The chore


Note: an older story re-edited and reposted.

Melissa finished up the dishes and vacuumed the floor before deciding it was time to go out and do the weekly spa maintenance. Normally her husband tested the water and added the chemicals. But she’d agreed to do it for him while he was away on business.

He was only going to be gone a couple of days. The spa could have waited until he got back. But there wasn’t anything to it. She’d cheerfully offered to take care of it for him just as soon as she dropped him off at the airport, drove back to the house and cleaned up their breakfast dishes.

What Melissa didn’t know was that her husband had made an agreement with the next door neighbor to take care of a little chore for him while he was gone. Pulling away from the curb, she never looked into her rearview mirror. Thus, she never saw him reach into his business jacket, pull out his cell phone and make a call.

Humming a pleasant tune, Melissa stepped out the front door into the patio area. She walked over to the hot tub where she proceeded to open the cover. She lifted it up and folded it over with a loud “CLUMP!”

It was heavy and awkward. That was the main reason why she allowed her husband to do the spa maintenance most of the time. But she managed it without too much trouble.

She walked around to the front of it next to the wooden step ladder they used to step up into the spa. Bending over, she peered down into the spa. Melissa hoped she wouldn’t find anything floating around or sitting in the bottom that needed to be brought out.

There wasn’t anything in the water that needed her attention. She gave a little sniff before concluding the water was all right other than the weekly maintenance. It wasn’t due to be drained and refilled for another month or so.

Still humming her tune, she went back inside. Melissa retrieved the pitcher her husband used for mixing the chemicals. Then she went back outside to the spa and filled the pitcher with water.

Going back inside the house with the pitcher, she found the bottle of chemicals. Melissa added the proper mixture to the water. Then she stirred it with the plastic stir spoon her husband had “borrowed” from her kitchen.

She had to make sure the powder was properly diluted. Then she carried the pitcher back outside. Melissa removed the little cover to the filter area before draining the contents of her pitcher inside.

She reached down outside the edge of the hot tub. Melissa found the external spa controls. That’s when she pushed the button to the “clean” jets.

The hot tub rumbled quietly to life as the water bubbled and churned. The 10 minute clean cycle would give her just enough time to go back inside and check her emails before adding the liquid chemicals. So Melissa went back into the house.

She sat down at her desk and checked her messages. The hot tub rumbled outside the window. None of her emails required her immediate attention.

There were 8 or 9 minutes left before completing the weekly maintenance. Melissa spent some time playing computer solitaire. She would hear the spa shut off when it was done.

She was startled by a tap on the window. She looked out to see her next-door neighbor looking in at her. She broke into a smile as she shut down her computer.

I’ll be right out, Sally. Just doing some spa maintenance.” Then she got up from her office chair and headed out.

Sally was divorced with no children. Melissa’s husband Robert went over to help out every now and then with the occasional repair request. The woman had a trim, athletic physique, with nice, firm breasts.

Her crimson hair seemed to glow whenever the sun caught it just right. She was 5 inches taller than Melissa. Sally was pleasant enough as a next-door neighbor.

Melissa stepped out the door before motioning over at a couple of patio chairs. “Hi Sally; have a seat. You out for a morning run or something?” Her neighbor was wearing a tightly clad tank top, shorts and sneakers,

Yeah,” the redhead replied as she accepted the chair and sat down.

Sally looked her neighbor up and down before motioning toward the spa. “The jets are running. Is he making you do the weekly maintenance? I see you’re not in your swimsuit.”

I said I’d do it after I dropped him off at the airport. He’s got that business meeting, you know.”

Oh, yeah. I think you mentioned something about that the other day.”

Would you like to use our spa after you finish your run? I can always get my suit and join you if you don’t want to be alone.”

Sure – that’d be great!”

The two talked for several minutes about nothing in particular. The hot tub suddenly went quiet, completing its clean cycle. Melissa rose up, causing Sally to stand with her.

I’ve got to add some liquid to it. I’ll only be a minute.”

Melissa excused herself. She opened the door and went into the house. That’s when Sally walked over to the hot tub.

She stood in the narrow space between it and the house. Idly brushing her hand through the warm water, she stared down into the spa as a mental picture entered her mind. It was one of her and Robert alone together.

Soon,’ she thought. ‘Soon fantasy will become reality, just as soon as I finish this one little chore for him.’

She heard the screen door and turned to see Melissa emerge from around the edge of the house. A bottle of liquid and a little measuring container were in her hands. Melissa cried out in surprise to see her neighbor standing next to the spa, hidden from view until she cleared the edge of the house…

Oh, there you are, Sally. You startled me.”

Sorry. I was just checking the temperature. It feels great.”

You’re more than welcome to use it after your run, Sally. Just gotta add this stuff to it first.”

Melissa opened the bottle and poured a small amount into her container, measuring out about a couple of ounces. She poured it into the main body of the hot tub. Then she twisted the cap back onto the bottle.

She walked around the side of the spa to the exterior controls. Melissa hit the clean cycle once more, causing the jets to come back to life. “10 more minutes and it’ll be done and ready to use,” she said to her neighbor as she headed back into the house. “Don’t go away; I’ll be right back.”

Don’t worry; I’m not going anywhere.” Sally smiled, her eyes flashing. Melissa smiled back before going back into the house to put the bottle of fluid and the measuring container away.

10 minutes, eh?” Sally said to herself as she brushed her hand through the warm water again. “I can wait that long. Don’t want to use it until it’s ready.”

She grinned inwardly at the thoughts she was entertaining. ‘Ready in 10; dead in 15; Robert is mine in 20.’

She heard the screen door open, interrupting her thoughts. Once more Melissa emerged. “Come look at my tulips,” she suggested cheerfully, waving at the redhead. Sally dutifully followed her over to the flower bed in the corner

They spent the next several minutes talking about what vegetation would be suitable to add to Melissa’s current collection. There was mention of taking a trip to a greenhouse together. It was a discussion Sally found ironically amusing.

Here they were talking about Melissa’s flora and fauna as well as a future trip to the store together. Yet the unsuspecting woman’s life was now being measured in mere minutes. Sally had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing, even as her heart quickened at the thought of what she was about to do.

The spa jets abruptly shut off. It sent an erotic shiver coursing through the redhead’s body.

It was time…

Oh good; it’s done,” a naïve Melissa observed cheerfully as she looked over at the spa, acknowledging the silence in the patio.

That’s all there is to it?” Sally asked as she slowly walked back toward the hot tub. Her heart beat so loudly in her chest that she was afraid her intended victim might hear it.

That’s it,” Melissa responded cheerfully, instinctively following the redhead back toward the spa.

You don’t have to, like… wait or anything?”

Nope; it’s all ready to use. The jets mixed the chemicals around and diluted them real good. We could get in right now if you wanted.”

Melissa looked at her next door neighbor. Then she chuckled softly. “I suppose we should change into our suits first.”

Sally acted fascinated. “Really? It’s ready? I thought you had to wait a while!”

Melissa watched as her neighbor approached the spa. Sally moved into the little space between the hot tub and the house. Melissa instinctively went over to join her as she motioned at the water.

Nope; we don’t have to wait at all. It’s ready to go. You can put your hand in it. Go right ahead! The chemicals won’t hurt or anything!”

Sally had already confirmed that. Still, she reached down and tentatively brushed the surface of the water before submerging her hand to the wrist. Her heart hammered in her chest as a lump developed in her throat. At the same time she found herself strangely aroused by the whole thing.

See?” Melissa confirmed with a smile as she put her own hand in and swirled it around. “It’s all ready to go!”

She looked at her neighbor curiously. “You want to use it now? I can go in and get into my swimsuit while you go home and change.”

Sally stared at her for a long moment. The irony of Melissa’s words were not lost on her. Yeah, she wanted to ‘use’ it right now!

She almost laughed out loud despite the anxiety she was feeling. Could she really go through with it? Why was she so aroused all of the sudden??

Actually, I probably need to go on my run right now,” she blurted out, speaking faster than she wanted. “But there’s this one little chore I’ve got to do first.”

Oh?” the unsuspecting Melissa asked with a smile. “What chore is that?”


Sally lashed out and grabbed Melissa’s shoulders. Then she forced her to bend over the side into the water.

Melissa cried out in surprise. A moment later her head was submerged in the warm water of the spa. Her neighbor’s hand adjusted its grip, grabbing a handful of her hair to keep her head under.

For a moment she hung over the edge in stunned surprise. It had come as a shock, a total surprise. Was Sally playing around?

I’m sorry it has to end this way,” her neighbor’s voice said above the surface. “But it’s time for you to die, Melissa. This way Robert and I can be together.”

Had she heard right?? Melissa couldn’t believe it. But she couldn’t get her head up out of the water.

She screamed a froth of bubbles in horror. A moment later her legs started kicking wildly as her hands flailed for the surface. But she couldn’t get any leverage, bent over the side of the hot tub the way she was.

Stop squirming around!” Sally demanded. “Will you just drown already? Robert and I have been planning this for weeks!

Melissa couldn’t believe it! This couldn’t be happening! A moment later Sally lost her grip as Melissa fully tumbled into the hot tub.

Melissa scrambled to get her arms underneath her. Somehow she managed to push herself up to the surface. She frantically gasped for breath, only to feel her neighbor’s hands on her head, forcing her back under the surface.

She screamed instinctively, sending another froth of bubbles to the surface. Melissa felt around with her hands, trying to pry herself free from Sally’s grip. She thrashed about in pure terror, utterly astonished this was happening to her.

Sally found herself becoming both eager and impatient. She hollered, “C’MON, BITCH – DROWN ALREADY!” She used all her strength to push down on her next door neighbor’s head as though she could somehow force her to inhale.

Melissa was unable to dislodge her killer’s hands. She flailed with her arms, splashing water as she kicked and thrashed about. She was disoriented and out of breath, her lungs screaming at her as they demanded to be refilled.

Sally became even more impatient. This was taking too long. What if somebody stopped by or pulled into the driveway?


Melissa screamed away what was left of her breath. Then her lungs gave out. The reflex to breathe became too much to hold back.

Melissa inhaled sharply. Water went down her throat as she swallowed and gurgled. Instantly her struggles morphed from the panicked thrashings of a would-be victim to the spasms of a woman caught up in the painful throes of drowning.

Her breathing reflex involuntarily pulled more water into her lungs. Melissa spasmed and convulsed, her body violently trying to expel the liquid invasion taking place. But she was too far gone.

Her struggles lessened as her legs kicked haphazardly. Her arms waved feebly in the water as though getting mixed signals from the brain. She still could not raise her head above the surface.

Her mouth opened and closed as though the act of trying to breathe could somehow will much-needed air back down into her system. She tried to scream again. But her lungs were full of fluid. Nothing came out other than a few dribbles of air.

Sally sensed the end was nigh. She lessened her grip in her drowning neighbor’s hair, realizing she didn’t have to hold on so tightly. “That’s it, Melissa,” she murmured encouragingly. “Let go of that nasty air. Swallow all that water for Robert and I.”

As her neighbor spasmed and convulsed, tiny bursts of air bubbled up through Melissa’s flowing hair. Sally experienced a strange flush of warmth as an unexpected orgasm washed through her body. She was shocked over how erotic the whole damned thing had become.

Melissa went limp in her grasp. The few solitary blips of air that escaped the woman’s flooded lungs were barely noticeable as they dribbled up through her waving brown strands of hair. Sally finally let go of her next door neighbor.

She stood up straight as the shock of what she had just done sank in. She watched incredulously as Melissa’s lifeless body floated quietly, gently bobbing up and down. The surface of the spa was smoothing out from the previous violence of the struggle.

That was amazing!” she gasped breathlessly while staring at the body of her drowned neighbor. Then she thought about the woman’s husband. A surge of excitement flowed through her body.

Robert’s mine!” she breathed with growing excitement. “Thanks, Melissa. Your drowning was… it was… my GAWD; it was hot!”

Sally looked all around. It wouldn’t do to leave the cover open for anyone to see. So she reached over and lifted it up, allowing it to fold closed with a loud CLUMP.

Just to make sure, she latched it tight. She didn’t want any of the neighborhood kids to come sneaking in and nosing around. It wouldn’t do to have them peaking inside without at least making it a little more difficult for them.

She turned and made her way into the house. She found a phone and dialed Robert’s cell phone. She let it ring a couple of times before hanging up. That was the signal the “chore” had been completed.

She walked back outside. Sally paused to look at the closed spa one last time. “Well, Melissa? You’ve done your chores… and now I’ve done mine. Thanks for the use of your husband.” Then she headed out for her morning run, her chore completed…

2007; 2020 (written for “Melissa” Apr 7 ’07; ed. Oct 4 ‘20 by riwa)

(Pictures of the ex-Mrs. Riwa posing for the story many years ago are added for illustration purposes.)

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