Dahlia finds a noose 4.5 (88)

It was very puzzling. She’d ridden with some other girls out to the castle. Now they’d all gone off on their own. Apparently she’d been left to her own devices.

Nobody came with any instructions. No one told her where she could and could not go. Out of boredom she decided to do a little exploring.

There was someone else wandering around inside. A couple times Dahlia caught sight of a woman in a black robe. But the woman always disappeared before she could get close enough to ask about the others.

Eventually she ended up on the third floor of the castle. She’d already explored the other two floors, finding little of interest. But she figured it was ok to wander around, being as how she hadn’t been told to keep herself to the main floor.

Again she caught sight of the woman in the black robe. Was she following her?? She called out, “Hey; can I ask you something? Where is everybody?”

The woman refused to acknowledge her presence as she disappeared through a doorway. Dahlia became irritated over the rude behavior. “Hey, I only want to ask you where the others are!” Then she angrily set off after her.

She came to the door the woman had passed through. She opened it up, only to discover a small stairwell leading upward. Did this castle actually have another floor? Dahlia was incredulous.

She carefully went up the steps until she reached a small hallway. The woman in the black robe was at the other end, about to open another door. Dahlia called out, “Hey; wait!” But the woman ignored her as she opened it up and stepped inside.

“Hey; don’t turn your back on me! That’s rude! That does it; I’m not leaving until I get some answers!”

Dahlia rushed up to the door and opened it. Almost immediately she found herself in some sort of attic. Costumes hung from racks while others were draped over trunks and chairs.

She looked all around but didn’t see the black-robed woman anywhere. She was sure she’d seen her come in here. How could she have disappeared??

She rounded a corner and gasped at what she saw. A mural had been painted along one wall. But it was the subject matter that astonished her.

A naked woman stood on an old, cushioned chair, a hand covering her crotch. A noose came down from the ceiling and wrapped around her neck. A mirror had been painted in as though the young woman was staring at herself while preparing to step off.

Dahlia looked around and saw the same chair sitting in the middle of the room. She observed a floor length mirror over against the far wall. Dangling over the chair hung a thirteen coil noose, exactly as what was being depicted in the mural.

At first Dahlia was shocked and dismayed. But there was something about the mural that fascinated her. Besides, the woman in the painting seemed enthralled at her situation.

Dahlia moved closer as though wanting to get a better look. Now she could tell the woman was not simply being modest. It looked as though she was deliberately touching herself while looking into the mirror. Whoever had painted in her reflection had done a fantastic job.

Dahlia looked at the mural, studying it intently. Then she walked over to the chair and looked up at the noose. It seemed odd the way it dangled as though matching the mural along the wall.

It was rather disturbing. But there was something about it that intrigued her. A glance over at the mural seemed to imply the woman had deliberately climbed onto the chair of her own accord and noosed herself.

Dahlia looked at herself in the mirror. She tried to imagine what her reflection would look like with the noose around her neck. The chair looked sturdy enough. Surely it couldn’t hurt to give it a try, could it?

She carefully climbed onto the chair until she was standing upright. The noose ominously framed her face. She looked into the mirror and felt a strange shiver of excitement.

“This is silly,” she said, her voice so loud it almost startled her. There was no reply; the room remained silent. And there was still no sign of that woman in the black robe.

She reached out and touched the noose. It was certainly real enough. She ran her hands over the coarse hemp, wondering how it would feel around her throat.

She pulled the noose to her and gently looped it around her neck. It scratched her, giving her a shiver that both excited and frightened her. She quickly pulled it off before hurriedly stepping down off the chair.

She went back over to the wall and looked at the mural again. The woman displayed there looked as though she was excited about something. She didn’t look the least bit frightened having her head in the noose. On the contrary, she appeared to be touching herself as though in a state of arousal.

Dahlia studied the mural and then looked skeptically at the chair. She looked all around as though making sure no one was watching. That’s when she began entertaining a preposterous idea.

Did she dare? Who would possibly know she was up here? That woman in the black robe? She must have slipped away and gone back downstairs.

Dahlia found herself unbuttoning and removing her white blouse. She folded it up and carefully set it upon a small trunk sitting nearby. Then she hesitantly removed her bra before setting it on top of her blouse.

Something brushed against her bare flesh. Dahlia gasped and looked all around. But no one was there. Had it been her imagination?

She panted for breath as she looked up at the noose. Did she dare? A moment later she made up her mind as she quietly muttered, “What the hell.”

She carefully climbed the chair until the noose framed her face again as she looked at the mirror. It excited her to see herself topless as the coil dangled before her. Then she carefully looped the noose around her neck.

The hemp scratched her throat again. Dahlia gasped at the caress of rope on skin. That’s when she looked into the mirror.

The image reflected back was incredible. She could see a topless woman with incredibly erect nipples appearing quite aroused. This whole damned thing was exciting her far more than she could have possibly imagined.

Once more she glanced over at the mural. Then she carefully removed the noose from around her neck. She climbed back down off the chair before staring intently at the woman painted onto the wall.

Without thinking she began to remove her tight, shiny pants. Her wet panties came off next. Both items were carefully placed upon her blouse and bra.

She reached out and touched the woman in the mural. Then she looked up at the noose dangling above the chair. That’s when she felt a shiver of fear and excitement.

Once more she looked at the naked lady in the mural. Dahlia was becoming incredibly excited. She panted for breath as her heart beat loudly in her chest.

She walked over and stood beside the chair as once more she looked into the mirror. She stared at her reflection for the longest time. Did she want to see herself like the lady in the mural: naked with the noose around her neck?

It wouldn’t hurt anything, would it? No one was around to see what she was doing. And that woman in the black robe had long since vanished.

She looked all around to make sure she was still alone. She listened intently but heard nothing, not even footsteps coming up the steps. She could feel the room becoming a little spooky now and was starting to get a little creeped out.

Dahlia started to go back for her clothes. Maybe she should get dressed and head back down to catch up to the others. But something made her hesitate.

She glanced at the chair with the noose dangling above it. She looked at the mirror and saw her reflection. What would she look like standing on the chair naked with the rope around her neck? Would she look like the lady in the mural?

Dahlia carefully considered the matter. She thought she heard a voice whisper to go ahead and give it a try. She looked around as though someone had spoken. But she concluded she must have let the words slip out herself.

Dahlia hesitated briefly before climbing the chair again. The noose framed her face as before as she stared at the full length floor mirror. The image being reflected back was acting as though she wanted the noose around her neck.

She turned once more to look at the naked lady in the mural. She certainly seemed to be enjoying herself. Now here she was, standing on the chair in the exact same posture. What would it hurt? Besides, no one would ever know she’d been up here.

She carefully grasped onto the noose. Then she slowly looped it around her throat. That’s when Dahlia felt an erotic jolt as the hemp scratched her, making her pant heavily for breath.

She stared at her reflection. The image looking back at her seemed incredibly excited. Nipples had swollen as a neatly trimmed pussy glistened from a perverse arousal.

She thought about getting back down. Then she glanced over at the mural again. Instinctively one of Dahlia’s hands moved down her stomach until it settled in her crotch, matching the painting on the wall.

She panted for breath as she saw the woman in the mirror touch herself. It was unbelievably erotic. Dahlia thought the whole damned thing was crazy. Yet she was experiencing an excitement unlike anything she had ever known before.

Her breasts tingled with sexual desire. She caressed them as though trying to calm herself down, only to grope and fondle herself even more. Her pussy dripped and throbbed.

Another image flickered briefly in the mirror. Dahlia let out a gasp as she turned to look. She could have sworn that woman in the black robe had been standing directly behind her as though admiring her form.

“Hello? Is anybody there? I’m sorry; I’ll get down right now.”

She glanced at the mirror and saw the reflection hesitate. The young woman looking back at her was rubbing her crotch harder. She let out a whimper, feeling more than a little caught up in the whole damned thing.

That was it; it was time to get down. No, wait; just a few seconds more! Dahlia was torn with indecision and excitement.

She turned to look at the mural again. Dahlia let out a cry of alarm when she saw the woman was no longer standing on the chair. It had tipped over, causing her legs to appear to kick in midair.

What the hell?? That’s not what she’d seen before! Were her eyes playing tricks on her??

She turned to look in the mirror. She saw the woman in the black robe standing directly behind her with her hands on the chair. It looked as though she was going to pull it away.

Dahlia gasped, “NO; WAIT!” Then she lost her balance. That’s when the chair tipped over, clattering loudly onto the floor behind her.

Dahlia dropped until she was fully suspended by the noose in the ceiling. The hemp scratched even more as the rope dug into her throat. Instinctively she reached up and grabbed for it in an effort to loosen it from around her neck.

She saw her reflection start to kick up a jig. Then she got a glimpse of the woman in the mural. She appeared to have her hand buried in her crotch as she mauled her breasts. But that’s not what she’d seen earlier…

Dahlia shook her head no. This couldn’t be happening to her! Then she twisted until she saw her reflection. It was a woman furiously groping herself as she tried to masturbate while dangling from the noose.

She kicked and shuddered as she rasped for breath. Her neck was in agony, the hemp scratching as the rope began to constrict ominously around her throat. Her weight was putting an unbelievable strain on the noose.

Instinctively she clawed at the rope around her throat. The mirror swung back into view. This time the woman in the black robe was standing behind her, touching herself through the fabric of her garment as though enjoying the show.

Dahlia tried to shake her head again. The mural twisted back into view. This time the woman looked like she was all caught up in a state of deeply asphyxiated lust as she dangled from the noose.

Dahlia tried to fight it. But it was no use. When she swung back around she saw the reflection in the mirror of a woman deeply strangled, furiously groping herself as though desperate to make herself cum.

She rasped and gurgled as she began thrusting her hips outward. A brief glimpse of the mural showed the painting of a woman all caught up in the throes of asphyxiated orgasm. Dahlia could not understand it. Was she seeing things due to her brain not getting enough oxygen?

It overwhelmed her until it battered her senseless. She hung limp as she hitched and shuddered with orgasmic aftershocks. She could not believe how hard she had cum. And yet it felt like she was still climaxing… still trying to coax another one out of her oxygen-deprived body!

Dahlia orgasmed the fight right out of her body. Then she became exhausted. Her arms dropped to her sides as she gently hitched and convulsed.

She gently swung back and forth as she twisted in place. She got one last look at the mural. The noosed woman was now hanging limp and lifeless as though she’d stepped off and hanged herself.

Dahlia tried to breathe, but her throat was closed off. Her neck felt like it was stretching. She couldn’t feel her legs anymore.

She saw the woman in the black robe step up to her. She was dimly aware of human hands appreciatively caressing her naked flesh. The woman seemed tender and intimate.

Dahlia twitched as a death rattle came up from somewhere deep inside her. She couldn’t move anything anymore. Why wasn’t the woman letting her down??

She looked in the mirror one last time as her vision began to fade. The woman in the black robe began to shimmer out of existence like a mist. Then she was gone.

Dahlia tried to scream as her tongue slowly protruded. In the mirror she saw the reflection of a naked woman who looked as though she’d deliberately hanged herself. But that was impossible, wasn’t it? Then her vision failed until she saw nothing at all.

There was a quiet splatter of urine as Dahlia gently twisted and swayed in the hemp noose. Her naked body turned enough to get one last look at the mural with sightless eyes. It did not register in her brain that the large painting had disappeared, to be replaced with nothing more than the old, faded blocking of the castle wall.

2020 (written Feb 2 ’20 by riwa)

(Illustrated by renders created by noosegirl)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories, Picture Stories | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Breath-holding in the pool with Alex 2 (m/m) 4.3 (8)

Part 2

My encounter in the pool with Alex stayed with me for several hours. I finally got it out of my mind. Besides, I didn’t know when I was going to see him again.

I was working the morning shift on Wednesday when he showed up. There were a couple of older ladies already enjoying a hot soak. He smiled as he paid me for the swim before heading off to the men’s locker room to change.

At first I didn’t think anything about it. But then I started remembering the last time he’d shown up during my shift. It had only been two days ago, and he’d helped with the pool vac. Then we’d done a few breath-holds, the last one while masturbating together.

I tried to get the erotic memory out of my head. After all, I had other customers in the building. Then he emerged out of the men’s locker room.

I immediately noticed his light blue speedos. I think the two ladies soaking noticed them too. They seemed to look in his direction for a long time before he got into the water with a dive mask.

I tried not to let it get to me. But I really liked his speedos. They certainly stood out, attracting one’s attention.

He was up and down quite a bit in the deep end. It looked like he was doing a lot of breath-holding. Occasionally I noticed a flurry of bubbles come up before his head emerged.

An older couple came in and paid for their swim. Then they went to their separate locker rooms. So I decided to make a pass around the perimeter of the pool.

I stopped near the two ladies and asked if they were enjoying themselves. Then I made my way along the side of the pool to the deep end. Alex was down on the floor of the pool in a sitting position, pushing up against the bottom rung of the ladder to keep himself from drifting up.

I couldn’t resist hanging around until he came up. After all, I felt responsible for my guests, even though no lifeguard was provided. The rule was “Swim at your Own Risk”.

Alex came up in a flurry of bubbles. He smiled as soon as he saw me looking down on him. I asked, “How’s it going? How’s the water?”

“The water’s great. I’m really enjoying myself.”

“Good; I’m glad.” Then I continued my walk around the perimeter of the pool.

He went back to his breath-holding. I went back to the cash register. By then the other couple had come out and were soaking in the shallow end.

Alex got out and got dressed after about an hour or so. He paused at the desk to say hi. I asked how his swim had gone.

“I enjoyed it, Dean. I think I’m going to come back on Friday. I’m working on my breath-holds and working to get more comfortable not using a dive mask so much.”

“I’m like you,” I replied. “I use the dive mask to keep the water out of my nose. But sometimes I try to swim without it. It can get pretty tight on the face.” He nodded his agreement.

I looked at him curiously. “So you’re coming back on Friday?”

“I was thinking about it? Why? Is Friday a bad day or something?”

“No. I work part time, and that’s my next shift.”

“Is it really? That’s interesting. I guess I’ll see you Friday, Dean.”

“See you later, Alex.” Then he gave me a wave of his hand before heading out the door.

I tried not to give it much thought. But I was strangely excited about him coming back on Friday. I just didn’t know what to do about it.

I decided to play it casual. Besides, Fridays can be unpredictable. Lately we’d been getting a few more early-morning customers.

I opened up early on Friday and got the place ready for business. Alex showed up five minutes after the place was officially open. He smiled when he saw me behind the counter.

I asked, “More breath-holding, Alex?”

“That and a little swimming along the pool floor looking for coins.”

“If there are any at all, they should still be there. I don’t vacuum the pool until Monday morning.”

“I’ll remember that,” he said with a smile. Then he went to the locker room to change.

He had just come out in a light green speedo when a couple of older ladies showed up. But that didn’t surprise me. Our place was popular for soaking in the early morning hours.

I watched Alex put on a dive mask at the deep end of the pool. Then he submerged and headed for the bottom. I saw him clutching his red hand-weights.

The ladies came out of their locker room. They took up crouching positions in the shallow end. Then they soaked and chatted while Alex surfaced and then submerged in the deep end.

After a while I decided to make my perimeter pass around the pool. It wasn’t really necessary. But I used it as an excuse to look around and see who was doing what to whom in the water.

This time I made my pass in the opposite direction. Alex was my first stop in the deep end. When I got there I noticed he was flat on his back, the little red weights on his chest.

He was not wearing his dive mask. Bubbles came up out of his mouth and nose. His eyes were closed as though he was concentrating.

I glanced along his body and noticed his cock tenting his speedos. In fact, it looked like the tip was peeking out a little. It had a strangely arousing effect on me.

His eyes opened and he looked up. Then he moved the weights off his chest. He slowly came up to the surface until his head emerged out of the water, leaving him panting quietly for breath.

I asked, “How’s it going today, my friend?”

He smiled as he replied, “It’s going great, Dean. I’m trying it without my dive mask. It stung a little to begin with. But it’s not so bad now. You been in the water lately?”

I paused to think about it. “Not since the day you helped me with the vacuum. I think that was Monday.”

“Yes it was.”

“Well, don’t let me keep you from your breath-holding.”

“No problem at all, Dean.”

I smiled as he inhaled. Then he submerged. I watched him go all the way down to the bottom, releasing bubbles out of his nose. Then he grabbed the red weights to help keep himself on the bottom before lying flat on his back.

I looked up and continued my perimeter pass. My cock was stirring, and I didn’t want it to show. I briefly stopped by to check on my other guests who were enjoying themselves. Then I went back to my register.

Alex was in the water a little over an hour before he called it a day. He climbed out and dried off. Then he went into the men’s locker room to change.

When he was ready, he came out and walked up to the counter in his street clothes. I smiled as I asked him how his swim went. “Just great, Dean. I really enjoy this place.”

He paused as though he was deep in thought. I could tell something was on his mind. So I asked, “Is there anything else, Alex?”

“You say pool cleanup is Monday morning?”

“That’s right. I arrive early to vacuum and make sure everything is ready for the week. Why do you ask?”

“I was just wondering…”

Right away I knew what he was thinking. It made my cock stir as I considered the possibility we might get into the water together. But he said nothing. Clearly anything further was up to me.

It was out of my mouth before I could think to stop myself. “I’ll be here at eight, Alex. You’re welcome to show up at that hour if you wish. You don’t have to help me or anything. I’ll just be vacuuming the pool and cleaning up before the guests show up. If you want, I’ll even leave the front door unlocked for you.”

“Oh really? That sounds like fun. Maybe I’ll show up early on Monday, Dean.” Then he gave me a big smile before he headed out.

I got quite the hard-on right after he left. It took a few minutes before I could calm myself down. I don’t know why I was so aroused at the thought of him coming early. So I tried to put it out of my mind. Besides, I had my weekend activities to look forward to.

Alex was on my mind when I showed up early Monday morning. I wore a set of baggy green swim trunks under my street clothes. But this time I also wore a pair of white speedos under all that.

I was in a state of semi-arousal when I opened up and started to get things ready. Then I broke out the pool vac. I wanted to get it done early in case I wanted to go for a swim with Alex before customers began to arrive after the nine o-clock hour.

I was in my white speedos vacuuming the pool when Alex showed up. I told him he could go change if he wanted. He could pay me when he’d concluded his swim.

I felt my cock stir when he went into the men’s locker room to change. Why the hell was the thought of being underwater with him turning me on?? I just couldn’t figure it out!

He must have changed in record time. He was out of the locker room in his red speedos in no time at all. He jumped into the water head first and dove down to where I was moving the head of the pool vacuum.

He helped me push it around, making sure I got every spot that looked dirty. I was finished at a quarter after eight. I put the pool vacuum and hoses away while he got out of the water, went back into the locker room, and retrieved his swim bag.

He came out and caught me standing on the edge of the pool at the deep end. “Going for a swim, Dean?” he asked excitedly. I could see his cock bulging in his speedos.

“Thinking about it,” I replied with a smile and a surge of erotic tingles. Then I dove head first into the water. He dove in a couple seconds later.

We tread water together in the deep end, starting our swim by making small talk to break the ice. Then he filled his lungs and dove for the bottom. I followed him down, my cock refusing to soften. By now, the fabric had turned all but transparent, just as I knew it would.

Alex made a long swim along the bottom. I followed his lead, moving behind him while staying out of the way of his kicking feet. We stayed down about a good forty seconds before surfacing.

We were clinging to the pool ladder when he asked, “How often do you get to do this, Dean? Do you get to enjoy a swim before you open up to the public?”

“I have to get here early enough, Alex. Many times I arrive without giving myself enough private time before customers start showing up. So it doesn’t happen very often.”

“I see.”

“I’m glad you said something Friday. I could use the swim. This is nice. And I appreciate the help with the pool vac.”

“Glad to help out. Anything for you, Dean.”

I felt a strange surge of excitement flow through me at his words. His appreciation seemed stronger than I’d anticipated. I felt such a rush of self-consciousness that I filled my lungs and submerged.

I dove down to the bottom of the pool. This time Alex was the one who followed me. We played about a minute’s worth of “Follow the Leader” before I headed back up with straining lungs.

We were at the surface treading water when he asked, “How about a breath-hold?”

My cock twitched in my speedos. I smiled nervously as I told him, “I’d like that. Would you mind if I went and got the brick and dive mask for myself?”

“Not at all, Dean.”

“Be right back.”

I was breathless and aroused as I climbed out of the water. He hadn’t said a word about my very distinct bulge showing through my white speedos. Of course, I hadn’t said a word about his either. But I was sure we’d both noticed each other’s.

I fetched the block and dive mask. By the time I got back in the water with him, he’d already put on a mask for himself. I smiled as I told him I was going to lie flat on the bottom.

I filled my lungs and submerged with the block. I went straight to the bottom. Then I laid out flat on my back before putting the block in my chest.

Alex surprised me when he came down and grabbed the bottom rung of the ladder. He hung right above me, all stretched out. His eyes stayed on me the entire time.

My cock got hard as a rock… but then again, so did his. He had this joyous smile on his face. I felt all self-conscious again, but to be honest I was enjoying myself.

We stayed like that for quite a while as he checked the watch on his wrist. Occasionally I released a few bubbles out of my mouth. They billowed up and hit him in the dive mask. He just grinned back at me.

Alex released a few bubbles of his own. After a while, he lost his buoyancy. Now he used the bottom rung of the ladder to keep himself from coming down on top of me.

I felt my chest heave as I competitively tried to push my time underwater. Alex watched me like a hawk. I felt self-conscious, but there was something about the way he looked at me that turned me on.

He looked like he was doing just fine. I figured he could hold his breath longer than I. Of course he was coming to the pool several times a week and was getting in a lot more practice.

My lungs were straining when I saw his stomach start to ripple. I lost a burst of air as I finally went up past him. Then I burst up at the surface and gasped for breath.

He came up a couple seconds later. I asked, “How’d I do?”

He checked his watch. “Not bad for a first time. That was a minute twenty-two.”

“I think I can do better than that. Ready to go again?”

“Ready when you are, Dean. This time I think I’ll take the bottom position.”

“Fine with me.”

We filled our lungs. Then we submerged. Alex went down and stretched out flat on his back on the pool floor while I clung to the bottom rung of the pool ladder looking down on him.

He set the block on his chest. Then he looked up at me and smiled. He seemed particularly excited about something.

I noticed his cock was stretching out his speedos. I could tell the tip was trying to peek out again. I don’t know why I kept looking down at his bulge.

The more his dick stiffened, the more turned on I became. He stared up at me until I smiled with embarrassment as I released a few bubbles. My cock was straining in my speedos.

We took turns releasing bubbles. His cock looked extremely hard in his suit. Mine was becoming uncomfortable as hell.

I watched as Alex allowed his hand to stray down toward his stomach. It brushed back and forth over his bulge. It was as though he wanted to touch himself without offending me.

I smiled and bubbled as I allowed my hand to caress down my body while I gripped the ladder with the other. I found my own bulge and rubbed it a little. That made Alex smile even more. It also seemed to give him the freedom to rub his bulge harder.

My lungs began to strain, and I lost more air. Alex released bubbles that hit my dive mask. I liked it, and I smiled back at him despite the burn in my chest.

I finally gave up and headed for the surface. Alex followed right behind me. We burst up together where he blurted out, “One forty-eight, Dean. You’re getting close to two minutes.”

I smiled as I panted heavily. Once more I found myself becoming self-conscious about what was going on. He looked at me carefully before asking, “Is everything all right?”

“All right so far, Alex.”

He seemed concerned about something. “You’re not offended by my, uh…”

I quickly suspected what he was anxious about. So I tried to put his mind at ease. “Not at all, Alex. I’m not offended by yours so long as you’re not offended by mine.”

He smiled as though visibly relieved. “Not at all, Dean. Now I have a suggestion going forward with our next one. Do you want to go again?”

“What time is it?”

“Eight forty.”

“I’ve got time. I can be in the pool until about nine when the customers might start showing up. Of course, I might want to change into something a little more suitable before then. So what’s your suggestion?”

“How about this? Whoever’s lying flat on the bottom gets to set the pace and dictate the rules for the next breath-hold. Whoever’s on the bottom can do whatever he wants, and the guy on top has to follow his lead. Does that sound ok to you?”

I smiled as I told him, “Sound’s ok to me, Alex.” But that’s when I felt another erotic jolt as I smiled self-consciously.

This time I would be the one heading down and lying flat on my back. Clearly he was giving me permission to do whatever the hell I wanted down there. Then he would follow my lead.

What was I going to do? Was I just going to keep doing regular breath-holds with Alex? Or was he giving me permission to allow this to take off in a rather exciting direction?

2021 (written Jul 1 ’21 by riwa)

Posted in Male stories, Underwater Stories | 2 Comments

Chastity’s little fuck-toy part 2 (a Club story) 4.5 (39)

I spent the rest of that evening getting myself all worked up thinking about fucking the lovely little lesbo Lexi in the drowning tank. It didn’t help matters any whenever I caught sight of her in her attendant’s uniform and that short skirt she was wearing as she wandered about the Club with her tray of drinks.

Every time she saw me she would make a show of accidently dropping something on the floor near a customer. She would apologize for her clumsiness and then bend over to pick it up. She would show me and everyone else who had a good view that she wasn’t wearing any panties.

She would always glance back at me and then bring her hand up to her mouth in a gesture of “Oops; I’m naked under there!” Then her eyes would twinkle. She always gave me her most innocent smile before going on about her duties.

I think a part of her plan was to get me all hot and bothered. Perhaps she hoped I would really give it to her good when the time came. If she wasn’t careful she was going to get more than a good hard fuck. The idea of drowning her as I raped her had a certain appeal to it.

I was still undecided about snuffing her when I walked into the Entertainment stage area. Monique was taking advantage of the lull in business to tidy up the area. I saw her making sure the games were ready and functioning and that the place was spotless.

“Hi, honey,” she said to me as I walked up to her. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me.

“Please get the drowning chamber ready,” I said to her as I held her in my arms. “But don’t bother to alert the entire casino.”

“Oh?” I had definitely piqued her curiosity.

“This one will be a little different,” I told her casually. “Naturally our customers are more than welcome to come in and observe if they wish. I’m not sure yet if it will qualify as an official snuff.”

“I see,” she said, her eyes twinkling curiously. “I can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve, honey.”

“I should be back in about fifteen minutes,” I told her as I glanced at my watch, “…just as soon as I corral and prepare my little slut.”

“I look forward to it,” she said with a smile as I walked away…

I tracked Lexi down in another part of the casino. She’d just emptied a tray of drinks to some clients around a blackjack table. I walked up to her and grabbed her by the arm.

“Come with me, little girl,” I said quietly, manhandling her toward the one of the snuff rooms.

An element of fear filled her features. “What did I do, Mr. Rick?” But I saw the faintest twinkle in her eye.

“Don’t play the innocent one with me, little girl. You know what you did. A slut like you …flashing yourself around the Club like that?”

“I didn’t mean anything by it!” she declared, protesting her innocence.

“Of COURSE not! You’re just the innocent little employee in all of this, aren’t you?”

“Maybe I should go talk to Mistress…” Then she let out a garbled cry as I grabbed her by the throat.

“No, you little slut!” I hissed into her ear. “You’re going to deal with me!”

I marched her into an empty snuff room. “All right. Now strip!”

“You can’t do this to me! I belong to Mistress!”

“I can when I catch you flashing your ass to every Tom, Dick and Mary in the Club. It’s up to me to discipline little sluts like you!”

She was taking a little too long. Perhaps it was intentional. That’s when I started pulling her uniform off myself.

“Hay wait! You can’t…!”

She struggled in my grasp as I finished removing her uniform. Sure enough, she was wearing virtually nothing underneath. I decided to leave her in her black nylon stockings, garter and black heels.

I dragged her over to the closet in the corner. Inside I found plenty of rope. That’s when I started tying her arms behind her back, crossing them over each other hand to elbow.

I wrapped some of it around her chest, crisscrossing it through the cleavage to her heaving breasts. She looked rather sexy with the rope crossing in front of her like that. “Let me go!” she demanded indignantly as she twisted and squirmed in my grasp. “Once I talk to Mistress you’re going to be so fucking sorry!”

“Not as sorry as you’re going to be,” I told her sternly. “Now you and I are going to the Entertainment stage.”

“NO!” she gasped in horror. “You can’t! I belong to Mistress! She’s the only one who can…!”

“You just don’t understand, do you? I’m the club’s co-owner. I can do anything I want with you, you little tart! So I think it’s time I take you up onstage and fuck some sense back into you!”

“No! You can’t! I’m a lesbian! I’ve never had a cock in any of my holes before! Let me talk to Mistress! There’s been a terrible misunderstanding!”

“Oh there’s been a misunderstanding all right. You misunderstood if you thought you could flash your bare ass all around the Club and not end up being disciplined for it!”

“I can’t help it if Mistress wants me to wear short skirts and go naked underneath! Talk to her about it; she’ll explain everything!”

“Mouthy little slut, aren’t you. I see I’m going to have to shut you up.”

I dragged her back to the cabinet and reached in for a handy little pecker-gag. “NO!” she gasped as she wriggled her head around, trying to resist.

I held her head steady and forced her mouth open. Then I shoved the business end in past her lips. She cried out in indignation as I cinched it down tight.

“Got anything to say to me, you little slut?” She screamed in fury, the gag muffling her cries. Then I started to undress.

Her eyes grew big as saucers when she saw my erection. Then she started shaking her head. I smiled as I told her, “You don’t have any choice in the matter, you teasing little bitch!”

I spun her around and pulled her against me, pressing my hard cock into her backside. Then I reached around and squeezed her tits. She writhed about, crying out in protest until I ran a hand down and found her cunt.

It was dripping wet. It was just as I suspected. The little nymph was getting off struggling against me.

“SLUT!” I hissed into her ear. Then I thrust a couple of fingers into her snatch. I used them to finger-fuck her hard.

“I should have known. A defiant little slut like you? This must be exciting you. Well let’s just see how excited you remain once we reach the Entertainment stage.”

She cried out into her gag as I fucked her hard with my fingers while humping her with my erection. Her cries dissolved into moans and whimpers as her body began to respond. She started thrusting back until I could feel her trembling like mad.

I leaned in close and whispered into her ear. “I think I should take little lesbo Lexi up onstage into the drowning chamber. Maybe I’ll introduce her to her first male cock while I’m drowning her ass. That should be a lot of fun, don’t you think?”

The little tart stiffened before she started to shudder. I was sure she was starting to orgasm. She let out a muffled cry as her cunt clenched tightly around my fingers.

After a few seconds she abruptly went limp in my grasp. She moaned weakly into her gag as she panted for breath through her nose. “Did we have ourselves a nice little cum?” I chuckled mockingly into her ear. “That ought to knock some of the defiance out of you. Now let’s go pay a visit to the Entertainment stage, shall we?”

Once more I reached into the cabinet. This time I pulled out a Club robe for myself. One of us was going to be naked as we paraded through the casino. But it sure as hell wasn’t going to be me.

I heard Lexi moan weakly as I marched her out of the snuff room in her stockings, garter and heels…

I walked the little slut throughout much of the interior of the casino, allowing everyone to see us. The red glow was not on, causing some to murmur in confusion as to what I was going to do to her. By not alerting everyone to an impending snuff I figured I might draw even more curiosity seekers to the Entertainment stage.

I smiled inwardly when I saw some of them talking to each other in hushed tones. A few motioned curiously in our direction. It made me wonder what type of an audience we might generate without the red glow alerting people.

Lexi started to put up a struggle the closer we got to the Entertainment stage. I saw her look around with pleading eyes. She let out muffled cries for assistance to many of the folks who were looking at us.

The whole time I had this strange feeling she was playing along. In fact I got the impression she wanted more humiliation. Turns out I was more than happy to give it to her.

I stopped short in an open area where everyone could see us. I pulled her back to me as she grunted in alarm. “So you want to make a scene in front of all these nice folks, eh?” I said loudly, attracting even more attention. “Pardon us, folks; this will only take a minute.”

Once more I wrapped my arms around her from behind, grabbing her tits with one hand as I reached down with the other to her crotch. In an instant she knew what I was up to. She gave out a muffled cry of alarm as she shook her head.

As far as I was concerned it was too damned late. “Putting up a fuss, are we?” I hissed into her ear. “Still being defiant? Let’s just see if we can change that, shall we?”

I cruelly fingered her dripping snatch right in front of everyone watching. Lexi let out a muffled cry. Then I felt her body tremble as she started to moan.

She writhed and squirmed in my grasp. But I refused to let go as I fingered her hard. She shook her head as though imploring me to stop, crying out into the pecker-gag in her mouth.

It must’ve gone off inside her with a devastating eruption. She stiffened as though every muscle inside her had seized up. Then she started bucking in my grasp, humping against my fingers with her crotch as her eyes rolled.

She finally sagged in my grasp, moaning weakly. I could feel her quivering. Her face flushed red with embarrassment at cumming in front of everyone watching.

I told our astonished guests, “Please pardon the interruption, folks. Thank you for your patience and understanding.” Then I grabbed Lexi’s throat.

I squeezed until she started to choke and gasp. “I think it’s time for your little swim. Let’s get you to the drowning tank, shall we?”

She whimpered helplessly as she trembled like mad. I marched her off toward the Entertainment stage. Behind me I heard murmurs of “Is he really going to drown her??” I could not help smiling inwardly at the attention we were generating.

When we reached the stage my wife’s eyes flew open in astonishment at who I’d brought in. Her jaw dropped open in utter shock. “Drowning tank!” I told her curtly. “I’ll be going in with this one. Give me a depth of five feet, ok? That should be more than enough to drown this little slut.”

I glared menacingly at Lexi. The poor thing grunted in horror. But I thought I saw a flash of lustful desire in her eyes.

The moment was fleeting before she reverted back to form. The little slut whimpered as she writhed in my grasp. Monique drew close, concern in her features.

“I hope you know what you’re doing,” she said quietly as she followed us up on stage.

A crowd was starting to gather, curious why the stage was not lit up. Lexi whimpered at my wife, pleading with her eyes to be delivered. Monique was all business as she opened the tank.

I pushed the little slut inside. “This one needs some discipline,” I explained. “I thought I’d go inside and teach her some manners. She hasn’t had cock yet. So I figured I might as well introduce her to mine.”

I dropped my robe, revealing my raging hard-on. In the tank Lexi let out a muffled cry, shaking her head no. Monique looked at me for a long moment, still a little surprised.

Her expression changed until she got this wicked smile as she looked in on the horrified little lesbo. Then she affectionately patted me on the shoulder. “Enjoy yourself, honey,” she said to me, as I stepped inside. “If Chastity gives you any trouble I’ll tell her it was all my idea.”

She closed the door to the tank with a wink, sealing me in with the trembling little nymph. Monique made a brief inspection of the valves and connections. Then she headed back down to her station.

Lexi cried out as she was sealed in with me. She tried to rush the door, but it was much too late. I grabbed her with a laugh, pulling her against me with her back to me.

I chuckled into her ear, “I’d say it’s time for us to get better acquainted, wouldn’t you?”

She shook her head as she cried out, “HUNH-UNH!”

I reached around and started molesting her again. There was a sound of valves opening. That’s when water started rushing into the floor of the tank.

Lexi instantly let out a muffled cry as I fingered her cunt. She was wet and clenching. The slut trembled like mad.

Despite her protest, a part of her really seemed to be into it. I suspected the rest was nothing more than an act. Maybe she desired to add some excitement to her situation.

It wasn’t long until there was about a foot of water in the tank. It was certainly enough to drown her in. I forced her down onto her knees and then pushed her forward until she was horizontal, her head totally submerged.

She writhed and squirmed, bubbling as I held her down. I chuckled as I told her, “There’s not much water in here right now. But there’s certainly enough to drown in. Would you like to find out?”

She cried out in a flurry of bubbles, violently shaking her head. I pulled her up for a quick breath. Then pushed her back down, doing that several times just to give her a taste of things to come.

When I finally pulled her to her knees the water was rapidly approaching my crotch. My hard cock was throbbing with need. I showed it to her, only for her to snort and sputter, her eyes wide in horror.

It was time to remove the pecker-gag. I wanted to put her slutty mouth to use. She protested as she tried to resist me.

“No! I’ve never sucked cock before! Please… you can’t make me!” Despite our time in Chastity’s pool together she was acting like this was her very first time.

‘No problem,’ I thought as I gave her a nasty smile. I figured I could play along if she wanted. Then I saw movement out of the corner of my eye.

I turned to see an astonished Chastity sitting on the front couch with an unobstructed view of the two of us. Lexi spotted her as well. That’s when she cried out for assistance…

“Please, Mistress! You’ve got to help me! I was only doing what you – GLUMPH!”

I shoved my hard cock into her mouth, shutting her up as I looked directly at Mistress Chastity. I wanted to see her reaction as I needed to know if I had overstepped my bounds. All it took was a flash of something in her expression for me to realize her little fuck-toy was indeed mine to do with as I pleased.

“Suck it!” I demanded as the water slowly climbed my cock.

Little Lexi grunted and gurgled as I drove it deep down her throat. Her eyes got bigger as the water continued to rise. She finally snorted bubbles as the water reached her mouth and nose.

“What’s the matter?” I laughed. “Can’t you breathe?”

She cried out and bubbled as I firmly held her head in place. She grunted with each thrust as I drove my cock deep down her throat. I finally pulled out before pulling her head above water.

She gasped like crazy, coughing a little. Then she cried out, “Your cock is underwater! I can’t hold my breath!”

“Then you’ll probably drown,” I told her casually as I forced her back down.

She went under in a flurry of bubbles. She twisted her head and shoulders, struggling in vain. I simply forced my cock back into her mouth until she grunted as I fucked her face.

I glanced out the front of the tank. A large number of patrons had shown up to watch. Some were probably there out of morbid curiosity while others were clearly excited.

As I scanned the spectators I saw one woman stroking her man’s cock inside his unzipped trousers. Another had gotten onto her knees and was shamelessly blowing her male companion. Chastity had an attendant kneeling in front of her, no doubt to attend to her throbbing muff.

I pulled Lexi off my cock and showed her the audience we had garnered. “See, you little slut? Look at all the attention we’re getting. We’re putting on a nice little show for all the customers. Isn’t that nice? Isn’t that what you’re here for?

She started to say something. I just thrust my cock back between her lips. She grunted and gurgled as I fucked her face again.

I felt my cock start to swell as my balls ached for a release. I chuckled at her as I asked, “Are you ready for your cum cocktail?” There was an eruption of bubbles out of her mouth and nose as she tried to shake her head.

I drove my cock deep down her throat. I held it there as she gagged and grunted. A moment later I exploded in her mouth, filling her mouth with my seed.

She coughed an eruption of bubbles before I slowly pulled out of her mouth. My cum swirled out past her parted lips for everyone watching to see. She bubbled as I kept her head submerged to examine the results of her efforts.

Out in the audience I saw that one man grab his woman’s head, jamming his cock down her throat with a roar. Not too far away I saw that other guy’s eyes roll as his woman stroked him to a release. Then I pulled Lexi up for a breath, determined that everyone watching should get a great view of my full treatment of the little slut.

“Please!” she coughed and sputtered. “I can’t… hold my breath!”

I told her, “I guess you should’ve thought of that while you were bending over and flashing your ass to everyone while serving drinks.”

I lifted her body up out of the water enough to feel around for her tight little cunt with my cock. “NO!” she gasped, her eyes opening wide. “I’m a lesbian! You can’t!”

I pulled her down until I impaled her while my cock was still a little hard. She let out a cry while glancing out into the crowd. I could tell she was giving a pleading look in Chastity’s direction.

I thought I saw something flash in Lexi’s eyes. Was she non-verbally goading her Mistress, reveling in the cock she was getting? I just pushed her over backward until her head went under the surface.

She bubbled as I grabbed her tits. I gave them a savage groping as I fucked her hard. Little lesbo Lexi cried out an explosion of bubbles as she tried to thrash about.

I didn’t fail to notice her wrapping her legs around my ass. It was as though she was pulling me into her just as deep as I could go. An instant later the two of us were fucking each other like crazy, her tight little cunt squeezing the life out of my cock as she bubbled with her head underwater.

I pulled her head up, allowing her a couple of gasps for breath. Then I pushed her backward onto her back again. I drew my knees up underneath me as I submerged with her.

I raped her tight little fuck-hole with enthusiasm. She grunted and bubbled as she fucked me back. Gone was her defiance; she was getting from me what she truly seemed to want.

I stood up to pull her up several times for air. But it was never long enough to allow her to fully get her breath back. I brutally shoved her back down onto her back until she screamed a flurry of bubbles.

Her whole body stiffened until she started bucking. The little slut came all over my thrusting cock. She was so aroused in that position that I forced a couple of orgasms out of her as the water continued to slowly rise before I decided it was time to give her a change of scenery.

I pulled her upright, allowing her to gasp weakly for breath. I slid out of her pussy and turned her around so she was facing away from me. Then I turned the two of us so we were directly facing a rather excited crowd of spectators.

“Can you see how many there are out there?” I hissed into her ear. “They’re all watching me fuck the shit out of you. I wonder how many are secretly hoping I’ll drown your ass?”

I thrust my cock into her from behind. She whimpered as she shook her head. That’s when I shoved her forward head down into the water.

I grabbed her shoulders and started pounding her hard. I got a good view of Mistress watching us. Her eyes were wide with breathless excitement.

The poor attendant kneeling in front of her had her head jammed into her crotch. Chastity’s hands were fully entangled in her dark hair. The attendant was brutally humped as she was forced to feast on Mistress’ snatch.

The co-owner of the Club looked as though she didn’t have a single reservation about my raping her little fuck-toy in the drowning tank. She was happily getting her own sexual needs tended to as she watched the spectacle. But Chastity wasn’t the only one getting serviced.

I saw a handful of women bent forward over chairs as they were fucked from behind by their male companions. I even caught sight of Carmen discreetly fucking her secretary Sophia over near a corner, probably with that handy strap-on of hers. The whole scene had the makings of a full-blown orgy.

I finally decided it was time to move on to the grand finale. I pulled Lexi’s head up out of the water. Then I pulled my cock out of her cunt.

“One more hole to go!” I said aloud. “I think everyone here wants me to drown you as I rape your ass.” Then I loudly called out, “AM I RIGHT, FOLKS?”

There were eager cries of “YEAH – DROWN HER ASS!” and “DROWN THE SLUT!” as the little nymph whimpered helplessly.

“Time to fuck your shit-hole, little girl,” I gasped excitedly.

I pressed the head of my cock against her rosebud. Then I forced her head down into the water. A moment later I shoved my dick inside.

Little Lexi screamed a froth of bubbles as I violated her anus, raping her enthusiastically. I pulled her head up out of the water just to hear her agonized gasps for breath. Then I forced her head back under.

Amazingly, the little slut wrapped her legs around my waist again. I felt her push herself back against my thrusting shaft. A moment later she let out another bubbly scream.

I felt her stiffen before her orgasm tore through her little body. Her muscles tightly clenched as though trying to force my dick out of her ass. Her hands flexed like crazy as her body twisted about, impaled on my stiff cock.

I glanced around at everyone watching us. It seemed clear what they all wanted me to do to her. I was already leaning toward drowning her the moment I shoved little Lexi into the tank. But it wasn’t until I looked right into Chastity’s eyes and saw her eager expression that the decision crystallized in my mind.

My cock was on the verge of exploding in her ass when I pulled Lexi up for her very last breath. I loudly told her, “Time to drown, you little slut! Everyone out there wants me to snuff your ass! Last breath, little girl!”

I kept her head up long enough to allow her one final protest. “NO! You CAN’T! PLEASE…!” That’s all she got out as I cruelly pushed her down into the water.

She bubbled anxiously as I began to fuck her ass harder. I grabbed onto her waving braids, tilting her head up so everyone could watch her face as she drowned. The little slut grunted and bubbled as she tried to fight against me.

I couldn’t help noticing how frantically she fucked me back. It was as though she knew how little time she had left. Maybe she wanted to make the most of it. Maybe she wanted to please me. Or maybe she wanted to please Mistress Chastity who was watching with a lustful gleam in her eye.

I raped her ass relentlessly as she drove herself back against me, impaling herself deeply onto my throbbing rod. At the same time she put up a fierce struggle as though trying to break free. The more breathless she became, the more she seemed to fight me.

I could hear eager cries from the spectators… “DROWN HER – DROWN THE SLUT!” Then I felt it swell within me. A moment later Lexi grunted and gurgled with a jerk as her lungs gave out.

For a second I felt her body stiffen. Then she went into violent spasms as she started to drown with my cock up her ass. I think she was cumming again.

There was no way I could hold it back. My cock exploded inside her, my hot seed filling her rectum. I swear I heard her grunt in response as though she could feel me cumming inside her.

My eyes locked onto those of the fuck-toy’s Mistress. Chastity’s expression was one of breathless, wide-eyed excitement. She jammed the head of her poor attendant hard into her crotch as though eager to get off while her fuck-toy drowned.

I grabbed onto Lexi’s head as her body continued to jerk around, all caught up in the throes of drowning. I stared right into Chastity’s eyes, almost as though we were making a connection or something, Then I savagely twisted the head of her little lesbo fuck-toy.

There was a distinct “CRICK”. Lexi’s body jerked in response. That’s when I saw Mistress jerk with a start on the couch.

It was almost as though she’d actually experienced the sensation of me breaking her slut’s neck. Then she jammed the attendant’s face into her crotch so hard I thought she was going to smother the poor thing to death.

For a few seconds Lexi’s body bucked and jerked as I continued thrusting into her ass, allowing her tightening muscles to milk me dry. Her convulsions were the delicious spasms of one whose brain had been severed from her body. I barely acknowledged the cheers of the crowd as my focus was on the dying little slut in the tank.

Her body twitched and jerked spastically as I finished fucking her ass. Then there was no movement at all – no twitches or jerks. I found myself raping the ass of a corpse.

I finally pulled out, my cum leaking out of her anus. I rolled her over onto her back to look at her face underwater. The little slut looked astonished. Yet she had this incredible expression as though I’d broken her neck in the midst of a monstrous, never-ending orgasm.

Her mouth gaped open. Little bubbles slipped out past her parted lips. By now I think her lungs had fully flooded.

The spectators continued to applaud and cry out their approval. I sucked one of her nipples into my mouth. It seemed to harden up a little. I attributed it to an automatic response of the nerve endings in the immediate area.

I couldn’t help caressing her warm, yielding breasts as she floated limp in the water. I swung her around and moved between her legs. I spread them apart and did a little licking, tasting the flowing death-cum from her cunt as I lapped between her labia.

Her nectar was tantalizing, further confirming why Mistress had liked her so much. I licked a little more before deciding I’d had enough. Then I rolled her over face down before pushing her lifeless body aside.

“She’s all yours, Mistress!” I called out to Chastity with a smug expression. Then I turned to look at my wife Monique. By the look on her face I could tell she’d enjoyed my performance while standing at her station.

“You can drain the tank now.”

She reached down, looking a little breathless. I heard the sound of valves opening. Afterwards I heard the sound of flowing water.

A few minutes later the tank was empty. I was left standing with the corpse of a bound, naked young woman lying face down on the floor.

Monique came up onstage and let me out of the chamber. She handed me a towel as she picked up my robe. That’s when I saw Chastity approach the edge of the Entertainment stage. Her attendant had been left crumpled on the floor and was trying to get her breath back.

“Absolutely breathtaking, my dear boy! Such deliberate cruelty! You’re becoming more ruthless with each passing day! An absolutely superb performance!”

Nearby spectators murmured excitedly about what they’d just witnessed. Then they began to drift away, no doubt headed back to their gambling. I could tell by the look on some faces that our sex rooms were soon going to be in use. Even Mistress looked like she needed a fuck.

Chastity looked at the corpse on the floor of the drowning tank. Then she shook her head as though annoyed over something. “That wicked little slut! Taking her first cock and then getting herself snuffed for it! And here I was planning on impaling her juicy ass and then roasting the little bitch while she was still alive, just so I could watch her squirm around on the pole as she cooked. I wonder if she deliberately decided to take another way out.”

Mistress gave me a long, questioning look. Then she sighed as she shook her head. “Nothing we can do about it now, I guess.”

She looked down at the unmoving body. “I hope it was everything you wanted it to be, you little tart!” Then she turned and looked at me one last time, a look of amusement on her face.

“It sure looked like you thoroughly enjoyed yourself, my dear boy. I’m satisfied with the results if you are.” Then she turned and walked away, waving her hand dismissively.

“Throw the slut in the incinerator. She’s no good to me now. Sprinkle her ashes on the indoor plants. Maybe she’ll help them grow.” Then she was gone.

For a moment I’d forgotten I was still standing there naked. My wife helped me back into my robe. Then she wrapped me in her arms, kissing me fiercely.

“My gawd! I hope you enjoy yourself like that when it’s my turn to go! You really raped the little slut! And when you cruelly snapped her neck like that? GAWD!”

She kissed me hard again before pulling away. “I’ve got half an hour!” she told me breathlessly. “I want you to take me, damn you! Take me and fuck the shit out of me!”

I told her I’d already cum twice. But I would certainly do my best. “Just leave that to me,” she said with a wicked grin as we descended the Entertainment stage and headed off to find an empty sex room…

2010; 2020 (written Feb 9 ’10; ed. Jun 30 ‘20 by riwa)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.4 (7)

Coming February rewards

The Santamos Island concierge
Someone is assisted by a nurse, but not necessarily in a good way.
Another chapter to Donna’s shore leave.
A story about an underwater killer photographer, inspired by an Aquafantasies clip.
Emma has an after-work visit with her boss.
I dreamed I drowned them 2, two more short stories inspired by pictures.
Another Mr. Wayne chapter.
The concluding chapter to the Melissa drowning saga.
A story about a lover’s fetish.
Another chapter to the game show Russian Roulette.
A second chapter to a story called My Mother the Breath-holder.
And another chapter to Girl’s Night Out (if I can get to it).

December stories/rewards will fall off at the end of January to make room for February rewards.

And here I thought January would prove to be mostly uneventful…

Mom had another fall. This time she had no idea how she reached the floor. So it was another trip to the emergency room. Long story short: she had a low blood count and a very slow heart-rate. So they installed a pacemaker. Mom no longer feels sluggish. She’s feeling much better than she has in a long time. We even went to a restaurant on her birthday. I’m appreciative she got through 2021 and that I got to have her around long enough for her to reach another birthday. So we’ll see what happens this year.

I’m working on more unfinished projects. I didn’t even make it a New Year’s resolution. I just told myself I need to see what I can finish up. So we’ll see how many I can get to this year.

I hope your January has been nice, with good health and minimal stress. Thank you for being my patrons.

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Going home with a stranger 4.4 (43)

Part 1

Emma was in fine form as she worked her shift at the biker bar. The petite little Asian waitress was wearing a skimpy, poet hippie blouse with her daisy dukes, guaranteed to attract a lot of attention. What completed the ensemble was a pair of calf-high sand mocs she liked to wear, especially since they were soft enough for the floor vibrations of the cooler to penetrate through to the soles of her sensitive feet.

She was the center of attention as she moved among the tables serving drinks. Several eyes were upon her – both male and female – and she loved it. She sensed she was working up more than one customer into a lather with her small frame and enticing attire.

As much as she was getting appreciative glances from the customers, she was getting equally unhappy glares from her two working companions. They were not happy she was getting all the attention. Sometimes she overheard them talking about her, and she sensed she was pushing their buttons.

The little adrenaline junkie couldn’t help wondering what they might do to her if they ever managed to get her all alone. No doubt it would be deliciously wicked. She couldn’t help trembling as she imagined all the nasty things they might put her through just to make her suffer.

She enjoyed tormenting them with her attitude as well as her provocative apparel. But for now she had other fish to fry. It had been too long since she’d sucked her last cock.

Tonight she was in the mood. Her eyes kept scanning the interior of the bar in the hopes of finding a suitable male. From there it was only a matter of seducing them, perhaps even luring them into forcing her over her flirtatious ways.

She picked out a few worthy subjects. But unfortunately they’d brought along their girlfriends. She still managed to flirt like hell with them, angering their female companions even more. It further added to her erotic tingles as she imagined what those bitches might do to her in response to flirting with their boyfriends.

As the evening progressed she encountered a handful of promising prospects. But none of them seemed interested. All she could manage was some harmless flirting before heading off to wait on another table. It appeared her chances of finding the right man to seduce tonight was waning.

Her shift was winding down when a guy in a leather jacket came in. He looked to be close to her age. What’s more, he looked strong and rugged.

Those were the kind she liked most of all. He appeared to be just the type to rough her up a bit before forcing his cock down her throat. The thought gave her delicious tingles.

She immediately drifted his way before either of her working companions could get there first. She could tell he was interested by the way he looked her up and down. It made her quiver with arousal.

She took his order, brought his drink back and then accepted his invitation to sit down for a chat. In no time at all she was flirting like crazy despite the angry looks from her coworkers. She soon began envisioning a profitable conclusion to her shift, a conclusion where she would get to take him deep down her throat.

She played it cool, asking him what he was doing after her shift was over. He told her he was headed back to his apartment. She was certainly welcome to join him if she wanted.

Emma felt another erotic shiver ripple through her. What would he do to her once he got her back to his place? The thrill overpowered her good sense as she graciously accepted his invitation.

She excused herself to clean up her section, telling him she’d be ready to go in a few minutes. Then she waltzed back to the bar with her tray of empty glasses. She smirked as she told her coworkers, “Looks like I’ve got myself a date, you bitches.”

“Slut! Don’t you know better than to go home with strangers?”

“Jealous?” she shot back defiantly. “Maybe if you two gave better blowjobs you’d get more action!”

“Better watch your back, bitch!” the other snarled sourly. “One of these days I might catch you alone somewhere. Then I just might wipe that smug look off that fucking face of yours!”

Emma giggled with the knowledge she’d pushed their buttons again. One of these days they were going to make her pay. But it looked like it wasn’t going to be tonight.

“Don’t be pissed off with me,” she retorted innocently. “It’s not my fault he likes me.” Then she looked over at the guy waiting for her to return, giving him a seductive grin.

“Don’t wait up for me, bitches,” she told them with a smile. “Now if you don’t mind, I’ve got something juicy to go suck on.”

“Bitch!” they retorted in unison. She just giggled as she headed over to his table.

He stood up when she came over. “I’m all yours,” she told him, slipping her arm through his. Then she turned and blew her two coworkers a kiss, trembling excitedly at the angry glares they gave her.

If looks could kill…

He drove her to his apartment, telling her he would be more than happy to drive her back to the bar later to pick up her vehicle. She told him that would be fine with her. Then she followed him in through the front door.

The place was nothing special. The grand tour was finished in a matter of minutes. But Emma quickly picked up on the fact it had been decorated with a woman’s touch. She strongly suspected there was someone else in his life.

It occurred to her she might be taking an awful risk being alone with him in the apartment. All that did was add to the erotic tingles swirling inside her. It was terribly exciting knowing his girlfriend could walk in on them at any moment.

“Well?” he finally said as they stood facing each other in the living room.

“Well what?” she asked innocently. It was time to start playing hard to get.

“You gave me the impression…” he started to say as he reached for his fly.

“What impression?” she asked innocently.

She felt a jolt of erotic tingles as his face clouded. “At the bar you acted like…”

She promptly cut him off. She wanted to work him up into an angry mood, dangerous though that could turn out to be. “Acted like what?” she asked with a frown. “Surely you didn’t think I came over here because…”

“Well you damned sure gave me that impression! What the hell was all that back at the bar?”

“I was just flirting!” she protested indignantly. “Surely you didn’t think I was coming on to you, did you?”

“I damn well did, you bitch! Now I expect you to put out!”

“Where… in here?? It looks like you’ve already got a girlfriend! You never told me that!” Erotic tingles at the danger she might be putting herself in were growing stronger by the minute.

“You never acted like you cared one way or the other. So what if I’ve got a girlfriend! You acted like you were interested in giving me a blowjob tonight!”

“I did? When the hell did I do that??”

“At the bar, you fucking tease!”

“Look!” she shot back. “I was just trying to be nice is all! It’s what us waitresses are paid to do. If we’re nice to you we get better tips!”

She could sense were this was going. He was getting angrier by the minute. But she was getting herself all worked up the way things were developing.

There was just one hitch. She was taking a bit of a chance. If she wasn’t careful, she just might find herself in real trouble!

He glared angrily at her. “You were trying to be nice, eh? Well you can be nice by getting on your gawd-damned knees!”

“And you can be nice by taking me back to the bar. I don’t have to put up with this! You have a nice apartment and all. But I don’t want any part of no fucking girlfriend!”

“I said ‘GET ON YOUR FUCKING KNEES’, bitch!”

“What part of ‘take me back’ don’t you understand?”

Emma phrased her words carefully. She hadn’t actually said ‘no’ to him. She still wanted her blowjob; she just wanted him to force it on her.


“MAKE ME!” Emma shot back as a jolt of tingles hit her hard.

He lunged for her and she jumped out of the way. She let out a cry as she raced for the door. He got there before she could get it open.

He flung her back across the room. Emma bounced off the sofa and crumpled onto the floor. It left her momentarily stunned… and tingling like crazy.

He was upon her in seconds, opening his fly and pulling his pants down. Then he shoved it in her face. “Suck it, damn you! You’d better start sucking if you know what’s good for you!”

“Looks like I don’t have much choice in the matter,” Emma responded glumly.

She was trembling like mad; this was the best part. She was a little afraid she might embarrass herself by cumming right in front of him. But she was horny as hell as the cock she wanted hung at the ready.

She got down on her knees and took his cock in her hand. Then she started carefully licking the tip. He sternly told her, “Better do a good job, bitch, or those friends of yours at the bar might never see you again.”

“They’re no friends of mine,” she replied in rebuke, shivering at the eroticism of his threat.

She took him deeper into her mouth, allowing her tongue to swirl all around his quivering shaft. It was a nice cock, a glorious cock. And it was all hers!

Emma loved how she’d worked him into her erotic little plan. Once she got the mouthful she wanted he would calm down enough to drive her back to the bar to pick up her vehicle. Would she explain to him later how she enjoyed poking males into roughly making her suck cock? Maybe she’d let that remain her little secret.

It was possible he might not cooperate in the end. Would she be able to come up with a backup plan? She certainly hoped so.

It was a risk she loved to take. After all, she’d pulled this kind of stunt many times before. But she was fully aware how much trouble she could get herself into if she wasn’t careful.

Maybe that was the problem. Maybe it was the damned adrenaline rush she loved. She was addicted, as every now and then she just had to push her luck in order to get herself off.

She backed off a little, causing him to roughly grab her by the back of her head. “I said SUCK, you fucking tease!” Then he started ramming his cock hard into her mouth.

She groaned as he shoved it in deep until it hit the back of her throat. Her eyes rolled as she felt the approaching storm that was her oncoming climax. She could not help wondering what he would do if he were to actually see her cum right in front of him.

He began to swell in her mouth. Emma knew she was in for his accumulating load. She took him deep, furiously bobbing up and down on his cock as he thrust it hard between her lips.

She tasted his creamy warmth as it filled her mouth. There was more than she had anticipated. She moaned as it leaked out around her lips.

She did her best to swallow it down. Emma was proud she’d gotten him to blow it all down her gullet. But in the heat of the moment she didn’t hear the front door open behind her…


It was a female voice. And the female sounded pissed. Emma felt an erotic jolt hit her hard as the situation took an unexpected turn for the worse.

“Angel, I can explain!” the boyfriend sputtered. “This is the, um… waitress from the bar and… and she needed…”


Emma stiffened in alarm as those erotic tingles returned in a flurry. She could not help instinctively sucking him dry. Besides, it was too late to do anything about it now.

He been caught with his pants down. So she might as well complete the job. Did it really matter whether or not she was in deep shit? She would simply have to find a way out of her predicament.

She was suddenly pulled away from the cock she’d been working on. Then the petite little Asian was thrown clear across the floor. She shook her head as she tried to regain her bearings.


Emma struggled to rise to her feet. Then she put on her most defiant expression. She knew better, but she was so turned on right now… so addicted to the rush she was experiencing.

“Look; I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend, ok? It’s not my fault. Maybe if you did a better job of sucking his cock then he wouldn’t have come on to me. Now if you two will excuse me I’ll be leaving. You two can figure out how to handle this fucking mess you made with each other on your own!”

“You’re not going anywhere!!” the woman screamed at her.

She jumped onto the petite little Asian, sending Emma to the floor. Then she climbed on top of her as the little bartender tried to fight her off. But she was much too big and Emma knew it.

Angry hands wrapped around the struggling Asian’s slender throat as the pissed-off girlfriend straddled her. The hands squeezed murderously. Emma’s eyes started to bug out as her panties became soaked from the erotic peril she found herself in.

This was getting deadly serious! Emma struggled in growing alarm as she tried to pry the hands off from around her neck. “STOP!” she gasped, her eyes flying open in horror as her pussy throbbed with a terrible ache at the danger she was in. “YOU’RE… CHOKIG ME…”

“Damn right I’m choking you!” the angry young woman sputtered. “The only good sluts in this fucking city are dead ones!”

“STOP!” Emma gasped, unable to pull air down her windpipe.

She started to rasp for breath as her tongue instinctively poked out. Her eyes felt like they were bulging out of their sockets. She became extremely dizzy as she clawed in vain at her attacker’s arms.

She heard the boyfriend’s anxious voice. But he sounded far away… “Angel? What are you doing to her?”

She tried to call out to him to intervene. But no words would come forth. It suddenly occurred to her she might end up being choked to death on the living room floor of some angry bitch’s apartment.

There was a roaring in her ears as she felt herself start to black out. She tried to wriggle and squirm underneath the angry woman, desperate to escape the peril she was in. But the bitch was a big biker chick just like her bastard of a boyfriend, easily overpowering her and keeping her down on the floor.

Emma let out a garbled cry that was unintelligible. Her eyes rolled as an overpowering climax hit her hard, devastating her. A moment later she passed out, fully believing she’d made a serious miscalculation and that she would never awaken.

Gawd! What the hell had she been thinking by risking going home with a stranger…?

2011; 2020 (written Aug 26 ’11; ed. Jul 16 ‘20 by riwa)

Part 2

Emma moaned softly as consciousness slowly returned. Her eyes fluttered open, only to discover she was lying on her chest on the bastard’s living room floor. That’s when she became aware his bitch of a girlfriend was hogtying her.

“What are you doing?” she muttered as she started to struggle.

“Just hold still!” her captor demanded sourly, tightly securing ropes around her writhing body.

“What are you DOING to me?”

“Shut the fuck up, you little slut! I think I speak for all women everywhere when I say you’ve got this coming to you!”

“You can’t do this to me!”

“Like hell I can’t!”

Emma caught sight of the guy she’d blown as he watched from the sofa. She could see some concern in his eyes. Perhaps he might help if she appealed to him.

“Make her stop, ok? She can’t DO this to me! She’s going to be in so much trouble!”

He lifted up his hands as though he wanted no part of it. “Hey; don’t talk to me. When Angel gets mad and sets her mind on something, there’s no stopping her.”

“Tell her I didn’t do anything – OW! That hurts, you bitch!”

“It’s going to hurt a lot worse before I get through with you, hun!”

“Don’t ‘hun’ me, you bitch! Just let me go and I’ll be on my way – OW! MY ELBOWS!”

“You think THAT’S bad? Try THIS on for size.”

Apparently she pulled hard on some rope. It caused Emma to cry out as it dug into her crotch. She moaned weakly, sensing she was in real trouble.

“I’m sorry, ok? Now let me go – OW!”

Rope was wrapped around her ankles, pulling them back at the knees toward her ass and her bound wrists. Emma panted heavily, her situation becoming worse by the moment. In desperation she gasped, “Let me go, ok? Let me go and I won’t tell a soul!”

“Oh, you won’t be telling anyone a thing after tonight, hun… not after I get through with you.”

The girlfriend tugged on another length of rope. It caused Emma to cry out again in pain. But her most noticeable sensation was the erotic jolt of alarm at that last comment.

She whimpered and moaned as she struggled in vain. Things were going downhill rapidly. If only she hadn’t come home with some strange guy she’d just met at the bar just to get some cock for her mouth!

“Almost finished,” the woman named Angel chuckled sinisterly. “Just one more loop for you, hun.”

She grabbed Emma’s head by a handful of hair, yanking her head back. “Say ‘ahh’!” she giggled. Then she looped a coil right over Emma’s head, snugging it up against her throat before patting her on the head like a good little puppy.

“There you go, hun. All set.”

She gave the rope a good tug. It caused the petite little Asian to gasp upon finding herself partially strangled. “WAIT!” she rasped in alarm, her kitty screaming at her as the crotch ropes rubbed her mercilessly. “You can’t… do this to me! I can’t… breathe!”

“I think the little slut has finally gotten the idea!” Angel crowed triumphantly.

She rose up and walked over to the sofa. Then she sat down next to her nervous boyfriend. “Enjoy the show this slut’s going to put on for us, baby. This will definitely be better than cable!”

She laughed as she leaned forward, not wanting to miss a single moment. Emma started to wriggle and squirm, desperately trying to slip out of her bindings. All she accomplished was making the crotch ropes rub her kitty even harder as the rope around her neck tightened around her windpipe.


“Why don’t you try squirming a little more, hun?” Angel suggested, her eyes flashing excitedly. “I think you almost had it there.”

The anxious Asian struggled again. That only made the rope tighten around her neck. The harder it got to breathe, the wider her eyes opened in alarm.

“Getting hard, baby?” Angel asked her boyfriend with a sly grin. “Here; let me help you with that.”

She unzipped his fly and exposed his hardening cock. Then she smiled as she took it in her hand. “I can understand why you like cock, hun,” she chuckled at a wriggling Emma. “I love sucking on it too.”

Emma rasped and gurgled, struggling to ease the tension around her neck. She saw Angel lean over and take her boyfriend’s dick into her mouth. The bitch began sucking on it lovingly, all the while keeping a watchful eye on her sexily squirming captive.

“Please!” Emma gasped. “I can’t… breathe…!”

“Now that’s a crying shame; ain’t it, babe?” the cruel woman asked her boyfriend with a chuckle. “The poor thing’s finding it hard to breathe. Don’t worry, baby” and she stroked his erection even more. “It’s ok if you get hard watching her suffer. I’m horny as hell just watching the little slut strangle herself.”

Emma felt a jolt of horrifically erotic tingles hit her hard. She was on the verge of a humiliating orgasm. But that was something she had no desire to experience right in front of the two of them sitting on the sofa.

The noose was exquisitely strangling her. Worse, the crotch ropes rubbed her mercilessly. She didn’t think she could hold it back much longer.

“Look at her eyes, babe!” Angel observed excitedly. “I think the bitch LIKES it! She’s actually going to CUM for us!” Then she took her boyfriend’s cock deep down her throat, leaning over at an angle to watch the struggling Asian so as not to miss a single, erotic moment.

Emma struggled weakly, gasping for breath as she tried to relieve the stress around her neck. But it was no use. A moment later the erotic horror of her situation caught up to her.

She winced as she climaxed shamefully hard. She moaned and gurgled, her hands flexing behind her back. Her feet wriggled in her mocs as the orgasm washed warmly through her body.

The sadistic biker chick gasped incredulously as she stroked her boyfriend’s cock. “Did you see THAT, baby? The fucking slut just creamed herself! Look at her eyes! The little bitch looks like she’s high!”

Emma moaned weakly, only to gasp for a partial breath. She was having a hard time getting any kind of air down her windpipe. What’s more, she could feel the humiliating onset of a second orgasm.

“Please!” she rasped, coughing and sputtering. “Can’t…… breathe…. let me….. go!”

“Oh, we’re going to let you go all right, you little slut. After you’ve been good and strangled, we’re hauling your sorry ass down to the dock. Then we plan on throwing you into the river so you can have a nice swim to cool off. Oh, don’t worry, hun. We’ll leave those ropes on nice and tight for you.”

Emma shuddered in erotic horror, wondering if she’d pushed her ‘danger fetish’ just a little too far. Was the bitch actually going to make sure she didn’t make it out alive?? “NO!” she croaked. “WON’T GET… AWAY WITH IT… YOU’LL BE… SORRY… PLEASE… CAN’T BREATHE!”

“Oh I’m sorry, all right!” the biker chick snarled at her. “I’m sorry I can’t get more of you sluts off the street! All you bitches think you can suck our men off and then get away with it? Not THIS time, hun! This time I get his cream all to myself while you get strangled!”

She leaned over and started sucking him deep, her lips brushing against his balls. Emma choked and strangled on the floor in front of them. His cock actually swelled in her mouth.

Was it from the blowjob he was receiving? Or was it the sight of the slut asphyxiating right in front of them? He wasn’t sure, but it certainly didn’t help the way his girlfriend caressed his balls, her eyes watching the struggling little Asian the whole time.

Emma tried to wriggle free. But the ropes were too tight. Now she could clearly feel a second orgasm charging toward her.

She pleaded one last time with her eyes, gasping and gurgling. Then she heard the bitch moan as she took her boyfriend’s load. The petite little Asian caught sight of his spunk as it dribbled down her cheeks.

Angel grinned wickedly at her, her eyes flashing. “I get his cum. But you get to strangle for us.”

The girlfriend bobbed up and down to clean him off. That’s when Emma was hit by a devastating climax. It washed hotly through her body, battering her senseless.

She got dizzy as hell as she tried to breathe. But she was deeply strangled as she weakly writhed about on the floor. Her eyes rolled as darkness overtook her, battering her into unconsciousness.

“Oh no, you don’t!” the biker chick declared, leaping up and rushing over to loosen the rope from around Emma’s neck. “You don’t get off THAT easily, hun! I want you wide awake when we toss you into the river. I hear drowning can be such a painful way to die. So I want you to savor every delicious moment!”

Angel turned grimly toward her boyfriend. “Help me throw this fucking slut into the trunk of my car, ok? You’re going to help me take her down to the river and throw her in.”

“Yes, honey,” he said meekly.

As it turned out, he was more afraid of his girlfriend than he was of anything else. He stood up and zipped up his pants. Then he walked over to help his girlfriend gather up an almost unconscious Emma for her trip down to the river.

Emma moaned weakly as consciousness fully returned. It was dark and uncomfortable all around her. But there was the distinct sensation of movement.

She was still bound and tied. At least the noose around her neck had been removed. Then she suddenly rolled as what she was in shifted.

Where was she? Then it came back to her. She was barely conscious when…


She remembered the ominous comment about being thrown into the river. Emma gasped in alarm. Instantly she began working frantically to loosen the ropes that bound her.

Her goose would be cooked if she was tossed into the water the way she was now. The crotch ropes were still in place, mercilessly tantalizing her kitty. She had to fight not to surrender to the painfully forced pleasure she was experiencing as she fought to free herself.

She had just worked a couple of ropes loose when the car she was in suddenly came to a stop. There was a distinct smell in the air, the smell of river water. Then Emma heard two car doors slam, immediately followed by the voice of that bitch Angel.

“We’re here, baby. Let’s throw the bitch off the fucking dock and then get the hell out of here!”

Emma whimpered as she renewed her efforts. Then she heard the sound of a key in the trunk. A moment later it lifted open.

She looked out into a night dimly illuminated by the faint lights of the big city off in the distance. “We’re here, hun,” Angel said as she looked down on her, flashing her teeth in a wicked grin. “This will be your last stop. I sure hope you brought a dive mask and scuba gear along with you. No? Oh well… too bad.”

Emma felt a jolt of horrific tingles as she gasped to catch her breath. “Don’t do this!” she begged. “We can make a deal, ok? I’ll do anything you want!”

“Oh, you’re going to do what I want, all right. It’s simply really. I just want you to drown in the river. Now let’s get you out of that trunk, shall we?”

Emma cried out as boyfriend and girlfriend reached in and lifted her out. The sadistic bitch carried her by her armpits as her submissive companion got her by her knees. Together they hauled her down a slope to an anchored dock that floated partway out into the moving water.

“You won’t get away with this!” the frightened Asian gasped anxiously, her heart hammering in her chest. “You’ll go to prison for sure! You’ll end up being someone else’s bitch!”

“Not when the only witness to my crime is lying at the bottom of the river,” Angel told her with a cruel smile. “Now it’s time for your little swim.”

Emma squirmed and struggled as she yelled at the top of her lungs. Wasn’t there someone out there who might hear her desperate pleas?? “NOOO! SOMEBODY HELP ME! YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!”

Emma heard the clump of feet as they walked her out onto the dock. She felt the foundation underneath her give from the sensation of wood floating upon water. Then they reached the end of the dock.

Emma was treated to the lights of the city reflecting off the water as the river wound its way toward the large metropolis. “LET ME GO!” she cried out one last time.

“Oh, we’ll let you go in a moment,” Angel chuckled sinisterly. “There’s just one more arrangement I need to make.”

With a deft move she looped a coil of rope back around Emma’s neck. It asphyxiated her again as it choked off her cries for help. “There,” she chuckled with sadistic cruelty. “That ought to really get you off. Strangling AND drowning? Mmmm! I bet you’re going to put up one hell of an erotic struggle as you settle into your watery grave.”

Emma gawked and gurgled, rasping for breath as she tried to free herself. “CAN’T BREATHE… NOT TOO LATE TO… CHANGE YOUR MIND… DON’T DO THIS… WON’T GET… AWAY WITH IT…”

“Hun?” the woman said, giving her an icy glare. “If I had my way I’d strangle and drown every fucking slut in this town! But that’s ok. For now I’ll just start with you.”

She turned to her boyfriend who was dutifully holding onto Emma’s knees. “On three, ok? Then we pitch her into the water. One…” and they started to swing Emma back and forth…

“NOOO!” – gawk – “DON’T…”




With a mighty heave Emma was launched into the air with a garbled cry. Then she hit the water with a splash. Her clothes immediately took her down.

She climaxed almost immediately at the horror of dying from a drowning strangulation at the bottom of the river.  She could feel the current carry her downstream as she went ever deeper into the darkness and chill of the depths. She struggled to hold her breath, even as her legs tried to straighten, resulting in strangling herself.

Angel and her boyfriend watched for a few moments, admiring the burst of bubbles erupting up at the surface. Then she turned and punched him in the stomach. “You bring home one more slut like that and I’ll cut your fucking balls off in the middle of the night while you’re sleeping! You GOT THAT??”

“Yes, Angel,” he responded meekly. As his girlfriend stormed back to the car he took one last look at the water before turning and following her…

The water was fucking cold! Emma thrashed about like mad, struggling to get back to the surface. The noose was choking her, but some of the ropes had loosened.

An arm suddenly came free. Her lungs heaved as she struggled to break free. If she didn’t get back to the surface right away she would never make it.

She wriggled and squirmed, pulling frantically with her arm. Her head came up out of the water, far enough downstream for her captors not to notice. She got half a breath that was choked off from the noose. Then she slipped back under the surface with a burble.

She grunted and gurgled, air dribbling out of her mouth and nose. Her kitty was screaming at her at the erotic thought she might very well end up in a watery grave. But she was determined not to go down without a fight.

She pulled frantically with her arm, popping up and snatching another half-breath. She could only imagine that fucking bitch getting off imagining her struggle to survive. It was nearly enough to trigger a second orgasm, and she fought like hell to hold it back.

The cold was sapping her energy; exhaustion was setting in. Emma knew she didn’t have enough strength to struggle much longer. Besides, the strangling rope was making her dizzy as hell.

With a frantic jerk she somehow managed to work her other arm free. But her legs were still bent at the knees, the noose strangling her exquisitely as it connected to her ankles. She pulled with her arms as she popped up at the surface, noticing to her relief that she was not far from shore.

She gagged and gurgled as she half swam, half dog-paddled. If she could reach the shallows she might be able to reach back and loosen the rope around her neck. But it was taking everything she had.

With one last lunge she settled onto a shallow spot. Emma was able to get a little rest without having to work to stay near the surface. She reached back, gawking and gurgling as she struggled with the coil around her throat.

Some of the ropes had loosened. But others had tightened in the water. Emma was afraid she still might strangle herself to death, only for her body to be found on this section of river.

She reached back, feeling extremely dizzy as her kitty screamed at her. She found a loose end and pulled with all her might. Then her feet suddenly flopped over as her orgasm battered her into unconsciousness…

Mercifully the cold water she was lying in awakened her quickly. Emma somehow clawed her way to shore. She was desperate to get out of the frigid water.

She finally found some dry land. She clambered onto the bank, shedding the rest of the ropes from her body. Then she simply lay there panting heavily, her body tingling wildly from the adventure she’d just survived.

“Stupid slut!” she muttered to herself. “That ought to teach you not to go home with strangers!” But deep down she wondered how long before she tried it again.

Would it be two weeks? Three at the most? How long before her dangerous fantasies lured her into another risky encounter with a stranger?

She rested a few minutes more before she got the strength to stand up. For now it was just a matter of getting her bearings. Then she headed back to the bar to pick up her vehicle.

She patted her pocket. At least the keys had somehow stayed with her. In this late evening heat she figured she would drip-dry soon enough.

It occurred to her she might need to move away for a while. She didn’t want to run into Angel again. Maybe a couple years down in Florida would make the bitch forget all about her.

As she started walking she realized she might be far enough away where a ride would be beneficial. But first she would have to get back to the road. That’s when Emma started tingling again. Hitchhiking this late at night in the outfit she was wearing could very well lead to yet another dangerous little adventure…

2011; 2020 (written Aug 26 ’11; ed. Aug 7 ‘20 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories, Drowning Stories, Emma Stories | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Air mattress in the cove 4.1 (15)

Note: an older, re-edited story.

Melanie loved spending her summers on the South coast of France. She loved removing the top of her favorite camouflage bikini and going topless. And on those rare occasions when she found the right beach she would lie out sunbathing in the nude.

She loved the attention she got from the men who walked by. It made her feel sexy. She also thought that the dragon tattoo on the right side of her stomach gave her an air of daring, causing her to garner even more attention to herself. But sometimes she preferred sunbathing on a private stretch of beach away from prying eyes.

She loved the warm waters of the Mediterranean. She would frequently wade in up to her chest. She liked to dunk herself and blow bubbles, enjoying the way her flaming red hair would swirl around her face. But the one thing she hadn’t learned yet was how to swim.

She could paddle a little like some of the dogs she saw in the water. But she suffered from a bad case of arrogance. She had neither the desire nor the patience to attend a class to learn how to swim properly. She always believed she would either eventually teach herself or that one day she would run into the right man who would give her special lessons.

She was always careful whenever she entered the water, usually making sure she never got in over her head. A couple of times she waded out into water up past her shoulders. But that was as far as she went, although she did long to go out into deeper water. She always made sure of the depth beneath her, especially since she didn’t want to get caught in a retreating tide and pulled out to sea.

One day she walked down to the beach in her camouflage bikini, carrying a towel large enough to lie upon. She also carried another towel she intended to use if she got her hair wet. She was in the mood to do a little topless sunbathing. But if everything worked out she was seriously going to consider shedding her bottoms.

The beach had a few individuals, most of them nude or topless. But she wanted some privacy. So she made her way along the sand in her bare feet.

She was contemplating a private section she knew just around the bend. It contained a sheltered cove that was virtually unaffected by the tidal currents. If she found herself alone she was going to do a little skinny-dipping. She also thought she might try wading out into water at eye level, perhaps to blow a few bubbles.

When she rounded the corner she smiled to see her favorite stretch of beach was empty. That’s when she noticed someone had left a translucent green air mattress lying around. She wrinkled her nose in disgust at how someone could leave such a thing behind. She suspected it belonged to some uncaring foreign tourist.

She walked over to it and discovered it was functional. The idea of floating on the water appealed to her, especially with such a device in her possession. She could safely drift out into deeper water with the mattress underneath her.

Moving around would be no problem. She could easily paddle herself out and then back into shore in the sheltered section of water. The mattress would keep her head up out of the water.

She blew it up until it was total inflated. Melanie checked it for leaks. But there did not seem to be any.

When she looked around and confirmed she was still alone. So she shed her bikini top and bottoms, tucking them into her towels. Then she headed for the water with the mattress in her grasp.

She waded in up to her knees. Then she jumped onto the inflated material. Her forward momentum sent it drifting out toward the gateway to open water.

She rolled off it with a splash, bubbling with delight. Then she climbed back on. It was the perfect discovery for a morning dip before the beach would become crowded.

She slipped off and hung onto the end as she moved out into deeper water. Melanie kicked her legs, happily splashing as she steered the inflatable object around. She was careful to keep sight of the shoreline, wanting to keep the beach well within reach.

She delighted in the feel of cool water all over her naked body. She had a sudden urge to be daring. Melanie wanted to test her abilities. So she took a deep breath and went under as she clung to the mattress, her heart beating fast.

There was nothing beneath her feet other than the cool of the Mediterranean. She felt a jolt at the knowledge she was in water well over her head. She bubbled as she pulled herself back up with her arms, clinging to the mattress as her hair matted down over her face.

Being submerged was a thrill she hadn’t anticipated. So she took a deep breath and pushed herself back under. Once more she bubbled, her red tresses flowing around her.

She pulled herself back up. Feeling confident in herself. What if she let go of the mattress entirely? She could do that, couldn’t she?

She went underwater, this time letting go. She felt a jolt of alarm. So she quickly kicked herself right back up and grabbed onto the mattress.

Her heart beat fast. It had been a little scary. But the mattress had been right there and nothing bad had happened, right?

She tried it again, pushing herself under and holding her breath. She was not as alarmed as before. Then she kicked herself right back up.

This time the mattress had drifted a couple feet away. But with a quick lunge she kicked toward it. Melanie was able to grab onto it again.

She let out a playful laugh. She was exhilarated at the joy of her newfound play-toy. What’s more, she was now using it to overcome her anxiety of being in deep water, especially here on her own private section of beach where she could enjoy a nude dip.

She pushed herself downward again, reveling in the sensuous feeling of cool water on bare skin. Her nipples hardened considerably until she felt herself becoming more than a little aroused. Melanie bubbled happily as she kicked upward, bursting up for a breath before reaching out and grasping the air mattress once again.

With a floatable object within easy reach she became a bit more daring. Melanie became curious as to whether or not she could reach the bottom. Just how deep was she? Could she push her feet into the sandy soil below?

Taking a deep breath she pushed herself downward. Air trickled out of her nose as she used the palms of her hands to push herself down. Once more she felt that anxiety the deeper she went.

She fought off the feeling as she waved herself deeper. She wanted to reach the bottom where the water would feel cooler. A little more and she felt her toes push into the sand

Hooray – success! With a triumphant burble she kicked upward, pulling with her arms. In no time at all she was back at the surface, clinging to the mattress and panting quietly. It was over her head, but not very deep.

“That was easy!” she told herself. A surge of confidence coursed through her veins. That’s when she found herself wanting a better challenge.

She kicked herself out a little deeper, feeling the excitement well up in her chest. Then she pushed off, waving her arms with her palms up as she worked her way down again. Her red hair streamed above her as she released bubbles.

Melanie felt the seductive caress of cool water flowing over her exposed crotch. It made her hot with arousal. She loved the way the way cool water turned her on.

It took her a little longer, and her anxiety toyed at the fringes of her consciousness. But once again she managed it. Melanie touched the sandy bottom with her toes, gleefully wriggling them around.

She kicked upward, pulling with her arms. ‘Now I can teach myself how to swim!’ She grinned as she chased her bubbles back to the surface.

She popped up and discovered the mattress had drifted out of reach. She felt a minor jolt of alarm. But she confidently paddled toward it, an awkward mixture of kicking and flailing with her arms.

Once again she reached it with no trouble at all. Melanie smiled triumphantly. This wasn’t bad at all; in fact it was actually quite exciting!

She clung to the mattress, her slender legs kicking back and forth as she shivered with delightful tingles. She checked her distance back to the beach. It was well within range.

She wanted to go farther out. Melanie wanted to challenge herself even more. Now she could tell her friends she could reach the bottom of the ocean by herself… well, so long as an air mattress was around.

She was enjoying submerging and surfacing in the nude. She wanted to do a little more while she was still in possession of the inflatable. What if the owners came back and demanded it?

She was really becoming turned on. Being naked in cool water, going all the way to the bottom, was resulting in a sexual desire that was starting to throb in her pussy. Could she get herself off like this?

Melanie suddenly became curious. How long could she hold her breath? She was becoming more confident submerging. Now would be a good time to further test her abilities.

She was not wearing a watch. But she could gauge how well she was doing. Melanie filled her lungs before pushing herself downward off the mattress.

Once more air trickled out of her nostrils. Her red hair streamed upward toward the surface. It felt wonderful.

She had to wave her palms up harder. She had to work for it a little more as she was definitely out in deeper water. But once again she felt her feet touch the sandy bottom.

Melanie felt a thrill she’d managed the task yet again. Buoyancy wanted to lift her back up. She kept waving herself down until she was almost crouching.

She looked all around, releasing bubbles out of her nose. It was an incredible sensation being this far below the surface. She looked up to see she was probably no more than 5 meters down… maybe 6.

She looked up, her vision somewhat blurred by the water. She could clearly make out the mattress above her. It looked to be moving a little.

Was there a small breeze at the surface? Melanie felt a surge of uneasiness. That’s when she decided she’d been under long enough.

She kicked herself off the bottom, pulling hard with her arms. Air bubbled freely past her lips. She angled herself up toward the mattress and reached it easily enough.

She clung to it as it drifted out into the middle of the cove. Melanie panted happily at her progress. It felt like she’d been down a lot longer that time. With a little bit of practice she could go deeper… hold her breath and stay on the bottom even longer.

She kicked herself a little farther out. For the first time since she’d started her adventure she felt a flicker of hesitation. Was she going out too far?

An inner voice warned her not to get too cocky and to stay within range of the beach. Melanie acknowledged the voice. But she was having too much fun to stop now. Besides, a few more descents and she might very well cum without touching herself.

She moved closer to the opening in the cove to the Mediterranean beyond. She could hear the surf, indicating she was farther out than she’d ever been before. But she was becoming more confident in her abilities. Besides, she could easily ride the mattress back into shore if need be.

This time she took a really deep breath. She wanted to be down on the bottom much longer. Melanie wanted to hold her breath while enjoying the sensation of cool water on naked skin at the bottom of the sea.

Melanie filled her lungs. Then she pushed herself off the mattress, setting it in motion as she headed toward the bottom feet first. This would give her two nice challenges: a nice long breath-hold on the bottom followed by the swim back up to retrieve the moving mattress.

She ignored the warning in her head as she worked her way down. She was too excited with her challenge to pay it much attention anyway. She allowed more bubbles to trickle out of her nose as her hair swirled above her head from her descent.

It took longer to get to the sandy bottom. As she looked all around she understood why. The bottom had quickly dropped off the farther away from shore.

Melanie felt a delicious shiver of unease. But she had a task to perform. She didn’t want to chicken out and abort. She could do this!

Melanie burbled as she waved her way downward with the palms of her hands. She felt the coolness of sand as her toes wriggled into it. She smiled inwardly, feeling a surge of triumph.

It had taken a little extra effort. But she’d made it. That’s when she tried to settle in for a nice, long breath-hold, crouching on the floor of the cove as she looked upward.

She was definitely deeper, although the sun was still penetrating to her depth in the clear Mediterranean Sea. The water was bracingly cool. But it made her pussy hot with arousal knowing how deep she was.

Her nipples were incredibly hard. Melanie was more than a little excited. Her red hair flowed gently around her head as it began to settle.

Melanie brushed the strands out of her face. She looked up in an effort to locate the air mattress floating on the surface. It was farther away, much farther than she thought it should be.

She could see it heading toward the opening in the cove. It was drifting toward the stronger current of the tides beyond. If it went much farther the tide might catch it. If she wasn’t careful she might lose her prize.

Melanie felt a jolt of alarm. Instinctively she kicked off the bottom with her feet. Then she tried to angle herself in the direction of the mattress.

Something was wrong. It looked like it was trying to get away! And she was still over halfway down!

Her lungs began to heave as she frantically pulled upward with her arms while kicking with her legs. The stirrings of panic spurred her onward. Melanie began to fear she might have pushed her luck a bit too much.

Damn; she was deep! She felt so heavy; why was it taking so long? She must have bubbled a lot of her breath away.

She gave up trying to angle toward the mattress. Melanie needed the surface right now. She shot straight up, desperate for her next breath.

She burst up out of the water, gasped for air. Then she slipped right back under the surface. Without the reassuring touch of the mattress in her grasp she began to panic.

She popped up again, gasping once more as her hair plastered itself all over her face. She frantically brushed it out of her eyes as she slipped under again. Then she popped back up and turned to find the air mattress had drifted several meters away.

She slipped under again, bubbling in growing panic. She had to choose between going for the mattress or heading back to shore. Then she turned to look at the beach.

Right away she knew it was too far away. She seriously doubted she could make that swim. She could only paddle, and that was many, many meters away.

She slipped back under; she’d not learned how to tread water very well. She came back up sputtering. Then she frantically set off toward the wayward mattress.

It was her own fault. She’d gone too deep. And she’d pushed against the mattress too hard to give herself a challenge.

Melanie thought she could make it. She told herself she could make that. She just had too!

Melanie kicked and paddled toward the mattress. She gasped and whimpered as her heart hammered in her chest. There didn’t seem to be anyone else around. She just had to reach that mattress!

She could feel herself getting tired. Her forward moment wasn’t very fast. The mattress was still several meters away.

Instinctively she reached out for it, only to slip under the surface again. It scared her, and she frantically popped back up gasping and sputtering. Then she slipped back under.

She came up coughing and gasping. Once more she began that clumsy paddling toward the floating mattress. Melanie could feel panic setting in.

She was so tired. And she was out of breath. What’s more, the mattress appeared to be heading away from her as though not wanting to be caught… heading toward the entrance to the cove where the breeze made the water ripple that much more.

Melanie slipped under yet again. She kicked herself right back up, whimpering and crying out. In desperation she turned toward the beach.

She started to paddle toward it, only to discover how far away she was. Now she could feel the effects of the rippling surf of the Mediterranean. She was too far out in the cove and was starting to bob up and down.

Melanie turned and began paddling frantically toward the air mattress. She reached out for it, an arm frantically outstretched. But it was still well out of reach.

She got tired and slipped under the surface once more. She frantically kicked upward. Melanie popped up and gasped for breath, only to slip back under.

She shook her head in growing terror. She couldn’t tread water. Hair swirled all around her face.

She flailed for the surface, bubbles spewing out of her mouth. She popped up and gasped for breath. Then she slipped back under.

She grunted as she kicked upward again. Melanie burst up and gasped for breath. But she was too tired and slipped right back under.

There was no time to cry out, no time to scream for help. She was exhausted, struggling to keep her head at the surface. Melanie was too busy trying to breathe without vocalizing her distress… not that anyone was around to notice.

Melanie took a deep breath and then slipped back under. Tired muscles gave out on her. She drifted in place less than a meter below the surface.

She writhed and thrashed about as she struggled to contain the air in her lungs. She a burst of adrenaline and she shot up for another breath. Melanie coughed and gagged as her head popped up.

The mattress was floating nearby. But it was tantalizingly out of reach. By then her mind was overridden by full-blown panic.

She kept on going under. Each time that happened, her focus was on getting back to the surface. But then she would slip under again, bubbling frantically.

Her hair flowed around her face, obscuring her vision. She didn’t even try to brush it away. She kicked herself back to the surface and got a qui kbreath, only to slip below the surface again.

Her heart hammered in her chest. Melanie was filled with panic. That’s when she reflexively sucked water into her lungs.

She shot up for a breath, coughed and then slipped back under. Melanie coughed as she sucked down more water. Instinctively she began flailing upward with her arms, kicking haphazardly in a purely reflexive manner.

Air spewed out of her mouth as she coughed and gurgled. Every time she inhaled she coughed out more air. Soon she was coughing out water.

She flailed a meter under the surface, going nowhere in her disorganized thrashings. She began having painful convulsions, her lungs spasming as she tried to breathe. Her breasts bounced and heaved each time her body jerked and shuddered from another useless inhalation.

At some point Melanie was dimly aware of her body climaxing. A wisp of her creamy discharge leaked out of her pussy. But she wasn’t the least bit interested.

Her struggles lessened until her muscles gave out altogether. For a moment she drifted in place, every fiber of her being feeling brutally violated by flooding water. She tried to scream but she couldn’t move her lips. Besides, all that came up were a few solitary bubbles.

She looked up at the surface in shock as her lungs flooded. An occasional convulsion bent her over at the waist. The occasional bubble slipped past her parted lips.

Melanie was still conscious. Her body hurt like hell. Then she became aware of the fact she was actually sinking… heading once more for the bottom, away from the air her lungs so badly needed.

Her nude body drifted downward until she came to rest on her back on the sandy bottom. Her dying eyes looked up at the surface above. Melanie had just enough time for her mind to acknowledge the arrogance that had cost her her life. Then her vision faded as consciousness slipped away into merciful oblivion…

Later that afternoon a group of men and women in their early 20’s came to the cove. They stumbled upon the towels, the discarded bikini pieces and the air mattress that had eventually drifted back to shore. A quick search revealed nothing else.

It was assumed the items had been left behind. There was no other sign anyone had been there. No one knew what to do, so the items were left alone.

It wasn’t until a couple days later when Melanie’s body rose up near the surface from the buildup of the gases inside her that she was discovered. One of the girls who was swimming halfway out into the cove came upon her body as it was slowly drifting up. It made her let out an ear-splitting shriek of horror.

Two young men quickly swam out and brought Melanie’s body back in. But it was deemed far too late to save the unfortunate young woman. They summoned the local authorities to report what appeared to be an accidental drowning…

2011; 2020 (written for Kelly Jan 30 ’11; ed. Feb 28 ‘20 by riwa)

(Picture found on the Internet and added for illustration purposes.)

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Inspected and rejected 4.1 (34)

The town was quickly taken. Most of the men of fighting age were taken out and shot. That left the women and children.

I dared not disappoint Rambova and Nazimova. So I went through the women captives. I took out seventeen of the prettiest, aged from the late teens to early twenties.

Irena met me as the squad and I escorted the women to the two impatient female officers. She leaned close and whispered, “I believe you picked out some good ones in this bunch. They should be pleased.”

“I certainly hope so.”

“A large beam has been erected. See to it.”

“How many nooses, Irena?”

She gave the frightened women a quick glance. She seemed to have a knack for gauging these things. “I would say no more than twelve.”

I nodded before I turned and walked away. I got two soldiers to help me string up a bunch of nooses on the beam. Then we found a stool we decided should prove to be acceptable.

When I returned I discovered the females had all stripped for inspection. Rambova and Nazimova were looking at each one most thoroughly, poking and prodding. Breasts were squeezed and pussies were fingered.

Irena pulled two away from inspection the moment she saw me. “They already rejected these two. You know what to do.”

A soldier followed me as we escorted the two to the end of the beam where the first two nooses awaited. The women looked up and gasped in horror. I took the first one who was a brunette of perhaps 19. I helped her up onto the stool, looped the noose around her neck and then promptly pulled the stool away without even securing her.

She was still kicking when I moved the stool to the adjacent noose. The waiting blonde let out a plaintive cry as I helped her up. I didn’t bother to tie her hands either. I just noosed her and then pulled the stool away.

The two women kicked as they reached upward and grabbed their ropes, trying to pull themselves up to relieve the agony. It only took ten or fifteen seconds before their arms came down. They rasped as their struggles lessened until they gently swung back and forth, their bladders having given way.

Irena soon brought two more over. “They do not want these either.” I nodded in understanding as I moved the stool to the third noose.

I had no idea why these women were being rejected by Rambova and Nazimova. I presumed the two had very specific tastes in the captives they desired to spend their off-hours with. Our soldiers would not have rejected them thus. But I knew it was not wise to cross them as they had moved up in the ranks to become very powerful officers.

I grabbed the arm of the young woman in flowing brown hair and forced her up onto the stool. She looked frozen with fear, much like catching a deer on the road late at night freezing in place from the headlights of a truck. I quickly noosed her and then pulled the stool away before placing it under the fourth noose.

She didn’t fight as much while I attended to the fourth one in flowing black hair. She looked equally shell-shocked. I put her up onto the stool, noosed her up quick, and then pulled the stool away.

She fought harder, wrapping her legs around her dying companion as she tried to ease the agony around her neck. She lasted half a minute before her legs came away and she hung limp. Now there were four naked bodies swaying on the beam.

Irena came over with five and six. “Have they chosen any?” I asked anxiously in a hushed tone.

“One is acceptable. I think they are about to agree on a second.”

I nodded as I grabbed the arm of another long haired brunette. She certainly would have satisfied me for an hour or more. But once the officers had condemned the girls they were throwing away it seemed no man was to have them either. I think Rambova and Nazimova liked having these girls executed so we could not use them for our own lusts after having been rejected by the two sadistic officers.

The brunette let out a frightened cry as I lifted her up onto the stool. I quickly noosed her up and then pulled the stool out from underneath her. She gawked loudly before she started to kick and swing.

Another blonde, this one with short hair. She looked at the line of swinging corpse numbly. She did not resist as I lifted her up onto the stool.

I noosed her up and removed the stool. Her legs fluttered as she swung back and forth. Her arms started to come up. But then she allowed them to fall to her sides as though concluding that fighting would do no good anyway.

Irena came over with two more. I looked over to see Rambova and Nazimova had set three aside. The lucky ones seemed both shocked at the hanging of the others as well as relieved they had not been chosen to join them. I felt sorry they did not know their true fate once the officers had their fill of taking their pleasures from their warm bodies.

I wasted no time putting the next one up onto the stool and noosing her up. We did not have much time to delay. The army was on the march; this had to be done quickly.

The eighth one was bouncing off the seventh as her body fought to live. That’s when Irena returned with nine and ten. Rambova and Nazimova were groping and pawing and fingering two more with all seriousness. I was sure their time with their chosen captives would also be equally serious… and most likely quite pleasurable.

I noosed nine and ten and hung them both before putting the stool under the eleventh rope. It looked like the officers had finished with their selections. Irena brought the last two over. She had been right again… as usual.

In broken Russian an attractive blonde with the bun in her hair looked at me and said, “Spare me and I’ll have sex with you, yah?”

“I’m sorry, fraulein. But orders are orders. You must be hanged.” Already Irena was waiting with the stool under the eleventh noose while the last poor girl waiting to be hanged simply attempted to cover her breasts as though it was more important to be modest despite these being the last moments of her life.

The blonde fought me as I took her over to the stool and placed her upon it. Irena grabbed her arms and held them steady to her sides as I noosed her up. Then I took the stool away. She let out an awful fuss as she kicked and pedaled.

I went over to the last one as Irena moved the stool under the last noose. I did not even need to take her by the arm. With tears in her eyes she numbly walked over of her own accord and bravely climbed onto the stool.

Irena smiled appreciatively as she took the honor of noosing the last one herself. The girl inhaled sharply but did not resist. Then Irena kicked the stool away.

She hit the end of the rope and her feet began to flutter. It was as though she was trying not to resist the inevitable. Then it became impossible for her body to remain still as she kicked her life away.

Irena and I stepped back to watch as the last two settled into their final moments. Then Irena was called away to stay with the five who had been chosen. Again she had been proven right in her predictions.

I stood ramrod straight as Rambova and Nazimova came over to the line of hanged women. They went up to each one, pawing and probing and fingering admiringly. Sometimes I could not tell if they were picking women they wanted for themselves or women they simply wanted to see dangling from the rope.

They inspected each one as twelve corpses twisted and swayed. Some they set to swinging back and forth, others they set into a spin. Then they kissed each other, longer than was necessary. I wisely pretended I did not notice.

They did not acknowledge me in the slightest as they walked past. To them I had done the bare minimum and was not to be praised. I sensed in them a general loathing of men.

They rejoined Irena before leading the five survivors away. But Irena gave me a long, brief look. That meant she would endeavor to find a free moment to break away and find me so we could have our own rendezvous. I usually needed one after a multiple execution such as this.

(Aug 12 ’18. Inspired by the drawing created by Bor)

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Mourning hang 4.3 (33)

Life was over. She couldn’t stop crying. The romance was gone.

Her idle had died in the hospital. He was the great lover and romanticist Rudolph Valentino. Now she was devastated.

She hadn’t shown up for work in weeks. She just couldn’t dance anymore, not when the master of the tango had passed away. She couldn’t bring herself to do it like she used to.

Oh, she had her share of suitors. But none of them had lived up to her idol. She’d never even met the actor. But she was in love with him just the same.

She’d spent hours looking at his pictures. She’d collected every newspaper article with an image, every photo she could lay her hands on. It was all she lived for. And now he was gone.

The sheik was dead, the man every woman would have given herself to. She just couldn’t imagine a life without him projecting true romance on the screen. Now she wanted to end it all.

She spent days putting it off. But she only became more morose. There was no point delaying the inevitable.

She finally made up her mind she was going to do it. But how should she go about it? How did she want to go out?

There was only one way she could think of. She wanted to dance one last time for the sheik. She wanted to dance on air for the great lover.

She went into her bedroom and moved things around to make room. She found a brace up in her ceiling that would function nicely. Then she tracked down a thick rope and formed one end into a noose.

A part of her questioned what the hell she was doing. But she told herself there was no going back. She could not go on living without the symbol of true romance in the world.

She threw the noose up over the brace in her bedroom. Then she brought in a chair to stand upon. She measured the length of rope she would need to dangle from before tying off one end.

She paused as she thought about it. Did she just want to hang herself? Or was there more to it than that?

She decided she did not want to just hang. She wanted to dance one last time. She wanted to dance in memory of her lover.

She went into the living room and retrieved her two floor length mirrors. She’d used them so many times in the past, watching her every move to perfect her craft. Now she would use them to make sure her last dance was acceptable to honor the memory of the great sheik.

She set them up at angles so she could look into both of them. Then she adjusted the chair. Everything was perfect.

She went and retrieved all the pictures she had of Rudy Valentino. Then she sat on her bed and went through them one last time. It caused the tears to flow as she choked back a sob.

She spread them all around her bedroom. When she was done, not a bare inch of floor space remained. It was perfect.

She found a handkerchief and wiped the tears from her eyes. She wanted to look her best when she finally met her lover in the next life. Then she climbed onto the chair in her bare feet.

She looked at herself in the two mirrors. She examined every inch of her sensuous curves. Yes, she still had it. She would dance divinely for her lover.

She brought the noose down around her throat. She snugged it tight, making sure the knot was next to her left ear. Now she was ready.

She began to slowly gyrate on the chair, as much as the rope would allow. She waved grandly as she stretched her legs out one at a time. This was all for Rudy.

She watched herself in the mirrors as she moved with grace. She had limited mobility from the rope around her neck. But it was enough to put on a final performance.

She went through her repertoire, moving as much as she dared. A couple of times she almost lost her footing. “Not yet,” she told herself. “I’m not finished dancing for the great lover. I’m not finished dancing for Rudy.”

In her mind she was dancing for the one and only. She felt him take her into his arms. It made everything seem right with the world.

She looked into the left side mirror. This time she saw the great sheik himself. His arms were outstretched; he was calling to her.

“My love!” she cried out as she reached out toward him. He was still here! Romance had not yet died away.

As they reached for each other, her left foot slipped on the chair. She over-corrected with her right. That’s when she kicked it over behind her.

She only dropped a few inches before the rope took her full weight. Then she was airborne. But she could feel Rudy’s arms wrapped around her.

She kicked her legs as he lifted her up above him. Her heart soared with great joy. It felt like she was flying. Then it felt like she was strangling.

She began to kick and struggle. Her legs flew every which way. But the noose did not fully tighten just yet as she’d used a thick rope.

Rudy vanished from her mirror, replaced with the image of a naked woman hanging herself to death. She let out a raspy gurgle as she tried to reach toward where she’d seen him last. She kicked and gyrated as though she could entice him to return.

The more it hurt, the harder she danced. The more the rope strangled her, the more her legs flew. It was the dance of her life, her last dance for the great sheik.

It hurt so much that she reached up, struggling with the coil around her throat. In a moment of clarity she took her hand away. She was supposed to be dancing for Rudy, remember?

She saw him in the mirror again. This time he was naked. Was that an erection she saw?

Once more, he wrapped her up in his arms. Now she felt him inside her. She kicked and gyrated in growing, breathless agony as she felt excitement in her lady parts.

She could no longer get a breath down her throat. Her heart hammered in her heaving chest. She was aware of a strange pleasure between her legs…

It was Rudy. Her last dance had brought him to her. Her dance had brought him great joy.

She shuddered as she experienced a dying climax. Then she hung limp, too tired to dance anymore. She twitched and trembled as her eyelids fluttered.

Her tongue slowly protruded out of her mouth. Drool fell upon her full breasts, splattering her erect nipples. But she could no longer feel them.

For a moment, everything went dark all around her. Then it became light again. She was dancing a tango with her sheik.

He lifted her up into the air. Then he spun her away, causing her to lose her grip.

She reached out for him. But it became dark again. Then she was aware of nothing at all.

Her bladder released as she dangled quietly, gently swaying back and forth. There was a faint sound of the rope creaking. Thus, one more female had decided life was not with living without the great sheik… the great lover Rudolph Valentino…

2019 (written Dec 19 ’19 by riwa)

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Jan 5, 2022 Update 4.3 (24)

2021 was the year my mother and I spent some time in the hospital. I went first.

In February the doctor decided my gallbladder needed to be removed. Naturally, it was scheduled right after a major snowstorm, including daily temperatures of -9. So I drove into town and spent the night at a motel, hoping the car would start the next morning and I would not have to make a long walk in the cold and snow.

I had surgery the next morning. While I was under, the doctor decided to fix a hernia. But there were complications, and I ultimately had to go back under the knife to fix some leakage. Amazingly, the car started in below 0 weather, and I was able to safely drive home.

A couple days later I developed excruciating pain, requiring an ambulance ride back to town. They found a stone blocking the bile duct and removed it. I cannot recall ever experiencing pain that bad, not even my kidney stones. They removed the stone and put in a stent to fix the duct.

I went back later and had the stent removed, which took less time than it did to park, check in and get ready for the procedure. Those people are professionals, and are quite good at their jobs. I’m appreciative to everyone who looked after me during all my “visits” to the hospital.

In June it was mom’s turn. I got a call in the middle of the night. She’d tripped over a box and had fallen. I drove her to the hospital where it was discovered she had broken her left arm (she’s left-handed). She was in the hospital for several days, and in a rehab facility for another 2-3 weeks. Her weight dropped and we were quite concerned about her health.

She went to physical therapy for several weeks, only to discover she’d damaged her rotator cuff. She has much of the use of her arm back. But total healing will be limited, as surgery might not fully fix the rotator cuff problem.

The silver lining in this cloud? Mom did not smoke the entire time she was at the hospital and in rehab. When she got home, she didn’t even miss it. She has not smoked since, which is good because she has heart and respiratory issues she needs to be mindful of. But she’s doing so much better than she was back in August.

I did have a brief period where I had a sore throat for a few days. I just stayed home and nursed it. Not fun, but I got through it ok.

I have quite a number of edited stories collecting in my archives after posting them to my Patreon site. It occurs to me I could always try posting every 5 days instead of 6. And I can always upload an extra story every now and then if I’m so inclined. I might try that this year. So if you see stories posting every 5 days instead of 6, you’ll know what I’m doing and why. I hope that’s ok with you.

Thank you so much for stopping by. I appreciate having you visit my site to find a story or two that interests you. Take care, stay safe, and have a healthy 2022.

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Pool drain peril 3.5 (14)

Wendy stepped through the door into her indoor pool, looking with longing at the water. She was glad they’d moved into a home with an indoor pool. The weather could be miserable outside, but now she could enjoy the water as though on a beach in the Caribbean.

She walked up to the edge of the deep end and looked down into the water. She used the pool often, and she was already beginning to feel the urge for another swim. She knelt down and ran her hand back and forth in the water, feeling the temperature…

Ooh; just right! In fact a cool swim might do her good. She’d been a bit warm lately; maybe the thermostat in the house was set a little too high.

She splashed some water up in the direction of her face and neck, smiling as she imagined herself swimming along the bottom blowing bubbles. She splashed a little more on herself, appreciating how good it felt. She splashed even more, deciding a swim should definitely be put on her list of things to do today…

“Oh, my necklace…”

She touched her necklace, checking to see if it was all right. She assumed it was, although she didn’t know if it was waterproof or not. And she wasn’t sure how it would react to chlorine. She gave it a tug, wondering if perhaps she shouldn’t have splashed water on it in the first place…


She let out a startled cry as it suddenly came loose in her hand. Before she could react she saw it drop into the water. Wendy instinctively knelt down as though reaching out for it, but it was too late. She saw it sink straight for the bottom, dropping right down toward the …

“NO; NOT THE DRAIN??!!” Wendy instinctively reached down into the water, not that it would do any good now. A moment later she saw it slither toward the drain like a snake in search of its den. It found the drain, and immediately crawled through, much to her consternation…


Hell; that wasn’t good at all! That was a necklace she really liked! Not only that, she’d previously been alerted to the fact that it might be coming loose on her! Now she’d splashed water on it, and the chlorine must have sealed the deal by weakening the chain enough to cause it to separate.

Wendy signed, mentally cursing herself. Well, there was nothing for it now but to go in after it. She almost dove in right then and there, but she stopped herself.

“Silly woman,” she chided herself. “Go put your suit on. You were going for a swim anyway. No use in getting your clothes all wet now, is there?” So she got up and went back into the house to change.

At first she took her time, looking for just the right suit to wear. She found her black one-piece; that would do nicely. But as she began to change she found herself hurrying, suddenly fearful what the chlorine in the water might be doing to her necklace.

She finished changing and then rushed out of the bedroom back to the indoor pool. She did not need to retrieve a towel from the bathroom; she kept the pool room stocked with those. Besides, she needed to get back to her necklace!

She rushed back into the pool room and went straight for the cabinet over in the corner. It contained some cleaning accessories as well as pool toys for when friends and family came over. She grabbed a set of goggles for her eyes and then snatched up a black weight belt.

She usually had no problem getting to the bottom. But unless she wore a little extra something to help her stay down, she would have the tendency to drift back up. She had no idea how long she would be on the bottom trying to fish her necklace out of that drain. But the weight belt would certainly counteract her natural buoyancy and help keep her from drifting around down there.

She adjusted the belt around her waist and then pulled the goggles down over her eyes. Once more she thought about her necklace, wondering what the chlorine might be doing to it. That made her anxious enough to jump right off the edge of the pool into the deep end with a splash.

She swam right down, the belt making it easy to quickly reach the bottom. She moved right over the pool drain and looked inside. She could see a part of the necklace hanging up on something. At least it hadn’t fallen any further down. With any luck she just might be able to fish it back out of there!

She stretched out on her tummy and reached in with her fingers. She could touch it; she just couldn’t get a good grip on it. She worked it around with her fingers, trying to maneuver it in such a manner that she could work it out of the drain.

It wasn’t long until she could feel the strain in her lungs. It was taking longer than she’d expected. She was worried about her necklace now, concerned over the kind of effect the chlorine in the pool might be having on it. But she was just about out of breath!

With a grunt of frustration she blew away what was left in her lungs as she pushed off for the surface. She kicked up, pulling hard with her arms until she burst up gasping for breath. Wendy swam over to the side of the pool and clung to the edge, panting heavily.

She spent a few moments working the problem over in her mind as she got her breath back: how to work it up, get a better grasp on it, move it around and then work the end of it up out of the drain. From there she could grab it and pull it right out. She would just need to hold her breath long enough to accomplish the task at hand.

She wanted to stay at the surface longer, but she was worried about her necklace. Besides, she figured she should be able to hold her breath long enough to snag it this time. Wendy inhaled deeply and then went back down, allowing a little air to trickle out past her lips.

She swam down to the bottom where she stretched out and peered down into the drain. She stuck her fingers down through the grate and began working her necklace around again. She could touch it; she could move it around a bit. She just needed a better grip is all.

She pushed her fingers a little deeper into the drain, grasping a part of the necklace and working it against the inside of the drain. Little by little she fingered it upward like a worm inching its head up. She managed to poke the end of it up out of the drain enough to grab it with her other hand. Then she pulled it free…


…what the…??

She grunted in surprise as her fingers hung up in the grate. She could get all of them out with the exception of the middle one! She grunted and pulled, feeling a jolt of alarm.

No, this can’t be happening! I got them in; I can certainly get them back out! But her finger refused to come out… and her lungs were starting to burn.

Wendy tried to twist her finger, tried to carefully work it free. But it was the knuckle that was causing the issue. For some reason her middle finger had gone in, but it didn’t want to come back out!

She grunted as she tugged harder, feeling a little more anxious. She was running out of breath; she’d been down quite a while. But her finger was refusing to cooperate!

She winced as she tugged on it even harder, grunting and umming. But the grate refused to release her finger… and she was really running out of air now! She could feel the panic start to well up inside her as she tugged and tugged, jerking harder and harder as she became more anxious…

No – no – no!!!

She felt an ominous contraction in her stomach, causing her to jerk even harder. Then she looked down and saw… no; is it swollen now?? Noo!!

There was another contraction in her stomach that moved up into her chest. She could feel her lungs having, demanding to be refilled. She jerked harder and harder, grunting and bubbling as she grew more and more anxious… felt the panic start to rise up within her.

She frantically jerked her hand upward, her lungs on fire as she tried to extricate herself. Her body wanted to exhale and then retrieve a fresh breath. She put a hand over her mouth as though she could somehow contain the air wanting to check out of her lungs!

She coughed up bubbles, causing her to frantically jerk on her hand. But the knuckle had truly swollen now, too thick for her to be able to pull it back out on her own. She would need to pull the grating off the drain… and it was screwed down tight!

Wendy let out a cry of horror, losing more bubbles. She jerked and jerked, causing the knuckle to rub and bleed a little as her lungs screamed in her chest. She looked up at the surface of the pool, instinctively waving at it as though waving for someone to come to her aid. Then she felt a massive contraction in her stomach, a warning contraction that migrated up into her chest causing her lungs to heave painfully.

Wendy’s cheeks bulged as she fought to hold the last of her air, her mind screaming for someone to come save her. Then that last breath burst out of her mouth as she convulsed painfully. She could not prevent her body from inhaling reflexively.

The first gulp of water down her windpipe caused her to cough, instinctively making her inhale again. That triggered a series of convulsions as her body wanted to inhale and yet wanted to expel the liquid flowing down into her lungs. Wendy began coughing and spasming, her body reacting violently to the water filling her lungs and being absorbed into the soft tissue.

She coughed and convulsed, her body jerking painfully each time she inhaled. She winced in agony, her eyes reflecting the suffering she was enduring as she coughed up more bubbles. Then she was coughing up water, only to suck more right back down into her lungs.

Wendy spasmed painfully and then started to settle onto the pool floor, her arm tethered to the grate covering the drain by her middle finger. Her free arm stretched outward as though reaching out for some unseen rescuer. Her mouth gaped open, her eyes wide from the horror of it all. Then the expression in her face softened a little as the life winked out of her eyes.

Wendy lay stretched out on the pool floor, staring vacantly with a horrified expression on her face. The broken necklace lay on the floor of the pool right next to her. It would be another couple of hours before her husband would come home to find her like that at the bottom of their indoor pool…

© 2015 (Feb 9)

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