The Seductress 7



I didn’t know what to expect when I went to church on Sunday. After all, I’d engaged in sexual acts out at the lake with Carly and with her mother Mrs. Walker. I felt guilty, and I almost didn’t go. But I knew that would only make things worse.

I put on my best face and tried to act normal. With any luck, I wouldn’t see either one of them. But Carly and her mother were both there.

Things went much better than I expected. There were fewer snide remarks directed my way. And I didn’t get many of “those” kinds of looks like I used to. In fact, I thought I saw a few looks of admiration.

Carly was back to being civil to me again. But she still hung out with the guys who had more to offer. That meant she was hanging out with guys who either had wealthy parents, a nice vehicle, or was a player on the football team.

Mrs. Walker was her usual self. Once in a while, I got an appreciative look from her. But I also thought I saw her giving similar looks to a couple of the other guys in the group.

I thought I was going to get out of church without any major difficulties. That’s when Mrs. Walker came looking for me after the service when I was outside headed for my car. My heart went up into my throat as I wondered what she wanted.

She came up to me and told me she appreciated seeing me at church. She said she was planning another swim party. But this time, she wanted my input.

I told her I’d help out in any way I could. She asked if I might be available for a couple hours that afternoon. When I said yes, she made sure no one was looking before passing me a slip of paper and then walking away.

Something about that seemed off. I got the impression she didn’t want anyone to know she’d given me that note. So I waited until I was in my car to look at it.

It had an address and a time of 2:30 pm written on it. At the bottom were the words “Bring a nice swimsuit”. I was pretty sure I knew what that meant.

I was curious though. What was waiting for me at that location? And why did she want me to bring a suit along?

After lunch, I told my folks I was going to be gone for two or three hours. Then I took off early to find the address in the note. It was a location I wasn’t familiar with. But I figured I could find just about anything, so long as I had an address to work with.

I ended up out in the country. The address took me to a private lane which led to what looked like a large house at the end of the drive. The mailbox at the entrance to the lane said “Van Ostrum”.

That immediately got my attention. Hadn’t Carly said out at the lake the other day that her mother was late for a meeting with a Van Ostrum? Was this that guy’s place?

I was unsure of the situation until I looked down the lane and saw a familiar looking vehicle parked next to a big garage door. So I drove down and parked on the other side of Mrs. Walker’s green Ford, leaving the garage door unblocked. Apparently she was already here.

I got out with my suit and towel in hand. But I was hesitant about knocking on the front door. There were no other vehicles parked in the driveway. Was Karen the only one here?

It was possible Mrs. Walker was somewhere inside. Then I took a closer look. There was something white taped to the door.

I walked up and checked it out. The note said Mrs. Walker was in the backyard. It also said the gate was unlocked.

I looked all around. That’s when I noticed a high privacy fence with a small gate at the end of the building. So I walked over and had a look.

I cautiously opened the gate and peeked through. I thought I saw what looked like the edge of a patio. Then I thought I detected the faint smell of chlorine in the air.

I went through the gate and walked to the end of the building. Then I got a glance at the edge of a pool. The water was rippling.

I immediately felt all self-conscious. I didn’t want to barge in on a member of the Van Ostrum family using their pool. But Mrs. Walker’s car was here. And the note did instruct me to come into the back yard.

I went around the corner and got a good look at the pool. It was rectangular and was cozily sitting rather close to the house. There was room for a few loungers that sat between the edge of the pool and the large structure.

I saw bubbles coming up from the deep end. A moment later, Karen Walker’s head emerged over by the pool ladder. She was panting heavily for breath. There was no one else in the water.

I stood there looking at her without speaking. She was wearing a pink string bikini. It didn’t look like there was very much too it, and it made my cock stir. I winced with guilt and dismay.

I was just about to call out to her. But she took a deep breath and submerged without having seen me. I watched as she worked her way down to the bottom.

Bubbles came up as she appeared to grab onto something down below. I walked along the side of the pool by the house, trying to get a closer look to see what she was doing. She appeared to be holding onto some sort of ring or handle embedded in the pool floor. It was the middle one of three, the closest to the metal ladder.

She worked herself down around the ring until she was kneeling. Her legs were parted, the ring close to her crotch as she held on. I saw a few more bubbles swirl out of her nose and trickle upward.

My back was to the house as I looked down on her. She was facing away from me as she worked at holding her breath. Holding onto the ring was helping her stay down on the pool floor. Seeing her down there didn’t make my cock soften in the slightest.

I watched as she carefully started to rise up. But she hooked the ring with her feet so she wouldn’t drift upward. Then she faced toward the house as she caressed herself all over.

My cock stirred even more as I watched her. But she still hadn’t seen me. She was touching her fabric-covered crotch and breasts, clearly being sexual with her breath-hold.

Was she caressing herself due to my impending presence? What were the rings doing down in the deep end? And why was my cock getting so hard in my pants?

I didn’t think to time her, although she was down for quite a while. She finally released some air from her mouth. Then she let go of the ring with her feet.

She didn’t even drift upward. She had to pull with her arms, releasing more bubbles along the way. It didn’t occur to me she was facing the house (in my direction) until her head came up. That’s when she saw me.

A big smile blossomed all over her face. I blushed as I smiled back and waved. “Hi, Mrs. Walker.”

She waved a greeting at me. “There you are, Robert. I got started without you. C’mon in; the water’s fine! I was just practicing my breath-holds.” Then she saw what was in my hand and frowned before asking, “You’re not wearing your suit?”

I smiled sheepishly as I told her, “You said to bring it, not wear it.”

She chuckled, although she sounded a little exasperated with me. “Sometimes you can be so naïve. Why don’t you change into it right now? Then you can join me in the pool.”

I looked all around before asking, “Where should I change, Mrs. Walker?”

She pointed at me and said, “Right there will be fine. You can toss your clothes onto one of those loungers.”

“Right here, Mrs. Walker?” Instinctively, I looked all around as though afraid I might be seen.

“I’ve already seen you naked, Robert. And would you PLEASE call me Karen?”

“Sorry, Karen.” Then I nervously looked all around again.

She smiled before waving dismissively. “Fine. You can change right there while I go back down and hold my breath.” Then she filled her lungs and submerged in a flurry of bubbles.

I stepped back from the edge of the pool until she was deep enough that she disappeared from view. Bubbles came up as I quickly changed out of my clothes and slipped into my red speedos. I was pretty sure they were the ones she’d wanted me to bring along. But I was embarrassed at the bulge that was plainly visible.

She was still down when I finished. So I walked up and followed the side of the pool until I rounded the edge. Then I walked over to the ladder located at the middle of the deep end of the pool.

Mrs. Walker was kneeling on the bottom. She was holding onto the middle ring, keeping it close to her crotch with her knees splayed out on either side. The pool looked nice and deep.

I jerked with a start when I finally saw it. A part of the wall of the pool against the building was made of glass. But it was hard to see inside. Maybe it was tinted.

I could faintly see Mrs. Walker’s reflection. Was it a glass where people could see out but not see in? Maybe her reflection was because it was dark inside and the lights were turned off.

I noticed bubbles coming up. Mrs. Walker came up a few seconds later. Her head emerged and she gasped for breath as she came over to the ladder.

I saw her expression change when she saw my suit. She all but beamed at me. I could tell my choice of attire had greatly pleased her.

I pointed as I told her, “Did you know there’s an observation room with a window cut into the side of the pool?” It was a rather dumb question, being as how she’d already seen it.

She chuckled at me as she clung to the ladder, her mouth just above the surface. “Of course I know, silly! It’s the rec room, but the lights are off. Anyone who’s in there can see whoever’s out here in the water.”

She submerged her head and blew a few bubbles before she came back up. I looked around before telling her, “My dad could never afford a place like this.”

“You like it, Robert? What do you think?”

“About what?”

“About having a youth group pool party here? The rings would be perfect for breath-holding contests; wouldn’t you agree?”

I looked around, still in awe of the place. The pool was kind of small. And it felt like it was way too fancy and expensive for hosting something as mundane as a youth group pool party. “Yeah, I suppose so. But I, uh… I don’t know, Karen.”

She curiously looked all around as though wondering what I was looking at. “What… not enough space? There’s plenty of room for a barbecue. There’s even a place for a volleyball net we could put right over there.”

“Won’t the people living here mind us having a pool party in their back yard?”

“Of course not! I already cleared it with Van Ostrum and his wife.”

I looked down at the glass window in the pool. “There, uh… there won’t be someone in the rec room looking out on us, will there?”

“Why not? Van Ostrum says it will be fine if some of the kids want to use it. Besides, he and Bernice will be here to host the barbecue for us.”

“No, I was referring to right now.” Then I paused before asking, “You mean they’re going to be here to host the pool party?” She just smiled and nodded.

I looked all around again in astonishment. I half expected to see one of them emerge from the house. Then I looked down at the glass to the rec room before hesitantly asking, “Are they here now?”

“They’re in town,” Mrs. Walker replied. “They won’t be back ‘til later. I just wanted you to come over and check it out with me… you know… get your impressions and all.”

I hesitated. She just smiled, her face barely above the surface as she touched my foot before motioning at me. “Well? Are you going to get in with me and try it out, or aren’t you? It’s not like the lake, so it’s not dirty or murky or anything like that. This way, we’ll be able to see each other.”

“Uh, yeah. But that means you’ll be able to see my, uh… I mean… I’ll be able to see your, uh…” She just laughed as she waved for me to come join her.

I hesitated as I considered the matter. I was already becoming quite horny. What’s more, her suit wasn’t helping matters any. This time, there would be no murky water to obscure visibility.

She splashed water at me the longer I delayed. “C’mon in, Robert! Let’s check out these rings. Besides, I think I can hold my breath longer now without having to worry about getting nibbled on by some fish.”

“I never had any fish nibble on me out at the lake.”

She scowled at my delay. “Do you want me to climb out of here and pull you in? C’mon, Robert! I need your opinion for the youth group swim party!”

I told myself I was only going to hold my breath with her for a few minutes. I could be nice to her and do that, at the very least. But my cock was already straining in my speedos. And I was sure she could see it.

I smiled as I stepped off the edge of the pool, hitting the water with a splash. The water was cool, but not too cold. I almost bottomed out before kicking myself back up.

When I surfaced, I saw Mrs. Walker treading water nearby, a big smile on her face. “I’ll take this one,” she said as she pointed down at the middle handle sticking up out of the pool bottom. “You can take that one.” and she pointed at the one closest to the glass. “Time me?”

I nodded as I checked my watch. Then I got a good look at her chest. Her nipples were trying to protrude through the fabric of that much-too-small bikini she was wearing.

We both inhaled deeply before submerging. We swam down head first until we reached the pool floor. She grabbed her handle and looked in my direction as I grabbed mine and looked back at her.

After about a minute, she stretched out flat onto her stomach as she held onto her handle, facing in my direction. I went horizontal and faced her as well, mimicking her every move. I thought the handles were an odd choice to put in the bottom of a swimming pool. But I thought they were kind of fun to hold onto.

Looking at Mrs. Walker in her pink string bikini did me no favors. It was a pretty risqué choice of swimwear, being as how we were only checking out the pool for a party later on. Had she deliberately worn it just to give me some eye candy? I had a hard time believing she was in it because all her other suits were in the wash or were simply unavailable.

I had an unobstructed view of her cleavage as she smiled at me and held her breath. I simply could not get my cock to soften. I wanted to be on my best behavior, but a part of me shamefully hoped I would get some sort of erotic release before our swim together was over.

We released enough air that we drifted down until we were flat on our stomachs. She smiled as she deliberately released a few bubbles for me. Then she closed her eyes as though concentrating on holding her breath.

I closed my eyes too, hoping my bulge would soften. Occasionally I opened them and checked my watch. We were already well past one-thirty.

We were beyond two minutes when I began to feel it in my lungs. Not bad, considering I hadn’t had any time to practice or get acclimatized. Mrs. Walker had already been in the water for who knows how long.

I saw her release her handle and start upward. I quickly followed her up, needing another breath. We surfaced at around two-twenty.

We both panted loudly for breath. She looked at me and smiled as she asked, “So what do you think, Robert?”

“About what?”

“You think some members of the youth group might be interested in having a breath-hold contest?”

“I don’t know. Sometimes they get into the water. But other times, the guys just sit around staring at all the bikinis on display while the girls try to get their attention.”

“Guys will be guys,” she laughed. “Ready to try again?”

What could I say? I wanted to make a good impression on her. Besides, I was starting to have thoughts that were not exactly appropriate for a guy trying to live a Christian life.

We filled our lungs as I checked my watch. Then we went back down. This time, she hooked her feet onto her handle so she wouldn’t drift upward. I did the same as I faced her.

She smiled as we looked at each other. Then she started slowly caressing herself. Gawd; that was all I needed!

She smiled as she gestured for me to join her. I hesitantly ran a hand over my chest. She motioned she wanted me to rub lower. Then she really caressed herself all over.

I blushed as I reached down and rubbed my bulge. I was more than a little concerned where this might be heading. Besides, I wasn’t sure I would be able to stop myself if she came on to me. I was really wanting a release.

I checked my watch as I saw her stomach start to ripple. She lost a few bubbles. By then, she and I were standing flat on our feet after having released enough air to stay down.

She finally launched herself toward the surface, pulling hard with her arms. I followed her up, needing another breath myself. We both popped up pretty close to two-forty. She was doing really well holding her breath in the Van Ostrum pool.

I told her the time as we panted for breath. She smiled proudly. “I think I’m doing better here in the pool than over at the lake.”

“I think you are too,” I replied with a smile.

“What do you think of the glass wall? You can just barely see yourself in it.”

“Looks interesting.”

“Let’s trade places so you can see yourself.”

“Uh… sure; ok.”

“Now help me concentrate on holding my breath. Remember the tricks you showed me to help me take my mind off it?”

“What tricks?” I asked in confusion. She just laughed and smiled.

We inhaled deeply. Then we swam down to the embedded handles. She took the one closest to the window, getting on one knee and hooking it with her ankle before facing me.

I hooked mine with my feet as I looked over at her. Her nipples were clearly poking through her bikini top. Her pussy lips were visibly outlining the fabric to her crotch.

This time, she exposed one breast and started fondling it right in front of me. Her other hand snaked down under her bottoms to finger her slit. My cock stiffened shamefully as I blushed again.

She gave me a look indicating I was supposed to follow her lead. So I reached under my suit and grabbed my dick. I thought about stroking and making myself cum. But I had the distinct impression Mrs. Walker had something else in mind.

She pulled her top aside and exposed both of her breasts. By then, her crotch was also half exposed. Then she motioned for me to take my dick out.

I reluctantly pulled my suit down, exposing my erection to her. I stroked it as she touched herself all over. I was incredibly horny, staring at Mrs. Walker and her erect nipples on her exposed breasts as she deliberately masturbated at the bottom of the Van Ostrum pool.

I don’t know how long we were down, as I’d forgotten to keep track. We were like that for well over two minutes. In fact, I think we were down pretty close to three.

She finally pulled for the surface. I dutifully followed her up. We burst up panting loudly for breath.

I apologized for not keeping track of the time. She just gave me a knowing smile. “Oh, that’s ok, Robert. I’m not paying that much attention. Besides, you have no idea how much this is turning me on.”

I blushed as I admitted, “Yeah, well… I guess I’m kind of turned-on too.”

“Gawd; I certainly hope so! Now I want to try something on the bottom. I want you to hold your breath lying on top of me.”

“On top of you?”

“Yeah… in three… two… one!”

She abruptly went down. Instinctively, I followed behind her. She grabbed onto the ring closest to the glass window. Then she rolled over until she was on her back facing upward.

I came down on top of her and grabbed her ring as best I could. She smiled as she bubbled up at me. I released a few bubbles of my own until I began to settle down on top of her.

It wasn’t long until we came together. That’s when her legs wrapped around me. Then I felt her hump against my crotch.

I could not resist. I was so horny that I humped her back. She grinned up at me until she grabbed my head, pulling me to her and kissing me deeply.

Our tongues intertwined as I tried to focus on holding my breath. But I was shamefully enjoying what we were doing. I strongly suspected things were going to get out of hand if we didn’t stop. But a part of me didn’t want to stop.

We humped and kissed like that for the longest time. I felt myself getting dangerously close to a release. So I tried to hold it back. Even though I knew it would be wrong, I was still hoping for something intimate.

She wrapped her arms around me, kissing me hungrily. I felt the growing need for another breath. So I started to rise up.

Mrs. Walker didn’t seem to care. She kept holding onto me, kissing me for as long as I let her. She also kept humping me.

I felt the strain in my lungs to the point where I knew I needed to surface soon. I stood upright, but Mrs. Walker wouldn’t let go. She really seemed to be enjoying keeping me in a bear hug.

Didn’t she understand I was out of breath? She just hung on as I started to head for the surface, with her still clinging on to me. That’s when I heard splash in the water behind me, causing me to turn to see who in the world might be joining us…

2023 (written May 1 ’23 by riwa. Illustrating renders courtesy of JustPaul)

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