Mother-daughter feud


Christine and her daughter Viola were escorted down a hall by four matronly women. The condemned wore plain orange jumpsuits. This would be their last walk together as mother and daughter, their last day of existence.

They were led into a simple execution chamber. It was empty save for two wooden structures with handles on the back. Pieces of wood four inches wide by four inches high stuck out in the form of makeshift seats that looked extremely uncomfortable.

A coil of rope attached to each handle. The purpose was all too clear. A redhead in an official blue uniform stood waiting along the back wall.

The blonde haired Christine gasped at the sight before her. It had now become quite serious. There would be no reprieve from the governor on this one.

She heard the frightened voice of her daughter behind her gasp, “Mother?” Apparently reality was hitting her as well. It usually did once the method of terminating one’s life presented itself.

Christine tried to stand upright and resolute. “We understood it might come to this, Viola. We must accept the judgement of the court.”

“But you’re innocent!” Then she looked at the waiting woman and pleaded, “You must set my mother free! She’s innocent.” Their executioner said nothing.

The jumpsuit was abruptly lifted up over Viola’s head by one of the matrons. It exposed her nakedness. Underneath, she’d only been granted a modest pair of nylons to wear.

Her two matrons forced her down onto the nearest garrote. The square protrusion to sit upon gave no comfort whatsoever. She let out an inadvertent yelp of alarm and discomfort.

Viola watched as the jumpsuit was pulled up over her mother’s head. She, too, was forced to sit upon the square protrusion emerging out of the garrote post. She panted for breath as she watched the woman who’d given her life being treated with such callousness.

The matrons spoke not a word as they worked quick and quiet. Viola’s arms were secured to some sort of connection near the back of the post. Her sagging breasts heaved as she panted for breath.

Christine was secured at the same time as her daughter. The matrons were much too efficient. Within moments they were filing single file out of the execution chamber.

Their executioner only moved once the others were gone. She came over and quietly fitted a coil around Christine’s neck until it draped loosely. Viola let out a cry upon seeing her mother being prepared to meet her end.

“No; you can’t! I did it! I’m the one responsible! Please don’t kill my mother!”

“Viola, stop it! I’m every bit as guilty as you are.”

“Mother, you didn’t have to come this far!”

“You would not have managed it without my help.”

The executioner quietly stepped behind Viola and looped the coil around her throat. She stiffened as she felt the rope resting around her neck. But she was too absorbed with her mother’s little dig to appreciate the gravity of her situation.

“Mother, I had it completely under control!”

“Honey, you mucked it up from the very beginning. He would not have expired had I not intervened.”

“Mother, don’t say that! Don’t admit anything!”

“Viola, it’s too late.”

“Mother, why are you always interfering in my life?”

“Darling, is this the time to bring that up now? We’re going to be dead soon.”

“This is all your fault, you know!”

“And now it comes out yet again, even at the end.”

She sighed as the executioner finished with her daughter. She looked back at the woman and gave her a wry smile. “Would you please just get on with it before my daughter goes into another one of her little diatribes?”

“Mother, I can’t believe this! We’re about to be executed and you still have to make a big deal about my shortcomings?”

“Honey, let’s not go through this now, ok? Isn’t there anything you want to say to me?”

“Like what?” Viola asked sarcastically as the executioner grabbed onto the handle to her mother’s garrote post.

“How about something like ‘goodbye’? ‘So long’ maybe? ‘See you on the other side, dearest mother’? How about ‘I love you’? I do love you, honey.”

“Hah! That’s a laugh! You’ve never shown me a single ounce of love or trust! Go right ahead, executioner! Snuff the bitch!”

“Viola?? I can’t believe you – AWK!”

The rope tightened around Christine’s throat. She rasped for breath as she tried to pull air down her windpipe. Her legs flew outward as she began to writhe against her post.

Her daughter’s emotions changed in an instant. “That’s the way!” Viola gasped with maniacal sadism. “Strangle the fucking bitch! It serves her right!”

Christine’s chest heaved. Her feet found the floor as she thrust her hips forward. It looked like she was somehow fucking the air right in front of her.

“Fuck, yeah; slaughter the bitch! Strangle the fucking whore! She was a slut her whole life! She’s the reason I’m in this mess to begin with!”

Christine spewed fluids out of her crotch. She suddenly lost the strength to keep fighting. A sudden crick from her neck caused her to collapse onto her uncomfortable seating arrangement.

Her body went into little seizures as she hitched against her post. Her head turned a nasty shade of red. Blotches of a bluish hue broke out all over her face.

Viola became maniacally hysterical. “Kill her – kill her – KILL HER!” It was this lack of emotional control that had condemned her in the first place. Now she let out a guttural cry of sadistic glee once her mother sat lifeless against her post.

Viola squirted her orgasm as she panted for breath. It should have been shameful. But by now she’d lost all sense of reason.

The executioner calmly stepped behind her. That’s when things got real. “No – WAIT!” Then the coil tightened around her throat.

She rasped as she tried to struggle. But she could not escape the post, nor could she avoid the coil around her throat. Her secured hands and the rope around her neck kept her firmly in place.

Her inability to get a decent breath down her throat made her clit swell. Her nipples hardened considerably. Then she began to buck and shudder against the post she was secured to.

She tried to scream, but her breath was cut off. Viola saw stars as her vision began to fade. Then she suddenly found herself able to gulp a huge breath of fresh air down her lungs.

She coughed and wheezed as she tried to compose herself. She tried to turn her head to see what her female executioner was doing. But the woman was standing right behind her, out of her line of sight.

“You’re n-not going to kill m-AWK!”

Once more, the rope tightened considerably. Viola tried to scream. She only succeeded in getting a thin rasp of air past her lips.

She shuddered hard as she slammed her feet down against the floor again and again. It hurt so fucking bad! Then her pussy gushed as she went into orgasmic seizures.

The rope suddenly loosened again. Viola coughed hard as she rasped for breath. Her body was on fire from a terrible arousal.

“Is that it?” she started to ask. Then the rope tightened around her neck yet again. Her eyes flew open in horror as she struggled to pull the thinnest of breaths down her throat.

She pissed herself as her breasts bounced and heaved. Out of the corner of her eye she could see her mother serene in death. So why was this happening to her? Why was her death being extended??

He hips swung upward with a mind of their own. Viola spewed a violent orgasm, a painful flush of pleasure. Then the rope cruelly loosened around her throat.

“What the fuck are you doing?” she gasped as she tried to catch her breath. “You can’t do this to me!” Then the rope tightened once again.

Viola stiffened in horror as she tried to breathe. Her feet slammed down onto the floor as she went into little seizures again. Gawd; how she wanted this to end!

She tried to speak, tried to scream. But nothing would come out. Her eyes rolled as she shuddered hard, spewing fluids from yet another forced orgasm.

The rope loosened once more. Viola went into a severe coughing fit. “Stop it – stop it! I don’t deserve this! He got what he deserved; ok? Even mom got what she deserved! They all got – AWK!”

The rope tightened yet again. Viola rasped for breath. This time the rope constricted ominously around her throat.

Her mind screamed as she thrashed about against her post. Her pendulous breasts bounced as she shimmied and shuddered while sitting on the uncomfortable piece of wood. And still the agony around her neck intensified.

She glanced over at her dead mother. Her mind screamed, “YOU BITCH! YOU DID THIS TO ME!” Then her chest heaved as she struggled in vain to pull a single sliver of air down her throat.

The rope tightened even more. Her hips thrust upward as she began reflexively humping the air. When was this agony going to stop…..


…and with that her feud with her mother came to an abrupt end as Viola collapsed onto the crude rectangular piece of wood she’d been sitting upon…

2021 (written Mar 8 ’21 by riwa. Inspired by the accompanying picture.)

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