Shelly in Cancun 13


Shelly in Cancun 13 – The storm

The ground rises and falls underneath me. I see sections of buildings coming down. I’ve never been in an earthquake before, certainly not one this strong.

I have a hard time staying on my feet. Then parts of a building come down on top of me. I start to cry out in horror……

I suddenly wake up on the floor of the sailboat. How the hell did I end up out of bed? Then I feel the boat rise before abruptly sinking into a trough. That’s when I realize we’re in rough seas.

In an instant I’m wide awake, scrambling to find my silver bikini. It won’t protect me from a damn thing. But it’s the only thing I brought on board. Putting something on is mostly instinctive.

I have a hard time staying on my feet. Somehow I manage it. A moment later Andria bursts in through the door, almost as though she’s been thrown into the room with me.

She’s still in her skimpy black bikini she wore when we first boarded the boat back in Cancun. She turns and hollers “JAAAKE!” in the direction she came from. I know in an instant something is horribly wrong, especially when I see the anxiety in her features.

There’s a question in my expression. “Jake won’t leave!” she blurts out anxiously.

I’m absolutely floored. “What?? Why not??”

“He’s waiting for someone! He says he can’t leave yet! To make matters worse, the bastard has locked us in here!”

“WHAT??” Now I really AM worried.

“WHY??” I ask, looking into Andria’s worried expression. I can tell this has her upset.

“He says it’s stormy weather and that he wants me below for safety’s sake! But I don’t think that’s it at all! I think he just doesn’t want me up on deck when this certain someone arrives.”

That sounds ominous…

“I begged him to head back when the weather started to turn bad! But he said he had to wait for someone. He said he just couldn’t leave until they showed up. He said he’d explain things to me later. ‘Shel’, I’m scared!”

“JAKE??” I holler as I head for the door. In an instant I confirm that it’s locked with the blinds drawn.

The boat pitches in the rough seas. The blinds flop enough for me to see the door to the stairs and the deck above is also closed. I feel trapped.

An uneasy feeling of claustrophobia combined with a sense of growing panic envelops me. My first urge is to try to force the door open. But Andria stops me.

“Shelly; don’t!” she says, grasping onto my arm before I can break something. “It’s not ours; we can’t afford to damage anything! I just have to trust him is all!” But I can see in her eyes that her trust has been gravely shaken.

My gut instinct tells me something is horribly wrong. My first urge is to comfort Andria. So I hold her close.

“It’ll be all right,” I tell her.

She sniffles into my neck. “Yes, it will, ‘Shel’!” she says, agreeing with me. But she sounds none too certain.

I get this vision of the ship going down with the two of us trapped inside. Both of us beat on the door as water fills the cabin and drowns us. That’s when I experience an erotic quiver of horror.

I’m reminded of my premonitions about coming to Cancun in the first place. I find myself wondering if perhaps this is the reason why. I definitely don’t want to drown in here. But there’s nothing more we can do other than wait and hope.

We sit on the bed for lack of nothing better to do, trying to hold on. Neither one of us is in the mood to play. The boat is pitching and rolling too much.

Neither one of us is in any sort of erotic frame of mind. All we do is sit alone with our thoughts. We’re afraid to verbalize what we both must be thinking.

We try looking out the windows above us. Just who is this certain someone who’s supposed to show up? But the windows are not helpful. All we see is wind, rain and very dark storm clouds. There’s nothing to do but sit and wait.

Thirty anxious minutes later, I detect a boat motor. Is some sort of craft approaching? Then I feel a bump against the boat.

Andria feels it too. Instinctively we both look upward. Then we hear voices.

Someone clumps down the steps into the room beyond the one we’re in. I hear bits and pieces of conversation. There’s something about being delayed, getting the money and making the delivery in this weather.

I hear Jake say something about making sure he’ll get it to its destination. Then there are footsteps heading back up on deck. Andria and I look at each other.

She asks if I heard all that on the other side of the door. I tell her I heard some of it. But it doesn’t make much sense.

I tell her it sounds like Jake has some sort of delivery to make. Andria looks at me in confusion. I get the impression this is totally unexpected.

“I don’t KNOW about any delivery, ‘Shel’!” She’s clearly anxious as the mystery deepens. Her lack of knowledge about her boyfriend’s activities does not sit well with me.

I hear the sound of a motor. But it fades as though the other boat is pulling away. Then I hear the sound of our anchor being pulled up, followed by the sound of our own motor starting up.

Our sailboat starts to move forward. Andria appears to relax, but only a little. “We’re leaving,” she says in relief. “FINALLY!” But I have no way of knowing which way the storm is coming from. So I have no idea if things will get better or worse.

If anything, the seas get rougher as we head back. We get tossed around in the cabin pretty good. I’m not feeling at all confident about the whole thing.

I can only assume it’s worse up on deck. Maybe Jake was right. Maybe he really is keeping us down here for safety’s sake.

Andria sits on the bed and says nothing. But the look in her eyes says it all. She’s more than a little worried. I can see in her face she’s having second thoughts about her relationship with Jake.

The rough seas turn the minutes to hours. It seems like it’s taking forever. Wicked bolts of lightning flash outside the windows.

The sailboat dangerously wobbles back and forth. Somehow it always manages to right itself. It’s the ride of a lifetime, but I want off in the worst way. I think Andria does too.

The boat rises as though caught by a massive wave. Then it comes crashing down on something hard. I hear the sound of wood splintering.

Andria and I are tossed off the bed onto the floor. We scramble to our feet moments before I hear another splintering sound. Then I feel the carpet squish under my feet.

Water’s coming in…

Andria and I look at each other. For a split second panic fills our faces. Then we make a mad dash for the door.

We pound on it like mad, screaming for Jake to let us out. In seconds there’s an inch of water sloshing around our bare feet. The boat rocks back and forth.

Andria and I yell for Jake to open the damn door. But there’s no answer. I get a horrifying image of him being unable to help us… because he was already swept off the boat.

I shiver with dread. My pussy throbs with erotic alarm. Now we’re really in danger!

I tell Andria, “We gotta break the window!” She nods in agreement. This time there’s no argument.

The two of us begin looking around the cabin, trying to find something sturdy enough to shatter glass. Water is now several inches deep. The boat is going down. If we can’t break through the door, we’ll be going down with it!

“JAKE!!!” Andria screams as she looks with me around the cabin. We have to struggle just to stay on our feet. But it’s hopeless as we keep getting tossed around.

I find my voice and scream at the ceiling. “JAKE, GET US OUT OF HERE. WE’RE SINKING!” Then the boat pitches over sideways.

We both spill over into the water. By now it’s climbed up our calves. We’re cold, drenched and frightened.

We suddenly hear pounding on the other side of the door. We both rush to it. “ANDRIA?? SHELLY?? YOU TWO OK IN THERE??”

The blinds are lifted. We see Jake’s anxious face. It’s not the least bit reassuring.

We both start screaming at him. “GET US OUT OF HERE, JAKE! THE BOAT’S SINKING!”


“THERE’S WATER OUT HERE TOO!” he responds as he looks down at the floor.

We both see it too. That confirms to me we’re going down. I have no idea what we hit. But our hull’s obviously been breached as we’re taking on water.

The sailboat suddenly lists hard to port. We’re all thrown off our feet onto the floor with a splash. Andria and I are temporarily submerged before we clamber back up onto our feet.

Things have gotten worse. The boat is listing. Why won’t it right itself??

“I LOST THE KEYS!” Jake sputters with a yell as he gets back to his feet. He has a hard time keeping his balance. It’s like that with all of us due to the list.

“HANG IN THERE, GIRLS; I’LL GET YOU BOTH OUT!” Then we see him start to hunt around on the other side of the glass for something to help us with.

I feel a lump in my throat. But my pussy is about to explode in horrific arousal. I can’t help thinking Andria and I are about to drown together in here, all because he stayed out too long in bad weather.

I see him fumble around beyond the door. Is he searching for the keys? Or is he looking for something to break through the glass? I just hope he gets us out before it’s too late and the boat takes us down with it.

Andria and I hang on near the door. We frantically pound on the glass as the water reaches our waist. The boat lists at an increasingly severe angle.

I figure we only have a couple more minutes before it goes down. At the rate we’re filling with water, we may not even have that long! One moment we’ll be up at the surface; the next we might be sinking beneath the waves, Andria and I destined to be entombed inside the damned thing forever!


Andria screams for her boyfriend to get us out. She’s on the verge of pure panic. Then we both lose our grip.

We slip under the water again, bubbling like mad as we struggle against each other. The situation is too much for me. I finally cum hard as I try to get my head back up.

Both our heads emerge above water. We gasp madly for breath. I’m shamefully excited as panic threatens to overwhelm me.

The window suddenly crashes inward, along with what looks like some sort of fire extinguisher. Much of the molding comes in with it. Thankfully I don’t see many dangerous shards waiting to cut at us as we try to pass through.

For the first time since I awakened, I think we may now have a fighting chance. But all I can think of is Andria. Instinctively I push her through the open window in the door.

My head submerges yet again as I push on her body. I feel the boat list even more. I’m certain we’re going down in a matter of seconds. Then Andria is through the hole in the door.

I frantically throw myself toward it, trying to swim through. The opening is almost totally submerged. A moment later I feel two pairs of hands grabbing my wrists.

I’m pulled through until I’m finally out of that damned cabin. The three of us half swim/half stagger toward the door to the deck above. We still have to get out before the boat takes us down.

The other door has swung open wide. We all scramble up the listing steps. That’s when I feel the boat start to sink underneath us.

I’m scared we won’t quite make it out. What’s more, I can feel another climax building in my damn pussy. I hope like hell it doesn’t incapacitate me if it goes off.

As we reach the deck, a flash of lightning shows we’re not far from the harbor. It looks as though the storm threw us up against the jetty that’s supposed to help break up the rough seas. But the boat has pulled back from the jetty.

Another bolt of lightning reveals we’re heading back out to sea. We’re caught in the wind and the raging waters. We’ve still got a ways to go before we can consider ourselves “safe”.

Half of the deck is awash with water. There’s rope and loose material everywhere. Then Jake staggers to the equipment locker.

He manages to get it open. That’s when he pulls out the life raft, frantically pulling on the ring. Instantly it starts to inflate.

It floats away from the boat just as he loses his footing. Jake crashes down onto the railing that is now two feet underwater. “THE CASE!” he suddenly yells.

I watch in astonishment as he tries to scramble back on deck. “THE CASE IS DOWN BELOW! WE GOTTA GO BACK AND GET THE CASE!”

I have no idea what he’s yelling about. At any rate, it doesn’t matter. We have to abandon ship right now!

“NO TIME!” I yell. Andria hollers at him to swim like hell for the life raft.

He tries to get past us back toward the steps that are half submerged. Andria and I manage to grab him and pull him back. We push him off in the direction of the raft as he continues to protest.

Jake is not a great swimmer. But I’m satisfied to see his instincts toward self-preservation kick in. He swims out, grabs onto the raft and starts to clamber aboard.

“C’MON, SHELLY; LET’S GO!” Andria screams at me.


I push her off the sailboat toward the wildly bobbing life raft. Jake has managed to get himself aboard. I can see him stretching his arm out toward us, hurrying us along. I’m astonished to see how far away the wind has already pushed it from us.

I launch myself off the boat, only to come to an abrupt halt about four feet away from the dying craft. My foot is entwined in a bunch of rope. I feel it clinging to my ankle like some vengeful demon wanting to claim me.

I try reaching back to untangle it. A moment later I feel a surge of horrific arousal at my predicament. Gawd; it’s not coming loose!

Andria turns back in my direction. I hear her scream my name. “I’M HUNG UP!” I yell back at her, waving helplessly at her.

The sailboat slowly rolls over onto its side. Masts and sails crash into the water all around me. I feel a tug on my ankles, indicating I’m seconds away from going down with it.

“SHEH-LEEEEE!” Andria screams my name. I wave at her to go back to the raft, which now looks like it’s even farther away.

I hear Jake calling out for his girlfriend, his arm outstretched in an attempt to reach for her. But I see her focus is on me. DAMNIT!

“NO!” I scream at her, waving her away. “GO BACK! I’M ALL TANGLED UP!” I don’t want her getting snagged and drowning right along with me.

I suddenly feel an unyielding tug, telling me this is it. I feel a sudden surge of fearful eroticism as I gasp for breath. Then I’m abruptly pulled under, Andria’s scream of horror ringing in my ears.

As the boat sinks, I’m pulled down with it. My hands instinctively claw upward for the surface I believe I’ll never see again. Bubbles spew out of my mouth as my pussy screams at me.

I feel a sudden rush of horrific sexual excitement, a build-up to a massive detonation. I should probably blow my air away and give in to it. But deep down I really want to live.

Instinctively I hold my breath, clinging to every last second of life I have left. There’s still a faint hope I can somehow get out of this. But all I can do is wave frantically as I’m pulled downward, my life slipping away in little bursts of bubbles.

Another flash of lightning reveals the horrifying view of Andria trying to swim down toward me. I wave her away, not wanting her to drown with me. Then the damned thing goes off inside me with a mighty roar.

I’m caught up in one hell of a climax. My body spasms as my orgasm paralyzes me. It incapacitates me, momentarily keeping me from attempting to save myself.

It’s all I can do not to give in and inhale. I shudder hard as an incredible wave of pleasure washes hotly through my body. My lungs heave in my chest.

My mind screams at me to do something. But my muscles have been compromised. I’m devastated by an orgasm which has stolen virtually all my energy reserves.

I suddenly feel a hand on my arm, grabbing for me. It’s Andria, still trying to save me. Damn her; she’s going to get herself killed!

I burble weakly at her, trying to brush her away as I shake my head no. All she’s going to accomplish is to drown right alongside of me. I don’t want that at all!

As much as I might like the idea of not dying alone, I desperately don’t want to take her with me. But the stupid bitch stubbornly hangs on. Now the boat is dragging us both down.

I feel her cling to my body as though she’s climbing me in the opposite direction. Soon I feel her hanging onto my legs. I feel hands on my ankles as she starts prying the rope loose.

I shudder as another, even more devastating, orgasm approaches. I can tell in an instant this one is going to batter me into oblivion. Once it hits, Andria will be stuck trying to rescue a drowned roommate.

I hear grunts and burbles from her as she claws at the rope around my ankle. Then it feels as though we’re not going down anymore. The sailboat has finally settled onto the sea floor.

It strikes me I’m now tethered to the object of my demise. This is where I’m going to drown. That’s when it goes off inside me like a volcanic eruption.

I’m hit again with an orgasm so devastating that I’m shaken like a rag doll. I feel an incredible wash of warmth flood through my being. For a second I think this isn’t going to be so bad.

I become aware of the ropes loosening around my ankle. Whether it’s Andria’s doing or not, I can’t be sure. I can barely hear her grunting and gurgling as though she might also be on the verge of drowning.


I shudder again as another orgasm crashes into me, hot on the heels of the last one. The next thing I know I’m slammed into blissful unconsciousness. The pain suddenly goes away…

When I regain consciousness, I find myself at the surface in very rough water. I gasp and sputter to regain my breath. Andria coughs and spits up water right next to me.


I cough and gasp, trying to get my breath back as we bob up and down in the choppy waves. It feels like she has me in her grasp as we cling to a section of mast that must have broken off. There’s no evidence of Jake and the life raft anywhere.

She yells in my face, “SHELLY, ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?”



We hug each other as tears fill our eyes. All we can do is sob into each other’s shoulders. The section of mast we cling to goes up and down in the heavy waves, lightning occasionally flashing above us.

I’m weak and breathless, not at all certain we’re going to come out of this alive. But now I feel a certain peace about it. Even though I didn’t want this for Andria, I have to admit I glad she’s with me.

If we’re going to go, at least we’ll get to go together…

2009; 2021 (written May 11 ’09; ed. May 16 ‘21 by riwa)

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