Bonus story: The bogs of Dartmoor 3.8 (13)

Note: This is an edited repost of a story I did for Dorothy many years ago. This was a fantasy of hers. Sadly, I’ve not heard from her in a few years.

Brian didn’t really know why he was prowling the bogs of Dartmoor. It was as if something had called to him, pulling him to make the drive to south Devon, England. Now he wished he’d obeyed his gut instinct to stay the hell away.

He was in a bog up to his neck, having stumbled in… or had he been pushed? He was a little foggy on that one. But there was no one around for miles. He’d hollered out in vain as his struggles took him deeper.

If only that lass Dorothy were out here! He’d seen her posts on a certain fetish forum how she’d been known to come out and wander the bogs at night. If he was damned lucky she might just show up at any moment and rescue him. But right now there was no one around.

He cried out as he slowly sank deeper while hyperventilating like crazy. If he was going to die, he would certainly have preferred some other method. Having a heart attack while shagging some lovely British bird certainly came to mind. But it was obvious that wasn’t going to happen.

Panic set in as he settled deeper, forcing him to tip his head back. Fear made him start to grunt and cry out as the bog inexorably pulled him down. The smelly material seemed possessive, as though determined to claim his life.

Soon his mouth slipped under the surface, leaving him snorting frantically through his nose. Then his eyes got big as saucers as an apparition suddenly appeared right in front of him. It was a wispy specter in the form of a woman with blonde hair.

“Don’t worry, love,” it said soothingly to him. “I’ve read your mind. I have summoned her as well. I promise she’ll be joining you shortly, although she doesn’t know it yet.” Then it smiled at him, a gruesome smile that made him frightened over this strange ethereal being.

His eyes flew open in horror, not wanting some innocent young thing to follow in his footsteps. Then he felt the bog begin to pull him down ever faster. He snorted a big breath through his nose before it too became submerged, leaving only his eyes and forehead above the rancid material.

The ghostly vision stretched an arm out to him, palm down. Brian instinctively shook his head, his lungs beginning to heave. Then the specter brought the arm down as though wanting to force him down below the surface.

…and then Brian was completely submerged within the darkness of the bog…

The surface rippled, evidence of a panicked struggle for life just below. There was a massive eruption of bubbles, a set of lungs having just emptied themselves. The surface rippled again as though something was desperately trying to break out. Then it settled into the quietness of the night.

The apparition smiled down at the quiet bog. The words “She will be joining you shortly” seemed to echo softly on the wind. Then the specter rippled until it faded away into the night…

Dorothy Curtis felt uneasy as she slowly walked amidst the bogs of Dartmoor. She usually enjoyed coming out here to meditate and genuflect. But tonight was different. She’d been uncomfortable ever since she’d gotten that urge and had driven out here.

She’d seen the other car off in the distance. Dorothy assumed lovers might be out walking the marsh together, the silly fools. She hoped they were being careful.

There wasn’t a soul in sight. She wondered where they could have gotten off to. She hoped they had not met with a tragic accident.

Maybe it was another woman like her, out roaming the bog while deep in thought. Maybe someone had come out here and had run out of petrol. At any rate, she wasn’t certain she was all that comfortable being out here, not on a night like this. But for some reason she felt compelled to be here.

She felt a sudden shove in her back. Dorothy pitched forward, the ground giving way in front of her. The next thing she knew she was in it up to her crotch.

“Bloody hell!” she cried out, whirling to see who had pushed her in. But there was no one there. She was all alone.

Had she slipped? Lost her footing? It didn’t seem likely. Yet here she was, right in the middle of a smelly mess!

She gingerly tested her footing. Then she tried to head out the way she’d come in. That’s when she felt something clutch at her ankles as though holding her in place.

She pulled anxiously, panting heavily for breath. But she could not extricate herself.

She shook her head in exasperation. “What did you do to yourself, you silly, stupid bitch? They’re just stupid fantasies, you know! You really didn’t want to end up in one, did you? This is a fine mess you’ve gotten yourself into!”

She struggled with her footing, trying to pull herself free of whatever it was that seemed to be clutching at her ankles. But that just made her sink a little deeper. She gasped in alarm as she went perfectly still, hoping she wouldn’t sink any deeper.

“Ok, ok,” she said to herself, panting heavily. “Think, damn you! You got yourself into this! So you can bloody well get yourself out! Besides, most of these bogs aren’t deep at all. It’s just a matter of walking out is all.”

She carefully worked a foot free. Dorothy moved it in the direction she’d fallen in, concluding she must have accidentally tumbled in. But when she put her foot down while searching for solid ground underneath her, it sank even deeper. Bloody hell!

All of the sudden she saw him standing there. She knew he hadn’t been standing there a moment ago! No matter; at least she was saved!

“Hey!” she cried out, reaching out toward him as her face flushed red with embarrassment. “I fell in and I can’t bloody seem to get myself out. It’s a good thing you came by when you did. Would you help a silly bitch out of her predicament here?”

“Remove the dress.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Remove the dress.”

She hadn’t seen his lips move and it gave her the creeps. But it was kind of dark out. Maybe she was imagining things.

“You want me to remove my dress? You’re bloody kidding me; right, love??”

“Remove the dress.”

“But it’s bloody cold out here! Get me out, damn you!”

She struggled in place, only to slip a little deeper. Now she could feel the surface of the muck approaching her breasts. Dorothy began hyperventilating as her panic swelled within her.

“Remove the dress.”

She frowned at him, wincing over such an incredible demand. Damn! If that was what it was going to take to get her out, she’d better stop dilly-dallying!

Ok, so she’d consent to giving him an eyeful if that’s what he wanted. The dress was ruined anyway. Just so long as he pulled her out.

Dorothy grunted as she pulled it up over her head. She was embarrassed as hell. Strange how she hadn’t bothered to wear anything underneath this night. Was she crazy??

The guy looked at her with amusement. He was acting very strange. She had the distinct impression he knew all along she’d gone commando. So long as he helped her out.

“Satisfied, love?” she said in disgust as she threw it over onto dry ground. He just looked at her impassively.

“You want to get me out of here now? It’s bloody cold in here. I’m stuck in it up to my headlights!”

The surface of the bog was now climbing up her heaving, glistening mounds. Her nipples had become shamefully erect. Dorothy felt a perverse excitement at her predicament.

Her mind suddenly drifted to a post she’d submitted at a fetish website. She’d responded to another person who’d gotten her all worked up over the Bogs of Dartmoor. She trembled fearfully as she thought about what she’d written in response.

The man standing in front of her smiled. It was an evil smile that made her blood run cold. “It shall be done.”

The words seemed to carry softly on the breeze. She was sure his lips had not moved. Then to her utter astonishment, the man vanished right before her startled eyes.

Dorothy let out a yelp of shock as her hands swung around in front of her. A set of manacles had attached to her wrists from out of nowhere. What the bloody hell??

She screamed as the man reappeared. This time he was right there with her in the bog. He was totally naked, a set of handcuffs in his hand. What the bloody hell??

She screamed as he stepped right up to her. He pressed his naked body up against her. Then he pulled her cuffed arms down around his back.

She felt warm flesh. Yet she was strangely terrified. Then he wrapped his arms around her.

“WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING??” she cried out as he cuffed his wrists behind her back. He simply smiled at her.

Her mind tried to process what had just happened. But it made no sense to her. She was trapped in a bog, only this bloody sod was handcuffed to her body! Now they were going to go down together.

“No!! No!! Wait!! You can’t!!”

She was in it up to her shoulders now. And he was in it with her! He did not seem frightened or panicked. That’s what scared her most of all.

She frantically bent her head back as he moved his mouth toward hers. Then his lips were upon hers. They were cold, and she tried to scream.

Dorothy couldn’t get away. And she couldn’t sever the kiss either. Her eyes were open as she was forced to kiss against her will.

Dorothy suddenly screamed into his mouth. Two apparitions had just appeared behind her companion. It was a man and a woman, both of them holding hands.

In a flash she remembered the newspaper article. Two lovebirds had come to south Devon and had disappeared. They were believed to be the ghosts of the Dartmoor bogs.

Dorothy watched in horror as the two specters stretched out their free arms toward her, palms presented downward. Then they both motioned together… “Down!” At that moment she felt something penetrate her womanhood down in the bog.

Dorothy screamed into the mouth of the specter that was still kissing her. Surely he had to be a ghost. There was no other explanation for it.

At the same time she felt something thrust in and out of her as they both started to go down together. It felt like he’d penetrated her womanhood. Was he fucking her as they slowly sank into the smelly bog??


The surface slowly rose up her neck to her chin. It flowed around her pursed lips. She continued to sink until it reached her nose.

With a scream of horror she frantically inhaled through her nostrils. Then they too were submerged, leaving only her eyes above the surface. The last thing she saw was the ghostly duo staring at her, motioning for her to go down to her doom.

Her eyes were flooded with the muck of the marsh as she sank downward. She frantically closed them as she tried to hold her breath. Then Dorothy began to thrash about in horror.

She screamed into the mouth of the apparition still kissing her. At the same time she felt something thrusting into her pussy. It was inconceivable!

Her lungs began to heave as she struggled to hold her breath. She was totally submerged, sinking deeper and deeper with this murderous ghost still handcuffed to her. It would only be a few seconds before her lungs gave out.


Her lungs gave out in a huge burst of bubbles. Dorothy snorted bog water through her nostrils. That’s when the kiss abruptly stopped.

The mouth pulled away from her lips as she coughed up bubbles. The sensation of cuffs on her wrists ceased. He was no longer right there with her. But it still felt as though he was deep inside her.

Dorothy let out a bubbly cry as she started to drown. She gurgled as she thrashed about under the surface of the bog. A moment later she felt certain she could feel hot cum spurting into her cunt, although her rational mind could not explain how. It triggered a devastating orgasm within her as she fought in vain underneath the surface, thrashing about to free herself.

Her mind screamed “BLOODY HELL; I’M REALLY DROWNING!” Her body convulsed painfully. She could not stop cumming amidst the cruel agony of swallowing tons of bog water.

Up at the surface the two apparitions stood hand in hand. They appreciatively observed the heaving surface of the bog. It rippled with great animation from the struggle underneath.

Bubbles burst up as the marshy covering undulated from the action below. There was a sudden final burst of bubbles as the bog belched up its secret. Then the surface grew still.

The two specters looked down at the bog before turning to face each other. Their lips met before they began to shimmer out of existence. The words “Now we are together, my love” seemed to carry softly on the breeze as silence returned…

The next day two abandoned vehicles would be discovered. A woman’s dress lay out on dry ground as though someone had stepped into a bog and then taken it off above her head. But no answers or explanations would be forthcoming.

The authorities later received two missing persons’ reports from the sister of a woman and the mother of a man. They were able to identify the two abandoned vehicles. But the bodies were never recovered. The two individuals were never seen or heard from again, more victims of the Bogs of Dartmoor.

2012; 2020 (written for Brian and Dorothy Feb 28 ’12; ed. Sep 25 ’20 by riwa)

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Mom’s favorite 4.3 (23)

That blonde bimbo always was mom’s favorite. She was also a ditz as well as an incurable slut. But she was destined to inherit 50% of the assets once mom keeled over from her impending heart attack. So Selena and I went to work on her.

First, we got her all liquored up. Then we brought out her sex toys. We tied her arms off so she couldn’t stop us. Then we began fucking her with them.

At first she begged us to stop. Then she begged us not to. When we turned her hands loose she willingly fucked herself with her own toys, the stupid slut.

Next we got that pink scarf she’s always wearing. It’s her favorite; she flashes it everywhere. Mom loves it too, but Selena and I just hate it. So we decided to put it to good use.

We wrapped it around her neck while she was fucking herself with her buzzing vibrator. “This should feel good,” I whispered seductively into her ear. The more we pulled, the harder the stupid bitch fucked herself.

“Feel good?” Selena whispered into her ear.

Dumb question. “More!” the ditz begged. So we got on either side of her and pulled.

She used her toy as though it was her latest boyfriend. I must admit she goes through them the way she goes through liquor bottles. We pulled hard until she was bucking and shuddering while furiously fucking herself.

We let loose, only for the slut to beg us to pull it tight again. I got her a bigger vibrating toy. Then we watched her go at it as we pulled on that damnable scarf. The crazy slut popped off time and time again.

I looked at Selena and she looked at me. We were both thinking the same thing. Neither one of us had to say a word.

We pulled really hard on that stupid scarf. The ditz bucked and thrashed about like crazy. But she had her hand on that toy the whole time, furiously fucking herself with it. All blondes are clueless; our crazy sister was no exception.

By the time we got through with her, she was in an orgasmic fog. The seat of her cushioned chair was totally soaked. Selena and I looked at each other again. This time we nodded in agreement.

We both pulled on our ends of the scarf just as hard as we could. The ditz started bucking and humping in the chair. Her eyes opened wide as she furiously fucked herself with that toy.

Something in her brain must’ve told her she was being a dumbass. By the time she figured it out it was too late. Selena and I weren’t stopping.

Her hands came up to claw at the scarf around her throat. But all those orgasms had worn her out. She was simply too weak to resist us.

We watched closely as her eyes started to roll into the back of her head. Her body went off, bucking and humping like crazy as though instinctively trying to halt the dying process. It was incredible to watch.

Her mouth opened wide as she tried to scream. For a crazy moment she found her toy and tried to fuck herself with it. Even as she was dying, the crazy bitch wanted to cum!

She shuddered hard before going limp. Selena and I just kept up the pressure. We wanted to make sure she was long gone.

We finally released our grip on each end of the scarf. The ditz stared upward with unseeing eyes. We just left her like that, the scarf rolled up around her neck with her hand on her toy. The seat of the chair was totally soaked from her many orgasms.

We went to our rooms and waited for mom to come home. We heard the front door, followed by a scream. It caused us both to come running.

We made sure we both looked visibly shocked. Selena gazed at the scene before gasping, “She was talking about doing a little erotic asphyxiation, mom. But we didn’t think she’d be stupid enough to go that far with it!”

Mom clutched her heart before keeling over. We went back to our rooms and waited ten minutes. Then we came out as though we didn’t know mom was home or the ditz had erotically strangled herself. Then we called 911…


We’re really enjoying the house now. And we’ve been getting together with all the ditz’s old boyfriends. Life is pretty damned good not having to see that stupid pink scarf floating around the house on the neck of our clueless sister…

(Sep 25 ’20) (Inspired by the picture.)

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DIY strangling 4.4 (34)

I foolishly clicked on a link at a porn site. A message box popped up with the text line, “What do you like?

“Asphyxia,” I typed back. “Strangulation by scarf.”

“Kinky. Want to get together?”

“Some other time” and I signed out.

A couple days later I found myself back on that porn site. That same link popped up. I wondered if it was that woman again.

Once more I clicked on it. A message box popped up with the text line, “What do you like?

“Asphyxia,” I typed back.

“Asphyxia man? Is that you? Are you the one who texted me last time?”


“Just a second. Let me turn my cam on.”

About a minute later a screen came on. A blonde in a nice outfit smiled at me. She had a black scarf in her hand.

She smiled right at the camera. Then she wrapped the scarf around her neck. “You like it?” she asked. I could hear her voice over my speakers.

I typed back, “I like scarves.”

She appeared to study the screen as though she was reading it. Then she smiled again. “I take it you like seeing women strangled in scarves?”

“Yes I do.”

She adjusted the scarf around her throat. Both ends were draped over her shoulders. Then she smiled as she pulled on both ends.

“You like?” she asked the screen.

“Very much,” I typed in return, my cock stirring in my trousers.

“Want to come over?”

“How much?”

In response she pulled harder. I watched as she appeared to concentrate. But I wasn’t sure I was convinced.

“What is this?” I typed, my cock hardening. “Do-it-yourself strangling?”

“Want to come over? I’ll do it for you in person. I’ll even let you pull on the ends.” Then she eased up on both ends, breathing quietly.

“Where do you live?” She verbally gave me an address. It wasn’t that far away.

I was curious as I typed, “Does the porn site let you know when someone logs in and is close to where you live?”

“Yes. Do you want to come over?”

She grinned at the camera as she grabbed her scarf on both ends. Once more she started to tug. This time she appeared to be pulling pretty hard.

For a moment she got this strange look in her eyes. She began to rasp and gurgle. She looked like she was actually getting into it.

Her breathing became ragged as her face turned red. She went into little seizures as she suddenly lost her ability to stand. Then she collapsed out of sight of the camera.

I stared in disbelief. Had she strangled herself to death?? Then she rose up, coughing a little as she rubbed her neck.

“That was a good one. You made me cum in my nice outfit. Now I need to get undressed and change clothes. Want to come over and watch me do it in person? I’ll wait until after your visit to change back into my clothes if you like.”

“I’ll be right over.” She just got this huge grin. Then I signed out.

She was naked when I got there. There was this white scarf or wrap around her neck. “Like it?” she asked with a coy smile.

“Should we discuss payment first?”

“In a bit. Let’s go into the bedroom.” She wasn’t wasting any time.

She invited me in where she sat on her bed. There was a chair sitting right there facing her which she waved for me to use. As I sat down I found myself wondering just how many times she’d done this before.

I smiled as I hesitantly asked, “Should we talk payment now?”

“What do you think this is worth?” Then she pulled on both ends again.

I watched with a look of growing desire as her breathing became ragged. It looked like she was struggling between the desire to pull harder and the need to ease up. Her face became flushed, her nostrils flaring.

She let out a gasp as her eyes rolled. Then she started to shudder. Her neck flushed red, an obvious indicator she’d just experienced an orgasm.

She went into little seizures as she let go before falling over backward, almost passing out. It was about thirty seconds before she began shaking her head. She was coming back around.

“Would you like to see more?”

“What do I need to do?”

“Get undressed. I want to see your reaction.”

I carefully stripped out of my clothes. She smiled at my erection. Then she pulled on the ends to her scarf again.

She pulled pretty hard. I watched as she winced. Then her eyes rolled as she started to shudder.

I saw her pussy flare and wink at me. It looked incredibly wet. Her nipples were hard as pebbles on full, round breasts.

She went into little seizures again as she went over backwards, collapsing onto her bed. She had little spasms before her head began to shake. Then she slowly rose back up, panting quietly.

“You like?”

“Very much.”

“Would you like to strangle me?”

“How much?”

“We’ll discuss that later. Right now we’re both too turned on to talk payment, wouldn’t you agree?”

I got up and climbed onto the bed behind her. I took both ends and pulled. She turned her head to one side as she panted excitedly.

“Like this?” I asked carefully.


“So much for do-it-yourself strangling.”

“I like it more when a sexy man does it to me.”

“Let me see if I can make that happen for you.”

“Oh gawd; yes.”

I pulled on both ends. She rasped for breath as she began to squirm. She leaned back against me as she panted, “Harder!”

I pulled nice and tight. Her face went red as she really gasped for breath. Her eyes rolled as she struggled against me. Then she went into those little seizures. I could smell she’d cum again.

I eased up on both ends while propping her up. “Not bad,” I said with a smile.

She regained her composure, shaking her head to clear it. Then she asked, “What’s it worth to you?”

“A couple hundred?”

“For that I’ll even let you fuck me.”

“While strangling you?”

In reply she climbed into my lap with her back to me. I felt her adjust her position. Then she eased down until my erection slid into her velvety wetness.

She took both ends of her scarf and pulled. She began to rasp and gurgle. I felt her bounce up and down on my dick.

Her pussy clenched wonderfully as she strangled herself. She pulled really hard. It made her cunt do amazing things.

She suddenly let go, panting like crazy. “Now you do it,” she told me. I took both ends and pulled as she rode me.

She bounced up and down on my throbbing shaft. It felt incredible. The harder I pulled, the tighter her cunt seemed to clench.

She went into those little seizures again as she struggled against me. I pulled until she went limp. Her cunt kept clenching until it slowly let up.

I lifted her off me and laid her down upon her bed. Then I climbed on top, sliding my dick into her wetness. She began to come around, smiling weakly when she saw I had mounted her.

She took the ends of her scarf and pulled as I fucked her. I thrust harder as her face went red again. She began to buck underneath me until she arched her back. Then she let go of her scarf.

I smiled as I told her, “Now it’s my turn.” She smiled up at me as I took the ends from her hands. That’s when I took the slack out of her scarf.

She looked into my face, her eyes twinkling with excitement. I slowly pulled tighter. Her eyes got bigger as her chest started to heave.

Her face flushed again as she started to shudder. I just smiled at her as I thrust in and out while pulling a little harder. She made delicious rasping sounds.

Her hands fluttered at her sides as though she didn’t know what to do with them. I saw that familiar flush around her neck as she shuddered hard. That’s when I pulled on both ends just as hard as I could.

I really pumped her as she let out a loud “GAWK”. Her hands instinctively came up to my arms, attempting to make me stop. But it was too late. I’d already strangled the strength right out of her.

Her hands flew up to the scarf around her neck as she frantically clawed at the material. “Go ahead, baby,” I cooed softly at her. “Enjoy that last orgasm as you die. Did I neglect to tell you I also like necro sex?”

Her eyes rolled as her hands began to flutter haphazardly at her sides. She gawked and gurgled for a few seconds. Then her body went into those sexy seizures again.

A moment later she went limp, her strength giving out underneath me. I just kept fucking her, maintaining the tension on the scarf. “That was your happy ending,” I told her quietly. “Now here’s mine.”

Her tongue poked out as her eyes remained rolled up into the back of her head, her eyelids half closed. I eased up on the tension on the scarf. Then I pulled nice and hard as though making sure.

She shuddered and flopped around a little. But there wasn’t much else in the way of a response. Her cunt clenched nicely around my erection until I pumped a load deep inside her.

I smiled as I finally released my lethal hold on her scarf. I softly whispered, “Do-it-yourself strangling always works better with a pair of helping hands, wouldn’t you agree? Now let’s spend some intimate time together, shall we?”

2013; 2020 (written for Denny Binder Jun 1 ’13; ed. Sep 5 ‘20 by riwa)

(Pictures found in the Internet and used for illustration purposes.)

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.3 (8)

Coming April rewards

Aravanna 18
My last day Pt 3
The hit on Revy Pt 2
My visit to St. Fellat 2
The Hollywood video shoot
My Vacation
No neck-break for Tonia
My drowning Master
Riding him to the end
Hot tub high-jinks
Lesbian seduction
Fire and Water

February stories/rewards will fall off at the end of March to make room for April rewards.

Well, it’s that time of year again. Once more, I get to pay my Uncle Sam. I don’t get much of a say in how he spends the money I send to him each year. But at least my CPA says I’m getting some money back from the state. So it’s not as painful as it could have been. However, I will have something painful to deal with in April when I go in to have a tooth dealt with. It looks like it’s the ol’ root canal and crown episode again. So I’ll be spending money in April as well as this past month. It just makes me appreciate all of you all the more.

Mom’s been having computer issues lately. I’ve been doing what I can to assist her. But I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, being as how I know just enough about computers to be considered dangerous. So far, it’s working out. I haven’t blown anything up yet. She’s also had more car issues to address. But she may be getting a handle on the mice issue. It’s always one thing after another. But that’s life, and we’re doing ok.

I hope all of you are handling the issues life is throwing at you. Thank you so much for being my patrons.

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The aqua-slut drowns again 4.3 (27)

Every time there’s some sort of drama or excitement at the Aqua Club, Eva always seems to be right in the middle of it. She was drowned once by Brooke in a jealous rage. But Eva loves the fuck-drown scenario. So that didn’t seem to bother her too much.

A woman named Tessa recently joined our Aqua Club. Eva was drawn to her right away. Soon, they could be seen cavorting in the pool, hardening every cock in sight.

One day, I was there when they were in the pool together. There was a kettle ball sitting in the shallow end. The two naked ladies kept swimming around it.

Sometimes they gripped it together just for fun. And sometimes one would hold on while the other would caress her all over. It was pretty hot to observe.

Soon, they began switching off on it. Eva held onto it with her hands behind her back, acting as though her wrists had been tied together to it. Then Tessa feasted on her clam until Eva had a very noticeable orgasm.

Next, it was Tessa’s turn to hold on. Eva worked her over real good. Tessa really wriggled and bubbled when it came time for her to orgasm.

They went back and forth like that while they played with the kettle ball. Then Tessa introduced some chains into their play. She also went and retrieved a couple of weight belts so the ladies wouldn’t keep wanting to drift upward all the time.

Tessa went first. They got the kettle ball up out of the water so she didn’t have to hold her breath the entire time. Then Eva chained her to it.

They waded far enough out into the shallow end where their heads were just barely above the surface. I watched Tessa get a big breath. Then she submerged, allowing the kettle ball to take her to the bottom.

About that time, Paul came in. He pointed at the pool before asking, “Who’s in there?”

“Tessa and Eva,” I replied. “They’re using a kettle ball and having fun.”

“This I’ve got to see,” he said as he pulled up a patio chair to the edge of the water.

Eva sucked on Tessa’s nipples while touching her all over. They were down for quite a while before Tessa started to struggle. But Eva playfully kept her from rising up to get a breath.

For a moment there, I thought Tessa was going to suck water. She finally rose up, hefting the kettle ball in her hands until her head was out of the water. She gasped for breath as Eva told her how hot it had been.

They immediately switched roles. This time, Eva ended up with chains around her wrists, tethering her to the kettle ball. Then she got a big breath before she submerged.

I noticed Tessa didn’t touch Eva nearly as much as she previously had been touched. She seemed content just to watch her suffer while holding her breath. Eva kept smiling as she playfully pulled against the chains, acting as though she was in trouble.

Eva finally made a move to rise up out of the water. Tessa just pushed her down, keeping her submerged. That’s when the bubbles came up.

Paul frowned before curiously asking, “Is she drowning her?”

“I don’t know,” I replied as we watched intently. “It kind of looks like it. Knowing Eva, she’s probably enjoying herself.”

Tessa finally rose up to get a breath. She saw us watching while waiting for Eva to come up. But Eva never surfaced.

Tessa saw us looking with concern at her. She smiled as she waved dismissively. “Oh, don’t worry; she’s fine.” Then she went back down.

Eva was hardly moving. Tessa kissed her lips while caressing her breasts. I didn’t think Eva could hold her breath that long. Neither did Paul.

Eva didn’t seem to be moving at all. That’s when Tessa began kissing her nipples. Paul and I looked at each other before instinctively jumping into the water.

Tessa saw us coming and rose up to meet us. “She’s fine,” she waved dismissively. “She loves it.” But Eva was just staring off into space, her lips parted.

Paul and I got her up out of the water and freed her from the weight belt and the chains to the kettle ball. Eva had clearly drowned. We frantically worked on her until she came around, coughing like crazy.

“That was intense!” she finally panted. Then she eyed Tessa curiously before demanding, “What the hell was that all about??”

“You damn near drowned me, you bitch!”

“That’s no reason to drown me, honey.”

“I am NOT your honey!”

“You two having a falling out?” I called to Tessa in the water.

“Oh, I’m fine!” Then she turned and swam into the deep end as though that should be the end of it.

Paul looked questioningly at Eva. “Do it!” she hissed under her breath. “She deserves it! And yes; I don’t mind one bit if you give her a drown-fuck!”

I went and fetched a set of handcuffs. Then Paul and I stripped naked before we dove in. That’s when Eva egged us on by calling out, “Drown the bitch for me!”

Tessa let out a cry when she saw us coming. We caught up to her and submerged her. Then we forced her arms behind her back and cuffed her wrists together.

She came up sputtering, “What are you doing? She deserved it!”

“So do you,” I laughed. Then we forced her under.

She bubbled like crazy as she put up a fuss. We let go, and she tried to kick her way back to the surface. But the weight belt still around her waist was making it a bit of a challenge.

I grabbed her ankle before she could get any air. I pulled her down with me until she was on the bottom. Then I let go.

She tried for the surface once again. That’s when Paul grabbed an ankle and pulled her back down. She lost a lot of her breath.

We both let her go, and she rose to the surface. She eventually popped up gasping and sputtering. That’s when we surfaced on either side of her, Eva loudly egging us on.

Tessa angrily cried out, “You can’t do this to me!”

“Yes, they can!” Eva hollered at her.

“You stay out of this!”

I smiled as I told her, “We can do this the easy way… or we can do it the hard way.”

She angrily glared at me. “What’s the easy way?”

“You get us off before we drown you.”

“Fuck! That’s the easy way?? What’s the hard way?”

“We take you up to the surface and out of the pool where we make you change into your clothes. Then you never set foot inside the club again. If you do, you’ll be charged with attempted murder for trying to drown Eva.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

Instinctively, we both pushed down on her head. She kicked to try to get herself back up to the surface. But we wouldn’t let her.

She finally stopped resisting. That’s when we helped her to the surface. “Call it an initiation,” Paul helpfully explained. “You knew what the pool rules were when you entered. If you’re prepared to drown someone, you have to be prepared to be on the receiving end as well.”

“You can’t do that to me!”

“Fine.” Then we pushed her under again.

Eva slipped into the pool and swam out to us. I frowned as I told her, “You’re not supposed to be back in the water so soon after a drowning.”

“I’m ok. My head’s above the surface; right?”

She grabbed Tessa’s head from us and forced it into her exposed crotch. Then she loudly declared, “Either she gets you guys off… or she drowns while eating muff. Her choice.”

Tessa really struggled. Paul and I smiled as we tread water and watched. Eva kept Tessa down until the woman began spewing her breath away. Then she pulled her head up out of the water.

Tessa coughed and sputtered. Eva pleasantly told her, “I’d take them up on their offer if I were you. When I get riled, I’m not nearly as nice as I appear to be at first glance. Hell, I doubt I’d be as nice about it as they’re going to be.” Then she cruelly shoved Tessa back down between her legs.

Eva humped her face pretty good. Tessa still appeared to be bubbling and struggling. “Are we done here?” Paul wanted to know, suspecting it was about to be taken out of our hands.

“Not yet,” Eva replied with a chuckle. “I think she’s starting to get the hang of things. Oh…. Oh yeah… right there!”

Tessa had stopped struggling, although more bubbles were coming up. Eva panted as an expression of pleasure filled her face. Then she pulled her adversary’s head back up.

Tessa came up gasping for breath. “Pussy or cock as you drown?” Eva asked casually. “It makes no difference to me what you’re doing when you start swallowing water.”

“Cock,” Tessa replied, sullen yet submissive.

“Good choice. It’s the one I always take whenever I know I’m going to drown. I have the best orgasms that way.”

She pushed Tessa down in the direction of my erection. Then I felt lips wrap around my shaft. She willingly bobbed up and down on it, suctioning with her mouth. At least there was no sense of reluctance or hesitancy on her part.

“Gotta encourage the bitch,” Eva chuckled. Then she filled her lungs and submerged.

“Eva; no!” Paul declared. “Too soon!” But Eva was already eagerly moving down between her parted legs and starting to feast.

Tessa grunted up bubbles as she sucked my cock. She even wriggled a little as her weight belt tried to pull her downward. She was not too bad sucking dick underwater.

Eva came up with her, both of them gasping for breath. Then she pushed her head down in the direction of Paul’s stiffy. That’s when she also submerged to do a little more clam diving of her own.

Sexy bubbles were grunted up as I stroked my meat while watching the action. I looked questioningly at Paul. “Pretty decent,” he replied with a nod and a smile.

“She’d better be careful or Eva might cruelly drown her just for spite.”

Paul chuckled. “Well, Eva’s giving her quite the tongue-lashing. So I hope she learns from it.” I just laughed.

Eva helped Tessa go back and forth between us. But she made sure her tongue was up her rival’s twat most of the time. Apparently she was trying to give her the proper encouragement. Hell, I think Tessa even came a couple of times!

She was up gasping for breath when Eva declared, “Its drowning time, bitch! Whose cock do you want up that juicy twat?”

Tessa looked at both of us. Then she picked Paul. “No offense,” she told me.

“None taken,” I replied.

“Good choice,” Eva declared. “You can fuck and suck. Maybe you’ll get a nice mouthful of cum while you’re drowning on Paul’s big dick. Now let’s get your sorry ass down below the surface.”

I was surprised at how domineering Eva had become. Maybe it’s because she was really looking forward to drowning Tessa.

The new girl was impaled from behind so she could reach my dick. Paul started thrusting into her up at the surface. “Now let’s get this party started!” Eva declared excitedly.

Tessa got a good breath. Then Eva forced her head down toward my dick. Tessa wrapped her lips around my shaft and started sucking.

Paul kept thrusting in and out of her. But her weight helped take us all down. Mine and Paul’s head were just below the surface as Tessa serviced us.

Eva submerged and got under Tessa. She began sucking on her nipples as her rival sucked and was fucked. There were grunts and bubbles everywhere.

Paul and I worked our heads back up long enough to get another breath. But we kept Tessa submerged. It wasn’t long until we could tell by her body language that she was struggling.

Paul and I slipped below the surface as we continued going at it with the new girl. Eva kept sucking on her rival’s nipples. Tessa’s struggle to hold her breath was quite erotic.

I finally shot a huge load into her mouth. Some swirled back out past her lips. Then she grunted and cried out as she shuddered in orgasm.

Paul’s cream began oozing out of her pussy. Then she started cumming and drowning. It was pretty damned erotic, especially the way Eva kept sucking on the poor girl’s nipples.

Despite Eva’s wishes, we didn’t keep Tessa down all that long. We helped her back up until she came up dazed and disoriented. But she was already coughing and breathing as we helped her over to the edge of the pool and got her out.

Eva remained in the pool, treading water in the deep end. “You guys could have drowned her longer and harder,” she pouted.

“Just trying to be nice, Eva,” I smiled in reply. She just stuck her tongue out at me.

Tessa looked at us in surprise. “I thought… you were going to keep me down longer!”

“Eva wanted us to,” Paul told her. “But we decided to give you a break and cut you some slack… at least for now.”

“I… didn’t think… I never knew…”

“Never knew what?” I asked.

“I never knew a girl could cum so hard while she was drowning!” Then she looked enviously at Eva as she asked, “You do this all the time?”

“As often as they let me,” Eva replied as she finally swam over to us. “There are no hard feelings on my end. What about you?”

“I’m good,” Tessa panted. “I was a little rough on you, and I’m sorry. I got treated better than I probably deserved.”

“These guys are softies at heart,” Eva told her. “But they can be wicked when they’re enjoying a good, underwater fuck.”

“So is this experience a one-off for you?” I asked Tessa.

She thought about it for a moment. Then she smiled. “I already fucked Paul. Maybe I also owe you a fuck-drowning. Then we’ll see how it goes from there.”

“Oh, I think she’s hooked,” Eva laughed as she climbed out of the pool. Paul and I just chuckled knowingly at that.

4-16-23 Inspired by the preview pictures I found.

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More confessions of a Male Club Attendant 4.4 (44)

I had just settled down into a chair to catch my breath when the door opened. An attendant came in with something to drink. I went pale as she took in both bodies.

She smiled as she offered the drink to me. Then she surprised me by asking, “Did you enjoy yourself, sir?”

“I’m afraid so, much as it pains me to say it.”

“Don’t feel bad. Please remain here for a moment; ok? Someone will be with you shortly.”

The drink really refreshed me. But I hadn’t gotten dressed yet when the door opened and a woman came in. Her outfit and persona indicated she was someone important.

She looked at the bodies and smiled. Then she told me, “Arrangements have already been made. Everything will be taken care of. Well done, my dear boy. Well done.”

I looked at her in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“It’s all been recorded. I think the video from the events in this room will be quite a seller. I’ll make sure you get a percentage.” Then she smiled as she added, “Around here, they call me Mistress Chastity. I’ve been getting enquiries about you from people who’ve been watching all of this on the monitors. How’d you like to work here?”

Part 2

She casually slid into the other chair at the only small table in the room. “I’ll get dressed,” I mumbled self-consciously.

“Sit down and finish your drink,” she waved dismissively. “You’re fine.”

I wasn’t sure I was fine, not with her sitting there looking somewhat formal and official. She didn’t come on to me or anything like that. Then I remembered her words.

“Recorded?” I repeated with growing alarm. “Video? What do you mean?” Had the murders I’d just committed been witnessed by several others?

Before she could answer, several attendants came in and worked at removing the bodies. I had no idea what was going to happen to them. And since I was directly responsible for snuffing them both, I really didn’t want to know.

Mistress Chastity paid the attendants no mind. Nor did she express any condemnation toward me for my actions. In fact, she seemed favorably impressed. But she could clearly see the concern in my features.

“Maybe I should explain,” she remarked with a friendly smile. “You see, Bert and Millie have been guests here at the Club a couple of times before.”

I was surprised. “They’ve been here before? They never told me that. They just invited me to come with them tonight. I never thought anything of it. In fact, I had kind of assumed this was their first time here. You see, while I was with them, we developed this strange kind of… relationship.”

“I’m well aware of that, my dear boy. Millie told me all about you. She said they were planning on bringing you with them to the Club tonight in the hopes it would turn out the way it did.”

“I beg your pardon?” and I blinked in shocked confusion.

“They both had these fantasies, my dear boy. Bert wished to be abused and then snuffed by a male who lusted after his wife. And Millie had this fantasy of paying for her crime of being an accomplice to his murder by being snuffed as well.”

I frowned as I asked, “Is this true?” She just nodded her head.

“Well, they never told me! If they had, I probably wouldn’t have done anything like this!”

“Millie told me they slowly worked you into a domineering relationship with them, especially with her husband. Then she said they would be bringing you here in the hopes they could get you to snuff them both. I’d say events worked out rather well; wouldn’t you agree?”

“I’m not in any kind of trouble, am I?”

Chastity’s smile helped put me at ease as she shook her head. “Not at all, my dear boy. The Club is careful not to discourage this type of activity among its patrons. We have rules in place to protect those who are involved in this sort of thing.”

“Then I won’t be visited by law enforcement when I get home?” I still wasn’t entirely convinced I was not going to be arrested before the night was over, even though I was vaguely aware of the Club’s reputation.

“Not at all. But I should tell you something you might not be aware of. You see, you’ve become rather notorious here at the Club.”

“Notorious? In what way?”

“My dear boy, the events that took place in this room were not displayed just to the Club monitors. It actually went out on our streaming service. And it’s been recorded to be put out as a part of our DVD sales.”

“Went out on your streaming service?” I was trying to process the meaning of that.

“Millie gave her permission. She thought it would add to the Club’s reputation. The events of what happened in this room actually went out live while you were snuffing them both.”

For a moment, I felt panic start to well up within me. “My gawd; this can’t be good!”

She smiled warmly again as though to reassure me. “Not to fear, my dear boy. The Club has actually been getting enquiries about you regarding the events that took place in this room.”

“Enquiries about me?”

“Well… enquiries about your services.” Then her smile broadened.

“My services?”

“The way you fucked them both? And the way you lifted Millie back up into the air after she said she’d changed her mind?”

I was quick to reply, “She told me to do that.”

“Indeed she did. However, I’m sure some of our viewers were still expecting you to let her back down and allow her live. But when you cruelly strung her back up? There were comments in the chat from ladies saying they wished they were in Millie’s place, unable to get you to stop. You understand, don’t you… the arousal of it all, and the inability to undo what was about to happen?”

“Incredible!” I replied as I shook my head in amazement.

Mistress leaned closer and smiled. “Without revealing any names, we’ve had a couple of contacts from people asking if it would be possible if something could be arranged for their, uh… significant other.”


“I always suggest they come to the Club together where things could be worked out. But these situations sound like one of the parties is being very naughty. The other party is hesitant to participate, but they want to know if an “accident” can be arranged.”

I looked at her dubiously. “How do you arrange an ‘accident’ in here?”

“Look around you, dear boy.”

I looked at the electric chair, the guillotine in the corner, and the dangling noose. Then I looked right at her. That’s when she smiled knowingly at me before asking, “Did you enjoy snuffing them?”

I only thought about it for a moment before shamefully replying, “Yes… I suppose I did.”

“I thought so. It was quite evident just by watching you on the monitor. Everyone could tell you were enjoying yourself. That may be a part of what has generated so much interest.”

“My enthusiasm?”

“Exactly.” Then she paused before asking, “So how’d you like to work for us?”

I paused for a long moment. Was this something I really wanted to get myself involved in? What kind of hazards would I be getting myself into?

“Could you, uh… give me some time to think on it?”

“Certainly, my dear boy. How about I give you a call in a few days?”

She rose up and smiled at me. She gave me an appreciative look that almost made me instinctively cover my privates with my hands. “Well done, my dear boy. Well done.” They she turned and strode to the door before letting herself out.

I got a call from Mistress Chastity on a Friday afternoon. Did I have some time I could spare for her? I said sure, so I reported to the Club.

After I arrived, she took me to what I assumed was her office. We sat down and began to talk. That’s when she asked again how I felt about working for her.

I told her I was still considering it. She said she would make it worth my while. She just had one concern. Would it bother me to snuff any more of the Club’s customers while they were in my care while having sex with me?

“You mean like what I did to Bert and Millie last week?”

“Exactly. You did say you enjoyed it, didn’t you?”

“It’s one thing when someone demands I snuff them, Mistress. It’s another thing entirely when it happens by accident, unplanned by either party.”

“Indeed,” she replied. “But what if we had a way of… helping you with your decision, shall we say?”

“Helping me?”

“By giving you some sort of indication how an encounter with a customer should turn out.”

“Like those ‘accidents’ you were talking about the other day… accidents that aren’t really accidents?”


“Wouldn’t that spoil the moment if people knew they were going to die while having sex with me? Wouldn’t customers shy away from me if they knew it was going to end in a fatal encounter?”

“I think it’s better if they don’t know. Besides, we’ll have them sign a waiver or pay extra for the increased risk. That way, the decision will be left entirely up to you in most situations… unless the club has received specific instructions.”

“Specific instructions?”

She smiled as she told me, “We’ll find some way of letting you know about those particular cases, my dear boy.”

“Won’t I be in trouble if I fail to snuff a customer you want eliminated?”

“But if you enjoy snuffing our clients, that really won’t be a problem, will it?” Then she gave me a knowing smile.

“I suppose not. But what if I end up snuffing someone I wasn’t really supposed to?”

“Not possible,” she replied as she shook her head. “Choosing to set foot inside our Club already has its risks. Our customers know that from the very beginning. Spending intimate time with you is no guarantee they’ll walk out under their own power after the event. That’s what makes an evening with you so risky and thrilling. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“I can kind of see your point, Mistress. But I’m still not entirely sure about everything.”

She smiled as she leaned forward. “Let me ask you this. Would you be willing to work just for tonight? Sort of a one night special, just to see if you like it?”

There was something in her eyes that gave the game away, “Am I to take it you’ve already made certain arrangements with certain individuals?”

She smiled knowingly. “I see I can’t get anything past you, my dear boy. As a matter of fact, we have. We’ve already let our members know you’ll be on the schedule for a few hours this evening.” She paused before asking, “That won’t be a problem, will it?”

I shook my head, knowing my evening was free. Had she researched my private life and already figured that out? Did it really matter?

“No, Mistress. No problem. I could use the money for a few hours’ worth of work tonight.”

“Excellent. We’ll be more than happy to pay you in cash tonight. And I already took the liberty of preparing an attendant’s outfit for you. You’ll find it in the locker room. Thank you so much for agreeing to this, my dear boy. I promise, you won’t regret it.”

I changed and was introduced to a few of the attendants who would be seeing to my needs. I was given a few last minute instructions to assist me in my duties. Then I was instructed to head to a sex snuff room where I was ordered to give the client whatever he or she asked for.

I was in there barely five minutes before a woman in her forties came in. She came right up to me and kissed me passionately. Then she began taking my attendant’s attire off.

She told me she watched me hang that man and woman in the Club the other day on streaming video. She said she wanted to have sex with someone dangerous like me. She said the idea of being fucked by a serial killer gave her a real thrill.

She started out by grabbing my dick as she told me to treat her roughly. Curious, I asked her what that meant. She said she wanted to be left wondering what I might do to her. And since we were doing this in a sex snuff room, she wanted to reach the point where she thought I might actually snuff her.

I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to carry out her wishes. Chastity had left the details of my sexual encounters with her clients entirely up to me. “The only important thing tonight is for you to enjoy yourself, my dear boy.” Those had been her concluding words.

I started with my first customer of the evening by making her suck my cock. But I was hesitant about taking charge, at least in the beginning. So I allowed the woman to set the pace.

She soon started acting all aggressive on me. Then she quietly told me to get rough with her. That was certainly easy enough, being as how she was already slobbering all over my dick.

I grabbed the back of her head and made her gag on my cock. Then I roughly undressed her. I mauled her tits in the process, making her gasp and whimper as I told her it was her role to get me off.

This wasn’t Bert or Millie giving me directions. So I was still a little unsure what to do next. But I started by throwing her up onto the bed, which she seemed to like. Then I climbed on top of her.

I gave it to her good and hard as I fucked her in the missionary position. She climaxed rather quickly as I pounded her. But she told me to get even rougher with her and that she wanted me to choke her.

I was still a little hesitant. So I asked if she had any limitations. “None” was the reply.

I thought about her anal passage. So I asked if she had any ‘hole’ limitations. The answer was the same.

I made an abrupt change by retrieving some rope. Then I tied her arms behind her back. She gasped with apparent excitement, asking if it turned me on to bind her. I just told her to shut the fuck up.

I bent her over the end of the bed. Then I brutally fucked her from behind. She gasped and moaned before I told her again to shut the fuck up. That’s when I choked her, wrapping my fingers tightly around her neck while telling her to get me off.

She came alive, gasping and moaning. The rougher I was, the more she seemed to like it. Then she climaxed hard before passing out on me.

For a moment, I was unsure what to do next. I knew I had not choked her fatally. But when she came back around, she begged for more.

I looked up and noticed the noose over the bed. I thought to myself, ‘Why not?’ So I noosed her up before making her straddle me as I lay flat on my back.

I deliberately impaled her ass with my dick. Then I pulled on the rope, making her aggressively ride me. Her ass clenched like crazy, milking a cum out of my cock.

The more I pulled on the noose, the harder she came. She climaxed twice more, despite my cock being up her anal passage. I had no idea that fucking her ass would make her cum so hard.

I occasionally glanced over at the door and the monitoring device the customers used to transfer additional funds with their pagers. That’s when I noticed a green light was blinking. That was my cue.

I became perversely excited as I considered what would be a fitting finale to our time together. So we got off the bed. Then I strung her up in the center of the room.

I gave her an ominous smile, which made her gasp and whimper. Then I slowly pulled her up off the floor. “Better get me off,” I warned as I stepped forward.

She wrapped her legs around me as I impaled her with my dick. She frantically rode me as she tried to lift herself up enough to get a decent breath of air. Her face really turned red as I fucked her cunt without a condom. She was wet as hell.

I really made her suffer as I kept pulling on the rope, tightening the coil around her throat. She came three times in rapid succession. Then I told her, “My turn to cum now, bitch!”

I pulled out of her and allowed her to dangle as I stroked myself. Her eyes opened wider as she fought her noose. I hissed, “Make me cum as you die, bitch!” Then I stepped up and put my dick back inside her.

She was too weak to wrap her legs around me. I could feel her cunt clenching and quivering. Drool came out of her mouth and splattered her tits as her dying body milked me.

I filled her with my cream as she twitched and convulsed. Then she dangled limp. I slowly pulled out and gave her a push, watching with satisfaction as she gently swung back and forth.

I got behind her and entered her ass. I fucked her until her bladder gave way. Then I pulled out.

I went into the shower and got cleaned up. I took my time, wondering what the hell I had done. I never even got her name.

When I came out, a couple of attendants were in the process of taking her body out. Nicole told me Mistress Chastity was quite pleased with my performance. Then they were gone, leaving me alone in the room.

I found out later that the client had left me a generous tip before we’d even started. But it was the Club and that little green light that had decided whether she was to live or die.

I never learned the reason behind the Club’s desire for me to snuff her. I just assumed someone had paid them for it. But I got an extra bonus just for snuffing her.
I had a break for a half-hour before I got a request to report to a sex room. A couple in their mid-thirties was waiting for me.

We did not waste any time on introductions or pleasantries. The woman, who I assumed was the wife, unzipped my fly and sucked my cock while the man looked on. He didn’t seem to be the slightest bit bothered watching her slobber all over another man’s meat. In fact, he almost seemed to enjoy it.

He watched as she undressed me. Then I returned the favor before fucking her in different positions. She climaxed several times.

The guy watched us the entire time. At first, he didn’t take part. He just pulled his cock out and stroked it while I was fucking her.

He finally got undressed and joined me. Together, we spit-roasted his woman for a while. He got the blowjob while I fucked her cunt.

After a while, we sandwiched her. He got underneath while I was on top and was fucking her ass. He surprised me when he reached up and choked her. She really clenched around my shaft before climaxing like crazy.

We were still in that position when he told me to strangle the bitch. He handed me a red ribbon they had brought along for the occasion. So I wrapped it around her throat and did as I was instructed.

I pulled her upright as I was asphyxiating her. It allowed him to reach up and molest her boobs. She climaxed again with both our cocks inside her.

“Snuff her,” the man ordered. I dutifully pulled even harder on the red ribbon. His woman bucked and shuddered, clenching like crazy as she milked the cum out of my cock. Then she collapsed in a lifeless heap on top of him.

I climbed off and waited. He just rolled her off. “Bitch was making too many demands of my time,” he explained as though feeling the need to justify what had just happened. “My wife is out of the country and won’t be home until next week. This bitch wanted an erotic threesome, and she wanted me to watch. So I knew she was already thinking about ending our time together and blackmailing me.” Then he went into the shower, while I quietly got dressed and left.

I received a real nice tip from that encounter.

2023 (written Sep 1, ’23 by riwa. Inspired by an idea from a website member named Bedeyes.)

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Grandpa’s Key West story 3.7 (20)

Tobias saw his grandfather’s beat up Mercury parked at the bar. That meant the old man was waiting for him. He had a decision to make.

He sighed inwardly. Then he told Maryanne to go on without him. He said his grandfather was there to take him back to the house where he was staying. She said she understood, and that she hoped they would meet up again, perhaps for another reef dive before he flew back home.

Toby entered the bar and saw his grandfather sitting in a small booth not too far from the counter. The old man raised a drink in his direction when he saw him. Toby put on a smile as he walked over to him.

“Ready to go, Grandpa?”

“You just get back from your scuba dive?”

“Yes, sir.”

“How was it?”

Toby looked around and winced. The atmosphere was years beyond him, what with its darkened interior, old-time fishnets and buoys. He felt uncomfortable being in here.

His grandfather noticed his discomfort. “Sit down, Toby. I’ll buy you a drink.” Then the old man motioned at the empty space across the table.

Toby went ahead and sat down. His grandparents were being gracious enough to put him up during Spring Break. And if Grandpa Tobas was going to buy him a drink anyway…

Toby was named after his grandfather. But as a kid, he’d shortened the pronunciation of Tobias. It was deemed too cute to correct, and the name Tobas had stuck.

The old man motioned at the bartender and waved him to come over. “Vas. Bring one over for my grandson!” Then he smiled at Toby as he added, “I hope you like Greek beer.”

Toby tried not to scowl too much. As long as it didn’t taste bad, he figured he could stomach it.

The old man asked him again, “So how was the diving today, Toby?”

The college lad thought about it. How much should he enlighten his grandfather? After all, he didn’t see him all that much.

“I guess it was all right. In fact, I kind of liked it.” Thankfully, the scenery had been replete with scantily clad females.

“Any chicks in the water with you today?”

Toby gave him a curious eye. “Yeah, grandpa; there were a few.”

“Any that were good-looking?” Now that was an interesting question!

Toby became impatient. He going to complain how he’d lost the opportunity to hang out with one when he’d seen his grandpa’s Mercury and had been reminded who he was staying with. That’s when the bartender came over with a glass filled with a pale yellow fluid and set it down in front of the college youth.

“Vas? This is my grandson Tobias Sideris. He likes to go by the name Toby.””

“Nice to meet you, son.” A grizzled hand came out. Toby shook it and thanked him for the drink.

“It’s on me,” the bartender said with a smile. “So you’re Tobias’ grandson, eh? You sure look like a chip off the old block.”

Tobias immediately cut in on the bartender. “Now don’t be goin’ doin’ that, Vas. I’ll get his tab.”

“It’s on me, Tobias. I’m just glad you came in today. It’s been nice reliving old times.”

“Thanks, Vas.” Then the old man headed back to the bar.

Toby tried to make polite conversation as he nodded at the departing bartender. “So how long have you known him, Grandpa?”

“Ever since I was out here sponge fishing. Bar’s certainly seen better days. But Vas still imports Greek beer. How’s it taste?”

Toby winced as he took a sip. Then he frowned before taking a longer slug. “Not bad, Grandpa,” he admitted grudgingly.

“I thought you’d like it. After all, you’ve got some Greek blood in you.”

“So you were out here sponge fishing, Grandpa? I never knew that.”

“That was back in the ol’ hardhat days. That equipment was hellish heavy. Boy, was I glad when they came out with those Voit, double-hosed scuba tanks.”

Now Toby was interested. “You went down for sponges in both hardhat gear and scuba gear?? Damn, Grandpa! You’re old!”

The old man rubbed his whitened hair. That’s when Toby blushed. “I didn’t mean it like that, Grandpa. I’m sorry. It’s just that they haven’t done hardhat diving in years! I didn’t know you used to do that!”

“We don’t get to see each other all that often, Toby. So I haven’t told you a lot of things. I’m just glad your mom’s letting you stay here with us during Spring Break.”

“You really dove for sponges in double-hosed scuba gear?” Now he was more than a little curious. After all, he’d just returned from diving a reef with a bunch of Spring Breakers.

“That’s before they came out with those single hosed contraptions. By then, your grandmother wanted me to settle down into a life more stable than being out in the Keys all day. I suppose that’s because she was jealous of all the hookers in the area.”

Toby’s ears picked up even more. “Hookers? What hookers, Grandpa?”

Tobias hollered over at the bartender. “Hey, Vas! When did they close down the Dew Drop Inn?”

“Tore it down in the early sixties” came the reply.

“Thought so,” Tobias said to his grandson. “I thought that was back in the sixties. That’s where the hookers took their johns.”

Toby was shocked. “Grandpa, you don’t mean to say you, uh…?”

“A guy’s got needs, son. That was before I met your grandmother. Of course, that changed once the scuba tanks and those double-hoses came on the scene. That made us fisherman stay out in the Keys for days at a time. So there were days when the hookers around here didn’t get that much action because we were all out to sea.”

The old man motioned around as he continued. “Back then, there was nothing but bars, a couple of churches, a few homes, and the marina. Life was wide open. Us guys were out trying to make a buck. So we headed out and fished for sponges, and for anything else that might pay us. And when we weren’t coming back to shore to see the girls that often? That’s when they got the bright idea to bring their business out to us.”

Toby was in the middle of another sip of his beer when he stopped and put down his drink. “They were coming out to you, Grandpa?”

“They were trying to make a living too, Toby. So they’d come out on the boats they bought. And they’d do whatever we paid ‘em to do.”

“You’re joking; right, Grandpa?”

He turned and hollered at the bartender, “Vas, you still got that picture Minardos gave you?”

The old man at the bar walked over to a counter and reached underneath. Then he brought a piece of paper over to them. “You really want him to see this, Tobias?”

“Sure; why not?” Vas just shook his head and gave it to him before walking back.

Toby was curious. “What’s that, Grandpa?”

“This is a picture my dive partner Minardos took of me climbing onto the Pussy Galore.”

“You’re bullshitting me, Grandpa!”

“See for yourself.” Then the old man handed it over.

Toby took a quick look at it. It was black and white. But it clearly showed a young man climbing aboard a boat named the Pussy Galore.

Two hookers stood there holding hands. They were both decked out in twin-hosed scuba gear. And both of them were topless.

He stared at it in surprise, ogling the bare-chested women. Then he murmured, “So that’s where the name of that Bond girl came from.”

“What was that, Toby?”

“Nothing, Grandpa.”

He started to hand it back over. Then he took it back and looked at it real hard. “Topless Scuba Escort? Grandpa, were those really the rates they charged you for them to go topless?”

“It was a real treat to see them topless underwater in scuba gear, Toby. We were making pretty good money back then. So naturally, we paid ‘em those rates.”

“They look like a couple of hotties, Grandpa.”

“They sure were, Toby.”

The college lad handed it back. Then he leaned forward conspiratorially. “You know, Grandpa? Today during our dive session? There was a girl who flashed me her tits while we were underwater.”

The old man chuckled. “Did you get a good look?”

“She was going to give me a ride back to where she was staying, Grandpa. I didn’t know when I was going to get back to you and Grandma. So I stayed behind and came here.”

The old man winced. “You stayed here with me and missed out? I’m sorry about that, Toby. Maybe you should have gone with her.”

He sounded genuinely apologetic. Toby smiled and waved dismissively. “I’m glad I stayed, Grandpa. The beer’s not bad. Besides, I never knew you went scuba diving or went out with hookers. So you got to see them topless?”

“Sometimes we’d have them down with us while we were picking up sponges. They charged more the deeper they went. It was impressive the way they would learn to scuba dive just to pick up some extra cash by letting us see their tits.”

“Wow, Grandpa! I never knew!” Then Toby paused before carefully asking, “Did you, uh… did you ever do anything more out there in the ocean with ‘em besides looking at their tits?”

“Funny you should ask. There was this one…”

Toby’s ears perked up. “Really? Tell me about her!”

“Well, she was out working a boat, just like the one in the picture. Only she was willing to do a little more, if you know what I mean.”

“A little more what, Grandpa?”

“Well, we sort of had this agreement. I paid her to go down topless and help me pick up sponges. I told her I’d pay her extra if she found enough sponges. Then I’d pay a little more if she did something… special.”

Now Toby was all ears. In fact, his cock was starting to stiffen shamefully in his pants. “Tell me more, Grandpa!”

“Well, this lady went down with me and found a bunch of sponges. That earned her a little extra. Then she… well… she pulled down my trunks and gave me a blowjob.”

“Down there at the bottom of the ocean?” Toby was shocked.

“It’s not that deep out in the Keys, Toby.”

“Damn, Grandpa! Did you cum in her mouth?”

“She swallowed it all like a true hooker. So I went ahead and paid her extra. She did all that while using that double-hosed gear.”

“Damn, Grandpa! I’m not sure I believe that!”

He pointed over at the bartender. “Vasileios over there knows. I told him all about it.”

“Wow, Grandpa; I’m impressed. Anything else?”

“Well, yes.”

“Tell me!” Then Toby eagerly leaned forward. He wanted to hear the whole story in case he might get a chance to practice something later on with that Maryanne girl during another reef dive.

“Well, this one chick went down topless. I paid her for helping me find sponges. Then I paid her extra for… well…”

“What? Tell me!”

“We fucked at the bottom of the ocean.”

“Holy hell, Grandpa! That’s… that’s incredible!”

“We actually did it on several occasions. But we had to put a stop to it once she got pregnant.”

Toby’s eyes flew open. “You got her pregnant, Grandpa?”

“Yes, I did. So I did the honorable thing and married her. I gave up going out with hookers, and she gave up the business. Nine months later, we had your mother.”

Toby was incredulous. “Damn, Grandpa! That’s an incredible story!”

“Vas here knows all about it.” But Tobias decided not to tell his grandson that the bartender had once had a go at his future wife while she was still hooking.

Toby’s expression suddenly changed as though he’d been hit by a bolt from the blue. Then he stretched out a hand. “Let me see that picture again, Grandpa.”

The old man looked at him funny. Then he handed it over. Toby grabbed it and stared… and then stared harder.

No! It couldn’t be! That one on the right looked like…

“That’s right,” Tobias told his grandson. “That’s your grandmother. That’s the one I fucked at the bottom of the ocean. I met her on the Pussy Galore. But I’d rather you keep that little piece of information to yourself. Minardos gave it to Vas, who likes to gawk at it every now and then. Maybe he thinks she’s the one that got away. Anyway, I think she believes that picture has been lost to posterity. If she ever finds out you’ve see it, your grandmother would probably kill me.”

3-25-23 Inspired by the JustPaul render, and by his input.

Posted in Underwater Stories | Leave a comment

Joia 10-11 3.8 (13)


Late one night Joia had a visitor in her room. It was Ysabella, the woman who’d become like a second mother to her. This time the matron sounded more alarmed than during any other of her secret visits. Joia steeled herself for bad news.

“Beware of Clemencia!” Ysabella whispered anxiously. “Her mood has become most foul these last few days. I fear she intends to do you harm, my precious one.”

“But what have I done to displease her?” Joia wanted to know. She knew Mistress was increasingly ill-tempered toward her. But she could see no reason for it.

“Master favors you and she does not like it. She sees you as a threat to her power. There is gossip within these walls that Master soon plans to elevate you. Clemencia is exceedingly angry.”

Joia felt her heart quicken. Was it true? Did Master feel for her as she had begun to feel for him?

Perhaps she was naïve. She could not yet see Mistress as a serious threat. “What can she do to me while Master is here?”

“That is just it!” Ysabella gasped anxiously. “Master has gone away for several days! Clemencia has power until he returns!”

She paused as though listening intently. Then she quietly whispered, “It is dangerous for me to speak this way. Mistress has spies everywhere. Now I must go. But you must beware of Clemencia, my precious Joia.”

Ysabella lightly kissed her forehead. Then she was gone, leaving Joia panting heavily in the dark. Her heart raced as her mind began formulating dark, fearsome thoughts of the blade at work once more.

The next morning her fears intensified when she could not locate her beloved Ysabella. No one claimed to have seen her. Thus, she was left alone in the cistern as the other matrons bathed their charges.

Her heart was gripped with a cold fear. No amount of warm water could alleviate her discomfort. Then she saw Clemencia enter the room, a disturbing look of immense satisfaction written in her features.

Joia’s heart skipped a beat as she anxiously blurted out, “Mistress? Where is Ysabella?”

“Is she not here?” Clemencia asked in surprise, looking all around. Then she stretched out her hand in an act of genuine concern.

“Come, little one. Let us look for her together.”

“But I am wet and am not dressed!”

Clemencia’s eyes narrowed coldly. “If you wish to find her, you will come as you are.”

Mistress’ voice was dark and foreboding. Her eyes were filled with menace, filling Joia with dread. “Quickly, you little wretch! We must go now. There is so very little time.”

The other girls turned toward them, overhearing the conversation. They watched in confusion and alarm. Joia gasped in horror.

She shivered with dread as she feared the worst. She whimpered softly as she allowed herself to be pulled out of the cistern. Then she was dragged by an arm through the passageways in a terribly familiar direction, her naked body dripping wet as she fought back panic.

They reached the room with the door leading outside. Joia couldn’t help choking back a sob. At that moment she instinctively knew.

They stepped outside together. That’s when she let out a wail of grief at who she saw lying horizontally on the bench. Two guards stood nearby.

Ysabella, her dear matron – a woman whom she considered as her second mother – lay naked on the wooden slab. Her head was locked in place below the ominously dangling blade. Her legs were spread shamefully.

Her knees were bent as her bare feet touched the ground. The older woman panted heavily. Her eyes were open wide as she looked up at the sharpened implement of her impending demise.

Joia cried out in horror. This time there were no shameful feelings. There was only sorrow, and a disturbance in her stomach at the sight of her dear matron lying helpless on the slab.

“What is THIS??” she exclaimed in alarm. “Why is Ysabella laid thus? What crime has she committed?”

Clemancia paid her no mind. Instead, she looked upon the imperiled woman with a sinister smile. Then she coldly stated, “Now that your charge is here as witness, would you care to recant your testimony?”

“NOO!” Joia cried out in desperation, feeling as if her heart might explode out of her chest. “The fault is mine! I did the deed! I should be the one…!”

“Be silent, child!” Ysabella demanded, turning her head to scold her. Then the matron looked at Clemencia in resignation.

“I recant my testimony, Mistress. The child had nothing to do with it. The guilt is mine. I took the item in question.”

“There,” Mistress replied with a look of smug satisfaction on her face. “Was that so hard?”

Joia shook her head as tears filled her eyes. Then she turned toward Mistress, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. “Please,” she begged, reaching a hand out to her. “Release her! Let this not be so! I alone will shoulder the blame!”

“Joia,” Ysabella called over to her in a soothing tone. “You must keep still, my child. Do not dishonor me in this manner by taking upon yourself what is mine to bear.”

Joia swallowed hard as tears streamed down her cheeks. “It is done!” Clemencia responded authoritatively. “She has confessed! She will suffer a thief’s punishment – a loss of her hands as well as her head!”

“Please,” Joia begged as she fought back more tears. “If this is to be, then allow me to go to her one last time.”

The hug she wanted was already denied her by Ysabella’s arms being strapped down. Joia just wanted to touch her dear matron one more time in a last act of affection. She wished to receive Ysabella’s gentle, loving kiss upon her forehead once more, an expression of tenderness denied her all those years back home.

Mistress remained cruel and unyielding. “She is a miserable thief, a wretched cur! Nothing will touch her now but the blade!”

Joia sobbed, “Oh, Ysabella!”

Her matron smiled sadly at her. In her condemned eyes was the look of a mother’s love. “I will always cherish you, my precious Joia. Be strong… for yourself and for the others.”

Mistress sneered at her. “Brave words for a common thief.”

“One day you will go too far, Clemencia, I only wish I could be here to witness that day.” Ysabella’s final act of defiance was to dishonor her by dispensing with the title of Mistress.

“It will not be today, you miserable wretch! Even now you show disrespect!”

“Respect is a quality earned. But today you have soiled it.”

Ysabella turned and looked up at the hooded executioner who waited patiently. This day he seemed more hesitant than usual. “You may now have my head,” she said calmly before inhaling deeply.

Her comment enraged Clemencia. She furiously hollered, “Your head is not yours to give, old woman! It is mine to take!” Then she told the executioner, “SLAY THE WRETCH!”

Joia started to gasp heavily as though she couldn’t get enough air. The contents of her stomach churned violently inside her. Thankfully she did not feel those shameful stirrings.

What she did experience was horror and revulsion. It was as if her own flesh and blood was lying shamefully exposed on that slab of wood. What hurt most of all was the feeling of powerlessness, the inability to do anything other than witness the cruel act.

The executioner reached for the rope. Joia saw Clemencia lean forward as though eager to witness what was to come. Then Joia’s head started to spin as the bile rose inside her.

She shook her head in denial of what she knew was forthcoming. She moaned as she started to tremble in abject horror. Surely this was nothing more than a horrible dream!

Ysabella looked up expectantly at the hovering blade. Then she closed her eyes. After all, it was not necessary to witness the plummeting blade.

For a moment she looked at peace, as though she was doing nothing more than reclining for an afternoon’s rest. The only thing that gave away the imminence of her demise was the anxious heaving of her chest. Then the rope was released.

The blade fell smoothly. It rapidly bottomed out with a loud think. Ysabella’s head was cleanly severed from her neck.

The body instantly started to buck and jerk, confined within the straps. Joia watched in horror as the head bounced and then rolled twice, coming to rest face up. Ysabella’s eyes had flown open in surprise as though she had not expected what had just happened.

The executioner reached down and picked Ysabella’s skull up by her graying locks. There was the faintest flicker of life in the fading pupils. The lips twitched a little.

He dutifully showed it to both Joia and Clemencia. That’s when Joia’s legs failed her. She crumpled to the ground as the remnants of her meal spewed out of her mouth.

For several moments she was quite ill, her stomach churning violently. Then the moment passed. When she found her voice, she began to wail bitterly, rocking back and forth on her knees in her nakedness, totally overcome with grief.

“Sever the thief’s hands and feed them to the dogs!” Mistress demanded coldly. “Then take her severed head and her worthless body out to the deep woods! Leave them there for the wild animals to feast upon! That is the only end befitting a common thief!”

At Clemencia’s cruel words, Joia cried out even louder. Now she was to have no grave to visit. It felt as if her world had totally collapsed, leaving her with nothing to live for.

There was a flicker of something in the head which the executioner held up, a twitching of the eyes and lips. Perhaps there was life enough for Ysabella to discern what had just been spoken. In her last moments of consciousness, did she fully understand the dishonorable disposition of her remains?

Perhaps it was something else. Maybe it was her dying reaction to the obvious grief of her beloved Joia who now lay sprawled upon the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. A few moments later everything in the face sagged tiredly, evidence that what had once been Ysabella was no more.

Mistress leaned over Joia and smiled cruelly. Her gentle pat on the shoulder betrayed her true feelings toward the young woman. “Now you see who has the power in this place, little one. Beware lest you lose your own head before Master returns.” Then, with a sadistic chuckle, she left her there and went inside, leaving a naked Joia to weep bitterly upon the ground.

In her grief Joia did not witness the executioner cutting off Ysabella’s hands with a machete. But she heard the thumps. Joia winced with each blow as though it was being done to her own body.

When she looked up, she saw the guards unstrapping the headless body of her matron. It set her to wailing anew. When she had nearly cried herself out, she looked around to discover she’d been left alone.

Joia finally rose up, sniffling as she blinked tears out of her eyes. She looked all around. But there was no sign of the guards nor the body of her matron.

Numb with shock and grief, Joia slowly made her way back inside the building. She no longer cared that she was still naked. She did not notice that several of the vehicles not attached to those of her Master were now gone, along with one of the trucks…

2010; 2021 (written for Aravanna and Hitomi Mar 15 ’10; ed. Mar 20 ’21 by riwa)


When she returned to the room containing the cistern, the other matrons were gone. Her sisters still remained. But they were strangely subdued.

It did not matter. She had lost her precious Ysabella. Now she was numb with grief.

One of them spotted her and blurted her name out in surprise. The rest turned and looked at her from their places in the water. Most were shocked to discover she had returned.

Several began to murmur amongst themselves. Marsona turned and gasped as though astonished, yet gratified, to see her. Then she saw the look of despair on Joia’s face.

She came up out of the water to greet her. But she did not immediately obtain a covering for her nudity. Such was her concern for her friend.

“Are you ok, Joia? We all heard distressing news and feared you might be dead.”

Joia bowed her head. Marsona looked around in confusion. “Where is Ysabella?”

“Clemencia had her slain,” Joia answered numbly. There were gasps of horror from the girls.

Acknowledging the bitter truth triggered a fresh set of tears. Joia began to sob again.

Marsona gently wrapped her up in her arms. She held her close, not caring their naked bodies were pressed together. “Come, Joia,” she murmured. “Let the warm waters soothe your spirit.”

Joia nodded in silence as she sniffled. Marsona guided her down into the waters of the cistern. She was careful lest her friend might slip and hurt herself in her current state.

Several of the girls rose up, sympathetically surrounding her. Many expressed their sorrow. Others tried to offer what little comfort they could.

“We thought you were dead,” one of them explained, the concern evident in her features. “The news is not good.”

“What news?” Joia asked numbly. What news could be worse than losing Ysabella? What more could be done to her?

“The convoy has gone out,” Marsona told her, worry etched in her features. “We’re told they will be bringing new girls back to the compound.” She paused for a long moment before adding, “What does that mean, Joia? What will become of us?”

Joia blinked in surprise, her eyes widening as the news settled in. That’s when she remembered what she had witnessed upon first coming to the compound.

A disturbing image came to mind. It was of that woman who’d looked at her forlornly and then had lost her head. She shivered with dread.

She remembered the truck that had been backed up near the blade. She had wondered what purpose it served. Then she remembered how Alviva had been beheaded and then casually tossed up into the back of the truck like refuse needing to be hauled away.

She now understood the nature of the contents in that truck. She looked around at her naked companions. They were becoming alarmed.

At that moment she felt shameful tinglings of pleasure, tinglings she hoped were not visible to the others. These were usually reserved for herself in her room late at night as her mind ran wild. The other times were when she was intimately involved with Master.

It was not at all unreasonable to guess what Mistress might be up to. There was great danger in the compound for all of them. If what she feared was true, she would most certainly be included among the others in the coming slayings.

At that very moment, Joia’s mind drifted to the thought of her ending. Surely she would end up lying flat on the wooden slab, awaiting the blade to take her head. That’s when she shivered even more with shameful stirrings.

She remembered the words Ysabella had told her before she had died. She had to stay strong for the others. Thus, she vowed to honor the memory of her precious matron by doing exactly that, no matter the cost or how difficult it might be.

“I will speak to Master when he calls for me,” Joia firmly told them, trying to ignore the stirrings inside her. “He has assured me no harm will come to any of you. I will remind him of his words.”

She still hurt over the loss of her matron. But now she felt purpose in her existence. She felt a sense of duty, overseeing to the welfare of her fellow sisters.

“Master is not here!” one of the girls gasped in alarm. “The only one you can speak to now is…”

She did not finish her thought. There was an ominous silence. Everyone knew who was in charge now. There would certainly be no mercy from HER!

“Then I will speak to Master when he returns,” Joia reassured them.

The girls nodded gratefully. But Joia did not feel the same confidence she was trying to portray. She hoped her unease of spirt did not show.

Deep down, she feared Clemencia. Mistress, in her jealous anger, might very well have them all slaughtered before Master returned. By then, it would be much too late to seek an audience with him to intercede on behalf of the others…

2010; 2021 (written for Aravanna and Hitomi Mar 15 ’10; ed. Apr 19 ‘21 by riwa)

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Shelly in Cancun 18 3.9 (19)

Shelly in Cancun 18 – Climax

Jake turns and gives me a bit of a grin. I don’t know if he’s playing up his part or whether he’s genuinely interested in what’s about to happen. My heart hammers in my chest as my crotch throbs from a terrible arousal.

“Sorry you had to get all caught up in this, Shelly. But I know you. I think you’re really going to enjoy drowning.” My breath catches in my throat as I’m hit with another erotic surge…

“You were really wet when I fucked you, ‘Shel’. I’ll bet you’re anxious as hell to get down there and drown, aren’t you? At least you’re going to go out the way you’d like to go; am I right?”

Andria cries out in horror. But I just curse at him behind the tape covering my mouth while trying to give him a dirty look. My damn pussy is aching like crazy. I’ll probably cum just as soon as I hit the damn water.

Andria cries out anxiously as he takes both concrete blocks. Then he carefully drops them over the edge. Our ropes instantly tighten around our ankles.

We almost go over with them. But he catches us both. Jake wraps his arms around us, holding us up for one final goodbye.

“Sorry, babe,” he tells Andria before he kisses her duct taped lips. She whimpers in agony, her chest heaving as she hyperventilates.

“Sorry, ‘Shel’,” he tells me again. But I try to make the same gesture I did before as though I could spit on him.

I try give him a look of utter contempt as my heart hammers in my chest. I do my best to breathe through my nose. Instinctively I try to fill my lungs with as much air as I can in the vain hope a rescue might be forthcoming.

At first I wonder how long I’ll be able to hold my breath. But what does it matter? It’s only going to prolong the inevitable. Still, I suspect my body is going to fight to live for as long as possible.

He suddenly pushes us both toward the edge of the tank. I inhale sharply, my pussy screaming at me. Andria screams into the tape covering her mouth.

Our fate is made official as we both topple over. Then we both hit the water with a splash. We’re instantly dragged down together by the concrete blocks attached to our ankles.

The two of us wriggle and squirm all the way down. We narrowly miss bumping into each other. Would it really matter if we did?

It hits me almost immediately as I’m devastated by my climax. It takes everything I have not to snort my air away through my nose. I lose a steady trickle of air nonetheless.

Andria struggles and squirms as she thrashes about. I see a disturbing amount of bubbles spewing out of her nostrils. I’m horrified at the sight. I’m also shamed at my reaction to such a terribly erotic spectacle.

I see the bodies of Shiori and Emiko come into view behind Andria. This time I’m treated to Emiko’s fearful, yet vacant expression. Then we finally hit the bottom with a couple of thuds.

Silt is stirred as we end up several feet away from the two we had so much fun with back on the wreck. Our sudden presence momentarily scares all the fish away. At least Andria can’t see our friends tethered behind her, especially the look on Emiko’s face.

The two of us start to drift back up, only to get held up short as the ropes tethering us to the blocks tighten up. Then we helplessly sway back and forth, almost bumping up against each other. Our pounding heartbeats measure our last seconds of life.

There’s not much more than a couple of feet separating us. I watch in erotic horror as Andria thrashes around. I can clearly see the anguish and despair in her eyes.

I try to convey to her how sorry I am and that it’s not her fault. I hope she sees my love and friendship in my expression and that I’m here for her. But I can see she’s utterly devastated by what Jake has done to us. I can see it in her eyes. She blames herself for everything.

“No, Andria!” I say to her with my eyes as I shake my head. But she’s already lost a lot of air. I can tell she’s losing the will to live.

She’ll be going first, probably in a matter of moments. My heart breaks as my damn pussy throbs shamefully. I’m perversely aroused, even though this is something I’d rather not watch.

My pussy’s already starting to ache again, building toward a second detonation. We’re facing each other chest to chest. Our erect nipples are about a foot away from gently brushing against each other.

It’s a double agony of fear and extreme eroticism. Then I see her start to writhe and squirm. More air is lost out of her nose.

She twists back and forth, her hands flexing helplessly behind her back. Her feet cock and curl as her body gently nudges mine. I try to give her a look that says I’m here for her and to hang on. But there’s sorrow and hopelessness in her eyes.

Behind her I suddenly notice all four men. They’re watching us from the observation platform behind Andria on the other side of the glass in that stairwell.

I’m glad she can’t see them, especially her former boyfriend Jake. I make it a point to try not to look at them. But I know it won’t be much longer until they get the show they’re all waiting to see.

It isn’t long until Andria starts to go. Her body thrashes about as her face takes on a look of abject misery. My eyes widen in horror and I scream into the tape… “NOOO!”

I watch in horror as her lungs spasm in her chest. Her tits heave mightily, her nipples painfully erect. She sways close enough to keep bumping into me.

My damn pussy throbs with erotic tingles. I hate myself for being so fearfully aroused like this. Her cheeks bulge, and I wince as another surge of perverse arousal hits me hard.

She gives me this sorrowful look as if to say “I’m so sorry I got you into this, ‘Shel’!” Then her lungs give out. Or maybe she just gives up.

Her head tips back as she loses a massive burst of air through her nostrils. I’m subjected to a horrible, gut-wrenching, close-up view of her snorting water into her nose. Then Andria goes into painful spasms as she starts to drown.

It’s so damned arousing that my pussy screams at me. I just can’t hold back the erotic explosion that goes off inside me. I’m ashamed as hell when my body shudders, a feeling of pleasurable warmth flowing through me.

My roommate goes into her death throes, jerking and gurgling. I can’t help screaming behind the tape covering my mouth. I’m utterly ashamed over my arousal from Andria’s drowning spasms.

Soon it’ll be my turn. I’m going to be right behind her in a matter of seconds. I can already feel my own lungs screaming at me.

I want her to know I’m right here with her. So I try to maintain eye contact, struggling to hold what’s left of my air with every fiber of my being. All I can do is try to communicate with her… “I’M HERE, BABY; I’M HERE!”

I watch in erotic horror. It tears me apart, seeing Andria go into spasms. I try to convey with my eyes just how much I love her. But I’m not sure she’s aware of me anymore.

Her body convulses painfully. Her head is instinctively tipped back. It’s as though she’s trying to stretch herself upward toward the surface.

Andria bucks and shudders, her hands flexing helplessly behind her back as her knees jerk and buckle. Her chest heaves, her breasts bouncing as her body tries to spew water out of her lungs. But she only succeeds in snorting more water down her throat until she grunts and gurgles.

It’s horrible to watch, especially when she keeps bumping into my breasts with her chest. My damn pussy throbs with a terrible ache, shaming me. At least I won’t be too much longer behind her.

My lungs are on fire, near to the point of breaking. Andria suddenly shudders hard before she seems to go limp. There are tears in my eyes as a small trickle of tiny bubbles stream out of her nose.

Her body sways back and forth. Her expression relaxes as the light of life winks out of her wide, terrified eyes. Gawd; no!

She gently bumps into me once or twice more before softly swaying in place, hanging there tethered to her block. I see nothing more than an occasional muscle twitch as stray nerve impulses fire off inside her. I choke down a sob as my own lungs heave in my chest.

Fear and a perverse arousal consume me. I fight with every last ounce of strength I have left. There’s still a vain hope rescue is imminent… that we might be pulled out and revived. But instinctively I know it’s not coming.

My own cheeks bulge. I look up to see those bastards watching me, knowing I’m going to drown any second now. Maybe it’s that final humiliation – the excitement that I’m going to be watched as I drown – that pushes me over the edge.

This time I can’t hold anything back. My pussy goes off with a fiery roar as my body bucks and jerks. Air spews freely out of my nose.

I just can’t hold my breath anymore. Bumping into Andria’s chest with her still hard nipples only makes it worse. My body shudders erotically.

I’m hit with wave after wave of white hot pleasure that absolutely devastates me. My hands flex uselessly behind my back. My feet cock and curl until I scream into the tape covering my mouth as my body shudders hard.

It’s the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever endured. I’m powerless against it. I just can’t stop myself from greedily drinking it down.

…and then my tortured lungs give out as my body reflexively pulls water in through my nose…

It’s a shock to my system as I start jerking and convulsing on my tether. My body twists and shakes as I strain for the surface. Spasms rush through me as I grunt and gurgle.

It’s so intense that it actually hurts like hell. I feel like I’m being shaken like a rag doll. My orgasm starts to fade before brutally intensifying.

My eyes blink as I try to scream. It’s the most monstrous thing I’ve ever experienced: sexuality mixed with the pain. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

My eyes settle on poor Andria swaying in front of me. I realize I’d gladly trade it away in a heartbeat if only we hadn’t left California to fly to Cancun in the first place. Then my climax mercifully begins to fade away.

I softly sway back and forth. My muscles have all but shut down. I can’t move, can’t struggle… can’t hardly feel a thing.

For a moment I’m in a haze of pleasant warmth. I convulse one last time, my body gently bouncing off Andria. Then I settle down to softly sway back and forth a couple of feet away.

A stream of tiny bubbles slips out of my nose. But I’m totally powerless to prevent them from leaving. Out of the corner of my eye I can see those bastards still watching us. But I just don’t care anymore.

I see Andria swaying gently in front of me from my having bumped into her several times. Her lifeless eyes look on in tired shock and despair as though she’s been deeply wounded. My heart aches for her, not so much that she drowned, but for the way Jake betrayed her.

I can just make out the bodies of Shiori and Emiko behind her. I wonder if maybe there’s an afterlife where we might be allowed to get together and frolic in a pool somewhere. Wishful thinking…

I suddenly get a blur of images as my life flashes before my eyes. Now I can’t see Andria anymore. The images are all I have left. I think my eyes are open, but my vision is gone.

I get an image of Stephanie in my mind. I feel bad for her. She’ll wonder why we aren’t there when she comes to pick us up at the airport.

I get an image of my slave-boy back in the mountains of the Northwest. I regret I’ll never get to see him again.

The last images I get are those of the fun Andria and I had at the reef with Shiori and Emiko. I feel a strange quiver as my pussy is reminded of Shiori’s sweet tongue. It’s almost as though she’s somehow licking me one last time. My body quivers gently in response.

I jerk and shudder as a death rattle gurgles up from somewhere deep inside me. Then the images fade away. The light flickers out of my eyes once and for all as my consciousness slips away, leaving my body to softly sway back and forth as a few stray, solitary bubbles slip out of my nose.

The four men watch us from the platform for several moments after we’ve both drowned. Andria and I sway ever so softly as though there’s some sort of current running through the tank. Fish dart curiously around our bodies in the hopes we have bits of food for them the way other aquarium employees have fed them.

Jake acts all turned on about our drowning. But the other three men feel absolutely nothing, especially that poor employee from the aquarium. He is utterly horrified at what he has just witnessed.

Jake tells his two companions that if our bodies are found in the aquarium, there will be serious ramifications. Americans dying in Cancun under such abnormal circumstances will certainly bring severe scrutiny from the authorities. That’s when they all decide to force the employee of the aquarium to don scuba gear and pull us all up out of the tank along with the concrete blocks that tether us.

While that goes on, one of the men takes Jake down to the main floor to make him clean up the mess made by Almonte’s death. The crimson flow is mopped up, and the corpse body is wrapped up in canvas and tossed into the trunk I once occupied. Then the rest of our bodies are pulled out of the tank one by one, wrapped up in canvas and dumped into the trunk until it is full of bodies, ropes and blocks. The plans are to dispose of us out in the open water.

If that poor employee thought he was going to escape with his life in his hands, that hope is dashed the moment Jake clubs him over the head. He tumbles over into the tank and drowns, leaving his scuba gear lying there on the floor of the upper observation room as his body drifts to the bottom of the tank. The idea is to make it look like he came back to work late and had some sort of accident.

Jake and his two companions climb into the car. They drive to the marina for a little boat ride in the dead of night. All of our bodies are carried aboard.

The dock is quiet; there are no witnesses to this event. Then the boat quietly pulls away from the dock. Our bodies are motored out of the harbor so they can dump us somewhere out in the gulf.

With only four blocks on board, Jake ties Shiori and Emiko together before dumping them over the side, having removed the canvas so the fish will have something to feast upon. Then Almonte is tied to one of the available blocks and is tossed into the water after the bodies of his two Japanese girls.

I’m the next one to go. He shows absolutely no remorse or emotion whatsoever as he removes the canvass, ties my ankles to a block and pitches me over the side.

The bastard never sees it coming…

He’s got the body of his dead girlfriend unwrapped and has just finished tying her ankles to the last block when the fucking moron gets clocked from behind. It stuns him, and he collapses onto the floor of the boat, his head reeling. His two accomplices have decided he is more of a liability than an asset.

They tape his arms behind his back with the same duct tape he used to tie all us girls up with. Then they find an extra length of rope. Deciding to let the punishment fit the crime, they tie his ankles to the same block as his former girlfriend. The two are now destined to be together forever, although I’m sure that fact would disgust Andria were she alive to protest.

Jake comes to and moans incoherently, only to realize the trouble he’s in. “What are you DOING???” he protests, the reality of his situation setting in.

They don’t even say a word to him. Instead they roll Andria over the side first. Her naked body hits the water with a splash.

“WAIT!” he gasps in alarm. He finally understands his fate. It’s poetic irony, considering he’s going to drown attached to the body of his girlfriend.

The two of them pick him up along with the block he’s tethered to. The stupid bastard instantly becomes nothing but a pitiful little boy as he starts to scream for his mother. Then they toss him over the side.

In an instant the block jerks him under, along with his drowned girlfriend. It’s the knowledge that it’s Andria’s body bumping into him that fills him with naked terror as they’re both pulled down into the depths. He feels her naked flesh up against him, and it freaks him out.

For a second or two he believes he can actually see her face. There’s betrayal in her cold, lifeless eyes. It’s as though he’s staring into the face of an avenging angel.

The bastard screams his air away, and he inhales almost immediately. He gurgles and spasms painfully, drowning in less than a minute, tethered to the body of his former girlfriend. Andria deserves better than to be disposed of along with the body of the man she thought she loved. At least he gets to suffer the same way we all suffered in our final moments.

His accomplices motor to another location where they dispose of the rest of their incriminating evidence. It’s tossed overboard: all the canvas, the duct tape, the knife and the gun. Then they motor back to the marina.

They arrive and tie the boat up to the dock. Then they walk back to their vehicle and drive away. By morning, the only evidence that anything unusual happened over the last several hours is the body of the employee found at the bottom of the tank at the aquarium.


Stephanie never hears from us again. Even though we do not call her in advance of our return flight, she dutifully arrives at the airport to pick us up on the assumption we are arriving back as scheduled. But we’re not on the plane. She is understandably confused.

She tries calling our resort in Cancun. But no one has heard from the three of us or knows where we are. The bungalow was paid for in advance, but apparently we all disappeared during or shortly after the storm. The place was vandalized, but no one knows if that was due to our actions or whether it was the work of someone else.

There’s word the sailboat we’d rented has gone down, and it is suspected we might have gone down with it. There are also claims of a couple of scattered sightings the day after the storm. But no leads pan out.

After a full month of being missing, it is deemed likely we were lost at sea. Perhaps it happened before the sailboat reached its final resting spot. The scattered land sightings are intriguing, yet unsubstantiated.

Stephanie is forced to accept the unhappy proposition something bad must have happened and that we’re not coming back. She’s devastated, especially because there are no bodies to bury that would help confirm whether we actually died or not. After another couple of months she’s forced to give up our place and move into something smaller she can afford all by herself.

Making one last attempt to find Andria and I, Stephanie gives my slave boy back in the Northwest a call, asking if he’s heard from us. He tells her he hasn’t. So she relates the sad news that Andria, Jake and I disappeared while on a trip down to Cancun and that we never came back.

She says she has not heard from us in months now. She tells him about the bad storm down in Cancun. She fears the worst, sadly suspecting we have perished in some accident or storm.

She says they think we all might have gone down with the boat we were on. But she’s not sure she believes that. She tells him they found the boat but that there was no sign of any of us on the wreck.

She explains there is one unconfirmed report of an individual seeing Andria with a metal case the day after the storm. Another individual thinks they might have seen me at the airport the day after that big storm. The reports are conflicting, and she doesn’t know if we died during the storm or whether something happened to us the next day.

My slave boy is saddened by the news. He tells her how sorry he is and that he hopes maybe Andria and I will turn up somewhere. He says that knowing me and how adventurous and unpredictable I am, he believes almost anything is possible.

She says she hopes so too. They vow to call each other if either one of them ever hears anything. It’ll be the last time he ever hears from Stephanie.

The only ones who truly know what happened to us never tell a soul. Eventually they are killed as a result of their drug dealings, and their secrets die with them. The three of us are never heard from again…

2009; 2021 (written May 26 ’09; ed. Sep 3 ‘21 by riwa)

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My queen, my noose 4.4 (54)

“Hot,” Asa murmured as they looked at the monitor.

“Really hot,” her girlfriend Dani agreed. They were both naked.

“What do you think? Would you play a game like that? Loser gets to hang.”

“We’ve both come close a couple of times already.”

“Yeah, we have.”

“Would you hang if you lost?”

“Would you?”

“I’d like to think I would.”

“Are you horny right now?”

“Are you?”

“Hell, yeah. Let’s go!”

They went to what they called their playroom. There was an eyebolt in the ceiling in one corner. They both looked up at it with longing.

“I’ll get the noose,” Dani murmured breathlessly.

“And I’ll get the chair,” her girlfriend added.

Asa brought the chair back and placed it under the eyebolt above. The chair belonged to the nightstand. It was cushioned on the back and on the seat.

Dani came back with the rope. She climbed the chair and threaded one end of the noose through the eyebolt. Then she climbed down. “After you,” she gestured grandly.

Asa climbed onto the chair and looped the noose around her throat. Dani grabbed the free end and took all the slack out of it. “Anytime you’re ready.”

Asa tipped the chair over with her feet as she stepped off. Dani hung onto the rope as her girlfriend kicked a little while rasping. That’s when Asa began touching her breasts and crotch.

She rasped again as she kicked a little more. Dani had to hold on tight to keep her airborne. But eventually, the rope began slipping in her hands.

Asa ended up standing flat-footed on the floor upon unsteady legs. She loosened the rope around her neck until she could breathe easier. Then she smiled at her girlfriend as she panted, “That was great! It went straight to my kitty!”

“My turn,” Dani said with a smile.

She put the chair upright and back into position. Asa pulled the noose off from around her neck and handed it over. Dani took it and smiled as she climbed onto the chair.

She stood and noosed herself. Asa smiled as she pulled on the rope. All the slack was taken away.

Dani carefully tipped the chair backward until she was airborne. Asa had to struggle to keep her in the air. Dani groped her breasts while touching her crotch, rasping and kicking a little before she was slowly let down.

Her feet came in contact with the floor until she was standing upright. She panted for breath as she looked at her girlfriend and smiled. “Damn; that felt good!” she declared as she removed the rope from around her throat.

“Round two,” Asa told her. The chair was stood back up. Then she climbed on, took the rope from the outstretched hand of her girlfriend, and noosed herself

They went back and forth like that. One would hold the other in midair after the chair was kicked over for as long as she could. The other one kicked and rasped as she touched herself all over.

Each time they changed positions, they tried to hold onto the rope tighter so the other could dance for a while. They loved hanging for longer and longer periods of time. The orgasms always intensified the more they swung and kicked as the noose gripped their throats.

“What do you think?” Asa finally asked as Dani stood recovering from her fifth hanging.

“Hot” was the reply. Then she frowned a little as she added, “But it’s like… something is missing.”

“Like what?” Asa wanted to know.

Dani looked knowingly at her before replying, “Cuffs. And you know… that sense of… of finality.”

Asa immediately knew what she was referring to. She carefully asked, “Would you really want to do it?”

“Would you?”

“You know I’d hang for you anytime night or day, if only you asked.”

“I’d hang for you anytime.”

Asa gave her a curious look as she said, “So why haven’t you asked?”

“Why haven’t you?”

There was a pregnant pause. “Be right back.” Then Dani was gone.

She returned a minute later. In her hands were three items: a shorter noose for the eyebolt above; a set of handcuffs; and a deck of cards.

Asa looked at the items in her girlfriend’s hands. “Wow!” she murmured as she stared all wide-eyed. “Are you serious?”

“You’re probably right. I should take ‘em all back. It would be safer that way.” Then Dani turned to go.


Dani paused and gave her girlfriend a questioning look.

Asa was suddenly breathless. Then she quietly told her, “I’ll draw if you will.”

“Are you serious?”

“I told you I’d hang for you if you wanted me to. And I meant that.”

“I don’t know…” Then Dani paused.

Asa carefully asked, “Are you backing out?”

Dani shook her head. “No. It’s just that… I don’t know if I’d rather watch you hang… or kick my life away for your enjoyment. I think that would give me the ‘O’ to end all ‘Os’.”

“Well, when you put it that way…”

Asa paused. Then she held out a hand and showed it to her girlfriend. “Gawd; I’m shaking like a leaf.”

“Me too. Are you… do you want… I mean…?”

It came out of Asa’s lips before she could stop it… “Let’s do it.”

Dani had to take a deep breath. Then she nodded. That’s when she blurted out, “Gawd; I think I just had a little orgasm right then.”

Asa smiled and nodded. Then she asked, “What’ll we draw for?”

Dani thought about it. Then she suggested, “How about a queen?”

“Any one in particular?”

“I think any of them would work; wouldn’t you agree?”

Asa nodded. “Four queens in one deck. We might not have to draw for one of them very long. What do you think?”

“I can’t believe we’re talking about it like this so casually.”

“Me neither. So what do you think?”

There was another pregnant pause. In response, Dani finally moved the chair back under the eyebolt. Then she pulled the rope with the noose right out of the eyebolt above.

When she was done, she tossed it aside. Then she climbed the chair with the shortened, pre-tied noose they’d made for special plays. She threaded it through, checked the length, and then tied it off up at the eyebolt as best she could.

Asa looked up at it. “Will it hold our weight?”

In response, Dani grabbed the rope. Then she tried to pull herself up off the chair. She was airborne, the rope creaking a little before she lowered herself back down onto the chair. “Seems strong enough to me.”

Asa smiled and nodded. Then she pointed at the deck of cards Dani had left on the floor. “Are we ready for those?”

Dani got down off the chair. She went over and picked them up. Then she knelt on one side of the chair.

Her girlfriend knelt on the opposite side of the chair as she searched the deck. Dani confirmed all four queens were present. Then she started shuffling the deck as Asa watched her.


Dani stopped shuffling as Asa grabbed the cuffs. She placed them on a corner of the chair. Then she smiled as she said, “Now we’re ready.”

Dani nodded as she shuffled the deck a couple more times. Her heart was beating fast. This was crazy, but it was also incredibly erotic.

She cut the cards before laying the stacked deck face down on the chair. Then she asked, “First queen drawn gets to hang for the other?” Asa licked her lips and nodded her agreement, her heart hammering in her chest.

Dani paused to look right into her eyes. Then she asked, “Are you really sure about this?”

Asa pulled her close. The two of them kissed over the chair, the deck of cards, and the cuffs. It was long and lingering.

Their lips parted. Asa took a deep breath to compose herself. Then she grabbed her girlfriend’s hands as she told her, “Either I get to watch you hang… or I get to hang for your enjoyment. I see it as a win – win.”

Dani nodded. Then she looked down at the deck. It almost felt like she was looking at the grim reaper. She didn’t know whether to be afraid or terribly excited.

She looked at Asa as she murmured, “Off the top? Or from somewhere in the middle.”

In reply, Asa took the first card off the top. She paused before dramatically turning it over and placing it down on the chair to her right of the deck. It was the seven of clubs.

“Off the top,” she told her girlfriend with a smile. “I trust your shuffling.”

Dani took the next card and turned it over. It was the two of diamonds. She placed it face up on top of the seven. They both exhaled heavily.

Asa hesitantly drew the ten of hearts. Then Dani drew the six of spades. There was a pause as both young women panted heavily for breath.

“This is a dangerous game we’re playing. You want to stop?”

In reply, Asa drew an ace of hearts. Dani smiled as she drew… a jack of clubs. She exhaled heavily as she panted, “A face card. Gawd; I thought I was swinging for you for a minute there.”

Asa smiled nervously at her. “I thought you were too.” Then she drew… the queen of diamonds.

Both women stared in disbelief as she nervously placed it on the growing pile of discards. “Wow!” Dani breathed. Then she looked up Asa. “Are you going to…?”

Asa scooped up all the cards but the drawn queen. She tossed them into the air onto the floor away from the chair. Cards went everywhere.

She showed the drawn card to her girlfriend. “My queen; my noose. I’m the one who gets to hang.”

She was calm on the outside. But inwardly, she was both frightened and aroused. It felt as though she was going to cum at any moment.

She looked at Dani for the longest time. Then she looked at the cuffs on the chair. Finally, she looked up at the dangling noose.

She quietly murmured, “I know I said I would hang for you anytime. But I never realized…”

“Shall I hang for you instead?” And with that, Dani reached out for the cuffs.

Asa snatched them away. “My queen; my noose,” she declared. Then she confidently climbed up onto the chair.

Dani watched with a mixture of excitement and remorse. She didn’t know if she felt bad because she was about to lose her girlfriend… or felt bad because she would not be the one doing the hanging. She was a jumble of emotions.

Asa attached a cuff to her left wrist. Then she pulled the noose down around her neck. “I always knew I was going to be wearing this for you someday. I just never knew it was going to be today.”

“Honey, you don’t have to…” But Asa snugged the noose up tight. Then she shook her head.

“I lost fair and square. Or maybe I won; I’m not sure. Either way, you’re in for a real treat. Or maybe I am. I’ve never hung for any real length of time before. Now I’ll get the chance to experience what it’s really like.”

“Honey, are you sure?”

In response, Asa brought her arms behind her back. Then she attached the empty cuff to her other wrist. It connected with a distinctive metal “click”.

Asa looked down at her girlfriend. Then she smiled as she told her, “I’m committed, baby. I’m as sure as I’m every going to be.”

“How do you feel?”

“Scared. Excited. Aroused. I’m wet as hell.”

“Are you? Let me check for myself.”

Dani moved close and bent down. That’s when she began tonguing her girlfriend’s dripping twat. It was true. Asa was wet and dripping, her slit winking and quivering as her nub protruded noticeably.

Dani paused and looked up at her girlfriend. “Still want to go through with it?”

“Yes… no… gawd; I’m so mixed up right now.”

“Let’s get you down; ok? Those are magician’s cuffs. You should be able to open them anytime you want.”

“Lick me again.”

Dani grinned as she moved back in. She really went to town licking as she worked her girlfriend’s slit and swollen nub. Soon, Asa was writhing and humping her face.

Dani let out a muffled groan. Asa writhed and whimpered. Then she cried out, “Look out!”

She pushed against the back of the chair, toppling it over. Then she was hanging freely. Dani licked a little more until her girlfriend started humping her face.

Dani jumped back out of the way as Asa lifted her knees up. She jerked around in the noose as she rasped for breath. “Cum… cumming!” and she thrust her chest out as she arched her back.

Dani instinctively fingered her crotch. “Gawd, baby; that’s so hot! Now let me get you down!”

Asa shook her head while rasping, “No…. hanging… for you…” Then she started to shimmy around as she dangled in midair.

Dani cried out, “Ohgawd… I never thought it… it would be so…. so damned erotic!” Then she collapsed onto the floor onto her back. She looked up at her girlfriend, furiously fingering herself as Asa pedaled and struggled.

Asa rasped, “Hurts… ohgawd… cumming again!” Then her knees jerked upward a couple of times before she threw her chest out again.

Dani furiously fingered herself. “I never thought… ohgawd… baby, it’s so… you look so damned sexy… ohgawd…!”

Asa humped the air as she furiously jerked on her wrists behind her back. She kicked and pedaled as she swung all around. There was incredible pain involved.

For a moment, she really wanted down. Then she saw Dani orgasming on the floor. It made her squirt and shimmy as she fully committed to the rest of her performance, determined to give her girlfriend one hell of a show as much as was possible.

Dani couldn’t believe how erotic it was. Asa was seriously kicking her life away! But it looked like she was cumming again and again.

Asa jerked one final time as she tried to bring her knees up. They only came up partway before relaxing and hanging limp. A moment later, Dani caught sight of her girlfriend’s bladder releasing, yellow streams trickling down her legs and off her toes.

Dani climaxed with unbelievable intensity. She had no idea watching her girlfriend piss herself would be so damned erotic. Then Asa dangled quietly as she gently swung back and forth, droplets of urine dripping off her toes onto the carpeting.

Dani lay there until Asa no longer twisted and swayed. She sighed with satisfaction. But a moment later, she felt a loneliness she hadn’t anticipated.

She got up and went over to her dangling girlfriend. She worked the cuffs off her wrists, leaving Asa’s arms to hang limp. Then Dani put the chair back in place.

She climbed up and worked on the noose until the rope gave way from the eyebolt. Asa and her both went tumbling onto the floor. “I’m sorry,” she blurted out before realizing there was no need to apologize. Asa was long gone and hadn’t felt a thing.

She removed the noose from her girlfriend’s neck. There was a distinctive red mark around her throat. Then she rolled her over. Asa looked up with lifeless eyes, the faintest hint of a rapturous smile tickling the corners of her mouth.

Dani took the noose and climbed back up onto the chair. She hooked the free end through the eyebolt and secured it, making sure the noose hung at just the right level. Then she climbed down and retrieved the handcuffs.

She looked down at Asa and smiled. “You said you’d hang for me, baby. Now I’m going to hang for you.”

Dani paused for the longest time. Then she grinned as she knelt over her dead girlfriend. She worked one limp hand onto a breast before putting the other in the still warm crotch. She even went so far as to stick a couple of those fingers inside the dripping slit.

Dani lovingly murmured, “Got to make it look like you’re enjoying yourself; right? I got off to your hanging, baby. Now you’re going to get off to mine.”

She hesitantly climbed up onto the chair with cuffs in hand. She looped the noose around her throat and tightened it. Then she cuffed one wrist before putting it behind her back and cuffing the other one to it.

Dani looked down at her dead girlfriend and smiled. “It’s too bad you can’t lick me while I’m standing here, baby. But that’s ok. I’m already imagining your tongue in my twat.”

Dani began to writhe as she stood upon the chair. If she imagined hard enough, she could almost feel Asa’s tongue working her slit. She was totally familiar with how it felt.

She looked down on her girlfriend and blinked in surprise. Was Asa groping her right breast as she fingered herself? She looked as though she was already getting off to her impending hanging. But that was impossible! Asa was gone!

Strangely, Dani felt a growing excitement well up within her. “You really want me to hang, don’t you!” For a moment, she thought her girlfriend had nodded with eager anticipation.

She could imagine Asa’s tongue in her twat. It made her writhe with excitement. Nothing but a hanging orgasm would satisfy her now.

“Ready for me to hang for you, baby?” She was almost certain she saw Asa’s lips move… thought she heard the words, “Do it, baby!”

Dani pushed against the back of the chair, toppling it over. Then she was hanging and cumming, jerking her knees upward as she began to fight the noose. It felt incredible!

It looked like Asa was furiously fingering herself, savagely groping a boob while gasping, “Fuck; that’s hot! Hang to death for me, baby!”

How could her lips move when she was dead?? Maybe she wasn’t dead after all! Maybe somehow, she had regained consciousness and was now getting off to her hanging!

Dani rasped out a cry as she began to kick and pedal. Her neck hurt, and she wanted relief. But she also wanted to cum again.

Asa was furiously masturbating to her suffering. No wait; she was just lying there motionless. Or was she?

Dani desperately wanted to cum again. Her hands beat against her ass until she somehow pushed a finger into her anal opening. It was more than enough.

She rasped another orgasmic cry as her knees jerked upward. She kicked wildly, fighting the noose while embracing it at the same time. She threw her chest out, showing off her breasts and her erect nipples.

“Gawd; that’s so hot! Hang for me, baby!”

Dani blinked in surprise. Asa was standing in front of her, furiously fingering herself. Now she was up close, licking her dripping slit. Dani instinctively thrust against a mouth that wasn’t there.

She looked again and saw Asa lying unmoving upon the floor. No, she was furiously masturbating. Dani fucked the air in her direction, shimmying and shuddering as she squirted her orgasm.

She danced… orgasmed… danced again. She swung for two… three… four minutes. Asa was either licking her slit, standing there orgasming up a storm… or lying there unmoving upon the floor. But those vacant, lifeless eyes… they looked as though they were enjoying the spectacle!

Dani wore herself out until she finally hung limp, gently twisting and swinging back and forth. Then her bladder gave way. Her urine added to what had already stained the carpet below.

Her girlfriend was dead; they were both dead. No, Asa was standing in front of her, licking her slit. She twitched as she tried to hump against the mouth that wasn’t there.

She was no longer in her own body. Now she was standing on the floor watching herself. Her girlfriend was right there beside her.

“That is so hot,” Asa murmured.

“Really hot,” Dani agreed. Then it felt as though she was orgasming her way toward oblivion as her vision failed her and her senses shut down…

2022 (written Nov 11 ’22. Inspired by Susan Coquin’s great render.)

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