1.4 billion dollars later (male victim) (Guest author) 2.8 (22)

My wife and I hit the Powerball. After the brief, yet understandable shock wore off, we commenced with Operation Trick or Treat.

I had been in contact with 3 Amazing Pro Dommes. One was in my home state, and one was in New York City. The third lived in Canada.

Today was the 7th of October. Cash is in our checking account. We offer all 3 Ladies to Attend a BDSM themed party in Toronto Canada. We offer them 10k each to attend and party with us from sunset to sunrise.

To our eternal gratitude, they all accepted. And after NDA were signed by all parties, we rented out the finest dungeon Canada had to offer.

But perhaps I am getting ahead of myself. Let’s introduce the Ladies.

Part 2

The limo arrives at the dungeon front entrance. My palms are nervously wet with anticipation as the driver opens the door. The Ladies come out one by one. Meanwhile, my wife is inside making sure all is as we requested.

As they approach me, I assume the position with 3 envelopes. One is addressed to each goddess. They each say thank you for attending, and state that their word is law from sunset to sunrise. I give them my safe-word: banana pancakes. Then I tell them we can get the party started.

After reading the notes, the Trio walk up to me. One places a blindfold over my eyes, and a red ball gag in my mouth. The next thing I feel is a stun gun zapping me in the base of the neck. Blackness overwhelms me.

When I awaken, I discover I am still blind and mute. The only difference is that I am laying naked in a vacuum bed. I am told by the one with the sexiest voice that they are here to kill me.

They want my wife to join their coven. No witch is allowed a Husband. A sex slave, to be sure, but never a husband.

I hear the vac bed suck all the air around my body. But I can still breathe thru the nose hole. They ask my wife Darla if she is ready to offer my life for her service. I hear her reply, “Yes, Goddess Sabine.”

I feel masking tape being applied over my nose. She waited until I breathed outwardly so as to induce panic sooner. As I struggle with the tape. I hear them chant, “Accept his life as we claim his wife!”

Strangely, I can feel the magic in the air as I pass out from lack of oxygen.

Part 3

I am still alive. I am told I must die 3 times to satisfy their Goddess. That was but one death.

This time, I find myself naked on a chair. There is a noose around my neck. The gag is still in my mouth.

I can see, being as how they removed my blindfold. But this is not an act of mercy. They want me to fully experience the terror of my death.

I notice a video camera recording my situation. They say they will show this to future witches what true commitment to the coven means.

Sabine says to me, “For the crime of being a worthless man, we sentence you to hang by the neck until you are dead. May Goddess have mercy upon your soul.”

The noose is on a winch. With a push of a button, the noose raises me to 3 inches above the stool. It is a slow rise as to not break my neck.

I find myself rooting for a fast demise. But I have no such luck. Instead, I watch them hug one another as I cry tears of sadness and shameful arousal.

My struggle to stay alive only brings forth that same chant… “Accept his life as we claim his wife!”

Shamefully I spurt my load as darkness shows the mercy they would not.

Part 4

I am awake and tied to a chair. I’m gagged, yet able to see. They are all 4 dressed like nuns in black and white latex.

“Brian, this has been the best party ever. However, we must complete the ritual by sunrise, which is only an hour away. “

I am allowed to speak as the gag is removed. I simply say thank you. I also ask that they love and cherish my Darla. They assure me that they will.

Music starts to play. I’m tied to the whipping post. How ironic.

A canister with a breathing mask is secured to my face. Then it is turned on. I am told no more torture and to go to sleep forever as I hear it hiss open and fill my lungs. I smile just before I succumb to their torment for the third and final time.

Oct 2023 by Brian

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A sense of unease at the gallows (Guest author) 3.1 (34)

As I stood at the foot of the gallows, watching the women twitch and writhe in their final moments, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. Something wasn’t right here. And when I saw the state they were in after death – well, let’s just say it was enough to make a hard man blush.

The first gal had her skirt bunched up around her waist, revealing a pair of stockings that looked like they’d seen better days. A vibrator buzzed away inside her, still humming despite being expelled from her quivering quim. Cream dripped from every corner of her undergarments, evidence of some serious seismic activity.

Number two was a real mess. Her dress was soaked through, and she wore a sodden petticoat that hung low over her knees. She’d obviously lost control of her bladder big time, leaving behind a river of urine that smelled like a sewer. But worst of all was the sight of her engorged clitoris, standing tall and proud as if ready for action.

Third girl didn’t look any better. Her knickers were soaked, and her dress was spattered with cream. A vibrator stuck out of her quim like a flagpole, still going strong. This broad must have really put on a show.

Fourth girl was luckier than the others. She hadn’t peed herself nearly as badly, but she did wear a sizeable turd wedged between her cheeks. Maybe she got stage fright?

But the fifth lady took the cake. At fifty years old, she should know better than to get worked up over something like this. Still, she’d managed to soil her drawers pretty good, and her vibrator sat snug in her quim like a bullet in a gun barrel.

Sixth girl had me scratching my chin. Why did she need such a fancy chemise with those puffy nipples? Guess she wanted to look extra special for her date with destiny. Too bad she ended up with a face full of shit instead.

Seventh girl had her tongue hanging out like a dog in heat. She’d left a lake of pee in her wake, along with a healthy dollop of poop smeared across her petticoats. No wonder she went out with a whimper rather than a roar.

Eight was a tiny thing, barely legal looking. But she sure knew how to work her body. She’d ejaculated all over the place, leaving behind a sea of creamy fluid. And her vibrator was nowhere to be found, having shot out of her like a cannonball.

Ninth girl was another mess. Pee and poop covered her petticoats, and her vibrator lay discarded among the ruins. Didn’t take long for her to hit rock bottom.

Tenth girl was different. She may have died fast, but she sure kept things tidy until the end. Not a spot of pee or poop anywhere. Just a few drops of cream and a vibrator still buried deep within her.

After the ladies were laid to rest in their coffins, I couldn’t stop thinking about them. The fate of these doomed vixens weighed heavily upon me, even if the world deemed them sinful and deserving of their ignominious ends.

My thoughts circled back to the eerie scenes that unfolded before our eyes mere hours ago. The night following the executions was moonlit and very cold, the frigid air biting at everything it touched. Word about the unprecedented event had spread like wildfire across the dusty streets of Tuscon: ten women had met their maker via hangman’s noose that day, and though there were several accounts of what exactly led to their ghastly fate — whether they were mere thieves or something much darker altogether — nobody could deny the sheer audacity of their final moments.

For my part, I found myself drawn to the site of their impending burial, unable to peel myself away from the gruesome imagery etched into the minds of everyone present. Each woman had died writhing in sexual ecstasy, every gasp and moan echoing through the crowd like the soundtrack to some twisted symphony.

And yet when the undertakers came for their remains, a curious thing happened: the wooden coffins shook with renewed vigor, straining against the bindings that held them locked tight. It seemed almost too much to bear, the knowledge that these poor souls were not yet really deceased! But then came another revelation, a truth stranger still: each lid burst asunder and the deceased rose en masse before us, naked and quivering, embracing their newfound freedom as if born again.

As I watched them fly away, borne aloft upon whispers and promises communicated between the stars above our heads, whilst their naked haunches shone in the moonlight, I realized how little we really know about the world around us. How many secrets hide behind closed doors, waiting to emerge once given a chance? Their departure heralded the start of yet another long journey into the heart of things unknown and unseen. A pilgrimage into the very fabric of reality itself, leading us deeper into realms beyond imagination, hidden from view until now.

A chill ran down my spine as those words escaped my lips. What did they mean? Where would this path lead us next? Only time would tell, and yet my instincts warned me against further investigation.

Sep 2023 by Bartholinus

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A grandmother’s fetish 4.4 (169)

Taylor couldn’t have picked the worst time to show up for another one of our special “plays”. That’s because my daughter Faye and her 21 year old daughter Tori were visiting from Tennessee.

He came in while we were all in the living room having tea. He had his revolver, of course. He always had it whenever he “broke in” to have his way with me.

He was startled at seeing three of us. Then he smiled as though he’d just stumbled across an unexpected blessing. I shook my head at him… “Not today.” But he just made us all strip.

He tied my wrists behind my back by using my bra. Then he used Faye’s bra to tie her wrists behind her back. He even used Tori’s to secure her wrists as well. Then he stuffed their panties into their mouths so they couldn’t speak up in protest.

I now regretted the extra rope I had hidden behind the couch for his “visits”. We used it whenever he wanted to tie me up and have his way with me. There was plenty on hand, and he sure put it to good use.

He used it to hogtie my daughter and granddaughter separately. They seemed shocked to see it miraculously appear from behind my couch like that. They gave me questioning looks as though asking, “What is all that rope doing back there? And how come he seems to know all about it?”

He stood me up and marched me naked to my sewing room in back. The chair we often used for our plays was right there where I usually left it. So was the hook up in the ceiling.

Thankfully, Faye had never asked about it. Maybe she had not looked up to notice it. Or maybe she simply thought it was for something other than the purposes Taylor and I used it for.

He found the noose I had hidden in the closet. He quickly strung it up through the hook in the ceiling. My crotch immediately got wet just thinking about what he was going to do to me.

He noosed me up before undressing. Then he sat naked in the chair. Taylor had me sit in his lap facing away from him, impaling me with his erection while the noose was around my throat.

He added tension to the rope, making me ride him as he pulled me up and down. I could feel how erect he’d become inside me. It had been six months, and I’d all but forgotten our little breathless “break-in” sessions.

“What are you doing here?” I finally hissed quietly. “I thought you’d forgotten all about me!”

“Who’s in the living room?” he whispered into my ear as he reached around to grope my boobs.

“Quiet!” I whispered back. “That’s my daughter and granddaughter from Tennessee!”

“Fresh meat,” he replied with a smile. “Thanks, Rose. I think I’m going to enjoy this visit way more than the other ones.”

“Taylor, you wouldn’t dare! Not my – AWK!”

He pulled on the rope until my pussy gave me away. It had been so long, and it felt so good. I could not stop myself from shamefully rasping, “Tighter!”

“Miss me that much, did you?” he whispered dangerously into my ear. Then he pulled on the rope even more. My breath was all but cut off.

This time our session played out a little differently. He pulled harder than I was anticipating. Soon, I was seeing stars.

The sensation of the rope tightening around my throat went straight to my wet pussy. I loved it, of course. But I was also aware it was becoming much too tight for me to withstand.

I tried to rasp that he was pulling too hard and being too rough. That’s when it suddenly occurred to me. Was he going to kill me, now that my family was here and had seen his face?

I could not breathe at all. I saw stars as my lungs heaved in my chest. The climax I experienced, coupled with the fear he might take me all the way this time, battered me into orgasmic oblivion……

I awakened to the sound of grunts in the room. I tried to shake the cobwebs out of my head, only to discover my panties were back in my mouth. Then I opened my eyes.

My 21 year old granddaughter was now sitting naked in his lap. Her back was to him, my noose snugged tight around her neck. She was blindfolded, the panties still in her mouth.

He played her naked body the same way he’d played mine. He groped and fondled her boobs from behind while reaching down to finger her button. I should have been horrified, but for some damned reason I was perversely turned on at the erotic sight.

Her nipples really stood erect upon her chest. I could tell her pussy was gushing fluids. She may not have appreciated the noose around her throat. But her body certainly seemed to be enjoying it. I know mine sure was, just by watching her rasp and suffer.

Taylor grinned at me as he pulled on the rope to Tori’s noose. She grunted as she squirted her arousal in my direction. “She’s multi-orgasmic,” he panted at me with a smirk, loud enough for both her and I to hear.

He reached around to grope and fondle her boobs some more. Then he pulled on that damned rope, making her ride his erection. It was shamefully arousing the way he abused my granddaughter like that.

He finally pulled her all the way up off the floor into the air. Then he used the nearby cleat on the wall to tie off the rope. Yes, I had shamefully set up my sewing room for everything.

I shook my head no as he hanged my granddaughter. Her head jerked this way and that as though she was trying to understand what was happening to her. She still couldn’t see, and with the panties in her mouth, she couldn’t speak out in protest.

Tears filled my eyes. I was in agony watching my daughter hang. I was also experiencing a shameful arousal as my pussy throbbed like crazy.

Tori kicked and pedaled as he groped and fondled her. He even stuck fingers in her pussy and wriggled them around. “She’s really twitching and clenching,” he told me with a grin. “She must love it every bit as much as you do.”

I watched as he stepped behind her. Then she jerked and grunted. I was sure his cock had just gone up her ass.

Her legs kicked in vain. Then Taylor grabbed her just under the knees and pulled her legs up. Now my granddaughter looked as though she was squatting in midair on his prick.

I was given a shameful view of Tori’s wet, dripping pussy as he spread her thighs open. I also got a good view of Taylor’s cock up her ass. That’s when I winced as a humiliating orgasm flushed warmly through my quivering body.

He let go, and her legs dropped. It seemed to pull disturbingly tight against the noose around her throat. Her bladder released as she hung limp, still impaled up her ass on his cock. It was so shamefully erotic that I climaxed again, even as more tears filled my eyes.

He pulled out and left her to dangle. Then he came over to me. He gave me a stern warning before pulling the panties out of my mouth and shoving his cock down my throat.

He choked me like that, as he usually did after my ass-fucking. Then he pinched my nose shut. My eyes rolled until I could not breathe again. “Nighty-night,” he whispered as consciousness left me again……

The sound of more grunts awakened me, my panties having been returned to my mouth. Tori was now lying in a heap on the floor. Her wrists were still tied behind her back.

This time, he had my daughter Faye in the chair in his lap. She was also blindfolded, her panties still in her mouth. The noose was around her neck as he jerked her up and down on his dick. Her back was too him so I could see the grimace in her expression.

She grunted each time he added tension to the rope. But I could tell her body was also enjoying it too. Her nipples were incredibly erect, her pussy dripping as he fucked her hard.

I shook my head as more tears filled my eyes. But I wasn’t crying because I knew he was going to hang her too. I was crying because my own body was betraying me by how shamefully turned on I was. Damn this fetish!

“She’s really clenching too,” he panted admiringly. “It must run in the family. Let’s see how she likes it when I take her all the way up.”

I shook my head while trying to grunt, “No – don’t!” Then Faye was hefted up off the floor. Her legs kicked haphazardly as she grunted and struggled.

I watched as he molested my daughter while she dangled in mid-air. The eroticism of it all shamed me. Then he went around behind her, and I knew what was coming next.

I saw her jerk as his cock went up her ass. And with that, I was cumming all over again. It was utterly humiliating. The only good thing was the panties in my mouth preventing me from crying out in perverse pleasure.

He played with her boobs while fingering her cunt. He didn’t lift her legs up like he had with my granddaughter. It didn’t really matter, because she still squirted until she dangled limp.

I shamefully climaxed again the moment she pissed herself. He pulled out and left her to hang. Her urine dripped onto my sewing room carpeting.

He came over to me. Once again, he pulled the panties out of my mouth. Then he rammed his dick down my throat, gagging me with it.

Had he always intended to hang me to death? I might have enjoyed it more had my daughter and granddaughter not been present. Oh hell; who was I kidding? I had climaxed shamefully to both of their hangings.

“Your turn, Rose,” he told me as he pulled out of my mouth. Then he lowered my daughter to the floor. He removed the noose and laid her out next to my dead granddaughter.

I could not cry out. I was too numb with shock, mixed with the perverse thrill of knowing he was going to hang me as well. In any event, I’m not sure it would have done any good, as I doubt anyone would have heard me.

He came for me, pulling me to my feet. He looped the noose over my neck and snugged it up tight. Then he sat down upon the chair and pulled me down until I was fully impaled upon his shaft with my back to his chest. Amazingly, he was still hard.

“No blindfold?” I gasped sarcastically. “No panties between my lips to shut me up?”

“I want to hear you enjoy this, Rose. Then I want to see the life fade from your eyes as you hang for me.”

“Did you have to hang my daughter and granddaughter?”

“They enjoyed themselves, Rose! Hell, you enjoyed it too! I saw it in your eyes. Don’t tell me it didn’t turn you on watching them suffer the way I enjoyed them in the noose.”

“I didn’t like it, Taylor… not one damn bit!”

“Yes, you did, Rose,” he laughed. Then he pulled hard on my noose. It strangled an orgasm right out of me.

“All you bitches are noose sluts, Rose. Did you train them or something?”

I don’t know why I felt compelled to explain myself. “They knew… nothing about this… Taylor.”

“They never found your playtoys?”

He pulled so hard that it choked off my reply. I squirted as I came again. He just chuckled.

“You are such a noose-whore, Rose. And so were they. The way they climaxed in the noose? Surely you must have trained them. That, I would have loved to have seen.”

“I didn’t… train them… and I didn’t… tell them about… you and me… gawd…”

“I can feel you clenching like crazy, Rose. Are you picturing your granddaughter dancing in the noose for you? Are you remembering how your daughter looked as she hanged to death?”

I don’t know where the words came from. All I could do was shamefully whimper, “Gawd, this is… such a… turn-on!” Then my face went red with shame.

He laughed as he pulled harder. I heard myself tell him, “Pull it… tighter. No, wait. I want you to… hang me!” I know I certainly deserved to die.

“Like mother, like daughter and granddaughter; eh, Rose? All right. Have it your way.”

He pulled hard on the rope. I went straight up into the air. Then I started kicking.

I caught sight of Faye and Tori. Seeing their naked bodies lying there, and remembering how they had died, shamed me. But it also gave me such a perverse thrill.

Taylor stood in front of me, too far away for me to wrap my legs around his waist. He molested me until I climaxed all over again. Then he moved behind me.

“One more fuck in the ass as you die, Rose? You’ve talked and hinted about going all the way once before. At least you won’t have to taste your ass on my cock this time… ‘cause you’ll be dead.”

I felt his cock push up into my ass. It brought back memories both painful and glorious. Then I was ass-gasming all over his hard, thick member.

He was inside me for quite a while. Usually, I know how to get just enough leverage with him up my butt to stay alive. But then he pulled out, leaving me to dangle all on my own.

He came up in front of me and molested me again. I barely felt his fingers in my cunt. “You’re still squeezing, Rose. But don’t worry. It won’t be for much longer.”

I thought about Faye and Tori. It made me clench involuntarily around his wriggling digits in my cunt. “Cumming one last time for me, Rose? Or are you cumming from remembering how erotic it was to see your family hang?”

Damn him! But there was nothing I could do to stop myself. Besides, my internal organs were starting to fail.

His fingers were still in my pussy. But I could no longer feel them. Then I felt consciousness spiraling away, perhaps for the very last time.

“Time to go to sleep, Rose. I’m going to leave you dangling until someone else finds you. But if I know you, I know you’ve always wanted it this way.”

His words gave me one last, perverse thrill. Then my vision started to diminish. I heard a voice from somewhere in front of me murmuring, “There goes the light from those eyes, Rose.”

I could no longer see him, and could no longer feel his fingers in my pussy. But I felt his lips on mine. However, I was too far gone to be able to kiss him back.

“Nighty – night, Rosie.” Then I think he gave me a push. I was barely aware of swinging back and forth as my bladder gave way before all my senses shut down, sending me to merciful oblivion.

2023 (written Jan 4 ’23 by riwa. Inspired by the shooter drawing I included.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 3.7 (3)

Coming November rewards

The 13th chapter to Aravanna
The 13th chapter to Katia
Pool visit 2
Seducing Tiffany
Trash day
A JustPaul illustrated story
Becoming a dolphin
AF’s The Roommates
Teasing the landscaper
Dorothy and the water tank
From bad to worse

September stories/rewards will fall off at the end of October to make room for November rewards.

Boy, that sure escalated in a hurry. “There will be wars and rumors of wars?” Sounds kind of biblical to me, doesn’t it? Is this going to be our new normal?

The weather has started to change. Lately, my morning walks have consisted of pants and a jacket. Afternoon walks occur while I’m wearing a short-sleeved shirt and shorts. But now we’ve got snow coming in. So this afternoon, I really added extra layers so as not to make myself sick. After all, I’m… well, I’m a couple decades older than 42 now. Note: I was just out walking when I discovered how icy it is. Many slide-offs and a neighbor fell and broke his shoulder. Be careful out there in bad weather.

I ran some errands for mom today. I’m so very thankful I still have her with me. Sometimes she will fix a meal for herself. But she usually cooks for 2-3 people. So she puts the extra in a bowl and sends it home with me whenever I check up on her. Lately, those boomerang bowls have had a variety of things in them. She’ll buy grapes, a pie, or some watermelon, and then send part of it home with me. She’s very thoughtful and appreciative of my efforts to help out.

I’m so very blessed to have her. So I’ll be counting my many blessings this Thanksgiving. I hope you can find things to be thankful for this year. I’m thankful I can write for you to distract you from what is going on out in the world. So please be safe out there. And thank you so very much for being my patrons.

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The seductress 8 4.4 (34)


I was so startled at the sudden intrusion into the pool that I almost swallowed water. Instinctively, I disengaged from Mrs. Walker before shooting up to the surface and grabbing onto the ladder. She followed me right up, grabbing on as well.

I was so disoriented that for a moment I thought her daughter Carly had jumped in. But it didn’t look like Carly at all among all those bubbles. I had no idea who it might be.

I became tongue-tied, wondering who Mrs. Walker had invited over to join us. When the woman surfaced, I didn’t recognize her from anyone I knew at church. But at least she had a pleasant expression when she gazed at us.

“You’re back early,” Karen remarked with a smile. “Robert here is with our youth group. He’s checking out the place with me to see if it will work for having a pool party.”

“Hello, Robert,” the newcomer said pleasantly, treading water as I took in her features.

She had a nice figure: slender hips, full breasts, and dirty blonde hair. She looked to be a bit older than Mrs. Walker. I figured her to be in her early to mid-forties.

I forgot myself as I stared a little too long at her yellow bikini. It was very revealing. In fact, it surprised me to see something so risqué on a woman I thought would have dressed more modestly. Maybe I was thinking about the way most of the older women dressed whenever they were in church.

I stammered, “You’re, uh…”

“…the owner of the pool you’re enjoying,” she finished with a smile.

I immediately felt guilty for being in her pool. “Oh; I’m sorry.”

“No; it’s quite all right.”

“Robert, this is Bernice Van Ostrum. She’s the one who has offered to help host the pool party.”

I looked at Mrs. Walker before turning to look back at Mrs. Van Ostrum. “Oh, uh… that’s very kind of you.”

“Not at all,” she responded cheerfully. “Happy to do it.”

I suddenly felt very self-conscious. For some reason, I was thinking she wanted to enjoy a private swim. So I looked at Mrs. Walker again. She did not seem the least bit caught off-guard like I had been.

I nervously told Mrs. Van Ostrum, “I suppose you, uh… you want to use your pool now. Karen, uh… Mrs. Walker? I think the pool will work just fine. Anyway, I’ll just be getting out of the water now so you can use it and enjoy your…”

“Nonsense!” Mrs. Walker interrupted with a wave. “She doesn’t mind our being in her pool; right, Bernice?”

“Not at all,” the owner replied with a warm smile. But I still felt as though we were intruding.

Mrs. Walker smiled as she said, “Actually, you came at just the right time, Bernice. I really need to use the little girl’s room.”

Mrs. Van Ostrum waved dismissively. “The house is unlocked, Karen. Be my guest.”

“Thank you. I shouldn’t be long.”

Mrs. Walker climbed the ladder out of the pool. I was about to climb out with her when she turned and stopped me with a hand up. “Robert, you don’t have to get out on my account. You can stay here and get acquainted; ok? Ask her anything you like. I should be back in a jiffy.”

She paused as though thinking about it. “Well… maybe two jiffies,” she added with a sigh. “Ladies’ plumbing, you know.” Then she grabbed a towel off one of the patio chairs, using it to absorb the moisture dripping off her body before heading for the door.

I self-consciously turned back toward Mrs. Van Ostrum. She had been treading water the entire time. She just smiled as she said, “So you’re Robert, eh?”

I self-consciously replied, “Uh… yes I am.”

She stretched out a hand. “It’s nice to meet you. Robert. Karen tells me you’re one of the more respectable gentlemen she has in her youth group… a real nice guy.”

I blushed as I thought about all the times I’d been naked in the water with Mrs. Walker and her daughter. “Well, I don’t know about that,” I confessed, hoping she wouldn’t ask any embarrassing questions.

She chuckled pleasantly. Then she asked, “I wasn’t interrupting anything when I jumped in so unexpectedly, was I? I didn’t mean to surprise you like that.”

“Uh… no!” I replied hastily. “Mrs. Walker and I were just doing a little, uh… breath-holding on the bottom.” I figured I could tell her that, being as how it was mostly true.

Her smile broadened. “That’s wonderful! Karen tells me you like to do some breath-holding out at the lake. I take it the water here is much cleaner than what the fish out there swim in?”

I looked around before nodding my head… “Pretty much.”

She chuckled again. Then motioned downward as she asked, “So what do you think of our rings in the bottom? Having them in our pool has resulted in a lot of fun. Did they help with your breath-holding? Or do you prefer to hold your breath while floating face down? I’ve done both.”

“Uh… I like to be deeper in the water when I hold my breath. So the rings in the bottom of your pool work really well; yeah.”

“You think they would work with the youth group if anyone was interested in, say… having a breath-holding contest?”

“Yeah, I suppose they would.”

“I don’t suppose you’d care to show me, would you? I’m always on the lookout for ways of holding my breath longer in order to keep myself from drowning.” She laughed as she added, “I might be getting older, but I still try to keep in shape.”

I chivalrously replied, “You look just fine to me.” In fact, she was looking a little too fine, as my cock was starting to stir.

She smiled at me. “I see why Karen says you’re the most respectable one in the youth group. Care to show an older lady how a young man successfully holds his breath?”

I liked the idea of going down and showing her. But I wasn’t totally comfortable being alone with her. Still, she had asked… and it was her pool I was using…

“I, uh… sure. Which ring do you want me to use?”

“Pick anyone you like.”

For a moment, I wasn’t sure how this was going to work. But if she was going to be nice enough to host the youth group pool party, I figured it was only polite to respond to her request.

I began taking deep breaths to prepare myself. She breathed deeply with me. Then we submerged at roughly the same time.

She headed down toward the ring in the middle. So I took the one closest to the glass. I went down, hooked the ring with my feet, and then faced Mrs. Van Ostrum.

She watched the way I hooked my leg through the ring. Then she did the same. But staring at her in her skimpy, yellow bikini was doing my cock no favors. So I deliberately closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on holding my breath.

I tried to relax despite my heart thumping loudly in my chest. But her sudden presence had thrown me off. I ended up surfacing after about only a minute.

She followed me up until we were panting quietly at the surface. I sheepishly told her, “That wasn’t a very good one at all.”

“Maybe not,” she replied. “But I like your form. How about if I show you how I hold my breath this time?”

“Uh… sure; lead the way.” After all, who was I to say otherwise?

We took deep breaths until we submerged together. I checked my watch before heading down. I watched as she knelt and grabbed the middle ring. Her knees were spread the same way Mrs. Walker’s had been during one of her breath-holds.

I grabbed my ring and spread my knees as I knelt and faced her. This time I was determined to do better. She was being so kind and friendly that I was beginning to relax around her.

A competitive streak soon rose up within me. I wanted to reach a minimum of two minutes at the very least. So I smiled at Mrs. Van Ostrum, occasionally releasing a few bubbles to ease the strain in my lungs. She released a few bubbles as well.

I got a good look at her, and immediately wished I hadn’t. My cock stiffened even more in my speedos. So I closed my eyes, hoping she wouldn’t notice. Her skimpy bikini was revealing quite a bit of cleavage. And seeing the way her bottoms cut through her crotch wasn’t helping matters any.

After a while, I carefully opened my eyes, thankful my arousal had diminished somewhat. Mrs. Van Ostrum was smiling as she looked at me. It made my cock stir again in my speedos.

I checked my watch, noting we’d passed two minutes. Then I nodded and decided to surface, not wanting my bulge to become too obvious. She followed right behind me.

“Two eighteen,” I panted as we were up catching our breath at the surface.

“That was a good one,” she replied with a smile. “I’ve always enjoyed kneeling and holding the ring like that. Now I’m curious as to whether or not you like lying flat on your stomach.”

“That’s a good one,” I replied. “We could do that next.”

“I’d like that.” Then she paused before adding, “I like this. This is certainly good for burning off a few calories; wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes, it is,” I chuckled.

“I guess I need to cut back on all that wine,” she said with a smile. Then we inhaled deeply before submerging.

We went down and grabbed onto our rings again. This time, we ended up lying flat on our stomachs while facing each other. But that meant I got another unobstructed view of her cleavage.

Naturally, my cock stiffened again in my speedos. I mentally tried to will my growing erection to knock it off. But it just wasn’t listening to me.

We held our breath for quite a while as we faced each other. Then she did a couple of mock push-ups while holding onto her ring. I followed her lead, smiling at her the entire time.

I liked what we were doing. She was a lot of fun, and I was feeling more and more comfortable in her presence. But she still wasn’t helping diminish my erection any.

I waited until my watch showed we were at two-thirty before heading topside. She was right behind me. We emerged at the surface panting heavily for breath.

“Wonderful!” she gushed. “I’m having so much fun!” Then she gave me a sly grin as she added, “Shall we dance?”

“Shall we what?”

“Let’s try a little dance; shall we? We won’t move around very much, or anything like that. I just want to see if I can do it is all. Besides, I think you can hold your breath long enough to make it feel like we’re on some dance floor.”

I frowned at her as I replied, “I’m not sure I understand.”

She just chuckled. “Come down with me to my ring, and I’ll show you.”

I wasn’t sure how well this was going to go. And I wasn’t sure I wanted to be in such close proximity to her. But it WAS her pool, and I figured I couldn’t very well say no to her.

We filled our lungs before submerging. I followed her down to the middle ring. Then we both hooked our feet so we wouldn’t drift upward.

She wrapped one arm around my waist. Then she took my other hand in hers as though we were in the middle of some waltz. Our movements were very slow as our outstretched arms went up and down a little.

It was kind of fun, although I was nervous being so close to her. I tried to keep some space between us. But she deliberately pulled me to her.

Her smile was infectious. But I thought we were awfully close. I was concerned she might feel my growing bulge pressed up against her.

We didn’t really do much dancing. It was more like swaying around. But we were definitely in the pose. So I suppose if someone was watching through the glass, they might have thought we were trying to waltz along the pool floor.

We didn’t keep track of the time. She finally disengaged and headed up first. I liked that I had outlasted her. But I was more than a little concerned about the erection in my suit.

I headed up and surfaced beside her, the two of us treading water. “You’re wonderful!” she gushed.

I blushed as I replied, “Oh, I wouldn’t go that far.”

“No really; I mean it! You hold your breath very well. And I liked the way we were dancing. Could we try it again?”

“Uh, sure; I suppose.”

To my surprise, she reached behind her neck and popped the strings to her top. Then she reached behind her back and popped those strings as well. Her bikini top loosened and then slowly floated away.

She smiled as she told me, “I hope you don’t mind. That thing was really feeling constricting. Besides, I like to swim with nothing on. Now let’s go down again, ok?”

Seeing her breasts sticking out like that did me no favors. Besides, her nipples were clearly erect.

I blushed as I started to protest. She just counted us down. I felt obligated to go along with her as we inhaled deeply before we worked our way to the bottom.

This time we were at the ring closest to the glass. I started to grab her hand in that waltz position. But she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close.

Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her waist. She moaned as she bubbled. Then we sort of swayed back and forth in a slow dance.

She startled me by kissing my lips. My cock stiffened even more. That’s when I felt her press up against my bulge as she kissed me hard.

I told myself we were only breath-holding. But instinctively, I knew it was still wrong. I hoped she would recognize what was happening and pull away. But she deliberately kissed me harder while pressing up against me and my bulge.

I was incredibly aroused. I could not believe I was breath-holding with another older woman. And she really seemed to be coming on to me. So where was Mrs. Walker?

I don’t know how long we were on the bottom. She kept kissing me while pressing up against me. Soon, our tongues were intertwining.

It felt like a long time before Mrs. Van Ostrum finally disengaged and headed for the surface, releasing bubbles along the way. My lungs were straining as I followed her up. We popped up at the surface panting heavily for breath.

She finally gasped, “That was fantastic!” Then she saw my expression before adding, “I hope you’ll forgive me, Robert. But I just couldn’t help myself.”

Her words filled me with relief. So I told her it was ok. Then I apologized for getting so carried away.

“No – no – no, Robert. I like to swim in the nude. But it’s not fair I get to swim naked while my guests have to wear their suits. So I apologize for not allowing you to remove your speedos. You can take them off now.”


“It’s quite all right, Robert. You don’t have to be shy around me.” Then she moved closer as she added, “Can I tell you something in confidence?”

“What’s that?”

“Karen told me you masturbate when you’re out at the lake while holding your breath. I don’t suppose you’d care to show me, would you?”

I blushed as my cock stiffened. “I don’t know if I should…”

“It’s quite all right, Robert,” she said with a dismissive wave. “My guests swim nude all the time. Besides, I want them to feel comfortable in my pool.”

To my shock, she slipped below the surface long enough to work her bottoms down off her legs. Then she came back up, a big grin on her face. “Ok; I’m naked. Now it’s your turn. I really want to watch you masturbate while you’re holding your breath.”

I was shocked beyond words. I was also shamefully aroused. “I’m not sure I should, uh…”

“Are you going to make me come over there and pull them down myself?”

“No, ma’am. It’s just that I, uh… I have this growing problem…”

She laughed. “Growing problem… that’s funny! Now take ‘em off, Robert! It’s my pool, so please do as I ask; ok? It’ll be all right.”

My face was beet red as I submerged long enough to pull them down off my legs. My cock immediately sprang free of its confinement. Then I surfaced with my speedos in hand.

“Toss ‘em over there,” she pointed. So I tossed them out of the pool along the edge.

“Now show me what you do at the bottom of the lake during a really long breath-hold. Please, Robert? Do it for a middle-aged woman like me? In three… two… one… NOW!”

Instinctively, I filled my lungs right along with her. Then we submerged together. But somehow we got turned around. This time, I was at the middle ring facing the glass, while she was on the ring closest to the observation window as she looked back at me.

I reached down and grabbed my cock. But I was very slow in stroking it. I didn’t want to cum in her pool, even though I was incredibly horny.

She smiled at me as she caressed her sagging mounds. I carefully pulled on my dick, trying not to spew cum into her pool. I didn’t know what kind of system she had and whether or not she wanted to see my cream, much less have to deal with it floating around later.

I was extremely nervous… and incredibly aroused. But I was careful the way I touched myself. I was so self-conscious that I barely stayed down for a minute before I had to surface.

She came up with me until we were both panting for breath. “That was incredible, Robert! But I know you can stay down longer than that. Can we go down and try it again?”

“I, uh… are you sure?”

“Would you please? I would greatly appreciate it.”

“Uh… I suppose so.”

Before I could change my mind, she started taking deep breaths. I took them with her, matching her with each inhalation. Then she counted us down again.

We submerged and went to our separate rings. She motioned at me as she nodded… “Go ahead now; show me!” So I grabbed my dick again.

She caressed herself as I carefully stroked myself. She hadn’t given me permission to cum yet. So I didn’t want to do that right in front of her. Besides, I figured it wouldn’t be right.

She caressed her breasts before reaching a hand down and rubbing her crotch. Then I heard a bubbly moan. Was this what she did with her husband when they came out to use their pool??

My cock was quite rigid. I was concerned I might spew my load if I wasn’t careful. So I made sure not to stroke myself too hard.

Mrs. Van Ostrum seemed to love it. I heard another bubbly moan. She really seemed to be turned on. Her nipples sure looked hard.

I looked beyond her at my reflection in the glass. Then I thought of Mrs. Walker again. What was taking her so long??

What if she came out and caught us both naked at the bottom of the pool? How would she react? Would she tell my parents?

I was concerned enough that my cock softened a little in my hand. But I still had to be careful. I knew it could rise up and spurt at any moment if I wasn’t cautious.

I decided to close my eyes. That way, I wouldn’t have to see Mrs. Van Ostrum’s nudity. I think it helped a little.

I stayed down for as long as possible. I made it a point to work on my breath-holding. She stayed down with me until we were both forced to go back up, releasing bubbles along the way.

We popped up, panting loudly for breath. “Incredible!” she gasped. Then she smiled as she asked, “What do you think of the observation window and the way it acts like a mirror?”

“Yeah; it’s, uh…”

“Not used to seeing your naked reflection; are you?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Such a nice young man… so formal. You don’t have to be formal with me. Now I want us to go back down and hold our breath again; ok?”

“Sure, I guess.”

This time, I want you to take the ring closest to the glass. I want you to masturbate while you’re looking at it, just to see yourself. I’ll be right there with you. Ok?”

“Uh, ok… I guess.”

“Do this for me, Robert?”

“Uh… ok.”

She counted us down, giving me virtually no chance to change my mind. Then we inhaled and submerged.

This time, she swam with me to the ring. I hooked it with my foot and started touching myself. But I was a little unnerved the way she knelt right beside me.

She wrapped an arm around me as she knelt beside me. She was way too close for comfort. But I still grabbed my dick and slowly stroked it the way she wanted me to.

I could see myself in the glass. I could also see Mrs. Van Ostrum kneeling beside me. Occasionally she watched me as I stroked myself. Then she would smile at the glass.

It was incredibly erotic. My cock was hard again. I felt the whole thing was kind of wrong. But I rationalized it away in my head, telling myself we hadn’t gone too far just yet… certainly not the way me and Mrs. Walker had done.

Once again, I was careful the way I touched my dick. Mrs. Van Ostrum even blew bubbles at it. Thankfully, she didn’t touch it or anything. She just kept watching either me or our reflection in the glass.

I don’t know how long we were down before we both had to surface. We popped up panting loudly for breath. I didn’t even check my watch, so I don’t know how long we were down.

Mrs. Van Ostrum was all apologies again. “I’m sorry, Robert. You probably want to cum; don’t you?” Of course I wanted to cum! I just didn’t want to tell her that.

She smiled as she told me, “One more long breath-hold; ok? Can you do that for me?”

“If you wish.”

“I wish, Robert.” Then she started taking long, deep breaths.

I followed her lead until she counted us down. Then we filled our lungs with air and submerged.

We went down to that ring closest to the glass, me standing and her kneeling. But before I could touch my dick, she grabbed it for herself. She glanced over at her reflection as she carefully stroked it, smiling the entire time.

I knew it was wrong. But I didn’t want her to stop. I was too horny, and I wanted a release. It was no fair the way she was driving me crazy.

She blew a few bubbles at my erection. Then she licked the tip of it as she stroked it. It made me twitch in her hand.

To my shock, she slowly kissed the tip. She paused before licking it like an ice cream cone. Then she slowly took me into her mouth.

At that point, I knew for sure I was sinning. But I couldn’t stop myself. I was too horny, and I just wanted her to keep going.

She came off my dick before taking me into her mouth again while losing a few bubbles. I tried to thrust into her mouth. But she teasingly backed off before taking me deep again.

I couldn’t keep from letting out a bubbly moan. She must have heard me because she started sucking harder while bobbing up and down. More sexy bubbles dribbled out of her mouth and nose.

I thrust into her mouth, causing her to back off before starting all over again. But she kept glancing over at our reflection with a sly smile. It was incredibly arousing.

A moment later, I thought I spotted movement on the other side of the glass. So I tried to peer intently. I thought I saw shapes, but that was about it.

My mind instantly came up with a worst-case scenario. Was someone in there? Gawd; what if it was her husband??

She suddenly started sucking and bobbing, coughing up a few bubbles. It swelled within me until I just couldn’t hold back. A moment later, I was shooting a huge load into Mrs. Van Ostrum’s mouth.

I instinctively kept thrusting. She just kept sucking like a vacuum cleaner. It felt wonderful, finally experiencing that release after so much erotic frustration.

She finally stopped sucking before slowly climbing up my body. Then she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. There was an awful lot of tongue.

I had that post-nut clarity again. But I just gave in to the inevitable. I kept telling myself it was her pool and her rules, even though I knew it was wrong.

I don’t know how long we were submerged before my lungs started screaming at me. That’s when I weakly tried to push her away. She just stubbornly clung to me.

We both headed up, still locked in an embrace. We finally popped up at the surface, gasping loudly for breath. I had no idea how long we were down. All I could think of was that I’d done it again.

Mrs. Van Ostrum must have seen it in my expression. “Please forgive me, Robert,” she panted. “That was all my fault. You seemed so self-conscious that I didn’t want you to worry about cumming in my pool. So I swallowed it for you. I hope you don’t mind.”

Swallowing? She was only worried about swallowing?? That was the furthest thing from my mind at the moment!

I finally stammered, “I’m sorry… that was so wrong of me… I shouldn’t have…”

“Nonsense, Robert. That was all my doing. I don’t want you to stress over it.”

“But I just shouldn’t have done it is all.”

“It’s ok, Robert; really.”

I was going to apologize again. That’s when a voice from the side of the pool got our attention… “I see I can’t leave you two alone for five minutes!”

We both turned to look. Mrs. Walker was standing there buck naked, hands on her hips.

Mrs. Van Ostrum smiled as she said, “What took you so long, Karen?”

“Ladies’ plumbing. But then I got to watching from the observation window. Now let’s really have some fun; shall we?” And with that, she dove head first into the water.

2023 (written May 30 ’23 by riwa. Renders courtesy of JustPaul.)

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Girl’s night out 8 4.4 (57)

Part 8

I stare incredulously as my sister Cassandra kicks in her noose. Her daughter Carrie, and her daughter’s lover Hilary, watch enthusiastically as they clap and applaud. The women all around me cheer as another woman is riding a noose. I can’t believe they just hanged my sister!

The spectators are enthusiast. They have no idea the identity of the female now swinging in the hanging pit just happens to be my sister. All they know is that another naked woman is now dancing for their perverse enjoyment.

The brunette says into my ear, “You should masturbate for Amber!” But my mind is on my kin. Instinctively, I start to work my way toward the entrance to the pit.

I feel like I have to save Cassie. But the brunette grabs my arm and pulls me back. Then she loudly says into my ear, “Just where do you think you’re going?”

I loudly reply, “I’ve got to go save my sister!”

She shakes her head. “Don’t you think it’s a little late for that?”

Amber is slowly passing us. I suppose I should watch her final performance. But someone else has garnered my attention.

I’m shocked to see Carrie climb down into the pit. She goes over to her mother as Cassandra stretches for solid footing that is well beneath her feet. Then she parts her dying mother’s legs and moves in to lick her crotch.

That makes two women in the pit with the hangees. I’m shocked beyond all belief. This is not at all what I’d ever anticipated.

The brunette tells me to look at Amber. I turn long enough to see her bladder release. Then my escort happily declares, “Going… going… gone!” Some ladies cheer at the sight of urine dripping off her toes.

I turn to look back at my sister, momentarily pausing to notice the eroticism of the two redheads now approaching our position. The younger one carefully watches her footing on the slippery surface as she feasts on the hanged pussy of the older one. It would be shocking were it not for the fact that my sister is in the very next noose being eaten out by the daughter who hanged her.

Carrie slowly shuffles her feet along the drain below, making sure she doesn’t slip and fall as she follows along. She stays with her mother the entire time, licking and slurping. Cassie looks like she can breathe a little better with her legs resting on her daughter’s shoulders.

The brunette licks my ear as she hugs me tight. “Isn’t that so fucking hot?”

“But… but th-that’s my sister!” I gasp in disbelief. “I can’t believe her daughter just hanged her like that! And now Carrie is eating her out?!”

“That’s so hot!” the brunette repeats. “You have no idea how many times I’ve seen family members in there! I wonder if the two redheads are also related. Doesn’t it make you horny seeing your niece eating out your noosed sister?”

I shake my head no. But inwardly, the truth is far different. This can’t be real. It also can’t be this shamefully erotic; can it?

The brunette reaches down and deliberately fingers my dripping cunt. “Damn; you’re wet! You must be turned on watching your sister hang! Are you going to cum as she passes by?”

I tremble as I stare in disbelief, watching as Carrie continues eating out her dangling mother. Cassandra is still trying to rest her naked body on her daughter’s shoulders to ease the strain around her neck. But I can tell she’s strangling anyway. It’s as though she’s struggling to get a single, decent breath of air in any way she can.

Approaching us in the noose in front of them, that older redhead continues to be licked out by the younger one. She shimmies in her noose as she humps the face of her feasting companion. It all seems so surreal.

By now, Amber with her purple hair in the noose ahead of the redhead has mostly gone limp. Urine drips off her toes. But the redhead is still showing signs of life.

The younger one must be giving her some slack in the noose. She continues to eat her out while the older one tries to rest on her shoulders. Is it possible they’re related, just like Cassie and Carrie?

I’m stunned (and shamefully aroused) by the women hanging from their nooses. All that nudity as they kick and twist is having a disturbing effect on me. The females all around me keep cheering and masturbating to the incredible activity taking place inside the pit.

It all seems so unreal, as though this really can’t be happening. The fact that none of these ladies in their nooses will survive the event seems to make no difference. There are cheers and more enthusiastic thumbs-down all around us as everyone blatantly displays their sexual enjoyment of the spectacle.

I should look away, but I can’t. Cassie humps her daughter’s face, just as the redhead in the noose ahead of her humps the younger redhead’s face. Then the young one abruptly pulls away.

The older redhead suddenly puts up a struggle as she now dangles freely, the tension having returned to her neck. There are cheers all around me as naked women watch her suffer. Her dance is animated to the point where I find myself wondering if she’s been in a noose before. Did she hang in that “practice” room like I did earlier?

All around me, naked women cheer while giving enthusiastic thumbs down. I still can’t believe it, and I feel like I must be dreaming. Can this all be real??

Cassie has told me she and Carrie have played dangerous games before. But I never imagined this would happen. I never thought I would end up watching my sister hang to death.

In the back of my mind, I can’t help wondering whose idea this was. Was it Cassie’s idea to come here and hang? Or was it Carrie’s idea to hang her mother?

The redhead and her younger companion pass right in front of where the brunette and I are positioned. The noosed woman catches my eye. Is that a look of anxiety or ecstasy in her features?

Cassie will soon be approaching our place near the railing as Carrie tries to give her a last orgasm. I look beyond to see another empty noose in the pit. But at the entrance, I see them noosing up another blonde. Wait; is she putting up a fuss?

Why is she fighting? Shouldn’t she have avoided the entrance to the hanging pit to begin with? What the hell did she expect when she came here tonight?

The blonde teeters on the edge, right before she gets pushed into the pit. She immediately starts to kick up a jig. There’s another appreciative roar from the females on both sides of the pit. They’re actually putting up a cheer for the impending death of yet another one!

The track in the ceiling slowly carries my sister right by our position. For a moment, she and I actually make eye contact. That’s when something flashes in her eyes.

Is she experiencing pleasure? Or is she begging me to save her? I figure it’s already much too late for the latter.

I feel a sense of shame over how aroused I’ve become. The brunette pauses to look right at her. Then she tells me, “Your sister looks so fucking hot dangling in her noose. You should cum for her as your last gift to her.”

As though she heard my escort, Carrie steps away from her mom, allowing Cassandra to swing freely. The younger redhead stands out of the way and cheers as she now watches my sister hang. My escort finger-fucks me hard while my niece has her back to us.

Cassie’s face is a disturbing shade of red. “Cum for her!” the brunette demands in my ear. Then I really feel her fingering my cunt.

Cassandra suddenly humps the air in my direction. Gawd; is she cumming as she’s going? It swells within me until I hold the brunette’s hand in place, squeezing and clenching as I orgasm shamefully.

Women cheer as Carrie finally turns and catches sight of me. She grins stupidly as though she’s intoxicated or something. Then she waves and says something I can’t hear because the music’s too loud and the enthusiastic females all around me are too boisterous.

Carrie steps back up and touches and caresses her dying mom all over as Cassie finally settles down. The young redhead follows suit, touching the older redhead in the noose ahead of my family members. Two bladders give way within seconds of each other, much to the cheers of a large number of gathered females.

Both “cunt-lickers” wave goodbye at their charges. The track in the ceiling takes the naked bodies farther along the interior of the hanging pit to the waiting disposal area beyond. That’s when it dawns on me I’m never going to see my sister Cassandra again.

By now, the empty noose is almost to our position. But there’s always someone else to see. Coming closer is the blonde who was putting up a little bit of a fuss at the entrance to the hanging pit.

Her gyrations lessen as she approaches our position. She kicks less and less as her hips thrust outward. Gawd; it looks like she’s cumming too!

Some women motion and holler for Carrie to lick out the dying blonde in the pit. She must have heard or understood them because she steps up and parts the woman’s legs, moving into position. The young redhead carefully slips past her with a knowing smile before being helped out of the pit.

The blonde seems to catch her second wind as the tension eases a little in her noose. She tries to use Carrie for leverage by sitting on her shoulders. Then she hitches and jerks as though she can feel my niece’s tongue in her twat.

My breath hangs up in my throat. Then I wince from another intense orgasm. I’m ashamed over how aroused I’ve become.

Initially, I want to blame it on the talented brunette caressing me all over while fingering my dripping slit. But I sense it’s the shock of watching one naked female after another being hanged to death. Wanton sexuality is on display all around me as females cry out in frenzied excitement.

Carrie steps back and smiles as she gives the pleasured blonde a push. The poor thing helplessly swings back and forth. She humps the air as though Carrie’s face and tongue are still there licking pleasure into her dying body.

The empty noose slowly passes by. But my eyes are now on the approaching blonde as she kicks up her final dance. She seems to be struggling less and less.

In the pit, Carrie watches her as she enthusiastically fingers herself. Then she waves at me again before heading back to the entrance to the pit. But she’s forced to step aside and wait for a moment.

There’s another cheer as a young women in short black hair gets pushed into the pit. She kicks and struggles as though the noose is really strangling her. But that elicits no compassion from her voyeurs. Instead, it only seems to bring out the bloodlust in the women all around me.

“That’s so hot!” the brunette says as she fingers my slit with one hand and her slit with the other. “What do you think about all these hangings now?” I shake my head, not knowing how I should feel.

The brunette pulls her fingers out of me. But I never miss a beat. Instinctively, I thrust my own digits into my dripping slit. I feel as though I just have to have something inside there right now to work each developing climax out of my body.

It swells within me as that poor blonde approaches until I just can’t hold it back. It’s a shameful orgasm. My escort drops into a crouch long enough to lap up my flowing juices before rising back to her feet with a giggle and a knowing smile.

There are more enthusiastic cheers all around us. The track continues to move things along as that blonde reaches our position. I have no idea why the agony in her eyes, the redness of her face, the protrusion of her nipples, and the way she kicks affects me so.

She twitches as her cunt drips. Her neck has stretched significantly. Then her bladder releases right there in front of us, thrilling the naked women all around us.

I look into her eyes. They are glazing over. Did she climax when my niece licked her? Or did she cum as she dangled freely?

I can’t help but wonder. Is that the reason why some of these girls volunteer? Is that why others get caught up so much that they get too close to the entrance to the pit and find themselves hanging? Could it be they secretly want to dance their life away without appearing to be so willing?

The girl in the short black hair really fights her noose. Her legs kick as she twists and sways. Then her hips thrust outward as though she’s fucking the air.

She gets a cheer from many of the women around me. They love the way she’s kicking her life away. Ladies night out indeed.

What would happen if this place had more men standing around watching? Would they be fucking girls in plain sight while watching others hang? This place seems so damned surreal!

I look toward the entrance to the hanging pit. Once more I’m shocked at what I see. Two girls are on either side of Carrie’s noosed girlfriend Hilary, holding onto her arms.

Carrie stands behind her. It looks like she’s doing something to her. Wait; is she cuffing her wrists behind her back??

Hilary is slowly pulled toward the edge of the pit. Is she trying to keep herself from hanging? She only has seconds before it’s too late.

Instinctively I take a step in that direction. That’s when I hear the brunette in my ear tell me, “You really want to hang with her? If not, I’d suggest you stick close to me for a while!”

Hilary teeters on the edge. Carrie gives her a playful nudge forward. Her lover loses her balance and goes swinging into the hanging pit. Many women cheer as they give her an enthusiastic thumbs down.

Hilary tries to stretch her toes downward as she swings back and forth. Then she begins to fight the noose by kicking and dancing. I have no idea whether or not she volunteered, not that it matters anymore.

At the entrance, one of the girls previously steadying Hilary is now kissing Carrie. The other rubs my niece’s crotch. They kiss and molest her as though rewarding her for picking out a good one to hang.

I can’t believe it! Carrie was helpful in hanging her mother. Now she’s helped to hang her girlfriend too??

By now, the blonde is passing us by. She kicks very little as she goes into little seizures and shimmies. I study her noose and notice it’s rather thick. Does that mean the dangling women will take longer to die because the noose takes longer to close off their throats?

I struggle to catch my breath at witnessing such a perverse event. No one around me seems to show any emotion other than excitement, arousal and enthusiasm. She’s nothing more than another sexy, dying bitch, her life being strangled to death in the noose.

There’s a cheer as Carrie gets back into the hanging pit. She goes up to Hilary and supports her legs as she begins eating her out. Her girlfriend looks as though she’s struggling to catch her breath as she suffers in the noose.

Carrie steps away and Hilary hangs freely. She kicks and shimmies as her hips thrust outward. Then Carrie steps forward, supporting her legs and eating her out again. It’s as though she’s teasing her, giving her brief respites that are not nearly long enough for her to catch her breath.

In front of her, the woman with black hair kicks less and less. Carrie steps away from Hilary, leaving her to hang freely. Then she moves up to the black-haired girl and starts eating her out as well, much to the cheers of everyone watching.

Poor Hilary looks like she’s really suffering. She soon starts humping the air. I wince in shame as another orgasm washes warmly through my body.

The track in the ceiling moves all the hanged women forward, taking the black-haired bitch out of Carrie’s mouth. My niece just turns to gleefully take on an approaching Hilary. That leaves the black-haired girl to slowly move right past our position.

I wince as it swells within me again. “You should cum for her too!” the brunette calls out into my ear. The hanged woman begins to hump the air, and I shamefully climax as I watch her suffering.

She stops humping as she kicks less and less. Then her bladder releases. There’s another cheer.

“Going… going… gone!” my brunette escort gasps in rapture. Then she fingers herself into an orgasm. There are more thumbs down on display.

That poor girl gently humps the air. She twists and shimmies a little, but there’s not much life left in her. She’s barely alive, but she won’t be for long.

A roar takes my eyes to the entrance to the hanging pit. It’s that younger woman with the red hair. She was the one who was licking out the older one.

She swings back and forth in her noose, having been pulled off the edge of the pit. Is this her punishment for what she did to the older woman with red hair? Or is this what she’s always wanted?

A part of me feels sorry for her. But a shameful part perversely enjoys the way she kicks and struggles. Then she furiously humps the air.

Gawd; she’s cumming already?! No; I mustn’t! But I can’t help orgasming right along with her.

Next to me I hear the brunette purr, “She’s sexy as hell, isn’t she?” Then I hear a loud, familiar voice…


I look to see Carrie grinning right at me as she stands down in the pit near the railing. Then she turns and buries her face in the black-haired girl’s muff. The dangling woman appears to hitch and wriggle as though she can feel my niece’s tongue.

It suddenly rises up within me. I holler, “Carrie, honey? What the hell? Why did you hang your mother??”

Carrie steps back from the black-haired woman, leaving her to dangle again as fluids drip down her face. She grins at me as she comes over and hollers, “BECAUSE SHE WANTED ME TO? BECAUSE I WANTED TO? HELL, I DON’T KNOW! CALL IT INSPIRATION!”

The track in the ceiling keeps moving along, helping to keep the bodies swaying as they move forward. Now Carrie’s female lover Hilary is approaching our position. She sees me and gives me a look that indicates she’s in exquisite agony.

I call down to Carrie, “Honey, you really hanged your girlfriend??”

“YEAH, AUNT AMANDA! DOESN’T SHE LOOK SO FUCKING HOT?” Then Carrie turns and buries her face in Hilary’s muff, licking and slurping as the women around me cheer her lewd behavior.

There’s another cheer as the track continues to move along. Over at the entrance I recognize another woman getting ready to hang. I immediately recognize Madelyn from the hanging room.

Where’s her daughter? Then I catch sight of her. It looks like she’s getting ready to ride the next noose!

“Like mother, like daughter; eh?” my brunette escort says loudly into my ear. “I really wondered if they might hang together tonight. Looks like I was right!”

2022 (written for Carrie Mar 16 ’22 by riwa)

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Our encounter with the Badjao 4.5 (115)

While we were in the Philippines, my wife Sandy and I got to visit one of the smaller islands. There, we learned about the Badjao, men and women who earn a living by diving the waters for pearls, shells, sponges and other things found on the sea floor. Naturally, we expressed a curiosity about witnessing one of their dives.

We paid for a special charter that took us out to sea. On the boat were four males and two females. The interpreter explained they would be out diving that day for shells and pearls, and that we would be permitted to watch.

Sandy and I would be allowed to put on scuba gear so we could prolong our time on the sea floor to watch the proceedings. But there would be no such gear for the Badjao. They simply wore goggles. I suppose that was to help them see more clearly in the depths of the sea.

The interpreter told us they would not be using any other source of air besides the surface and what their lungs could contain. I thought that was rather inefficient, considering they would be diving and surfacing quite often. But the interpreter explained they had learned to dive without air from an early age. Thus, their lungs had grown used to lengthy work on the bottom of the sea.

We finally arrived at our destination. To our surprise, the Badjao immediately stripped out of all their clothes. They smiled at us, but they did not speak. We did not know their language, nor did they know ours.

The only thing they wore were netted pouches attached to ropes around their waists. They also had long knives for prying loose the shells they found. They did not seem embarrassed Sandy and I were viewing them in their nudity.

Two of the males were selected to remain at the surface. They manned a couple of long, thick ropes. The other four Badjao paired off into couples before getting into the water.

The males stood on iron bars attached to the end of the ropes. The females climbed on as though they were hugging them. Then they descended to the depths of our location.

Sandy and I went over the side in our unique scuba gear and swimsuits. The gear was very simple from what we were used to. It was a little unusual, but it seemed to function just fine.

Weight belts and dive masks completed our ensemble. But there were no dive fins in sight. We were not given any, nor were the Badjao.

Once we were in the water, Sandy and I slowly worked our way down to the depths where the Badjao were already hard at work. They had separated and were retrieving shells. But the individuals in each pair did not stray too far from each other.

They were down for quite a while before they had to surface for a breath. Once again, they paired up, a couple to each rope. Then they were pulled up to the surface, supposedly by their two male companions who had remained on the boat.

It wasn’t long before the Badjao returned, riding their ropes all the way to the bottom of the sea. They immediately went back to work looking for more shells. Sandy and I tried to stay out of their way as we observed the proceedings.

We could not help noticing a certain sexual component to their dives. By now, the males were clearly sporting erections. And the nipples on the breasts of the females were noticeably enlarged.

As they searched for shells, they stayed close to each other and to the rope they had ridden down together. They always seemed to keep one eye open to the location of their dive partner. I liked the way they looked after each other.

One couple went back to their rope, climbed on, and then gave it a tug, signaling they were ready to be pulled up. I saw shells in both their netted pouches. Together, they were pulled up to the surface.

Sandy smiled and pointed at the couple still remaining. Then she reached out and rubbed my growing bulge. Seeing their nude bodies was clearly turning her on.

The remaining couple finally went to their rope and signaled. It looked like the female was humping the male’s erection as they were pulled up together. They clung so tightly to each other that I thought I saw her give him a kiss.

The first couple soon returned. They bottomed out, left their rope and began searching for more shells. We seemed to be in a particularly fruitful location, as they had no trouble finding what they were looking for.

The second couple came down a short distance away. They left their rope and immediately began prying shells off the nearby rock formations. They seemed focused on their objective, but they certainly appeared to be quite aroused from their naked dive.

The first couple went over to their rope and climbed on together. Then they gave it a tug. But this time, their ascent was much different.

To my surprise, the female impaled herself upon the male’s erection. She hung onto his neck, fucking him as she rode him all the way up. The other couple seemed oblivious to this as they collected more shells.

Sandy pointed at the couple fucking on the rope, although I had already spotted them myself. I heard her moan how hot it was as she touched herself. My cock was hard in my swimsuit.

The second couple finally went to their rope after a lengthy search and breath-hold. He climbed onto the iron bar attached to the end. To our surprise, the female latched onto his erection with her mouth while hanging onto him. Then the rope started pulling them upward as she gave him an ascending blowjob, bubbles trickling out of her mouth and nose.

My wife moaned again as she reached out for my erection in my swimsuit. I rubbed her crotch as we drifted a little closer to the area where the Badjao were working. Then the first couple returned.

Sandy and I pulled apart from each other so as not to embarrass ourselves by their return. The naked Badjao simply smiled at us in acknowledgement before they went back to work. I was sure they’d seen us suggestively touching each other.

They soon had their netted pouches filled. By then, the second couple had returned. That’s when the first couple paused from their work. They deliberately inverted into a 69 before orally pleasing each other.

The second couple did not leave them alone during their sexual embrace. They swam over and caressed the naked bodies of their companions. Then they moved off to collect some nearby shells.

My wife and I could scarcely believe our eyes. These divers were being sexually aggressive with each other! And they were doing it right in front of us!

Sandy rubbed her breasts through her bikini top as she reached out to grope my bulge. I’m sure the Badjao noticed how handsy my wife was becoming with me. I was a little embarrassed by it, but I didn’t make her stop.

Strangely, they did not express any kind of disapproval toward our actions. On the contrary, it seemed to spur them on. It made me wonder if other tourists had come to watch them and had also become quite excited seeing them diving naked while being sexually suggestive with each other.

The second couple soon filled their pouches. But apparently, they still had plenty of breath left in their lungs, certainly enough to stay down a bit longer. That’s when the female knelt and took the male’s erection into her mouth.

Sandy and I were surprised at such blatant exhibitionism. But the Badjao did not seem to care that we were watching them. Besides, it was incredibly exciting observing them presenting to us such an erotic, oral bonanza at the bottom of the sea.

Both couples eventually retired to their respective ropes. Both females climbed onto the erections of their male partners. Then they were pulled up to the surface, riding those erections all the way up as bubbles trickled out of their mouths.

Sandy moaned as she really groped my bulge. I rubbed her crotch, still not sure we’d actually witnessed all that blatant sexuality displayed before us right there on the sea floor. I was tempted to fuck her right then and there.

Sandy looked up and pointed. The Badjao were returning. I could only wonder what else we were about to witness.

As they got closer, I realized they had left the pouches and knives behind. They had also paired up differently. This time, the guys rode one rope down, while the girls clung to the other.

As soon as they bottomed out, they came right over to us. The guys immediately ganged up on my wife. I watched as they began groping and fondling her all over.

I waited to see what kind of reaction she would give them. She did not resist them in the slightest. She gave me this look as if to say, “What else can I do? I’m certainly not going to stop them!”

The females came right over to me and pulled my suit down my legs. Then they started touching me all over. One grabbed my cock and immediately started stroking it.

I was so distracted by my Badjao playmates that I barely noticed Sandy’s pink top coming off. One guy had his hand down into her crotch. She appeared to be thoroughly enjoying herself.

The Badjao worked our tanks off our shoulders, causing them to descend to the sea floor. But they made sure we could still breathe as they got even more sexually aggressive with us. It was unbelievably erotic.

The girls took turns sucking my dick. Meanwhile, the guys removed Sandy’s suit and began kissing her all over. One even managed to get between her legs. His feasting caused her to groan up bubbles like crazy.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw one male and one female go over to their separate ropes and get pulled upwards. But the other two stayed down with us. It was as though their purpose was no longer to fetch shells. Apparently, their new task was to service us by keeping us occupied while their companions went topside to refill their lungs.

I ended up on the receiving end of quite the blowjob. Meanwhile, Sandy was getting one hell of a licking. She kept moaning up bubbles.

The other two Badjao returned, only to take the place of the ones who had just been sexually pleasuring us. Those two left for the ropes to refill their lungs as their companions stayed with us and began pleasuring us. I had no idea the Badjao treated tourists this way!

Sandy decided to ride the cock of the male who’d just returned. Meanwhile, the returned female smiled at me as she eagerly climbed into my lap and impaled herself on my dick. She eagerly rode me as though she hadn’t been fucked in days.

I don’t know how long Sandy and I fucked our Badjao playmates before the others returned. The female came back down and kissed the guy Sandy was riding. My girl reached out her arms past me as though to hug the returning male who I assumed was coming up behind me.

Soon, my couple were kissing each other, just like Sandy’s couple were doing. Then my female tipped back far enough to take his cock in her mouth while I was still fucking her. I had no idea the Badjao could be so sexually flexible!

The female who’d returned to visit the male Sandy was fucking shifted her position until she was riding his face. Sandy reached out and caressed her legs and ass as she continued riding his erection. I could clearly hear her moans at the bottom of the sea.

The girl I was fucking had to return to the surface for another breath. Her female companion saw her go and disengaged from her male Badjao partner to come over and suck on my cock. The Badjao Sandy was fucking also had to return to the surface. But his male companion came right over, spun her around, and immediately began fucking her from behind.

My female Badjao soon wanted my cock inside her. So she turned around and impaled herself from behind as well. Then she stretched out toward my Sandy. Both women reached out to grope and caress the other as we fucked them at the bottom of the sea.

The Badjao fucked my wife as I fucked his female dive companion. Sandy suddenly cried, and I knew she was in orgasmic bliss. I saw her eyes roll behind her dive mask. It was incredible.

To make a long story short, I ended up fucking both Badjao women, while Sandy fucked both of the males. They seemed to enjoy fucking her from behind while reaching underneath to grope her breasts. I also fucked the Badjao women from behind, as they seemed to like that position.

Afterwards, Sandy and I fucked like rabbits while the Badjao fucked each other. There was even a brief moment where the men paired off into an oral 69. Their female companions did the same thing. I just fucked Sandy from behind as we watched the erotic spectacle.

One of the last things we did was to fuck our three females from behind, all in a row while kneeling on the sea floor. Sandy cried out from another orgasm as a Badjao gave her his rod while I fucked one of the females. It was so surreal that I half expected to awaken from some sort of erotic dream.

I was in the middle of making my Badjao female cum when I suddenly ran out of air. We’d gotten so caught up in the moment that we hadn’t paid the proper attention to our tanks. We had to get topside fast.

Her female friend recognized the situation and immediately led me over to a rope. I climbed on and she greedily impaled herself on my lap. Then she pulled on the rope.

By now, I was a little panicked. I wasn’t sure how far down we were. It didn’t seem too far, but I had not paid proper attention.

Up we went, the Badjao riding my cock as we both slowly released our breath. I noticed Sandy was right behind us, releasing her breath while riding one of the male’s erections as they both ascended on the other rope. The last two Badjao stayed on the bottom, fucking their brains out.

We surfaced at nearly the same time, coughing and sputtering from empty lungs. Apparently we had not been down very deep. It was probably a good thing, as Sandy and I would have been in very serious trouble otherwise.

The other two Badjao came up with our suits and scuba gear in tow. Then Sandy and I were helped back on board. We were totally exhausted.

The interpreter smiled as he asked, “How was it?”

“Totally unexpected,” I panted.

“But we loved it!” my wife blurted out excitedly. I just nodded in agreement before he went to pull up anchor. The naked Badjao stood all around us, smiling knowingly without speaking before they helped the interpreter prepare to leave our dive location.

2023 (written Mar 16 ’23 by riwa)

Inspired by images by Roy Wolvertine, provided by Oeff.

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Sandy hangs at the Club 4.4 (62)

Sandy Shorrs was the daughter of William and Elizabeth Shorrs. William was a brain surgeon, while Liz was on the medical board of the same hospital. They had big plans for their daughter.

Sandy was enrolled in college. But she quickly became a disappointment to her parents. Instead of studying, she was too busy partying. So the Shorrs took away her funding.

Sandy opened an Only Fans account to pay her expenses. Her short brown hair and big boobs made her quite popular. She soon built up quite a clientele. When her parents found out, they all but disowned her.

Sandy often fucked on camera. She said it was one of the few things she did well. What’s more, she thoroughly enjoyed both giving and receiving pleasure.

There were certain things Sandy especially enjoyed doing on camera. She really enjoyed engaging in erotic asphyxiation. There were times when she was bagged, choked and strangled while the cameras were rolling.

She soon came to the attention of one of the attendants at the Snuff club. Sandy was invited to a meeting with Mistress Chastity. She knew of the Club’s reputation, but she was willing to come check it out.

The first phase of her time with Mistress Chastity consisted of a series of questions. She answered each one truthfully. She was not shy or embarrassed about her sexual past. But the Club co-owner seemed to be favorably impressed.

The next part of her interview was conducted in a sex room. Sandy was nude during the whole procedure. Mistress Chastity and Mr. Rick, the other club owner, gave her a more in-depth examination.

Her oral skills were thoroughly tested. Her tongue brought Mistress Chastity to orgasm. And she sucked the cum out of Mr. Rick’s erection.

Next, she was tested on her knowledge of sexual positions. Mistress Chastity used a strap-on, which Sandy rode in all sorts of positions. Then she and Mr. Rick fucked her in every way imaginable.

In exchange for her working at the club, Sandy Shorrs had one request. She wanted the recordings of her time in the sex rooms to go out to all her clients at her Only Fans account. But the Club was also free to present her recordings on its website. Mistress Chastity and Mr. Rick agreed.

When her parents found out, she was promptly disinherited. But Sandy did not care. She believed she had found her true calling.

The next day, Sandy was at work as an attendant at the Club. But she was always on call whenever a client wanted services of a more sexual nature. She was more than willing, and many nights found her working in one of the sex rooms earning extra cash.

The longer she worked there, the more often she found herself in the snuff rooms. Sandy loved the sensation of being asphyxiated while she was being fucked. She said it gave her the best orgasms. Besides, she loved the thrill of being fucked by strangers.

Her friend Nicole warned her about the type of work she was doing. There was always the risk of an accident. One of her clients could inadvertently strangle her too hard.

Sandy knew the risks. But she loved the thrill of the unknown. The idea of being fucked and snuffed by a stranger in the Club was an incredible turn-on.

There was also the risk of a club pregnancy. If her sensor popped, she would face summary execution. Sandy said she was taking precautions. But it was clear to her friend that Sandy was engaging in dangerous behavior, even though she knew the Club was well known for executions as a result of certain “developments”.

One night, Sandy volunteered for an extraordinary evening of sex with the Club’s clients. She was bound in a sex room, her arms crossed behind her back. A rope from the ceiling held her in position, bent over at the waist as her Double D’s deliciously dangled.

The club advertised her availability to all the male and female customers for a discounted price. As a result, it turned out to be a particularly busy night for Sandy. She serviced males and females alike.

Her favorite position had always been the spit-roast, being fucked in both ends. So the club had her in the perfect position for being used in a sexual manner. It was an incredible turn-on whenever she had more than one customer with her at a time. Now she was helpless to do anything but get fucked in both ends, preferably at the same time.

The night started off with a trio of brothers. She enjoyed having them fuck her in both ends. She really liked the way they would pause and switch places in the middle of her fucking. She got deposits in her mouth and pussy before it was over.

Her next customer was a husband and wife. He fucked her mouth as she tried to suck all the previous cum out of Sandy’s cunt. Then the husband fucked her pussy as Sandy used her tongue to get the wife off.

There was barely time for a fifteen minute break before a couple of male coworkers entered the room. They took turns fucking her mouth, cunt and ass. And they choked her with their hands. Sandy was nearly strangled into unconsciousness. She thought it was worth it, as her orgasm was earth-shattering.

With a lull in the evening, Mistress Chastity and Mr. Rick came into her room. They took turns fucking her, as Chastity happily used a strap-on on her. Then Mr. Rick strangled her with a ribbon. She came so hard that she milked the cum right out of his throbbing dick.

As the night wore on, there were more customers and more fucking. Sandy remained fully aware of the risk she was taking. With unprotected sex, pregnancies had to be dealt with. So a sensor was inserted into the navel or belly button of every woman in the club, whether she was a visitor or attendant. But Sandy believed she had prepared accordingly.

If a woman became pregnant, her sensor would pop and turn red. That meant she would have to be executed. There were many nights where a female would come into the club, only to end up being executed up on stage or in a private snuff room.

To Sandy, it made the sex all the more exciting. She was all but certain her preparations would protect her. But it still made her wonder sometimes. What if the current cock in her pussy was the cock that might condemn her to an appearance up on the Entertainment stage?

She didn’t think it would happen. But what if it did? She knew she would have to submit. That thought made her situation all the hotter, as any unprotected sex with anyone – even the Club co-owner – could result in her making an appearance up on the Entertainment stage.

Sandy lost count of how many cocks she had fucked through the night. She’d certainly lost count of how many orgasms she’d experienced. Whenever she showed any sort of fatigue, Nicole would come in with a drink that would refresh her and give her the energy to continue.

At 10:30, she found herself in the middle of a hot spit-roast with twins. They seemed vaguely familiar. But she could not remember where she might have seen them.

They had just left loads in her cunt and mouth when she felt a pain in her abdomen at around 10:45. Sandy let out a yelp of discomfort. That’s when one of the brothers looked around and discovered her sensor had popped and was glowing.

Sandy was shocked. It wasn’t possible, was it? She thought she had taken every precaution!

Nicole came into the room a short time later. She looked at her friend and shook her head. “You’ve certainly stuck your foot in it this time, girl! I tried to warn you!”

“Gawd, Nicole; how could this have happened?”

Her friend just rolled her eyes. “Didn’t you study biology in high school? You know how this happened! You certainly took enough cocks bareback tonight!”

“Wh-what’s going to happen to me??”

“I think Mistress is going to end up putting you on to roast. What did you think was going to happen to you? You’re not going to fight me, are you?”

Sandy shook her head as Nicole freed her from the rope she’d been dangling from all evening. “No, I’m… I’m not going to fight you. I knew this could happen. I just never… I just never thought…”

“I’m going to leave your arms tied up like this, ok? Now I’m going to escort you around the Club like we do whenever a girl is about to meet her end up onstage. You good with that?”

“I guess I have to be,” Sandy replied as a sense of fear and excitement surged through her.

Fear blossomed into a perverse arousal as she was escorted naked throughout the Club toward the Entertainment stage. The patrons of the club were quickly alerted to her impending execution. Soon, a large crowd had gathered around to observe.

She was standing at the base of the steps looking up at the implements of death when Mistress Chastity approached. She whispered something into Nicole’s ear while Sandy waited. Nicole finally nodded before Mistress walked away.

“Mistress has a special request from one of our clients,” she told Sandy. “She says you’re supposed to hang.”

“Oh, gawd!” Sandy breathed as she looked at the gallows that was now sliding forward on its platform, setting the noose to swaying.

“She says you can have your choice of executioners.”

Sandy looked all around. Then she nervously stammered, “N-Nicole, would you d-do it?”

“Do you really want me too?”

“Why not?” Sandy found herself breathing heavily.

“Yeah, why not?” Nicole repeated. “After all, I warned you this might happen.”

“You’re loving this, aren’t you.” Nicole could not help smiling at her.

She led Sandy up the steps and over to the gallows. The noose was still swaying from the momentum of the structure being moved forward. Sandy saw the noose and shivered with fear and arousal.

It was a simple device. The gallows was essentially an upside down U. It used hydraulics, and a set of controls were attached to one support.

Nicole took her over to it and noosed her up. Sandy was both scared and excited. But she was not about to beg for mercy. She’d been warned this could be a distinct possibility as a result of working at the Club. And she was not about to give up her dignity. She would hang the way an attendant of the Club should properly hang.

Nicole activated the controls. Sandy gawked as she was lifted up onto her toes. “Gotta give the customers their money’s worth, right?” she told her trembling friend. Sandy nodded numbly.

Nicole went over to the edge of the stage. Monique, the Club’s official executrix, handed her a small whip. Sandy witnessed it and murmured, “Oh gawd,” as she shuffled around upon her toes.

Nicole walked back over to her. “Now hold still. This is really going to hurt.”

She stepped behind Sandy. Then she swung the whip. It came in contact with Sandy’s ass.

She let out a raspy cry. Then the whip swung again. It hit her ass three… four… a total of five times.

Nicole came around front. Sandy tried to glare at her as she shuffled around on her toes. “You’re really enjoying this; aren’t you?”

Nicole swung the whip again. It connected with Sandy’s tits. She let out another raspy scream.

There were four more. Sandy flinched and cried out. Tears well up in her eyes as her pussy dripped copiously, her nipples shamefully hard.

“Spread ‘em.”

Sandy was horrified. “Gawd, Nicole; you wouldn’t!”

“I said ‘Spread ‘em’!”

Sandy tried to spread her legs, making the rope tighten around her throat. Then the whip sang out. It made contact with her labia.

She cried out a total of five times as it hit her slit and clit again and again. Sandy shamefully climaxed on the fifth one. Now she was partially strangled, her face starting to turn red.

Nicole moved over to the controls. She turned to the audience and declared, “And now… the hanging of Sandy Shorrs!” Then she hit the controls.

Sandy was lifted two feet up into the air. The strain upon her neck was incredible. It hurt like hell!

“Dance!” Nicole cried out as she swung the whip. It hit Sandy’s crotch. She immediately began kicking with her legs, sending her to swinging back and forth.

Sandy’s nipples, cunt and ass were throbbing. The effect of the noose went straight to her pussy. She rasped as she squirted her orgasm.

She could not believe it had finally come to this. Whose cock was responsible? There had been so many. What if it had been Mr. Rick’s, the Club co-owner?

Sandy began to tire. “Dance!” Nicole repeated. This time, the whip came in contact with her ass.

Sandy kicked from a burst of adrenaline. Every part of her felt like it was on fire. Then she was cumming again, shimmying in the noose like a condemned whore.

She got tired again. The whip sang out once more. It came in contact with her breasts, setting her feet to fluttering as she humped the air.

Sandy was dimly aware of being lifted higher into the air. Then Nicole stepped forward. She thought she felt her friend’s tongue on her twat.

Sandy gazed toward the back of the gathered spectators. That’s when she caught sight of her parents watching from the rear of the crowd. How long had they been here?? Had they witnessed her activities in the sex room from the monitors this whole time??

Sandy was shocked and humiliated. It caused her to shamefully climax one last time. Was it because of the presence of her parents? Or was it because of Nicole’s tongue on her twat?

Consciousness soon faded away without an answer to her question…

6-23-23 inspired by the drawing.

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Shelly in Cancun 13 4.1 (18)

Shelly in Cancun 13 – The storm

The ground rises and falls underneath me. I see sections of buildings coming down. I’ve never been in an earthquake before, certainly not one this strong.

I have a hard time staying on my feet. Then parts of a building come down on top of me. I start to cry out in horror……

I suddenly wake up on the floor of the sailboat. How the hell did I end up out of bed? Then I feel the boat rise before abruptly sinking into a trough. That’s when I realize we’re in rough seas.

In an instant I’m wide awake, scrambling to find my silver bikini. It won’t protect me from a damn thing. But it’s the only thing I brought on board. Putting something on is mostly instinctive.

I have a hard time staying on my feet. Somehow I manage it. A moment later Andria bursts in through the door, almost as though she’s been thrown into the room with me.

She’s still in her skimpy black bikini she wore when we first boarded the boat back in Cancun. She turns and hollers “JAAAKE!” in the direction she came from. I know in an instant something is horribly wrong, especially when I see the anxiety in her features.

There’s a question in my expression. “Jake won’t leave!” she blurts out anxiously.

I’m absolutely floored. “What?? Why not??”

“He’s waiting for someone! He says he can’t leave yet! To make matters worse, the bastard has locked us in here!”

“WHAT??” Now I really AM worried.

“WHY??” I ask, looking into Andria’s worried expression. I can tell this has her upset.

“He says it’s stormy weather and that he wants me below for safety’s sake! But I don’t think that’s it at all! I think he just doesn’t want me up on deck when this certain someone arrives.”

That sounds ominous…

“I begged him to head back when the weather started to turn bad! But he said he had to wait for someone. He said he just couldn’t leave until they showed up. He said he’d explain things to me later. ‘Shel’, I’m scared!”

“JAKE??” I holler as I head for the door. In an instant I confirm that it’s locked with the blinds drawn.

The boat pitches in the rough seas. The blinds flop enough for me to see the door to the stairs and the deck above is also closed. I feel trapped.

An uneasy feeling of claustrophobia combined with a sense of growing panic envelops me. My first urge is to try to force the door open. But Andria stops me.

“Shelly; don’t!” she says, grasping onto my arm before I can break something. “It’s not ours; we can’t afford to damage anything! I just have to trust him is all!” But I can see in her eyes that her trust has been gravely shaken.

My gut instinct tells me something is horribly wrong. My first urge is to comfort Andria. So I hold her close.

“It’ll be all right,” I tell her.

She sniffles into my neck. “Yes, it will, ‘Shel’!” she says, agreeing with me. But she sounds none too certain.

I get this vision of the ship going down with the two of us trapped inside. Both of us beat on the door as water fills the cabin and drowns us. That’s when I experience an erotic quiver of horror.

I’m reminded of my premonitions about coming to Cancun in the first place. I find myself wondering if perhaps this is the reason why. I definitely don’t want to drown in here. But there’s nothing more we can do other than wait and hope.

We sit on the bed for lack of nothing better to do, trying to hold on. Neither one of us is in the mood to play. The boat is pitching and rolling too much.

Neither one of us is in any sort of erotic frame of mind. All we do is sit alone with our thoughts. We’re afraid to verbalize what we both must be thinking.

We try looking out the windows above us. Just who is this certain someone who’s supposed to show up? But the windows are not helpful. All we see is wind, rain and very dark storm clouds. There’s nothing to do but sit and wait.

Thirty anxious minutes later, I detect a boat motor. Is some sort of craft approaching? Then I feel a bump against the boat.

Andria feels it too. Instinctively we both look upward. Then we hear voices.

Someone clumps down the steps into the room beyond the one we’re in. I hear bits and pieces of conversation. There’s something about being delayed, getting the money and making the delivery in this weather.

I hear Jake say something about making sure he’ll get it to its destination. Then there are footsteps heading back up on deck. Andria and I look at each other.

She asks if I heard all that on the other side of the door. I tell her I heard some of it. But it doesn’t make much sense.

I tell her it sounds like Jake has some sort of delivery to make. Andria looks at me in confusion. I get the impression this is totally unexpected.

“I don’t KNOW about any delivery, ‘Shel’!” She’s clearly anxious as the mystery deepens. Her lack of knowledge about her boyfriend’s activities does not sit well with me.

I hear the sound of a motor. But it fades as though the other boat is pulling away. Then I hear the sound of our anchor being pulled up, followed by the sound of our own motor starting up.

Our sailboat starts to move forward. Andria appears to relax, but only a little. “We’re leaving,” she says in relief. “FINALLY!” But I have no way of knowing which way the storm is coming from. So I have no idea if things will get better or worse.

If anything, the seas get rougher as we head back. We get tossed around in the cabin pretty good. I’m not feeling at all confident about the whole thing.

I can only assume it’s worse up on deck. Maybe Jake was right. Maybe he really is keeping us down here for safety’s sake.

Andria sits on the bed and says nothing. But the look in her eyes says it all. She’s more than a little worried. I can see in her face she’s having second thoughts about her relationship with Jake.

The rough seas turn the minutes to hours. It seems like it’s taking forever. Wicked bolts of lightning flash outside the windows.

The sailboat dangerously wobbles back and forth. Somehow it always manages to right itself. It’s the ride of a lifetime, but I want off in the worst way. I think Andria does too.

The boat rises as though caught by a massive wave. Then it comes crashing down on something hard. I hear the sound of wood splintering.

Andria and I are tossed off the bed onto the floor. We scramble to our feet moments before I hear another splintering sound. Then I feel the carpet squish under my feet.

Water’s coming in…

Andria and I look at each other. For a split second panic fills our faces. Then we make a mad dash for the door.

We pound on it like mad, screaming for Jake to let us out. In seconds there’s an inch of water sloshing around our bare feet. The boat rocks back and forth.

Andria and I yell for Jake to open the damn door. But there’s no answer. I get a horrifying image of him being unable to help us… because he was already swept off the boat.

I shiver with dread. My pussy throbs with erotic alarm. Now we’re really in danger!

I tell Andria, “We gotta break the window!” She nods in agreement. This time there’s no argument.

The two of us begin looking around the cabin, trying to find something sturdy enough to shatter glass. Water is now several inches deep. The boat is going down. If we can’t break through the door, we’ll be going down with it!

“JAKE!!!” Andria screams as she looks with me around the cabin. We have to struggle just to stay on our feet. But it’s hopeless as we keep getting tossed around.

I find my voice and scream at the ceiling. “JAKE, GET US OUT OF HERE. WE’RE SINKING!” Then the boat pitches over sideways.

We both spill over into the water. By now it’s climbed up our calves. We’re cold, drenched and frightened.

We suddenly hear pounding on the other side of the door. We both rush to it. “ANDRIA?? SHELLY?? YOU TWO OK IN THERE??”

The blinds are lifted. We see Jake’s anxious face. It’s not the least bit reassuring.

We both start screaming at him. “GET US OUT OF HERE, JAKE! THE BOAT’S SINKING!”


“THERE’S WATER OUT HERE TOO!” he responds as he looks down at the floor.

We both see it too. That confirms to me we’re going down. I have no idea what we hit. But our hull’s obviously been breached as we’re taking on water.

The sailboat suddenly lists hard to port. We’re all thrown off our feet onto the floor with a splash. Andria and I are temporarily submerged before we clamber back up onto our feet.

Things have gotten worse. The boat is listing. Why won’t it right itself??

“I LOST THE KEYS!” Jake sputters with a yell as he gets back to his feet. He has a hard time keeping his balance. It’s like that with all of us due to the list.

“HANG IN THERE, GIRLS; I’LL GET YOU BOTH OUT!” Then we see him start to hunt around on the other side of the glass for something to help us with.

I feel a lump in my throat. But my pussy is about to explode in horrific arousal. I can’t help thinking Andria and I are about to drown together in here, all because he stayed out too long in bad weather.

I see him fumble around beyond the door. Is he searching for the keys? Or is he looking for something to break through the glass? I just hope he gets us out before it’s too late and the boat takes us down with it.

Andria and I hang on near the door. We frantically pound on the glass as the water reaches our waist. The boat lists at an increasingly severe angle.

I figure we only have a couple more minutes before it goes down. At the rate we’re filling with water, we may not even have that long! One moment we’ll be up at the surface; the next we might be sinking beneath the waves, Andria and I destined to be entombed inside the damned thing forever!


Andria screams for her boyfriend to get us out. She’s on the verge of pure panic. Then we both lose our grip.

We slip under the water again, bubbling like mad as we struggle against each other. The situation is too much for me. I finally cum hard as I try to get my head back up.

Both our heads emerge above water. We gasp madly for breath. I’m shamefully excited as panic threatens to overwhelm me.

The window suddenly crashes inward, along with what looks like some sort of fire extinguisher. Much of the molding comes in with it. Thankfully I don’t see many dangerous shards waiting to cut at us as we try to pass through.

For the first time since I awakened, I think we may now have a fighting chance. But all I can think of is Andria. Instinctively I push her through the open window in the door.

My head submerges yet again as I push on her body. I feel the boat list even more. I’m certain we’re going down in a matter of seconds. Then Andria is through the hole in the door.

I frantically throw myself toward it, trying to swim through. The opening is almost totally submerged. A moment later I feel two pairs of hands grabbing my wrists.

I’m pulled through until I’m finally out of that damned cabin. The three of us half swim/half stagger toward the door to the deck above. We still have to get out before the boat takes us down.

The other door has swung open wide. We all scramble up the listing steps. That’s when I feel the boat start to sink underneath us.

I’m scared we won’t quite make it out. What’s more, I can feel another climax building in my damn pussy. I hope like hell it doesn’t incapacitate me if it goes off.

As we reach the deck, a flash of lightning shows we’re not far from the harbor. It looks as though the storm threw us up against the jetty that’s supposed to help break up the rough seas. But the boat has pulled back from the jetty.

Another bolt of lightning reveals we’re heading back out to sea. We’re caught in the wind and the raging waters. We’ve still got a ways to go before we can consider ourselves “safe”.

Half of the deck is awash with water. There’s rope and loose material everywhere. Then Jake staggers to the equipment locker.

He manages to get it open. That’s when he pulls out the life raft, frantically pulling on the ring. Instantly it starts to inflate.

It floats away from the boat just as he loses his footing. Jake crashes down onto the railing that is now two feet underwater. “THE CASE!” he suddenly yells.

I watch in astonishment as he tries to scramble back on deck. “THE CASE IS DOWN BELOW! WE GOTTA GO BACK AND GET THE CASE!”

I have no idea what he’s yelling about. At any rate, it doesn’t matter. We have to abandon ship right now!

“NO TIME!” I yell. Andria hollers at him to swim like hell for the life raft.

He tries to get past us back toward the steps that are half submerged. Andria and I manage to grab him and pull him back. We push him off in the direction of the raft as he continues to protest.

Jake is not a great swimmer. But I’m satisfied to see his instincts toward self-preservation kick in. He swims out, grabs onto the raft and starts to clamber aboard.

“C’MON, SHELLY; LET’S GO!” Andria screams at me.


I push her off the sailboat toward the wildly bobbing life raft. Jake has managed to get himself aboard. I can see him stretching his arm out toward us, hurrying us along. I’m astonished to see how far away the wind has already pushed it from us.

I launch myself off the boat, only to come to an abrupt halt about four feet away from the dying craft. My foot is entwined in a bunch of rope. I feel it clinging to my ankle like some vengeful demon wanting to claim me.

I try reaching back to untangle it. A moment later I feel a surge of horrific arousal at my predicament. Gawd; it’s not coming loose!

Andria turns back in my direction. I hear her scream my name. “I’M HUNG UP!” I yell back at her, waving helplessly at her.

The sailboat slowly rolls over onto its side. Masts and sails crash into the water all around me. I feel a tug on my ankles, indicating I’m seconds away from going down with it.

“SHEH-LEEEEE!” Andria screams my name. I wave at her to go back to the raft, which now looks like it’s even farther away.

I hear Jake calling out for his girlfriend, his arm outstretched in an attempt to reach for her. But I see her focus is on me. DAMNIT!

“NO!” I scream at her, waving her away. “GO BACK! I’M ALL TANGLED UP!” I don’t want her getting snagged and drowning right along with me.

I suddenly feel an unyielding tug, telling me this is it. I feel a sudden surge of fearful eroticism as I gasp for breath. Then I’m abruptly pulled under, Andria’s scream of horror ringing in my ears.

As the boat sinks, I’m pulled down with it. My hands instinctively claw upward for the surface I believe I’ll never see again. Bubbles spew out of my mouth as my pussy screams at me.

I feel a sudden rush of horrific sexual excitement, a build-up to a massive detonation. I should probably blow my air away and give in to it. But deep down I really want to live.

Instinctively I hold my breath, clinging to every last second of life I have left. There’s still a faint hope I can somehow get out of this. But all I can do is wave frantically as I’m pulled downward, my life slipping away in little bursts of bubbles.

Another flash of lightning reveals the horrifying view of Andria trying to swim down toward me. I wave her away, not wanting her to drown with me. Then the damned thing goes off inside me with a mighty roar.

I’m caught up in one hell of a climax. My body spasms as my orgasm paralyzes me. It incapacitates me, momentarily keeping me from attempting to save myself.

It’s all I can do not to give in and inhale. I shudder hard as an incredible wave of pleasure washes hotly through my body. My lungs heave in my chest.

My mind screams at me to do something. But my muscles have been compromised. I’m devastated by an orgasm which has stolen virtually all my energy reserves.

I suddenly feel a hand on my arm, grabbing for me. It’s Andria, still trying to save me. Damn her; she’s going to get herself killed!

I burble weakly at her, trying to brush her away as I shake my head no. All she’s going to accomplish is to drown right alongside of me. I don’t want that at all!

As much as I might like the idea of not dying alone, I desperately don’t want to take her with me. But the stupid bitch stubbornly hangs on. Now the boat is dragging us both down.

I feel her cling to my body as though she’s climbing me in the opposite direction. Soon I feel her hanging onto my legs. I feel hands on my ankles as she starts prying the rope loose.

I shudder as another, even more devastating, orgasm approaches. I can tell in an instant this one is going to batter me into oblivion. Once it hits, Andria will be stuck trying to rescue a drowned roommate.

I hear grunts and burbles from her as she claws at the rope around my ankle. Then it feels as though we’re not going down anymore. The sailboat has finally settled onto the sea floor.

It strikes me I’m now tethered to the object of my demise. This is where I’m going to drown. That’s when it goes off inside me like a volcanic eruption.

I’m hit again with an orgasm so devastating that I’m shaken like a rag doll. I feel an incredible wash of warmth flood through my being. For a second I think this isn’t going to be so bad.

I become aware of the ropes loosening around my ankle. Whether it’s Andria’s doing or not, I can’t be sure. I can barely hear her grunting and gurgling as though she might also be on the verge of drowning.


I shudder again as another orgasm crashes into me, hot on the heels of the last one. The next thing I know I’m slammed into blissful unconsciousness. The pain suddenly goes away…

When I regain consciousness, I find myself at the surface in very rough water. I gasp and sputter to regain my breath. Andria coughs and spits up water right next to me.


I cough and gasp, trying to get my breath back as we bob up and down in the choppy waves. It feels like she has me in her grasp as we cling to a section of mast that must have broken off. There’s no evidence of Jake and the life raft anywhere.

She yells in my face, “SHELLY, ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?”



We hug each other as tears fill our eyes. All we can do is sob into each other’s shoulders. The section of mast we cling to goes up and down in the heavy waves, lightning occasionally flashing above us.

I’m weak and breathless, not at all certain we’re going to come out of this alive. But now I feel a certain peace about it. Even though I didn’t want this for Andria, I have to admit I glad she’s with me.

If we’re going to go, at least we’ll get to go together…

2009; 2021 (written May 11 ’09; ed. May 16 ‘21 by riwa)

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Snuff Teri 5.0 (Ch 13 Make me cum!) 4.2 (21)

“Computer: load Snuff Teri 5.0 – password t26snuff40d114lbs.”

“Program loaded. Enter when ready.”

The door whooshed open and I stepped inside. To my utter astonishment the holodeck was empty. There was nothing but the crisscrossing yellow lines marking the interior of the cube-shaped room.

I had been summoned by my Snuff Teri program, having given it just enough intelligence to come up with scenarios for me based on the interests I’d plugged into the computer. But amazingly no one was waiting for me.

“Is this a joke?” I asked aloud. Then I called out, “TERI?” I half expected her name to echo back to me. But the walls ate up the sound of my voice.

A plain door unexpectedly slid open, one that suddenly appeared along one wall. A very naked Teri stepped through as though materializing from out of nowhere. As soon as she saw me her eyes lit up happily.

“Oh, there you are!” she gasped as though utterly joyous to see me. “With your kind permission?” When I nodded, she turned and activated some controls next to the door that had appeared.

A metal pole suddenly appeared somewhat close to me. A metal arm stuck out from the top of it about nine feet up. Dangling from the arm was a hangman’s noose.

I raised my eyebrows with interest as Teri walked up to me. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she explained, sounding strangely anxious. “I just can’t stand it anymore. Teri told me you’re the only one who can help me.”

“Help you?” I repeated with an amused look on my face. “How can I help you?”

“Do you know what that bitch did to me?”

“What bitch?”

“Teri, damn you!”

“Go on…”

“That bitch programmed me to be multi-orgasmic. But then she went and gave me the craziest triggering mechanism to make me cum.”

“Oh?” I raised my eyebrows, curious where this was going.

“I like to fuck. But I can’t cum unless I’m being asphyxiated.”

“Is that so?”

“She did this on your orders, didn’t she!” She didn’t seem all that mad about it. But she certainly seemed to think I had something to do with it.

“I never gave any such order,” I told her with a smile.

She snorted as though she didn’t believe me. “If they weren’t your orders then she did it because she’s a bitch!”

I smiled in spite of myself. She was talking about herself… well, a facsimile of herself to be more precise.

I looked at the noose dangling from the arm to the pole. Then I looked back at her, raising a curious eyebrow. That’s when it occurred to me.

I motioned at the noose “So this is for…”

“ME!” she blurted out. “It’s for ME, ok? Do you know what that bitch put me through?” I just gave her a blank look, not knowing anything about the preparations for this particular scenario.

“She put me in a room with you for 24 hours straight. You gave me the fucking of my life. The only problem is: You wouldn’t let me cum!”

“I wouldn’t?” I asked, trying not to chuckle.

“I begged you to choke me… strangle me… drown me… ANYTHING! But you wouldn’t! You just kept fucking the shit out of me! And I COULDN’T CUM! The bitch said I had to wait until the real you came onto the holodeck!”

“So here I am,” I observed dryly, my cock stirring in my trousers.

“Yes. Here you are.” Then she sidled up close to me, allowing me to feel the warmth of her naked body as her hand rubbed over my bulge.

“Please!” she hissed into my ear. “Let me cum. Make me cum!”


“Don’t be so damned obstinate!”

“You mean with this?” I asked, nodding at the noose.

“The bitch programmed me to remember all the different ways you asphyxiated me in the past. All of them got me off. All of them WILL get me off. The thing is: hanging is the only thing that will give me the absolute best orgasms ever.”

She paused, giving me the eye as though the direct approach wasn’t working. She sidled up to me, nibbling on my ear. Then she kissed me deeply, rubbing her hand up and down my growing bulge.

Our lips parted as she breathed heavily. “She told me you’d enjoy hanging me. She said you’d get off on it. The bitch programmed me to want to please you. That means I can’t even cum unless you’re getting off on it! Can you imagine that?”

She kissed me again, her tongue deeply probing my oral cavity as she humped my bulge. Then she pulled back, panting quietly. “Please! I need to cum so fucking bad!”

Her nipples were quite hard on her 40 D’s. Her labia were puffy with need. She looked like she was dripping down between her legs.

“What if I don’t want to?”

She looked at me in horror. “Gawd; don’t say that! You can’t mean that, can you?”

She frantically fumbled for my clothes, all but ripping them off like an animal. She grabbed my erection and stroked it. She was panting heavily for breath as though she’d run here from somewhere.

She kissed me hard as she reached between us to stroke me. “Please!” she begged again. “Make me cum! That bitch is so fucking cruel!”

“I have to hang you in order for you to be able to cum?”

“Yes, damn you!”

I lashed out with a hand and wrapped my fingers around her throat. She gasped in ecstasy, her eyes starting to roll. As I squeezed harder she started to tremble, jerking on my cock as though wanting to yank it right off.

I suddenly let go, curious as to how far her condition extended. She whimpered, pleading with her eyes. “Please!” she begged in a whisper. “Don’t be so cruel! You can’t deny me! Please don’t deny me!”

She suddenly dropped to her knees and took me into her mouth. Perhaps she was hoping a blowjob would entice me to give her what she wanted. She was quite the slut: her red painted lips, heavy makeup and shining, dark red hair. Amazingly I could still detect that familiar aroma of cheap perfume I’d smelled the last time I was in the holodeck with her many doppelgangers.

My cock hardened in her mouth. She took me deep until her lips brushed my balls. She deliberately gagged herself on it, no doubt trying to choke herself.

She looked up at me, whimpering in agony as she begged with those big brown eyes of hers. I laughed as I pulled out of her mouth. She whimpered as though in great agony.

I suddenly grabbed her by the back of the head, brutally ramming my cock down her throat. Her expression instantly changed into one of sexual ecstasy. She moaned as her hand snaked down to finger herself.

The harder I choked her, the harder she fingered herself. Then I pulled out of her mouth. She moaned in anguish, pleading with her eyes.

I thrust between her lips and fucked her face hard. She gagged and gurgled, furiously fingering herself. I blocked her airway with my cock until she couldn’t breathe.

I held her there, feeling her throat spasm exquisitely around my quivering shaft. She really choked on my member until she started to thrash about. The whole time I could feel her tongue anxiously swabbing all around my cock as though frantically trying to please me.

A moment later she all but exploded. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her body shuddered in my grasp.

I pulled out of her mouth and watched her as she knelt there panting heavily for breath. She had this drugged, appreciative look on her face as though she hadn’t cum in ages. Amazingly, she’d actually liked the way I’d choked her using my thick, throbbing member.

I spun her around onto her hands and knees before kneeling behind her. I pressed my cock against her puckered anus, wrapping my hands around her neck. Then I thrust in hard and deep as I started to squeeze.

She gawked and gurgled. But she started pushing back against me like a woman possessed. All the while she struggled to get a decent breath.

She never once clawed at my hands in an attempt to pull them away. The harder I choked her, the harder she seemed to fuck me back. “Like it, bitch?” I snarled at her as I pounded her ass. “Is THIS what you want?”

“Harder!” she rasped. “Squeeze me… harder! Rape my ass!”

Her muscles clamped down on my thrusting manhood. It felt wonderful as I fucked her hard. This one seemed to be the craziest of the bunch. Perhaps it was only because her doppelganger had programed her that way.

I toyed with her a little, releasing my grasp and then choking her again. She became even more desperate, pleading with me to strangle her. I couldn’t resist a request like that.

I clamped my hands tightly around her neck, choking the very life out of her. She let out a garbled cry, unable to pull air into her lungs. She managed to rasp, “PLSSSE… DNNN’TT STTPPP!”

She went off again, furiously milking me as she fucked me savagely. She climaxed explosively, her body bucking and shuddering as I brutalized her ass. It was enough to send me over the edge until I filled her rectum with my hot seed.

I pulled out with a wet slurping sound. She gasped, whimpering as though she wasn’t even close to being done with me. My cum dripped out of her ass as I stood her up.

She looked at me expectantly… more like hopefully, I should say. It was evident in her eyes she wanted more. “Noose yourself,” I commanded.

“I can’t!” she wailed. “You have to do it! You have to be aroused!

“Tie your arms behind your back.”


I gave her a knowing smile before I held out my hand. “Computer: rope for securing wrists!” That’s when a coil of nylon instantly materialized in my hand.

Teri inhaled sharply, and she started to tremble. Her eyes gleamed with wanton lust. “I want you to hang me. You have to want to hang me. You want to, don’t you?”

“Are you frightened?”

“Gawd; I’m terrified! But I can’t cum any other way! I can’t stand this any longer!”

Clearly she wanted what I had to offer. So I cruelly spun her around. Then I pulled her arms behind her back.

She inhaled sharply. For a second I thought she was going to cum again. She never once resisted.

I roughly tied her wrists together. Then I pinioned her arms at the elbows. It caused her 40 D’s to jut out erotically as she gasped for breath.

“You want… my tits… like this when I hang?”

“You’re damned right I do!” She whimpered as I bound her. But she never once let out a peep of protest.

I stepped her over to the front of the noose. She gasped and whimpered. She looked like she was trying to clench her thighs together as though desperate to squeeze every last drop out of her dripping cunt.

Speak to me,” she quietly begged. “Tell me what you’re going to do to me. Tell me how much you’re going to enjoy it.”

“I’m going to hang you now,” I told her as I gently took the coil. I’m going to take your naked body up into the air. Then I’m going to jerk off as I watch you suffer and die.”

She whimpered, “Oh gawd!” as she stood there trembling. I slowly looped the coil around her neck. She inhaled sharply.

Her nipples were incredibly erect. I saw goose bumps erupt up and down her arms. Then I snugged the knot tight against her left ear.

She gasped again, her cunt dripping like crazy. She was trembling as I caressed her flesh. I groped her mounds while pinching her nipples.

She yelped and whimpered, panting like crazy. I quietly murmured, “Shall I delay your execution?”

“Gawd; don’t you fucking dare!”

“Computer: bring her onto her toes!” I assumed it would respond to my commands in this situation.

The noose dutifully pulled her up, causing her to gawk as she struggled to breathe. Her thighs clenched even harder. She shuffled around on her toes as she rasped for breath.

I sinisterly asked, “Will that be sufficient to bring you off?”

“Not… enough!”

“You want more?”

“Yes, damn you!”

She was clearly frightened. Yet her eyes displayed a distinct lust despite the constricting noose around her neck. She shuffled around a little on her toes. But she was already starting to instinctively hump with her waist as though fucking an invisible lover.

My cock had gotten incredibly hard. She rasped and panted as she saw my erection. I stepped up to her, a knowing smile on my face.

Instinctively she wrapped her legs around me, strangling herself as she worked to impale her cunt with my hardening dick. Then I was inside her. Instantly she began fucking me with a fervor while seriously trying to strangle herself with the noose.

I let her do all the work as she furiously milked me with her muscles. But I don’t think she was asphyxiated enough. She rasped and gurgled, grunting anxiously as she desperately tried to fuck me, impaling herself over and over on my quivering shaft.

“Computer: increase tension on rope!” Teri gawked as it tightened around her neck. She looked at me gratefully… and then went off like a rocket, bucking and shuddering as she milked me like crazy.

I groped her mounds, pinching her nipples to give her something to think about. Then I started to step away. A moment later I slipped out of her sopping wet cunt.

For a moment she tried to hold on with her legs. Then she let go, allowing the noose to absorb her full weight. Her eyes flew open in shock as she swung back and forth, realizing she was now hanging by her neck.

She watched me grab my erection. Then I started to stroke it, a sadistic smile on my face. That’s when she exploded in a massive orgasm, jerking her knees up several times as she spurted her climax.

She became a whirling dervish, her legs kicking every which way in a frenzy of movement. She gawked and gurgled, her hips bucking as she kept cumming and cumming. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she bucked and shuddered uncontrollably, my dripping cum flying out of her ass.

I suddenly stepped forward against those kicking legs. Somehow she had the presence of mind to wrap them around me again, using them in a frantic attempt to lift herself up so she could get another breath. Then she impaled herself on my hard cock once more.

Her eyes snapped open wide as though realizing what was back inside her. She began riding me like crazy, strangling herself in the noose as she fucked me with an incredible urgency. Her gushing fluids got me rather wet. But I didn’t mind so much, especially since the kinky slut kept orgasming with my cock impaled up her juicy twat.

I let her milk me until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I ended up leaving a creamy deposit in her cunt to match the one in her ass. Her face was red from her exertions, her tongue trying to peek out past her lips.

I pulled out of her until her legs lost their grip on me. Her eyes flashed once more as the noose fully took her weight. She began to kick with renewed fervor, her legs flying every which way.

She humped her way through one climax after another. She was putting on one hell of a performance, orgasming herself to death as she danced in the noose. Then she brought her knees together in what appeared to be one last massive cum.

She gurgled as she suddenly went limp, her legs twitching as she swayed back and forth. Drool spilled out of her mouth and fell onto her tits as she twisted in the noose. It was erotic as hell watching her naked body dangle like that.

“Computer: Fill the slut’s lungs with air.”

Teri’s eyes flew open as though life had just returned. She looked at me in horror as she started to kick all over again. I stepped up and allowed her to wrap her legs around me, frantic to ease the agony around her neck.

My cock slipped into her wet cunt. She furiously milked me as she shuddered in orgasm. I savagely twisted her nipples as I told her, “Now you’re going to die, bitch! Cum for me as you die!”

I stepped away until she lost her hold on me. Almost immediately she began kicking the air. She savagely humped as though locked in a vicious cycle of fucking the air.

I jerked my meat as I loudly proclaimed, “Hang yourself, bitch!” She kicked and twisted. Then she exhausted herself yet again.

She had a wild, drugged look in her eyes as though she’d cum like crazy. I had this wicked urge to attempt to give her one more just to be cruel. Besides, I figured she was too far gone to mind.

I stuck out my hand and quietly said, “Computer: baton!” One materialized in my hand. Then I smiled at Teri as I stepped behind her.

“This is for being such a slut!” I told her grimly. “Computer: make sure she feels this.” Then I shoved it hard up her ass before quickly stepping back.

Her eyes flew open and she let out a loud “GAWK” as her legs kicked haphazardly. In an instant I could tell the slut was cumming again. She brought her knees up and then jerked them back down hard.

There was a pronounced “CRICK” as her neck suddenly gave way. Then she started jerking and spasming in her death throes. Her bladder released, and piss splattered down her legs to puddle upon the floor.

I watched as various muscles twitched sporadically, her body swaying softly as she twisted back and forth. Droplets of piss and cum dripped off her feet, adding to the mess on the floor. It wasn’t long until she dangled limp and lifeless, her face having turned a nasty shade of purple as her neck began to elongate.

I looked into her face and studied Teri’s lifeless expression. She looked like she’d orgasmed hard as she’d strangled to death in the noose. There was a drugged look in her eyes. For a second I got the strange impression she’d actually died happy.

“Slut!” I muttered under my breath. At least I’d gotten a couple of good releases out of it. Besides, she actually looked good with that baton sticking out of her ass. I think she actually liked it in the end… if you’ll pardon the pun.

I got dressed, took one last look at her and then gave her naked body a gentle push. She swayed back and forth as she began to twist again. That’s when I turned my back on her, satisfied with my time in the holodeck.

“Computer: exit. End program.”

She disappeared behind me as the arch appeared. I stepped through, needing a cleansing shower. It had been a particularly enjoyable snuff session.

2010; 2021 (written Jul 23 ’11; ed. Jul 4 ‘21 by riwa)

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