Underwater witch


Well, hello there. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Michelle.

What a wonderful day for a swim. And look at what we have here? I just happened to find myself a lovely pool to enjoy.

I love the water. It really turns me on. Being submerged and weightless while being forced to hold my breath? There’s nothing like it.

Actually, there’s a little more to it than that. You see, I’m rather naughty. That’s because I love drownings.

They’re my favorite thing. I enjoy watching it happen to others. I absolutely adore it when some poor, innocent thing drowns.

Michelle suddenly appears to gulp water. She hitches and gurgles, acting as though she is in agony. Then she abruptly stops drowning as a sly smile fills her features.

Somewhere in Phoenix, a naked young woman named Heather swims in her pool. She wears a dive mask to protect her eyes from the chlorine. She’s enjoying an unseasonably warm October 31st.

She’s near the bottom of the deep end when she suddenly inhales without the least bit of warning. Her eyes fly open in shock as she covers her mouth. She cannot understand what just happened.

We go back to the witch. Michelle shakes her head. No, honey. You do it like this. Then she deliberately goes into painful spasms as she appears to gulp great mouthfuls of water.

Back in Phoenix, Heather suddenly gulps water again. Her eyes fly open in horror as she gurgles. Then she inhales again.

The witch hitches as she inhales. In Phoenix, Heather unknowingly mimics her exact same drowning convulsions without realizing why she is doing it. As Michelle spasms, Heather matches the exact same convulsions.

Soon, the witch stops convulsing. But she smiles as she briefly closes her eyes. It’s as though she can see picture in her mind’s eye the action taking place in the Phoenix pool.

Her eyes open back up. Then she smiles wickedly. Poor thing. All it takes is one good gulp to trigger the inhaling reflex. Then the lungs begin to flood. Isn’t it wonderful?

In Phoenix, Heather’s drowning convulsions begin to subside. But she is incapable of reaching the surface. She sprawls out on the floor of her pool onto her back, still in shock over what has just happened.

The witch appears to be in a state of euphoria as she lets out a bubbly sigh of pleasure. Poor thing. Maybe she shouldn’t have been swimming on Halloween.

We hear an evil chuckle as a decorated scythe suddenly appears in her grasp. What’s that? Surely you misunderstand. Not all witches are afraid of the water. Some of us have needs, you know. For me, it’s cumming and drowning. And I usually enjoy taking somebody with me.

In sunny Florida, Julie sits naked in the deep end on the floor of her pool. A weight belt holds her down as she touches herself. She is very close to cumming.

The witch touches herself through her flowing robe. In Florida, Julie touches herself the same way. When the witch goes for her crotch, Julie goes for it as well.

The witch winces in orgasm, losing bubbles out of her nose. Julie suddenly winces in orgasm, also releasing bubbles out of her nostrils. That’s when the witch grins as she deliberately inhales water.

Julie’s inhalation is totally unexpected. The witch coughs and inhales again. Julie unknowingly mimics her action until she’s all caught up in a painful drowning.

Michelle lets out a bubbly cry of pleasure… I’m cumming – I’m cumming!

In Florida, Julie cums again, an action immediately followed up by another painful inhalation.

She’s drowning – she’s drowning! Oh; it’s so good! Meanwhile, Julie drowns painfully as orgasmic aftershocks ripple through her dying form.

Michelle seems all caught up in the moment. She’s had two already. But she selfishly desires more.

Come, my pretties. Trick or treat? Who wants to drown for me next?

She sees a naked young woman named Ava somewhere in Texas. A moment later, we see her too. The only thing she wears is a white bottom, along with a weight belt rolled around her waist.

She sits in a patio longer, enjoying the sun. Somehow, Michelle sees her too. You perhaps? Let’s get your hands behind your back first.

Ava suddenly rises upright on the lounger. Her wrists are secured behind her back. She has no idea how this has happened.

No, darling. I need you in the pool right this minute.

The next thing our Texan discovers is that she is now sitting in the water, just off the steps of her pool. Once again, she has no idea how she got there so fast. She is so confused… and more than a little frightened.

Ready, my dear? Then let us begin. And with that, Michelle opens her mouth wide and inhales deeply. The Texan promptly opens her mouth and gulps down a huge mouthful of water before she can stop herself.

Michelle gulps again and again, hitching and gurgling. The girl in Texas virtually mimics her actions. Michelle stops and grins as the Texan continues swallowing water.

Oh my. She’s drowning so painfully. Such a pretty young thing to be so careless in her pool on Halloween. It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving young woman.

The Texan hitches and gurgles. Her arms finally come free, the object no longer there holding her wrists together. She slowly goes over backward until she is staring up at the surface in shock and awe.

The witch suddenly holds a skull in her hands as she triumphantly raises her scythe. Drownings are so incredibly erotic. But they’re oh-so-wonderfully painful. Pain and pleasure… such a lethal combination, wouldn’t you agree?

In her eye, she spies another young woman swimming in a pool. Alicia is in San Diego. She is swimming naked in the pool of a friend.

How thoughtful she is sharing her pool with you today. After all, what are friends for? But didn’t she warn you about the faulty switch to the pool cover? Sometimes it activates without warning.

Alicia seems oblivious to the danger. The pool cover virtually makes no sound as it quietly slides across the surface. It is only when it darkens at the bottom of the pool that she realizes there is trouble.

She bursts up to the surface. But it is too late. She pushes up against the closed cover. But it hardly gives at all.

My-my. Gotten ourselves into quite a mess, haven’t we? Maybe you should have checked on that cover first, just to make sure it was functioning properly.

Alicia cries out as she beats in vain against the cover. She becomes frantic as her lungs begin to strain. Bubbles trickle out of her nose.

What perfect timing. Such a lovely, tragic accident. And you with those nice breasts too.

Darling, your nipples are rather hard! Are we anticipating experiencing a rather painfully erotic drowning? Here, let me help you.

Michelle takes the smallest of gulps of water. Alicia virtually mimics her action before a hand comes up to cover her mouth. A moment later, she finds herself hitching and gurgling as she starts to drown.

All of that for me? You’re drowning so painfully just for me? How deliciously wonderful! I guess there’s nothing left for you to do now but swallow more water until your lungs flood.

The witch suddenly takes big gulps as though she’s caught up in the middle of a painful drowning. In San Diego, Alicia takes the same big gulps. She hitches and gurgles until she loses her buoyancy.

Alicia starts to drift downward to the bottom of the pool. She ends up flat on her back, looking up in surprise. There are stray agonal spasms as the occasional bubble slips out past her parted lips.

The witch closes her eyes as though fully immersing herself in the drowning that is taking place. Then she lets out a bubbly cry of pleasure. Her eyes open as she smiles happily.

Pool covers can be so handy. One minute, they’re keeping the leaves out. The next, they’re keeping you in. What wonderful devices!

Her scythe is suddenly gone. In her hands is only the skull now. That’s when she smiles knowingly.

I don’t deal only in swimming pools, you know. The most frequent of accidents usually happens in the bathroom.

Take Rosie, for example. She’s been drinking. Now she’s got a massive headache. A nice, hot soak will do her wonders… that is, if she can safely get herself into the tub.

In the outskirts of Chicago, Rosetta prepares a bath. She has a splitting headache. Unfortunately, all that booze has not helped. Or maybe the booze is the cause.

She is testing the temperature by swirling her hand in the water when the witch makes a casual, sweeping motion with her hand. Rosie abruptly tumbles over and falls into the tub.

Michelle smiles as she makes a gulping motion. Rosie immediately does the same thing as though mimicking the witch. A moment later, she is lying on her side, gulping and bubbling… and drowning.

Ah, such a lovely drowning, even in the bathtub. So erotic. Poor thing.

The skull is suddenly replaced with a jack-o-lantern. But the witch is not done. She is all caught up in the moment.

I love when they drown on Halloween. So many accidents on such a lethal holiday. It makes it such a Happy Halloween for me. But not for some of these other poor folks.

No one is immune. Not even lifeguards practicing in their own pools. One has to know her limitations, especially on a day like today.

In Southern California, April dives to the bottom of her pool. She swims the entire length from the deep end into the shallow end. Then she turns around and swims back.

She reaches the deep end and heads for the wall. She figures she can do a couple lengths easy. Then she might call it a day.

The witch smiles before deliberately taking a great big gulp of water. April involuntarily matches the action. That’s when her eyes fly open in shock at what she’s just done.

Michelle takes another gulp for good measure. April mimics it without understanding why. Michelle smiles as she says, Let me join you, darling. Then Michelle goes into painful spasms, causing April to do the exact same thing.

April tries to claw her way toward the surface. The witch just shakes her head as she inhales again. April inhales deeply before settling down onto the pool floor.

Michelle lies propped up against the side of the pool she is in. She releases bubbles as she hitches and gurgles. April ends up laying against the side of her pool in a much similar manner, also losing bubbles out of her mouth.

The witch shudders from the pleasure of another drowning. She takes on a look of rapture. Ah, another unfortunate accident, swallowing water at the bottom of her pool. How deliciously wonderful.

April finally becomes limp and lifeless. She lies against the bottom wall of the pool, her lips parted. The occasional bubble slips out of her mouth.

Michelle smiles dreamily before coming back to reality. She holds the skull between her knees. Now she has a witch’s hat on her head.

Anyone else want to drown before I go? Such a lovely way to go out, cumming as your lungs fill with water. How about you, darling? You look like you could put on quite a performance for me.

In Florida, Linda is actually practicing her “drowning” skills. She performs for an underwater video company. Today, she sits on the bottom of her pool, her hands cuffed behind her back.

Oh, my. You’re all ready to go, aren’t you? Did you do all that just for my benefit? How thoughtful of you.

Linda struggles as she sits on the bottom of the pool. Is she trying to work her hands free while performing some sort of escape act?

Oh, how lovely. I just love it when their hands are already secured behind their back. That makes things so much easier for me.

How silly of you to put yourself into that kind of situation, darling. But I humbly accept. Now why don’t you sit there and wriggle your chest for me?

The witch shakes her chest from side to side. In Florida, Linda does the same thing. She’s not sure why she does it. But she goes along with it anyway.

The witch smiles knowingly. Now for one big breath, darling. Let’s try it together, shall we?

Michelle opens her mouth wide. Then she appears to take a big breath. In Florida, Linda opens wide and takes a big breath without meaning too. It shocks her.

How about another one, darling; just for me? Then Michelle opens her mouth and inhales again. Poor Linda takes another one, unable to fathom what she has just done.

Oh, that’s wonderful, darling. Now let the drowning commence. Then Michelle begins hitching and gurgling as though she is painfully swallowing water.

Linda gulps water down her windpipe. She immediately begins hitching and convulsing in agony. This was not at all how this was supposed to turn out!

Her breasts shake and wobble as she painfully inhales. She experiences an unexpected orgasm in the process. The witch enters a state of bliss as she sighs… Yes – yes – yes! What a lovely drowning orgasm!

Michelle holds up the skull. Happy Halloween, everyone. My work here is done. It is time to depart. But I see the homeowner has returned. Perhaps one for the road? Then she smiles wickedly.

A woman in a white blouse and black skirt comes into the back yard. She looks down into the water and is shocked at what she sees. “Hey! Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my pool?” Then she waves as she declares, “Get out of there!”

From the bottom of the pool, the witch smiles up at her. So nice of you to come home. What perfect timing. Won’t you join me? Come, let us drown together. Then she reaches up and makes a pulling motion as though trying to pull her in, urging her to come join her.

The homeowner finds herself unexpectedly pitching head first into the water. She can’t understand how it happened. It felt as though her arm was grabbed and she was pulled in. But how could that be when her intruder was clear down at the bottom of her pool??

The witch motions her to come closer. The homeowner finds herself being irresistibly pulled toward her. She becomes frightened at her inability to resist.

The witch grabs her by the shoulders. The homeowner is seemingly paralyzed, unable to move. That’s when Michelle pulls her close and kisses her on the lips.

The homeowner is helpless to do anything other than return the kiss. It is deep and soulful. Then they pull apart.

The witch smiles knowingly at her while still holding her shoulders. Then she opens her mouth and appears to inhale water. All right; now it’s your turn.

The homeowner opens her mouth and also inhales. It’s as though she cannot stop herself. Her eyes fly open at what she has just done.

The witch grins knowingly at her as she lets go. That’s right, my lovely. Drown for me. Then she inhales once… twice… three times.

The homeowner mimics Michelle’s inhalations until she cannot stop. She goes into painful drowning spasms as she tumbles onto her side. She is shocked at what she witnesses next, even as she continues to drown.

The witch is no longer clothed! She lies naked on the bottom of the pool. And she is drowning too!

Michelle swallows water, inhaling over and over again. Her nipples are painfully hard. She knows the homeowner is drowning right next to her… and it fills her with such excitement that she orgasms.

The homeowner is shocked. But there is nothing she can do. She can only watch in horror until the life winks out of her eyes.

The witch spasms and convulses until she lies still upon the floor of the pool… So good… so heavenly… drowning with her… cumming and drowning… yes, darling. Such a lovely drowning you have given me.

Michelle lies on the bottom near the drowned pool owner who is still in her clothes. The witch cums over and over again until she lies absolutely still.

The words Happy Halloween echo throughout the backyard. Then she slowly fades away until she and her objects are gone. It is as though she was never there at all.

2023 (written Dec 8 ’23 by riwa. Pictures found all over the Internet and used for illustration purposes. Dedicated to Michelle.)

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