Shelly in Cancun 11 4.4 (42)

Chapter 11 – Playtime before a nap

We all climb aboard using the ladder Jake had hung out for us. There’s a pile of towels generously left out for us. We remove our weight belts and towel ourselves off.

The four of us talk back and forth amongst ourselves about our exciting little adventure. It takes a few minutes until I’ve stopped shaking and can look back upon it with humor and self-deprecation. Andria comments that she and I will have quite the story to tell our roommate Stephanie once we get back to the States.

Andria and her naughty companion Emiko retrieve their bikini tops from us. We had tucked into our weight belts when we first discovered them in the passageway on the wreck down below. After being trapped in that cargo hold, they had cleverly managed to toss them out the door into the hallway in an effort to alert us to their location.

It was a good thing we found them when we did. Otherwise they might have perished down there. We might never have found them.

The four of us head down into the depths of the sailboat for a well-earned lunch. Jake and Almonte have a small table set up. There’s a nice spread of sandwiches, fruit, fish and beverages.

We help ourselves, filling up our plates and taking up seats where we can find them. Shiori and Emiko sit together on one side of the small area. Andria and I take up the other side. Jake and Almonte sit together near the doorway to the deck.

Almonte has the skin tone of someone having lived in Central America. His Hispanic accent is charming. He seems to fit in well with our group.

I’m surprised he’s hooked up with a couple of oriental beauties. He presents the tale of how they all met in a quaint little shop in Cancun. So they all decided to hang out together for the remainder of their stay.

Something in his explanation does not quite ring true. But his two lady friends are all smiles. So I shrug it off.

I trust Shiori and Emiko. They smile coyly at Andria and I. I smile back as I nibble on a tasty piece of fish.

Andria starts talking about our harrowing tale down on the wreck. Naturally Jake and Almonte want to know every detail. I see Emiko blush as my roommate candidly talks about their little fondling escapade in the cargo hold.

Apparently the ship settled or something, wedging the door on them. Tossing their bikini tops out into the passageway for us to find was Emiko’s idea. Andria thanks her again for her ingenuity and bravery during the time they were trapped inside.

Shiori then tells everyone about my bravery. She insists I narrate my part of the drama. It’s odd how it seems so long ago, even though it only happened within the last hour.

Reliving it brings back the concerns I had over Andria’s safety. I can’t help getting a little teary-eyed. Seeing the watchful faces all around me, I go into as much detail as I can, suspecting they want to hear it all.

I try not to make myself sound like too much of a hero. But what I leave out, Shiori more than makes up for. She tells everyone how much I sacrificed my own air to make sure others got enough.

She describes in detail how I went to the stairwell to find the pipe to help pry the cargo door open. She explains how she helped me get it back down the stairwell. Then she tells everyone how I made sure they could all navigate the corridor enough to get out of the wreck.

As a result, the scuba tank ended up running out of air. She relates how bravely I swam out. She says I must have known I would not get another breath until I surfaced.

I remind her that if she had not helped me, I might not have reached the surface at all. She just looks at me with the greatest of respect in her eyes. I’m embarrassed when she says it is an honor to be in the presence of someone who exhibited such courage and bravery in the face of such great obstacles. There are tears in my eyes again when they all raise their glasses in a toast to me.

Lunch finally breaks up. Everyone pitches in to help clean things up and stow things away. Then Andria and Emiko wave Shiori and me upstairs, telling us they will finish up.

My newfound friend and I head topside along with Jake and Almonte. Those two hang out around the stern of the vessel to talk quietly amongst themselves. Shiori and I head forward toward the bow.

The two of us stand near the railing, looking out over the ocean. The top of the reef Andria and I explored earlier before our friends arrived sticks up as if from out of nowhere. We both admire the view until I hear Shiori sigh heavily.

“We must leave soon,” she says in a voice filled with regret. “But we need to go back down and attempt to retrieve the scuba gear if we can. The tanks are rented and must be returned if at all possible.”

She tells me they have other tanks on board. So they can safely go back down after the two they had to abandon on the bottom. At least they won’t have to go down with only the air in their lungs.

I enjoy her company so much that I offer to go down with her and Emiko. Could they use my help? Would they like any additional company?

She tells me the two of them should be able to retrieve the tanks on their own. But there will be very little time left for much of anything else. The implications are clear.

I can tell she would enjoy my presence once more down on the wreck. But apparently their time is limited. They need to dive down, retrieve the gear, and then depart.

She pauses for a long moment before kissing my cheek. She hugs me fiercely as she thanks me again for my help in rescuing her friend. I give her my thanks for helping save both me and Andria.

Once again, our ensuing hug is a warm one. She tells me she hates to go. But Almonte has told them their stay is limited by his schedule. At least we got to enjoy a little time together, not to mention sharing a rather breathtaking adventure.

The boats are tied together with a length of nylon. Almonte carefully pulls on the line, pulling his craft closer. This way, he and his two Japanese females can step aboard without getting wet.

Andria emerges on deck with Emiko. The two of them giggle as if they have been plotting mischief again. Their glance in my direction is a little disquieting, and I have an uneasy feeling they’ve been talking about me.

Shiori tells me she’s not sure of their immediate plans other than trying to fetch the two scuba tanks. She hugs me one last time in case this is goodbye. She tells me our visit was much too short. But perhaps we will meet up again back in Cancun.

Looking past her, I see Andria and Emiko talking quietly with Almonte as Jake listens nearby. Almonte nods and smiles at them. I conclude my roommate is thanking him for lunch, along with bringing the two girls along.

Shiori walks back toward where he has pulled the two boats together. I wave at him and offer my thanks. Then the three of them step across one by one.

Their boat is rented under his name. It’s another fact I learned about him during our lunch together. Untying the vessels from each other, he pushes away from our sailboat.

I wave again as Andria comes and stands next to me. She also waves at them. Then she sighs heavily.

“They were fun, weren’t they? It’s too bad they have to be leaving so soon.”

“Yes,” I reply. “Shiori told me they’re going back down to try bringing up those other two scuba tanks they had to jettison when we escaped from the wreck. I offered to go down with her. But they just don’t have the time to enjoy one last, lengthy dive with us.”

For a moment Andria seems a bit distracted as she watches their boat drift away. She seems deep in thought about something. And I no longer see the girls on the deck of their rental.

Are they down below, corralling a couple of scuba tanks for their quick trip down? What does it matter? Our time with them has come to an end.

Andria gets my attention. “C’mon, ‘Shel’”, she says, tugging on my arm. “Let’s go below and crash for a little while, ok? I could use a nap.”

I ask, “Are we leaving soon?”

“Jake says we’ll be leaving a little bit later. But I think we may have time for one more snorkel dive before we head back.”

“Sounds good to me,” I respond with a smile. “I like it here. One more dive down to the reef would be great.”

Andria leads me down below into the cabin. We both collapse onto the bed. Then she tells me, “Lunch was great, wasn’t it?”

There’s something in her demeanor that seems a little off. It’s as though she’s killing time or something. My suspicions become aroused, and I decide to do a little probing.

“All right, Andria. What’s going on?”

“Nothing, ‘Shel’! Why are you always so suspicious?” There’s a familiar twinkle in her eye. I immediately recognize it as something indicating she’s planning something devious.

She quickly reads my expression. Now she knows I know something is amiss. She just moves closer with a smirk on her face.

“I was just thinking it might be nice to have a little playtime before our nap. Wouldn’t you agree?”

With a catlike leap, she’s on top of me, rolling me over onto my stomach. I blurt out, “HEY!” In seconds she has my silver bikini top off.

I giggle as she climbs off me. “You just stay like that while I get you some lotion. A moment later I hear some sort of thump on deck.

Curiosity makes me push myself up. “What was that?”

I look over at her as she fumbles around in a closet. A moment later she pulls out a length of rope. “That’s not lotion!” I yelp in alarm.

I start to get up. But Andria pounces again, knocking me back down. “Oh, FUCK!” I gasp as she struggles to pull my hands behind my back.

I blurt out, “What the hell are you DOING?” I don’t know whether or not I should play along. Sometimes I feel like I can only trust Andria so far.

“You’ll find out,” she giggles.

I feel a surge of erotic tingles overtake me. I don’t resist her nearly as much as maybe I should. It isn’t long until my arms are bound securely behind my back.

Andria grins as she pulls on the strings to my bikini bottoms. I feel an erotic shiver. Uh – oh…

“What are you DOING?” I gasp, wondering what my role is supposed to be in all of this.

“You won’t need these where you’re going,” she says sternly. Then she pulls my bottoms off before bringing me to my feet.

All of the sudden she’s sober as a heart attack. “I’m sorry to have to do this to you, ‘Shel’. But Jake says it’s really for the best that you don’t come back with us.”

I stare at her in shock as I blurted out, “WHAT? What are you talking about??”

My heart instantly skips a beat. I look into her face to deduce whether or not she’s kidding. She avoids my look, marching me forward in my birthday suit.

Ohmygawd! She’s not going to march me naked up on deck on front of Jake’s lustful gaze, is she?? I try to resist, but I’m not successful she forces me forward.

Andria escorts me up on deck. The first thing I see is Jake tying a length of rope to a decorative cement block of some kind near the railing. It has a sunburst chiseled into it.

He loops the rope through the circular part cut into the block that represents the sun. Less than 20 feet away I see Almonte standing on his boat. He seems sober as he stands there stiffly.

“Jake??” I gasp in astonishment. My body trembles like mad as my pussy throbs from a terrible ache. “Jake, what’s going on up here?”

“You tell her, honey,” he says to Andria without even looking at me.

“We’re all drug dealers,” Andria explains, pushing me closer to Jake and the cement block. “You saw Almonte and the girls, right? I’m afraid we can’t take you back into Cancun now, not after who and what you’ve seen. Otherwise you might turn us all in to the authorities.”

I blink at her in shock as I blurt out, “WHAT??” Is this another one of her ploys to get to me? If so, it’s a damn good one!

A moment later Jake starts tying the other end of the rope to my ankles. I whimper fearfully as my pussy throbs. Fear and arousal are a powerful combination, especially if I get any kind of inkling I might be on the verge of going on a one-way swim

“Almonte??” I cry out to him, a tremor in my voice. I’m so shocked that I forget I’m standing there naked in front of everyone.

“Sorry, Miss Shelly,” he calls back in that accent that’s no longer charming. “It’s out of my hands.” He shrugs as if there’s nothing further he can do.

“Where’s Shiori?” I gasp anxiously, wondering if they’re a part of this.

“They have already headed down for the wreck.”

“She can’t help you, ‘Shel’,” Andria adds coldly, a firm grip on my shoulders. “No one can. By the time they emerge from the wreck and find your body, it’ll be too damned late. Sorry to have to do this to you, ‘Shel’. But it’s got to be done.”

“Andria; NO!”

I whimper as Jake cinches the knot tight around my ankles. Gawd; I’m not even going to be able to KICK!

I don’t know whether to believe them or not. On the one hand, it’s the type of stunt Andria might try to pull. On the other, there’s just enough doubt in my mind to make it sound horribly believable.

My pussy screams at me in fearful arousal. I can feel my wetness dripping down my thighs. Gawd; what if my premonitions were true?? What if I’m really destined to drown down here in Cancun after all??

It’s a prank; right? It’s got to be a prank! But there’s nothing in Andria’s expression to give the game away.

What if I’ve misjudged her? What if she really is a drug-dealer?

“She’s ready, babe,” Jake says solemnly as he rises up. He stands and grabs onto me as Andria puts on a dive mask. Adding a weight belt to her waist, she proceeds to fit a dive fin onto each foot.

“What’s all that for?” I gasp. A part of me hopes this is nothing more than some horribly sick, yet terribly erotic, joke.

Andria soberly tells me, “I have to make sure you’ve drowned before I come back up, ‘Shel’.” Then she turns to her boyfriend and says, “All right, Jake. Let’s do this.”


2009; 2021 (written Apr 29 ’09; ed. Mar 5 ‘21 by riwa)

Posted in Underwater Stories | Leave a comment

The funeral home (beheading) 4.5 (40)

Bonus story for the end of the month. Thank you for visiting the library.

Veria hadn’t come home yet. She wasn’t in bed with me when I woke up. I sent a text to her phone, but it went unanswered.

I tried to call her. It went straight to voice mail. There wasn’t anything else I could do.

I went to work, wondering what had happened the night before. She had gone out with her girlfriends again, or so she’d told me. I was beginning to think she was not being fully honest with me.

She was living with me. But our sex life had dwindled. I don’t think we’d been sexually active for at least nine months.

I got home from work, but she still hadn’t come back. I called her work. They said she had not bothered to clock in, and hadn’t been seen all day.

I began to get concerned. I also began to wonder if I was being played. Was she using me while engaging in a double life? Was she cheating on me?

I really began to get concerned when two of her friends called me. They had not heard from Veria in several hours. When she came in, I was to tell her they were asking about her.

In both cases, I asked if she’d been with either one of them. They said she’d told them she would be going out with the other one. Apparently neither one realized until now that the other had been used as an alibi.

I had been such a fool. She’d been using me as an ATM. Now she’d run off with someone. Apparently she hadn’t even bothered letting her friends in on her plans.

I had just finished a TV dinner when there was a knock at the door. There was some sort of driver from a company I didn’t recognize. He had a small box for me that I had to sign for.

Suspecting I was about to be scammed, I told him I wasn’t expecting anything. I asked if he had the right address. He checked his records on his pad and asked if a Veria Fargo lived here.

My eyes opened wide, and I nodded my head. I didn’t tell him I was thinking she would not be living here much longer at the rate things were going. He explained he had the right address and to please sign the form.

Wondering if this was going to cost me big-time, I hesitantly signed his pad. He gave me the box and told me he was sorry for my loss. Then he departed.

Sorry for my loss? I frowned as I closed the door behind him. Then I opened the box.

In it were the pieces of jewelry I recognized Veria was wearing from the other night. Included was a note indicating where I would find her. It listed the name and address of a funeral home.

I suddenly felt a lump in my throat. I had suspected for some time that Veria had been going out on me. But still, I loved her… a foolish love according to a couple of my friends.

I numbly got my coat and keys and went out. I drove to the funeral home and parked. The lights were on; the door unlocked.

It rang a buzzer deeper in the facility when I opened it up and stepped inside. A gentleman in a black suit and tie appeared from out of nowhere and met me just inside the door. He kindly asked, “Who have you come to see, sir?”

“Veria Fargo?” I said it as a question. A part of me hoped he would not recognize the name.

“Oh, her. Right this way, sir.”

He led me to a back room. There was a closed, brown casket with three sprays of flowers. Then he asked, “Are you a friend of the deceased?”

“I was her… uh… she lived with me.”

“You’re her husband?”

“We aren’t married yet.” That’s when it occurred to me we wouldn’t be getting married at all, not if she was in the casket.

“I see,” he replied thoughtfully. “I believe I have something for you. Please excuse me; I’ll be right back.

I was left alone as he stepped out. I looked at the casket, my heart pounding in my chest. Would I be heartbroken at her passing? Or would it be a relief she could no longer go out on me, leaving me with trust issues night after night?

I checked the flowers. Once spray was from the funeral home. Another was from a male whose name I didn’t recognize.

There was a large, expensive spray of roses. They’d been delivered from a well-known club here in town. Curious, I looked at the card…

Thank you for a lovely evening, and for entertaining our guests.
My condolences to your next of kin.
Mistress Chastity

Before I could question who this Mistress Chastity was, the guy returned with a large manila envelope. “I believe this is for you,” he explained. It was left here by the Club, along with the flowers.” Then he motioned at the roses.

I opened the envelope. In it was a cashier’s check for $2,000. Included was a note indicating any and all funeral expenses would be covered by the Club. At the bottom of the envelope was a compact disc.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” the director told me solemnly. “Is there anything more I can do for you?”

I motioned at the casket. He nodded as he explained, “Right. The Club gave specific instructions. Only you are to be consulted as to whether or not it will be open or closed during the viewing and/or during the service. If it were me, I’d choose to have a closed casket.”

I looked at him curiously. “A closed casket? Is there a problem?”

“Yes, sir; you might say so. Do you wish to see her now?”

I nodded, “Yes, please.”

“Very well.” And with that, he opened the top of the casket before stepping back.

Veria was laid out in the last outfit I’d seen her in when she’d said she was going out with her friends. But there was a huge shock when I discovered her head was missing. The funeral home had done the best it could to clean up the area around the neck stump.

“I’m very sorry, sir. It seems your, uh… your significant other lost her head at the Club here in town. The client involved in the beheading asked for the head to be prepared so he could take it with him. The Club sent, uh… the rest of her here as a token of their condolences.”

I was stunned. “What happened to her?”

He pointed at the compact disc in the manila envelope he’d handed to me. “I believe it’s all on that, sir. Do you have a computer at home?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then you should be able to watch what happened to her.” He paused before asking, “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

I shook my head. “No, I guess not. I don’t know what else you can do.”

He walked over and started to close the cover on her. That’s when I put a hand on his shoulder. “Wait.”

He paused and looked at me. I’d already given it some thought. Then I told him, “Leave it open. Let everyone see what happened to her for walking out on me.”

“Even during the viewing?”

“Especially during the viewing.” I was thinking of her two friends. I wanted them to be just as shocked as I was.

“It will be done according to your wishes, sir.” Then he left, quietly muttering to himself as he shook his head.

I pulled out the compact disc and looked at it. I had no idea what was on it. I just shrugged my shoulders before heading out of the room toward the front of the funeral home.

Veria had taken advantage of me. Now she was out of my life. At least I was $2,000 richer for the experience.


Part 2

I was both sad and angry as I drove home. I’d already lost Veria some time ago with the way she was going out cheating on me. Now she was gone from me forever… minus her head from her corpse.

I had mixed emotions as I walked in the door. Seeing her lying there in that casket without her head had been quite a shock. But then I became angry the more I thought about it, as she’d obviously had no issue over going to a club and enjoying herself without me.

I didn’t call her two friends just yet. Apparently Veria had used them for her nefarious schemes as well. But I had a hunch they already knew full well about her cheating ways. For some reason, she hadn’t wanted to include either one of them in her fun on the night she’d gone to the club.

I thought about the compact disc in my possession. Did I really want to see what was on it? Would it really reveal how she’d lost her head?

I didn’t know much about that club she’d gone to. It just wasn’t my thing. I’d heard it was popular, and that there were unusual activities that took place there.

Had Veria asked me, I might not have even wanted to go. The fact she didn’t ask me in the first place told me all I needed to know. She didn’t think nearly as much of me as I’d thought of her.

I finally went to my computer and sat down, staring numbly at the monitor. I looked at the compact disc in my hand for the longest time. Then I plugged it into my machine.

It started with the title The Beheading of Veria Fargo. Clever and suitably dramatic. Then a female’s face filled the screen.

She said her name was Mistress Chastity, and that she was part-owner of the club. She talked to me as though we were good friends. She said Veria Fargo had entered her club at 7pm. She was beheaded at around 11:45pm. Then she offered her condolences.

She explained how the contents of the disc contained a chronicle of Veria’s time in the facility. It was meant as an explanation of the events that had transpired which led to her headless body showing up at the mortuary. It was also made in the fervent hope I would enjoy the presentation.

She said Veria’s performance on the Entertainment stage had been captivating. It was too bad the final results had proved lethal. At least Veria had won some money. Mistress Chastity hoped I would spend it in good health.

I paused the clip at that point. Did I really want to see the rest? I decided I had nothing to lose. Besides, I was already $2,000 richer for Veria’s having stepped foot inside that facility.

I pressed play to continue viewing the contents of the disc. Mistress Chastity’s face left the screen. In its place was what I can only assume was the entrance to the club.

Some sort of surveillance camera recorded the entrance of my Veria. She was with three men. She appeared to be intoxicated.

Two of the guys looked familiar to me. They were acquaintances Veria had introduced me to. The guys all looked as though they were eager to go inside with her.

She paused long enough to have some sort of object inserted into her belly button. Then they all went inside. The video faded.

It picked up with Veria on the dance floor in the lounge. She danced with all three men. They kept plying her with booze until she became way more than a little tipsy.

The view of the dance floor faded away. The video picked up in some sort of room. Veria entered drunkenly, her arms draped around the neck of one of her escorts.

Once in the room, she proceeded to have sex with all three of them. She didn’t even bother to take them on one at a time. She started by getting on her knees and sucking all three cocks at once.

I skipped ahead, not wanting to watch the girl I loved sucking down all that sausage. Instead, I was treated to a scene of her on the bed. She was in the middle of being triple-teamed.

One was underneath her with his cock up her snatch. The one on top had his dick in her ass. The third was getting his meaty pole sucked.

Veria had never let me fuck her ass even once. I was jealous as hell. I was also disgusted with the way she so eagerly whored herself out.

I skipped ahead. There was more fucking. Veria rode each one like a cowgirl. And each one was permitted to take a crack at her ass.

She appeared to get a lot of cum in her and upon her. I got disgusted and skipped ahead once more. That’s when strange guys started coming in and out of her room. Naturally, she took them all on.

At 11pm, Veria was drunk as a skunk. She was also well and truly fucked. Now she wanted to see the Entertainment stage.

Her three escorts had to help her out of the room. She only wore a robe, with nothing on underneath. I was disgusted knowing she was totally naked in that robe, coated with streaks of cum staining her flesh.

The video faded out, only to pick up with a view of the Entertainment stage. People were gathering to watch. Apparently, they were going to have some sort of contest with the guillotines.

A woman at the gambling table invited guests to take the risk by going up onstage to lie with their heads in the guillotine for a chance to win $1,000. Veria drunkenly asked if she could be fucked while she was up there. This request earned the cheers of all the spectators, especially once the lady at the gambling table said it would be ok.

Veria shed her robe right there in front of everyone, revealing her cum-streaked nudity. She took the hand of one of her escorts and led him up onto the stage. Everybody cheered.

A drunken brunette offered to go up with her husband. She said something about needing to win the money to buy a new dress. He asked if she was sure about all this, but she said she really wanted to.

I watched as a couple of attendants went up to help the ladies into their guillotines. Veria went into the one with the black frame. The brunette took the red-framed one.

They were both face down, hands cuffed behind their backs as they looked into their wicker baskets below. Their guys fucked them hard from behind. This egged on the spectators even more. Veria and her competitor both loved all the cheers they were receiving.

I should have known Veria was quite the attention whore. In the beginning, I had not paid that much attention to it. Only now, seeing her on the disc like that, it confirmed what I’d known all along as I thought back on our time together.

The woman at the gambling table wished both ladies luck. She collected all the bets from the spectators who had gathered around her table and were placing bets. Then she spun the roulette wheel.

Everyone cheered for one color or the other. After all, a lot of bets had been placed. People had money riding on whether or not my Veria would lose her head.

The ball landed on 12 red. The lady running the table called out, “We have a winner and a loser!” Then she appeared to push something under her table.

The blade came plummeting down. That brunette in the red guillotine lost her head just like that. It abruptly dropped into the wicker basket as blood spurted out of her neck stump. Her naked body jerked for several seconds before it settled down.

Veria acted like she’d just had a climax watching that other lady’s head come off. There were cheers and applause. Then the lady at the gaming table congratulated Veria for winning $1,000.

An attendant came forward on the stage. She reached down into the wicker basket. Then she picked up the severed head of the brunette.

She held it aloft for one and all to see. It looked like the eyes blinked once in surprise as the audience cheered. Then they freed her corpse from her guillotine and hauled her body away.

The other attendant went over to free Veria. That’s when the lady at the gaming table paused her before asking my girlfriend if she’d like to stay and play for $2,000. Veria drunkenly said she’d love to. But first, she wanted one of the other guys she’d come in with to come up and fuck her in the guillotine.

The call went out for another player to join her. This time, a woman with flowing black hair went up with the guy she was with. I don’t think he was her husband.

She got undressed and was helped into the red guillotine. Meanwhile, Veria and the second guy she’d come in with were already fucking like rabbits. The spectators laughed and applauded.

Soon, both women were getting fucked hard in their guillotines. The lady at the gaming table wished them luck. There were more bets placed before she spun the roulette wheel for a second time.

The marble landed in 30 red. The blade came down and the naked woman with the black hair lost her head. It dropped abruptly into the wicker basket as blood spurted out of the severed neck stump.

The crowd cheered as Veria climaxed again. An attendant picked up the severed head and displayed it. That’s when Veria cried out, “Wait, I want to kiss her lips!” She actually did, much to the cheers of the gathered audience.

The other attendant was about to help Veria out of her guillotine when she drunkenly asked the lady at the gaming table how much she would win if she played one last time. She was told she would win a total of $5,000. Veria cried out, “Deal!” Then she called up that third guy she’d come in with.

He eagerly went up to fuck her. The lady at the gaming table called for another volunteer. At first, no one wanted to go up. Then a young woman with blonde hair offered to take her on.

She got a rousing cheer as she picked out a guy who I think was with her. They both went up onstage and got undressed. Then she was helped into her guillotine.

Bets were placed while Veria really got fucked. She drunkenly called out how much fun she was having and that more women should try it. The lady at the gaming table laughed before saying this would be the last contest of the night.

Both women were fucked as the lady spun her roulette wheel. Supposedly, this was the moment when Veria would lose her head. According to the timestamp, it was close to 11:45pm.

The lady at the table called out, “11 black!” Veria was drunk as a skunk. But she was aware enough to know she was in the black-framed guillotine.

Her eyes flew open in shock. Her mouth opened as though she was going to scream or protest or something. Then her blade came whooshing down.

Her severed head hung in midair for a split second before it dropped into the wicker basket. The crowd went wild as her attendant came up, reached in, and retrieved the head. Then she held it aloft to another raucous cheer.

The guy who’d been fucking her asked for her head. When the attendant gave it to him, he pulled out of her pussy and thrust his dick into her mouth. Veria blinked in surprise as though she was still conscious or aware.

The crowd roared its approval. Then he pulled out of the head and turned it around. He fucked the neck stump with the tip of his dick poking out past Veria’s lips. She blinked again as the crowd roared. Then her expression sagged tiredly.

The video faded to black before Mistress Chastity came on again. She said they learned that Veria was not really with those other guys. She was staying at another address with somebody else.

The appropriate thing to do was to send her body to the mortuary and then alert me. And they wanted to make sure I got a video of her time at the club. They also wanted to give me the $2,000 she had won before she’d lost her head.

“I’m sorry her head did not travel with her,” Chastity explained. “That last man fucking her wanted to keep it as a souvenir. We thought it only fitting, because he’d come up onstage and had taken part in the evening’s entertainment.”

“If you want it back, we can try to make arrangements. Otherwise, if we do not hear from you, we will assume you are satisfied with the results. We are sorry for your loss. But we hope the money and the video will help to compensate you in some small way. She was certainly an entertainment to the customers of our club the other night. Thank you so much.”

The video ended as the screen went dark. I stared at the monitor. But I was no longer sad or angry.

Veria was no longer out cheating on me. And I was $2,000 richer for her having been in my life. I decided it was not a total loss. That bastard could keep her head if he wanted it so badly.

I also told myself I might have to go to the club someday and check it out for myself.

2022 (written Dec 9 ’22 by riwa. Inspired by Thor’s manip)

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Snuff Teri 5.0 (Ch 11 Microkini Teri hangs) (graphic) 4.1 (20)

She led me a few steps away until an ornate lamppost with a metallic arm sticking out nearly nine feet up came into view. Perched on top of the arm was a glowing bulb of light surrounded by a glass globe. But dangling through a hole from the end of the arm below the lamp was yet another noose.

Once again there was another table nearby with an array of objects lying on it. ‘Microkini Teri’ walked over and picked up a length of rope from off the table. Then she handed it to me.

“Who’s the lucky slut this time?” I asked.

In response she took a deep breath. Then she turned around and brought her wrists behind her back. “I am, Master.”

My eyes opened in astonishment as I blurted out, “Oh really?” I hadn’t expected this.

“You KNOW what a bitch I am, Master,” she answered with a hint of amusement in her voice. “I think the others we’ve snuffed would appreciate it if you were to make my hanging just as painful as possible. I suspect they would consider it a personal favor, considering how cruel I was to each and every one of them.”

I took the rope and tied her wrists together as tightly as possible. She whimpered in pain. But she didn’t protest.

Her breathing became labored as I marched her over to the noose. “You’d probably better make it hurt, Master” she advised in a trembling voice. “I’m a bitch and I fucking deserve it.” But the expression in her face indicated she wasn’t all that sure she was looking forward to it.

I reached up and pulled the noose down, gently looping it around her neck. She gasped as I snugged it tight. I situated the knot directly behind her left ear.

Her chest started rising and falling noticeably. Her nipples became erect through her teardrop bikini top. I figured it was time to remove those flimsy pieces of cloth once and for all.

I ripped them off her tits. Then I removed her bottoms. It left her completely naked.

I rubbed her body all over. I finally caressed her tits while fingering her nipples, having wanted to do that for quite a while now. She closed her eyes and moaned softly.

I smiled cruelly as I started giving each one a good, hard pinch. She yipped and whimpered. But she never once protested.

I gave each one a good twist as well. She yipped again as though it had definitely been painful. Her body trembled as beads of sweat broke out all over her. Was she rethinking her decision?

“Voice commands, Master,” she told me quietly, looking at me with those big brown eyes as though anticipating the pain to come. “Mine has been deactivated now. The computer will only recognize your voice on this one.”

“Computer?” I responded, looking right into her eyes. “Take this bitch up onto her toes.”

‘Microkini Teri’ gawked as she was lifted up. Her eyes widened as she tried to shuffle around on her toes. I could tell she was looking for the best possible position to ease the strain around her neck. But there was no such position. For her, it was only going to get worse.

“Let’s see what you’ve prepared for me, shall we?” I said with a cruel smile.

I walked over to the table to inspect its contents. I picked up what looked like a taser with two metal prongs sticking out of it. Then I brought it back to her.

She saw it in my hand. Apparently she recognized it because her eyes widened. A whimper slipped out of her lips.

“That’s quite a collection you have over there,” I observed with a sinister smile. “Let’s start with this one, shall we?”

I walked all around her, trying to decide what to touch first. She was doing her best to maintain her composure. I could hear faint whimpers as she stiffened with anticipation.

I reached out and casually touched her ass with it. The mechanism crackled as it came in contact with her skin. Teri jerked with a garbled cry, her feet shuffling underneath her.

I slowly circled her as I asked, “I trust you instructed the computer to make sure you last for as long as possible?” She managed to nod her head. Then I touched her stomach with it.

She let out another cry as the mechanism crackled again. “I think I’m going to enjoy this,” I said with a nasty smile. Then I touched her again with the taser.

She jerked and grunted. I could see it in her eyes, the realization she was really in for it now. She whimpered, but still she did not protest.

I touched her body again with the taser. She jerked and started whimpering. I touched her again, and she jerked as she rasped in the noose while standing upon her toes.

I jolted her ass a couple of times. She jerked again, nearly losing her footing. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to slowly strangle herself.

She shuffled around on her toes to regain her position. Then I came around front, smiling cruelly. I wickedly jolted her tits, the taser crackling with menace.

She jerked back, almost strangling herself with the noose. Her nipples really stood out. So I jolted those as well.

I applied the taser to her crotch, giving her clit a good shock. She kicked backward with a yelp. ‘Microkini Teri’ ended up swinging a little before she fumbled around to regain her toe-hold on the floor below.

Tears welled up in her eyes. My cock was rock hard. “Time to fuck me, bitch,” I snarled. “Wrap your legs around me and fuck me!”

I pressed up against her. She lifted her legs, asphyxiating herself as she wrapped them around me. She found my hard cock with her dripping cunt and managed to impale herself.

Her agonized gasps for breath were delicious. She started to ride me, trying to give it her all. She grunted as she bounced up and down on my shaft.

“I said ‘FUCK ME’, bitch!” I demanded. Then I pressed the taser into her firm tit-flesh. She jerked and cried out, gasping and coughing from a limited intake of air.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, streaking her mascara. I reached around and jolted her ass a couple of times. She grunted and whimpered from each one, causing her to clench wonderfully around my shaft.

I jolted her anus. She let out a garbled cry. “Cum for me, bitch!” I ordered.

Her eyes rolled as she shuddered hard. Her cunt clamped down tightly around my swelling cock inside her. It felt absolutely incredible.

With a roar I emptied myself inside her. I could not resist pulling down on her body, strangling her with the noose. She bucked and thrashed about, fully impaled on my cock.

Her legs lost their grip, flopping down and hanging loose. She could not stand very well. She was barely conscious.

I pulled out of her to see what she would do next. She tried to regain the floor with her toes. My cum dripped out of her pussy.

“You have some interesting accessories over here, bitch,” I observed as I walked back over to the table. “Let’s see what kind of adornments we can add to your body, shall we?”

I returned with a thin, gold chain attached on both ends by alligator clamps. I attached each clamp to one of her erect nipples. She cried out a rasp of pain.

I pulled down on the chain as it looped between her tits. She gasped and cried out again. She wanted pain, and I was more than happy to oblige.

I walked back over and found some little metal weights with little hooks. I brought them back and hooked five of them in a row across the loop of gold chain between her tits. She whimpered and gurgled, her body becoming drenched with sweat.

I took her by the chin and looked into those big brown eyes filled with pain. “More?” I asked curiously. She nodded, even as she blinked back tears.

“That’s a good bitch,” I said, giving her weighted chain a tug. She gasped and whimpered as her toes shuffled around upon the floor.

I found two more alligator clips with weights. These I brought over and attached to her labia. She cried out again, her body trembling as she struggled to pull air into her lungs.

I found more thin chains which I brought over. I connected her weighted nipples to the alligator clips attached to the folds of her weighted labia. Thus, all the chains were connected together. Any action that affected one would affect them all.

“I think it would be nice to remember ‘pole-dancing Teri’, don’t you?” I smiled cruelly as I looked into her eyes. Then I called out, “Computer: electrify chains with 20 kilovolts.”

Almost immediately, my escort began to jerk and thrash around. It looked like she was nearly strangling herself with the noose. Her tits bounced like mad, her cunt dripping heavily from her arousal.

I went over to the table and brought back a thick metal dildo that had several settings. “Time for another fucking, bitch,” I said to her with a smile.

I took the dildo and jammed it into her dripping snatch. Then I cranked the power all the way up. Teri found enough voice to let out a garbled scream as I brutally fucked her cunt with it.

Her tits bounced, the weights jangling up and down on the chain stretched between them as she shuffled around like mad. A couple times she almost left her feet. She had to scramble amidst the pain to find the floor with her toes again.

She came hard as a gush of fluid sprayed out of her dripping twat. Amazingly I was getting hard again. It was time to take her ass.

“Let’s just leave this in here, shall we?” I suggested. With a twist of the handle, the damn thing opened up inside her, wedging itself into place. She screamed again, a scream that became a gurgle as the noose tightened around her throat.

I went behind her and found her puckered anus. I centered my hardened cock against it. Then with a mighty thrust I shoved it in.

Teri jerked and grunted. For a few seconds she was airborne. Her ass clenched furiously around my cock impaled up her butt.

She bucked and shuddered as I brutally fucked her ass. I could feel her clenching from the dildo up her cunt and from the jolts of electricity she was getting. None of it seemed to affect me in the slightest. I was not getting any kind of shocks at all.

I fucked her for several minutes until my cock swelled inside her. About that time another painful orgasm was ripped out of her spasming body. I came right along with her, roaring my release.

I finally pulled out. My cum dripped out of her ass, splattering onto the floor between her feet. It mingled with the cum that had leaked out of her cunt.

“I’m reminded of your lesbian lover,” I told her with an ominous tone. Then I walked over to the table. I picked up the nightstick and hefted it in my hands before walking back over to her.

“I think she would appreciate the gesture, don’t you?” I smacked my hand with it, smiling wickedly. Her eyes widened in alarm.

She jerked and twisted, still shuffling around on her toes. Electrical jolts to her chains and dildo did their work. Her tits continued to bounce a little, causing the weights to bounce as well. Her pussy was soaked, dripping continuously onto the floor.

I walked behind her where I rubbed her ass invitingly. I wriggled the end of the baton against her cum-dripping anus until I got it inside. Then I THRUST it up hard.

She gawked as she shuffled around. I chuckled, “Got to pack my seed up in there so you don’t lose anymore; right? It’s dripping out of you much too fast.”

I jammed the nightstick hard up her ass. I did it several times, enough to generate a few delicious gasps and garbled cries. Then I forced it up as high as it would go before leaving it inside.

I walked back over to the table and picked up an interesting looking dildo. It felt full of fluid. Whatever was inside, I suspected it would not go down well.

I took it over to my writhing whimpering, pain-filled slut. Then I waved it at her. “What happens if I shove this down your throat, bitch? When you suck on it, does it secrete an acid that eats away at your insides?”

I heard the chirp of the holodeck computer. It was as though it had just programmed my suggestion into the scenario. ‘Microkini Teri’s’ eyes instantly widened in horror.

“I believe the slut who had one of these shoved into her mouth before she was long-dropped might appreciate my doing this to you,” I observed. “Now open wide and say ‘ahh’!”

I grabbed her mouth and thrust it in, jamming it as far down as it would go. I saw her neck muscles ripple as though she was trying to swallow it. A new pain registered in her eyes as her body shook anew.

I figured it was just about time to finish her off. So I walked back over to the table and picked up what looked like a ceremonial dagger. I brought it back over and waved it at her.

“This is for ‘upside down Teri’ who you so eagerly urged me to gut wide open. This will be my going-away present for you, my dear.”

I pushed it against her tummy until it punctured her abdomen. Then I started to slice downward. I ended up cutting her open, allowing a part of her guts to hang out.

Teri grunted, jerking around as though she was in great pain. Maybe she was all caught up in an unbelievable orgasm. Who could say?

Her toes fluttered as though she could barely make contact with the floor. Her body starting to sway. “Computer: hang the bitch!”

She was suddenly jerked up off her feet. My escort was pulled up until she was dangling less than a foot below the glowing lamp above her. She kicked and gurgled, her eyes wide as though she couldn’t quite believe all the things I’d done to her.

She swayed back and forth, her tits heaving and her body spasming. The weights dangling from the chain between her nipples bobbed up and down. The ones hanging from the folds of her labia jerking around as well.

Every time she attempted to swallow, she blinked her eyes. It was as though a profound pain was making its way down her throat. I could not believe how thoroughly she’d prepared herself… and how much she was probably regretting it at this very moment.

Her makeup was smeared on her face. I got the mental image of the tears of a sad clown. Sweat flew off her body as her legs peddled.

She kicked upward in an effort to ease the strain around her neck. There was a mighty jerk of her legs, causing the noose to lethally tighten lethally. Her eyes bugged out as the rubber dildo hung out of her mouth.

Her legs flew every which way as a part of her intestines draped out of the opening in her stomach. The knife protruded out of her. Blood dripped onto the floor of the holodeck, blood mixed with sweat and the fluids of her many orgasms.

There was a final spray out of her cunt. It was immediately followed by a stream of piss that arced outward, splattering onto the floor nearby. Her agony was complete.

She shuddered before hanging lifeless. ‘Microkini Teri’ gently twisted and swayed in the noose. Sporadic muscles twitched in protest to her nervous system shutting everything down.

I watched in awe as she dangled quietly from the noose. My cock hardened yet again. Her swaying motions gradually subsided.

Her face had turned purple, contorted in great pain. Her lifeless eyes reflected the intense suffering I’d subjected her to. And yet I thought I saw something else… as though she was hoping I was satisfied with her performance.

She’d been rather wicked with her many sisters. I felt no remorse whatsoever. I don’t think I was supposed to.

The bitch had all but admitted she was getting what she deserved. Consider the enthusiasm she had shown when the snake had eaten one of her many victims. What about how she’d eagerly wrapped her twin in plastic while she was still breathing? Hadn’t she thoroughly enjoyed making one of her sisters fry in the electric chair?

No, I decided as I watched her lifeless body gently turn one direction and then the other. She’d gotten what she deserved. As for me, I had experienced a rather unique, yet enjoyable afternoon out of it.

I let out a sigh of satisfaction. Then I turned to locate the arch to the holodeck. It was time to head back to the reality of the starship I served.

2010; 2021 (written May 31 ’10; ed. Apr 28 ‘21 by riwa)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4 (4)

Coming August rewards

The 10th chapter to Chloe
The 10th chapter to Aravanna
The 10th chapter to Katia
Jen’s last selfie
Sadie’s debt
I was there when…
How I joined the Mermaid Lounge
The sorority on Santamos Island 2
Drowning shorts 2
Stanley and the girl in the yellow one-piece swimsuit
The perfect muse

June stories/rewards will fall off at the end of July to make room for August rewards.

My first story was posted to Patreon on July 27, 2017, less than three months after the passing of my ex-wife Mary. My first patron signed up on July 29. My second patron who signed up on July 30 is still with me. Several others who sighed up in August have also been with me this entire time. For this, I am humbled and grateful. I am also appreciative for the many others who sighed up and stayed, or who checked me out if only for a few months, or maybe a year or two.

It has been six years as of this month. At the time, my UWFetish sales site was in the midst of reorganization, and was shut down. It did not reopen until January of 2018. So I ended up spending those first few months until the end of the year getting my Patreon site up and running.

UWFetish was back up and running at the start of 2018. But it closed permanently at the end of September of 2020. So Patreon has been my main focus ever since. Of the funds I receive monthly, the bulk of them come from Patreon.

A lot has happened in six years. I ended up moving back to Montana to be closer to mom. I got rid of most of my belongings, taking only what would fit in my Ford Explorer for the 680 mile drive. Eventually, I ended up getting rid of that vehicle and getting a used Nissan.

I’ve been in the hospital. Mom has been there a couple of times. And I had to transfer from one apartment to another. It’s been an adjustment from living in a city of tens of thousands to a town of hundreds. But I like the quiet life of a small town. And I’m grateful to be so much closer to mom.

I do not think any of this would have happened had I not received timely advice from an underwater producer. He thought my work was of such quality that I should get paid for it, if not all of it, then at least a significant percentage. The fact he thought that highly of my writing was very humbling for me. He and his wife held such esteem in my eyes that I acted upon their wisdom. So it was on this advice that I began putting up stories for sale while making other stories available to the general public. My utmost thanks to Marc and Tina, and to their kindness and wisdom.

That is what brings me here today, although I would be remiss if I did not thank God for intervening in a couple of medical scares. But mainly, it is all of you who have kept me here by reading and enjoying my stories. So I plan on adding some bonuses to each level next month as my way of saying thank you. And I want to upload a bonus story before the end of this month. So look for another post on the 27 of July, the anniversary of my first story post to Patreon.

Thank you all so very much for being my patrons.

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The Seductress 5 4.4 (67)


Church on Sunday was not too bad. I think the thing about Carly’s bet about having sex with me was dying down. I still got the occasional look, but I just ignored it.

After church, I noticed dad talking to Karen Walker. After the conversation, she seemed disappointed about something. I never got to ask her about it, and dad never brought it up in conversation when we got home and had lunch.

It turned into another hot week of stacking hay. On Tuesday, I thought about going out to the lake again after work. A swim was going to feel nice… well, that and experiencing a release near the murky bottom.

It occurred to me I might not be alone if I drove out there. What if Mrs. Walker showed up? What would I do then?

A part of me thought it would be unwise to go out and swim with her again. But another part liked the way we swam and played games and held our breath. I tried to tell myself that’s all we were doing out there, and that everything was fine. But deep down, I knew otherwise.

I was concerned over the fact she was married. I could always pick another day to go out for a swim. But I really wanted to go out and enjoy myself. Besides, what if she wasn’t even out there when I arrived?

I thought about it for the rest of the scorching hot afternoon. I thought about it while I was at home eating dinner. I even thought about it after I’d gotten into my car with my swim bag and headed out to the lake, telling my folks where I was going.

A part of me felt a little guilty about things. But I liked what was happening between Mrs. Walker and myself at the lake. There weren’t many people who enjoyed doing the type of things I liked to do in and underwater.

What if no one was there at the inlet? I might have it all to myself. So I told myself to stop stressing over it.

Imagine my dismay when I saw the Walker car parked there. Now what was I going to do? Maybe it was Carly who’d come out to ask my forgiveness and to make amends for how things had gone. Yeah, and maybe it was Marilyn Monroe risen from the dead out skinny-dipping at my lake.

The raft was just offshore, although I knew it was deep enough right there at that spot to have some fun. I parked a short distance away. Then I got out of my car before taking my bag of swim goodies down to the shore.

I had a bit of a walk from where I’d parked. I peered intently at the wooden raft. There was something yellow on top of it. But I couldn’t quite make out what it was.

A head emerged up beside the raft as a loud gasp carried across the surface toward me. The swimmer appeared to pause to catch her breath. Then she turned in my direction.

A hand waved as I heard, “Hi, Robert! Come on out! The water’s fine!” I instantly recognized Mrs. Walker’s voice.

She called out, “I’m just holding my breath!” Then her head disappeared. Despite my reservations, I was elated to see her… and more than a little aroused.

My conscience indicated this might not be such a good idea. But a part of me really wanted to swim with her. So I told myself all I had to do was just be careful and respectful.

I left my bag, towel and clothes on the shoreline. She submerged without appearing to be wearing any kind of dive mask. So I left mine on shore.

I waded into the water in my light green speedos. Then I scanned down the shoreline toward her and the raft. She had not yet resurfaced.

Upon further reflection, my outfit had not been such a great choice after all, being as how they really showed off my arousal. Had I deliberately worn them in case I might bump into her? My conscience said yes, but I told myself it was merely a coincidence.

I slowly swam myself toward the raft. Without my glasses, I still couldn’t tell what I was seeing on top of the wooden structure. But I certainly had my suspicions.

When I was close enough, I realized it was two discarded bikini pieces. Gawd; that was all I needed! I gulped as my cock stiffened even more in my speedos.

I looked all around. But Mrs. Walker had not yet surfaced. I did see ripples indicating where she’d gone down.

I thought about submerging to find her, just to see what she might be doing. Then I told myself she might want a little privacy. So I swam over to the raft and self-consciously hung on to it, wondering just how much I was really going to enjoy myself in her presence.

She popped up with a loud gasp for breath, startling me as she’d come up right next to me. “Oh there you are, Robert,” she panted. Then she gave me a huge smile as she added, “Love the speedos. They really stand out. It’ll make it easier for me to find you down near the bottom. Good choice.”

I could not keep from blushing. She was holding onto the raft, submerged up to her neck. But I could clearly see her breasts, including her erect nipples.

I stammered, “Uh… Mrs. Walker?” She immediately gave me an angry look.

I quickly corrected myself. “Uh, Karen?” Then I motioned at her as I told her, “You’re out here swimming, uh… uh…”

“…naked?” she asked with an amused chuckle. “There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?”

“Uh… no; of course not!”

“You don’t have a problem with that; do you, Robert?” There was that smile again.

“Uh… not at all.”

“I’ve been thinking a lot about what you once said about coming out here to hold your breath and masturbate. Let me show you what I’ve learned.”

My bulge was becoming more pronounced by the moment. “I, uh… I don’t mean to intrude on your private time.”

“Nonsense. I’m happy for the company. This way, you can save me if I should happen to drown myself.” That smile of hers was infectious.

I still wanted to be careful. But I could feel my resolve giving way. “Are you sure?”

She motioned at the watch on my wrist. “I want you to critique my method while timing me as I hold my breath. Is that ok with you?”

“Uh… sure; if you’d like that.”

“I’d like that very much, Robert.”

She smiled again as she moved away from the raft. Then she waved me to come over as she tread water. I let go of the raft and moved closer.

She filled her lungs before she submerged. I checked my watch before inhaling deeply. Then I submerged after her.

I watched as she sculled herself partway down. She smiled at me as she began touching herself all over. She acted as though she loved the way the water felt on her naked flesh.

I saw it all; there was nothing hidden from view. My cock bulged in my speedos at the erotic sight before me. The color of the fabric made it quite noticeable.

Next time, I vowed to bring along a set of trunks. That way, I could change into them right quick if I needed to. This was proving to be more than a little embarrassing.

I told myself I’d only worn these because I liked how they felt on me. But I already knew that was mostly a lie. Deep down, I’d hoped she’d be out here and would enjoy seeing me in them.

She suddenly came toward me and pulled me closer. I hadn’t wanted to invade her space. Now I could really see everything!

She started to drift up as she caressed her naked body. Then she released bubbles out of her nose. It caused her upward ascent to slow and then stop.

I had to scull downward to maintain my position with her. I released just enough air to stop my upward momentum. That way, I no longer needed to work to stay down.

She drifted there in place as she fondled her mounds. I saw her pull on her nipples a little. Then a hand went down to her crotch.

I watched as she grabbed herself while moaning and bubbling. The other hand groped her breasts as she rubbed between her legs. A few more bubbles came out of her mouth and nose as she masturbated right in front of me.

Maybe she was doing it just to pleasure herself. But she was looking right at me the entire time. Clearly, she wanted me to see what she was doing.

I noticed her starting to drift downward. Mrs. Walker had become negatively buoyant. But it wasn’t long before I was slowly descending as well.

It got cooler and murkier the deeper we went. She really rubbed her crotch. Then she released a burst of air as she started back up.

I followed her up, keeping track of the time. We both burst up together near the raft. I hooked an arm through the ladder while checking my watch.

She smiled as she asked, “How’d I do?”

“You mean touching yourself? Or your time underwater?” I wasn’t entirely certain which one she was referring to.

“Why both, of course!” Her eyes twinkled mischievously.

I told her, “We were down for 1:11. As for what you were doing? Well, I… yeah, I thought you were doing just fine.”

“I discovered that when I’m touching myself and I release enough of my breath? I begin to sink.”

“Happens to me all the time. With empty lungs, I really have to work to get back to the surface.”

“I’m beginning to understand why you come out here so often, Robert.” Then she innocently asked, “Would you time me again?”

“Of course.” What else could I say? I couldn’t very well tell her no; could I?

“Oh, just one more thing. I’d like to watch you touch yourself as well. I want to see what you do when you’re submerged. I think it will help give me ideas.”

I blushed again as I told her, “I, uh… I think you’re doing just fine without any of my ideas, Mrs. Wa-, er… Karen.”

“Watch it, Robert,” she replied good-naturedly.

I checked my watch. Then we inhaled before going down together. We sculled downward until it felt like we were about twelve feet down.

She started to touch herself again. When I delayed, she waved at me as she motioned for me to go right ahead and get going. So I began touching my bulge.

She was drifting upward when she released some of her breath. I also released a little of mine as well. We both stopped ascending and drifted in place before we slowly began to slip downward.

She grinned at me as she touched herself all over. Then she really rubbed her crotch. I caressed my chest with one hand as I rubbed my bulge with the other.

Embarrassment gave way to arousal. I still didn’t think it was a very good idea being so close to her naked body like this. But I rationalized to myself that it would be ok.

I got a little more into it, rubbing and squeezing myself. She smiled at me as she became a little more animated. I got the distinct impression she was enjoying having me watch her while I was joining in.

We slowly sank deeper as we released the occasional burst of bubbles. It got murkier, but I never lost sight of her. Seeing her naked had quite the erotic effect on me.

I finally saw her chest start to heave. Mine was aching as well. Then she started pulling for the surface before either one of us could touch the muddy bottom.

I followed her up, noticing how much harder it was to get back to the surface on empty lungs. The pressure lessened as the water lightened up. We went up at about the same speed, slowly chasing the air we’d exhaled.

I tried to time it so we would burst up at about the same moment. We came up panting loudly for breath. I checked the time and told her it had been close to 1:30. She seemed quite happy about that.

“Going down and masturbating is very arousing, Robert. I’m glad you’re out here showing me how and giving me pointers.”

“Oh, I think you’ve pretty much figured it all out for yourself, Karen.”

“How about we try a little kissing?”


“How long can we hold our breath while kissing each other? You wouldn’t mind trying that with me; would you, Robert?”

“I, uh… well, I…”

“I mean, I can see you pretty well with those sexy green speedos you’re wearing. But it would sure be a lot easier if we went down together in each other’s arms, wouldn’t it? You don’t mind, do you?”

“Well, I was just thinking about you and your, uh…”

“That would be sharing air; wouldn’t it, Robert? Don’t people sometimes share air when they get into trouble?”

“Yes, they do.” I was embarrassed again, and I could feel my conscience pricking me.

“You don’t mind doing it for my sake, do you? I mean… it’s just for practice, right?”

“Uh… ok.”

She got real close to me. I was definitely aroused… and more than a little uncomfortable. Then we both filled our lungs before slipping below the surface.

She climbed into my lap and held onto me as I grabbed her upper legs. Then she pressed her lips to mine. It did not help soften my bulge in the slightest.

At first, we drifted just below the surface. Then she released a few bubbles out of her nose. I released a few out of mine. It was enough for me to feel us start to drift downward.

Basically, she just pressed her lips to mine the entire time. She didn’t really do much of anything else. It seemed kind of innocent, and I felt ashamed assuming the worst in her.

We kept sinking lower as we embraced. Her naked body felt nice, warm and erotic. I could even feel her breasts pressed up against my chest.

It got colder the deeper we went. I felt the pressure as we slowly descended toward the bottom. But she never humped against me or anything, even though my bulge had to have been fairly obvious as it pressed up against her.

I tried to make damn sure I didn’t hump her or give off any indication this was anything other than a breathhold with our lips pressed together. I sure wanted to though. I really had to fight off the urge.

She maintained a tight embrace with me. An occasional bubble slipped out of her nose or mine. It was incredibly erotic, considering I actually had our attractive youth group leader naked in my lap while she was kissing me underwater.

I finally came in contact with mud. She let out a little grunt, making me think she was pleased we’d bottomed out. But we did not break our kiss.

I felt her lungs start to heave in her chest. She finally let go of me and began to surface on her own. I went up after her until we burst up together at the raft, panting loudly for breath.

We clung to it as she grinned at me. “We reached the bottom on that one, didn’t we? We were going down and then we came to a stop.”

I nodded, “We sure did.”

“That was a decent one, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, it was pretty good.” Then I remembered to check my watch.

“How was our time?”

I told her we’d been down over 1:40. But I didn’t tell her I wasn’t sure if kissing and hugging had made it any easier to do a combined breathhold.

“I didn’t get a very good breath that time. Can we try it again, Robert?”

I was astonished. “Are you sure? You really didn’t get a very good breath?? You did real well for not getting a good breath.”

“You’re sweet to say that. But could we try it again?”

“Sure; why not?”

We filled our lungs and submerged. I tried to check my watch once we had gone under. Then she surprised me by embracing me so tightly that she had literally climbed into my lap while wrapping her legs around me.

We released just enough air to begin a slow descent downward. This time, she began to kiss me a little harder. Her mouth opened as her tongue came out, forcing my lips apart until she was licking my teeth.

My cock stiffened noticeably. This time, Mrs. Walker humped me a little. I instinctively humped her back before I could catch myself.

She groaned into my mouth as her tongue probed deeper. She really ground against my bulge, causing me to hump her back. It was so arousing that I could hardly make out that little warning voice in the back of my head.

It got colder and darker as we drifted deeper. It sure seemed like we were a long way down before I touched the muddy bottom. She just continued to hump me as she violated my mouth with her tongue.

She groaned as I gave her ass an “accidental” squeeze. Then I did it again. She groaned once more as she kissed me deeply. That’s when she really humped my bulge.

She kept her arms wrapped tightly around me like an octopus. Then her lungs heaved in her chest. She broke away and made a mad dash back for the surface.

I followed her up until we burst up together at the raft. I instinctively apologized, wondering if it had been my fault. Besides, I still had that incident with her daughter in the back of my mind.

“Oh no, Robert,” she replied with a shake of her head as she sputtered a little. “Not your fault at all. I was enjoying it so much that I kind of forgot we needed to breathe.”

My conscience got me to ask, “Ready to take a break?” I know it sure would have helped me get my erection back under control.

“Not yet, Robert. I was kind of hoping you’d take off those speedos so I could watch your masturbation method.”

“You were?” I almost blushed again.

“I just want to go back down and hold our breath while we masturbate together. That’s ok with you; isn’t it, Robert? Can’t we just watch each other? I think that would be great!”

I figured watching would be “safer” than any further intimate contact. So I told her, “Uh… sure, Karen. We, uh… we can do that.”

She saw how hesitant I’d become. She chuckled as she gave me a dismissive wave. “Now don’t go all shy on me, Robert. I’ve already seen it; remember? We’re just going down naked together to watch each other masturbate is all.”

I nodded as I pulled down my speedos and threw them on top of the raft. My cock was at full erection, gloriously exposed. I’m sure she saw it. But thankfully, she did not point it out or even make mention of it.

“Ready to go down again? You’ll time us; won’t you, Robert?”

“Of course I will.”

We both inhaled before sculling part way down, no more than two or three feet away from each other. She immediately began touching herself as I stroked my meat. She really seemed enthusiastic, which helped me relax until I’d lost most of my inhibitions.

I watched her thrust a couple of fingers into her slit. She really fucked herself as she lost more of her breath. She was drifting downward, and I stroked a little harder out of excitement at watching what she was doing.

I lost just enough air that I descended right along with her. She suddenly cried out a burst of bubbles, stiffening around the fingers inside her. It took a couple of seconds before she smiled. Then she began heading for the surface.

I followed her up until we burst up gasping for breath. “I think I came that time, Robert! That was incredible! Is that what it’s like… the pressure and aching lungs finally setting you off?”

“Something like that,” I replied with a sheepish smile.

“Have you cum yet?”

“Uh… not yet.”

“Can I help you?”

I really wanted her to. But this time, my conscience finally got through to me. “Oh no, Mrs. Walker… er, uh… Karen. I’m fine.”

“No–no, silly. I just want to hump you while we kiss is all. That should work; shouldn’t it? I mean, I don’t want to embarrass you or anything.”

I didn’t want to offend her. So I told her, “Oh, uh… yeah, that would probably work.”

I strongly suspected it wouldn’t take much effort on her part. I was sure I was going to shoot my load against her before we even got halfway down.

“Time us, Robert. I want to see how long I can hold my breath while kissing you.”


I checked my watch. Then we both inhaled deeply before slipping under the surface. She tightly embraced me, wrapping her legs around me as she started kissing me deeply.

Bubbles trickled out of our noses until we lost our natural buoyancy. Then we started to drift downward. But she hadn’t started humping me just yet.

I wasn’t sure what was going on. Maybe she wanted to wait until we bottomed out before she helped make me cum toward the very end of our breathhold. Besides, once I release, I usually like to head right back up to the surface.

I panicked when she shifted her position. My cock ended up underneath her instead of up against her. Then she started rubbing it against the crack of her ass.

We kept drifting downward, wrapped up in a tight embrace as bubbles trickled out of our noses. I could feel her tongue in my mouth again. She rubbed against my erection, but that was about it.

She seemed to shift her position again. But my cock remained beneath her instead of up against her. It was getting cool and murky; we had to be close to the bottom.

I finally touched mud with my feet. I grunted into her mouth as we continued the passionate kiss. Then she seemed to shift her position again.

Something unexpected happened, because my cock was no longer exposed to lake water. It was somewhere warm and tight. Something was clenching around my shaft. That’s when I realized what had happened.

My first inclination was to disengage. But she embraced me tighter as she began riding me. She grunted and groaned into my mouth as I grunted and groaned back into hers.

It was way too late to try to prevent anything now. I was already inside her… and it felt incredible! But I could tell I would need air soon.

Instinctively, I pushed off the bottom. Then I let go of her with my arms and began pulling upward. She just kept riding me as she remained impaled on my shaft.

We didn’t get very far before I quit swimming us upward. We were drifting weightlessly, slowly descending again. Then she kissed me fiercely as she bounced up and down on my shaft.

The coolness and pressure at the depth of the lake added to my straining lungs. That’s when I felt it swell within me. I wanted to warn her, but by then, it was much too late.

I cried out as I began spurting inside her. She bubbled and groaned into my mouth as she clenched tightly. She kept grinding against me, clenching as though she was trying to milk every last drop out of me.

I suddenly pulled away from her lips as I tried pulling us back to the surface, air spewing out of my mouth. For the moment, she just clung to me as though she didn’t have the strength to let go. The look on her face told me she sure was satisfied about something.

I had to work hard, but it finally did get lighter and warmer. Eventually, she let go and climbed off. Then she swam upward with me.

We both burst up until our heads emerged up at the surface. We panted like crazy as we both swam over to the raft.

It felt incredible while we were in the middle of the action. But I immediately felt regret once the moment had passed. I think someone once called it “post-nut clarity”. I know I’d certainly experienced it with her daughter.

“That was gawd-damn incredible!” she panted. “My gawd; that was good!”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Walker. I didn’t mean to…”

“Oh, don’t apologize, Robert. That was entirely my fault. I must have slipped or something. You did the only thing a young man is supposed to do in a situation like that. I certainly won’t hold it against you.”

She panted heavily as she struggled to get her breath back. “My gawd, Robert! Is that what it feels like to cum at the bottom of the lake? I was all out of breath… and for a minute, I thought I was going to drown. But I didn’t want to stop. Forgive me, Robert; but I didn’t want to stop!”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Walker. It was all my—”

She cut me off as she asked, “Do you forgive me, Robert?”

“Of course I do.”

She grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. “Gawd damn; that was good! Fuck!”

I don’t know why I winced at her language. What we’d done at the bottom of the lake was far worse than her obscenities. Then I heard a familiar female voice call out from shore, “Mom, aren’t you supposed to be at a meeting with Van Ostrum?”

We both turned to look toward the shore. Carly was standing there with her hands on her hips. My face instantly went several shades of red…

2022 (written Nov 13 ’22 by riwa. My thanks to JustPaul for the inspired renders.)

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The Hanging of Cassie Barclay (guest author) 4 (41)

Bonus story by guest author Rick Jones

I spotted her as she came through the restaurant doors, a small, slightly built girl with long dark hair. She looked a lot like her photograph but seemed to have lost a little weight. I stood up and waved her over, we shook hands quickly. She went to sit down but I stopped her. “Before we continue come to the restroom with me.” I told her.

She looked a little puzzled as I took her arm. The restaurant was almost empty so no one would notice us slipping off together. She didn’t object and followed as we entered the toilet area. I pushed open the disabled toilet door and guided her in.

“I am not being funny Cassie, but I need to be sure that you are not wired or anything.” I told her.

“I have already told you that am not a reporter or police,” she said.

I ignored her and asked for her mobile. She handed it to me, and I took out the battery and handed it back to her after pocketing the battery. “Can I search your bag please?”

“Sure.” She replied as she handed it to me.

There was a small table there and I unzipped it and spilled the contents onto it. I felt a bit embarrassed seeing such items as feminine hygiene products and a pair of clean panties. There were some keys and other odds and ends as well as a purse. I opened it up and tipped the coins onto the table. There were some notes as well as some credit cards. I checked the name on them, and they all tallied with the name she had given me.

“Okay.” I said, satisfied that there were no recording devices there.

I watched as she hurriedly put them all back and then I said that I need to body search her. She said nothing as she stretched out her arms. “I mean strip search.” I told her.

She offered no objection as she began to pull up her top. She pulled it over her head and then began to undo her jeans. I stood and watched as she kicked off her trainers and pushed her jeans all the way down. Moments later she stood in front of me wearing just a red lacy bra and panties set. She looked beautiful; a perfect body that stirred an erection in me. I moved behind her and unclasped her bra.

“Sorry I have to do this.” I told her.

The bra slipped off into her hands and she placed it on the table. I didn’t need to ask about her panties; she pushed them down to her ankles and stepped out of them. As she stood with her hands on her hips I felt a bit of a heel at having to embarrass her like this.

“Thanks Cassie.” I told her. “I just have to be sure; you know.” I added trying to avert her neatly trimmed dark pubic mound.

“It’s okay, I understand,” she told me as she reached for her bra.

Five minutes later she was dressed, and we headed back to our table. I called the waitress over and ordered some coffee.

“So, what do you want to know then?” I asked her.

I knew a lot of things already about her; we had been chatting online for a few months now, but she knew little about me. I rarely chatted to people about my work and my stories, my life was very private, and I liked to keep it that way. Occasionally though you do get people who share a morbid interest in your work and sometimes I let them in. Cassie Barclay was one of the very few that I decided to let in.

“You still work as an executioner?” she asked.

I nodded.

“Not here though,” she said.

I shook my head. “Mainly in the Far East where they still have judicial hangings.” I told her.

“You must be busy then.”

“It’s regular.” I told her. “There are three of us now. Two of them are resident there and they do a lot of the work. I stand in at holidays or when things get very busy.”

“Are they all men?”

I shook my head. “No. I have trained a woman to do it as well.”

“Wow,” she said. “I didn’t think a woman would have the stomach for that.”

“It’s a job like any other.” I told her “She is very efficient.”

“It doesn’t bother you then, hanging people, I mean?”

“I don’t get caught up in the emotions.” I answered. “It’s the Court’s that try them and pass sentence. I just carry it out.”

“What about the innocent ones?”

“Very few are innocent, in fact I only did one that turned out to be a wrong conviction.” I told her.

“I read about a case of an Australian girl, whose boyfriend had planted drugs in her suitcase.” Cassie said. “She hanged but two years later he did the same thing again with another girl and he got found out.”

“Yes I know.” I told her. “I felt bad about that.”

“You hanged her?”

I nodded and glanced up at the waitress bringing our coffee.

“Wow.” Cassie exclaimed when the girl left.

“Please tell me about it?” she said.

I shook my head. It had been a painful experience. Murderers, rapists, and drug dealers were easy to deal with and dispatch, but I always felt that she had been telling the truth. I can still remember hugging her on the gallows as she quietly sobbed.

“Tell me please?” she insisted.

I sipped on my coffee staring blankly into space for a few minutes. “She was a very brave girl.” I told her. “She spotted me in the courtyard a couple of days before her execution. We need to see them to assess them mentally as well as judge their height and weight,” I told her.

“Yes, you need to get the drop right don’t you?” she said.

I nodded. “Anyway, she spotted me and came over to me. She just came out with it and asked if I was her executioner.”

“Wow!” Cassie said. “What did you say?”

“I just said ‘yes.’ What could I say?”

“What did she say?” Cassie asked.

“She told me that she weighed fifty-five kilos and was five feet nine inches, but I had guessed that already” I replied.


“Then she asked me when the execution would take place. I told her that I couldn’t say. There are always final legal processes to go through and as she was a foreign national there were negotiations going on. I was told though that it was scheduled for two days’ time.”

“What else did she say?” Cassie asked me.

“She asked me if it would hurt. I told her that it would be over very quickly.”

“So, what happened on the day then?” Cassie asked.

“She was told at eight o’clock that morning that her appeal for clemency had been turned down and that she would be executed at eleven o’clock. She was given some writing paper and a pen to write last letters to her family. I knew the night before that she was going to hang and had the gallows prepared ready for her. “I said before taking another sip of coffee.

“You had the rope and everything ready for her?” Cassie asked with excitement in her voice.

I nodded. “At five minutes to eleven the prison governor and I entered the cell along with four
warders. She was sat at the table and stood to her feet; poor thing looked petrified. I waited until the governor read out the execution notice and then I said to him that I didn’t think there would be any need for all this presence. Sometimes the condemned try to run or put up a fight, and so extra warders are needed but I knew that in this case there would be no trouble.”

“So, it was just you and her then?”

“Yes.” I told her before taking another sip. “They all left, including the governor, he didn’t like to watch anyway. I don’t think he had the stomach for it.” I added.

“What happened next?” Cassie asked.

“She was trembling, and tears were rolling down her cheeks. She kept saying that she never knew the drugs were there. I believed her but there was nothing I could do about it. I had my job to do.” I said.

“I went round the table and put my arm around her and calmed her down and then I took the belt I had and fastened it around her waist. She didn’t struggle. She just let me fasten it tightly and then I took each of her hands in turn and fastened her wrists into the loop braces on the belt.”

“You didn’t tie her hands behind her back then?”

I shook my head. “No, we use the waist belt method.” I told her. “I then started to walk her from the cell to the execution chamber. It is always quite a long walk. In fact, it is a couple of blocks away; it gives the condemned too much time to think. She started to sob and so I put my arm around her as we walked. As we went through a series of doors she kept asking me if we were nearly there.”

“She never struggled at all then?” Cassie asked me.

“No.” I told her. “When we entered the chamber though she did wobble; it is an awesome sight though. The gallows are a huge metal structure painted in green and there are thirteen steps up to the metal platform. I had to hold her tightly as I guided her up them. Once you get near the top you can see the noose hanging down from the cross beam and they all wobble at that first sight of it. Sometimes they notice a coffin leaning up against the inner wall; it’s an open staircase and you can see inside the gallows frame. That often scares them as well.”

“Wow.” Cassie said. “Did she see her coffin?”

I shook my head. “No, she was spared that.”

“What about when you got to the top?”

“I walked her slowly to the centre of the platform where the trap door is and where the noose is ready. Usually, I put a bag over the condemned person’s head, but she didn’t want it. She became quite agitated, so I left it off. I then took leather straps from my pocket and tied one around her ankles, and another around her knees. She started to sob as I reached for the noose and placed it around her neck, so I just stood there for a few minutes and hugged her.”

“That was very kind of you.” Cassie said.

“I needed her to be calm. If the rope gets dislodged or they move about, the hanging can go wrong. The neck doesn’t snap correctly, and it can be a long and painful death. Anyway, once I got the rope properly placed and got her settled. I moved slowly away from the trap door to the release lever. She watched me as I took away the safety pin and then just closed her eyes as I pulled.”

“Was her death quick?”

I nodded. “Yes. I heard her neck snap. I looked down and saw her body twitching as it swung but she was dead.”

“How long did you leave her hanging?” Cassie asked.

“I usually leave them for about an hour. I go for a coffee and then collect the doctor, and once he confirms death. I take the body down and prepare it for the burial.”

“You undress them?”

“Undress them, clean them up and put a shroud on them, and then put them in the coffin for burial. In this case her body was sent to Australia to her relatives.”

“Tell me?” she asked. “They say that people can have orgasms as they hang, is it true?”

I smiled. “Not on the long drop ones. You can on short drop with slow strangulation, but long drop is instant death.”

“Did you look at her body afterwards?” she asked. “You know, how a man would look?”

I nodded. “Yes, she was a very attractive girl.”

“Did you touch her?”

“I had to wash her down.” I told her. “Of course, I touched her. But with respect”

Cassie finished her coffee.

Written by Rick Jones

Posted in Asphyxia Stories, Guest author | 2 Comments

Girl’s night out 5 4.4 (63)

I want to tell my sister I’ll help her go find the others. Then I start breathing my expelled breath. It makes me become dizzy.

Cassandra gropes my boobs again. By now Amber and the blond have moved over to “assist” poor Dylan. Purple-hair kneels between her legs and starts to eat her out as the blond licks on one of her nipples.

The bag starts to deflate, clinging tighter and tighter to my face. Cassie kisses my lips hard through the plastic. My chest heaves more and more as I struggle to get a decent breath of air down my windpipe.

She rides me as I struggle in the chair. My mind screams, “CASSANDRA, DON’T KILL ME! FOR GAWD’S SAKE, DON’T KILL ME!” Then I’m sucking the bag into my mouth, my chest heaving as my lungs scream for my next breath.

I suddenly go into serious convulsions. At the same time I feel a massive orgasm overwhelm me. It batters me senseless as consciousness abruptly shuts down.

Part 5

The next few moments are a blur…

Cassie kisses my lips before climbing off. I think the bag comes off because I start to breathe shallow. My sister grins as she tells me I should consider doing a noose-dance in the main room when the time comes.

I vaguely remember being freed from the garrote post. I’m helped off the probe up my hole. My muscles squeeze from a combination of relief and emptiness.

Somehow I end up on the floor. I’m cradled by purple-hair as the brunette looks down upon me. But Cassie is long gone.

“That was so hot!” Amber breathes as she holds me like a lover.

“She was definitely born to gasp,” the brunette agrees. I struggle to catch my breath.

I look over and notice Dylan is off her post as well. She’s escorted out the door on rubbery legs. The blonde goes with her, leaving me with the purple-haired woman named Amber and the brunette, whose name I still don’t know.

“You ok?” the brunette asks kindly.

“She’ll be fine,” Amber tells her as she embraces me. “She loved it. Just wait until she sees all those naked bodies dancing on air during the main event. I’ll bet that really gets her motor running!”

The brunette looks around the empty room. “I think people are starting to head out to get ready for the main event. Maybe we should go too?”

Amber smiles as she tells her, “We can always show her a private hanging room first. That way she’ll know what to expect.”

The brunette smiles down at me. I don’t like the look in her eyes as she considers the suggestion. “That’s ok,” I tell them as I wave dismissively. I cough a little, which helps to clear my throat.

“It’s just a practice room,” the brunette assures me. “Some ladies like to try it out, just to say they’ve experienced the thrill. Others go in and practice in anticipation of hanging for everyone else out in the main room.”

“Let’s show her,” purple-hair suggests eagerly as she helps me to my feet. It seems Amber has decided to join us by turning my escorted tour of the place into a threesome.

“I’m not sure,” I reply nervously. I’ve already ended up gasping far more than I ever imagined, no thanks to my sister and niece. I certainly don’t want to risk being noosed up by these two.

“It’ll be all right,” Amber assures me. “I’ll be happy to show you what it’s like. I’ll even ride the noose for you. You’d like to see that, wouldn’t you?”

I look at her in surprise. “You mean you’d actually let yourself get all noosed up… for me?”

“Why not? There’s nothing to it. A lot of women have been in the noose rooms, if only to be hoisted into the air for a few seconds. That way they have somewhat of an understanding what the others will be experiencing once they end up hanging out in the main room.”

The brunette tells me, “Everyone who wants to hang tonight will want to do it in front of the main audience during the big hanging scene. I don’t ever recall hearing of a girl hanging to death in a private room, not when she wants to go out with a bang in front of a lot of appreciative eyes. I promise: you have nothing to worry about. You’re in good hands here.” But a part of me still isn’t sure I trust her.

“Let’s show her!” purple-hair declares with enthusiasm.

Together they lead me out of the garrote room, one on each arm. I’m not entirely sure I should be tagging along with them, especially when they’ve proved to be so aggressive at times. Each room I’ve entered thus far has subjected me to more gasping than I ever thought possible.

We pass a few naked females heading toward the main hanging area. I nervously tell my companions, “Shouldn’t we follow them out?” I’m still not entirely sure I can trust either one of them.

“Oh, there’s still time,” the brunette assures me. “Besides, the music hasn’t started yet. That’s what calls everyone out into the main viewing room. A few might lag behind in private rooms if they’re enjoying themselves. But almost everyone ends up out in the main room to watch the hangings by the time the third or fourth girl gets strung up.”

“Third or fourth?” I repeat in alarm. “You mean there’s liable to be that many women who might end up hanging tonight?”

Amber laughs as she tells me, “Oh, there’ll probably be way more than that. These nights don’t happen all that often. Besides, a lot of girls end up getting all caught up in the excitement of the moment.”

We go down a hall, passing a few more women heading in the opposite direction. Then we open a door on the right. We step into a small room with no one inside.

The first thing I notice are two hanging contraptions on opposite sides of the room. They are both identical in design. Metal posts on either side support a single steel circular beam that cross on top.

Metal wheels are attached to each support post. Twin nooses hang down from openings cut into the crossbeam. I conclude the wheels on the posts must somehow operate the nooses.

I look at the same set-up on the opposite wall. Four women could easily be strung up in here at any one time, two in front of one wall watching the two on the opposite wall. A small table with a collection of “accessories” sits on the back wall.

“Well, here we are,” Amber says as she walks up and caresses the nearest noose. “A quick loop around the neck, a turn of the wheel, and up you go. It’s a great way to experience a hanging, even if only for a second or two.”

“You ought to know,” the brunette says with a laugh. “How many times have you ridden one of these in a room like this?”

“I don’t know. Dozens maybe?”

“You’re thinking about riding one out in the main room for real tonight, aren’t you.”

Amber smiles before looking down at the floor as though feigning embarrassment at having been found out. “I don’t know. I might.”

Purple-hair turns in my direction, seductively caressing me as she asks, “So what do you think? Would you like to watch me hang tonight?”

“I, uh… I’m not sure.”

“Sure you would,” the brunette chuckles. “I can tell you’re starting to warm to the idea. Just like I know Amber and I would love to see you hang out there in the main room in front of everybody else.”

I swallow hard as I shake my head before firmly telling her, “Not gonna happen.” They both laugh.

“So what do you think?” Amber says to me as she caresses the noose. “Care to try it out for yourself?”

“I, uh… I don’t think so.”

“How about giving her a demonstration, Amber?”

“Be glad to!” purple-hair enthusiastically says to the brunette.

She loops the noose over her head and around her neck. A moment later the door swings open. A couple of nude blondes enter.

They’re clearly engaged in a serious conversation with each other before they realize they’re not alone. “Oh, I’m sorry,” the older one apologizes with a start. “We didn’t know anyone was in here.”

“The more the merrier,” Amber smiles with a welcoming wave of her hand, the noose still draped loosely around her throat.

The younger one seems concerned about something. “Mom, I’m just not sure I want to go through with it is all.”

The older one reassures her. “And I told you, honey: you don’t have to. I only brought you back here in case you want to try a practice round.”

The younger one looks dubiously at the empty noose dangling adjacent to my purple-haired companion. “I don’t know, mom. Is it safe?”

“Why, it’s perfectly safe!” Amber blurts out. Then she waves at my brunette escort as she tells her, “C’mon; let’s show ‘em!”

The brunette smiles as she walks over to the support post on the right side of the contraption. She slowly turns the wheel, removing the slack from around Amber’s neck. A moment later the purple-haired woman is pulled up onto her toes… and then clear up off the floor.

Amber instinctively kicks for a moment or two. Then it seems to register what’s happening to her. She kicks less as she reaches down and fingers herself.

She gawks as she hangs like that for several moments. I deem it to be no longer than ten seconds or so before the brunette turns the wheel in the opposite direction. Amber is returned to the floor.

She takes a wobbly step or two. Then disappointment fills her features as she turns to the brunette. “Did you have to bring me down so soon? I was almost there!”

“You’re always ‘almost there’!” the brunette laughs.

“See?” the older blonde says to the younger one. “Honey, there’s nothing to it.”

“I just don’t know, mom.”

“My names Madelyn,” she says to me. “This is my daughter Sandy.” I tell them mine.

She smiles at Amber who’s still in the noose before asking, “How’d you like to perform a brief duet with me for my daughter’s sake?”

“Be glad to!” purple-hair says with a grin. Then she turns to the brunette and winks at her. “Just make sure I get to cum this time; ok?”

“You got it,” my brunette escort replies with a knowing smile.

Madelyn turns to me and smiles. “Would you be so kind as to operate my wheel?” Then she walks over and loops the empty noose around her own throat without waiting for my reply.

I look over at the brunette who nods her head, indicating I should go right ahead. Amber has this huge grin on her face. Sandy still seems to be hesitant about something.

I walk over to the wheel before asking, “What do I do now?”

Amber motions at the wheel I’m manning as she replies, “One way is up; the other is down. You’ll get the hang of it.”

The brunette chuckles at her. “No, Amber. I think you and Madelyn here are about to ‘get the hang of it’.” The mother laughs appreciatively at the pun.

I slowly turn the wheel until I see the rope removing the slack out of the noose around Madelyn’s neck. The brunette follows my lead with Amber until both women stand with their nooses nice and snug, but not yet tight around their throats. “Now watch this, honey,” Madelyn says to her daughter with a reassuring smile.

The brunette nods at me before slowly turning her wheel. I slowly turn mine as well, trying to match her movements. Both noosed women are pulled up onto their toes before ultimately losing the floor.

This time Amber is ready. She swings back and forth as she furiously fingers herself. No doubt she wants an orgasm while she’s airborne.

Madelyn, on the other hand, purposely splits her legs in opposite directions. She brings her knees up as though her actions are deliberately coordinated. Then she stretches her arms in front and behind her like a dancing ballerina.

Amber starts to gasp as she fights the noose a little. Madelyn finally begins to put up a struggle. Her small breasts heave a little as her snatch begins to glisten in that small, pubic bush she’s sporting.

Seeing them suffer in midair is more than a little disturbing. Yet there’s something about it that I find strangely compelling. It’s more shamefully arousing than I could have possibly imagined. What the hell is wrong with me??

Amber throws her chest out as she humps the air until she squirts onto the floor. The brunette immediately starts to bring her down. A split second later I frantically lower Madelyn until both women are standing with somewhat rubbery legs upon the floor.

“Was that what you wanted?” the brunette asks my panting, purple-haired companion with a grin.

“Gawd; that was good! I really came hard that time.”

“You see, honey?” Madelyn tells her daughter upon loosening the noose around her throat and then catching her breath. “Nothing to it. I even did a few ballet moves while I was up in the air.”

“But won’t our wrists be tied behind our backs when we’re hanging out in the main room?”

“That’s true,” the brunette says to the daughter before the mom can reply. “But the effect is generally the same.”

“It certainly is,” Amber assures Sandy. “Bondage makes the orgasms even more intense.” Then she tells the brunette, “Why don’t you go fetch a couple sets of restraints for us to demonstrate?”

“Be happy to,” she replies. Then she asks the mother, “Would you like a restraint? Or are you done showing your daughter the ropes?” She can’t help smiling at her pun.

“Oh, by all means,” Madelyn says with a chuckle. Then she looks at me before adding, “If you don’t mind tarrying a little longer and helping me out with my wheel there.”

“No problem,” I reply. Besides, I feel more secure knowing I’m the one operating the wheel rather than being pulled up into the air.

The brunette goes over to the table. She returns with a couple sets of restraints. They look like soft cuffs. At least they’ll be somewhat comfortable.

She hands one set to me to help restrain Madelyn. I accept them with a nod, figuring I can do this for her. The mother smiles appreciatively at me.

I watch as the brunette secures Amber’s wrists behind her back. I follow her lead with Madelyn. It’s not difficult at all.

When I’m done, I move back to my wheel as the brunette walks back to the one operating our purple-haired companion. I look at Sandy, wondering how she’s processing all this. This time she appears to be a little less concerned.

“Are you ready to go swinging again with me?” Amber asks Madelyn with a grin.

“Ready for another duet with you,” she replies with a chuckle. Then she tells her daughter, “Watch closely, honey.”

The brunette starts to turn her wheel. I turn mine as well. Together the ropes tighten the nooses, bringing both women up onto their toes… and then completely up off the floor.

This time Amber attempts to follow Madelyn’s lead. The mother certainly appears to have done this a few times. It makes me wonder how many of these hanging parties she’s attended.

She spreads her legs in a split, which Amber mimics. She bends her legs backward, thrusting out her chest. Amber follows suit.

Madelyn starts to kick a little. Our purple-haired companion does her best to copy her moves. It’s not long until both of them start to rasp for breath, almost in unison.

Madelyn’s knees come upward. Amber does the same. Both women thrust their chests out. Then they began humping the air together.

They lose their synchronicity when they both start fighting their nooses in different ways. It looks like Amber is cumming again. I’d swear Madelyn is climaxing as well, although her motions appear more subdued.

For a moment I’m so fascinated that I stop following the brunette’s lead. She has Amber almost all the way down before I’m reminded to bring down Madelyn. Both women end up flat on their feet while rasping like crazy.

The brunette and I move in and quickly remove their restraints. We help steady them as we work the nooses off from around their necks. “Thank you,” Madelyn tells me appreciatively. “It always gets me in the end, and I can’t help cumming a little.”

She turns to Amber and tells her, “You dance divinely. I appreciate having had you as a dance partner in here.”

“My pleasure,” our purple-haired companion replies. “It was erotic as hell.” Then they kiss each other deeply.

Madelyn finally turns to her daughter and smiles. “Are you satisfied now, honey?”

“I guess so, mom.”

“Then I suppose we’d better be heading out to the main room. I’m sure they’ll be dancing out there real soon.”

She passes her daughter as she heads for the door. But Sandy reaches out and stops her by grabbing an arm. “Wait a minute, Mom.”

Madelyn stops as she turns toward her daughter. “Yes, honey?”

“I, uh… it didn’t hurt you any, did it?”

“Not too much, honey. It’ll hurt a lot worse if you hang out in the main room. Just remember: you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

“I, uh… I think I’d like to try it… at least once… so I’ll know what it’s like in case… in case I hang for real out there.”

“Certainly, honey.” Then she tells the brunette, “Would you be so kind as to spot for my daughter?”

“Be happy to,” the brunette replies with a smile.

Amber looks right at me, her eyes twinkling. “What about you? Aren’t you going to try it at least once?”

“I, uh…”

Sandy looks at me in surprise. “You mean you’ve never tried a noose in here?”

“I don’t think she’s ever tried any noose,” our purple-haired companion tells her.

“Just like you, honey,” Madelyn gently tells her daughter. “And you still don’t have to try it if you don’t want to. It can be a bit of a shock the first time around.”

“I’m willing,” Sandy says after taking a deep breath. Then she smiles at me as she asks,” Would you be willing to do a duet with me? You and me as a couple of newbies?”

My heart leaps into my throat again. “Oh, I don’t know…”

“Oh, she’ll be glad to!” Amber blurts out. Then she tells me, “You’ll do it for Madelyn and Sandy, won’t you? This way Sandy won’t have to dance alone and feel so anxious about it.”

Madelyn gives me a sly smile as she tells me, “I promise to make it worth your while.”

I have no idea what that means. And I’m not sure I want to know. “I… I don’t… I’m not sure…”

The decision is abruptly taken out of my hands as Amber picks up one of the restraints and cuffs my wrists behind my back. “Oh, she’ll be glad too!” she declares. The brunette attaches the other set of cuffs to Sandy, securing her arms behind her back as well.

I find myself struggling to catch my breath. I suppose it would be nice to join her. But deep down I really don’t want to hang, even if it’s only for a few moments.

Things keep slipping further and further out of my control. I seem to be getting in deeper and deeper. I’m really not sure I want to do this.

The brunette positions Sandy in front of her noose. Amber positions me in front of mine. Sandy looks over and notices my hesitation.

“You don’t mind, do you?”

“I, uh…” Then I see a look of disappointment cross her features. Now I feel like I’d be letting her down if I refuse.

“This will be her first time too,” Amber explains, also noting my hesitancy.

“Uh, yes… my first.”

Sandy smiles nervously. “Then it’ll be the first time for both of us. That makes me glad you’re willing to hang with me in here.”

I can tell she’s a bit reluctant. It’s obvious she’s not fully on board, although she’s trying to be willing. I want to reassure her, but hanging with her was the last thing on my mind when I first entered this room.

I can’t seem to make myself give a yay or nay. I think her mother sees it in my features. She smiles as she tells me, “I really appreciate this. Sandy does too; right, honey?”

“Oh yes, mom! Naturally I’m a little nervous. But I don’t feel quite so bad, not with Amanda hanging right beside me for the very first time.”

Madelyn gives me a cryptic smile. “Around here we always like to do a little something special for the newbies.”

“Like wh-what?” I stammer nervously.

In response she steps right up to me. A moment later she starts caressing my naked body, giving me the shivers something fierce. She kisses me deeply at the same time I see the brunette step up and start to molest her daughter Sandy…

2021 (written Dec 9 ’21 by riwa)

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Adrenaline junkie 4.2 (29)

Julanni motored out in the direction of the reef. It was her favorite spot to freedive. There were lots of places to explore. And there were lots of places where a girl like her could run into a little danger.

The vibration of the bottom of the zodiac was really tingling her nub. A 60 horsepower outboard was far more motor than she needed for an inflatable no more than ten feet long. But she loved the speed, as well as the way the vibrations went all the way through her.

She let out a scream of pleasure, shuddering as it overwhelmed her. She could only motor out so far before that first orgasm overtook her. She let out a shriek of pure joy as she motored along.

She slowed down the moment the warning buoys came within view. It wouldn’t do for any large freighters to get hung up on the coral below. Most of it was deep enough, but some came up close enough to the surface to rip out or badly damage a hull.

She motored the zodiac right up to a buoy before shutting off the engine. She secured a mooring rope to the buoy so the zodiac would remain in place. Then she prepared for her dive.

Her first action was not to put something on. It was to take something off. Her black bikini top was tossed forward, landing among her other gear.

She smiled as she caressed her mounds. Her nipples had already hardened. That was from the wild ride and the way the vibrations had tantalized her nub as well as her dripping slit.

Now she put something on. It was her long, black dive fins. They always helped her reach the bottom of the reef with plenty of air left in her lungs to enjoy her time on the bottom.

Another item came off. This time it was her dark sunglasses. These were replaced with a solid dive mask sure to hold up at the pressure she would be descending to.

She caught sight of the dive knife in its sheath. She grabbed it and attached it to her right calf. What would she do if she encountered something that might necessitate its use? Julanni trembled at the thought she might run into something exciting during her afternoon adventure out here.

She looked at the oxygen bottle she’d brought with her. Should she take a hit right away? Or should she go down and do a little exploring first? She decided to delay her first usage lest she become tempted to use it all up right away.

The weight belt went on last. It made her negatively buoyant. She liked having that additional weight to challenge her. It often made her lady parts tingle whenever she pushed her luck and found herself finning hard for the surface.

And speaking of tingling…

Julanni slipped off the side of the zodiac into the water. The weight belt pulled her downward. She released bubbles out of her mouth, envisioning herself being pulled to the depths where she risked drowning.

She was halfway down when she propelled herself upward with her fins. She kicked hard, quickly reclaiming the distance to the surface. She burst up, gasped loudly for breath and then allowed the weight belt to pull her back down.

Her nub throbbed as she sank toward the bottom. Julanni trembled over how wonderful it felt. She released much of her air until her lungs were almost empty. Then she finned hard for the surface again.

She burst up gasping loudly for breath. She swam over to the zodiac and clung to the side. That had been a nice little appetizer. Now it was time for the main course.

She composed herself as she breathed deeply. She could feel the floor of the reef calling to her. Her nub tingled again as her thong clung tightly to her waist and crotch.

Julanni filled her lungs. Then she jackknifed downward. It was time for her first visit to the bottom.

She propelled herself down with her fins, stretching an arm ahead of her. She could see the formations rising up to meet her. There were so many places to explore… and she was so horny from the trip out and the way the zodiac had vibrated her crotch.

She bottomed out around forty-five feet, pinching the nosepiece on her dive mask to equalize. Then she followed the ocean floor. Soon she was entering her first formation.

There were lots of caverns and openings. She picked one at random and casually glided inside. There were twists and turns before she came out the other end.

She headed for the surface, releasing bubbles out of her mouth. She stayed with a couple of the bigger ones, pausing just enough to let them reach the surface ahead of her. Then she came up panting quietly for breath.

It was wonderful. She loved the way the water caressed her breasts. Her nipples continued to protrude, almost to the point where they ached.

Julanni headed back down for a second dive. She pinched her nosepiece to equalize about halfway down. She loved how the water felt against her bare skin.

The deeper she went, the more her nub tingled. The pressure always did that to her. That’s why she kept coming back out here every chance she got.

She found another entrance to explore and casually finned her way inside. By now she had become greatly aroused. It wasn’t going to take much in order to entice that next orgasm out of her.

She didn’t even have to touch herself. She just finned her way forward, taking her time exploring nooks and crannies. The water caressed her like a lover as the pressure made her nub throb under her thong.

She was feeling it in her lungs as she inspected another section of reef. She knew she was pushing herself. Then she deliberately allowed the weight belt to pull her to the ocean floor.

She came down upon her stomach. The soil pushed up against her crotch, nearly setting her off. A warning spasm forced her up through a narrow opening in the formation.

She finned hard while releasing the remaining air out of her lungs. It got lighter, the pressure giving way as she approached the surface. Then she burst up gasping loudly for breath.

That had been a good one! She’d almost climaxed by staying down too long.

She stayed up with the zodiac for an additional minute or two. Then she filled her lungs before heading back down. There was so much to explore, with just enough of an element of danger to give her that added thrill.

Air fizzed out of her dive mask as she took a passage that angled downward. It felt like the bottom sloped beyond the fifty feet back up to her bobbing craft. But she went anyway, knowing the depth was still within her limits.

She was just a little wary. She was looking forward to the challenge. Still, she was always careful not to push herself too hard.

A two minute breath-hold along the bottom yielded a plethora of visual sensations to engage the mind. Then she found an opening in the formation above her and slipped through. Now she could feel it in her lungs.

Her nub was tingling as she emerged in open ocean. Julanni slowly finned her way upward, releasing another small stream of bubbles. She rose upward toward her small, bobbing craft until she burst up gasping for breath.

She clung to the side, allowing her heart to settle back down. She looked at the oxygen canister. She was tempted, especially since her body was craving a release. But she decided one more trip back down was needed to pick out the spot she wanted to get herself off.

She filled her lungs and then headed back down. She found an opening she had yet to explore. Then she finned her way inside.

She was twenty feet away when she caught sight of a little movement. She paused to stare in astonishment. Then she became excited.

It was an octopus. It blended so well with the formation that she would have gone right over the top of it without noticing. And that’s what gave her the idea.

She really tingled as she turned and headed back to the zodiac. She kept mental track of where the creature was. She was planning a return trip down to that very spot.

Julanni surfaced and then swam over to her zodiac. She climbed back on board to rest for a moment. She had never been so excited before in her entire life.

She paused to catch her breath as she looked down at the water. Then she saw the O2 canister she’d brought along. She smiled as her lady parts tingled at the risk she was considering.

She picked up the bottle and took deep breaths. This was going to be good one. She wasn’t going to press her luck or anything. She was simply going to go down and rub one out of her nagging nub.

The idea of that octopus lurking nearby was tantalizing. Would it bother her? Or would her presence drive it away?

Would she be tempting fate? Julanni quivered at the thought. This was something she had never done before. At least she would have her dive knife with her in case things went wrong.

Julanni set the bottle down before pulling her dive mask down over her face. Then she went over the side of her craft. She finned her way downward with long, smooth strokes, her nub tingling again as the pressure increased against her thong.

She’d thought about leaving her thong behind. But she didn’t want anything penetrating her lady parts. She would still be able to achieve the release she desired just by applying the right kind of pressure in the right spot.

This time it felt wonderful. Filling her lungs with oxygen had made it seem as though she could hold her breath forever. That would give her plenty of time to get off at depth, especially in the presence of that sea beast.

She found the opening she wanted. Then she finned her way inside. She was looking for that one particular formation that had camouflaged the octopus so well.

At first she couldn’t find it. Had the creature abandoned its position for parts unknown? For a moment she felt a twinge of regret she hadn’t tried to get off earlier.

Her eyes adjusted until she located it. It was still right there. Now her nub was really tingling, her lady parts eager for a release.

She worked herself closer, her nub throbbing. Her nipples were hard enough to cut glass. Julanni felt electrified.

Not too close now. Right here ought to just about do it. If the creature was disturbed by her presence, it made no move to evacuate its position.

Julanni settled onto her knees and began touching herself all over. She could feel it starting to swell within her. Danger was lurking only a short distance away.

She eased off a little, wanting to delay it as much as possible. She was already incredibly excited. She saw movement, but the creature was still keeping to itself.

What if it wanted her? What if it became annoyed and moved away? She was so close.

Her fingers became more aggressive, slipping under her thong for the direct approach. The creature stirred. Then it shifted as though moving tentatively in her direction.

It swelled with in her until she couldn’t hold back. Julanni shuddered in pleasure. It was so intense that her vision dimmed.

The creature darted closer until a curious tentacle reached out and grabbed onto her right leg. Another wrapped around her chest. Tentacles were waving in her direction now as she tried to swim upward, only to be ensnared by the beast.

Oh, fuck…….

Julanni winced as another orgasm hit her hard, causing her to lose a burst of air. She could feel the creature tentatively exploring. Suckers attached to one breast, making her shudder from a mixture of fear and sexual arousal.

So far it wasn’t overly aggressive or threatening. But it was time to break away. She was running out of breath.

The creature didn’t seem to be all that enormous. But the arms were plenty long enough. It was certainly big enough… and incredibly curious.

Her other leg became snagged. Another tentacle joined the one already entangling her right leg. She tried to kick upward, but the creature reacted by gently pulling her back down.

Uh – oh. Now she was getting a much better look at it. The damned thing was much bigger – and more curious – than she’d anticipated.

She tried to peel the tentacles off her leg, not wanting to scare or aggravate the creature. She was having some success until another one grabbed onto her right wrist. Now she was really getting entangled!

Julanni tried to fin herself upward. The creature used a couple of tentacles to hold its position upon the ocean floor. Thus, she was gently pulled back down into a grip that was becoming less yielding.

Julanni tried harder to break away. She was through trying to be nice to this damned thing. She struggled harder, but it refused to let go.

It was at that moment when she felt it in her stomach. It was the first direct warning signs of breathlessness. Soon the sensations would move up into her chest, indicating her growing need to return to the surface.

She struggled harder against the sea beast. Its tentacles shuffled around. She was almost free, shedding all but the one around her chest. Then it reattached itself to her leg.

Julanni cried out a burst of bubbles. Now those gentle warning spasms in her stomach were up in her chest. All that oxygen she’d breathed up at the surface was gone. Now she was almost out of breath.

Once more she tried to break free. But the damned thing was determined to hold onto her. Now it was hanging onto both legs. She simply could not shake loose!

She kicked hard, managing to free one leg. She almost had the other one clear when additional tentacles rose up and grabbed on tight. Annoyance morphed into growing fear. She didn’t have time for this. Was it time for the knife??

Julanni’s large breasts bounced and wobbled as she tried to get free. She went to reach for her dive knife. But the damned thing snagged her right arm.

It still was not acting overly aggressive. Its curiosity had simply gotten the better of it. For whatever reason, It simply did not want to let go of her!

She felt her chest hitch and convulse. Instinctively she covered her mouth with her free hand as her cheeks bulged. She was almost out of breath.

A tentacle further wrapped around her leg until it slithered up through her crotch. It pressed against her swollen nub just right. Breathless fear, combined with pressure in the right location, set Julanni off again.

She lost a mouthful of bubbles as she shuddered hard in orgasm. Her energy reserves were quickly depleted. She’d orgasmed one too many times.

At first the octopus was startled enough to almost let go. Then it fully reattached itself. Julanni was still cumming, her body fully aware of the imminent danger.

She shuddered hard as sexual pleasure momentarily blocked her other senses. Then Julanni’s lungs heaved ominously. She was clearly out of air.

She had to go right now! Besides, she had a long swim back to the surface. Why wasn’t this damned thing letting go??

She struggled to reach for her dive knife. A tentacle held on and wouldn’t let her get to it. Did the creature understand? Or was it merely instinctive?

She finned hard, enough to almost pull it away from the ocean floor. A couple of tentacles latched onto a rocky formation for support. Then it pulled her right back down.

Julanni cried out in horror. Gawd; this couldn’t be happening! Was her never-ending search for that all-important adrenaline rush about to end her existence??

She let out a bubbly cry as her chest heaved ominously. The octopus all but let go. But now it was too late.

At that moment her lungs gave out. That’s when she began hitching and convulsing as she swallowed water. It flowed right down into her lungs as she went over backward.

A curious tentacle reattached. But it didn’t matter to Julanni. She coughed and gurgled as she began to drown.

Her efforts to escape were now effectively stilled. She was no longer capable of struggling. It allowed the creature to maintain full control over her body.

More tentacles wrapped around her. Julanni was dimly aware of the horror of it all. It hurt like hell, yet she was still conscious enough to experience it.

What was the damned thing going to do to her? She felt tentacles began a full exploration of her quivering body. It horrified her to the point where she didn’t want to be conscious long enough to experience her molestation.

Internal organs started shutting down. Her vision lessened as her senses diminished. Mercifully her consciousness ebbed away until she was no longer aware of the curious creature’s exploration of her body.

2021 (written Aug 15 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by JustPaul’s renders.)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Picture Stories | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

DLW and daughter at the Snuff Club 2 4.5 (60)

Part 2

My first thought was how strange it was for hell to look like the interior of the snuff club. Then it all came rushing back to me. Apparently they hadn’t snuffed me after all… either that, or they’d merely come damn close.

At first, I didn’t know whether to feel relieved or disappointed. Then more of my senses came back online. I decided that for now, I should be happy I was still alive and still employed by the club.

“She still with us?” one of the other guys asked. “Damn! She really came hard that time. Was it because she was being strangled so hard?”

Chuck just laughed. “Maybe it was because she was watching her daughter get snuffed.”

“Darla?” I gasped, remembering my daughter as I anxiously looked at the monitor. She was being helped to sit upright on the bed. Apparently she had also survived.

“I guess some bitches are hard to kill,” the other member of my trio observed.

“Like mother; like daughter,” Chuck observed with amusement.

We could hear them talking on the monitor. I saw Darla rubbing her neck. The nylons had left quite a mark. How was she going to explain that to Ned?

I rubbed my own. “Yeah,” Chuck told me as he noticed me checking my throat. “You’ve got one too. It matches the one around your daughter’s throat.” The other guys laughed.

Damn. How was I going to explain this to Bob??

I heard Chad ask my daughter, “How was it?”

“Intense,” she gasped in reply. “For a moment there, I really thought I was dead.”

“Wish you were back home with your boyfriend?”

“Not on your life. This was fucking incredible!” Then she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately.

About that time, Nicole entered our room with a tray of drinks. The guys all helped themselves to one. I took one as well. After all, I need something strong enough to help me get my strength back.

She eyed me warily before shaking her head. “Sometimes you amaze me; you know that?” She knew I was married, and I blushed before taking a huge gulp of my drink.

In the other room, an attendant named Rosita was giving everyone drinks. They thanked her and began guzzling them down. I finished mine before helping myself to another on Nicole’s tray.

She looked at all the men in my room. Then she nodded politely. “You gentlemen have a nice evening. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need anything else.”

“What about her?” one of the guys asked as he motioned at me. “Do you need us to return her back to you?”

Uh – oh. Did that mean they were interested in having a second go at me?

“You gentlemen enjoy her for as long as you like. The club will make sure her duties outside this room are taken care of.”

“Thank you, miss,” Chuck told her with a smile. Then he glanced at the monitor. Darla was on her knees sucking cock again.

“Guess we’d better put her back to work, miss.” Nicole just shook her head at me and left. A moment later, I was also on my knees sucking cock.

A part of me became a little concerned. This was one night it was going to take me a little while to recover from. How was I going to explain things to Bob?

I got a glance at the monitor and saw Darla on her hands and knees working on all three cocks again. How was she going to explain that mark around her throat to Ned? Maybe she would have to wear a turtleneck, or make some excuse in order to avoid seeing him until most of it had healed.

Darla took it from behind while sucking on a cock in front of her. I ended up in the exact same situation. We were back to mimicking the actions in my daughter’s room.

“How about it, bitch?” Chad asked Darla. You want it rough, or you want it vanilla? You want it ‘Ned’, or you want it ‘Chad’?

My daughter excitedly replied, “Chad – Chad; give it to me rough!” They all laughed in her room.

The other college guy pulled out from behind her, only for Chad to ram it hard into her. She screamed for him to really fuck her ass. Chad had no hesitation in the slightest as he brutalized her anally.

“How about you?” Chuck asked with a laugh. “I’ll give you the same question he gave your daughter. Me or your husband? Vanilla or anal?”

“Anal,” I replied, shamefully lowering my head a little. He just laughed as he moved behind me and rammed it hard up my butt.

On the monitor, Darla screamed from another powerful orgasm. Shamefully, I found myself cumming right behind her. Seeing her cum had sent me over the edge, especially the way Chuck was pounding my ass.

It was rough and glorious. I hardly thought about my husband the entire time. Besides, I never let Bob fuck me in the ass. It just wasn’t that way between us.

Darla ended up back on the bed, two cocks in her holes and the third in her mouth. I ended up on the bed in my room, getting it the exact same way. The muffled grunts and groans from her monitor were almost drowned out by my own.

The guys took turns fucking Darla. I’m pretty sure they pumped a couple more loads into her cunt and ass. I got the same treatment until both our rooms took another break.

Rosita entered my daughter’s room again, and drinks were passed around. Nicole returned to mine, and we all helped ourselves. The liquid really helped me regain my sagging energy.

It was getting late. I found myself hoping the guys would finally tire out in both rooms. Besides, my shift was coming to an end. Soon, I would have to be heading home to Bob.

I didn’t know what Darla was going to do. I assumed she wouldn’t go back to be with Ned for a while. She would need time – as well as some sort of excuse – to heal from the mark around her throat. It was going to be noticeable for several days.

As for me? I was already trying to come up with something to tell my husband. With any luck, he would be asleep when I got home so that I could hide it for a while. I would have to keep him from seeing it and becoming concerned.

I heard my daughter on the monitor suddenly gasp “ow”. Then she looked down at her tummy. The sensor had turned red.

“Oh, fuck!” she gasped in alarm. “Does that… does that mean what I think it means?”

“It sure does,” Chad told her with a grin. “It means exactly what you think it means. My dad and I have been here several times, and we’ve seen it a time or two. It means you’re not getting out of here alive.”

“Oh my gawd!” Darla cried out as she went visibly pale. “What do I tell my mother? What do I tell dad? Hell; what do I tell Ned??”

“Tell them now they won’t have to get you any presents for Christmas,” one of the other guys in her room suggested. Everyone in both rooms but Darla and I laughed.

“You got your iPhone with you?” Chad asked.

“I left it behind,” Darla explained sheepishly. “I didn’t want to be interrupted… and I didn’t want anybody tracking me here. I don’t know what to do! Do I… do I get a last phone call or something?”

Chad chuckled as he shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. I can send a message to your boyfriend. I’ll explain how he’s now going to have to find someone else to marry.” They laughed again in both rooms… everyone except her and I.

My heart was beating fast as I saw Darla start to pant heavily for breath. She gasped, “I never thought… I didn’t think…”

Chad just chuckled as he smiled evilly at her before asking, “Now how are we going to snuff you tonight?” That’s when all three of them started looking around their room. Darla’s face was ashen.

My heart was pounding a mile a minute. I knew it was possible that her sensor could pop. Yet it was still quite a shock upon seeing it happen.

“What do we do now?” one of the guys in my room asked, interrupting the drama occurring on the monitor.

“Simple,” Chuck replied. “We stick around and watch.” Then he smiled at me before adding, “Naturally, you’ll want to stay and watch as they snuff your daughter; am I right? Besides, I’m sure you’ve already seen quite a few executions around here. What’s one more?”

“I, uh… uh…”

I didn’t know what to say. For one thing, I was terribly alarmed. And yet for some strange reason, I was shamefully aroused. The whole damned thing felt surreal as hell.

I watched on the monitor as Chad looked up at the noose dangling from the ceiling. He smiled as he told the guys, “I know. Let’s give her a flying fuck as she hangs. She loved it when we strangled her while we were fucking her; right? She should really love getting a fuck as she hangs to death.”

“That’s my boy,” Chuck observed. “If it were me in there, I’d do the same damn thing.”

I jerked around to stare at him in shock. “You mean… he’s your son??”

“A chip off the old block,” he replied proudly. I don’t know why I didn’t see the family resemblance until now.

The guys in my daughter’s room began moving around, retrieving a stool while getting the noose ready. Chad went and retrieved a length of rope. Darla just sat on the bed in stunned silence.

One of her guys told her, “I think a slut like you is going to cum hard once we hang you; eh, Darla?”

She blinked at his words. “But I… I don’t… I’m not…” She appeared to be in shock at this sudden reversal of things.

Chad was rummaging through a closet as he called over, “Oh, c’mon! Don’t act so nervous. Surely you were hoping something like this would happen; right? Why else did you want me to bring you here?”

“But I… but I…” All she could do was stammer as he retrieved a length of rope and walked back over.

“Good idea,” Chuck observed as he watched the monitor from our room. “Guys, what do you think? Think we should string her mother up too?”

Both of them were disturbingly agreeable. “Hell, yeah!” “Yeah; let’s do it!”

“That’s what I thought,” Chuck replied with a nod. And just like that, the other two began preparing my noose as Chuck went to retrieve a length of rope for my wrists.

My heart leaped into my throat. Surely they weren’t going to hang me right along with my daughter; were they??

I felt a stab of fear in the pit of my gut. But I also experienced an insane arousal. For a moment, I thought I was going to cum right then and there.

Where they really going to hang me too? What was I going to tell Nicole? Hell; what was I going to tell Bob? Was I even going to be allowed to call him??

On the monitor, I watched Chad tie Darla’s hands behind her back. At the same time, Chuck was securing my wrists together. I shivered from a mixture of dread and arousal.

They helped Darla up onto the stool. Then Chad looped the noose around her throat. “That’s the way, son,” Chuck observed, watching their activity on the monitor with a chuckle.

Chuck helped me up onto my stool. Then he noosed me up, just like my daughter. The rope got snugged tight around my throat.

My nipples were hard as little pebbles. I still couldn’t believe this was happening. Were my daughter and I really going to hang tonight at the snuff club??

I watched as they snugged my daughter’s noose tight. Then Chad laughed at her. “Want to see something funny, Darla?”

He stepped closer to the monitor. Then he stepped away. My daughter’s mouth fell to the floor as she looked right at the camera before gasping, “Mom? Is that you??”

My gawd; could she see me now???

Chuck stepped up to me and thrust his fingers into my cunt. I was sopping wet like you wouldn’t believe. He just laughed as he called out, “Mine’s horny as hell, son! How’s yours?”

Chad stepped up to Darla and thrust most of his fingers into her pussy. She also writhed and moaned. “She’s really horny, dad! I think she wants to watch her mother hang!”

“Hang for your daughter, bitch!” Chuck declared. Then he abruptly kicked my stool away.

There was a light bounce as I hit the end of the rope. With nothing solid beneath me, I began pedaling. Then I started kicking and scissoring. I was hanging… and my daughter was watching me!

On the monitor I saw… “Hang for your mother, bitch!” Then Chad kicked her stool away. Darla dropped and began fighting her noose the same way I was fighting mine.

I couldn’t believe it! We were in separate rooms, but we were still hanging together.

I didn’t expect to see them retrieve the stool and put it back under Darla’s feet. I also didn’t expect them to put my stool back beneath mine. I found myself panting for breath as my noose was deliberately loosened.

Darla’s noose was also loosened. She coughed and gasped for breath. Her eyes were wide; her nipples unbelievably erect.

“How’d you like it, slut?” Chad asked her with amusement. “How’d you like seeing your mother hang like that?”

It was as though she was staring right at me. “Mom?? Mom, are you ok?”

“Oh, don’t worry about her,” Chad replied with a dismissive wave. “A slut like her deserves to hang.” Then he looked right at us as he added; “Right, dad?”

Chuck came up to me and fingered my dripping cunt. “She sure as hell enjoyed it, son. Hang for your daughter again, slut.” Then he kicked my stool away for a second time.

I dropped and started kicking yet again. It didn’t hurt any less the second time around. My body instinctively reacted as I fought my noose.

I was aware of three hard cocks standing around me. In Darla’s room, her trio were all just as horny as they stared at us. Everyone was all turned on watching me swing.

My daughter’s eyes were upon me the entire time. Knowing everyone was watching my noose-dance shot my arousal factor through the roof. That’s when I started humping the air.

“The slut is cumming!” Chuck and his son declared in unison. Now all the guys in both rooms were stroking.

It was so damned arousing, knowing they were hard while watching me suffer. I just couldn’t help myself. Despite my agony, I managed to hump my way through a second climax.

On the monitor I barely heard my daughter gasp, “Mom??” She seemed to be in awe. I was ashamed to be cumming so hard while she was watching. But there was nothing I could do about it.

I thought that was going to be the end of me. Strangely, I was a little disappointed my daughter was not hanging right along with me. Then once again, Chuck retrieved the stool and put it underneath my feet, helping to steady my trembling body while loosening my noose a little.

“So what do you think, darlin’?” Chuck asked my daughter through the monitor. “Does that turn you on, seeing your mother hang? Check her out, son.”

Chad fingered Darla’s cunt, and I saw her wince a little. “She’s horny, dad. I think the slut’s so excited that she wants to hang for her mother.” Then he turned, kicked her stool away, and declared, “Hang for your mother, you horny little slut. Let’s see if you can cum like she did.”

Darla bounced a little at the end of her rope. Then she began kicking up a storm. “Like mother; like daughter; eh?” Chuck observed with a laugh as he watched my shocked expression.

Darla really put on quite a show. But what surprised me was when she started humping the air. It was quite unexpected… and erotic as hell.

Every cock was hard as they all watched her. I was shamefully wet and dripping. I could not believe how sexy she looked. It was as though my own daughter was born for the noose.

Chad stopped her and put the stool beneath her feet, helping her to stand upright. She panted for breath as he loosened her noose a little. Gawd; how long were they going to tease us like this??

“What do you think now?” Chad asked her. “You certainly came hard that time. At least you’ll be going out with a bang; right? Want a cock to fuck as you hang?”

This time, my daughter did not appear to be quite so frightened. Maybe she’d resigned herself to her fate. Or maybe she hoped there was going to be some sort of miraculous intervention. It certainly wasn’t going to come from Bob or Ned, not unless the club had called them.

Chad slowly pushed her stool out from under her. This time, he stood right in front of her, his dick hard and throbbing. My daughter instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, forced to climb and fuck him in order to ease the strain around her throat.

Chuck pushed my stool out from under me. Then he stepped up close, just like his son had done for my daughter. I was forced to wrap my legs around him, impaling myself on his shaft in order to ease the strain around my own throat.

I should have known. He was mimicking the actions in her room again.

It was quite painful. It was also incredibly erotic. My daughter and I were receiving flying fucks at the exact same time.

I watched as her face and neck flushed red. Then she appeared to go into little orgasmic seizures. Seeing her cum like that while I was getting shafted in the noose was so shamefully erotic that I came right along with her.

The guys in Darla’s room took turns until she ended up riding all three, sometimes with a cock up her cunt and ass. The guys in mine did the exact same thing to me. I shamefully rode them all, firmly believing I would eventually die with a cock inside me. It was gloriously humiliating.

Once again, I was surprised when our stools were returned. Our nooses were loosened until we were both left standing while gasping for breath. That’s when Chad asked my daughter, “Well; how about it? Would you rather be in here hanging with my cock in your ass? Or would you rather be home with plain old Ned?”

She looked at him as though she hadn’t anticipated that kind of question. Then she looked through her monitor right at me. She finally blushed as she lowered her head before quietly replying, “You, Chad. I’d… I’d rather be in here hanging with your cock up my butt.”

“Even though you know you’re going to die in here tonight?”

“With Ned, I would probably die of boredom.”

I should have been shocked by her statement. Instead, I looked at my daughter without showing any emotion as she looked back at me. She said, “It’s true, mom. Ned’s nice, but… I mean… isn’t that the way it is with you and dad?”

I blushed as I lowered my head. I wanted to tell her not to bring Bob into this. But her words rang true. The guys in both rooms thought that was funny as hell.

I suspected I was going to hang before the night was over. But she was right. I knew I would rather have it happen with the guys in my room than back home in bed with my husband.

About that time, the door to Darla’s room chimed. I assumed it was Rosita with more drinks. But at this stage of her hanging, I wasn’t sure my daughter was even going to be given one.

Imagine my shock when Ned walked in. He was wearing one of those club robes as though he’d recently been in a sex room.

You could have knocked me over with a feather. Darla was shocked as hell. “N-Ned?? What… what the hell are YOU doing here??”

“They told me you’ve been coming here to get laid. But I didn’t want to believe them. They said you’d be here tonight along with your mother. So I’ve been watching what’s been going on in here in a sex room with one of the club attendants.”

Darla was astonished. So was I. I didn’t know Ned had it in him to be with anyone other than my daughter.

She immediately tried to correct the situation, even though I suspected it was much too late for that. “But Ned, I… I l-love you!”

“Do you? From what I’ve seen, I’m nothing more than a convenience, a guy that buys things for you while you go fuck other men behind my back. Isn’t that what you said… you’d rather be in here than back home with me? Well, one things for certain. At least now I won’t have to buy you a present for Christmas.”

I could tell he was hurt. But he was trying hard not to show it.

My daughter immediately tried to appeal to him as being her knight in shining armor… “Ned, you’ve got to do something!”

“Do what?” he asked inquisitively.

He stepped closer, reached out and touched her sensor. Then he looked at her face. I watched his hand go up and caress her noose as he told her, “The guy’s right. Looks like I’m about to be in the market for a new fiancé.”

About that time, the door to my room whooshed open. There was Bob, big as life. He was also in one of those red robes.

Darla saw him on the monitor and went ashen as she stammered, “D-Daddy??”

He scowled as he looked at her through the monitor. He angrily replied, “I’m not your father.” Then he looked right at me as he added, “Isn’t that right… ‘darling’?” He all but spat the word out.

The color drained from my face. Somehow, he knew or had finally figured it out. “B-Bob, I can explain!”

He shed his robe, indicating he was naked underneath. In the monitor, I saw Ned had also shed his and was just as nude. They were both sporting erections.

“You’ve been a slut for everyone but me,” Bob told me. “Well guess what? Tonight’s going to be my turn.”

He turned toward the monitor and told Darla, “Watch your mother hang for my enjoyment, you fucking slut!” Then he kicked my stool away.

I dropped, for what I suspected would be my very last time. Then I started my snuff-slut dance. The guys eagerly moved closer, all of them stroking with excitement.

On the monitor I saw Ned turn and tell me, “Watch your daughter hang for my personal enjoyment, bitch!” Then he kicked her stool away as he snarled, “Hang for me, you fucking cunt!” Darla did a faint bounce at the end of her rope before she, too, went into her devil’s dance.

All the guys in her room gathered round to watch her. Everyone including Ned were stroking their cocks. It was just like in my room.

The shame was more than I could bear. At least Bob was standing there getting off to my suffering. In the end, he probably deserved it.

I was the center of attention in my room. They all were stroking as they enjoyed my dance. Shamefully, it gave me such a perverse thrill.

I could still see my daughter hanging on the monitor. She was putting on quite a show. Then I saw her humping in Ned’s direction. Gawd; was she trying to please him one last time with an air-fuck as she hanged to death??

It swelled within me as I focused on my husband. There was no mercy in his eyes. If he was heartbroken, he was certainly hiding it well. Now, I was nothing but a snuff-beast to him.

At that moment, I realized Darla was also nothing but a snuff-beast for Ned and the guys in her room. Once again, like mother; like daughter. We were both about to hang to death… and we both deserved it.

I thought about all the times I had betrayed Bob. Now he was watching my death. I figured he deserved my absolute best.

Something welled up within me until I was able to start humping in his direction. I was air-fucking my husband, just the way Darla was air-fucking Ned. There was nothing more important than his pleasure during my final moments.

Pain… shame… agony… and undeserving pleasure. Something blossomed in me through my suffering. Maybe something in my brain snapped.

I mentally cheered my daughter’s agony. I wanted her to suffer great agony in order to bring pleasure to Ned. Then I looked at Bob through my own agony before climaxing like the snuff-slut I’d become.

On the monitor, Darla was limp when Ned stepped up to her and impaled her cunt with his rod. That’s when he began giving her a flying fuck. Her eyes rolled as she lifted her legs around his waist and fucked him back.

My mind cried out, “Fuck her, Ned! She deserves it! Let her death give you pleasure!”

Bob stepped up to me and snarled, “Fuck me, bitch!” Somehow, I lifted my legs and found his dick with my cunt. Then I rode him like the snuff-slut I’d become.

He was cold and heartless. But it was exactly what I deserved. The other guys just stroked and smiled at me. It gave me such shameful excitement knowing I was turning them all on.

Bob started calling me names, telling me this was what I deserved. I absorbed it all, reveling in his abuse. He was using me for his pleasure as I died… and I was thrilled beyond words. He deserved it, and I was happy to oblige.

On the monitor, Ned had moved behind Darla. I suspected he was finally fucking her ass. Her tongue lolled out as cum leaked out of her winking slit.

The sight shamefully thrilled me. Then Bob pulled out, and I was left to hang. That’s when I felt his cock up my ass.

“This is how a snuff-slut dies,” he whispered into my ear. “…watching her daughter hang to death as she gets a cock up her slutty ass.”

My mind screamed, “Yes… yes… YES!” This had been my fate all along. At least Bob and Ned were getting something out of their last few minutes of relationship with their sluts.

I watched as Darla’s bladder opened up. The guys all cheered in her room before they started shooting their loads at her naked body. It gave me such a thrill.

“Your turn, bitch!” Bob whispered into my ear. Then my bladder shamefully let go. My last conscious sensation was feeling him fill my ass with his cream.

I didn’t see Nicole poke her head in my room. And I didn’t see her smile. If I had, I would have recognized it as her “The bitch is finally getting what she fucking deserves” smile.

The guys enjoyed my corpse long after I was gone. Then they switched with the guys in Darla’s room. The two of us were thoroughly abused before our bodies were taken down to the kitchen. It was a fitting end for a DLW and her slutty daughter.

2022 (written for bedeyes Aug 22 ’22 by riwa)

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Shelly in Cancun 10 4.4 (30)

Chapter 10 – Trapped

My first reaction is to remove my reg and press it into her hand. But she waves it off and pulls her own reg back inside the door. That tells me they still have some oxygen left.

God only knows how much longer they have until their air supply runs dry. After all, ours is running low.

‘We’ve got to get them out of there now!’ I think in growing panic. But the damned door is barely open enough to let their arms through.

There’s no way in hell we can squeeze another tank through to them. Even if we left it here for them, allowing them to use the hose while we dashed up for help, it would still only buy them a few more minutes at most. I’m not even sure what we have on board.

My dive buddy and I both put our shoulders to the door, anxiously trying to force it open. At the same time I see two sets of hands trying to pry it open from the inside. Together the four of us strain with all our might.

I feel a little movement. But it’s agonizingly small, just enough to give us a little hope. It’s still not nearly enough for either of them to be able to wiggle their way out through the opening.

We finally exhaust ourselves and give up. It’s not about to open on the strength of the four of us.

Frantic, I remove my reg. Then I start calling out bubbly suggestions. Can they understand me? Is there another solution…


“NO GOOD!” is the bubbly reply.



“PORTHOLES!” my companion cries out after removing her reg. “TRY THE PORTHOLES!”


I feel panic swell within me. The only way out seems to be the only way they got in… right through this door. But how the hell did they get inside if we can’t get the door open??

I suddenly remember the sound I heard while my dive buddy and I were pawing each other. It was followed by the faint disturbance of soil. That’s when a thought occurs to me…

What if the ship settled? What if somehow the door got wedged on them while they were inside? Is that what happened? Does it really matter how they got trapped inside??

Shit! How the hell are we going to get them out of there??

I look at my companion in growing panic. The fear in my features mirrors her own.

Once more we throw ourselves against the door, grunting and groaning as we strain with all our might. Their hands appear on the edge of the door again. And once again the four of us strain for all we’re worth to open the damned thing.

This time it hardly budges…


Andria’s hand emerges once more. This time it has a regulator in it. She beats on the door with it before letting go of it.

She makes a show of grabbing for something else. The implication is all too horribly clear. My face goes deathly pale as the panic swells within me…

They’re out of air already?? No – no – NO!

My heart leaps into my throat as I swallow hard. Am I about to lose Andria to some stupid diving accident? Is the cargo hold about to become her tomb??

I fill my lungs before removing my regulator. Then I place it in her hands. A moment later it disappears inside the hold.

For the moment I’m relieved. At least we can get them an air source. Then my dive partner grabs the gauge and checks our own tank.

I can tell by the horrified expression on her face that ours is almost gone as well.

This is not good! Four females sharing one tank? It’ll be empty in a matter of minutes… maybe even less than that!

The hose moves through the opening in the door. That tells me the reg is probably being passed back and forth. That’s when my companion pulls hers out of her mouth and gives it to me.

I do the best I can to breathe shallow. Then I realize it’s not going to matter all that much. A human body needs a decent lungful of air to work. But there’s only so much remaining inside the scuba tank.

My friend points at herself and then at me before she frantically starts motioning upward. She’s indicating one of us could go up and get help. I shake my head as I point at an imaginary watch on my wrist… “Not enough time.”

We’ve got to get them out now! If only we could get the damned door open somehow! What we need is more leverage, something to help force it open… a pipe or something…

… a pipe??

I suddenly remember seeing a couple lengths of pipe. They were lying on the floor of the pilot house with the rest of the debris. What if I could get one and bring it back down? Maybe then we could…

As far as I’m concerned, there’s no other option. We’re running out of time. I’m the one who thought of it, so I should go. Otherwise, precious seconds will be wasted trying to explain things to everyone.

I quickly fill my lungs before removing the reg from my mouth and giving it back to her. I try to gesture I’ll be right back. Then I turn and fin like crazy toward the bow of the sunken vessel, my heart hammering in my chest.

I tell myself I can do this. I HAVE to do this! If only I can hold my breath long enough in my increasingly panic-stricken state.

I turn the corner and detect sunlight coming down the stairwell. I rapidly fin toward it. At the same time, I consciously try to slow down just a little.

I have to calm myself. Panic won’t help anyone right now. I can’t afford to use up all the oxygen that’s left in my lungs. And I don’t want them to stumble upon my drowned body.

I tell myself they’ll be ok for a couple more minutes. I just have to fetch the damned pipe. I just hope it will be sufficient enough to do the damned job.

What if it won’t be enough? Then Andria and her newfound friend will drown! I tell myself not to consider the worst possible outcome and to just fetch the damned pipe!

I emerge from the stairwell and dart toward the pilothouse, quickly finning myself through the open doorway. Sure enough, the pipes are still there. I’m relieved to find them right where I saw them last.

…until I reach down to pick one up…


It’s heavier than I thought it would be. I try a second, but that one’s even worse. So I go back to the first one.

I grab one end and lift it up. Then I start dragging it with me as I back out the open door. I get it out onto the deck and work it over to the stairwell.

I let it go. It makes a disturbing banging sound as it clatters down the stairwell. At least now I’ve got it down below.

I notice a distinct burn in my lungs. My chest starts to heave. Gawd; I’m running out of breath!

I fin down the stairwell and find the end of the pipe. I lift it up and start backing up toward the opening to the corridor. It’s heavy enough to keep my feet in contact with the floor of the vessel.

I frantically pull on it. I’m afraid at some point I’m going to have to let it go. Soon I’ll need to make a mad dash back to the scuba tank for another breath.

I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. I bubbled in alarm as I cry out. My Asian friend has just scared the hell out of me with her sudden appearance.

A moment later she starts helping me pull the damned thing around the corner. Then we’re off down the corridor to the hold. She must’ve heard the banging and came to investigate.

I feel my lungs spasm more insistently. It makes me pull harder. I’m conflicted with the knowledge I need another breath from the scuba tank. In my current state I’ll probably breathe deeply, rapidly using up what little is left.

Fuck! This is going down much too fast! Ohmygawd; we’ve got to hurry!

I lose bubbles out of my mouth as we frantically pull the pipe down the passageway. My lungs heave more insistently. But I stubbornly pull on the damned thing, refusing to let go.

I’ll drown first before I let Andria suffer a similar fate! I feel a distinct arousal threatening to overwhelm me. But I can’t think about that, not right now!

The scuba tank appears, sitting up against the partly open door to the hold. My companion reaches for the hose. Then she gathers up the regulator and stuffs it into my mouth.

She’s just in time. I’m given a few refreshing puffs of air. Then I spit it back out, afraid I might be depriving Andria of what she might need.

Refreshed with a renewed burst of energy, I help her pull the pipe beyond the doorway. The other end reaches the door to the hold. Then we drop our end with a loud “CLANG”.

My partner quickly picks up the other end. She swings it over until it’s in the opening. The two of us struggle to force it through.

Beyond the door I see two sets of hands grab on. they help pull it partway inside. Maybe there’s hope after all!

Once more my dive buddy pushed the reg into my mouth. After another couple of quick, frantic puffs I shake my head… “TAKE IT OUT!” She pulls it out of my mouth and quickly sticks it in hers.

I call out to our two friends trapped inside the hold. “PULL, ANDRIA! PULL LIKE HELL!” Then I lift up our end and start to pull like crazy.

My dive partner spits out the regulator. She grabs onto the pipe and starts pulling on it with me. The two of us work like hell in a frantic effort to force the damned door open.

We each manage to lift up a finned foot. We brace ourselves against the door, desperate to release our two friends. Gawd; this has got to work!

At first it feels like nothing is happening. I start to get all sick inside. Despair wells up within me.

For a panicked moment I find myself wanting to bawl like a baby. “OHMYGAWD – NO! I DON’T WANT TO LOSE ANDRIA!” Then I hear the sound of screeching metal… of metal giving way.

Maybe?? C’mon – c’mon! Maybe??

The pipe starts to give. The door reluctantly nudges further open. My heart swells with renewed hope…


It creaks and groans. The door opens further. I can see it starting to wide.

Is it enough? Has it opened wide enough? Then the pipe suddenly feels heavier.

What? Have they lost it? Did they let go on purpose?


A moment later my dive buddy’s Asian friend starts to squirm through the opening. YES! OHMYGAWD – YES!

My lungs are on fire. I haven’t been paying attention to my growing need for air. Seeing her emerge means so much more to me.

The two of us keep on pulling on the pipe. If we stop now, Andria might not make it out alive. I burble and bubble like crazy as I strain with all my might…


Andria’s head and chest emerge. But it looks like she’s struggling, trying to squeeze her way through. Ohmygawd; we didn’t get it open far enough!


Andria suddenly squirts through the opening. A moment later my new dive buddy and I both let go of the pipe. It drops to the floor of the passageway with a loud bang.

Tears well up in my eyes; I’m on the verge of tears. Then I feel my chest spasm painfully. Shit; I’m out of breath!

My lungs are on fire as I lunge for the hose. I frantically cram the reg between my lips. I’m alarmed how hard it is to pull air into my lungs. That’s when it hits me… “Oh, shit! The damned thing is empty!!”

After getting a couple of quick puffs, I pull the reg out of my mouth. I place it in Andria’s hand, hoping there’s enough left for her and the others. Then I point at her and the reg before motioning… “Take a breath, then follow me!”

I fin down the corridor with long, smooth strokes. My heart thumps loudly in my chest. I’m out of breath, but all I feel is relief knowing they’re out of that damned hold! Now we’ve got to get the hell out of here and get to the surface fast!

I round the corner into the shadows. Then I halt, unwilling to head up by myself. I’ve got to make sure Andria’s coming too.

She emerges around the corner. I grab her arm, startling her as I push her off in the direction of the stairwell. She burbles as she gestures for me to come with her.

I wave her on ahead. Andria’s safely on her way. Now I have to make sure the others make it out.

A moment later Andria’s dive partner appears. I startle her too as I grab her arm from the shadows. Then I pull her onward before pushing her off toward the stairwell.

She sees it and nods at me. Then she makes a mad dash for it. I watch as her legs disappear out of sight.

My lungs are screaming at me. But I can’t make myself leave just yet. There’s one more; I won’t be able to live with myself until I know she’s safely out.

My sexy Asian dive buddy rounds the corner. But she’s minus the scuba tank. I realize to my utter horror that I’m now on my last breath. The next one will have to come from the surface.

As my lungs heave, she grabs MY hand. She pulls me out of the shadows towards the light of the stairwell. Then we’re out of the wreck and on our way to the surface, finning with smooth, powerful strokes.

…only now my lungs are on fire.

So is my damned pussy…

I find myself losing air like crazy. I feel like I’m getting weaker by the moment. At least I can look up and see Andria and her friend approaching the surface a few feet away from the two boats. Thankfully they’re both going to make it.

My dive partner fins hard. I can actually feel her pulling me rapidly to the surface. I try to help but I’m starting to get dizzy all over.

My legs aren’t working very well. My lungs feel like they want to explode. My body wants to inhale so fucking badly!

Air dribbles out of my nose. I fight like hell not to give in and inhale. Then it bursts out of my mouth, a small eruption of bubbles.

I’m going to inhale any second now. I’m going to drown within sight of the surface. A split-second later my damned pussy goes off.

I start convulsing and spasming a few feet from the surface. A flush of pleasure envelops me as my lungs try to suck air down my windpipe. Then my head’s out of water.

I gasp and cough like mad before sucking a huge mouthful of air down into my tortured lungs. My dive buddy helps keep my head above water. My body shudders as orgasmic aftershocks wash through me.

I weakly look all around, still coughing like crazy. I notice everyone else around me is gasping and sputtering. At least we’re all at the surface. I’m damned thankful for that!

It takes several seconds before getting fresh air into my system energizes me. Soon I’m able to tread water on my own without the aid of the woman who’s been at my side most of the time we’ve been down on the wreck. Then Andria’s right in front of me.

We hold each other tight, our words spilling out over each other as tears fill our eyes…

“You ok, babe…?” “I was so SCARED; I thought we were gonna DROWN…!” “I thought I was gonna LOSE you…!” “I thought you two were NEVER going to come…!” “What a STUPID thing to do…!” “It’s not OUR fault! The ship made a sound and then the door got jammed on us! I threw my bikini top out the door for you guys to see it!” “We TRIED the door – where the hell were you…?” “We were up at the hatch, trying to get out! I’m sorry…!” “Gawd, Andria – I’m so GLAD you’re ok…!”

We sob openly into each other’s necks. Next to us I hear in Japanese what amounts to the same type of conversation we’re just now having.

When I turn to look at them, I see they’ve stopped talking. Now they’re just crying softly as they hold onto each other. Andria and I stare at them for a long moment.

They become aware we’re looking at them. I think it embarrasses them. They push each other away, their sobs fading to sniffles.

“Thank you so much for helping me save my friend! The pipe was brilliant! I’m ashamed I did not think of it.” Her English is pretty damned good, although her accent is clearly Asian.

“No, thank you!” I reply, equally grateful. “I wouldn’t have made it had you not come and helped pull the pipe down the corridor with me.”

She smiles and nods. We all go quiet, suddenly at a loss for words. That’s when she speaks up once again.

“My name is Shiori. This is Emiko. Her name means ‘smiling child’, but I think it should be changed to ‘playful child’, considering her actions down on the wreck.”

She looks at her friend and adds, “Wouldn’t you agree?” Emiko blushes. Andria giggles like a naughty school girl. I can’t resist giving her the stink-eye.

“My name is Shelly.” Then I wrap an arm around my girlfriend’s neck.

“This is Andria. I think her name means ‘trouble-maker’. But I’ve never really looked it up…”


“You guys coming aboard or not?” We all turn to see Jake at the rail of the sailboat as he leans toward us.

“Lunch is just about ready. I see you’ve met Shiori and Emiko. C’mon aboard and meet Almonte! He’s down below helping with lunch.”

I suddenly realize how famished I am. So the four of us swim toward the side of the sailboat. Our adventure on the wreck is momentarily forgotten as strong pangs of hunger set in.

2007; 2021 (written Sep 13 ’07; ed. Jan 11 ‘21 by riwa)

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