Trash Day


It was Trash Day… well, that’s what we all called it. It was the day when management got rid of its poorest performing employees. It was termination day… literally.

I scrambled to get my work done while anxiously watching the clock on the wall. I didn’t dare leave early, much as I wanted to. That could get a person terminated just as fast as anything else. Nobody wanted to break company rules on Trash Day on the off-chance management might be looking for an excuse to get rid of someone.

You could cut the tension with a knife the moment Kirk walked onto the floor. He’s in charge of company security. We all knew why he was there.

Nobody made eye contact with him. Instead, we all studied our computer terminals, hoping he wasn’t coming for us. That’s when I began typing something on my keyboard, trying to appear busy in the hope he would pass me by.

A hand suddenly grabbed my shoulder, and I jumped with a start. I turned to look as my heart leapt into my chest. He calmly said to me, “C’mon, Katie; let’s go.”

I gulped as I stammered, “S-seriously, Kirk?” He just nodded at me. I gulped again as I numbly rose to my feet. It was no use protesting or resisting him.

He escorted me down the aisle to the elevator. No one made eye contact with me. They all knew where I was going. Maybe they were afraid Kirk might take one of them along with me if they even so much as looked in our direction.

We entered the elevator together. When the door closed, it felt as though I had just been cut off from the outside world. I had the sense of having just been enclosed inside my coffin.

We rode the elevator down without saying a word to each other. But I noticed he was already developing a bulge in his pants. Damn him; was he looking forward to this??

I knew what awaited me. The thought of it terrified me. And yet I found myself experiencing a growing, erotic thrill.

What would it feel like? Would I be dying alone? In a few moments, I would be receiving answers to those questions.

We reached the basement, and the elevator door whooshed open. Kirk escorted me down a long hall. I felt like a condemned woman taking the long walk to the gallows while being escorted by her executioner.

I knew exactly where we were going. The execution room was down on this floor at the end of the hall. I only had a few more moments to compose myself before facing my destiny.

I heard sobbing as we approached. My body stiffened as horrid realization set in. I would be dying soon, but it sounded as though I would not be dying alone. How many were in there?

Kirk took my trembling hand as he led me inside. That’s when I saw them. There would only be two others joining me on Trash Day.

I immediately recognized Libby. She was the company whore. I saw she was already down to her bra and panties as she stepped up onto her stool.

I was not surprised by her presence. Even I had partaken of her delights in the past. But management was always executing the company whore after a year or two. Unless they were extraordinarily talented, they usually didn’t last much longer than that.

She gave me a knowing look. Was she happy seeing I would be hanging with her? But I could not return the look because I was in shock at seeing who would be joining us.

My secret lesbian lover Darlina was sitting on the middle stool. She was naked except for a pair of nylons on her legs. Her head was in her hands, and she was sobbing in despair.

I gasped in shock. “Darlina? NO! Not you too??”

I had been wondering on the trip down in the elevator how she was going to be notified about my death and what her reaction would be. But that little issue had just become moot. She would simply be hanging to death right next to me.

Burt had his gun out. Had Darlina given him trouble? I could not fathom what she was doing down here, unless of course it was because of our relationship.

She tried to rise up and rush into my arms. Burt just pushed her back down, telling her to finish stripping and not to cause any trouble. She promptly went back to sobbing.

Did he know about us? Had the company found out? Was that the reason we were hanging together with the company whore??

Instinctively, I tried to save her. “Burt; no! Not Darlina!? I’ll do anything… anything you want!”

“It’s not up to me, Katie,” he replied coldly. “You know how it goes. We don’t pick ‘em. We just execute ‘em. Now get yourself over here and get undressed.”

He motioned at the empty stool next to Darlina, the lethal coil dangling above it. I gulped as I stared at it. I would be hanging to death right next to my lesbian lover.

I panted like crazy as I moved over to my stool. Meanwhile, Libby had just finished removing her underwear. That’s when she stoically climbed up onto hers.

Kirk made her grab the coil and loop it around her neck. Once she’d completed that task, he promptly cuffed her wrists behind her back. She panted heavily without saying a word, perhaps lost in her own thoughts over what were about to be her final moments of life.

Darlina finished removing her nylons as I blurted out, “Burt, aren’t you listening? I said I’d do anything you want!” He just pointed his gun at me before quietly telling me, “Katie, what I want is for you to strip out of all your damn clothes.”

Kirk retrieved a small trash can, setting it in the middle of the floor. He quickly scooped up the discarded garments and tossed them inside. Then he moved behind Darlina to help her up onto her stool.

I gulped as I slipped out of my heels. Then I winced as I tossed them into the trash. They were rather expensive. But I figured that’s where they were going to end up anyway.

My nylons came off next. I was in the middle of pulling down my panties when I heard Darlina whimper as her wrists were cuffed behind her back. Then Kirk started to help her up onto her stool.

We had made love to each other just the other night. We had even talked about Trash Day during our time together. But she hadn’t wanted to talk about it.

Last night, an erotic image of her hanging to death naked had briefly flashed through my mind. Now I felt guilty over having imagined it, especially since it was about to become reality. I felt as though it was my fault for somehow “wishing” it into existence.

I stammered, “Burt; no!” I was concerned for poor Darlina. He just aimed his gun right at me. I winced, trying to fight back the tears as I slowly pulled my panties down off my legs.

My heart was racing as I finished removing my clothes. By then, the company whore and my lover were standing upon their stools. Libby remained silent, while Darlina kept sniffling and sobbing.

Burt cuffed my wrists behind my back. That’s when it hit me just how serious things had become. I felt such terror that I almost lost control of my bladder.

I got so weak and dizzy that I almost fainted. But underneath it all, I felt a perverse excitement coursing through my veins. I was actually going to witness two other hangings besides my own, one of them being my secret lesbian lover.

“Katie’s a short one, Burt,” Kirk reminded him.

Burt nodded with understanding. “I know. That’s why I brought the phone books along.” Kirk just laughed.

Two thick phone books were placed upon my stool. Then Burt told me to step up. “But I’ll fall!” I whined.

“Only when we want you to fall,” he replied, a trace of amusement in his voice.

He worked to get me up onto those phone books upon my stool. I don’t know how he managed to loop the noose around my neck. But somehow he accomplished it.

Feeling it caress my skin almost made me lose my balance. It terrified me so badly that I wanted to scream. But underneath it all was a pervading sense of perverse excitement.

“Katie?” Darlina gasped as she looked over at me. It must have just hit her that I was truly about to hang right along with her. At that very moment, she actually seemed more concerned about my welfare than she did about her own.

I kept gasping for breath while trying to compose myself. I was feeling more and more excitement over the prospect of hanging to death. What made it even more shamefully erotic was the knowledge that Darlina was going to hang naked right next to me.

I was terrified; I was heartbroken; I was inconsolable. And yet deep down, I felt a growing sense of thrilling anticipation over watching her last moments as she fought for her life in the noose. What the hell was wrong with me??

I probably would have handled it much better if I would have been hanging on my own. But there were two other naked women hanging with me, including my lover. Seeing her noosed and nude was such that my arousal and shame were clear off the charts.

Burt did me no favors as he felt me up around my crotch once I was on my stool. I’d heard that executioners were permitted to amuse themselves during the procedure. And he was certainly amusing himself.

“Turned on that we’re about to hang; are we, Katie?” he chuckled with amusement. “Or is it because your lesbian lover is about to hang with you?” So the company knew about us after all, did they?

I winced and whimpered as he fingered my slit. Could he read my mind? Could he sense my innermost thoughts, shameful thoughts concerning watching Darlina hang to death?

My horrified lover cried out, “Katie??” Libby just gave us a smug look as though she’d known about us all along. But she said nothing as she looked away in contempt. She didn’t see Kirk standing behind her, about to kick her stool out from underneath her.

“You gonna cum for us, Katie, while you hang to death?” Burt asked. “You gonna show your lover how a noose-whore swings? We all know the company whore here is going to put on one hell of a performance. You should put on a good one for Darlina’s sake.”

“I’ll see you in hell, Burt!” Libby blurted out as he cupped my boobs.

“Not until after your final dance, bitch!” Then he kicked her stool out from underneath her.

Libby let out a cry as her stool clattered away. Then she hit the end of her rope and started to suffer, her boobs bouncing as she kicked it up. Darlina was shocked as she cried out, “OHMYGAWD!”

I turned to have a look, my heart racing as my pussy dripped my perverse arousal. Burt was busy cupping and hefting my boobs as he turned to look as well. “One down; two to go,” he observed with cruel amusement.

My breathing was heavy and labored as I watched Libby’s dance of death. It was horrific seeing her fight for her next breath. But my shameful arousal at watching her kick and suffer was such that I was afraid I was actually going to cum right then and there.

I was sure Kirk was going to hang my lover right away. But for some reason, he delayed. The guys had paused from their cruel amusements to enjoy Libby’s performance.

Darlina and I both watched in horror as Libby swung back and forth in the noose. She kicked up a storm as she instinctively fought to live. Her boobs bounced a lot as she wriggled and squirmed.

Burt cruelly fingered me as I watched Libby’s dance. When I winced and clenched, he gave me a smirk and a knowing look. I just prayed he wouldn’t blab it out to Kirk or my lover.

Libby’s rasps grew quieter as she lost her voice, the noose choking it off. Her chest heaved as she went into spasms and convulsions. Burt pulled his fingers out just in time or he would have felt me clenching in orgasm.

I watched as Libby’s bladder suddenly gave way. Drool spilled off her tongue onto her tits. She had entered the twilight of her dance, with very little life remaining in her.

Darlina was so horrified that she let out a sob as she started to cry. “We’ll have none of that,” Kirk declared. Then he kicked her stool away.

Darlina’s scream was heart-wrenching. It was immediately cut off as her rope snugged up tight around her neck. Then her legs began pedaling.

I was so perversely aroused at seeing my lover suffer that I could feel another orgasm coming on strong. I knew there was no way I was going to be able to stop it. But would it happen before or after I ultimately left my position on top of my stool?

Darlina kicked and swung with a violent passion. I was horrified at seeing her terror as she tried to breathe. But I was also incredibly aroused.

During one of our lovemaking sessions, I had choked her once. In response, she had violently climaxed. I have never forgotten that moment. But now she was suddenly cumming as though her very life depended on it. And it was such an incredible turn-on!

She fought so hard that her foot came in contact with the phone books upon my stool. That’s when I lost my balance, pitching forward off my solid footing as the phone books slid off my toppling stool.

I heard Kirk’s amused voice from behind us as I hit the end of my rope. “Did you see that, Burt? She can’t wait to have her lover swing right along with her. She actually kicked her stool over!” That’s when I heard Burt’s laughter coming from somewhere behind me.

I kicked for solid footing as the noose cinched up tight around my neck. I lost all control as I swung back and forth until I tried to take a breath. The orgasm that immediately swept through me was as intense and welcome as it was shameful.

Unfortunately, my Darlina put on a performance for the ages. There was no way in hell she was going to give up the fight so easily. She kicked and twisted until cum spewed out of her slit for a second time.

I felt it swell within me yet again upon seeing her climax. Then I saw little agonal spasms in Libby’s dangling, naked body. That’s when I climaxed all over again.

I was having great difficulty trying to breathe. I tried to regain control by struggling not to kick so much. And I tried to remain still, hoping the noose would not tighten any further. But it was a hopeless task.

I glanced over and saw Kirk examining Libby. I heard him say she was still alive. I could only imagine the suffering she was going through, not being able to get a decent breath of air down into her lungs.

My lover’s knees suddenly jerked upwards. Then her bladder emptied itself. Her face was red, her mouth gaping open. I don’t know why, but it made me shudder with such shameful pleasure.

I could feel myself preparing to fight my own noose. I tried to remain still. Then my knee came up, and I could feel myself starting to lose control.

Libby was gently swaying back and forth in her noose. The floor underneath her was wet from her piss. In a way, it seemed perversely fitting to me: the company whore ending her life at the end of a noose, pissing her last moments away.

I suddenly lost all control as I started kicking like crazy. Darlina had slowed down, and looked to be in her death throes. Then she started back up, kicking me as we danced a duet for our executioners, a lesbian-lover ballet.

Our boobs bounced as we jerked and spasmed. Then Darlina appeared to exhaust herself rather abruptly. Her chest hitched as stray muscles fired, indicating she was just about gone. I was the only one left to entertain Burt and Kirk.

I pedaled in place before wriggling like a worm. My knees jerked upward as I shamefully squirted yet another orgasm all over the floor. Those few shameful moments of pleasure were all that briefly separated me from never-ending agony.

I heard amusement in Burt’s voice… “Katie here sure seems to be enjoying herself.”

“Yeah, but her lover is just about gone,” Kirk replied, checking for a pulse. “She gave us a pretty good show though. How’s Katie doing? What’s she got left to show us?”

“Let’s find out,” Burt remarked, eyeing me with a cruel smile.

My head felt like it was going to explode. I could not keep my mouth closed. Drool spilled out onto my heaving boobs.

I was just settling down when Burt pulled out his baton. Then he rammed it hard up my cunt. I gawked as I shuddered before shamefully pissing myself. Then I began kicking anew, my body fighting like hell as I wriggled and twisted.

My body wanted to live; oh, how it wanted to live! My heart was racing as my face turned red. And I could feel another one swelling within me yet again.

I looked over to see the company whore dangling limp. Urine dripped out of her slit. There were a couple of agonal muscle spasms.

Next to me hung Darlina. She was gently swaying back and forth. Observing her nudity and her dripping slit sent shameful tingles of pleasure rippling through me.

I could feel internal organs dying from the damage done by Burt’s baton. My performance was finally shutting down. So he made sure to ram the damned thing all the way up to the handle.

I shuddered again from a small, sexual release. I jerked and spasmed a couple times. But my breath had been cut off. And I was starting to lose feeling in my legs.

Kirk began to examine my lover. He groped and fondled her all over. Normally, she hated the touch of another man. But there was nothing she could do about it now. Besides, she was too far gone to care.

Burt sucked on my nipples. Kirk asked if lesbian ones tasted any different than heterosexual ones. Burt replied, “How should I know? Ask her?”

He pointed at me. But I didn’t give an answer. I couldn’t get any air past my lips. Besides, I was too busy drooling and dying.

He rammed the baton hard and deep inside me. I hardly felt it. Then he bit down hard on a nipple. But I was so far gone that I barely flinched.

I finally lost my sense of vision. I couldn’t see anything anymore. And I couldn’t feel anything below my waist.

I heard the guys speaking to each other. But they sounded as though they were somewhere far away…

“Libby’s done. I can’t get a pulse now.”

“Katie’s almost gone too. When I ram my baton up inside her, she hardly flinches. How’s Darlina?”

“I think I got a… no, wait. It’s gone. No pulse.”

“Damn! Well, this sure was entertaining as hell. Which one do you think was the best?”

“Well, the company slut was good. And Darlina put on one hell of a show. But Katie was just as animated. Hell, I think she got off on it more than the others.”

“I think you’re right. Katie gets my vote too. I know she climaxed several times. Anyway, we’ll leave ‘em up for an hour before we take ‘em down. Then we’ll leave ‘em on the floor for the cleaning crew to deal with.”

I didn’t hear or feel anything else after that…

After the appointed hour, we all ended up in a pile on the floor. At least Burt was thoughtful enough to leave his baton rammed up my cunt.

2023 (written for Twiddle Oct 21 ’23 by riwa. Inspired by the images made for him by Gallows Girl Amy.)

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