Ducking Dottie 3.5 (30)

Dottie knew how much I loved drownings. So she set up a ducking stool for me. She seemed extraordinarily excited about riding it for me.

I tied her to the chair using a particularly creative method. Her knees were bound together as rope went through her crotch. I think it hurt, but it also seemed to turn her on. Maybe she was turned on because I would be the one to submerge her.

“Now duck me, lover,” she said with a smile. “I really want you to enjoy yourself after all the orgasms you’ve given me.” So I lowered her into the pond until she completely submerged.

Huge bubbles came up before I lifted her right back up. She let out a shriek as she gasped, “That’s bloody cold!” I just smiled as I ducked her again.

More bubbles came back up as she submerged. I lifted her back up to see how hard her nipples had become. She really squirmed on her chair.

I gave her a series of quick ducks, making sure her head was completely submerged. Each time she came up she cried out as she gasped for breath. I was developing a serious bulge in my trousers.

Since she was naked, I decided I might as well join her. So I smiled as I removed my clothes so she could see my erection. She licked her lips despite how cold she looked.

I called out, “Ready, love?”

“No, lover! It’s bloody cold! So duck me anyway!”

My cock twitched as I dropped her into the pond. More sexy bubbles came up. Then I lifted her back up.

She let out a cry before I gave her a quick series of duckings. She bubbled like crazy when completely submerged. She cried out to the high heavens whenever she was at the surface and could get a breath.

I called out, “Are you going to cum for me underwater?”

“I just bloody did!” Then I grinned as I ducked her again.

There were not as many bubbles as she tried to hold her breath. She looked so damned sexy as I kept her submerged. She released more bubbles before I lifted her back up.

She came up gasping like crazy. “Bloody hell, love! I thought you were going to drown me that time!”

“Was it exciting?”

“I nearly had another orgasm, love.”

“Then why don’t you cum for me.” And with that I ducked her again.

She was totally submerged. Yet I could clearly see her bound, naked body. She wriggled until she cried out another froth of bubbles.

I lifted her back up, allowing her to gasp for breath. I smiled as I stroked myself. Then I called out, “Ready to drown for me now?”

She gasped for breath as her eyes went wide. She could tell how excited I’d become as I stroked myself. So she asked, “Are you going to cum if I drown for you, love?”

“Just as soon as I witness those drowning bubbles, darling.”

“Then do it, lover! Cum as you drown me!”

I dropped her back into the pond. She wriggled and squirmed like crazy as she tried to hold her breath. I could not resist stroking myself at such an erotic sight.

A huge eruption of bubbles burst up to the surface. I lifted her up until she gasped for breath. But I dropped her right back down.

I could tell she couldn’t hold her breath as long. She wriggled and bubbled like crazy. There was another eruption of bubbles, and I was pretty sure she’d popped off again.

I lifted her back up out of the water. She gasped as I called out, “Last breath, Dottie!” Then back down she went.

I let go of the ducking stool and stepped forward to watch her. I stroked my dick the entire time. She was looking right at me as though she knew this was it and that I was going to get off to her drowning.

She wriggled around on the chair as she tried to hold her breath. But I’d exhausted her. I knew it wouldn’t be much longer.

There was a sudden eruption of bubbles. Then she really started to panic and thrash about. Drowning bubbles started to pour up to the surface.

I stroked until I shot a load toward the water in her direction. My cream splattered the surface as more drowning bubbles came up. Her face contorted in agony as she hitched and convulsed.

She finally settled down until she was no longer struggling. Dottie sat there in the chair, her eyes wide and her lips parted. It was the most incredible death stare I had ever seen.

I thanked her for such an entertaining drowning. Then I simply left her there. I figured that would turn her on, being left in that chair underwater until someone stumbled onto our erotic little drowning scene. Maybe it would cause someone else to cum at the sight of her sexy corpse.

2021 (written for Dottie 2-24-21 by riwa. Inspired by her manip. I miss her.)

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Drowning in rainwater 4.1 (27)

I love your story, which is just about word for word as I see it in my fantasy. It is a fantastic turn on for me. I have another one too, fantasizing that my brother-in-law takes me for a ride in his car. We come across a disused, deep water tank full of clear rain water. He looks at the tank, then longingly at me. I say, “Would you like to put me in there?” and in a whisper he says, “yes, Dorothy.” So he helps me undress, then ties my ankles just above my knees, and then ties my arms behind my back. I can see how aroused he is as he picks me up, gives me a gentle kiss, and drops me in. Two endings: first he just watches me kick and struggle. Then he pulls me out. Or, he watches me drown. It all depends on my mood which one I use. ~ Dorothy
My brother-in-law picks me up and takes me out to lunch to pump me for information on what to get my sister for her upcoming birthday. He’s a very nice chap, and we share a good meal together. As far as I’m concerned, she married a good man.

After lunch, he asks me if I want to go for a ride with him out to the country. He tells me I can give him any more tips I may have on how to please my sister. I tell him it sounds like fun, and we head out of the city.

He’s a rather handsome fellow, and I feel a certain stirring down below. But I would never do anything to hurt or betray my sister. Still, I find myself wondering what I would do if he ever asked me to do something… unusual. I have no idea such an opportunity is about to present itself.

I feel a shiver of unease when we pull off the highway. We head down a dirt road toward what looks like an abandoned farmhouse. “Where are we going?” I ask with a nervous laugh. “You’re not going to take me somewhere and drown me, are you?” It’s been a running joke between us ever since I let it slip that I enjoy drowning stories.

He looks at me, but says nothing. However I see this look in his eyes. That’s when I feel another shiver of unease. Where the bloody hell could he possibly be taking me?

We pull into the yard and stop over by the barn. Then he shuts off the engine. “I’ve got something to show you, Dorothy,” he tells me quietly. For some reason it sends another shiver rippling through me.

We get out of the car. He leads me over to this old barn. The ground slopes up a couple of feet to a large, circular metal container with a cover on top of it.

I’m shocked when he lifts the cover off and shows me the interior. It’s a partially buried water tank, one that is designed to catch rainwater. The water looks crystal clear.

I can see all the way to the bottom. It looks about eight feet deep and around six feet in diameter. I gasp in alarm as my heart leaps into my throat.

I turn to look at my brother-in-law in shock. There’s a strange look on his face. It sets me to trembling like mad.

“You want to put me in there, don’t you!” I gasp in astonishment.

“If you please, Dorothy,” he says, his words barely above a whisper.

Glancing down, I detect a very noticeable bulge in his trousers. Then he steps out of sight around the corner of the barn. When he returns, he has several coils of rope in his hands.

Suddenly I can’t move. My feet remain rooted in place. My breath catches in my throat.

I’m astonished to find myself so very, very wet. Bloody hell; this is insane!

My brother-in-law looks at me expectantly. Is he waiting for permission to truss me up? I can’t move, can’t think… can’t even speak. All I can think about is being dropped into that bloody tank!

He comes forward and begins to disrobe me, moving slowly and deliberately. “I want to see you naked, Dorothy,” he murmurs, a tone of excitement in his voice.

I can’t stop him. I can’t even move a bloody muscle!

I’m embarrassed as hell when he strips me naked. My nipples are hard as pebbles. I find myself dripping from a terrible arousal.

He doesn’t even touch me. He just stands there for a moment admiring my naked body. If anything, that bulge of his looks even bigger.

“You’re really turned on by all this; aren’t you, hun!” he observes as he turns me around. Then he ties my arms behind my back. I can’t help myself as I moan softly.

I have rubbery legs. I’m trembling so bad that it takes everything I have just to stand upright. Is this really happening??

“Can I tell you something?” he says as he bends down and ties my knees together. “I’ve got this image in my mind of you bubbling underwater, Dorothy. And it really turns me on. I hope you don’t mind my saying so.”

His words send a jolt of arousal running through me. I find myself trembling like a leaf.

I’m unable to utter a word as he moves further down and ties my ankles together. “I can tell how aroused you are, hun,” he murmurs softly. “Your nips are really hard, and your pussy is glistening. This must be making you wet. I didn’t fully understand until now. But I guess you really do have a drowning fetish, don’t you.”

He chuckles with amusement. I try to swallow the lump in my throat. Then he finishes with my feet.

He reaches out to steady me. I’m so unnerved – so terribly aroused – that I can hardly think straight. Then he steps around the corner of the barn one last time.

He returns almost immediately with a small block of cement in his hands. “Bloody hell!” I breathe, unable to stop trembling. He just smiles knowingly at me.

He leans down and ties the damned thing to my ankles. Then he rises to give me one last look. “You look sexy as hell. I really want to thank you for doing this.”

I swallow hard. My eyes are open in wide-eyed horror. I can’t believe how fearfully aroused I’ve become.

He gives me a peck on the forehead before looking deep into my eyes. “I hope you enjoy this as much as I’m going to, hun.” Then he picks me up and carries me over to the edge.

I try to find my voice to tell him to stop. But the words simply won’t come. Is this really going to happen?

He lets me go, and I fall backward, hitting the water with a splash. The next thing I know I’m cumming like gangbusters. My breath blows out of my body in massive bursts as I sink to the bottom, wildly thrashing and jerking about the entire time.

The cement block is not that heavy. But it’s certainly enough to take me straight to the bottom. I’m chilled by the cold water, and it almost steals my breath away.

When I look up, I see him standing there with his cock in his hand. He’s furiously stroking as he looks down at my predicament. In an instant I know I’m so fucking screwed.

I dolphin kick like mad for the surface, desperate to refill my aching lungs. Amazingly, I just barely make it. But I only have time to gasp quickly for breath before the block pulls me right back down. I wonder if it’s the only breath I’m ever going to get.

I sink to the bottom where I immediately start thrashing about, desperate to free myself. I kick hard, jerking against the cement block with my ankles. But this time I don’t have enough strength.

I used my one and only frantic burst of adrenaline to reach the surface. I’m too tired for another try. If he doesn’t reach down to pull me back up, I’m going to drown down here.

I look up at him in horror, watching him stroke himself as my lungs start to heave. The bloody bastard is so turned on watching me squirm and bubble down here. It’s a side of him I’ve never seen before.

I can feel another orgasm welling up inside me. It’s one I know will steal my breath away. This one will claim my life if he doesn’t intervene.

I look up at him, anxiously waiting for him to reach down and grab for me. But he just keeps standing there, looking down at me while eagerly stroking his cock. Why isn’t he reaching down to help me??

What if he’s going to put the lid back on top of me and leave me here? It might be weeks or months before someone stumbles upon my body. Bloody hell, it might be even longer!

Instinctively I thrash about, certain I’m going to drown. That’s when it goes off inside me with a massive eruption. Air bursts out of my mouth as my back arches.

A hot wave of pleasure surges through my body. Then my lungs give out. I gurgle as I get my first lungful of killing rainwater.

Instantly I’m sent me into painful spasms. My body convulses as I cough air out of my lungs, my breasts bouncing wildly. That’s when I see his cock go off. His seed arcs through the air to splatter into the water above me.

I cough and convulse painfully, more water rushing down my throat. Oddly, I can feel it invading my pussy and my arse as though brutally raping every one of my holes. That sets off another devastating climax, an orgasm that nearly obliterates my senses.

With one last cough my body goes limp until I gently sway back and forth. Stray bubbles slip out past my parted lips. My brother-in-law looks down on me with this smile of sexual satisfaction.

He zips back up. I do not hear him murmur, “Thanks, love. That was incredible! Watching you drown was bloody fantastic!”

If only I could still see. Then I would realize my worst fears are being confirmed. He takes the lid and solemnly covers me with it, leaving me entombed within the large tank of rainwater.

2011; 2021 (written for and inspired by Dorothy Dec 29 ’11; ed. Jan 27 ‘21 by riwa)

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Joia 15-16 4.3 (19)


“No!” Joia gasped. “Mistress, I beg of you! Marsona is innocent of any wrongdoing!”

“I do not heed the word of one who conspires against Master!” she spat back at her. A moment later the door opened and Marsona came out flanked by the guards.

The first thing Marsona saw was the back of the truck in her direct line of vision. The naked bodies of Avelina and Osanna were sprawled carelessly, their severed heads strewn about haphazardly. As tears filled her eyes, she spotted her beloved friend and ran to her, breaking away from her escorts. They did not go after her.

Marsona hugged Joia as the two shed tears for each other. “Enough!” Mistress told them callously.

She tried to pry them apart, causing the two guards to come over and pull Marsona away. Clemencia angrily addressed Joia’s dear friend. “Perhaps you would care to enlighten me why the lips of your sisters remain silent.”

“Because Joia is innocent,” Marsona said bravely, trying to stand proud. “We will speak to Master.”

“You will confess to her guilt or you will die with her!”

Joia looked at her friend with pleading eyes to save herself. But Marsona remained resolute. “If I confess to anything, it will only be to Master. I know of your plan to destroy us all. You will live to regret this day.”

“STRAP HER DOWN!” Clemencia bellowed in a rage.

Joia shook her head, crying “No… no…” Her friend was strapped down onto the wooden slab. Parts of it were now stained with the blood of her slain sisters.

Marsona tried to catch her breath. It was obvious to Joia her friend was all too aware of her impending death. The young woman’s naked chest rose and fell.

Joia was surprised to notice how erect the poor girl’s nipples had become. It sent chills of dreadful excitement racing through her. It shamed her for experiencing such feelings, especially at the impending death of her dear Marsona.

“I think I shall enjoy this one,” Mistress observed with a lecherous sneer. Joia cried out in shock, her eyes wide as she shook her head in denial.

She heard Marsona’s last words…”I love you, Joia!” followed by Clemencia’s… “Slay the wretch!” The executioners hand went up for the rope. Then the blade fell.

There was a solid thunk. Marsona’s head lazily tumbled backward. Where her head bounced, little clumps of reddened earth stuck to her hair and cheek.

Joia cried out as it shuddered warmly through her body, a shameful response to the loss of her friend. Then she wept bitterly as though her heart had been rent in two.

She sobbed as the executioner lifted up Marsona’s head. There was a look of surprise on the young woman’s face. For a few seconds Joia was certain her friend could still see and hear all. Then the expression sagged tiredly, setting Joia to wailing anew.

“Weep not for her, you wretched girl,” Clemencia told her. “You will see her again quite soon, I can assure you.” Then she paused, looking at her with cruel amusement.

“I tire of this game. Besides, the new girls will be here soon.” Then she snapped her fingers.

Marsona’s naked, headless torso was unstrapped. Then it was casually tossed into the back of the truck. The blade was dutifully prepared as yet another of her sisters was brought out.

Pavia wasn’t even questioned. When Mistress pointed, the guards set about to strapping her down right away.

Pavia saw the contents of the back of the truck. She saw Joia and her tear-stained cheeks. Then she was upon her back almost immediately, whimpering with fright as her chest heaved.

There was no time permitted for her to speak, no time for her to even question why she was being killed. All she got out of her mouth was a questioning “Mistress???” before the blade fell.

Joia winced and shuddered from a mixture of excitement and revulsion. The young woman’s body was unstrapped. Then it was tossed unceremoniously into the back of the truck along with the others.

The executioner paused long enough to pick up her head. He showed it to Clemencia who acknowledged it with a nod. Then he tossed it into the truck as well before turning to prepare his machine for the next one.

It was the same with Susanna, Lora and Olive. Each one was brought out, strapped down and summarily beheaded. Not a single question was asked of them.

Joia became numb with grief. She no longer tried to hold back the disgusting sensations that kept coursing through her body. She knew now that part of her horrific punishment would be to watch all of her sisters die before her. It was almost more than she could bear.

Poor Mirabel was absolutely terrified when she was brought out. She stiffened upon viewing the growing pile of headless bodies in the truck. Then she offered to speak.

This one was willing to testify to anything that would spare her life. Joia bore her no ill will. But it did not matter.

Clemencia ignored her cries. A motion with her head at the executioner had the young woman slain immediately. Mirabel’s scream of terror was cut off as the blade swooped down with a loud thump.

Poor Sabelina suffered the least. She observed the naked, headless bodies of her sisters piled haphazardly in the back of the truck. Heads were scattered every which way. It was too much, and she simply fainted where she stood.

She was limp and unmoving when she was strapped down. She appeared to suffer the loss of her head unaware until the fatal moment. Joia was thankful for the one small mercy fate had decided to give to the poor girl.

Ediva was brought out last. She was similar in age and build as Joia. She immediately observed the pile of bodies in the truck.

She caught sight of Joia and the devastated look in the young woman’s haunted eyes. Then she was taken to the wooden slab and strapped down. Strangely, she did not speak, perhaps out of shock or because she simply knew it would serve no purpose.

Clemencia cruelly brought her bound captive over to her last living sister. “Do you have anything you wish to say to your fellow conspirator before I claim her head?”

Joia noticed how hard the poor girl’s nipples had become. Despite her sorrow, she was again filled with a sense of shameful excitement. “I will see you soon, Ediva,” she responded sadly. “I am so sorry. I love you all. Say hello to Ysabella for me.”

“We will all be waiting for you, Joia,” Ediva sniffled as tears welled up in her eyes.

Up close Joia could see how frightened the poor girl was. She quickly took in how the young body was trembling in the straps. She felt it swell disgracefully within her, the prelude to yet another internal eruption of warm pleasure as more tears streamed down her cheeks.

Clemencia allowed no more speech. With a nod of her head at the executioner, the blade fell abruptly. Joia winced and then shuddered as the head of her last sister tumbled onto the bloody ground. Ediva’s body bucked twice and then twitched within the straps.

“Let her see her face!” Mistress ordered.

The executioner bent down and lifted up the severed head by the hair. Tears filled Joia’s eyes as she looked into the wide-eyed expression of her slain sister.

She could see the trickle of blood out of the open mouth. She observed the faint twitching of the eyes and lips. Poor Ediva’s soul had not yet departed.

The expression sagged tiredly. Then the life left her eyes. Joia began to wail anew over the loss of her companions.

Clemencia pulled her away to allow the guards to remove the naked body. Despite the many waves of disgraceful pleasures she had felt, Joia’s body was wracked with sobs at the knowledge the last of her sisters had been executed. Her fears and Marsona’s observations had proven correct. Mistress had indeed wanted them all dead.

At that moment there was a rumble in the compound. Joia and Mistress both turned to look as a convoy of vehicles pulled in. For a moment she felt a faint hope that Master had returned and that perhaps she might get to gaze upon his face once more before she joined her sisters in eternal rest. But it was not Master’s convoy.

“What exceptional timing this is!” Mistress remarked as she saw the truckload of females start to back up. She beamed with pleasure. “Out with the old; in with the new!”

Joia saw the new girls were looking back at her. She locked eyes with one of them. The poor thing appeared to be shocked, no doubt wondering what Joia might have done to be displayed so shamefully.

It reminded the young woman of a day that now seemed so long ago when she and her captive sisters had entered the compound. On that day she herself had witnessed a young woman lose her head. Those girls were in for quite a shock. Joia felt bad for them.

“As you can see,” Clemencia told her with cruel amusement. “You are going to be replaced. Master will not miss you any more than he misses any of the previous girls he has taken pleasure from. And surely he will miss none of those girls over there when the next truck arrives one day to replace them.” Then with a smile of triumph, she turned her over to the two guards, telling them to free her arms and then strap her down.

2010; 2021 (written for Aravanna and Hitomi Mar 15 ’10; ed. Jun 21 ‘21 by riwa)


Much of the wooden slab was slickened with the blood of her companions. Joia gasped as she was placed upon it, sliding a little in the sticky substance. Then her head was pushed through the opening.

The top section of the lunette was brought down with a clack, locking her neck into place. Her arms were pinned to her sides. Leather straps cinched tightly across her quivering flesh.

She could not help staring upward at the blade above her. It was stained and dripping with the life blood of her slaughtered sisters. A couple of droplets splattered onto her neck, causing her to inhale sharply with dread.

Joia’s vision was quite limited. She could not see past her neck to the rest of her body. It made her feel extremely vulnerable.

She panted heavily as though unable to catch her breath. Her chest heaved as she tried in vain to calm herself. She was now fully enveloped by the terror – and perverse excitement – of her situation.

Instinctively she squirmed anxiously as though testing the straps that held her in place. “A rather interesting sensation, is it not?” she heard Clemencia tell her. Then she saw the leer in the sadistic woman’s face as Mistress bent over her.

“The anticipation… that feeling of terrified helplessness. Do you suppose your sisters felt the same way once they found themselves in this situation? Are you feeling it now? Tell me: do you feel the responsibility that now rests upon you, the judgment that will soon sever your head from your body?”

Joia did not respond. A part of her just wanted to get it over with. But she couldn’t help whimpering.

She felt a terrible excitement, unlike anything she’d ever felt before. She was afraid, yet incredibly aroused. Her little nipples felt as though they might actually pop off.

“What is this?” she heard Mistress observe. A moment later she felt a hand caress her swollen mounds before fingers explored her swollen nipples.

Joia’s face went crimson. She was embarrassed upon realizing her disgracefully excited state had been discovered. She whimpered pitifully, wishing the blade would just fall and end her great shame.

“And this?” Mistress continued.

Joia felt a hand touch her crotch. It poked, prodded and explored. Her arousal had been fully discovered, further amplifying her humiliation.

“Do you find your situation exciting, little one? It’s a shame Master is not here to share this moment with you. However…”

Clemencia paused as though considering a further course of action. Joia trembled with fear and a perverse thrill. She was afraid she might erupt with internal pleasure at any moment from the shameful feelings she was experiencing. It would be the final humiliation, one Clemencia was sure to observe.

“It is my understanding she has found favor with Master,” she heard Mistress tell someone. “You may find that out for yourselves, if you so desire. In fact, I fully authorize it.”

Joia was alarmed. What did that mean? What more did Clemencia have in store for her? Wasn’t losing her head enough??

She heard a disturbing rustling sound. Joia panted heavily as she stiffened with alarm. She was even more afraid now, afraid of what else they might do to her before the final moment.

Her fear and excitement intensified, the shame increasing as she awaited her fate. Then she yelped as hands spread her legs wide. A moment later she felt a violation.

It was a penetration similar to what she experienced whenever Master was using her…

Joia gasped in horror as she understood what was being done to her. She cried out in revulsion as she was filled by a male penis. Then it swelled within her.

Despite her best efforts, she could hold it back no longer. Memories of Master’s tenderness and the pleasures they shared fully enveloped her. She shuddered shamefully, embarrassed at the pleasure she experienced.

The executioner’s penis suddenly appeared above her, causing her to let out a cry. She felt him grab a handful of hair by the back of her head. Then her head was tipped back as he thrust into her mouth.

Joia felt her body start to rock back and forth as the guard between her legs thrust in and out of her. She gurgled with her mouth full. A wave of self-loathing swept through her.

Even though she was powerless to stop it, she felt that the violation had soiled her. They had desecrated her body in such a way that she was no longer worthy to serve for Master’s pleasure now. What’s more she could feel her body begin to respond.

Her eyes started to fill with tears of sorrow and humiliation. Then her mind reprocessed the event. It was no longer the executioners… it was Master. This she could rationalize, and her body responded even more.

She heard a grunt of satisfaction. Joia recognized the sensation of a man depositing his seed inside her. It was just as Master had done many times before.

It was too much for her. Joia was overcome by a warm wave of intense pleasure. The blade… the humiliation… Clemencia standing nearby to observe… she gave herself over to it all. After all; life had become short. What did it matter now?

The executioner began to fill her mouth with his seed. She choked and gurgled as it spilled out around the corners of her mouth. Still, she lowered her defenses and gave in to the inevitable as her body responded in kind.

Tears filled her eyes she felt herself being violated once again, tears of pleasure and humiliation. Then Clemencia came into her field of vision. “Is this why Master likes you so much?” she asked with a chuckle.

Joia got out a sob before the executioner stepped back. Another penis appeared and was thrust into her mouth. It was a degradation of the worst sort – being violated before she was to be executed, just like what had been done to poor Gemina.

Joia gave in to the pleasurable sensations as though she was with Master in his private chamber. She even felt a violation of her rectum. Yet she still responded the way she had when Master had penetrated her thus, experiencing warm waves of pleasure amidst the pain of the violation.

When it was finally over, Joia panted weakly as tears streaked down her cheeks. Then Mistress stepped forward into her line of sight. “It gives me great pleasure to do this myself,” Clemencia told her with a cruel smile.

She took up the rope as though eager to do the deed herself. Joia felt a sudden surge of terror mixed with incredible excitement. Her eyes widened as she trembled against the straps that held her in place.

“Just one duty left to perform before I go help the new girls settle in,” Mistress told her with a leer. “Perhaps now you have learned, little one. No one will ever take my place here in the compound.”

Joia gasped in horror, steeling herself as her chest rose and fell dramatically. She felt something massive begin to swell within her. But she made no effort to stop it as she tried to catch her breath. Besides, what would it matter now? She was about to lose her head.

“Make sure she is left next to Ysabella,” Mistress told the guards as she looked down at the trembling young woman. “That will be a fitting end for a common criminal. Together their bodies will nourish the wild animals.”

Mistress paused dramatically. Joia could not take her eyes off the blade. At that moment her senses felt sharper than at any other time in her life.

She tasted the remnants of the multiple discharges in her mouth. It reminded her one last time of Master. Oh, how she was going to miss him.

Her nipples were so hard they hurt. She was shamefully aware of the cream leaking out of her holes. She felt like she was teetering on the precipice, caught between great pleasure and unbridled terror.

The morning sky never seemed so blue, nor the air so clear. She thought she could hear the faint cries of alarm from the truckload of girls that surely must be watching in horror. Then she saw Mistress release the rope.

As the blade came down, Joia felt an incredible eruption of intense warmth inside her. It was stronger than any other similar sensation she had ever felt before. For a moment she thought she would be battered into oblivion before the blade even reached her.

There was a sharp pain in her neck moments before her world tumbled dizzily. She felt blood and earth upon her face. Then she tasted blood and ejaculate in her mouth.

For a moment she was suddenly looking up at the sky. Then she was lifted up into the air so that she could see the faces of the new girls in the truck watching her. Amazingly she could hear their screams of horror.

She was turned yet again until she saw her naked body, bucking instinctively against the straps. Her legs were spread disgracefully. A part of her understood, yet she still thought it odd she could not feel any part of her body below her neck.

She saw the guards looking at her. Then she was swung around until she found herself facing Clemencia’s grinning visage. “Say hello to your sisters for me, little one.”

The voice was cruel and compassionless. But it seemed to have come from far away. Then her vision failed her.

For a moment there was a grey darkness. Then it lifted like a fog. Joia was surprised to see her sisters coming toward her in flowing gowns.

They were smiling warmly at her as Marsona lead them. But as they approached, they parted to reveal Ysabella who came right up to her. Tears of joy filled her eyes as she and her matron hugged warmly…

…and then her vision failed her for the final time…


If Clemencia believed Master would simply move on from Joia, she was mistaken. It seems she had severely miscalculated just how much the young woman had stolen his heart. He was instantly suspicious of the plot Mistress laid out before him once he returned from his travels.

He immediately questioned the executioner, several of the guards and a couple of the matrons. The truth was fully exposed within a very short time. If there ever was a plot, it apparently had manifested only within the dark recesses of Clemencia’s jealous mind.

It was revealed to Master how cruelly Ysabella and Joia had been treated. It was also revealed how their bodies had been disposed of out in the deep woods. Master was infuriated.

Clemencia was taken down to the lower room where she was severely flogged. Afterwards, she was taken out where she was strapped down under the blade. All of the guards were allowed to have their way with her. Ironically she was forced to experience the very same indignities she had subjected Joia to.

As a final punishment, her holes were burned just as she had done to poor Alviva. Her agonized screams were silenced only by the falling blade. When her head was finally lifted up, she was allowed to gaze upon Master’s angry countenance. He had come out specifically to watch the loss of her head.

She was conscious long enough to hear him order her remains to be taken out to the deep woods and left for the wild animals. The scream of horror she heard was only in her mind. Then her consciousness faded away.

Master sent guards out to retrieve the remains of Joia and her matron, what little they could recover. They were tenderly buried side by side in a special place outside the compound.

He visited the grave often. It was a long time before his grief was exhausted. As a result, the truck was sent out less often.

There were fewer executions. His heart had been softened. But no matter how long he searched or who was brought in to his private chamber, no one could fill his heart like Joia had done.

2010; 2021 (written for Aravanna and Hitomi Mar 15 ’10; ed. Jul 31 ‘21 by riwa)

Posted in Beheading Stories | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

You’re next 4.4 (34)

Dawn calmly made her way down the corridor. She tried to put on an air of indifference. But deep down, she was extremely nervous.

For all intents and purposes, this was going a little too far. All she wanted to do was achieve an orgasm. She’d been promised she would experience one here. But there was a pretty steep price to pay.

Light shown through an open doorway. She heard a cheerful female voice call out, “Are you ready in there?” There was no response.

“Ok; here goes!” Then she thought she heard the sound of jetting water.

Dawn reached the door and stepped inside. She’d been told what to expect. But what she saw still made her gasp.

A naked woman was strapped to a chair inside a glass tank that was now filling with water. Her legs were obscenely spread. Dawn saw something pink going in and out of her crotch.

Water rapidly rose up inside the tank. “Deep breath now!” the cheery, naked blonde at the control valve declared.

The woman in the tank appeared to inhale deeply. A moment later, the water flowed up over the top of her head. It kept rising as bubbles came up through the jetting water from the two pipes inside with her.

Dawn watched as the water filled the tank before the sound of piped water diminished. “Now hold your breath and enjoy the ride! This is just to get you used to holding your breath while being fully submerged! I’ll drown you on the next one!”

The female in the tank looked past the woman at the controls. The blonde turned to see what she was looking at. That’s when she spied the redhead in the doorway.

“Are you Dawn?” The newcomer nodded her head as she stared in awe at the woman in the tank.

“It’s ok; you can come in and watch if you want.” Then she was cheerily waved to come closer.

Dawn slowly approached the glass tank. The woman inside smiled at her. Then she appeared to stiffen and shudder as though she was cumming. Her nipples were extremely pointed.

“That’s Hope Marie,” the blonde explained. “We got her on loan from Aquafantasies. She’s done a lot of underwater work. When she heard Dr. Crocker was conducting drowning experiments with our oxygenated water, she wanted to try it for herself.”

Hope Marie’s chest began to hitch as her stomach rippled. “Just a few seconds more!” the blonde called out to her. Hope winced and nodded.

She began to writhe against the pink object thrusting in and out. She shuddered again, losing a lot of air as she writhed in the chair. “Hold on!” the blonde told her. “I’m draining it now!”

She twisted the valve. The water level dropped rapidly. Hope lost another huge burst of bubbles before the water dropped below her mouth.

“Fuck!” came an entombed gasp from inside the glass tank. “That was intense!”

“You think that was intense! Just wait until I drown you!” The blonde giggled as Hope Marie panted heavily for breath.

Dawn walked up to the glass and peered into the tank. Hope kept panting, although she gave the redhead a weak smile. “Did you just cum?” Dawn asked quietly.

“What did you say?”

Dawn spoke louder. “I said, ‘Did you just cum’!”

Hope Marie smiled before replying, “Yeah… twice.”

“You came twice??”

“Holding my breath often does that to me. This toy up my pussy doesn’t hurt either.”

“You ready in there, Hope? I’m gonna drown you now!”

The women in the tank smiled at the blonde as she replied, “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Ok; here goes!”

She spun the wheel. Water came rushing back into the tank. Hope Marie began inhaling deeply.

Dawn slowly walked around to the other side of the woman at the controls. The blonde looked at her and apologized. “I’m sorry. I didn’t introduce myself. My name’s Marilyn.”

The redhead incredulously looked her up and down. “You’re the… you’re the assistant??”

“Dr. Crocker lets me help out around here. Besides, it really turns me on when I get to watch him drown the subjects.”

“And you’re going to drown her now?”

“That’s right,” the woman replied with an eager smile. Then Marilyn turned to the girl in the tank and called out, “Deep breath, and then hold it until you can’t hold it anymore!”

Hope Marie took a big breath as the water rose up her neck. It quickly swirled up past her face and kept going. Air trickled out of her nose as bubbles streamed out through both pipes pumping water into the tank.

“She’s gonna love this,” Marilyn explained to Dawn as she pushed a button. The pink object immediately began thrusting in and out of Hope Marie, causing the submerged woman to wince as she stiffened.

“I love watching ‘em cum as they drown,” she explained to Dawn. “It really turns me on.” Then she called out to the woman in the tank, “Hold your breath for as long as you can!”

Hope nodded as she winced again. She lost a few bubbles out of her mouth. Then her crotch appeared to stiffen and shudder as though she was fucking the object inside her.

“Gawd; that’s hot!” Marilyn breathed as she looked at the subject in the tank. “She’s a cum-bunny when she’s underwater. This is her third experiment for Dr. Crocker.

“Her third??”

Dawn was shocked. But she was also having a hard time looking away. She was aroused by what she was witnessing. But for her, arousal was not the same as experiencing the big “O”.

“I read your profile,” Marilyn told a startled Dawn. “I can’t wait to make you cum as I drown you.”

“I can’t cum,” Dawn replied matter-of-factly. “That’s why I came here.”

Marilyn was skeptical. “Oh really? Well, we’ll just see about that.”

At that moment, Hope Marie lost a huge burst of bubbles as she writhed against the object in her pussy. She gurgled away more of her breath as her chest heaved. Then she started gulping water.

“Gawd; there she goes!” Marilyn breathed softly. “Just look at her go. My gawd; that’s hot!” Then she turned toward Dawn as she grinned, “You’re next, you know.”

Dawn looked at Marilyn in shock. Then she looked into the tank. Hope Marie was instinctively fighting against her bindings as she kept gulping water.

“Look at her cum as she drowns,” Marilyn breathed. “Gawd; I love this job!”

A few stray bubbles came out of Hope’s gaping mouth. She looked like she was still gyrating against the object thrusting inside her. Marilyn murmured, “She can’t stop cumming. I think that’s why she loves it so much.”

Dawn looked at the woman who was no longer struggling. Was her chest swelling a little?? It looked like she was breathing. But how was that possible?

Marilyn turned the valve. The water quickly drained away. Then she pushed another button.

The door behind Hope opened as two orderlies in lab coats rushed in. They freed her from the chair with surprising speed. Then they strapped her down to a gurney Dawn could just barely make out beyond the door.

Marilyn motioned. “Around that corner. There’ll be a couple of orderlies waiting to assist you.”

“Aren’t you going to ask me if I’m going to change my mind?”

Marilyn smiled knowingly. “I really don’t think I need to do that; do I?”

Dawn sighed as she shook her head. “No, I suppose not.”

She went around the chamber to another door. She went through, only to find a couple of different orderlies waiting for her. She didn’t say anything; what would be the point?

They barely acknowledged her nudity as they escorted her right through the bulkhead door into the tank. Then they assisted her in impaling herself upon the pink object. Afterwards, they strapped her down in the chair to the point where she could hardly move.

Marilyn smiled at her from the other side of the glass. The two orderlies finished securing her before they left. A moment later, she heard the door seal shut behind her.

“All comfy?” Marilyn loudly called out to her. Dawn just nodded. Would it do any good if she said otherwise?

The blonde wasted no time turning the water on. It rushed into the tank all around her feet. It was cool, but Dawn decided it wasn’t all that cold.

Dawn suddenly felt a buzzing inside her as the object began to thrust in and out. She had to admit it felt good. But she’d had objects inside her before, often with minimal results.

“Feel good?” Marilyn called out to her.

“It’s ok!” Dawn loudly called back in an effort to be heard.

“Just ok?”

Dawn tried to shrug her shoulders. But that was difficult, being as how she was tightly secured to the chair in the tank.

The blonde smiled wickedly at her. “So you’re going to be a challenge, eh? Fair enough!”

The water quickly rose up to her neck. Dawn panted heavily for breath, inhaling deeply as she expected it to keep right on going. But to her surprise, Marilyn turned the wheel, stopping the flow.

“Do you feel like you’re ready to cum now?”

Dawn called back, “Not yet!”

“Then hold your breath for as long as you can!”

Marilyn twisted the valve. Dawn took a deep breath. A moment later, water rose up her face and over her head.

She worked to keep the water out of her nose. The sound of pumping water finally stopped. Dawn held her breath while looking out at the eager assistant.

Marilyn grinned as she looked in on her. “Try this!” Then the object in her pussy really began buzzing and thrusting.

Dawn lost a couple bubbles as she adjusted to the object pumping into her. She had to admit that it felt pleasurable. But it didn’t feel like she was going to cum just yet. Was this all going to prove to be just another disappointment?

Marilyn grinned in at her. “How’s it feel now?” Dawn nodded her head that it felt enjoyable.

“Feel like you’re going to cum yet?” Dawn appeared to think it over before shaking her head.

Marilyn smiled knowingly at her. “Let’s see if you change your tune once your lungs start aching.”

The strain in her chest became telling. It was getting harder to hold her breath. And a part of her certainly felt like she wanted to cum.

She tried to urge things along. But she couldn’t seem to coax her body into allowing an orgasm to overtake her. It felt good, all right. But it just wasn’t happening.

She began losing bursts of bubbles as she struggled to hold her breath. A moment later, she heard the sound of water draining. She strained with all her might until the water dropped past her face, allowing her to inhale deeply to catch her breath.

She panted heavily as the water drained away. Marilyn smiled as she called out, “Feel good in there?”

“Feels nice!” Dawn called back.


“Nothing yet!”

Marilyn’s face fell. “Ok. Let’s drown you and see what happens then.”

Dawn’s eyes opened wide in alarm. The blonde looked at her with amusement. “What’s wrong? You did volunteer for Dr. Crocker’s experiment, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, but I… I guess I was…”

“Was what?” Marilyn wanted to know. Then she spun the valve.

Water began flowing into the chamber. That’s when Dawn began hyperventilating like crazy. Maybe the assistant would only make her hold her breath longer before letting her breathe again.

“Big breath!” the naked blonde warned. “Hold it until you can’t hold it any longer!”

“Ok, I’ll try!”

The water quickly rose up to her neck. The assistant made a show of taking a big breath. Dawn matched her just in time. A moment later, the water quickly rose up her face and then past her forehead.

She heard water pumping until the sound stopped. Then the object inside her started thrusting again. Dawn liked it… even appreciated it. But it was not doing that much for her, at least not at the moment.

She looked out at the blonde. Wait; what was she doing? Was she masturbating?? It sure looked like Marilyn was touching herself all over.

“I hope you don’t mind! You’re the last one of the day! I’ve been putting this off, and now I wanna cum too!”

Dawn didn’t know how to react. It was a bit of a shock. But it was kind of erotic having some woman get herself off while watching her.

She felt the strain return to her lungs. But she resolved to hold her breath for as long as she could. Strangely, a part of her was half-expecting Marilyn to drain the water before anything bad happened to her.

The object thrust in and out of her as though determined to force an orgasm out of her. But her body seemed to fight against it despite wanting the sexual release. Was she fighting it on purpose?

She looked at Marilyn in growing alarm. Was the blonde really going to drown her?? Maybe she didn’t want to risk that after all. If she could find some way of climaxing, maybe the water would be drained before she started to drown.

Her lungs ached as her stomach rippled. She was running out of breath. Now she really wanted the assistant to drain the tank!

Could she fake an orgasm? Maybe she could fake it. Then maybe the blonde would drain the tank for her.

She tried to wriggle and writhe around. Marilyn groped and fondled herself as she grinned in at her. “Don’t worry, Dawn! I’m gonna make sure you drown in there! I don’t know about you! But I’m gonna cum so hard watching your lungs flood!”

Dawn felt a surge of terror ripple through her. She frantically shook her head as more bubbles trickled out of her nose, other bubbles spurting through her clenched lips. Marilyn just grinned at her as she panted heavily before loudly gasping, “Here it comes, Dawn; whether you like it or not! Enjoy the ride, orgasm or not!”

Dawn cried out in panic as she lost the last of her breath. It swelled within her until it felt like it was about to overwhelm her. But she was too frightened of drowning to want to continue the experiment.

She kept shaking her head as though begging the assistant to drain the tank. Then she gulped a huge mouthful of water. Her next gulp pulled water down her windpipe.

Dawn coughed painfully, only for her body to suck down more water into her lungs. Then she began hitching and spasming. My gawd; the bitch was actually drowning her!

It went off like a volcano having been blocked all those years. Dawn felt it erupt inside her, washing warmly throughout her entire body. With each gulp of water, it felt like she was being sexually violated.

Outside the tank, Marilyn let out an orgasmic cry as she watched her. Her fingers were buried up her slit as she winced, writhed and humped. Then she began gasping, “Yes-yes-yes-drown-drown-drown-yes-yes-ohgawd, yes!”

Each gulp of water seemed to trigger another flush of warmth through her body. Dawn hitched and gurgled as her mind screamed. The object felt like it was raping her!

Marilyn was ecstatic. She had never seen somebody drown like this before. It was so incredibly erotic that she just kept cumming and cumming.

Dawn was gulping water less and less. But with each gulp, she seemed to hitch and hump anew. Another gulp, and she was cumming all over again.

Marilyn waited until Dawn made one last distinct gulping movement, triggering yet another erotic shudder that ran through her. The blonde let out a weak cry as she grabbed onto the valve to steady herself. This one had been the best one ever!

Dawn’s mouth gaped open in shock. A few stray bubbles slipped out past her parted lips. The object thrusting into her forced one last, minor orgasm out of her quivering, naked body. Then she lost all consciousness.

Dawn awakened in a bed in what looked like some sort of sickbay or medical room. She felt tired all over. But she was amazed how well she was breathing normally.

She thought about it for a long moment. That’s when her brain told her she had most definitely cum. And she had cum more than once.

The door opened and Marilyn came in. She was in some sort of white, medical smock. She smiled as she asked, “How are you feeling?”

“I don’t know,” Dawn admitted. “That was so scary. And yet… I think I… I think I came several times.”

Marilyn chuckled. “It sure looked like you did, at least to me. Any pain or discomfort?”

Dawn thought it over for a moment. “No. I just feel tired… and kind of… sexually exhausted, I guess.”

“Sounds normal,” the blonde replied with a knowing smile. “Your test results look good so far. You’ll probably be kept here for a couple days for observation. Then we’ll arrange for your return home.”

“My return home?”

“Of course. Thank you for participating in Dr. Crocker’s drowning experiment with his special water.”

“Wait a minute. You mean… you’re sending me home?”

“Of course. Why?”

Dawn hesitated before replying, “Well, I… I was kind of thinking about, uh… about…”

“…volunteering again? I’ll let Dr. Crocker know you’re interested.” Then Marilyn turned and left, chuckling quietly to herself.

2024 (written Mar 16 ’24 by riwa. Inspired by Oldojmo’s render.)

Posted in Drowning Stories | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The casting couch 4.4 (59)

I want this part so bad I can taste it!

I’ve been pounding the pavement for months, applying for every little role that comes up. I feel like I’ve been in front of 50 different casting agencies, all of whom seem to think I don’t have the talent necessary. I’m beginning to think I might never make it!

A friend of mine called me and told me of a guy she knows who casts for very unusual roles. She told me if I’m willing to do anything, I just might get the part. She even suggested I use my feminine wiles on him.

At this point I figure I have nothing to lose. So I might as well go all out. I’ll fuck the bastard if that’s what it takes to get my big break.

Dorothy gives me the address with an appointment she was able to schedule for me. So I show up fifteen minutes early. A secretary in a shimmery black dress smiles at me from her desk.

She tells me the director likes a woman who cares enough about a part to arrive early. I tell her it’s because I’m willing to do anything to break into the business… and I do mean anything. She smiles knowingly at me and then tells me to have a seat.

The guy is running a little late. But I can’t remember a single one who was ever on time. I think it’s standard operating procedure to be late just to let the actors and actresses know who’s in charge.

This one’s not late by very much. I’m ushered into his office a mere ten minutes beyond my scheduled appointment. That’s not so bad.

He’s a nice looking man in a very sharp, navy blue business suit. He motions for me to take a seat. Then he gets right down to it.

He tells me he has a very special part he needs somebody to play. It’s a very unique part that requires someone special. By now I’m desperate enough to try anything, and I tell him I’m open to anything he has for me.

There’s a door open to the next room, allowing me to get a peek inside. It’s a room I think may be used for impromptu casting auditions. I see a bench with a mattress in there, giving me very obvious ideas.

I smile at the casting director while listening to a speech he’s giving me. It’s the same dumb, boring one they all give out. It’s about how hard it is to make it in this business, and how so few women stand out in an industry where hundreds of thousands simply have no talent.

I can’t help squirming uncomfortably. My mind starts to go down dark trails. I’m beginning to wonder if he’s giving me this same spiel because he’s about to tell me he’s reconsidered and that I don’t fit the role after all.

His secretary’s voice interrupts from the phone on his desk. He has an important call. He apologizes and excuses himself as he leaves the room to take it somewhere else.

In a flash, I make a rather bold move. I go into the other room where I strip until I’m nude. Then I recline seductively on the mattress. I’ve decided to make it my personal “casting couch”, figuring this is probably my last, best chance to get a role in the movie industry.

When he finally returns, he can’t find me. I hear him call out, “Miss? Miss; where did you go?”

I’m in here!” I call out. Then I stretch out on my side, showing him my best assets while giving him a sultry smile.

He walks in, appearing stunned at my brazenness. His expression instantly softens. It’s as though his persona as casting director has now been shed like some costume he wears.

I give him a “come hither” look, wriggling a finger at him. When he gets close enough I reach out and unbuckle his pants. They fall to the floor.

I pull down his drawers and take out his hardening cock. I immediately proceed to suck him deep down my throat. I’m determined to throw myself into this, hoping to get the part.

I find myself wet as hell as I work over his erection. I’m also desperate beyond measure. I simply won’t let this chance at a role pass me by, not if I can help it.

I’m determined to do anything it takes. So I hungrily gulp him down until he’s filling my throat. He seems more than a little appreciative with my efforts.

Gawd, what a cock! It’s glorious beyond belief. I give it my utmost attention.

It swells in my mouth. I pull it out fast to take his first glob smack in my eyes. I want him to see I’ll do anything it takes, no matter how humiliating it may be.

Within moments his cum is dripping off my cheeks. I go right back to sucking his sock. I want to make it nice and clean and to keep him hard.

I help him out of his shirt before pulling him down on top of me. I kiss him deeply as I feel his cock enter me. I get a thrill like you wouldn’t believe. Maybe I should have been doing this a long time ago in order to get some part.

For the next couple of hours we fuck like rabbits. I’m astonished how well he’s able to come back so soon after cumming. He pumps me good and hard while I’m on my back.

I feel a second explosion of cream in my pussy, and I moan like a bitch in heat. It feels so incredible, and I’m so fucking wet! But I don’t give a damn, not if it earns me that role he was talking about.

When he starts to soften, I wrap my lips around him again until he hardens right back up. Then it’s his turn on his back as I climb on top and ride him like a stallion. He reaches up to grope my tits, squeezing and massaging them. It feels so fucking good that I can hardly believe I’m doing this!

There’s one last thing I give to him to show him my dedication to the part. I never once hesitate. So I kneel against the bench as he takes me from behind.

I guide him against my puckered anus, helping him push right in. I wince as it hurts a little. But I’m going to do whatever it takes, even if it means giving him a little back door action.

He rams me hard and deep until I cry out. But I want him to know I’m enjoying it. So I beg him to fuck me even harder. I’m finally rewarded with a sexual grunt as he goes off in my ass, depositing yet another load of his spunk.

He slowly pulls out. I degrade myself one final time by taking his cock into my mouth. I suck him clean despite the distinct taste of ass clinging to his shaft.

I can see by his expression that he’s impressed with my dedication. Hope swells within me as he smiles. I think I just might have the part!

He tells me he does have a role for me. But he wants to know how well I can portray my emotions. Then he asks if I can be nude on camera.

I smile as I tell him, “If I can be nude for you right here and now, I can certainly be nude for anybody.” After all, nude scenes can lead to much bigger roles; am I right?

He tells me, “I want to bring a camera in here, if that’s ok. I want you to do an impromptu screen test. Are you up for it?”

I tell him I’m up for anything. He smiles as he tells me, “I’ll be right back.” He quickly puts his clothes back on before he leaves.

A couple minutes later the secretary in her short, shimmering black dress walks in holding a video camera. It’s not very big or bulky. She certainly handles it like she’s been around it many times before.

She starts by taking a few shots of me on the mattress. I follow her lead as she gestures me into different positions. She snaps me in pose after pose.

She finally positions herself by the door. She tells me to act natural when the director returns. I’m to ignore her presence and to pay no attention to the camera in her hand.

A moment later he walks in. I gasp in surprise. He’s wearing one of those black monk’s robes you see in those old movies.

He hefts a noose in his hand, showing it to me as though it is meant for me. I let out a squawk of alarm. The secretary records my response with a nod, telling me, “That’s the reaction we want!”

My mind immediately springs into action. I start imagining all sorts of possibilities. What is the part I’m casting for?

Is it going to be a Western? Am I to be the whore who gets hung? Will I be some cattle rustler?

Maybe it’s a prison picture. Am I one of the condemned females who must take the long walk to the gallows? I hope I’m portraying the right amount of concern.

I gasp in alarm at I stare up at it. It’s easy to react to the sight of a noose. It was quite a shock the way he walked in all dressed up like that while holding a nylon noose.

She’s got a good sense of the dramatic,” the secretary observes while holding the camera. “Good facial expressions… and she responds naturally. If you’re ready, we can proceed to the next phase of her audition.”

It’s up to you, miss,” the director says, looking at me expectantly.

I’m in!” I reply enthusiastically.

Seeing the noose has made me fearful, while at the same time strangely wet. I just hope I’m not projecting a sense of the erotic. That might not be what he wants to see from my reaction. Or maybe it is?

I’m a little relieved when he drops the noose and removes his robe. Then we all pass through another door into another room. That’s when I see another noose hanging from the ceiling.

I gasp in surprise. Another camera operator – this one a male – is already pointing his equipment right at me. I assume it’s to record my initial reaction.

He’s shirtless, and a rather handsome looking fellow. But it’s the noose in the middle of the room with the stool directly underneath that captures my gaze. There’s no Western backdrop, nor is there anything showing any kind of prison bars.

How am I supposed to react? Am I adequately projecting the emotions they want from me? Is this a continuation of my audition?

I hesitate as the breath catches in my throat. It occurs to me I’m naked in front of three people. I try to ignore my discomfort as I continue to focus on the noose hanging from the ceiling.

Good – good,” the male camera operator murmurs. “Look right at it. I want to capture the look on your face.”

It’s easy for me to portray this part, because it’s a natural response. This wasn’t at all what I was expecting. Maybe I’ll be asked to pretend I’m in some Western setting… or in a prison execution chamber.

He stops recording me. Then he and the secretary proceed to attach their video equipment to tripods already positioned in the room. The director says nothing.

When they’re finished, they both step out of the room. The director walks to one of the cameras. I see him fiddle with the settings.

Just act natural,” he tells me, turning the camera right at me. But what’s natural? I assume it involves fear and anxiety.

At that moment the other two return. Once more I gasp in alarm. Both are wearing black hoods, holes cut into their eyes.

Are they to serve as my executioners? What the hell kind of picture is this? I look to the director for guidance.

Just go with it,” he tells me. That’s when his cameraman now in a hood approaches me with a ziptie. He uses it to bind my arms behind my back.

Ow!” I stiffen as I squirm. The director smiles at me. Was that the right reaction?

I don’t know what to say. Gawd, this is so realistic! I turn toward the director but he’s still filming.

He motions at me with his hand to just go with it. The hooded cameraman and the secretary guide me over to the stool directly below the dangling coil. The director keeps the camera on me the entire time.

The stool looks rather small. Do they really want me to stand on that little thing? I look at the director, but he impatiently waves for me to keep going… keep acting.

I can’t help staring at the noose they grasp my arms. It doesn’t look like one of those hemp Western nooses. I find myself questioning the type of role I’m auditioning for.

How big of a part will I be playing? Will I have any lines? Is it really going to involve a real noose?

I tremble like mad as they help me up. It’s an incredibly small stool. The two of them silently brace me up by my arms to keep me steady.

My wrists are tied behind me. I can hardly steady myself. This is some audition!

I’m becoming frightened. At the same time, my pussy is wet and getting wetter by the minute. Then I feel something slithering down the inside of my thighs.

I wince in shame. I’d totally forgotten about his cum now dripping out of my two holes. My nipples are so hard they feel like they might pop off at any moment.

That’s it – that’s it; just act naturally.” The director zeros the camera in on my trembling body as they help me step up.

Act naturally?? He has no idea how easy it is for me to act naturally! This is so damned realistic that I’ve become frightened out of my wits!

I’m more than a little alarmed here. Then I’m reminded that I’m trying out for a role. I struggle to compose myself while at the same time continuing to act scared.

Is this is the audition for the part I’m supposed to play? I suppose this is one way to find out if I can even handle the part. Besides, I’m willing to do whatever it takes.

They finally get me up onto the stool. I almost lose my balance and fall over backward. They have to work to help me stay upright.

I look right at the director and his camera. There’s growing horror on my face. Am I portraying what he wants to see? Damn; this is nerve-wracking!

I’m torn between hoping I’m portraying the right emotions versus wishing they would take me back down. Then the noose brushes against my breasts. I whimper as I shiver with fright while the cameraman and secretary in their hoods hold me upright.

Now the noose,” the casting director instructs with a wave of his hand.

The cameraman calmly takes the coil. He carefully drapes it around my neck. The secretary continues to steady me.

I cannot help shivering with dread. By now my reactions are all-too-natural. I inhale sharply as the nylon settles around my vulnerable throat.

Gawd, this is all so damned real! How much further before he decides I’m getting the part? How long must this go on??

I’m embarrassed because I’m so fucking wet down below. His cum trickles out of my holes and slithers down my legs, which only humiliates me even further. This part better be damn well worth it!

I try to act fearful while accepting this is still an audition. I don’t want to do something stupid that might spoil the shot! This will be over any second now; right?

The cameraman in the hood snugs the noose securely around my neck. He really cinched it down good and tight. Then the secretary takes all the slack out of the rope.

I watch as she walks the end over and ties it off to a cleat on the wall Uh, wait a minute! What if I slip off the stool??

I’m left naked and shivering with fright. I can feel my legs threatening to go all rubbery on me. When the hell is this audition supposed to end??

Well done,” the director says with a nod at his hooded underlings. Then he steps away from the camera. The cameraman and the secretary take up places behind both sets of video gear.

They both tend meticulously to their equipment. I thought he had every shot he wanted! Are they going to take a few more pictures and video?

The director smiles appreciatively at me and nods. “Good – good. I think you just might get the part! Now let me see some fear, miss.”

I relax when he slips back into directing me… but only a little. The little stool makes it hard to keep my balance. The noose around my neck and ziptie around my wrists clearly have me at a disadvantage.

By now I’m all but frightened out of my wits. I don’t really have to act all that much. I’m damn near terrified!

What if I lose my balance? I saw her tie off the noose! If they’re not careful here, I could end up hanging for real!!

I don’t think my nipples have ever been so hard. And I can’t stop my pink and swollen pussy from leaking my fearful arousal. It mixes with the director’s cum as it slithers down my legs.

I take a deep breath to try composing myself. Then I look right at the director. I stammer as I ask him, “I’m not going to f-fall, am I?”

He smiles as he tells me, “No, miss. You’re not going to fall.” Then he steps forward.

To my utter horror, he kicks the damned stool right out from under me. It goes skittering across the floor, banging up against the wall. The director didn’t give me the chance to fall; he did it himself!

The noose catches my weight, leaving me less than a foot off the floor. My feet flutter for an object that’s no longer below me. Then my legs begin to scissor.

The noose has cinched up tighter. I can barely pull a breath of air into my lungs. I have absolutely no control over my legs as they go flying every which way.

I look at the director in horror. He smiles as he tells me the audition won’t last much longer. Why doesn’t he take me down now; it hurts so fucking bad!

I’m really hanging; the noose is actually supporting my weight. I can’t believe they’re doing this to me! A moment later I’m shocked as the director drops his trousers and drawers.

He pulls his cock out and starts to masturbate. I look at the cameraman and secretary, pleading with my eyes. They’re too busy capturing my suffering on film.

The only sounds I hear are my gasps and gurgles along with the creaking of the rope as I twist and swing. My legs continue to fly around. I pedal furiously in the hopes something solid will return beneath my feet.

Exhaustion sets in. I hang tired and limp. My toes wriggle in vain for the floor directly beneath me.

Take her down!” the director orders. Inwardly I’m relieved. But I’m barely conscious! Will they even get to me in time??

His underlings rush over to the cleat and untie my rope. I drop until my feet hit the floor. I stumble around on wobbly legs.

His cameraman holds the end of my rope. His secretary comes over and grabs me, helping to hold me upright. Somehow she manages to loosen the noose around my neck. It’s enough to allow me to wheeze for breath.

Not enough footage,” he tells them calmly as though totally unconcerned for my welfare. “We need more. Do it again.”

I gasp in horror, my eyes flying open in shock. The cameraman releases the rope and fetches the stool. He centers it directly in front of me.

He and the secretary help me back up onto it. By now I’m trembling like crazy. My mind screams in horror as I stare at the director in shock.

I watch him move behind a camera where he focuses it upon me again. He tells me, “More expression, miss.” But I’m not sure how I can make myself any more terrified

The cameraman tightens the noose as the secretary steadies me. “Feel her up!” the director orders. That’s when the bitch begins to run her hands all over me.

She squeezes my tits and pats my ass. Then she reaches down between my legs. I writhe and moan as she rubs my dripping pussy until I’m humiliated beyond belief.

Positions!” the director orders. His secretary immediately goes and ties off the rope. Then he comes out from behind the equipment as his underlings take up their places behind their cameras.

He looks at me without emotion as I stand there quivering upon the stool. Then his eyes flash with what I can only describe as murderous lust. He’s still naked, his cock hard.

Again!” he demands. Then he steps forward. Once more he kicks the stool out from underneath me.

My cry of terror is cut off in a heartbeat. I drop and hit the end of the rope. I gawk as the noose jerks me to a halt.

I start rasping and gurgling as my feet flutter for solid footing somewhere beneath me. But there is none to be found. That’s when my legs begin to kick from my panic.

I’ve experienced this once before. But the second time seems much worse. I know what’s coming, yet I’m powerless to prevent it.

It isn’t long before my naked body starts swinging wildly. I twist in the noose, fighting for my life. Once more the director grabs his cock, stroking it as though he’s wildly turned on.

This time I hear a sound of satisfaction from the man behind the camera. I even hear the secretary moan. Is she enjoying my suffering as well??

My vision diminishes as I kick and sway. I’m dimly aware of cumming so very hard. It’s a powerful orgasm that sweeps through my quivering body.

I choke and gurgle as the noose strangles me. Exhaustion sets in again. Once more I end up softly swinging back and forth.

Down!” the director demands. “It’s not quite enough; we need more footage!”

His two lackeys spring forward to release me before the noose can finish its deadly work. Once more I’m left standing on the floor upon wobbly legs as I gasp for breath. And once more the stool is returned.

I’m helped back up onto it. By now I’m not sure what I’m auditioning for. Am I trying out for the part of this bastard’s personal snuff toy?

He’d better pay me well for this private footage he’s getting. Otherwise, I’m going to sue the pants off him. That’s when it suddenly occurs to me…

What if this IS the part? What if he’s getting as much footage of my hanging as possible? What if he has no intentions of allowing me to survive??

The director smiles as he tells me, “We’re getting great footage, miss!” By now my chest is heaving. I find myself hyperventilating like crazy.

Little droplets of perspiration have broken out all over my body. That’s when I finally find my voice. I’m able to stammer, “W-when are you going to let me d-down?”

Right now, miss,” he tells me with a sadistic look.

He steps forward and kicks the stool out from underneath me again. The noose catches me as I drop. My feet search for solid footing that has once more been removed.

The third time’s the charm. My body has now figured out what is required of it. I dance and kick like a ballerina, twisting and swinging as I gawk and gurgle.

Perspiration flicks off my naked body. I fight like hell as I search for the stool which is no longer beneath me. My arms jerk frantically behind my back. But the ziptie remains painfully secure.

My pussy feels wetter than it has ever felt in my life. My muscles squeeze and clench as though I have a cock deep inside me. My womanhood is pink and winking at them all.

I’m helpless to in the noose as my genitals put on quite a display. It’s out of my hands, and it’s utterly humiliating. All I succeed in doing is squeezing more of the casting director’s cum out of my recently fucked holes.

My face is red, my eyes wanting to explode out of my skull. My chest heaves from lack of air. My tits bounce, my nipples painfully erect.

I come to the conclusion that strangling is the most horrible thing that can ever happen to a woman. Right then and there, I decide I no longer want the part. He can give it to someone else. I just want down so I can go home.

Excellent!” the director murmurs as he continues to stroke himself. The two behind the cameras don’t even bother to hide their enthusiasm for my suffering. I can detect murmurs and gasps of sexual excitement.

I struggle for breath, fighting to pull just a sliver of air into my lungs. It really hurts like hell! I can’t believe they’re doing this to me!

I suddenly feel my bladder give way. I hear the pitter-patter of my piss as it dribbles down my legs and splatters onto the floor. It’s humiliating beyond belief.

The director’s cock suddenly goes off. He’s standing so close that his cum arcs forward until it splatters my legs. “That’s the shot I’m looking for!” he declares.

I become exhausted until I can no longer fight the noose anymore. I softly swing back and forth, my naked body twisting this way and that. My tongue protrudes out of my mouth as I start to drool.

My vision diminishes. Then I realize I can’t feel my legs anymore. Ohmygawd!

My arms are becoming numb. That’s when I really start to panic. My vision suddenly fails me.

I feel hands upon my quivering naked body. They caress my tits as I hear the voice of the director. He’s standing right next to me, feeling me up.

You were good, miss,” he tells me softly as he caresses my body. “You were really good! I think you even enjoyed yourself! That’s what I was looking for during your audition: your enthusiasm for the role!”

I want to tell him I don’t want it anymore. But I cannot get any air past my larynx. I can’t even see him!

I feel his fingers probing my slit. I shudder from one last little orgasm. Then I hear his fading voice for the very last time…

I think that’s a wrap. That should be her last cum. Keep the camera’s rolling. I want to film her body long after she’s gone. Besides, I want to see how long her neck stretches. And if her bowels should give way? It would be a nice touch to record that too.”

I hear a long scream of terror. But it’s only in my mind. Then consciousness starts to fade away.

Apparently I got the part. But it was not a role I wanted, nor did I ever expect to play. My last thought involves wondering what Dorothy was thinking when she got me this audition.

I fade away into merciful oblivion before I can fully consider the possibility she may have been in on the whole damn thing…

2013; 2021 (written May 14 ’13; ed. Mar 26 ‘21 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories, Dorothy and her friends | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Pool visit 1-2 3.9 (36)

Part 1

I needed some time away. So I packed up my swim gear and took off.

I drove an hour and a half to my favorite swimming hole. It was an indoor swimming pool fed by a hot springs. The water was crystal clear. Thankfully, there weren’t many kids about to make me feel self-conscious.

The area around the large floating log was empty. It meant I would be left all alone to swim underwater and work on my breath-holding.

It had been months since I’d been in a pool. I suspected I’d gotten rather poor at holding my breath. I was looking forward to getting in and messing around while swimming and bubbling.

I changed in the locker room. I made sure to take along my face mask out of my bag of goodies. I was willing to risk getting water up my nose to make it more of a challenge, rather than using a full dive mask. At least my eyes would remain clear.

I walked along the side of the pool past the diving boards. Once I reached the far end, I waded down the concrete steps into lukewarm water. It felt perfect for bubbling and breath-holding.

I started by trying to swim from one side of the pool to the other, doing it all underwater on one breath. But I quickly discovered how long it had been since my last swim. I was out of practice, and it showed.

I tried a couple more laps underwater. Then I decided I wasn’t that anxious to be in the water just for the exercise. I wanted to enjoy myself.

I swam into the deep end where I tried a few dives downward, swimming head first. The first thing I noticed was the abrupt sting of my sinuses, followed by an uncomfortable pressure in my head. So I changed tactics.

I sculled myself down feet first, trying to reach the narrow slit that was cut into the bulging pipe below. The suction was enough to hold my feet in place once I made contact. Then I tried to stand still and hold my breath.

Right away I noticed I still wasn’t very good at it. I soon felt that need in my lungs again. So I surfaced and headed back over to the log.

I swam over and then took a deep breath before pushing myself underneath. I pressed up against the underside with my hands while remaining vertical, my butt dragging along the bottom. Then I slowly worked myself along from one end of the trunk to the other.

When I felt it start to burn in my chest, I hurried myself along. I pushed my way faster along the underside of the log. I finally reached the end, where I burst up gasping for breath.

After a couple of trips back and forth, I decided to start keeping track of my times. I was thankful I’d bought a water resistant watch a few days ago. At least I’d remembered to bring it with me. Now I would be able to tell if I was making any real progress.

I started to relax as I moved underneath the log. I deliberately took my time working my way from one end to the other. My butt brushed up against the bottom of the pool as I moved myself back and forth with my hands.

I released a few bubbles here and there, just to hear the sound of them leaving my mouth. Besides, I liked to watch them bubble up against the smooth underside of the floating trunk above me.

Country music was playing out over the loudspeakers. But I didn’t mind. Besides, once I got underneath that large tree trunk, I generally couldn’t hear anything other than my bubbles and the hum of the pumps.

It all soon came back to me. It wasn’t long until I was easily staying underwater for almost a minute at a time.

Every time I surfaced, I glanced around to see if I had any company. But the mothers with their young children were staying well over on the opposite side of the deep end of the large pool.

There were no singles anywhere in the water, at least not from what I could see. It looked as though I would be on my own for the duration of my time in the water. At least I wouldn’t be a bother to anyone.

I set my watch, took a deep breath, and then went back under the log again. I was determined to break 1:00, and to go even longer. So I slowly inched myself along underneath the log, my ass dragging along the bottom of the pool as I tried to stretch my time underwater.

To distract myself, I studied the underside of the smooth surface of the tree trunk as I moved myself along. I focused on the many notches and indentations where little bubbles of air could collect. I think it helped because I began stretching my times well past a minute.

I decided I wanted to go even longer. So I took a deep breath and went back down. I moved slowly underneath the log, increasing my time until I could feel the strain in my chest again.

I glanced at my watch and saw the time. I decided I could reach a longer time if I just pushed myself a little harder. So I released a few more bubbles until I reached 1:20.

I burst up panting heavily for breath, quite pleased with myself. That’s when I saw her. She was standing there in a black one-piece swimsuit, looking quizzically at me as the faintest hint of a smile flickered at the corners of her mouth.

My face instantly flushed beet red with embarrassment. I was so focused on beating my time that I’d been caught totally by surprise; I hadn’t seen her coming at all.

Without even thinking I blurted out the very first thing that came to mind… “When did YOU get here??”

“I was swimming over in the deep end when I saw you under the log. I got curious to see what you were doing, so I came right over. I hope you don’t mind.” Her smile helped put me a little more at ease.

“Oh, I don’t mind,” I replied a little anxiously. “You just caught me off-guard is all. I didn’t see you come over, and you startled me.”

Her face clouded as though she’d done something wrong. I didn’t want to put her off. So I quickly added, “But it’s ok. I just didn’t know I had an audience. You can stay and watch if you want.”

“What were you doing under there?” she wanted to know. The smile was back on her face, helping put me even more at ease.

“I was just doing a little breath-holding while working my way under the log. I hope I didn’t embarrass myself or anything.” I winced inwardly, hoping I didn’t sound like a nerd or anything.

“Oh, not at all,” she reassured me. “So how did you do?”

“That last one I clocked at 1:22.” Then I proudly showed her the watch on my wrist.

“That’s awesome!” she admitted with a grin. “So your watch is waterproof?”

“Yes it is. Sometimes I like to time myself underwater, just for fun.”

“I’d never thought of that,” she responded thoughtfully. “…I mean, wearing a watch that’s waterproof and all. I’ve been swimming here once before. But it never occurred to me to actually try pushing myself down under this log. As you can see…” and she motioned at her body. “It’s not very easy for me to stay underwater. I usually just swim around.”

She looked to be in her late 20’s, or maybe her early 30’s. She wasn’t fat, at least not in my estimation. She was a little thicker, and I could see how she would probably be more buoyant in the water. But I had to keep from looking too long at her chest, especially at her cleavage and the way her large breasts accented her swimsuit.

“That’s a good idea,” she went on with that contagious smile. “…pushing yourself down with your hands like that. I’ll have to try that sometime.”

She paused as though she’d interrupted me long enough. “I suppose I should go and let you get back to it. After all, I can try using the log after you’re done with it.”

I liked talking to her. I didn’t want her to think she had to go just to wait for me to finish. Besides, the thought of getting to watch her underwater was rather exciting.

“You don’t have to go on my account,” I told her, chivalrously deciding to give up the log for the time being. “You can try it right now if you want. I don’t have to hog the log the whole time.”

“Oh, that’s ok,” she said with a dismissive wave. “Besides, I don’t have a watch to time myself while holding my breath.”

“You do now,” I offered, reaching to remove it from my wrist. “You can use mine… unless you’d like me to time you.”

“Oh, I don’t mean to impose.”

“You’re not imposing. I like being able to help someone out, you know… by helping out another breath-holder.”

“Awesome!” she said with that infectious smile of hers. “Maybe I’ll try going underneath the log like you did.”

“Would you like my face mask?” I offered, trying to be chivalrous again.

For a second I thought she was going to take me up on it. “Oh, that’s ok,” she told me pleasantly with a dismissive wave. “I’m going to try this without one. Besides, I kinda like going underwater without a dive mask. It feels better not having anything on my face, you know.”

She paused for a moment. Then she gave me that smile again. “If it doesn’t work out and your offer still holds, then I might try it later. How’s that sound?”

“Works for me,” I told her, smiling back at her. Then I held up my wrist. “Want my watch?”

“It might be better if you time me yourself,” she said carefully. “That way I can concentrate on holding my breath.”

She sounded hesitant, as though she wasn’t sure I would be willing to do that for her. I quickly tried to put her at ease. “Be happy to!” I said with a smile as I set the timer. “Anytime you’re ready… take all the time you need.”

She grinned at me as she moved into position. Then she took a couple of deep breaths before she submerged. I quickly activated the timer.

She went under and grabbed the log. But she ended up clinging to it, her arms and legs wrapped around it from underneath. It was fun to watch, but she rushed along and was out the other side of the floating trunk in no time at all.

“I think I kinda scurried under the log that time,” she confessed when she came up panting for breath. “And I think I got it all wrong.”

“That was 20 seconds,” I told her. “Not bad at all for a first time.”

“It was a little tricky being down there,” she admitted. “My body wants to float up, as you can see. So I just sort of crawled along the log. I hope that was all right.”

“You did fine,” I replied warmly. “It’s a challenge sometimes just trying to stay down, much less follow along underneath that silly log.”

“Now why don’t you take a turn?” she suggested. “Show me how to do it right; ok?”

“Want to time me?” I asked. “It’s easy!”

She said that might be fun. So I handed her the watch. I showed her the start/stop button. Then I took a deep breath and submerged.

Having her standing there watching me made my heart beat faster. So I had to calm down and focus on slowly working my way along the underside of the log. I tried to take my time, but I think I went a little fast in my excitement.

“45 seconds,” she told me when I came up panting. I liked the way her eyes were twinkling.

She kind of challenged me somewhat playfully. “That wasn’t no minute twenty though. But I saw how you pushed up with your hands to brace yourself underneath. I wonder if I can do that. Should I give it another try?”

“Of course!” I told her enthusiastically.

“Time me again?” and she handed my watch back to me.


I set the timer as she took a couple of deep breaths. Then she went under. This time, she pushed herself down underneath the log.

She was able to force herself down into a kneeling position. Then she pushed up against the bottom of the log. She managed, although I could tell she had to work at it.

She tried carefully moving herself underneath the tree trunk with her hands. But I could see it was something of a challenge for her. She lasted longer than her last time before she came up panting after moving along about two thirds of the way.

“38 seconds,” I told her. “You were under longer. But you didn’t quite make it all the way across.”

“Now you do it,” she instructed, reaching for my watch. “I want to watch how you do it.”

I smiled and then handed her the watch. Deep down, I began to wonder when it was all going to come to an end. But I quickly pushed that thought out of my mind.

I told myself there was no need to wonder when she might leave. I was enjoying her presence. It was better just to appreciate the moment while it lasted.

I took a breath and went under. But this time, I slowly pushed myself backward underneath the log. I guess I was showing off a little.

I saw her underwater holding her breath. She was watching me as I pushed up against the log with my hands while moving along slowly, backing up under the log while dragging my feet along the pool floor. I released a few bubbles while making a point of studying certain sections of the underside of the log.

After a while, I felt it in my lungs again. But I deliberately pushed myself until my chest was heaving. I finally climbed out from underneath after having reached the end of the log.

“1:25!” she announced with admiration. “That was awesome!”

“Well you can do it too,” I told her encouragingly. “I can tell you look comfortable underwater.”

“I’ve always liked the water,” she told me. “I just can’t get down very easy. I’m naturally buoyant.”

“Maybe you’re a little buoyant,” I admitted carefully. “But I don’t think you’re THAT buoyant.”

She smiled at my attempt at a compliment. “Aww; you’re sweet!” Then she handed me the watch.

“Now it’s my turn again. I think I can hold my breath a long time if I can just get the hang of it.”

She took a deep breath. Then she pushed herself under the front of the log in a flurry of bubbles, virtually sitting on her ass.

She began working herself backwards, hand over hand just as I had done. She was able to control her body much better. I could see the determination in her features.

At one point, she actually slowed down as though she thought she was going too fast. When she reached the end of the log, she floated up to the surface in a flurry of bubbles. “I could have gone longer,” she muttered in disappointment after she’d come up and was panting quietly. “I reached the end of the log and I guess I sorta lost my grip.”

“Well, you still managed a good 47 seconds,” I told her. “You’re getting better.”

“It must be moving along the log that’s throwing me off,” she said thoughtfully.

“Then why bother moving at all?” I suggested. “Why not go underwater, brace yourself under the log and just hold your breath? In fact, I’ll go under with you and time us if you want. That way you won’t have to worry about trying to move anywhere.”

“That’s an awesome idea!” she responded with that big, contagious smile of hers. “Let’s do it!”

“Shall we go under on opposite ends of the log?” I suggested.

“Works for me,” she replied.

2012; 2022 (written for jqpublic Aug 6 ’12; ed. Oct 23 ‘22 by riwa)

Part 2

I reset the timer and then counted us down… “Three… two… one!” When we both inhaled, I activated the watch as we submerged.

I situated myself under my end of the log. Then I watched her get into position. She seemed to be more comfortable bracing up against the log without moving anywhere.

We were both pretty much in a sitting position. I smiled at her and nodded, releasing a couple of bubbles. She nodded and bubbled as well.

I sat there watching her as she sat there watching me. I smiled at her and then deliberately lowered my head as though concentrating. When I snuck a quick look at her, I noticed she had her head down as though she was focusing on the task at hand. So I took that opportunity to look her over real good.

It was a modest swimsuit. But I liked it, especially the way it accented her tan skin. The neck of her suit came down enough to grant me the view of a nice bit of cleavage. I thought I could actually detect her nipples protruding a little.

She had nice curves, and was rather attractive for her size. Her weight seemed to be distributed proportionally, and she had a kind, Hispanic-looking face. I felt lucky she was breath-holding with me.

As I checked the watch, she opened her eyes and looked curiously at me. I tried to motion at her… “Keep going – keep going; we’re almost there!” As she nodded her head, I thought I could see her chest heave a little.

I released a few bubbles as we passed the 1:00 mark. She did the same. But I could tell she was starting to push it.

I released a couple more bubbles. Then I motioned at her… “Keep going; you’re doing great!”

I saw the strain in her expression before she finally released an explosion of bubbles. Then she climbed up around her end of the log. I chivalrously followed her up.

“That was great!” I gushed proudly. “I wanted you to keep going the first time because you were almost at a minute!”

“I didn’t make a minute?” she asked, the disappointment evident in her voice.

“Actually, you almost reached 1:10,” I told her with pride. “You made a minute easy!” That’s when her eyes lit up.

“1:10?? Awesome!”

She suddenly looked at me as though she might be intruding on my time or something. “I’m not keeping you from anything, am I?”

“Not at all,” I told her enthusiastically. “I’m really enjoying this.”

Then it was my turn to wonder. Was she asking because she needed to go? Was she only being polite?

“If you have to be somewhere, then don’t let me keep you. Sometimes when I’m having fun like this, I lose all track of time.” I tried not to sound disappointed that she might have to go.

“You’re having fun with me?” she asked, almost sounding incredulous. “Awesome! No, I don’t have to go just yet. Besides, the kids are with my mom. They’ll be fine.”

As soon as she mentioned she had kids, I sagged like a balloon deflating. If she was married or had a boyfriend, I certainly didn’t want to interfere or act too aggressive or anything. But I was a little curious why she’d come alone.

“You didn’t bring them along with you?” I queried, trying to make it sound like nothing more than a casual question.

“Oh, they don’t like the water all that much,” she told me, sounding a little disappointed in them. “Oh, they’re great kids and all. They just don’t like the pool as much as I do. So I leave them with mom. She has this big swing set, with a nice sandbox out in her back yard. They’d play out there all day long if I let them.”

“Well, at least you’re having a good time in the pool,” I said with a smile.

I didn’t push it anymore. I was determined to make the best of it and just enjoy the moment. Besides, breath-holding with a married woman or a woman with kids was still much better than breath-holding alone.

“Want to go again?” I asked carefully.

“Damn right, I do!” she told me, that infectious smile returning. “If you’ve got the time and you’re having fun, then I’m game if you are. Most guys come in here just to swim laps. You’re different.”

“I guess I’m not much of a ‘lap-guy’,” I said with a chuckle as I reset my watch.

I counted us down. We both took a deep breath and then slipped under the surface. That’s when we pushed ourselves under the log, getting into our positions.

I noticed she wasn’t situated at the very end of the log like last time. But truthfully, neither was I. That meant we were a little closer to each other. So I decided to enjoy myself, figuring this would probably be a one-shot swim with a very nice female.

We both settled in for a long one. I could tell right away she’d gotten really serious about it. I gave her a small smile, but she returned it with a look of determination in her eyes. I decided I’d better get down to business or she might actually beat me.

She got more comfortable under the log, pushing up against it while almost sitting on her ass. I couldn’t help staring at her cleavage, admiring her chest. Then I felt my cock start to stir a little. So I figured I’d better close my eyes before I embarrassed myself.

The seconds went by as I concentrated on holding my breath. When I opened my eyes I saw her looking at me. She made a motion at her wrist… “What’s our time?”

I checked the watch, and then signaled back to her… “45 seconds.” She smiled with a nod. Then she closed her eyes again.

We both shot right on by a minute like it wasn’t even there. Then she opened her eyes and looked at me questioningly. I lifted fingers to indicate “1:10”. She smiled and nodded.

Her chest soon began heaving, almost as much as mine was. I could see the strain in her face. That’s when I indicated “1:20” with my fingers.

She nodded, losing a few bubbles. She was really pushing it. I knew I had my work cut out for me.

As we approached 1:30, I felt my lungs heave in my chest. I heard her grunt as her chest heaved as well. Little bursts of air spewed out of her pursed lips.

It occurred to me the chivalrous thing to do would be to go up first. So I focused on my watch and picked my moment. At 1:30 I shot upward, bursting up and gasping loudly for breath.

She was a split-second behind me. “I BEAT you!” she gasped triumphantly. “What was our time?”

“I went up at 1:30,” I told her with a smile, gracefully accepting that she’d won.

“1:30?? AWESOME!” She beamed from ear to ear, and it gave me a good feeling seeing her so happy.

We swam over to the edge of the pool to catch our breath, taking a break from breath-holding. “That was so AWESOME!” she kept repeating. “My lungs were on fire and I was really getting dizzy.”

“Me too,” I admitted.

“You like breath-holding?” she asked with a smile

“Especially when there’s someone I’m doing it with,” I told her, trying not to sound like a love-struck puppy. She just smiled back at me.

I don’t know what made me think of it. But I suddenly thought about that pipe down in the deep end of the pool.

“You ever been to the bottom down there?” I asked, pointing downward. That’s when I got this mental image of her standing down there holding her breath with the suction holding her feet to the pipe.

“No,” she admitted, sadly shaking her head. “I’m too buoyant. I can’t get down there.”

“Well, it’s really cool,” I told her. “There’s a pipe with a slit down there that helps circulate the water. When you stand on it with your feet, the suction holds you right down. You can stand down there and look all around and hold your breath and blow bubbles and everything.”

“Sounds awesome,” she responded, her eyes lighting up. “I’d love to give it a try. I hope I’m not too buoyant though.”

“Only one way to find out,” I told her with a smile.

We both followed the edge of the pool until we were right above the slit in the pipe 12 feet below us. I took a deep breath and then dove downward first. Almost immediately I was reminded of the pressure in my head, especially the sting of my sinuses.

I turned right around and came right back up. “What’s the matter?” she asked curiously. “You can’t get down there either?”

“The pressure hurts my head, and my sinuses sting,” I replied. “Let me try something different.”

I took another deep breath. Then I submerged again. This time I went down feet first as bubbles trickled out of my nose.

I skulled myself downward, releasing a little more air to help me get down. Then I felt the suction from the pipe against the soles of my feet. That’s when I settled down onto it.

I stood flat-footed, the pressure not too bad in my head. Then it eased even more. I smiled as I waved up at her… “See? I made it! You can stand just like this.”

I kicked off for the surface, spewing bubbles along the way. But as I headed up, I saw her suddenly jackknife downward. She pulled hard with her arms, furiously kicking with her legs.

Buoyancy soon caught up to her. Her descent stalled out about halfway down. It forced her to turn around and come back up.

“See?” she told me with a wry smile, panting disappointedly. “I’m too buoyant.”

“At least you’ll never have to worry about drowning,” I told her with a grin.

Her eyes flashed with sudden inspiration. “I’ve got an idea,” she told me, sounding excited. Then she swam over to the ladder.

I watched her climb out. She walked over to the lower diving board. Then she confidently walked all the way out to the very end.

She jumped up into the air, bouncing once as the board rattled. I wanted to see her hit the water. So I took a deep breath and then quickly submerged.

She hit the water with a splash, her arms outstretched above her head. I skulled myself downward and watched her progress. She pulled hard with her arms, kicking furiously with her legs.

This time, she went much deeper. I could tell how determined she was to make it. In fact, she was almost there.

As she got closer, she reached out with her hand to grab on so that her buoyancy wouldn’t kick in and haul her back up. I felt an uneasy jolt of alarm when I saw her fingers slide right into the slit. I know I certainly wouldn’t have grabbed it like that. But she grabbed on with such determination that I could tell she wasn’t about to let go.

She gave me a triumphant wave as her hand slid along the slit. Then her expression changed in an instant. I saw her look down at her hand as she gave it a good hard yank.

A moment later she was grunting and bubbling. I watched as she anxiously pulled hard with her arm. Had she gotten her fingers stuck in that slit cut into the pipe?

My eyes flew open in horror as I frantically tried to skull myself deeper. I became anxious, trying to get to her quick in order to assist her. She was jerking against her arm as though her fingers were really stuck.

I honestly didn’t think the slit was that narrow. But I had never been brave enough to shove my fingers in like that to find out. She must have rammed them in to grab onto something before her buoyancy kicked in.

Her legs were almost straight up as though she was doing a handstand. Her buoyancy was trying to pull her body upward. But I think that made things that much worse.

She tried and tried. But apparently, she couldn’t get any leverage of any kind to pull her fingers out. Then she looked at me, terror-stricken.

She began frantically waving at me with her free hand to come and help her. She wanted me to do something to work her loose… anything! But that’s when I suddenly became aware of how out of breath I was.

She grunted and waved at me… “HELP ME; I’M STUCK!!” But I could really feel it in my lungs. I was almost out of breath.

I wanted to stay and help her. But I was suddenly afraid I might drown if I didn’t go get another breath. I was momentarily paralyzed with indecision.

She waved wildly at me, her body appearing tethered by her stuck fingers. That’s when I made my decision. I felt sick to my stomach as I turned and shot upward until I burst up gasping.

I inhaled once. Then I took a really big second breath. When I was ready, I quickly jackknifed downward.

I kicked furiously while pulling hard with my arms. I felt sick inside for having left her. But this time I was determined not to go back up again until she was free and coming up with me.

I saw it in her eyes as I came back down… “GAWD; YOU LEFT ME!!” Then the pressure hit my head as water went up my nose. It stung my sinuses something fierce. I just ignored it as I swam down to her, my heart hammering a mile a minute as panic swelled within me.

I got down with her and looked at her hand. I saw in an instant where her fingers had gotten wedged. They were stuck in a narrow section of the open slit.

I could feel the suction pulling for me as I grabbed onto her arm. Her anxious grunts scared the crap out of me. I thought for sure she was going to drown.

I don’t know what made me do it. But for some reason, I tried to slide her hand sideways. I guess I was thinking there was a bigger opening farther along the slit, if only I could slide her hand sideways along the opening.

She grunted, instinctively fighting against me. But I got her hand to slide along. Then it suddenly popped free.

She turned and shot upward like a rocket in a flurry of bubbles. I shot up after her, my chest heaving like gangbusters. By then, the pressure in my head was not as intense, although my sinuses still burned like crazy.

We both popped up gasping madly for breath. Then we swam over and grabbed onto the edge of the pool to compose ourselves.

For a moment there, I thought she was going to cry. So I quickly took responsibility. I told her it was all my fault for suggesting swimming down there in the first place.

She looked at me for a long moment. But I saw no accusatory look in her eyes. Instead, there was this expression of gratitude.

She came over to me. Then she wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tight. We both accidentally slipped under the surface a little. But she was buoyant enough that we didn’t go too deep before she let me back up.

I came up coughing and sputtering. She panted, “Oh, thankyou – thankyou – thankyou! For a minute there I thought you were going to leave me to drown! Then I saw you’d gotten a breath and then came back down to save me!! Oh thankyou – thankyou – thankyou!”

“I’m sorry I left you,” I replied, feeling guilty as hell for having gone up for air. “It was all my fault; really! I was out of breath, and I had to go back up. I’m so, so sorry for leaving you for a moment; I really am.”

“It’s all right; you came back for me,” she gasped thankfully. Then she wrapped me up in a big bear hug again. This time we both kicked our legs and kept our heads above the surface as she showed her appreciation.

“I suppose I should be going now,” she said, suddenly appearing strangely uncomfortable.

I followed her as we swam over to the ladder. “I need to go get lunch,” she said by way of explanation. “Then I need to go pick up my kids.”

She paused for a moment, giving me a long look as though trying to read me or something. Then she carefully asked, “You’re not mad at me, are you?”

“Why should I be mad at you?” I replied incredulously. “It was my idea going down there.”

“Because I stuck my stupid fingers inside that damned pipe; that’s why!”

“Well, I’m not mad about anything, especially that,” I told her. “I thought you might be mad at me for suggesting we go check out the pipe in the first place.”

“It’s not your fault I wanted to go down and check it out,” she replied. It sounded as though she was reprimanding me for assuming guilt that was not mine.

“You came down and saved me from my stupidity. I’ll never forget that. Thank you!!” Then she wrapped me up in her arms again.

This time she kissed my lips hard. I didn’t resist. I kissed her back until we ended up kissing rather passionately. But I did feel a little guilty when our lips finally parted. I figured there had to be another guy somewhere in her life.

She smiled gratefully. Then she climbed the ladder out of the pool. She walked over and gathered up her towel, wrapping it around her before heading for the women’s locker room.

I climbed out and started to dry myself off. That’s when it hit me how close we’d both come to drowning. I suddenly got the shakes something fierce. So I decided I’d better sit down and stick around awhile until I calmed down enough to drive home safely.

I was sitting in a lounge chair when she returned several minutes later, fully dressed. Her wet swimsuit was draped over a damp towel. And her smile was back.

“My name’s Roberta. I owe you one. So how can I make it up to you?”

I gave her my name before telling her she didn’t owe me a thing. I explained that I still felt a little guilty for suggesting going down there in the first place.

“Nonsense! I’m the one who stuck her damn fingers where they didn’t belong! It’s not your fault!” That made me feel better, and I thanked her.

She looked at me carefully as though sizing me up. Then she said, “I hope my stupidity didn’t spoil things.” I told her that it hadn’t.

“Do you usually come here on Wednesdays?”

My heart skipped a beat. Was she actually asking if I wanted to swim with her again?

I told her Wednesday would be a good day to come enjoy the pool. I said I would love swimming and breath-holding with her again if we saw each other. But I said I wouldn’t mind if we skipped the drowning part. She just laughed.

“Awesome!” she said with that contagious smile. “I’ll drop the kids off at mom’s again. Maybe I’ll see you next Wednesday?” Her eyes twinkled as she grinned at me.

“I hope I see you then,” I answered with a smile. “This was fun… well, except for that last part down in the deep end.”

“I don’t know,” she said thoughtfully. “I still kinda feel like I owe you or something for saving me from my stupidity. I probably need to be punished for being such a ditz. Maybe I should let you dunk me or something, just to teach me a lesson. How does that sound?”

I couldn’t believe it! It sounded like she really wanted to come back and see me in the pool again. It also sounded as though she was more than willing to do more than just a little simple breath-holding.

I smiled as I told her, “If you think you need a little dunking, then I guess I’m your man.” That made her smile even more.

“See you next week then!” she said, beaming from ear to ear. Then she turned and strode purposefully toward the exit.

I watched her go and then sighed heavily. A part of me wasn’t sure how serious she was about coming back for a swim with me. But I decided it would be a lot of fun to find out, just to come and see if she showed up.

Was she serious with all that about allowing me to dunk her? It had certainly gotten my cock to stirring a little.

By then I wasn’t shaking nearly so bad. So I decided it was time to go change into my street clothes and then head for home.

2012; 2022 (written for jqpublic Aug 6 ’12; ed. Oct 29 ‘22 by riwa)

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Crucified by barbarians 3.1 (18)

We were told barbarians might be coming to plunder us some day. We were told they always struck in the fall. But we did not believe them, nor did we prepare ourselves accordingly.

We foolishly assumed they would not find us. We believed we were too small to bother with. But we were wrong.

They struck our small village when our men were off fighting in the King’s wars. We were not expecting their raid. Thus, we were virtually defenseless.

They swooped in, killing and plundering. They took our grain, our livestock, our mead; all of our provisions. Anyone who resisted them was mercilessly cut down.

Those they did not kill, they took away to sell as slaves. As their captive, I resigned myself to becoming some man’s mistress or sex slave. But they had a far worse fate in store for me.

They stripped me down before nailing me to a wooden cross. Then they put me upright within the shadow of the assembly hall. The only thing that protected me from total humiliation was a sheer wrap they put around my waist, not that it covered all that much.

It was an agony unlike anything I had ever experienced before. There was intense pain in my hands and feet. Worse, I had to endure that pain just to lift myself up enough to breathe. It was a cruel fate to be exposed virtually naked like that, struggling just to try to breathe.

I did not understand why they were leaving me in agony. One of them must have thought I needed explanation. As I suffered, it was told to me how they always crucified a young maiden if we were not ready with our tribute for them. It was to serve as a warning to all the other villages.

Lycia and Magdala broke away and came running over to me. But they could not figure out how to get me down. That’s when I saw the archers.

I tried to warn them, but it was too late. Arrows flew, cutting down my dear friends. They lay before me, dying upon the dirt outside the assembly hall.

Strangely, I was not afraid during the raid. I was not even afraid at the sounds of the carnage all around me. But I became greatly alarmed after they left, as an eerie silence settled in all around me.

Lycia and Magdala writhed and groaned as they lay upon the ground. But in my agony, there was nothing I could do for them. They had sacrificed themselves for me in vain. My punishment was to watch them until they stopped moving and lay silent.

I hung there all through the afternoon, praying for deliverance. I hoped someone would come along and find a way to get me down. But as day was replaced with night, I experienced a despairing chill from the night air.

I could not sleep. I had to keep lifting myself up enough to get another breath. This only added to the pain in my hands and feet.

Morning dawned, and a renewed hope swelled within me. But staring at Lycia and Magdala’s pierced, naked bodies brought me back down to despair. There was no sound, not even that of a bird flying nearby.

The sun enveloped me at noon, and I felt the full force of its rays. I was hungry, but I thirsted even more. I prayed for the return of those barbarians, if only they would somehow give me something to drink.

The hours dragged by without any respite. I began hallucinating. Lycia and Magdala would get up and leave me to suffer in silence. But when I blinked my eyes, they were back in their positions of death.

The pain in my hands and feet never went away, especially when I tried to lift myself up enough to get a decent breath. I could feel it starting to extend up my legs and along my arms. It was getting harder to lift myself up to get breath after breath.

Evening came, and with it came the cool night air. I was chilled, and I often shivered. The pain became so intense that I started crying out.

Was anyone out there? Could anyone hear my cries? I allowed my agony to make me vocal in my suffering on the chance it might attract salvation.

I do not know how many times I tried to sleep. Each time, I was awakened as I tried to rise up on my feet for another breath. That’s when I realized that hunger, thirst, and spreading pain in my arms and legs were taking their toll.

The sky began to lighten. But this time, it did not bring any hope with it. I hurt all over.

I finally reached the point where I tried to let myself die. But my body would not allow it. Instinctively, I pushed up on my feet and pulled with my arms, wanting that next breath. The pain was incredible.

I had long since cried myself out at the sight of Lycia and Magdala. They had suffered, but not nearly as long as I was suffering. I began envying them.

The sun rose higher, mercilessly beating down upon me. Thirst, hunger and agony were finally taking their toll on me. It was getting harder to lift myself up for a breath.

I could not keep my head lifted upward. I bowed forward, praying for deliverance. But I believed in no deity, and this was ultimately to be my punishment for my disbelief.

I cursed Lycia and Magdala, wishing I had died with them. Then I begged their forgiveness. In my delirium, I saw them rise up, only to be arrowed and collapse all over again.

The sun rose higher, baking me. I suffered from hunger, thirst, and an agony I wished would come to an end. But my body would not give me mercy. It always wanted one more breath… always one more breath.

And then it got harder. Each breath got more difficult. There was too much pain; I was too weakened.

I rested, the pain not quite as intense as when I tried to rise up to breathe. Each rest felt wonderful. How could moments of temporary peace be immediately accompanied by such periods of agony?

I tried to lift myself up yet again. But this time, the pain and my weakness would not let me. It was all the way down my arms into my chest; all the way up my legs into my stomach.

I needed to breathe; my body wanted to breathe. I wanted to taste the late morning air. But I could not rise up!

I tried to cry out, but I had no breath. Fear enveloped me. I fought to lift myself up despite the incredible pain in my arms and legs. But this time, it was not happening.

I tried to lift my head. But it was too heavy. Instinctively, I tried to fight, to wriggle, to move. But nothing would respond to my commands.

My chest began to heave in protest. It was a new agony, a frightening agony that told me the end was near. I should have embraced it, but my body wanted to live. But it no longer had the strength.

I went into painful spasms, my hands flexing as my toes curled. My stomach rippled as my chest heaved. But there was no breath forthcoming.

I experienced it all over again in my last few seconds: the pain of the nails, the arrowing of Lycia and Magdala, each breath I had to fight for during the long hours of agony. My heart slowed as my chest heaved and heaved. Then it finally stopped, and my suffering was at an end.

6-24-24 Inspired by Mike Hunt’s render and his story idea.

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Riwa’s Stories at Patreon 4.4 (7)

Coming July rewards

Take my breath away
Vacation 4
Relaxing in the water
Best laid plans 3
The drowning party
Terminated 3
Trusting Kurt
Just pull hard
An embarrassed mother
The hit on Revy Pt 5
Giving Tori what she wants
And a club story if I finish it in time

May stories/rewards will fall off at the end of June to make room for July rewards.

June took an interesting turn when my computer died on the morning of the 10th. I’ve been nursing it along for a year or two. I actually had it in the shop last year… or was it the year before. I like to drag my heels when I really should be updating my equipment.

I took it in and was told they might be able to retrieve my files. That way, they could transfer them to a refurbished system. If successful, it would mean I could save a lot of my files (and some money) as well as save my editing program.

I recently got a call indicating they have successfully gotten into my hard drive and will be able to do the transfer. But this means more time at the shop. It’s been two weeks thus far, and I still don’t have it back. I don’t anticipate getting it back until a few days after this update is due. So I’m going to do my best to post this using my laptop.

Meanwhile, I’ve been using an old computer I kept. The word processing system is old, and harder to edit with. I have files on it that date back to 2004. But amazingly, I’ve been able to do some writing with it. My editing is a bit iffy, so I hope to get the refurbished system back and run all these recently written stories through at least one last edit if I can.

Other than that, everything is ok. No nukes have landed yet in my neck of the woods. And mom is doing ok. So I’m going to do my best to keep trucking along. I hope all of you are doing better with your computers then I’ve been this month with mine. Thank you all so very much for being my patrons.

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The rich man’s pool (male themes) 3.7 (26)

Note: I wrote this last week using an old computer. So I thought I would try to post it here.

Clark promptly shed his speedos before jumping into the pool. He swam down and held his breath at the bottom of the deep end. It didn’t take long before he developed an erection.
It was still a little hard to believe. He had been working at a gas station when he had been “procured” by some guy he barely knew to service some gay rich man who’d seen him there a time or two.

Of course, there was money involved. All he had to do was either suck dick, or allow himself to be sucked. But those were two things that didn’t bother him in the slightest.

Clark surfaced to get a breath, noting that more guys had showed up. it always seemed like there were up to half a dozen males in the back yard at any one time. Many ended up just as naked in the pool as he was.

He looked around and saw his benefactor Bob Wenck sitting in the shallow end of the pool. Clearly, his host was enjoying sunning himself in the backyard with naked male flesh all around. When their eyes met, Clark was motioned over to come join him.

Wenck was sporting an erection when Clark swam up to him. He immediately knew what was expected of him. So he took a deep breath before going under to suck on the submerged cock.

His host liked receiving blowjobs. But he especially enjoyed getting them when someone was underwater holding their breath. Clark wondered if it was because of all the bubbles that he released during the sucking process.

He held his breath as he worked the cock over good. This time, it seemed to be taking a little longer. Did Wenck like him to hold his breath for a long time before he got his reward?

Clark was under nearly three minutes before he finally got his mouthful of cream. Then he surfaced and kissed Wenck. “You’re just too good to me,” his host said with a smile. “Next time, I hope to make you stay down even longer before you get my load. Enjoy your swim, and I might return the favor before you leave.”

Clark smiled before submerging to swim back across the pool into the deep end. Now he had an erection of his own to deal with. At least there were a couple of naked, muscular swimmers enjoying each others’ company in the depths. This added to Clark’s arousal, and he was determined to hang around and watch them for a while.

They wrestled with each other, stiff cocks waving in the water. Clark went down and sat on the bottom of the pool floor, watching their activity while holding his breath and stroking his dick. They certainly seemed like they could stay under for quite a while.
They struggled with each other until they suddenly ended up locked in a 69 position. Clark watched them suck each others’ cocks before breaking off and wrestling again. There were lots of bubbles as arms and legs went flying every which way.

Clark stayed down for as long as he could. Then he surfaced to catch his breath. They came up a few moments later, both of them treading water nearby.

They looked over in his direction and smiled. Clark smiled back at them. Then he got a big breath and submerged again.

Clark went down to the bottom, just so he could hold his breath again. This time, the two burly males came down and joined him. They sat on the bottom with him until all three guys had become three points to a submerged triangle.

Clark stroked his erection, wondering what they would do next. They smiled and bubbled as they stroked right along with him. Clark decided he liked these two. Maybe it was because they were naked and were bigger than him.

The submerged trio released bubbles as they watched each other stroke. Clark was able to stay down a good three minutes while jerking his meat. For some reason, he really wanted to impress them.

Clark reached the point where he finally had to surface, leaving them on the bottom to continue without him. He came up panting quietly for breath. They followed him up a good thirty seconds later.

One of them panted, “You’re pretty good at holding your breath. We saw you sucking Wenck’s cock underwater. You never came up the entire time until you finished him off.”

“He likes it when I suck him underwater,” Clark told them. “On a good day, I can hold it for three to three and a half minutes underwater.”

“Let’s see if you can beat Dan and I,” the other one offered.

“Sounds like fun,” Clark told them, his erection still hard and noticeable.

They all inhaled deeply. Then they submerged together. They headed down until they reached the pool floor at about the same time.

Standing on his feet, Clark was pleasantly surprised when the one named Dan knelt in front of him, wrapped his lips around his erection and began to suck. Clark loved how it felt. But now he wanted to stay down for as long as possible and wait until the very last moment before he shot his load into the man’s mouth.

The other one came down right in front of him and promptly thrust his dick into Clark’s face. Without missing a beat, he took it into his mouth and started sucking. Clark never missed an opportunity to suck or be sucked in Bob Wenck’s pool, no matter whose cock it belonged to.

Dan turned out to be quite the talented cocksucker. Meanwhile, the other one acted as though he was thoroughly enjoying Clark’s mouth. There were grunts and bubbles as cocks thrust in and out between lips.

Clark finally felt his lungs begin to burn at what felt like close to three minutes underwater. He would need to go up fairly soon. These guys certainly seemed more than capable of outlasting him.

He grunted as he tried to disengage, thinking about his need for another breath. That’s when Dan grabbed him by his wrists, keeping him on the bottom while still sucking his cock. Meanwhile, the other one grabbed the back of his head and really started to thrust into his mouth.

Clark grunted and gurgled as he started to become alarmed. Why were they not letting him go? What was wrong with them? Couldn’t they see he was out of breath??

He lost more bubbles as his chest heaved, his lungs on fire. That’s when Clark looked up and caught a glimpse of Bob standing on the edge of the pool looking down on them. It looked like their host was enjoying the view while stroking himself. Was he actually going to let these two guys drown him??

Clark finally panicked. He needed to get to the surface in the worst way. Then his fear and excitement made his cock go off between Dan’s lips.

Despite his panic, it felt good releasing his load into a nice, warm mouth. Then he felt the other one shooting a load of cum down his throat. He did his best to swallow it all, even as his lungs screamed in warning. Then he accidentally inhaled.

Clark got water down his windpipe. He immediately went into convulsions. His spasms were such that his mouth reflexively sucked all the cum out of the other guy’s balls.

Why were they deliberately keeping him submerged? One was sucking as though draining his balls, while the other kept thrusting his dick between his lips. They were drowning him; why were they drowning him??

Up at the surface, Clark thought he saw Wenck stroking a load into the water. Was he cumming because they were drowning him? Had he arranged this with them the entire time??

Clark was still gurgling and convulsing when they hauled him up. He came up gasping and coughing like crazy. They helped him stay at the surface as he coughed all the moisture out of his lungs.

Dan kissed him first… and promptly shared the load Clark had just shot into the burly man’s mouth. He had no choice but to swallow. Then the other one came up to him and kissed him as well.

Clark heard someone clapping. He looked up to see their naked host applauding them. “Bravo, gentlemen! That was extremely erotic! Well done; well done!”

He looked down at Clark and noticed the young man’s shock and dismay. Bob’s face promptly took on an apologetic look. “I probably should have warned you about Dan and Don, Clark. But I was so turned on that i just didn’t want to interrupt them, especially when they were getting to the good part.”

Dan reached out to him and patted him on the shoulder before asking, “No hard feelings, Clark?”

Clark paused for a moment. What could he say? After all, they’d gotten him safely back to the surface.

He seemed none the worse for wear. What’s more, he’d shot a huge load into Dan’s mouth, even though it had been fed back to him. So he shook his head.

“No hard feelings, guys. You did catch me by surprise though. I guess you were just having a little bit of fun.”

Wenck smiled happily. “Good. It looks like we’re still all friends here. I know I certainly enjoyed it. See me before you go home, Clark. There’ll be a generous tip in your envelope.” Then he turned and headed off to greet some new guys who’d just entered the backyard pool area.

6-15-24 Inspired by the picture I included

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My PC is down 4.3 (11)

It’s in a busy shop. Not sure when it will be ready. Uploads will be delayed until I get it back and can access my writing program and archives.

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