I just uploaded my 800th story to the library. I find it a little unsettling that I have actually written so many (with several more stories and customs remaining in my archives that I may or may not post). I guess I am blessed right now to have the time to be able to sit at my desk during the day and work on one tale after another. And I must admit, I really do enjoy the process of writing and editing. I hope my efforts at pouring myself into a story are such that you can sit down after a long, hard day and can find and enjoy a story that really appeals to you!
This is my 41st blog post and I have chosen not to include them in my story totals. The 800 posts I refer to are strictly stories and chapters to stories. In addition Emma sent me a story about her experiences during Hurricane Sandy. Since all I did was polish her work up a bit I chose not to include that in my count as it was not a story I wrote specifically. Everything else I have written myself.
Included are a handful of collaborations where I received rough drafts from others who asked me to take them and run with them. I have tried to make sure I included those individuals and their ideas in the credits. I always try to let you know if a story was written for or inspired by someone in particular. It might not be a story you enjoyed. But at least you know I was kind enough to attempt to put into print someone’s creative ideas.
I have received many ideas from far and wide, some of which I have been inspired to put into print. Other ideas have not caught my fancy and are currently tucked away in my ideas folders. I cannot guarantee what ideas may inspire me but I do try to keep track of them.
Every now and then I go through my folders to see if an idea might suddenly catch my attention. So there is a possibility that a suggestion you may have sent me several months ago might suddenly show up in print. Naturally I cannot make any guarantees. But I can assure you that for now I still enjoy writing and am looking forward to reaching 900 posts later this year if the good Lord is willing. And I am certainly grateful for His presence during my surgeries so that my prognosis did not turn out nearly as bad as it could have!
This library would not be possible without all of you out there who chose to come and read my stories. I have noticed that some of my tales have views going well into the tens of thousands and that is extremely gratifying! I understand that some folks may have simply skimmed the contents. But I’m sure others have chosen to read them all the way through. It is really encouraging to know I have written some stories that have been so enjoyable for so many of you to read, judging by your votes and comments. I certainly do appreciate that and I thank you so much for taking the time to stop by…
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