Iron Maiden on New Year’s Eve 4.3 (38)

Note: I found a short NYE story I wrote years ago that I thought I’d re-upload special. Happy New Year.

“How did you get the keys to this place?” Zilpha asked breathlessly.

“I know the curator,” I told her with a wink. She never suspected I might be lying.

She was trembling as we slipped in through the back entrance. “It’s down this way,” I told her, motioning toward the stairs. “Where else would you find a dungeon except down in a basement?”

She smiled excitedly, giving me her hand. I led her down the stairs, turning on lights when it became necessary. Thankfully there were no windows to the streets outside to alert anyone that the museum now had unauthorized visitors on New Year’s Eve.

We rounded a corner where I flicked on the last of the lights. There it was, standing proudly against the back wall. Zilpha gasped at the sight of it.

“There it is, love,” I whispered seductively into her ear. “…a real live Iron Maiden! I’ll bet you never expected to see one on New Year’s Eve, did you!”

“Bloody hell!” she gasped excitedly.

When I touched her shoulder, it confirmed she was trembling like a leaf! “Go ahead!” I told her. “Walk right up to it. You can touch it if you want too.”

She was a little unsteady on her feet as she slowly walked up to it. Zilpha stared at it with awe and wonder. It was closed up of course.

She couldn’t resist running a hand over its surface in reverence. She was more excited than I’d anticipated. That when she turned to me and stammered, “Can I… can I s-see the interior?”

“Certainly, love,” I breathed into her ear. Then I grabbed the door and slowly pulled it open. It made a mournful creak as though opening up its deadly embrace to its next victim.

Zilpha gasped in awe at the many lethal, metal spikes protruding from inside the door. “Bloody hell!” she murmured, panting heavily for breath. Apparently the sight of it had thrown her into a right, old tizzy!

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” I murmured seductively into her ear. “Why don’t you step inside? You can try it out if you want… if you know what I mean?”

“Can I really??”

She was a little unsteady as she carefully stepped inside. Then she turned around. She appeared to be in quite a state of sexual arousal.

“Bloody hell; it’s lovely!!” she gasped in awe and wonder.

“It’ll be midnight soon,” I told her with a knowing smile. “How’d you like to be tied up naked inside the thing when Big Ben chimes in the New Year? I’ve even got a camera at the ready to record the event for you.”

“Bloody hell; could I??” she gasped, her eyes wide with excitement.

“Go ahead, love. Take your clothes off. It’s getting close to midnight. I bet you want to be inside the moment Big Ben starts chiming.”

Her hands were trembling as she fumbled to work her clothes off. In no time at all she’d stripped out of her things. I noticed right away how erect her sensuous nipples had become. Her pussy was even glistening as she dripped from her arousal.

“Five minutes to midnight,” I told her, hurrying her along.

When she was ready, I helped her inside. I smiled as I told her, “Let’s make it look realistic, love.” Then I began to strap her in.

She was all fidgety as though she could hardly stand herself. Her breathing was heavy and ragged; her excitement palpable. I even saw a trickle of her arousal slither down her inner thigh.

I got her all strapped in. Then I proceeded to take some pictures. She looked great, naked and writhing all aroused like that as she stood inside the Iron Maiden.

It was an incredible turn-on for me as well. It had turned out to be a marvelous idea. I could only wonder if she had an inkling of my true intentions.

“Ok, love,” I told her as I moved toward the door. “Big Ben is about to strike. I’ll bet we can hear the chimes from all the way down here. Don’t worry, love. As soon as he hits the first chime of the New Year I’ll slam the door shut on you.”

She looked at me for a long moment. That’s when her mouth dropped open in astonishment. “You’re… you’re k-kidding… right?”

“Of course not,” I told her with a menacing glint in my eyes. “This has always been a fantasy of yours, right? What a treat it’s going to be for the curator to come down on January 2nd and see a pattern of blood oozing out from underneath his Iron Maiden. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Y-you’re joking,” she stammered breathlessly. “You m-must be joking, love.”

“You just settle in and enjoy the ride, darling.”

She inhaled sharply as I reached out to caress her small, heaving breasts. Her eyes got big as saucers as she looked at me in complete and utter shock. That’s when I laid it all out for her.

“You’ll have 25 seconds to get ready while the Westminster Chimes plays the full hour, darling. Then, at the first stroke of midnight, I’ll slam the door shut on you. How does that sound?”

“Bloody HELL!” she gasped. “You wouldn’t… WOULD YOU??”

At that moment we heard the first four chimes of the full hour. Zilpha inhaled sharply. Then she let out a squeal as she climaxed right there inside the Iron Maiden. It was time.

I grabbed the door as the second set of four chimes sounded. The poor thing shuddered as she continued to orgasm. Then I got ready to swing it closed as the third set of chimes rang out.

She was staring at me in utter horror as the last of the quartet of chimes sounded. Then she screamed as I slammed the door on her. It closed with a loud metallic clang.

Her cries instantly became muffled. From off in the distance I heard Big Ben toll its twelve solemn tones. It was the start of the New Year.

I waited until well after Elizabeth Tower had gone silent as Zilpha moaned and cried out. That’s when I noticed a stream of blood begin to ooze out from the bottom of the Iron Maiden. It followed a little grooved track cut into the foundation of the granite platform the medieval torture device stood upon.

I waited a good five minutes, fascinated at the flow of crimson. Zilpha’s muffled cries lessened until she went completely silent. Then I carefully opened the door back up.

Zilpha looked like a virtual pin cushion. Blood flowed from numerous puncture wounds. Her eyes were glazed over in death, wide with horror the moment the door had slammed shut on her.

Her lips were parted from the cries of her wounded, perforated body. There was also a wet mess between her legs. She’d lost control of her bladder the moment she’d climaxed.

Her urine mixed with her life’s blood at her feet.  Crimson flowed freely from her many wounds. The device had worked far better than I could have possibly imagined.

I whispered, “I hope it was all you wanted it to be, love.” Then I tenderly kissed her lips before locking her back inside. Thanks to me, the curator now had a modern day example of how his Iron Maiden functioned.

2012; 2019 (written for Zilpha Dec 27 ’12; ed. Dec 2 ‘19 by riwa)

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Chastity’s little fuck-toy part 1 (a Club story) 4.4 (34)

Roasting the whore after giving her a last fuck with the steel pole was immensely satisfying. But for some reason I felt irritated, as though some annoying little insect had gotten under my skin. What’s more I couldn’t seem to put my finger on it.

It wasn’t until I saw Mistress Chastity escorting her little fuck-toy Lexi down for some one on one time that I figured out it was her. She’d instructed all the dealers and attendants in the Club to sign up for a chance to be guillotine slut Aravanna’s companion in the other machine. Had it not been for Carmen volunteering her secretary Sophia to ride the other machine, my wife’s number might have come up and she might have lost her head that night.

I wasn’t really angry she’d put Monique at risk. After all, Chastity had indicated she’d expected me to snuff both of them at some point in time. It was just the fact I’d been left out of the loop and hadn’t had a chance to prepare and say goodbye in my own special way in case my wife’s number had been drawn.

There was something about it though that just didn’t smell right. A part of me felt like Mistress was asserting her authority. That was something I guess she had every right to do.

On the other hand she would often remind me she was grooming me for the day I would eventually take over. Being left out of the decision making process seemed like a deliberate slap in the face. I wasn’t sure how I should handle it.

It occurred to me she was trying to push my buttons, goading me into action. Perhaps she wanted to know how I would respond to a perceived offense. Or maybe she was trying to see how far she could push me before I got the urge to snuff her ass.

An hour later I decided I needed a swim to cool off. When I saw Mistress wandering around the floor of the casino I figured she was done fucking her little slut. So I headed on down to use her pool.

I was surprised to find little Lexi still in Chastity’s suite, enjoying the pool I planned on using. The nubile, 19 year old nymph was frolicking around naked in the deep end. I could tell by her expression she didn’t know whether to be pleased or alarmed at my presence.

“What are you doing in here?” I asked curtly. I was still feeling angry over the way I’d been left out of the guillotine decision.

“Mistress said I could stay a while,” she replied submissively, lowering her head as though she’d done something wrong. “I can get out if you wish, Mr. Rick.”

“That’s all right,” I said with a wave. I felt regret over having taken out my anger on her. “Stay as long as you like. Don’t mind me. I’m just down here for a nice, relaxing swim.”

“Thank you, Mr. Rick. I’ll stay out of your way.”

Little Lexi was a confirmed lesbian. My sources told me she’d never taken a man’s cock in any of her holes in her entire life. I heard she was the slut of her cheer-leading squad, the one everyone turned to whenever they wanted to fuck a little lesbian nymph. She had a look of innocence that belied her sexual proclivities with others of her gender.

She was 5’2”. Her long, black hair was always braided on both sides of her head like some sort of schoolgirl. She had brown eyes and perfect B cups with cute little nipples. She had a tight ass, and her pussy was clean-shaven except for a little landing strip of fuzz which I heard was to make her feel more like an adult. It was easy to see why Mistress enjoyed the submissive little slut so much.

I figured she wouldn’t care if I was naked or not, even if I did get hard at the sight of her. As a confirmed lesbian she wasn’t going to give me a second thought. So I stripped out of all my clothes and dove in.

I swam a handful of laps as she swam around in the deep end. She spent much of her time underwater. Out of curiosity I began submerging to watch her just to see how long she could hold her breath.

I soon found out she could hold it for a significant amount of time. Sometimes she stretched herself out on the floor of the pool on her back. She seemed to like blowing bubbles up at the surface.

Whenever she saw me looking at her she would deliberately stay underwater for as long as possible. I assumed it was an attempt to show off. Seeing that naked body underwater was sexy as hell.

In no time at all I had a raging hard-on. It was only natural for me to imagine what it would be like to fuck her good and hard underwater while she was grunting for air. But she was Chastity’s fuck-toy.

Despite my irritations with her I still respected my fellow co-owner. Still, I couldn’t help fantasizing over what could be a delicious underwater fuck with a nubile 19 year old. Us males tend to think that way.

We got closer until we started swimming around each other. The slut was a shameless flirt. She soon began running a hand over my naked body.

She did not shy away from reaching out to brush a hand over my raging hard-on whenever we swam past each other. I did the same thing to her, brushing a hand against her nipples or reaching out to rub near her crotch whenever she went by. It quickly became a game between us.

“Gawd; you’re hard,” she giggled playfully when we surfaced together. Then she brazenly stroked my throbbing dick.

“Did I do that to you? …little old me?” She innocently batted her eyes as she continued tugging on my shaft.

“Why you little tart!”

I grabbed her by her braids and forced her under. She might not be my fuck-toy. But I could sure as hell teach her a lesson or two.

She bubbled and wriggled about as her head went under. I was horny as hell. So I grabbed my cock and smacked her face with it as I held her head close to my crotch.

She bubbled indignantly. Lexi shook her head as though afraid I might shove it down her throat. I damn near did.

I submerged with her and spun her around, pulling her against me as she tried to wriggle away.  I reached around and groped her tits with one hand. I used the other to rub her crotch while thinking, ‘I’ll teach you some manners, you little slut!’

I deliberately fingered her cunt. She was surprisingly lubricated. She grunted and squirmed as I roughly fondled her.

She started to whimper as I held onto her. Her attempt to squirt out of my grasp seemed half-hearted. I groped her harder until her struggles all but ceased.

She moaned and bubbled, grunting as though she needed air soon. I couldn’t help thinking, ‘Oh, you like that, you little slut? Maybe I’ll just make you wait for your next breath!’

I fingered her harder as I savagely groped her tits. She surprised me by stiffening and then letting out a bubbly cry. I even felt her pussy clench around my thrusting fingers.

The little slut actually came underwater! When I finally let her go she shot up and gasped for breath. Her eyes were wide as I surfaced next to her.

“Gawd!” she panted. Then she wrapped her arms around my neck. “You made me cum, you bastard!” I was just as astonished as she was.

“Serves you right for teasing the hell out of me, you little slut.”

“Is that so!” the nymph retorted defiantly.

A wicked smile flashed across her face. A moment later she took a deep breath and submerged with a burble. To my astonishment she went down and started kissing my cock and balls.

I wasn’t sure how to react. After all, this was Chastity’s little fuck-toy. Once more I felt like things were not in my control.

The lesbian nymph aggressively licked my quivering shaft. The little tart did everything but take me into her mouth. I was left feeling totally frustrated.

She was down for quite a while, well over two minutes. She finally surfaced amidst a flurry of bubbles. She was trembling when she wrapped her arms around my neck.

“So what do you think about that?” she asked with a giggle.

“SLUT!” I roared. Then I shoved her back down.

I’d finally had enough of her teasing. She was going to suck my cock whether she wanted to or not. I wanted the release, and I was determined she was going to give it to me.

She tried to resist as I pulled her head close. She opened her mouth, which I thought was an open invitation. So I wasted no time slammed my throbbing dick between her lips.

Lexi grunted with each thrust as I brutally fucked her face. She halfheartedly acted as though she was trying to get away. But I could feel her tongue lick all around my cock in her mouth.

Her cheeks went all concave as she vacuumed my quivering shaft. Sexy bubbles came out of her nose. I had a funny feeling the little slut was really into it for some reason.

I fucked her face even harder, driving my cock deep down her throat. She grunted and gurgled, wriggling around in a halfhearted attempt to break away. It was arousing enough to set me off. That’s when I buried my cock deep past her tonsils as I washed her mouth out with my seed.

Lexi screamed underwater. She tried to get away as I thrust hard into her mouth. I made her take my entire load, forcing her to swallow it all.

When I pulled out of her mouth my cum swirled out as well. She appeared dazed as she watched it flow around her face. Then I pulled her up out of the water.

The little tart gasped weakly for breath. She smiled at me as she wrapped her arms around my neck. “That was fucking hot!” she panted, the two of us treading water right there in the middle of the deep end of the pool.

I was a little surprised at her reaction. Then again, maybe she was under strict orders from Mistress Chastity. She smiled as she told me, “That was fucking incredible! I nearly came over the way you shoved that thick rod of yours down my throat!”

She kissed me hard as we submerged, bubbles trickling out of our noses. I felt her tongue probe inside my mouth. I tasted bits of cum on her lips and in her mouth.

She moaned as her body pressed hard against mine. When we finally came up for air, both of us were breathless. It was an encounter I could never have anticipated.

Her arms were still around my neck as she breathed, “I want you, Mr. Rick! I want you so fucking bad! I’ve never had cock before until now, and I fucking love it! Now I want you in my other two holes! I want you to be my first!”

I was flattered as hell, my damned cock stirring again. But she was Chastity’s fuck-toy. I hesitated despite the incredible urge I had to push her down and fuck the shit out of her.

“What about Mistress?” I finally asked softly.

Lexi gave me a naughty little smile in reply. “I think it would be so fucking wicked if we made her watch me give myself to you.” I realized that was her exhibitionism speaking out, something else I’d heard about.

I curiously raised an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Maybe I ought to drown your ass.” Then I shoved her under.

Bubbles came up as I kept her submerged. I called down to her, “Just how long CAN you hold your breath, you little tart?” She cried out in bubbly defiance as she struggled in my grasp.

I held her down for the longest time. Eventually her sexy little body started to spasm from lack of air. Then I pulled her back up.

She gasped madly for breath, panting like crazy. But I saw an expression of lust and desire in her eyes. She sputtered, “What are you trying to do: DROWN ME?? You’d probably like that, wouldn’t you!”

She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. Next she wrapped her legs around my waist. Then she kissed me fiercely, humping against my semi-hard cock as we slipped under the surface together.

We were down a long time before we finally came up for air. We swam to the shallow end and sat on the steps next to each other, panting heavily for breath. That’s when she leaned up against me, idly stroking my cock with her hand.

She was playing a dangerous game. But I think she was fully aware of that. If she kept it up, it wouldn’t be much longer until my resistance gave out and I fucked her hard underwater.

“I love how you force me down,” she breathed excitedly, gently stroking my quivering shaft. “I fucking love how you treat me, Mr. Rick. I want this inside me so fucking bad! I want you to hold me underwater and rape me with it until my lungs are screaming.”

‘What about Mistress?” I asked. I was still a little miffed at Chastity for the way she’d previously risked Monique the way she did. I was actually considering violating her precious little fuck-toy.

“Fuck that bitch!” Lexi gasped with a wicked smile. “I want you to take me in front of the whole damned Club, Mr. Rick! That would be so fucking hot! I want her and everyone else to watch me take my very first cock as you rape me good and hard while holding me down and making me hold my fucking breath!”

“She’ll probably want to punish your naughty little ass.”

“Gawd; I hope so! That would be so fucking hot!”

She looked at me with a strange excitement. “What do you think, Mr. Rick? Think we could use the tank on the Entertainment stage? The two of us sure could put on one hell of a show. You would only be teaching one of your attendants a lesson she fucking deserved. We could even do it tonight if you wish. Gawd; I want your cock so fucking bad!”

I had to admit I liked the idea. I was in the mood to rape Chastity’s little fuck-toy underwater. It would certainly give me the chance to do it right in front of her. Besides, what the hell could she do to me??

Lexi was full of dangerous suggestions. “We could fill it to around five feet, couldn’t we? That should be more than enough water for you to hold me down and fuck me with my first cock as you make me hold my breath. The whole damned Club would get to watch you rape me as you hold me under and drown my ass and… GAWD! I’m so fucking excited just thinking about it!”

She pulled me to her, kissing me passionately while moaning with desire. When she pulled away I could tell the little slut was trembling with excitement. She wanted it bad.

“I want you to be rough with me like I’ve done something wrong, ok? Treat me like your fucking little whore who deserves nothing better than to be raped and drowned right in front of the whole damned Club. Rape me underwater; make me fight to hold my breath. Gawd; you don’t know how hard I came when you held me down and fingered me to orgasm. Tonight will be even better.”

Her words were getting me excited again. My cock was hardening in her hand as she gently stroked me. But a part of me couldn’t help wondering if she was setting me up for something disastrous.

“Gawd,” she added with a naughty giggle. “I can’t wait to see her expression when she sees her fuck-toy being raped by a man. I want you to violate me, Mr. Rick. I want you to fucking drown my ass tonight as you rape me. Make me hold my breath so long that it fucking hurts.”

She kissed me again. Then she got up out of the pool, leaving me horny as hell as water dripped off her nubile body. “Sorry about that,” she giggled mischievously, motioning at my hard cock. “You can take it out on me tonight. Ten o’clock ok? We could do it then if you want.” She gave me a look that was almost pleading.

“Ten o’clock it is,” I said to her, giving her an ominous look. “You’d better be ready. Tonight I’m raping and drowning your ass.”

“GAWD!” she gasped. I swear the young thing was trembling with anticipation.

“I can hardly wait! I’d better get back to work before I explode with excitement. I’ll see you then.”

She waved playfully at me as she gathered up her clothes. Then she left for the changing room. I just stared in her direction until she was gone.

After she’d left, my mind began to process what we’d just agreed to. Chastity’s little fuck-toy had just asked me to rape her in the water tank up on stage. She’d also asked me to “drown her ass”.

I still had my concerns. Was I being set up? Was this a way of her trying to get rid of me?

I knew what she meant by wanting me to “drown her ass”. But then it occurred to me…

What would happen if, in the heat of the moment, I actually DID drown her ass?

A dangerous little smile played at the corners of my mouth. I could do it as payback for the way Mistress had treated me by nearly costing me Monique earlier. How would she react if an unfortunate accident took the life of her little nymph fuck-toy up onstage in the drowning chamber?

After all, what could she do to me?

2010; 2020 (written Feb 5 ’10; ed. May 27 by riwa)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (4)

Coming January rewards

A story about iron maidens.
I dreamed I drowned them.
Another Donna’s shore leave chapter.
A fetish swim.
Indoor spa fun.
A woman gets bagged.
Another Mr. Wayne chapter.
Another drowning of Melissa chapter.
A soccer mom gets into trouble.
Another chapter to the Russian Roulette game show.
And at least a couple more I’m thinking about.

November stories/rewards will fall off at the end of December to make room for January rewards.

I got to eat lunch with mom on Christmas day. Several months ago I was stressed about her health, wondering if I would even get to spend Christmas with her. She is doing much better and is able to take short trips in her car to the store.

Lately I’ve been trying to apply myself to some unfinished projects. You saw that this last month when I got out a fresh chapter to Water Babies and a new chapter to Girl’s Night Out. I plan on keeping at it, although sometimes I find myself suffering from a little “analysis to paralysis”. I get stuck on a detail or a character so much that it slows up the writing process. I’ll see if I can do better about that.

Thanks for being my patrons. See you in 2022. Now I just have to remember to write that new year on all my checks.

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The Elf and the Orc 4.4 (25)

Note: I’m not too familiar with the characteristics of these two creatures. So I hope you’ll give me a little leeway in case I messed things up about them.

Beala splashed in the river. She hadn’t bathed in weeks. It felt good to wash the smell off her body.

There were very few opportunities to address hygiene during wartime. They were constantly on the move. Any water they came across had to be preserved for drinking.

She’d come across the river during one of her patrols. But it was too far away for an encampment. Besides the territory was dangerously close to the orcs.

She was high enough in the hierarchy to grant herself some private time. Thus, she’d taken some time off. She’d said it was to see to her family. In actuality, it was to bathe at the river.

She thought she should feel more guilty. After all, what would her superiors say to this? There was little time for pleasantries such as bathing. The best she could hope for was a few minutes to herself to prepare for battle.

Beala was certain she was alone. She’d searched the area thoroughly. She’d seen no life to threaten her, certainly no orcs in the immediate vicinity.

The fishing net had been a curiosity. But it looked like it had been abandoned for several weeks. Someone must have come to fish the waters, only to be driven off by the marauding bands of orcs… and her kind as well.

She had few regrets over those she’d killed. War had become a part of life to her. It was hoped that innocent villagers might be spared. But they often found themselves caught up in the conflict, frequently suffering great casualties at the hands of the orcs. Was that why she hated them so much?

As an elf her ears were normally much sharper. But the river was just noisy enough for her to miss detecting the activity on the shore. The rustling of the breeze through the trees did not help matters.

It came flying through the air before she could think to react. Then the fishing net was upon her. Her instincts to fight only tangled her up in it more.

She nearly drowned herself. Beala finally stopped struggling to take stock of her situation. That’s when the orc emerged from the trees.

She let out a gasp and a shudder. Her clothes were there on the shore. She was totally exposed.

The orc waded down into the water. He held his battle axe at the ready. One wrong move and the fishing net would not protect her.

The orc pulled her in and quickly untangled her. She was too far away from her clothes and her weapons. Beala’s heart beat fast.

Her mind raced as she tried to process any and all options. But she was quickly reduced to polar opposites. She could resist and be slaughtered. Or she could submit. For now she chose the latter.

The orc produced some rope and bound her arms behind her back. The creature’s close proximity to her made her wrinkle her nose in disgust. Now she needed another dip in the river.

The orc studied her intently. Beala blushed in spite of herself. She did not like the way she was being gazed upon. Surely the results of such an inspection were not going to be pleasant.

The orc removed his battle dress until he was completely naked. A large erection sprang free. Beala shuddered with revulsion.

She had chosen the wrong option. She should have chosen slaughter. Now she was going to be violated.

The orc wasted no time, especially since she was already naked and trembling. He spun her around and bent her over a convenient tree stump. Then he thrust hard into her womanhood.

Beala let out a cry at the painful intrusion. She’d mated before with some of the other warrior elves. But an orc’s member was much bigger.

He plunged his thick appendage hard into her slit. Beala cried out with each thrust. She had no idea mating could be so painful.

The orc rammed her until she felt him spew his hot seed into her. That was humiliating enough. Now she feared the possibility she might bear the disgusting creature’s child.

He was not content to abuse her just the one time. He turned her around and forced her to kneel. His disgusting organ hung at face level.

The thought was revolting. Beala shook her head. The creature simply grabbed her head and forced her lips open before pushing the organ inside her.

Beala had suffered many humiliations during her life. But none matched what was now happening to her. She wished the orc would just use his axe, remove her head and be done with it.

She swallowed the disgusting organ. Then the orc stretched out flat on his back. Beala was forced to straddle him, impaled once again upon his member.

He bounced her up and down as he savagely groped her breasts. Beala shed tears of shame. Her humiliation increased at the horrific realization her body was starting to betray her.

She winced as she closed her eyes and shook her head. The orc bounced her even harder upon his quivering shaft. It filled her unlike any organ she’d previously been impaled with.

The creature had gone without sex for some time. It was obvious; his appetite was ravenous. Beala cried out again as she felt hot seed spurt inside her.

She was pulled off and forced to take it into her mouth once more, gagging on it again. No doubt the creature expected her to clean his member. She winced as she tasted her fluids on the disgusting erection.

The creature threw her onto the ground on her back. She was uncomfortable lying on her bound arms. Then the creature was upon her, thrusting hard into her womanhood.

Beala closed her eyes as she shed more tears. She shook her head as if to deny the situation. Now she could feel her orifice trying to suck the beast deeper inside her.

The orc seemed amused. He pulled out and then thrust back in. Beala winced as her body responded.

The creature howled with glee as he fell over onto his back again. Beala was pulled on top and impaled once more. Her breasts were savagely groped.

He was thoroughly enjoying himself. And curse the gods, she was enjoying it too. She could not make her body stop responding.

The orc was not a dimwitted creature. He quickly took notice of her reaction. He lifted her onto her knees, bent her over the stump and entered her from behind again.

Beala tried to think of something else. She tried to think of the worst possible scene she could remember from battle. But her body still responded.

It swelled within her despite her best efforts to stop it. Then it crashed over her as the orc emptied himself inside her yet again. She let out an elfish cry of shame as pleasure shuddered through her being.

Once more she found herself back on her knees cleaning the creature’s appendage with her mouth. She could taste her cum and his cream on his erection. Humiliation was heaping mounds of shameful lust upon her head.

She fought against the urge to please him. But she could not bring herself to resist. She slobbered all over the dick that had shamefully wrought such great pleasure within her.

The orc stretched out on his back and impaled her again. Beala was bounced up and down until she could stand it no longer. Another orgasmic cry was torn from her lips.

The creature bent her over the stump again. Then she felt him violate her anus. She screamed from the pain. But it subsided as humiliation gave way to more shameful lusts.

She was violated until she became sore. Then the orc pulled out. Once more she was thrown onto the ground where the creature pounced.

He forced himself inside her yet again. Beala shed tears of shameful pleasure. She bit her lips to keep from urging the disgusting creature to fully have his way with her.

She did not know how long it was before the orc finally tired of her. She was filled in all holes with his disgusting cream. She needed the river again in the worst way.

The creature bent her over the tree stump yet again. Would there be more? Then she looked up to see the orc hefting his battle axe.

Relief washed over her. At last. Her shame would be hidden forever. None of her people would know of what had just been done to her. The humiliation was about to be slaughtered right out of her.

She looked up at the creature with resignation. Then she submissively laid her neck across the stump of the tree. At least she would not have to bathe.

There was hesitation. Then the orc let out a cry as he hefted his battle ax. Beala closed her eyes and prepared for the final moment.

She’d seen beheadings in battle. She had always wondered what it had felt like. Now she would know for herself.

There was a big whump into the ground in front of her. But Beala’s neck remained unscathed. She looked up with surprise and confusion, seeing the blade of the axe buried in the ground right in front of her.

The orc loosened her bonds behind her back. Then he turned and walked away. And just like that her life had been returned to her.

Beala blinked in surprise. She worked the bonds until they came free. Then she stood up, looking in the direction the orc had gone. He did not return. But she would probably not fare so well if any of his kind stumbled across her path.

At risk of life and limb she got into the river. She gave herself a very short time to wash the disgust off her. Then she hurriedly got dressed.

She gathered her weapons, checking to see if the orc might come back for her. Perhaps it would be best if she were not here to be found. And with that Beala began the long journey back.

Beala did not feel well. It was her stomach. Something was wrong.

The feeling passed. But the next morning was more of the same. It was an ominous reminder of the incident by the river with the orc.

At the encampment she did not seek anyone out for confirmation. She already sensed the truth. This was something she could not bear to live with.

Immediately she began seeking extra duty. Beala actively sought out dangerous missions. She hoped she would ultimately be killed in battle or by a war party, thus putting an end to the shame she would bring to her people if what she feared was indeed true.

The battle was fierce. Orcs and elves met in sustained bloodshed. There was death all around her.

Time and time she rushed in to save others, constantly risking her life. Her comrades just kept falling. The orcs fared no better.

A glancing blow felled her to the ground. She waited for the killing blow. Then a body fell on top of her and she lost conscious.

Beala was unaware of the passage of time. She awakened to push the dead orc off her. The stench of death was especially disgusting.

She arose and scanned the field. There were none standing. Bodies lay everywhere.

There was movement a short distance away. Beala went over to investigate. Perhaps she had not survived alone.

An orc was stirring, trapped under two bodies of his kind. Beala grabbed for his battle axe. She would take care of this last one herself.

She raised the axe, preparing to slay the creature with his own weapon. Then recognition set in. She looked at the blade and saw familiar markings she had seen before.

She saw him look up at her with resignation. She let out a cry as she raised the axe. Then she brought it down hard. It thumped a couple feet above the head of her dreaded adversary.

She could not do it. She owed him her life. He had willfully spared her. She was honor-bound to do likewise.

She helped move the bodies of his fallen comrades off him. Then he rose to his feet. She bowed her head and dropped submissively to one knee.

He looked at her dismissively. Then he retrieved his battle axe. The orc headed off in the direction of the forest.

Beala did not know what to do. Her comrades had all been slain, or so she thought. So she set off after the orc.

He heard her following and turned. She thought he was going to strike. She made no move to get out of the way.

The creature sized her up. Then he turned and headed off. Beala dutifully followed behind at a respectful distance.

They walked many miles. Beala did not know what awaited her. But she believed she could not go back. What was there to go back to? Weren’t they all dead anyway?

The pair slowed as they approached what looked like a former encampment on the edge of a town. The orc came to a halt. Beala walked up next to him and stared.

Fallen orcs lay everywhere. The shafts of arrows were a dead giveaway. This had been done by her people.

The orc looked at her accusingly. Beala bowed her head submissively. She did not try to run.

He angrily stripped her of her garments. Then he bound her hands behind her back. This time Beala was forced to walk ahead of the creature.

Where was he taking her? Was he taking her for summary judgement? The slaughter had been committed by her own people. She deserved no less.

They went through the town. Beala let out a gasp when they came to an object on the other side. It was a gallows with a dangling noose.

The orc prodded her forward. She stiffened in alarm. This was not how she wanted it to end, not the humiliation of a rope!

He stopped behind her. Beala paused. What was he doing now?

She heard parts of his armor being shed. Then he pushed her forward. Something touched her butt. Was that an erection??

They paused when they got closer to the gallows. She turned to look at the orc. There was vengeance in his expression.

She carried his child… or at least she thought she did. And her people had destroyed his. Perhaps this was her fate… to suffer the punishment for the slaughter inflicted by her kind.

She climbed the steps to the gallows with obedient resignation. She stared at the dangling noose as a chill ran down her spine. This was not something she wished to face.

The orc grabbed her by the throat. He pushed up against her. She felt his erection behind her with her hands.

Her heart beat fast. Could she go through with it? What choice did she have?

Clearly he wanted retribution. She’d followed of her own accord. And she had not resisted when he’d bound her.

She felt around for his erection. It made her tummy do funny things. Perhaps one last humiliation… both for him and for her?

He had just moved her out onto the trap when she turned around. Beala slowly lowered herself to her knees. Before he could stop her she took his member between her lips.

Did the creature remember their previous encounter? Dimwitted perhaps, but certainly not in battle nor in warrior skills. She had skills of her own. And to the victor went the spoils of war and conquest.

Beala threw herself into her task. The appendage was just as nasty and disgusting as before. And yet she felt something shameful begin to well up within her.

The orc grunted as it thrust between her lips. Beala gagged several times. But she did not shy away. He deserved that much.

The orc promptly pulled her to her feet. He grabbed the noose and looped it around her throat. Beala panted for breath as she stiffened with anticipation.

What would the creature do now? She did not have to wait long to find out. She was bent forward as he thrust into her privates while maintaining a hold on the noose around her neck.

Beala let out a cry. It was a cry of humiliation. It was also a cry of shameful pleasure.

This was to be her penance for what her people had done. This was to cover the life she sensed was growing inside her. The orc had once spared her life. She was duty bound to put it back into his hands.

He thrust hard and powerfully. She sensed his anger combined with his lusts. Beala accepted it. Was it not wise to accept one final act of shameful pleasure before facing the humiliation of a criminal’s death?

How long would it take? How long would she hang before her soul left this world? How long would it hurt? As an elf she sensed it would not be a quick, nor an easy, death.

He pumped her as though his life depended upon it. Beala cried out in shameful pleasure. She could not make herself say the words aloud. But she could certainly try to transmit them telepathically… “Yes; I am guilty. Take your wrath and your pleasure from me.”

For a moment time stood still. She could see everything clearly. Then he pulled out, moving away from her.

Beala let out am anxious gasp. Then the platform dropped beneath her. The noose set tightly around her throat.

She rasped and gurgled as she started to dance. She swung back and forth in the noose, her naked body swaying wildly. It hurt far worse than she could have possibly imagined. What’s more, her neck had not broken.

She struggled to breathe as her body fought against the rope. Her legs kicked instinctively. The shame swelled within her again. With it came a strange rush of pleasure.

Was she imagining it? Was she hallucinating? Who could tell in this part of the kingdom?

She twisted around until she saw the orc watching her. He had another erection. Or was it the same one?

He stroked right in front of her. Beala tried to dance for his amusement. It was the least she could do for her people slaughtering his.

Her chest hurt; her lungs needed air. The noose was painfully tight around her throat. She was getting just enough air to breathe painfully.

She danced and jiggled in an effort to tighten the rope around her neck. It constricted a little tighter. Still, she could get air.

The pain got worse as she struggled in front of the orc. His anger seemed to be softening. In his face was… was that sadness?

Beala danced and danced, each kick a special agony. Her breasts bounced, juggled and danced as she fought the noose. The rope got tighter. Was the end in sight?

The orc approached the front of the platform. Then he sat down on the edge right in front of her. His erection hung at eye level.

Beala barely acknowledged it. She just wanted the pain to stop. Then she was reminded she shared a guilt in all this. She had to see it all the way through to the end.

He pulled her closer. He pushed his erection in her direction. It still smelled disgusting. But it filled her with a strange excitement.

He made her kiss it. Beala shuddered as internal organs started to die. Her mouth gaped open for him as her vision began to dim around the edges.

The first hot load hit her in the eyes, stinging and blinding her. Another load hit her cheek. A third load went into her open mouth.

Beala could not savor the disgusting flavor. But she could acknowledge the final kindness he’d bestowed upon her by hanging her and taking away her shame. The elf shuddered in her death throes. Then she quietly hung there, orc cum dripping off her face.

He sat there staring at her for the longest time. He watched as her bladder and bowels gave way. But he stayed through to the end as he had nowhere else to go.

He reached out and tenderly caressed her cheek. There was sadness in his expression. Yes, he remembered her back at the river. She had paid the price for her people. But he would never be the same as a result of their encounter.

2020 (written Mar 24 ’20 by riwa)

(Inspired by renders by Noosegirl)

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Teaching Emma a lesson 4.2 (34)

Emma floated in the hot sun near the edge of the backyard pool. Jess had kidnapped her, brought her here, stripped her naked and then tied her to an air mattress. When Emma had protested Jess simply threatened to pull the plug, allowing the mattress to deflate and take her with it. Emma had grudgingly shut up after that.

She floated helplessly in the pool, wondering whose property this was and what Jess was going to do to her. But she didn’t have long to wait. “How’s my slut enjoying the pool?” she heard the bitch call out to her with wicked glee.

“You can’t do this to me!” Emma called back. “You’d better turn me loose if you know what’s good for you!”

“Look who I’ve got with me!” Jess crowed, motioning at a blonde in a skimpy purple bikini standing next to her. “This here is Chanta! She owns this place! And she certainly knows how to put defiant little sluts like you in their place!”

“Is that so?” Emma shot back haughtily.

The two women jumped into the water with her. They moved to stand on either side of her. Chanta observed, “She’s a mouthy little slut, isn’t she?”

“She’s a real pain in the ass,” Jess agreed.

“You bitches better let me go if you know what’s good for you!”

“She’s really mouthy,” Chanta observed.

Emma protested, “You would be too if you were all tied up like this!”

“The slut needs to be taught a lesson,” Jess told Chanta with a glint in her eye. “I brought her to you because you know how to put bitches like her in her place.”

“This bitch better not lay a finger on me!”

“Oh, I’m a bitch now, am I?” Chanta asked, reaching out and pinching a nipple while Jess pinched the other one. Emma yelped in pain as they laughed at her.

“I think you’re right, Jess,” Chanta said as she fetched a dive mask. “I think this slut needs to be taught a lesson.” Then she moved to the foot of the air mattress before telling her bound guest, “Guess where you’re going, slut?”

“You bitches better not do anything to me or you’re going to regret it!”

Jess shook her head. “Time for me to get my dive mask too,” she said ominously. “This slut really needs to be taught a lesson.”

The two women proceeded to fit their dive masks over their faces. Emma was not impressed. “What?” she spat out defiantly. “You lesbian perverts plan on going underwater to look at each other and play kissy-face?”

“Over you go, you mouthy slut!” Jess barked at her. Then the two women flipped her over. Emma found herself floating face down in the pool.

She struggled to hold her breath. How long would the two bitches keep her under? Maybe being mouthy hadn’t been such a good idea after all.

She saw them submerge to look at her. She wriggled and squirmed, but she was quite secure. She wasn’t going anywhere.

They rolled her back up until she came up sputtering. “Is that the best you bitches can do?” she snorted derisively.

“Oh, you are SO going to pay for that,” Chanta growled at her. Then they flipped her over again.

Emma was forced to hold her breath longer. Apparently they wanted to push her lungs. She was relieved when they finally flipped her back over.

She gasped for breath. Then she told them, “You bitches are going to be in so much trouble.” Chanta just got up in her face.

“You fail to realize I can drown your sorry ass anytime I please. It wouldn’t bother me one bit.”

“You haven’t got the balls!”

“Mouthy little slut, aren’t you. Maybe drowning you is the only way.” That’s when they flipped her over again.

Emma looked at Jess who was submerged right in front of her in her skimpy black bikini. There was revenge in the woman’s eyes. That’s when Emma began to wonder if this time she might have pushed things a little too far.

She was horrifically turned on at her predicament. She trembled from wildly erotic tingles. Chanta remained at her side, keeping a hand on the air mattress without the slightest urge to allow her back up.

Emma’s hands flopped along the sides of the air mattress as she started to wriggle and squirm. They were really pushing her breath-holding limits now. What if they were really going to drown her?? Had Jess talked Chanta into it?

She wasn’t sure just how far she could trust either one of them. Jess might be more than willing to allow Chanta to drown her ass. The two of them could claim it was a little innocent bondage gone wrong. They could even claim she must have somehow flipped herself over and drowned herself.

They rolled her back up until she came up sputtering. For the moment her defiance was gone. “All right – all right; I surrender. You don’t have to do this to me anymore, ok?”

“You don’t understand,” Jess told her calmly. “You mouthed off once too often. Now we’re going to watch you bubble your last breath away. Over you go, you mouthy bitch!”

Emma shook her head no. She started to blurt out, “I’m sorry – I’m sorry!” Then she let out a cry as they flipped her back over.

She wriggled and squirmed as her tormentors submerged to watch her again. They reached out to grope and fondle her as she writhed and bubbled. If the bitches made her cum she was afraid she would lose her breath and drown.

Her growing panic made her struggle against the air mattress she was bound to. Chanta reached up and groped her tits. Jess ran a hand between her legs, enjoying humiliating her.

Her lungs were on fire when they finally rolled her back over. She panted weakly for breath, her body tingling like mad. If they rolled her over again, she was liable to cum for sure.

“All right – all right; you’ve made your point,” she panted tiredly. “Just get me out of here, ok?” Jess just stroked her head, chuckling sinisterly at her.

“Oh, we’re going to make our point, you little slut. It seems you’re about to have a tragic little pool accident. Isn’t that right, Chanta?”

“Pools can be so dangerous,” Chanta reminded Emma. “And this pool has now become dangerous to you. You really need to learn your place.”

She paused for a moment. Then she smiled as she told Jess, “Let’s go under and watch the little slut drown, shall we? They look so sexy when they’re hitching and spasming as they suck water.”

“Good idea,” Jess agreed. Emma frantically shook her head no. Then they gleefully rolled her back over.

Emma cried out as they flipped her over. She heard them laughing up at the surface, talking about watching her drown. That’s what finally set her off.

She clenched her lips together, trying to hold it back. She could tell she wasn’t going to be able to hold her breath for long. Then it flushed hotly through her body.

Her feet wriggled as air bubbled freely out of her mouth. Deep in the throes of orgasm, Emma was unable to hold her breath. This time she wondered if maybe they were really going to drown her.

She could feel herself fading away. She was dizzy as hell, her lungs heaving. She grunted and bubbled as Jess gleefully watched her while that bitch Chanta observed from nearby.

They unexpectedly flipped her back over. Emma inhaled tiredly, her loud gasp echoing around the pool area as her lungs screamed at her in protest. All she could do was pant weakly in an effort to catch her breath.

“Look at her eyes,” Jess giggled. “I told you we could make the slut cum in the pool just by turning her over.”

“What a slut!” Chanta observed. “Just wait until she finds out what else we have in store for her.” Emma could only pant and wheeze, her body tingling like mad.

“Let’s leave her out here in the sun to think about it,” Jess chuckled. “Maybe we can bake that sass right out of her.”

“Good idea,” Chanta agreed as they both climbed out of the water. Emma was left floating upon the air mattress, gently bobbing up and down. Too tired to protest, she wisely held her tongue in case they were within earshot. She didn’t want to give them any ideas about coming back, flipping her over and being done with her once and for all.

Her situation did not improve once they released her from the air mattress. Instead Emma found herself down in Chanta’s basement inside a glass Houdini tank. Her feet were strapped into weights, her wrists were shackled above her head.

She let out a cry once the water was turned on. “Hey! You bitches can’t do this to me! I don’t deserve this! I told you I was sorry!”

“She’s still pretty mouthy, isn’t she,” Chanta observed with a shake of her head as she stood next to Jess.

“Oh, tell me about it,” Jess sighed with exasperation. “That slut has no idea how much trouble she can get herself into when she flaps her gums like that.”


“How’s the water in there?” Chanta called back tauntingly. “It’s going to fill that tank until the only thing coming out of that defiant mouth of yours will be the last of your breath.”


“The hell you don’t!” Jess shot back.

“It’s a Houdini tank, you silly slut,” Chanta called out to her. “If you don’t like it you can just escape the way Houdini used to do.”

Emma could feel the tank starting to fill. It gave her an erotic jolt. “SHUT IT OFF!” she gasped in alarm. “IT’S ALREADY UP PAST MY ANKLES!”

“I think she’s catching on,” Jess giggled as she started to rub herself from the eroticism of it all. “C’mon, you little tart! Press those tits up against the glass; give us a show! We want to watch you wriggle and cum as you drown!”


“It’s my dungeon, hun,” Chanta explained. “I can drown anyone I want down here. I dispose of the bodies when I’m done with them. You’ll simply disappear off the face of the earth. Jess here won’t tell a soul, will you, hun?”

“Hell, I’ll even help dispose of your body.” Jess agreed heartily.

Emma moaned and whimpered, her body tingling like crazy. The water was approaching her knees. Once more she found herself becoming horrifically aroused at her situation.

Emma wriggled and grunted, testing her bonds. But she was tightly secured. She ended up pressing her chest up against the glass, causing Jess and Chanta to rub themselves while telling her what a sexy slut she was. They told her just how hot she was going to look totally submerged and drowning inside that tank.

Emma struggled to free her feet. But they were tightly encased. The straps threatened to cut into her flesh, stopping her from struggling so much. But she could feel the soles of her feet tingling, affecting one of her erogenous zones as the water continued to rise.


“You don’t understand the true purpose of the Houdini tank, do you, hun,” Chanta explained calmly, her eyes twinkling with delight. “You either escape from it… or you drown. How complicated is that? So I suggest you get started trying to get out of there or you’re going to drown.”

“She’s going to look so hot drowning in there,” Jess added. “Serves her right, the fucking slut! That mouth has gotten her into trouble once too often. She sucks cocks and gets all mouthy on me. I say she fucking deserves to drown!”

“Her mouth will give us great pleasure as it expels the last of her breath,” Chanta said with a lustful smile. Emma gasped in horror, her eyes wide as her body trembled like mad.

“The anticipation is delicious,” Jess observed, slowly rubbing herself. “I like the way the water level is slowly rising… giving her all the time she needs to think about the idea of it rising above her head.”

“I’ve seen it before, but it never ceases to make me hot,” Chanta agreed. “They wriggle, squirm, writhe and whimper while begging and pleading as the water gets higher and higher. But there’s nothing they can do other than wait for the inevitable moment of drowning.”


“Oh we will, hun; we will,” Jess chuckled at her. “We’re going to watch you thrash about as the water rises above your head. It should be quite a sight. I’m horny as hell just thinking about it.”

“YOU SICK PERVERTS BETTER GET ME OUT OF HERE!” Her two tormentors just laughed at her.

Water hit her breasts as it continued to pour in from the hose above. The level was rising slow, but steady. Now it was almost to her crotch.

When it reached her pussy she gasped and winced. Things were getting serious now. But Jess and Chanta showed a lack of sympathy as they continued to rub themselves while watching her.

The humiliation of her suffering turning them on was enough to make her cum. Emma writhed and moaned, swooning inside the Houdini tank. Jess recognized it and grinned with delight.

“What did I tell you?” she told Chanta “The little slut knows she’s going to drown… and orgasms anyway.”

“Damn, that’s hot!” Chanta observed. “If she came now, imagine what she’ll do when the water rises above her head.”

“Oh, she’ll cum up  a storm as she drowns,” Jess told her with wicked glee. “That is something I can’t wait to see.”

Emma gasped in horror as the water level climbed her stomach, passing the halfway point of filling the Houdini tank. She was so aroused she was afraid she might cum again. It would be humiliating to orgasm a second time in front of her tormentors.

“You two don’t have to do this! I’ll do anything you want! You can even use me sexually! Just get me out of here!”

“But what if we want to watch you drown, hun?” Chanta told her. “Mouthy sluts like you always blow great drowning bubbles. Do you know how many bitches I’ve had in here before you? Do you know how many bodies I’ve had to dispose of? What’s one more slut, more or less? Jess tells me a cock-sucking whore like you won’t even be missed should you suddenly fall off the face of the earth.”

Jess laughed as Emma moaned weakly, her body tingling like mad. She looked up at the source of the water pouring in. But there appeared to be no way of shutting it down, at least not from her position.

The water reached her tits, causing her to gasp and whimper. Would they really drown her? Had she mouthed off once too often?? The thought gave her incredibly erotic tingles as her nipples protruded out of her breasts.

“What happens now?” Jess calmly asked her host as they watched the water rise higher and higher in the tank.

“Well, they wriggle even more until they’re reduced to  begging to be let out,” Chanta explained. “She will beg and plead, her eyes opening wider as realization sets in. Then her head will be forced to tip back as she tries to kiss the air above her. Her nipples will really protrude as she strains to push herself up to breathe for as long as she can. But the water will just keep rising until it’s over her head. Watching them all the way to the end is terribly erotic. I never fail to cum once they panic and start spewing drowning bubbles.”

“NOO!” And then Emma climaxed again, simply from the way Chanta had described her impending demise.

She winced as her body shuddered with pleasure. She got a dazed, drugged look in her eyes. It actually set Jess off as she pointed it out to Chanta.

“See?? What did I tell you. The slut just keeps cumming and cumming. I just had an orgasm of my own while watching her.”

“What a slut,” Chanta observed. “I love it! She should give us a real treat when she has to tip her head back. That’s when the panic sets in. They all start to thrash about until it gets so fucking hot.”

Jess chuckled as she rubbed herself even more. “How about it, slut?” she called out to Emma. “Still feeling defiant? Care to mouth off one last time before the water rises over those cock-sucking lips of yours?”

Emma gathered up what reserves she had left. Then she hollered, “YOU BITCHES WON’T GET AWAY WITH THIS! YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS; I SWEAR IT!”

“I don’t think so, hun,” Chanta told her as she rubbed herself. “You’ll be joining that last bitch I had to teach a lesson to. Her body is at the bottom of a deep well in the back section of my property. Don’t worry, hun; you’ll be joining her soon. Nobody will ever see or hear from you again; that I can assure you.”

“YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!” That’s when the water reached her chin.

Emma had to tip her head back. The water level was getting uncomfortably high. But her captors didn’t care. They were simply touching themselves all over while watching her suffer.

She tried to stretch upward, trying to keep her mouth above rising water. But the damned stuff was relentless! She could feel another orgasm coming on strong.

She saw Jess and Chanta step closer. They were panting as they rubbed themselves while watching her. Maybe they were really going to drown her after all! Maybe it was true; maybe no one would ever hear from her again!

Emma stretched upward, trying to pull herself up by her shackled wrists as high as she could go. But her feet were held to the floor of the tank as the water continued to rise. Jess and Chanta showed no indication of moving to assist her, much less stepping forward just to drain the damned tank.

Was this it? Had her time finally run out? Were they going to drown her for real??

Emma winced as she gulped one last quick breath of air before settling into the Houdini tank. There was no getting another breath now; this one would be her last. Jess and Chanta furiously rubbed themselves in anticipation of watching her drown.

Emma orgasmed hard; gawd, how she came! Her vision dimmed as air spewed freely past her lips. Her body shuddered as pleasure flowed hotly throughout her trembling flesh.

Her vision returned as a dazed look appeared in her eyes. She saw Jess and Chanta furiously rubbing themselves, both of them cumming up a storm. It was humiliating… and it was arousing as hell.

She suddenly climaxed again, harder than the last time. That’s when everything went all fuzzy on her. The last thing her mind told her was they were really going to watch her drown. Then her senses abruptly shut down.

When consciousness returned Emma discovered the Houdini tank had been drained. Jess and Chanta lowered it onto its back before they helped her out of it. Then they allowed her to catch her breath and compose herself.

“Think you’ve learned your lesson?” Jess asked her with a chuckle. But Emma’s defiance manifested once more now that there was no longer any threat of drowning.

“Is this the way you treat your guests?” she panted at Chanta.

“Is this the way you learn your lesson?” their host replied evenly. “Maybe you’d like it back in your tank?”

“That’s not necessary,” Emma told her. “You don’t have to be a bitch about it.”

Chanta scowled at her before turning toward Jess. “Can I have her alone for a few minutes?”

“Certainly,” Jess replied with a knowing grin.

“Hey! You can’t pass me off to this pervert like I’m a piece of property!”

“Do your worst,” Jess told Chanta grimly. “Make the little slut suffer.”

Chanta grabbed Emma by the scruff of the neck. Then she marched her up the dungeon steps. Emma felt an erotic jolt hit her hard as she sputtered, “Hey! You can’t treat me like this!”

“I’m going to take care of you personally. I’m really going to enjoy setting you straight.”


“MAKE HER SUFFER!” Jess called after them.

“YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!” Emma shot back. Then she started to protest, “HEY! NOT SO ROUGH!”

Jess heard their voices fading away… “Come along, you little slut. I’ve got plans for you.”  “YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS! JESS, DON’T LET HER TAKE ME AWAY LIKE THIS!”  “Jess can’t help you now.”  “JESSSSSSSSSS!!”

Emma was tied up none too gently. She ended up in Chanta’s master bathroom. For some reason her host had seen fit to fill the sink with water, leaving the faucet running.

“You know what this is?” a topless Chanta asked her impudent guest, motioning at the sink as she gripped Emma’s hair.

“The place where you put on your makeup before you go out each day? You must need a ton of it.”

“I wash my face each morning before I start my day.”

“Is that to wash off the bitchiness from the night before?”

Chanta did not respond to her taunts. She simply took hold of Emma by the back of her hair. Then she motioned at the sink before telling her, “Let’s get you all cleaned up, shall we?”

Chanta pushed her head down until her face was inches from the surface of the water. “Ever drown in a sink before?”

“You wouldn’t dare. You’re nothing but a bully. You’re going to be in so much trouble if you do this!”

“A bully, am I?” Then Chanta pushed Emma’s head down into the sink and held it there.

Emma wriggled and bubbled, grunting indignantly. “You got something to say to me?” Chanta asked smugly, shaking Emma’s head around a little. A burst of bubbles was the only response.

Emma began to struggle when she wasn’t pulled up right away. She tried to break out of Chanta’s grasp. More bubbles came up as her lungs burned.

“Are you going to stop being mouthy to me? Are you going to stop flapping your gums? Or am I going to have to drown that mouth of yours in this sink of water?”

She jerked Emma’s head out of the water, listening with satisfaction as the Asian girl gasped and sputtered. “How about it now, you little slut? Have you decided to behave?”

Emma sputtered, “You’ll never get away with this!!”

“We don’t learn very well, do we?” Chanta said, smiling sweetly as she forced her head down close to the sink. “I could drown you right now and no one would ever be the wiser. I certainly don’t think your friend would mind.”

“She’s no friend of mine!”

In response Chanta forced Emma’s head face down in the sink again, holding it there with an iron grip. Emma struggled but she couldn’t lift her head up. She squirmed and bubbled, forced to hold her breath even longer until she was allowed back up for a breath. She winced as she coughed, spewing water out of her mouth.

“You’re not very cooperative, are you,” Chanta observed thoughtfully. “I think you like being abused.”

“You go to hell!”

“I just love breaking defiant bitches like you.” Then she covered Emma’s mouth and nose.

“How do you like that, hun? No water, but you still can’t breathe. You could pass out and I could let your head fall into the sink where you’d drown for sure.”

Emma cried out a muffled protest, her body tingling like crazy. Gawd; she was going to cum again at any moment! She was absolutely loving this!

Chanta suddenly slammed her head into the sink without allowing her to get a breath. Emma felt a jolt as she cried out, bubbling away what little breath she had left. Her pussy throbbed like crazy from her dilemma.

She was really starting to struggle when Chanta pulled her head back up. She coughed and sputtered, gasping wildly for breath. “What do you say now, you little slut? Do I drown your sorry ass? Or are you going to cooperate?”

“All right – all right!” Emma gasped, water pouring off her face. “I guess I don’t have much choice, do I? I’ll do anything you want.”

“Anything I want?”

“Yes, anything!!”

“No more mouthing off?”

“No more!”

“No more defiant attitude?”

“No more!”

“No more ‘what’?”

“No more, ‘Mistress’!”

“That’s better.” Then for the fun of it Chanta pushed Emma’s head back into the sink anyway.

Emma ended up naked in Chanta’s Jacuzzi. Her arms and legs were clamped together in some sort of bondage contraption. It left her feeling extremely helpless and vulnerable.

She tingled like crazy from her dilemma. Anything could happen to her in here. She could drown and there would be nothing she could do to prevent it.

“All comfy now?” Chanta asked as she showed up. She was still topless. But now she had some sort of whip in her hand.

“You know what this is for, don’t you?” she asked with a sinister smile.

Emma couldn’t resist mouthing off one last time. “Is it a play-toy so you can be a cruel bitch?”

“”It’s an ‘attention-getter’,” Chanta replied with a smile. “Allow me to show you how it works.”

She brought it down until it lashed Emma’s breasts. The mouthy Asian cried out in pain. Chanta brought it down again, causing Emma to yip, whimper and flinch with each blow.

Emma cried out each time the lash made contact. Chanta wasn’t bringing it down very hard. But it certainly stung like hell. Emma instantly regretted her defiance as she blurted out, “I’m sorry – I’m sorry!”

“Oh, I don’t think you’re sorry at all,” Chanta observed as she reached over and turned on the water. “It’ll sting much better when you’re wet, you little slut. And with the water rising, maybe the fear of drowning will curb that tongue of yours.”

Emma whimpered as her pussy tingled wildly. She was really in for it now. A moment later Chanta dipped a different whip into the water before flogging her tits with it.

“Ow – ow – OW!” Chanta just chuckled at her. “Maybe next time you won’t be quite so mouthy.”

Emma yelped as the flogger came down on her tits again and again. So this was her punishment for being defiant.  She winced and gasped and yipped again, taking it as best she could as wild tingles surged through her body.

The water kept rising as Chanta continued giving her the lash. Emma flinched and whimpered, but she wisely held her tongue. Then Chanta got into the Jacuzzi with her.

“How’s that pussy of yours?” she asked, reaching down to stroke it. “Are you wet? Does the threat of drowning get you off? Emma could only stiffen with a whimper before moaning softly as the cruel woman fingered her.

“Water getting higher? Afraid you might drown in here?” Chanta chuckled as she fingered her. Emma moaned weakly.

“Does that feel good? Are you going to cum for me before you drown?” Emma whimpered again, feeling she was about to pop off at any moment.

“You’d better cum before the water rises above your head. A slut like you deserves to drown. So it won’t be no great loss, will it?” Emma gasped and whimpered as she tingled like crazy, the fingers thrusting pleasure into her quivering cunt.

Emma writhed and whimpered from a combination of the rising water and Chanta’s thrusting digits. She could feel it swelling within her. “Better cum for me pretty soon,” Chanta chuckled. “Otherwise you’ll have to do it while holding your breath.”

Emma winced and then shuddered as her body jerked in orgasm. “Yeeahhh!” Chanta gasped appreciatively as she leaned in close. “That’s what I like to see.” Emma panted weakly for breath as the water rose dangerously high.

“I could drown you right here and now; do you know that? I could just push down on you and that would be the end of it. There’s no way you could fight me, is there.” To emphasize her point, she pushed down on Emma’s chest, leaving her face barely sticking out of the water. Emma gasped and whimpered as she felt more erotic tingles.

“I think we have enough water in here to drown a little slut like you; don’t you agree?” Chanta reached over and shut off the faucet. Emma whimpered as she trembled like mad, wondering what the wicked bitch was going to do to her next.

As if in response Chanta got into the Jacuzzi with her, situating herself so that she had good control of the trembling Asian. “Now it’s my turn to have a little fun.”

“Is there some way you could put your mouth to good use without forcing me to drown your sorry ass?” Emma quickly picked up on what was expected of her. She dutifully latched onto the nearest nipple and started sucking.

“Good girl,” Chanta responded. “You might be good to keep around a while if you can do things like that.”

“Oh, yeah!” Chanta breathed pleasurably. “That’s what I like. That’s a good slut.” Emma dutifully licked and sucked, painfully aware she could find herself underwater at any moment. She was on fire again, feeling she could cum at any moment.

“Now let’s really have some fun,” Chanta told her as she swiveled Emma around. This time the Asian woman found herself leaning back against her captor. “Would you like to guess why I have you like this?”

“Because you’re a bitch?” The words slipped out before Emma could stop them.

“Oh, you little SLUT!” Chanta barked. Then she grabbed Emma’s nose and submerged her. Emma wriggled and bubbled, knowing her defiant mouth had gotten her in trouble yet again.

Chanta held her down a good long time. “How long can a mouthy slut like you hold your breath, hmmm?” Then she let Emma back up.

The Asian came up sputtering. Chanta just laughed at her. “This is the part I love best… drowning defiant sluts.” Then she grabbed Emma’s nose and forced her under again in a flurry of bubbles. “Better hold your breath down there if you know what’s good for you!”

Emma wriggled and thrashed about. But she had no leverage in her bondage. She was totally helpless, at the whims of her sadistic host. The thought made her tingle like crazy as erotic jolts surged throughout her quivering body.

She was suddenly allowed back up where she gasped mightily for breath. Her heat hammered in her chest, her pussy aching for a release. Then she heard Chanta tell her, “Defiant sluts like you don’t learn their lessons very well, do they.”

She was slammed back down under the surface, wriggling and bubbling like crazy. A moment later it slammed into her. Emma shuddered hard as she orgasmed intensely while being forced to hold her breath.

Chanta helped Emma back up, listening to the Asian gasp and sputter for breath. “Did my slut just cum?” she chuckled with delight. Emma coughed hard, wincing as she trembled like mad.

Chanta pulled her right back under. Emma let out another cry. But it was no use as she found herself fully submerged and bubbling again. Her tormentor simply looked down at her, enjoying the show as Emma writhed, wriggled and struggled to hold her breath.

Chanta let her back up. Emma came up gasping. “I’ll tell you what,” her tormentor said by way of relenting. “You show me you can behave and hold your breath. And I’ll consider letting you out of this Jacuzzi. How does that sound?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Emma panted submissively. Chanta counted her down before grabbing her nose and pulling her under. This time Emma settled right down, focusing on holding her breath.

Emma concentrated on holding her breath. But it wasn’t long until she could feel those warning spasms in her chest. She tried to push herself, but the spasms only got worse.

She started to wriggle, but Chanta held on tighter while giggling at her. She wriggled even more, wanting up in the worst way. But Chanta was having none of it. That’s when she panicked, thrashing about like crazy and cumming up a storm. Chanta pulled her up moments before her lungs gave out, listening with a grin as Emma coughed and sputtered.

“I guess I’m done with you,” Chanta said as she climbed out of the Jacuzzi. “It’s been fun. Now let’s see how long you can last without me.”

“Aren’t you going to let me out?” Emma panted tiredly. Chanta just chuckled as she turned the water back on. Then she walked out of the room.

“Hey; WAIT! COME BACK! DON’T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!” But Chanta did not return.

Emma quickly found herself in an alarming situation. The water was rising higher. But her bondage bar was working against her. No matter how hard she tried, she simply could not prop herself up high enough.

She writhed and whimpered, feeling it swell within her yet again. Surely the bitch wasn’t going to let her drown, was she? Where the hell was Jess?? Then water began sloshing around her face.

This was bad; it was rising higher and higher! Soon she wasn’t going to be able to keep her face up out of the water! Then the door opened and Jess walked in.

“Help!” Emma blurted out, panting like crazy. Then she sputtered as water splashed over her mouth.

“My, but you keep getting yourself into the tightest of jams,” Jess observed with a chuckle. Almost immediately she started touching herself from the eroticism of seeing the little Asian fighting to keep her head above water.

“You’ve got to help me!” Emma gasped as water sloshed over her mouth again.

“Chanta told me to leave you alone,” Jess chuckled. “But she didn’t say I couldn’t enjoy watching. So long, you stupid little slut. I guess you just have to learn this lesson the hard way, don’t you.”

“Jess; NOO!” Then Emma slipped under the surface.

Her eyes flew open in horror. She struggled, but she could not get herself back up. She began to panic as she wriggled and thrashed about.

Instead of helping her, Jess just rubbed herself that much harder as she watched. Emma was horrified… NO! SHE’S GOING TO WATCH ME DROWN! THAT BITCH!!

Emma shuddered hard as one last, monstrous orgasm claimed her. She moaned and bubbled as her lungs gave out. Then Jess moved in close, shutting the water off and activating the drain before quickly lifting Emma’s head above water.

“Gawd that was hot watching you cum like that!” Then she gave the gasping, sputtering Asian a knowing grin.

“I trust you’ve learned your lesson? I’d hate to have to turn the water back on and leave you in here. Did Chanta finally force that defiance out of you? Did she teach you a lesson once and for all? Maybe next time you won’t be so mouthy. But somehow I doubt it.” Emma could only moan wearily, thoroughly exhausted and tingling from delicious aftershocks…

2013; 2019 (written Aug 22 ’13; ed. Jul 24 ‘19 by riwa)

(Pictures are from and are used for illustration purposes only.)

Posted in Emma Stories, Picture Stories, Underwater Stories | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

More Thor beheading shorts 3.5 (21)

Beheading Lily

The disease would soon ravage her body. The doctors gave her weeks. The evidence of her impending demise would soon appear on her face.

She realized her beauty would be forever lost. She’d spent thousands and thousands of dollars on her appearance. Was that great investment all for naught?

In a panic, she made arrangements to meet with Thor. It was said he could preserve a woman’s fading beauty for many years to come. But there was a high price to be paid.

She showed up at his studio and explained her dilemma. He spoke not a word as he led her to a back room. She was shocked when she saw the axe and bloody tree stump. Others had clearly used his services.

She looked at Thor in disbelief. Then she pondered the matter. A moment later she told him, “Give me a moment?”

She slipped back into the main studio where she took some time to prepare her face. She tied her hair up into a bun. Then she returned.

She looked at Thor who gave her a questioning look. Then she knelt down in front of the tree stump. She was sure this was the only way.

In resignation, she stretched her neck across the stump. “Make me beautiful,” she stammered with tears in her eyes. Then she took a deep breath and waited.

She detected movement. But she did not know how to prepare. How did one ready oneself for the moment of beheading?

The axe came down without warning. One moment, her neck was stretched across the stump. The next, her head bounced and rolled to a stop.

She lay on the side of her face, blinking in surprise. Thor reached down and lifted her head up. She tried to look into his face, mentally pleading, “Please make me beautiful!” Then the life faded from her pupils.

Thor went to work on plastinating the head. When he was finished, he put it on a pike. He was proud of his efforts. Lily’s face would remain beautiful for many years to come until the passage of time eventually worked its terrible toll despite his best efforts.

For Thor Apr 13 ‘21

Decapitated wife

I really loved Luella. She had beauty and brains. I knew she’d been around the block a few times. But she said she loved me and wanted to settle down.

I didn’t want to rush things with her. So I tried to take it slow. But she made it so difficult the way she poured on the charm.

After a week we were having sex. After a month she moved in with me. After three months we were married.

Everything was good for the first six months, or so I thought. Then the sex died off as Luella took a night shift to help make ends meet. She said she liked the hours and that she was a night owl in contrast to my having to get up early to go to work every day.

I started getting friends asking if we were having marital problems. Apparently Luella was being seen in town late at night in a certain location. It seemed the night shift she was working was not what she’d told me it was.

I asked her about it and she blew up at me. She said she had to work because I wasn’t making enough money. I told her she knew that when we were first married. She responded by saying it wasn’t acceptable anymore.

Her harsh reaction was unexpected. So I asked my friends where they’d seen her. Apparently she was moonlighting at a strip club.

One night I went to find out for myself. Sure enough, I saw her dancing a stripper’s pole naked in front of everybody. After her set she got me alone and told me to get the hell out and not to bother her while she was at work. Supposedly that was to be the end of it.

I thought once her secret was out we would have a sit-down conversation. All she said was she had to do it to help make ends meet. When I asked her where the money was as I hadn’t seen any she told me to fuck off.

It wasn’t long before word got back to me she was sleeping around. When I first confronted her with it she denied it. But when I got some proof she told me she was doing the best she could and to lay off and get another job.

That wasn’t all she did. She started belittling me every chance she got. She said I wasn’t man enough for her anymore. She told me the sex sucked so bad she was getting it from real men who treated her nicer.

I couldn’t believe it! I told her I busted my ass for her. She told me I was pitiful and that a real man would be bringing in good money.

Things got much worse after that. She began coming home smelling of sex. She barely tried to hide it. When I complained she told me I could lick her cunt clean as that was all I was going to get because that was all I was worth to her.

I offered to divorce her, but she didn’t want one. She said she would take a worthless bastard like me for every penny I had. I’d have to work morning, noon and night for the alimony she deserved.

I asked her if a judge would believe me or some slut who worked a stripper pole and fucked around. She countered with the claim she could get one of her stripper friends to testify I’d raped her. Then she smiled as she asked, “How do you like them apples, asshole?”

I felt trapped; I didn’t know what the hell to do. I asked the advice of a couple of friends, but they didn’t know either. They said she’d become quite the bitch and that they’d heard she was like this before we married. Apparently she’d done a damn good job of hiding her past; either that or I was just too damned infatuated to see the red flags.

It got to the point where she didn’t even bother trying to hide her affairs anymore. She would dress up and go out while I would try to fix a nice dinner to woo her. She wasn’t the least bit interested. Now she was having her cake and eating it too. And I still hadn’t seen a dime of any of that money she was supposedly bringing in.

One night I decided I was going to fix her a nice dinner so we could try to have a rational conversation. At first she’d agreed, saying a dinner inside would be nice so long as I didn’t burn anything. Hell, she knew what kind of a good cook I was!

I was in the middle of fixing a special dish – chopping meat and vegetables with a cleaver – when she got a call on her cell phone. I asked who it was, but she just smiled and told me I didn’t know him. Then she went to the bedroom.

When she came out she was wearing this black outfit, earrings and perfume I knew wasn’t at all what she’d planned to wear for me at the dining room table. “I just got a better offer,” she sneered with contempt. “I’m eating out tonight. Don’t wait up. Oh wait; maybe you can clean my cunt with your tongue when I get back. So stay awake for that; ok, asshole?” The disdain on her face cut me to the core.

I slammed the sharp tip of the cleaver into the cutting board, making her jump. But I’d had enough. In a low voice I growled, “Lou, you’re not going anywhere tonight. I’m making you a nice dinner and you’re doing to sit down at the table and you’re going to damn well eat it and then we’re going to talk things out.”

“There’s nothing to talk about, asshole! We already have the arrangement just the way I like it! You pay the bills and keep your mouth shut and be happy about it! Or do you want me to call my stripper friend?”

“You don’t have any friends!”

“Oh, yeah? You think I won’t do it?” Then she picked up her cell phone on the counter and punched in a number.

I was seething as she smirked at me. “You think I’m bluffing, don’t you! Hell, you’ve had this coming for a long time now!”

I heard someone answer on the other end. She gave me an evil grin as she said, “Hello, Marlene? You remember that little favor I’ve been meaning to ask you? Well now’s the time.”

In a fit of anger I scooped up the meat cleaver. I was too angry to speak. Blinded by rage I swung just as hard as I could.

There was a thump as Lou’s head fell onto the kitchen floor. Her hand dropped the cell phone as her body wavered for a couple seconds. Then she sort of collapsed onto the floor right on top of the damned thing.

I stood there panting heavily as I stared down at her. Her body kept jerking and spasming, her arms moving as though she was trying to reach for something. She had this shocked look on her face.

I thought I heard a faint voice asking, “Lou? Lou, are you still there? Lou, did we get disconnected?”

Numbly I reached down and picked it up. “Marlene, she’ll have to call you back.” Then I disconnected the call as I stared down at my beheaded wife, wondering what the hell I was going to do now.

Two things were evident. One: I was going to be eating alone that night. And two: Lou certainly wasn’t going to be able to make her date…

For Thor Sep 23 ’18

The great Nemuri Kyoshiro

 “I am the great Nemuri Kyoshiro, outlaw swordsman during the Edo period.”

“Robert, are you playing with that sword again?”

“I KNOW WHAT I’M DOING MOM! The great Nemuri Kyoshiro, sleepy-eyed ronin, faces 10 ninjas intent on destroying him under the orders of the Tokugawa shogunate.”

“How many times have I told you to sell that damned thing? Put it up on eBay; you’ll make some money on it! It’s too dangerous to have around the house!”

“I’M TAKING A FENCING CLASS MOM! I’M GOING TO BECOME A GREAT ACTOR LIKE ICHIKAWA RAIZO! The ninjas are no match for his full moon cut. One by one he cuts them down.”

“Damnit, Robert; you’re going to hurt someone if you’re not careful!”

I’M ALWAYS CAREFUL, MOM! After dispatching the ninjas, the famous Nemuri Kyoshiro begins the long journey to Kyoto. But he is ambushed by 15 rival ronin. His sword cuts through the air with deadly grace and precision.”

“Get in here, Robert; it’s dinnertime! Put that damned sword away! I’ve had enough of your foolishness! Next week I’m sending you off to the recruiter! Maybe the army will make a man out of you!”

“I DON’T WANT TO SERVE IN THE MILITARY, MOM! I WANT TO BE A GREAT ACTOR AND BE THE GREATEST SWORDSMAN IN ALL THE WORLD, JUST LIKE DOUGLASS FAIRBANKS SR. AND ICHIKAWA RAIZO! The assassins chase the sleepy-eyed ronin into an abandoned farmhouse. There he fights them off, dispatching each one with a wicked slash. One ronin fails to evade his deadly cut, and his head flies off.”

“Damnit, Robert I told you – AIEEEE…….!”

“Don’t sneak up on me like that, mom… MOM?? OHMYGAWD, MOOOOOMMMM?????”

I told him he was going to hurt someone if he wasn’t careful…

For Thor May 2 ‘20

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Sorority hanging party 4.3 (51)

Della couldn’t believe it. Joining this sorority had been the biggest mistake of her life. Because failing the initiation process had condemned her and three other pledges to the basement hanging party.

The four of them had been required to undress for the occasion before heading down the stairs. Then their arms had been cuffed behind their backs. Once they rounded a corner and saw the stage with the three nooses, dark-skinned Roberta had promptly wet herself.

There were four pledges to hang. But there were only three nooses dangling above the stage. That meant one of them would have to wait her turn until the other three were hanged. But which of them would have to watch the others hang first?

Sorority leader Lady Shade made the decision for them. Since Della had come closest to making the sorority, she would not have to suffer through a long, slow hanging. Instead she would be garroted at the post which stood off to one side of the stage.

Alicia, Roberta and Naomi were instructed to climb up onto the stage where they were ordered to take up positions under each noose. They were too numb with shock to do anything but comply. Perhaps they thought it was nothing more than the conclusion of initiation week, believing this was their final act of submission before becoming a full-fledged sorority sister.

An eager Goldie, Lady Shade’s naked Number One with short blonde locks and long black, silk gloves, promptly noosed them up one right after the other. Meanwhile Lady Shade backed Della up against the garrote post where she got her all prepped and ready by securing a rope around her neck. Della was frightened out of her wits. But she kept telling herself it was only a game, nothing more than a crazy hanging party the pledges had to attend in order to complete their initiation.

She was shocked as hell – all the pledges were – when Goldie gave Alicia a push in the back. The poor girl lost her balance, pitched forward… and promptly hit the end of her noose. Instantly her eyes flew open in astonishment. Immediately she started gasping and gurgling, letting the other three know this was all too real.

The sounds of her frantic attempts to breathe filled the basement, sounds that greatly alarmed poor Della. “Next!” Lady Shade demanded without so much as a pause in the proceedings.

Roberta let out a cry as she was pushed forward. She hit the end of her rope. That’s when she began kicking and twisting, fighting her noose just as hard as she could.

Her gasps and gurgles joined that of the doomed Alicia on her left. The two kicked and danced breathlessly. Their naked bodies bumped into each other as their unified rasps filled the basement.

Della was utterly shocked. She couldn’t believe these sorority bitches were actually going to strangle them all to death by noose and by garrote. A moment later she felt the rope ominously tighten around her own neck.

She rose onto her toes in an attempt to ease the tension! “Last one!” Lady Jade proclaimed with a wave at Naomi. “Let the bitches feel their failure by the cold grip of those nooses around their necks!”

Goldie gleefully gave Naomi a shove from behind. She gleefully declared, “Join your sisters in death, you stupid bitch!” Naomi pitched forward, too shocked for words.

Della was alarmed to see how red Roberta and Alicia’s faces became from the agony of strangulation. She saw Naomi fall forward off the stage without a sound as though resigned to her horrible fate. She could only watch helplessly as her sister pledges hanged from their nooses, each one rasping for breath as the garrote tightened even more around her own neck. That’s when a splattering sound was heard above their gasping sounds. Alicia had just lost control of her bladder.

Della watched in horror as Naomi really started kicking and fighting her noose. Next to her, Roberta was showing everyone just how good of a noose-dancer she was. And that bitch Goldie was actually rubbing her pussy and breathing hard, getting off at the sight of three girls gasping and hanging.

“At least these bitches are good for something around here!” Lady Shade declared with some pride. And with another crank on the handle she helped Della experience what it must be like for her gasping friends. Della shuddered hard as her breath was restricted even more until she started to gasp and gurgle.

As Naomi settled down into the dance of the profoundly strangled, Roberta kicked anew as though discovering some hidden energy. It was horrifying for Della to watch. And yet it was strangely erotic. But perhaps that was because her own air was being restricted, causing her body to react in ways totally foreign to her.

Alicia appeared to be even more profoundly strangled. Perhaps it was because she had gone first and had already suffered greatly. Her face had turned a dark crimson, although Roberta’s was rapidly approaching that same asphyxiated state.

Della saw that Goldie had collapsed onto the stage behind the dangling girls. The blond bitch was on her back and panting like crazy, her torso propped up by her legs as she furiously fingered her cunt. She appeared to be violently humping herself, loudly proclaiming her enthusiasm for the proceedings…

“Fuck – fuck – FUCK! Hang, you gorgeous bitches; HANG! Kick those legs and shake those asses! Bounce those titties for me, you sexy bitches!”

“Now it’s your turn, honey,” Della heard Lady Shade giggle behind her. Then she shuddered hard as her breath was all but cut off. Her eyes went wide in horror as her mind screamed this was all too real. Were the four of them actually going to die a breathless, agonizing death??

The kicking subsided amongst the air-dancing trio. Frantic gasps for breath quieted down into little rasps and gurgles. Della was profoundly strangled as well, and her pussy dripped shamefully. She could see how wet the pussies of her fellow pledges had become. No doubt they had been sexually affected by the agony of strangling to death.

Goldie stood upright, although she was none too steady on her bare feet after having cum so long and loud. It looked like she had managed to settle down after her shameful orgasm. Then Naomi started twitching as Roberta jerked and convulsed. It set the blond-haired bitch off once more. She screamed her orgasm…”Oh FUCK; THAT’S HOT!” as she grabbed her crotch again.

The hanged trio finally settled down as Goldie came stumbling down off the stage. A moment later there were twin splatters as two more bladders gave way. Lady Shade stepped away from the garrote to appreciatively check Goldie’s handiwork. She caressed a gently spasming Naomi while appreciating her dying efforts… “That’s it, honey. Just let it go. Let that bladder release and let it go.”

Della could barely get any air down her throat. She rasped and gurgled, frantic Lady Shade had left her to suffer and had not loosened the rope from around her neck. Then Goldie knelt in front of her. “You were the best of the worst. Lady Shade says I get to do this for you!” Then her tongue went to work.

Della winced in breathless agony. At the same time she couldn’t help lifting her legs up as though wanting to help Goldie reach her twitching twat. Her body shuddered as her dripping fluids were lapped up. Then her eyes rolled as she climaxed, the sexual release granting momentary relief from her agonizing asphyxiation.

She tried to pull a breath of air into her body. But the restricting coil around her neck denied her. Then Della became acutely aware of a terrible sensation inside her, the sensation of vital organs dying one by one. It absolutely terrified her.

The tongue lapped harder; it was a pleasant sensation. As her vision started to fade, she focused on it… tried to immerse herself in it. The last thing she was aware of was cumming one last time. It was not altogether unpleasant. Then she started to fade away as her consciousness plunged into the abyss of oblivion.

Goldie moaned, “This one’s going… mmmmmm!” She lapped more enthusiastically to get every last drop of cum. Then she tasted the tang of urine as the dead sorority pledge pissed into her mouth. “I should’ve expected that,” she muttered with a giggle, although she wasn’t all that angry at having been peed on.

“These three are gone as well,” Lady Shade observed. “Hell of a pledge week, wouldn’t you say?”

“These hanging parties are always the best,” Goldie purred with sexual satisfaction.

“That’s because you love hanging them and then cumming as they kick and die.”

“Everybody’s got to have a hobby.”

“Well, just make sure you call that necro fraternity. Tell ‘em we’ve got four hot ones for them to pick up so they can play with ‘em.”

Lady Shade stood up and walked by each dangling girl. Her hand idly caressed each set of breasts. “You hung well, my pretties,” she told them. “Too bad you were such shitty pledges.”

“Yeah they did hang great, didn’t they?” Goldie agreed. “I had a couple of big cums as they kicked their lives away. I can’t wait for the new pledges to arrive!!”

Lady Shade smiled before leaving the basement. She trusted her Number One to make sure the four bodies would be properly disposed of.

2014; 2020 (written for Odin Jan 28 ’14; ed. Jan 7 ’20 by riwa)

(Posers are courtesy of Odin and are for illustration purposes only.)

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The Santamos Island drowning excursion 4.1 (23)

An impoverished Caribbean island nation nears bankruptcy.  In order to raise cash income from “tourists”, the nation’s leaders in desperation pass a law — consensual executions of sane and un-coerced foreigners by other foreigners will be legal in public execution areas on the island. Arachnid’s Santamos Island universe

The captain and I took our boat to Santamos Island. We’d heard about the things that happened there and wanted to go see for ourselves. It was said women would go there and would never return, unless they had arranged to go back in a pine box.

It was a place where people could voluntarily go to end their lives. Both males and females went there to die. We were told there were husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, and sometimes mere individuals who made arrangements to excuse themselves from this mortal coil.

Some of the methods of death did not appeal to us. We were a little curious about the tidal stakes though. Men and women would tie themselves up and then wait for the tide to come in.

We were about to head back to the mainland when these two young women came up to us. They noticed we seemed to be alone. We explained we were merely visiting to satisfy our curiosity.

They said they were sisters. Reyanne and Teaghan were in skimpy bikinis, and had come over from the mainland to check it out as well. Reyanne was an attractive brunette, while Teaghan had tinges of auburn in her hair.

They asked if they could hang out with us for a while. The captain and I told them we were thinking about going out on our boat for a couple of hours. So they asked if they could tag along.

Right away I noticed they both had tattoos. That told me there was a good chance we might be able to have some fun with them, as any tatted females we’d previously run into were often quite frisky with their sexuality. The captain saw the expression in my face and smiled, obviously because he’d been reading my mind.

We took them down to the dock and headed out into the bay. After all, we love taking women out on our boat, fucking them silly, and then bringing them back. Reyanne and Teaghan were exhibiting all the symptoms of a couple of promiscuous chicks.

We were a couple miles out when they started kissing each other. They did it right in front of us. Then they fully exposed themselves. You could tell they were really asking for it.

The captain stopped the boat and we dropped anchor. They wasted no time removing our shorts. Then they dropped to their knees and started some serious sucking.

The captain and I were visibly impressed. These two were really hot for it. I couldn’t believe how enthusiastic they were.

They took turns sucking our cocks for a good half hour. Teaghan sucked mine and then swapped with her sister to suck the captain. We ended up giving the both of them a generous helping of baby batter.

Teaghan finally looked at her sister and asked, “What do you think?”

“I think these two might be just the ones we’re looking for.”

“Looking for what?” the captain asked with a look of amusement in his eyes.

Reyanne didn’t answer. Instead, she told her sister, “We need to go back and fill out some forms.”

“We probably should have filled them out before we came out here.”

“Yeah, but we didn’t really know, right? Besides, they might need to get some supplies.”

“Supplies for what?” I asked.

“We’ll explain it on the way back to the hotel. We have to fill out the forms so it’s all legal.”

“What’s all legal?” the captain wanted to know.

“We’ll explain it on the way back.”

I frowned at the captain. Had we run into a couple of dangerous chicks? I think he was thinking the same thing.

We headed back to the island. I kept my eye on the sisters the entire time. The way they were being so secretive and mysterious made me not trust them for a second.

As we pulled up to the dock, Reyanne explained the two of them were flat broke. I looked at the captain and frowned as I secured the boat. Neither one of us wanted to get attached to a couple of chicks who might prove to be a drain on our resources.

Teaghan saw the look in our eyes. Then she lifted up her hands defensively. “You guys don’t understand. We spent every penny we had just to get here. We don’t ever plan on leaving.”

“That’s right,” Reyanne added. “We just haven’t decided how we want to go out yet. But now I think we’ve decided.”

“We want to use your boat. We want to go right back out once all the forms have been signed and you guys have everything you need.”

I looked at Teaghan and frowned. “Go back out? Sign the forms? What do you mean ‘everything we need’?”

“We want to die here on the island. We’ve decided we’d prefer drowning over anything else. But we don’t like the idea of the tidal stakes.”

“That’s a long time to wait to drown,” Reyanne added. “I think I’d freak out waiting that long. We were kind of hoping you guys would do it.”

“Do what?” the captain asked warily.

“Drown us. Toss us off your boat.”

“Into the sea?” I was astonished.

“They might need our bodies back at the island,” Reyanne told her sister. Then she told us, “Well… after you drown us, I suppose you’ll probably have to bring our bodies back in.”

“We were thinking maybe using some rope,” Teaghan added. “That way you can drag us back in to shore. You won’t even have to deal with us after we’re gone. I’m sure the hotel will make all the arrangements. A simple burial on the island will be just fine.”

The captain and I looked at each other in complete shock. Were these crazy bitches actually suggesting we toss them overboard and drown them??

It was true, we’d tossed a few females over the side after having our way with them. But that was usually in jest. We’d always made sure to bring them back to shore with us.

“What do you think?” I asked him.

“We’ll make it worth your while,” Teaghan said with a shit-eating grin. “We both used to do film work back on the mainland. How about a hot fuck and a drowning? You know how exciting sex and death are when they’re mixed together, right?”

“We’ve always thought about drowning,” her sister added. “We just weren’t sure how to go about it. We figure the hotel will make an allowance so long as you return with our bodies.”

“How would we go about…?” I started to ask.

“We were just thinking about that,” Teaghan said with a smile. “Tie rope to our wrists and weights to our ankles. Throw us over the side with the rope tied off. We drown and you tow our bodies back to shore. Easy.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” the captain asked hesitantly.

Reyanne told him, “Weren’t you listening? We told you we were broke. We spent all our money just to get here! I don’t even think we’ve got enough for supper tonight!”

“The island might give us a free meal,” her sister suggested.

Reyanne just shook her head. “No better time than the present; right? These guys might want to leave soon. This way they can take care of this little request for us.”

“And what’s in it for us?” the captain wanted to know.

“I already told you. A hot afternoon of sucking and fucking. Then you dispose of the evidence. Sounds kind of hot when you think about it. So what do you say?”

I looked at Reyanne. Now she was looking back at the captain and I for reassurance.

Her sister Teaghan wrapped an arm around her and said, “We’re a package deal. Wherever she goes, I go. Wherever she drowns, I drown. You can fuck us silly, toss us over the side, work up a healthy appetite, and be back in time for supper with a couple of sexy bodies in tow. So what do you say?”

It didn’t take nearly as long as I figured. I went with the girls to the hotel to make arrangements. The captain went to see someone about getting the rope and weights we’d need.

The ladies signed some paperwork saying they were about to be willingly snuffed and that we would not be held accountable. Their bodies would need to be returned to guarantee death and ultimate disposition. Drowning in the bay would be acceptable so long as the bodies were returned so the deaths could be confirmed.

I signed some paperwork saying the bodies would be brought back. The concierge nodded politely as he told them, “Thank you, ladies, for choosing Santamos Island. I hope your drowning is everything you hope it to be.”

“Oh, it will be,” Teaghan said as she took my arm. “Now that we’ve got a couple of guys to play with, we’re going to go out with a bang.”

“We sure are!” Reyanne said as she took my other arm.

I escorted them back down to the dock. The captain showed up a few minutes later. He had a lot of rope along with some weights to secure to their ankles.

He loaded the gear on board. I cast off as he started the motor. “Last chance to back out,” I told them.

“We’d rather you leave us on the ocean floor. But this way will be just as good. Now let’s get out to sea so we can fuck and drown for you lucky guys.”

We motored out into the bay until the captain killed the motor. We didn’t even drop anchor. We were just going to allow the craft to drift.

Teaghan and Reyanne wasted no time getting started. The captain and I ended up on this wicker sofa near the back of the boat. The girls removed our shorts and briefs and then started in.

It was crazy. Knowing we were going to drown them before we headed back to shore was strangely erotic. I noticed the captain had no trouble whatsoever maintaining an erection.

We went at it on the back of our boat. Reyanne had the captain’s meaty pole in her mouth and was slobbering all over it. Teaghan couldn’t wait to get my thick rod deep inside her fuck-hole, eagerly riding me like a cowboy on a wild stallion.

It was a hell of an afternoon. Those girls did things even the captain and I had never experienced. They absolutely loved anal, and we did not hold back fucking each ass several times.

I don’t know how many times they climaxed. Both girls were quite orgasmic. It was one hell of a turn-on making them cum again and again.

Talk finally turned to their impending demise. Teaghan asked me, “Are you looking forward to tossing me overboard and watching me drown?” I told her I was starting to warm up to the idea.

“We’re both going to suck water and thrash about,” Reyanne told us with a grin. “I hope you both get hard-ons when you pitch us over the side.”

“Actually that won’t be a problem,” the captain told them. “Whenever we take chicks out on the boat back on the mainland, we fuck them and then toss them overboard, making them think we’re going to leave them behind. We always take them back.”

“But we’ve sure been tempted,” I added with a smile.

“Then I think it’s time to get us ready,” Teaghan told us.

The captain went and fetched the rope. We tied their wrists together in front of them. Then we tied a length of rope to each of them.

“What do you think?” the captain asked as he measured it out. “Keep ‘em close to the surface?”

“About twelve feet ought to do it,” I told him as I tied Reyanne’s ankles together. “We’ll drag ‘em back to shore. I hope the sharks don’t get ‘em.”

“We’ll make sure the island gets what’s left,” the captain chuckled.

We attached about twenty pounds of weight to each set of secured ankles. By now both sisters had become somewhat sober about the whole thing. I couldn’t help asking, “Feel like changing your minds now, ladies?”

“Of course we feel like changing our minds!” Teaghan gasped as she panted for breath. “But we’ve already signed the consent forms; right, sis? We’re committed.”

“So this is for you guys as much, if not more, than it is for us,” Teaghan added. “We want you to get all excited once you toss us over and watch us drown.”

“This will be our best performance ever,” Reyanne observed. “It’s just too bad we’re not capturing it on film.”

“This is a private performance,” her sister told her. “These guys gave us a hot afternoon of sex. They deserve a private drowning party.”

The captain tied Reyanne’s rope to her wrists to the starboard cleat. I tied off Teaghan’s to the port side. They both sat there gasping for breath as they watched us, their arms in front with secured wrists.

The captain helped Reyanne up onto the end of the boat on her side. I helped Teaghan on her side. They sat with their backs to the water.

We lifted both sets of weights and set them right next to each sister. We were all still naked. By now I was sporting another erection. So was the captain.

I grabbed Teaghan by the back of her head. Then I began giving her a brutal mouth-fucking. She moaned as I hit the back of her throat.

The captain did the same to Reyanne. She grunted as she was forced to swallow his long, meaty shaft. Both girls tried to get into the spirit of things, although by now I think they were understandably nervous.

I looked at the captain and he looked at me. Together we pushed on both sets of shoulders. They lost our cocks out of their mouths as they went over backward with cries of alarm.

They hit the water together with a combined splash. The weights went off the boat with them. They went down a good twelve feet until the ropes went taut, pulling their arms upward as their legs were stretched downward.

By now the wind had mostly died down. The water was pretty calm. It allowed us to watch what happened down below.

Both sisters hung naked and quiet. A few bubbles came up as they released them out of their mouths and noses. They looked sexy as hell all stretched out like that.

At first I had a few misgivings. But I decided all the paperwork had been signed. They’d committed to this and had asked for our help. So I decided the noble thing to do was to enjoy the spectacle.

It was about a minute before Reyanne started wriggling like a fish on a line. Teaghan was next. They began to fight a little harder, dolphin kicking with their legs since we’d secured their ankles together.

It didn’t matter what they attempted. The weights were too much. They couldn’t kick up, and they couldn’t really pull themselves up with their arms either.

Reyanne went first. She suddenly lost a huge burst of air. Then she began thrashing about.

Bubbles came up as she kept gulping and hitching. Teaghan looked over at her with a look of horror in her eyes. Then she lost a huge burst of bubbles as well.

Both sisters wriggled and struggled like fish on the end of lines. They kept coughing up bubbles as they hitched and spasmed. That’s when the captain went forward.

I kept watching as he started the motor. Then he slowly motored us back in the direction of the island. Our speed was so slow we were hardly trolling forward.

He came back to watch since there was no other traffic in our vicinity. Both sisters were slowly dragged along as they hitched and drowned. It was as though we were dragging bait to lure some great white.

Both bodies settled down after another thirty seconds. They were dragged along as they gently spun in the water. Stray bubbles slipped out of their mouths.

The captain looked at me and smiled. “So what do you think?”

“We might have to stick around a few more days and see if anyone else wants to go out this way.”

“Yeah, that’s kind of what I was thinking.” Then he went up front and powered up the engine, taking us back to shore as the two sisters spun just below the surface.

2020 (written Dec 6 ’20 by riwa. Inspired by the picture found on the Internet.)

(Santamos Island concept created by Arachnid aka Spartan)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Santamos Island stories | Leave a comment

Ghost of the Mary Celeste 4.2 (226)

Samantha pulled up over the top of the wreck. She shut off the engine and dropped anchor. She could not help feeling a thrill at what was about to be another underwater adventure.

She’d flown all the way down from New England to get away for a few days. These waters were much warmer than up north. That’s why she always made it a point to come down to the Florida Keys whenever her schedule would permit.

Samantha – Sam to her friends – stripped out of her bikini top. She loved freediving topless. Already, she could feel her nipples start to harden with anticipation.

She got her gear and climbed onto the end of her rental. She attached a knife to her right calf before slipping into a pair of fins. A weight belt and dive mask completed the ensemble.

She sat on the ledge taking deep, even breaths. It looked like it was going to be a long way down. But these were the kind of dives she enjoyed most of all.

Samantha slipped off the ledge into the water. She filled her lungs before jackknifing downward. Then she was on her way.

Freediving here in the Keys was so much better than up north. She never needed a wetsuit down in these waters. It was all but mandatory up around Cape Cod, especially if one didn’t want to catch a cold or pneumonia.

On land she’d talked to some locals about places to check out. A couple had mentioned a special shipwreck called the Mary Celeste. They said many divers liked to go there to explore so long as one had plenty of air on hand. After all, it had a bit of a reputation.

Sam wanted to know more, but they became tight-lipped. She wasn’t worried though. All the air she needed would be safely stored within her lungs. So she thanked them for giving her the location.

Now it loomed below as she headed down, causing her to pinch her nosepiece to equalize. It looked massive as it lay well below her, indicating she’d be making quite the swim down. It looked like it had been there for quite some time.

The ship was an old freighter. Samantha felt small as she approached. A quick glance up at her craft bobbing at the surface made the wreck seem even larger.

She reached the deck as a school of fish swam nearby. But Samantha just kept going down. She wanted to get a really good look at it her first time down.

According to the locals, it had hit a reef and sunk in deep water many years ago. Taking an oxygen tank along was best for any kind of prolonged exploration. But Samantha had determined she would go without. Besides, this was perfect for her as she loved to hold her breath in deep water.

She swam along the hull, giving it a good look-see. She found the spot where it looked like something had torn a gash in the structure. Ships this size clearly needed to have good navigational charts if they were to avoid a fate like this one had encountered.

Samantha made her way toward the bow of the immense structure. A sense of sadness rippled through her. The Mary Celeste must have been quite the lady before meeting such an ignominious end at the bottom of the sea, especially so close to the Keys.

Her brief sadness did not affect her enjoyment of her dive. Apnea at depth always made her nipples hard. Her pussy tingled as she held her breath while admiring the size of the wreck.

She could feel the sensuousness of her dive flow throughout her entire being. The size of the sunken vessel, her depth in the water, the sensation of breathless lungs – all combined to fuel erotic stimulations. She paused just beyond the bow, feeling the urge to give in to her sexual desires.

Samantha began to touch herself all over. This is so much better than the chilly waters of Cape Cod. It was nice and warm, just about perfect for an erotic swim while seeing to certain needs she now wanted to attend to.

She could feel it in her lungs, could feel the pressure of the sea upon her body. Samantha rubbed her crotch until the tingles intensified. Then she reached underneath the material of her bottoms to finger her swollen nub.

This was much better than the waters up north. Samantha could not resist fingering herself. Then she felt it swell within her.

Her lungs heaved a little. Samantha fingered herself harder. The warm water combined with her depth and the massive wreck nearby contributed to an explosive orgasm. It was just the thing she’d come here to experience. Bubbles spewed out of her mouth as she trembled with pleasure.

Samantha hitched as she continued rubbing herself, experiencing a wonderful afterglow. Orgasms like these were the best. It was one secret among several she’d never shared with her friends back home. For now, she simply kept her love of underwater orgasms to herself.

Samantha felt a strange sensation she was being watched. She looked out into the open sea. But no one was there. Her boat bobbed quietly up at the surface, no others in the immediate vicinity.

She suddenly turned back toward the wreck. That’s when she saw him. He was wearing fins, a dive mask and weight belt.

He was holding onto the anchor opening up near the deck. His cock was outside his swimwear. Much to her surprise, she saw him clearly stroking his meat.

Her first reaction was to be offended. Obviously he’d been watching her while she was masturbating. Now he was doing the very same thing!

She was not at all frightened. Instead, she became fascinated at the presence of this handsome hunk who was eagerly yanking his crank. Where had he come from??

He grinned at her as he stroked harder. Then he started losing bubbles. It appeared he was quite close to a release of his own.

Samantha drifted in place, watching with great interest. Would he actually cum right in front of her? She was pretty certain he’d been watching her while she’d experienced her orgasm underwater.

He lost more bubbles. Then he began shooting out a thick rope of cum. Samantha felt a surge of erotic tingles at the spectacle.

Samantha sensed movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned to look, but saw nothing. Perhaps it was only a fish darting by. She was particularly sensitive to the presence of creatures in the deep.

She turned to look back at the handsome hunk. The smile faded from her face when she saw he wasn’t there anymore. She looked on both sides of the bow, but he was nowhere in sight! It was if he’d vanished into thin air… or in this instance, into deep water.

Samantha swam up to the deck of the wreck. But he wasn’t there either. How had he managed to fin away so fast??

She looked up at the surface. Her craft bobbed up and down. It was still the only one up there.

Had he gone up to catch his breath? Was he on her boat? Samantha decided that had to be the answer.

She began finning her way back to the surface. She figured it was probably high time she went back anyway. After all, her lungs weren’t very happy with her, being without air for so long.

What would she do if she found him? That was an easy question to answer. His cock looked quite enticing.

It was a long swim back. The wreck was in pretty deep water. But Samantha wasn’t all that worried. She loved long swims to the depths and back.

She headed upward with one thing on her mind. Once she tracked the stranger down, she was going to see if he wanted to have a long, breath-holding session together, perhaps with his meaty member deep inside her. She wanted to stay down and play with him. But strangely, he’d up and disappeared!

Samantha burst up and gasped for breath. She checked the exterior of her boat. Had he climbed in?

She climbed the side and looked into the interior. He wasn’t lying down anywhere playing hide and seek. So she checked the diving platform, pulling her mask to the top of her head.

There was no sign of him. Sam murmured, “He’s not up here. Where could he be??”

She paused to catch her breath. Then she looked down at the wreck below. It seemed pretty obvious to her now.

“He’s not up here,” she said to herself. “That means he must be somewhere down inside the wreck. So I guess that’s where I’m going. If he wants to play hide-and-seek, I’m certainly game. I just hope the winner – or loser – gets a special reward.”

She eagerly filled her lungs. Then she began the long swim back down. Samantha pinched her nose to equalize, knowing she was heading for deep water once again.

She had no trouble holding her breath whatsoever. It was something she prided herself on. Back home in Salem she always amazed her dive buddies with that ability. Now she wanted to show the handsome stranger just how long she could hold her breath. She just hoped he would show her how well he could hold his while playing “hide the salami”.

Samantha continued downward until she drew closer to the wreck. Its size continued to impress her. Finding him might not be so easy, especially if he wanted to make it a challenge for her.

She remembered the way the locals had talked about the sunken vessel. They’d spoke in ways that had made her think there was something mysterious about it. One had even hinted she might want to find another dive location.

Was there something special about the Mary Celeste? Samantha didn’t know. But since she was now on location, what would it hurt to do a little more exploring to see what she could find out?

Sam located a hatch that looked promising. She felt an erotic shiver over venturing into the unknown. But she confidently headed for the opening.

The interior was dark and creepy. But there was nothing innately special about that. Most wrecks were that way. It would be unreasonable of her to think otherwise, especially since she’d been inside her fair share of them.

Samantha finned her way forward. It all looked dark and foreboding. It also set her lady parts to tingling again.

Sam was not one to shy away from dark, foreboding places. They were great locations for hooking up in order to “satisfy that urge”. Right now, that was just what she was after. But her mysterious hunk had vanished and was still unaccounted for.

Where had he gone? Was he hiding somewhere? Was it possible he was observing her from some hidden vantage point?

Samantha carefully considered the matter. He’d made his previous appearance by catching her masturbating. It had turned him on so much that he’d actually stroked his meat right in front of her.

Would getting herself off again lure him out for a second time? Would he want to come out to observe as she masturbated again? Her lady parts were certainly tingling for another release. Why not satisfy herself once more while seeing if she could get him to show himself.

Once more, Samantha began touching herself all over. Her erotic stirrings intensified. At the same time, she could feel the strain in her lungs, contributing to the thrill of the moment.

She moved her suit aside and began fingering herself. It felt wonderful. Whether he showed himself or not, she was going to get some more underwater pleasure, this time right here inside the wreck.

Samantha suddenly sensed a presence with her. She turned and looked. Incredibly, he was right there watching her.

His meat was in his hand, just as before. Once more, he was jerking off as she thrummed her button. Amazingly, masturbating in deep water inside the wreck had lured him out again.

Sam could not help staring at his erection. More and more, she found herself wanting that beautiful cock inside her. She was so incredibly horny!

Was he going to shoot more ropey strands? It swelled within her until she couldn’t hold it back any longer. Samantha shuddered in blissful orgasm, right there on the bottom of the sea with her lungs straining.

She winced in ecstasy as she spewed her breath away. A moment later he disappeared. She was sure she was looking right at him! One second he was there; the next he was just… GONE!!

She looked all around. But the handsome hunk had vanished into the depths of the sea. Where had he gone this time??

She set out to locate him as her mind puzzled the encounter. He couldn’t have gone far, could he? Then it dawned on her.

What if the wreck was haunted?? It would certainly explain the way some of the locals had talked about it. It would also help to explain why her mysterious hunk kept disappearing right in front of her very eyes.

It was all rather fascinating to her. In fact, it would have been funny if she wasn’t so horny. It was so frustrating! Every time she cums… he goes?? That was no fun at all!

Was he shy? Sam didn’t think so. But one thing was certain. She was beginning to think she’d come across someone who could hold his breath for as long as she could, even if he was a ghost. So she set out trying to track him down.

He certainly seemed real enough. Ghost or not, what would it feel like to fuck him down on the bottom of the ocean? It was a question Samantha eagerly wanted to explore, so long as the handsome hunk made another return. She was determined to reward him if he did.

Sam was no stranger to paranormal fucking. In the past she’d certainly done a warlock or two. But she’d never done one underwater before, certainly not like this in the depths of a sunken vessel.

She felt her body tingle again. She sensed he was somewhere nearby. But Sam could feel it in her lungs now. Her body understandably wanted her to return to the surface.

Wouldn’t a trip back be a good idea right about now? Samantha had the distinct impression her handsome hunk wasn’t going anywhere. If he was going to stick around a while, she was more than willing to surface and then return with a fresh set of lungs.

She was headed upward through the open hatch when she was pulled up short. Samantha felt an icy hand on her ankle. It made her shiver with delight.

Her senses had not failed her. He was right there, pulling her back down. Nipples hardened as her pussy tingled like crazy

Samantha felt a strong urge to return to the surface. She covered her mouth with her hand. But he was not about to let go.

He certainly felt real enough. And it looked as though he was finally willing to stick around awhile. Did he want her to stay and play?

Samantha put up a struggle as he reeled her in. Her pussy throbbed with a terrible ache. If he was about to introduce her to his meaty member, she was more than willing to play along.

He pulled her inside the wreck with him before bending her over at the waist. Then he pulled her suit aside. That’s when he pushed his nine inch cock deep into her quivering slit.

He grabbed her ankles and began to thrust nice and hard. His meat was icicle cold inside her throbbing womanhood. But it made her feel so unbelievably hot, even at this depth.

He split her like a wishbone, clearly making his desires known. Her sexual urges were equal to the task. Samantha felt it swell inside her with all the rumblings of a massive eruption.

She winced as she shuddered in orgasm. Then her lady parts were no longer filled. She couldn’t believe he had VANISHED AGAIN!

Here on the ocean floor Sam just kept cumming… only he just kept going! Had she melted him away with her muscle contractions, contractions from her rapture of the deep? He’d certainly felt real enough, despite the coldness of his meaty member.

Samantha felt it in her lungs again. It was time to return to the surface. She headed out the opening before heading upward with long, smooth kicks.

Her lungs felt like they were empty. Had he fucked all the air right out of her? What an incredible rush!

She spewed the last of her breath as she headed up. Samantha finally popped up at the surface. Then she lifted the dive mask up to the top of her head.

She climbed onto the platform of her boat as erotic aftershocks rippled through her. Sam sat there panting loudly for breath. What an incredible experience!

How long had she been down there that last time? It had certainly felt like ages. But for her, it was nothing to worry about.

Was her handsome hunk still hanging out somewhere down below? Samantha was in the mood for round two of “hide the salami”. This time, she knew exactly how to lure him out.

She would go down and start masturbating again. That should make him materialize. She hoped he would play the game again, holding onto her while pumping her hard until it felt like her lungs would give out.

She smiled as she thought about it. There was certainly no danger of that! Samantha was in it for the chase and the reward, even if he was cold as ice. Besides, everyone knows you can’t drown a witch!

2020 (written Nov 22 ’20 by riwa. Inspired by JustPaul’s animation while using his vidcaps.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (4)

Coming December rewards

The 2nd chapter to Donna’s Shore Leave.
The 8th chapter to Mr. Wayne.
The 5th chapter to the Melissa story.
The 2nd chapter to the British Virgin Isles story.
The 2nd chapter to Rachel and Toni strike again.
The 5th chapter to Santa visiting the asphyxia sisters.
The 1st chapter to the new game show Russian Roulette (and the water tank waiting below).
A punishment that is doled out in accordance with the law.
A story on the beginnings of the Predator, a woman with a taste for drownings.
A story about a very special room you don’t want to end up in.
And anything else I might decide to upload for the end of the year.

October stories/rewards will fall off at the end of November to make room for December rewards.

I spent much of this week stopping in to visit mom. We ate at a restaurant on Tuesday and shared a lunch on Thanksgiving. I’m just so appreciative she’s still around. Her arm is only going to heal so much because it was discovered (rather late in the game) that she has a rotator cuff injury in addition to the broken bone which has mostly healed. Any surgery at her age would have increased risks. So she’s decided to see if she has enough movement with it right now to forego any surgeries.

That lake they were draining is mostly mud and a few puddles. There are still a few fish trying to find enough water to continue to survive. But that’s not going to happen, not with winter fast approaching. Someone drove their vehicle out in the lake and got it stuck. A wrecker had to come get them out. And a big truck also got bogged down and needed help from a bulldozer. It will be interesting to see the work they will do to the head gate, the walkway, and any changes they might make to the shoreline.

I had a nice Thanksgiving. I hope yours was the same. I’ll see you in December. Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much for being my patrons.

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