Julie’s fatal audition 4 (11)

A repost of an older story.

Julie took a deep breath and submerged right in front of the opening to the main tank. With a strong kick and a burble she squirted through the gate. That’s when she headed straight for the wheel valves on the opposite wall, less than 20 feet away.

‘I can DO this!’ she told herself confidently. ‘I can swim all the way across, turn all three valves, and then swim back out all in one breath!’ After all, that was what was expected of her for this audition.

She was at the first valve in a matter of seconds. It was the one nearest the glass wall.  Immediately she went to work on it.

She prided herself on totally ignoring the videographer as he filmed her through the solid sheet of glass off to her left. He’d already told her she needed to act as though he wasn’t even there. She was to pretend the wall was solid. After all, this was supposed to be taking place inside a sunken vessel.

Julie was wearing her skimpy silver bikini. The scene wasn’t designed for her current attire. But the videographer had agreed to allow her to wear whatever she felt comfortable in for this particular audition.

There was a reason for her current attire. Julie desperately wanted to impress him with her sexy curves as well as her acting skills. She vowed to do anything that would help land the role that might just launch her career.

She made a show of grunting, releasing a few bubbles as she turned the circular iron wheel. He wanted to see some effort on her part. In the scene it wasn’t supposed to be all that easy.

She focused on the task at hand. Supposedly her character was trying to help other trapped passengers by counter-flooding another compartment. A moment later she turned the wheel a full revolution before moving over to the next one.

Julie bubbled as she feigned straining with all her might against the second valve. It gave just as easily as the first one. It was up to her to portray how difficult it was.

This was to be her brave sacrifice. In this scene she was to be condemned to a noble, yet tragic death. She was helping to free the other.

She did her best to make it appear as though she was struggling mightily. Then she completed a full revolution with the wheel. She had one more left to go.

‘Not bad,’ she told herself as she moved over the remaining few feet to the third one that lay next in line. “I’m turning all the wheels on one breath. I think I’m going to get the part!’

Julie felt proud of her underwater abilities. She’d been struggling to hold her breath long enough to stay in the tank. She was supposed to turn all three valves on one breath while trying to portray the difficulty of opening each one.

According to the videographer, the director wanted the entire scene in one take. They would be able to film her running out of air later on. In the scene it was supposed to occur as she tried to get back through the corridor. Basically the hard part was this particular scene where she needed to turn all three valves on the same breath.

Julie felt her lungs start to heave ever so softly. Yet she was confident she was nailing this scene. She allowed herself to lose a little burst of air out of her nose as she “struggled” with the final valve.

She threw herself into the last one, grunting and struggling with it before starting to turn it. A moment later she made it look as though it was starting to give way. She burbled again as she slowly rotated it all the way around.

Her lungs were beginning to show the strain now. But it was only a brief swim back out through the gate to this makeshift tank that had been built for auditions. Hopefully with this final effort she was winning the part for herself.

With an inward smile Julie completed the rotation. She turned away from the camera so she wouldn’t instinctively look right at it. Then she kicked hard back toward the gate…

To her surprise she saw it was closed. What the hell? Was this an additional part of her audition??

Julie felt a surge of panic rise up in her throat. But she forced it back down. She had to be professional about this.

She and the videographer had idly talked about risking her staying in the tank a few extra seconds to make the scene look better. Perhaps he’d closed the gate just to see how she would convey her fear at being trapped underwater. After all, her character was supposed to get trapped and drown shortly after turning the valves. Was he testing her dramatic portrayal of the situation right here?

Julie assumed it was part of her audition as she swam up to the gate. She pulled on it as her lungs began to burn. She tugged and bubbled as anxiety naturally welled up within her.

She didn’t need to act to portray fear at this point. She had a natural anxiety, a legitimate fear of drowning. It was something she had to overcome just to get the chance to audition, much less win the part. But she’d told the guy she was confident she could do it.

She’d tried to hide her fears from everyone. Besides, she’d believed her natural anxiety would come through, adding to the overall scene. All she had to do was hold her breath long enough.

He’d agreed to allow her a couple of do-overs, allowing her a chance to improve her breath-hold times. It was also helping her overcome her natural fears. This time she’d proved she could swim all the way in, portray herself struggling to turn the three valves, and then swim back out.

This one was going well so far. But now she was feeling that anxiety. If only he hadn’t closed the gate on her.

Had he sensed her fear? Was this a part of the audition he needed her to pass? Either way, this was really starting to make her feel anxious!

Julie tugged hard on the gate before giving up. She tried lifting it up, growing more anxious to get out with each passing second. She was almost out of breath.

She could feel her lungs straining in her chest now. She could feel those uncomfortable spasms as her body clamored for another breath. But she couldn’t get the gate open.

Giving up altogether, Julie went straight for the long glass window. She could see him filming from the other side. Then she began motioning as she tapped against the glass…

“Hello? I can’t hold my breath any longer! Open the gate; ok? Hey… need a little help here?”

She waved and motioned at him, trying to get his attention. He just continued filming as though this was all part of the scene. His face remained directly behind the camera; she could not see his eyes.

Julie pounded on the glass as her lungs heaved. “C’mon – I want OUT now!” Then she motioned over at the barrier… “C’mon already… open the gate and let me out!”

The spasms in her lungs were getting painful. She was almost out of air. Yet the videographer – Russell, as she recalled his first name – didn’t appear to be in any hurry.

Did he have some sort of remote control device that would open the gate? He’d better damned well hurry up and get to it! Otherwise she might…

Julie didn’t want to think about that as her anxiety intensified. She pounded on the glass with her palms. Then she spasmed hard, losing a burst of air.

Something was wrong here! What the hell was he doing?? Didn’t he understand the trouble she was in??

Julie instinctively covered her mouth as the urge to inhale became almost overpowering. She pounded on the glass with her free hand as her cheeks began to bulge. Her mind screamed at him to let her out as bubbles slipped out through the fingers covering her lips…


She turned and kicked hard for the gate. It was still down. Julie screamed her breath away as she reached out and pulled on it with all her might.

The gate rattled in its confinement. But it did not give way, nor did it slide open. A moment later the urge to inhale became almost overwhelming.

Julie instinctively shot upward. She smacked up against the wire grating at the top of the tank. It was in place to add to the nature of her audition so she would be forced to go in and out through the small opening. At several inches below the waterline it had now become a part of her entombment.

Her fingers clawed through the small openings. She desperately started yanking down on it, trying to break out of her prison. Then Julie inhaled with a gurgle as her lungs gave out.

Instantly she went into a series of convulsions. She reflexively tried to cough out the water that had just been sucked down her windpipe. It was her fear of drowning coming horribly true.

Her eyes flew open in horror as she pounded on the wire grating above her. It rattled with a muffled underwater metallic sound. But it too refused to give way.

Julie tried to scream, but it came out in a muffled gurgle. She grunted and hitched as her lungs flooded. She drifted upward until her body convulsed against the wire grating above her…


It wasn’t quite what he wanted. But it would have to do. After all, telling her the truth would not have worked, right?

Originally he’d hoped to have her drown while facing him. He wanted her to pound on the glass before instinctively shooting up for the surface and the grating above her. But he supposed it was only natural she would make one last attempt for the gate, a gate he’d arranged to close the moment she was distracted with the first valve.

He was proud of the way she’d been able to hold her breath for so long. She’d previously displayed some anxieties while being underwater. But she’d held her breath long enough during this last take to work on all three valves, plus the closed gate, plus pounding on the glass to get his attention before panic had set in.

He watched carefully, eagerly recording every move poor Julie made as she drowned in his tank. Her body jerked weakly as it splayed itself up against the grating that kept her well short of the surface. Her arms waved feebly, her legs twitching in spastic kicks. A moment later she sighed with a gurgle before going limp, her body coming to rest face up against the grate.

Russell left the video equipment running because he didn’t want to miss anything. Sure enough, if he would have turned it off he would have missed capturing the view of her body as it slowly settled to the floor of the tank. A couple of solitary bubbles slipped out past her parted lips.

He smiled with satisfaction. He could just make out her expression. There was a delicious combination of horror mixed with utter astonishment.

He looked upward at the metal grating near the top of the tank. He made a mental note to rig up some sort of camera above the grating to catch the next woman he planned on filming. He wanted to capture her panicked expression from above.

Russell sighed contentedly at Julie’s sexy body. He was pleased with his ingenuity. After all, there was a market out there for those who shared his perverse drowning fantasies.

2007; 2019 (written Dec 26 ’07; ed. Apr 14 ‘19 by riwa)

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Patreon and Riwas Reads updates 0 (0)

Riwa’s Stories at Patreon

Coming April rewards

The conclusion to the island story and the battle raging for the scuba regulator.
More of the Club series A Night to Remember
Some drowning shorts inspired by drawings, and some by renders.
An elf meets an orc, and the consequences that follow.
A short interrogation (during WW2).
Jodi has a last swim in the pool (last for her).
Bandits capture a bus load of tourists in Malaysia

February stories/rewards will fall off at the end of March to make room for April rewards.

April promises to have complications. I may be relocated here at the apartment complex. That will require going up and down the steps and hauling my possessions from one unit to another. And I just had a birthday this last month and turned way older than 29. Fun times.

I did have an emergency room visit this last month. The good news: It was not the “beer bug” as some call it. The bad news: my gallbladder acted up pretty wickedly. We’re going to see if it is getting worse or if I can nurse it along for a little while longer. Otherwise mom and I are doing well. I hope you all stay safe and do not have to make any special trips to the hospital or doctor. And as always: thank you so very much for being my patrons.

Riwa’s Reads updates

Private Lessons (plus bonus) (3-11-20)

13394 words – $6.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a pair of older, recently edited stories of breath-holding.

Private Lessons – Inspired by bhcindy comes the story of two teens who must share a room together in their all-girls school due to their animosity with each other. That animosity carries over into scuba practice in the pool where they fight over the regulator. The only way to avoid punishment is to receive private lessons from the attractive Miss Milani who will subject them to some erotic breath-holding exercises. (24 pages)

The Making of a Breath-holder – The true story about how Miss Riwa first began to practice holding her breath in the hot tub. (9 pages)

Included is a bonus clip of Miss Riwa holding her breath in a sexy bikini in a private soaking room. The clip was originally made in mov format. It has been converted to MP4, but sadly there is a black frame around it. I hope you still enjoy it. 1920×1080 w/frame 51.8 Mb Time 1:03

Island 23-24 (3-11-20)

18152 words – $6.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes the continuation of a pair of long, older series recently edited, the Island of Condemned Inmates and Jaime visiting the Club.

Island 23-24 – The inmates find themselves in another elimination contest. But they are surprised by the pairings that are announced. Who will survive and who will not make it out of the underwater tunnels? (20 pages)

Jaime 28-29 – Jaime and their next door neighbor Sylvia are banged in a sex room. Meanwhile Jaime’s sister picks out a consensual girl named Katrin for her husband John to enjoy fucking in a special room before the girl willingly takes a rope around her neck. (16 pages)

Dear Diary 02 (plus bonus) (reactivated 3-22-20)

10950 words – $5.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a reposted chapter of the Dear Diary series with a bonus story.

Dear Diary 02 – Kristen is over at Tina’s house, the two of them out by the pool. Even though their mothers are inside having coffee, they get into the water and start getting frisky with each other. Kristen tells her best friend what her mother did to her in the water the other day, which Tina has a hard time believing. So Kristen goes right ahead and SHOWS her! But guess who comes out to watch while they are naked in the pool having a little underwater fun? (9 pages)

Sherry’s Visit – An old friend from high school drops in for a visit. Richard introduces her to the hot tub, and they enjoy a soak together. But what he doesn’t know is that she has found their stash of playtoys in the guest bathroom and wants a little demonstration! (12 pages)

Dear Diary 16 (3-22-20)

10712 words – $5.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes another chapter in the popular Dear Diary series.

I found three entries with a bubbling (drowning) theme. The first entry deals with Kristen betting her brother she can hold her breath longer. The second entry involves her telling Tina what happened, causing Tina to want to engage in a breath-hold contest. The third entry describes what happens when Billy comes to collect on his sister’s (drowning) debt while Tina and Kristen’s mom are out in the pool area. (23 pages)

Laura’s crush (plus Club bonus) (reactivated 3-22-20)

19856 – $6.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a couple of older reposted stories. The star of this bundle is the inclusion of the next 4 chapters in the Club visit saga.

Laura’s crush – Laura has a crush on a lifeguard, only to find herself getting rescued by him when a dunking game with an annoying classmate goes awry. (6 pages)

My visit to the Club 21-24 – I want to get Alison out of the Club before her sensor pops. But she wants to see that the twins get their due before she leaves. So I go fetch Evelyn. Then we take them all to a special room where we tie up the twins and then stuff all their holes.

Evelyn shows curiosity about the implements in the room. We put Alicia into the chair and allow Evelyn to operate the remote. But when she shows interest in the orgasms created by the chair, we gladly strap her in for the ride of her life. When Alyssa gets her turn in the chair, I put Alicia into the machine that could make her lose her head. (30 pages)

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Mata Hari 4 (3)

I awaken alone in bed, but it doesn’t trouble me in the slightest. I’m in an apartment provided to me by my lover, an officer of the German Hussars who has no doubt gone back to his work. He knows I’ll be gone for a few days.

I haven’t told him where I’m going or when I’ll return. He doesn’t care so long as I come back to him to strip naked and satisfy his carnal lusts. He needn’t worry as it’s a desire we both share.

I have another lover back in Paris, a French general who leaves me breathless. I’m susceptible to a military uniform of any rank. It makes me go all weak in the knees.

I tend to hire myself out to any military officer of any rank and nationality who is interested in what I have to offer. And they’re all interested in what I have to offer. I’ve served as courtesan to numerous men, many of whom are officers who serve in the military. It pays me well and they frequently set me up in locations such as this one.

I must admit I’ve been known to extend my favors to the enlisted men for free. I like to convince myself that perhaps it’s an act of charity, knowing they make far less than the officers. But to be honest I believe it’s the uniform, regardless of who’s wearing it. I’ve been known to give it up to several enlisted men in a single evening after giving them all a little dance while removing my garments.

I’m looking forward to my trip to Paris as this French general greatly excites me. His power to send men onto the battlefield to their deaths is intoxicating. What’s more, he knows how to treat a woman with my carnal desires. But war is a terrible business, especially the one that is now being fought.

France and Germany have tried to drag the entire world into a meaningless conflict… well, meaningless in my eyes. As a citizen of neutral Holland I can go wherever I please. And I often go so long as there will be a uniformed gentlemen waiting for me at my destination to satisfy my needs. I always seem to have someone waiting for me.

As I bathe in a luxurious tub in my apartment I find myself thinking back to how far I’ve come. When I was 18 I answered a newspaper ad for a wife for an officer in the Dutch colonial army. We lived in Holland and I bore him a son. Then he was posted to the Dutch East Indies. I willingly went along with him.

While we were there I bore him a daughter. But our son died and he took up a native wife along with a concubine. He was a violent alcoholic who used to beat me, especially when he caught me flirting with the other officers. So when we returned to Europe I left him and went to Paris on the assumption that all women who leave their husbands go to Paris.

I began to earn a living as a model and a circus performer. I rode horses bareback under the name Lady MacLeod. I had choosen to use my former husband’s last name.

I saw another female performer ride them naked, which intrigued me. I could not help noticing all the attention she received. So I tried my hand as an exotic dancer, ultimately taking the stage name Mata Hari.

In the Dutch East Indies I had studied Javanese dance. I concocted some story about myself, changing the details of my birth and early years. I became an instant success, especially since I would strip all my clothes off and flaunt my body. Although I was not a very good dancer I used provocative movements of the orient which were quite fashionable at the time.

It wasn’t long until others began to imitate my presentation, often doing them much better than I ever could. There were those who started to question the authenticity of my performance. But by then I did not care. I was popular, and I was often called upon to perform at social events all across Europe.

During that time I often hired myself out at intimate gatherings and parties. I twirled and danced as I removed my clothes until I was in a complete state of undress. I was very self conscious of my small breasts.

I always wore some sort of bra until the final act. But I remained in great demand. It gave me the opportunity to meet many men in uniform, some of whom ultimately became my lovers.

To supplement my income I began hiring myself out as a courtesan. I took up with many a man – especially those in uniform – and I traveled a great deal. It made my former life as a wife to that horrible Dutch officer MacLeod seem so long ago and so very far away.

As I soak in my tub I find myself thinking of Georges. He will probably want a report, although I have nothing of interest to offer him. He hired me to serve as a French agent in the fine art of espionage. But that is the least of my concerns when I am in the apartment provided to me by my German lover. All I am interested in is his uniform, his wonderful male member that penetrates me and all of the attention he bestows upon me.

When I finish my bath I quickly dress before making my way down to the train station. My thoughts are only for my French general now… although I will be more than happy to entertain anyone in uniform should I get the opportunity. After all, I’m an equal opportunity harlot.

–I’m in my room at the Hotel Plaza Athénée in Paris when I hear a knock at the door. My heart quickens with anticipation that my lover has arrived. But it is immediately dashed when I see who is waiting for me out in the hall.

Several soldiers await me as though I’m someone extremely dangerous. It is evident they are not here for my charms. I’m immediately put under arrest.

I’m shocked to learn they believe me to be a double agent. Apparently there are some German intercepts that supposedly detail the help of a certain spy. Somebody believes I am that spy, and I soon find myself being locked away in prison to await trial.

I come to learn that the penalty for such a crime is execution by firing squad. I am absolutely innocent. Only now do I begin to regret passing up the advice of so many… but only a little.

My friends warned me about taking on so many lovers in uniform, especially those who are deemed to be on the other side in this world conflict. But what should it matter who I make love to? Are my exotic performances and carnal passions about to condemn me to an abrupt and ignominious end?

I fully expect Georges to come set the record straight. But he never comes to see me. He’s the one who recruited me to spy for the French in the first place. But it was something I never took seriously, certainly nothing so traitorous as to become a double-agent serving the German government.

He has always played a shadowy part in this business. It occurs to me I haven’t seen him very often. I sense a conspiracy.

Someone needs a scapegoat and I’m the most available. I’m nothing but a harlot. But now that I need Georges the most, he is nowhere to be found. Sadly I will never discover that he is the double-agent and will later be arrested.

At my two-day trial I’m accused of giving information to Germany, resulting in the deaths of over 50,000 soldiers. None of it is true. They are unable to produce any actual evidence against me.

Some believe the ink I use as part of my make-up in my performances is some sort of secret ink. That and my ability to travel freely convinces them all of my guilt. The military court perfunctorily sentences me to death.

I simply cannot believe it! I’m accused of treason. But in this climate I have no ability to proclaim my innocence.

How ironic. It seems my harlot ways have finally caught up to me in a most unique fashion. I’m to pay a terrible price for it.

What saddens me is that I will no longer experience the pleasures of that glorious part of the male anatomy as it fills my hungry sex. I will miss the attentions of those kind and generous officers who now fight on opposite sides of the war. And I will miss the attentions of those kindly young soldiers as well.

Several months pass, leaving me with a faint hope my innocence will be discovered. But it is a vain hope. Soon word comes down, bringing me news of the day of my execution.

There will be no appeals. It is unavoidable. I will now face the firing squad.

They want me to confess to crimes I have not committed. They wish me to beg for my life. But they are in for a disappointment. I will not go out like a coward.

My pride remains intact and I am resolute. I will not admit to a deed I have not done. It no longer matter that proclaiming my innocence falls upon deaf ears. My appointment with the firing squad is set. I treasure the few remaining days I have left.

On a cool October morning I am awakened by the nun who tells me I must prepare for my execution. The prison doctor oversees me as I slip into my stockings. The nun scolds me for showing too much leg. What does my appearance matter if I am about to die?

I decide I will display myself in any manner I deem appropriate. I deliberately slip into a long coat that temporarily covers my mostly naked body. The nun scowls at me, but she sees the determination in my face and does not press the matter. Besides, my executioners are waiting, and it is best for her not to tarry over something as mundane as my attire.

I’m taken by car from the prison across Paris to the barracks of the old fort at Vincennes. Twelve Zouaves have been drawn up as my firing squad. I examine each face as I’m escorted across the courtyard.

When they make eye contact with me I look at each one with a knowing smile. I bare them no grudge. They are only doing their duty.

As I look at each one I allow my eyes to glint with a promise I will not be able to fulfill. Were I not soon to be executed I would give each one a performance along with some personal attention. It would be something they would remember to their dying day.

My slit moistens as I long to feel one of their hardened members one last time between my legs. But it is not to be, certainly not on this particular day. So I will hold my head high.

I’m offered a blindfold, but I firmly decline. If I’m to be executed then I wish to look into the eyes of my executioners. I wish to see their faces as they kill me.

There is no need to bind me either. I willingly follow the officer to the exact spot where I will soon breathe my last. I give him a lustful look as well, but he chooses not to make eye contact with me.

The Zouaves take up their weapons, and I find myself panting heavily for breath. My nipples are exceedingly hard as a wetness sets in between my legs. I feel a strange excitement at these uniformed gentlemen who will soon be sending me into the next world.

I tremble with anticipation as I feel a shortness of breath. Is this what it feels like before one sheds their mortal coil? I’m more excited than I am frightened.

I smile coyly, eyeing each one as though gauging who I might enjoy the most if given half a chance. After all, why should I not flirt a little? Soon I’ll be dead and it will no longer matter.

The officer declares, “Present arms!” My breath catches in my throat. It is time.

I’m asked if I have any last words. So I allow my coat to fall off my shoulders, presenting my own “arms”. I give them one last look at who I truly am as I reveal my small, heaving breasts and exposed slit. I can’t help hoping that perhaps more than one of my executioners will discharge something more than just the rifle in his hands.

“A harlot, yes!” I proudly proclaim. “But a traitor, never!”

My last declaration does not move anyone. But I did not expect it to. Still, I see something in the eyes of a couple of those Zouaves. It makes my nipples harden even more knowing they may be lusting after me.

“Ready…!” the officer declares.

I hear the sound of a dozen chambers being loaded with lethal cartridges. I tremble as I defiantly thrust my chest out. I wish to offer them a tempting target as I proudly lift my chin up.


A dozen weapons rise to fixate on my nearly naked, quivering body. I stand resolute without flinching. My breath catches in my throat.

In that last moment I notice the greenery of the trees and the whiff of the fall air. Wars may come and soldiers will die, but the seasons are inexorable. I realize with a hint of sorrow that I shall never witness the next snowfall or the beauty of another spring.

Then the officer drops his sword with the command, “FIRE!” The volley is deafening. I feel the bullets penetrate my chest.

Amazingly I am not killed instantly. But the bullets deprive me of my ability to stand. I slowly crumple to my knees, my life ebbing away.

I find myself coughing up blood, indicating my lungs have been punctured. I briefly glance down to see that my right breast is shattered. I determine that one of the many shots has struck me below the navel, quite near to my dripping sex. Too bad I will never learn who fired that particular shot.

With my head held high I stare with incredible calmness at the men who have just killed me. Somehow I remain upright a moment or two longer. But the damage is too great.

I fall over backwards, my knees doubling up underneath me. ‘So this is the how a harlot comes to her end,’ I think to myself. ‘She is executed by those she would have given her favors to.’

I look up at the October sky as my life flashes before my eyes. My last memory is of that officer in the German Hussars who set me up in his apartment. Sadly I will not be returning to him as he had hoped.

The officer slowly approaches my body. Seeing that I’m still alive he draws his revolver. ‘Go ahead,’ I think in defiance and resignation. ‘Put this harlot out of her misery if you must.’

The last thing I feel is the muzzle against my left temple. Then I hear one last, lethal discharge. My suffering is at an end.

2011; 2019 (written May 24 ’11; ed. Apr 4 ‘19 by riwa)

(Picture added for illustration purposes only.)

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Scuba desires 3.8 (5)

An older story reposted.

She quietly works in her office, studiously going over reports. In the back of her mind she wonders why she’s still single, why she has no one to go home to. But deep down she knows why.

She’s still bitter about her breakup two years ago. She hasn’t allowed any man to get close to her since. Those who’ve tried have been rebuffed, some more rudely than others.

She’s made it a point to be a strong-willed bitch to everyone around her. She’s introspective and knows this is who she is. Sometimes it bothers her, but in the end it keeps her at a distance from those around her.

She places her papers down on her desk and listens intently for the sound of the janitor. But the hall outside is quiet. The distinct hum of the floor buffer she heard earlier is no longer echoing in the building.

A quick check of the wall clock indicates the old man has probably finished and gone home to his wife. She sighs heavily. At least he has someone to go home to. Then she reminds herself she prefers it this way.

She’s alone in the building, alone with a need that is growing within her. It’s an ache for intimacy, true companionship. ‘Well,’ she tells herself. ‘Perhaps I’m alone. But I know how to satisfy that other itch.’

She gets up out of her office chair and slips out of her high-heeled shoes. She also removes her jacket. Then she strides out the door and down the hall with purpose.

She knows this will delay her getting home. But there’s nothing to go home to. She doesn’t even own a pet.

She moves through the darkened halls with growing excitement. She’s starting to anticipate what is about to come. This is the one thing that satisfies her the most.

She didn’t invest in the diving school just to make money. Being the sole proprietor allows her to use the facilities as she pleases. And tonight she’s going to please herself once more while driving those longings away.

She rounds the corner and pushes through the double doors. Immediately she’s hit by the smell of chlorine as the diving pool lies before her. The scent is strangely intoxicating, perhaps because it reminds her of the pleasures to come.

Her one, true companion throughout the last couple of years has been the water. She’s spent a lot of her free time in this diving pool. Even now she hears it call to her as it always does, promising her pleasures of the deep.

Her heart rate quickens as she strides over to the equipment locker. She picks out a suitable scuba tank and dive mask. Then she begins to undress.

As she begins to shed her office clothes, her business persona evaporates. The bitch she portrays by day disappears. In its place is a woman in her thirties who’s still fairly attractive and hasn’t hit the wall yet.

The blouse and skirt come off, followed by her bra and panties. She is alone in the building, out of view of prying eyes. No one is around to interrupt her dive.

Deep down she does not really prefer it this way. But her life patterns are too ingrained, her habits too etched in stone to change. She’s not even sure what she would do if a handsome young man were to barge in on her right now.

Her nipples are hard as she checks her equipment. Soon she will enter the cool embrace of her watery lover. Her breathing quickens as she checks her regulator, making sure it’s functioning properly.

She reaches over for a weight belt she is familiar with, one she knows is a little too heavy for her. But she doesn’t want to be neutrally buoyant. She wants to be taken down to the bottom of the diving pool and be made love to by cool water.

She wraps the belt around her bare waist. Then she hefts the scuba gear onto her back, strapping it onto her 5′ 8″ frame. Her breasts tingle with anticipation.

She notices she’s already wet down below. But she tells herself to be patient. It won’t be much longer now.

She places the regulator between her full lips and breathes deeply. She picks up the dive mask, pulls it down over her head and snugs it to her face. Then she walks up to the edge of the dive pool.

The lights are dimmed, the surface smooth as glass. She stares down into the depths, the sound of her breathing through the regulator echoing in the dive chamber. She hears the pool call to her once more, causing her to gasp excitedly as she steps forward off the edge of the pool.

There is an instant shock to her system as her naked body is engulfed by cool water. She feels goose pimples break out all over as her nipples harden considerably. She shivers with excitement.

Immediately she places her hands behind her back and grabs onto her wrists. She fantasizes a world where she no longer controls everything around her. It is her escape from the demands of her business.

She struggles briefly as though she’s been forced into this situation. She feels the excitement build down between her legs. The weight belt takes her downward into the depths.

The pressure builds all around her. For a moment she is forced to set fantasy aside long enough to pinch her nose through the dive mask and equalize, easing the strain in her ears. Then her hand returns to her other one behind her back.

She begins to struggle in earnest, squeezing her thighs together as she sinks ever downward. In her mind she is forced into this predicament. She “doesn’t know” if she’ll be able to get back up before she runs out of air.

Her feet touch bottom, 25 feet down. She slowly topples over onto her back, careful not to ding her dive tank. Then she lies like that for several minutes, the only sound being her breath through the regulator.

She lies there struggling, allowing her excitement to build. In her mind’s eye she waits on the ocean floor for what will come next. She has been left to drown.

Will she be rescued? It seems unlikely. Then her fantasy morphs into the next phase.

A strong man comes down in scuba gear, finding her in her predicament. He reaches out to caress her quivering breasts. Immediately she pulls her hands out from behind her back.

She starts to touch her 36Bs. Her breasts are soft and sensitive. Touching them sends shock waves of pleasure coursing through her body, heightening her arousal.

She’s still helpless, unable to free herself. She wonders what he intends to do to her. Her heart races as the exhaust from her regulator bubbles to the surface.

She continues to play with her breasts, fingering her nipples while gently caressing herself. She imagines it’s her captor who is doing it. He has strapped scuba gear onto her naked body and dropped her here for his own nefarious purposes.

She mentally fights against him. But a part of her wishes he would touch her somewhere else. She wants him to touch her where her need is the most severe.

She continues to caress her breasts, working herself up into a lather the way her fantasy man would do. He is holding back, focusing intently on her chest and its many sensory inputs. It drives her mad with desire.

Her eyes plead with him to touch her in a more intimate location. But he refuses. Her naked body shivers with longing.

The lighting is dim, the only sound being her breathing through her regulator. She’s almost certain she can hear the sound of her heart hammering in her chest. She moans helplessly.

‘TAKE ME!’ she pleads silently with her fantasy man. ‘DO TO ME AS YOU WILL!’ A moment later he does just that as she can stand it no longer.

Her hand snakes down until her fingers find her swollen clit and swirl over the top of it. Her body instantly tenses up. Then she mentally begs him to fill her with his throbbing manhood as she plunges two fingers into her clenching womanhood.

Her eyes snap open as her back arches. She screams in pleasure, the orgasm slamming into her with the impact of a runaway locomotive. Bubbles froth out of her regulator as she gasps for breath, her body spasming in sexual ecstasy.

It mercifully passes as she caresses her breasts in the afterglow of orgasm. Then an image comes to mind. It’s one of her diving instructors, a handsome young man who works for her dive shop.

Her eyes widen in surprise that she’s thinking about him. She suddenly thrusts those same two fingers into her pussy. Now she is imagining it is him that is fucking her.

She has rebuffed a couple of his advances. Yet he always smiles at her each time she passes by. It’s as though he knows something.

In her mind she feels his blue eyes looking right through her with longing. Her whole body quivers unexpectedly as she thrusts hard into her opening. It hits her again, harder than last time.

She stiffens and cries out as the orgasm washes through her body. It triggers little fires of desire in every nerve ending. Why does she keep thinking about him?

She hears the exhaust from her regulator. Bubbles race each other to the surface as she jerks and spasms with incredible pleasure. She feels the cool embrace of her watery lover.

For a moment her vision goes dim. But it soon returns. She sucks hard on the regulator in an attempt to get her breath back.

A moment later her fantasy image is gone. She realizes she is all alone again. She feels so terribly alone. Does it really need to be this way?

Her eyes open with revelation as she sits up, pulling air into her lungs from the tank on her back. Perhaps it is time to let go of the past. Then the image of the instructor comes to mind once again.

Perhaps it’s time to let go and start anew. She already knows one other person who seems to share her love of scuba. It is he who she wants to share her fantasy with.

Perhaps the next time he looks at her she should not turn away…

She suddenly kicks off the bottom and swims for the surface. Her heart much lighter than it had been when she stepped into the dive pool. There’s an element of hope that hadn’t been there before. Perhaps she can change her future.

She breaks the surface and swims over to the ladder. She climbs out, her heart beating rapidly with a strange excitement. As she sheds her equipment, she finds herself impatient for the new day that is to come just a few hours hence.

She carefully stows her dive gear before making use of one of the towels that lie in a pile nearby. Then she slips back into her clothes. She winces slightly as she looks at them.

She vows to wear something a little less formal to work tomorrow. She can still look business-like. But she can also appear more feminine.

She pushes through the double doors and leaves the dive pool. Maybe it’s time to leave the “bitch” at the bottom of the dive pool. Maybe that’s what her fantasies signify. Maybe it’s time to give that up and become someone else…

2006; 2019 (written Dec 21 ’06; ed. Aug 2 ‘19 by riwa)

Posted in Underwater Stories | 2 Comments

Hanging a hairy lesbian 4.4 (17)

The two lesbian lovers kissed each other, their tongues entwining as their passions flared. “Gawd, I just love your hairy pussy,” Michelle moaned into Serena’s mouth, spreading her roommate’s pussy lips open. Serena didn’t trim it much, knowing how the unkempt look drove her lover wild.

“Gawd; you’re making me horny,” Serena gasped, Michelle suckling on her nipple while opening that moistening cunt. “Fuck – fuck – FUCK! You’re making me so fucking wet!” Michelle’s response was a low moan, too intent on feasting on her lover’s tits to reply.

Serena quickly turned the tables by pulling down Michelle’s bra to feast on her swollen mounds. Michelle moaned as her lover rubbed her crotch, making her squirm. She decided to allow her roommate to reciprocate for a moment or two, knowing she would soon be back to licking that wonderful hairy pussy.

Their lips met again in another tongue-twirling case of oral exploration. This time it was Serena playing with her lover’s pussy. Michelle moaned lustfully; her passions inflamed. Tonight was going to be the night she feasted on that pussy… that and so much more!

“What are you doing?” Serena wanted to know as Michelle pulled off one of her red nylon stockings.

“I don’t want you to see what I’m going to do to you,” Michelle giggled playfully. After blindfolding her lover, she began touching the hairy muff. It was something she just couldn’t get enough of.

“Just look at this pussy!” Michelle gasped. “It’s so fucking sexy! Gawd; I love hairy pussies! And yours is the best, Serena… the fuckin’ best!”

Serena gasped aloud as her lover spread her pussy lips wide, feeling soft hands on her thigh. She moaned and trembled, her nipples hardening considerably. Being blinded meant she had to use her other senses… such as the one where she could feel Michelle’s hot breath on her juicy twat. It was erotic as hell.

“…so fuckin’ sexy!” Michelle went on, touching and playing with it. “I just love spreading these lips wide open and taking a look inside. Gawd, baby; your pussy is so fuckin’ gorgeous! I love it! You have no idea how wet it makes me!”

Serena moaned softly, burning with a growing arousal. Her lover had her trembling with longing. And Michelle was taking her sweet time about everything.

She wanted her to just get on with it, to start licking her into one juicy orgasm after another. But Michelle had a nasty habit of going slow and enjoying herself. It drove Serena mad being forced to be patient. And yet it was so damned arousing.

“Oh, honey; I can smell you now,” Michelle gasped breathlessly. “You’re just dripping with excitement, aren’t you? I just love that aroma you’re putting out. The smell of your wet sex is so damned intoxicating!”

“Please…” Serena begged, moaning softly as she wriggled in frustration. “Damn you, baby!” She desperately wanted to feel that tongue probing her hairy snatch. Michelle just giggled at her, knowing the poor thing would have to wait until she was good and ready.

“Oh, baby; you smell like you’re about ready to pop,” Michelle purred. “You’re dripping; do you want to cum for me?” It was an innocent remark, but it left her lover moaning in agonized frustration.

Serena felt soft, moist kisses being planted all around her labia. She squirmed in agony; Michelle was kissing and licking her so erotically. There was a roaring fire inside her, a fire that only a sexual release could quench.

She wanted to cum so fucking bad that it was starting to make her delirious. “Love your pussy, babe,” her lover moaned softly. Michelle planted more wet kisses around her labia, making her whimper with longing.

She felt a tongue start to lick and she stiffened with anticipation. The tongue stopped licking and she whimpered in agony at the naughty giggle. Then the tongue began lapping up her dripping fluids. Serena moaned, her body tensed like a coiled spring ready to explode.

She felt lips on her labia… kissing, licking and nibbling. “Oh, gawd!” Serena moaned. She heard a lustful moan as Michelle erotically sucked on the folds of her dripping womanhood.

She felt Michelle pull on her labia with her lips until she trembled like crazy. The blindfold was heightening her sense of smell, of touch, of hearing. Serena inhaled sharply, mewling like a helpless kitten.

“Gawd; I just love your pussy,” Michelle repeated, breathed rapturously as she examined it closely. Serena writhed and whimpered. She was on the verge of screaming at the top of her lungs, “WILL YOU JUST MAKE ME CUM; GAWDDAMNIT??”

Michelle stretched out on the bed to better assault her lover’s tasty muff. Serena reached for the blindfold as though wanting to take it off. “Tut-tut; leave that on!” Michelle ordered sternly. Then she moved in and ravenously fed off that sexy, hairy pussy.

Serena writhed and moaned, her hips coming up to meet her lover’s mouth. Michelle licked and slurped, giving her roommate the evil eye when Serena pulled the makeshift blindfold loose. Michelle supported her lover’s hips as she aggressively licked her juicy twat.

“Gawd; don’t stop,” Serena whimpered pitifully. Michelle giggled as she settled in for a full-fledged muff-diving. Her lover humped and shuddered, writhing and trembling as she began babbling incoherently.

“Gawd – gawd – gawd – gawd – GAWD!” A moment later Serena slammed her crotch up against Michelle’s mouth as a massive orgasm washed hotly through her body. Her head twisted from side to side as her body jerked and shuddered. Then she was away with the faeries, awash in a sea of pleasure.

Michelle watched her lover orgasm as she kept slurping up the oozing fluids. She just couldn’t get enough of that hairy pussy, especially the way she could make her roommate cum like crazy. She hungrily lapped up the tasty nectar that flowed out of her lover’s molten love-box, savoring the flavor as her own orgasm drew nearer.

Serena slumped onto the bed in a heap. But her lover just kept feasting on her clam sauce. “Ohgawd!” she whimpered as another orgasm swelled inside her. “Honey, you’ve got… baby, I’m… gawd, you’ve got to… oh, SHIT!”

Serena squealed as the next one hit worse than the previous. Her body instinctively rose up, rocking from a devastating climax of immense proportions. She couldn’t see out of the nylons wrapped around her eyes, her blindness heightening her senses to the point of sensory overload.

…and still Michelle kept lapping up her flowing juices…

“Please…” Serena whimpered. But it was no use. The third one that hit knocked her senseless until she all but collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily.

Lips settled upon hers again. She moaned as she returned the deep, soulful kiss. “Fuck; that was good!” she blurted out. It was a struggle just to catch her breath.

She was reaching to pull the nylons from her eyes when Michelle grabbed her arm and stopped her. “I’m not done with you, baby,” she purred seductively. “You just keep those on.”

“Gawd; you mean there’s MORE??” Michelle just laughed as she took her arm and pulled her upright off the bed.

“Right this way, baby,” she purred seductively. “I’ve got something special for you.”

“Honey, you’re going to be the death of me,” her lover murmured. Michelle thought that was funny as hell, enough that it made her start to laugh.

“What? What did I say?”

“Never mind.”

Serena was led by the hand down the basement stairs. Now her curiosity was fully aroused. What the hell was her lover hiding down here??

Michelle carefully led her down the steps until they reached the basement floor. They walked down a hall into a carpeted room. Serena strained like hell just to get a glimpse of anything through the pesky red nylons covering her face.

Serena heard her lover tell her, “Just a minute; I want to be dressed for this.”

“Dressed for what?” Now Serena was starting to get impatient.

“Damnit, baby; would you just hold your horses for two seconds??”

“My ‘horses’ are just as horny as I am, ok? What the hell is going on??”

“Almost… got ‘em!” Serena heard her lover grunt over something. Then the nylons were pulled off her face with a flourish and a “TA-DAA!”

Serena gasped at the white nylon noose dangling from a hook in the ceiling. It was hanging directly over a little wooden chair. Immediately she went all weak in the knees, nearly collapsing onto the floor. Michelle had to hold her upright for a moment or two.

“Gawd, baby; for ME??” she stammered, her heart beating fast.

“Of course it’s for you, silly! You didn’t think I set it all up for me, did you? You’re the one with the hanging fetish!”

“But I thought… I thought you hated the idea of hanging me!”

“That’s before I went to all those websites you told me about. I saw a ton of pictures as well as several sexy video clips. I don’t think I mind so much now.”

“But I… I mean you… I mean… Michelle, are you certain about this??”

“Honey, you’ve always wanted me to noose you up and lift you up into the air, am I right?”

“Well, yes. But I never thought you’d actually…”

“…study up on it and change my mind? That’s exactly what I’ve done, baby. You’re the one who wants to be all noosed up. I think it’s time I get to see that hairy pussy dangling from a noose, don’t you? Now let’s get you out of the rest of those things, shall we?”

Serena was numb as her lover helped strip her out of the rest of her lacy things. But she couldn’t stop staring at the noose. She was wet as hell and trembling like a leaf.

It wasn’t long before she heard her lover whisper in her ear, “Up you go, baby. It’s time for you to hang.”

Serena let out a squawk as she clambered up onto the chair, attempting to stand upright on wobbly legs. Then she carefully turned around. That’s when she saw Michelle had slipped into a pair of black boots and a lacey white thong.

“Like it?” her lover asked with glee, spinning in place as she modeled her attire. Serena nodded, her eyes getting bigger and bigger. She tried to swallow but her throat was dry.

“The noose,” Michelle instructed with a gesture. “You know what to do. After all, you’re the one who wants it.”

Serena nodded numbly as she reached out for the noose. She carefully looped it around her neck, gasping as it caressed her quivering flesh. She nearly popped off right then and there. This was far more than she’d ever expected was going to happen this night.

“Looks good on you,” her lover panted excitedly. “Don’t believe me? Take a look for yourself.”

Michelle turned and walked back to the open door. She closed it, revealing a full length mirror standing upright that had been hidden behind it. Serena gasped excitedly; her lover had thought of everything.

She took a good look at her reflection as she stood there with the noose around her neck. “Oh, fuck!” she breathed, reaching up to caress the coil around her throat. She was so wet she could feel her arousal slithering sensuously down her inner thighs.

Michelle giggled as she came back over. “Let’s snug that up a little, shall we?” Then she pulled on the end, taking the slack out of the rope.

Serena almost wet herself; she was so aroused. She couldn’t stop trembling; her lover had thought of everything. This time when she climaxed she knew she was going to cum so very, very hard.

Gawd, baby; you look gorgeous,” Michelle breathed lustfully. Then she started kissing and pawing her lover’s sexy body. Serena trembled from an incredible excitement.

“Let me see you get yourself off. Finger that hairy pussy for me.” Then Michelle stepped back to watch.

Serena numbly reached down and began fingering herself. At the same time she reached up to grope her quivering tits. Her nipples were painfully hard as a result of all the tender loving care her roommate had put into this setup.

She moaned softly as she fingered herself, glancing at the image reflected in the mirror. In it was a naked woman with a noose around her neck working to get herself off. Serena felt like a volcano about to explode.

“Strangle me,” she croaked in a voice not quite her own. Michelle dutifully took up the free end and gave it a tug.

The noose tightened, instantly adding to the raging inferno inside her. Serena fingered herself harder, moaning and whimpering. “MORE!” she croaked, causing her lover to pull even harder on the free end.

Serena was promptly pulled up onto her toes, her eyes growing big as saucers. She furiously fingered her nub as she savagely groped her tits. “Masturbate for me; fuck that hairy pussy!” Michelle barked, pulling harder on the rope.

Serena gawked as she thrust several fingers into her pussy and violated herself. At the same time she pinched her nipple so hard that it hurt. A quick glance at her reflection in the mirror was enough to set her off.

Serena shuddered, trying to scream but finding her throat all but closed off. Her eyes rolled as she wet herself, partly from piss and partly from squirting so explosively. Then her roommate eased off the rope, causing her to regain her footing on the chair. She swayed a little unsteadily on her feet.

“Fuck; that was hot!” Michelle gasped, rushing up to grab her. She hugged her tightly, helping to hold her roommate steady. Then she started to grope and fondle her lover’s breasts.

Serena had a dazed look in her eyes from cumming so hard. She panted weakly for breath, looking over at the full length mirror. What she saw in the reflection was a woman who was so aroused that she wanted more… wanted to ride the noose again.

“Gawd, you looked hot fingering yourself in the noose,” Michelle observed with a lustful smile. “Was it good for you, baby?”

“Hang me! Take me back up and hang me! I want to float among the clouds!” Serena was delirious with desire.

“Anything you say, baby!” Michelle giggled. Then she grabbed the free end of the rope and pulled. Serena’s eyes flew open as her feet left the chair.

She gawked in surprise, her breath all but cut off. Then her legs began to pedal. One hand reached up for the noose as the other furiously fingered her crotch. One look into the full length mirror at the erotic sight of a naked woman masturbating as she dangled from the noose was enough to set her off.

Serena gawked as she shuddered again. Her crotch humped the air as though she was fucking some invisible lover. Her feet flew every which way, catching the back of the chair and knocking it over. Then Michelle let her down until she collapsed onto the floor, her body heaving from erotic spasms.

Serena was in a daze as her lover loosened the noose and then helped her sit up. “Gawd, that was hot!” Michelle giggled. “There’s a serious wet spot right here on the floor.” Then she felt around her roommate’s crotch. “Damn, baby! Your pussy is so fucking wet.”

“Fuck, what a rush,” Serena murmured. “Baby, that was incredible!” She was still in a bit of a daze.

“You want to go again, don’t you. I can see it in your eyes.” Michelle’s lover nodded meekly.

“Ok; if that’s what you want.” Michelle stood up and moved the chair back into place. Then she helped her roommate to her feet. “Up onto the chair, you sexy bitch.”

Serena did as she was told, climbing unsteadily upon the chair. Her legs were wobbly and she was unashamedly aroused. Just the thought of taking another ride in the noose made her knees want to buckle.

Michelle made sure she was stable before pulling on the rope, taking the slack out of the noose. Then she came up to her lover and began caressing her all over. “What do you want me to do to you, baby?” she breathed rapturously.

“Hang me,” Serena breathed in a trembling voice. “I’m a slut and I deserve to hang. This time I want you to tie me up before you hang me. I want you to enjoy yourself… get into your role.”

“Oh baby!” Michelle breathed excitedly. “You have no idea how turned on I am at the thought of hanging you and your hairy pussy!”

“Gawd, yes! Hang me, baby!”

Michelle retrieved a small length of rope which she used to bind Serena’s arms behind her back. “Shall we give it a road test now?” she giggled playfully.


Michelle dutifully grabbed the end of the rope and pulled hard. Serena’s feet left the chair beneath her. Her eyes opened wide, her mouth agape as she gawked and gurgled.

Her feet fluttered for something that was no longer there. Then she began to kick and swing, her arms twisting and jerking behind her back. Her eyes caught sight of the reflection in the mirror, and a surge of arousal swelled within her until it crested.

Serena exploded in orgasm, her crotch humping the air as her back arched. Her pussy glistened as a spray spewed out all over the floor. Then Michelle let her back down again.

Serena’s feet found the chair, but for a moment she was unable to stand. Her lover rushed up to her and caught her, loosening the noose and helping keep her steady. Serena gasped and moaned, her eyes all glazed over.

“That was a hell of a ride, wasn’t it?” Michelle observed breathlessly. She couldn’t believe how erotic it was watching her roommate dangle at the end of a rope. She was glad she had researched the subject and had discovered the eroticism of watching someone hang. Now she was determined to give Serena her heart’s desire.

“How about a little more bondage for my hanging slut?” she said with a grin. “Now don’t fall off the chair and hang yourself by accident. I’ll be right back.” The end of the rope wasn’t tied off to anything so there was no danger of that… at least for now.

Serena stood upon the chair gasping to get her breath back. She looked in the mirror and saw a reflection of an extremely aroused female with a noose around her neck, her arms bound behind her back. It was erotic beyond belief.

Michelle returned and Serena gasped at what her lover had brought back. In her hands were a set of straps and a ball gag. Her heart leaped in her throat; gawd, this was going to be good!

“If we’re going to hang the condemned she should be properly prepared, right?” Then Michelle giggled as she wrapped a strap around Serena’s ankles, making it good and tight. Her lover moaned softly as she got the shakes again.

Michelle wrapped a second strap around her roommate’s knees, making sure it was also good and tight. The last one she wrapped around her waist, making sure to pin her arms to her body so she couldn’t jerk them upward behind her back.

“Now to make sure the condemned is properly wet,” Michelle giggled. She stepped forward and began caressing her lover all over, fondling her boobs and rubbing her crotch. Serena writhed and whimpered, fully enjoying her bondage along with the noose around her throat.

Michelle took the end of the rope and gave it a pull, removing all the slack. Serena gasped as she was taken up onto her toes. She shuffled around, rasping and whimpering as a jolt of fear and arousal coursed through her body.

She didn’t know what to think as her roommate tied off the end of the rope to a nearby support post. Michelle secured it and then turned to grin at her. Then she motioned at the full length mirror before asking, “Like what you see, baby?”

Serena felt another erotic jolt as she studied the reflection of a naked woman bound and noosed, standing on her toes on a chair that suddenly didn’t seem all that sturdy. It was a terribly erotic image. It was also a little unsettling.

“Oh, just one more thing,” Michelle said as though she had almost forgotten. Then she produced a red ball-gag. “No safe words, right?” she giggled as she came up to her lover and forced it into her mouth.

Serena felt another erotic jolt, this one of fear and alarm. Gawd, was her roommate going to hang her for real?? But this was what she’d always wanted… wasn’t it??

The ball-gag went in and was securely fastened behind her head. Then Michelle bent down and started licking her crotch. Serena moaned and whimpered, stiffening as she shuddered from a massive jolt of fear and excitement.

“Gawd, I just love this hairy pussy,” Michelle breathed as she licked and lapped and slurped. “Now I get to watch this hairy pussy hang. What a fucking thrill!”

Serena was jolted again; her roommate wasn’t serious, was she? She was just playing along to heighten the senses and her excitement, right? She wasn’t really going to hang her, was she??

“Gawd, I love your body, baby. Now I get to watch you hang. And you’ll get to watch yourself hang too. Just take a look at yourself in the mirror.”

Serena looked and saw reflected back to her the image of a woman bound and noosed… and more than a little alarmed. It was an arousing image… arousing, yet a little frightening. She whimpered uncertainly, her arousal nearly pinging off the charts.

“Are you going to cum for me?” Michelle cooed at her. “Cum for me as you hang, baby.” Then she fingered her roommate’s dripping pussy, causing Serena to clench her thighs together as she groaned again.

She was almost to orgasm when Michelle raised her foot and put a boot against the chair. “Enjoy the ride, baby,” she purred. “I know I sure as hell am.” Then she kicked hard.

The chair slid out from underneath, causing the noose to take her full weight. Serena grunted as she began to jerk her legs around, trying to regain some sort of solid footing. She swayed and twisted, bouncing like a fish hanging off the end of a line.

She looked in the full length mirror and saw the reflection of a terrified woman hanging to death. It was erotic as hell… and utterly terrifying. She jerked her arms and legs, but it was a futile effort as she remained tightly bound.

One more glance in the mirror triggered her first orgasm. She grunted as she humped the air, thrusting her chest outward. Her roommate simply cried out, “Oh, FUCK!!” as she furiously masturbated.

Seeing Michelle get off to her hanging was both exhilarating and unnerving. She certainly wanted her roommate to enjoy her hanging. But wasn’t this carrying things just a little too far?

She swung back and forth as her body began to rotate, the noose constricting her throat ever tighter. She rasped for breath, the ball-gag making it even harder to breathe. When she spun back around she saw a woman in the mirror fighting for breath as she struggled in the noose. It was enough to set her off again.

“FUCK, BABY; YOU’RE CUMMING AGAIN!” Michelle squealed, furiously fingering herself. A mist of spray emerged out of Serena’s wet crotch. Then Michelle was orgasming up a storm, cumming so very hard over how terribly erotic it was to hang her sexy roommate and that gorgeous, hairy pussy.

Serena glanced at the mirror; gawd, that woman’s face was turning blue! It scared her and she jerked and kicked anew. The noose grew ever tighter around her throat until she couldn’t breathe at all.

She fought desperately, her bound legs jerking from side to side as her arms tried to jerk upward behind her back. She bounded in the noose, her boobs bouncing up and down while accenting her extremely erect nipples. She tried to breathe and couldn’t… tried to find the chair again but couldn’t… tried to reach the floor and couldn’t!

Serena shuddered as her struggles lessened. She was growing too exhausted to continue the fight. Her body began to sway back and forth as she rotated in one direction and then reversed herself. Her roommate just rubbed herself raw, watching in awe while showing no inclination of getting her down.

“Gawd, baby; you look so fucking hot… and those orgasms?? Fuck, what a rush! Just look at the way you’re swinging and twisting! And your face? It’s turning blue… and your neck is getting longer! I can’t believe how fucking hot that is!”

Serena twisted back into view of the full length mirror. She couldn’t help admiring the image of the poor woman hanging there. Gawd, that bitch looked so fucking sexy hanging to death!

Michelle came up to her and started rubbing her all over. Serena could barely feel the caresses… barely feel the fingers that slipped inside her wet opening. And she could barely make out the words of her totally enthralled lover…

“Gawd, your hairy pussy is so fucking wet! And your neck… it’s really getting long now! Just look at that face, baby! Gawd, you look so fucking sexy! I should’ve hung you ages ago!”

Serena felt a rattle in her throat as she looked one last time at the erotic image displayed in the mirror. She decided whoever that poor woman was, she must have enjoyed her hanging. Then her eyes glazed over until she shuddered as her bladder gave way.

Michelle kept kissing and fondling the cooling body of her lover long after Serena’s consciousness had faded away. “Gawd, baby; you look so fucking hot! What a fucking rush! I came twice – no, wait… three times I think! And I think I saw you cum two or three times yourself! Gawd, you must have really enjoyed yourself!”

She paused to catch her breath and collect her thoughts. “Maybe I’ll leave you here for awhile so I can come back down and look at you later. Afterward, why don’t I take you out to our pond out back? That way I can bury you deep and no one will ever find you! I’ll bet by now you are hanging in hell, orgasming over and over again; am I right?”

She gently kissed each of Serena’s erect nipples. Then she headed upstairs for a drink and something to eat. Later tonight or first thing in the morning she would think about disposing of the body. Right now she had to come down off the high of a couple of earth-shattering orgasms…

2010; 2019 (written Jul 20 ’10; ed. Jan 2 ‘19 by riwa)

(Pictures are from LSGmodels.com and annabellesfantasy.com and are used for illustration purposes only.)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories, Picture Stories | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

The trash bin victim 4.6 (18)

I don’t remember when I first learned Tommy had a drowning fetish. All I know is he dunked me really good when we were swimming in the pool. For a minute there I even swallowed water.

He pulled me back up and apologized. Afterwards I thought nothing of it. But then I learned he’d dunked other girls the exact same way.

It took a while before I caught on. I was certainly careful whenever we went swimming together. But he still ended up dunking me a lot.

I would always release a ton of nose bubbles whenever he pushed me under. Afterwards he would apologize. He always seemed sincere and remorseful. But I saw how hard his cock became in his swim trunks whenever he dunked me.

I watched him around other girls whenever he was in the pool. It was always the same. He made sure to dunk them at some point, causing then to release a lot of bubbles.

Afterwards he would apologize for being so rough with them. Each time they brushed it off as though it was no big deal. But I was beginning to think differently.

I soon came to the conclusion he had a drowning fetish. I suspected Tommy actually wanted to watch a girl drown. The question was: who did he want to watch bubble away her last breath? Was it me? Or did he have someone else in mind?

We were eating lunch at a restaurant one day when I decided to let him know I was on to him. I knew it would be risky. So I had deliberately picked a public place.

He had just bitten into a piece of chicken when I calmly asked, “So tell me, Tommy. Just who is it you want to drown?” For a minute there I thought he was going to choke on his poultry.

His face flushed crimson as he asked, “What makes you think I want to drown someone, Jenni?”

“I’ve been watching you, Tommy. I see how you dunk the girls whenever you’re in the pool. You get this gleeful look on your face. And I’ve seen how hard your cock tents in your trunks. You want to drown somebody, don’t you? So who is it? Who do you want to drown?”

He said nothing as he focused on the plate of food in front of him. Then I leaned closer and whispered conspiratorially, “Is it me you want to drown?”

“Yes… no… maybe… sometimes I think I do.” I don’t think I’ve ever seen his face so red.

I don’t know why, but it gave me a thrill knowing he wanted to watch me drown. “Is that why you get hard all the time: dunking the girls while watching the bubbles come up?”

“Yes.” Now he was really focused on that piece of chicken on his plate.

For some reason I didn’t feel like my life was in any danger from him… at least not at that point… and certainly not right there in that restaurant. But I did find his fetish to be a fascinating one. I also found myself thinking about what it would be like to watch him drown another woman. I found the idea strangely appealing.

I decided I’d better reassure him before he considered me a threat. So I told him, “Don’t worry, Tommy. Your secret is safe with me.” But that didn’t seem to make him feel all that better.

Suddenly I was curious. “Tommy, have you ever drowned anyone before?”


“Have you ever come close?” He didn’t answer. I saw him staring at his food again.

The idea gave me another erotic thrill. So I asked him, “Ever come close to drowning me?”

Again he didn’t answer. I found it amusing. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’?” He just stuffed another bite of chicken into his mouth.

I don’t know why, but I found the idea of him wanting to drown a woman quite a turn-on. Knowing how hard his cock might get gave me delicious tingles. So I leaned in close and whispered, “Would you like me to help you find some poor girl to drown?”

He dropped his fork as he stared at me in astonishment. There was no way of knowing, but I was sure his cock was rock hard. I just grinned as I nodded my head.

“I’m serious, Tommy. Would you like me to help you make it happen?”

He looked all around as though he was afraid someone was listening in. I just giggled. “Tell you what. Let’s finish our lunch and you can think about it for a while, ok? Let me get back to you on it.” He just nodded.

When we were finished he paid for the bill and left ahead of me. But I was sure I saw a noticeable stain in his trousers. I couldn’t help giggling. I also couldn’t help becoming a little breathless at the idea of helping him drown someone.

I avoided him for a week as I looked into the matter. I found something that I thought might work out for us. Then I called him up one night.

When he answered the phone I asked if he remembered our drowning conversation at the restaurant. “Jenni, I’ve never been able to get it out of my head.”

I giggled as I asked, “Are you hard now?”

“You’re damned right I am!”

“I’ve been looking into it for you, Tommy. I think I may have found a way to make it happen. I may even have a victim all lined up. Are you game?”

“Damn, Jenni. I don’t know. I mean…”

“Yes or no, Tommy.” Then I held my breath wondering just how serious he was.

“Yes, Jenni. You can count me in.” I smiled inwardly. I should have known.

Surprisingly I was relieved he’d said yes. I think I would have been disappointed if he would have said no. Strangely I was really looking forward to watching a girl drown for him.

“Tommy, I’ll give you the time and place when it’s all set up. Until then you can sit and stew in your excitement while waiting for my call.”

“I’m going to go crazy waiting to hear from you, Jenni.”

I laughed. “Just use your hand until I call, Tommy.”

“Don’t worry; I will.” And with that he hung up. I knew for a fact he would be using his hand a lot until I called him back to finalize drowning the girl I had in mind.

I found a place with a pool where the owners would be out of town for a while. They had something in the back yard I thought would be perfect. So I called Tommy.

I gave him the time and the location. I told him to park around back. There was a dirt road he could use. He said he would meet me there.

He showed up twenty minutes early. I wasn’t surprised. I led him to the home and we got inside through an unlocked door in the back.

I told him what I had in mind. Right away I noticed him getting hard again. I gave him a sly wink as I told him, “Try not to be too obvious when she shows up, eh Tommy?”

We waited twenty minutes until a car pulled up into the driveway. A blonde with a nice rack got out. She came up to the door and knocked.

I opened it up and introduced myself. She said her name was Laci and I let her inside. Tommy was all smiles as he looked her up and down.

Right away I noticed movement in his shorts. I figured we had to get this party started right away. Otherwise his bulge might give the game away.

She told me, “You said I would earn five hundred dollars if I came here and let you take pictures and videos of me in the water, right?”

“It depends on whether you’ll do it naked and if you can hold your breath long enough. It’ll be considerably less if you can’t hold your breath.”

“I can hold it,” she reassured us. “And nudity is not a problem with me.” A glance at Tommy revealed his eyes were big as saucers.

“We’re doing a video,” I told her. “Tommy’s here to help me take additional footage. So you’ll need to sign a release.”

I gave her a paper with some stuff I had written on it. She scanned it before quickly signing. Then we took her out back.

I showed her a large trash bin full of water. It had a plastic window cut into it so you could see the individual inside. Then I smiled as I told her, “I thought we might call it The Trash Bin Victim. What do you think, Laci?”

I like it,” she replied with a smile. Then she started to strip.

Once more Tommy’s eyes bugged out as she got naked for us. She had huge, gorgeous tits. I figured those were going to bounce real good when the time was right.

I leaned over to Tommy and asked, “What do you think?”

“She’s gorgeous!” he panted breathlessly. “And she’s got great nostrils.”

“Nostrils?” Laci asked, having overheard our conversation.

“He likes nose bubbles,” I told her. “Think you can give us some?”

“For five hundred dollars I’ll give you as many as you need.”

“Perfect. Now let’s get you inside the bin.”

Tommy helped her up into the bin. The water sloshed from some displacement. “That’s perfect,” I told her. “Let me get some stills to start.”

Laci stood there and smiled as she folded her arms under her tits. I snapped off some photos. Tommy also took a few from the camera he had.

I looked at her for a long moment. Now I was really getting excited. So I asked, “I told you about the bondage moments of the shoot, didn’t I?” She nodded her head.

“Any objections?” She shook her head.

“Good. Tommy, if you’ll go tie her arms behind her back, we’ll get this show on the road.”

He went over to her in the trash bin and started tying her arms behind her back. I asked her, “That’s not too tight, is it, Laci?” She told me it was fine.

I asked if bondage was a turn-on for her. She said it was. So I told her, “That’s good. That should make the shoot even better if you’re into it.”

“Those are great tits,” I remarked when Tommy had finished and stepped away.”

“They’re my best feature,” she admitted with a grin.

“They sure look like they are. Now lower yourself into the water for me.”

She dunked her tits, asking me, “How’s this?” I told her that was just fine.

I took a couple pictures of her breasts through the window. “What do you think?” I asked Tommy.

He told me they looked great. But I could see he was getting a nice tent in those shorts he was wearing. I think he was looking forward to the main event. Frankly so was I.

“Now we want you to get comfortable going up and down in the bin, Laci. Why don’t you go down and see how it works; ok?”

She nodded before taking a big breath. Then she submerged. Tommy and I started taking pictures.

I half expected her to rise right back up. Instead she stayed down for a good twenty seconds. She was struggling to stay down while she kept her eyes closed as she concentrated on holding her breath.

She finally came up and gasped for breath. Then she said, “I keep wanting to come up.”

“We’ll use a weight belt,” I told her. She nodded with understanding.

Tommy went and fetched one. He went over and helped put it around her waist. Then I told her, “Now go back down. This time I’ll take some pictures from the top of the bin looking in.”

She filled her lungs with air and then submerged again. I stepped up and took more pictures. Some water spilled out, but for the most part the bin looked full without losing too much. And the weight belt appeared to be working.

We took more pictures of her through the window. I called out, “Give Tommy some nose bubbles!” She responded by releasing air out of her nose.

I looked over at Tommy and smiled. The bulge was evident in his trunks now. It gave me a thrill knowing how turned on he was.

She came up and got another breath. I told her, “This time we’ll take more pictures and video of you through the window.” Laci nodded before she filled her lungs and submerged again.

She went back down and settled in for what turned out to be a nice, long breath-hold. She even shook her boobs at us. Tommy got video as I took several photos.

At the last moment she began releasing nose bubbles as though remembering we had asked for them. “Perfect!” Tommy gasped as he shot more video.

Laci came up and gasped again for breath. Then she asked, “How was that?”

I told her, “You’re doing great. Now we want to try it with the lid down. Anytime you need a breath you just come back up. Push the lid open with your head if you have to. That lid should open up nice and fast for you.”

Laci nodded as she gasped for breath. Then she submerged yet again. I smiled as I folded the lid closed on her.

Tommy had a definite bulge in his shorts as he took a ton of video. I took a bunch of photos showing the lid closed. My excitement was growing by leaps and bounds over what we were about to do to her.

She was down well over a minute before she came up for air. The lid easily flopped open when she pushed against it with her head. “How as that?” she gasped as she got her breath back.

“So far, so good,” I replied. “But you’re still not staying down long enough.”

“Let me work on that,” she said with a smile. Then she filled her lungs before submerging again.

Down she went, crouching on the bottom with her knees up. I got some great shots of her cute pussy. The belt around her waist was definitely helping her stay down.

She remained underwater in the trash bin for a good minute and a half. Her stomach rippled as she pushed herself. Then she burst back up, her head pushing the lid open as she came up panting loudly for breath.

“How was that?”

“We’ll pay you for two minute breath-holds, Laci. No less. That last one was only a minute thirty.”

She looked disappointed. “I’ll try harder. Then she filled her lungs before submerging again.

“And more nose bubbles!” I called down after her as I closed the lid on her.

I turned and winked as I told my ‘cameraman’, “Right, Tommy?” He just nodded excitedly. I think he was becoming more than a little breathless with excitement.

She settled in for another long breath-hold. She released a few bubbles out of her nose. I hollered at her, “DON’T RELEASE TOO MANY TOO SOON!” She nodded as though she’d heard me.

She concentrated on holding her breath again. I snapped a lot of pictures of her great tits. She even shook them back and forth at me.

I looked over at Tommy and could tell he was about to go nuts. So I quietly told him, “Ok – ok; we’ll drown the bitch. We’ll do it on the next breath-hold, ok?” He eagerly nodded his excitement. I didn’t tell him I was wet down below from my own arousal.

I took more pictures as he took more video. Laci dutifully released bubbles out of her nose. Her lungs showed the strain as her chest heaved. It was a real turn-on seeing her struggle to hold her breath.

She finally burst up, pushing the lid open with her head. Then she gasped loudly for breath. I checked her time and smiled at her.

“That was one forty-eight, Laci. Make the next one two minutes and you’ve got yourself five hundred dollars.”

Piece of cake!” she replied eagerly. I had to chuckle inwardly. Blonde to the end.

She took several deep breaths to get ready. She was almost hyperventilating. I didn’t care that much as it was going to be her last breath anyway.

She finally filled her lungs. Then she submerged. I closed the lid and then quietly latched it.

I felt an incredible jolt of arousal as I locked her in. I glanced over at Tommy who was furiously taking video. There was no way those shorts of his could hide his arousal now. It was a good thing Laci had her eyes closed underwater.

I got more great pictures of her pussy and tits. She even shook them for us again. I thought for sure her kitty was winking at me. Maybe it was from her own arousal.

She settled in for a long breath-hold. So I called out the times to her… “One minute…… minute twenty…… minute forty!”

Her stomach began to ripple as her chest heaved. She lost bubbles out of her nose as she struggled. She was really wincing as I called out, “PUSH IT… PUSH IT… YOU’RE AT ONE FIFTY!”

I could tell she was struggling. A quick glance over revealed Tommy going nuts with excitement. I was on the verge of cumming myself.


She lost bubbles out of her nose. Then the bubbles burst out of her mouth. She grunted and squirmed until I called out, “TWO MINUTES, LACI! NOW YOU CAN DROWN FOR US!”

She shot up, only for her head to bang against the lid. But this time it didn’t give. Tommy panted, “Bloody hell!” as she kept banging her head upward.

I was breathless as I called out, “YOU CAN OPEN IT! TRY HARDER!” She banged her head against the lid again and again as her chest really heaved. Then she appeared to gulp a big mouthful of water.

Almost immediately she went into a panic as she thrashed about inside that bin. She kept trying to push her way up. But the lid remained firmly in place.

Bubbles flushed out of her mouth and nose as she screamed her breath away. Then she began coughing and gulping. She hitched and convulsed as she clenched her eyes tight. It was as though she was hoping she would suddenly wake up back in her bed and be nice and dry.

She suddenly stopped struggling as she sagged back down into the trash bin in a croush. Stray bubbles trickled out of her nostrils. Her breasts wobbled from stray muscles that fired as her arms twitched and her legs jerked. Then she sat there without any movement at all.

I felt a hot surge of pleasure flush through me. I paused to savor it before it passed. Then I turned to Tommy.

I was going to ask, “Was it good for you?” Then I saw the huge stain in his shorts. I didn’t have to say a word. He just grinned at me as though he was the happiest man on the planet.

I walked up to the trash bin and unlatched the lid. Then I flipped it open. Laci sat on the bottom with no bubbles coming up. There wasn’t even a ripple at the surface.

“Time for us to pack up and go, Tommy.” He didn’t have to be told twice.

We gathered our things and did our best to wipe away any and all fingerprints. Then we left Laci in the trash bin for the owners to find once they got home. I could only imagine the confusion the police would have trying to figure out how she got herself in there.

As for Tommy? He was eternally grateful. The next day he treated me to a huge dinner just to thank me.

I’ve been thinking a lot about that day lately. It was such a turn-on watching her drown. I even had an orgasm as she bubbled her breath away. So now I’m kind of wondering…

Would Tommy be interested in helping me drown another one?

2019 (written May 11 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by H20GEMS clip Another Trash Bin Victim using pictures as illustrations from the gif they posted.)

Posted in Drowning Stories, Picture Stories | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Snooping in the cellar 3.5 (8)

Note: an older Emma story.

Emma cleaned the widow Adrianna’s house on Wednesdays and Fridays. It helped supplement her income. The older lady was nice enough, but she was bigger and taller than Emma.

The little Japanese house-cleaner always felt the woman’s eye on her back as though keeping close tabs on her whenever she was cleaning. She wasn’t about to steal anything from the woman as that wasn’t her style or personality. But she did have a habit of being curious, and her propensity for snooping around frequently got her into a lot of close calls.

Adrianna had given her limits on what she was to clean. One of the places off-limits to her was the cellar. It made Emma want to sneak down there and snoop around all the more. It was like a moth to a flame. Telling her she was to stay out of a certain room only made her all the more curious.

Emma showed up for work in her French maid’s outfit. Her employer seemed to enjoy watching her closely. So she figured she would dress the part on this particular visit.

She sensed the widow wasn’t paying close attention just to make sure she was doing it right or making sure she didn’t take anything that didn’t belong to her. She strongly suspected the woman enjoyed looking at her little Asian body. The French maid outfit she wore should attract even more attention.

When she arrived, Adrianna admiringly looked her up and down before telling her to go work on the second floor. Meanwhile she was going to spend some time taking a hot bath in the bedroom on the main floor. But the cellar was calling to Emma. She figured the widow would be in the bathroom long enough for her to finally sneak down and have a quick peek.

She came down to the main floor and listened outside the door to the main bathroom. It sounded like Adrianna was humming a tune while the tub was filling. Emma figured this was her opportunity.

Quick as a wink, she snuck over to the door leading down the stairs into the cellar. The place looked dark and foreboding. She descended the steps and began to move stealthily, her eyes trying to pierce the darkness.

The lighting was dim. She saw boxes and narrow spaces to slip through. But she had to move cautiously.

She watched where to brace herself. She didn’t want to knock anything over that would alert her employer to her nosiness. She just had to know what was so special about the cellar.

She listened intently for any sound that might indicate Adrianna might be coming to look for her. But she heard nothing. Who knows what kind of trouble she might be in if she got caught.

She knew she shouldn’t be down there. Even now her inner voice was warning her to get the hell back up to the second floor where she belonged. But Emma couldn’t help herself. She just had to know what was down here.

She squeezed down an aisle, peering into some boxes. There wasn’t much to see other than the natural accumulation of years and years of collecting things. Still, she thought she might get a few interesting insights into her employer if she looked around a little more.

She squeezed into another corner, only to send a couple of boxes swaying crazily. She stopped them from toppling over just in time, noticing they were kind of heavy. What was the widow hiding down here?!

Emma paused to catch her breath, her heart pounding in her chest. The whole damned cellar seemed like it was booby-trapped or something. Going down an aisle was like crossing a minefield, making her wonder what might leap out at her or might tumble down from her carelessness.

Her inner voice was screaming at her to get back upstairs where she belonged when she spied a closed door at the end of the room. It would have been much better to leave it alone. But she just had to know what was behind it.

Emma crept up to it in the semi-darkness and tried the knob. It was locked. Damn!

Emma looked all around until she spied a skeleton key hanging from a hook by a little piece of twine. She pulled it off the hook and inserted it in the keyhole under the knob. The key turned and the lock clatched open.

Emma turned the knob and then carefully pushed the door open a crack. The room inside was pitch black. She couldn’t see a thing.

She was tempted to fully open the door. But she was spooked and felt the need to remain cautious. So she slipped inside, standing there peering intently into the darkness.

Light switch… there had to be a light switch on the wall. Maybe it was near the door. Emma carefully felt around until she found it.

She was about to flip it on when she heard a moan. The sound was distinctly human and it made her freeze in her tracks. Was there someone in the room?

She still couldn’t see anything. She had no way of knowing what she might be up against in the darkness. The only way to defend herself was to see what she was up against.

She made sure the door was closed before she flicked the light on. She hoped it would blind whoever was in the cellar with her. Then she braced herself for the unknown.

A solitary bulb in the middle of the ceiling came on. In an instant she realized she was not alone. She nearly cried out in alarm.

Instinctively she covered her mouth, staring in surprise at the lone occupant. A woman was hogtied on the thinly carpeted floor. A cloth was in her mouth.

The woman appeared to be of Pakistani or Indian descent, similar to her in size. She was in a French maid outfit – very much like hers. She grunted and writhed about, pleading with her eyes for Emma to set her free. Against one wall sat a cushioned chair and a small end table.

In an instant Emma’s heart was in her throat. She’d stumbled on something quite sinister. What the hell should she do?

Her first instinct was to free the girl. But trying to sneak her out of the house might get the both of them caught. Perhaps her best course of action was to slip back out, get out of the house and alert the police.

“I’ll go get help!” Emma told her with an anxious nod, trying to keep her voice low. “I’ll be right back with the cops, ok? But I gotta lock you back up in here or she’ll suspect I found you! Then I’ll be in trouble too! Just hang on a little longer, ok?”

The girl grunted and shook her head. Emma winced as she put a finger to her lips. She mouthed, “I’ll be right back!” Then she turned the light off, causing the Indian girl to grunt and whimper anxiously.

She slipped back out the door, closing it softly. Then she took the skeleton key and locked the door before hanging it back where it belonged. All she had to do was come up with some reason to be excused early from her duties so she could go bring the cops back to rescue…

“Didn’t I tell you not to come down here?”

She whirled in horror, only to see her employer standing there eyeing her dangerously with a white cloth in her hand. Emma’s voice caught in her throat. Her heartrate skyrocketed as she stammered, “I was just… I was… I, uh…”

Adriana sighed in frustration. “You tell a nosey little slut not to go somewhere and what does she do?” I swear they’re drawn down here! No matter. I’ve been meaning to replace Kalini in there with another one anyway.”

An arm shot out and grabbed Emma who yelped in alarm. Beyond the door she heard the Indian girl grunting. Could the young woman hear their voices on the other side of the door?

Emma was spun around until her back was to her employer. The white cloth suddenly covered her face. “I was getting bored with her anyway,” the widow stated matter-of-factly. “Actually this will turn out to be a good thing! You might actually provide me with some amusement before I have to dispose of you too.”

Emma cried out, struggling mightily. Then she got a whiff of the noxious fumes. Her strength suddenly ebbed away. She struggled weakly, her eyes rolling. Then she went completely limp in the widow’s grasp. The last words she heard were, “Nighty-night, you stupid little slut!” Then she descended into blackness as consciousness faded away…

Emma felt weak and disoriented as she struggled to regain her senses. But something felt wrong. She was in an uncomfortable position.

Her eyes fluttered open. She tried to look around to see what was going on. That’s when she found herself lying on a carpeted floor on her stomach, her legs bent at the knees.

She quickly discovered she’d been tied up with rope. Her wrists and ankles had been tied together. There was a cloth in her mouth; she couldn’t speak or cry out.

She lifted her head, only to see she was not alone. The captive girl was lying right in front of her, facing her with wide, frightened eyes. She still had the cloth in her mouth and she grunted at her in helplessness.

“Are my pretties awake now?” a familiar voice asked. Emma turned to see Adrianna sitting in the cushioned chair, a half finished drink sitting on the small end table next to it. Emma grunted in fury, trying to yell at her through the cloth in her mouth.

“Now – now,” the widow scolded her. “I wasn’t the one who came down here sticking her nose where it didn’t belong. You did that all on your own.”

Emma cried out in fury, wriggling and squirming like mad as her captive companion whimpered in warning. “No, honey,” the widow explained. “I could have you arrested for criminal trespass. Who do you think the police would believe? An innocent widow? Or some nosy Asian slut who probably has a rap sheet a mile long? I’m sure the police would know exactly whose word to take.”

Emma screamed into the cloth again. Her heart pounded in her chest. Just who did this perverted bitch think she was anyway??

“No one knows you’re here, honey. And your vehicle can be easily hidden. Truth be told: I don’t think anyone is going to miss you should you suddenly turn up missing. After all, no one has come looking for poor Kalini here.”

She motioned at the Indian girl who wriggled and moaned. Emma cried out into her gag again. “Oh, I can do anything to you that I want, honey,” the widow explained. “Once you came down here you broke the rules. That gives me permission to do whatever the hell I want with you. And should an unfortunate accident befall either one of you? Honey, I have internal access to my septic tank. I just drop your bodies in there and no one ever hears from you again. You’ll dissolve right along with the rest of the organic material.”

Emma shook her head in horror, crying out into her cloth gag again. This couldn’t be happening to her! “Honey, you’re in no position to make demands. You’re also in no position to make bargains with me either. You see, I know what I want from you two. I want to watch you squirm. And now that I have one too many of you, I get to watch one of you die. Now which one shall it be?”

Both girls cried out into their gags, whimpering and squirming helplessly. Adrianna watched them for a while, casually taking a sip from her wine goblet. Her eyes flashed excitedly as she sat there, allowing her two former maids to wriggle about.

She finally stood up and came over to them. “I see you ladies are determined to put on a wonderful show for me. How thoughtful. Allow me to make it easier for you both to perform.”

She knelt down and removed both cloth gags. Instantly both girls started begging to be released. But Adrianna would have none of it.

Grabbing a loose length of rope lying on Kalini, she looped it over the Indian girl’s neck. Instantly her eyes went wide as she began to gawk. She unwittingly choked herself as her legs tried to unbend.

“You first, honey,” the widow breathed excitedly, lovingly patting the Indian girl on her back. “After all, you’ve been with me the longest.”

She moved over to kneel next to Emma. She grabbed a coil of rope attached to her ankles and looped it over the Japanese girl’s head as well. Emma gawked as she felt the rope begin to choke her.

“You’re next, honey. I want you both to put on a show for me. The rules are simple. The one who lasts the longest gets to avoid the septic tank for another day.”

She rose up and calmly walked back to her chair. Then she sat down and smiled at them. Casually she raised her goblet to them before taking another sip.

Emma felt the rope tighten around her neck as her legs instinctively tried to unbend. With her head tipped up by the noose she now had a disturbingly close-up view of the horrified expression in the face of her partially asphyxiated companion. They were both in the same predicament.

“Enjoy yourselves, ladies,” Adrianna said, lifting up her wine glass in a toast. “I know I’m sure going to.” Then she took another sip before sighing pleasurably, settling in to watch the show…

2010; 2019 (written Oct 13 ’10; ed. Mar 27 ’19 by riwa)

Posted in Asphyxia Stories, Emma Stories | Tagged | Leave a comment

Behind the club 3.9 (12)

The first one was easy. Corinne prided herself on her skills. All it took was a subtle bump and a deft hand into his pocket to retrieve it.

The second one was almost as easy, especially since he’d been drinking. He even bumped into her instead of the other way around. So she allowed him to grab her as she’d made like she was going to fall.

He caught her and leered at her beauty. She gave him her most come-hither look as she batted her eyes at him. And just like that she had a second haul as her hand slipped down and relieved him of his funds.

She found a third traveler at the bar who looked like he had a lot of money. He also looked like he would defend her honor if the other two discovered their missing pouches. So she struck up a conversation with him.

It only took ten minutes before she got a kiss out of him. At the same time her hand slid inside his trousers. When she pulled it back out she had an even bigger haul then the previous two.

She batted her eyes as she excused herself to go freshen up. But she kept on going when she saw the back door. A few more steps and she would be home free.

She opened the door and exited out the back of the club into a dark alley. Almost immediately she bumped into a female server on her knees giving one of the customers a blowjob. Corinne smiled and nodded, thankful she didn’t need to provide that particular service tonight to make extra money, not after the haul she’d collected.

She’d just picked out the route she intended to take when a hand grabbed her shoulder. She gasped with a start as she turned to see the burley manager. Behind him was the man at the bar she’d recently relieved of his hard earned wages.

“This the one?” he growled.

“That’s her,” her victim declared, eyeing her coldly.

Her delay proved to be unfortunate. A voice from somewhere inside the club declared he’d just been robbed. That’s when the manager began pawing her while demanding, “Where is it?”

“Unhand me!” Corinne demanded as she struggled in his grasp. Then she started to scream she was being assaulted. That brought a couple more patrons as well as a cook out into the back of the club.

The manager found the three pouches and pulled them out. “You’ve had a busy night, miss.”

“Those are mine!” But the jig was up when her mark at the bar identified the one as belonging to him. It was quietly handed back to him with an apology from the manager. The other two patrons decided it wasn’t their business and headed back inside.

She tried to struggle out of the manager’s grasp. But he had hands of steel. This wasn’t going down the way she’d anticipated.

Her other two targets soon came out back. They quickly identified the other pouches as belonging to them. The manager quietly handed them back to their respective owners.

“No harm, no foul?” Corinne offered with a smile, embarrassed she’d allowed herself to get caught. “I guess I’ll just be on my way.”

“Not so fast,” the manager told her. Then he nodded at the cook who turned and disappeared back inside the club.

“Hey, let me go! Everybody’s happy now. They got what was coming to them, right?”

“But you haven’t gotten what’s coming to you yet, miss. We run a respectable club here. We can’t have thieves like you depriving our customers of their hard-earned wages.”

“Let me go! Let me go and I’ll never set foot inside your damned club again!” But he maintained his grip on her.

She turned to the server still on her knees sucking cock. She didn’t seem to be the least bit interested. Nor was the man on the receiving end of her ministrations.

The cook returned with a bunch of rope. “Hey, what’s that for?” Corinne gasped in alarm. A moment later the cook was tying her wrists behind her back.

“Hey! You can turn me over to the authorities. I’ll go willingly.” If he would just let her go she could make a break for it. But the cook ignored her as the manager kept a firm grip on her.

She looked at the man she’d robbed, pleading for him to do something. His expression was cold and hard. Then she saw the cook forming one end of the long rope into a coil.

“Hey; what gives? You can’t do this to me!” Now she really began to panic.

A noose was formed before the rope was throw up over a part of the metal stairwell leading upward. Corinne cried out in horror. That’s when the manager produced a gag and threaded it through her mouth, stifling her protests.

Once more she looked at the man she’d robbed, her eyes pleading for him to stop what they were about to do. He didn’t even bat an eye. Then the cook leaned down and tied her boots together at the ankles with another length of rope he’d brought out.

Corinne grunted as she shook her head. Surely this couldn’t be happening, right? They weren’t really going to hang her, were they??

The cook brought the noose down around her throat, brushing her red hair out of the way. Corinne grunted as she shook her head again. Then the cook pulled on the other end until he took all the slack out.

The manager angrily ripped her blouse open with one hard pull, revealing she was not wearing a bra. He was not moved at the attractive sight before him. “We don’t take kindly to thieves in our establishment, miss.” Then he helped the cook pull on the free end of the rope.

Corinne’s eyes flew open as she was hauled several feet up into the air. Almost immediately she rasped and grunted from the pain as the noose tightened around her throat. Then she started kicking, her blouse fluttering around her as her breasts were exposed to the cool night air.

The cook and the manager tied off the free end as she kicked and swung. The server on her knees never even bothered to look up at her. But the man receiving the blowjob did, smiling cruelly as he grabbed the server’s head and fucked her face harder.

Corinne’s face turned red from lack of oxygen as she jerked her arms behind her back. Her blouse came down, hanging up on her bound arms and fully exposing her chest. She kicked her legs in a vain effort to ease the agony around her neck.

She looked down to see the cook and manager look up at her. Then they turned and calmly walked back into the club without giving her a second thought. The man at the bar she’d robbed watched another few seconds before he too turned and walked back inside.

Corinne was horrified. She rasped and grunted as she looked down at the server on her knees and the man getting the blowjob. She pleaded with her eyes for him to do something. He just smiled up at her.

Her throat closed off, causing her to kick harder. She jerked again as she fought one last time to free herself. Then Corinne hung limp, her body gently swaying back and forth.

With a grunt the man came into the mouth of the server. She dutifully swallowed it all, sucking him clean. Then she finally stood up, licking her lips.

They looked up at Corinne as she dangled there, a stain appearing in her trousers. The agony was evident in her features. Then her vision began to spiral inward around the edges. The last thing she was the server and the recipient of the blowjob calmly walking back inside arm in arm, leaving her corpse to dangle in the night air behind the club.

2019 (written for Corinne Apr 12 ’19 by riwa)

(Inspired by her drawing which I included.)

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Patreon and Riwas Reads updates 4 (1)

Riwa’s Stories at Patreon

Coming March rewards

We’ve reached the battle royale of the island.
What happens to Tia during A Night to Remember?
Witnessing a quickie in the pool
Sorority hanging party
A mourning hang
The cylinder
The gallows in the courtyard
Witness relocation
Dahlia finds a noose

January stories/rewards will fall off at the end of February to make room for March rewards.

I’ve had some struggles this month (like taxes for instance?). But what else is new? We all have difficulties in life we need to overcome. At least I’ve worked on getting some stories ready for you. And I’m appreciative I live close enough to mom to be able to eat out with her and visit her now and then. So I have much to be thankful for. I hope you can find some blessings in your life to appreciate. And as always, thank you so much for being my patrons.

Riwa’s Reads updates

JP Combo (reactivated 2-9-20)

24798 words – $6.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a couple of reposted stories illustrated by JustPaul.

Titz and Punishment – Major Titz is secured to the top of a submersible and taken for a joyride by Corporal Punishment. How long can she hold her breath? And how long will the wicked corporal enjoy punishing her superior officer? (23 pages; 15 renders)

It Happened at Midnight – Ray meets Rita after midnight in an indoor motel pool. At first they swim back and forth past each other until they strike up a conversation and she starts flirting with him. Then they proceed to masturbate for each other underwater. Things soon become quite a bit more intimate. (44 pages; 11 renders)

JP Combo VI (2-9-20)

9004 words – $6.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a trio of new stories using illustrations by JustPaul.

Cave dive pact – Svana and Zaliki are female lovers with a strong aquaphile fetish. They love submerging each other and making each other bubble. They agree to rent a boat out to freedive some caves. But how far will their enthusiasms take them? (17 pages; 13 renders)

Roman Temple – Villania uses her feminine wiles to get what she wants. She gets permission to go inside a flooded Roman Temple under false pretenses for the purpose of discovering what property she can purloin. She encounters a generously proportioned white marble statue that seems to magically develop an erection. Will she allow her lusts to get the better of her? (11 pages; 11 renders)

Gunboat Quake – Deanna is searching for her sister Diane who disappeared off the coast of Cuba (See Diane’s Cuban Crisis – JP Combo IV). Her investigation leads her to a sunken gunboat. But an undersea quake traps her inside. Will she be able to escape before she runs out of breath? (12 pages; 18 renders)

Victoria’s secret (plus Club bonus) (reactivated 2-9-20)

23042 words – $6.50

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a reposting of an older underwater story plus four more chapters of the re-edited Club story.

Victoria’s secret – Victoria knows about Mrs. Stinson and her lesbian affair with another high school student. Increase her lifeguard hours and she’ll say nothing. But can Mrs. Stinson take that chance? A plan is hatched to deal with Victoria in the dive pool using her high school lover in scuba gear. (12 pages)

My visit to the Club 9-12 – Alison describes how she took charge of her situation by whoring herself out on her own terms. She also discusses what happened to Raven when Keith got her into the chair onstage. Then Diane is returned to Walter who ends up riding the chair and getting the current. From there Frank intercepts Alison for being idle too long and plays poker with Rick. He wins Alison and takes her to a room where she’s put in another chair with current. She must watch a video of her mother whoring herself out before admitting to some very dark fantasies. (27 pages)

A Mother’s Love (reactivated 2-18-20)

34812 words – $6.00

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a reposted collection of stories I wrote about daughters and the mothers who love them in special ways. You get the originally written trio in one bundle at a great price.

Deidra – (written in 4 parts) After a pool party at their home, a tipsy Denise and her equally tipsy daughter Deidra become more than a little friendly while trying to remove debris from the pool. They must pull out a large fishing net decoration and have to be careful lest they become accidentally entangled. (19 pages)

Lindsay – (written in 2 parts) When Lindsay cannot seem to make herself orgasm, her mother joins her in the pool in an attempt to assist her. (18 pages)

Lourdes – (written in 2 parts) Lourdes tries to get her mom to kiss her while they are snorkeling near a reef in the Mediterranean. But when a shark comes between them and the boat, her mother must choose between her daughter running out of air or ending up as a shark buffet. In part 2 her mother goes down in scuba gear with her female partner to release some sexual tension. Lourdes swims down unannounced and catches them in the act, causing her mother to give her curious daughter a lesson in feminine love and domination.  (27 pages)

JQpublic Bundle 3 (reactivated 2-18-20)

36664 words – $7.50

From the keyboard of Richard “Riwa” Shepard comes a couple of reposted stories written for JQpublic. One is a fanfiction involving celebrities. Thanks to JustPaul for the cover illustration to this bundle.

The Tulum Caverns Incident – A family of daughters travels to the Yucatan Peninsula to visit the Tulum Caverns. An earthquake blocks their return path, and they must journey back out involving long, underwater swims. Who will survive? (54 pages)

An unfortunate accident – Stacy loves to go swimming at the lake at an isolated cove. Recently she has discovered a submerged van at the bottom, and today is the day she intends to take her dive mask and go exploring. But someone else is down there in scuba gear who plans on using the van for nefarious purposes. (13 pages)

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Water Babies Part V 4.2 (9)

Things start to wind down as husbands and wives come together. I see kissing and groping as though they are reconnecting. It makes me smile seeing them being affectionate with each other. But it also makes me think of Nora.

 Why can’t we seem to let go of whatever it is we’re feuding over? I see a closeness all around me that makes me sad we’ve been this way for so long. We have no intimacy anymore.

 There’s a loneliness that makes me glad these couples appear to genuinely love each other. Joyce and Tom come over to sit next to me. Maybe they see something in my expression.

 “We don’t want you to feel left out, James,” she says thoughtfully.

 “Oh not at all. It looks like you folks are simply renewing your closeness to each other. I don’t mind at all.”

 “That’s a good way of putting it,” Tom tells me. “After a lot of sexual activity, we usually come together to reconnect. In our case it’s a way of showing our love and appreciation for each other.”

 “Tom’s so thoughtful,” Joyce tells me as she hugs him. “Every time we participate in one of these sessions we come back together, only to feel closer than ever.”

 “I just love the look on her face when she’s being pleasured by another man. I’ve even picked up several pointers along the way to sweeten our own sexual communication.”

 “You should see it when he’s fucking another woman,” Joyce adds with a grin. “The look on her face as he pounds her hard? It still amazes me how much that turns me on!”

 “No more than watching your eyes roll as you take another man’s cock down your throat, honey. And when you’re screaming underwater in orgasm as another guy fucks the breath out of your lungs? That gets me every time.”

 “We’re actually kind of selfish about this, James,” she finishes with a smile. “It turns us both on so much that we can’t help coming back for more. Then when we’re off by ourselves? Gawd; those are the best!”

 “It’s still kind of new to me,” I confess. “But I can certainly see the appeal.”

 “What about you, James?” Tom asks. “What was it like seeing Nora pleasured underwater by someone else while she was tied to that pool ladder?”

 “I liked the fact she didn’t have any control,” I confess sheepishly. “Maybe it’s a little cruel streak that runs through me. It looked like she was enjoying herself despite not having any say in what was being done to her.”

 I pause for a moment as I remember that scene from earlier. Then I smile at them. “I still can’t get over the way you were fucking her with that toy while licking her nub, Joyce. That was absolutely incredible.”

 She smiles as though she’s a little embarrassed. “It was arousing as hell, James. Your wife can really cum up a storm when she’s properly motivated. Her being so helpless and unable to stop me from fucking her like that? I’m getting all turned on again just thinking about it!”

 “Last time when she came here without you I think she was a bit more reserved. She tried to stay more in control of things. Did you see it that way too, honey?”

 “I noticed that as well, Tom. She did like riding cock in the water. And she went under every now and then. But I don’t recall her doing all that much sucking. I’m not sure how many times I saw her orgasm, although I can only assume that she did.”

 “I think she’s cum more on this trip than the last time she was here with us.” Joyce nodded in agreement at her husband’s assessment.

 “I’ve certainly seen her cum more than I’m used to,” I tell them with a smile. “Maybe losing control allows her to concentrate on what’s being done to her.”

 “That’s a good thing,” Joyce declares with a smile. “James, I hope it brings out the best in Nora… for both your sakes.”

When Donna returns I see some sort of black hood in her hands. She’s also carrying some Velcro cuffs. I shiver as I start to wonder what the hell I’ve committed myself to.

“Having second thoughts?” Wilma asks, eyeing me as though she doubts I’m going to go through with this. “I can see it in your eyes. You’d prefer to hang onto control, wouldn’t you?”

“Well… yeah… kinda.”

She turns toward Donna and tells her, “That’s what I thought. It’s a nice idea. But I don’t think Nora’s ready for this.”

“I’ll do it,” Donna offers excitedly. “Losing control means I get to focus more on pleasure and orgasms. Being blind and bound makes the orgasms all the more intense.”

I’m really having second thoughts. But I can’t allow Donna to do something I’m not sure I want to do myself. “I guess I’ll do it,” I tell them as I wave her to bring the items over.

“Wow, Nora! You really sound enthusiastic.” Gene laughs mockingly. Ford and Donna chuckle as I blush.

“Are you sure about all this?” Wilma asks dubiously. She knows me all too well.

I hesitate a moment. Then I tell her, “I think I… I really want to do this.”

Gene laughs again. “I was wrong; she’s thrilled about this.” The others chuckle good-naturedly.

“You don’t have to, Nora. You know we don’t want to force you. We’re all friends here.”

“No, Wilma. I… I really want to give it a try.”

“You sound like you’re having reservations. You gave up control out in the big pool earlier. Maybe now you regret that.”

I wince as I consider the matter. Maybe Wilma is right about this. Maybe I don’t want to give up control.

Maybe I really don’t want to submit, either to them or to James. It occurs to me I’m going to have to take a chance and force myself. “You’re probably right,” I sigh wistfully. “I don’t know. But I’m going to do this anyway… I think. So let’s do this before I chicken out.”

Donna tries to be helpful. “You really don’t have to do this, Nora. We’re not going to push anyone into do anything they don’t want to do.”

I look around to see everyone looking at me expectantly. I don’t see condemnation in a single face. It reassures me despite the nervousness I feel.

I reach out my hand and tell Wilma, “Just give me the damned hood, ok?”

“So you’re willing to be put in your place?” my best friend asks warily.

Donna smiles as she says, “Only if there are orgasms involved.” Everyone laughs again.

Donna gets into the water with us. She and Wilma work to pull the hood down over my head. It totally cuts off my vision, making me stiffen in alarm.

It definitely feels claustrophobic. I feel a jolt of anxiety. I also experience a surge of erotic tingles.

I tell myself I’m doing this for my husband. No, I’m actually doing it for myself. If I push myself and go all the way then I’ll prove to myself I can do it. James will simply reap the rewards of my efforts if I play my cards right.

“She looks good,” Ford says with a chuckle as I blindly look all around. “It gives you that submissive look, Nora.”

“It’s definitely sexy,” Gene adds.

I can still hear; the guys’ comments reassure me. I can also breathe through my nose. But it’s worse than the blackened dive mask I wore in the pool.

“You want the cuffs now?” Donna asks carefully. Wilma answers, “I don’t think she’s willing to go that far.”

I turn toward her voice, but I can’t see a damned thing. “I’m willing,” I reply with a faint tremor in my voice. “It’s no big deal. James has cuffed me in the water before. So I kind of know what to expect.”

“Yeah, you told me that once before,” Wilma says as I feel her turn me around. “Still trying to exert a little control, are we?”

“No I’m not,” I lie

She takes my wrists and carefully pulls them behind my back. I feel her attach the soft cuffs with the Velcro straps. I realize I could probably get out of them anytime I want to. I have to make myself put that thought out of my head.

“Do you really want to go all the way with this, Nora?” Wilma sure sounds skeptical.

I hear Donna excitedly offer to take my place. “I’m so turned on right now imagining all the things we’re going to do to her. I’ll do it if you want to back out, Nora.”

“No, I’m in,” I respond bravely as my heart skips a beat. I do feel a growing arousal. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.

“On the bright side, loss of control means you get to focus on all those juicy sensations of pleasure and orgasms; right, Nora?”

“Yeah, Donna; but Nora here really loves her control.” I can hear the smirk in Wilma’s voice as she adds, “There’s nothing wrong with that. I just don’t want her feeling uncomfortable or forced.”

“Can we just get on with it?” Now I feel a surge of stubbornness flare up within me.

“Does that mean I get to dunk you, Nora?”

“Whatever the hell you want, Wilma.” I think she’s loving this a little too much.

I let out a yelp as I’m forced head down into the water. I bubble out of my mouth and nose as Donna and Wilma grab my arms and pull them behind my back while I’m face down. Then I feel them apply the soft cuffs to my wrists.

“All the way, Nora,” I hear Wilma chuckle as my legs are pulled up and back toward my wrists. Then they start attaching cuffs to my ankles.

Oh crap! They must be using a hogtie ring to hook my wrists and ankles together! James used it on me in the hot tub once before.

I’ll admit that time it was a little erotic. But it was also scary as hell. Now it’s happening to me again.

In no time at all my wrists and ankles are secured together behind my back. I feel like a trussed up turkey as I float face down in the water. I grunt and bubble as I wriggle around. Why the hell did I agree to this??

Wilma pulls my head up. I gasp for breath as I tremble like mad. “Say ‘banana’ and I’ll set you free, Nora. Ask for a banana and you’re liable to get something entirely different.” I hear laughter at her words.

I nearly say the word. Then Wilma lets me go. I inhale right before I’m submerged.

I feel hands reach under and start groping and fondling my boobs. There’s nothing I can do about my situation now. But there’s a part of me that wants out of my hogtie in the worst way.

Wilma and the others wouldn’t dream of harming me. I could stop this right now. But something tells me if I do, it might all but signal the end of our time here. And I don’t want that… at least not yet.

This could go a long way in softening my attitude toward James. So I tell myself to calm down and enjoy it while it lasts. Besides, I can already feel those familiar erotic tingles in my quivering pussy.

My head is pulled up out of the water again and I gasp for breath. I blink my eyes, but I can’t see a thing. “Change your mind already?” Wilma taunts with a smirk in her voice. “I’ll be happy to remove the hood and cuffs if you want. All you have to do is say the word. Besides, we’ve got Donna here as a willing replacement. She’s really getting all turned on right now.”

I feel a stubborn streak rise up within me. Maybe it’s nothing more than jealousy someone else might get to enjoy what Wilma wants to do to me. “Hell no!” I blurt out. “Go ahead and do your worst.”

“You really mean that?”

I gulp as I swallow hard. Knowing Wilma, I might really be asking for it. I’m trembling as I tell her, “G-Go right ahead.”

She forces me right back down into the water. I grunt and bubble, wondering what the hell is wrong with me. Then I feel hands reach under to grope my boobs.

I hear Wilma’s voice up at the surface… “I think I’m going to enjoy this.” Then I feel her fingers work my nipples. I wriggle and bubble as another surge of excitement ripples through me.

I get pinched until I yip out a burst of bubbles. Then my head gets pulled back up. I come up gasping for breath again.

Wilma asks, “Are you quitting already? Go right ahead, Nora. Donna will gladly switch places if you wish. Or we can go and fetch Sandra if we need to. She loves being our submissive.”

A part of me is anxious. But her words trigger a defiant streak in me. I blurt out, “I can take it, Wilma.”

She laughs cruelly. Then I’m pushed back down. I bubble like crazy as I feel another surge of fear and arousal.

Hands return; this time I think Donna is helping her grope me. They’re enjoying this way too much. I find myself wondering what the guys are thinking.

My head gets pulled back up. Again I gasp for breath. At least she’s not keeping me down very long.

I hear Wilma ask, “Would you like to keep playing, Nora? Or do you want me to set you free? It’s strictly up to you.”

I hesitate as I think about it. I’m still struggling with it a little. Then I tell her, “I guess I’ll keep playing.”

“You guess?” she laughs.

I grab another quick breath as my heart beats fast. It’s a good thing too. She cruelly pushes my body underwater yet again.

My hands wriggle as my feet cock and curl in my hogtie. There’s still that element of fear and anxiety. But there’s also a sense of sexual arousal.

My head is pulled up and I gasp again for breath. “I’m really enjoying this,” Wilma whispers into my ear. She’s loud enough for everyone else to hear.

“I’ll vouch for that,” her husband Ford adds. “She’s definitely enjoying herself, Nora. I always thought she had it in her. I think she’s been wanting to do this to you for a long time now.”

I hear Wilma’s voice in my ear again. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to the guys in here? I see two erections needing some immediate attention. How’d you like to be our bondage slut for a while?”

“It would be a dream come true for Sandra,” Donna adds with a chuckle. “She’ll be jealous as hell once she finds out.”

I stiffen from a mixture of fear and excitement. What will it feel like to be used for their sexual pleasure? I find myself trembling with nervous anticipation.

I think back to Sandra being all tied up in the water. I remember what they did to her and how much she enjoyed it. Maybe a little “slut” practice would be good for me. It’s something I could do for my husband once we get back home.

At that moment it occurs to me James has never treated me like a slut. Of course I never really wanted him to. I guess I never thought of it as being appropriate.

The idea of him lusting after me has a certain appeal. Would he love having me act like a slut for him? I never really considered before.

“Well, Nora? What will it be? The bubbling slut, or the wife in control?”

I pause only a moment. Then I make my decision. “I’ll take ‘bubbling slut’ for $200, Wilma.”

I’m not sure what she’s going to do to me. But in the end I suspect I’m going to get some cock. That’s starting to appeal to me more than the anxiety I’m experiencing right now.

“Are you sure, Nora?”

“I’m sure, Wilma.”

“Works for me.” Then I hear her demand, “Somebody wanna get this slut a cock to keep her mouth busy?”

I’m suddenly pushed back down into the water. I writhe and bubble as another surge of erotic tingles flush through my body. Then I sense movement in the water.

A hard cock pushes its way against my lips. I’m hit by a more intense surge of erotic tingles. “Suck it, slut!” Wilma demands from the surface.

I dutifully open my mouth. Then I take it between my lips. It thrusts in and out, not going too deep.

I bubble as it hardens between my lips. I feel it twitch as I try to remember what I learned earlier. Focusing on sucking the cock in front of me helps me relax while holding my breath.

I still feel a little discomfort over having given up total control. Yet I still feel a sense that I have a say in the matter. It’s somewhat reassuring.

Being helpless means I don’t have to think about anything other than the sensations I’m experiencing.  Amazingly I’m turned on like you wouldn’t believe! I grunt and bubble as I suck on the cock in my mouth.

Damn! Is this why Sandra likes being submissive so much??

Tom and Joyce excuse themselves, asking if I’m going to be ok. I thank them as I tell them I should be heading off looking for Nora soon. Joyce says she’s probably with the others somewhere, no doubt enjoying a good fuck.

 They get out of the soaking tub and dry themselves off. They wrap themselves up in towels before heading inside. I look around to see whose left.

 Art and Irene Giddings are no longer out here with us. Bart and Laura Williams have also gone inside. Melvin and Sandra Levinson make out with each other off by themselves.

 They see me alone and come over to check up on me. Sandra gives me a kiss on the lips, thanking me for my participation. “No; thank you,” I reply with a smile.

 I tell her husband, “You have quite the wife.”

 “She loves fucking while holding her breath,” Melvin responds with a grin. “It’s such a turn-on seeing her with others. Gawd; I love her so much!”

 I smile in reply, only to be reminded of Nora again. I try not to let it show. But I can’t help it as my smile fades.

 I don’t want to rain on their parade. Perhaps it’s best not to sit around and get all down in the dumps. “I suppose I’d better go look for Nora,” I say as I stand up.

 “We were just getting out ourselves,” Sandra says as we all climb out of the water. It seems odd how none of us are affected by the nudity on display.

 Melvin and I fetch towels for Sandra. I dry myself off before wrapping mine around my waist. Then I gather my clothes.

 “Want any help finding Nora?”

 “Oh, she’s got to be around here somewhere, Melvin.”

 “The place is pretty big, James. We’ll tag along until you find her if you wish.”

 “That’s very kind of you, Sandra. You don’t have to, but you’re welcome to join me until I locate her. She’s probably back at the room… unless she’s off somewhere getting fucked like Joyce said.”

 “It was sexy as hell while she was cuffed to the ladder this afternoon, James.”

 “Yes it was, Sandra. That was quite unusual for my wife.”

 “It looked like she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter,” her husband observes. “But I didn’t see any signs of her complaining or motioning to be set free.”

 “That surprised me too, Melvin. I was sure she would have put a stop to it. Maybe it caught her by surprise. Or maybe she decided to go with it. Hell, maybe she actually enjoyed it.”

 “Maybe so,” Sandra says with a smile. “Anyway, it was erotic as hell. Of course you were a hell of a lot of fun in the pool today too, James.”

 “I’m so glad I made it fun for you.”

 “You sure as hell did.”

 We go inside where we check the kitchen and dining area. But she’s not in there eating a snack or anything else. I figure she’s probably back in our guest room.

 The Levinson’s stay with me as I head off to our room. They’re just being thoughtful, which I really appreciate. I’m glad my ongoing feud with Nora has not put a damper on things.

 “I hope we haven’t spoiled anything,” I tell them regretfully as we stroll down the hall. “I’ve had a blast. I just hope we haven’t soured things with you guys while we’ve been here.”

 “You’ve been great, James,” Sandra tells me. “Normally we don’t divide couples up like that. But you two seemed to split apart the moment you got here. We just sort of went with it.”

 “Well, I’m glad we didn’t offend you.”

 “Don’t worry. You didn’t.”

 We reach the guest room where I thank them for the escort. “She’s probably inside,” I motion with a gesture. “Thanks for a great evening.”

 “Thank YOU, James,” Sandra replies with a grin.

 I open the door and look inside. “Well what a surprise,” I say out loud, causing them both to stop and turn back toward me. “She’s not in our room. Where in the world could she be?”

 The cock pulls out and I’m lifted up for another breath where I gasp quietly. The hogtie gear is still in place. Then I hear Wilma smirk as she asks, “Still want to be our slut, Nora? I warn you I’m just getting started.”

“Ok,” I gasp, feeling a surge of helpless anxiety as well as a continuing arousal.

“Suck cock, slut!” and back down I go, bubbling as she pushes me under.

The same dick is pushed back against my lips. I open my mouth as once more I’m forced to suck it. That’s when someone submerges behind me.

I feel a mouth on my pussy, blowing bubbles into my quivering slit. It feels like soft, feminine lips. Is it Donna? Or is it Wilma? Does it matter?

I moan and bubble as I wriggle and squirm. I didn’t think I would enjoy any kind of female-on-female sex. But with all that’s happened today, I don’t know what to think.

I’m kept submerged, forced to suck cock as a tongue works my pussy over real good. I can’t see a damned thing, so I have to depend on my other senses. All I know is that tongue feels incredible as lips nibble on my swollen nub, triggering an even greater arousal.

Up I come, gasping for breath as I wriggle and moan. I hear the woman working my crotch come up to the surface as well. I assume it’s Donna as I wriggle around in my hogtie.

Strangely I’m beginning to feel more accepting of the situation I find myself in. I’m less inclined to want to be set free. “How about another cock to suck?” Wilma suggests with a wicked chuckle. Then she forces my head back under.

I bubble as a cock pushes against my lips, forcing me to open my mouth underwater. The size feels different. If I’m not sucking Ford then I must be sucking Gene.

As I work the cock with my tongue I feel a hand rub my crotch. I suspect it’s Donna again. I think Wilma is the one lifting me up and then submerging me.

Donna submerges, and I feel her tongue in my pussy again. I wriggle and squirm as I groan into the cock in my mouth. They’re really working me over good… and it feels incredible!

I’m finally pulled up for another breath of air. I hear Wilma say, “Do you like sucking cock underwater, slut?”

“Yes,” I pant as I try to nod my head.

It occurs to me I might undo all the progress I’ve made if I stop now. So I’m willing to keep going. After all, I’m trying to show Wilma I’m up for just about anything she wants to do to me.

“Slut!” she says as she pushes me back down. Once more a cock is pushed against my lips. And once more I take it into my mouth, doing my best to please the owner as Donna rubs and licks my slit underwater.

“Now where could she be?” I ask curiously. Actually I have two choices. I can wait in the room until she returns. Or I can go look for her.

 “Want us to help you find her?” Sandra offers with a smile.

 “As long as it’s no trouble.”

 “Oh, it’s no trouble at all,” Melvin assures me. “She must be off somewhere having fun. Right now I’m a little curious myself just to see what kind of trouble she might be getting herself into.”

 “Or who she might be fucking,” Sandra adds with a wink and a grin.

 We head down to that room with the observation window looking out into the pool. But the waters are quiet. She’s not out there.

 They lead me to a large room with tons of pillows. It looks like some sort of orgy room. But it’s empty as well.

 “She’s not in here,” Sandra observes, stating the obvious as she looks all around. “Maybe we should check the soaking pool, honey.”

 “Yeah, she might be there,” Melvin agrees.

 “Soaking pool?” I ask curiously. “You mean the one outside… the one we just came from?”

 “This one’s indoors, James,” Sandra replies. “…in case it rains, I suppose. It’s a big house.”

 “It sure is.”

 They lead me down a couple of halls to a glass door. Right away I can tell it’s in use. Inside I see Ford, Wilma, Gene and Donna.

 A third woman is submerged in the water with some sort of hood covering her head and face. She’s wearing what looks like hogtie gear on her wrists and ankles. It looks similar to what we have back home.

 Bubbles come up from where it looks like she’s sucking Gene’s cock underwater. But I can’t for the life of me identify who it might be. She does look vaguely familiar though.

 I shake my head as I tell them, “Nora’s not here either. Where else could she be? Is it possible she’s in a room somewhere with another couple?”

 “Gawd, that looks hot!” Sandra breathes excitedly as she stands there watching. “I wonder who they’ve got in there. Strange how none of the other husbands are in there with her.”

 “I wonder who Nora’s with,” Melvin muses thoughtfully as he looks inside. Then he makes the same observation.

 “You’re right, Sandra. I would think her husband would be right there watching her. She doesn’t look like any of the other…”

 His voice trails off just as his wife makes the connection. “Damn, James! That’s Nora in there!”

 “Are you sure?” I stare incredulously. I can’t believe it!

 They pull her head up and she gasps for breath. I hear Wilma tell her, “How about it, slut? You want more cock?”

 I hear the word “Yes” before the woman gasps for breath and is pushed back under. Bubbles come up as it looks like she goes right back to sucking cock underwater.

 What the hell?

 “Gawd!” Sandra gasps breathlessly. “That’s Nora, honey; I’m sure of it! Think we can go inside and watch?”

 “I don’t see why not,” Melvin replies enthusiastically

 I’m so stunned I don’t know what to say. They quietly open the door and the three of us slip inside. Wilma sees me in an instant.

 Immediately she brings a finger to her lips as though indicating we should all be quiet. I smile as I nod obediently. I want to stay out of the way of whatever is going on in here, especially when I see Donna grin at me as she hefts a toy in her hand.

 © 2018; 2019 (written Feb 12 ’18; ed. Aug 6 ’19 by riwa)

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