve become. Brian’s pretty easy to excite, especially when it comes to my drowning plays.

He really pushed me until I gave him the signal. He pulled me out from between his legs and let me float face up to the surface. I gasped for breath, starting to become a little winded.

I told him I didn’t know a thing about any bloody package. That didn’t sit too well with him. Back down I went, right between his legs so I could look up at the surface as well as the bulge in his speedos.

I wriggled and squirmed, my legs kicking a little beneath me. I had some wriggle room, but it didn’t help me all that much. I had to give him the signal again.

He pulled me up to the surface where I panted for breath. I cried out they all had the wrong woman. By now I had the attention of every lad inside the pool room.

I looked up at my husband. He just smiled evilly at me. He was also sporting a noticeable bulge.

Back down I went, wriggling and bubbling. Once more I went between his legs. Brian always did enjoy holding me there while looking down at me so he could watch the bubbles come up.

He kept me down for a really long time. Again I had to give the signal I was running out of breath. By now I was starting to have a few doubts as to whether or not the guys might actually drown me. In my current situation it would be all too easy.

All of the sudden Craig stepped up the moment I surfaced. He grabbed me and snarled something I couldn’t understand. Then down I went, my face pressed toward the bottom of the pool.

He was much more aggressive with me. Normally he’s pretty careful whenever he’s keeping me down. But this time his attitude was such that I couldn’t help wondering if maybe he might take things a little too far.

He was rough on me, so naturally I reacted accordingly. I screamed and bubbled as I fought him the entire time. He kept a good grip on me as I wriggled and squirmed like crazy.

He pulled me up to the surface where I gasped mightily for breath. But I wasn’t up there long. Back down I went, crying out a froth of bubbles.

I fought like crazy, trying to break out of my restraints. By now it was less of a performance and more a desire to really free myself. The way Craig held me down made me want back up in the worst way, despite how many times we’d played these drowning games in the past.

He pulled me up and I came up gasping and sputtering. By now I was incredibly aroused. So were all the lads standing in the water and up on the edge of the pool. It was exciting, yet alarming, both at the same time.

Craig snarled if I couldn’t produce the package, we were going to have to do this the hard way. Then back down I went. I really bubbled as I put up a struggle.

At this point I began to question the wisdom of my being in the water all trussed up. These lads could easily drown me. What’s more, there wouldn’t be a bloody thing I could do about it.

My husband Kevin would not be able to overcome them either. There were too many lads attending my parties. Hell, for all I knew, he might even be in on it with them, drowning me for the insurance payout.

Things really took a turn when Foe joined in. Foe’s a bloke from the states. He’s one of the lads who really gets turned on when they’re “drowning” me.

He grabbed onto my legs and held on while Craig kept me under. By now my heart was hammering in my chest. My head told me I was going to be just fine. But my emotions in the moment questioned whether or not I could be certain of my safety.

They pulled me up and I cried out in growing terror. By now it was all too easy to add an element of realism to my performance. My mind kept questioning whether or not I was going to survive the ordeal.

Back down I went, wriggling and squirming like crazy. A few glimpses of the lads in the water confirmed they were all “saluting” my performance. But my mind was starting to cry out how I wanted them to come to my aid and put an end to this.

Craig and Foe pulled me back to the surface. I coughed and sputtered as I tried to get my breath back.

There’s a special word or phrase I use if and when I need it. But I hate to use it as I know the lads will all back off and be extra nice to me, ending some of our drowning plays for the rest of the day. I didn’t want to use it unless it was absolutely necessary.

“She doesn’t know anything,” Craig finally told Foe.

“No witnesses,” he replied. “Better drown her then.”


I gasped sharply as they pushed me back under. I felt an erotic jolt I may have bitten off more than I could chew on this one. But I felt I had to act it through all the way to the end.

I bubbled and struggled like crazy. Then I acted like I had swallowed water. My lungs were already starting to hurt as I went into my “spasms and convulsions”.

I was terribly aroused, yet understandably anxious. What if this drowning performance turned out to be the real thing? I could only trust the lads to look after me properly.

I went limp in their grasp, my eyes open wide. Then they let me go. I floated up to the surface facing downward, still pretending to hitch and lose bubbles.

I’d lost so much air that I wasn’t at the surface long. I slowly descended until my body reached the pool floor, resting on my tummy. My lungs strained as I tried to hold what little breath I had left. Then I began violently shaking my head.

At first no one came to my aid. Bloody hell; where were they?? Then I felt hands pull me up to the surface.

I came up gasping like crazy. I heard a voice ask, “You ok, love?”

My first urge was to yell at them for treating me so roughly. But I thought they might drown me for real if I did. Besides, it had been bloody erotic. And I really wasn’t all that much the worse for wear.

“Fine,” I panted. “How did it look on camera?”

“Got some great pics.” one voice called out. “Looked good from over here,” another added.

I nodded as I tried to catch my breath. Then a voice asked, “How about we tie her to the ladder? Or hook her up to the pulley in the deep end? She’s already hogtied.”

“Good idea,” Craig said with a grin as he looked at me. Then he chuckled as he pushed me under. I felt an erotic jolt as my mind cried out, “Bloody hell; here we go again!”

2020 (written for Wendy and her party lads Oct 27 ’20 by riwa)

(Inspired by her “Hogtied” clip)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 3.3 (3)

Coming February rewards

Scarf work
Olai’s deadly hug
Underwater witch
Aravanna 16
Walking the plank
Zip-tie city
Emma shorts
A special request pt 2
Terrie’s fantasy stroke
Double challenge speedo gaggo
My last day
And I hope to have Cassidy 2 ready

December stories/rewards will fall off at the end of January to make room for February rewards.

We finally experienced some winter during the month of January. We got some snow, which is now melting away. And we had temperatures drop to -25. It’s one thing when you voluntarily stay indoors. It’s something entirely different when the weather strongly encourages you not to go out. It’s amazing how rapidly you develop cabin fever. I went out a couple times to walk to the post office to check my mail. But it was unwise to be outside for very long. The cold penetrated all my layers, and I tried to make sure my face didn’t freeze off.

Mom’s had her share of challenges. Her furnace went out, and she went several days using a space heater before the furnace was fixed. Then mice camped out in her car and chewed on all the wiring as well as the papers in the glove box. She had to replace a lot of engine wires. She’s been battling the mice for at least a year now. Last year, the mechanic found a mouse nest in the engine, and she had to replace all the wires back then as well

Many years ago, we had a similar mouse problem. Dad offered to acquire a bull snake. But mom did not want to open a drawer to find it looking up at her and flicking its tongue. So we got a ferret instead. But the ferret is long gone, and the mice have decided to come back and try again. She may have a solution, so we’ll see how it goes.

I hope you don’t have mice problems, or furnace issues, or frozen pipes to deal with. But February has the potential for all kinds of weather. I hope you will weather it out ok, if you’ll pardon the pun. Thank you for being my patrons.

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The Sorority on Santamos Island 4.5 (62)

An impoverished Caribbean island nation nears bankruptcy. In order to raise cash income from “tourists”, the nation’s leaders in desperation pass a law — consensual executions of sane and un-coerced foreigners by other foreigners will be legal in public execution areas on the island. Arachnid’s Santamos Island universe

Our Pi Omicron Rho Nu sorority flew out to Santamos Island for Spring Break. It was just us girls. We wanted to cut back and let off a little steam.

At first, there were no boys around. We finally got to where we didn’t like it so much. We’re all sluts by nature, and we all wanted our fair share of cock to play with.

By the fifth day, some guys from the fraternity showed up. We were all-too-happy to see them. Unfortunately, we outnumbered them two to one.

We passed them around, each taking a turn trying to please them and have fun with them. Then we found out why they’d come out to the island. They all wanted to watch a hanging.

Now many of us had already dabbled in one form of asphyxia or another during our time at City U. So none of us were really against the idea of hanging for them. It’s just that we didn’t know how to choose amongst ourselves.

We finally told the guys we wanted to have a hanging beach party. But there were no gallows out on any beaches. We talked to the hotel concierge and asked if anything could be done. He said he’d look into it.

A few hours later, we were all invited to a barbecue on the south beach. The hotel shuttled us out there. Most of us girls wore our skimpiest bikinis to make sure the guys would stay good and hard for us.

When we arrived, we saw a canvas tent had been erected. Also, there was a makeshift post with a long, wooden arm stretched off the end of it over the sand. Dangling from the end was a hangman’s noose. We all oohed and aahed when we saw it.

There was a sturdy wooden table with all sorts of food on it. Meat was cooking over an open fire pit. It smelled wonderful.

Some of us went swimming, while others checked out the hangman’s noose. That’s when the hotel concierge came over. He said he had the documents with him in case anybody wanted to hang for real.

By now, the others had come in from the water. We were all standing around the dangling coil, wondering what to do next. That’s when one of the guys asked if any of us girls wanted to hang for them.

I could tell by the erections they were sporting in their swimsuits that they were eager to see one of us swing. So we began debating amongst ourselves as to who would be willing to hang. But no one seemed all that eager to volunteer.

Loni finally asked the guys who they’d rather see hang. They all went away and talked it over in a huddle so we couldn’t hear them deciding. Then they came back to us.

“Well?” Loni asked. “Who’s it going to be?”

Mark asked, “Will she really hang for us if we choose someone?” We all looked at each other and nodded our heads, agreeing to go along with whomever they picked.

“Then we choose Kumio,” Mark declared.

We all turned to look at her. She was wearing this skimpy, black string bikini that did not cover her large assets very well. She seemed both frightened and embarrassed.

“Why her?” Loni asked.

“Because we want to see her tits bounce as she swings.” The guys all cheered and nodded at Mark’s reply.

Loni turned to face Kumio. “Well? What do you think?”

I knew Kumio well enough to know she hadn’t experimented with any kind of asphyxia just yet. She was either too afraid, or too embarrassed. She blushed, but she ultimately said she was willing.

All the guys cheered. I even got excited at the prospect of seeing her hang. Then we all escorted her over to the hotel concierge sitting at a small table by the canvas tent.

We told him we had a volunteer for the noose. He asked if she was serious. When she nodded her head, he asked if she was sure. He must have noticed the hesitation in her features.

She nodded again before saying in a quiet voice that she was willing. So he gave her some forms to fill out. The guys let out another cheer once she signed the last of them.

“Now how do we hang her?” Mark asked.

“You guys can pull on the rope,” Loni told them. “That is, unless you don’t want to be responsible for pulling her up into the air yourselves.”

“Any volunteers willing to string her up?” Mark asked. All sorts of hands went up. It seemed there was no scarcity of frat boys willing to partake in her hanging.

The hotel concierge handed Mark a set of handcuffs. He accepted them and smiled as he went over and cuffed Kumio’s arms behind her back. “Ready to hang for us?” he asked politely. She blushed as she timidly nodded.

We all escorted her out to the dangling noose. Mark chose three frat guys to man the rope. Then he looped it around her throat.

He got it nice and snug. Then he asked again if she was ready to hang for us. Kumio blushed as she nodded.

“Maybe you’d better say the words,” he mused thoughtfully.

“What words?” she asked bashfully.

“Oh, I don’t know,” he replied. Then he moved behind her. That’s when he whispered something into her ear.

I thought I saw her reach back and touch his bulge with her hands. She blushed again. “Oh,” she finally said timidly. “Ok. I want you guys to hang me for your pleasure.” That got another cheer from all those horny frat boys, as well as a cheer from most of us girls.

Mark told everyone to step back. Then he called out, “Hang her, boys!” A moment later, they pulled on her rope.

Kumio was lifted up into the air. It looked as though she was blushing once again. Then her mouth formed an “Oh” as she went all cross-eyed.

At that moment, her breasts seemed to swell. I thought I saw her nipples start to protrude. Then she thrust her chest out.

Wait; was she enjoying it?? It sure looked like she was enjoying it!

She began to kick and shimmy. Her breasts bounced upon her chest. Then she thrust her hips out.

We all stood around watching her. Some of us bitches were touching ourselves. And some of the guys had pulled out their cocks and were stroking them.

Kumio focused on a couple of frat boys who’d pulled out their impressive dicks. She humped in their direction as though trying to fuck those exposed erections. The guys all whooped and hollered.

Nate suddenly rushed up to her and popped the strings to her bikini top. It fell away, causing her boobs to bounce freely. Then he popped the strings to her bottoms. They also fell away, exposing her glistening slit.

Nate’s actions seemed to embarrass her a little. Then she thrust her hips out in his direction. That’s when Kumio became animated.

She really kicked and twisted. By now, I was busy rubbing my crotch. That’s when our eyes locked.

Her eyes were still crossed. And her mouth was still open in the form of an “Oh”. But she was looking at me as if to say, “Is this really how it’s supposed to feel? Is it supposed to feel this good??”

I smiled as I nodded at her. That’s when she really thrust her hips out. A moment later, her pussy sprayed from what could only have been an extremely intense climax. It triggered a corresponding climax in several guys, as well as some of us girls.

She finally went limp in the noose as the guys held onto her rope, keeping her up off the sand. She went into agonal spasms and convulsions. Then she dangled lifelessly, her expression indicating how painful it had been… and how much she seemed to have enjoyed it.

The guys all cheered. Loni finally went up and checked for a pulse. When she shook her head, the guys let her down.

The noose and cuffs were removed. Then a couple of guys dragged her over to a separate part of the beach. I knew they were going to use her corpse for their personal enjoyment. But I’m sure Kumio would have liked that very much.

4-14-23 Inspired by the binjbob drawing

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My mother the breath-holder 4 4.4 (30)


By the time I tracked down the keys and returned, they were both sitting on the edge of the pool. Gloria’s breasts were on full display. But mom acted as though it was no big deal.

They must not have wasted much time. Mom was already wearing the ankle cuffs as I approached, her feet dangling in the water. The rope to the pool floor was still attached to them.

I could tell they’d been talking to each other. They heard me coming and turned toward me. Mom called out, “Georgie, I’m sorry about the other day. Can I make it up to you? Can I do a little breath-holding? Can I earn a little more money? You left me with virtually nothing for the next two weeks.”

Gloria was shocked. “Georgie, is this true?”

I tried to ignore my mother as I went to work releasing my girlfriend from the handcuffs attaching her wrists behind her back. My eyes kept getting drawn to her naked mounds. So I unthinkingly tossed the cuffs into the pool.

I explained to Gloria, “You have no idea how much debt my mother has gotten herself into. If I pay her anything now, she’s liable to run out and gamble it all away until she owes even more.”

Mom tried to put up a protest. “No, I won’t! Georgie, I’m serious! I really appreciate what you did! Let me try to earn a little more, ok? And I promise; I won’t gamble even once while I’m trying to pay him off!”

“Mom, you know I can’t trust you.”

“Georgie; please!”

Gloria looked at me and started to say something. I just put a hand up to silence her. I knew if they both ganged up on me, I was going to lose control of the situation. Besides, there was no guarantee any money I gave mom would ever reach Mr. Vonegram, not unless I put it directly into his hands.

Mom lifted her legs, showing the ankle cuffs and attached rope. “See, Georgie? Gloria says you like seeing her in bondage. Will you pay me a little more tonight with me wearing these ankle cuffs?”

“Mom, I just don’t know if I should, not with Gloria here.”

“Oh, I don’t mind, Georgie,” my girlfriend said with a smile. “Your mother’s fun.”

“Georgie, please! I’m begging you!”

“Mom, if I’m going to pay you anything, then you’re going to have to make it worth my while. That means, you’re going to have to hold your breath longer than four minutes. Besides, tonight I’m paying ‘Gloria’ prices.”

“Georgie?! The other night you paid me $750 for holding my breath for 3:30.”

Gloria looked at me in surprise. I just winced. After all, I didn’t want to have to renegotiate my deal with her.

“Mom, that was before our meeting with Mr. Vonegram and finding out you lied to me. Prices went down because of what I learned from him. Take what you can get… unless, of course, you’d rather watch Gloria hold her breath for me again.”


My girlfriend blurted out, “I’ll help you reach four minutes, Marie. Grab the rope and pull her under, Georgie.”

I frowned at her, as I wanted to stand firm while not sounding angry or alienating her affections. “Gloria, this is really between me and my mother.”

“That’s ok. I don’t mind sharing tonight. C’mon, Marie. Let’s make it worth his while.”

Before I could say another word, they both slid off the edge of the pool into the water. I sighed heavily as I retrieved my dive mask. Apparently, they were going to do this anyway, no matter what I said or did.

They swam out to the middle of the deep end, directly above the kettle ball. I slipped into the water at the ladder and grabbed the end of the rope. That’s when mom called out, “Anytime you’re ready, Georgie! I can do four minutes!” She was certainly enthusiastic about the whole thing.

Gloria didn’t help matters any when she called out, “C’mon, Georgie! Pull your mother down and make her hold her breath!”

For a brief moment, I thought about pulling her down without giving out any warning at all. But I resisted the impulse. Instead, I gave them a countdown from three.

After I called out “one”, I pulled on the rope. I heard them gasp for breath. Mom went right down, with Gloria submerging a moment later.

I checked the time as a few bubbles marked where I’d pulled mom under. Gloria swam down after her. I stuck my head under and watched as I pulled my mother down until her feet touched the handle to the kettle ball.

Mom had no problem staying down, being as how she was now tethered to the bottom. But Gloria was not in a similar situation. She finally grabbed onto my mother’s body just to keep herself from drifting upward.

Mom smiled at her as she hugged her. Then I watched as they kissed each other again. They both really seemed into it, and it did my cock no favors. I was certain it was showing through my white speedos.

They weren’t too active, other than doing a little kissing and touching. Their movements were slow so as not to use up their breath. For a while there, I forgot to pay attention to my watch.

Mom was getting pretty good at holding her breath. When I finally checked the time, she’d already been down for two minutes. And she was making it look easy.

After a while, they shifted until they were side by side, arms around each other. I saw Gloria reach over and run her hand over my mother’s barely covered breasts. Mom responded by reaching over and caressing my girlfriend’s bare boobs.

I saw occasional bubbles come out of Gloria’s mouth and nose. But mom didn’t release nearly as many. I got the impression she was being careful not to lose too much of her breath.

It was obvious she’d been working to build up her times so she could get me to pay her more. She surprised me by reaching three minutes with relative ease. When mom sets her mind on something, very little can stand in her way.

I could tell Gloria was beginning to struggle a little though. So mom pulled her real close. They kissed each other again, almost as though they were long-lost lovers.

I saw bubbles come up from between their lips. My girlfriend was clearly struggling, although she’d certainly passed her three-minute mark. Mom embraced her, and Gloria returned the hug. But her body was starting to heave in breathless agony.

Gloria suddenly let go and shot up to the surface. I came up with her to note the time. My watch said 3:42.

She burst up gasping loudly for breath. That’s when she anxiously called out, “Bring her up, Georgie! Don’t let your mother drown down there!”

I looked down to see how mom was doing. She smiled and waved as she did a little seductive wriggle against her tether. I pulled my head out of the water and called back, “She’s fine, Gloria.”

“She is??”

Gloria looked down in amazement. Then my girlfriend filled her lungs before heading back down.

When she got down there, mom grabbed her and pulled her close. Then they started kissing and making out again. More bubbles came up as they kissed each other deeply.

Mom finally pushed her back and signaled with her thumb that she wanted up. Gloria turned toward me, checking to see if I was watching. By then, I was already allowing slack in mom’s tether.

Mom felt the tension give way in the rope to her feet. She pulled herself upward with her arms as Gloria followed her up. Mom burst up at around 4:27.

They both tread water in the deep end while catching their breath. My girlfriend was impressed as she loudly panted, “Wow, Marie; that was a long one! Even I couldn’t stay down that long!”

“You will with practice,” mom told her encouragingly. Then she called out, “Do I get paid for that one, Georgie?”

“You get paid for going over four, mom. Gloria, you get paid for going over three.”

“That’s great, Georgie! But what do I get if I go over four like your mother?”

“More, of course.”

“And what do I get paid if I go over five, Georgie?”

“I’ll pay you more, mom.”

“How much?”


“I guess we’ll just have to make out for him underwater even more, Marie. Then he’ll have to pay us more!”

Mom grinned as she replied, “Sounds good to me, Gloria.” Then she called out, “Count us down, Georgie!”

I counted them down from three. Then I pulled mom under. Gloria took a deep breath before following her down.

They began making out the moment my mother bottomed out. They certainly got all handsy with each other, touching each other all over. Gloria clung to my mother’s body so as not to drift upward.

They kissed each other deeply again. It surprised me how easily mom made out with her like that. It made me wonder if there was something in her past about other women that she hadn’t revealed to me.

My cock refused to soften as I watched them down at the bottom of the pool. But I didn’t want them to know how turned on I was. After all, this night was supposed to be strictly between Gloria and I. Mom’s intrusion was making things all the more complicated.

I watched as mom kissed and licked Gloria’s exposed nipples. My girlfriend bubbled as though she was really enjoying it.

They both passed two minutes with very little effort. They got all handsy again, touching each other’s chest. Then they pressed their lips together.

I watched as they passed three minutes. Mom acted as though she could go on like that for hours. Gloria seemed to be improving, although it wasn’t long before she started showing signs of straining lungs.

She motioned that she wanted to go up. But it was early for her. Mom shook her head and then motioned… “Watch what I do.”

To my utter shock, mom began caressing her boobs with one hand while rubbing her crotch with the other. Gloria caught on, and she began doing the same thing. They both looked right at me, mom releasing a couple nose bubbles as Gloria spewed bubbles past her lips…

No – no – no – GAWD; NO!

My cock got so hard that it tented in my speedos. Mom kept grinning at me as she rubbed herself. She turned toward my girlfriend, saw she was doing the same thing, and nodded as she bubbled at her.

Gloria’s lungs appeared to heave in her chest. I could see her tummy rippling a little. I checked my watch as she finally shot up for a breath, bursting up a couple seconds beyond the four minute mark.

When I stuck my head up, she cried out, “How’d I do, Georgie?”

“Just over four minutes, Gloria. I guess I’ll have to pay you a little more.”

“Your mom is fun! You’re going to pay her more too; right?”

I looked down to see mom smiling at me while rubbing her crotch. This was really getting out of hand. For a minute there, I thought I was going to cream my speedos.

“She can really hold her breath; eh, Georgie?” Then Gloria went back down. She reached mom, and the two started making out again. At least mom wasn’t rubbing herself anymore.

Mom looked at me and held up all the digits of her hand. Was she asking if it had been five minutes yet? I checked my watch before shaking my head.

She went back to kissing Gloria. This time, mom’s knee went into my girlfriend’s crotch. Gloria seemed to ride it as though she was all turned on.

It was almost too hot to watch. But I had a hard time looking away. I kept forcing myself to glance at my watch to keep track of the time.

I finally held up my hand and spread my fingers… “Five minutes.” Mom nodded and signaled she wanted up. I gave her slack in the rope before pulling my head out of the water, trying to calm the beating of my heart along with the stiffness of my erection.

They both surfaced together, treading water in the deep end. I called out, “That’s enough for one night, mom; don’t you think?” After all, I needed some alone time with Gloria.

“Oh, Georgie!”

“Mom, you’ve already had a couple breath-holds tonight! You should be happy about that.”

“But I want to do more, Georgie! I want to earn more money.”

“I don’t know, mom.” Then I looked at my girlfriend as though imploring her to help me out here before adding, “Gloria and I want to be alone for a bit.”

They started talking to each other so quietly that I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I wondered if my girlfriend was trying to explain to her what I needed. I certainly hoped she wasn’t going into any specifics.

Mom suddenly called out, “What about the cuffs, Georgie? Will you pay me more if we use the handcuffs? Can I use the cuffs before we call it a night?”

“Mom, I don’t know if you should.” Thank gawd I’d tossed them into the pool.

“She’ll be ok, Georgie. She can handle it. If I can do it, she can do it.”

“I don’t know, Gloria…”

They went back to talking quietly. I felt as though they were conspiring against me. My cock was semi-hard, and I found myself imagining all sorts of things I probably should not have been imagining.

Gloria finally left mom treading water all by herself. She swam over in my direction. Then she jackknifed downward.

I watched as she dove for the bottom. She quickly scooped up the discarded handcuffs. Then she angled over in the direction of my mother.

Gawd; that was all I needed: seeing my mother in bondage while holding her breath. Now I was sure I was going to shoot a load into my speedos.

My girlfriend surfaced and swam over to my mother. Then she hefted them up in her hand. “I’ve got the cuffs, Marie.”

I nervously called out, “Gloria, I really don’t think…”

“You like watching your mom hold her breath; right? And you love seeing me in bondage while I’m holding mine. So this should work out great for everybody.”

“Gloria, mom hasn’t even tried the cuffs on her wrists yet. I don’t want…”

“I can do it, Georgie! Put ‘em on me, Gloria.”

“Mom, I don’t think…”

“You’ll pay me more for a five minute bondage/make-out breath-hold; won’t you, Georgie?”

“Mom, I don’t think…”

“You’ll pay her good; won’t you, Georgie?”

“Gloria, I think you should stay out of…”

“Count us down, Georgie.”

“I’m kinda having second thoughts about this, mom.”

“Three… two… one…”

I frowned at my girlfriend for initiating the countdown herself. Then they both inhaled. Instinctively I checked the time before tugging on the rope.

Mom was pulled right down, her wrists secured behind her back. But my girlfriend was still at the surface. She gave me a dangerous grin as she told me, “You’d better pay extra for this.” Then down she went.

Mom bottomed out with her feet touching the handle to the kettle ball. Gloria swam right down to her. I made sure my dive mask was secured to my face so I could stick my head in the water and watch everything that went on. My cock was already hard with anticipation.

Gloria got all handsy again. But this time, mom could not respond. She just had to take whatever my girlfriend did to her.

At the thirty second mark, Gloria slowly popped the strings to mom’s bikini top. It came loose and drifted away. That’s when she began licking and sucking on mom’s nipples.

I couldn’t believe it! But my cock certainly could. It was hard as a rock again, straining in my speedos.

Gloria was all over my mom’s boobs, kissing and sucking and caressing. Then she kissed mom full on the lips. Mom did not resist in the slightest as she kissed her right back.

That was bad enough. But at around the 2:15 mark, Gloria’s hand slid down my mother’s body. A moment later she started rubbing her crotch.

I was shocked beyond belief. This was something I’d never anticipated in my wildest dreams. Sure, mom had rubbed herself for me the other day. But I never expected she would allow my girlfriend to touch her in such an intimate manner.

Mom humped against Gloria’s hand as the time neared three minutes. Then Gloria popped the strings to mom’s skimpy bottoms. They slowly drifted out of the way.

I could have sworn my girlfriend slowly worked her fingers into my mother’s slit. I couldn’t be sure, but at least that’s what it looked like. Then mom writhed and humped as though that’s exactly what was happening.

Gloria turned and grinned at me as bubbles dribbled out past her lips. Then she kissed mom deeply as she fingered her. Mom humped and writhed as she released bubbles out of her nose.

Gloria stopped kissing her long enough to suck on an erect nipple. Then she kissed her again. Her fingers just kept working inside my mother’s womanhood.

Her lungs heaved noticeably, and my girlfriend finally shot upward, leaving mom tethered to the pool floor. I rose up with her, my head emerging at the surface. I noted her time as her head came out of the water.

She gasped aloud before telling me, “Let me know when it’s past five minutes, Georgie. But don’t let your mother up until I give the signal; ok?”

“Gloria, I don’t know…”

“Just do it, Georgie! And make sure you pay her well!” Then she filled her lungs and submerged.

She swam down to mom and groped her boobs. She sucked on a nipple before her hand went down to mom’s crotch again. Once more, she began fingering her as she kissed her deeply.

Mom writhed and wriggled as she lost a few more bubbles. Usually she was pretty good at maintaining her composure. But she didn’t have much choice this time around, not when she was bound by her wrists and ankles while holding her breath.

Gloria began to finger my mother much faster. Their lips parted as my girlfriend looked at me. I checked my watch and saw that mom was almost to five minutes.

I finally held up my hand with all my fingers spread. That’s when Gloria really finger-fucked my mother. I was shocked beyond belief.

Mom started humping Gloria’s hand. I heard a bubbly cry and saw an eruption of bubbles. That’s when my cock went off in my speedos.

Gloria finally motioned upward. But I was too shocked for it to register. She motioned again more forcefully, and I finally came to my senses long enough to give mom some slack.

Gloria helped her to the surface where they both gasped loudly for breath. Mom finally called out, “How’d I do, Georgie?”

I checked the time. “5:23, mom.”

“That was a good one; right? You’ll pay me good for that one; won’t you… especially with everything we did for you down there?”

“I suppose so, mom.”

What else could I do? I’d creamed myself over witnessing such an erotic spectacle. Besides, mom had passed five minutes.

I noticed them talking quietly to each other again. Last time they’d done that, it had resulted in a wild and crazy breath-hold. Even though I’d gotten a shameful release out of it, I wasn’t sure I wanted to take things any further.

At one point, I thought I heard mom say, “You’ll make him take me to six, right?”

“Are you sure, Marie?”

“I want to be paid even more, Gloria. And you think he should like it; right? So let’s do it.”

“Ok, Marie.”

I looked at them in alarm as I wondered… ‘Let’s do it?’ Let’s do what?

I had a bad feeling as I told them, “No thanks, ladies. I think that was our last one…”

“Just one more, Georgie.”

“No, mom. I think that’s enough…”

My girlfriend reassured her by saying, “I’ll take care of it, Marie. Can you stay at the surface on your own for a bit?”

“Piece of cake, honey.”

I called out, “Take care of what, ladies?”

There was no answer as Gloria swam over. She came up to me and took the rope out of my hand. There was a twinkle in her eyes as she told me, “Check the time on your watch and count her down, Georgie.”

“Gloria, I don’t think…”

“This one is mine, Georgie. Marie wants it.”

“But I’m not sure…”

She abruptly turned and called out, “Marie?? Get ready in three… two… one!”

Mom got a really big breath. Them Gloria pulled on the rope. Mom was pulled all the way down to the bottom of the pool.

“Time!” my girlfriend loudly demanded.

I looked at my watch before impatiently replying, “I’ve got it – I’ve got it!”

“Good.” Then she took a deep breath and submerged.

To my complete and utter shock, Gloria pulled my speedos down my legs until my semi-hard cock sprang free. Almost immediately, she began kissing and licking it. She cupped and caressed my balls until she grabbed my leg and tried to pull me under.

I gasped for breath before I was submerged. That’s when Gloria took me into her mouth. But when I looked into the middle of the deep end, I saw mom watching us the entire time, swaying a little as she was helplessly tethered to the kettle ball at the bottom of the pool.

My cock stiffened right up in my girlfriend’s mouth, despite having gone off a couple minutes ago. Seeing mom bound and naked was incredibly erotic. Knowing she could see my girlfriend blowing me underwater was a shock. But it made me so unbelievably hard.

What could I do? Gloria seemed to be in charge of this one. Had she and my mother conspired against me yet again?

My girlfriend took me further into her mouth before slowly letting me almost slip out. A glance at my mother indicated she was still watching us. My face went red, but I couldn’t resist. So I let Gloria keep going.

She gave me the usual, although this time, she was slower and more deliberate. I think she was trying to extend her time underwater. She hadn’t succeeded in blowing me for three minutes on one breath before, and I think that was her goal.

Occasionally I glanced at my watch. I was trying to keep track of the time for both Gloria and my mother. But I was understandably distracted.

Gloria kept right at it, taking me deep until it felt like I reached the back of her throat. She gagged and grunted up bubbles. It was incredibly arousing.

Her stomach began to ripple, and her chest started to heave. I checked my watch and noticed she was approaching three minutes. I grabbed the back of her head and fucked her mouth, urging her on to encourage her.

I finally held up three fingers for her to see. She slowly pulled off my dick before I had a chance to cum in her mouth. Then we both rose to the surface.

We came up and panted loudly for breath before she asked, “So how was that? I finally reached three minutes, didn’t I?”

I smiled as I nodded, “Yeah. But what about mom?”

“I’ll worry about your mother; ok? I’ve got the rope. You just make sure you let me know when it’s been six minutes.”

“But, I…”

“No buts.” Then she took a deep breath and submerged. A moment later she pulled me under with her before she wrapped her lips back around my dick.

I checked my watch before glancing into the deep end again. After four minutes, mom looked as though she was writhing a little. She released a couple bubbles out of her nose. But she looked as though she was doing just fine.

Gloria occasionally glanced over to see what my mother was doing. But most of the time, she concentrated on my dick between her lips. It seemed she was being extra sensuous. But I had no idea how to feel about that, considering my mother was tethered in naked bondage to the bottom of the pool while watching us.

Gloria gulped me down, and I twitched in her mouth. A glance at the time showed mom was passing five minutes. She was doing well so far. But I was concerned about her making it to six, even though I knew how determined she probably was.

Gloria cupped my balls as she worked my shaft. A couple times, the rope slipped in her hands. But she gathered it up and pulled it to make sure mom remained with her feet close to the handle to the kettle ball.

I thought I saw mom start to strain a little at around the 5:25 mark. She writhed a little more against her tether. I saw a few bubbles dribble out of her nose.

Gloria took a quick look. Apparently, she was motivated to suck me a little more aggressively. She started bobbing up and down on my dick, making me really twitch. I figured there was a good chance she was going to make me cum on this breath-hold.

I glanced over at my mother and saw she was fighting it. Her chest heaved as her stomach rippled. My watch indicated she only had 38 more seconds to go. But I figured she was going to make it. Mom was stubborn enough not to want up until after I’d let her know she’d reached six minutes.

Gloria’s mouth, combined with my mother’s struggles, made it a real turn-on. I was all but certain I was going to cum in my girlfriend’s mouth in the next few moments. It was shameful the way I was so turned on, especially by the way mom was fighting to hold her breath.

Gloria looked up at my face as she swallowed me whole. Then she motioned… “Time?” So I let her see my watch. Mom only had another 21 seconds to go.

My girlfriend smiled at me as though she knew something I didn’t. She kept me in her mouth as she glanced over at mom. Then she waved in her direction… “Keep going; you’re almost there.”

Mom appeared to grimace. Her chest really heaved, and she lost a burst of bubbles. Gawd, that was so hot.

Gloria really suctioned while cupping my balls at just the right moment. I was just starting to shoot my load when mom coughed up a bunch of bubbles. That’s when she appeared to go into seizures…

What the hell???

At that moment, I knew she was drowning. But I couldn’t stop my cock from going off in Gloria’s mouth. My girlfriend suctioned me just as hard as she could.

I let out a cry as mom kept spasming and convulsing. Then I went for the rope in Gloria’s hand. But she jerked it out of my reach as she kept my cock in her mouth.

She tried to motion… “What’s the time?”

I glanced at my watch and then stared at my drowning mother. Gloria just kept sucking as mom hitched and spasmed. So I shoved my timepiece into her face. I didn’t say anything, but I sure as hell was thinking it…

There; can you see it now? She’s drowning, but you want to see the time!

…5:58… 5:59… 6:00… 6:01…

She slowly let my cock slide out of her mouth. A little cream came out with it. Then she let go of the rope and swam off in the direction of my mother. Naturally, I swam after her.

Mom was no longer buoyant. She was settling down toward the pool floor when Gloria caught her in her arms. That’s when I helped her haul my mother back to the surface.

We hefted her naked body up onto the side of the pool. The impact must have jarred her, because a little water came out of her mouth. By the time Gloria and I had climbed out of the water, she was already coughing.

We stayed with her until she tried to sit up. My girlfriend held her in her arms as I went and retrieved the keys. “What the hell was that?” I asked when I returned.

“Did I make six?” mom panted anxiously.

Gloria nodded, “Yes, Marie. You made six. I made sure you stayed down until you made six.”

“You did that deliberately??” I was stunned as I unlocked the handcuffs.

“Did I drown?”

“Yes, you did. Gawd, Marie; that was incredible! Your son’s cock was in my mouth, and he just kept shooting and shooting. But don’t worry. You weren’t down very long.”

“Mom, what the hell were you thinking??”

“Do I get paid more for making six and drowning for you, Georgie??”

“What?? Mom, you mean you… you did that for me?”

“How about it, Georgie? Will you pay your mother more? How about paying me extra for helping plan this special breath-hold?”

I looked at my girlfriend in astonishment. “You two did this deliberately??”

“You came in my mouth while I was holding my breath for quite a while, Georgie. That should be worth something.”

I finally threw my hands up in the air in surrender. “Fine – fine; you both get paid.” They both grinned as though they’d won.

About that time I realized nobody was wearing a stitch of anything. So I dove into the pool to retrieve all the garments, just to keep from staring at the nudity of my mother and girlfriend. By the time I got back up, Gloria had mom’s ankle cuffs off.

I climbed out of the water and handed over their garments. They just looked at my nudity and smiled. I muttered something about needing to go to the bathroom before making a hasty retreat.

2022 (written Aug 24 ’22 by riwa)

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Joia 4-6 4.2 (25)


There was nervous conversation between some of the girls over the course of the next couple of hours. They wondered what had happened to Alviva and why she was gone so long.

Joia was talking quietly to one of her female companions about it when Clemencia suddenly stormed in. The woman looked angrier than usual.

You will all come with me at once!” she told them in barely controlled fury. “Not a word is to be spoken!” Her tone of voice was alarming enough that everyone stood up and obediently followed her out without speaking.

They were led through a series of passageways to the other side of the compound. They came to a bare room with a door and two upper windows that allowed in the light of day. “Wait here!” Clemencia ordered them before stepping through the door.

Joia got enough of a glimpse out the door to see that it led outside into the dusk of evening. Once more she got a glimpse of the strange mechanism she’d seen from the back of the truck earlier that day. In an instant the image of that man holding the woman’s severed head up for all to see came unbidden to her mind. She was suddenly filled with a terrible fear.

Marsona, a young woman of 19 years to whom she’d gravitated toward, suddenly came up to her. She could tell the young woman was distressed over something.

“What is it, Joia?” she asked with worry in her voice. Then she gently touched Joia’s shoulder. “What is troubling you?”

Joia could not answer. The image had returned, burned into her mind. She trembled as she found herself unable to find her voice to speak.

Alviva was abruptly escorted into the room, flanked by a couple of guards. She was disturbingly naked. She appeared to have suffered a blow to the face. Long, red welts lay gashed across her chest and backside.

She was led toward the door, her expression resolute and unwavering. She caught sight of the fear in Joia’s eyes. “Fear not for me,” she told the young woman. “Fear only for yourselves. He did not mark me, nor will he ever mark me!”

“Be silent!” one of the guards roared at her. Then she was marched through the same door Clemencia had gone through moments ago.

Seeing Alviva’s condition and hearing her words put great fear in the hearts of Joia’s companions. “What will they do to her?” Marsona asked her anxiously. Indeed, it was the singular question uppermost in the minds of all.

The door opened once more. Clemencia stepped through, glaring at them all. Her presence had the effect of silencing all further speech.

“You will come out and stand in line with me! You will all be silent! You will keep your eyes open and you will witness all! If you fail to obey even in the slightest, you will suffer the same fate as Alviva!”

The girls whimpered in fear as they fluttered behind her like a flock of disturbed quail. They could not help murmuring quietly amongst themselves as they rushed out the door to obey. Their murmurs were quickly replaced with gasps of horror.

Joia nearly fainted at what she saw. The mechanism was indeed there. She could no longer deny its presence, nor what she had truly witnessed back in the truck.

A sharpened, diagonal blade hung at the top of a grooved wooden framework. At the bottom of the blade were two flat pieces of wood set on top of each other. A circle was cut squarely in the midst of them. Instinctively Joia knew Alviva’s strong column supporting her head was destined to be fitted into that circle.

There was a man in military garb and black hood. Apparently his duty was to serve as executioner. He waited near the frame, his appearance filling her with a terrible dread.

A short slab of wood – the bench she had seen before – lay pushed up horizontally against the bottom edge of the frame for the blade. It was not nearly long enough to totally recline upon. Joia remembered the woman she’d last seen upon top of it, her legs spread and upraised.

The sight of it was horrible beyond belief. Joia gasped as though she could not catch her breath. The others around her also seemed to have some sort of trouble breathing.

There was a fire pit nearby. What appeared to be two long branding irons with long, rounded ends were heating in the crackling flames. Several guards stood off to one side as though to observe the proceedings.

Joia and her female companions fidgeted nervously. They whimpered fearfully, uncomfortable at being forced to stand there to witness the upcoming events. Their sheer gowns did not hide them one iota from lustful eyes.

Clemencia walked up to Alviva. Then she savagely grabbed her chin. “I believe you will be marked after all!” she told her with a cruel smile.

Alviva was unyielding. She stood there proudly despite the shame of her nakedness. The marks below her left breast and above her pubic region were clearly visible.

“Strap her down!” Clemencia ordered the two men flanking her. Together they forced her down onto her back.

Her legs bent at the knees as her feet fell flat to the hard earth below. She was slid forward as the executioner lifted the top piece of wood. It allowed her head to pass through the circular hole for her neck.

It was brought down with a disturbing “CLACK”. Joia and her companions jerked with a start. A couple of them had to stifle cries of terror.

Three leather straps were crossed over Alviva’s naked chest and torso, pinning her arms to her sides. The woman’s shame appeared to be compounded by her protruding nipples. But when she turned her head and looked right at Joia, there was nothing but defiance in her fiery eyes.

“Spread her legs and mark her!” Clemencia ordered. “No one will defy Master! If he will not have her, then no man will!”

The waiting guards moved to obey. No doubt they were aware that disobedience to this woman would not spare them her wrath.

Two of them stepped forward. Each one grabbed a leg and pulled it wide as though trying to tear Alviva asunder. She winced in discomfort, but she did not cry out.

Joia watched in utter disbelief as two more picked up the irons from the fire. She saw Alviva tremble and wince. Each man brought his heated object closer to each of her two shamefully exposed holes.

Joia was amazed Alviva set her jaw like flint. The young woman seemingly refused to open her mouth to scream. The poor girl’s lack of response enraged Clemencia.

“Make sure she does not lose her head until she screams from her marks!” The executioner nodded with understanding at Clemencia’s words.

There was the sound of sizzling flesh. Alviva’s body stiffened as her back arched. Amazingly there were no screams.

Joia was horrified. At that moment it felt like her world collapsed all around her. This was unfathomable! Living back home with a set of resentful parents was infinitely more desirous than where she now found herself.

What was shamefully disturbing to her were the feelings she experienced. They were the same feelings she felt in the still of the night when she needed the comfort of self-pleasure. She could not believe how it affected her thus as she was forced to watch Alviva suffer with her head locked in below the dangling blade.

Alviva writhed in agony as the irons did their terrible work. Her holes were turned into charred flesh, no longer capable of giving pleasure to the whims of men as her feminine form had been so designed. And yet she clenched her lips tightly as tears welled up in her closed eyes, stubbornly cutting off the shrieks that wanted freedom from her heaving lungs.

She thrashed about in profuse pain as the guards grimly clung to her legs. Strangely they appeared to be enjoying her torment as the other two continued filling her holes with the flaming hot irons. Her body twisted violently in the leather bindings even more. It was evident she would soon be unable to keep from venting the extreme agony she was suffering.

When she could take no more, she finally opened her mouth. But it was not to beg for mercy. “MY SOUL IS NOT MARKED!” she cried out defiantly to the heavens. “MY SOUL IS NOT MARKED!” Then she emitted an unearthly shriek, unable to hold it back any longer. It sounded as though her very soul was in fiery torment.

Joia could not help noticing Clemencia taking great joy in hearing Alviva’s screams. After several agonizing moments, the Mistress of the compound nodded at the executioner. He promptly released the rope.

The blade fell in its tracks. Alviva’s screams were mercifully stilled. The blade bottomed out with a loud thump, severing her neck. Yet the anguished cries still rang out within the ears of Joia’s terrified companions.

Her head simply dropped lazily toward the ground. The lesson had been instantly driven home. Now they all knew what would happen to each one of them should they fall into Master’s, or Clemencia’s, displeasure.

Alviva’s young body bucked from the shock of the blade severing her spinal column. It still sizzled and jerked as the irons continued to press into her holes. Blood spurted and flowed from the raw, exposed flesh and bone of her severed neck.

Her head bounced once before rolling a short distance. Now it came to rest on its left side. Joia was left with a clear view of Alviva’s facial features.

She saw a look that indicated Alviva had suffered incredible pain. It had clearly been an agony no woman should ever have to endure. Yet Joia saw something else in Alviva’s eyes. It was the faint glimmer of a spirit unbroken despite indescribable anguish.

The executioner stepped over and picked up the severed head by the long, comely black tresses. Lifting it up, he displayed it to Clemencia and the frightened girls standing on either side of her. It was as though he was proving the task had been duly completed.

“Enough!” Clemencia told the men tending to what was left of Alviva. “Get rid of the body of that wretched cur!” She dismissively waved it away with her hand.

A truck was promptly backed up near the site. The irons were pulled out of Alviva’s sizzling, lifeless flesh. Her naked body was unstrapped,

Two of the guards picked her up by her wrists and ankles. They unceremoniously swung her up over the tail of the truck. They handled her like nothing more than the carcass of some wild animal.

As a final indignity, the executioner carelessly tossed the head up into the back of the truck. Then the vehicle roared to life. It pulled away, no doubt those inside having orders to go dispose of the body.

If the young women standing around Joia were not fully aware of what might happen to them should they disobey in the slightest, they certainly knew it now. Joia thought she was going to be sick. She also felt shame the way her body had reacted at the sight.

“To your rooms!” Clemencia demanded loudly. “For this outrage, there will be no evening meal!”

Joia and her horrified sisters fled back inside the building with shrieks and cries of horror. They all rushed off to their separate rooms. Each one could only hope to find some way to blot out of her mind the horrific scene they had just witnessed…

2010; 2020 (written Mar 15 ’10; ed. Oct 21 ’20 by riwa)


Joia lay upon her straw filled mattress in the darkness, blinking back tears. Her body shook with quiet sobs of horror and grief. She’d become painfully aware that her future was even worse now than what it would have been had she remained at home.

She simply could not comprehend how Alviva had been so cruelly tortured. And then to have her head separated from her body?? Whatever had she done to deserve such a dishonorable ending to her life??

What made things all the worse were her own feelings of guilt and shame. Watching Alviva lose her head had been the most horrific thing she had ever witnessed. Yet for some reason it had affected her deeply, in ways she couldn’t possibly share with anyone else.

How would they look upon her if they fully knew the truth of how it had made her feel? How could she possibly explain the shameful stirrings of pleasure? How could she describe how she felt the moment the blade had fallen and had cleanly severed Alviva’s head from her body?

It had been so traumatic. Even now, it continued to play itself out over and over in her head. What’s more, she couldn’t make it stop.

Oh, how she wanted it to stop! Joia blinked tears out of her eyes. Then she took a deep breath to compose herself.

She hoped her exhaustion would prevail and that sleep would finally claim her. Instead she saw Alviva in her mind once more. She could clearly picture in her head seeing the naked young woman being strapped down all over again.

Joia whimpered softly as the images began to play back. Her shame returned anew as she remembered Alviva’s body writhing in pain. She actually felt her nipples harden again.

Joia instinctively kneaded her breasts. Then her hand subconsciously slid down below. It went to the place that was already wet from her disgraceful feelings of pleasure.

She pictured the hot irons being applied. Joia remembered Alviva’s body rising up in pain. Her fingers slid inside, shamefully working themselves harder and faster within her.

She tried to stop herself; oh how she tried! Tears of sorrow and shame welled up in her eyes. Her body simply writhed with perverse excitement at the mental images.

She would have given anything to be taken out right then to lose her head. Perhaps then it would finally stop the detestable feelings of pleasure she was experiencing. It shamed her to have such feelings over such a horrible thing to have been done to one of her own right here in the compound.

“Forgive me, Alviva,” she breathed quietly as tears blurred her vision. Then she saw in her mind the image of the young woman looking at her. She remembered the look in her eyes before the irons were applied.

There was no condemnation on display. There was only defiance and pride. Then she heard that horrible scream in her mind, followed shortly by the drop of the blade.

Joia plunged her fingers inside. Her back arched as she was overcome. Tears streamed down her cheeks as pleasure flowed warmly through her body.

This time the shame wasn’t quite so bad. Perhaps she was finally wearing herself out. Joia finally relaxed upon her bedding, sobbing quietly until she finally cried herself to sleep…


The next day Joia and her female companions were bathed once more in the cistern. It was a much subdued atmosphere from the day before. Although they were oiled and perfumed again by their matrons, they were not as excited.

The sight of the blade taking one of their own had matured them beyond their years. What’s more, it had taken place in the span of a single day. Now they should prove to be much more compliant.

Ysabella gently tended to Joia. She cooed softly at her in a futile attempt to bring some semblance of comfort from the witnessed events of the day before.

She told the young woman she had learned that Master had tried to bed Alviva. The girl had foolishly refused, scratching his face and leaving three cruel marks running down his cheek. In return, she had been struck. Then she had been taken out and whipped before losing her head.

“Master is angry now,” the matron told her quietly. “I fear for you all. You must be obedient. Respond to any request he makes of you. Otherwise I fear you will suffer the same fate as Alviva.” Joia nodded numbly in response.

Later that day, Clemencia came to them again. She looked them all over as though searching for someone in particular. She spied Gemina, a young woman 2 years younger than Joia who was now merely a few weeks past her 18th birthday.

She roughly took her by the arm. “You!” she commanded with a leer. “Come with me! The Master has need of something soft and pliable!”

Gemina mewled like a frightened kitten as she was pulled out of the room by her arm. Joia was instantly concerned with Gemina’s welfare. The poor thing had taken Alviva’s death particularly hard. She seemed to be a fragile thing.

Marsona came up to her and kindly touched her shoulder. “Joia, I can tell you are troubled.”

“I fear for Gemina,” Joia explained.

“I fear for Gemina as well,” Marsona said quietly. “If what my matron tells me is true, I worry she will not be ready for what is to come.”

Her words would prove to be far more accurate than she would have wished for…

It was the same time as the evening before when the girls were summoned. They were all led to the room beyond which lay the horrible blade. Once more Clemencia appeared to be visibly enraged.

Joia sensed there was a certain elation in her anger. Again, she told them to wait. Then Clemencia went outside to see that everything was being prepared accordingly.

A short time later Gemina was brought crying into the room. She was escorted by the same two guards as the previous day. All garments had been removed from her body.

She was absolutely terrified. Her pitiful cries cut Joia to the quick. But Joia now began to feel those shameful stirrings.

Before they had arrived at the compound, Gemina supposedly had her whole life spread out before her. But Joia now believed it was about to be cut short. She began to grieve inwardly for the poor girl.

Joia could only imagine how Gemina had responded to Master’s demands. Inwardly she questioned Clemencia’s decision to take her to Master next. Shouldn’t she have picked someone else more resilient?

She remembered the expression in Mistress’ face. There had been a certain cruel pleasure at having chosen Gemina. Joia’s suspicions deepened over Clemencia’s motivations.

Mistress was cruel, yet wise. Joia had no doubts she could read the abilities of each girl under her charge. Surely she must have known, or at the very least had some sense, of how the young woman would respond.

Had Clemencia anticipated what would happen? Had she deliberately chosen Gemina for the task, suspecting what would follow? There seemed to be much inhumanity lying beneath the skin of Joia’s Mistress.

As she observed the shaking form of the sobbing Gemina, Joia began to feel those stirrings grow a little stronger. They were the very same ones she had felt when Alviva had lost her head. What made this all the worse was that Gemina was an exceptionally beautiful young woman.

Joia admired her small mounds and flaxen hair. She seemed to be the epitome of innocence. Formerly she had been promised to the son of an important man in her village before she had been taken away. Because of the contents of a pouch, that marriage would never take place. Now Gemina was about to lose her head.

The sobbing young woman was taken through the door to her fate. As she cried out in terror, Joia felt those disgraceful stirrings intensify within her. It caused her to breathe harder.

She was already feeling ashamed of herself. Joia could picture the poor girl writhing on the wooden slab. That beautiful, innocent body was about to be deprived of its lovely head of golden hair.

Tears welled up in Joia’s eyes. She quietly summoned the most vile of curses to fall upon her. How could she even think such terrible things concerning the helpless Gemina?

Clemencia came in to fetch the rest of them. They were all led out into the evening dusk. Gemina was already flat on her back.

She was in the process of being slid into the sections awaiting her throat. The top block came down, sealing her neck into the path of the blade. Instantly she let out a wail as she started begging for mercy.

She cried out that she had done her best to please Master. But he had been too rough on her. It wasn’t her fault.

“Silence!” Clemencia bellowed at her. “Your failure is none of my concern! The least you can do with your pitiful life now is bring some pleasure to those around you! At least you can do THAT, can’t you?”

Joia and her fellow sisters watched in horror as one of the guards exposed his hard penis. His companions laughed and cheered. Pulling Gemina’s legs apart, he savagely thrust himself inside her.

She screamed in pain. No doubt she was dry from her terror. Then the executioner exposed his manhood before tipping her head back and ramming it home into her mouth.

Joia was absolutely horrified. For a moment she thought the midday meal was going to come back up inside her. A moment later she truly wished it would have.

Those disgraceful stirrings she was having suddenly swelled within her like the rush of a mighty wind. Her face flushed red with shame as her nipples hardened under her sheer garment. She fervently hoped no one would notice and bring it to the attention of Mistress or the guards.

Gemina tried to scream. But her mouth was full. The man between her legs gasped aloud as though experiencing great pleasure.

Joia risked a glance at Clemencia. She saw a cruel smile on the woman’s face. She seemed to be enjoying what must be coming across to her as a wickedly good performance.

At that moment Joia was almost certain of her suspicions. Mistress had deliberately picked Gemina to deliver to Master. She must have strongly suspected this would be the end result.

The man between Gemina’s legs roared his release. Then he pulled out and aimed. His ejaculate spurted all over Gemina’s stomach.

The young woman gurgled as the executioner’s seed bubbled up out of her mouth. It set her to coughing and gasping. Then she began crying forlornly.

Joia was horrified at the degradation of poor Gemina. But she was unable to look away. It was not because they were all compelled to observe the proceedings upon threat of death. It was because of something more shameful inside her.

She could feel it swelling within her. Joia seemed unable to stop the rising feelings that threatened to overwhelm her. Surely anyone looking her way would discover her shameful reactions.

“Now use the other opening!” Clemencia demanded of the guards with a cruel laugh.

One of them eagerly stepped up to do her bidding. Gemina screamed anew as he violated her rectum. Every one of Joia’s companions shivered and squirmed, fighting to prevent the screams that wanted to erupt from their lips to join with those of their poor sister.

Joia struggled to breathe, her eyes wide in horror as the sensations swelled inside her. This time it was much worse. This time she could imagine it was her lying on the wooden slab instead of Gemina.

Strangely she imagined it was her being so disgracefully abused, the blade hanging ominously over her own head. Tears stained her cheeks as she watched the poor girl writhe and scream. She couldn’t help wondering how Gemina must feel knowing the blade would come down at any moment.

The executioner reached for the rope. Joia shuddered in revulsion. Even so, she could feel shameful, internal pleasures over what she was witnessing.

Her mind screamed in horror as the feelings inside her swelled towards a crescendo. Then she saw Mistress nod at the executioner. The cruel woman’s eyes blazed with fire as she licked her lips.

The blade dropped. Gemina’s cries were mercifully silenced. Her head dropped onto the blood-stained ground beneath her.

At the moment the head was severed, Joia felt it break over her. She wept openly as a pleasurable warmth filled her body. She shuddered shamefully as Gemina’s body bucked involuntarily in the straps.

The man thrusting into Gemina’s rectum roared out his release. He finally pulled away, his ejaculate dripping out of her anus. The hooded executioner lifted up the head of Gemina and displayed it to one and all, seemingly proud that his seed dripped from the corners of her mouth.

Joia gasped and then shuddered again. More tears flowed down her cheeks. Shamed by the betrayal of her body, she silently pleaded with Gemina’s spirit to forgive her for such dishonor.

Clemencia turned and saw Joia sobbing quietly. She smiled cruelly, pleased at the poor girl’s tears. Then she turned her attention to one and all.

“Do NOT displease Master again!” Clemencia roared at them. “Now GO!” They scurried back inside the door like a herd of frightened does, their sobs and cries fading as they rushed back to their separate rooms…

2010; 2020 (written for Aravanna and Hitomi Mar 15 ’10; ed. Dec 3 ‘20 by riwa)

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Shelly in Cancun 16 3.3 (16)

Shelly in Cancun 16 – The aquarium

When consciousness finally returns I feel cramped and stuffy. It’s pitch black all around me. I squint in a frantic effort to be able to see something. But I see nothing at all and it frightens me, making me think that perhaps I’ve gone blind.

I try to cry out, but it comes out muffled. That’s when I discover someone has covered my mouth with duct tape. It was probably one of those bastards who took me back at the bungalow.

It both scares and infuriates me. I scream as loud as I can. But my scream is muffled and it does me no good.

Squirming around, I find my wrists have been duct taped behind my back. I also discover someone has bound my ankles together around my socks with what I can only assume is more tape. It feels like I’m still in my street clothes.

I mentally take a quick inventory. I don’t feel any bruises or broken bones. And it doesn’t feel like I’ve been sexually abused either… well, not yet anyway.

I wriggle and squirm in an attempt to try and get more information on my whereabouts. What I’m laying on feels like no carpeting I’ve ever walked on before. As I thrash around, I feel my prison move up and down just a little. That’s when I conclude I must be in the trunk of someone’s car… probably one belonging to one of those bastards who kidnapped me.

I squirm around some more in an attempt to feel if there is anything back here with me I can use to cut myself free. My hands pat all around behind me. But there doesn’t seem to be anything in here I can use.

I whimper in frustration. Moving my feet around does no good either. All I find are the ridges inside the trunk of the car and nothing else.

Trying one last time to do something, I try to reach for my ankles in the hopes I can somehow work the tape loose. But I can’t quite reach them. I scream out in frustration. That’s when I realize I’m ultimately going to need someone’s help getting out of here… wherever ‘here’ happens to be.

I lie still and listen with all my might, trying to figure out where the car I’m trapped inside might be located. But I hear nothing at all. For all I know I’m in a car parked inside some private garage where no one will ever find me other than the owner… and I’m not sure I want to meet him.

Angry, frustrated and scared, I start screaming into my gag in the vain hopes of getting someone’s attention. Perhaps I’m in a parking lot somewhere. If I keep crying out maybe someone will come pound on the trunk, hear me inside and go call the authorities.

After five minutes of crying out, all I accomplish is making myself hoarse. I finally give up.

I squirm around until I’m not lying on that damned ridge anymore so I can make myself comfortable. I have no idea how long I might’ve been in here. But I decide there’s no point in exhausting myself any further. I might as well sit tight, get my strength back and hope for the best.

I have absolutely no sense of the passage of time in here. For all I know, I’ve been in here for several hours. It’s possible I might even be in here several hours more before someone finally comes and gets me.

The thought of what might happen to me sets me to trembling like mad. I have to force myself to calm down as I whimper plaintively. For the moment I’m still alive. Right now, that’s all that matters.

I suddenly hear footsteps nearby. My heart surges with fearful excitement. I start screaming into the tape in my mouth, hoping someone will hear me.

I hear what sounds like a key twisting in the trunk. A moment later it opens. I’m blinded by daylight.

As my eyes adjust I realize it must be late afternoon because of the sun’s position in the sky. That tells me I’ve probably been in here several hours at least. Then I get a clear view of the man who’s just opened the trunk. I whimper in fear, instantly recognizing him as one of the men who took me earlier today.

“How are you doing in there?” he asks kindly in a distinctly Hispanic accent. I “mmmph” anxiously. Then his kind expression evaporates as his face grows cold and hard.

“Tell me, senorita. Has your lady friend ever let you down?”

My eyes widen in horror. Now I’m afraid for Andria’s safety. I “mmmph” anxiously.

“You see,” he continues in an unpleasant tone. “Her boyfriend failed to return the case to us in a timely manner. We were forced to dispose of him.”

The man says it so calmly, so matter-of-factly, that it sends a chill running down my spine. Apparently murdering Jake meant nothing more to him than swatting away a pesky fly.

“I hope your lady friend finds the case and returns it to us soon,” he says thoughtfully. “Otherwise I’m afraid your stay in Cancun is going to become rather… permanent?” I stiffen anxiously as he looks down on me.

“We have set the meeting for midnight,” he tells me. “I suggest you get some rest, senorita. It will be a few more hours yet. Then we shall see.” That’s when the bastard slams the lid shut, entombing me inside the trunk of the car once more.

I can’t help whimpering fearfully at the news Jake is dead. I’ve got a very bad feeling about all of this. I can’t help wondering what’s going through poor Andria’s mind. She must be sick with worry over my disappearance.

A part of me wishes for her to run far away and catch the very next plane out of Cancun. But I know that’s not going to happen, not as long as I’m still out here somewhere. Knowing Andria, she’ll do whatever she has to do in order to get me back, no matter the cost. But something tells me if I do see her tonight, the two of us will not live long enough to see daylight tomorrow.

Tears well up in my eyes as I whimper helplessly. I don’t want to die. What’s more, I’m ashamed of myself for wanting her to make the attempt to get me out of this.

For a few moments I scream out, thrashing around as though I could somehow shake loose from my bonds. Then I curl up and start crying softly, knowing that neither one of us is liable to make that 9 pm flight out of Cancun tonight.

My stomach growls; I haven’t eaten all day. But there’s nothing I can do about it. In the meantime, all I can do is lay here and ponder my fate, something that doesn’t help matters any. It isn’t long until I eventually drift off into a troubled sleep…
I awaken to the sensation of riding around in the back of a moving car. My eyes flutter open. I’m hungry and I discover I’m still inside the damn trunk.

For a moment I’m tempted to cry out. What if I make as much noise as I can? I’m afraid of angering my captor, so I end up doing nothing at all.

With all the turns, there’s absolutely no way of keeping track of where we’re going. I finally give up altogether. It wouldn’t do me any good anyway as I have absolutely no clue about the layout of the city I’m in. I couldn’t tell anyone where I was even if I did somehow manage to get to a phone.

The car finally comes to a halt and the engine shuts off. I don’t know whether to be relieved or worried. I hear a car door slam followed by the sound of footsteps on blacktop.

A moment later I hear the key in the trunk. My breath catches in my throat. Then the trunk pops open.

I look out hopefully, blinking my eyes. It’s dark outside. But there’s enough light for me to see it’s still that same bastard.

I try not to show any fear. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction. But I just can’t help whimpering anxiously.

He pulls out a knife and my heart rate spikes. I half expect him to plunge it into my chest. Instead, he reaches for my feet and cuts the tape to my ankles.

He puts the knife away. Then he pulls me out of the trunk onto my feet. It’s quite warm outside.

There’s enough light from the night sky to see we’re parked next to the back of some building. I see a metal door nearby. But I don’t know – or trust – what lies beyond it.

My first urge is to make a run for it. Then he pulls a rather menacing looking revolver out of his jacket pocket for me to see.

“You will not try to do anything foolish; will you, senorita? After all, your friend is meeting us in a few minutes. I would hate for her to be disappointed if some unfortunate, uh… accident… were to befall you.”

I whimper as I shake my head. My best chance for survival is to be patient and wait for an opportunity.

Pocketing his gun, he grabs my arm near the elbow. Then he steers me toward the door. It’s unlocked, and he forces me inside.

In an instant I’m hit by a wall of humidity. My nose instantly picks up the distinct aroma of fish and seaweed. My first guess is that we’re in some sort of aquarium.

He escorts me through a dimly lit corridor. I can only assume we’re walking through the employees’ section of the building. Then we emerge out into what I suspect is public access.

I nearly cry out in horror when we round a corner. There’s enough light for me to make out the figure of a man lying on the tile floor on his back. Something dark pools out under his body.

As we walk around him, the dim lighting reveals a dark, red tint to it. I see some sort of small burn in his chest with that similar red tint oozing out. Then the light catches his face just right.

This time I DO cry out in alarm. I know this man; it’s Almonte! He’s been shot in the chest!

My captor nudges me forward, dragging me along by my arm. “Come along, senorita,” he tells me with a sigh. “You cannot help him now.”

It takes everything in my power not to scream over and over into the tape covering my mouth. In a flash my appetite is gone. My heart’s up in my throat, and I can’t stop trembling.

We wind our way through more of the building until we come to a large set of ornately decorated wooden steps. “This way, if you will,” my captor tells me as he steers me upward.

I start to climb up, trying to be careful not to lose my balance even though he has a good grip on my arm. With a few steps to go, I see the stairwell level off ahead of us. It looks like an observation platform.

Beyond is the edge to a large fish tank. It confirms my suspicions we’re inside some sort of aquarium. I see water beyond the glass, along with the occasional darting of brightly colored tropical fish.

When we reach the observation platform, I drift toward the edge and look into the tank. There is a variety of fish swimming around inside. The view is somewhat soothing, and I manage to relax… but only a little.

I make the mistake of looking down where several fish have gathered curiously. They’re darting back and forth around a couple of objects. As my eyes adjust, I can’t help screaming into the tape covering my mouth.

Down on the sandy floor I see two naked female bodies tethered next to each other by a couple of concrete blocks. The blocks are eerily similar to what I was tied up to and dumped overboard with back at the reef. The fish dart close as though expecting to be fed. But there is no food forthcoming.

Both girls seem to be facing each other. They appear to have their hands duct taped behind their backs. Both mouths are duct taped as well.

It’s the horrific expression of sheer terror in the one girl’s lifeless eyes that haunts me. I scream over and over again. I cannot believe this has happened to Shiori.

“Come along, senorita,” the man nudges me. “You cannot help them either. You can only hope your friend will be more helpful when she arrives.”

I drag my feet, whimpering as I blink my eyes in pure horror. I want the image of what I’ve seen to vanish like a bad dream. But the nightmare remains.

I blink hard again. Unfortunately they’re both still there. I don’t have a clear view of the other face. But I’m convinced it’s the body of her friend Emiko whose back is to me at a bit of an angle.

I almost freak out when I see a couple of tiny bubbles dribble out of Shiori’s nose. But she doesn’t respond – doesn’t even blink.

I want to scream at them to move. I want to see them wriggle around – do something – anything that will prove to me they’re both alive and that there’s still the slightest chance they can both be saved.

I’m utterly horrified. I’m also becoming more than a little aroused despite my fear. Embarrassing stirrings surge shamefully through my loins.

Both bodies sway ever so softly. Their skin tone is still flesh-colored. They have not yet taken on the pale of having been submerged for a long period of time.

I suspect they haven’t been down all that long. Tears well up in my eyes; I might have just missed them. For some reason it hurts that I never even got the chance to say goodbye.

I’m nudged in the back as I’m pulled along by my arm up the rest of the steps. I sob into the tape covering my mouth as tears stream down my cheeks. I’m almost certain I’m going to die now.

Surely I’ve seen way too much for him to allow me to live. That means that Andria is doomed as well once she sets foot inside the building.

My mind screams, wishing I could send some sort of telepathic message warning her not to come get me. But if I know Andria, I know she won’t rest until she knows I’m safe. It tears me apart inside knowing her attempt to rescue me will probably end up costing her her life.

We reach the top of the stairs. He directs me around another corner to a large observation area. There’s a glass partition four feet high with a metal rail on top to keep the public from pitching forward into the tank. But it’s folded open in two places like a couple of gates, no doubt to allow employees access into the tank itself.

The bastard walks me toward the farthest one and stands me close to the edge. One false step and I’ll find myself literally swimming with the fishes with my arms taped behind my back.

My eyes settle on something lying over in the corner in the shadows. I inhale sharply, knowing in an instant I’m dead.

There’s just enough light for me to make out two more of those decorative concrete blocks. Both have lengths of rope already tied through them. Apparently they are waiting for a couple more bodies to be tied to.

Andria and I are to be tossed into the tank. We’ll end up like Shiori and Emiko. It’s as though both girls are now waiting for us to join them.

I start to whimper as my breath catches in my throat. I feel like I’m going to start hyperventilating any second now. My pussy is drenched from a fearful arousal.

The man calmly walks over and picks up one of the blocks, bringing it back to me. I’m suddenly frozen with terror. All I can do is whimper helplessly as he bends down and removes my shoes and socks.

He ties my ankles together with the free end of the rope. I whimper in fright, my pussy throbbing with a terrible arousal. I’ll soon be joining Shiori and Emiko. No doubt, Andria will be joining us all.

“Your friend must know we mean business, senorita,” he says sympathetically. “It will not be much longer. Try not to be frightened.”

I whimper anxiously, and I can’t help squirming around a little. “FUCK YOU!” my mind screams at him. “TRY NOT TO BE FRIGHTENED?? IT’S TOO DAMNED LATE FOR THAT!! I’M FRIGHTENED OUT OF MY WITS!!”

He gives a final tug to make sure the rope is secure. Then that damn knife comes out again. For a second I’m afraid he’s actually going to cut me.

He starts slicing away my clothes, humiliating me even more. In no time at all I’m naked and trembling. Now I’m even more certain I’m going to end up just like my two naked friends at the bottom of the tank.

I’m hoping he doesn’t notice my wetness. If he does, he makes no mention of it. “Now we wait,” he says quietly.

I hyperventilate through my nose, my breathing hard and labored. About 20 minutes later I feel a door closing inside the building. There’s a quiet whoosh as though the air pressure has changed just a little bit, enough for me to notice a disturbance.

“GO AWAY, ANDRIA!” my mind pleads as tears well up in my eyes.

2009; 2021 (written May 26 ’09; ed. Jul 21 ‘21 by riwa)

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